• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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It is fall, or autumn as we would say in the Concordiat, strange how the seasons are somewhat the same on this new earth. I had tasked a drone to watch the Running of the Leaves, it puzzles me how the thudding of hooves can make the leaves fall when they should do so naturally, but I do not dwell upon it.

I am admiring the colors that the season brings, the myriad of things that are slowly winding down for the winter. My enemy the forest appears to not settle the same way, the probings continue, the small enemies coming out to test my watchfulness. Other than that, I am enjoying the new season of color and cheerfulness.

I am told that we will have a solid winter, this from Rainbow Dash, as the pegasi plan the seasons weather for Ponyville and Equestria. They do not touch the area over the Everfree because of problems, so I have attuned my sensors to keep track of anything untoward and will advise her of anything coming out of the skies.

Princess Celestia and I have talked, an understanding was reached that I will no longer be a pawn in any games. She was truly heartfelt in her apology for doing what she did, but I can understand a rulers duties, her ponies first, everything else secondary. This did not make the conversation easier, but it ended well I thought. I am to be left alone, to live as a free citizen. I have advised her though, if a threat ever comes, I will defend my new homeland. She has agreed and will let me know if the diplomats say anything about this situation.

Currently, the Cider Festival has opened, Applejack is away right now serving freshly made cider to the waiting ponies. I can see how long the line is from my drones view. She had told me about the festival a few days before, and how they never made enough because they are quite particular in how it is made and what ingredients. Rainbow Dash added that she never seems to get any as well.

I asked to look at the machine they used to squeeze the cider, I was provided plans that I pored over. Using a few ideas that were in my databanks, I suggested a few design changes in the machine, assuring Applejack that it would not affect how it was made, but it would double production at whatever speed they produced it. She proceeded to tell me the story of the Flim-Flam brothers, they are now on my watch list. I assured her again that the machine would work, and it appears so, as the line is growing smaller at quite the pace.

Applejack informed me that the cider season helped pay for the farm through the winter, stocking supplies and other sundries needed in the spring after Winter Wrap Up. I’m not quite sure what that is yet, but I’m sure to observe it. I hope this brings in more much-needed monies than before, I am happy to help my Commander in any way.

Right now there are quite a few ponies enjoying a sunny crisp day near me on the hill. As before, picnicking is enjoyed among my sensor columns, though with the added benefit of quite a bit of cider being enjoyed. I had wondered about the alcoholic content, but was sternly admonished by Twilight that it was not alcoholic. Though I was advised by Applejack the ‘Special Stuff’ was saved for later, or sold to local pubs for enjoyment through the winter.

It is quiet, the wind breezy, I feel the need to bring something special to today, and I know just how to do it.

Opening the speakers on my sensor columns, I bring my music stores up, I let the strings from Vivaldi’s Autumn, drift through the air. I see the heads turn, the ears pricking up as I turn it a bit louder, beginning my impromptu concert. The violins and strings waft through the air, matching the day completely as I let myself drift with them.

Each note crystal clear as it streams from the speakers, covering the local area in sound, each stroke of the bow something to be treasured. The music from the Baroque period composer a perfect match for this world of calm. I listen as it tells of the coming quiet, the peaceful rest before winter covers the land. The last burst of energy before allowing the world to sleep, to renew itself upon a new day. It lifts with quiet joy, hearts and minds, even the young foals are setting and listening.

Piano is next, a piece by Beethoven, short and sweet, the Fur Elise. It is elegant in it’s simplicity, the directness of just the piano coursing it’s way. It lasts so briefly, but endures in the mind. I bring another to the fore as it is ending, Schubert’s Ave Maria, gentle power from opera, the voice is singing in a language unknown here in Equestria, but I am sure they will find it delightful.

I watch as closed eyes and swaying heads listen along to the voice, a singer from a world long gone, brought back to bring joy to the land. I quietly pipe the music through the combat channels, letting everypony hear the music I am playing upon the hill.

A tapping comes at the hatchway, it is Fluttershy, I watch as she settles into a couch in the command area, listening to the music as I bring it into the room.

“Could..uhm.. Could I hear that one with the pretty voice again?”

“Of course Fluttershy. Here are the lyrics, translated into Equestrian for you as well.”

Up on the main screen, I post the lyrics to Ave Maria, translated by me. Some words don’t quite fit, but it will allow her to understand it a bit more. I see her nod, her eyes drifting over the words as Schubert once more takes over the land, a repeat of the song going out over the hills.

I had no clue the quiet shy mare could sing, her voice starting out quite soft as she reads the script on the screen, gaining in power as it progresses. I slowly fade out the original voice, letting her take over, piping it to the hillside. She has the voice of an angel, it is high and clear, perfect for opera as Ave Maria in Equestrian blankets the listeners. It is one of those rare times you hear something you shall not forget, the ponies outside recognize her voice, listening to the highs and lows as it drifts across the silent land. I record every second of it for storage.

