• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,498 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Bridle Gossip - Part 1

Chapter 11
Bridle Gossip - Part 1

Sorry about down time, and relatively short chapter. But, I’ve been working like crazy the past few weeks, and been a little addicted to a game called DayZ. But, hopefully I can start updating faster, as my work is starting to get back to normal, and I’m getting a little sick of my game.



Alex walked toward town. He had been following the instructions that Dash had given him, and started practicing his wing exercises. However, after an hour of this, he started to find it hard to concentrate. His mind seemed to wander to Rainbow Dash no matter what he did.

Spread Wings.

Rainbow Dash.

Raise them up.

Rainbow Dash.

Lower them back down.


It was a vicious cycle.

So, Alex decided to do the one thing he knew would help get his mind off of her. Get some cupcakes!

And, luckily for him, this plan worked perfectly. All of his cupcake thoughts kept his mind completely occupied. In fact, he was so occupied that he failed to notice that there wasn’t a soul in the town. It was completely deserted.

It was almost as if nopony came outside today.

So, Alex ignorantly trotted toward his goal, which lay only a few meters in front of him.

“Alex!” Pinkie whispered from the front door of Sugarcube Corner. “Get in here!”

Snapping out of his day dream, Alex looked at the front door, and was confused to see Pinkie gesturing for him to come inside. It looked urgent.

“Hurry!” Pinkie called hoarsely.

Picking up the pace, Alex ran in the door, as Pinkie closed it behind him.

“What’s wrong?!” Alex asked, looking back and forth in the dark store. “Wait… Are you going to draw another moustache on me?”

“No!” Pinkie whispered, “We’re all hiding in here from her!” she said, pointing out the window.

Looking out the window, Alex saw the pony that Pinkie was referring to. She stood in the middle of the square with a cloak over her head, and was digging at the ground.

“Wait… What do you mean, everypony is hiding here?” Alex asked, still peering out the window.

“We’re all here!” Dash said.

Turning around, Alex saw all of his friends lined up behind Pinkie.

Rarity, Dash, Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy, Applejack, and on the very end, was Applejack’s sister, Apple Bloom.

“What are you all doing here?” Alex asked the group of ponies.

“We already told you!” Dash said, “We’re all hiding from her!”

“We’re not ALL hiding from her,” Twilight said. “I just got pulled in here.”

“I don’t understand… Who is that?” Alex asked.

“That’s Zecora!” Apple Bloom said, earning a hard glare form Applejack.

“I told ya’ not to say her name!” Applejack said angrily, earning a huff from Apple Bloom.

Alex cocked an eyebrow, and turned back to the window.

Everypony lined up behind him as they all peered out the window.

“W-Why is she just… Digging?” Rarity asked, “Doesn’t she care about getting filthy?”

“Maybe she’s looking for gems!” Spike spoke up.

Twilight was about to correct him, but her attention was drawn back to Zecora as she pulled the hood of her cloak back.

Everypony except Twilight and Alex gasped.

“Oh, she’s a Zebra!” Alex said, “I didn’t know you had those here!”

“A… What?” Everypony said in unison.

“A Zebra!” Alex said again, realizing that he really didn’t know much about them. “They all have stripes, and… Well… Yeah!”

“They ALL have those stripes?” Rarity asked in disbelief, “Those poor creatures!”

“Why don’t we go say hello?” Alex asked the group, ignoring Rarity.

“No!” Pinkie shouted. “She’s evil!”

“Have you ever talked to her?” Alex asked.

“Well… No!” Pinkie said, “But, I know she’s evil! I even wrote a song about her!”

“A… Song?” Alex asked slowly.

Dash rolled her eyes, “Here we go…”

Pinkie inhaled deeply.

“She’s an evil enchantress! She does evil dances!” Pinkie danced around Sugarcube corner, as she sang.

“If you look deep in her eyes, she’ll put you in trances!” Pinkie continued.

Alex was genuinely shocked. Not just because Pinkie was singing, but because of the nature of the song.

“And what will she do? She’ll mix up an evil brew! And she’ll gobble you up, in a big tasty stew!” Pinkie sang, jumping up on a table.

“So, Watch—“ Pinkie tried to finish, before being cut off.

“Are you serious?!” Alex shouted. “Why are you treating her this way? What’s wrong with her?”

“She’s…. Well, she’s different!” Dash explained.

“So…?” Spike asked.

“And that’s enough for everypony to treat her like she’s a witch?” Alex said, “This is like… pony racism!”

“Um… What’s that?” Fluttershy asked quietly.

“It’s when you judge people… Or ponies, by the way they look.” Alex explained. “Where I came from, it was only something that mean people did.”

“We should go talk to her!” Apple Bloom said, “I’ll bet she’s nice!”

“Oh no!” Apple jack said. “You’re stayin’ right here!”

Apple Bloom huffed and pulled away from her sister. “I’m not a baby! I can take care of myself!”

