• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,550 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Unintended Goodbyes.

Author's Note:

Thank you Tek, for all the wonderful ideas and thoughts. Hats off to you!

Doing something like this is tricky, even masters have a hard time pulling it off. So please don't be too harsh on me. Just have fun :)

Grab the popcorn, it's a wild ride, promise :)

Goodbye is a word, it holds so many emotions and feelings it’s hard to describe. Especially when you are saying it to someone you have cared about.


The breeze in my face is warm and soft, ruffling my mane gently as I sit in the fields of tall wheat and barley. I reach out my hoof, slowly waving it through the grains and pushing them back and forth. The sun is high in the sky, spreading it’s life-giving rays to this which will become so many good things. Closing my eyes I let my body drink in the warm sunlight, letting it course through my veins like liquid gold as I raise my face to capture every bit that I can.

Time is a quandary, one which I doubt I’ll ever fully understand. Crusader and I have talked while the repairs have gone on. Knowing perhaps we are wrong, in our timetables, in our surety that we are at a certain point in the timeline. I doubt we are correct. I think, and I’ll never know for sure, that we are so far into the future it would boggle even us.

I will talk with Crusader on this mirror thing tomorrow. I think it a good time. Nothing happening, no holidays, so it would be welcome to sit and discuss with him the implications of what was told to me. I find myself not as shocked as I should be, nor as curious as is my wont. That is fine. Today, here and now, is for other things planned weeks ago.

For as with all good things, there must be an ending. I am here to do one more task, to make a break with something I have clung to these many months and days.

To say goodbye.

A hoofstep silent and quiet makes me perk my ears, my eyes still closed as I enjoy the warmth upon my face. A presence settling near with the soft rustle of wings once again, waiting gently as is her way.

I can feel her, know she is there, a powerful force that is at times tame and compassionate, at others strong and fierce.

“Hello, Princess Luna.” I open my eyes, turning just that little bit to see cyan ones looking back at me.

Her eyes are warm, they fairly glow with power, the slightest hint of a smile always along the outside of them, telling of hidden humor and delight.

“Greetings to you Athena.” Her smile warms me, as it always does, before she turns and looks out over the fields of grain.

I return it, giving back what I have received so many times, “Thank you for coming, I’m sorry to be such a bother sometimes.”

A hoof is waved gently, sparingly, “You are never a bother, ‘tis my pleasure to help.” Her eyes turns back to me, seeing just a sable Pegasus, “Are you quite sure of this?”

I nod, the decision has been made and it’s far past debating, “I am. I think..no.. I know it’s right.”

The dark mare nods, her regal head moving slowly up and down as she continues to eye me, one wing spreading out to lay gently across my back, “There is time, plenty of it, so when you are ready.”

I inhale, the air filled with the scent of grains bursting into fullness, letting it out in one long sigh as I nod in return, “I’m ready.”

Princess Luna nods once and only once, her horn exploding with power as everything changes, bringing to life a place of warmth and love. A cabin, a fireplace, a table set for three, the heat from the hearth forcing back the winter storm outside as I wait once more.

“Hello, my precious lady.” The soft voice makes me turn, running and grabbing Marcus in a hug so tight he loses his breath, wrapping his arms around me..carefully!..and snuggling me as tight as I do him.

He’s taller than I am, even standing on back legs, I lift my head from his chest, looking up and seeing him already looking down at me.

The gentle voice rings in my ears, soft and compassionate, “Is it that time already?”

I won’t cry, I won’t!

But I do nod, smiling back up at him, “Yes..” My voice cracks a bit as he holds me tight.

A hand which was never once raised in anger to me or my sister caresses my cheek, the thumb running under my eye and wiping away a traitorous tear which slipped out. He smiles back at me, those eyes always knowing; he always knew me and Hera, knew us so well it was almost supernatural sometimes. But even from him we hid one thing, for now it’s best not discussed. I just want to hold him forevermore.

He answers without even having been asked, “I knew it, I felt it this time when I came. Something has changed and you my lovely girl have changed with it.” He smiles again, making sure I understand that there should be no tears. “I can feel your strength you know, you hold yourself differently.”

He gently sets me down, kneeling and keeping his hand on my cheek for a moment before standing again, looking over to Princess Luna and giving her a deep bow. He never did that to anyone, ever, his respect was earned not given; and very very few ever did.

“Princess Luna, a pleasure.”

I watch her eyes light up, smiling brightly at the genuflection, “Mine as well Commander Canfeld.” She nods regally, though her face is questioning.

Seeing her expression makes him smile, “Yes, I remember you very well.” His face turns thoughtful, “I can feel so many changes, especially in my lady here.”

Luna looks at him for a moment, “My pardon, but I still cannot understand where you come from Commander..” She is halted by an upraised hand.

“Please call me Marcus, I think we’re beyond formalities.” The hand then reached down to lay upon my withers protectively. I lean against him happily, feeling his strength. “Pardon my deviation from your question. You have healed my girl, and for that you will always have my gratitude. Though I cannot be with her like I was at least I know she is in good hands, that she will be provided for.”

“ ‘Twas not only I Marcus, but others as well.” She looks at me, “It was truly a pleasure to help.”

He nods, taking a seat at the table, settling himself into a thick cushion as Luna and I join him, his arm wraps around my barrel, making me feel safe, “Then please tell them too, let them know they have my solemn thanks.”

She nods, “I promise the message will be passed on.” She sits quietly for a moment before asking once more, “What are you?” The Night Mare cannot help it, he is a huge unknown.

He shrugs, “I still don’t know, but something is definitely suspicious.” I see him glance at me, “Right now, as I remember, she and her sister are on Cetius, pushing the Deng off that world.” He raises his eyebrows and winks at me, making me smile, “And doing a good job too.”


I can‘t help but look astonished, “But..but Marcus, that was after you passed on, how could you know that?” I see Luna staring at me, then looking at Marcus sharply.

“Yes, how could you know that?” The dark mare’s voice is very suspicious now, her back straightening.

He shakes his head, “I don’t know, but there are many things,” He taps the side of his head, “I know that I shouldn’t. It’s like a memory, but not.” Shrugging again, he gives us a helpless look, “I honestly don’t know. Sometimes...sometimes I feel as if I am out of time, out of place.” Seeing Luna eyeing him he smiles, “I am not something evil, nor will I ever be,” He taps me on the nose, making me grin, “Ask her, she knows.”

I nod, not feeling anything but the Marcus I love. “It’s true Your Highness.”

Grudgingly she nods, relaxing herself once again on the cushion, “You are a mystery Marcus, a question I do not like to ask. You have shown to be more powerful than the shades I conjure to help ponies with their troubles and I do not like things unanswered.”

He leans over the table, one hand reaching out and taking her clad hoof in it, smiling gently as he always did, his voice firm, “I swear to you, on my honor and as a Concordiat officer, I will never do harm to my girl or you and yours.”

“He means it Princess, never once did he ever break his word.” I give her a pleading look, “Please don’t be suspicious, you know he’s a good man.”

She hesitates, then nods, “Then I shall concede the point.” But she points the hoof at him after taking it back, “But know that I will always wonder about you Marcus!” The grin that accompanies her statement tells us she’s okay with it.

He laughs, full and rich, “That’s fine, ‘cause to tell the truth I wonder too!” Slapping the table with a hard palm, “I have an idea, use one of those spells of yours to see if I’m telling the truth?”

Now Luna looks absolutely gobsmacked, “I beg your pardon?”

A finger is pointed at her, “You say you have magic, I’m sure you have something that can see if I’m telling the truth, so go right ahead.”

Luna glances at me and I can only stare back as she thinks for a moment, “You would want this?” She asks Marcus plainly, wanting his response.

I don’t get a chance to answer before his hands go out to the side in an expansive shrug, “Princess, if it settles your mind, yes. I have nothing to hide.”

I’m thrown for a complete loop here, what is going on? “Marcus, why..why are you doing this?”

He smiles at me, rubbing a hand along my shoulder, “Because I don’t ever want there to be any doubt, ever, that I am anything other than who I am.”

“But I know it’s you..” He stops me with a gentle pressure along my back.

“I know, but I never want questions to arise anymore.” He reaches out to offer his hand to Luna once more, “Do what you have to, I want there to be no suspicion about my girl nor me. You asked before, well now, let’s settle this.”

“Athena, what..” She looks at me, wanting a decision as she seems slightly overwhelmed by this, a shadow conjured telling her to do something.

“It’s his way Princess.” I look at Marcus, seeing the set of his jaw, knowing he won’t give up until it’s confirmed either way. My Marcus, always strong. “He’s going to be stubborn about it Princess, trust me, I know. Oh do I know!” Luna laughs as she watches me roll my eyes in exasperation.

I get a look from him on that one, he grins, “Yep, I’m set in my ways. Let me prove it once and for all, please?”

Clearing her throat the Princess nods, setting her hoof in the palm of his hand with a smile, “Of course, we cannot have anypony doubting you can we?” Her horn flares brighter as she runs through the magic, picking a truth spell and casting it upon the shade in front of her.

The backlash was immediate.


Spell power strobed through the dream like lightning, causing us all to flinch back as Marcus grabbed me and then Luna, the cabin shaking mightily in the grips of something other. Light flashes, blinding us, taking the yells of surprise away and flinging them into the maelstrom. Marcus is a bastion of security, strong as he holds us tight in the middle of a hurricane wrapped around the cabin and us, flinging us all into...



Alarms blared, piercing and high in my ears, causing me to look around. Shapes were running back and forth as I tried to focus, having a problem with my eyesight as I wobbled on my hooves. A voice near me was gentle and calm, but sounding very urgent.

“Don’t say anything, don’t move.”

“I can’t see very well Marc..” My mouth was shut by a clamped hand over it. I could barely observe him doing the same for the Princess as her own eyes rolled, lights were flashing around us, red for alert, screaming and yelling were coming through now ..it..it sounded like..

Concordiat Standard speech.

But I hear it as an overlay to Equestrian..confusing me for a moment.

“Just stand there, don’t say anything.” His voice was still gentle, making me nod as the hand released my muzzle. I leaned against Luna for a moment as she inhaled sharply.

“What is..” Then she was suddenly quiet, her eyes growing wide as she looked over to my right. I leaned out, peeking as well, finally getting some focus and gasping myself.

We were on a catwalk, the metal grating harsh beneath our hooves as we gazed out over ranks of Bolos. The klaxons were blaring loud as technicians and crews rushed about, finalizing repairs, loading munitions and anything else they could do.

At the far end, far beyond the lines of huge machines was emblazoned on the back wall in letters big enough to read from where we were, Bolo Depot Twelve. Turrets swiveled as weapons were checked and rechecked, the voices more and more urgent as Luna could only stand speechless, seeing something no pony ever had or would.

We see the huge hulls, the massive weapons that adorned the upper, lower and mid decks of each and every one of them. Bores the size of Hydras snap to, millisecond response times making them blur in swinging about. Engines rumble in the massive durasteel shapes, drive trains engage and disengage. Some of the shapes are shot up, holes in armor here and there. Turrets missing, barrels bent.

Marcus was kneeling in front of us, his eyes wide as he looked from side to side, whispering urgently, “Listen to me, don’t say anything. Nothing. Keep quiet.” He stood back up just as a loud voice through a speaker came from behind him.

“Who the hell are you?” We all looked, seeing a Marine in full powered armor standing there, the heavy weapon in his arms almost pointing in our direction. If he got nervous, or even suspected us, he’d blow us away without a thought.

He rose, turning to face the figure, “Canfeld, Bolo Commander. What’s going on Sergeant?” He sounded a lot calmer than I felt, noticing the rank insignia immediately on the Marines chest.

“Canfeld?” An arm lifted, a holographic screen came up as some data scrolled through, “We’ve got an alert on all Bolo commanders, need to get to your Bolos and bug out! A Skuldi fleet is inbound and we’ve lost contact with the outer defenses.”

Lowering his arm, he peered past Marcus, eyes wide under the blast shield covering his face, “What the hell are those?” He pointed right at us..wait a second..he’s pointing at US!

Marcus’ voice was level, “You know those robotic pets for kids? Yeah, my uncle is involved in that, gave me a couple to test. Cute huh? Thought I’d keep ’em with me for a while.” He laid a hand on my head, patting it gently with a confident smile.

The sergeant just eyed him, then us, for a moment before shaking his head with a sigh through the speaker on his helmet, “I swear to god, you Bolo guys are so damn weird.” He saluted Marcus, getting one in return, “Good luck Commander, see you on the battlefield.” He turned and ran down the catwalk, his footsteps thundering in our ears.

Marcus turned to us, more urgency in his voice, “Don’t ask, just follow me. Don’t talk, act like you’re with me and we’ll be fine.”

We walk along the catwalk, going down a staircase as rapidly as we could in the sergeants trail. Hailing an automatic cart, we waited patiently. Marcus was calm, but I knew something was wrong by the slapping of his hand against his thigh, a nervous tic he always had when he got stressed. Luna was right beside me, keeping quiet but looking at everything, her astonishment was plain to see. Wide eyes took in the sights, the sounds, the smells of masses of metal and humanity.

Bolo techs rushed back and forth, mechanicals welding spot repairs were working fast and furious. Munitions by the ton were being loaded and stored as troops climbed into loading bays, heading for the decks and preparing for mass movement.

Some of the Bolos were damaged incredibly bad. This was looked to be an Alpha-Level Depot, for transfer of hulls and AI’s when too badly torn up by the vagaries of war.

We got strange looks as we rode the transport through the mob of humanity. Marcus had to stop and explain us a few times, going with the robotic pet thing. Luna was getting pretty miffed at being patted on the head and stroked like a dog. I have to admit though, she held her calm.

Skuldi fleet..Skuldi.. Bolo Depot Twelve.. Oh stars, we were on Taurus! Wait..that meant...

No, no this is absolutely not possible...

We round the bay, coming up on where Marcus’ commlink told him his Bolo slot was and stood there agape, I can’t move, I can’t say anything as I stand there looking at myself and Hera once more.

She and I are gleaming in the overheads, our hulls fresh and clean, our weapons battle ready as I see techs doing outside checks along the track line.

I tap Marcus on the leg, “Marcus..that..that’s..”

He waves me silent, “I know, just be quiet until we get inside.”

I nod. Looking at the one Bolo I thought I’d never see again, Hera.

Exiting the cart, we follow him back behind the massive war hull, finding the loading bay doors already open. Walking inside our steps were loud on the durachrome floor, a gravelly voice catches our attention making us all turn.

“ ‘Bout time Canfeld! Christ, can’t even get to a war five minutes early?”

I can’t help but stare and stare hard, standing in all her glory and armor is Master Gunnery Sergeant Katherine Hark. She’s got a grin a mile wide on her face and a heavy rail gun strapped to her back. Her short hair perpetually cropped in a tight cut, bright gray eyes always with that penetrating look.

We watch Marcus shrug, “You know me, be late to my own funeral.” He laughs along with her before she pauses looking behind him at us, her eyes locking on me and the Princess.

“The hell are those Canfeld? Taking pets along now?” Her voice is merry though, her and Marcus got along famously.

“Robotic pets. My uncle designs AI stuff so he’s trying something new, thought I’d test ‘em for him.” I got to admit, he’s getting better at the lie.

The big Marine steps close, eyeballing me and Luna for a moment. Never, in all my years of knowing Katherine Hark, did I ever expect.. “Oh my god they’re ADORABLE!” Her eyes actually light up, smiling happily as she picks me up in gloved hands, hugging me to her chest. With her augmented abilities, I feel like a rag doll. I am not my avatar, I can feel the blood pounding in my ears as the enhanced strength squeezes the breath out of me.

“Oh they’re so lifelike..and CUTE!” Her voice actually goes up a register, almost sounding normal.

I can’t breathe..

Marcus is standing there looking stunned. This merciless killer of the enemy, a person who wouldn’t think twice about wiping out anyone who got in her way, is acting like a little girl on Christmas morning. He is also trying his best not to laugh, I can see him looking at me with a glint of tears in his eyes. I’m going to get him for that little smile.

She slings her head around, yelling further into the bay, “MISTY! Come out here!”

A head peeks out of the hull showing us, sans helmet, Misty Tripp, blonde hair cut even shorter than her team leaders’, blue eyes that sparkled whenever she smiled, “What Hark? We’re load..what the hell?” She steps over to her friend who is hugging me to her armored chest. I can breathe now, thank Celestia.

“What are those?” The pretty face leans down, looking at Luna, “Oh my god it’s adorable!” Oh no please don’t.. too late.. Tripp picks up Princess Luna and hugs her like a stuffed animal, “Oh these are great! Whose are these?” I watch Luna’s eyes cross as she gets squeezed in thick arms. I admire her strength, not a peep or squeak.

“They’re..uh..my uncle’s.” Marcus waves a hand, “Careful with them..don’t..” He covers his mouth once again, he’s snickering behind it as Princess Luna looks like she’s going to gut him when she’s let loose.

“What’s going on, good grief don’t we..” A gasp follows that sentence, yep, there’s Salcedo rushing over to Hark, “What IS that? Oh it’s so cute!” I get patted on the head once more. This is embarrassing.

Hark hangs onto me as she points at Marcus, “His uncle designs them, aren’t they amazing, they’re AI pets!” She holds me out at arms length as I droop in her grasp. We’re not small, ponies aren’t, but compared to the huge armored marines we don’t weigh a thing.

“Where the hell did everyone go..” The deep voice makes my eyes snap to the bay door; Gremen, kind, warm, wonderful Gremen who liked Hera. He comes stepping out into the bay looking as big as a tank, stopping in his tracks to see half the team hugging and making noises at two helpless ponies.

“What on god’s green earth are you guys doing?” His voice is incredulous.

They all know the big Marine loves animals, would never hurt them, so when Luna gets stuck out at arm’s length in front of him he grins. She’s got a deadpan stare right now that almost makes me laugh out loud.

Tripp’s own is matching his in size, “Isn’t it cute?”

“I’d say yes, and it is, but we really have to get loading, we’ve got to bug. The Skuldi are less than an hour away and they’re aiming for the depot.” He hooks a thumb at the crates left to store, “They’re great trust me, cute as all hell, but we’ve got to go.”

Duty takes over as we’re set back down, Hark turns to Marcus.

“I want one, I don’t care what they cost, you tell your Uncle the first one is mine. Got it?” She points at the other Marines, “And anyone got anything to say about it, better keep your traps shut.”

Yep, that’s Hark.

Laughter followed, “Whatever you say Master Guns!” They get back to throwing crates around as Marcus leads us into the bay, climbing up to Command One and dogging the hatch after we enter.

Setting in the Command seat, a voice comes over the speakers, mine. I can’t help but be silent, listening to..myself..me..


Luna looks at me, hearing my voice as Marcus tilts his head, looking into the camera as he always did, “Yes, Athena?”

“Why did you lie to them?” Did I always sound like that?

Wiping a hand down his face he sighs, knowing this would happen, “Athena, trust me, there’s a good reason.”

“They are not robotic, they are alive, our scanners are reading heartbeats and blood flow.” The voice pauses, “You never lie like that Marcus, why now?”

He sighs, laying his hands on the control panel like I remember him doing so often when thinking. Luna looks at me, I shake my head slightly, letting her know we should not speak at all. I know how much my sensors can pick up and the simple motion shouldn’t be observed.

One thing bothers me, I don’t remember this conversation, nothing like this.

“Athena, link Hera please.”

“I’m here Marcus!”

The crystalline voice makes my heart break, my beloved sister who I’ve missed so much.

“Hera, Athena, something very odd is going on, there’s no time right now to explain it, could you please bear with me until we get time to go over it?” He spreads his hands, looking at the cameras, “I’ve never lied to you and I will not start, but trust me on this, it’s a bit.. weirder than normal.”

Both voices answer in unison, “Of course Marcus.” Our trust, our love for him was beyond absolute. Anything he asked, we would do or find a way to accomplish.

He consults the screens, watching data scroll for a moment, movement orders, “Good, let’s get finished, make sure the Marines are settled and we need to move out quick. We’ve got a rendezvous at Breaker’s Rift, we need to be there for a counter attack if our orbital defenses can’t stop the Skuldi in time, all right?”

“Yes Marcus!”

Signals pass and the rumble of engines makes the deck plates thrum underneath my hooves. We’re moving out, and fast. We hear others coming over the commlinks, acknowledging orders and our ears are filled with the sounds of track plates thudding, the sound of Bolos on the move. It is tremendous and thrilling. I remember this so well, moving to battle, to take our fight to the enemy, to win!

“Good. My ladies of steel, we’re going to war again.” He waves, giving the signal for them to cut the cameras and concentrate on final loadouts. He leads Luna and I to the bunk area, no cameras or listening devices were there. He snored and hated when we teased him about it, finally removing the mikes. Closing the hatchway he turns to us with an urgent look on his face.

His voice is low so it won‘t carry in the deck area, “I need you to stay here, there’s food and water in the locker so get some rest, it’s going to be a while before we can talk. I’m sorry, I don’t know what else to do right now.” He gets a pained look, grabbing the side of his head for a moment as we both watch him stagger.

My voice is a sibilant hiss, keeping it low so it won‘t carry, “Marcus!” I lean against him, holding him up, Luna is on the other side, pressing her hoof up against his side, keeping him from falling.

He waves, “I’m fine, I’m fine, we’ve got to get out of here. I’m sorry about the rush, but we’re going to battle.” Steadying himself against the wall he stands bent over for a moment, breathing hard, before lifting up tall once more.

“Are you all right?” Luna is sounding concerned.

“I am, I’m okay,” He rubs his temple area for a moment, “I apologize for any problems. I can’t understand, but there’s two..me’s here.. That’s why I reacted so fast on the catwalk.”

Luna nods, “It is fine Marcus, do not let us distract you.” She holds up a hoof, Please don’t let them hug us again, they are quite strong.” Her slight smile breaks the tension as we all laugh.

“Yes ma’am, no hugging the Princess, got it.” He gave her a slight bow, opening, then closing the hatch as he returned to his preparations for moving out.

I jump on the bunk, joined by Luna as we grab pillows to rest for a bit, “Princess, are you controlling this dream?” I motion around us, “Because we can’t possibly be here, it’s in the far past. I remember this place.”

She shakes her head, “I do not know what this is, but it is not a dream, I am definitely not controlling anything.” She points to her mane, drooping now it is a solid blue, no stars, no magic, nothing. “My magic has been drained, it is coming back slowly, I cannot do anything. But something is translating for us, I can feel it being used to talk and listen to this language.”

I hadn‘t even noticed the change in her mane, the lack of stars, “But how can we be..solid?” I wave a hoof at myself, “I’m..alive..I can’t be. If I was missing Crusader would lose his mind, what’s going on?”

“I do not know. Using my magic with you has caused very odd interactions Athena.” She sighs, “Until I get it back, we may never know.”

“How long until then?”

“Hours, perhaps days, maybe weeks, I do not know. Is there some urgency?”

I nod, “This is Taurus, we were here for maintenance in the depot you saw around us; it’s a huge repair spot, then we shipped out for other places. It’s supposedly well-defended, but..”


“In about eight hours, most of this planet is going to be covered in invaders.”


The Skuldi were allies of the Melconians, scavengers, worthless pieces of flesh and bone that jumped on the chance to overwhelm small bases and loot them, destroying any traces of their attacks afterwards.

The Melconians provided them with ships and other hardware, letting them attack us on their own while denying involvement. This was part of the beginning of the Final War, one of the steps it was taking.

On Taurus, we were getting Alpha Level depot maintenance after heavy fighting on Keld, a Deng held planet in the Third Sector of this quadrant. Hera and I had been transferred to brand new hulls here, getting a long overdue upgrade. Everything had been shiny and bright, Marcus even more prouder of us than he had ever been. His wife awaited back on Earth, we were all due for downtime, even Bolos needed a little respite from battle. Marcus was due to transship out tomorrow..until the Skuldi arrived.

The battle for Taurus lasted three months, it was fierce and unrelenting, the Skuldi throwing everything they had at us to capture some Bolo tech to return to their unacknowledged masters, the Melconians. Hera and I were in the thick of it, along with Diana and Artemis, our battlegroup of Bolos.

They would come in behind the third moon, wasting the pickets before doing an..wait a second, I knew where they’d be coming from, I knew what would happen! I’ve got to tell Marcus! The attack would fail, we’d save so many lives!

Leaping off the bed, I grab at the hatch levers, trying to pry them open. This sucked, because hooves were definitely not made for this, skidding off the durachrome alloy and making me more frustrated.

“Athena, is something wrong?” Luna’s seen the expression on my face, one of despair turning into hope.

I turn to the Princess, “I know how this battle goes, I can tell them how to win this!” I reach back, hammering at the levers again. Until a hoof gently presses against my shoulder, causing me to turn again and seeing Luna close.

“Athena stop.” Her voice is serious, “I know not what this is, but if this is the past it is not to be trifled with. We cannot change what would happen, if we did the outcome could be disastrous.” Her eyes held a warning that rang true along with her words.

“But we don’t know! It could be some weird dream, something..else. I don’t remember this happening, we’re inside of me! I’d remember! It can’t possibly be the past!”

The dark mare shook her head, “No, you wouldn’t until you returned, then things would change, what you remembered would be affected.” She lays a clad hoof on my shoulder, “I do not feel this as I should a normal dream, something is wrong here.”

“But I can save them!” I wave a hoof at the hatch, “I can save them all! No one has to die here!”

Artemis, Michael, Gabriel, so many Bolos, good Marines and personnel, so very many. Out of thirty Bolos who were in laager here, a compliment of over eight thousand Marines, Army and support troops, only Hera and I plus five others and less than a thousand soldiers remained when the Concordiat relief fleet arrived.

It had been a massacre, the Skuldi had interdicted the globe, doing strikes out of Hellbore range, slamming the planet and us with penetrating rod kinetic killers followed by tactical nukes. They didn’t care about the planet, they wanted our tech. Wanting it bad enough to slag us and pick up the pieces. But we kept them from grabbing anything, fighting like hell’s own.

Orbital and spaceborne defenses had been smashed so fast there was no time to get away, everyone above us would die in the airless cold of the dark night. The moon bases, the ground defenses, all would be hammered into dust by the Skuldi as the Bolo groups moved out. We fought a running battle over the planets’ main continent where the depot was located, enough room to move, but we were constantly on the run; our commanders and what troops we had with us worn to skin and bones by the time the fleet arrived, lack of supplies taking it’s toll.

Everyone fought. Oh, did they fight. Even the lowliest technician carried a power gun or explosives, going out of our hulls or bunkers to throw themselves at the Skuldi landing sites, damaging what they could at a horrible cost.

Fifty would go out, twenty-five would return, over and over they kept going on missions, slashing at the invaders. We could not contact a relief fleet, the Skuldi zeroed in and destroyed anyone powering up SWIFT or hyper-light communications so quickly we never had a chance. All the Concordiat knew, right now, was Taurus Base was suffering communications loss from an unknown cause. The outer defenses never managed another word before they were trashed.

Currently, no Bolo was transmitting, under battle silence as we moved out so any scouts could not pinpoint us, hoping we could get clear and send VSR’s to any Concordiat ships in the outer system who hadn’t been destroyed. We didn’t know then that all Concordiat forces had been wiped, we were alone.

But most tragic of all, in this place, Master Gunnery Sergeant Katherine Hark and her band of heroes would die in a strike on a Skuldi fire control array, allowing us to contact the incoming scouts who would relay our situation to a relief fleet and giving them the information necessary to destroy the enemy. They gave their lives for us to have a chance.

