• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Simple things get complicated

Applejack woke with a grumble, having been bothered all night by a chiming sound that came from the earpiece, having finally flung it across the room after turning it off.

Was a durn sight better when we didn’t have them things I’m thinkin’

Admittedly, it was useful when she wanted to get a hold of Twilight for something, but when Twi went on one of her all night studying sprees, she felt as if Applejack had to be included.

I love her to death, but I swear.. She pinched her nose, trying to comb out her mane to start the day. I’m gonna clobber her if she don’t get a handle on this stuff. Celestia’s sake what was she doing at 2am anyways?

Looking in the mirror, she slipped the bands with the chain over her ear and twisted her head from side to side, I gotta admit though, sure does look purty when it matches the color of mah coat.

She leaned in for a closer look, seeing the three apples that made up her cutie mark engraved on the bands, quite delicately and very very fine, but colored just that much different to stand out to the eye.

I do wonder how the heck he did this though, sure is pretty good work if yah ask me.

It seemed that the fashion accessories were also getting looks from the other ponies in town, asking them where they had acquired them. This had caused some problems, as Twilight and her had agreed to keep mum about what they really were, saying they were ‘gifts.’ Rarity had reported a flood of ponies asking if she made them, causing her to broach the subject with Twilight and her; they told her the whole story of course after a Pinky Promise.

Seeing that nopony in town made them just caused some folks to be curious, as it appeared they were making a new fashion statement, but nopony would take credit for making them. This on the other hoof, being Ponyville, immediately started the rumors. Applejack and Twi were in a secret relationship. Twi and AJ were seeing someone on the side together. Her and Twi were sharing somepony, stars and sun some ponies got nothing better to do than think about other pony’s lives. Argh.

Though I did like the ‘It’s a secret club for the Elements of Harmony’ one, that was weird enough almost to be true.

Applejack though, as honest as she was, kept her responses simple and true, it was a gift. But was it lyin’ when you didn’t say from whom?

No, no it’s not I think. It’s just keepin’ things to mahself. Mah business is mah business dangit!

As she finished getting ready for the day, slipping the bracelet on, ain’t nopony’s business what I do or don’t!

Of course Applebloom was intensely interested in the new jewlery. She KNEW her sister never wore stuff like that unless it was a special occasion, or she wore something nice on a date.

This of course, caused no end of problems until Applejack shooed her out of the house and got on to her daily chores.

“Applebloom I swear! It was a gift from a nice pony, cain’t ya just accept that?”

“But c’mon sis! It’s so cool! Who gave it to ya? That vegetable selling stallion at the market I bet! He’s been eyeing ya!”

Applejack swatted at her little sister, “Now you stop that! Ain’t nopony been eyein’ me!” She leaned down with a pointed hoof, “And don’t YOU be starting any rumors either missy!”

“I ain’t startin’ any!” The little filly answered, “But alot of fillies and mares been wondering where they could get em too, they’re really neat! Sweetie Belle said alot of folks been comin’ to Rarity and asking her to make them one.”

Applejack thought on that. Rarity knew who had made them, but was far too good a pony to duplicate anything to pass it off as hers. She had a thought that might help all of them, but she had to get rid of her sister first.

“Applebloom, you go on out now and get started on them chores before you go crusadin’ hear me?”

“Awwww, but we were..”


The cheerful smile was back, irrepressible Applebloom was, and she was happy doing mostly anything, “Alright, alright, ah’m goin’ ya big meanie.” She gave her big sister a wink and was out the door.

Applejack sighed, sitting at the kitchen table for a moment, thinking about this problem of supply and demand. Tapping her bracelet once she said softly, “Crusader?”

“I am here Applejack.”

“I been thinking bout these bracelets and stuff, you heard bout all the ponies wantin’ one?”

“I have, Twilight is concerned about them finding out what they really are.”

“I think I got a solution, link me to Twi please?”

