• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,550 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

  • ...

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Looking In from the Outside..

Dear Mom and Dad,

I’m really excited about starting my new job now that training is over with. You’d like this place it seems really nice and friendly. I know it’s out of the way, but I think it’s going to be a good thing, have to take the work where it’s offered.

Besides, what could be so bad about a place named Ponyville?


“So,” The big stallion looked at him from behind the desk, “Decided to be a Town Guard huh?”

“Yes sir! It would give me an income, ‘cause I work with stone really, but wanted to do something else for a while.” I make sure I sound like I’m happy to be here, because I am actually. All that school had to go for something.

“Well, we can always use the help," The stallion, Iron Bars, replied with a nod, “But one thing, it gets a little....”

“Captain!” Another guard came in, a few jumbled boulders on his flank, “We got a problem!”

Hoof met forehead as the Captain sighed, “Go with him Stone Shape, get some on the job training while you go on patrol.”

“You got it Captain!” He saluted and trotted out with the other Guard pony, looking forward to on the job work.

“Whaddya think?” Iron Bars asked the quiet air of the office, a voice replying from behind him where Paper Work now stood after entering from another door.

“Give him a day, he’ll either quit or settle right in.” He laughed, not unkindly though.

“I really should have warned him faster.”

“You have to experience this place Captain, no one ever believes us.”

“Ain’t that the truth.”


My first day on the job was interesting to say the least. Though I do wonder how three little fillies could get in so much trouble. Kinda reminds me of sis, how she used to always seem to be right in the middle of things? Like that. But, well...worse somehow. It was good on the job training though....I think.


“So..what’s the problem?” I can’t help but ask as we trot through the town, heading for what looks to be a bell tower for the school.

The stallion, Granite Boulder he’d said his name was, just sighed, “We have to find Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. I spotted them hauling a bunch of stuff to the bell tower, so figured we’d stop it before it got out of hoof.”

“Those are the fillies you told me about on the way here right? How much trouble can they really be?”

The look I get tells me that maybe I’m not seeing this whole thing the right way. He just sighs and shakes his head as we arrive at our destination, seeing some contraption being added on to the bell tower, something like a large..slide?

“Apple Bloom! Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo! Stop what you’re doing and come on down here!” He’s yelling at the tower now.

Three small heads peek over the edge of the top, waving at both of us, “Hiya Granite! We’ll be right down!” We see them load up in some kind of cart, a large band behind it as they smile and wave a bit more, Granite is about to lose his cool, eyes getting wide for some reason.

“No! Don’t....” We watch them slingshot off the tower, rolling down a short track and launching into mid-air, our eyes following them as they skip off the roof of a nearby house while yelling excitedly. They are rapidly heading away from us.

“Go! Get after them!” Granite turns on his hooves and takes off, I can only follow him.

I can’t believe we’re chasing after three fillies in a cart that is skipping right off of rooftops, but we are. Veering around ponies we try to keep eyes on the target, a little Unicorn in the cart is using her magic, well trying to, steer the cart as it bounces and bumps along the roofs of the houses...whoops! Just missed a pegasi there!

Oh stars, the thatching on those houses are going to need repairs..ooooo...that’s a hole there.

Pegasi are zipping out of the way of the careening cart, we’re trying to keep tabs on it and I can’t really believe it’s keeping momentum up like this. But then I see a little Pegasus in it flapping her wings fast, maybe that along with the magic? Oh Celestia I don’t know, this is the weirdest thing ever!

I’m panting heavily, trying to keep up with the broad Earth Pony, hay I’ve never done this much running! We’re keeping tabs on the cart as it slows down, heading for the town center, it dives off another roof and heads right for the town hall!

It’s falling!

I concentrate hard, bringing up a spell and capturing the three in my magic as the cart crashes right into the side of the town hall, prompting quite a few gasps and eyes turning our way.

Letting them down, they’re yelling excitedly as the little Earth Pony is pointing at her friends, “Ah toldja we could make Town Hall! Didn’t I?”

The three of them are hugging as we catch up. Granite is not looking happy about the whole thing.

“Didja see Granite? We made it all the way here! Bang! Zoom!” The Unicorn, a sweet looking little filly is chattering happily.

He says nothing, just pointing at the hole in the side of the building, giving them a glare which doesn’t detract one bit from their excitement, “We’ll fix it!” They start heading for the building and he stops them dead.

“No, oh no, don’t touch that.” He points away from the hall, “Go back home and stay there, please, we’ll get it fixed.”

“Awwwww...” The three look dejected for a moment.

You really can’t be mad at such faces.

Granite sighs, “It’ll be okay, just let your families know what happened all right? You three could have been hurt.”

“We were fine Granite, honest! But we made it! Wooo!” The three head off, talking excitedly about what happened and planning more adventures no doubt, knowing my sister like I do if they’re even close to the same.

As we watch them go, Granite motions us to head for the Guard Office, paperwork time I’m sure, have to file reports on things.

“Well that was exciting! I’m sure that can’t happen very often.” I have to admit, was fun for my first day.

Granite gives me a long-suffering look, “How long have you been in town?”

“It’s my first day, just moved here and started the job.”

“Give it ten minutes, you’ll see.” He leaves me puzzling over that as we walk down the street.


I admit, for a small town, it’s different, the Guard I’m teamed up with tells me things like the three fillies happen all the time. I find that hard to believe really, I mean, it’s such a tiny place, why would it have so much trouble? I’m sure he’s just exaggerating, teasing the new guard.

One good thing, I met my first pony today besides the other town guards, she’s a little...unique.. though.


