• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,497 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Wedding Preparations

Sorry about errors, I've just been so busy these last few weeks with the holidays, that I've had no time to write, and I just got this one out of the way quickly.

Wedding Preparations

Trixie sat quietly in the room she had been provided by Princess Luna when she arrived in Canterlot for the wedding of Twilight’s brother. Everypony seemed to be busy working their best to prepare for the wedding. Each of them had been given a task suited to their unique abilities, with Fluttershy planning a bird singing chorus, Rarity designing the gowns for the wedding party, Pinkie planning the reception, and Applejack making the food that would be served.

Twilight, on the other hoof, had been asked to oversee everypony, and make sure everything went smoothly as possible. However, because of her minor lack of sleep issue, Alpha, in his earth pony form, volunteered to help her with some of the work. Everypony knew why he was really there, but the shy attitude they had toward each other was cute.

Beyond that, Alex and Rainbow Dash were asked to speak with Shining Armor regarding some of Canterlot’s safety concerns… She wasn’t too sure about that.

But now, here Trixie was, with nothing to do.

“I wish they would let me help…” She muttered to herself, standing up and approaching the window that overlooked the main hall of the castle, “Maybe Pinkie would let me help with some of the decorating. It has to be better than sitting in this boring room all day.”


“What do you think he wants to talk to us about?” Dash asked, looking over her shoulder to Alex, as he followed just behind her, “I mean, I haven’t even asked for my job back as a captain of the guard!”

“Maybe that’s what it’s about.” Alex said, doing his best to keep up with her surprisingly brisk pace, “He wants to put you back on the roster, and fill you in on this ‘unknown threat.’”

“I hope so.” Dash smiled, as they reached Shining’s office, just across the hall from her old placement.

Alex walked up to knock on the door, before he hears some laughing coming from the room.

“Oh, I think there’s somepony in there with him,” Alex said, as he turned around and faced the door with the plaque that read, ‘Captain Dash.’ “Wanna check out your old office?”

“Well,” Dash exhaled, her face clearly displaying a large amount of tension, “I think… I’d rather not. I spent most of my time in that room miserable. Like, seriously, I cried in that room more than any other place in my life.”

Alex looked at her sympathetically, “And it wouldn’t make it all better if we went in there, and just went nuts on the desk?”

Dash scrunched her face, and slowly shook her head, “I’m happy to mess around in most places. But that isn’t one of them.”

”Okay, got it.” Alex nodded, knowing that pursuing this would probably turn in to an argument, “But, it does look like Shining Armor is busy, I guess we can just—“

Alex was cut off as the door opened, and Princess Cadence stepped out of the office.

“Oh!” She said, suddenly finding herself face-to-face with Alex, “I… I didn’t see you there… Alex.”

“Are you okay?” Alex asked, laughing awkwardly at her strange expression.

Just fine.” She said suddenly, looking him up and down slowly, “You look better since the last time I saw you.”

“Do I?” He asked, looking over his body quickly, “I look the same to me! White, and a little grey.”

“The crystal empire was a pretty long time ago,” Dash cut in, feeling a little left out of the conversation, “You could have changed a little since then.”

“Yes,” She nodded slowly, as she began to walk beyond the two ponies, “Things really have changed since then. But we’ll have to catch up later. I have to check on your friends.”

“Alright.” Dash nodded, as Cadence began to walk away, “Congratulations, by the way!”

She only hummed a ‘Mhmm’ as she headed down the hall, leaving the two of them.

“Is something up with her?” Dash asked quietly, as Alex gazed on…

“Are you looking at her ass?” Dash shouted almost silently, “In front of your fiancé?”

“Huh?” Alex asked, shaking his head, “Sorry, what?”

“You’re unbelievable,” Dash sighed, not taking any real offense to his ogling, “If I weren’t as cool as I am, I’d be insulted!”

“Sorry,” Alex said, rubbing his eyes, “I guess I did look a little bit too much. Maybe it’s that whole ‘Princess of Love’ thing.”

“Maybe.” Dash said simply, trying to convey a hint of anger, whilst secretly wishing she could have gotten a better look at the butt, “Anyway…”

Reaching up, Dash knocked on the door, and was instantly responded to with a ‘come in!’

Opening the door, Shining smiled as he made eye contact with Dash.

“It’s good to see you again, Captain.” He said, walking around his desk and saluting to the mare in front of him.

“Captain?” Dash asked, looking briefly to Alex before returning to Shining Armor, “Is that why you called me down here?”

Shining Armor nodded.

