• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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A Harmless Game

A Harmless Game

Alex and Dash had explored the school, visited a few of his friends, and a few teachers he was fond of also. All of them were happy to see him, and all were excited to meet the girl with him. She had given them all a good impression as well, making them all agree she would be suitable for him.

Now, they were on their way to his last stop, the gym teacher. It was funny, being in Ponyville for a year gave him a hugely different perspective on everyone he was seeing again. They were all living their lives, going to school, or working their jobs, going home, going to bed, waking up, and going back to work, whilst he had been in a freaking pony world, and time traveling all over the place.

His gym teacher was always more of a buddy to everyone. Every student loved him because he was more of a joker than anything else. He would always make borderline inappropriate jokes, and never got too mad at anyone for goofing off. So, like so many graduates tended to, Alex came back to see him. Mr. Miller always remembered their names, and would always laugh with them, recalling all the good times they had.

He wouldn’t even believe it himself if he didn’t have Rainbow Dash with him.

Walking into the gym, Alex looked around for the teacher but didn’t see him anywhere. Maybe he wasn’t even here today.

“Man, I miss gym class,” Dash smiled, looking at the familiar line drawn across the floor, “I was always the best!”

“I figured,” Alex said, believing her completely, “I wasn’t quite like that.”

“Picked last?” She asked, smiling.

“No, but certainly not first,” He explained, “I’m kinda glad I wasn’t the first be picked.”

“Why’s that?” She asked, shocked that anyone wouldn’t want to be first.

“Those guys are the biggest douches,” He laughed, recalling the attitude that type always had, “Actually, they’re a bit like you.”

“Hey!” She said, not really having an argument, “We’re the best, and we know it!”

“Right,” He nodded, hearing the door open behind them.

“Is that you Lindsay?” The voice called, recognizing the rainbow hair of one of the students, before realizing he was mistaken, when the two turned toward him, “Oh! Sorry about that! Alex, is that you?”

“Hey! Mr. Miller!” Alex said, jogging over to the teacher, “How’s it going?”

“You cost me a track championship, mister,” Mr. Miller laughed lightly, before sighing, and getting a bit more serious, “But I’m sorry about you parents.”

“It’s fine,” Alex said, shaking his head, “How’ve things been here since I left?”

“Good,” He shrugged, thinking back the last few months, “Chris and those guys never let your hundred meter dash time go.”

“Great,” Alex said, rolling his eyes, “Bunch of babies.”

“It probably doesn’t help that I kept reminding them,” Mr. Miller grinned, before looking behind Alex, to Dash, “So, who’s this with you?”

“This is my girlfriend, R- Sarah Connor.” He said, almost slipping up.

“Is that seriously her name?” He laughed as Dash joined them, “I can guess why your parents gave you that one.”

“I just saw the second one last night! It was the best!” She laughed, never getting sick of talking about it, “But the end was so sad!”

“I never watch the end,” Mr. Miller admitted, “I watch them beat the bad guy, and then I run away. I just can’t deal with it.”

“Me neither,” Alex nodded, “I just closed my eyes.”

“You should have warned me to do it too!” Dash whined.

“So,” Mr. Miller laughed, having more questions for Alex, “Where have you been?”

“Traveling,” Alex said simply, “Went all around the states, had an amazing time.”

“And that’s where you two met?” He asked.

“Yup!” Dash chirped, happy to retell the story once again, “I was auditioning for a play, and when I saw him, I decided to skip it, and spend some time with him instead.”

“He is pretty good looking,” Mr. Miller nodded, laughing.

“Super good-looking.” Alex agreed, “I’d date that guy.”

“Why’re you back?” He asked, continuing his line of questioning, “You’re not graduating or anything, unless you’re writing your exams.”

“It was just a strange set of circumstances,” Alex admitted, “So, I figured I’d stay in town for a while, and let everypony know I was still alive. But I ain’t doing any tests.”

