• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,586 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Sugar and Spice

Two more days!

Two more days and it’s off to the Empire!

I swear if anything else happens to delay this, I am gonna go blow something up in the forest.

I hate the waiting.

We often did so, in laager or depot, expecting the call. Our officers rushing around, the techs making last minute finals, loadouts being double and triple-checked. As monotonous as it sounds, our lives had been saved by some picky clerk or technician who decided we didn’t have enough ammunition, or enough secondary replacement modules, even a weapons tech who thought maybe one more weld.

Now it’s just last minute checks and rechecks. Crusader is being very careful with me.

So, gotta wait. At least there’s always something to do with Twilight around.


Reaching up, Athena brought the duster to bear, sweeping away the little bits of debris with a will.

Her body was pretty much on automatic, helping out Twilight by cleaning in the library, but her mind was flipping through songs that were popular when she was brought in for Operation Diaspora.

One caught her attention and she was replaying it, a jumped up tune that was considered ‘risque’ even for the Concordiat masses. It was hugely popular with a catchy beat, all the high end clubs were playing it at the time. The dance that went along with the song was definitely not for kids, but it was fun!

Her trim body started swaying with the beat, her tail matching in counterpoint as she dusted right along. The sable head bobbed as she moved along the shelves, humming it out loud.

The Cutie Marked flanks were swishing back and forth in a sultry manner as she walked over to the next set, the song just rocking away in her mind as she finished right up with a flick of the duster held in her mouth.

Setting it down, she moved to a large area rug, stepping into the beat and using all four hooves to match the songs’ rhythm, stepping left and right, prancing joyfully one moment then sliding over to do it again.

The lavender eyes looked coquettishly around the room as she gave a wink to an imaginary partner. Her backside moving with a flirty invitation as her hooves kept up the rhythm. A simple enough dance if you were human, hugely fun as a pony.

Athena didn’t bother with the details, turning the dance into something a pony could do. Translation programs did a fine job, making the move from Concordiat to Equestrian. Except the body language details were far more.. enticing.. than a human dancer would do. Ponies being very good at expressing such things, it came out in the movements.

She remembered when she, Satin, and Twilight had so much fun in Canterlot, letting themselves be what they wanted to be.

Fun-loving, sexy mares. Or in Athena’s case, faux mare. But hey, who really cared?

She had to admit, when Twilight let her mane down, she could be wonderful and wild. Though getting her to do so was a job in itself. One day she’ll realize it’s easy and doesn’t cost a thing.

Except maybe a few calories, ‘cause this song was just red hot!

She started singing along, the words expressing passion, love, and the chance to be with another. It was soulful and up tempo at the same time as she danced along the carpet. Hooves raising up in the air to let her body sway, then on all fours to shake that flank.

Oh, she felt so good! A trip to the Empire!

Ceasing her moves, she thought for a moment. No, no this wouldn’t do!

She scrambled over to a closed cabinet, searching for..oh there it was! A setup that allowed them to listen to music out loud so everyone could enjoy it some days. Crusader played classical in the library while he was perusing old books, the acoustics in the crystalline room were amazing.

Setting it carefully on a small table, she turned the speakers on and began passing data into the receiver, starting the song over again. She wanted to dance, wanted to feel as free as she could because she was happy!

This was so totally different than those Canterlot nights, a sway here, a swish of the tail there, the look that smoldered when she glanced around. Come hither was not even close to what was promised in those lavender eyes.

Her body felt loose, everything relaxed as she stepped across the lush rug, making sure each hoof was precisely placed, each motion of her body perfect. Her voice raised in open area, singing along with the voices that rang with passion, joy and heartfelt emotions.

She didn’t get to sing very often, the old shyness raising up in her whenever there was anypony around, but now, now was clear.

Up and up the notes went, to come crashing down into a complicated beat that had her tapping hooves everywhere, trying to keep up with it. Her laughter rang high and clear in the library that resounded with cheer, until she turned..

Spike was standing there with his mouth open, eyes wide and a comic book drooping from his clawed hand onto the floor as he watched her. He wasn’t quite sure what she was doing, but was getting a little of it.

Athena gave him her brightest smile, seeing him actually blush from his crest to toes. A wink from her made him finally drop the comic and turn an even brighter red.

“Uh..I didn’t mean to inter..uhm..interrupt or..or any..thing..”

She leapt over, grabbing him by the hand, “C’mere, let’s teach you how to really dance!” The pegasus tugged him onto the rug.

“Alright, do this..” She showed him how to keep the rhythm and time with the beat, showing him a low key dance routine. It was a very simple thing, and Spike picked it up very quickly.

The little dragon was hesitant at first, not wanting to look foolish. Athena kept her look warm, encouraging him to do the steps, and before he knew it was dancing right along to the beat. Athena joined in as his opposite, though he wasn’t as tall as herself, it was still admirably done.

She tried not to giggle every time she made a sway of her tail or twitch of her hips, a little glance or a look making him turn a deep shade of crimson.

He was warming to it though, getting more confident as the minutes wore past. She restarted the song when it ended, letting him practice the dance.

Now this was...

“What in Celestia’s name are you doing?!?”

Everything came to a screeching halt as they turned at the horrified voice, seeing Twilight standing there in the doorway with a look of..of..terror? Surprise? Everything in between? Her jaw drifted open under eyes wide and pinpoint, looking at both of them as if they’d just committed bloody murder and left the evidence lying in plain sight.

The Alicorn rushed in, grabbing Spike and trying to cover his ears as well as his eyes, making him struggle in the tight grip of her hooves and fore legs.


“Shush, Spike!” She leaned forward, pinning Athena with narrowed eyes, “Just what were you showing him?”

“We were dancing, that’s all. An old tune that was a big hit back on old earth.” She smiled back at the miffed Princess, “He did real well too, picked it right up..” Athena stopped as Twilight’s expression was not happy.

“Oh, I just bet he did. He doesn’t need to learn things like that!”

“I think you’re over-reacting Twilight. Sure it was made for adults, but it’s fun. I was...” Spike had finally struggled free of the clasping hooves and stood up, dusting himself off.

“Betcha Rarity will be surprised next time..” A leg was clamped tight around his mouth.

“Oh, no you don’t!” Twilight was glaring right at him, “You don’t show that to anypony!”

“Twilight, please stop fretting. It’s just a dance, nothing more.”

The scaly point of the conversation nodded.

“He’s too young to even know about that stuff.”

“Twilight, there was nothing to it. That’s all. It was here in the castle, nopony saw. I am sure he’ll promise not to try it anywhere else.” The pegasus gave Spike a look that said she’d know if he did, “Right?”

“Right!” He really wanted to leave the room right now.

Twilight granted his wish, “Spike, go read some comics okay? Athena and I need to talk.”

Not a word as he rushed out quick as a rabbit, heading for the safety of his room.

She turned back to the silent Pegasus who never lost the warm look on her face, “He’s a bit young for that stuff don’t you think?”

“Not really.”

This caught Twilight off-guard, sitting back into the pillow with a questioning look.


“What I was teaching him was harmless, you only really saw what I was doing. The real male side of the dance was more.. how can I say this? Expressive.. We’ll go with that.” Athena was of a gentle mien, reaching out a hoof to tap Twilight’s, “My part, however, was translated pretty darn good if I say so myself. As a Dragon living around ponies, he hasn’t caught all the nuances quite yet.”

The Alicorn was silent as they both sat there, the sable Pegasus never losing her smile.

“But..you were..I mean..” Twilight actually blushed, not going any further.

“Yes, I was. Because I’m happy, I’m in a good mood and I wanted to do something a little special.” Tilting her head, Athena gently chided her, “You should have a little confidence in your friends Twilight, especially me. I would never do anything to harm you or Spike.”

“I’m sorry,” Twilight’s face was turning a reddish color underneath the lavender coat, “I thought..well.. I thought...”

“I know.” Athena lay down upon the cushion nearest her, relaxing as if she hadn’t a care in the world, “There’s no reason to apologize to me either, you did what you thought best.”

The Pegasus leaned in with a whisper, “I can teach you the dance, you’d like it.”

Twilight’s eyes popped fully open, having understood the entire thing from watching and pulled her head back with a bright blush of her cheeks, “Oh no! Nono! I don’t..I mean..I..no!”

Athena’s laughter was sweet sounding in the library, seeing the Princess looking anywhere but at her, “It’s a lot of fuuu-uunnn. You need to unwrap some times, you get a little tight.”

“I do not!”

Athena reached a hoof upwards, tapping the side of her head as the other pointed to the bracelet on Twilight’s leg.

“I hate when you do that.”

“Then take it off. They aren’t glued to you.”

Twilight covered it protectively with the other hoof, “No, no I’ll.. I like it.” She’d become so used to it, a part of her after so long.

Athena kept smiling, she never lost it when around Twilight, “Have fun some times, be yourself instead of ‘Princess’. Get a little..what’s the word I’m looking for..? Oh yes, spicy.”

A raised eyebrow greeted her, “Spicy?”

“You know, like.. flirtatious but not wanting anything. Being happy to be a mare, and showing everypony you know it. It comes from confidence. Not over-confidence, but enough to know who you are. Giving as good as you get, letting folks know you got what it takes, spicy!”

“Like Rarity?”

“No. Nono, Rarity is... No. She’s not the same way as I’m describing.”


“It’s having fun being yourself, knowing you’re pretty and just reveling in it..being..being..spicy! See?” Athena waved an absent hoof, “Kind of like those days in Canterlot, but less formal. No dancing, just the way you walk, maybe a look now and then.. It’s hard to describe. Here, let me show you.”

Athena went over to the doorway, turning and facing Twilight as she walked slowly towards her. A simple stride but Twilight’s eyes noticed more than that. A twitch of the tail, a flank, the raising of a foreleg a certain way and the pretty eyes glancing back and forth exuded confidence. A flip of the shining mane combined with a lift of the lips told volumes. She was amazed at the total change, just watching until Athena landed on the pillow again.

“Like that.”

“I can’t do that! That would..I..it would.. I don’t think a Princess should act like that.”

Athena pressed a hoof into the lavender chest, “If anything, Princesses should be allowed.” She leaned forward whispering into an ear, “Try it sometime, you’ll like it. A little sugar and spice never hurt anyone.”

Popping off the cushion, the Pegasus grabbed the duster again, “I promise, no teaching Spike anymore dances without asking you first.” She grinned and walked off, the music playing again as the trim flank gave a few sways before disappearing around a shelf.

Twilight was lost in thought as she exited the library.


“Applejack, I can be spicy right?”

Twilight had caught up with the farmer in town, just enjoying the nice day, slipping up beside her and popping the question right out.

Now she was stopped in the middle of the street, Applejack looking at her friend like she’d grown another eye in the middle of her forehead.

“Beg y’r pardon?”

“I can be spicy, right? You know..spicy.” She waggled her eyebrows at the staring mare.

“What in the hay are you talkin’ ‘bout?”

Twilight tried to remember the conversation with Athena, “Well..confident. You know.. self-assured, that sorta thing?” She walked around Applejack, giving a twitch of her tail in demonstration, a look of her eyes..

“Twi, we’re not having this conversation.”

“Oh c’mon! You know what I mean, like..like.. Cherry Jubilee!” Mentioning the raucous mare brought a grin to Applejack’s face.

“That’s not spicy Twilight, that’s pure brass.” She barked a laugh before laying a hoof on the alicorn’s shoulder.

“We like you just the way you are, plain ol’ Twilight. Ain’t no reason to change sugarcube.”

With that she trotted off towards the market stalls, leaving Twilight thinking.

Plain ol’ Twilight.