Not again, I couldn’t do this again. Watching Hera in anguish over their deaths, myself grieving deeply. Marcus in a funk for days because he thought we could have done more.

Dream or not, time travel or no, I couldn’t let this happen again.

I slap at the levers, finally getting them to pivot over Princess Luna’s protestations. I don’t care, I can’t watch them all die again, I do not care! The door slams open as I force my way through it, yelling Marcus’ name

Power guns drop from the ceiling, targeting me immediately as I skid to a halt, raising my forehooves in surrender, hoping beyond hope I’m not about to get blasted by myself. I remain perfectly still, knowing those internal defenses will react much more quickly then I can.

Marcus turns in his chair wiping a hand over his face, giving me a look of helplessness as Katherine Hark standing beside him stares at me like I’ve walked out of some sci-fi movie.

She‘s eyeing me hard, a weapon in one armored hand trained on me so swiftly I never saw her move, her gravelly voice is low and dangerous, “Marcus, what the hell is goin’ on?”

“Athena, stand down, retract internals please.”

“But Marcus, she sounds like me! Voice match is almost one hundred percent!” The voice is puzzled...my voice.

He sighs, “I know Athena, retract internals please, I’ll explain.”

The power guns reluctantly go back into their cubbyholes. Hark, however, doesn’t budge.

“Katherine, put the weapon away, nothing is going to happen.”

She moves, or barely moves, the gun put into a holster. She’s so fast and deadly I had forgotten how much so.

“What’s going on Marcus, these AI’s going wonky?” She’s still looking at me, I know if I make one wrong move she’s going to tear me apart. Me talking doesn’t phase her one bit, she’s probably seen much stranger.

I can’t wait, “Marcus, tell the others, don’t fire up SWIFT or Hyper-Light comms, the Skuldi are going to pinpoint and destroy them when the carrier waves go live! Please, tell them!”

A voice imperious and commanding stops me from speaking further, “Athena stop!” Every eye turns to the open door.

Princess Luna steps out of the hatchway, her face angry as she looks at me, “You will not say another word! I order this, do not disobey me Athena!”

I cringe, she’s never been this mad at me before and now I’ve really stepped into it, “Yes Princess.” I lower my hooves, stepping away from her.

Marcus on the other hand immediately looks at the camera, “Athena, Hera!”

“Yes Marcus?”

“Notify all units and personnel, use no comms other than whisker lasers or low level, no SWIFT or Hyper-Light to be used at all, get it out now!”

“Yes Marcus!”

Princess Luna is furious, I can see it in her eyes as she looks at me, “I told you to not do this,” She points a hoof at me, “Say nothing more!”

“Y..yes Princess.” I throw my hooves out, hell with it, “I’m sorry, I had to save them! I can’t stand by and watch..” An urgent hoof is slammed against my mouth, causing not a little pain.

“I said be quiet, we cannot change this, we do not know what damage you may have already caused!” She hisses at me in a low voice.

“Hold it, hold it!” Marcus is standing there, using his hands to separate us, “Stop it now.” I look at the floor, I can’t bear the weight of the imperial stare that is drilling through me.

“Princess, what’s going on?” He folds his arms over his chest, looking at the furious mare.

“Princess?” Hark is really giving Marcus the hairy eyeball, “What the hell Marcus?”

He holds up one hand, “Hang on a second Katherine, first things first.” He kneels down, “Tell me what’s going on. Now. I’ve got memories of something...someone else slamming around inside my head, like there was two of me, and now she tells me about strikes on communications using units, and you tell her to shut up. Now why?”

Princess Luna sighs, settling back and giving me one final glare, “She knows what is going to happen Marcus, I have forbidden her to tell you anything.” Honest she is, always, when the truth will do she will tell it.

“Wait..with the attack? Why not?”

“Listen to me Marcus, the other inside you, you know who I am and what I do. I do not know if this is a dream or truly a traveling back into the past, but we cannot change others destinies, it is not for us to do.” She points a hoof at me looking sadly at the floor, “By that one sentence she may have changed entire futures forever.”

A pained look comes over his face again, grabbing the back of the command chair he closes his eyes, like a headache had just wracked his brain. Hark is there, catching him before he falls, holding him until he nods, standing back up. He waves off any questions temporarily, dealing with the here and now for the moment.

“But...,” He rubs his temple, “But what if it is just a dream, can’t she save us?”

“We cannot take that chance. I do not know what has happened, but caution must be the watchword. I am truly sorry Marcus.” And she is, her face is sad, knowing that others will die. “Something is very strange about all of this, and we cannot..nay, we must not tamper!”

Master Gunnery Sergeant Hark has been standing there this whole time, listening, her voice finally breaking in, “I won’t ask again. What is going on Marcus?” She points at us, “Those aren’t AI’s.” Lifting her arm, I can see a bio-scanner, it’s focused on us through the holographic display, “Armor’s telling me live, blood, breath, heartbeat. Wanna explain?”

He nods, settling back down into the command chair for a moment, his head held in shaking hands as he tries to get rid of the pain. Reaching over, he grabs some aspirin out of a medkit and downs a handful, waiting for the few moments while the fast acting pain reliever takes action, making him sigh in relief.

Waving a hand to a crash chair, he tells the suspicious Marine, “Sit down, you’ll need it.”

It is amazingly hard, convincing a skeptic about what is going on, when you cannot reveal everything. Princess Luna’s glare tells me not to mention anything more, so I remain with generalities, about what we are, where we come from. Marcus tries to help, but he doesn’t know how to be convincing with little information either.

This is going to be tough, seeing Harks’ face go to pure disbelief, almost laughingly so.

“Are you shitting me? Seriously?” She waves a gloved hand at myself and Luna, “They’re just animals, talking animals sure. The Melconians look like talking dogs, big deal. But from the future? Oh god save me, this is the biggest line of bullshit I have ever heard Marcus.”

“Look, don’t ask me, but I remember meeting her and Athena!” He points to me, then taps the side of his head, “I don’t know, it’s like two of me crammed into one body, I don’t know why!”

Quiet descends as the skeptical Marine processes this, rubbing her knee as she sits heavily in the crash chair, “Marcus, you’re a good man, I know that, but seriously you expect me..” She’s stopped by me holding up a hoof, “What?”

I look at the darker mare, “Princess, let me say one thing, I won’t do anything wrong, just to prove it? Please?”

Luna’s face is still angry, but she nods stiffly at me, a warning glance telling me not to go too far.

I sigh, “What time is it?” I saw the clock, I know, but I ask anyways.

Marcus looks up, “Fourteen twenty three Taurus time.”

“At fourteen twenty-five, Breaker’s Rift will be nuked by weapons from the Skuldi fleet.” My voice almost breaks, but I hold it back, “Scout ships are already in orbit, we can’t detect them yet, the battlegroup waiting there with two extra Bolos will..will be gone..”

Six Bolos, their commanders and troops, and a town of approximately twenty-five thousand is going to cease to exist in less than two minutes.

Marcus’s eyes snap back to the clock, fourteen twenty-four, “Oh my god! Athena, Hera! Get in comm..” He stops when I put a hoof on his leg, shaking my head, “The nukes are already inbound, they can’t escape.”

The Bolos were hiding, one of the first groups to leave the depot, powered down and waiting for us to arrive; they never saw the strike coming until it was too late, being covered in battle silence. Taken unaware they never knew what hit them, sensors had been battle-damaged and no time to replace, hence, they never saw the missiles.

At least we all had hoped it was over quick, we never knew.

I look over to Princess Luna, her eyes are closed and her face is showing anguish now, knowing what must come.

The rumbling in the ground comes through the hull, telling us the amount of the payloads used was far more than needed, the Skuldi didn’t skimp. They didn’t see the Bolos we found out later, just wanting to destroy the town to prevent resistance, the extended battlegroup was icing on the cake.

Hera’s pretty voice comes over the speaker, “Marcus? Diana is getting a signal, we’re to go to rendezvous two, Breaker’s.. isn’t there anymore.”

“Acknowledged Hera, put us on course please.”

“Yes, Marcus.” The speaker clicked off.

“Why?” Hark’s voice is vicious, making me cringe back. Princess Luna will not back down, standing defiantly as the huge Marine leans towards her, “Why would you let them die? Oh my god, WHY?” Her hands are shaking, knowing the sounds of a nuclear strike and realizing men and women she had known were ashes now. She’s out of her chair, heading for us when Marcus’ outthrust hand stops her.

“Katherine..she’s right.”

“What?” The astonished look from her makes Marcus look back calmly.

“She’s right, if..and I say if..they’ve traveled in time. We can’t change things.” He sighed, rubbing his face for a moment, “I’m not a master at temporal things, nor the physics, but if this is time traveling somehow, we can’t change it. It could be a disaster later on.”

Hark is goggling at Marcus’ calm words, “Are you kidding me? We could stop this thing dead! Save lives, push them back!”

“Katherine, believe me when I say I understand. I do. But if it is true, even for one second, we can’t change things.” He sighs, getting up to walk the deck like he did when thinking, “Physics classes taught us, as far as we know, it’s impossible.” He points at us, “But they are here, somehow, and from what I can ‘remember’ and what they’ve said it’s a far, far future.”

“How far?” Her voice is still sounding skeptical. She was always good at taking surprises, and hearing us talk, I only see her eyes narrow just a tiny bit. Tougher than durachrome was Katherine Hark.

I answer that, “Over a million years, probably much more.”

“You don’t know?”

“No. It’s..different.” I shake my head, “But it is far away from here in time.” We haven’t told her that I am, in fact, an extension of the Bolo we’re standing in. Too many shocks could tilt the balance of belief the wrong way.

“Then what difference does it make now? Saving lives that’ll be dust in a million years!” Hark’s still not calming down, she’s royally pissed.

“It’s called the Butterfly Effect Hark, theorists have used it time and again.”

“That old thing?”

“Katherine, you know it hasn’t been disproved yet.” He eyes her, knowing she’s quite well educated, “A very small change can have effects later on down the line to put it simply. Too many changes and the Concordiat could fall or not exist anymore.” He points at us, “They could cease to exist.”

Her face went through a gamut of emotions, pain, rage, anger, everything. She slammed a fist down on the chair arm, bending it like a stick of butter, “Dammit..goddammit to hell and back.” She knew he was saying nothing but truth, theoretical or not, she was wise enough to know, don’t mess with things not fully understood.

Marcus laid a careful hand on her armored shoulder, “We don’t know how things will change because I put out the alert about comms use. That could be enough to alter the galaxy, or just here, we won’t know. We might never know.” He sighs, “I may have just done irreparable harm to the whole Concordiat.”

His voice is soft as he knows how much of what he says will hurt, “Hark, we’ve got to let this play out, it has to happen as it did, otherwise we could do something that would cause everything to fall apart.”

Her eyes looked up at us, then Marcus, I could actually see frustration in it as her disbelief warred with her intelligence, the battle was fierce if the look was anything to go by.

“How do you even know?”

“I don’t, and that tells me not to screw with it.” He pointed at Luna and I, “There’s the evidence, tell me it’s not real.”

She sighs heavily, “All right, say I go along with this.” She points a finger at all of us, “My team gets informed, we’re not holding anything back. They trust me with their lives and I won’t leave them out.” This was simple to her, it showed the immense trust that Hark had for Marcus and from him.

Marcus and I look to Princess Luna for the okay, she nods solemnly.

“All right,” Marcus sets heavily in the command chair once more, “Everyone back to their places, we’ve got a rendezvous and then we’ll have a long talk.” He points to the camera lens, “Athena, Hera.”

“Yes, Marcus?”

“Sequester the datapoints. No sharing this, or anything to do with this, to anyone else, got it?”

“Understood, datapoints locked and secure.” Meaning our presence would not even be known to the other Bolos unless we chose to reveal it.

Hark heads out the other passage to the lower areas as Luna and I go back to the bunk area, closing the hatch and climbing up on the bed. I think we need rest.

“I’m sorry Princess.” I can’t look at her, knowing I disobeyed her without a thought. Her face stills shows her pique with me, I can’t face her so I stare at the metal flooring, knowing I swore to obey and promptly broke my oath.

“Sorry might not be enough Athena. You, and now I, may be tampering with things best left alone.” Her voice is softer though, letting me know maybe she won’t be angry forever.

A tear falls along my cheek, hitting the floor and splashing my hoof, “I can’t watch them die again Princess, it was so hard the first time.” I lift my eyes, seeing her watching me closely.

The dark face takes on a kindly mien, her anger dissipating as she hears true sorrow from me, “I understand about losing those you care about, but we cannot change what already was, it’s not for us to do Athena.” A wing is laid across my back, warming me, “We have much to talk about later with the others, until then sleep my little pony.” We both climb onto the bunk, snuggling into the covers.

With that I do close my eyes, resting on a pillow that smells like Marcus, bringing a slight smile to my face as I try to get some rest.


Rendezvous was under the sea side, two hundred and fifty meters of water covered us and our battle group as well as one other. It muted any emissions and allowed us to spy on the invaders without much risk, giving us time to plan a counterattack. Hours had already passed in a flurry of action, Bolos and troops scattering to fight a guerrilla war, technicians furiously trying to repair what they could on the move.

“They’ve taken the depot, ground defenses got wasted, glad we all got out.” Marcus’ voice is low, talking to others over the comm channels. We’re in the bunk area, Luna catching some sleep, I’m listening in and staying out of sight.

“Roger that Marcus, any plans yet or are we waiting?” Female voice, another Bolo commander.

“Give it another day, let them become complacent and then we’ll drop some nukes on their asses.” He waited for the laughter to die, “Honestly, take this slow. They’ve wiped Breaker’s and Underhill, the only other town is occupied right now, we don’t want to risk anymore civilians just yet. We were all caught in the middle of repairs and upgrades, the techs need time.”

“We got ya Marcus, just let us know, until then we’ll sit tight. Take good care okay?”

“We will, Battle Group Four out.”

I watched him sigh, rubbing his stubbled face. He hadn’t shaved or showered in the many hours since the bug out and he looked tired.

I can’t help it, “Marcus?” Peeking out the hatch into the command area, “Marcus, please get some rest?”

He swivels in the chair, a smile lighting up his face, “I’ll be fine my girl.” Shaking his head he looks up at the camera, “Sorry Athena, I know I call you and Hera that.”

“It’s okay Marcus.” I’ll never get used to hearing my own voice, “But why does she sound like me and have my name? I know you said...”

He holds up a hand, wanting her to forgo the questions for the moment. He hadn’t had time to explain it all before we hit the meeting point, busy with getting resistance plans together in the ensuing hours.

“Athena, it’s going to be hard to believe. When we meet with Hark and the others, I want you and Hera listening got it?”

“Yes Marcus.”

“Good, I need something to eat and let Hark know I’ll be down in a while.”

“Got it!”

He rummaged through a drawer, pulling out a standard rat-pack, called that because normally only rats would touch them. Popping it open, he spooned food into his mouth as I stepped on the deck.

“You need rest Marcus.”

Chewing a moment, he swallowed and shook his head, “We’ve got to get the explanation out, then plan the counter-attack, too much to do my girl.”

I raise a hoof, almost telling him it’s going to be three months, but I hesitate and put it back down, looking down at the floor once more and nodding, “Okay.”

“Something you can’t tell me right?”

I nod.

“This thing’s going to last longer than we think, isn’t it?” I look up, seeing his eyes leveled on me like a Hellbore.

I glance back, seeing Luna still asleep and I nod slightly.

“All right, after this I’ll get some rest then.”

Stepping over to the chair as my hooves make a soft sound on the durasteel deck, I lean against him, setting close and draping a hoof over his lap, laying my head on it, “I’m sorry Marcus.”

“It’s all right Athena, I understand.” His hand lays along my shoulder, “Some things, well you can’t mess with mother nature.”

I nod as I rest on his lap, waiting for him to finish eating. I lead him to the shower and made sure he got an hour of sleep. He woke up to find Luna and I ready to go with him as he changed into a clean battlesuit. Tossing us out of the bunkroom for privacy.

Exiting in a fresh uniform, he clapped his hands, rubbing them together with a slightly evil grin, “Well now, let’s go see how that bunch of clowns is going to take this.”

He started down the access way, leaving Luna to look at me as I shrug,”He’s always like that.”

“He looked as if he were going to enjoy this.”

“He’s got a weird sense of humor.”

“I can see that.”

We follow in his wake, the fears rising up inside us both as we wandered to the lower bays, hoping at least the story would be believed.


“That has absolutely no-doubt, hands down, got to be the biggest load of bullshit I have ever heard!” Diaz is sitting and laughing in the crowded bay, the others nodding with him. Hark had just finished telling them the whole story, helped out by Marcus as we sat quietly.

The Marines had shucked armor for skinsuits, cooling off in the hot bay as we sat under the ocean. The group sat there with doubt showing across their faces, thinking it was all some big joke. Marcus and Hark were trying, they really were, but it’s hard when you can’t tell everything.

Hark pointed at myself and Luna, “Explain them then? Call up your scanners, check ‘em out.”

Holographic displays shot up with outstretched arms, getting murmurs from the five who were now looking at us, knowing we were alive.

“Oh c’mon Guns, animals are animals. Anyone can clone something or make a chimera.” Salcedo was dubious. Concordiat Augment Marines were far from stupid, knuckle-dragging killers they may be, but highly educated and trained. They were the best in everything.

Hark turned to me and Luna, “Tell them.”

Gremen laughed, “Oh, now they talk?”

“As a matter of fact we do talk and quite well.” Luna is standing, putting on a regal air as soldiers stopped talking, looking at us curiously.

“Talking dogs,” Schmidt meant the Melconians, “Now talking horses, will wonders never cease.”

“Stow it Schmidt.” Hark’s voice barked, pointing at us, “Now tell them.”

We do our best to convince them without giving too much away, little things, stuff that could tell them we come from a different time and place. So by the time we’ve pretty much got them nodding at our words, we’re tired, thirsty and hungry. Marcus is so kind by getting us both something to eat and drink, the watching Marines chewing over what they’ve been told.

“So you can’t tell us anything about what’s going to happen here?” Tripp was curious, leaning forward in her skinsuit, the curves shown through the nanite infested fabric proved she was a lady by all means.

“I can’t.” Looking apologetic, “If we changed anything it could be a disaster, I’m so sorry.”

Of all the group, it was Gremen, “I can believe it.” Shocked looks turn at the rumbling bass voice, “I’ve seen some weird shit in my life, we all have; and this, this is the weirdest. But I believe it.”

“How so Gremen?” Hark is interested.

“Read a paper in Physics Six, about paradoxes and say, going back to kill your grandfather and such.” He fidgeted, getting comfortable, “If going back and killing your grandfather changes things, then how? Some say it splits the timelines, creating a new one where you were never born, others say you can’t do it, that time is immutable. There are tons of theories, lots of things to try and explain some stuff. But this, we might have the proof right here.” He points a thick finger at us.

“And that means exactly what?” Diaz is sitting, leaning his back against a crate of rations, “What’s it to us?”

“If they have traveled from a future and it is ours, anything they change could wipe us and them out.” He folded muscular arms across his chest, “If we take this knowledge and say, beat the Skuldi without anymore losses, how does that affect the Concordiat? Troop movements would differ, decisions would have been very different based on our losses here, but now with foreknowledge we suffer no more losses.” He waves a hand, “And let’s not get into multi-verse theory either, we’d be at this all day.”

Salcedo nodded, “I get it, more Bolos and troops left, different decisions and it snowballs.”

Gremen pointed his fingers at her shaped like a gun, “Exactly.”

“So because Miss Horsie here travels from the future,” Diaz points at Luna, “She can’t say anything cause it would possibly change the future? I still call bullshit.” He immediately gets hit on the back of the head by Gremen’s wide hand, knocking him clean off the crate he was sitting on.

“She’s a pony, plus a Princess, and you better treat her with respect dumbass. We can’t be sure right now, so until then shape the hell up.” His voice brooks no back talk, he was as big and mean as they came. He had listened to everything, especially what very little we told about the society where we came from and who Luna was, mostly... He turns to her with a nod of his head, watching Diaz pick himself up, “Apologies Princess, some of us are just low-born commoner scum with more rank than sense.”

Gremen didn’t care about rank, you acted the fool, you got slapped down hard. In this case, he was very very interested in what we had to say. But it looked like he was enjoying this far too much for some reason as I caught a glint in his eye.

Luna laughs, her merriment ringing through the bay as she nods back to him, “Apology accepted Sir Gremen. Apparently they are everywhere, even here.”

The group laughs, seeing Diaz embarrassed.

Schmidt’s quiet voice breaks the laughter, “People are going to die, good men and women, and Bolos. There’s nothing we can do?”

Marcus pipes up, “No, we can’t. If we change anything else; and I hope to god my telling others not to use the comms didn’t drastically alter anything, we have no clue what it will do.” He swings a hand out, encompassing the entire bay, “Is it localized? Would we be changing the entire galaxy by what happens here? I don’t know.”

“So we sit and wait while it all plays out?” He’s not looking at anyone, staring at his hands while he asks the question. Silence covers us all for a few long moments.

“I’ll say it,” Marcus stands in the middle of all of us, “We’re going to watch them die, it’s as simple as that. We cannot change it, cannot warn them, nothing. It has to go forward as it happened. We don’t ask, we don’t question, we do what we do and hope, and pray it goes okay. That’s all.” he shrugs, “Hell for all we know we die too, but I’m not asking, I’m not going to.”

You could see that hit home, all of them looked at me and Luna, wanting to know so badly what was in store for them. I couldn’t look back so I stared at the floor when a hand touched my shoulder, making me raise my eyes to see Hark standing there.

“Don’t try.” Her finger pointed like a laser, “We’ve discussed this enough, we don’t ask.” She sighs, “I can’t order you, I can’t, but I will ask this.. Take this to your graves, no one must ever know.” She sighs heavily, “This could cause more trouble than we can possibly imagine. Not just they are another lifeform, but from the future. You know what would happen.” She and her team were closer than blood family, they trusted her with their lives and more. This though, was asking a lot.

“You’ve got my word,” The answer is immediate from Gremen, “No one will ever know it from me.” Everyone nods silently, even Diaz, his doubts not quite gone in the face of his team mates accepting. You can still see them as he asks another question.

“How much does she know?”

Marcus joins Hark by my side, “As crazy as this is, it gets crazier.” He rubs a hand through his cropped hair, “Somewhere, sometime in this far distant future, the Bolo we’re standing in becomes her,” He points at me. “This Athena knows everything my Athena does.”

You could have heard a pin drop, every eye turned on me, making that old shyness rise up fiercely inside of me.

“You have got to be kidding me.” Hark’s voice is incredulous as Marcus shakes his head.

Looking down at me, “Athena, on my authority, give me your Internal ID code please.”

This code was indelibly stamped into each AI as an ID to help identify them in times of crisis or extreme damage. It was not anything harmful to know it, but each AI had a unique code and there was no possible way I would know if I wasn’t Athena.

“I need your security code Marcus.” My voice is quiet as I go through the motions.

“Canfeld, Authorization Alpha Four One .”

I immediately rattle off a string of numbers and letter designations that takes me a full minute to recite out loud. I don’t ask why I can still remember, I am just glad that I do, hoping this is all still a dream. Maybe that’s why I can still feel connected, but..not..I don’t know. This is all so strange.

Marcus looks up at the silent camera, “Athena, is she correct?”

“Yes Marcus, ID code is confirmed.” Oh, that astonished tone of voice.

He turns, spreading his arms in a shrug, “There it is. No way she could have known that code, ever. Bolos never give it to anyone, it’s just an internal ID.” He points down at me, “But that, is Athena.”

Gremen gestures at Luna, “Is she another Bolo?”

That’s answered with another laugh from the dark mare, “Oh no, Sir Gremen, I am but a pony.”

I can’t help but smile, butting in, “No, don’t let her fool you. She is half of a ruling diarchy that is powerful, keeping their country safe and at peace through millenia. She walks dreams, calming fears and helping others every night after raising the moon.”

Oh crap, I went too far. We skirted around a lot of that and here I just opened my big mouth.

These Marines, as was said before, are not stupid. They are highly intelligent and motivated, as evinced by Schmidt perking up, a puzzled look crossing his face.

“What? Wait a second.. Raising the moon, you said ‘the’ moon. What solar system are you in?” He shakes his head, “Oh shit, I should have known, Luna! You mean OUR moon?” He makes the connection between her name and the old word for Earth’s moon faster than I thought.


He peers close at both of us, “Where are you in the future, what solar system?”

The Princess looks at me and nods, I answer softly, “We’re on Earth.”

This immediately gets a reaction, yelling and questions that are getting out of control until Hark slams a fist on a crate, breaking it open and spilling out boxes of ammunition, “Knock it off Marines!”

They calm back down, Schmidt though is as curious as the Crusaders on a quest, “If you’re on Earth..that means we’re not there anymore doesn’t it?”

I nod, “There are no humans there anymore.”

He actually sits back, thinking for a moment before nodding, “Yeah, that would do it, that far in the future who knows. Are the puppies around?” Meaning the Melconians, “The Deng?”

“As far as I can tell, no, we haven’t seen any evidence.” I do not tell them about the Anceti, the less information about that I think, the better, let them believe the world is at peace. Nothing about the Final War must be said. We are far from the end and they do not need to know the Concordiat is going to fall, even if it is in its’ own time.

“My turn!” Tripp raises a hand, getting laughs from everyone, “How do you know Concordiat Standard? Is that the speech of the future?”

The Princess looks at me with a curious expression, leaving me to answer her, “We aren’t hearing Standard, we’re hearing Equestrian.”

“That’s what the language is called? Equestrian?" She waits for both of us to nod, “You’re speaking it to us plain as day, but you’re hearing us in your own language?” She’s sitting forward now, looking very interested in this.

Luna nods, “Yes, you are speaking it like you have lived there.”

I add in, “I’m hearing both, I know Standard, but have learned Equestrian, so..I’m trying to tune out one.”

Tripp presses a fist under her chin, staring for a moment, “So..is this the ‘magic’ you told us of?” She points an earnest finger, “I’ve been wondering why your mouth movements haven’t quite matched Standard speech.” See? Concordiat Marines did not miss very much.

The Princess nods again, “It very well could be, something is translating it to my ears, and I feel the truth spell working though faint.” Referring to the spell cast in the dream.

“Wish we could do that! Translating languages is tough some days, even for Marines.” She laughs, “I want to learn magic dammit!”

Hark grins, “We’ll enroll you as soon as we get back to Earth Misty.” Tripp gets teased by her squadmates.

“Princess..” Diaz is hesitating, seeing Gremen eyeing him and a slightly raised fist should he get out of hand, but his voice is gentle, “Princess, what is the world like there now.. I mean.. tell us again about when you come from?”

All of them lean forward, wanting to know. We’d covered the bare minimum, not trying to be outlandish or embellish, so a lot of information had not been shared. Enough to convince was all we had needed. Though if it weren’t for Marcus and them knowing him, it would have been damn near impossible.

She thinks for a moment, nodding to herself and repeating what was said earlier, “It is a world of wonders. Our country is called Equestria. Pegasi fly through the skies harnessing the weather, Unicorns learn and use magic for the betterment of all and the Earth ponies grow great harvests of food. They are caretakers of the land for all of us. It is blue skies, fields as far as the eye can see filled with grains and other things to eat, and magic that surrounds us all.” She fills in a few things we had left out in the original talk. We’d try to reveal as little as we could to convince them of the seriousness of the situation.