“Did you say ‘everypony?’” Mr. Miller asked, giving him a strange look.

“Uh, inside joke,” Alex laughed nervously.

“What’s up for the rest of the day then?” His teacher asked, looking between them, “You wanna grab something to eat after school? I think that’s allowed since you’re not technically a student anymore. I’ll cook us up some steak I just bought.”

“Oh no,” Dash shook her head quickly, “I get really sick around meat, I have this rare throwing up condition over it.”

“Uh… Okay?” He said, scratching the top of his head, “Are you two coming to the dance tonight?”

“I think so, yeah,” Alex nodded, still a bit on the fence between the dance, and spending time showing Dash the things there were to do in his world.

“Well, I’ll see you then, okay?” He said, walking over to the storage room, “My free period is almost over, and I have a class of ten whole students coming.”

“Sounds like it’ll be a ton of fun,” Alex laughed, knowing the rest of this day was pretty much a waste for his teacher, “What’re you gonna be doing?”

“Probably just some dodge ball,” He shrugged, “It’s what I’ve been doing so far today.”

“Ooh!” Dash said quickly, “Can I play?!”

“I’m not sure that’s such a good idea, Dash,” Alex said, hoping his teacher would pass the name off as a nickname, “You can barely walk.”

“Shut up!” She almost shouted back to him, “I’m doing a lot better than I did last night!”

“Ugh,” Alex said, rolling his neck head, “Alright, sure, let’s do it.”


Two days had passed, and between Twilight’s planning, and Shining Armor’s and Ramsley’s reconnaissance, they had a decent idea of Discords spread of power, and where he based himself. Beyond that, they also had a few magic links to Canterlot, allowing them to see within the city. Shining Armor had discovered them whilst fiddling with one of the screens. It shocked him how advanced some of the technology was that Celestia had kept under wraps.

“Alright everypony!” Twilight said to her friends as they had gathered around the conference table, “We need to get back into Ponyville, and we need to get our Elements back!”

“But how do we get back inside?” Applejack asked, “Discord’ll see us for sure!”

“Not if we use the right kind of magic,” Twilight said to them, “When Celestia was informed of Discords return, she taught me some special spells to help against him.”

“What kind of spells?” Spike asked.

“Why didn’t you use them to help the Princesses?” Rarity asked quickly.

“They’re transformation, and aura spells,” Twilight explained, “Nothing that could have stopped him.”

“So what do they do?” Shining asked, never having heard of these spells.

“We can use them to mask ourselves from chaotic magic spells,” Twilight continued, “They were specifically made in case Discord ever made a return.”

“So you’re going to make us invisible?!” Pinkie asked, beaming, “That would be so much fun! I could play so many awesome pranks!”

“No, Pinkie,” Twilight said, shaking her head, “We need to be serious here, Equestria is in real danger!”

“Um…” Fluttershy whimpered, “Didn’t you say that Discord would be waiting for us?”

“Most likely,” She nodded, “But this is the only way for us to get into Ponyville.”

“Who’s going to be going?” Ramsley asked.

“Two ponies will be staying behind here, and keeping in contact with us, telling us about anything happening in Canterlot,” Twilight said, looking to Shining Armor as he nodded, “They’ll also be looking after Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom.”

“I’ll stay,” Comet spoke up, knowing that she would have little use in the field.

“I’ll stay too…” Fluttershy spoke up.

“No,” Twilight said quickly, “You need to come with us, to get your Element.”

“Oh, okay.” She said quietly.

“What about you, Spike?” Rarity asked, “Would you stay?”

“Never!” He said, “I’m looking after you!”

She smiled. That was all she wanted to hear.

“I’ll stay,” Ramsley spoke up.

“Your fighting skills are important, though,” Shining Armor said, “We could use you.”

“If something were to happen here, we’d need to protect the fillies,” He said seriously, “Besides, I’d rather stay here with Comet anyway.”