Rainbow Dash saw Twilight sitting at one of the outside tables in the little al fresco restaurant that Ponyville harbored. She was staring glumly at her daisy sandwich and large glass of juice that was sweating droplets. One hoof idly twirled on the table top.

Landing with a thump of hooves and slipping into the only empty chair across from her, she smiled, can’t see her friends being down now could she?

“What’s up Twilight?” She motioned to the waiter, “Onion rings, a whole basket please!”

The aproned pony nodded with a smile, taking the order back.

No reply had been heard, so Rainbow tried again.“Hellloooo, Twilight?” She waved a cyan hoof in front of the downcast face.

A mumbled word or two came out, the hoof still twirling around.

Rainbow leaned over the table, “What was that?”


“C’mon Twi, you’re kinda down about something. What’s going on?”

The Princess sighed, pushing at her sandwich, “Am I..plain?”

Of all the things, this was the last Dash expected to hear, “Do what now?”

“Am I.. you know.. plain?”

“What? No way, Twilight! You’re like..like..awesome with magic and can do all kinds of stuff!”

Eyes were rolled, “That’s not what I meant Rainbow. Well...kind of.. I mean..plain. Like..” A hoof gestured to her face, running down until it hit the table once more.

A huge basket of fresh made onions rings appeared in front of Rainbow as she decried her friend’s question once more, stuffing her face all the while.

“No way, Twilight. I mean I’m no judge, but I’m sure there’s ponies that think you’re just great looking!” Another onion ring disappeared into the hungry maw.

“Like who?”

This Rainbow hadn’t anticipated, throwing out a feel good comment just to try and help. Now she was caught. Choking on a mouthful of food she thought quickly.

“Uh..” an onion ring got waved around, “Liiiiike..that doofus in the world through the mirror? Flash in the Pan...Swiftly Stupid.. That guy!”

Twilight’s face actually cracked a smile, the lips lifting as almost, almost a laugh slipped out, “Rainbow!”

The cyan mare was absolutely unrepentant, munching on the last of the onion rings. She gave Twilight a wink while waving the empty basket at the waiter.

“Besides him..” Twilight was still giggling.

Another big basket of fried not-so-good for you food landed in front of Rainbow as she slid some bits over, “What’s the big deal Twilight?”

“I’m.. well.. worried I’m just not..” She flipped a hoof, “I dunno..”

A raspy laugh and nudge with a wing is what that got her, “Twilight, you’re fine the way you are!”

The way you are.

Plain ol’ Twilight.



Walking the town that night was one Alicorn lost in thought. Her lavender coat shone in the waning light as the Sun slipped beneath the horizon, letting the Moon out to lay a blanket of silver along everything.

The stars were starting to peek out, drawing the violet eyes upward for a moment, then back down, accompanied by a sigh.

She stopped at an intersection, looking over at a night club that was just starting to open. Ponies were in line joking and laughing as they waited, the music inside had a really good beat, hooves were tapping along while standing outside.

Her field of vision caught the other mares dressed up for dancing, jewelry, some bits of clothing. She watched how they stood, or even looked around, seeing a confidence she did not feel in herself.

They looked so...so pretty. Shining in the light from the street, eyes glancing about, certain and happy.

She thought back to that night a while ago. Two very dirty, dusty stallions had saved her and the others lives when they went to the forest. Rescuing the foals and bringing them back to Ponyville. It was a day of triumphs. The magic had roared out of her, collapsing that tunnel and giving them all a chance to escape.

After that, at Sugar Cube Corner, they’d all sat and looked out into the night that held no horror for them anymore. She’d felt brave, like a true Princess. Smiling to herself she remembered Stonewall and Granite’s face when she gave them each a kiss on the cheek, walking away with a brash twitch of her hips. She’d felt like somepony else that night.

But then it was gone, lost in the day to day grind of just being a Princess, trying to keep up with studies, nary a moment to relax some days and just sit with a good book.

One more glance at the glittery mares that walked into the club made her think.

She wanted that again.

And Twilight knew just how to do it.


When Twilight put her mind to something she was dogged, never releasing hold until accomplished. Proving it so this night as she stood in the library, a cleared area around her just in case as she prepared the spell she’d worked on.

Only for twenty four hours, that’s all.

Magic could do so much if directed in the right way. Healing, helping, finding water sources or gems. Pretty much anything.

Even boost confidence for a little while.

Writing a spell was simple enough for one of Twilight’s caliber, directing the energy somewhat harder. But making sure there was a limit, even tougher. Magic wanted to run free, to express itself. So if you didn’t rein it in, it could become a wild thing.

The only other item, making sure the spell only affected who or what you wanted it to.

Being tired is not a good way to accomplish any of this. But experience had taught Twilight so much it was all almost automatic.


She pictured in her mind what she wanted. Confidence. The way she looked, the way she talked and acted. Just like..Athena! That was it! She pictured her friends as well, thinking of an amalgam of things they all had, the poise that sometimes flowed, the self-assurance.

Her horn lit up, the magic flowing then folding in upon itself as she concentrated on the spell and what she wanted. Just for a day, she wanted to be..be...spicy.


The new day dawned bright with a golden sheen to the morning, and as Twilight opened her eyes, a definitely better day!

She flipped the covers aside, hopping out of bed to stand in front of the mirror. Her eyes narrowed a bit as she looked for something, anything different.

Same eyes..hooves.. Mane hasn’t changed. Pursing her lips she tried to see all parts of her body, even flipping around to check her backside. She was glancing over her shoulder wiggling her backside when Spike walked in.

“Something wrong with your tail, Twilight?”

She about leapt out of her skin, blushing a bright crimson as her eyes snapped to the little Dragon smiling in the doorway.

“No! I mean..no. Just making sure ..you know.. brushed right and all that.” She gave him a smile, “Can’t go out being a Princess with a tail that’s looking like it got dragged through the mud.”

Spike thought that made sense, nodding. “So, what’s for breakfast?”

Twilight didn’t hesitate, “Let’s have something really different this morning Spike!” She tapped a hoof on the floor for a second, “You know what? I feel like pizza.” The Alicorn nodded to herself, nosing Spike out the door.

“Pizza? For breakfast?” He gave her a suspicious glance, “You feeling okay?”

“I feel..” She was silent for a second as something settled inside her, making her stand just a bit taller, popping her wings out then buttoning them tight against her sides, “I feel good Spike, really good.” She bent down, giving him a shove with a hoof as her stomach grumbled, “C’mon, race you to the kitchen!”

Spike lost his suspicion as he grinned back, “You’re on!”

They both laughed and took off down the hallway.


Whatever was cooking actually made Athena start to wonder as she walked into the castle. Intent on finishing up the dusting today, she could hear laughter coming from the kitchen. Her olfactory senses were going nuts at the different smells.

Rounding the corner she could see Spike ducking behind a chair, before she could ask a piece of dough covered in flour smacked her right in the nose. Catching her off guard she stumbled over her hooves. Recovering quickly, she removed the errant dough and tried wiping her face as her ears caught Twilight’s laughter.


Do what now?

“Nice shot, Twilight!”

That was Spike’s voice, what was going on here?

Blinking her eyes, she saw Twilight giving Spike a high hoof.

“What..did you toss dough at me?”

The Princess of Friendship laughed, a low breathy sound, “I was aiming for Spike, but catching you was worth it.”

Athena grabbed a towel, wiping at her face, “Oh, think that’s funny do you?”

Twilight gave her a look that caught her completely off guard once more, a sly smile that told volumes, “Oh, yes I do. Care to do something about it?”

Athena’s eyes narrowed, looking closely at her, “Are you the real Twilight?”

Spike hopped up on a chair, “That’s what I said!”

Twilight turned back to the stove, her magic lifting a very large platter containing a fresh made pizza. The cheese was hot and melting and it was overstuffed with mushrooms, tomatoes, bell peppers of different colors, onions that were crispy, everything to make the mouth water.

Pans on the stove were browning more onions and other delights that were ready to be put on another flat of dough. Cooked enough to be prepared for the ready to go pizzas that were waiting.

Athena stared for a moment. Twilight usually cooked simple things, never wanting to be away from duties, books or her lists for very long. If she could salivate, this concoction would definitely make her do so.

“Spike, seriously, use a napkin.” The Pegasus handed the drooling Dragon a cloth square. He was eyeing the pizza like a starving wolf. Athena couldn’t blame him, it really, really looked good.

“When did you..”

“Learn how to make this?” Twilight was cutting huge slices to put on plates, “I’ve always known, just never had the time.” She pushed plates in front of the waiting pair, setting down across from them with her own piled high with pizza. A quick levitation and glasses were filled with ice cold drinks.

“I think I did a pretty good job of it.” Her voice sounded so unlike the unsure Twilight, making Athena’s eyes snap upward, seeing her leaning on an elbow, resting a cheek against her hoof with a warm smile.

No. Nono something wasn’t right here. Athena opened her mouth to ask.

“What IS that smell?” A happy voice echoed through the castle, followed by a pink face bouncing into the kitchen. “Oh my gosh, that looks so good!”

Twilight grinned, pulling another one out of the oven, “I planned ahead.” She cut a few slices and slid the plate over to Pinkie who had made herself comfortable at the table.

“Twilight, this looks awesome!”

“Why, thank you Pinkie.” The Princess took a bite of her own piece, eyes closing in pleasure as Pinkie was busy chowing down herself.

Athena watched them all eating, finally taking a bite of the slice she held in her hoof, blinking at the complex flavors. This was more than pizza, it was fit for a gourmet menu item.

“How did..?”

Twilight gave a slight shrug that made her head tilt in a pretty way, “Just have to know where to look, and a little creativity never hurt.”

She saw that Pinkie had already denuded her plate and was politely asking for more. Athena watched Twilight carefully, seeing her move without a pause or stutter, nothing unsure at all about anything she did.

From serving Pinkie more pizza with a touch of hoof on hers as the pink mare exclaimed over how good the food tasted; to her rolling out more dough swiftly, piling the cheese and toppings on and putting another two into the oven to cook.

She glanced over her shoulder, eyes warm and with something else in them, “I’m sure more company will be here.” Her voice sounded as if she knew, absolutely knew. Giving a wink to the assembled diners, she lifted out another pitcher of juice, setting it on the counter with four more glasses.

Data fed into Athenas’ systems as she watched Twilight, comparing baselines, everything she knew and this was not her. Well..not the way she acted. So self-assured, confident. Her body language was totally different.


“Whoa, Nelly! Whatever smells this good oughta get an award!” Applejack’s face appeared around the doorway, followed by Rarity and Fluttershy.

“My stars, Twilight, what is that delicious aroma?” Rarity was actually sniffing at the air.

Fluttershy had already taken a seat at the large counter, leaning forward with an inhalation, “Oh, that is making me hungry.” She actually had a look of anticipation on her face.

Twilight smiled, when she did it lit her whole face up making her even more beautiful than she was. Her eyes sparkled as she lifted more plates, piling them high with fresh food and setting them in front of each pony. An empty seat was given a glass of juice and pizza as well. Everypony looked at each other for a moment, before anyone could ask, Twilight held a hoof up.

“Three... Two... One..”

A cyan blur crashed into the floor outside the doorway to the kitchen, followed by the clatter of hooves as Rainbow peered around the doorway, “Is that pizza?” She hurried in, seating herself as Athena stared at Twilight.

What the hay?


“Medical is reading no abnormalities. Based on recent scans she is fine.”

“But she’s..different!”

“How is she different?”

“She’s..so self-confident. Assured of herself, her body language is totally off-base.”

“Sensors registered a large burst of magic in the castle last night.”

“Last night? Wait..when did you start scanning...?”

“I always watch, Athena.”

That line of inquiry was dropped for the moment in face of his answer, “She may have cast a spell on herself then? Or something went wrong?”