“Hiya Pinkie!” Granite waves to a shockingly pink pony. I can see her fluffy mane, bright blue eyes, and a smile that lights up her whole face.

“Granite hey!” She trots over, still smiling brightly, more like bouncing really.

“Pinkie, I would like you to meet the new town guard, name’s Stone Shape, he just started today.” He gestures at me.

I try to make a good first impression, “Hi! Pleasure to...” I see her eyes go really wide as she inhales more than a pony really should.

“You’re NEW?” She’s staring at me a bit...oddly, as her voice goes up a register. She inhales more than should be possible, it's..strange..

“Uhm, yes ma’am, I just got here..” I look over at Granite who’s smiling to himself, like he knows something but not saying.

She actually inhales even more before rattling off a huge amount of words, I try to keep up, honestly, mom and dad taught me to be polite and pay attention, but... I don’t think they counted on this.

“Ohmygosh!” She squeals in delight, “A new pony! It’s been so long since I got to throw a new pony party! Oh there’s so many things to plan for!” How a pony can bounce that much I’ll never know.

“I’ve got to go! Start planning! So many things to do, you like cake right? Everypony likes cake, what am I saying? Of course you like cake! Cupcakes! Quesadillas! Everything! Oh this is going to be awesome! I’ve gotta get going and get things started, so much to do!” She zips off in a dust cloud, leaving me and a snickering Granite standing in the street.

A pink blur rushes at me once more, causing me to step back as pink hooves take mine in hers, “Oh I’m sorry I’m Pinkie nice to meet you we’ll get your party setup soon as possible there’s so many things to do and I have to get going it wasnicetomeetcha!”

She is gone once more, leaving me blinking in the street as Granite laughs out loud, nudging me in the direction of the office, “That’s Pinkie Pie.”


“Don’t worry about it, she’s great, little..odd sometimes.. but nice.”

“I’ll take your word on it.” He laughs as we hit the office, heading in to fill out forms.


Pinkie is definitely on the list of..well.. once again, unique ponies. She’s the Element of Laughter, one of the six we’ve heard of. But it was good to meet her, she seemed really nice Mom and Dad. All kinds of ponies live here, Earth, Pegasi, Unicorns, it’s quite a mixture.

You don’t see it like this anyplace else, farms, cloud houses, everything all in one place. Makes it pretty special I think. I know there’s a lot of history here since their founding, one day I’ll have to research into it.

I like this place, but I admit, it is getting a bit odd though.


“Oh the horror! The horror!” I hear the female voice yelling out loud, coming from the market square as we round the corner. Paperwork was easy and we were back on patrol soon enough, it was early morning after all, lots of time to take a look around.

“Somepony’s in trouble!” I take off towards the voice, not hearing Granite behind me trying to stop my headlong rush.

Turning the corner, I see three Earth Pony mares lying on the ground, what in Celestia’s name happened here?

Skidding to a halt I look around to see if any assailants are nearby, surely some pony wouldn’t hurt another here in this quiet village would they?

“Ma’am, are you all right?” The three are helping each other get back up, looking like they’ve been through a terrible time.

“No, no we’re not, can you believe they shipped us Roses instead of Carnations!” A pale yellow Earth Pony states to me, “It’s a pure nightmare!”

“I..uhm.. okay.” I’m not sure what I can do about this.

A mare with two daisies on her flank points at the bundles of flowers, “Look girls, they forgot to water them too! It’s a disaster!”

Watching all three of them faint to the ground again, I back up slightly, hearing those words once more, “Oh the horror! The horror!”

Retreating from the three ponies, I run into Granite who just motions to the side, to keep walking and staying on patrol as I turn to look back, making sure the mares are okay.

“Don’t worry about them, just some drama.”

“But..are you sure they’re okay?” I glance backwards again.

“They’re fine.” He keeps pushing me towards the street.

“Does this happen a lot?”

“More than you realize.”

“Is this..normal?”

“Shape, you have no idea.”


Being on patrol my first day was fun..well... kinda fun. There seems to be a few ponies in town that just aren’t like the ones back in Manehatten Mom and Dad, they’re..definitely individuals? To put it politely? I’m not quite sure how to say it without being rude, and you always taught me never to be that way.

So we continued our patrol...


“What’s that big farm on the outskirts?” I point towards the distance, huge acreage with trees everywhere.

“That’s Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack’s place. They make the best cider anywhere in Equestria.” Granite grins, thinking of the taste, hoping they’d have the time to stop into a shop and pick up a mug or two on break.

“Oh..what’s this?” We’re stopped in front of a shop, some kind of dressmaker’s as there is examples on ponyquins in the window.

“This is the Carousel Boutique, Rarity’s shop. She’s really nice, generous to a fault, quite the fashion pony.”

Looking in the window, I can see tons of beautiful things, maybe something nice for Mom and sis next Hearth’s Warming? Oh wait, sis has a birthday coming...

“Oh it’s ruined, totally ruined! This is the worst thing ever!” A voice comes from inside, making me peek in the door, seeing a pretty white mare lying on a couch crying her eyes out and ...eating bon bons? What?

“Ma’am, are you okay?” I see the azure eyes turn towards me, one hoof wiping the tears.

“Oh my no! It’s such an awful thing!” Her magic flares, picking a book up from the floor and showing me the pages, “They’ve completely ruined the story, the Princess was supposed to marry the handsome Prince, but no, they went in such a different direction I just can’t stand it!”

She huffs disgustedly, “Imagine, running off with a woodspony, how terribly cliche’! At least have something better than that!”

“Uhm...okay. As long as everything’s all right.” I back out of the door, hearing her voice.

