• Published 24th Apr 2012
  • 42,500 Views, 4,897 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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What's the Plan?

What's the Plan?

The four ponies had made their way back to the library as fast as they could. Any amount of magic that may have been expended to teleport them there, was saved instead. Should Twilight have been out of control, they would all need to be ready.

Dash and Alex had both flown away from Pinkie and Trixie, so they could fetch their friends that would need to be present for the altercation that was about to take place.

Alex, had flown to Sugarcube Corner to collect the two ponies that had just been throwing food at each other, and for all he knew, may have still been doing it.

Dash, being the faster (fastest ever) flyer, headed for Sweet Apple Acres. She planned on picking up Applejack, and flying her back in to Ponyville herself. She was already running on pure adrenaline, so picking up a full mare wasn’t really going to be an issue.

Pinkie and Trixie were left running toward the library, where they would meet up with everypony else.

“I don’t like that mare…” Aurora’s voice echoed in Trixie’s head, ”She reeks of chaos…”

“Hey!” The chaotic Pinkie called over her shoulder, “I don’t reek of anything! Except Pie! Ohmygosh! I smell like my name!”

“I guess there’s no privacy for us…” Trixie whispered.

Aurora sighed loudly, something that was a bit odd, considering she didn’t need to breathe, before she spoke asgain.

”I don’t know if I’m going to be able to fight Twilight back this time…”

“I’ll be right here with you, Aurora.” she said softly, “Together, you and I can do anything. I promise you.”

Trixie could feel the smile her friend was giving her.



The real Pinkie sat next to the unconscious Alpha in the corner of the library. He had taken a hard hit from the mother of his child, and was obviously going to be out cold for a while.

Twilight, stood at the window next to the door, her eyes locked on the main road. Her arrival had made a disturbance in the magical energy within the town. Her friends would be on their way.

“Twilight… I think he needs to see a doctor.” Pinkie said meekly, dabbing a paper towel on his forehead to absorb some of the green blood that was still running down the side of his head.

“Changelings can lose over two thirds of the blood in their body before they’re in life threatening danger.” She said, her amazing intellect still present within the beast, “Their blood contains a form of stem cell that latches on to the wound it’s escaping from and promotes incredible healing.”

Pinkie wanted to praise her friend for being such a genius, but didn’t really want to engage with her friend any more than she had to.

“Leave him be.” She suddenly announced, as the pink mare was levitated from the ground, and brought closer to Twilight, her gaze unmoving from the window, “Tell me. Was this the plan? To weaken me by adding a child to this battle?”

“No…” Pinkie shook her head, as she was brought ever closer to the massive black mare, “I think it happened because Twilight was being irresponsible!”

She grunted in response.

“So… what are your plans anyway?” Pinkie asked, sighing loudly as she was seated next to her friend.

“I don’t have any plans!” She laughed, finally breaking her eye contact with the window to look to Pinkie, “I’m made up of the chaos from each one of you! I’m like Discord, but a whole lot nastier!”

“Well… I’m glad you’re so… candid…” Pinkie said, coughing weakly.

“Maybe I’ll visit Celestia… Or Discord.” She muttered, her eyes darting to the left and right, “I want to see them squirm before I destroy them.”

“Destroy!?” She yelled, her eyes bugging forward, “Why would you do something like that?”

“I can’t have anypony trying to stop me,” She answered, her smile now showing off her razor-sharp teeth, “Having their heads mounted over my throne will serve as a reminder to others that might try to be heroes.”

“Taking out the competition? That’s a little boring if you ask me. That’s what Everypony always tries to do!” A voice laughed.

Whipping her head to the source of the voice, Twilight found a pair of yellow and red eyes staring at her from a dark corner of the library.

“I mean, I get it. I was you once!” Discord chuckled, levitating out from the shadows to reveal himself, “But I’ve learned to work toward the greater good. Something that we all need to start taking a long hard look at.”

“You think I’m afraid of some mysterious entity that you can’t even describe to me?” She laughed, looking to Pinkie, expecting affirmation form her, but getting none.

“You know, for such a smart pony, you really are dumb.” Discord said, his tone hardening as he stared daggers into the mare, “Defeating… whatever it is that’s coming, is going to require the unlocked potential of every Element of Harmony.”