“I detected no uncontrolled surges or anything similar.”

“I’ll keep an eye out then.”

“As will I.”


Twilight was happily chattering away as everypony was enjoying the impromptu meal in the kitchen, it was filled with laughter and of course compliments given to the chef.

She became the center of attention. It hadn’t started that way, but everything she did, a touch of her hoof, a smile and laugh, just brought everyone into a circle that surrounded her. It wasn’t self-absorption, or ego. She was deeply comfortable with herself for the first time and it showed.

A smile, a touch to a friends’ leg, a flip of the mane. It all told such a story that even Applejack was starting to wonder. She even flirted once or twice, throaty laughs coming from her seemed so natural. The magic had settled in now, making it seem as if she’d always been this way.

Fluttershy though, was the first to say something.

“Twilight, you..uhm.. You’re different.”

The lavender mare stopped her serving and smiled warmly, “I’m just me.”

“No, no ya ain’t Twi.”

The Alicorn shook her head, “No, I’m me. Just.. feeling more confident today.” She didn’t feel like sharing details about the spell just yet.

“I, for one, think it suits you dear.” Rarity pressed a hoof against hers, “You look so wonderful.”

Another brilliant smile, “Thank you, Rarity.” No blush, no stuttering.

“I don’t know about you guys, but I sure want some more of that pizza!” Rainbow was holding out her plate, drawing every eye until she looked around, seeing the others staring, “What? I’m hungry!”


Talk turned to lighter things, how the farm was doing, Rarity’s boutique, Rainbow’s quest for the Wonderbolts.

Athena couldn’t find a way to ask her what was going on. It was..interesting watching this.

As everyone broke, cleaning up and heading out for the day, Spike stood with Athena at the doorway watching everyone trot off.

“So, what’s on the list today?” Athena was really wanting to know more.

A flip of the mane and a saucy smile made her hesitate, “We don’t need a list. I’m sure we’re smart enough to do what’s needed.” They both watched her saunter out into the daytime, a silky sway of her hips making them both goggle.

Spike’s hand tugged on Athena’s wing, “I’m scared.”


“Yep, she was just a-chatterin’ away, and ah swear by Celestia’s Sun she was flirtin’ a bit too!” Applejack was sitting with Crusader out in the orchard, enjoying the nice sunny day.

He gave her a puzzled look, “Flirting? That is definitely not Twilight.”

“No, it sure ain’t. But to tell the truth, it sure was nice seein’ her so confident.” The orange mare swirled a hoof in the dust, “Sometime’s wish I could be that way some days, ya know?”

“I think you are fine the way you are, my Applejack.” He was the recipient of a powerful hug.

“Ya always say the right things.”

Applejack was closer than she knew. The magic spell that Twilight had used was very powerful, changing her whole personality. She had to visualize what she wanted, at the same time part of her was wishing her friends could be the same way just for a while. Twilight wanted to share her magic with those closest to her, let them see what could be done. Never, ever in a harmful way. So the spell, acting on her subconscious desires as well, did just that.

Every touch, every pat of a hoof, spread the magic to Rarity, Applejack and the others, no further. The spell obeyed it’s user, making sure she got her wish, even if was not the first priority.


Fluttershy was happy, the sun was bright and shining and she had some shopping to do. The buttery mare loved this chore because there were so many things to look at, and she loved sampling the fresh vegetables that the stands offered.

As she walked, her body settled into a different mien. She was holding her head a little higher, tail flicking back and forth that was not her usual way. The smile was warmer along with her eyes, her voice was humming a tune she remembered from a long while ago that Crusader had played for her. A song that was beautiful and elegant.

Normally she faded into the background, wanting to get things done in a nice slow way, making sure she never bothered anypony. It cost her some items she really wanted, but that was okay, it all worked out in the end.

This time though she stood in line, casting her soft gaze around her, looking at ponies directly. Her voice was not overbearing, but firm and polite, a hint of sultriness was heard in it that was throwing everyone off that knew her.

The way she acted spoke volumes to those around her, making them smile. They all knew of her shyness and it made those who did happy to see her this way. Maybe she was finally coming out of it?

Fluttershy didn’t feel it, it seemed as if she’d always been this way. A smile to a friend, a wink and toss of the mane. Such things came naturally to her now as she carried her purchases.

She beamed at a stall owner who fumbled the basket of fruit he was carrying past her. She tried not to giggle, but did anyway. It wasn’t malicious, just seeing the humor as she walked on, giving him a flip of her tail to say she was sorry for the inconvenience.

Fluttershy cut quite the swath through the market that morning.


Pinkie had always been herself, there was nopony like her anywhere and that gave her a confidence others did not feel. She was, however, not without her own insecurities. Sometimes she wondered if her parties were good enough, happy enough for the pony receiving it. Did she choose the right presents? The right decorations? All these things niggled her some nights.

She usually calmed her own fears, but at times they stuck with her.

At this time, as the magic settled itself inside her, those doubts were gone. Her naturally bubbly personality just enhanced the spells’ effectiveness.

Sliding a plate with a huge slice of vanilla cake on it, drizzled with caramel and chocolate in lines, surrounded by a glaze with a design in it, the pink mare smiled.

Not her usual wide grin, or happy smile, but something warmer, softer.

The stallion on the receiving end of the plate was looking at the work of art like he’d never seen anything like it, “Wow, this is great Pinkie!”

A cheek leaned on one hoof as she kept smiling, “My pleasure.” The tone of her voice brought the pony’s head up, his eyes meeting hers.

“Uhm..” he blushed down to his tail, “Well..I..” A hoof reached back to scratch his mane.

A blue eye winked, telling the now nervous stallion she was flirting harmlessly with him, “Enjoy your snack.”

“Oh..uh..sure. Thanks, Pinkie!” He didn’t feel rejected, no, her smile told him it was all in fun. He really ought to be more confident in himself he thought.

She ran out of a few things while serving, instead of her normal manic run, she turned and walked slowly back into the kitchen area with a smoldering look over her shoulder at the pony who waited at the counter, making him blush right down to his hooves. She came sauntering out with his order, wishing him a nice day and chuckling under her breath at the way he stumbled out of the store.

Pinkie was knocking them down at Sugar Cube Corner.


Rarity had always been full of life. Debonair, demure sometimes, a flirt at others, but always a truly ‘rare’ breed of pony. Gracious and generous, kind and ..well.. forgiving most times. She had her moments, as all ponies do when frustrations build up, or her expectations don’t quite get met.

This was all carried away when the magic gently worked inside her. The white mare turned into an absolute knockout.

Rarity didn’t sweat the small things now, moving from customer to customer with a gentle heart, a look of warm eyes, a flick of the tail and twitch of a nicely rounded flank that set hearts aflame or aflutter. Even a few mares had to suddenly leave the shop, waving hooves at their faces with goofy grins as they trotted out, exchanging remarks about the proprietor and how..well.. stunning she was.

Sweetie Belle was helping in the shop, watching her sister act a little more weirdly than usual. She had dropped a box, scattering needles underhoof and everywhere while the shop was crowded. The little filly expected the loud declaration of ..something.. the usual Rarity reaction.

She was waiting for it when Rarity breathlessly laughed, giving her a pat on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, we’ll get those right up!”

Her magic had flared around her horn, every needle returning to its place in a trice. She’d given the box right back to her sister again!

“Be careful now.”

She had stood there holding the container and watching Rarity talk with customers. Sweetie Belle didn’t get it, but it sure was interesting.

The older mare was tossing her mane gently, not her usual flip, talking with another pony about his wedding outfit she was doing alterations for. Her smile was slightly different, she walked really strange too. Why’d she twitch her flank like that?

Carefully setting down the needle container so she wouldn’t drop it, she kept her eyes on Rarity. Her walk was strange too, smooth and she kinda posed a lot. It was a little confusing. Rarity posed all the time in front of a mirror, when she was checking herself out. But this, this was waaaaay different.

Stallions were blushing too, a lot. Something Rarity was doing or saying. Sweetie couldn’t figure it out, maybe she just wasn’t watching it right. She slipped over to a chair and settled on it. Her eyes narrowing as she tried to concentrate on what was going on.

“Darling, trust me, you’d look absolutely fabulous in this red.” A bolt of cloth floated near them, unrolling and contrasting nicely with the stallions’ coat.

Sweetie saw her sister smile again, a look in her eyes that had the customer stuttering like he couldn’t quite get any words out. Being helpful she went and got a glass of water, lifting it carefully with her own levitation spell and trotting out to the poor guy.

“Maybe you need a glass of water?” Sweeties’ voice was clear in the little shop.

“Yes! What a wonderful idea Sweetie. Thank you!” It was taken from her and given to the stallion who was still blushing right down to his hooves, swallowing a large drink from the glass.

Sweetie still wasn’t quite sure what was going on, but at least she wasn’t getting yelled at.

Rarity could have tipped over every male in the place with a puff of breath.


Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow had always been of the mind she was tougher, better and faster than anypony around. Always.

She had her moments, the fluffy bunny slippers, the little things she kept around her house that even hinted at her being a bit ‘soft’.

The reality being that even though she put on the ‘tough’ persona outward, she really did like cuddling in front of a warm fire some nights with a good book since Twilight got her interested, and a blanket thick and cozy. Those were special times with Tank, talking to him about dreams and wishes, and other things she couldn’t really say to her friends.

Her loyalty was unquestioned, fighting prowess even more, but she had that lighter side that did peek out occasionally.

She’d never dare to even have her hooves done or anything like that in front of her friends. Though going to the spa was okay once in a while. Gotta keep up the reputation ya know! But some times, she’d love to once sit in the sauna or the bath with the others and just talk about nothing at all.

It was a fight inside her, the tough mare, or the gentle one.

The magic took that all away, slowly and without a fuss. There was no inner turmoil now, and for the next day nor would there be.

She found herself walking a little taller, not from pride but from knowing she was probably the sexiest mare alive. Just because the magic gently took away inner worries, didn’t mean it had suppressed the ego.

She took a few minutes to make sure her wings were preened, tail and mane brushed just right, before she exited her house. It was still a tangled mess, but it was the ‘perfect’ tangled mess. Giving her an appearance of sultriness that flowed from her ears right to her tail.

Instead of her usual ‘crash and burn’ type landings in which anypony in the way had better have their life insurance paid up, she landed gently near the market. Hooves lightly touching down as she started into a walk which would best be described as ..as.. there really were no words for it as Rainbow Dash had never done anything like it.

She was lithe and curved from hours of hard work, wings pinned against her sides as she headed for the marketplace. Eyes were staring at the swing of the perfectly muscled backside, the multi-colored tail swishing from side to side in brash movements that declared she knew she was the hottest thing on hooves right now.

Of course she’d always thought so, but not quite in this way.

She saw Fluttershy walking through the market plaza as well, giving her a wave and a smile, seeing as she did the trail of pitter-pattering hearts Flutters was leaving behind.

Rainbow had always been a little self-centered, it was one of the things ponies allowed in her case, because she could usually prove her boasts. Most of the time.

Now, being of the ‘I’m better than anypony’ mind, she started walking around the marketplace to do some shopping. Making sure whatever she had seen Fluttershy do, she did a little better, a little more sultry, and left a lot more thumping hearts behind her.

The cerise eyed, slinky Pegasus was fully aware of what she was doing now and it just made her sway that Cutie Mark a little more.

Poor Ponyville.


Applejack had left Crusader to do his own chores, somethin’ about maintenance on something which got really complicated when she asked about it. Chuckling to herself, she really ought to know better some days. Until then, apples to sell.

She had been sitting at the apple stand since after talking with Crusader. She was thinking back on breakfast and it was definitely one of her favorites. Didn’t quite know about pizza for the morning, but surely was some of the best she’d ever had. Have to get that recipe later from Twilight.