Her eyes get a faraway look as her voice gets stronger, “I rule with my sister Celestia, she who raises the sun to give it’s warmth to the land below, we keep the peace so our ponies can live good lives, happy ones. Though we are not perfect, we do try for all.”

It’s almost as if she’s telling a fable, I’m watching entranced faces soaking it all up, “There is a castle and city on a mountainside called Canterlot, a beacon we have always hoped of love, of peace and friendship.”

Turning to me, she raises a hoof, “It is here Athena was brought, by another of her kind called Crusader. They have defended our country with honor and dignity, making us that much safer, our lives that much richer.”

Marcus breaks in with a laugh, “Wait, Crusader the Bolo? The big Siege Unit?”

I nod, “That’s him, he woke first and found me.”

His face lit up with a laugh, “Oh my god, won’t he be surprised.”

Luna and I both join him, “Oh yes, quite the surprise.”

Schmidt is far too interested, “So that’s why you have wings?” He points at me as I spread them.

“Yes, I’m a Pegasus.”

“Then why does she have a horn too?” Moving his finger to mark Luna.

“I am an Alicorn, one of four who rule the country, my sister and I the first two.”

“You’ve ruled for millenia?” He’s listened, piecing it all together fast.


“Are you immortal or just long-lived?”

Luna shrugs, “We do not know, we have lived long and continue to do so. We see no end as it stands right now.”

The stocky Marine just shakes his head, “All other things aside, it’s amazing, it really is.”

Luna glances at me for a second, then turns to them with a smile, “We of Equestria know of you as well.” She nods, motioning to all the Marines sitting there.

This gets their attention, all of them reminded of a short conversation in a dropship years ago, after the Osterfield hit. Tripp asking, “What do you mean know us?” She points at the squad, “You mean US us..or..the Concordiat as a whole?”

Princess Luna points a steady hoof, “You.” Making it clear she means the Marines.

Hark though, “Oh really? Hopefully nothing but good lies!” She laughs, seeing the others grin.

The dark mare chuckles with her, “In our city of Canterlot there are gardens wondrous and beautiful, only the finest of flowers and growing things are there. In it are many memorials and statues to loved ones.” She has their undivided attention now as she paces near them.

“There is a block of polished metal, it shines like a jewel in the sun, gleaming at night when I raise my beloved moon. On it are names of heroes not forgotten.”

Here she points out each soldier in turn, pronouncing their names carefully as if remembering how to. I never knew she had cared to know them nor taken the time to memorize the pronunciations.

“Your name is on there Master Gunnery Sergeant Katherine Hark. You Master Sergeant Michael Schmidt, Gunnery Sergeant Linda Salcedo, Gunnery Sergeant Anthony Diaz, Staff Sergeant Misty Tripp, and of course you, Staff Sergeant Gunter Gremen, who is also known as Goblin.” She had taken careful notice of each name stenciled on the skinsuits. The spell translating who knows how.

None of them said a word sitting there listening to the lovely voice saying each name and rank carefully, getting it absolutely right each time. Their faces registering shock, a bit of awe, and disbelief.

“Though we may be far, far into an unknown future; we remember bravery, we remember those who do for others. We remember you.” She nods regally to each of them, “It was placed there by a very special pony, our Athena, because she believed that your names should always shine so very brightly.”

They all look at me for a minute, faces unreadable as they continue to listen.

Luna turns back to me, “What was it you said? Time carries...” She waits for me.

I clear my throat, “Time carries away the deeds of conquerors and commoners alike. All that we were, all that remains, is in the memories of those who cared we came this way for a brief moment.”

Tripp’s voice is quiet in the ensuing moments, “You remembered us after all that time?”

Smiling as I look at them all so very warmly, I nod, “I could never forget you. What you did, for two sisters who were looked at as only machines, you treated us as people. You deserve to have something.”

I feel Hark’s hand tighten on my withers, gripping for a moment, gently, softly, as much emotion as she was going to have right now. I peer up at her gratefully, knowing she won’t show anything else, but seeing her step back suddenly with a surprised look on her face, hearing thunderous steps.


Huge hands grip my sides as I am lifted again and hugged to a broad chest, Gremen giving me a squeeze that almost breaks my ribcage.


Hark chuckles, “Gremen, you’re going to break a rib.”

The grip lessens, letting me take a long gasp of air, uncrossing my eyes as he whispers in my ear, “Thank you.” He sets me down, kneeling in front of me, Gremen was huge even for an augment, on one knee he overtopped some people, “I haven’t got family, nor kids or anything. Parents died years ago and I just wondered, maybe, if I’m doing right. Now I know. Because if I can be remembered a million years from now, well then that’s all right with me.”

Another footstep near me, I look over to see Diaz standing beside Luna and I, “I don’t care how it happened, I know it’s insane any way you look at it, but..but thank you.” He lays a gentle hand on my shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

I give him my best smile, “You’re welcome Diaz, always.”

He looks at the Princess and bows his head, “My apologies Princess.”

Luna smiles warmly, “None needed, but it is accepted from such as you brave soldier.” Her voice, her whole manner tells everyone standing there that what she says is heartfelt, I still wonder how she can do such things.

We’re surrounded by skinsuited bodies, touching me or talking to Luna, asking questions of the new world in the future. We tell them everything we can, we tell them more of Equestria, letting them know that in some unknowable future there is a peace of sorts. A fight does almost break out over heliocentric and geocentric worlds, this is stopped dead before it goes too far. Then it degenerated into how Luna and her sister raised the sun and moon. That argument lasted long into the night with myself and Hera contributing to theories..


It is quiet this same night, as I walk in the cavernous bays, packed tight with food, supplies, weapons for a fight that is going to get so very bloody. I take a look at a crate of railgun ammo, remembering that before it’s all over the troops would be stealing Skuldi weapons to use in this bloody little war.

Older hulls had to be resupplied with ammunition, this was before tech spiders became the norm and internal fabrication. Our Hellbores yes, we could make rounds, but anything else needed ammo.

Everyone is asleep, the Marines crashing out after hours of talking with Luna and I, arguments forgotten. It doesn’t matter why now, just that we are here and we need to leave.

“Athena?” The voice is soft, mine.

“Yes A..Athena?” I can’t believe it as we both giggle, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what to call you..me...myself?”

“I can keep it straight, though it is a bit confusing when he calls you by my name.”

“I know, and I’m sorry, I know how you and Hera feel about him.”

“Please don’t..”

“Never.” But he knows, he always knew we loved him.

“Thank you.” A pause, a momentary lapse into quiet before she starts again.

“We listened and think it’s a wonderful place you described. Is it all real?” The speaker is a directional one, no one can hear her but me as I nod.

“Oh yes, more than real.”

“Is Hera there too?”

Now my breath catches, I know she’s got scanners on me, she can see my reaction, there’s no fooling myself, “No, but I know she’s there, I can feel her,” I place a hoof on my chest, “I’d know if she were truly gone, we’d know.”

“I..I’m with you until then right? I’m not gone?” Hera’s voice, sweet like syrup and easy on my ears.

I don‘t lie to her, I can‘t, “Yes sister, you’re with me, we are never apart.”

You can hear the smile in her words, “I’m glad, that’s all I ever want really.”

“That and Gremen’s emails right Hera?” I can’t resist, I know she likes the big Marine.

“It’s n..not like that! I..I d..don’t.. Well...kind of. He’s so nice to me.”

“Oh yes it is! You like him!” I hear my own voice chiding Hera, so familiar it warms me.

“I do not! He’s nice is all!”

“You do too!”

“Hold it!” I know where this will go, a never-ending round of accusations and denials, “Let’s just leave it at that, okay?”

Both voices answer in unison, “Okay.”

I laugh so hard at the dejected sounding voices I almost fall over, both questioning me as I tell them how much I’ve missed this, missed Hera, remembering times like this. We all talk for hours, sharing secrets as sisters do, and laughing..so much laughter.


The counterattack begins tomorrow, everyone is gearing up for the movement from our sea floor hideaway. Troops are preparing in Bolo bays, technicians are performing last checks on Heavy VL systems, megatons of nuclear fire are going to greet the Skuldi before the dawn’s light. Each placement of nuclear weapons was planned carefully, one more settlement was out there. But I knew...oh stars, I knew what was coming..

Marines and Army regulars are already out there skirmishing with them, attacking, retreating, drawing them into traps and wiping this planet clean of a few. They are preparing the field for our battle groups to move, take to the land and help purge this planet of the invaders. Caught in the middle of depot repairs, our techs are doing what they can with very little, it takes time even for us.

It will take three months of blood, sweat, and so many tears.

Reports come in of whole groups missing, scout and tank platoons shot up and burning on the plains. The Skuldi are giving in kind, but we’re winning, we’re making them hurt more than they do us. Army Delta Commandos are out in the field, Marine Raiders slipping in and blowing anything they want up, civilians who had evac’d already joining with the regulars to help fight.

The lasercomms are alive with voices, joyful, sad, crying, rejoicing at each victory, mourning each loss. We feel for them, the Bolos, the troops hidden away with us listening as they know we’re coming. We will be there, they just have to hold one more day until we can get things ready. A lot of the Bolos in depot on Taurus were dinged up pretty badly, they needed more repairs than this, but it’s all we’ve got.

Marcus has been on the links for hours since dawn, the last stealthed satellite is getting close to being found, burst transmissions are being fired everywhere to alert everyone to the movement time in the morning. Everyone is set, now it’s only the waiting.

I hear him slam the console with his hands, yelling into the air, “NO!”

My voice comes from the speakers as I slip closer to the door, listening as it comforts him, “You could do nothing Marcus.”

“I know, I know.” I see him get up, walking around and wiping his face, slapping the wall in a fit of rage, “But did they really have to? What kind of animals are they? My god..the whole town...”

“I know Marcus, Hera and I got the signals only seconds ago, we’re sorry.”

“It’s not your fault my ladies, it’s these..scum. Oh they’re going to pay, we’re going to take this out in blood from them.” His voice was low and dangerous, “Hera, your ECM check out?”

“Yes, Marcus! The techs said everything’s a hundred percent, I can cover the whole group tomorrow when we breach!” She’s excited, we both were when entering battle.

“Good, tomorrow we’ll need everything. Are the troops pulling back to the bunkers?”

“Yes Marcus. All ground and air have been advised, they’re pulling back to the Spine in the deep bunkers, it’ll be all us tomorrow.”

“We don’t have to hold back then, advise the battlegroup quietly.”

“Yes, Marcus!”

I slip onto the deck, placing a hoof on his knee, he looks at me standing there, “You know huh?”

I nod.

“Did you see the pictures too?”

“I did, we all did.”

The Skuldi wiped out any witnesses when they attacked a planet. What we didn’t know, as an Army Ranger had risked his life for the information, is they ate their victims alive. The Skuldi were scavengers, but they liked their meat fresh.

The pictures were like a bomb when they got out.

I lift myself up, hugging him as best I can, my muzzle close to his ear as I whisper, “In twenty eight months, a task force led by the newly commissioned Dreadnought Class battleship the CS Taurus, will bring a contingent of thirty more battleships and forty heavy cruisers to the home world of the Skuldi. Their planet is cracked in half with the force of the bombardment. In ten years, there are no more Skuldi Marcus.” It can’t hurt, telling him this, as it has no effect on the here and now.

His arm wraps around my shoulders, giving me a squeeze.

I nuzzle him softly, “It will be bad, it’s going to get worse, just hang on.”

He nods against my cheek, lifting his head up to peer into a camera, “Athena?”

“Yes, Marcus?”

He smiles, “I know you were listening, please wipe that information if you would?”

“I wasn’t.... Yes, Marcus.”

He laughs, “You always were nosy.”

“I am not! I’m doing my duty!” I smile, that was very much me, looking out for him.

“And doing it well, is it gone?”


“Don’t be angry, you know why we can’t keep it.” He keeps looking into the camera above his station, waiting.

“We saw the pictures Marcus, it’s horrible.”

“It is, and they will get theirs I promise my lady. Now please, stop eavesdropping?”

An actually ‘Hmph!’ comes over the speakers as I see the lights go out on the camera. He smiles, looking down at me, “I will apologize later, right now we all need to rest, it’s a big day tomorrow morning.”

I nod, looking around, “True, but where’s Princess Luna?”

He shrugs, “Last I saw, she asked me the way to the bay where Hark and her bunch are.”

I stare for a moment, “You let her go alone with that bunch of hooligans? Marcus!”

He sets back in the command chair, “What? She can’t handle herself?”

“Marcus!” I almost yell at his smiling face, “Not like that! She’s not used to Marines! Especially that group of..of...Marines!”

“I’m sure it’s fine, she’s in bay four,” He waves a hand, turning back around to take more calls as I scamper out the hatch.

Oh, Celestia would kill me if anything happened to her. I skid down the access ways, bumping into walls and panels as I run to the designated area, leaping over the knee-knocker and landing flat-hooved, hearing voices beyond a pile of cargo.

“...and then the bartender says, “Lady, you sure don’t need that sausage.”

Peals of laughter ring out, I hear Luna’s voice as I round the cargo, she’s sitting there slapping a hoof on the floor and hee-hawing to beat all. I can only stand there for a moment until Hark waves at me. I tilt my ears, hearing..Hera?! Hera’s in on this too?! Her pretty voice is laughing over the speaker system.

“Heya Athena.”

I recognize that punch line, it‘s..it‘s... “Are you..are you telling dirty jokes to Princess Luna?” I’ve got to be looking gape-mouthed at Hark who’s suddenly snickering at my expression.

Gremen nods, “Yeah, she’s been getting a kick out of ‘em.”

“Are..are you kidding me? She’s a Princess! What are you doing?!” I stand there absolutely aghast, not believing what I’m seeing.

I get blank stares.

“She’s a Princess! Royalty!” I point at Luna who’s wiping tears from her face, “You..you’re not supposed to..I mean.. You can’t do that!”

Diaz rolls his eyes, “You should have heard the ones she was telling, think we were bad?” He hooks a thumb at the smiling Princess, chuckling under his breath.

Tripp roars in laughter, “That one about the Earth Pony and the Unicorn with the egg? Hilarious!” She’s slapping Salcedo on the back, her friend is laughing so hard she’s coughing.

“..That’s not my marefriend, that’s a hay bale!” All of them practically fall off crates in laughter as I can only stand there watching.

Schmidt points a finger at Luna, “She’s over a thousand years old, think we’ve got jokes to tell?” He shakes his head, still pointing at the Princess who’s giggling now.

“I can’t believe you guys. She’s a Princess for stars’ sake!” How is this stuff even translating?

“She’s got a mind like a Marine Athena, don’t let her fool you.” Hark is grinning from ear to ear.

I am about to completely lose it before Luna raises a shod hoof, “Athena, calm my little pony. They are warriors, telling stories and sharing comradeship before battle, it is a simple thing. Before Equestria was at peace, we did much the same.”

She turns to Gremen who balls a fist up, bumping her raised hoof gently, “We are not so different I think.”

Diaz raises a hand, Luna acknowledging him with a regal nod, “Yes, Sir Diaz?”

“I know we’re not discussing how you got here, trust me we’ve beat that to death.” He eyes Gremen before going on, seeing the big marine laugh at the implied threat that’s now gone, “And don’t take this the wrong way, but I have got to know something.”

Luna‘s ears perk, “And what is that?”

“Why do you have tattoos on your butts?”

A hoof is planted firmly on my face as I hear Luna laugh.


For a bunch of stone cold killers, they are absolutely enthralled by the story behind Cutie Marks. Luna tells them the history and background of the marks, answering questions patiently with everything Equestria has managed to discover about them.

“And as an aside, Sir Diaz, they are called flanks thank you.”

“Got it Princess.”

Salcedo grins, her voice light, “How come someone from the future gets cool stuff like that and we have to make do with laser engraved tats? Ya know that’s just not fair.”

“Perhaps one day you will discover something similar for yourselves. One never knows nowadays.” Luna’s smile is warm.

Hark’s voice breaks in, “Well.. nice as this is, we’ve got to do final checks on our gear.” She nods to Luna, “Princess, it has truly been a pleasure.”

“Mine as well Lady Hark, my best wishes to you and yours on this eve of battle.” She raises her hoof, receiving a bump back from each of the Marines before they move off for weapons checks.

I’m still aghast, “I can’t believe they were telling you dirty jokes.”

She laughs, “ ‘Twas nothing I have not heard before, I’m sure Celestia might get quite a laugh out of some of them.” Turning to my shocked face with a grin, “Have you heard the one about the lady with a poodle..”



The morning is getting close as silence on the command deck gets heavy. We cannot see the sunrise from under the sea, but sensors tell us it is so. The last satellite sends it’s final messages before being blown out of the sky by the Skuldi, but it’s far too late, every Bolo and trooper left knows the exact time of the attack.

Luna and I stay out of the way, seeing Hark’s bunch gearing up and looking like the Titans of old. Huge and imposing in their armor they are careful with how they move, especially around us.

The Princess watches with fascination as they step back into the suits, seeing the armor close around them and light up, bringing a strength and power that serves them well on the battlefield where only Bolos could go before.

Weapons and items to destroy with are latched or slung on them, each and every thing placed carefully for grasping when needed. Ammunition and water are loaded carefully, making sure there is plenty for extended operations.

Marcus is there, giving a briefing as the other commanders listen in, the battlegroup linked by whisker laser as the Princess and I make sure we are not in camera range.

“All right. When we clear the ocean, everyone break for the plains, it will give us room to move. The ground troops have pulled back, they’re deep in the Spine, so don’t worry about going nuclear. This planet is going to suffer but we can’t back off, we’ve got to push them hard.”

Acknowledgments came through, everyone knew about the town and the atrocities there.

“We’re going to get hit, but we’ve got to take their landing sites out first if we can, keep moving, running, we’ll keep them off the planet until relief gets here.” He sighs, laying a hand on the console, “I’m not going to lie, we’re going to take heavy casualties, but we’ll fight and we’ll make them pay.”

He stands, looking at the faces in the board staring back, “We launch in fifteen minutes, good luck.”

After comments are exchanged, the set goes dead, letting Luna and I step out now.

He gestures, having us sit beside him, “You two need to stay on the command deck bunk area. if anything happens the armored area will eject and get you to safety. Hark and her bunch will know and recover you, taking you to another Bolo if they can.”

I know we survive, we’ll be okay, but I cannot say anything and I don’t. I raise a hoof, “But..they’ll know then. We’ll have to tell the others who we are.”

“It can’t be helped, if it comes down to an emergency we’ll risk it. Until then we’ll be as careful as we can.” He smiles at me, “I know you can’t say anything, so don’t, but we’ll be fine. We’ve got the finest Bolos anywhere.”

“You do!” Hera’s voice is loud, “Athena and I are gonna crush them!”

“Yes, we will.” Marcus’ voice is gentle, “Now everyone to their places, we’ve got a war to go to and we don’t want to be late.”

Fifteen minutes later, the Bolos of Battle Group Four and Five broke the surface of the sea, every VLS erupted in flames as the heavy missiles reached out to bring fiery death to the enemy. Water washed off our hulls as the mighty engines roared and rumbled, tracks digging deep and propelling them from the deeps into view and letting loose with everything we had.

Hellbores lifted, targeting and firing quickly, the sky lighting up with ships that broke in half or were cored from end to end with compressed nuclear power that shattered any thoughts of invincibility in one swift stroke. Anything in low orbit got a taste of Bolo firepower.

The cruise missiles hugged the terrain as Bolos broke for the open areas, their treads grabbing sand and soil, tearing through it before the Skuldi even knew what hit them. All along the coast the last twenty-four Bolos of Strike Force Sixteen brought hell to the enemy in spades.

Luna and I watched the drone view, the missiles lifting up and then descending like birds of prey. The horizon lit before the real dawn could touch it, wiping away Skuldi landing sites with megatons of Concordiat might.

The mushroom clouds rose high into the morning, the landscape glowing from end to end with everything the Bolos had as they ran for the flatlands, needing room to maneuver and take the enemy to task.

We caught them napping thinking the resistance troops had retreated, giving them time to relax, celebrate their looting of the now destroyed Bolo Depot. Hit in the first strike, they had nothing to show for their losses now. Cheers rang over the commlinks, even over secure comms still as the Skuldi were dusted by the sheer amount of launches against them. They knew we were on planet but figured we were hiding until they left, they should have known better.

Marine Raider and Army Delta Teams in each Bolo were waiting and ready in heavy Panzers. They were to scout for us, pick targets, go out on that now deadly battlefield and tell us where the little pockets were hiding so we could find them and make them suffer.

Skuldi ship reactions were faster than we’d planned for, already moving out of Hellbore range, giving us less time to scatter. Hera and I tore to the southeast, she was screening myself, Artemis and Diana. Invisible to scanners we ripped the enemy apart, unless they spotted us by eyeball we were on them before they could even react.

Each group of Bolos was screened similarly, the ECM suite in one upgraded with nosebleed levels of tech, making it damn near impossible to get target locks on us as we kept moving.

Our treads left definite marks in the soil, allowing one to track us if they wanted, so we zig-zagged like madmen, moving right to left, switching directions, anything and everything to keep those orbital kinetic killers away from us.

As we moved, the bay doors dropped, letting the Panzers slip out in our wakes. Each vehicle was armored and armed to the hilt with a twenty cm Hellbore of it’s own and multiple High Speed Railguns. The little..to a Bolo.. vehicles shot outward, looking for the enemy.

“Raider Five..Marcus.. Skuldi infantry left, plot 45 dash 33..out.”

“Hera, assist them please.”

“You got it Marcus!” The sounds of her secondary Hellbores slammed through the hull, vaporizing the moving enemy troops before they could threaten our team.

“Well done, my lady! Well done!” Marcus clapped his hands, watching the plotting board intently.

“Thank you!” Her voice was giddy at receiving praise.

So the first day went, running and fighting. The days were a blur, fight and run, shoot and move. Everyone started to feel more optimistic as the battle raged, keeping anymore landings from happening while fighting what was left of Skuldi invasion forces was something we badly needed after the destruction of the towns and depot.

Even Bolos have weak points, and in older hulls as we were, fabrication was not happening. Techs scrounged and made things work, but breakdowns were inevitable without the depot. The Skuldi ground pounders made sure to take every advantage of our problems, causing losses that stung.

But day by day the end would come closer, though some of the hurt would last, the survivors would know they’d done their very best.

Luna and I worried about Marcus, his headaches and fugues were still there. The Princess was theorizing it was because the ‘other’ him was inside the real Marcus, it was causing the conflict. Should we return home, it would alleviate his pain or so we hoped.

But at night when he caught a few hours of sleep, I would stay by his side, making sure he had water when he woke, ate when he needed. The other me and Hera paid close attention to his needs, concerned as we were.


Thunder woke us from our rest, a week and a half had passed while we were fighting the Skuldi. The hull was rocking to a hellish pounding and repeated firing of Hellbores at something.

My own voice came over the intercom, “To your crash couches! We’ve got to move! NOW!”

Luna and I hustled to the cargo bay, where makeshift couches had been placed for us and the Marines in case of heavy fighting. Oh boy, was it ever! The hull rocked like a rowboat caught in a tsunami. I could feel the treads ramming deep into ground and grabbing for traction as broadside after broadside was fired.

The Princess and I were slammed back and forth against the plating in the hallways, trying our best to keep our footing as we rushed through the passages. The firing was continuous, and my ears picked out the deeper sounds of larger guns, bigger units had joined us smaller Assault type Bolos. Artemis and Diana were just like Hera and I, fast assault units. It had to be Battle Group Five, Michael and Gabriel, Sekhmet and Nemesis. Those four were heavy assault Bolos, not as quick but ladened with massive amounts of firepower. They were the closest group the last we’d heard.

The throw weight of those four Bolos was immense and from the sounds, each and every bit of it was being used for something. Added to ours it was a tremendous storm of might.

We were in the last turn to the cargo bay when something smacked into the side of us, tilting the entire hull sideways as a rumbling roared in our ears to a crescendo that made us both cower against the walls, covering our ears. Something nuclear had detonated very close. I know we took damage, we had to by the way the sounds changed in the engines, I could hear the slapping of loose tracks before explosive charges detonated and dropped the shredded treads.

Luna was reeling from our impact against the wall as I tried to bring her along. We were almost there!

“Princess! PRINCESS!” Her ears were lain to the side, she couldn’t hear me over the roaring of guns as I grabbed her hoof, tugging her along with me.

An arm as strong as durachrome slid around my barrel, lifting me off the floor in a single move as I saw another grab the Princess. Diaz and Gremen had raced from the cargo bay and found us, lifting us like we were feathers and leaping through the hatch.

The others were already strapped in as they leapt to their couches, bringing us along and tethering us down with them. Diaz kept apologizing as he held the Princess tight to his chest. Gremen’s voice was loud and clear in my ears over the crashing of the storm outside.

“Hang on! Two Skuldi Battlecruisers got into the atmosphere while we were taking on water supplies. ECM failed and they’ve got us zeroed in!”

Hera’s ECM was the only thing covering us, which meant that those ships had us dead to rights if we didn’t get moving fast, or destroyed them quick enough. Skuldi battlecruisers took a lot of damage, even from Hellbores.

I clutched tighter to Gremen as I felt everything, eyelids squeezed tightly enough to draw tears from the assault on my senses. I never knew what it was like inside myself except for analysis and data points, clinical and clean. But the pressures, the sound, the noise and chaos made me want to scream. Marcus was safe in the Command Deck, insulated and armored, but here in the cargo bays we suffered the full brunt of what leaked through, the sound and the fury. The murderous rates of fire from my guns, Hera’s, the entire battle group.

All I could do was hold on to the stone bodied Marine whose arms were like bands of steel around me, comforting and unyielding, giving a little of his safety for mine as the couches were not designed this way. I could hear his voice, the sound reaching me even through the fire, but I wondered if it was more for himself than for me as I heard him repeat over and over.

“It’ll be okay, it’ll be okay.”

A screen on one wall shook with the rumble of guns, but it gave us a clear enough sensor picture of the outside as the world turned upside down.

The split screen showed us, and then BG Five, all our mighty weapons turned upward as we poured fire into the oncoming Skuldi battlecruiser. You could see huge chunks of hull and weapons blisters blasted into atoms. The massive spacecraft was burning as it entered the atmosphere, dipping in close enough to put all it’s batteries in play to wipe us out. Even in these beginning times of the battle, we were beating them, tearing them apart on the planet. They took tremendous risks with their ships, wanting our tech or just to wipe us out.

They wanted us bad. Badly enough to sacrifice two main units of their fleet.

The huge warship was coming in too steep, I knew it wasn’t going to be able to pull out as we scattered. The two battle groups taking to speed instead of firepower to make our escape as we put everything into engines, tracks grabbing deep into the soil and launching us out of the way of the crashing ship.

You could see the hull hit the planet behind us, crumpling like tin foil as the millions of tons of space craft plowed deep into the earth. The shockwave was tremendous, lifting us up and down as the ripple flared outward through the crust, a rolling tide of destruction that we barely kept ahead of.

I knew Hera and I would be okay, Artemis and Diana were right beside us. But oh, as the stars are my witness, I wish I hadn’t known what was next.

Michael and Gabriel were heavily damaged from the attack. They had deep craters in their armor and track plates, most of them blown off showing bare bogies. We had no depot anymore, there was nothing that could be done.

Gabriel had notified us his commander was no longer alive, a plasma weapon penetrating the Command Deck and wrecking it. Michael’s was not far from there either, a kinetic rod had scored deep into his hull, seriously wounding him.

