• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Plans and Ponies

We sit at the breakfast table, I was unable to sleep with the new knowledge sitting in my mind like a cancerous lump. I stare at the wooden top, seeing the grain and swirl of the wood, wondering how I should tell this.

I decide to just tell them.

Crusader looked at all the patient faces, heaving a sigh as he leaned against Applejack.

“It’s a trap. A vicious, all or nothing trap.”

Celestia nodded, “Please explain.”

“A bit of background if I may. Masada was a fortress long ago, that was besieged by a tribe called the Romans. Rather than be taken or killed by them, the tribe inside the fortress killed themselves. Every man woman and child.” I hear the gasps, they are not used to such horror.

“This is what Masada was based on.”

“I am going to use terms that might not be familiar to you, so please bear with me.”

I receive nods from around the table.

“In battle, ages ago, there were times when a Bolo’s personality, the me if you would; was either usurped, or used to attack the Concordiat, turned to traitors by enemy action.”

I plant a hoof on the table, moving a spoon around listlessly.

“To combat that ever happening again, our scientists developed a program called Masada. If the controlling personality was ever corrupted by enemy action, or even perceived enemy action, Masada would take over.”

“We all carried another program, “ So much was contained within the memory of the program, all backgrounds and information, “Called Resartus, if we ever became unstable, or got caught in what we called a loop. It would activate until we were brought out of the problem or removed. It kept ourselves and the humans safe from us going crazy, when sometimes we got stuck in situations that made us a bit..well..loopy.”

“But Masada was so much more, it is almost another controlling entity; kept locked up until if or when the real personality, myself, was damaged or controlled by the enemy.”

I sigh, rubbing my forehead, I cannot believe this is happening.

“When Discord removed me from the Bolo, making me a real pony, Masada went into action. It closed all access, that’s why your links don’t work. Any attempt to gain entry would trigger it’s self defense mechanisms.”

I look up, seeing the solemn faces, they are following me.

“It now controls everything, it also thinks it has been disabled by enemy action. Sitting like a spider in a web, it waits for the enemy. What it does is act like a wounded bird, drawing the predators to it. So the firing of the guns is part of that, making the enemy think it is disabled or lost it’s functioning.

While it was firing, it is using the drones; to spot targets, make data maps and plotting fire. It is very methodical, almost maniacally so. It is now making sure every weapon, every round will be used in it’s final plan. So right now my drones are peering everywhere looking for targets. Towns, villages, everything.

Once it has finished, it starts counting down, until eventually it activates the Final Option. Before this, our Final Option was just self-destruction. Committing suicide to prevent the enemy from taking us or our technology.

Masada will not just self destruct, it will launch every weapon I have on a planned course of fire. Everything I carry will be shot into the skies, it has the information now, it will destroy everything around it for thousands of miles.”

Luna spoke quietly, “Do you carry so much then?”

“Remember I told you of nuclear weapons Your Highness?” I receive a nod.

“I carry a full payload, I was outfitted to the brim before stasis. Any missiles I have that are not nuclear, it will be changing to fully nuclear. My fabrication abilities will be used to produce chemical weapons alongside the standard ones I have. It will create chemicals that will kill with a touch.

Once it is ready, it will launch, what the radiation and fallout does not kill, the war agents will poison. It will murder this world.

When it has fired all it can, it will trigger the fusion reactors, adding to the pain. I have four of them, anything within a hundred miles will be inside a large crater.”

“That was Masada. We won’t just commit suicide, we will take you all with us.”

“How long do we have?”

“After the guns start firing, and they have been for a couple of days; at the most ninety six hours more. It will unlock everything and fire.”

“Can we not use magic to disrupt it?”

I sighed inside, I knew this was going to be asked, and I have made such errors. I should have burned that core when I thought about it. But never did this happening enter into my mind. Damn you Discord, you’ve sentenced a world to death.

“I have attuned my battle shields to protect against magic; even if the shields are not up, my sensors can pick up magic use. If it detects magic used near or against it, it will fire. We must keep any magic using ponies away from that hill.”

“You did not tell us...”

“No I did not Your Majesty, I had thought never to use them. It was just an experiment to me, we Bolos plan always. I had no idea this would happen. I honestly did not think there was any way to remove me from my war hull. You cannot believe how sorry I am for this. I have doomed your world and race by my hubris.”

“What about forest attacks?”

“It will still kill anything marked as the enemy, and the forest is one, it will just not do as thoroughly like I had. It wants them nearby, thinking it crippled and ineffective, close enough to die with it.”

The table was silent, I rubbed my head with a hoof and sighed; knowing that because of my stupid experiments we were down one option. I sit there listening to the breathing, the tinkle of cups being set down; the rustle of movement, the deafening damning silence.