“Oh it will be, I shall return this book and ask for a refund, of all the nerve!”

Granite is just shaking his head, motioning once more to keep going as I stay quiet this time.

“You’ll learn.”


I met a mare named Rarity, kind of, not really met, more like found her crying over a book. She’s the Element of Generosity, one of the six that saved Equestria a few times. But from what I could see..well.. I’m sure she’s very nice when not lamenting over a book.

Maybe it’s just me, but it’s not getting odd, it is odd.


“So, you can see Canterlot from here huh?” Trying to make small talk, it’s always pleasant to chat with a new friend like Granite is becoming, although he keeps snickering at me at the worst times.

“Yup, Princesses and everything.”

“But..that castle there, that’s a Princess’ too right?” I point towards the gleaming one near the lake.

“Oh sure, Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship. She’s a good sort, though sometimes..”

“She’s the Element of Magic right?” Trying to show off a bit of my own knowledge.

“Yup, though the Magic part gets a little out of hoof some days.” Granite is waving to a few ponies calling his name.

Have to stick up for magic users doncha know, being a Unicorn and all, “Well I’m sure it was just a slight mistake, I mean magic is pretty tough at higher levels.”

“Colt, you got a lot to..”


“What the hay?” We both turn, hearing something large landing on an empty house in town, is that a Chimera? Ponies are running for their lives as the monster pretty much flattens the house, throwing bits of it everywhere in a rage.

Granite is looking up...and up.. “Oh Celestia.”

“I got this, I got it!” A voice comes from above, an Alicorn is lighting her horn up, snatching the Chimera in it and with a sudden flash teleporting it away from the town in a blur of magic.

Landing in front of us she grins, although with a deep blush, “Sorry about that, magic experiment went a little wonky.”

I bow as is required, making sure...

“Ugh, please stop bowing!”

“Uhm..okay.” I lift myself back up.

Granite politely makes the introductions, “Twilight, this is Stone Shape, new guard in town.”

I’m not quite sure how to introduce myself to the first Princess I’ve ever met, but that’s taken care of.

“Hi!” The lavender mare smiles warmly, “I’m Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, I live in the castle right there, so feel free to say hi sometimes okay?” With that she’s off into the air again, muttering something about coordinates being off.

I watch her fly off to her castle, “She’s a Princess huh? Wasn’t she the one in the latest Princess Today where..” I get stopped with a hoof.

“Better not mention that.” He grins, giving a laugh.

“Got it..”


I met a real Princess today. She accidentally teleported a Chimera from the Everfree Forest into town. It wasn’t so bad, only one house got destroyed and nopony got hurt, least that’s what Granite my new team mate said.

Wasn’t so bad? Mom, Dad, I know you always said to put my best hoof forward, but... Looking at a Chimera raging in town and brushing it off like it was an everyday thing? I know accidents happen, but my first day?

Oh, and the Everfree Forest? It seems there’s a pristine, untouched area near the town called the Everfree Forest, no weather Pegasi nor any ponies take care of it. It’s wild and well...free. Why they let such a thing remain with monsters, I have no idea.

This place kept getting weirder by the minute.


“We’ve got to head out on roundabout, hit up Fluttershy’s house to make sure she’s doing all right. Part of the patrol near the Everfree.” Granite is taking a turn down a smaller path now, heading for the dark looking forest, but just off to one side.

“Why in Celestia’s name would she live near the Everfree?” I can’t believe this, seriously? After having been informed of it by Granite.

He chuckles, “She’s got a way with animals, takes care of them. She’s really nice, very shy too so don’t expect much.”

On the way out I notice something that’s been bothering me. Across the river, on top of two low hills, there are twelve columns it looks like, with some sort of strange reflective circles of glass on them, and attachments, like some mad pony scientists’ construction out of some book. I see the sun reflect off of something that look like lenses as they swivel our way. Very odd.

I nudge Granite, pointing to them, “What are those?”

“Those? Well, once you’ve been here a while you’ll understand, let’s just say they protect us.” He smiles, though not kindly, “And they do a pretty good job too.” He looks my way, “If you decide to stay of course.”

I let that run around in my mind for a moment, the tall columns are silent but look like they’re made from metal and glass, but something about them tells me that they could spring into lethality anytime for some reason.

“Decide to stay? But.. I took the job! I mean, yeah it’s been a bit busy, but it’s still my job, why wouldn’t I stay?” Looking at Granite, I see him nodding.

“Yep, if you decide to stay.” He leaves it at that as we approach a house near the forest, bird houses, dens and other places for animals dot the acreage, telling me there are quite a few animals living around.

“Just knock on the door, let her know we’re around, be nice, remember she’s really shy.” He walks up the cobbled walkway with me, waiting as I knock on the door.

The upper half swings open wide and I find myself staring into the maw of the biggest bear I’ve seen yet, it’s fangs gleaming in the sunlight and..yeah..I fainted.


“Oh my goodness, is he okay?” The concerned voice comes from the doorway, Granite looking upward to see Fluttershy peeking out of the upper half that’s swung open. The large bear looking downward at the unconscious Unicorn.

“Oh he’ll be fine I’m sure, just thought we’d check in while on patrol, everything okay?” Granite looks upward, shaking his head with a grin.

The golden mare nods while Harry keeps looking at the Unicorn flat out on the doorstep, “Oh it’s fine, we’re having our book club today so it’s a quiet day, would you like some tea?”

“Thanks Fluttershy, but we’ve got to get going. By the way, that’s Stone Shape, new guard in town.” He points to the sprawled Unicorn .

