• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,500 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Back to Manehattan

Back to Manehattan

Alex sat in the library with Spike and Dash as Alex finished reading the letter to the two of them.

“Best young flier competition?” Alex asked, “Sponsored by the Wonderbolts?”

“And Comet insisted on holding the event in Manehattan, instead of Cloudsdale?” Dash said, scratching her head, “I wonder why…”

“Probably so everypony can attend,” Alex suggested, “Only pegasi can go to Cloudsdale events.”

“So… Are you going to go?” Spike asked, “The grand prize is a whole day with the Wonderbolts!”

“I’ve already met the Wonderbolts, Spike,” Dash laughed, “Why do I need to see them again?”

“Oh yeah,” Spike sighed.

“So you don’t want to go?” Alex asked.

“I don’t think so,” She answered, “I mean, It’s nice that Comet did this so everypony can go… But I don’t know if I’m past what she did to me.”

Alex nodded. That was fair. She had done a lot to Dash…

“It sounds like a goodwill gesture,” Twilight said from behind them, “Are you sure that you want to turn her down?”

Dash sighed and looked back and forth, everypony expected her to just say ‘no,’ but, she didn’t.

“Well… I guess I can give it a try,” Dash said, “Besides, I’d love to go back to and have a look around the city a bit better.”

“Yeah!” Spike said, jumping up, “I wanna go see Ramsley!”

“Are you sure Dash…?” Alex asked.

“Sure I am!” She grinned, puffing out her chest, “I’m always up for winning a contest!”

“Great!” Twilight smiled, “I’ll tell everypony that the trip is on!”

“Huh?” Dash asked, “Everypony knew about this?”

“The Princess told me about it a few days ago,” Twilight admitted, “We didn’t know you were involved in the contest. Still, with your experiences with Comet, I figured that we would need to check with you before we went.”

“Well I’m going!” Dash announced, standing up, surprising them with her determination.

“When did he say it was?” Alex said, levitating the scroll back in front of him, “In three days?!”

“What kind of notice is that?” Spike asked, “I thought it’d in a month or something!”

“No problem,” Dash laughed, “I’d be ready to do this if it were happening in an hour!”

“I guess we’d better get packing,” Alex said, walking off toward his room, “When are we gonna be leaving?”

“Probably tomorrow afternoon,” Twilight explained, “It’s late, and you two just finished traveling through time, so why don’t you go home Dash, and rest up? Pack tomorrow.”

“Um…” Dash said nervously, looking between Twilight and Spike, earning a curious look from them, “I was kinda hoping I could sleep over.”

“Oh!” Twilight beamed, “A slumber party? I’m going to call the rest of the girls! Great idea Dash!”

“Eh… Yeah,” Dash said slowly, “Slumber Party…”

“I’ll go get Applejack and Fluttershy,” Twilight announced, “Spike, you go get Pinkie and Rarity.”

“What?” Spike whined, “I don’t wanna—“

Before he could finish, Twilight teleported him out of the library with her, leaving Alex and Dash alone in his room.

“I really didn’t want there to be a slumber party,” Dash sighed, lying back on Alex’ bed, “I’m way too tired.”

Alex nodded, and rubbed his sore cheek, “I just wanted to go to bed…”

“Let’s do that then!” Dash said, quickly crawling under the covers, “Let them have their party, I just want to go to sleep.”

“I like the way you think,” Alex winked, lifting up the covers on the right side of the bed, and climbing under with her.

Reaching forward, Alex pulled her close to him, pressing her body against his, and pulled her head just under his chin, brushing her mane into his face.

His immediate affection took Dash by surprise, but she didn’t protest. She nuzzled into the crook of his neck and sighed softly. She was going to sleep here for as long as she could.

Casting a spell, Alex extinguished the flames lighting the room, leaving them together in darkness.

“Goodnight, Alex.” Dash said, kissing his neck.

“Mhmm…” Alex replied, already dozing off.

The two were out cold pretty quickly. Giving them the peace they had desired.


“This was a great idea, Twilight!” Pinkie said, closing the door behind her, “We’ll all have a big party to celebrate us going to Manehattan again!”

“Where’d you say Rainbow was?” Applejack asked, looking around the main room.

“She’s in Alex’s room,” Twilight pointed, “Spike, do you want to go grab them?”

“Sure Twilight!” Spike said, trotting over to the closed door, and pushing it open with his horn.

“Hey Rainb—“

Spike quickly silenced himself, after seeing them in this position.