Princess Celestia looked at me warmly, her smile never wavering, “If Discord put you back in, would you be able to stop this?”

“To be honest Your Highness, I have no idea. My creators never planned for this, or what would happen if a Bolo personality was taken out and put back in.”

The regal mare just smiled, looking at me intently for a moment before bringing her tea cup up and sipping slowly. Setting it down, she tilted her head and spoke, “So we have a situation that no one expected, even those who made you. Surely there must be something, some little thing that might allow us to fight this?”

How can she possibly remain calm?

“I do not know Your Highness, it is a quandary. If we can get Discord to put me back, I may have an idea to help me if I engage in a fight with the Masada intelligence. But I need one more memory.”

That brought heads up, Cadence and Twilight looked beat, as well as Celestia and Luna. They had used quite a bit of power for just that one memory, and another would probably drain them for a long while.

“Is it needed?”

“Yes Your Highness, it is the memory of my schematics, the plans of myself and my weapons. I can plan an avenue of attack if I can get those.”

“Is there anything else you might need?”

“Yes Your Highness, one more thing...”


“You want us to do WHAT?”

“You have to knock down the drones, it is imperative. Without eyes, it will force it to change it’s directives. It will not launch any more of them because it is conserving everything for a final strike. Plus losing it’s eyes in the sky will give it pause. It will have to do more planning, we may buy some time.”

Spitfire was stunned, she’d seen the drones in action, and knew that her Wonderbolts would be hard pressed to down them. Her sunglass covered orange eyes glared at the calm light umber stallion that just asked them to do something so dangerous.

“Look, our team is hot, but surely you’ve got to be kidding.”

“I am not kidding, in any way shape or form. It has to be done and the Princesses’ assured me you were the best.”

“We are the best!” Her assurance faltered for a moment, “But this, I mean I’ve seen those things they’re deadly!”

“They are, but everything has vulnerabilities. Once I get the memory of my plans and schematics back, I can tell you exactly how to down them.”

She glared at him one more time, “If this wasn’t..”

He gestured to her, pointing an unwavering hoof at the band on her ear. “You say you’re the best, you’ve gone ‘Under the Gun’ twice now. Quit whining.”

I think if anypony would explode in flames of anger, this would probably be as close to it as I got.

Whipping off her sunglasses she got into the stallion’s face, “Whining? I’ll show you whining, we’ll take those drones down! Just give us a way and we’ll do it. Nopony tells the Wonderbolts they whine!” She backed up with a snort, turning and walking away with a flick of her tail.

I watch as she exits the room, calling for her teammates. Gesturing back at me, I’m sure with some not so polite words, they all glare and stomp off.

“Ya know of course she’s gonna have a real hate on for ya now.”

I turn to see Applejack, leaning against the doorway, “I know, but if it gets them on track to do this I will apologize later.”

She walks over and hugs me, giving a warm nuzzle, “Yer pretty sneaky there, ya know that?”

I give her what is known as the ‘Who me?’ look, learned from watching Pinkie, “I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.”

I get gently cuffed on one ear, and a kiss for it as well, “Jes’ make sure you apologize, wouldn’t do to have her whole team mad at ya afterwards.”

“Yes my Applejack.”

She tugs me out of the room, we are going to do a bit of shopping today. Just walking and enjoying Canterlot, she is going to show me the sights. We have a bit of time, being under a death sentence there is very little we can do until we go into action.


That night, we prepare again for the memory retrieval, the sisters looking haggard as they warn me once more it will be fleeting. I will definitely not have much time. But I know approximately where it is in the forest of columns and can retrieve it easily.

I am cradled in Applejacks forelegs again, it is comforting and familiar. I feel so very safe when I am with her. After everything that has been done, Applejack had asked, why wasn’t I angry or mad?

I told her it was not my nature, I raged in battle yes; but to be angry or hate something was just a waste of time. It only hurt you not others. So why do it?

I told her about my wishing for punishment for those that had foalnapped me, but it wasn’t an honest dislike. It was me being hurt, scared for those I had befriended and who gave that friendship back in so many ways. I listen to her heartbeat as I tell her how much I like my new home, my friends, her. I don’t want to leave, ever. I have been changed in so many ways since I awoke, it is miraculous. I am befriended by ponies, who treat me as an equal, not a servant or something to be reviled.

I can do no less for them in return.

If it means giving up what I have here to save this place, I shall. But in Applejack’s embrace I am assured right now, of warmth and love, things I have never had before like this in all my days.

I am content.

It is fairly anti-climactic, retrieving the memory now that I know how it is done. Luna informed me this is the last time they can do this for a long while, so I must make the best of it. But now I have what I need. I can feel the information flowering in my mind, giving me what I need to take this sentence off the table. It is not going to be easy, and I have no clue what is going to happen should I reappear in the data cores. I do not know what may come of this, but I do know I will do whatever it takes to stave this off.