“Oh my, well tell him it was nice to meet him when he wakes up?”

“I will, think maybe you could ask Harry to give me a hoof and move him off your doorstep?” Granite points off to the side at a low patch of soft grass, “It’ll be better he wakes up there.”

“Oh of course!” She turns and talks to the big bear, opening the door so he can pick up Stone Shape, stepping aside to lay him on the patch of grass where he can be comfortable.

And of course, that’s the exact time I open my eyes.

Teeth, so many big...large...teeth!


I’m sure I make the fastest escape ever, backing away from the huge..tremendous..really big bear as fast as my hooves can take me, only stopping when Granite puts a hoof on my shoulder, keeping me in place.

“Calm down, that’s just Harry.”

A paw is waved my way as I feel the sudden urge to hit the little colt’s room, “H..Harry? It has a name?”

“Yeah he does, don’t worry, he’s pretty harmless.” He pushes me off towards town, “Oh, Fluttershy said nice to meet you, though you were out cold at the time.”

“Oh..uh..yeah.. The bear lives there?” I can’t help but keep glancing backwards, making sure the huge ursine is staying put and not trying to sneak up on us.

“Yep, don’t worry, he won’t eat you.” Granite laughs at my expense.



There’s a mare I met..well...kinda, she’s the Element of Kindness and lives with a lot of animals, apparently it’s her special talent to talk with them. Especially this really big..huge bear that I ran into. Granite tells me his name is Harry and he’s pretty peaceful. Seriously? Who lives with a bear?

Maybe it’s just me, but I’m not too sure about this place anymore. Some things are just too strange even for ponies I think.



I hear a voice yelling from above, looking around to see if I can spot it. Granite gives me a shove as his own face takes on a surprised look.

“Move! Move out of the ..”

I am hit, really hard actually, the air knocked out of my lungs as a rainbow colored blur dives right into my midsection. I really hope my body can take this as I realize it’s a full speed Pegasus with wild eyes, meeting mine just before we go rolling along the street in a tangled heap.

Ending upside down against a tree in the outskirts of town isn’t how I thought it’d be today, really. My eyes are rolling and it’s hard to control them as I see the Pegasus who slammed into me stagger to her hooves, her eyes doing about the same roller coaster ride mine are.

“Ohmygosh! I am so sorry!” She tries to reach out to help me up, ending up falling over on her side and just staring at the sky for a moment before rolling on her back, “Wow...I really botched that one.” Her wings flutter for a moment as we both sprawl out on the ground.

Granite’s amused voice hits my ears as my eyes calm down in their orbits, “Stone Shape meet Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash meet Stone Shape, the new guard.”

A raspy voice comes from the Pegasus lying on her back, breathing heavily, “Pleased to meet you...ow...”

“Pleasure’s... all mine.. I’m...sure.. Ow..” This tree is actually quite comfortable, holding me up in place, nice tree...good tree. Well made. I can’t believe my horn actually aches.

“What in the world?” An accented voice, quite nice actually, joins us, “What’s goin’.. Rainbow Dash, you hit some poor pony again?”

“Noooo..” The voice of Rainbow Dash answers, though sounding a bit painful, “Maaaybe...ow...”

“Hang on, let me get some help, ya really did it this time ya featherbrain.” I can’t see what she’s doing, but Granite waits quietly while we both lay there.

“Applejack, this is Stone Shape, the new guard pony. Stone Shape, Applejack..”

I can’t really say anything right now.. but I do wave a shaky hoof politely as I can to her chuckle.

“Doncha worry, we’ll get ya fixed right up, just stay.. Well..stay where ya are.” I see an upside down head looking at me with green eyes, trying not to laugh.

“That’s...fine.. It only hurts when I breath.” And it does, wow.

Rainbow laughs, stopping and grasping her sides, “Bwaha..ow..haha..ow..haha..ow!”

“Knock it off ya idjit, just hurtin’ yourself.” The farm pony? From what I can see she’s wearing a cowpony hat and is looking slightly dusty from working. “Rainbow, I swear, gonna really hurt somepony with them stunts one day.”

A hoof is waved airily, “Oh we’re fine! Ow...”

“Oh my goodness!” Another voice makes me perk my ears, seeing a white pony with pink mane and tail come into view, “What happen..oh.. Rainbow Dash.”

“Hi Nurse Redheart.” The raspy voice replies, I see a hoof waving slightly.

“Rainbow, Celestia’s name we use more medpaks for your crashes than anything else!” Her voice isn’t amused as I feel something sticky stuck to my side, seeing her move towards the cyan mare and doing something to her as well, “Just lay right there for a few minutes.”

“Oh come..ow...on! On my chest! I can’t fly until it’s..”

“That’s right, no flying until it works, so just stay right there!” I see blue eyes looking into mine upside down as she smiles warmly, “Are you okay? No other pain?”

I blow my tail out of my face, wow that hurts, “No..I’m good, the tree’s really comfortable.” Medpack? What’s that?

“Thanks for getting Crusader to let me know, sorry I took so long.”

“That’s alright Redheart, leastways ya got here in time.”

I see Granite’s smile in my vision, “Just relax, it’ll be fine in a few minutes.” I nod shakily.

“I haven’t got any healing spells, I’m sorry. Otherwise I’d..”

“No worries,” the Nurse was saying, “That pak will get you right as rain.”


A pink hoof taps my side, something cushioning it, “Pak, P..A..K.. it’s got some neat things inside it that’ll help you heal up.” She smiles at me, “Just sit for a minute.”