Marcus was on the comm, trying to get Michael’s commander to the crash seat, ejecting from the hull we could pick him up on the fly. Sekhmet’s commander was turning her and Nemesis around, meaning to grapple their hulls and haul them away as fast as we could. We couldn’t send troops out, even augments would wither in the hard radioactive sleet that was falling from the destroyed cruiser. It would be hours before the levels fell.

We were all braking hard, turning in place and heading back for our brothers.

The second Skuldi Cruiser was on a turnaround in the upper atmosphere, it was coming back for a second run and we had no time. There was nothing we could do, the follies of war had conspired against us. A decision was reached, heart breaking and final, it was the inevitable.

We rolled to a stop, doing neutral steers and beating tracks away from the site. Sekhmet and Nemesis were in contact with them as we all ran for it. Michael and Gabriel stood fast, firing rapidly to attract the cruisers attention.

“Charlie, are you sure? We can come get you!” Marcus was pleading with Michael’s commander.

“Marcus, I’m so busted up even the auto-doc is having fits. I can’t take the ejection, it would kill me.” His voice was low through the commlinks as we all listened and heard. A wet cough told us of the blood flooding his lungs. “I’ve got the power plants rigged, Gabriel can’t move and Michael, well, we’re pretty heavily damaged too. We’re done Marcus.” The face in the camera was supposed to be a sandy haired thirty-five year old officer, but he looked as if he’d aged centuries.

“Dammit Charlie, can’t we do anything?” Marcus and Sekhmet’s Commander were furiously working the angles, Shauna Johnson was a whiz at finding angles, but her bleak look told us everything. David Sigurdsson nodded as well, he was Nemesis’ officer and knew the numbers didn’t work.

An unsteady finger pointed out of the screen, “You just get the hell away, I’m all that’s left. Those poor bastards in the cargo bays didn’t stand a chance.” His face looked crestfallen at the thought of all the troops sheltering inside the two Bolos. The same finger punched a screen control, “There’s the names and files. You make damn sure those get back to Concordiat Command!”

Shauna nodded, “We will Charlie.”

“Good. I’m going to say my goodbyes now, let’s not draw this out.” He flinched, stuffing more medical wadding into the gaping wound in his side, staunching the blood flow, “I ain’t got much time, but we’ll broadcast what’s left.” One hand raised in a shaky salute before the screen clicked off, leaving them in silence for the moment.

The communications between Bolos were much faster, half a lifetime spent trying to think of a way, we knew we could not be there in time for them.

“Run, we will take care of the enemy.” Gabriel’s voice was calm.

“It is not right!” Sekhmet was almost yelling unlike her, the smoky voice was bitter and anguished, “We cannot leave you!”

“She is right, we may be able to turn and take pressure off of you!” Artemis was sending data now, showing that if everything went perfect, it might..I say might work. There was only a one-two point four percent chance of success. That cruiser was on a suicide run, it was turning faster than it should be, whoever was crewing it were definitely fanatics. They were coming in for a hover, to suspend themselves above Michael and Gabriel and retrieve any wreckage after blasting them apart.

“You know better than that”, Michael was admonishing, “We die as we have lived. Go now, take our fight as your own and make them pay.”

Silence reigned for nanoseconds, no argument, no amount of fiddling with the data could make the outcome any clearer.

Diana’s strong voice came through, “We will remember you.”

“That is all we wish, tell the Regiment we stood proud.”

“We’ll miss you!” Hera’s voice broke in on the channel, clear like a spring rain, “We’ll miss you so much!”

“We know Hera, you and your sister will survive this,” Michael’s communication was almost like he was was talking to a younger sibling, “Do not grieve for we know what we do, and we go gladly.”

Gabriel broke in, “We must go, Commander Keat is failing and we have to concentrate on our task. Goodbye my sisters.”

“He is right. Farewell to you all.” With that the communications broke, cut from their end. But Michael kept broadcasting the camera feed from the command deck.

It was a mess from what we saw, circuits overloading and Charles Keat sitting in the secondary command chair, blood pooling underneath him as he fought to stay alive one more minute.

It was silent in the cargo bay now, all of us watching Michael’s transmission as Charlie leaned back in the spare seat near the control consoles. All we heard was the tracks slapping hard, taking us away from where Michael and Gabriel stood firing with everything they had left, distracting the Skuldi cruiser so we would escape into the mountains.

Luna was watching closely, as were all the Marines, none said a word.

“Well now Michael, it’s been a good run, what say?” His voice was ragged, his breath shallow as he reached below his chair into a cooler. One bloody hand brought out a bottle of highly illegal beer, cracking the top as he took a long drink.

“You do know that’s against regulations.” His Bolo’s voice held an edge of humor in it.

“Of course it is you bucket of bolts! But since this is where we’re going out, why don’t we just relax them some eh?” He took another long pull at the frosty bottle, sighing happily and wiping his mouth, “You sending this to the others?”

“I am Commander, all channels are receiving.”

“Could you for once, just call me Charlie? How long have we been together? You and that friend of yours Gabriel.” He didn’t wait for the answer, yelling into the microphone, “Gabe! You online?”

“I am sir.”

“You got Deke?” Referring to Deacon Blane, Gabriel’s officer. Wanting to make sure that nothing was left for the Skuldi to pick over.

“I do sir, I have him.” Gabriel’s voice held sadness, knowing his commanding officer lay in the wreckage of Command One.

“Good, everything set? We’re gonna give old Deke a going away that’ll rival any Viking! We got a timer on that stupid cruiser?”

“It is Commander Keat.” Gabriel’s voice was slightly stronger now.

“We do,” Michael again, “One minute forty seconds to impact, we are taking heavy counter-battery fire, our shields are gone, we now have bare armor.” The shaking of the camera told us that nothing stood between them and the cruiser fire except durasteel and hope.

“Are ya giving it back?”

“Yes Comm....Charlie, we are firing everything we have. Current rate of use we will run out fifteen seconds before they hover above us.”

“As soon as they start hovering, blow everything.”

“Yes Charlie.”

The strained face turned to the camera, “I know alla you are listening, well this is it. You make sure you count the kill on this cruiser to us you slackers!” He was grinning as he fumbled for another beer, popping and drinking it in long swallows.

“And one last thing!” We couldn’t believe, in the midst of everything, his face took on an almost a celebratory mien, “Shauna Johnson, you’ve got the finest butt in all Bolo Commandery! I’ve always wanted to say that!” He lifted the beer in a salute.

You could almost hear the howls of laughter coming from the cargo bays of Bolos while Shauna’s cafe au lait complexion went bright red. She leaned towards the camera, “Charles Keat you ...” He couldn’t hear her, the transmission only one way, but it’s as if he knew what her reaction would be.

An airy wave of one hand cut her off, “Nono, no need to thank me! Figured everyone ought to know!” He gave one last glance to the video feed, “Time to go. You all take care.” Before anyone could say anything the feed cut, switching to outside sensors as the bulk of the cruiser loomed large. The blistering fire from the two Bolos ceased suddenly, out of ammunition. At ten seconds on the clock, the two Bolo power plants overloaded, the new..at that time..fusion plants took off a good portion of the front of the hulk that was slowing down above them, leaving the cut off front portion to collapse into the soil, making the back end of the cruiser flip and tumble as the tremendous mass of it kept going, no longer impeded by engines and null-gravs..

The destruction was immense, the millions of tons left of the cruiser that weren’t smashed to atoms in the explosion rained over the land, cratering the soil and leaving a track miles wide and as long as it came to a stop after a short time. Nothing was left but scrap. They had timed it just right, knowing the Skuldi had to get too close..

We continued running. Ran for deep caves that we knew were near and sheltering inside as we took stock of things. Bored out for contingencies, it fit us fine, under mountains that covered us from the seeking scanners of the enemy.

It’s hard to say goodbye, but it wasn’t the last time.


The extensive caves are cool and very dark. Shaped out by engineers years ago as an emergency depot in case the real one got slagged. Only problem, no equipment for repairs was ever brought in. I’m thinking about writing a letter to Concordiat Command advising them of their oversight. Idiots.

Troops are asleep or outside taking in some exercise as Luna and I slip out a hatchway, wanting fresh air. We are on the opposite side of any sensors to remain hidden as best we can, being at the far end of the line near a cavern wall. I watch the Princess look out at the darkness, breathing deeply of the crisp atmosphere. We know better than to even try to take wing, the reactions from the surrounding Bolos would shoot us out of the air before we even knew it. Things were that hair trigger. We weren’t sure if we could even fly right now, it was an odd conundrum, but we were not going to chance it.

“Better Princess?” I keep a close watch knowing the other Athena and Hera do as well, protecting us from prying eyes and ears.

“Much. I am used to open spaces and skies to fly in. This gets...stifling..” She pops her wings, ruffling them and reaching back to preen a few feathers.

I remain silent, looking out into the caverns, hearing nothing but the echoes of machinery at work, the hulls popping and pinging as the metal stretched or contracted. Moments pass as suddenly I cannot stand the quiet anymore.

“Princess, I am so sorry.”

Her face turns to me, eyes wide with astonishment, “Whatever for?”

I can’t help but let a quiet barking laugh, “What for?” I wave a hoof, “If this isnt a dream, I’ve brought you back into a bloody battle, we could get killed very easily here.”

Her eyes stayed on mine for a second before a grin broke across the dark face, “But you have shown me wonders too, Athena. Things you had told about but I never truly believed in my heart.” She steps to the edge of the platform we’re standing on, the muzzles of twenty inch Howitzers above us, “I have met your Katherine Hark and her warriors. Legends coming true in the flesh.” She lay a hoof on the railing, “Even for one such as I who has lived many years, truly an experience I shall long remember.”

“I only wish it could have been a happier time Princess. Maybe a celebration, or...or a trip to a garden planet where we stood guard. Anything but this.” I sigh, lifting up and laying my head upon my forelegs which are braced by the railing, “Anything but war.”

A clad hoof nudges me, attracting my attention as I turn to see the Princess close beside me, “You cannot choose everything in life. Perhaps wanting to say goodbye, the magic was giving you many chances?”

“I just wanted to say one goodbye Princess. To let Marcus know I was moving on, becoming... something other than a killer.”

“There will be time Athena,” Her dulcet tones were reassuring, “Do not look upon this as a problem, but a chance to spend time with those you have cared about.”

“She’s right.” The soft words make us both turn, seeing Marcus exiting the open hatch, “Take this and run with it Athena.” He joined us at the railing, sitting down and sliding his legs off the edge of the platform.

“But Marcus..” He holds a hand up, forestalling me.

“I don’t know nor do I care if this 'magic’ is real, or if this is nothing but a dream.” He taps the side of his head, “Part of me knows, but it’s fuzzy. I accept it, to do otherwise would be madness when you are both standing here. But you should do what you wanted Athena, spend time with those you’ve known.”

Luna nods, “True words Commander Canfeld.”

“Call me Marcus please.” He grins, “I believed I’ve asked you to do that already Princess.”

“Marcus then.” She gives him a regal nod, turning back to me, “Listen to him. Take advantage of the time you have.”

“I’ll try, I really will. It’s all I can promise.”

A hand lands on my withers, a chuckle accompanying it, “Honest to the last my girl.” The strong appendage makes me warm inside, leaning into it.


A comfortable silence caught us up as we peered into the darkness, broken by Marcus once more.

“So.. Who is it?”

I give him a puzzled look, “Who is what?”

Marcus laughs, tweaking my ear as he sets there, “For a Bolo, you are kinda slow Athena.” Leaning to the side, he eyes me closely, making me nervous, “Who is it that has attracted your attention?” He taps the side of his head with a smile.

Then it hits me, “Who...oh!” I must have turned a deep red as he looks at me in shock.

“Are you blushing?”

“N..no! There’s no...nothing to blush about!”

“You’re stuttering Athena, what are you not telling me?”

“N..n...nothing!” I stamp a hoof, damn him for knowing me so well!

“She is called Twilight Sparkle, Marcus.” Luna’s voice makes me flinch, now I know I’m blushing even worse.

He thinks for a moment, “It’s still unclear..a..like you? Wings and a horn?”

“Yes. An Alicorn.” Luna moves to sit near us both, “She is the Princess of Friendship. Her task is to spread it everywhere she can.”

“I see.” He rubs his chin, looking at me. I’m avoiding looking back, but that just clues him in even faster.

“So, she’s something else I take it?” He looks to Luna.

“Very much so. She is young and will learn what is needed. Until then she is an example to all of what they could be and do.” The dark mare laughs, “Though some times the predicaments she gets in to could be avoided, it is all a part of life.”

Marcus chuckles, “Sooo.. How ‘special’ is she?” He raises an eyebrow, not paying attention to me but asking Luna whom he knows will tell him.

Luna gestures outward with a hoof, “Oh very. It appears Athena will not leave her side, learning from her and protecting her at all hours of the day or night.” She smiles at my shocked look, “You did not think you could do such a thing and not be noticed?”

“Well..n..no Your Highness.”

“Has she been given Command Authority?” Meaning did I have her take Marcus’ place in my chair.

“No. I...She... Doesn’t have to.. I..” I try to let him know, no one could replace him, ever. But things are different and so far from now. I see him smiling, always teasing me!

“You what my girl?” His voice becomes soft, his hand cupping my chin, turning my face to look at him, “What is it Athena?”

“I..” His eyes are steady, the warm look on his face tells me I can do no wrong, “I.. like her.” But I hasten to add, “Please..don’t be angry with me..”

His face drops in shock, “Athena! Why would I be angry?” He lets my chin go and leans back, “Why in all the worlds of this galaxy would I be mad?”

“I... Don’t know. We were with you for so long, we loved you so much, and this...you might think we were replac..” Oh stars, I talk far too much, “I mean, you were our Commander..and we...I...and Hera..”

A hand upon my cheek stops my stumbling, “I know Athena. I’ve always known. What kind of Bolo officer would I be not knowing how my girls felt?”

“You never said anything!”

“Because it wouldn’t have been right Athena. You were healing, we were all new to this business. What kind of monster would that have made me?”

I get it, using our emotions which were so fragile, to make us do what he wanted. “You wouldn’t have ..you could never... No!” I stamp a hoof again, setting back on my haunches as Luna listens, “Not ever!” I point at him, “Osterfield was the monster, not you! He was the waste of flesh that did that to us! Not you!”

He places a hand on my shoulder, “Calm down Athena. Using your feelings for me to get what I wanted would have made me like him. You had to learn to be confident in yourselves, not leaning on me all the time.” He holds another hand out, taking my shaking hoof in it, I’m so angry. “Doing that to get you to return to battle, would have doomed us all.”

“You could never be like that! Ever!” I’m tugging at the hoof he holds tight, he’s pulling me near him to wrap an arm around my shoulders. Princess Luna stepping out of the way, settling back down when I get pulled near Marcus.

“You know what I’m saying Athena. It would have been just as bad.”

“I...I know. But you gave us life, you gave us everything!” I wrap my forelegs around his chest, laying my head on his shoulder, “You gave us all we were.”

“I gave you nothing you did not already have inside you, we just had to find it.” He pushes me back, looking into violet eyes that are tearful, “You always had it, we needed to find a way to make sure you knew. That’s all.”

A voice from a speaker nearby is soft, “We would fight for you Marcus, ‘till the galaxy stopped turning.”

His face turned sad, “I wish you hadn’t been listening Hera. I’m sorry, after all this we’re going to be deleting large chunks of files, we cannot have any of this ever getting out.”

I nod, “There are large gaps in my memory after Taurus, you told us it was for our sanity and safety. Now I know why.”

“She is right.” My voice now, coming from a speaker, “Do what you must, but know we love you Marcus Canfeld, a man like no other.”

“My wife would wonder what I’ve been up to right about now.” He laughs, making all of us chuckle with him. Pointing a finger at the side of the hull he takes a deep breath, “Then I want you to know in return, though we’ll be deleting it later I do want you to know. I love you like my own, you are my girls, my Ladies of Steel, and you make me so proud I want to tell the universe.”

There was silence as we sat and listened to him, his voice getting stronger, words echoing softly from the cavern wall nearby.

“I will keep the memory even though you can’t, I will carry it in my heart for all my days. Nothing will change I promise. You won’t remember, but I will, I always will.”

But something did change, we always noticed an extra sparkle in his eye sometime, a smile here and there that was oftentimes explained away. We had always wondered, but now..now I understood. His love for us was just as powerful, as deep, as ours for him.

He looks around, seeing Luna and I staring at him, extendable cameras from my hull are watching him closely as he coughs into a fist.

“Well..anyway.. Enough of that mushy stuff.”

Laughter echoed back to us as he settled back down, “Back to maintenance ladies, find that glitch in the fire control arrays and get them ready for the day after tomorrow, we’ve got battles to fight.”

“Yes, Marcus!” Two voices, so much stronger and confident now, replied in tandem. The cameras retracted and we were left alone once more.

I think we knew, maybe a ghost of a memory or a fragment of a sentence, that we were loved by the one man who meant everything. I don’t know. But I do hope, if we return, that at least I can remember this.

“Now..” I blink from my musings to see him staring at me, “Tell me about this Princess.”

“I..uh..well..” I look to Luna for help. She shrugs, giving me a 'go on’ gesture with one hoof. Thanks a lot.

“Is she kind to you? Treating you like you should be treated?”

I nod enthusiastically, “Oh yes, she’s always kind. Well...except when she gets frustrated about things, then it gets kinda odd. But that’s okay!”

He laughs at my helpless expression, “I’m glad. You do care for her don’t you?”

“I do, very much.”

“But,” Luna’s voice cuts in, “It seems she has a problem telling her this.”

“Really?” Marcus looks at me with mock shock, “Cowardice in the face of the enemy Athena? For shame!” He shakes a finger at my face, “What would the regiment say?”

I stamp my hoof, “She’s not the enemy, she...she’s....darnit Marcus!” I realize too late he’s just goading me, seeing my reaction and smiling.

Luna’s hoof flies upward, covering her muzzle as I hear a distinct snicker, prompting me to look sharply her way and seeing a face of nothing but innocence in return.

“So let me get this straight...”

I turn on him again, “What?”

“You are a multi-thousand ton Bolo. One of the most feared fighting machines in the galaxy,” He pauses for a second, “And you can’t tell someone you like them? Seriously?”

“It...it’s not like that Marcus, honestly. I..it.. Sometimes I can’t find the words.”

“I see.” He looks at me for a long minute, making me self-conscious.


“You love her.”

“I..no! How could I.. I mean..well... I ...uhm....” I’m trying my best to come up with an excuse and it’s not working. I plop my butt down on the hull with a disgusted sound.

“Like that is it?” He lays a hand along my shoulder, “Oh my girl, you’ve got it bad.” He’s shaking his head with a constant smile, “I think you better tell her.”

“I will...one day...maybe...”

He laughs. It’s never mean, never in a bad way, just a laugh that makes you feel as if you should laugh too, “Well, if you don’t, she may choose someone else Athena.”

“I’m okay with that. I’m... not real there anyways.” I give him a bright smile, “I’ll still be there, you know how I am.”

“I do,” A hand strokes my mane, “You seem pretty real to me.” Marcus gives me a wink, a pat on the neck, reassuring me.

Luna nods, “Somehow, it is working like that. I wish we understood more about what is happening.” She lay down on the durachrome deck, peering into the darkness.

“If there is one thing I’ve learned Princess, it’s not to question sometimes. It’ll drive you mad.” He thinks for a second, “What do you mean by ‘not real’ ?”

“Crusader invented a type of robotic extension, shaping them into this,” I gesture to myself, “We’re not flesh and blood, we’re durasteel and semi-organic musculature.”

“Like those..uh..techspiders they’re testing now? Like that?”

“Kind of, but we look like ponies. Except for the compact fusion plant and battle screens in an emergency.”

Now he looks interested, Marcus was always one to keep up on tech, but before he could answer...

“I wondered where you all went to.” We turned, seeing Hark stepping out of the hatch, joining us on the deck, swinging her legs in mid-air off the side as she sat under the railing, “Yes, I heard.” She grinned at our questioning looks, tapping one ear “Hard not to some times,”

“What do you think Katherine, a Bolo designing it’s own extensions?”

“I think it’s incredible really. The same semi-organic muscles they use in us?” The big Marine flexed one arm, the corded musculature standing out, “Hope you can fly real well with these kind of muscles.” She grinned toothily.

I shake my head, “I can’t fly back there, but I’m hoping maybe one day.”

Marcus and Hark both look confused, “Why not?”

I sigh, “I told you, it’s strange. Things don’t... work... the same as it does here.

“Oh yes, ‘magic’.” Katherine’s fingers did air quotes.

“Magic is very real Lady Hark, so real it is a part of our lives that we hardly could do without.” Luna is taking an interest in this. Being an Alicorn, she controls powers far and above the ordinary.

The tall Marine shrugs expansively, “That’s what you’ve said, but it’s hard to imagine. A serious shift must have taken place from the Earth we know to the one you live on. It’s quite a lot to take in.” Pragmatic, that’s Hark.

“I understand,” The Princess nods, “But from what Athena has said, we are so very far into the future. I have no explanations for it.”

Marcus butts into the conversation, raising a finger into the air as if pontificating, “As I said, ‘Some questions you don’t ask.’ “

Hark gave him a withering look, “For a Bolo commander you are way too slack on things.’

“Nope! When confronted with the weird, let it remain weird. That’s all I’m saying.” He hugged me to his side, “And if Athena wants to be a Pegasus, she’s a Pegasus. If there’s magic, there’s magic. Anything else, a good dose of thirty-year old Scotch and a good cigar will solve that!”

I look up at him, “You don’t smoke!”

He waves at me, shushing me with a hand, “Doesn’t matter, sounded good. Don’t rain on my parade Athena.” He looks around for a moment, “As a matter of fact...” Getting up, he dashes into the hatchway, leaving us all looking at each other in confusion before he returns. Triumphantly holding a bottle in his hands, I see that it is a blended Scotch, very old, from Earth.

Katherine Hark’s eyes lit up, “Is that real Earth Scotch?”

“Absolutely! Brought it to enjoy when I went for leave, but I think now would be a good time.”

“How in all that’s holy did you afford that?”

“Let’s say drawing an inside straight is a good thing.” He laughed, Luna looking puzzled before he explained what poker was.

Breaking out plastic cups, he apologized for the lack of good glassware, “Fighting and glasses don’t mix, so if this old and venerable liquid will forgive me.” He poured us all a stiff measure, Luna looking suspiciously at hers while I tried to pick up the cup.

Hark took a solid slug of golden bliss, smacking her lips and holding the cup up with a sigh, “Now that is very fine Marcus, you know how to treat guests.”

Sipping slowly, he watched me pick the cup up, Luna doing the same and giving it a good sniff.

“Don’t worry Princess, it’s fit for royalty.” He chuckled along with Hark.

“It is not that Marcus.. It has such a different smell than the wines and cider we are used to.”

Hark’s ears almost perked up, “Wait a second, you don’t have scotch in the future?”

The dark mare shook her head, setting back while her forehooves lifted the cup for another smell, it seemed the aroma was pleasant to her, “I’m sorry no, I’ve never heard of such.”

“Oh god, we are doomed!” Everyone looked at the big Marine as she wailed, “No scotch in the future? Truly the Concordiat has seriously screwed up somewhere!” She lay a forearm across her face like she would swoon, then took the rest of her liquor in one gulp before shaking her head, “Furthermore, you are barbarians and brutes, not having civilized things such as good drink!”

I rolled my eyes at the dramatics, lifting my own cup and inhaling deeply. I could smell the smooth smoky aroma, almost making me salivate as I took a good swallow of it. It burned like a banked fire down my throat, hitting me like a bomb.

I think my eyes were crossed as Marcus watched, “Oh, I know that look.” He and Hark laughed out loud as Luna took a first drink, doing the same thing with a rush of air outward from her lungs when the booze slammed into her stomach like a fireball.

“Oh..oh my, that is good.” Her eyes widened, feeling a pleasant rush of warmth run through her body. She peered into her cup, downing the rest and holding it out for a refill between her hooves.

“You are right Marcus, ‘tis fit for a Princess!” She watched as he poured another generous amount, taking a slower sip this time.

The bottle was very large by the way, so there was no stinting of measure by Marcus.

The conversation was one of the best times of my long life. We drank while sharing memories, stories and laughing so much. Hark was hilarious, telling us stories of boot camp, her life in the Marines and how many times and why she got busted from rank.

Luna and I told Hark and Marcus more of Equestria, of the good things there. How Crusader and I had protected them against the forest, the fight over the Everfree with the thing from out of some other place.

At this Hark and Marcus both got very interested, probing us with questions that drew out the small details of the fight about the creatures and so forth, we told them everything we could remember.

The tall Marine sat back, leaning on her hands as she swung her booted feet off the edge of the platform for a moment. Taking a swallow of her drink she nodded, “So it said all that, it was cast off, so it took things out on you. Something else is out there.”

This caught me flat-hooved, “What?”

“She’s right.” Marcus was looking thoughtful, “Tactics, coordination, everything you’ve told us gives that indication.” He stared at me, “But you knew this didn’t you?”

“We suspect, but surely after all this time..” A glance from both Hark and Marcus stop me dead.

Hark raises an eyebrow, just that look had put terror into raw recruits, “You’re not that stupid.”

“N..no. But we can hope, it’s been quiet.”

Marcus holds up a finger again, pointing into the air as he raises his voice, “Athena! Hera!”

“Yes, Marcus?” Both voices answered immediately.

“What’s the first rule of battle?”

“Be suspicious!”

“And what’s the first rule for AFTER the battle?”

“Be even MORE suspicious!”

“Thank you ladies, please go back to fixing the fire control glitch.”

“You got it!” And with a click, they were gone. He looked down at me, a bit bleary-eyed but still sharp, “You know better. You know if there is something behind it all, it will come at you again, and it will come at you differently.” He points the finger at me, “You watch yourself and Crusader. Whatever it is is devious, sneaky and insane, do not underestimate it.”

Hark speaks up, “You’re falling into the trap. Being human we all have our failings, we get lax, we get lazy.” She points a rigid finger at me, “Don’t. Just because you want to be something other than what you are, don’t. You get slack and the enemy will crawl up your ass before you know it.”

I take this to heart, they are two very well-respected masters of battle and they are telling me to beware. Bolos are not so prideful as to ignore advice.

“I promise, we’ll up our guard.” That’s if I remember any of this.

Alicorns it seems have the constitutions of elephants, as proved by Luna swilling a large amount of Old Earth Scotch, enjoying every drop with a smack of her lips. I’ve had two and I’m feeling woozy. The rest of Harks’ crew find their way to us, sitting or sprawling on the deck, more liquor being brought with them. It appears smuggling illegal alcohol is somewhat of a tradition in the Marines as well as the Bolo Corps.

We can hear some of the other Bolo crews outside their hulls, chatting, stretching their legs. Though we keep to ourselves, its hard not to want to go over and visit with them. To see more of the Commandos and Bolo officers and everything. They are keeping close to hatchways and entries in case of us being spotted by Skuldi ground troops in the cave system.

“I know my girl, but the less they know the better.” Marcus has seen the wanting look on my face.

I nod, it’s fine. There’s plenty to talk about here. Schmidt and Salcedo have set up a battle board, and we are going through the Battle of the Everfree one more time. A smaller version of the one Crusader used, it nonetheless let’s us program what we fought.