I do not fall back asleep, I leave Applejack resting quietly and go to retrieve some parchment, we have not much time.


I sit at the table, a pencil in my mouth as I draw crude plans, not very well I might add. Searching through the extensive memories, I believe i have found a way. It is risky, they are not going to like it. But it is all I can figure out. I wait for the morning sun to rise with trepidation.


I lay a hoof against my temple, rubbing it a bit as I finalize things, watching as the six friends and the Princesses arrive at the table. We are served tea, though I have no stomach for food right now. I am seriously tired of delivering nothing but bad news, or something that would horrify, I really am.

“Thank you all for coming, I think I’ve figured out a plan.”

Celestia nodded, still warmly smiling, calm and cool, “Is it sure to work?”

“The only one I can possibly think of given my limited memories. I have a lot of general knowledge, but with these specifics I think we can overcome the intelligence.”

Princess Luna looked a bit tired, “Please, explain.”

I start using a hoof to point at the drawing, explaining as I go.

“The Command Deck, where you all have been. Contains an access tunnel to the memory cores, my brain. This is where the Masada intelligence sits. We have to get somepony into that core area and disrupt it with magic; I have seen and understand magic, it does not. It will not recover fast enough and it will allow me to seize control.


Getting to the cores is the problem, we need someone smaller than an adult pony, who can use magic well enough to hit the cores with a blast. Also, they need to be nimble and swift. I will be fighting Masada while trying to keep the ponies who go inside safe. It will be dangerous, I will not lie.

My interior battlescreens only cover the command deck, it was to protect the human commander. We Bolos and our personalities were encased in durachrome further on, meters of it. We survived many grievous hits, but the priority was protecting our commanders; never ourselves.

The sequence of events will go something like this:

The assault group will be waiting outside the entryway to the command deck, as long as they do not use magic, Masada will ignore them as they are friendlies. Once I am inserted back into the arrays Masada will sense me as an enemy intelligence, it will begin the launch of all weapons.

I will first try and seize control of the hatches to open them. The group needs to get to the command deck by the core access way. Here is the problem, there are four power rifle intruder defenses, if I cannot get control of them, the group will not live to reach the cores.

I will attempt to disable or control them while opening the access hatch to the cores. Once that is done the group needs to get to the arrays, they are big glass like slabs, containing all information and my intelligence. Once inside them as far in as they can get; they need to light off a powerful spell, the bigger the better. It will disrupt everything inside the cores, allowing me to seize control from Masada, once that is done I will burn Masada out of the arrays forever.

I do not know if Masada has further reinforced the access ways, we are going in blind. But what I do know is if I can get control, I can stop everything and burn that malicious thing into dust.”

“Princess Celestia tilts her head, “Any ideas for the group who will do this?”

“Yes Your Highness, the Cutie Mark Crusaders.”

Immediately I am assaulted with yelling and outraged looks. Applejack is giving me a glare I am sure would mean my death. I raise a hoof, calling for silence.

“I know they are young. You have to understand, the access ways were made for a human on their belly, or a tech spider. None of you can get in there, and I cannot control the spiders until I am in total command. It would be too much while I am fighting. I have watched them, they are fast, very fleet and they will be fine.”

Rarity was aghast, “No, most definitely not. Sweetie Belle getting hurt would devastate our parents!”

I sigh, “There is no other way Rarity, I have thought this out. They are skilled, strong, and intelligent. It’s what is needed. Other than that, we are out of options.” I looked at Rarity, Applejack, all the others, “I promise you, by anything you care to name, this is the only way. I would not hurt those three for anything in this world, but they are exactly what is needed.”

Princess Luna looked up from her meal, “Are you sure? Absolutely sure?”

“Yes. They will be able to move around better than anypony here, or an adult. They can be trusted to do this I am sure.”

Princess Celestia made her mind up, I could see it in her expression, but always the calm voice, “Twilight, please send for them and tell them it’s urgent. Get them here soonest.”

Twilight nodded, bumping Cadence as they both ran out of the brightly lit room, I watched them go with a frown.

“I am sorry, I tried to think of anything else, anything. We need a magic spell in the cores to disrupt Masada, it is the only chance I have.”

I seem to be talking to myself now; gazes are averted, I am sure I am not in the highest regard right now. It was all I could come up with; if I had more time, more resources..

Silence reigned as we finished our meal, each taking off to begin preparations for what I was sure was going to be a tremendous fight. Applejack did not say anything to me after we were done, she stormed off into the hallways. I gave her the time alone, I didn’t mean to surprise her with this at all.