A chime sounded softly, “Done Applejack.”

“Twi you there?”

“Hi AJ!”

“How can you be so cheerful..nevermind.. meet me at the hill this afternoon, I got me an idea. Bring Rarity too okay?”

“Will do! See you then!”

Applejack sighed, “Cain’t anything ever be simple anymore?”

A soft chuckle answered her, “I’m afraid not Applejack. Life has it’s hurdles, and I am sorry for putting this one up for a simple gift.”

Applejack chuckled, “Ain’t yer fault, some ponies jes’ got to be overly curious about some things.”

“I understand.”

“Well time for me to be getting to the chores, I’ll talk at you soon Crusader.”

“Have a good day Applejack. Would you like me to put some music on your set so you can listen to something while working?”

“Oh nah, I’d get all distracted about it and probably get mahself in trouble, but thanks!”

“Then have a good day.”

“You too!”

Applejack smiled a bit at the bracelet, sure was a neat thing though. But applebucking wouldn’t wait, they got cider season coming up and for sure Rainbow Dash would probably be at the head of the line, or try to again. So she had to make sure they had enough of everything just in case.


Spike, on the other side of town, was giving Twilight mysterious looks all day long until she confronted him about it.

“What’s with the looks? Seriously Spike, you’ve been keeping tabs on me all day, what’s going on?”

The little dragon looked a bit abashed as he tried to find anywhere to look but at Twilight.


“Well I know you stay up all late and stuff, but who are you talking to all night? I mean jeez you’re having this conversation with nopony!” He gave her a narrowed gaze, “Unless it’s ghosts! Are you talking to ghosts now?”

Twilight, on her usual sojourns through the new castle had been talking to Crusader. She had found he never slept so could hold conversations at any time of day or night. Having a pony to talk to all the time was really convenient, albeit a bit odd when people saw her talking to herself quite a bit more than usual.

“There’s no such thing as ghosts Spike. I’m just..just..” She didn’t like to mislead the little guy, he was her brother practically, “I’m just talking to myself alot more, you know. Princess duties, all the stuff we have to do here.” She rubbed the back of her neck a bit, giving him an abashed look.

“You sure it’s not ghosts?”

“It’s not ghosts Spike! Where do you get these ideas from?”

“The latest issue of Power Ponies! See they go up against the Ghost Mare of Manehatten! She controls spirits and is having them terrorize all the ponies...”

“Spike.. stop. There’s no such thing as ghosts, yeesh!”

“Okay then, but if you get haunted, don’t come to me!” With that, he sauntered off down the hallway, heading for his room and collection of comic books.

Twilight planted a hoof on her face and sighed, “Where do ponies get these ideas!”

“I believe it’s from you talking to me at all hours Twilight. You may wish to be more circumspect.”

“But..but there’s so much to learn! I still have to show you all the new books! You have so much to tell me in return, it’s just I enjoy talking about things! Everypony else kinda cuts me off....”

“Twilight, as a person in my world, a pony you’d say, once said, ‘Knowledge is power.’ But let me add a caveat to that, ‘Applied knowledge is power.’ You can have all the knowledge you want, but if you cannot apply it correctly, what good is it? You end up hurting yourself and others.”

“I know, I know. That’s why Celestia sent me to make friends here. I guess I’m doing the same thing, only not surrounded by books in the library this time.”

“I will always be here when you wish to talk, never worry on that point. There is time.”

“I don’t know, I mean there’s so much...” She twisted her hooves in front of her now, setting on a bench in the castle’s library.

“Twilight, believe me, no one pony can ever absorb everything they want to. Do not neglect your friends for the sake of something new.”

“I..but..” She sighed a bit unhappily realizing the truth in the words. “You’re right, I’ve spent too much time talking with you. Even Spike is getting suspicious.”

“Then go out, enjoy yourself, it won’t hurt anypony.”