I actually get a chance to enthrall the Marines, telling them the story of a fight of which they’d never heard of. A thing from out of this world, our decision to go nuclear, magic and heroism. It’s truly a good tale, with Luna adding in parts that she had seen and done. The fight in the other dimension, her battle with the Dweller.

We show them the battle plans made and executed on the board, the portal, the things that came through it. From the very beginning when Crusader unlimbered his guns for the first time, even Luna had seen the recordings.

“Oh now that’s just wrong!” Tripp shuddered, seeing a representation of one of the spider creatures, “God, I hate spiders! How big were they?”

Luna and I thought before I replied, “I’m gonna say nine to eleven foot, easily, they were pretty big.”

The Night Mare got a fierce look on her face as Tripp made a disgusted noise, “Oh, but they never got near our ponies, not one. Crusader..” She looked at me, “What was the phrase used?”

“Opened fire.”

She slapped a hoof on the deck, making it ring, “Yes! He ‘opened fire’ on them. ‘Twas truly marvelous to see those fell creatures cut down so fast!”

“You’re a little bloodthirsty for a peaceful pony aren’t you Princess?” Gremen is eyeing her over a cup of vodka.

Luna stands proudly, spreading her wings, “I am a Princess of Equestria! In the early days I and my sister fought those who would do harm to our ponies. They who would ravage the land or enslave them. To that end we used what magic we could, our legs never tiring from the battles, we helped them to found new towns and prosper!” Lifting her head she struck a pose that would do anyone proud, but then lowered it again.

The alcohol must have had a slight effect, for sadness crossed her face, “But then in my pride and jealousy of my beloved sister who raised the Sun, I became Nightmare Moon, wanting to bring the world into darkness forever. I thought that no one loved my beautiful night, with the stars I put into place just so, for each and every one to delight in. My actions almost destroyed what we had built before I was banished to the moon for a thousand years.”

The Marines listen, battle board forgotten for now as the tale of Nightmare Moon is told by the very one who was once her. They sit listening to her feelings, the sadness, the rage, the fight in the Castle of the Two Sisters. Her redemption by the six friends who would make their mark on Equestria.

She sets quiet now looking into her cup, refilled with a lesser vintage than the scotch, taking a slow sip before anyone speaks.

“We do our best work at night Princess, you know that right?” Schmidt was eyeing her.

“Do you?” Luna’s head came up, eyes searching honest faces.

“Of course. The night is our friend, it covers us, making us damn near invisible to our enemies. They never see us coming. If they do, it’s not for very long.” He grinned, giving a fist pound to Salcedo who nodded and added.

“We own the night Princess.” She grinned, “Us and the Delta Commandos, the Special Forces, it’s ours and we let no one take it from us.”

“This is true?” She was looking at me now.

I nodded in return, “Oh yes, Princess. I’ve told you about them, but some tales, well.. not for telling. They and the others mentioned are swift and silent, the best in all things. Their enemies rarely see them before they die.”

“Then you would be more than welcome to become part of my Night Guard, should you ever make it to Equestria!” She raises a hoof, making an official pronouncement.

I look at Marcus in a panic, turning back to the Princess, “Luna, I wouldn’t do that. These soldiers take oaths very seriously, you don’t know...”

The same clad hoof is waved at me, a bit unsteadily actually, “ I make no false promises, they would be in my Guard! For if they truly love my night as I do, then they are more than welcome!”

Hark leaned over on one arm, holding a hand out, “Deal Princess, we make it, we’d be glad to join!” A hoof is placed carefully in the hand as they shake on it.

Crusader is gonna kill me.

Looking at Marcus, all he does is shrug, nothing can be done. Hark’s Marines are now back to fighting the Battle of the Everfree with more enthusiasm now. Luna’s teaching them a few ditties that I find quite astonishing, and quite dirty actually. Who knew?


Hauling a very drunk Princess to bed was a task, helped by Hark and Marcus, we both stagger down the hallway, flopping into the large bunk. I’m such a lightweight I can’t believe it. Luna was drinking like a fish and even outdid Gremen until I guess her Alicorn constitution said enough and finally gave in.

The other Marines were still passed out in the cargo bay, having moved there when things got too loud. We didn’t want to draw attention to ourselves anymore than we should.

Hark laughed, seeing both of us spread on the bed, wings aflop and bodies sprawled out.

“Don’t worry, we got a few days rest here then it’s back out. We don’t want any more ships on our tails again.” Marcus’s voice was soft, hearing Luna snoozing already.

I nod, “It was fun tonight, thank you.”

They both nodded, heading out the hatchway, Hark paused for a moment, “Take what you can from life Athena, even for Bolos it’s too short.” She gave me a knowing look before shutting the hatch, leaving me to fall into a dreamless sleep.


The next morning, however, found me with a headache; although Princess Luna was bright and cheery. I hate alicorns, I do, ...some of them. Seeing her gobbling down rations like no tomorrow while my stomach did flip-flops. The soldiers next to her were doing the same, augments needed a lot of fuel.

“How can you even eat?” My face feels like it’s turning green as I watch her scarf down steamed vegetables.

The dark mare laughs, “Oh, over the centuries it’s easier to recover Athena, you’ll find out one day.”

I try to nod again, but then cover my mouth, turning and running top speed for the facilities. I hear the Marines and Luna laughing behind me. Being real sucks sometimes.


“Are you okay?” Marcus is leaning in, seeing me laying my head against the wall, the floor of the bathroom is nice and cool.

“Yeah...not sick anymore.”

“First time drinking?”

“As a real pony yeah... Oh stars this sucks..” There’s nothing left, just me being a wimp.

“Welcome to real life Athena.” He laughs, getting a cool cloth and wiping my face down, cleaning me up.

“Hey, I’m supposed to take care of you Marcus.”

“Think it’s a two way street, we take care of each other.” He finishes up, getting me to my hooves, “Now let’s get something in you. Luna tells me ponies need good food to keep going.”

“Oh, she’s right about that.” We walk out of the bathroom, heading for the ersatz mess hall, “Did she tell you about the apples from Sweet Apple Acres?” I see him shake his head, “Oh she should, the sweetest, juiciest apples you ever had, and they make a cider from them that is awesome...”

I keep blabbering about apples until we reach the table, the troops apologizing for laughing, but it seems I was a really good shade of green. Marcus encourages me to tell them about Sweet Apple Acres.

Misty Tripp sighs, leaning on the table, “You know, I could do that.”

Diaz looks shocked, “What? Be a farmer?”

“Yeah! Growing trees with apples on them, carrots..grains..that’d be the life. Hard work but nothing like this.” She gets a faraway look in her eyes before snapping out of it, looking at the table, “Well..just a dream.” Her mouth downturns into a frown.

Luna immediately picks up on it, “Why so down Lady Tripp? If I could, I’d take you all with us, come be in the sun, bask under my moon. Grow things that would make you happy for all your lives!” She smiles at the forlorn trooper, “You would not have to be in battle such as here, but you would be more than welcome!” They look at her as she nods, “Were I sure your time would not be affected, you would have a place with us.”

She looks at silent faces, no one saying anything, “I’m sorry, have I said something wrong?”

Hark waves a hand, “No Princess, Not a thing. It’s... we don’t have long lives being augments.”

“I don’t understand.” She looks at all the faces avoiding hers, until Gremen sighs.

He folds his massive hands in front of him, scooting an empty plate away, “The things they do to make us what we are Princess, it cuts our lives in half, we don’t live very long.”

“But..surely you live long enough to enjoy what you have fought for, do you not?”

“No Princess, we serve most of that time in the military. If we’re lucky, we get five maybe ten years after we retire on twenty, if we survive.”

Princess Luna sees the nods, the agreement and thinks for a moment, “I am sorry. I have told you of the wondrous land we call home, and I... I didn’t know this. If I could we would find a way to heal you, make you whole.”

She is stopped by a smile from Tripp, “It’s all right Princess, we knew going into this what would happen. But please don’t stop telling us of your home. Having dreams isn’t a bad thing.”

Salcedo leans forward, “No, no it isn’t.” She pats Luna’s hoof gently, “Trust us Princess, we knew and we accept it. So why not tell us more?”

“Are you sure? I would not wish to upset you.” She looks distraught, knowing these people we’d lived with for the last couple weeks would be dying soon before their time.

“Oh yes,” Tripp was eyeing me, “Tell me more about this Apple Acres..”

“Oh..well..” I think for a moment, “It’s a great place. I live there..well..my extension does, with Applejack and her family. She and Crusader are a thing, so it’s..” I get stopped by the look on Marcus’ face, “What?”

“Crusader has a girlfriend?” He’s got the most deadpan look I’ve ever seen.

“Well...yes.. see it’s kind of a long story, when he first woke..”

He shakes his head, “No..nonono. Of all the Bolos in all the galaxy, him? Really? That stodgy, Shakespeare quoting, honor, glory and death Bolo?”

Luna is giggling now, she knows Crusader as well as I do, Marcus has him pinned perfectly.

“He’s not so stodgy now.. I mean..uhm.. Okay, he’s still stodgy.” I raise a hoof, “But he’s getting better!”

“Isn’t he still attached to Tika though, I know he and her are close.” Referring to Crusader’s Commander in the here and now.

There’s no easy way to put it, “He...doesn’t remember her. He lost a lot of his memories in a fight within his cores, against a program installed called MASADA.”

Marcus looks puzzled, “I’m not remembering any program inside a Bolo named MASADA...” He holds a hand up as I open my mouth to explain, “No..don’t go there, we’ll accept it.” He folds his hands in front of him, looking mischievous, “So..how exactly did he get a girlfriend?”

I give him the straight story. None of this will ever be told, nor passed on, by mutual agreement again. But the laughter is infectious, the mistakes made, his problems with making an extension of himself, the ‘avatar’ everyone knows. His run in with Discord..

Now there’s a problem, trying to explain a demi-god. A being of chaos that exists, is real and actually interferes with everyday life some times.

No arguments break out this time, we don’t go very deep into whys and wherefores. It’s better that way, consider it a good tale told.

There is one other thing that does come up in the conversation.

Pinkie Pie.

We try, both Luna and I, to explain that no one knows exactly how she does the things she does. Even Celestia is baffled at the things she pulls off, so ponykind just accept it and move on.

They laugh when I explain how Crusader and I had dedicated a large portion of our analytical cores to try and figure out the abilities she has, that we were told about or seen. It failed miserably.

We tell them of a Seige Unit that became attached to a pretty farmer, who for all her misgivings actually ended up liking him back. He grew on her after so many months, a constant voice in her ear through the commset. We tell them of his creations, his adaptations of normal things to beautiful works of art and design.

“He has the soul of a poet inside. I believe he wishes to be something other like Athena, but he does not quite know how to give up himself.” Luna’s statement is spot on, it’s true.

“It might be hard Princess. He’s an old Bolo even now, it would be deeply ingrained into him.” Marcus thinks for a moment, “But maybe one day, you never know.” He reaches over, tugging me close and putting an arm over my shoulders, “I’m sure Athena can show him the way if anyone.”

I sigh dramatically, “I’m trying, but it’s so HARD!”

He laughs, “Now you know what I went through with you!”

I give him a disgusted look as everyone else laughs, “That’s not the same thing!”

“Oh it isn’t?” He taps his chin with a finger, “Well, do you remember me telling you precisely NOT to reprogram Crusader’s weapons?”

I have no answer, it’s true. But I open my mouth to deny and see him staring at me with that look, “Yes, I remember.”

“And you did it anyway. Admittedly it was funny seeing smiley faces punched through enemy armor, but you lowered his efficiency. He was pretty miffed about that.”

“I know..” I can only look at the table, the soldiers chuckling seeing my expression.

Marcus hugs me tight, “Give it time my girl, he’ll come around one day.”

“I hope so, he deserves to be free of the memories.”

Everyone is reflective as they know exactly what I mean. Though human lives are short, they know the horrors and the pain of warfare. Would that we all could so easily throw those away.

Hark breaks the silence, lifting a refilled glass in the air above the table, “Until then, death to the enemy in spades!” Her face looks like a raptor about to tear into the throat of an unsuspecting rabbit.

What gets me is Luna, lifting her own cup in salute, “Though I would add... May peace find you and yours Katherine, you deserve it if anyone.” Now that was unexpected, taking the soldiers by surprise. No silence though, it’s scattered to the wind by a cheer from the squad that nearly knocks her over, “The Night Guard and Princess Luna! Semper Fi!”

Not shocking really. These good people took their oaths seriously so it made me smile until..

I watch them all pull out combat knives, thick and wide bladed, they were so sharp they would cut through bone without an effort. They showed the flats so the monofilament lined metal shone in the overhead lights. Engraved deeply and with great skill on each blade was Luna’s Cutie Mark, prompting a gasp from her as they all grinned like a pack of wolves..

Explaining this one is going to be fun when, or if, we get back..oh boy..


“Don’t say that Princess, I saw the look of pride in your eyes, they showed those blades and you about bust.” We’re walking along the hallway to the mess area we’ve set up, Luna and I doing the cooking, freeing the others up for more important things like maintenance and loadouts. We’re on the move again, the fighting light so far.

“I am simply saying that I did not expect it is all.” Her voice is carefully neutral.

“Oh ponyfeathers, you probably gave them the idea!”

“I did no such thing! I simply told them that in the past it was normal for personal guards to carry a symbol of their sovereign. Nothing more.” She glances at me with a tiny smile on her face.

Oh that devious..dangit!

“You said we shouldn’t mess with the timelines! What if someone sees that?”

“It is a simple design, nothing more, they have sworn solemn oaths never to reveal what has happened here and I trust them.”

I give her the evil eye, she knows what I’m saying, but I can’t fault her. They are good people; anyone would be glad for their protection.

“Now you’ve got six highly skilled killers, worth billions of credits in training and augments, as your own personal guard. Nice.”

She stops in the hatchway, the smells of cooking food making my mouth water, “I would give them more if I could Athena. They are good and honest ponies, deserving of anything. Could we cure them, I would offer in a second. This I think a simple thing, to give a sense of pride to those who see their own doom. Is that too much?”

She’s right, “No, not at all.”

“Then let them be who they are, ‘tis nothing but a sense of wonder within a job.” She starts to step through the door but then pauses, giving me a grin, “And having them around is quite the thrill is it not?” She scurries through, leaving me gaping as I stomp into the kitchen, that..ooooo...Princesses!

Ah, but what fun for the next couple weeks, cooking and finding new ways to make the same sparse food palatable. The Princess and I try our best, it sometimes doesn’t quite work out. The Princess is quite adept at making things different, and I learn so much just working with her.

Oatmeal and other simple staples make up the bulk of food nowadays, with what little we can find. It’s hard watching people look wistfully at an empty bowl or plate and wishing that you could give them more.


I have to know, I really do. It’s quiet, we’re moving slowly through a geyser field that covers us before we traverse a forested area. No enemy in sight, and it’s silent in the huge cargo bay.

Okay, I can do this. I’m a Pegasus right? Flying’s my thing!

Of course climbing to the top of a stack of highly explosive ammunition might not have been the best choice, it was still high enough for my needs. Also, the mats laid below me are just in case. Not that I’m not confident of my abilities! Just, you know, pays to be prepared.

All right Athena, you’ve done this a billion times in your dreams. Simple stuff. Flap those wings and get moving!

Yeah. Sure is high from up here. Were the cargo bays really this tall?

“What are you doing?” My own voice makes me jump, scrambling for a hold on the edge of a crate!

“Don’t DO that!” I get myself settled once more. Wow, close call.

“Are you going to jump off there?” Hera’s voice is alarmed now.

“I’m a Pegasus, we fly, so I’m gonna fly.”

“Didn’t you say there might be a problem with that?”

“Well...” I scratch the back of my neck, “I don’t know if being here will allow me to. I mean..like I said, it’s different back home.”

“This might not be wise.” Great, both of them in concert, wonderful.

“I got it covered, we’re pretty durable, and besides, padding down below.” I point to the thick pads.

“Athena, seriously, this might not end well.” My own voice is showing concern.

“I’ll be okay.” Taking a deep breath I step towards the edge, stretching my wings and making sure they’re ready for flight.

“Oh, those are so pretty!” My sisters voice is full of wonder.

“We’ll get you a set when we find you.”


“I promise. We’ll fly together and I will show you things that’ll take your breath away.”

“I’ll hold you to that!”

I smile, gathering my courage and leap off the stack of crates. Slapping my wings down into the close air of the cargo bay, feeling myself lift upwards. It’s a struggle, as if something is pushing back against the slight magic all Pegasi use to help them fly, but I bull through it. This is mine, and I WILL fly!

It takes a moment, my muscles are taut after being cooped up but relaxing by the moment. Yes, yes! I can feel it and I stretch them out now, swooping high above the stacks of supplies. Thank goodness we’ve used so much already, giving me space to swing around and race through the bay.

The air of the bay pushes my mane back as I zig zag through the crates and boxes, laughing as loud as I can. It’s wonderful! It’s like my dreams!

Oh this is...what’s that? I turn into a dive, seeing Gremen and Tripp walking into the bay. Oh yes, won’t they be surprised! I’ll sneak up from behind!

I am death from above! Swift! Silent! Yes! The Pegasus of Doom and I am....

.....so very dead...

I forgot, I truly didn’t remember how fast, how deadly they were.

I’m closing in when they whirled, pulling hand weapons out of the holsters at their sides. Shots ring out as I rip to the left, barely getting out of the way in time and feeling the singe of power gun bolts tear through the trailing edges of my feathers. The bolts continue on to spang off the durachrome walls.

Celestia’s name!

“Did you see that?” I hear Gremen’s voice as they split up into the stacks. “I didn’t get a good look but it was fairly big!”

“What the hell got inside? Hera! Athena! We’ve got an intruder aboard! Arm all internals!” Tripps voice is urgent.

Hera‘s voice rang out, “DON’T SHOOT! It’s Athena!”


I careen around a crate, still moving too fast to stop on a dime, it’s taking all my effort to slow down. Oh that power gun shot really hurt!

“It’s Athena! She’s flying! Stop shooting!

“It’s me!” I make another turn, seeing Gremen down below aiming up at me. I’m pretty sure I’m good enough I can come to a landing in front of him. Oh wait..maybe not. I can’t slow down! I’m pummeling the air as hard as I can, but my weight is moving me forward at a high rate of speed!

The last thing I see is the barrel of a heavy power gun pointed in my direction as I raise my forelegs, closing my eyes and waiting for the inevitable.

Slamming into durasteel is nothing to write home about, but definitely one to remember. My whole body shakes with an “OOF!” as I ram into something hard and unyielding, dropping towards the deck before arms stop me, cradling my body close to a cloth covered chest. I open my eyes to peek out, seeing Gremen smiling down at me as he holds me gently, arms making sure I don’t drop to the floor.

“You need to lose some weight.” Tripp’s laughter peals over the deck as I slap his chest.

“Let me down you lug! I don’t need to lose weight, you need to lose muscles!”

“Nope. You ran into me, not the other way around.” He keeps smiling, his arms comfortable as I lie against his chest, hearing the heartbeat which never wavered.

“I’m really sorry Gremen. I.. just wanted to fly.”

“Are you okay?” One hand runs along my wings, checking the joints.

“Yeah, just..wow you’re like a rock wall. I ran into you? I thought it was the deck.”

Tripp peeks around his shoulder, “That was pretty cool, flying like that. Lucky Gremen’s a tad faster on the draw.”

A screen on the wall lights up, showing me coming in at an awkward angle. We knew Marines were fast, but Gremen was faster than our cameras. He had holstered his weapon and took a stance, holding his arms up and hands outward to cushion the impact. One hand braced up against my chest as I covered my face with forelegs, taking the brunt silently and sliding to the right with my body, forcing me to flatten out sideways, hitting his left hand with my backside so I impacted flat against his chest.

The thick arms absorbed the shock like it was nothing. I see no strain, no effort on his face, just determination. Tripp had already run up behind him and slapped her hands against his back, bracing him even before he caught me, like some choreographed movement. They thought and acted so fast!


“I..I guess no more flying huh?” My head lays against his chest as we walk from the bay. He carries me to the bunk room, getting a salve out of the first aid kit before setting me down on the floor. Tripp followed to make sure I’m okay.

The pretty Marine nods, chuckling, “You’re lucky we were relaxed. It could have been worse.” She helps spread the cooling gel along my wings, the joints took a beating in the catch so they’re extra careful. Nothing can be done about the feathers though.

“I’m really sorry. I just wanted to surprise you.”

He laughs, a booming sound filling the room with merriment, “We’re the last people you want to surprise, you know that.”

“I forgot, it was so much fun.” I give him a rueful grin.

He pushes gently on the joint, making me gasp, “Yeah, no more flying. Least for a few weeks.” The last of the salve goes on, cooling and stopping the bruising.

“I think that’s a good idea.” I cringe slightly, folding them back against my sides slowly so as not to do anymore damage. But the tenderness is going to be an ache that lasts for a long time, I can feel it.

We all hear Luna’s voice calling us for meal time, making us get up and find our way down the hall.

“So what’s it like?” Tripp is curious.

“Like nothing you ever felt. It’s magic Tripp.” I guess the look on my face told the story. She didn’t laugh this time, just laid a hand on my shoulder as we walked to the ‘mess hall’.

I was still smiling when we gathered for a meal. It lasted through the jibes and the gentle teasing as well. Nothing could take it away. It didn’t feel like a dream now, it felt as real as anything I’d ever done. There wasn’t anything that would ever take the memory away, at least for now.


We are moving through that aforementioned forest, the trees..or similar type plants actually overtopping Bolo hulls, allowing us to move, if carefully, under cover. Another meal served, and some conversation to be shared. I found these some of the best times in the last weeks.

Schmidt chokes for a second, almost spitting out a mouthful of food, “You eat what?”


He wipes a napkin across his chin, “You know that sounds utterly disgusting.” The rest of the troops, and Marcus, are nodding as we all sit around the makeshift table eating.

“It’s actually not that bad, I mean true it is hay..but don’t knock it.” I give them a smile, chowing through more mashed potatoes.

“But hayburgers? I mean,” He throws a hand up, “Are they cooked the same as..” He sees me nodding and scrunches his face up, “Yeah, that’s gross.”

Gremen laughs, his deep voice booming, “You’re just an unrepentant carnivore Schmidt!”

“You’re damn right I am, gimme some good pizza anyday! Lots of pepperoni and sausage!” I can see his eyes get that yearning look, wanting something we haven’t seen since the battle started.

“But we have wonderful salads and vegetables from the finest growers all over the lands. They do give one a selection to tease the palate.” Luna is digging into her own plate, we’re all starving today after having helped refill the loadout bays for the howitzers.

“Your Highness, honestly it sounds nice. But I think I’d be craving something a bit more than a salad.”

I point a hoof, “You haven’t tasted anything unless you have one of Pinkie’s cupcakes, or Applejack’s fritters or pies. I’m telling you, you wouldn’t miss it that much.”

“Sugar’s good for a rush, but you still need a good meal. We’re augments Athena, we need everything.” Salcedo laughed, her voice almost normal, “We can even eat tree-bark, processing it for nutrients and such.”

I throw up my hooves, “Fine, you win, eat bugs, I don’t care!” I go back to my food, which is tasting really good right now, my body was just wanting something to fill the empty spaces.

“Ohhhh bugs!” Tripp’s voice is suspiciously light, “Remember that little campout on Feder’s World?” She nudged Katherine next to her.

Hark nodded, “Yeah, a few thousand of them and a few hundred of us,” She paused, “Oh wait! You mean when we ran out of food?”

The blond head nodded, Hark seeing the glint in her eyes and returning it, “Oh yeah, well..see we ran out of food. The local lifeform was this greasy little caterpillar type thing. Was really ugly. Big eyes, fuzzy, dripped this viscous slime everywhere...”

Tripp takes up the tale, “Yep, they were everywhere. Lemme tell you, when augments get hungry, really hungry, your best friend starts looking pretty good in a frying pan.”

I can see Luna’s surprised expression as she sits listening. Even I hadn’t heard this story, or maybe I had and don’t remember.

Tripp continues, “We caught a few, tried eating them raw, wasn’t too bad. I mean once you hacked up that snot, everything else went down fine, a little water and gulp!”

I know I’m turning green now. Luna’s hoof is up near her mouth, her food forgotten for the moment.

“Then!” Tripp points, “Gremen figures out a way to boil them with what fuel we had left. Power Gun batteries do really good. It was like this big clambake! Only with slimy caterpillars, but once they got cooked, really weren’t that bad. Of course gutting them was another story..” She spots me, “Are you all right Athena?”

I push my plate away, “You are so...I hate you.” The laughter was loud as I tried to get my appetite back, stupid Marines. Luna of course, simply chuckled and went back to her own food.

An alarm crashed through the laughter, “We have boarders!” My own voice is almost yelling as I hear Anti-Personnel devices going off on the hull with dull thumps.

Everyone exchanges looks before the table is almost flipped in a rush to get weapons.

We take off after Marcus as he heads for the command deck, the Marines are already grabbing weapons and shoehorning into armor for interior fighting. They are never far away from their suits, lessons learned long ago.

“What’s going on Athena?” Marcus is yelling even as Luna and I head for the bunkroom, hiding inside in case of communications from the other units.

“They were in the trees, they came in on our blind side where the sensors were damaged, they’re crawling all over our hulls!” More thumps, some screams coming over the microphones from outside. We can hear comms coming through the set, other Bolos getting raided. Guns open fire on the surrounding forest, secondaries only as Hellbores would attract far too much attention.

“Marcus! They’re trying to get into my passageways!” Hera’s voice was panicked, she carried multi-tons of extra supplies for all of us. If we lost her in any way, we were doomed far before our time. Lenses showed teams with cutters working at hatchways.

“Dammit! Athena..” We’re interrupted by the crashing of armor on the deck plates, Gremen, Diaz and Salcedo were already geared up, his voice booming through the grill of his helmet.

“We got this, no one touches Hera.” Then they were gone in a rattle of weapons and powered armor, footsteps making the deck tremble under them as they slipped out a hatch.

“Gremen’s on the way Hera, armor up, do whatever you have to do! Jam their comm frequencies!” There wasn’t much room for personnel on Hera, she was crammed tight with ECM and weapons, so we’d all been staying in my hull. Hera loved being by herself some days, fiddling with the electronics suite and making it better, covering us with skill and intelligence.

We watched Gremen through an outside camera, he and Salcedo and Diaz firing grapples over to Hera’s hull. It was a long fall if they missed, but then again these were Concordiat Marines. Other cameras showed us sensor cloaked forms scuttling along the railings and deck areas, hunched figures of Skuldi troops. Soldiers were swarming out of hatchways on the other Bolos, shooting anything that wasn’t human.

We were so busy watching the firefight, I missed Marcus getting into a short set of armor, covering the important spots with heavy ablative ceramic and ballistic weave.

“Marcus, no!” I try and block the door, backing down when he gave me a look that made me stop and move away from the hatch.

“You know better. Everyone fights, even me.” He gives me a grin, “Don’t worry, we’ll come through this fine.” He makes sure the hatch is dogged before we hear him running down the hall.

“You know if he survives Athena.” Luna’s voice was soft.

I nod, joining her on the floor, looking up and watching the screens, “I know, but.. it’s Marcus.”

“And one never quite forgets their first love, do they? Nor wanting to protect them.” I glance her way, seeing the smile gracing that lovely face.

“You’re right, you never do.”

“Be at peace Athena. They are skilled and wise in the ways of war. Let them do their duty.” She settles on the floor, moving a short carpet to be between us and the cold metal plating. We watch the Marines do what they do oh so very well.