“Okey..can.. ow..do.” I feel a coldness emanating from the ..pak? It spreads quickly through me as the pain lessens, my eyes stop rolling and I start to feel less nauseous. But..pain spells take an instant or so to work, and healing even longer, what’s going on here, it’s odd.

I’m feeling better by the second, it’s so strange as I tip over on my side, getting to my hooves. After such a hit I should be laid up for a few hours, but I’m getting stronger as the others stand around talking, almost ignoring me. I see the mare named Rainbow Dash already up, arguing with the Nurse about the green square thing on her chest.

“But can’t you move it? I can’t fly like this!” Her face is showing pique.

“You know as well as I do, once it’s on, it stays ‘till it turns white.” The Nurse is brooking no sass from the Pegasus, “So you’re grounded and it serves you right Rainbow, crashing into poor ponies!”

“It was an accident! It was a new stunt and..” She tapers off, seeing the blue eyes in a pink face glaring at her, “You’re right, sorry.” She rubs the back of her head abashedly.

I look at my side, seeing a square thing like a glob of jelly, slowly turning from green to white on my side, the coldness flowing from it slowing down as my body gains strength. I’ve seen these, the big hospitals were using them to heal ponies now, they were everywhere and so cheap to use, unlike magic which took a lot out of the caster.

Nopony knew where they came from, but a lot of folks just said it was something new out of Canterlot, developed in the colleges there for use. But now, I wonder, nopony else called them med...paks? Medpaks? The nurse sounded so familiar with their use, why would a small town be so familiar with something that the big cities only just got a few months ago?


I met the rest of the Elements of Harmony today too, so much happening in just one day. I kinda ran into Rainbow Dash..well to be honest she ran into me pretty hard actually. We were both injured, though not as bad as it could have been, glad we ponies are pretty tough! Applejack was very nice as well, she’s the Element of Honesty, as Rainbow Dash is the Element of Loyalty.

Mom, Dad, something odd is going on here, there’s things that just don’t add up. Remember when sis got hurt? We had to take her to the hospital and they slapped that green thing on her, fixed her right up? They said it was something brand new out of Canterlot? This small town is using them too, but I thought only the big cities could get them, at least that’s what we were told.

The nurse here just used them like it was second nature, like she’d had long experience with them. What’s happening here?


“All better now?” The nurse is eyeing me, seeing the green, now white, thing drop off my side after a few more minutes.

“Surprisingly, yes, I feel pretty good even after that hit, should have been a lot worse.” I’m eyeing my side, I know there should be bruises, but..nothing. Even my horn has stopped aching.

“Well, it’ll be part of a day or so until you’re up to speed, so don’t strain yourself, but for now you should be over the worst.” She smiles, looking quite nice in her hat and medical saddlebags. “Any problems, please come see me okay?”

“Thanks Nurse..er.. Redheart?” I see her nod, “Thanks, so much.”

“No problem, I see you’re new, so we don’t want you to feel like you’re a third wheel or anything.” The Earth Pony smiles once more before turning to make sure Rainbow Dash is all right.

What a nice thing to say, makes me smile actually, they do care a lot about each other here don’t they?.

“MOVE! MOVE!” Two ponies come racing around the corner, skidding to a halt in front of us, a muscular Earth Pony and a trim Pegasus who strangely isn’t flying.

The Pegasus doesn‘t even seem out of breath, “One got through the grid, clear the streets, it’s incoming!” Everyone gasps, taking off for cover as the two rush off.

Granite grabs me, “C’mon, get to the office and grab your short pike, they may need us!”

“But..wait! What’s going on?” I’m following, seeing ponies scatter, heading inside houses or just out of the way. A tremendous racket comes from the outside of town, like big bangs, thundering through the late morning air. It really pounds on the ears, but I see ponies acting like it’s the most normal thing in the world. Are the weather ponies making lightning for some reason?

“What was that sound?” We skid into the office, seeing the other guards there already passing out weapons, “What’s going on!?” I grab my pike and stand at the ready with the others.

The Captain comes out, looking at all of us sternly, “We’ve had one get through the line, it’s inside the town right now. Crusader and Athena are on it as well as Princess Twilight and the Elements.

“One what?” I have to ask, this is all happening so fast.

“A monster, left over from a big battle months ago, they’re vicious and nasty, just keep it from other ponies and the others will take care of it. Remember your training and stay loose, got it?”

The squad replies as one, “Yes sir!”

“Move out, get to your posts!”

We scatter, heading for assigned positions that I assume are known, I can only follow Granite as he’s knowledgeable about these things.

“Granite, what is going on? What’s happening here?!”

“Look Stone, honestly this is not every day, but things happen here.” He gives me a look as we set up on a street corner, standing with our pikes, “There’s a lot we don’t tell folks, we don’t talk about some things, but since this is happening too fast, you’ve got to make a decision.”


“Are you going to stay, or quit?”

The question catches me off-guard, making me hesitate, “I...I don’t know.”

“Make up your mind colt, make it fast.” He turns, hearing hoofbeats coming around the corner.

That strange Pegasus is whipping by us, covered in sparkles like a magic aura, the Earth Pony is following her, covered in the same aura, but tinted to make them separate.

The muscular Earth Pony stops in a quick halt, “Granite, it’s coming down the street, we’ve got it funneled through here, don’t get hurt.” His voice is odd, so formal and precise. “We cannot use our weapons here in the middle of town.”

“You got it Crusader, Athena, we got your back!”

The mare‘s voice is so kind, “We know, and we are grateful.” The Pegasus gives Granite a smile, she’s very pretty, before taking off and stopping at the end of the street. Wait a second, I know her, wasn’t she in Princess Today magazine?