Twilight’s head popped up, ears perked, “You’re right, I’m going to hit Sugarcube Corner and get a piece of that double chocolate cake!”

“Have a good day then Twilight, and have fun.”

“I will! Thank you!”


I leave the combat channels open, hearing and seeing what Applejack does as she goes through her day. Appleblooms’ curiosity will not be assuaged by mere words. She is curious about everything and this might bode ill if not handled right. Eventually, what I am will be found out, it must be handled in the right way to prevent destabilization of the culture. Being able to fabricate anything with the right materials could be a major upset of the economy. What my capabilities are will have to be a close held secret I’m afraid.

As for Twilight, she is also intensely curious. I have known scientists so single minded that they forget to relate to everyday things. Eventually they become so cloistered they are no good for anything unless it is their work. I would not see that happen to the happy mare. She is full of life but approaches things with the narrowed vision of blinkered eyes. Maybe I can gradually shift our talks to something other than the sciences.

She also informs me, the sensors posts can be seen quite well, some ponies have come to her with questions. I have made an error and did not think it through, though it is a bit late. She is staving the questioners off for now, but it does prove a bit of a problem to think about.

I find my days not so long as they once were. I am not relegated to Low Level Alert status now, and can use as much power as I deem necessary, exploring the wide world around myself.


Applejack has arrived as planned, she is currently relaxing under the shade of one of my sensor masts. A bright sunny day, a bit of heat, and I’m sure long working hours contribute to the desire to relax a bit.

I am curious as to what this idea she has is concerning the micro links. I cannot give such technology to everyone, considering the resources needed and the fabrication time on such a large amount. Not to mention the clutter on the combat channels.

Something quite large has landed on one of my sensor posts, I stop the impulse before it goes out to my weapons systems to unlimber in reflex. It appears a cyan colored Pegasus is currently perching on the broad top of the mast, I swivel lenses to scan it as I am not familiar with it, it is not on the list of current names and images of ponies allowed in the security zone. Once again, I abide quietly, Twilight’s sadness at the destruction I have caused makes me hesitate to do something to break the trust we have built. I do watch closely however, a non-lethal weapon is slid into place in my masts. If it causes any problems for Applejack, it will find itself covered in bright pink dye from marker bullets.

As well as getting hit by them, it would take weeks to get out the color, easy for spotting troublemakers. I am particularly proud of this design.

“Hey, Hey AJ! Whatcha doin’?”

One eye cracks open as Applejack looks upward, “What’s it look like ah’m doin’? It’s called relaxing ya goof!”

The cerise eyes rolled in their sockets, “I know that AJ, I meant whatcha doin’ out here?”

Applejack hesitated a bit, she didn’t want to be dishonest, and Rainbow was a friend, “Meetin’ Twilight and Rarity, we got some stuff to do.”

“Like what?”

“Rainbow Dash, do ya have to know everything?”

“Well of course! I mean I can help! Besides being awesome I can do tons of other things!”

“Like crashin’?”

Now the cyan mare looked away from Applejack’s laughing eyes, “Well, I mean besides that ya know!”

“Alright ya goofy pegasus, you can wait with me and we’ll see what Twilight says when she gets here.”

“Alright!” She swooped down, giving Applejack a big hug, “So what we doin’?”

“Rainbow Dash, just cool it down and relax. Fer Celestia’s sake I’m getting some rest and sunshine, do the same.”

I watch the interaction, amused at the response from Applejack and the interplay between what is two very different points of view. Applejack is very laid back, easy going. While it seems this Rainbow Dash, is on the point of nervous action all the time. Sensors register a fast heartbeat, a metabolism that appears to be quite a bit more action oriented than Applejacks’. It’s an interesting dichotomy, the nervous fluttering of wings, unable to sit still for more than a few second it appears. I swivel some diagnostic scanners toward the cyan mare, noting the multi-colored mane as well. It is truly amazing to see the differences in coloring. Is it some sort of plumage based coloring or is it a rare type? I must ask Twilight some time.