Spike stepped out of the room, and decided to leave them alone. Unfortunately, when the girls noticed his strange reaction, they all walked over to investigate what had made him act in such a way.

“Spike, what’s going—“ Twilight began, before seeing the two in bed together.

“Aww…” Fluttershy whispered, “Look at how cute they are…”

Seeing the two pressed together made all of the girls smile.

“They’re adorable!” Rarity squeaked.

“Look at Dashie’s wing!” Pinkie pointed at Dash’s twitching wing, “What’s she doing?”

“Uh… Winona does that with her leg when she’s dreamin’ of runnin’ around,” Applejack offered.

“Dashie’s dreaming of flying!” Pinkie giggled, “How cute!”

“Come on, everypony,” Twilight said, “Let’s leave them alone, they’ve been through a lot today.”

Everypony nodded, and back away from the door, letting Spike close it.

“Back to the slumber party?” Pinkie asked.

“You bet!” Applejack smiled.

“Alright girls,” Twilight said, “I have a book on slumber parties! I’ve never used it before… So let’s give it a try!”


Stirring, Alex opened his eyes and inhaled slowly.

It smelled like… Shampoo.

Looking down, Alex examined the mess of colored hair pressed against his nose.

Oh right.

It was still dark. But then again, he curtains were pulled. It could be midday and he wouldn’t notice. Carefully looking up, Alex checked the clock and smiled. It was still early. He could stay here for a bit. Slowly looking around he immediately noticed Dash’s twitching wing.

Lifting a hoof off her hip, he slowly reached out and poked her wing.

“Mhmmph…” Dash murmured into his chest.

He poked it again.

“Nononono…” Dash murmured again.

Alex narrowed his eyes as he looked at the vibrating wing.

“If she goes any faster… She’ll take off,” Alex whispered to himself.

Reaching forward once again, he placed his hoof right against her wing, and pushed it back to her side, preventing it from shaking any further.

“I’m gonna fall!” Dash shouted, suddenly sitting up.

“Wh… What’s happening?” Dash asked, looking around.

“You’re falling, apparently,” Alex laughed.

“Alex?” Dash asked, rubbing her eyes and pushing her long hair out of her face, “I… slept over?”

Alex nodded, “We’re going back to Manehattan today, remember?”

“Oh yeah!” Dash said, getting up, “I need to pack!”

“Not yet!” Alex said quickly, “It’s still early, let’s… Well, you know…”

Alex hadn’t wanted to say ‘cuddle,’ however, Dash took a different meaning from it.

“Right now?” Dash asked, giving him a suggestive look, “Right here?”

“Huh?” Alex asked, scratching his head, “What about right now?”

“Wait… What are you talking about?” Dash said, leaning back slightly.

“What are YOU talking about…?” Alex asked, cocking an eyebrow, seeing just what she had been getting at.

“Um… I wanted to… Cuddle?” Dash offered.

“That is also what I wanted,” Alex laughed.

“Spike!” Twilight called from outside the room, “Have you seen my saddlebag?”

“I think you left it in Alex’s room yesterday,” Spike answered.

“Oh crap,” Dash said quickly, “Pretend we’re still asleep!”

Alex nodded, and quickly got back in to his former position with her, pulling the covers back over them.

“Are you sure Spike?” Twilight asked, opening the door quietly, not wanting to wake the couple, even though the blinding beams of light from the other room would have done that anyway.

“It’s in the corner,” Spike whispered, as the two of them gently walked past Alex and Dash.

“I don’t see—“

“We’re trying to sleep!” Dash shouted, sitting up.

Twilight and Spike both jumped at Dash’s sudden outburst, and clung to each other, as they landed on their rumps on the floor.

Dash laughed uncontrollably as she fell back on the bed, “Y-You two s-should see- see the looks on your faces!”

Alex couldn’t have done it better himself.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight scolded, “Why would you scare us like that?”

“I think the question is ‘Why WOULDN’T I?’”

Twilight shook her head, and stood up, “You’re too immature, Rainbow.”

“Well duh!” Dash agreed, “But… Why are you up so early?”

“Early?” Twilight asked, “It’s almost noon! We leave in a couple hours!”

“What?!” Alex and Dash said in unison, sitting up.

“B-but the clock says…” Alex said gesturing to the early time he had seen.

“Oh, I broke that yesterday.” Twilight admitted, “Besides, I thought you had your IPod-thing.”

Alex frowned.

“I guess that means we have to get up…” Dash sighed, flapping her wings, and taking off from the bed.

