• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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We know what we are,

but know not what we may be.

William Shakespeare

In the aftermath of the fight between Twilight and Tirek, the countryside was hit with powerful energies, the use of magic in such concentration never before witnessed; nor probably would be again unless in an extreme emergency. Living things bent or broke under its incredible force. Earthquakes rocked the tiny hamlet of Ponyville. But as in all things ponies will rebuild, and better than before.

Outside of the Everfree, just on the wrecked border, a panel was uncovered, drinking in the sunlight voraciously.


My survival center registers the power input, more than just the trickle it has been surviving on for...I do not know, my higher functions lack the power to tell me. My initial thoughts are of confusion as I awake, initiating processor power up, running diagnostics to ascertain my condition.

Fusion plants...offline
Battery backup depleted
Final Emergency Power Reserves .09% available
Defensive capability .02% operable
Offensive capability 10% operable
Bootstrap 1 proceeding...
Bootstrap 2 proceeding...
Battle Reflex Offline...

I sit for a brief moment, the diagnostic taking only .0002 seconds, slower than I am used to, but it appears I am in good condition. The nano repair systems had done all they could before failing for lack of power it seems. My internal clock is showing a number that truly must be impossible, I cannot have spent that much time asleep. I must have updates on the situation. I scan the surrounding spectrum, noticing small bursts of unknown energy here and there at the extreme range of my passive sensors. I dare not deploy more actively, lacking the power, and it is unknown whether the enemy has ambushed my brothers and sisters. I must wait for more to accumulate, it appears all of my panels are not receiving energy, therefore I retreat into my Survival Center to wait. I activate passive seismic scanners to record what is happening around me, and to warn of the approach of the enemy if possible.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders Forest Adventurers! Yay!” The three small voices announced loudly to no one in particular. Having their saddlebags snugged tightly around them, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo were determined to have a great time today. The sun was out, they had no chores scheduled, and they were out in the rolling hills near town, having been warned most sternly, if they were to enter the Everfree, dire things would happen if they survived.

“Do you really think your sister meant that, Sweetie?” Scootaloo was kind of worried at the “dire things” remarks.

The little unicorn turned with a big grin on her face, “Oh you know my sister, she’s suuuuuuuuch a drama queen!” At that, throwing her foreleg across her brow, she staggered and fainted on the soft grass, “Oh, whatever shall I do, A single stitch is out of place and I have to redo the whole thing before tomorrow! Hoof me some ice cream!”

The rest of the Crusaders laughed, giggling at the almost perfect imitation of Sweetie Belle’s older sister Rarity, who was known for her..dramatic...moments.

Red haired Applebloom popped a wide smile, “Wow! Yer gettin’ good at that, Sweetie! You might get a cutie mark for acting!” And of course, Sweetie jumped up, giving a solid look at her side, boring a hole in it, somewhat visibly let down when no mark appeared.

Scootaloo hugged her friend, “Don’t worry! We’ll get em, we’re the Crusaders!”

My sensors pick up seismic activity, I cannot see the intruders. I attempt to bring sound scanners online, failing to do so as power requirements have not been met. Has the enemy found me? I do not know, and this troubles me somewhat, I have no data, no input to get my bearings. Until my power reserves are up to operable levels, I can do nothing but wait, observe, and listen. My seismic sensors also record their approach, some sort of indigene?

Applebloom wandered over the hilltop for a moment, spotting a shining metal square peeking out the dirt, “Hey y’all! Lookit this!” She pointed with a forehoof at the square glinting in the sun, “Somethin’ here.”

The other two trotted over, looking at the little square of what seemed to be glass and metal, black, and quite hot from the sunlight shining down on it, “What do you think it is?” Scootaloo asked.