“When news spread that you quit, I was a little curious myself,” He explained, looking over her shoulder to the office across the hall from his, “You sounded pretty happy to be keeping the job in Ponville.”

“Well, yeah… but there was the whole ‘dark side’ thing I had to deal with,” Dash explained, as he nodded along in understanding, “But, as of a few days ago, I’m no longer influenced by that side of myself. So, I’d like to—If it were okay, that is, I’d like to formally request my reinstatement.”

“Well, usually I’d have to go through countless hours of evaluation to decide if you’re ready to take back that kind of responsibility.” He smirked, “But, seeing as I’m going on my honeymoon tomorrow night, I simply won’t have time to jump through those hoops. So, at this point in time, you can consider yourself reinstated.”

“Thank you!” She said, frowning deeply in an effort to keep any tears of hers from leaking out, as she stood at attention, and saluted him, “I will not let anypony down!”

“At ease, soldier,” He said, as he extended his hoof, which Dash quickly took and shook, “It’s good to have you back.”

“You bet it is!” She said, pulling away from his hoof, “Because now I don’t have to treat you like a superior!”

“And you can boss around the guard too.” Shining pointed out, “If I ever forget a date with Cadence, I can just order them to act like something massive happened.”

“My favorite kind of corruption!” Dash laughed, “I’ll have to remember that the next time I don’t want to get busy with Alex! I’ll order a guard to do it for me!”

Alex pursed his lips.


“Hang these up!” Pinkie said next as she dropped a pile of streamers on Trixie’s back, “Where the walls meet the ceiling!”

“Sure thing,” She said, levitating a small wad of sticky tack up next to her, as she headed to the far end of the main hall, and began sticking the ribbons in the same pattern Pinkie had done on the other side.

Trixie was barely aware when Cadence made her way inside the room.

“So!” Pinkie asked, stopping her decorating for a moment, “What do you think of the setup so far?”

Cadence scoffed as she looked around in the incredibly child-like atmosphere Pinkie had made for her.

“Yes! This party seems like it’d be great!” She said, her voice seething with sarcasm, “I’m sure five year-olds just love your parties.”

Hearing the tone, Trixie looked behind her at the two on the other side of the room.

“They sure do!” Pinkie nodded, “I’m modeling this party after one I did a few weeks ago at the elementary school in Ponyville!”

“Of course you are.” She growled quietly, as she briefly looked to Trixie, “Do you have permission to be in here?”

“M-me?” Trixie asked, looking to either side of her for somepony else that Cadence may have been talking to, “I think so!”

Walking directly toward the blue mare, Cadence looked like she had fire in her eyes. It was the kind of fire that made Trixie think she was about to be yelled at.

But, before Cadence could make the rest of the distance, Trixie froze her with a curious look that suddenly appeared on her face.

“What kind of magic are you using?” Trixie asked, as the pink mares eyes widened, “You feel… strange.”

Deciding that she needed to feel the magic at a closer range, Trixie started approaching Cadence herself, as the Princess of love did just the opposite, as she started to back up, step for step with Trixie.

“Would you stand still?” Trixie demanded, not happy with the mare running away from her, “There might be something wrong!”

“Stop!” Cadence shouted suddenly, as she looked back to Pinkie briefly, who was also staring at her, “I-I will not be approached by a commoner in such an aggressive fashion!”

“Aggressive?” Trixie asked, having come to a complete stop at this point, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it!”

“I’m afraid that I have to ask you to return to your room!” Cadence said quickly, “You’re not on the approved list of workers, so you won’t be allowed in here until after the wedding.”

Trixie opened her mouth to protest, but was instantly shut down.

“I won’t hear another word of it! Guards! Please show this mare to her room, and make sure she stays there.”

With that, Cadence was gone as fast as anypony could blink, and she was replaced with two guards, both of whom were giving Trixie an apologetic look.

“Sorry ma’am.” One said, as he stood next to her, “We’ll escort you from here.”

Trixie was dumbfounded. One minute, she was helping set up the reception for the wedding, and next, she was being taken to her room, where she was supposed to stay.

Walking with the two past Pinkie, Trixie called some words to the pink mare.

“Could you send Twilight my way next time you see her?” Trixie called, as she stepped in to the entrance.

“Okie Dokie!” Pinkie said, her tone stuck between happy, and worried, “I’ll send her to you as soon as she comes by!”

Trixie didn’t get a chance to say anything else, as the doors were closed, and she was ushered back toward her wing of the castle.

She only got one more glance at the princess, who was happily watching the mare be taken away from her friends.

“I’m going to need to look in to this…” Trixie said under her breath, as she continued on her trip to her room, “She felt so strange…”

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