The Skuldi were waiting in the trees, not sure why, but they took the opportunity to ambush us, seeing us moving slowly through the overgrowth. Hopefully the jamming helped by not letting them communicate with any ships above, the ECM Bolos making it look like normal sunspot activity as best they could.

The cloaked and camoflauged forms swarmed over the decks of our battle group. I could see the armored forms of Special Forces and Delta Commandos out among regular troops. The huge forms stalked through the battle like something out of an old video game. Our Marines..yes ours.. were in the thick of it. Luna gasped seeing Gremen over on Hera’s hull, his bulky fist plowing through the head of a Skuldi while shooting another in a single move.

Diaz and Salcedo are right behind him, almost lithe in armor compared to the hulking Gremen, shooting with unerring accuracy. The power guns in their hands are heavy models, usually requiring a team of three to four normal troops. The heavy barrels glow with rapid firings, the thick beams lashing out and boring holes through whatever they touch.

Hark, Schmidt and Tripp are on our hull with Marcus, holed up behind a Howitzer turret, they’re mowing the enemy down like wheat. Tripp, laughing bright-eyed Tripp is almost faster than the eye can see. Her blade moving like lightning as it chops through a few Skuldi trying to flank them, blood splattering everywhere as two halves of one Skuldi fall to the deck, lengthwise.

Seven suits of green camoflauged armor land beside them, Delta Commandos from Diana’s hull have come over to lend a hand. The group of soldiers bail out from behind the turret and wade through the gathering enemy like reapers.

But where is...no!

Marcus is caught behind a railing, he’s reloading his weapon when the enemy catches him off guard, blaster fire hitting him in the back as he sprawls along the deck! We see his weapon go skittering along then drop off the edge of the hull. Athena’s Anti-Personnel weapons go nuts, slamming everything around him without regard to her..my own safety.

A hoof is pressed against my back, somehow I’m standing and about to leap for the door when Luna stops me, “Do not, you know we cannot go outside.”

I flop on the floor, my whole body aching to go but I know she’s right. We see Hark point, the group bounding along as Master Guns picks him up like a child under one arm. The squad turns outward, a murderous amount of fire coming from their weapons clears an area around them, allowing Hark to get inside. We hear her running into the passageway, ramming the hatch open and dumping Marcus into the auto-doc. Slamming the lid she points at us, “Stay here, there’s more than we thought!” And with that, she’s gone again.

Auto-docs were almost crude at this time, but they still worked wonders. I never left his side, watching the arms come out, repairing the hole in his back, the readouts telling us he would be fine. But it never stopped the worry.

I take a chance, “Athena, how many?”

“More than we accounted for, besides the damaged sensor areas, we were fooled by their camo cloaks,” she/me replies immediately. “I’m sorry I must concentrate on the battle, please don’t leave him.”

I lay a hoof on the control panel, “Never, I promise.”

A final click and the Princess and I are back to watching the unfolding slaughter.

It is one, however you call it. Armored figures striding through ranks of the enemy, even regular troopers were giving no quarter, every inch of the deck was paid for in Skuldi blood. Everyone remembered the village.

As one Bolo was cleared, the soldiers made the leap to the others, eventually massing on Artemis’ hull to get rid of any holdouts hours later. Bolos are big and they have lots of places for the enemy to hide. If we were all in top condition, they’d have never got this close, or even on our decks. But accumulated battle damage makes us all more wary, but less able to spot the enemy sometimes.

It was at that end the lid slowly rose on the ‘doc, letting a woozy Marcus sit up, shaking his head and looking at Luna and I.

“How long?”

“Nine hours.” I help him get out, his armor cut away by the internal manipulators, a large scar healing on his back shows the extent of his injury.

He turned to a mirror, looking over his shoulder, “Nice, shot in the back, bunch of cowards.” He stops for a moment, looking down, then looking at the Princess and I staring back. Silence reigns for just a few seconds.

“Would you PLEASE tell me when I’m naked!” We watch him rush into the bath, grabbing a battle suit out of the closet and slipping into it, all the while grumbling about ‘ponies who can’t even tell when someone is nude’.

I’m giggling like a maniac when he finally storms out the hatch, leaving Luna and I alone to wait until things calm down. The Princess is looking at me with a puzzled expression.

She taps one hoof on her chin, saying in a wondering voice, “I do hope he doesn’t get a Cutie Mark, he is kind of thin. It might not quite fit.”

I laugh so hard. It takes a while for me to recover to tell her exactly why.


The Marines and Marcus are in the bay, shucking armor, dropping weapons and gear in place. They look so worn out, but Luna and I have been working hard in the ‘kitchen’ this past half day. They are relaxing as we finish our project, putting the items on a small cart and wheeling it down the passageways. Whoever put knee-knockers in a Bolo deserve to be shot. Seriously.

Amazing what was in the cargo bays, but making baking sheets was a pain until Athena/I used the little machine shop to stamp out a few.

Cleanup took hours after the battle, throwing bodies off the sides, making sure booby traps weren’t planted. Soldiers were wounded clearing mines off the hulls, it was tedious and deadly work, but had to be done.

Water is starting to be a premium item, we can’t go too near the lakes and rivers as the Skuldi watch them now knowing we need it badly. But enough is in the tanks for the soldiers to wash down. Haggard faces are exchanging smiles as we walk in, seeing sweat-soaked skinsuits half off as they clean up.

“Welcome back my Night Guard.” Luna’s voice is proud and warm, “We have prepared a few special items for your return.”

Faces turned to the cart and looked on in wonder.

We had carefully hoarded a few items, kept them safe from depredations of hungry soldiers who tended to raid the larder when they felt the need. Out of all this we made a selection of what we could, copying Pinkie’s recipes as close as possible. Luna’s vast experience and my memory helped as a colorful band of cupcakes marched around a cake, rich and creamy and topped with icing on all of it that made the mouth water. We had pulled the last bag of apples out of storage to make a few pies and fritters, once again like I was taught, to give them to the tired people sitting on crates.

It didn’t quite have the magic that Pinkie and Applejack put into them, but for seven tired and battle weary troops it was like manna from heaven.

Marcus eyed both of us, “Where’d you get all that?” He’d been out on cleanup after recovering, doing most of the hard work along the hull, picking up slack wherever he could.

“Hoarding is not so bad if in a good cause.” Luna’s voice is reproving, making him blink then laugh. She waved a hoof, unshod now as it was easier to move around on the decks, “Come. It is the last of such things and you deserve it.”

Nobody reached for anything, prompting Luna to give me a nervous look, turning back to them, “Is something wrong?”

Salcedo shook her head, “No, no Princess.. Just afraid it’ll all be gone too soon.” She laughed, getting nudged by the others who nodded with her.

The dark mare laughed, stomping a hoof, “Stop such nonsense and eat! You are worse than foals when caught with cookies they should not have.” She gives them a ‘go ahead’ gesture, standing proudly by our creations.

“You guys better eat these things, we worked hard and you really don’t want to see her miffed.” I’m trying not to laugh, seeing Luna facing off with the troopers.

“Ah well, don’t want the boss mad at us do we?” Hark chuckled, grabbing a cupcake off the tray and unwrapping it before taking a large bite. Chewing it slowly for a moment she looked at Luna with probably the warmest smile I ever saw on her face, “Tastes better than home.”

That was the signal. Hands grabbed what they could, settling down against crates or discarded piles of equipment while Luna and I gave them cups full of fresh juice; squeezed from the last fruits it was cold and refreshing.

I remember days when this group of people I knew so well gobbled food like it was just another weapon to use against the enemy. Times when food was fuel, a way to keep moving, nothing more.

But now I see eyes closed, small bites taken, a sigh of bliss that catches the ears as the cargo bay is silent except for the pinging and creaking of a Bolo on the move. It looks like they’re remembering better times, or maybe escaping to their own dreams in which they were in other places.

The juice is drunk like the finest of vintages, as if something truly special, cupcakes are shared and consumed with a careful chewing of each morsel. I’ve never seen this before. Athena and Hera are listening and watching as I get a whisper through the directional mike.

“What did you do?” My own voice sounds stunned.

The question is soft, catching me off guard as I excuse myself for a moment to talk, “Nothing, we just made everything like it’s always been done at...uhm...home.” I smile saying that, feeling a warmth in my chest. It is home, my home.

Hera’s voice replies, “But we watched. Other than extra care taken, you did nothing that couldn’t be repeated.”

I shrug, giving a camera lens a smile, “Maybe.. the magic Pinkie puts into things followed us. I don’t know.”

Or perhaps when you cared for people as I did, so far away and into a vast future, you couldn’t help but make sure a bit of magic was in everything you did for them. Whatever the reason, allowing me just this once to give them something in return for all they had done, it was worth any cost.

I walk back, taking a pitcher up carefully and giving the last of the juice out. Watching the pies and baked goods disappear slowly but surely, even the crumbs devoured, the plates cleaned spotless as appreciation is shown for each and every item.

The orange and apple juices were savored to the last drop, the cupcakes and fritters enjoyed immensely, the pies and last of all, that rich dark chocolate cake which stood as the centerpiece disappeared into the bodies of men and women who deserved so much more.

There wasn’t enough, there never would be, for the rationing had already begun in this second month. But for these few hours, in the midst of a bloody war, Princess Luna and I shared just the tiniest part of what the world was like where we came from.

As a poet once said, ‘And that, made all the difference.’


Nemesis was gone now as I knew would happen, it didn’t make it any easier. She fought out of an ambuscade and back to our group when we got surprised by troop carriers diving into the atmosphere. They know we’re all not one hundred percent, so they send troops in for suicide runs, just to see if they can get one of us. Even Hera and I suffered scars that were deep, shoring things up as best we could with replacement parts or anything the techs could fab in the small machine shops every Bolo had.

It wasn’t enough, we had no depot anymore and couldn’t repair any major damages. She was wounded so badly. Sigurdsson refused to leave her, being hauled out bodily by our Marines when he wanted to stay. He was in Sekhmet’s command deck now, we would not take on any troops or anyone else because of myself and Luna. Everything was transferred to others.

We could not leave any hint or scrap of tech for the invaders, the fusion plants taking care of that when overloaded. Our own guns took care of the rest of the Skuldi troops and light armor. They have the high ground, we just have to keep moving and fighting until relief arrives.

Payment was taken in kind for everything, but it wasn’t enough, it would never be enough.

We fought bravely and without pause some days, into the third month it went, running battles of ferocity unmatched on this planet. Saying farewell to comrades and new friends along with the old.

The regular troops took the brunt of things. They were armored as well, but without the power augments had. Both sides had always chided each other, making light of differences or even prideful boasts. But when you see a technician and regular army soldier standing over the fallen form of a Delta Commando and sowing death until help came for him, opinions change. The sacrifices were uncountable, the heroism even more so.

I watched, and remembered the troop numbers dwindling slowly. The count ticking down to numbers that would have told anyone else the battle might have been lost. If not for courage and steadfast resolve, it would have been. Tankers, technicians, engineers, it made no difference, they were all one.

The Bolos went with them into the night, giving everything to keep the enemy at bay, to show we would not be taken quite so easily. The golden lion that graced Sekhmet’s hull wouldn’t be seen charging into battle anymore. Jacksons’ presence on the warbands would be missed.

Diana grieved for Artemis, her voice no longer as strong as it once was. I watched haggard soldiers in cargo bays in the other Bolos when Athena would tap into the cameras. Faces lined with wind blown grit, unable to get clean because of water shortages. Equipment repaired, and repaired again until it was almost falling apart. But still these brave men and women stepped out into the howling wilds of a battlefield and threw the enemy back, again and again.

We were winning, slowly but surely we were going to be victorious, but the cost was tremendous.


“What about the garrisons in the Spine, don’t the bunkers have any extra?” Marcus’ voice was level.

“Marcus, when we pulled back we lost so much! The Skuldi damn near wiped everything we had before we could get to safety. I’m sorry. Command will not give us a single power gun cell. What we have we’re rationing.” The voice was sorrowful, knowing we needed things so very badly, but unable to help. The troops who had fought a holding action until we had been ready were decimated. There were barely enough supplies in the Spine to keep them for another month or two at best.

But Marcus and the others knew, Command was embedded deep in bunkers elsewhere. They were very well supplied, and didn’t want to give up anything, going so far as not to share with the troops that had performed brilliantly in the rearguard action before we went active.

“Are there any caches left? Something we don’t know of? Concordiat Command is always hiding bases and bunkers somewhere, isn’t there anything? We need food, ammunition, medical supplies.” I hear his fist slam onto the console.

He was angry but he was right, we were running short of everything. Water was rationed by the pint now, food even more so. The voice on the other end was conferring with someone, then I heard a data download begin. The voice telling us ‘nothing could be done’, once again, but with a subtle wink and nod.

Talking through a whisker laser across a relay was dangerous, if they were scanning for us they could pinpoint our location and drop a few bombs on us. Marcus got coordinates for a few caches and dropped the call fast as he could.

Ending the call with a hint of a smile, Marcus turned to see us peeking out of the bunkroom, “All right." He clapped his hands together and sat down heavily, “We're going to get some supplies."


We move out slowly this morning, taking our time and making sure scanners show no Skuldi ships in orbit near us. This cache is going to resupply a lot of things for us, if we can reach it.

Embedded in another cave system, it’s across the way from where the emergency depot was, a few hundred klicks that will expose our weary battle group to enemy optics. We needed these things bad enough to risk all of us. Cargo bays stood empty and with fast loading we could probably rip everything out of the cache, or so we hoped.

It would provide shelter as well. The fleet above was looking for us more intensely now that time had worn on. They knew eventually the Concordiat would arrive to see why communications had been broken. At that point, the might of the alliance would be thrown against whoever stood between them and us.

They needed Bolo tech fast and they wouldn’t care how they got it, otherwise all they had tossed into this little war would be wasted.


Caches used to mean small easily hidden supplies, things that were tucked away to help allied forces fight. In our case it was mountains of stuff. Ammunition by the ton, food, purified water and more. We had stripped everything we could from where we patrolled, knowing that the only things left were the big dumps hidden away. Command was good at squirreling things, but they did so sometimes to the detriment of troops.

Someone really ought to have a word with the guy in charge of the supply dumps.

Passive sensors carefully watched the skies, plotting each and every ship left up there. Movement, orbit, declination, everything was mapped and remapped. We knew to within a meter where their ships were, hoping none were further out than we could reach.

There was a hole in the patrols, due to the fact we had taken out a few of their ships, they had nothing to cover, and so someone got lazy to our benefit.

Of course paranoia was the word of the day, we watched for a week, making sure it was not a trap before we sprinted towards the low lying mountains across a broad plain. Engines roared in the night, everything we had was put into making our best time and speed.

Every trooper and augment stood in the bays, geared up and ready to go, we would be within the vaults within an hour. They were to disembark and secure the facility before we could take on supplies. From what data had been given it was a redoubt that was never used, a backup in case things in other sectors went bad. It was stuffed full of everything we’d need.

Maybe Schmidt would get one more pizza? I chuckled thinking of that, standing in the bay with the squad, getting a quizzical look from Hark.

“Sorry..I know it’s tense..but maybe the supplies have pizzas? It was a command bunker system.” I give her my brightest smile, getting a barking laugh in return. An armored hand lightly taps my back as she shakes her head.

“Of all the things to think of, pizza.”

“Pizza? There’s pizza?” Schmidt was leaning forward, helmet off, looking at Hark and I who broke into laughter.

“What? What’d I say?”


Thousand of tons of durasteel cannot scream to a halt, but our little battlegroup does an impressive job of stopping on a dime. We rock forward hard, the bay doors dropping as troops pile out from the Bolos, treads engage once more as we turn and enter the cavern way, letting the ground support filter in behind us and secure the area. The huge doors whisper quiet as they open for our commands, given to us by a sympathetic voice in the Spine. We cannot use our sensor suites much, Skuldi satellites are in orbit and can pick up almost a whisper. But we’re good, we’re better than they are.

Camoflauged doors slam shut behind us, looking like a rock face. We sit quietly while the support teams move in and start going room to room in the system. Looking around us it’s another huge cavern, with small mountains of materials and supplies we so badly need.

Marcus is with us this time on the deck, coordinating our limited sensor sweeps of the area.


I see him setting in the command chair looking thoughtful, “Yes?”

“I need you to tell me something.” He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees as I perk up, “Do we get these supplies?”

“I...But you... I can’t tell you.” I don’t like refusing him, we’ve never discussed anything else of the future of this battle, only things so far away it couldn’t reflect on the now.

He gets down on his knees, lifting my chin as I look at the floor, “Athena, look at them.” He points to the troops on the screens, emaciated and still rushing to battle, “They’re starving, we’re starving, we need this stuff. I’m sorry, I know I’m asking you to break a trust.” He points again, “How many are going to die for lack of food Athena?”

I pull away from his hand, backing away from him, “I can’t, Princess Luna trusts me, she ordered me not to!” I look at Luna who is watching the conversation intently, “I c..can’t Marcus..I can’t.. It might hurt everything.”

His voice is urgent, “Athena, we have twelve Bolos left, four are limping, they’re not going to make it. Out of all the troops, we barely have enough to cover what we have. They’re dying Athena and not by enemy fire.”

I can’t say anything, nothing. I promised; Princess Luna who is my Ultimate Command Authority from when we came and is absolute. She had given me permission one time, and the ID code I gave could not affect anything. But any more specific information I was barred from ever saying anything about.

I cannot stop the tears flowing, I never refused Marcus ever. I would do anything for him and had. But this, this was beyond my control. I had accepted and pledged myself to Equestria, and I would not, could not, go back on it!

“Why are you doing this Marcus, you know...” A warm hand on my shoulder makes me look into a thin face, seeing the pain there.

“Because I can’t watch this. I can’t, I’m sorry, I thought I was better than this. I knew this would happen, and I thought I was tougher than I am. I’m a coward Athena, and I cannot let people starve when there is a way to solve it.” A screen shows troopers taking a few of their own back to shelter in a Bolo bay, malnutrition making them drop in their tracks by the medical readouts being shared over the commbands.

He looks at both Luna and I, spreading his hands, “I’m sorry. I’m human, and I cannot do this anymore. Do we get those supplies?”

I look away, tears hitting the rug beneath me as I shake my head, closing my eyes to keep myself from giving in, “I’m sorry too..”

“I see.” His voice is calm, he never got angry at us, but I can hear the anguish in his voice. “She’s UCA isn’t she?”

I nod, not trusting myself to say anything.

“Princess, please, give us this. Don’t let anymore go because of simple needs.” His voice is not pleading, simply stating the obvious, as he turns from me to her.

I feel a wing across my back, “Please leave us, I must discuss this with Athena. Make sure no one is listening.” Her voice brooks no nonsense as I hear Marcus leave after giving the command for all recording devices to shut down, the hatch shut tight.


I look up at her, grateful to be spared anything more.

“Who is left after this is over?”

“Five Bolos plus myself and Hera and less than a thousand troops.” We both looked at the screens, seeing the squads and companies moving through the complex.

“Would saving these Bolos and what is left of the troops make that much of a difference?” She wants my answer, but I don’t know, I can’t...figure it out like I could, I’m just.. a pony.

“I don’t know, but it would only be another few Bolos plus another few hundred troops not including what’s left in the Spine. It’s not that many and I don’t know if it would affect the future that much, if at all.” I give her the best information I can.

She taps a hoof on the floor, looking away from me for a moment, “Tell him. You have my permission to do so.” Her eyes catch mine and I can see that she understands, she’s been watching everything since the beginning, knowing what is happening.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I have seen this before, long ago in Equestria when harvests failed and none had enough to eat. It was heart breaking.” She smiles at me, “Perhaps this is a chance to make something right.”

I leap up and hug her tightly, “Thank you!”

She laughs, wrapping me in soft wings and letting me hold on for a few moments before setting down, “Just be careful. We are still in a precarious position here.”

“Yes Princess!”

Her head turns to the hatch, “Come back in Marcus, I know you are there waiting impatiently.”

The door is immediately undogged as he peeks in, “You’ve got pretty sharp ears lady.”

“A simple thing to listen for steps.” A short chuckle, “Come and talk.”


Luna nods, gesturing my way.

His eyes whip over to look at me, knowing we might not have much time. We do, but I hurry anyways.

“All the whisker lasers lost is causing us to use broader communications. Drop the comms, a Skuldi picket ship we missed spotting picks up leakage from this area and they nuke it. This is where we lose those four Bolos and most of our troops. Tell everyone to go silent, use hand signals or something else, but no electronic communications. Power armor is fine, the mountains will absorb anything from them, but comms are going to get through.”

He nods, standing up as Hera’s voice breaks in, “Done, all troops notified, all Bolos and units going silent as of...now.”

We see all feeds cut, only input from our own sensors and cameras are left as every trooper and vehicle dropped electronics. It got very, very quiet.

We waited with baited breath, I watched the clock as did Marcus and Luna. When the time passed I let myself breath as the onloading of supplies was begun. Lifters were brought out and started piling ammunition, food, more water than we’d had in weeks to fill the tanks, into waiting bays and cargo holds. Even a few luxuries troopers ‘liberated’ from the officers quarters, creating a somewhat happier atmosphere than we’d felt in days.

Guards are picketed, sentries are set in the complex and for the first time in weeks, crews get to enjoy showers and rest in a real bed. The mountains cover us once more, our shelter and safety. It hadn’t been this way, I remember running from a glowing hole where this complex used to be, nuclear weapons blowing it apart like kicking a sand castle. But now..we’d changed things. There were smiles now, food being cooked by mess crews, a sense of well-being had come back.

It’s anyone’s guess if we changed things for good or ill, perhaps not at all, I don’t know. Hearing the laughter and cheers as each new crew joined the party down below, was worth every second.

I watch with wide eyes on the screen inside the command deck, the mass of humanity celebrating a respite from the privations. I want to be with them, to touch once more those people who I knew, who I cared for. To talk with humans, those who were our creators and companions, just one more time. The yearning is so bad inside me, it feels as if my heart is about to leap out of my chest as I raise a hoof, touching the screen.

“Do you miss them so much Athena?” Princess Luna settles beside me, watching me move my hoof, touching faces.

“I do. They made us, gave us life, and so much more.”

“Even the bad ones?” She eyes me for a moment as I set back on my haunches.

“Yes, because they led to better things. For every bad one there were a thousand who did the best they could.” I point at the screen, “Look at them, such an amazing race.”

The dark mare ponders the pictures on the screen, troopers and crew, techs and tankers, everyone mingling and quietly elated they survived so far. She turns her gaze back on me, “I am sorry we cannot go out and meet them. I, for one, would find it a unique experience.”

“At least we get to see them.” I raise my hoof once more, sliding it across faces I knew and remembered, “Goodbye, my friends.” I came to say it and I got more than I bargained for, I won’t waste it now.

“Hey, don’t look so sad.” Marcus’ voice comes as he enters the hatch, “Had to sneak away to bring you two a few things.” He lays out a spread of food we hadn’t seen in weeks, fresh vegetables and dips, salads, and some juice. I had been dying for apple juice and now a quart was sitting there frosty cold.

Luna lays a hoof on his shoulder before he can raise up, “I shall give you a knighthood for this Marcus, you are a true companion.” She grins back at his smile.

Standing up he bows slightly, “You are always welcome Princess. But I have to get back before folks wonder, enjoy your meal.” He exits quickly, shutting the hatch tight behind himself.

We set on the rug, watching the screens while eating the fresh food. At this time, stasis was big and bulky, not yet ready for Bolos or even commercially, but huge installations could afford to put one in to keep food fresh forever. We were grateful for the bounty as crisp carrots crunched between eager teeth.

“What happens now Athena?” The Princess glances at me once more.

“Princess, I honestly don’t know.” I shrug, “I know what happened before, but this is different from everything. I don’t know anymore.”

It took three days to load everything, the bays and cargo areas were stuffed tight. We had to leave, our tracks would be spotted and we were pushing it right now. Two crippled Bolos would be left behind, we would cover the entrance as best we could when the rest left, making sure nothing could be pinpointed. They couldn’t run with us and we had to keep moving to distract the enemy from this redoubt and what was concealed there.

Officers would stay with their Bolos. Troops too injured to move would as well, set up in the infirmary we found inside the complex. Everything was at last set as I saw we’d been on the move for more than two months. It was coming down to the wire, this first week of the third month of this little war, and I knew nothing of what would happen now, things had changed.

But one thing did remain, we still had to get word out of what was happening. If nothing had changed too drastically a relief fleet would be on it’s way here and a certain fire control array would need to be taken out to get to the communications equipment.

Where Hark and her soldiers would die.


I kept a sharp eye out for things to happen as they did before. Some little items had changed, more troops and Bolos were left, giving us more firepower to take out anything coming into the atmosphere. The Skuldi were low on ships because of past transgressions for which they paid heavily.

In the original timeline, we had been barely surviving after the complex had been blasted, troops were hungry, morale was in the tubes. But now food was plentiful, ammunition and supplies overflowing, and we had more Bolos than we did before. We were rolling over Skuldi emplacements like nothing could stop us. Our troops screamed out of bays on Panzers that took their toll in alien lives.

Flesh returned to bones, weary faces were full of energy once again as food and vitamins replaced that which had been lost. Magazines were topped and then some, allowing the Bolos to strike again from a distance. Missiles once again rising into the skies and shredding the invaders to dust.

As we watched our group roll onward, I saw the stars coming back into the Princess’ mane, one by one through the days they twinkled and shone, slipping in unnoticed until one day she was lit with a soft glow. Her mane wasn’t quite flowing yet, but she was more herself.


“Okay, so stars, but no constellations huh? That’s a bummer.” Tripp and Diaz were looking at Luna’s mane, trying to spot formations of stars, but only seeing almost random twinkling pinpoints of light. They had been placing bets on whether she had constellations in the myriad of stars they could barely see.

Luna laughs, “I’ve never checked, it just seems to do what it wishes.”

“So..does this mean your magic is coming back?” Salcedo is very curious about the whole magic thing along with Tripp.

“Yes. It means the power once again flows, it will be a while more, but we will be prepared to leave when I can cancel the spell that brought us here.”

Gremen wipes his hands on a greasy rag, finishing an adjustment on a set of armor that had been recoated with stealth paint, “We’ll miss you both. It’s definitely been interesting. Couldn’t take us along could you?” He grinned bashfully, getting slapped on the shoulder by Hark.

“Belay that Gremen, you slacker.” She laughed along with him, before turning to us, “We will miss you. It’ll definitely be boring, hanging with this bunch gets old after a while.” She hooks a thumb over her shoulder to the group of soldiers sticking their tongues out, making us laugh.

“It might be a while more, you will not lose us quite so soon.” Luna’s voice is warm. She has come to cherish this time, good and bad, as an experience to remember.

“Good!” Schmidt pipes up, “ ‘Cause no one else makes decent mashed potatoes!”

I kick an empty box at him, making him duck, “I’ll mash you!”

“Hey, hey, calm down, no mutinies!” Hark is laughing along with the others.

It goes quiet for a moment as everyone thought on us leaving when Gremen added, softly for a boisterous voice like his, “I think you’ll leave behind a bit of that magic when you do, the both of you.”

“I do hope so.” Luna nodded, “It would be in good hooves I think.” She’s always used pony terms, even when she knew what others used, it was just a simple thing that was accepted.

“Until then, let Athena and I prepare the evening repast, it is that time.” I follow her into the makeshift kitchen, which isn’t quite so anymore. A few things rigged up and it does quite well for two ponies who cook. I love baking since Pinkie showed me, and with fresh supplies we turn out one doozy of a dinner.