“I dunno, kinda wierd out here all by itself, but then again, we are goin’ along the Everfree, lotsa wierd stuff out here. Maybe there’s some more nearby?” She scuffed earth away from the square, uncovering another piece of it, then a bit more, which got them all excited. “Lookit that, like a big window!” They’d uncovered a square approximately four meters in size, it drank in the sunlight, getting quite warm once uncovered

I feel a power increase as the unknowns above uncover more of a solar panel, my reserves are now recharging quite a bit faster, after adjusting to this star's spectrum, I can increase efficiency of conversion to 99.8%. The extra power allows me to bring sound and translation arrays online. I record snatches of conversation and send them to the algorithms for processing.

Translation Arrays online...

Conversion proceeding..

Conversion compete...

The language is close to Concordiat Standard, one voice above has a distinct southern accent similar to ones on Old Earth. Also from timbre and tone, it appears the indigenes are female. It is puzzling, but until I can bring sensor arrays fully online, I can but listen.

The three fillies kept uncovering more of the odd glass and metal square till they were too tired to do anymore. “Wow, sure is a big thing, huh?” Sweetie Belle asked, wiping sweat off her brow.”

“Sure is, wonder what it’s here for?” Apple Bloom poked at it with a forehoof, getting a ‘clunk’ in return. “It sure is solid whatever it is, maybe we can come back later and take a look at it? We still got us an adventure by the Everfree!”

The other two, completely caught up in the job, looked at each other in surprise, “Oh stars, we forgot about that, guess we get too interested in things sometimes, huh, Sweetie?” Receiving a nod in reply from the little unicorn, “But I think it’s kinda late, maybe we can come back later for our Forest Adventure Cutie Marks?” Scootaloo gave a bit of a frown at losing the chance at a cutie mark.

Sun setting low on the horizon, it was evening, they’d been exploring and uncovering a bit of the strange metal item for a few hours now, missing their chance at an adventure.

Apple Bloom though, was taken with the metal square, big as it was, “I guess we could come back later n’ all. Sure is an odd thing.” Her head swung up, pointing back towards Ponyville, “But let’s get back, I bet Applejack has dinner ready by the time we get home!”

Sweetie Belle raised her front hooves and announced loudly, “Cutie Mark Crusaders, Dinner Patrons!” Receiving a “YAY!” In return from the other two as they trotted off into the distance, leaving the strange item uncovered on the side of the hill. Apple Bloom though, couldn’t help looking back at the thing and wondering what it was made of or who made it, already thinking of a way to come and take a better look later.

The power input has increased dramatically as more of the panel was uncovered, my Final Emergency Reserves are topped before the sun lowers. I must wait until tomorrow to see if I can gather enough power to reactivate my nano-systems. I need reaction mass for full power, as it is, I am helpless. I must wait, and so retreat into my survival center once more.


As the sun raises, I try and estimate how long I have been neutralized. My internal clock once again advises me of an obscene number which cannot be true, though I am beginning to doubt. Reaction mass has been used up, my fusion reactors have not been SCRAMed, implying a powered shutdown and release. I cannot access higher memory functions without power, thus it is I wait. Incoming solar power still converted at 99.8% efficiency, bringing battery reserves to almost full before the day ends. I am not made for waiting, I must discover whether my status is due to enemy action. This is imperative.


Two days later, Apple Bloom finally had a day off, the CMC had forgotten about the strange metal object, but she hadn’t. Being intrigued with things like construction and design, it kindled a bit more interest than it should have.

Saying goodbye to her sister, she shot out of the farmhouse and headed to the hill where she remembered it lay. She’d remembered to pack a lunch this time, and bring a few tools just in case, saddlebags snugged tight to her sides.

Arriving at the hill, nothing had changed, maybe a bit of dust on the square, but that’s all. She looked around, making sure nothing wild was heading for her before taking out a small shovel, using her mouth, she scraped along the edges of the square. Figuring she could find the edges, dig it up and show Applejack, maybe they could both figure out what it was.