A ....thing... comes into the street, it’s huge and covered in spikes, legs reaching out to grasp the two ponies facing it. A blast of magic comes from the side where we see Princess Twilight hammering it with a spell, causing it to roar. The two ponies covered in sparkles are keeping it from going any further while the others do their assault.

A cyan blur comes from nowhere, slamming a back hoof into one eye and tearing off into the skies. It’s Rainbow Dash, tearing the package off her chest and tossing it aside as she turns for another run at it. Her rainbow mane is flapping back along her neck as her face flashes by, another hit ringing off the huge thing stomping in the street.

It’s almost like a ballet, I saw one once in Manehatten on a class trip, it’s a dance, but this one means injury, maybe death if you miss a step. I can only clutch my pike tighter as Granite stands right beside me. He’s a wall of Earth pony strength, eyeing the thing and readying himself.

“You follow me, cut at the legs, bleed it out so they can concentrate on taking it down.”

I can only nod, hefting the pike in my magic and following after him as he rushes the monster. We dodge around Applejack and Pinkie who are running in from the side, our weapons slashing at the things’ legs, distracting it and giving the others time to get more shots in.

We stop, turning in a skid and rushing back to keep our work up. Pinkie, the smiling mare I met first, is actually dealing shots that are damaging it with her strength, bouncing out of the way and appearing in places it can’t figure out how she got there.

“Peekaboo!” She grins from one shoulder, poking it in one of it’s eyes, before tearing off once more. She’s bouncing around and doing serious hurts on that thing, it’s amazing.

“Yeeeehaw!” An orange Earth pony..Applejack! Ropes a leg, tugging it down and breaking it as she yanks with a strength few could match. Her whole body is turning as she pulls her rope off the dangling appendage. “Get along little doggie!” Her hind hooves giving the broken leg one last kick for good measure.

“Pinkie dear, stop playing with it and fight!” The voice comes from the white mare Rarity, her magic spinning gems, tossing them to act like blades, punching holes in the thing as she dodges it’s swings from heavy legs..multiple appendages that grasp at anything within reach.

This thing is beyond monstrous!

Another blast of magic coming from above, Twilight is yelling at the others, providing direction on how to attack it. More guards are coming around the corner, zipping in, stabbing and slashing at the legs as it falls to one knee, getting back up with a roar.

I can’t breathe, it’s been a busy day and I just can’t catch my breath. I can feel my heart beating so fast in my chest, it’s like a drum pounding in my ears. I’m taking in great gulps of air as I run past the stomping thing, making sure the blade at the end of my pike goes deep, cutting muscles and crippling it..I hope.

Granite is right beside me every step of the way, he’s stabbing it, running on three legs holding his own pike and driving it deep. I see him get swatted like a fly and disappear from my sight as I run in once more.

Turning to see if he’s all right, I’m hit hard, feeling myself lift into the air, but a pair of hooves catch me and set me down gently. It hurts so badly, I really can’t catch my breath now, it’s like a spike in my chest. A hoof strokes my face as a calm voice reassures me.

“It’s okay,” a gentle touch as the same hoof runs down my chest, “You’ve got a busted rib, the medic will be here soon, just lie there.” It’s the strange Pegasus, no longer glowing with her aura, “You did good, time to take a breather.”

“But I..”

“Shhhh...we’ve got this.” She smiles at me, turning around and lighting up like the sun before leaping at the Earth pony who accompanied her.

The muscular stallion turns just in time to catch her, like he knew she was coming somehow, both their auras flickering off then immediately back on after his hooves throw her in the air; springing her upwards to slam her back legs into the things head where it actually dents, I can see it from here! She lands on the monsters neck, or what passes for one, her hooves pounding at it and driving deep, black ichor splattering everywhere!

I didn’t know Pegasi could be so strong.

I watch her companion, the Earth pony, swivel around as he rears up, a forehoof hitting one large leg and nearly ripping it off, I can hear the thick bone break from where I lay with a tremendous crack. Black liquid goes everywhere as the flesh almost explodes when the aura covering his hoof hits it. What kind of magic is that?

Oh Celestia, it really hurts now, I can’t breath but shallowly. Every time I take a gulp of air it’s like getting hit in the chest all over again. It’d be good just to close my eyes for a moment.

“Hey..hey, stay with me now, c’mon.” It’s the Nurse, I recognize the voice as the pink face comes into my sight, she’s smiling warmly, “Hey now, no falling asleep, you might have a concussion,” I feel the stick of another ..med..pak on my chest the cold feeling flowing into my body and removing the pain making me sigh in relief. “There we go, c’mon, keep looking at me, that’s it, you’ll be just fine.”

“Granite?” I got that out at least, hope he’s all right.

“He’s fine, mad he got taken out of the fight, typical stallion.” She laughs, making sure I’m comfortable and staying by my side as the fight rages.

I hear a final roar, then a thudding that shakes the ground for a moment as the thing falls over, a last blast of powerful magic silencing it as quiet falls over the town.

The strange voice of the Earth Pony comes across the distance, “I am so sorry Twilight, it got through our grid while we we had it dropped for maintenance, everything was down, we thought it safe, it was very fast and I.. I apologize...for any injuries..” He stops, I can’t see but I can hear what’s happening.

“It’s fine, you got the other one right?” Her voice is strained from magic use I’d guess, “And only a few minor injuries, the Nurse is on it, so we’re good.

“Yes, our guns took it apart at the forests edge.”

A female voice, “Took it apart? We vaporized that sucker! Lemme tell you wasn’t much left!”

