• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Sparks of Chaos

Sparks of Chaos

Twilight felt like she was going to be sick. She had been woken up in the middle of the night by two ponies, who had apparently been there for over an hour. Why exactly? Well, because she had been screaming in pain, and firing out dark magic at the other ponies in her home.

“This isn’t a prank, is it?” Twilight asked, her face clearly communicating her discomfort to the situation she had been faced with.

“I’m sorry, Twilight.” Trixie shook her head, still shook up by the horrors she had experienced in the mare’s mind, “But there’s even more…”

“More?!” Twilight asked, feeling further distress by this, ‘W-what could it possibly be?”

“Well, I used a spell to try and see what was going through your mind during that… episode.” Trixie explained, as Twilight nodded along, knowing she would have done something similar herself, “But when I touched your head, I got sucked inside. And… what I saw was just- just horrible.”

Twilight only looked on, unblinking.

“There was this… other version of yourself.” Trixie explained, shaking her head slowly at the memory, “And it was just—“

“Like me?” Twilight asked, figuring that somehow, Trixie had run in to her own dark side, “But more of a jerk?”

Alpha shook his head slowly, as Twilight looked to him, and then back to Trixie.

“It was h-horrible.” Trixie stammered for a moment, before regaining her vocal footing, “She tried to burn Trix- ability to use magic out of me.”

“What?!” Twilight asked, as she stood up and approached Trixie the now shaking mare, “Are you sure?”

Trixie nodded rapidly, as Alpha also approached the blue mare.

“Do you want to sit down?” Alpha asked her, not having been told too much about what she had experienced himself.

“No,” She shook her head, determined to not lose her composure in front of these two, when Twilight was the one who was really in trouble, “That… thing inside of you… It didn’t sound like the dark sides you told me your friends faced.”

“Well, if she tried to remove your ability to use magic from you…” Twilight said quietly, “That’s an old, and heinous kind of torture. Something I’d never be capable of.”

“And she kept speaking in this… voice. It was like Trix- I was hearing other words whispered in my head as she spoke.” Trixie recalled, before remembering just what she did every time she spoke in that voice, “And her entire body would twist, and violently snap… it was like she wearing the body of a pony, but she didn’t know how to move properly. It was just wrong the way she acted.”

“That was inside of me?” Twilight asked, looking at her friends with a truly horrified expression, “Maybe I should talk to Discord about this.”

“That would be a good idea,” Alpha agreed, as Twilight sat down on her bed, “But you might want to get some more sleep, so we can handle it tomorrow morning.”

“I can’t just go to sleep!” Twilight said instantly, as he joined her on the mattress, “It might happen again!”

“It’s already passed,” Alpha shook his head, as she gave him a confused look.

“You talk about it like it comes in waves!” Twilight said, somewhat hysterically, “If this is the first time it’s happened, then we have no idea what to expect!”
Alpha shot his glace to Trixie, just as she did the same to him.

“Actually…” Alpha said slowly, scratching the back of his head, “This isn’t the first time you’ve been like this.”

Twilight froze. Her gaze locked on the stallion in front of her.

“Excuse me?” She asked, inching away from Alpha, “What do you mean?!”

“This has happened… twice before. Once last week, and also the week before.” Alpha said quietly, as her expression quickly grew to one of pure rage, “I didn’t tell you because—“

“How dare you!” Twilight shouted, standing up and backing toward Trixie, “How could you keep something like that from me? I-I’ve been thrashing, and shooting out dark magic in my sleep, and you think you’ll just keep it to yourself?!”

“Well, I—“

I don’t care!” Twilight said, calmed down only enough to restrain herself from shouting, “Get out! Just go!”

“What?” Alpha asked, looking between her and Trixie, “I know I was wrong to do it! But I only wanted to protect you…”

“Go.” She reiterated firmly.

Alpha opened his mouth, but quickly closed it once again, as he stood up, and stepped toward the door, passing Trixie on his way.

“I’m sorry.” Was all he said, as he closed the door, and headed down the stairs, before opening, and closing the door to the outside of the house.

Twilight was trembling. It was obvious to Trixie that her outburst may have been nothing more than a bad mix of circumstance, with a spark of anger. But, regardless, she needed to talk her down, and then help her find the god of chaos, so they could survive this terrible night.

“I- I’m sorry you had to see that.” Twilight said, looking away from Trixie, biting her lip as she tried to quell her burning anger, “I can’t believe his nerve…”

“Twilight,” Trixie said carefully, “I don’t think he kept you in the dark to hurt you…”

“Are you serious?” She asked, insulted that Trixie was butting in to her problem, “He lied to me, and hid something pretty damn important from me! How could you defend him?”

“He was looking out for you!” Trixie returned, much angrier than she had expected herself to be, “That stallion cares about you!”

“What do you know?!” Twilight shouted back, as the window behind her silently cracked down the middle, “He just hid the single most important piece of information in my life from me!”

“When Trixie came up here, he was holding you in his arms, Twilight!” Trixie shouted, as a flower pot behind her started to shake, “He told me that he kept it from you, because it would make you sick with worrying! That you would be nervous, and scared for however long it would take to resolve this problem! If he isn’t in love with you, I’d be shocked!”

The window was now completely cracked. One tap of a hoof would completely shatter it. But, the pressure abruptly stopped.

“Did he really—“

“Ladies!” A voice said from above them, as they both looked up to see the god of chaos floating above them, “While I’d hate to break up this lovely argument, you should all know, that you’re simply glowing with chaos!”

“Wha—“ Trixie said, snapping out of her rage, as the flower vase behind her dropped to the floor and smashed, “How did that happen?”

“You and I need to have a discussion.” Discord said, pointing to Twilight, before casting his gaze to Trixie, “And you… I never marked you.”

Trixie wasn’t sure what that meant.

“What was that?” She asked slowly.

“You know, hidden sides of your soul, accepting yourself, gaining the power of chaos!” He said rather dramatically, “Have you perchance had a massive personality change recently?”

Trixie opened her mouth, but didn’t reply.

“Either way, your princess is waiting for you.” Discord said to Twilight, “Why don’t you come along with me as well, small blue pony?”

“My name is Trixie.” She said, her mind obviously drifted to other places, “And while I wasn’t expecting this outcome… I suppose you and I should have a conversation.”

“Wonderful.” He said with a smirk, “Are you girls ready? Because I simply won’t be kept waiting.”

“Well, I need to pee—“

"I need to see Alpha--"

“Nothing? Okay!” Discord said, throwing up his hands, and lifting them off the ground, “I hope nopony gets airsick!”

“Why?” They both asked at once, with an equal amount of urgency.

Discord winked, as a hole appeared in the wall next to him, and he flew outside at massive speed, heading toward Canterlot.

“You can just teleport us!” Twilight shouted over the rushing wind around her, “I can just do it!”

“I can’t hear you back there!” Discord chuckled, as he made a pair of aviator goggles appear over his eyes, “We’ll be no more than ten minutes!”

Trixie simply spun in the air behind Discord, silently wishing that he had let her pee before they left.

Author's Note:

Longer chapters will be coming soon. Just have been pressed for time recently.

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