“Okay,” Twilight said, nodding, “Thank you for volunteering. Because it would have been either you or Shining Armor.”

“What?” Shining said, looking totally offended, “You would have stuck me here?”

“Sure would’ve,” She smiled as he grinned back.

“You sure are a great sister, Twily,” He said, ruffling her hair as she backed up blushing.

“A-alright,” She said, looking back to everypony, “Tomorrow morning, we’re going to sneak into Ponyville under my spells, and we’re going to work together, getting each of our Elements back, one at a time.”

They all nodded, and agreed with her in one way or another, before dispersing, and going about their own business.

“That goes for you too, Twily,” Shining said to her softly, “Get some sleep. Don’t keep yourself up all night planning.”

“Y-yeah,” She nodded, knowing that her nights had been filled with information gathering, rather than sleeping, “I think I can do that.”

“Good,” He smiled, happy that she wasn’t going to fight him on this, “I still can’t believe all this is happening. I hope Cadance is okay.”

“Cadance?” Twilight asked, taking a second for the name to click in her head, “Like, my foalsitter?”

“Oh, yeah…” He said, scratching the back of his head nervously, “Well, I’ve been seeing a bit of her recently.”

“A bit?” Twilight asked, “Have you two been dating?!”

“I guess you could say that,” He said, giving her a smile she immediately recognized.

“You’re lying to me!” Twilight said in disbelief, “How much of her have you seen?! How serious are you two?”

Shining Armor had two options. Tell her that it was nothing huge, and that they had been dating a few months, OR, show her the ring that he had in his pocket that he had planned on giving to the Princess after the Gala had things not gone sideways.

“She’s just a booty call,” He winked.

“She’s better not be!” Twilight laughed, knocking him in the shoulder, “She’s the sweetest mare I’ve ever met!”

“I’m only joking,” He smiled, “And hope things work out with her.”

“Me too!” Twilight said, happy to not be consumed by the fate of Equestria for a moment, “She’d be a great sister-in-law!”

“I’ll try my best,” He winked, knowing that her wish was closer than she thought.

Twilight yawned, stretched her neck out, and rolled her head around, “Well, I think I should get to bed.”

“Sure,” He smiled, “And Twily, it’s nice to be spending some time with you.”

She smiled back to him, “I just wish the circumstances were different.”

“We’ll fix them soon enough.” He said confidently, “Trust me.”

“Thanks,” She said, hugging him, “I’ll see you tomorrow, BBBFF”

“You still call me that?” He laughed, making her blush, “Well, have a good night, LSBFF…?”

“Mhmm,” She smiled, trotting off, “You too.”


Alex and Dash both sat on the floor with their heads resting on the wall, as the class of students entered the room. And upon seeing them, he felt his stomach sink yet again.

“Would you look at who it is!” One of the larger boys said, “Mr. Runner himself!”

Alex rolled his eyes. The assholes. A handful of football players for some unknown reason to him, had come to the final class, on the final day of the school year. Among them, was Chris. The guy his girlfriend had broken up with him for. Of course, at this point, he really couldn’t care less. But regardless, the guy was a bitch.

“Who’s that with him?” One asked another.

“No clue… She’s a friggin’ babe though!” Another said.

Dash rolled her eyes. While she may have been the athletic type when she was in school, she always hated the way all the guys would treat the girls, talking to them like they were pieces of meat, thinking they were Celestia’s gift to mares.

“Alright ladies,” Mr. Miller called, walking out of the storage room, “Today we’re playing dodge ball. Nice and simple.”

“Are we gonna be here the whole period?” One of them whined, “I need to go get ready for the dance.”

“Are you worried about getting your dress perfect, Chad?” Mr. Miller asked as all of Chad’s friends laughed at him.

“I have to get my tux, jerk,” He grumbled, obviously butt hurt.

“Alright, split up,” Mr. Miller said, gesturing for four of the boys to go one way, and the rest to the other side.