The strange pony, “Athena, please...”

“Oh no, we got that thing, and this one? Yeah! We’re number one in Ponyville you bas...”


I see something whip by me as I lay there, it’s massive and looks like it’s made out of metal. It squeals to a halt, thudding, then the scampering of something as I listen to the ponies talk.

“The Ferret will dump it in the forest, we’ll take care of it.” A final dragging sound, another thump, then a roaring as the thing takes off once more.

I feel better, but it’s still a bit hard to breathe. I’m treated gently as I’m picked up and put on a stretcher, taken to the empty building right beside the Guard office, it’s used to store things and for emergencies, well, seeing a few ponies beside me, it’s an emergency. A golden Pegasus is helping take care of others, stopping by and giving me a warm smile, “I’m Fluttershy, let me check your wounds real quick okay?”

I nod, seeing her peek under the bandages, patting me gently on the shoulder, “You’ll be just fine, need a little rest and good as new.” Her eyes are so kind.

“Thank you.” I watch her move off, closing my eyes for a moment.

“I am sorry for the injuries, we are truly at fault for this.” I see the strange pony with the Pegasus mare, walking along, talking to injured towns folk. Their faces are not happy, as if all this was their fault, taking responsibility for the problems. The few ponies in the building are smiling, waving them off as they keep trying to apologize.

I can only smile when they stop near my cot, the mare running her hoof along my chest, getting a faraway look for a moment, “It’s healing nicely. We are so sorry for your being hurt.” It’s not right such a pretty face should look so down.

“Please accept our apologies, we are very sorry for your injury.” The large Earth pony nods, knowing I can’t really talk, but I try.

“It’s..okay.” I flinch from a twinge as I inhale, the injury not as bad as it was, but still some residue of pain, better not to talk really. I can’t help it though, “Weren’t..aren’t you the one in Princess Today?” I watch as the lovely face blushes a deep red, her companion chuckling to himself.

She shakes her head, “I’m never going to live that down am I?”

The Earth pony nods, “Not ever Athena, some things last a long time.”

“Well..” I cough, their faces worried for a moment, “Well, I thought you looked nice.”

She grins, turning to her companion, “See? Not everypony thinks it was a bad thing.”

The stallion looks at me, a twinkle in his eye, “And which photo did you find most interesting?”

It’s my turn to blush, thinking of the magazine, “Uhm..well..” His smile gets wider as I see her turning a deeper red, “Well..I.. uhm..”

He nods, looking at the Pegasus, “No worries, they were nice pictures, although....” He gets hit on the shoulder by her as they both laugh at some personal joke.

The Pegasus speaks up, “I’m Athena, and thank you. But for now, get better, it won’t be long.”

I nod, still sort of embarrassed at my fumbling.

They both smile warmly at me before moving on, I close my eyes for a moment, resting them. Can’t believe it’s my first day.

“Stone! Ya alright buddy?” Granite’s voice making me turn my head to see him next to me looking drowsy. A few bandages on minor cuts are on his body.


“Don’t talk, you did good colt, real good sticking beside me like that. They said you’ve got a busted rib, so it’s going to be a couple hours. Relax, you earned it.” He settles his head on a pillow, giving me a grin. “I got myself knocked for a loop, didn’t hurt much but I couldn’t see straight, so they told me to just stay still, argh..” He laughs.

A couple of hours for a busted rib? What is going on here? It should take days even with spells!


I got hurt today, I know it’s only my very first day on the job, but my training stood me in good stead. You’d have been proud Dad, that monster was big and we got in our shots. I saw the Elements of Harmony in action too, it was amazing, they’re everything ponies say.

I saw two ponies today, but something’s strange about them, I know we’ve heard rumors, even in the big cities, of strange things near Canterlot; but I tell you, I think they’re true. Everything I saw today proves they’re hiding something even bigger than some new magic spell. I..don’t know quite what to think. But seeing everything today, I’m not sure about all of this.

I tried asking while I was recovering, but all I got was looks, not bad ones, but a lot of silence.

They’re so used to things being odd, but..well.. maybe I ought to go back to college, get my magic degree. I don’t know. Something is..I guess not hidden really, but not talked about, a secret that’s known but outsiders aren’t let in. Maybe that’s why Granite, my partner, asked if I was going to stay.

I don’t know Mom, Dad, maybe this isn’t for me.

I’ll tender my resignation in the morning. I know it’ll disappoint you Mom and Dad, but you’ll understand once I explain all the weird things to you. I don’t know if it’s good for Equestria what’s happening here, but it’s certainly not normal, and I think ponies need to know.


I’m glad to be off duty finally, evening is falling and a fire is lit in the hearth, writing the last of my letter to Mom and Dad. I just wish I knew what the hay was going on!

“Hey! Stone!” The loud voice comes from the entryway of my cozy house.

I turn my head, feeling the bandages tighten, making me catch my breath expecting the pain, but it’s gone, just need a little support for a while and good as new, “Hiya Granite.” I like my little house that I moved into, I’m really going to miss it.

He trots in, bandages covering a few cuts that are healing rapidly on his body, “Why ya lookin’ so down buddy? C’mon colt, we did good, cut that thing down with all the others, think it was a good day.” He grins like it’s an everyday thing, which for him probably is.

“I.. I don’t think I’m going to stay Granite.” I see his surprised look.

He stares at me for a few moments, “What? It’s your first day, trust me it’s not this bad all the time..” He looks to the side, bobbing his head, “Well, it gets weird, but it’s nice here.”