“If you pack quick, maybe we can sleep a bit more!” Alex called to her as she headed out.

“We’ll have plenty of time to sleep together on the train!” Dash called back.

“Spike, cover your ears,” Twilight instructed, not wanting him to be exposed to such casual talk about adult subjects.

“It’s not like that,” Alex said to her quickly, “I honestly meant SLEEP.”

Spike had ignored Twilight’s directive, and gave Alex a satisfied nod, and mouthed the word ‘Nice’ to him.

“Alright alright,” Twilight said, “Pack whatever you need, our train leaves in six or so hours.”

“Thanks,” Alex smiled, “I’ll make sure to be ready by then.”

“Let’s go, Spike,” Twilight asked, “We have a few more things I need to buy.”

As Twilight walked out, Spike lingered and gave Alex another proud look, “Good job.”

“Nothing happened,” Alex laughed, “Really.”

“Right. Nothing ‘happened.’” Spike said, making air quotations with his hooves. It looked rather odd.

“I’m serious!” Alex laughed.

“I ‘Believe’ you,” Spike said, air quoting again.

“Spike!” Twilight called again.

“Oh, uh, Coming!” Spike said, bolting out of the room.

Alex fell back on his pillow. He could put off packing. It’s not even like he needed to take a change of clothes. Just some grooming supplies, and a few other things. He could have that ready to go in fifteen minutes, tops.


“Alex!” Dash called, “The train is leaving soon! Why did you put off packing till so late?”

“It was Future Alex’s problem a few hours ago…” Alex sighed, levitating his last few things into his back, “But now I AM Future Alex, and I think Past Alex is a Douche.”

“He is,” Dash agreed, “But no matter who you are, we need to be gone five minutes ago!”

“Look at the clock,” Alex pointed, “We have a few minutes.”

“That clock is broken!” Dash shouted, “What time does your silver thing say?”

“Uh…” Alex said, levitating his IPod up to his face, and clicking the button, “Half past…”

Before Dash had the opportunity to yell at him again, they heard the train whistle, signaling its departure from the station.

Alex laughed nervously as Dash gave him an extremely angry look.

“Look sweet cheeks,” Alex said, upsetting her further, “I can deal.”

Walking next to her, he wrapped his arm around her neck and pulled her cheek to his.

“What are you doing?” She asked, in a relatively quiet voice, scaring Alex more than the angry tone.

“This!” Alex said, feigning confidence.


Suddenly Dash was surrounded in a bright light. And, as soon as it had come, it had vanished. And when the blinding light vanished, she was standing on the moving train car, with Twilight, and Alex right next to her.

“Boo-yah!” Alex cheered, hoof pumping, “Am I good, or what?”

“How did you do that?!” Twilight asked, complete flabbergasted at their sudden appearance, “Transporting on to a moving train is like: Throwing a rock… at a smaller rock while you’re blindfolded… and riding another pony.”

“The trick, is to think of everything else as moving, and the train car as staying still,” Alex explained.

“I never thought of it that way…” Twilight said to herself, “How did you think of that?”

“A movie you probably haven’t seen,” Alex winked.


Alex turned, and saw an impatient looking pony standing behind him.

“Were you trying to get a free ride on my train?” He asked.

“It’s okay, sir,” Twilight apologized, “He has his ticket, right Alex?”

“Uh…” Alex said, “I may have forgotten it back at the library…”

Dash face hoofed.

Twilight sighed.

“I’ll be RIGHT back,” Alex said, looking between them all.

Zapping away, Alex left them in silence.

“Twilight…” Dash said slowly, “Is he going to be able to just… transport back?”

“Probably not,” Twilight laughed, “We’ll see.”

After another minute of silence, a loud ‘thud’ was heard on the roof just above them.

“Oh sweet Celestia!” A voice was heard screaming from above them, “I’m on the roof! This is horrible!”

Dash giggled, “ I'll get him.”

Twilight and the Conductor watched Dash walk out the back door of the cart, and take off, so she could grab him, leaving the purple unicorn in an exceedingly awkward silence.

“He’s not always like this…” Twilight tried to explain, “He’s actually a pretty smart, and brave pony!”

“Rainbow Dash!” The voice screamed from above them, “You’ve come to save me! Take me away! Don’t forget, you need to carry me!”

Twilight cringed.

“Why didn’t he teleport again to get inside?” The conductor finally asked, breaking the tension.

“Well… He’s not THAT smart…”


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