“I am the potential of every Element!” Twilight growled, lunging forward at an incredible speed to grab Discord.

However, he simply side stepped her, as she crashed into a wall, knocking hundreds of books to the floor on top of her.

You are the chaotic potential of the elements.” Discord shook his head, watching as she slowly got herself up from under her pile of books, “You only represent half of the potential power of the Elements. Don’t be a child and give this up.”

“You’re lucky my magic has been cut off by that chaotic pink pony,” Twilight growled, standing up as her hair fell in front of her eyes, “Once I’m free of this, you’ll be my first target.”

Discord rolled his eyes, “You’re far too dramatic. And that’s coming from me!”

Pinkie giggled quietly in the corner.

“Well, I suppose it’s no use.” He sighed, turning his back to Twilight, “I wasn’t even going to come here, you know. I was going to let this whole affair unfold on its own.”

“And what changed your mind?” She asked, tilting her head to the side, as her neck cracked loudly.

“Well, I got to thinking about that baby inside you, and started to wonder if I shouldn’t try to help out- for her sake.” Discord answered, “I suppose I have a soft spot for such weak creatures.”

“You needn’t worry about her,” The demon laughed, “She’s going to be raised to be just like her mommy.”

Discord frowned.

“We’ll talk later.”

Then, with a snap of his fingers, his body turned transparent.

“He wasn’t even really here…” Pinkie muttered, as his form faded more and more until it vanished.

“I guess that’s how he was able to float around in this magicless hell.” Twilight said, her gaze returning to the window that it had been in for the previous hours, and her eyes narrowing.

“They’re here.”


“So… what’s the plan?” Dash asked, standing with all of her friends a good distance away from the library, “We can’t exactly use the Elements without Twilight.”

“We’ve got Trixie,” Alex offered, looking to the blue coated pony next to him, “I was kinda hoping that she could do all the work…”

“I don’t know if things could go the same way they went last time.” Trixie shook her head to Alex, and then Dash.

“Well, even if she’s stronger, with all of us backing you up, you’ll be fine!” Rarity encouraged.

“You bet’cha!” Applejack nodded.

“Easy peasy.” Alex cheered.

“We’re all here for you, Trix.” Dash smiled happily.

Everypony then looked to Fluttershy, waiting for her encouraging statement.

“Meep.” She said.

“Good enough!” Dash nodded, trying to suppress her smile, “Now, Pinkie, what do we do next? What’s the plan?”

“Well, there’s this big anti-magic bubble around her,” She explained, gesturing to the visible pink orb that encased the entire library, “In there she’s only able to use a fraction of her magic, but she’s also safe from any of our magic reaching her!”

“Dang.” Alex frowned, “I was gonna ask if we could just leave her in there and do our thing from here.”

Pinkie shook her head.

“So, what exactly happens when you drop this shield?” Dash asked again, “We can’t try to attack her, we might hurt Twilight’s baby.”

What?!” The four uninformed girls shouted at once.

What did you just say?” Rarity asked, blinking rapidly.

“Did ah’ hear y’all correctly?” Applejack said.

“Twilight’s having a baby?!” Fluttershy asked, her eyes expanding to sixteen times their normal size.

Trixie’s eyes fluttered, as she tried to process the information.

Aurora even chimed in, “That’s so awesome!”

“Oh yeah, I guess they don’t know,” Alex laughed, “The two of them weren’t very safe apparently!”

“We can discuss this after we save Twilight, okay?” Dash said, once again having to be the voice of reason, “For now, we need to focus on stopping her!”

“Uh… sugar cube…” Applejack said, leaning to the left so she could see past Dash and Alex, “Y’all might wanna turn around.”

Everypony focused on what she was referring to, and instantly saw the hulking mass that was the chaotic Twilight. Her smile was large… almost too large. And the glowing red piercing through the darkness was enough to give them all pause.

“Maybe… we should just leave her in there forever.” Fluttershy said.

“But Pinkie’s trapped in there with her, remember that!” Rarity said, still shaken by the news of her pregnant friend.