I wonder if all Pegasi are born with the urge to keep moving, as theirs is an unknown species to me. I wonder if one would volunteer to let me scan them in the medical bay for further research. I put that thought aside as Twilight and another pony arrive. This one a light grey with curled indigo mane with gradients. Her cutie mark is three gems on her side..flank?... as well. Sensors on two poles swing toward them as they arrive.

Rarity appears to be of the Unicorn species as well. This should be interesting.

“Darling, I don’t see why you have to drag me all the way out to this hill for just a simple meeting.”

Twilight shares a smile with Applejack, “It’s more than a simple meeting Rarity, we want you to meet somepony, and since Rainbow Dash is here too, we’ll introduce both of you.”

Rarity gets a curious look on her face, “Oh, could this be that certain special somepony everyone’s been gossiping about with you two?”

Applejack about turned red as she grumbled, “Rarity! You know better than to listen to the ramblin’s of some nosy townsponies!”

“Well I’m sure it’s nothing much, but showing up with expensive jewelry that even Applejack would wear, well it’s sure to get some tongues wagging. Admittedly Applejack never wears anything like that unless forced to!”

The orange pony gritted her teeth for a moment, then relented, “Consarnit, she’s right dangit. Maybe I shoulda not wore it so much, but it sure is pretty.”

“Well then, you can see why somepony would be curious?” Of course Rarity got a smile of victory on her face, having vowed to find out about these mysterious gifts.

Twilight interrupted the verbal sparring, “Alright, alright. Look, you have got to swear you’ll keep this a secret. Alright?”

“But whatever for? Not like there’s something huge to be hidden in simple jewelry! Whoever is making it is going to be selling all over Equestria!”

Applejack facehooved while Twilight sighed, “Rarity, seriously, you’ve got to swear. Make it a Pinkie Promise.”

The azure eyes rolled a bit as she sighed dramatically, “Fine fine.” As she and Dash went through the motions and promise, “There, Rainbow and I have sworn. Now, what’s the big secret?”

Twilight led them over to the hatchway, tapping politely on it. As it opened the lights lit the corridor, warm air pushing outward as she led them down the tunnel.

“Oh this is dreadfully understated, needs a better carpet I think, some throw rugs.”

Rainbow’s exasperated voice came from the back of the group, “Not everything needs redecorating Rarity! Yeesh!”

“It never hurts to make things nice Rainbow Dash, I’m sure your own domicile could use some updating!”

“I happen to be quite happy with mine thank you!”

“I’m sure you are, though of course Wonderbolt posters can only cover so much.”


“C’mon now, jus’ cause Rainbow hasn’t got some fancy landscape paintings in her house don’t mean nothin’!”

“Thanks Applejack!”

“ ‘Sides they cover more of them stains anyways.”


The three mares giggled the rest of the way into the command room. Twilight trying really hard not to, but failing miserably as Rainbow looked put out. Every time she saw the face Dash was putting on, Twilight broke into another fit of giggles.

“Alright, alright, it’s not anypony’s fault Dash has a messy house.”

“Yeah! Bein’ busy all the time flyin’ don’t leave much for chores. You ever get that pineapple out of the roof?”


“Oh, sorry bout that sugarcube, din’t mean to give anything away.”

I try not to let any laughter slip out of my speakers as I listen to the conversation, this Rainbow Dash getting teased. Although I wonder what they would think if I told them my scanners showed not a bit embarrassment. It appears it is a point of pride for her to get teased by her friends.

The four mares settle into the command area, sitting on the floor or in Dash’s case, fluttering around the high ceiling, “So what is all this?”

“Girls, meet Crusader.”

I take this as my cue, “It is an honor to meet Twilight’s friends. Welcome.”

The two mares look quite surprised hearing the voice directly in their ears, Rainbow zipping around for a bit trying to find the source. “What’s going on? Where ya hiding?”