“I’m your big sister, an’ you’ll listen to me!” Applejack said sternly, as she turned away from Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom grumbled. She was old enough to look after herself, no matter WHAT Applejack thought. So, she was going to go say hello to Zecora, and prove just how capable she was.

“I think we should just go out, and say hello.” Twilight said.

“Nope,” Dash said flatly. “I’m not getting cursed.”

“C-Cursed?” Fluttershy stammered.

“Yeah!” Pinkie exclaimed, “I think she does that too!”

“You ‘think’?” Alex asked.

“Yeah!” Pinkie said, “I’m almost sixty percent sure!”

“Good to know…” Spike said.

“Can we please go talk to her?” Twilight asked the group.

“Hey, where’s Apple Bloom?” Applejack asked suddenly. “Did anypony see where she went?

Everypony looked around the shop for the filly, but had no luck finding her.

“There she is!” Spike said, pointing out the window toward Zecora, who was now walking away from the town with Apple Bloom in tow.

“That silly filly!” Applejack said in a worried tone, “We’ve got to go after her!”

Twilight sighed. “Good! Maybe now we can actually TALK to Zecora.”

“Let’s go!” Applejack said, running out the door first.

Spike headed for the door next, but was stopped by Twilight.

“You should stay here, Spike…” Twilight said to him, earning an upset look. “Um… In case Apple Bloom comes back.”

“B-but I want to go with you guys!” Spike said, “This sounds like it’s gonna be fun!”

“Sorry Spike,” Twilight said sternly. “I don’t want you getting hurt.”

And with that, Twilight walked out the door, followed by all her friends, except Alex.

“I’ll try and talk to her, okay?” Alex said to Spike.

“It’s no use,” Spike said sadly, “I’m always just going to be a baby dragon to her…”

Alex stood in silence for a moment, before speaking up, “I have to go with them… But I’ll try my best, okay?”

Spike didn’t answer. He simply looked at the ground.

Alex sighed, and followed Twilight. He truly felt bad for Spike. And he would definitely try his best to help him. He wouldn’t let him be left in the cold.


The group of ponies followed the path that Zecora and Apple Bloom had taken. They had gotten quite a head start, but Applejack made sure they were getting caught up.

Alex had been beside Twilight, for a few minutes, trying to find the right words to say to her. He had to be careful… Twilight was the boss, and he couldn’t act like he knew what was best for Spike, only she knew that. So, he’d just start things casually.

“So…” Alex began casually, “Why wasn’t Spike allowed to come along?”

Okay, maybe not so casual.

“Huh?” Twilight began, turning to Alex, “He wasn’t allowed, because he’s a baby!”

“But… He’s not REALLY a baby…” Alex said, realizing that this whole conversation was going to hell, before it was even started. “H-he’s pretty mature!”

Twilight was surprised at this suddenly coming up. “Where is this coming from?”

“It kinda bothers him…” Alex said, causing Twilight to cock an eyebrow. “That he doesn’t get to come along!”

Twilight stopped for a moment. Spike wasn’t left alone THAT often… was he? The more she thought about it, the more sense it made. But, that still wasn’t reason enough.

“Spike is really young, Alex…” Twilight explained. “He may be mature, but that doesn’t make any difference.”


“Alex,” Twilight said, cutting him off. “If ANYTHING were to happen to him… I- I just don’t know what I’d do…”

Alex sighed. He knew he couldn’t change her mind. “You’re right… I’m sorry.”

“Maybe when he grows up… But not now.” Twilight said quietly.

“We both know that he won’t be grown up for a long time…” Alex added.

Twilight sighed, Spike wouldn’t be completely mature until LONG after she was gone… If she waited until he was more grown up, she would be waiting for a very long time. But, right now, she didn’t care if he was mature, or old enough, or anything. She wanted him safe, and wasn’t going to start treating him differently any time soon. Maybe the time would come, but it wasn’t right now.

“I know… But, just… Not right now.” Twilight finished.

Alex was about to say something else, but was cut off by Applejack in the front of the group.

“Apple Bloom!” Applejack shouted.

Everypony looked forward. They had just reached the edge of the Everfree forest, and Apple Bloom was just ahead, following behind Zecora. And, upon hearing her name called, both of them turned around.

Applejack ran forward and scooped Apple Bloom up off the ground, running forward a few steps into a field of blue flowers.

Everypony ran forward to meet Applejack in to the flowers.

“Beware! Beware, you pony folk! Those leaves of blue are not a joke!” Zecora said to them, in a deeper voice than any of them had pegged her for.

“You keep your creepy mumbo-jumbo to yourself, ya’ hear?” Applejack threatened.

“Yeah!” Dash shouted.

“Go away!” Pinkie said.

Zecora slowly started backing toward the darkness of the Everfree forest. “Beware!”