Alex and Dash joined the team of four, which, of course, was the four boys NOT involved in the jock clique.

“Oh, this’ll be fun,” Chris said out loud as he and his friends walked over to their side.

Alex grumbled, knowing that his teacher was trolling him by separating them that way.

Lining the balls up on the middle line, Mr. Miller walked over to Alex’s team and stood against the wall.

“What’re you doing, coach?” Chris called, knowing Mr. Miller was an phenomenal dodge ball player, “That’s no fair!”

“I think I’m evening things out,” He laughed, “Alex is crap at this game.”

“Thanks,” Alex laughed, leaning over to Dash, “You know how to play, right?”

“Don’t worry about me,” She smiled confidently.

“Alright!” Mr. Miller called, “Ready? Go!”

The two teams rushed to the middle of the room, as Alex, Dash, and the teacher grabbed balls for their side, and Chad, Chris, and another of the stock jerks grabbed the remaining three.

Backing up, no one threw the balls that they held. With such small teams, they couldn’t afford to take a hit early on, or lose their ball.

“Hey there, Scott!” Chad called, pointing to the smallest guy on Alex’s team, “You want a taste of balls?”

Scott shook his head, “Dude, I LOVE balls. And all I see is you offering yours to me.”

His friends burst out in laughter, “Shut up!”

Tossing the ball, he nailed him square in the face, knocking him out of the game.

Shaking his head, he looked at Chad, “Those were truly satisfying. Kudos on the soft balls.”

Chad growled as he watched Scott walk over to the side wall, and promptly pull out his IPod, and start playing on it.

“That guy is impossible to insult,” Chris laughed, “Good job on getting called gay, though.”

“Really though,” Mr. Miller laughed, slamming a ball right at Chad, bouncing it off his shoulder.

“Shit!” He shouted, swinging at the air as he walked over to the wall, and sat next to Scott.

Over the next few minutes, a few balls had been thrown. The jock team had taken out the other nameless players on Alex’s team, leaving just Alex, Dash, and Miller, all of whom held a ball.

“You guys need to work on your skills here,” Mr. Miller spoke up, getting the other teams attention, “You always need to take advantage the opponent’s lack of focus.”

Getting the hint, Alex threw the ball at the jock closest to him, hitting him on the arm.

“Like that!” The teacher smiled as he watched the student grumble on his way to the hall.

“Nice job,” Chris said, “That was smart.”

Suddenly, he chucked his ball at Alex, taking him totally off guard, bouncing the ball off his chest.

“Crap,” Alex said, picking up the ball and dropping it again.

“Just you and me, Sarah,” Miller winked, looking back to the three jocks, “You wanna give it a try?”

“Na,” She said, shaking her head, “I don’t think they’ll go for me anyway.”

“That’s true,” He nodded, lifting up his ball, and looking at Chris, “You’re next, buddy.”

Chris swallowed as he saw Miller ready the ball.

“When am I going to throw?” The teacher asked, grinning cockily, “Now? Or maybe… Now?”


Reading his body language, the football player analyzed the movements of the coach.

Suddenly, he saw his teacher pivot his leg slightly while staying completely still in his upper body.

He was about to throw!

The ball came flying at him as he narrowly slipped past it, and grabbed it out of midair.

“No way…” Miller said, shocked that the jock had caught the ball, “I guess I’m out.”

Alex watched as his teacher walked off the floor, and joined the other students, sitting on the floor.

“Well, this is awkward,” Chris said to Dash, as she stood there, motionless, “I’d rather not hit a girl like this.”

“Really?” Dash asked, cocking her head and giving a pouty face, “That sure would suck, on account of my being a helpless girl.”

Dropping the ball, she kicked it over to their side of the gym, along with the other balls on the floor, leaving herself with none.

“How about this,” She said, smiling, “If you can hit me, you win. If you don’t throw on account of me being a girl, I win.”