Speaking of Twilight, she’d watched her peruse the market stalls earlier, smiling an flirtin’ with a few stallions who’d been left behind in a fluster. Sure made her chuckle.

Pinkie had bounced on.. No, that wasn’t right, she’d come walking through like she was the center of attention. Which she surely was! Givin’ folks a wink and a swish of the tail as she’d cut right through the crowds and walked away with everythin’ she needed for the bakery.

Now there’s Fluttershy, lookin’ like she’s having a wonderful time. I don’t think she’s even noticing all the looks she’s getting. That shy little Pegasus is jus’ breakin’ hearts right and left without even tryin’. Poor ponies.

Of course there’s Rainbow Dash. Walkin’ round the marketplace like Miss Hot Hooves herself. Judging from the way she’s looking around and how she’s prancin’, she’s definitely that! She even did her mane, least some brushin’, that’s more than some days.

Applejack didn’t realize yet she was doing the same thing. Selling her apples and goods, her voice was definitely softer, the accent sweeter than honey and was entrancing to the ears. Her movements drawing attention while she was watching the others. That confidence she’d wanted earlier coming in waves off her.

Flipping the sign to ‘Closed’ she stretched and sighed. Been a good mornin, she thought. Time for a little break. I’m sure I can get bite to eat and a cold drink at the ‘Corner.

The orange mare got up with a twist of her neck, stretching one hind leg before she trotted off away from the stand. The powerful body moving smoothly as the blonde tail flicked from side to side, brushing hips that swayed like a pendulum.

As an Earth Pony, her body was strong and tough like Pinkie’s. With all the work she did, it only made it more so. Her curves were prominent now as she sauntered to the Corner, the magic just making her show it off more than she usually did.

The earlier her would definitely have blushed down to her own hooves had she seen the admiring eyes watching those three apples moving hypnotically with every step she took.


“I have almost one hundred percent confidence it was a spell.”

“Can we reverse it?”


“Well.. You know I’m not sure.”

“It does not seem to be doing any harm. Other than drawing attention.”

“She is so confident, it’s just odd seeing her like this.”

“That is not a bad thing.”

Of course you wouldn’t think so.”

“You are correct.” Crusader’s amusement came loud and clear.

“Smart aleck.”

Crusader was interrupted by a warm form leaning against him, emerald green eyes looking at him in a way he wasn’t sure he knew how to interpret. He had a suspicion though. He had been in the Corner, sitting at a booth for the moment, watching Pinkie serve customers. Taking a break for a moment from long overdue upkeep and logs. The avatar would be taken to the bay soon as well for maintenance..

“Hey there, sugar.”

“Hello, my Applejack.”

“Talkin’ to Athena? You always get that look when ya do.”

“I was.”

“Mind if I ask what about?” The smile on the orange face was warm, inviting, and so many other things. Crusader actually paused before answering, she never inquired before, allowing him to tell her later.

“You. Twilight and the others.” Honesty was always best, though sometimes not all of it.

“Hopefully y’all are saying some nice things.” She gave him a smoldering look, leaving him with a shoulder nudge and a bump of her flank as she slipped off the bench seat, sauntering up to the counter to place her order.

The umber Earth pony could only sit and blink at the situation.



“I believe if it was a spell, it may have..spread.”

“Oh, no.”

“Oh, yes.”

“I’ve been keeping an eye on Twilight, she, Fluttershy and Rainbow are causing quite the.. Well, not exactly commotion..at the marketplace. I wondered what was going on.”

“The very same with Pinkie and Applejack here at Sugar Cube Corner. I did hear about Rarity at her shop.”

The warbands were silent for a brief moment before suspicion rose in Crusader’s mind.

“Did you play a part in this?”

“No! I didn’t..I..wouldn’t.. Yes.”

“Please be careful of what you say to Twilight, she trusts you.”

“I promise. I didn’t know it would be like this.”

“She is young and very curious. When presented with a problem or dilemma, she will pursue an answer. Like yourself.”

“I know.”

“What did you tell her?”

“I said she needed to unwind, be a little more ..uh.. spicy sometimes.”


“Well, yeah..

“Your choice of words will get us in deep trouble one day my sister.”

“Oh, pshaw..I.. Whoops, they’re leaving. Going for bodyguard duty. Talk to you soon.”

“Be safe. I will be in maintenance for a while.”

The link went silent as Crusader chuckled in his mind, Oh, Athena. Life would be a little dull without you. He watched Pinkie wave to the Cakes, ending her shift and leaving with Applejack who gave him a smile.

Life would definitely be a little dull.


“Wait, you want me to what?” Athena was staring at all of them like they’d gone insane. “You don’t need me..I mean, Rarity could do that..” She’d been tagging along with the group, Rarity joining them as they discussed plans for that evening. It was getting on in the early afternoon now. They were now planning dinner, then a night out at the club dancing. They wanted the right gear to do so, looking at Athena to provide it. Applejack and Pinkie had joined them now, so Athena was now faced with all of them asking for her to create a few things.

Twilight smiled warmly at the Pegasus, “She does a wonderful job. But we’re going clubbing, and we need the right outfits.”

“She’s right darling," The elegant Unicorn was adding, “I’d rather just have something..oh..” She waved a polished hoof in the air, “Down and dirty, shall we say?”

Athena could only gape at Rarity after a comment like that.

The Princess leaned in with a whisper, “Please?”

She knew it was the spell but didn’t care, warmth suffusing her cores at the request, “I..I..give me two hours?”

“But you haven’t heard what we want.” Rainbow was sitting beside her all of a sudden.

“Oh..that..right.” Athena couldn’t believe how flustered she was right now. She blinked and sat down on the grass, to the side of the main thoroughfare where they had stopped. “What exactly were you thinking?”

Her eyes slowly got wider as suggestions were made. Having seen clothes that were in movies and shows they had watched together, they’d taken some of the ideas from them.

“Oh!” Fluttershy piped up, “Some neat glowy things, it would be a real fun night with those!”

“Glowy things?”

“Yes. You showed them to us once, it was called a..a..wave? Was that it? Some sort of dance going on?” The golden mare was tapping her bottom lip with a hoof.

Athena perused her datafiles, coming up with a tentative match, “You mean a rave?”

“That’s it!” Rainbow slapped hooves with the other pegasus.

Athena thought for a moment, chemical interactions were simple to do, she could make some ‘glowy’ things easily. The other stuff, however...

“Are you sure you..you want those kind of clothes?”

Six heads nodded in tandem.

“Okay..tell me what you want.” Certain fabricators long unused inside her war hull fired into life. Cloth was pulled out of hermetically sealed storage by techspiders that fed the rolls into patterning machines. She’d made simple things before, but nothing this specific. Her mind sought and found datalinks to what she needed.


An early dinner was called for. Athena found herself walking with them to a restaurant that promised intimate dining and quiet, for romance or trysts. She wasn’t quite sure that it would be a very good place, although from the reviews she’d overheard it was quite nice.

The group stood in the doorway of the gently lit restaurant, seeing half-shuttered candles lining the walls, casting a soft incandescence around ponies who sat at tables in twos, threes and more. Thick carpet lined the floor, making hoofsteps muffled and gone in seconds, assuring nopony was disturbed in their dinners.

The dining area was separate from the entryway and what looked to be a small area to the side for waiting. It had a small bar it appeared, and covered dishes on long tables.

She could see a string quartet in the dining area off to the side as well, providing low music for the ponies inside.

Polished wood gleamed in the candlelight, making it seem as if the room was suffused in a golden aura that made Cutie Marks shine, colors stand out.

Tables covered in linen so white it would have hurt the eyes in other circumstances, but only looked clean and new in the gentle lighting. The click and rattle of plates and dinnerware were the only things heard above the talk of ponies enjoying their meals.

Waitresses and waiters stood to the side, eyes watching each table, for when a plate was finished it was quickly whisked away by an aura of magic or a polite hoof that exchanged it for something else.

Chilled water or wines were served in multi-faceted crystal goblets, the level of liquid never getting below a certain point when a calm voice asked if the customer wanted more or in the case of water, was already refilled.

Athena watched all this with wide eyes, kicking herself that she’d never once peeked in at least. This place was amazing!

A maitre d’ stood behind a podium, giving them all a look which combined disdain with indifference.

Athena was trying to puzzle out exactly how he could do that when Rarity spoke up.

“Table for seven, s’il vous plait.”

A slight snort answered her, “Do you have a reservation?” The slightly accented voice made it seem as if the tuxedoed pony were actually sneering at the suggestion they could just walk in.

Athena just sat quietly and watched. Wow. Disdain, indifference, AND insulting all at once. That took some serious skill.

Rarity got a stubborn look on her face, hearing the derisive tone and was stepping forward to confront this ruffian. She was halted in her forward movement by a lavender hoof. Twilight moving out from behind everyone where she hadn’t been seen.

“We’d really appreciate it.” Twilight’s voice was soft in the warm atmosphere. Stepping from behind her friends, she leaned on the podium with an elbow, one hoof pressing a cheek, “We’ve heard so much about this place and decided we’d try it. We know it’s an inconvenience..but..”

The royal hoof waved slightly, “I’m sure Princesses Celestia and Luna would love to find a new place to dine at whenever they’re in Ponyville.”

Athena watched the stallion go from sneering to fawning in under a microsecond, adding a little bribery to Twilight’s list of accomplishments.

She had to admit though, the maitre d’ could grovel quite well.

“Of course Your Highness, of course!” His hoof tapped a small bell, summoning an aproned mare, “Table for seven immediately.” The waitress took off in a rush, preparing a table while they waited.

“Would the Princess and her companions like something to drink? Perhaps hors d’oeuvres?” A hoof gestured to a table inside the waiting area, lined with warming plates where ponies waiting for a seat could have something to snack on. “We have only the freshest items, along with a selection of imported cheeses and fine fruits.”

Twilight gave the tuxedoed stallion a look that would have knocked anyone else over, “Why, I think we would, thank you.” Leaving him tugging at his collar and stuttering as they sauntered past. Pinkie giving him a wink and swish of her tail as she went by.

Athena tried not to chuckle out loud as eyes started swiveling towards the six mares swinging their way towards the waiting area. A stallion was eye-balling Rarity when he was whacked on the shoulder by his companion, a unicorn mare that was now tearing a strip off him quietly.

She was thinking out loud to herself, admiring the warm interior, the soft music, “Crusader would love this place.”

“I can fix that.” Twilight’s voice brought her eyes around to see the Alicorn lighting her horn up, “I’ve been practicing teleporting other objects and ponies, watch this.”

The spell flashed, blinding them all for a split second as Crusader appeared near them..well..most of him..

Eyes opened wide as Twilight and the rest stood in complete shock, not knowing what to say.

It was the umber Earth pony they all knew, except parts were missing. The right front leg, hind leg, and the entire side was laid bare for all to see in the restaurant. The gleaming durachrome and -steel skeleton that made him up peeked through the wetly shining black semi-organic musculature that shifted and moved from the teleport as the form wobbled slightly.

A blue eye stood out on the fleshless half of his skull, a version of death incarnate come to life as the head swiveled to look at them all. The silvery surfaces and muscles reflecting the soft light, making it look like some horrible nightmare come true.

Athena could see where attachments had been severed, hanging off his body like flexible leeches, they had been providing new nanites and restoration materials to keep everything in tip top shape.

The masses of nanites moved in between the muscles like swarms of ants you could barely see, the larger versions used for maintaining the skeletal structures were easier to make.

Before anyone could say anything, the maitre d’ passed right out behind his podium, taking it to the floor with him.