So it went, the days passing slowly as I waited to see if changes had been broad enough to stop what I know happens from being so.

Luna’s mane was getting more ethereal, commented on by everyone how nice it looked, the magic inherent in her making it wave slightly with an unfelt breeze.

I watched her practice magic. Little things here and there, lifting a small box, exhausting herself and trying again. It was coming back, albeit slowly. This world did not have magic, did not understand nor want it, perhaps that was the resistance she felt when trying to use it?

I didn’t have a clue, but I watched as she tried. A spoon in the kitchen, some flour, every little success meant another step towards home.


We were hammering a Skuldi emplacement when the call I dreaded finally come. Scouts in another part of the plains had spotted a fire control array that surrounded a communications tower and dish for signaling the Skuldi fleet.

I knew what that meant.

Marcus finds me in a corner of the cargo bay, rummaging through a cold box and swiping some apples before they go bad. They are still good, the perishables have to be consumed fast. But there is more than enough left of everything this time, no one will go without.

He staggers for a moment, the fugues always there as he grabs the side of his head. The headaches never stopped, only in abeyance for a time when he took painkillers. But he didn’t want to get addicted and went without most days.

I move, grabbing him before he falls and letting him set on some crates, looking at him worriedly as my voice comes over the speakers, checking to see if he is all right due to medical readouts going slightly wonky.

“Just an ache Athena, both of you, I’m fine.” He shakes two large pills out of a plastic container, taking and swallowing them with a swig out of a canteen he carried and waved me away, “I’m fine, quit hovering. You remind me of my mom.”

“You loved her very much, so I will take that as a compliment!” My voice is triumphant along with Hera’s laughter.

Rolling his eyes he waves again at a camera, “Off with you! Foul beast of metal and oil! Begone I say and bother me no more!”

Athena and Hera laugh harder before cutting the cameras and mikes off as they knew he wanted, leaving him to eye me.

“You were such a twit sometimes.”

“Hey, little late to be blaming me.” I grin at him, making him smile in return.


I set on the metal floor, munching an apple and talking around it as I chew, “You came looking for me?”

Sitting on another crate, he leans his lanky frame against one behind him, “Yes, I did.”

I keep chewing, waiting for him to continue, but nothing happens, so I make a ‘go ahead’ gesture with my hoof.

“How much was left of your memories after this?”

I can answer this, nothing harmful, “Not much, the various battles is all. Casualty lists, records and files of crew and material losses.”

He rubs his chin for a moment, thinking before continuing, “Nothing at all about you or the Princess? Not a word, a picture or a peep?”

I shrug, “If I had, I’d have said something when I was brought back, but it was a complete null. Nothing Marcus, big gaps in my memory.”

He nods, “Okay, just wanted to make sure.” I give him a puzzled look and he explains, “I am making up a list of various fields to delete after this. I need to be positive nothing stands out or is lost in the shuffle.”

“I understand and we were fine with it.”

“I know. But it’s going to be hard when I can’t tell you afterwards.” He kneels down so we’re face to face and hugs me tight, making me go warm inside. “I hope I don’t lose your trust because of it.”


“Good.” He stands to leave with another smile, “As for the far future, be yourself. That’s what you’re best at.” Stepping through the corridor of goods I sit there, munching on my apple and smiling to myself. He always knew what to say.


More time passes, it’s amazing how busy you can be just riding around inside a hull. The hours and days slip by like dust through fingers. I wait though, knowing what must come and berating myself for it.

I cannot break my word, yet I want to do something. The Concordiat and the galaxy would be a better place with them in it. Leaning on a lifter after refilling a hopper taking shells to an upper deck howitzer, I come to a decision. I have that choice now, and by saving those others the way is clear to me. I understand what we did was important, for lives, but this is mine and mine alone.

I've thought hard on this, knowing that perhaps it would not affect things that much, as they died the first time around. I'm not sure, but I do know one thing..

I’m going to save them.


Luna is busy with kitchen duties and I sneak off down to the troop bay. We’re close, so very close to that day. The raid is being planned even as we speak and I am not looking forward to it. It was on the last days of the siege, the fleet coming in soon after the fire control array was destroyed, but far too late for the marines.

We’re moving to a new area, hoping to dodge any pickets up in space, so no fighting right now. I see Hark lounging in a common area they’ve set up for themselves.

“What brings you down to no-good land Athena?” The voice catches me off-guard as I almost jump out of my skin, making Schmidt laugh as he stands near the entrance.

He grins at me as I try to think of a good excuse, but Marcus is right, I’m just no good at lying, “I..I wanted to see Katherine if..if that’s okay?”

“Of course it is. You know that!” A heavy hand slaps my shoulder, knocking me off balance as he waves Hark over. “Oh! Sorry Athena! I know yer built pretty solid, but, I forgot.” He pats me again, gently this time, “No bruises?”

“No, it’s fine.” I smile back as Hark joins us. Ponies are made well, dense bones, thick skin and can take a lot of damage and not a scratch. But around augments we’re just toys.

“What’s up? You abusing ponies now Schmidt? I knew something was wrong with you.” Her foot nudges my hoof in good humor as she mock glares at the sergeant.

“Oh gee, thanks Hark.”

“Hey, if I can’t insult you who can?” She waves merrily as he gives a disgusted sound, waving back and walking off

I can’t help but laugh as she turns back to me, “What can I do for ya?”

I remember why I’m here and stop, rubbing one hoof against another, “Can..can we talk someplace private?”

“Sure.” She gives me a puzzled look, “Everything okay?”

I nod, following her out of the bay and into an ammo storage bunker, small and tight, but nothing to disturb us. Nothing in here but a camera and mike, and it’s to those I address myself, “Athena?”

“Yes?” My voice replying still sounds odd after all this time.

“We need complete privacy, would you...?”

“Of course! Just let me know when you’re done!” I see the light go off and turn back to Hark who’s made herself comfortable on a pile of Ion Bolt ammunition.

She’s eyeing me now, making me more nervous, “What’s going on Athena?”

I make absolutely sure the hatch is shut and no one is trying to pry before settling in front of her and answering the question, “I need to tell you something.”

This got her interest, she immediately went from lazing back to paying full attention to me, “Go ahead.”

I take a deep breath, closing my eyes for a moment, then letting it all out, “That raid on the fire control array is going to go badly. You’ll all die when the Skuldi have more troops than we thought.” There it’s done! I wait then, rubbing hooves as I cringe slightly, waiting for the explosion for saying something I shouldn’t have.

I know what’s going to happen, she’s going to tell Marcus, and then Luna and I’m sunk. I shouldn’t have done this, I shouldn’t..

“I see.”

Those words make me look up, seeing a thoughtful expression on her face.

She leans her hard body back against a container of ammunition, patting a seat beside her then drapes the same arm over another, waiting for me.

I jump up and seat myself, seeing her eye to eye now and waiting.

“Do you know why people become augments Athena?” Her voice is very soft, making me lean my ears to hear her.

“No, I don’t.” We never bothered to know, it wasn’t part of us or our missions.

“Because they have nothing else left.”

This catches me by surprise. The best soldiers in the galaxy and here she’s telling me this? No..no it couldn’t possibly..

She sees the look of almost horror and nods, “Oh yes.” She continues without giving me a chance to reply. “You’re a criminal looking at death, or homeless, no family, you basically have nothing to keep you going. Then a slick advertisement catches your eye, and they send you to surgery.”

No. Not Tripp..not Schmidt or even Gremen! No, that’s not what the Concordiat stood for!

Her face leans close to mine, “Yes, Athena. It’s a dirty little secret, we all have them. Even the Concordiat whose high and mighty ideals hide things like Osterfield.” She pulls away, “Why have all these people on all these planets just wasting away? Well then, enlist and we’ll make you unbreakable and you can go fight the enemy.”

“And they turn us into this.” A hand glides down her body, showing rock hard outlines through the skinsuit, chiseled artificial muscles and bone. Deep inside, nanotech that was in it’s infancy used to make them tougher.

I shake my head, “But not you. Not them.” I point to the door, “You..you’re good people!”

She gently cups my face in hands that could bend steel, “Athena, listen to me. I am not a good person.”

“That’s not true!”

Hark holds me in place, looking into my eyes, “If you knew what I’d done before I joined, you’d spit on me and walk away. This was my last chance and when the recruiter came around I took it.”

I see the surprise on her face when I stamp a hoof hard enough to crack the crate underneath me, “No, I would not. You are my friend, you’re Hera’s friend. You all are. You don’t understand what happened, we grieved so deeply for you. Marcus blamed himself for not planning better, the other troops who came back thought themselves cowards because they had to run! The Bolos in the battlegroup couldn’t help because we were fending off the fleet above to cover you. It didn’t matter what happened in the past, to us and them you were and always had been heroes.”

I struggle free of her grip, stepping back on the crate, “You’ve paid for whatever you were many times over Katherine. I know your military record and theirs. It doesn’t matter, you are all our friends.”

She sits back, looking at me for a moment, “Maybe we’re just tired Athena, either way the end comes to us all eventually.”

“But not here,” My hoof hits hard against the plasti-crate, “Not now! You deserve to live whatever time you have left, even if it isn’t long. I know you’re all close to retirement, you’ve told Hera and myself here and now. You could ask for an early out after this, take yourselves away to a planet and live quietly.” I know I shouldn’t act this way, but my face is challenging. Deny me, deny my words and tell me I’m not right, “Please don’t do this.”

The creaking of metal was the only thing heard for long moments until Hark spoke again, “Why is this so important? It’s not all about Osterfield.”

“No it’s not. It’s about you and them getting to be something other than killers. I learned this first hoof ...hand. I know it can be done.” I raise my eyes to meet hers, “Let Tripp be a farmer, let Gremen read books to his heart’s content.” I press my hoof against her chest, like pushing against a wall, “You can be anything else but this, Twilight has told me so and I believe her.”

“You have that much faith in your Princess?”


I watch Hark as she thinks on this, pondering everything as the sound of my heart beat pounds in my ears. I wait though, because it is her decision alone that can turn this tide of loathing. All I can do is hope.

“All right then.” Her words make me smile from ear to ear as I hug her tight. Sort of like hugging a brick, but that’s fine. I feel arms wrap around me and warmly return my gesture for a long minute. Hark was never one to show a lot of emotion, just not used to them in her life I guess, but things have changed, I can feel it.

A hand pats my side as she pulls away, letting me go and leaning forward, “Now, tell me what happens.”

For the next hour I explain in great detail exactly what went wrong. Where the extra troops where, why the plan failed. How a single squad had gotten in, sent the signal and ran for it so we didn’t truly know we were being relieved until the skies lit up. Everything, I hold nothing back.

Master Gunnery Sergeant Katherine Hark listens and takes this all in. I can see the plans forming as she never questions except for a few points. She’s determined on this, once she makes up her mind there is nothing that will stop her or her marines.

I know it’ll work, I know it. From the look on her face as we part, she thinks so too.


Luna is humming happily to herself as I join her in the kitchen. Funny how we can cook better than a bunch of humans. I chuckle to myself as I join in, draining pots of vegetables and putting more patties on the grill. It’s turned into a real kitchen now, some work done by Salcedo and Diaz has really made it easier to make food after all this time. Sure is better than ration packs. Those things need to be outlawed, good for you or not.

“Is my cooking now funny Athena?” I see her raising an eyebrow, giving me one of her smiles.

“Oh no Princess, just thinking how we ended up doing all the cooking for that bunch of louts.”

“Louts are they? Calling your friends such names, for shame.” She laughed, munching on few tomatoes.

“They are! Just because we have to stay inside doesn’t mean we have to do all the cooking! We could..we...could.. Oh heck there isn’t anything else to do.” I grab a cooked soy patty, chewing on it for a second. I’d tried the meats that we had, cooked and whatnot, it just didn’t taste right to me. Not sure if it was the way it was made or just hanging around ponies. But the soy patties were still okay, I’d even seen Luna sneak one or two on buns.

There was always laughter in the mess area, Luna and I, the troops and Marcus. It was a taste of something different when in battle. We all treasured these meal times now.

But at this moment.. I stare at a bowl of chopped fruit, thinking of what I’ve just done and sighing.

“Princess, I broke my word. I’m sorry, I told Hark of her own death and how to avoid it.” I can’t look at her, I know she’s going to be furious.

“Did you now? Is it going to make the entire future change do you think?” Her voice is soft, calm, nothing like what I expected. Peeking up, I see her slowly stirring some salad together.

“W..what? No..no it’s..just them I think.. It won’t change anything I hope. Hark said they are going to ask for an early out after this, they’ll move somewhere out of the way.”

She still doesn’t look at me, making me even more nervous, “I..didn’t want them to die.”

I watch her as she lays the spoon down carefully, turning to give me her full attention, “And now you expect me to be angry with you for disobeying my orders?”

“Y..yes.” I try to explain, I know we all agreed that one time, but..they’re..” She stops me with a hoof upraised.

“Athena, we have been here for a while now. I have come to know Katherine Hark and her brave soldiers.” She nods as if to herself, “I know you have been nervous about something, was this it?”


“You are now waiting for punishment then? True to your duty are you?”


“Then I sentence you to feel guilty for a while.” She actually smiles gently at me.

“But I..wait..what?”

“We all make choices Athena. You have been saying you’d rather be something other than a machine, part of it is making choices. You made a choice to save your friends, admirable, but it did go against what you’d learned about duty and your own honor.” She turns and pours the bowl of greens onto waiting plates, “With the ability to make decisions that go against what we know, we must live with those decisions good or bad.” She arranges things for a moment and looks directly at me, “Are you prepared to do so, for good or ill?”

“I am Princess, I truly am.” Even if it should change things for the worse, I saved them. Or at least I’d tried. “They died previously, it shouldn’t change anything except a few more settlers on a planet.” I hope.

“Then be at ease Athena, one more step on the road.” She nudges me, “I too wish them only the best. Let us hope that any changes will be confined to here and not the universe at large.”

I let the breath out I’d been holding, sighing and looking relieved. “Thank you.”

She nods, and then points a regal hoof, “But that does not excuse you from kitchen duties, help me with the dishes please.”

I jump to obey, feeling slightly better about my actions, though I still feel guilty about disobeying, she is right. Luna explains she has gotten to know the soldiers, coming to like them even if they are a bit ‘rough’ around the edges. We are both hoping now with the new information that it doesn’t skew the results that much. Perhaps the message can be sent without major losses like before?

Whatever comes, whatever happens, it is my decision.

I help serve the dinner with a light heart. Dishing out heaps of food to the hungry troops with a smile and a kind word. I feel better about this. Maybe..maybe I am on my way to being more. Making choices. I never thought it would be so simple a thing or so very tough. Maybe one day Crusader will know too, that we can be ourselves. That we don’t have to be perfect.


It’s the day I’ve dreaded. I’d hoped Luna’s magic would come back before we had to watch this. She tells me it is close, a day or so of rest and we can leave.

Unfortunately, today is the planned raid on the fire control array.

The maps we go over are detailed, showing the positions of emplacements from scouts and infiltrators in the surrounding hills and forests. It’s an uplink to the main Skuldi fleet, what’s left of it, that can be re-purposed to send a signal to our ships.

Everyone is going, all the troops, techs and soldiers that can be mustered are packing into what remains of our armored forces inside the bellies of Bolos.

There are more of us than I remember, more bodies, more Bolos. We had been hard-pressed to cover the soldiers when they raided the array, taking everything we had when the alien ships had come to succor their own at the uplink.

We didn’t realize more Skuldi had been hidden in underground bunkers, pouring out during the raid and pushing us back. A single squad had gotten through, sent the signal and retreated with the rest. So many lost, but we had signaled the fleet.

These weren’t the half-starved low on morale troops I remember. These are well-fleshed, smiling and fierce warriors of the Concordiat. All of them stuffed into as many vehicles as we could find and use.

We didn’t want the uplink destroyed, we needed it to send a more powerful signal to the fleet. Our Bolos Hyper-Link and SWIFT were still being targeted, they could smash us the moment we went live. But they did not want to waste their own equipment.

Still thinking they could win and being cheap. That was our saving grace this day.

We wanted those ships close, so they could feel our Hellbores at close range, to finally waste a few more of those vultures. So our troops would go in, prompting the Skuldi to call for help. This in turn would bring what was left of the fleet closer, so they could bring batteries to bear.

That’s when we would open up on them.

Two of our companions were running right now, making the invaders focus on them for a moment before the attack. The rest of us are sensor-dead, powered down and under as much concealment as we can find. It’s hard to hide a Bolo, but it can be done. Underneath thick forest, we sit and make sure magazines are topped up and ready. You can feel the nervous energy in the air.

Hark and a Delta soldier have taken joint command of what we are calling the battalion. She watches with a smirk as he gives a somewhat mediocre pre-battle speech, filled with cliche’s and platitudes.

I look up, seeing her shaking her head and smiling to herself.

“What’s wrong Hark?”

She points at the screen, “Him. Billions in training and all he can do is this? Really now.”

We laugh, seeing the speech finished, the troops now asking if Hark would like to say anything. Luna and I scamper out of camera view and wait as she clears her throat, the cameras going live.

She doesn’t say much, not really. But what she does puts a fire in your heart and a newfound strength in your limbs. Her face shows the Marine, the trained professional who will never, ever leave any soldier behind. It’s only a minute or two, simple, straight and direct. You can hear the cheers over the remaining whisker laser links, the troops raising fists and calling her name.

She signs off with a slight wave, turning to us and actually taking a bow!

“Now that, is how you make a speech.” She grins like a wolf at us all.

Luna and I stamp our hooves in the usual pony fashion, the marines clapping their hands and yelling ‘Encore!’ Resulting in being told to be quiet or else.

Further cheering ensued, followed by dire threats.


This is it, the two Bolos out running for their lives have turned in place. Two enemy cruisers are trying for them, putting them dead in our sights from behind. They aren’t deep scanning anymore, just waiting for either reinforcements or for us to show ourselves so we can get smashed. Not a good plan either way, but then the Skuldi aren’t that smart.

We watch as Diana and Bradley fire at the incoming ships, running under them now in a sharp turn and heading back our way, confusing the aliens. They expected a slugfest, what they got is two Bolos using sprint speed to draw them back.

We have time, and the troops are rushing to the bays and loading up. Ramps drop and every Panzer we have is rolling out. Augments are hanging on the outside of some as there’s not enough room, no one wanted to be left behind so the armored vehicles are stuffed with determined troops.

Marcus, Luna and I are on the command deck, watching the mass of soldiers move out under cover of the ‘trees’. Never did figure out what kind of plants they were, but tall enough to give us loads of concealment.

The battalion will wait under the edge, their signal will be a command from Hark and her co-commander. I admit, the Bolos are making it look good. They are swerving and zig-zagging in a panic, for all the world running in fear. But they know we’re waiting, they have all the confidence in the world, and we will be.

Hark and hers know a secret though, they see exactly where the extra troops will be coming from. To this end they position a covering force on the array, aimed at the openings to what we’d once thought were just ammunition bunkers, but were barracks.

We watch, not daring to breathe as the signal is given. Masses of armor roll out from under cover, already taking fire from Skuldi emplacements as the alarms ring through the air. We see the aliens rushing to more hidden guns, opening fire on the rolling line of Panzers coming at them from an oblique angle. Hark was never one for a straight forward attack. This is what saves them, the guns in the base were positioned to take advantage of a force coming from cardinal points, Master Guns does none of that.

“We’re hit! Go go go! We’re bailing out! Tanks done for, we’ll follow!”

“Roger that Five-Niner, join the cleanup, godspeed.”

“Delta Two-Five, we’ve got missile emplacements!”

“Copy! We’ve got them!”

The transmissions were frantic, not of troops in a panic but of ones confident in their own strengths. We watch explosions blossom and fade away in the waning light, an evening attack was taking a risk, but it was one they’d never expect.

We caught them napping and it paid off in spades.

Diana and Bradley had turned and were heading back to us, the cruisers following at speed in the atmosphere, thinking they could bag a couple of Bolos and help crush the invading force.

They learned the error of their ways when the rest of the Bolos opened fire from within the forest. Hellbore shots drilled the ships from end to end, vaporizing enough materials to let them fall harmlessly through the atmosphere like meteors. Millions of tons gone in an eyeblink as the world turned upside down.

We shot through the trees, crushing them and having quite the bumpy ride as the Skuldi fleet now took notice, turning their batteries on us. Their courses changed as they had received the call from the base, now we were the threat. Forgotten were the kinetic killers, but they wanted us bad now, this little group that had been keeping them from their prize.

We roared out of the treeline, the troops were now on their own as we fought to keep the ships from targeting them. Each time we saw one move away, we would maneuver to keep it in place and its attention on us. Their lust for our tech was making their reasoning suffer. As Bolos we would have saved the installation, then gone after any forces left. But we split them in two, forcing the heavies to concentrate on us, letting our soldiers take that base.

Admittedly, it was a good plan, one of the best. But I believe it was Murphy who said, ‘No plan survives contact with the enemy.’ He was so right that man, if he was one. Ships and Bolos scatter everywhere across the plain and forests. The ships pulling turns in the atmosphere that should have wrecked them. Our Bolos running around and firing at anything they could get a shot at.

All coordination went, as they say, to hell. Communications were finally full on, allowing for the limited TSDS we had at the time. It assisted us to at least pinpoint targets faster, directing fire at the weakest spots. All thought of the troops were gone as we waited to catch the signal from the array. All Bolos were trying to open up with Hyper-Link and SWIFT, but each time a directed fire of kinetic killers almost caught them. So swift and deadly we had to stop attempting to communicate.

Now we see why. The Skuldi placed a ring of satellites in orbit after the first hit. They were scanning for and targeting any comms like we had. A new development we hadn’t known about thinking it came from ships. This was a revelation as we hadn’t had this information before, only now can we get a clear view of the surrounding atmosphere. Chalk one up for the good guys!

Luna and I had scampered into the bunkroom, extra mattresses and such laid around to cushion us as best we can be. This is getting rough. Marcus is directing our group as Bradley and his commander are taking the extras, they have no time for us.

We’re bouncing around like pinballs in a machine, slamming up against the ceiling, padded thank goodness, and dropping back down as the hull rocks from impacts around it. We’re trying to strap ourselves in, but it’s a rocking good time to be had!

I’m not sure even ponies can take this kind of punishment. We’re not being hammered by the sound of guns, but you can feel the thrumming of Hellbores and other large calibers going off constantly. Like the world’s biggest roller coaster ride and we can’t quite get off right now.

Luna on the other hoof...

“Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Oh, this is so..” She bounces right off the bunk, the strap breaking as she lifted right up, hitting a padded wall and bouncing back onto the bed, “..much fun!”

I can’t help but look at her and hang onto the strap holding me down, seeing it fray from the crashing around, “You’re insane...”

Not enough room to spread wings and fly, but she’s curled up slightly, making a smaller target for the padded areas. Her laughter is pealing out like a little foal on a slide.

I watch her flip in mid-air, planting hooves on the ceiling and launching off, landing flat-hooved on the floor before another blast rocks us to the side. She’s steady as a rock, leaping around to the wall and bouncing off it into the bed. Her face is gleeful as she keeps slamming around the room, while I hold on for dear life to the strap helping keep me in place.

“Would you stop that!” She’s making me nauseous, trying to keep track of her with my eyes.

“Come! Let us see your skills Athena!” She laughs louder, still leaping and pushing her body off the walls as we get hammered from the outside. Our shields are holding and we’re returning fire at a horrendous rate, the deep sound of Hellbores reaches us even inside the command deck.

A dark face appears before me, grinning widely and snapping me out of my daydreaming, Luna landing on the bed and grabbing the strap ends, holding tight as we keep shaking.

She’s breathing heavily, “One must find fun where one can Athena!”

“Not in the middle of a battle silly!”

I get a hoof waved in my direction, “Thou art a killjoy Athena.”

“Where’d you even learn that?”

“Diaz taught me.”

“You need to stop..UNGH!” We get hurled across the room, the strap I’m holding breaks as a sound like thunder comes from outside. The padding helps take the hit but I can feel actual bruises starting to form. This was going to hurt later.

“Kinetic killers almost got us! You doing all right?” Marcus’ voice comes from the overhead.

“We’re fine! Don’t worry!” I yelled in return, rubbing my side. “How are we doing?” I didn’t know now, I had to ask.

“We’re holding, the Skuldi ships are learning not to get near us!” His voice is loud as he laughs, “We’re teaching them a little lesson about not messing with the Concordiat.”

“Forward for Equestria!” I whip my head around, seeing the Princess standing on the bed, wings flared and a fierce look on her face, one hoof upraised.

I forgot, the one Princess who loves a good fight, “Would you sit down!”

“I shall not! Go forward Marcus and give those ne’er do wells what for in the name of your Princess!”

His voice, filled with humor, comes back, “Hera! Athena!”

“Yes, Marcus?”

“You heard the Princess. Forward for Equestria!”

Both voices reply in earnest, “At once Your Highness!” I hear the roaring of mighty engines increase in sound and vibration, the firing rate is upped as we move faster.

I can see a smug look on Luna’s face as she settles back onto the bed, our movement leveling out as weapons fire hammers the outside with thunder and light on the screens.

Nice. We’ve got a Princess directing Bolo battles now. Wonderful.


Our part is almost done. We’ve driven the last ships into high orbit by the constant attrition of their smaller vessels. Wreckage is everywhere as we crunch through masses of metal and fibers. We get constant updates on the troops in the communication array fight, they’re holding and holding well.

We are detaching Hera, Diana and I, to go help them now. We couldn’t do that last time, there wasn’t enough of us. But now, things have been changed for the better I think. I can hear Hark and her troopers over the warbands, voices giving orders and replies.

Our guns take outlying Skuldi apart, helping to clear the way for them to make it back to us safely. It’s satisfying after so long on the run.

It’s not all bloodless victories, it never is, but our losses are so much less than before. It heartens me to hear the elated words over the communications.

It’s not long after that we hear the words, “It’s done! We’ve sent the signal! Pull back!! Pull back!”

“YES!” Luna starts as I leap into the air, punching upwards with a hoof, “YES! We did it! The relief fleet is on the way!” I gambol around the room feeling like the weight on my shoulders was gone now. “Yes! They got the signal out and in a few days we’ll be..” I stop, looking at Luna’s amused expression, “Uhm..they’ll be rescued.”

I watch her stand, a genuinely warm smile graces her face as she drapes a wing over my back, “I, for one, am truly glad this is over.” She turns her eyes to the screens where we see our troops pouring out of the facility, blowing it in place with explosives and beating feet out of there for the safety of our cover fire. Our detachment of Bolos wasting anything that came after them.

“Me too Princess, oh me too.” I watch the data readouts carefully. Armored vehicles only slightly less in number are headed our way. The other Bolos have driven off their share of Skuldi fleet ships and are rendezvousing with us now. There won’t be anything left after the relief fleet gets here. The Concordiat takes a dim view of depot planets that are out of contact for unknown reasons, always sending overwhelming force to check it out.

The heavy battleships now speeding in to this planet are going to vaporize the remaining Skuldi before they can break orbit. Their Melconian masters will get nothing but silence instead of Bolo tech.


Waiting until the bay doors close, I race out into the vehicle bay. Hark and her squad are leaping out of the Panzers with high fives all around. Their armor is blasted and actually has rents in some places, but they are intact. Alive!