This I believe is Twilight’s moment to spring a surprise on them. She tells them about the Crusaders finding me, the introductions, even the misunderstandings. She leaves nothing out, is as honest as she can be, even at the dropped jaws of the two friends when they heard of my capabilities.

I remain quiet as they explain the new jewelry, and what it does. Settling any rumors of a ‘special somepony’ which appears to be the same as girlfriend or boyfriend here.

I wait patiently as she ends the briefing, seeing if I am going to have to apologize again for my sins in the past.

Rarity took her hoof off her chest, “Well, he certainly does sound quite polite though.” Making a attempt to regain her balance.

“Thank you Miss Rarity.”

“Oh my, and cultured even!”

Rainbow rolled her eyes, “Oh geez get a room you two!”

A chuckle tolls through their ears, “We are already in a room Rainbow Dash, would you care to join?”

Rainbows eyes shoot wide, a blush crossing her cheeks as she stammers out a mumbled reply. Rarity of course looks shocked down to her hooves. Applejack and Twilight though, well, rolling on the ground laughing is just fine too. I believe my attempt to break the ice has gone well.

“Well I never!”

“Calm down Rare, he was joking.”

“Well still, how unbecoming!”

Rainbow on the other hoof, was still trying to recover, her voice gaining a bit of strength as she cleared her throat.

“So what’s all that mean in the end?”

Twilight speaks up, “It means, we keep it between us, for now. I have written Celestia and told her everything that’s happened, she would like us to just keep doing what we’re doing till she and Princess Luna can come visit.”

During the discussion, I have modified a couple more communications sets, engraving the cutie marks of Rainbow Dash and Rarity, matching the colors quickly to their coats once the briefing was over. Having patterns stored allows me to manufacture quite quickly, which is a boon as these are Twilight and Applejack’s friends, and I would like them to have the ability to chat as I do with Twilight and Applejack.

"If I may interrupt Twilight?”

“Yes Crusader?"

“If you would open the drawer to your left, you will find two more gifts for your friends.”

Twilight does as I request, revealing two boxes like the previous ones, this time I believe I have outdone myself. In modifying Rainbow Dash’s, I add a prismatic shine to it, the colors of the spectrum are visible when sunlight reflects, as well as the usual cutie mark engraving. For Rarity I add a pearlescent shine, to offset the light gray of her coat. In all I think I am getting fairly good at this.

After theirs is given, I ask Twilight and Applejack to put theirs back in the drawer, assuring Twilight she would get it back in a minute as she was quite reluctant to let go of it. I add a pearly gleam to Twilight’s, making it offset her coat by quite a bit. For Applejacks I also put a bit of red in it and return them. I find myself enjoying the creation of these simple things.

“Why thank ya Crusader, sure is shiny!”

“You are welcome, in the sunlight it will hopefully look quite different than a plain color. It should show a bit better.”

Rainbow Dash put hers on according to what Twilight had shown her, “Can anypony hear me?”

“I can Miss Dash, loud and clear.”

Rainbow blushed at the honorific, her cheeks a bright cherry red now, “It’s..uh..just Rainbow Dash.”

“My apologies, Rainbow Dash it is.”

“And please dear, call me Rarity!”

“Yes Rarity, thank you.”

“So what exactly are we to do with these? Surely you can’t make them for everypony?”

“Actually Rarity, I can, I have manufacturing capability that can provide a few hundred units a day with the proper materials. But what I would not do, is make them like yours. Yours are specialized to communicate and be communicated with, I cannot allow anypony else to have them. Twilight has told me of two others in your group, I am preparing another two sets for them. Other than that, they will be plain jewelry for anypony else.”

“That’s what I was thinkin’ Crusader, make some plain ones. Give them to Rarity to sell, and she can tell them they’re made by some out of town pony!” Applejack looked pleased with herself.

“Applejack! Fibbing to ponies!”