Tables flipped as mares and not a few stallions did the same, fainting dead away. Fine dinnerware and goblets went flying as the rest tried to hide or grabbed for partners that were slipping off seats into unconsciousness. Wait-staff were trying to recover the implements that were tumbling to the floor.

Crusader’s voice came through the commlinks in the minor pandemonium that followed the initial fright.

“Will you please return my avatar to the maintenance bay?”

Athena nudged Twilight, who had leaned in, looking at the intricate inner workings of the pony in front of her, poking at the muscles.

The alicorn didn’t start, didn’t even blink as she stood up, “That, is really interesting.” She gave Athena a smile, “Really interesting.” Once again, her horn lit up, consigning the half pony to the ether and back to the maintenance bay.

“Thank you.” Crusader did not sound thrilled as the commlink clicked off with a finality.


Athena couldn’t believe her ears when Twilight just looked around, her face warm and a bit sly, “Well, the spell works.”

Hooves covered mouths as they all giggled.

Athena shook her head as they stood there, reaching over for a glass of wine to wash down the delicious snacks they’d been sampling. Ponies were picking themselves up, glaring at the Princess who just waved politely, disarming and charming them completely.

The six moved among the customers, apologizing for the problem and making sure everypony was okay. It calmed the entire place down almost immediately, letting them return to the waiting area where they stood for a moment before a cleared throat garnered their attention.

“Your table is ready Princess.” The maitre d’ was looking himself again, though slightly pale as he led them to the table.

After being seated, Twilight’s apology was waved away, the staff knowing of her proclivities when spell casting, it was an accepted part of life in Ponyville that Twilight Sparkle would do something that would be a little..'different’.

The table was set low on purpose, the seating arranged for relaxation on oh-so-soft long cushions that cradled their bodies. allowing them to sprawl out. Reclining in such a way allowed patrons of the restaurant to feel more at ease and enjoy their meals.

Athena crossed her front legs, seeing them all settle in and letting herself enjoy the moment with them. She liked this, seeing them in a different light. Her body shifted, letting her hinds legs lay to the side one over the other as goblets of water were served, the droplets of condensation dripping down the sides actually making her want to take a drink.

Lifting it and taking a mouthful, it was lightly lemon flavored and so cold she could taste the crispness, she closed her eyes for a moment before setting the cup back down. It was immediately refilled from a pitcher that floated in and out.

Rarity was in her element as menus were passed out, laughing at something Fluttershy said. She was the epitome of class and distinction. One polished hoof was held pressed to her chest as she leaned forward, whispering something to Applejack that made the orange mare laugh out loud. It wasn’t her usual tone, but something low and more..sensual. Her reply was made in a honey-soft voice that was so easy to listen to.

Bowls of olives and other exotic foods for the group to nibble on were laid out quietly. Athena tried to pinpoint who was doing it as they floated in gently, settling down with a small plate in front of each of them. It availed her nothing, she couldn’t spot the perpetrator.

Darn, these employees were good.

Ohhhh..so were these olives..they even had pimientos stuffed in them!

Athena wondered if they’d be interested in learning about Martinis.

Her musing was interrupted by seeing Rainbow Dash and Pinkie flirting outrageously with one of the waiters as he came by to refill their water.

Hoo boy.

A hoof touched hers, making her turn to see Twilight leaning in close, a leisurely expression on her face. Athena almost choked for a second on an olive and smiled warily back.

“Have you decided what you want?”

“Uhh.” She grabbed up the menu, “Oh.. Wow..so many things.” She wasn’t just saying it either, it had four pages of items, and every single one of them sounded good.

The hoof pressed a little harder against hers, “Mind if order for us both then?”

“No. No, not at all.” It’s the spell, that’s all, just the spell. Athena watched Twilight turn back to the menu, signaling a waitress.

A very pretty Unicorn trotted up with a pad held within an aura of magic, “Take your order Princess?”

“Twilight, please.”

The waitress looked around somewhat nervously, “We’re not allowed.. I mean...” She was interrupted by a gentle touch on her shoulder.

“Consider it a royal order, would that help?” The look Twilight gave her was totally disarming, winning her over immediately.

The pale magenta Unicorn grinned back, “Yes, Twilight.”

“Good, now..” She proceeded to order the best of the selections, making sure that there was more than enough for the both of them. She also ordered a wine for the seven that made Athena goggle at the cost.

Her expression made the Alicorn chuckle, “I don’t spend much money, stop looking like that.” The waitress was smiling herself as she took the order back.


“Like you’re going to faint.”

“I don’t faint, I never faint.. Though I could at that price!” Athena laid her own menu down on the table, “Seriously.”

A light laugh, shaking of the head, “You’re incorrigable.”

“Crusader tells me that a lot.”

“Don’t ever change.”

Athena looked into those violet eyes, seeing nothing but honesty, “I won’t, I promise.”

The first course arrived so quickly before she could say anything else, the smell of stuffed bell peppers was heavenly. Wine was poured, an aromatic white that was so pleasing to the senses. Other dishes were set upon the white table cloth, presentation was everything here and it showed in the way the food was laid out on each plate.

Not one for tiny little servings, the plates held goodly portions of vegetables steamed and roasted, boiled and slow-cooked, seasoned and not. Everything the heart desired. Noodles fresh from the kitchen in sauce that would tempt even the pickiest eater

Even Rainbow had forgone her cider and pizza addiction, ordering a large amount of mushrooms filled with an herbal bread stuffing that made her mouth water. She was actually drinking the wine and commenting on the taste.

They had a few hours to kill before the evening fell and it was time to hit the club. The time seemed to pass slowly as the expensive drink was shared, each commenting on the light, fragrant taste of it while they started in on their meals.

Athena looked at her own plate, seeing the large bell peppers that were brightly colored, filled with other delights to tempt the palate. She had only just decided to dig in when a touch on her shoulder made her turn.

A spoon, held by a lavender hoof, was close to her mouth. Barely containing a salad medley covered with an oil dressing that was looking quite good.

“Try this.”

Athena stared at Twilight for a second, “I..uh..have my own.”

“Oh c’mon, just try it.” The smile on the princesses’ face got distinctly warmer.

The Pegasus could feel herself blushing, darnit Crusader for making that real! “I..I’m okay, real..”

“Are you blushing?” The raspy voice was near on her opposite side, seeing Rainbow leaning over with a smile and one raised eyebrow.

“Oh, dear.” Rarity was leaning past Rainbow after giving the speedster a small push on the shoulder, “No need to tease her Rainbow.”

“Just ignore them. Try this, it’s so good!” Twiight moved the spoon forward, making Athena take a bite and chewing for a moment, nodding her head as she swallowed.

“That’s won..wonderful!” It was, lightly flavored and so fresh.

“Athena, if you do not stop transmitting your nervous reactions, I will have to lock you out of the TSDS datastream.”


“Be calm, enjoy your dinner Athena.” The link cut off once again.

Ugh, it’s the spell! Stop thinking there’s more here than there is!

Athena took a metaphorical breath and relaxed finally.

Lifting a cherry tomato, she gestured to Fluttershy who took up the challenge, opening her mouth and catching the tossed item, chewing thoughtfully.

“Oh my, that is really tasty.” She returned the favor, leaning over to present a bit of her own food to Applejack who didn’t even hesitate, taking a bite of the pasta concoction she’d ordered.

“Say, that’s right fine Fluttershy.”

That started it. The words 'rapidly downhill’ came to mind immediately as Athena watched.

Rarity leaned over to the fork that Rainbow offered, the mushroom heavy with herbs and stuffing as she opened her mouth, lightly wrapping her tongue around the offered morsel, then her lips gently grabbed it and slid it off the fork with a smile. Leaning back, she chewed slowly and pressed a hoof against her chest in delight.

“That, is a delectable choice Rainbow.” Her smile was brilliant as the delicate tongue slowly licked what remained off her lips, followed by a stark white linen napkin dabbing at the corners. Her eyes were bright in the golden light, giving the pegasus a warm look.

Rainbow leaned forward on the table, giving Fluttershy a tap, “Can I try some of that?” The mischievous look on her face made the golden pegasus giggle before lifting up a fork full in her hoof with a silent nod.

The cyan pegasus rolled over, leaning her head back on the table as Fluttershy slowly dropped the hanging noodles into her open mouth. Rainbow wrapped her lips on them and slowly sucked them down until the fork hit her muzzle, opening her lips to wrap around the utensil before letting Fluttershy pull it back out with a ‘pop’.

You could have heard a pin drop.

Pinkie slithered up against Applejack, “Hey, how about sharing some of those?” She pointed a pink hoof at a stacked pile of asparagus, buttered to perfection and steaming slightly.

A southern-sweet voice replied as Applejacks’ mouth lifted on one side, “Ah’d be right pleased ma’am.” She reached down, grabbing a thick stalk and proferring it to the mare that was almost plastered to her side, the two Earth ponies fitting like puzzle pieces.

Pinkie leaned forward with a grin, taking one end of it into her muzzle and working forward slowly with her lips until they almost reached the hoof holding it. Pulling back, she gripped it with her teeth, taking it out of Applejacks’ grip and tilting her head back, a slight sucking sound was heard as it disappeared into her mouth before her jaws moved, chewing it for a moment.

“Wow, that’s gooood.” Her blue eyes lit up like a lamp, giving Applejack a quick nuzzle in thanks.

Somewhere along the way Applejack had ditched her hat, her mane falling in golden waves as she chuckled, giving her head a toss, letting the ever-present tie fall off the end, picking it up and giving it to Pinkie to store away in her own voluminous mane.

Athena peered over at Twilight, seeing her do the same, her mane wasn’t quite the same as her usual style, using her magic to make it more full and flowing, doing the same as Applejack, making it look like a waterfall off the side of her neck.

Rarity was using her own brand of magic, quickly doing Rainbow’s mane into a style that gave her a softer look, quick and done it fell forward in a multi-colored flow. This didn’t interrupt anything else going on, Multi-Tasking for Magic Users 101.

Fluttershy of course had already been hit by Hurricane Rarity, making her a vision of cute.

“You look marvelous darling!” She reached out with a polished hoof, levering the flow of pink mane behind one ear, getting a nuzzle of thanks from the pegasus.

“You’re not eating.” The voice made Athena turn from watching all this, seeing Twilight munching on a bit of food.

“Oh..uh.. Sorry!” Athena grabbed for her fork, stopped by a gentle hoof.

“Let me,” Twilight smiled gently at her, lifting a fork in her hoof, no magic at all, a generous helping of peppers and stuffing on it as Athena got so nervous she almost lost control of her gunnery cores.

A signal shot into TSDS immediately shut her out of the dataflow, with a last thought of amusement from Crusader as he commandeered her tactical and weapon systems.

“Have fun.”

Oh, phooey on him! I wasn’t that bad! But..but.. Oh, hay with it.

Athena leaned forward, mouth opening as her tongue reached out and cupped the fork from below, drawing it into her mouth. Soft lips wrapped around it as she tasted the complex flavors from the well-made dish. Her eyes closed halfway, enjoying the taste as she drew back, taking the portion of food off the fork in one smooth move. Her jaws worked for a moment, a smile crossing her face.

“That tastes wonderful.”

The eyes locked on her went soft, as if she’d passed some kind of test. She felt more relaxed now, more..in tune with what was going on.

A cheek brushed hers as Twilight’s voice softly entered her ears, “Glad you liked it.”

She smiled back, picking up her own utensil, digging it into the dish in front of her and offering it in return to Twilight, “My turn.”

Twilight didn’t hesitate, wrapping her mouth around the portion of food, her tongue licking up from below it slowly and drawing it into her muzzle with a soft sound of pleasure, her lips clamping down on it as she drew back, wiping the fork clean of food.

“Mmmm.. Oh, that’s good.”