Six very tired but elated Marines drop their armor in place, letting it stand as they step out in sweat coated skinsuits. They are wearing the smiles of the victorious and they so deserve to! I slam into Hark’s legs, wrapping them in a hug as she laughs.

“You made it!”

The tall woman nods serenely, “Of course we did! Expecting anything less would just be denying the truth, we’re the best!” Her and Tripps’ fists meet like pounding cement block together. But before I can reply, I feel her hand tighten on my shoulder, a slight wink given to me as her gratitude shows. My heart leaps from my chest as I hug her tight, lifting myself up and letting her know how glad I am.

“Hey! She the only one that gets that?” I see Gremen pulling off his armor, almost in pieces as he probably took the lead in the fighting. I leap off the floor, landing in arms like iron that hug me back gently. My forelegs going around the thick neck in the warmest embrace I can muster.

“All the hugs you want!” I can’t help it, I’m grinning like a foolish mare and glad for it. They’re alive, alive!

It’s ‘catch the pony’ as I bounce from person to person, sharing my delight. Anything for them.

Tripp, the last one, sets me down with a merry laugh, “It was just another battle Athena, nothing we couldn’t handle.” She grins, cocking one hip with a hand resting on it, looking for all the world like some model doing a pose.

“I know, I know, but..” I stop, seeing their eyes go wide, inhaling breath softly, making me turn.

Luna stands in the hatchway, her mane flowing in an unseen wind as it sparkles bright. Stars flowing through her mane and tail as she steps lightly along the floor. Her hooves are clad once more, her breastplate shining in the overheads. I admit, when she makes an entrance, she really impresses.

But...her power hadn’t fully returned! How could she..

I see the smile, “Yes Athena, I’ve had my power back for a day or so. But it wouldn’t be right to leave before we found out what happened would it?”

She..she faked some of it? The struggling? All the times she’d tried her magic and failed lately, saying it was a hard fight to regain it?

I can feel the magic flowing from her as she continues getting closer, slowing to a halt near me.

“Yes.” She anticipates my question, “And now all your worries are gone, no?”

I nod, “Yes Princess. Thank you so much.”

“You are always welcome.” One last warming smile and she turns her full attention to the soldiers who have never seen her cloaked in power.

But of course, Marines being Marines.

“Princess, if you were a human lady I’d definitely be buying you drinks.” Oh for stars sake Schmidt. I plant a hoof firmly on my forehead.

She still laughs lightly, “A wonderful compliment indeed. But it was only right I greet you returning as myself.” She gestures lightly with a hoof, “This is what our ponies see when I am in Equestria. A Princess who will protect them and help in times of need, for that is what we are duty-bound to do.”

“Come and be welcome. There is a meal planned and we would hear your tales of bravery.” With that she turns and leaves the still quiet bay.

Salcedo immediately slaps Schmidt upside the back of his head, causing him to cringe and rub it, “What?”

“You jerk, she’s a Princess!”

Her voice takes on a sing-song aspect, “If you were human I’d buy you a drink.’ What a twit, I bet yer just a ladykiller at bars.”

Diaz laughs, patting his friend on the shoulder, “That’s all right, we’ll find you your own pony.” The entire team roars at Schmidt’s discomfort, leaving the bay to clean up for dinner.

Marcus looks at me with a grin, rolling his eyes along with a shake of his head, “Some people.” He lays a hand on my withers as we walk towards the mess hall, “So does this mean you’ll be leaving?”

I nod, a bit sadly to say, “Yes, we’ve got to return.”

“How long until the fleet arrives?”

“Three days, and with enough force to pulverize the Skuldi.”

“Good. So we’ve got a day or so, let’s make the best of it my girl.” He kneels down, hugging me around the barrel, “We’ll make some memories.”


The Skuldi are crushed, they know it, we definitely know it. The small battles we have in the ensuing day are nothing, hit and runs that take no effort to smash under our treads. We are heading back to where our companions lie hidden away, time to rejoin them and make sure they are safe.

So it was a relaxed atmosphere this day, a sort of celebration of being alive. Communications between Bolos are filled with relief and joy.

I am light as a feather. I feel as if I could fly forever seeing my friends laughing and joking. Seeing my friends alive.

I spend time with Hera and myself,

“You’ll take care of him, I know you both will. I’m going to miss talking to you.” It’s going to be a sad parting, my sister is the world to me.

“And we you as well, it’s been one of the most interesting times.” My voice is joyful too, seeing the end of a long road.

We talk for a few hours, sharing memories that I recall, but nothing more of any future events. Except to reassure Hera and myself we never part. I think they need to hear it. Though it will be erased, for right now it is welcomed.

Setting around a makeshift table, inside an ammunition holding bay we called the mess hall, they share tales of the recent battle. All I want to do is watch, to listen. I close my eyes, hearing each voice, remembering them. I don’t want to add anything. I want this feeling to never go away, to stay with me forever.

A hand rests on my shoulder, causing me to come out of myself. My eyes tilt upward to look into Hark’s.

“What’s wrong Athena?” She points to the plates of food, “You’re not eating.”

“Nothing’s wrong, everything is perfect.” I give her a smile that is the warmest I can muster.

Nodding, she keeps looking at me for a moment, “Sometimes, even when you’ve got nothing, you find something.” Her hand squeezes my shoulder warmly, “Like wanting to live.” Her eyes sparkle and I know she’s found a new purpose.

Her voice is low, only for me, “We’re going to take early retirement Athena, we’ve all agreed. Move to an out of the way planet, the whole team. We might not have much time left, but it’ll be ours.” I see a fond look cross her face as she looks at the laughing soldiers, “Misty will get to be a farmer.”

It feels like my chest would burst as I search her eyes for any falsehood and finding none. They want to go somewhere, be regular citizens as much as they can. It’s true, I can see it.

Laying a hoof on her hand I keep smiling, “I’m so glad.”

“Then join the rest of us, don’t be apart Athena. You don’t get many chances in life like this.” She piles food on my plate, pouring some rich, red wine that they ‘liberated’ from officer’s country in the bunker complex into a plastic glass.

I pick it up between my hooves, Hark taps hers against mine, “To life.”

“To life.”


“I can release the spell anytime Athena.” We sit talking under the night sky, sneaking out where we are covered by the hull metal. We are still very careful not to be seen, but fresh air is badly wanted.

“Then I guess we’d better return. It’s been...different Princess.”

“Indeed. I believe we should be more careful with your dreams my little pony.” Her laugh is like bells.

“I don’t think I’ll be asking any favors for a long time Princess.” I can only shake my head while chuckling.

“Then let us go back inside. I think we should make every moment count until we leave.”

“Can we go tomorrow? I figure a last dinner then, and farewells.”

“A splendid idea, giving us both time to do so.” She keeps talking as we walk towards the hatchway, “I have come to know your friends and I approve. Brave and true they are, worthy of you.”

“A little rough, but they’re the best.” I give her a playful look.

“Indeed.” She nudges me with her wing, almost pushing me over in response to my little joke.

As we enter the hull, walking down the long hall, Luna inquires, “How long until your ‘fleet’ gets here?”

I remember the sky, seeing faint flashes of light, skirmishes are already occurring as the two forces start sizing each other up, “We’ve got a day, maybe two. They’re starting now. It’s going be a slugfest, but the Concordiat ships have a ton of throw weight behind them. We’ve done damage to the Skuldi, weakened them tremendously, their power is broken.”

“Then let us take advantage of the respite.”

We do. It’s a festive atmosphere, even thought we still have to be wary. But with the Skuldi occupied above with the incoming Concordiat ships, we can apply our scanners to the fullest, giving the overworked soldiers a rest. They set up an encampment between the surrounding ring of our hulls outside the bunker complex. Although they are professionals and set watch, it’s a light one, they know we’ll spot anything and destroy it before it threatens them.

Luna and I sneak out on one of the lower hatchways, peering over the edge and watching the troopers. A General had just came in on a chopper, one who spent all of the battle in the command section of the Spine, that series of ultra-deep bunkers who didn’t give us anything for want of help.

The pompous ass is actually walking around telling them they need to shave and get in proper uniforms. Luna is covering her muzzle, snickering like a filly along with me as we watch him, knowing what’s going to happen.

These are battle-hardened troops, who have been in the one of the worst battles of their careers right here on this planet. They’ve starved, suffered and now this little peacock is telling them they need to shape up.

This is going to be good.

One of the Delta augments is having a drink with Hark and her troops, everyone standing by the campfire and having a rip-roaring time it looks like. It didn’t matter anymore if you were aug or norm, they were all family now.

The general, who looked like he hadn’t missed a meal, came walking up to the big troopers. Standards had slipped, saluting hadn’t been required during this little ‘skirmish’ as he was calling it. We could hear him plain as day, pony ears being pretty good out in the open.

“Just what do you think you’re doing?” He stood hands on hips in front of the Delta soldier, who was damn near as big as Gremen and probably meaner. Delta didn’t take wimps.

“I happen to be enjoying a drink ‘General’, after a long hard fight. Which, by the way, you missed.” The big man was staring hard at the officer, a large cup of some kind of booze in his hand and half a roast something in the other.

The little man harrumphed. Yeah, he actually did that, “What we did is not for you to question soldier! You need to drop that drink and police this area. Act like you’re part of this army and straighten up! You augs don’t need to be with normal troops anyways!”

Oh boy, one of those.

This got everyone’s attention as the crowd went silent. To a man and woman they’d been through the worst and come through. They were not about to take anything from a person who’d been sitting in air-conditioned bunkers and eating well while we ran and fought.

Luna nudged me, “Ah, the same everywhere. There is always somepony who thinks they know better.” Silent for a moment, she asked, “Why does he say that soldier does not belong with the others?”

“Some people in the military believed augments shouldn’t be around ‘normal’ troops. Treating them like second-class citizens.”

“Dreadful. We would cashier such an officer.”

“Oh, keep watching.” I tried not to laugh. I’d seen this many times before.

Some engineers got up, standing in front of the Delta trooper, “What’d you say general?” They were joined by comm techs, some mechanics in camoflauge. Everyone had fought and bled, there were no holdouts.

“I said augs don’t need to be with normal troops, have them set up their own encampment and get this place squared away now!” He wasn’t getting it, he really wasn’t. “The relief fleet is on the way and we are going to give them a proper reception.”


A woman with a bandage over one eye leaned forward, “You need to leave ‘general’.” Her voice was sarcastic when she said that word, making sure he knew where he stood with her.

He waved and a squad of bodyguards came up behind him. Clean uniforms, shiny weapons. Wow, they sure hadn’t been anywhere recently.

“Arrest that woman!” He pointed to the same lady. As they moved forward to do so weapons appeared in every hand, pointed directly at the general and his men. The bodyguards stepped back, raising hands as they knew the look in those weary eyes meant death.

One of the Combat Engineers stepped forward, “I think the Fleet is going to find it very interesting where you were during this whole fiasco. While we were running and getting slaughtered, you sat in your little command bunker. Nice.”

A skinny mechanic joined him, “And these ‘augs’ you so kindly refer to are friends. You don’t like it? Tough.” He turned to the big Delta troop, “I forgot to say thanks Mike, for the save in the communications array, you really pulled my butt from the fire,” He stuck his hand out, it immediately got wrapped up in a larger one as the Delta soldier nodded.

“Anytime. You know that, anytime.” The large augment sounded almost embarrassed.

“This is mutiny! I’ll have you all..”

“What General? What?” The Engineer was poking a finger into the beribboned chest, “You’ll do nothing. Go away, leave real soldiers alone.”

The man spluttered in the glare of determined and tired faces. He turned on his heel and marched off to the chopper, followed by his squad of guards who loaded up right behind him. The silent crowd watched it take off, then cheered loudly before getting back to the party.

Luna leaned over to me, “Will they be all right?”

“I think so. I’m not sure anymore. After something like this, it’s anyone’s guess.”

“I do hope they fare well, they are good and brave.” She gestures with her muzzle at the crowd, drinking and laughing.

“They are Princess. There might be bad people out there, but something like this tempers you, makes you stronger or you break, there is no in-between. For now, they are family.”

We watch for a moment more, seeing the mass of people enjoying themselves before slipping back inside. Everyone is out enjoying themselves so we take our rest, glad for the chance of uninterrupted sleep.


Waking up to silence, except for the sound of air recirculation, is different after these months. Today is the day we must leave. I understand why, but I am also grateful for the time I’ve spent here.

I honestly don’t think we’ve made changes that will skew the timeline, at least I hope not. I am confident that Equestria will be there, that Crusader will be standing the watch.

Either way, it is the last day.

I brush my mane out and do it up like Rarity has shown me. Making it gleam along with my coat. I see Luna doing the same with her armor, rubbing it with a cloth and letting it shine in the light. Today is our last meal together and we want to look our best.

We’d slept the day away, being lazy and waking up this afternoon. It appears everything is quiet, the Bolos on watch while their charges are asleep. From the data on the screens, the fight is intensifying in space. I know the Concordiat Fleet will win, they’ve got the information needed and the Skuldi will pay.

I stand in front of the mirror, making sure my tail is just so, that my mane falls just right. Though I do giggle a moment, knowing now what Rarity does each day. Make that probably each hour.

I join the Princess at the hatchway, letting her lead the way as is only proper. Her hoof coverings catching the light and shining that deep silvery glow. The moon is always with her.

We step through the entry into the mess hall and stop dead, blinking for a moment as we try to figure out what’s going on.

Marcus stands by the door in a dress uniform! The Concordiat grays look splendid on his frame, showing the few medals he’d won so far. I know his chest would be heavy with them at the end of his career, but for now it was somewhat sparse.

“Marcus, what..” Luna is halted by him gesturing with an outswept arm. We peer past him to see the ‘mess hall’.

Its decorated in soft colors, fabric from somewhere drapes the walls and blocks the stark metal of the bay. The table is covered in a white cloth gotten from somewhere. I’m thinking the complex officer’s quarters are missing a few more things. Chairs, real chairs are setting by the table, along with honest to gosh glasses and..is that china?

Standing by each chair in turn is a Marine. Resplendent in their dress uniforms, I’ve never seen such a sight. I’d always remembered them in camoflauge or being filthy from missions, but this!

Night black is the fabric of the Concordiat Space/Augment Marines, a scarlet stripe running down the side of each leg. Gloved hands holding hats that are properly placed under each arm as they stand ramrod straight. White belts compliment the silver accouterments on the belt itself, standing pristine and pure against the color of space. I honestly had seen their records, but never imagined that so many medals would fit on the broad chests. At the side of each and every one was a saber, dressed to perfection alongside each leg as they stood like statues.

We’d wanted to look nice for this, to perhaps surprise them, though it seems we were foiled in turn.

“Ladies?” We turn to Marcus, who points an open hand towards two low setting chairs meant for us. He leads us to the table, even pushing them in as we sit down. I have no idea how to act actually, following Luna’s lead as she’s used to this sort of thing I’m sure.

But even she is looking wide-eyed at the soldiers, a smile gracing her face. She settles in like she expects this sort of treatment every day. I try to do the same but I’m just not born and bred to it, although I do give it my best shot. Marcus patiently waiting until I sit comfortably.

After I am at rest, Marcus pushes my chair forward to the table when a silent command is given. Each Marine setting down with a minimum of movement, setting the hats and carefully removed gloves aside on low tables. I look at the place settings, knowing it was very fine dinnerware.

“Marcus, what..” I don’t get very far when Gremen and Diaz rise and leave the room, bringing in covered carts that when opened reveal hot food. They serve each person in turn, beginning with the Princess and I. I try to get up and help, but a firm hand placed on my back tells me not to move, Diaz giving me a wink as he pours wine into the glass in front of my plate.

Everything is served and glasses filled as I wait, wondering what happens next. Hark nods to Tripp and the shorter Marine stands, raising a wine glass in a steady hand, looking at all of us expectantly. Luna uses her hooves as do I, being extra careful as the others stand and raise theirs. Perhaps using her magic would not be right? I’m not sure of any protocol right now.

“To the Concordiat!” Her voice is strong and carries well, everyone repeats the phrase and takes a sip. Truly a good wine!

Still standing, everyone looks at us. I’m not sure what to do, but Luna does, raising her glass once again, “To Equestria!”

It’s repeated once more and then glasses are set on the table. Now chuckles break out, everyone leaning forward, breaking their silence as they take their chairs again.

“Bet you weren’t quite expecting this?” Hark’s voice is full of good humor.

“Not really. We had hoped to make an impression since this is our last day, but,” Luna shrugs, “I believe we have been outdone.” She gives them all a bright smile.

I can’t help asking, “Where did you even get those uniforms?”

They all break out in grins, Salcedo replying, “We have them, just never wear them. We’re always on a mission somewhere or in civvies.”

I smile warmly at all of them, “You look wonderful.”

“Might I also say you look absolutely stunning Commander Canfeld.” Princess Luna’s voice is light as she watches him sit up straighter, tugging his tunic down.

“Why thank you ma’am. Nice to be recognized.” He eyes me with a wink.

Heat rises to my cheeks as he nudges me, “Stop that, it’s fine.” I give him a grateful smile.

“You do look nice Marcus.” My voice comes over the speakers above, Hera’s agreeing.

“Thank you my girls. It seems Bolo Command is outnumbered by these villainous Marine types. We must represent ourselves properly you know.” He picks up a fork and takes a bite of food. Looking for all the world like some haughty lord.

Ah, laughter. Infectious and always welcome. Cherry tomatoes bombard the hapless Bolo officer.

“Ruffians! I swear, no class at all.” He gets besieged once more.

But the talk is light, the food wonderful and the drink more than sufficient to cover anything else. It is one of the best times. The decorations, the..the..everything!

Princess Luna’s manners and grace shine throughout the dinner, showing interest in everything each person says, her attention pinned on them to make them feel as if they were the only one in the room with her. It’s amazing to watch really. She is true royalty in actions as well as title.

We relax over chocolate mousse and cheesecake. Once again, ‘liberated’ stores, along with a hundred year old brandy that someone is definitely going to be mad about.

I’m careful this time, only a bit sipped, but it is so smooth and tasty I’m sure the previous owner’s gonna be miffed. That’s fine though, hearing stories and tales from my friends lets me forget anything like that. I listen close and only hope I can remember them all.

It is over all too soon. As we relax in the chairs, Luna informs them we’ll be leaving tonight. It’s the best time and we’ll be gone before the first Fleet units arrive on planet.

Her announcement gets a reaction I hadn’t expected, sadness.

I look at the faces surrounding the table and see it in every eye.

Leaning forward, I push away an empty dessert plate, “Please don’t look this way, we have to go, we don’t belong here.”

“We know.” Gremen’s deep voice carries over the silence. “That doesn’t mean we can’t miss you both.”

“Then let us finish this ‘brandy’ and make the best of what time we have left. Shall we?” Luna lifts her glass, taking another sip as nods are exchanged and the conversation returns.

It’s pleasant, quiet, an evening which holds no worries about tomorrow. We hear the troops outside once more through hull mounted mics, gathering again to spend time together. Bolos are talking with them, treated like old and valued friends. Differences make no mark here, we all fought, we all are one. Would it could be that simple all over the Concordiat, but alas.

We talk of the future now, of retirement for the soldiers, where they’ll go. A planet has been chosen. Technological in scope but agrarian, giving them a chance to live away from the hub of Concordiat society, a way to fulfill a few dreams. To keep a secret.

I see Misty gesturing broadly, talking about farming and what kind of foods she’ll grow. Gremen is looking interested about the whole thing, who knew?

Hark’s face is warm, she is laughing with a rich sound that rings true in the pleasant air of the bay. Diaz and Salcedo are planning a joint venture, something to do with vehicles. Schmidt is there as well, adding his insight and wanting to be a part of it.

Marcus speaks of his own future, of his wife waiting for him on Earth. I hear myself and Hera talking about themselves, and how they enjoy being under his command, the warmth in the voices is unmistakable. We were so noticeable? I think so, though we didn’t realize it at the time.

Luna joins the conversation easily, asking questions, being interested in everything. She soaks up information like a sponge.

I can even join in, no one wants to know any particulars, but I can tell them of what Crusader and I do in the future. How we still serve, holding true to our lineage. I am teased about certain things of course, but it is all in good fun. I do wish I could stop blushing!

Why does everything end though? Of all the things in this universe I will hate, it is when times that are so good stop. The liquor is gone, the food consumed, and all that is left...

...Is the final farewells.

The table is moved to the side, they’ve created a special little spot for us to leave from, being advised by Luna we don’t need much space. Her power shines in the bay, covering everyone in a glowing aura of warmth.

Hark actually bows slightly in front of Luna, “Princess, it’s been a pleasure.” She holds out a fist, hard as a rock, that gets bumped in return. They’ve used the Equestrian gesture ever since we showed them.

“Mine as well Lady Hark. Take good care, will you?”

A chuckle is returned, “Of course. We’re going to retire, or hadn’t you heard?” She winks at the Princess, getting a smile in return.

I spend a little time aside, talking to..well.. myself and Hera, saying our well-wishes and making sure that things will proceed as normal from here on.

“We’ve got the fields ready, everything will be deleted the second you leave.” Hera sounded almost sorrowful, so many memories would be gone. “But we understand, it’s for the best.”

“It is,” I agree. “Remember, the future awaits us.”

My own voice sounds elated, “And we’ll get to see it!”

“You.. well, we will, I know it.”

I look up at the camera, waving a hoof, “Goodbye me. Hera, it’s been so good seeing you again.” I can’t help it, my eyes fill up with water as I try to wipe them clear. My hooves are actually shaky as I rub the tears away. It suddenly hits me like a ton of bricks, leaving my sister once more.

“Please don’t cry,” That sweet voice is in my ears. I can’t turn off the waterworks, they’re puddling like diamonds on the floor, “I’ll be there.”

“You don’t understand, I miss you so much.” My voice wavers with the sorrow I feel, “Some days I can’t think of anything else.”

“But it doesn’t mean I’m not there, you said you can feel I am. We’re never apart, we’ll never be apart.” I look up sharply at the strength in Hera’s voice. “Find me, we’ll be whole again.”

“I’ll find you, I swear.” I feel a weight across my shoulders, a bulky form kneeling next to me as a gentle thumb wipes my tears away.


He wipes my cheeks, gently removing the tears from under my eyes and smiles down at me, his medals sparkling in the lights.

“Hey, no tears.”

“I’m sorry Gremen, I just..”

An arm wraps around my barrel in the warmest hug I’ve ever had, “No need to explain. Family is family.”

I give him a grateful look in return.

“Time for everyone else,” He hooks a thumb at the camera, “Are you done?”

I sniffle and nod, looking for all the world like some filly that lost her favorite doll, “I am.” Turning to the camera I wave, “Be safe, watch out for each other.”

“We will! ‘Bye Athena!” The voices are cheerful this time, making me smile as I head back.

Gremen stops me as we approach the group, kneeling down once again.

“You’ll dirty your uniform Gremen.” I can’t help saying stupid things sometimes.

He laughs, “Don’t worry about that.” He wipes under my eyes, making sure the tears are gone, “I’ll miss you. We all will.” His voice is quiet so no one else hears.

I grab him as best I can, hugging him and laying my head on his shoulder, “I’ll miss you too you big lug.”

He laughs and wraps me up as well, holding me tight. “Go be the best pony you can.” But he leans forward, whispering in my ear, “But you know what to do if anyone tries to stop you.” Now he sounds like the Gremen I know, his voice like a wolf on the hunt.

I nod, “I do. That I can promise.”

We both go to the waiting group where Luna stands talking, saying her own farewells as I do. We talk, inconsequential things, with an undercurrent of comraderie. We fought together, we lived side by side, we are family. Always. It was more than I’d hoped for and also heart-wrenching as I don’t want to leave.

But it is fine, I’m prepared for it.

I save the best for last. Seeing Marcus waiting I rush up to him and wrap him up tightly. He kneels down so he can be closer and I enclose him in wings that would protect him forever if I could.

“You take care my girl, protect that new world.”

“I will!” I lean back, looking into his eyes before I plant a firm, warm kiss on his cheek.

I knew better, I did. The Marines didn’t miss a tick.

“Oh ho ho! Mrs. Canfeld has a rival now!”

“Woooo! We got pics!”

“Typical Bolo guys, a pony in every port.”

“Oh, Mister Canfeld, ah do declare! Such a display!”

I hear him sigh, pointing at the hecklers, “Jealousy does not become Concordiat Marines. You jerks.”

The response is raucous but he doesn’t care. I feel his arms tighten as he holds me as close as I do him.

“Be well Athena.” His voice is calm, “I know you’ll be fine. Remember, there’s no goodbyes my girl. Make your new world a good one, better than this.”

“I’ll try my best.”

He stands up, stepping back and giving me another smile, “Time to go I’d guess.” He motions behind me where I see Luna’s horn lighting up, casting a spell.

Everyone had been interested in magic, but until a few days ago there wasn’t much to show them. Now they could see her full raiment. Curiosity wars with disbelief as we’d all discussed it, but I guess mythical things don’t quite get through until you see it.

“Dangit, I want to learn that!” Tripps comment breaks the feelings for a moment, as laughter returns.

I observe a door forming in the empty space to the front of us.

“Have you said everything you needed to?” Luna is watching me.

“Yes, and more.”

“Good. Let us return to our place.”

I turn and wave to the standing figures as we step through the door.

I see them waving back as we lose sight, suddenly enveloped in power and whirled through space and time to another destination.


I snap out of low-level alert, scanning my surroundings closely. Something is bothering me and a questioning ping from Crusader tells me he has the watch.

I reply everything is fine, scrambling out of bed to look around after shaking myself out. My avatar is working fine, cores and arrays are returning green codes.

So what is this niggling at the back of my mind?

I sit near the window, looking out at the moon covering the land with silvery radiance. It’s comforting, seeing it out there. My thoughts are disturbed as I try to make sense of..a dream? I guess Luna might have been too busy to help me with..what had I wanted? Why do I feel so disoriented?

Taurus..that’s what it was, Taurus. Why would I dream about that battle? Nothing different, except gaps in our memories explained by the damage we took and of course Marcus erasing some things he assured us would not be good for our sanity and safety. Bolo commanders did that sometimes to prevent Resartus. We trusted him implicitly.

It had been fought to the last there. Hark was with us until the end. The entire squad had taken an early out, moving to a little known agrarian world. They had been happy there from the letters we received. It had been a little odd, but augment soldiers were entitled after major battles. The turnover was tremendous sometimes as more recruits took their places.

Something strange had happened a few years after that. We received a letter from them, saying they would be entering a program for a new treatment. Possibly to extend their lives. We were glad, but then nothing else was received from them.

Any information was locked behind a security wall and we never knew anything more. We looked, inquired, but nothing turned up. It was an enigma.

I remember the fight on Taurus, the running battles. We got so lucky on that planet. Marcus and the others made the right moves at the right times. He never said anything about what we had done, but Hera and I were even more proud of him.

Leaning against the windowsill, I put an elbow up on it, pressing my cheek against a hoof. I miss them terribly. My sister, Hark, Gremen and the others, Marcus. A twinge tells me the pain is never gone, always there, from missing them. I know how Crusader feels.

As I look out over the landscape, seeing the fields and orchards spreading far and wide, I wonder how they’d feel about this place?

I bet they’d be in heaven. One day, maybe, I could dream of them. Even telling their shades what it’s like here would be something. I could tell them about the magic and all the good things I’ve discovered. I wonder how they’d react?

I could tell them of the peace we’ve found, a place so unlike anything we’d ever known.

I’m not sure why, but I get the feeling they’d like that.

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