Alex rolled his eyes. He assumed that all of her menacing “bewares” were simply a result in differences of speech. It was unfortunate that it made her sound so evil.

Everypony watched as Zecora disappeared, then let out a collective sigh of relief.

“You’d better run!” Dash shouted into the darkness.

“Why couldn’t ya’ just stay put?” Applejack said to Apple Bloom.

“I- I…” Apple Bloom stammered.

“You could’a been cursed!” Applejack said, cutting her off.

“There is no such thing as a curse!” Twilight shouted.

“Oh yeah,” Dash cut in, “This coming from Miss Magic Pants herself!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “My magic, real magic, comes from within. It's a skill you're born with! Curses are artificial, fake magic! It's conjured with potions and incantations; all smoke and mirrors meant to scare. But curses have don't real power, they're just an old pony tale!”

“One of these days Twilight, you’re gonna find out that some pony tales are true!” Applejack warned.

The Next Day

Alex rolled back and forth in his bed. After all the arguing yesterday over Zecora, he just wanted to avoid everypony for a while, and relax.

But, unfortunately, he couldn’t help but feel that he wasn’t alone.

Something was watching him.

Alex opened his eyes, and was met with a familiar face. One that he hoped he wouldn’t be seeing for a while.

“Happy to see me?”

“Discord.” Alex said, frowning.

“I wasn’t planning on visiting… but after your little encounter yesterday, I just had to come see you.” Discord chuckled.

Alex adjusted to get himself out of the bed. And, again found himself a human. Just as he had at the last time he met Discord.

“What?” Alex asked, standing up. “You mean Zecora?”

“That zebra?” Discord said, “Not at all!”

Alex cocked an eyebrow.

“I’m talking about my loyal subjects, of course!” Discord explained.

“Loyal subjects?” Alex asked, completely lost.

“Oh, you’ll understand soon enough.” Discord said vaguely.

Alex sighed, “Was there anything else you wanted?”

“I saw you and that little blue pony getting pretty cozy the other night.” Discord said, wiggling his eyebrows. “You seem to be quite fond of each other.”

“How exactly do you SEE us?” Alex asked, upset that he had been spied on.

“Well, my only real connection to you is through these dreams you have.” Discord explained. “But, thanks to that little bit o’ chaos in you, I can see through your eyes every now and then.”

“Fantastic.” Alex sighed. “And, for the record, she was just scared of the lightning and thunder.”

“Are you serious?” Discord said, starting to laugh loudly, and uncontrollably. “Y- You really think that- That a PEGASUS is- is afraid of a storm?” He said through the laughter.

Alex opened his mouth to argue, but realized just how stupid he would sound. What was more likely? A born flying creature, that probably spends quite a bit of time flying during storms, that is afraid of lightning… Or, a pony that wanted to cuddle with him.

Wait… Rainbow Dash wanting to cuddle? Nah.

“I’m pretty sure she was afraid of the lightning,” Alex said, knowing full well that it was a lie.

“Whatever you like.” Discord said with a sly grin, after calming himself down. “Anyway, I’m going to let you wake up now. I think you’ll be very surprised at what you find”

Alex looked around the room as everything started to fade, just like last time. So, right before he woke up, and left this dream, he looked down and fiddled with his hands a bit.

Man… He missed his fingers.


Alex opened his eyes again. He was back in bed, and alone in his room. He recalled what Discord had said about a surprise, but wasn’t totally sure what he had meant.

Lifting up a hoof to rub his eyes, Alex was immediately understood what Discord had meant.

Alex had hands. He had real, proper hands.

Inspecting himself further, Alex discovered that he also had only two legs, instead of four!

He was human again! And, wearing the same clothes he had been in the night he left his world.

At least he wasn’t naked.

Looking around, Alex looked for Discord. Was this another trick? Was he still dreaming? It must be. It had to be.

“Discord!” Alex shouted.

Not hearing a response, his heart started to race. Why was he a human in Equestria? He was supposed to be a pony!

“Dis—“ Alex began again, before being cut off by shouting from outside his room.

Adjusting to normal movement again, Alex carefully got himself out of bed, wobbled his was up, slowly walked to the door, and pressed his ear against it, listening to the conversation outside his room.

“Of course it’s not a curse, Spike!” Twilight said, “It must be… something else!”

“But, what could have done it, if it wasn’t Zecora?” Spike asked.

“I don’t know… But I don’t like this one bit!” Twilight said, still agitated.

Twilight must have been affected by something too. Was she a human as well? What could have happened to her?

“I’m going to check on Alex.” Twilight said, walking to his door.

And, unfortunately, before Alex was able to do anything, she had opened the door, and now stood in front of a completely human Alex, with her mouth hung open.

“It’s me! Alex! And I am just as confused as you are!” Alex said quickly.

“W- What are you?” Twilight asked, still in shock.

“I’m Human,” Alex explained, “And this is how I looked before I came to this world.”


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