Athena pushed her head forward, giving Twilight’s cheek a brush, exactly as had been done to her.

That broke the ice, she had noticed them all watching her for an odd moment, seeing her response and reply. Things immediately became softer, as if she’d now joined a very special club. She’d noticed this, the cheek brushing among ponies, but hadn’t experienced it herself. Now she knew, it was for confidantes and intimates.

Something settled delicately inside her, a warm feeling caressing her limbs.

The spell? No..no it didn’t feel.. Looking at the table for a moment, Athena shut it down. Forget it. Don’t care. Spell or no she was having fun.

Crusader had shut her down, no dataflow from her cores except what was needed for avatar usage. She could feel him standing watch as he finished his own maintenance. Other than that, she was free and clear of anything pressing. The clothes were done, just awaiting pick up. It wouldn’t hurt, couldn’t hurt from what she’d seen.

Hadn’t he said have fun? She stared at the table for a long, long moment.

“Feeling okay?”

Lavender eyes snapped up, meeting violet ones still gazing her way.

“Oh yes, just fine.”

“Good, because there’s a lot of food to go around.” A hoof swept out, grabbing a goblet of wine and taking a sip, “ I’m sure we can all share.” She speared a crispy piece of potato with a fork in the other and munched on it slowly, giving Athena a nudge with a wing.

Another bit of pressure from her opposite side made Athena turn, a waggling piece of asparagus in Rainbow’s muzzle made her grin in amusement. She leaned forward, taking one end in her own mouth and gripping it with her teeth. Cerise eyes narrowed with lavender ones as a tug of war ensued.

Each mare gripped a little more with teeth until their muzzles met, Rainbow bumping noses with Athena, making her laugh and giving up the fight.

“Oooooh, sooo close.” Rainbow was chuckling, chewing happily on her prize.

The next couple hours were not exactly what was expected from the Elements of Harmony. It was warm, comfortable. The food was exquisite, the drinks more so, plenty to try and divide amongst themselves. Dessert was truly an experience, especially with Pinkie around. The hijinks and..well..plain fooling around with the food definitely raised the temperature of the whole place by a few degrees.

It was a laughing, and lighthearted, group that was asked to leave after the whole incident with Pinkie. Of course more merriment than distress, though they were quite enjoying the experience of the dinner, it had been time to leave. The night was falling, and clothes were waiting to try on so they could have a night at the club.

“Whaaat? Ice cream wasn’t a bad idea!” Pinkie was protesting her ejection.

“It’s not you adding the ice cream Pinkie, it’s where!” Applejack laughed, giving pink mare a nudge with her side.

Fluttershy actually spoke up, her voice sanguine, “I don’t think it was where, it was when she asked the waiter if he wanted a slice of Pie a la Mode!” The pegasus covered her muzzle with a hoof and giggled.

“Oh, he was just an old fuddy-duddy, no sense of humor.” Pinkie’s ever-present smile was soft in the evening light, looking out the side of her eyes and swishing her hips like she hadn’t a care in the world.

“Did you have to add a cherry too?”

“I thought the whipped cream was a nice touch, darling.”

“But they didn’t have sprinkles!” Pinkie mock-pouted, “A fancy place like that and they don’t have sprinkles? Shame!” She turned around and yelled back at the restaurant, “Shaaaaame!” Shaking a hoof at the door before breaking down and giggling.

A gleaming hoof patted Pinkie on the shoulder, “I’m sure they will have some next time we visit.”

“If they let us back in!”

Everypony laughed once more as they headed for Athena’s entryway.


“That...is...AWESOME!” Rainbow was eyeing a pair of pants made just for her, “These are gonna look great!”

Athena had been worried, using what skills she’d learned to make the clothing for them as requested. Adding a bit of flair here and there, she’d held back while they inspected the combination of their wants and her machining.

Tech spiders had set up everything on ponyquins, making sure it all fit to specs long ago received when they’d been scanned for medical problems, able to be adjusted in the blink of an eye, they now sat for inspection.

She’d gone back into the archives, looking at old 2-D footage of those dances and the clothing that humans had worn to them. Trying to figure out the right combination from what they wanted, and what would be appropriate.

She knew Vinyl would be playing the music tonight. Ever since the big contest last year, Crusader had given her free reign in the data he had on music which was extensive beyond all means. Diaspora covered everything, almost everything. Except cooking. They were both still a bit miffed at that.

So while they were at dinner, she smiled to herself thinking about that, she’d been designing and putting outfits together.

Hence, the result which now stood on her open command deck. Letting them see what she’d come up with.

Now, Rainbow was looking at a pair of low cut, stretch fabric shorts. Made from the same material as the wicksuits Concordiat Marines wore under powered armor.

The ‘waist’ came low over her hips, barely above the base of her tail where a fastener was attached, letting her slip them on and off easily. They stretched to fit her as she wriggled into them, not wanting to wait any more.

She ran a hoof down her side, looking at the form fitting fabric running down to a little below her backside, the clothing letting just her Cutie Mark show through in a way she couldn’t figure out. The material hugged her like a second skin, the color a perfect offset of her own cyan.

Prancing around for a second, she posed in a hipshot fashion, showing the muscular body off and a sly grin, “Think this’ll wow them?”

Pinkie nodded and grinned, “Oh, definitely!”

Pumping a fore hoof in the air, she snatched the shirt off the ‘quin. Same material, only it bore a design of a craft on it. The swept back configuration and underslung rotating cannons on each wing identified it as a Concordiat Anvil Fighter, capable of tremendous speeds in and out of atmosphere.

It was a 3-d print of a picture, making it look like it was roaring off of the shirt. Though only covering the upper part of her chest, the half-shirt looked quite nice on her.

Athena tapped Rainbow on the shoulder, “Hold still.”

Fumbling with the fastener was definitely not easy with hooves, she got the tab adjusted right above Rainbow’s tail. Pressing hard for just one second, she set off a nano-reaction in the seams of the clothing, all of a sudden lighting them up with a soft glow of neon reds and greens.


“It’s a simple reaction contained in nanotubes. It’ll last for weeks actually.” More if exposed to sunlight. When wanting things to celebrate or look good in, the human race did not stint.

Rainbow leapt into the air with a “Yeah” Looking at herself all lit up as Athena dimmed the lights for a moment. Her outline showed off all her attributes quite nicely with the glowtubes.

Landing gently she assumed a casual pose, leaning against Fluttershy as that pony was looking at her own outfit.

“Flutters, you’re gonna look great in that.”

The golden pegasus nodded firmly, “I love it.”

Said object of their attention was a pair of pants that led down to just above hock. Made of a shiny almost leather-like material, it was open on either side of the legs with lacing going from the waist to the bottom. It looked as if two pieces were tied together to make one pair.

Fluttershy slipped them off the display and shimmied into them slowly, taking her time with a whole lot of tail waving.

The shorts cradled her backside, making it look firmer and definitely tighter, not that she needed any help in that department. Athena assisted her with the closure at the back as well.

Her upper clothing was a half shirt as well, but shiny. Unlike Rarity’s fabrics, this one glinted with every movement, making her fore shimmer every time she turned to look. Everything fit perfectly, her wings having no problems, like Rainbow’s, as the shirt made allowances for them. It fit loosely, but not in a sloppy way, more showing off her chest and neck with the way it was designed.

“Like it?” Athena was watching her pose in the mirror, seeing her turn with a bright smile.

“It’s beautiful!”

Lifting each leg, she tested it all, sure she had enough room to move. Raising an eyebrow and looking over her shoulder at her friends, she gave them a saucy smile, “This is going to be fun.”

Rarity was next, not even waiting for the others as she slipped into a pair of what looked like jeans at first, but softer and definitely curve hugging over her hips and flanks.

The material was slashed open at certain points, letting the white coat show through the darker material, meshing perfectly as her Cutie Mark peeked out of strategically placed open areas.

A slim belt fit through the belt loops, not looking awkward, but somehow fitting right in with the style. The legs ran down and belled out around her back hooves at an angle, letting you see the gleaming hooficure.

The styled tail came out through an opening that once again had a fastener that was interesting Twilight quite a bit. Athena promised to explain hook and loop closures later as they got ready.

Rarity’s shirt was even more of a stylish endeavor, made up of straps, it criss-crossed her chest and lower neck, making a partial shirt of soft, glittery material that looked stunning on her. She immediately went to the mirror and made sure everything was in place.

Athena added some jewelry she’d made up, a necklace and earrings that went with the almost shirt of straps, gleaming and glowing with their own inner light that set everything off. Nothing expensive, but the nanite infested metal would shine as long as they had sunlight to feed them.

The azure eyes lit up in delight, looking at the accessories, “May I keep these?”

Athena nodded, “You bet, they’re for you.”

She was the recipient of a very warm hug, then smiled as the Unicorn showed her items off to Fluttershy and Rainbow who made appreciative noises.

Pinkie, somehow, was already in her outfit without any help. Bouncing and grinning like she’d heard the best joke in the world.

The tight shirt was glittery and happy just like her, showing a smiley face that somehow matched the grin on her own. It was another 3-d print of something fun.

The pants hugged her hips, the cutie mark shining out from the darker material. The legs flared out wide from underneath her tail to her hooves, covered in glowing patterns that went right along with her bubbly personality. She stood up for a moment on her hind legs in front of the mirror and shook her tail. Pinkie was more defined than ponies gave her credit, underneath the exterior was still a strong Earth pony, and now she showed that right off.

“These are so neat!”

The rest just exchanged glances, knowing Pinkie was the life of the party anywhere.

She grabbed some neck bands and leg cuffs from a table nearby, having been told they were there to wear. Looking like a glow-in-dark pony and chortling happily to herself.

“I can’t wait!”

“Well, we’re waiting on Twilight and Applejack, darling.” Rarity was trying to get the pink ball of fluff to settle down, failing miserably. She ended up wrapping her forelegs around Pinkie’s neck in a hug and stayed that way. Pinkie was ecstatic and returned the embrace. At least she wasn’t moving.

Applejack hadn’t been sure about what she wanted, but definitely something good. Athena had taken up the challenge and provided her with a pair of half-pants that ran partway down her back legs. Made of the same material as Rarity’s, she’d let the Cutie Mark show through instead of slashing them. They ran along her curves, tightening things up. If you’re gonna dance, make it worthwhile.

Her shirt was a strapped, backless affair, leading to a glimmering front, showing off her lines and muscles. A combination of colors made everything stand out as she checked herself out in front of the mirror. The shirt shining in different colors as she turned, each facet of the flakes on it making a prism of light.

“Now this is what ah’m talkin’ about.” She stretched a hind leg, letting the pants grip her tight and flexing the flanks underneath the material. The blond tail was waving through the opened back, something simple, but fun as she wanted.

A special pair of cuffs were added on her front legs, lighting up softly in the overhead lighting, made to stand out in the darker atmosphere of a club. Adding some ear bands that only helped achieve a look that was striking for her coat color.

Rarity nodded, “Elegance is all well and fine, but sometimes you want something..” She waved a hoof around, careful to keep Pinkie in place, “Something less dressy.”

Rainbow agreed, standing in front of the mirror again, swinging her hips from side to side as she made sure everything looked good, “Oh yeah, and you can do some serious moving in this stuff!”

Twilight was the last, enjoying looking at how everything fit on her friends, she was now slipping into her own outfit for the night.

She’d wanted something nice, but not too classy, something she could show off in. Her words, her desires, and Athena dug into clothing patterns to find a good match.

A collar fit around the Alicorn’s neck softly, but form fitting, a strap leading from it down her back along the spine, to another just behind her forelegs, wrapped around her barrel. A strip of cloth made the shirt front, over her chest area, widening out to make almost a sleeveless shirt, giving her range of motion.