“Well… we can just keep this one...” Fluttershy whispered.

The chaotic Pinkie that stood with them, had her eyes locked with dark, chaotic Twilight. The two of them were somewhat kindred spirits. Both were manifestations of an abundance of chaos, but only one had been created sane.

She couldn’t help herself, as she began walking toward the demon standing on the edge of the bubble.

The entire world as gone, as far as she was concerned. The pull to examine this creature was simply too strong. The power emanating from her was incredible, despite the dampening field, and baby weakening her.

Before she knew it, she was only a few inches away from her.

“You’ve locked me in here.” Twilight said, leaning forward until her nose touched the bubble, “Why did you do that?”

“I didn’t put it there for you… I put it there to keep Pinkie inside.” She said breathlessly, “I guess it worked out in the end though, didn’t it?”

Her smile faded, and her red eyes widened. Then, with an incredible amount of force, she slammed her hoof into the bubble, “Let. Me. Out.”

Pinkie involuntarily took a step backward.

“What are you going to do if I do?” Pinkie asked uneasily.

“How about this…” Twilight said, her smile returning ever so slightly, as Alpha was levitated out the door, “I won’t snap this changeling in two, if you open it for me.”

Pinkie gasped. Alpha was clearly in bad condition. His head was bleeding a lot, and he was unconscious. It would take little more to finish the job, and end his life.

“Y-you wouldn’t hurt him! He’s the father of your baby!” Pinkie stammered, looking to Twilight for some sign that she indeed wouldn’t.

“I would have liked to have her father around, but it’s optional, by all means.” She laughed, her spell pressing him right against the magic bubble, squishing his face against it like a piece of glass, “Now. What’s your answer?”

Frowning, Pinkie decided not to let the mare play with his life.

Before Twilight could react, Pinkie created a hole in the magic bubble where Alpha’s unconscious form was, then, with a spell of her own, she teleported him back toward the rest of her friends. And to finish the job, she sealed the hole once again.

“No!” Twilight shouted, bearing her teeth as she growled loudly at the mare, “You little whore!

“Yeah yeah, sure thing.” She growled, not happy at all with the name calling, “I think I’m going to let you stir in there for a little longer.”

With that, Pinkie turned away from the beast, and began walking back toward her friends. Her heart was pounding harder than it had at any point in her life. But being strong was very important right now.

“Jesus,” Alex muttered, pouring some of his healing magic onto the wound in Alpha’s head, “It’s a good thing he got out of there. I don’t think he would have been doing well for much longer.”

“I think Twilight was planning on using him to escape the whole time,” Pinkie said, rejoining the group while hiding her terrified expression.

“Did she say what she wanted?” Dash asked.

“No.” Pinkie shook her head, kneeling to inspect the damage to the changeling, “As far as I can tell, she just wants out so she can raise hell.”

“Shouldn’t we get Pinkie out of there?” Fluttershy spoke up suddenly, “I mean- not you obviously… but your counterpart.”

“She can’t hurt her- um, or me.” She answered, “If something bad were to happen to one of the Element users, she would lose all of her power.”

“That’s a relief.” She sighed in response.

“Okay, I know it’s been asked like- a million times now,” Dash asked, sighing loudly as she eyed Pinkie, and then looked at all her friends, “What’s the plan?! If you’re just going to leave her there, we should really work something out!”

“Okay, ah’ was thinkin’…” Applejack began, stepping forward to voice her opinion, “What would y’all say if we—“

A singe, horrifyingly loud smash was heard coming from the library. The ground shook under the tremendous pressure of the noise alone.

And then it pounded again.

And again, and again and again, until it started to sound like a jackhammer.

The entire town shook as the pounding continued.

Twilight, having accessed some insane inner strength, had begun hitting the walls with her bare hooves faster than any of them thought possible from a single pony.

The only noise that could be heard over the already deafening pounding, was the screaming coming from the source of the pounding. Twilight crying out in something that could only be described as intense pain, and rage.

Alex tried to shout something to Dash, but he wasn’t loud enough to reach his own ears, let alone hers.

And then, without any kind of warning, a huge crack was heard.

What followed, was perfect silence.

And what followed that, was a deep laughter.


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