Gently digging along, she realized this thing was huge! She paced it off and got to work, uncovering eventually to the edges about twenty meters square. The same weird glass covered it, she noticed, wiping her brow and munching on a cookie. Her red bow, bright and cheery normally, was a bit wilted in the hot sun, but she was so excited. She hadn’t seen anything like this ever! The only disappointment came, when she realized it could not be prised up.

I sense seismic disturbances again, indications read as a single indigene approaching, then standing above me. From the sounds, and energy readings, it appears as if more of the solar panel is being uncovered. Power flushes my system as the entire panel is finally relieved of its burden of soil. The increased power allows me to activate more sensors, there is an aquifer within reach below me. I initiate a tap into it to replenish dry tanks, processing Cryo-H and Deuterium is now a priority for re-ignition.

Apple Bloom finished her cookie, and noticed a part of the hill nearby was moving, a hole appeared in the dirt, growing as the unseen hatchway slid aside, “Now, what’n the hay?” She stepped closer, peering down, seeing lights come on inside, leading down into the hill. There appeared to be a slight slope leading downward, a corner which blocked her view, probably going onward.

“Wow, won’t Scoot and Sweetie want to see this!” But she badly wanted to be first inside there, to see what lay inside. Curiousity getting the better of her, she set her hoof on the metal slope, the passageway big enough for her and her bags, she continued in along the path.

I open a maintenance hatch, hoping to entice the single indigene inside. Perhaps, now that translators are working fully, I can converse and receive data from her. Sensors in the maintenance way show a quadruped, bright yellow in color, with red mane and tail, it appears equine. Further study shows it is also wearing a bright red bow of manufactured appearance, as well as bags along her sides. Industry?

Apple Bloom cautiously made her way down the lighted tunnel, calling out, “Hello! Anypony in here? Hello!”

I am stunned, the indigene has the southern dialect I had heard before. It is interesting to say the least, a quadruped life form with language close to the Concordiat is an unknown to me, from what my limited memory tells me. I am in a bit of a quandary as I cannot access my higher functions for more information, but I must make an attempt at communication, I must have the data.

A smooth baritone voice came from around here, “Yes, I am here, would you please continue down the tunnel till you reach the next door?”

Apple Bloom startled a bit, “Where are ya? I cain’t see nothing except this tunnel, you sure it’s okay?”

“I assure you it will be fine. Just continue down the tunnel, when you reach the next hatch, it will open into a further tunnel, proceed down it, and exit into the room at the end, please.”

“Well whoever ya are, ya sure speak really well, you a pony that lives here? How come yer way out here?”

“I assure you,” I continue, “I am not a quadruped such as yourself, I am...new. You would say.”

“Qua...quadro..do whut, now?”

“Quadruped, you are a horse, species Equus are you not?”

The little filly stopped for a moment, eyes narrowing, “You calling me names mister? Cause ifn’ ya are, I’ll just up and leave!”

“My apologies. Please continue down the tunnel if you would? By the way, what do you call yourself then?”

“Well, we’re ponies, my name's Apple Bloom!”

I make sure to pay attention to any self references, hoping to not stumble again. My estimations so far have been wildly incorrect and this causes me some consternation. I reference and file any and all inferences made or said by her to not make the same mistake twice. At least I am confident she is a female by tone and timbre of voice, hopefully. I am out of my range here and this is bothersome.

Apple Bloom continued down the tunnel, reaching another hatch, which opened before she could touch it. Eventually ending up stepping out into a large room, there were flat windows everywhere, lots of lights, and buttons and other things she couldn’t recognize, but they were all pretty neat!

“Wow, mister, this is cool, do you live here?”

That calm voice answered again, “You might say that, why don’t you take a seat in the chair in front of the console, maybe we can talk a bit?”