The fabric was soft to the touch, and gleamed with sparse decorations that made it light up in a subtle way. It caught the eye, the design and style, leaving you wondering what made it glow so.

Twilight had wanted shorts like the others, nothing long, so was provided with a pair that ended just below her backside, almost a high cut but not quite. Made of the same material as her shirt, it matched and clashed at the same time. It accented her darker coat all the more, along with the reflection of the adornments, it definitely was not princess-like.

Athena herself was slipping into her own clothes, short pants as well, with straps that ran zig-zag down the back of her legs ending at her hooves. The soft fabric gave her free movement, which was important to her.

Popping her head out of the collar of the half shirt, she’d made them all that way because they looked better than full shirts, she was grinning. ‘Cause they were gonna dance the night away!

She let it hang just a little loose, giving breathing space, the glittery flakes making shapes that teased the eyes, reflecting like small prisms.

One thing she had waited for, grabbing a small shaker off the table, she popped her wings out, carefully rattling the container and letting what looked to be a dust land on her wings. She made sure it was nice and even, setting the container down and waiting for a moment.

“What’s that?” Twilight was watching. She was always interested in something new.


Athena dimmed the lights, counting the seconds when her wings lit up like they were made of neon, prompting soft exclamations from everypony.

“What IS that?” Rainbow was leaning over.

“Party Dust. It was cheaply made and used. All the advanced technology in the Concordiat and they mostly used it for harmless diversions. Not a bad thing really. Quite the fashion statement at one time.” She gave her wings a test flap, seeing the dust adhering quite nicely. It automatically adjusted colors, choosing a spectra which gave it a more natural look, but it glowed like the warm sun itself.

“Who’s next?”

She dusted Rainbow and Fluttershys’ wings, giving them even more reasons to look in the mirror. Rarity and Applejacks’ manes and tails got a good helping along with Pinkie who was getting more excited by the second.. Twilight got the wing dusting as well.

“It’ll glow after exposure to any light. Self-adjusting. Only lasts for about twenty-four hours.”

Rainbow snapped her wings out, loving the look it gave her of some ethereal pegasus warrior, “This is..wow. I don’t know what to say.”

“Well, that’s a first.” Applejack laughed, seeing her own honey blonde mane shimmering.

Checking her internal clock, Athena gestured outside. “I guess it’s time for the big reveal right?”

“Oh, darling.” Rarity put on a sloe-eyed look, “It’s not a reveal, it’ll be a fashion extravaganza.” Her flank cocked outward, the Unicorn looking right, tight and fabulous in her outfit, the purple mane glowing softly.


Vinyl rocked her head to the beat. Every since she’d gotten free reign on Crusader’s archives, she and Octavia had been discovering whole new worlds of music they’d never even imagined.

The electric-blue maned Unicorn was loving every single second she spent listening to things she couldn’t have conceived much less thought of. Sometimes she just played the music straight out, no messing with it as she considered some that good.

Right now she was feeling the beat, the converted warehouse was the club of choice right now for Ponyvillians, with a back wall that opened into a large field, it allowed ponies to spread out and dance, mingle, have a few ciders, or just listen.

The bar was packed, the dance floor was a mob of ponies. The backyard held even more as the Pegasi moved in some clouds for extra room and a little misty shower to cool things down.

Even Octavia was nodding her head, tapping a hoof to the beat as she sat on the stage, helping with a few things.

One of the best nights ev...whoa...

Whoa! Whoa..hohoho...what in Celestia’s name?

A hoof reached up, sliding the every-present sunglasses down her nose to make sure she wasn’t just imagining things.


“ ‘Tavi..'Tavi!” A back hoof bumped her friend, making the grey mare look up from arranging records.

“What, Vinyl?’


Mulberry eyes peeked over the rotating discs playing in front of Vinyl, looking at the group that just entered the club.

“Is that..?”

“Yes it is.”

“Well,” The lovely accented voice was sounding a lot brighter now, seeing a distinct diversion from the boredom of helping with records, “Tonight is definitely going to be something different.” She smiled warmly at her friend, watching Vinyl’s eyes get wide all of a sudden.


Octavia snapped her head around, seeing Pinkie with an odd container, “Here! Have some of this!” She sprinkled both of their manes with some weird sparkling dust, throwing a few things on their legs and necks, “Have fun!”

Bouncing in delight, the bubbly form zoomed off into the crowd.

Octavia shook her head, perfectly coiffed mane still in place as she checked, “What in Celestia’s name is she up to now? And what was she wearing?”

Vinyl was grinning, “I dunno, but look at these!” She held her hooves out, bands of neon color glowing brightly in the dark of the club. “I’ve seen glow sticks, but this is ...” She twisted her hooves, showing off the spectrum of colors arrayed on herself, “This is so cool!”

Octavia swept a hoof back, bringing a part of her mane forward, “That’s not all.” At Vinyl’s inquiring look, she pointed to the soft glow emanating from her own mane, holding up a small mirror and watched her friend’s eyes grow wide with a laugh.

“They do say you’re quite wild, now it’s proven.”

A nod, a bigger grin, “Oh yeah!” Seeing her own mane lit up, “This is gonna be the best night ever!” She saw the dancers eyeing her and Octavia’s newly glowing manes and shining bracelets, giving a rousing cheer.

Even the normally non-plussed Octavia could only agree. The crowd was yelling her name along with Vinyls’. She didn’t quite know what to do, being used to a more somber crowd.

“Wave ‘Tavi!” Vinyl nudged her forward.

Raising a hesitant hoof, the grey Earth mare moved it side to side as the assembled ponies went wild.

“You’re a hit.”

Octavia smiled, waving more enthusiastically, “Maybe, I could enjoy this a little.”

The two of them leaned forward over the turntables, giving the crowd what they asked for as Vinyl slapped a new disc on, something recorded for her and pressed by Crusader. The speakers started thumping a beat that reverberated through the club and the ponies inside, even outside, making them all drop what they were doing and dance!

Athena was regretting letting Pinkie see the Party Dust, even take just a little of it. She had sprinkled Octavia and Vinyl, now the two ponies were definitely getting attention. The normally serene cellist was brightly waving to the crowd, while Vinyl was pushing the tunes.

Good for them. No more PD for Pinkie. Ever.

Speaking of.. Athena happened to notice a pair of shining eyes and an expectant face right next to hers. Turning slowly to look at the happy face, hearing the inhalation and saying, “No.”

“But you didn’t even know what I was gonna say!”

“Yes, I do Pinkie. You can’t have any more dust.”

“Awwwww! Come on!”

“Oh, no.” Shaking her head at the pleading mare, “No, no. Letting you loose with a little was enough.”

“Aww..you’re no fun.” But the grin, the bright blue eyes, the whole demeanor said that statement was a lie. “Let’s go dance!” A leg wrapped around Athena’s with a strong grip, tugging her onto the main floor.

Lavender eyes lit on Pinkies’ blue ones as they broke through the crowd, “Let me show you a dance.”

Pinkie was a quick learner. She could pay total attention when absolutely required, though it was tough. As for dancing, nothing held her back.

A hit of the shoulders and lifted hooves started it off, both Athena and Pinkie dancing close. Too close some would say as a few of the more ‘upper crust’ ponies were almost scandalized at what the two mares were doing.

They didn’t care, it was a party and the two were stomping to the beat. Pinkie giggled as her flank bumped Athena’s, both of them giving a swish and twitch of backsides, turning in place. Slapping shoulders, they both lifted a hoof and slammed them together with a pop, lifting up and and landing again as Pinkie followed right along and mirroring Athena’s every move.

After a few movements, it turned slinky. Pinkie was picking it up quick and showing how she actually was a really good dancer by adding her own little twists and dips.

Head to tail, they turned and bumped, rubbing and sliding along each others bodies as the giggles ran free from Pinkie and Athena, seeing the looks from some of the other dancers. The more daring ones were copying what they were doing. She saw Lyra and Bon Bon’s happy faces as they joined in stepping alongside her and Pinkie.

There was Sunshine and Bastion whooping it up, the Pegasus and big Earth pony were adding into the little group that was growing by the moment. Stomping then sliding, jostles and touches.

It was slowing down though, getting warmer, closer.

Athena closed her eyes for a moment, feeling Pinkie close, her body warm and powerful in its own way. The firm muscles under the pink coat shifted smoothly as she molded herself to Athena, leaning heads to the side and giving each other a neck hug before turning in place, sliding backwards to end up face to face.

A nuzzle, a brush of the cheek, warmth flowing through her as she danced with Pinkie. The beat of the music echoed in both of them, Athena could feel it reverberating in her durasteel bones. Out of the corner of her eye she watched Rarity and Fluttershy doing the same, almost wrapped up in each other and moving along with the music.

The sable pony lifted up, popping her wings open and lighting the area to Pinkies’ delight. The nano-dust softly making the feathers look ethereal. She landed back down, folding them in and then posing outrageously as Pinkie clapped. Returning the move with a pose of her own that made Athena wonder if she had solid bones at all.

The best times were those that had no deeper meaning than to have fun. To enjoy oneself and leave other things for another day. It was so easy to do, to let herself be someplace else for a few hours. Life was good, if only for a while. Day after tomorrow, a trip to the Empire. She couldn’t wait, seeing something she’d only heard of, descriptions of a wondrous place filled her with anticipation.

The dance was just gearing up, it had only been an hour and it seemed as if it would never end. She hoped not. Pinkie dragged her over to the open bar, serving up ice-cold drinks for the ponies attending. She was always amazed at the capacity of the pink mare for guzzling liquids.

She sipped hers, the taste brisk and fresh, grapes newly juiced off the vine by patiently working ponies. Everything made with an with attention to detail that would’ve killed humans to do in the Concordiat. Here, it was a matter of course.

Her dancing partner was getting quite a few compliments on her outfit, nothing like it ever seen before. The belled out pants, the designs, everything to the glowing mane were getting remarks as to where others could find something like it. Pinkie just gave a lot of smiles and winks, keeping the secret for a while so she could be the center of attention for a little bit. Athena didn’t blame her, she looked awesome.

Speaking of awesome..where was..?

A bump into her side solved that question. Rainbow was giving a friendly glance from the side of her eyes, body poised and relaxed. Obviously she’d already been dancing by the sight of black clothing soaked with perspiration and drying quickly. Concordiat technology right when you need it, Athena thought.

“Grabbing a drink already? C’mon, you could dance us all into the ground!” Her voice was teasing, grabbing her own mug of icy cider and taking a decent swig of it before wiping her lips.

“I don’t like to do that.” Athena preferred to take these breaks like a normal pony. She didn’t show off if not needed, except emergencies.

“Well,” The warm voice continued, “If I could do that..”

Athena rolled her eyes with a sigh, “I know, you’d be flying all day and night, doing stunts and tricks...” Silence caught her attention, looking sharply at Rainbow who was grinning like she’d just been waiting for this answer.

Did she just...she did!


A side of her mouth lifted in a sly smile, leaning in and whispering to one sable ear, “You need to unwind Athena, get a little tight sometimes.”

The pegasus pushed a cyan chest away from her, “Don’t you dare use my words against me! Twilight told you that? Ohhh..that little...” She stopped herself, closing her eyes for a quick blink, “You got me.”

Rainbow chuckled softly, “I’ll mark this day on my calender.” She laughed louder when Athena shoved her again.

“Smart aleck.”

The pretty face leaned close, a leg hooking around hers, “Come on, let’s go dance.”

“Don’t you have tons of adoring fans who want to do that?” Athena’s voice was teasing.

A toss of the mane and a smile that was so unlike the tough Pegasus, “Oh, I’m sure they’ll wait. I am awesome you know.” She blew on one fore hoof, rubbing it on her chest.