“No.” I get down from my cushion at my desk, standing on my hooves, “No, something odd is going on here. Nopony will say anything to me, it’s like this big secret. What’s so wrong it has to be kept secret?” I point at him, “Even you wouldn’t tell me.”

“It’s not really a secret Stone,” The big Earth pony shakes his head, “More like..well.. keeping it in the family.” He looks out the window, “We’re a family here, this town, this place. It’s not wrong what’s going on, I promise you, it’s wonderful in so many ways.”

He turns back to me, a serious look crossing his normally placid face, “We’re friendly, we love meeting new ponies, but..” He stops, thinking for a moment, “It takes a truly special kind of pony to live here, to be here day to day. Oh travelers come through, always visitors, but they never stay for long. The ones who live here, well,” He laughs, “You know how unique they are.”

“It’s a good town Stone, really, and it’s the best place in Equestria to live.”

I listen to every word, letting it settle in my mind like fluff, filling the empty places I never knew I had, “I know, but.. I just don’t think I’m going to fit in.”

He shrugs, looking non-plussed, “That’s your decision, but before you make it permanent, come on, we got an appointment.”

I hide the letter under some parchment, following him to the door and outside. It’s quiet right now for early evening as we walk along the street.

“What appointment? I’d really like to rest if we’re being honest.” Still not feeling one hundred percent, but getting better each minute, it’s so amazing.

“Don’t worry, it’s going to..” He stops, we step out into an open area in front of a place called Sugar Cube Corner where crowds of ponies are, a party is definitely being held with music, food and drink by the pounds and gallons, flowing freely as they all turn to look at us...me.

A pink form hugs me, smelling of vanilla and sugar, squealing out loud, “You made it! Welcome to your Welcome to Ponyville Party!” She raises a hoof, “This is the new guard everypony!”

I’m sure the shocked look on my face is what’s making ponies nearby laugh, Granite nudging me to a small open area where Pinkie hauls me in. Princess Twilight steps up as well and I try not to bow like she said, but kinda fail really.

“Please, no bowing.” Her voice is warm as she turns to the happy crowd, “Everypony, this is Stone Shape, a Town Guard who really gave his all in the fight today, plus being brand new and had no idea what was going on. Let’s give him a good Ponyville cheer!”

The stamping of hooves and yelling make me self-conscious for a moment.

Her voice continues, “No matter what happens here, or tries to happen here,” More chuckles, “We’re like a family, Ponyville’s our home, all of us would rather not live anyplace else.” She turns to me, “And we’d really like it if you stayed here Stone Shape, Captain Bars said he’d like to have you permanent, and we all would too.”

“Me?” I look around in confusion for a moment, “Do you do this for everypony who comes here? There’s nothing special about me.”

“Oh we always throw parties for ponies Stone, always, that’s Pinkie’s big thing.” The Princess grins, “But..well, not many ponies want to live here, it gets hectic sometimes. Everypony saw how you tried to help others, even when you didn’t know what was going on, you’re the type of pony we think would like it here.” She smiles again, “I’m the Princess of Friendship, this town is where we try to set the example for all Equestria. What do you say?”

Pinkie bounces on the grass nearby, “Yep! We put the ‘fun’ in dysfunctional!” She stops, tapping a hoof on her chin with a puzzled look, “Oh wait, maybe that’s not the right word..” Ponies laugh.

Anypony else saying all this, it would sound..well.., maybe..wrong. But as I look out over the happy faces waiting for my reply, it just seems, okay; right somehow, a place where life could be, well not exactly normal, but happy regardless. Isn’t that what anypony ever wants?

“I... I’d really like to stay.” Before anypony says anything else I hold up a hoof, “But! I want to know what this big secret is everypony doesn’t talk about, seriously!” I make sure I give them all a look, letting them see my resolve to find out.

Twilight looks at Pinkie, who looks at Rarity and Applejack joining them in the cleared area, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are nodding along with the others as if coming to a concensus.

“Fair enough.” The Alicorn waves to two ponies, the strange ones from earlier as they step into the cleared space, the strange Earth Pony and the Pegasus, Athena.

She smiles warmly as they both sit in front of me, “Stone, this is Athena and Crusader, and we’ve got a story to tell you.”


It’s late, and it was a wonderful party, perhaps I drank a bit too much, but so did everypony else. Now I get to sit at my desk once more, finishing my letter to go into the post tomorrow. I know what the big secret is, and it’s not really a secret, more like a wonder that no one really talks about, things out of time, ponies that look so real but aren’t, protecting the town and the country. There is magic here, so much magic and life that nothing, not even a big city, can compare.

Looking at crumpled sheets in the wastebasket, I lift the quill in my magic, finishing a fresh page with a flourish.

Dear Mom and Dad,

I’ve had an interesting first day on the job. I know I said it might be a while before I could write, but there’s plenty of time now. I’ve moved into my new house, and it’s cozy.

I’d really like you to come visit, it’s a truly wonderful town. I know the big city is what you’re used to, but I have a feeling you’d like it here. A lot.

I have so much to tell you if you do come to visit, or to stay. I learned something wondrous, something so amazing it makes you rethink everything you know, but in a good way. I’ve made some new friends already, I think you’d like them. They are good and kind, warm and wonderful.

In school they taught us that magic is all around us, believe me, I know how true that is now. But there’s different kinds of magic, something you have to experience for yourself. Trust me on this, some things cannot be taught, it can only be seen.

Sis will find plenty of sky to fly in around here, Dad will have a quiet place to write his books, and you Mom, can grow your flowers to your heart’s content. Think about it and let me know.

Please write back soon,

Your son,

Stone Shape

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