I do my best to reassure the ‘pony’. I am not sure what may come of this, but I need the information badly. Left to my own devices, I must press on. I see the little ‘pony’ jump up neatly into the control chair, settling in, and I admit, almost looking as if she is in control. Body biometrics are scanned quickly, noticing a high heartbeat, rapid pulse, breathing increased. I have no baselines, but from what I know in limited memory, she appears a bit frightened, but unwilling to say so. As I study further, I notice a larger eye area, and brain case, furthering the thought that this is, or could be the indigene species I heard earlier. She appears to have a hoof like structure instead of hands, it puzzles me how such could be used for manufacturing the items she wears.

Apple Bloom settled herself into the seat, kind of a wierd one, not made for ponies it seemed. “So mister, what is all this?”

I prefer to be honest at this time, “That is where my commander sits. The control console.”

“So ah’m a commander now? Cause I get to sit here?” Jumping up to rest forelegs along the console in front of her, she began pushing at the lights and other things she could reach, forgetting about her nervousness for the nonce.

I quickly disconnect all input and streams from the command console, seeing the young ‘pony’ pushing at the firing controls, manual overrides, and activating the alarm system. I cut off the intruder defenses quickly, before the 5mm Norge’s blew her out of the seat. The use of the hooves is a question no longer.

“Only if you’d settle down and quit pushing all the buttons Miss Apple Bloom.”

“Jes’ call me Apple Bloom!”

“Yes Apple Bloom, or should I say, yes my Commander.”

Applebloom preened at that, she was a commander now, Scoots and Sweetie were just gonna die when she told them about this! “So what would you like to talk about mister? An’ what’s yore name by the way?”

“We can converse about anything you’d like.” I stop for a moment, “My name?”

I hesitate, I look into my identity files and come up with an appropriate moniker. Based on what conversation I had heard earlier.

“Please, call me Crusader.”

“Like a Cutie Mark Crusader? Lahk me?” Her accent gets more pronounced the more excited she gets.

“Exactly what is a “cutie mark”, my Commander?”

“Yew don’t know? Oh stars and sun Crusader, it’s like the best thing to happen to a pony, it’s when..”

I listen closely, she appears to be quite concerned with obtaining this ‘Cutie Mark’ as she puts it. Implying that it somehow gives a ‘pony’ their destiny or a job perhaps? For life? It is definitely something to ponder on. The conversation turns to other things as I let her speak, interjecting a question here and there. She informs me of the Princesses, who rule this land, called Equestria. Also, apparently she is what is know as an ‘Earth Pony’ others having wings or a horn by which to direct magic. Could those be the unknown energy signatures I had been reading when I awoke? Quite a bit of information, although from the jaundiced eye of the young, is more than I had. It is interesting to listen to in fact.

“And then Pinkie got out this big party cannon and spread sprinkles and confetti everywhere! It was an awesome party!”

“It sounds like it. But, my Commander, I am afraid the sun is setting, might you be wanted at home?”

“Oh, mah gosh! Is it that late?”

She scrambled down out of the seat, I open the maintenance way hatches, “Yes, my Commander, it is, the way is open. You are welcome back anytime.”

“Yay! I’ll be back! Do ya mind if I bring a couple others too? They’re crusaders just like you an’ me! They’re mah good friends!”

I do think on that for a moment. With a solar panel now exposed, my existence will not be a secret for long. Nor will it be a secret if the young here are anything like the young on Concordiat planets.

“Your friends will be welcome my Commander.”

“Yay!” Apple Bloom jumped from the seat, cleaning up her mess from eating between stories, shoving things into her saddlebags and running down the tunnel with a wave goodbye, “I’ll be back tomorrow ah promise!”

“I will wait my Commander.”

I see the young one exit the maintenance hatch, closing and securing both of them before I turn introspective. I am not familiar with this society, though it is based on limited memory access. I do not know if I was neutralized in toto or due to enemy action either. This troubles me. I must return power to my systems and take the fight to the enemy.

I sense the sun going down on my panel, and wait out the long night.

Author's Note:

Orignally written for a one shot, I realized maybe there was more of a story to be told. I do hope you enjoy the opening. Thanks again for reading :twilightsmile:

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