Athena laughed, being led to the dance floor, “You’re a goof is what you are.”

Rainbow lifted a foreleg, striking a pose, “But I’m the best looking goof ever.”

“Ugh, no stopping you.”

“Nope. C’mon! Let’s dance!”

Athena watched as Rainbow led, stepping around her before leaning in, both of them slowly swaying with the song now playing. A little different, upbeat but definitely one for taking a break from the fast pace.

Rainbow leaned into her, she reciprocating the move, wings entwined on one side as they swung in a circle.

Athena could feel the lithe body against hers, enjoying the closeness, something she hadn’t felt since..since Marcus..or Hera. She felt a twinge, remembering her sister, knowing she’d love these things.

“Mind if I join?” The voice snapped Athena out of her reverie, seeing Twilight standing there looking wondrous in her outfit, glowing softly in the overhead lights.

The soft fabric of her outfit was gleaming in the lights, making her stand out from the crowd around them as Rainbow nodded with a “Yeah. Feel free!” She moved aside as the Alicorn joined them. The warmth of two bodies near her made Athena feel at home like nothing before. She knew some of it was the magic, but the rest was her friendship with these remarkable ponies.

Out of the corner of her eye she spotted the others close by, moving with each other in time with the beat. Athena saw the warm eyes, the relaxed bodies. Magic or no, it was something special right now. She knew this song, having listened to her archives and Crusader’s so many times before. It was perfect. Hope. A lifting of spirits and hearts. It was a tune that hearkened back to her days when Marcus trod her deck, fighting the good fight.

She didn’t know how Vinyl did what she did with music, but it was if she made it better in every way, adding notes and bridges here and there that only brought it all together in a way that the human composers had never dreamed.

Her eyes closed, listening carefully to the song, letting it ripple through her mind. She leaned against someone, she didn’t care who. Her body swept up in the careful notes that dredged out so many good memories. Her mind was awhirl with sounds and scents, a few very close to her as her neck twisted with her movements, leaning against a familiar form. She knew it was Twilight and could feel her pressing close.

Athena didn’t care if what she felt was never returned, she would be content to be by her side for eternity. Bolos didn’t care about gender, they loved whomsoever they chose. They cared for their commanders, their officers and all of humanity. But there was no humanity any longer. Allegiance transferred did not mean a lessening of their duties.

That was neither here nor there. Tonight, and right now, was for one thing.


That, plus a little sugar and spice.

Losing herself in the music, the feeling of those close to her, Athena danced. Graceful and sublime, her movements were not those just recorded and played back, her body was one with the notes reaching her ears. She slid and stepped, nudged and pressed, her happiness evident in every single motion.

She felt the body heat from Rainbow, even through the skinsuit. She rubbed her frame along the other pegasus’. Reaching back into her cores, she believed this is what they called ‘dirty dancing’.

Rainbow went right along with it, soon they were embroiled in moving to the beat with everything they had. Legs entwined, close and hot, the music went on for a few minutes, but they had already lost track of it.

After it ended they were both loathe to move apart, feeling comfortable for long moments before stretching out. Athena grinned as the cyan Pegasus returned it, both of them nudging each other happily as they waited for the next song.


Sitting at the open drink stand as the crowd kept going, it was only a couple of hours later. Athena sipped slowly at a mug of something sweet, crunching some snacks between strong teeth as the others rested beside her.

Fluttershy was laughing at something Rarity was telling her, both of them flirting outrageously with the snack stand attendant. He was trying his best not to fumble the food he was making as they gently teased him.

She was thinking maybe she ought to say something in case...

“They know.”

Her head snapped around, seeing Twilight sitting there, “What?”

“They know. I told them. I noticed they were not quite themselves a while ago and figured maybe my spell went a little farther than I intended.” She laughed throatily, “I don’t think they were too upset.” She pointed at Pinkie who was dancing with Granite, enjoying herself immensely.

“At least they know.”

The Princess nodded, her face taking on a thoughtful look, “I admit, it’s been different.”

Athena munched on a carrot for a moment, swallowing before she asked, “Has it been bad?”

“No.” A shake of the head, “Oh no, not that.” A slight rueful expression crossing the lavender face, “Though I am sure tomorrow morning we may be looked at a little differently.”

“I think...,” Athena started, “I think it won’t be as bad as you might expect. Though it may be hard getting reservations at the restaurant again.”

Twilight got a disdainful look, almost a match for the maitre’d, “Phooey on them if they can’t take a joke.”

While the sable Pegasus laughed, she continued.

“I do admit, it’s very different feeling like this. Confident, so sure.” Her eyes caught lavender ones, “Spicy.” She giggled when Athena choked on her drink, “It is your fault you know.”

Fore hooves were held up in surrender, “I know, I know. Crusader already told me I’d get in trouble one day for my suggestions.”

Twilight actually got a mischievous look on her face, leaning close so only Athena could hear her, “Maybe I can figure out a spell that’ll loosen him up a bit.” An eyebrow was raised as she slyly smiled.

The Pegasus laughed so loud she had to cover her mouth for a moment, “No. Oh no. That’s all we’d need is him whooping it up.” She ceased her merriment, “Twilight, just because I say something, doesn’t mean you have to do or be that way. I say things I shouldn’t. I..I know I run my mouth sometimes...” She was stopped by a gentle pressure on her shoulder from a lavender hoof.

“It’s okay. I take things a bit far sometimes myself, though it’s hard to admit that.” Twilight kept her hoof in place, “But we can learn from each other, can’t we?”

“I’d..really like that.”

“Of course, I’ll never be able to dance this well again.” The hoof lifted off Athena’s shoulder as Twilight stood and did a few quick steps, shaking her tail to the beat, garnering another grin from the Pegasus.

“We’ll work on it, how about that?” Athena offered a hoof, getting a bump from Twilight.

“Hey, I don’t know why he wasn’t looking, I mean, mines’ better!” The raspy voice caught their attention, seeing Applejack and Rainbow walking towards them, engrossed in conversation.

“Ain’t nothing to it sugarcube, lots of Applebucking and just the right body to do it with.” Athena and Twilight turned to see Applejack posing hipshot, showing off her..uh..assets and giving the mare beside her a broad wink.

Rainbow’s voice raised in protest, “No way! Nothing beats this!” She slapped a hoof on her flank, throwing her hip to the side as well, posing for a passing pony who stumbled while looking, excusing himself and wandering away. The Pegasus chuckled as Applejack just rolled her eyes.

“No helpin’ when you do things like that.”

“If you got it, flaunt it!”

“That’s not flauntin’, that’s jes’ throwin’ it out there.”

Twilight chuckled, nudging Athena as they watched the two argue, interrupted by the sophisticated accent of their favorite Unicorn.

“Darlings, please. That’s just run of the mill.” She stopped near them, “If you’re going to show off, do it with flair.” Her mane still shining, she was looking just as fresh as when they arrived.

“This is how you flaunt it.” She lifted a fore leg, holding it in place as her eyes gave a smoldering glance, her body turning in such a way it made sure you saw each curve and line. A couple of nearby ponies stopped their conversation to gape. Her Cutie Mark shone through the slashed jeans as she gave them a full on view of her back end, which was quite alluring in the designer clothes.

Two stallions ran into each other as they tried not to stare, rubbing their foreheads and apologizing before moving swiftly off in different directions.

Fluttershy giggled, pressing a hoof over her mouth before shaking her head, “Nonono, like this Rarity.” She tucked her chin in, allowing her mane to drape over her face giving off an aura of pure shyness, eyes going round and soft. She looked over her shoulder, setting one back leg forward of the other as her tail curled around them both. The outfit she was wearing tightened as she shifted, lifting and conforming, making her look all that much more delectable.

Even Athena was amazed at the look, and the change in Fluttershy. Standing there for all the world like a model on the runway and knocking them over. Especially the poor snack stand pony who fell off his seat.

“Wow.” Twilight’s comment was barely audible.

A pink face appeared out of nowhere, pushing Fluttershy’s cheeks together and squealing in delight, “Oh my gosh! You’re so cuuuuuute!” Breaking the little show up while ponies laughed, Pinkie grinned at her friend who gave her a hug.

“Let’s do this, Pinkie Style!”

Snapping her legs out one at a time, Pinkie straightened her top and adjusted her pants before taking a pose herself. Whipping her head around, her mane fluffed up as she lifted one foreleg, turning her body in such a way it made you see every curve and line under the pink coat.

The blue eyes took on a warm mien, filled with an internal fire of desire that swept around her in a single glance. The way she stood spoke volumes, that would have been in the adult section of any library you’d care to mention.

Granite was sitting next to Athena and Twilight, watching as the usual party time mare took on a look that would, and did, have Rarity and the rest blinking in amazement.

“Celestia’s name. I didn’t know she could do that.” His gravelly voice was whisper soft.

Twilight mumbled in reply, “Neither did I.”

As quickly as she performed her one mare show, Pinkie broke into a grin and grabbed a mug of juice, plopping herself down beside the little group as Twilight stuttered, trying to ask a question.

“How’d I do that?” Pinkie watched them all nod. She leaned forward, looking conspiratorial, “I’ve been watching Rarity all night, she’s goooood!”

Laughter broke out again as the group gathered, sharing drinks while taking a break from the party.

“So..uhm.. I know it’s a spell..” Fluttershy was whispering to the others, seeing their attention focused on her, “But, uh..maybe we could do this again?” She gave a grin that combined bashfulness for asking with hope.

“That’s a good idea, maybe I can convince this airhead who’s got the best flanks in town,” Applejack nudged Rainbow who protested.

“Hey! We know who does, me!”

“I beg to differ darlings,” Rarity pointed at Fluttershy who was standing comfortably next to Twilight, her faux-leather pants showing the goods off.


“Yeah, you got me.”

“Yep, definitely.”

Everyone nodded, even ponies passing by. That prompted Fluttershy to sit down immediately with a face that reddened in a deep blush, hiding behind her drink. Confidence or not, some things were still a little embarrassing.

“Wait.. You..you want me to cast this spell again?” Twilight was confused, usually the whole ‘cast by mistake’ problem was dismissed as other things took precedence.

Her eyes glanced around, seeing her friends nodding.


It was actually Rainbow who answered, slipping up beside the befuddled Alicorn and whispering.

“ ‘Cause we can act like this and blame the spell.”

Violet eyes went wide, almost popping out of her skull as she heard Rainbow..Rainbow! say that! But it turned to laughter, realizing it was so very true. She wouldn’t mind doing this again some time.

“Fine. But only on special occasions!” She saw the nods. It would be a tightly held secret then, one among a few others that had always been kept.

“All right!” A hoof punched the air as Rainbow grinned, “Now that’s settled, c’mon, let’s go dance some more! The night is young!” She grabbed a hold of Athena and went back into the crowded dance area, followed by the rest.


Blue eyes watched the whole thing from a distance, an umber pony sitting quietly on a bench just outside the gathering.

He could feel the joy radiating from Athena. Knowing he could never quite learn how to do the same like her, he was content.

The repairs were done. His own transmissions were like new at a horrendous cost in metals and time. He was ready. Should she run into any trouble, he would be there.

He would watch her go to the Empire, on a trip he himself may one day take. But she was more than skilled enough to handle things. Other than that, it was for him to stand the watch as he always had.

He could see Athena’s laughter, the smiles, the pure enjoyment of just being alive that radiated from her.

But he also wondered what was buried under the snow and ice up to the north. A technological remnant? An enemy? Whichever it was, they would deal with it as they always had.

Until then he would not want to bother her in any way. His mind, along with a myriad of sensors, focused outward into the darkness surrounding the town.

Life should be enjoyed. Tomorrow comes soon enough.

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