Her eyes are closed, singing along with the music as if she’d memorized the words almost instantly, her voice accompanying it perfectly, even with the words that did not quite fit. It is glorious.

Twilight’s voice comes over the link, “Is that Fluttershy?”

“Yes it is. Is it not wonderful?”

“I didn’t know she could sing like that! I mean, she can sing, but..but this..”

“I am recording it Twilight, it will not be lost.”

“Well Applejack is serving the last of the cider now, so we’ll be there in just a few minutes, please don’t stop.”

“I won’t, there is so much more to play.”

The link goes inactive as I listen to the golden pegasus sing her heart out, alone in the command deck I do not believe it has ever been graced so.

The song ends, Fluttershy’s eyes still closed as she sways a bit, then looking around all of a sudden as I let the cheers from outside trickle into the room, the crowded hillside resounding with applause from her singing. She looks as if she’d rather hide in a storage locker right now.

“Don’t worry, you can stay here as long as you like Fluttershy, it was truly beautiful.”

“I..oh.. I don’t like crowds very much I’m afraid.”

“I understand, it was a wonderful rendition of that song.”

“Th.. thank you.”

I notice a grey mare, carrying a cello case arriving on the hillside, she is setting up along with three more, it appears an impromptu concert is about to begin. She looks around and speaks to one of my sensor masts.

“Would you mind if we accompanied the music?”

“I do not mind at all Miss...?”

“Octavia if you would, and thank you.”

I pick the next selection, Johann Strauss Jr. should be appropriate, a classic of classics, the Blue Danube Waltz. As the first strains come over the speakers, I see the quartet pick up their bows. It still astounds me how they do that.

Twilight and her friends arrive in time to hear the opening. Octavia and her quartet follow along beautifully, adding a counterpoint to the melody I have never heard before, only heightening it’s beauty.

There is dancing, I see ponies pairing up and dancing to the waltz as it plays our along the hillside. Even Twilight and her friends get asked, I am glad, they deserve all the good things life brings. I watch them dancing in circles, similar to a round in medieval ages, it proceeds apace with the quartet and my speakers.

Even Fluttershy is dancing on the command deck, she knows I will never say a word to anypony about it. Her head is swaying with her body as she dances around and around. I am sorry she is too shy to ask a partner, but this is hers and she shall have her moment alone. I watch her step gracefully, bowing and moving, her body supple and smooth as she takes a step to the side, then forward and back. So many talents in a pony, it is amazing to watch.

As the waltz ends, the hillside resounds with the stamping of hooves. This I have not seen before and ask Fluttershy what the meaning it.

“It means they really enjoyed it, maybe an encore?”

“It would be my pleasure.”

Once again, Johann Strauss Jr. lives as his music delights a race he would never have thought possible.

Fluttershy looks up at the camera lens, one foreleg rubbing another as she tries not to hide her eyes, “Would..would you care to dance Crusader?”

“Pardon Fluttershy? I cannot dance. I am not...”

She waves a hoof, “I know, but still..”

“I would be delighted Miss Fluttershy.”

Her smile brightens the room by a magnitude, she bows formally, extending a hoof to an unseen partner. I watch as she moves side to side, stepping forward and back in a waltz like step, only adapted for ponies. She is graceful and smooth, a lot of qualities I believe ponies miss when they look at her, seeing only the shyness.

She looks up at the lens, “You..you won’t..”

“Not a word.”

“Thank you.”

I watch as she moves along with an invisible partner, glad in my core that she asked me to dance even if I cannot be there for her. I have never been asked before, and it lightens me that she would be the one to do so. The waltz is asked for two more times, before I switch to another piece of music. All the while Fluttershy, my friend, is dancing with me alone in the command area.

Lanterns and light sources are brought out to the hill, I would swear Ponyville is deserted right now as ponies crowd the area. Octavia and her quartet are applauded quite loudly when they accompany the Waltz and pieces I play for everypony. I am told by Twilight and Applejack she is a well known cello player in Canterlot.

I play different Waltzes, since they seem to be enjoyed the most, from famous Operas of my time, to obscure composers. I had no idea that such music was beloved here, but considering there is no net or television to take up time, there are other pursuits to be enjoyed. I quite like to watch the different dances, recording them for storage.

As the ponies rest, I play full symphonies, Handel’s Messiah, Beethoven’s 9th, various composers who would have loved this audience of attentive equines. It is not the religious overtones they hear, but the music, the joy in the making, the listening of it. It strikes a chord deep within some, all are listening, ears perked, eyes closed sometimes, just taking in the beauty of a long ago civilization.

I give to these ponies the hope and the joy of a part of humanity that was the best and brightest. The shining lights who brought a glimmer of light to the darkest places in the galaxy. One of the most precious things I carry within myself that was coveted even above gold or power, the music.

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