“I am not. They are made by somepony out of town, and they are. Crusader's not IN town.”

Rarity gave her a stern glare, “You know that’s pushing the boundaries of being honest.”

“Ah know, and with those big poles up there, it ain’t gonna be a secret much longer. But he has asked we don’t tell anyone ‘bout all he can do.”

“Applejack is right,” I replied, “ I do not wish to upset the economy nor culture of your ponies. Anything I make, or release if I choose, will have to go through somepony else. I cannot just release advanced technology to anypony.”

Twilight tapped her chin with a hoof, “They’re right Rarity. It sounds like it’s deceiving, but I think it would be for the best. Some ponies aren’t quite as honest sometimes, and we don’t want them getting ideas.”

Rarity thought back to when she dealt with the ponies in Canterlot and outer cities, seeing as how sometimes they would not measure up to her own friends standards and nodded, “You’re right. I have no problem volunteering my boutique as an outlet selling them for you Crusader.”

Rainbow Dash laughed, “Yeah, sure you don’t Rarity, seeing all those bits rolling in. You know how popular they’ve become ‘cause nopony can get one!”

“I will make a bargain then. Provide me with materials, and the color of the coat of the pony wanting it, along with the cutie mark and I will make them. Without the communications. In return, choose a price that’s fair, and split it as you see fit. Applebloom has told me quite a bit about the Elements of Harmony, and it appears the money will be put to good by you all.”

Twilight looked at the other three, “Are you sure Crusader, what about you?”

“Well Twilight, what have I need of any money?”

“But..I mean.. you’re doing all the work!”

“Is that a problem?”

“Well..yes! Because you’re doing all the work! I mean, you should get something!”

“I have made friends for the first time in a long life Twilight, that is enough.”

The four mares looked at each other, Rarity speaking first, “That is so very generous of you. Please at least let me do a bit of, oh let’s say, making it more comfortable in here?”

“I accept Rarity, only if this ends any idea of obligation or debt between myself and all of you.”

Twilight stammered, “But..but! Wait a second!”

Rainbow Dash was the one who put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, “Twi, c’mon. If he wants to do this, let him. We’re not greedy, nopony here is, we’ll do some good with those bits. There’s always something needing done in town.”

Twilight looked stubborn, “You realize we’re talking about a lot of bits here?”

“Bits are the currency in use?”

Applejack pulled one out of a small purse she wore around her neck, “Here’sh one.”

As she dropped the coin on the floor, I scan it, analyzing quickly. It appears to be pure gold, ringing high and clear on the deck. I politely do not mention the near ton and a half of it I have on hand for repairing molecular circuitry.

“It is no problem, please, accept the jewelry and the money as a gift.”

Twilight goes near apoplectic, until calmed down by Rainbow, “Fine, for Celestia’s sake! I won’t argue! But sometime, somewhere we’re going to do something nice for you!”

“I will not argue then Twilight, thank you.”

“Wow, you out-stubborned Twilight, that’s an accomplishment in itself!”


“Rarity, please feel free to come by anytime for the redecorating.”


“Twi, stoppit.”

Twilight grumbles a bit more before nodding. “Ugh fine!” Throwing her hooves in the air. She doesn’t notice the grins behind her back, knowing she was just being overly concerned.

I watch as they exit the command deck, Twilight is still a bit off-put about me donating the money to be received for my labor. It is the least I can do, for them to welcome anything even like me was a miracle in and of itself. Accepting me as a friend and confidant, even more so.


I turn my sensors to the sky, looking at the moon, comparing my charts and maps to it’s surface. The proof is there, data points matching one by one. The spectra of certain stars nearby are adjusted for time and distance, allowing me to get as close as I can to near perfect certainty.

Though in the discovery, comes a shocking fact. All of my calculations and comparisons of star charts have revealed one thing to me. My study of the local moon has only brought the percentages higher into the inescapable.

I have never left Earth.

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