“Are you serious?” One of the guys asked her.

“Of course,” She said, still playing innocent, “Just hit me.”

They looked between each other, before looking back to her as she did something strange, none of them had expected.

She lowered herself onto the floor and placed each hand ground, balled in a fist.

To them, Dash looked like she was doing some kind of yoga move, with her feet and hands on the floor, with her butt raised up.

Of course, to Alex, he knew that she was assuming pony position. But, he also knew that being a human changed that stance. So, he gulped and hoped for the best.

“Come on boys,” She said, flashing a cocky grin, “Treat me like Scott over there, and hit me with your balls.”

Deciding he had heard enough, the one on the left of Chris hurled the ball right for her.

Smiling, Dash lifted her right hand off the floor, and pushed herself forward with her left foot, sending her back half forward as she smashed the ball with her right foot, sending it flying back into his face, knocking him onto his butt, and giving him a quick nose bleed.

“Coach!” The boy called, looking to him for some kind of foul to be called.

“Grow a pair,” Miller laughed, looking back to Dash.

Finishing her rotation, Dash stood back up, keeping her fists balled so he could treat them as much like hooves as possible.

“Who’s next?” She asked.

The guy on the right started bouncing his ball, making it look like he was trying to make a decision before he suddenly kicked the ball right toward her.

Giving a loud “Hah!” Dash pulled her right arm back, and threw it forward, bouncing the ball back into his stomach, where he caught it.

“Got her!” He said proudly before the coach cut in.

“You just caught the ball YOU threw,” Miller said, “That means you’re out.”

“What?!” He shouted, throwing the ball at Dash again and storming off, “Screw this!”

Alex and the teacher laughed as he stormed off.

“I guess that counts as an absence.” Miller said.

“Why are they here, by the way?” Alex asked, “They’re the last students I expected to see here on the last day.”

“Their attendance is so piss poor; they were told that one more absence would result in their being held back.” Mr. Miller explained, “I probably won’t mark him absent, that would be a douche move.”

Looking back to Dash, she was just smiling at Chris.

“Aren’t you going to hit me?” She asked.

“You’re insane,” He said frowning to her, “Where did you get this girl?”

“Broadway,” Alex said simply.

“Maybe I’ll steal her next,” He said, turning to Alex and smirking, “Courtney was fun, till I moved on to the next girl.”

“Hey, Chris,” Miller said, with no hint of anger in his voice, “Remember that thing I was saying a second ago?”

“What?” He asked, “That thing about paying attent—“

Suddenly, he was smashed in the side of the head with the ball hard enough to make his head ring, and his legs suddenly turn to noodles, making him fall over.

“It looks like you loved those balls,” Dash said, walking over to Chris, and leaning down to his ear, “And I wouldn’t ever leave him for you. You know why?”

He didn’t answer. His head hurt too much.

“He’s. Bucking. Huge.” She whispered.

Standing up straight and stretching, Dash flashed Alex a smile, “Wanna get out of here, stud?”

“Yes ma’am,” Alex smiled, standing up, “Thanks for the game, Mr. Miller.”

“No problem,” He said, extending his hand upward, “See you in a few hours, yeah?”

Alex nodded, shaking his hand, and then grabbing Dash’s, “I’m sure it’ll be an eventful night.”

“It always is,” He said as Alex started heading out of the gym.

“Oh, good job, Scott!” Alex called over his shoulder, at the guy lost in his IPod.

“Shhh!” He said loudly, focusing on his screen before speaking up again, “I was hoping Sunset Shimmer would be hotter as a demon.”

“What does that mean?” Dash asked Alex.

“No clue,” He said as they walked out of the gym together.

Leaning over to Scott, Miller sighed, “Are you watching that little girl’s show again?”

“Nope,” Scott said matter-of-factly “I’m watching a little girl’s MOVIE.”


Author's Note:

That was just a joke.

Ponies aren't REALLY a thing in that world.

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