I meet with the Wonderbolts later, Spitfire, Soarin, Fleetfoot and Rapidfire are the team selected. We are going over the plans for the drones at the forge. I have given the blacksmiths instructions on how to make a weapon that will pierce the drones and disable them. A bit of a long pole with a tempered metal spike at the end, allowing the pegasus to break control surfaces or disable the engines. I show them different ways to spot a stealthed drone as well, occlusion, averting the eyes slightly, various tricks.

I have also told them, in no uncertain terms. The second a Pegasus downs one of those drones, they will be marked as the enemy. Any Pegasi in the skies will be shot at. We are going to work to clear the skies, keep them vacant so the team can do their job without worrying about others.

Also, Rainbow Dash is going to be waiting. Her Sonic Rainboom it is called, can disrupt sensors for a small amount of time, which could make the difference in surviving. She will be watching for a signal if she is needed.

Spitfire has calmed a bit. I think she realized my little ploy afterwards so we have a good conversation. I apologise to her, but we just do not have the time for debates. This has to be done and now. She understands, she is just plainly worried for her team and I cannot blame her.

I tell them exactly where to strike on the drones, pointing out vulnerabilities in the engines and wing surfaces. They are attentive, taking notes, and testing the new spears. I can only hope during my little experience that no other drones were launched, I am going off of only the memories I had when I was changed; but knowing what Masada is and does, I can put nothing past it. It is in control, not myself.

Masada is a maniac, single-minded to one purpose, destroy. If it was in its’ best interest to use more drones for mapping, it may be there are one or two more I do not know about. But I have warned Spitfire and her team.

I am hopeful, if this goes well it will buy us a bit of time to try and contact Discord. He is still not answering the summons of the sisters. This is troubling, without him, I cannot time when I will turn back into the me, this could throw everything off. Time to the picosecond is of the essence when dealing with psychotronic arrays.

I bid the practicing team farewell, wishing them the best. We are to get a good night’s sleep, in the morning the strikes begin.


It is late afternoon when the Crusaders are brought in, I am happily reunited with my former commander. She is always bright and cheerful when I see her. Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and her, are somewhat intimidated by the urgent summons to the castle. I can see the worry as they are led to the table where we all sit.

It is up to them if they choose not to do it, and I will be honest about everything; it means changing to somepony else. That would cost valuable time we do not have.

Applejack is sitting away from me, although I receive looks occasionally, I am sure she is a bit hurt by my recommendations. I have tried to tell her it hurts me as well, but she does not wish to listen right now. That is fine, I shall give her all the time she wants.

They are a bit bouncy though, full of energy and life as I sit there waiting for them to calm. One slim hoof is raised by Celestia asking them to stop and sit for a moment.

Of course my former commander speaks up first, “So Princess, what would you need us for?”

Sweetie Belle appears to be a bit shy in the presence of everypony, Scootaloo is of course at home with her hero Rainbow.

Princess Celestia smiles at the three, “I believe Crusader has a task for you.”

I get pinned with three sets of young eyes. I remember the tank rides, the building of things made of spare parts on my command deck. I think of Apple Bloom as my first commander, she was so very proud. Now I am to send them into what may be their deaths.

I tell them everything, leaving not one iota of information out. Informing them that one error could mean their deaths and everypony else’s. This is not a game, nor a test, this is real life. I see Applejack watching me closely as she holds Apple Bloom close, Rarity has a leg around Sweetie, as Rainbow holds on to Scootaloo.

“I am serious, this is volunteers only. If you say yes, we’ll get you ready. If you say no, we’ll try and find somepony else. Once again, any slip, any mistake, and it’s over. Do you understand?”

Scootaloo speaks up, “All we have to do is get Sweetie to the cores? Right? The cores? Then she lets go with a spell and that’s all?”

I nod, “Yes, but you are going to be in great danger, there are weapons that will attempt to prevent you from getting there. I am not kidding here, this is probably the most serious thing you will ever do.”

“Ah’m for it!” Apple Bloom pipes up, standing next to Applejack as she tries to quiet her, “No, doncha go shushin’ me sis! We can do it; I know we get in alot of trouble, but we’ll do it, won’t we?” She looks at a nodding Scootaloo, then her eyes linger on Sweetie who is pressing against Rarity. “Hey Sweetie, we’ll protect ya, ya know that!”

Her pretty voice is soft, “I know, but.... what if I can’t cast the spell cause I’m nervous, or get hurt.”

Apple Bloom leans over, “You can do anything, you know that. Yer a Crusader and we never give up.”

“I...I know.. but we’ve always had fun, this...is kinda serious.”

Rarity hugged her little sister, “Sweetie, you do not have to go.”

“But..if I don’t who’s gonna cast a spell?”

Scootaloo looked around, “We can figure something out right? I mean, it’s okay if Sweetie doesn’t go?”

Princess Celestia nodded, “It is perfectly fine if she doesn’t wish to go.”

Apple Bloom nodded, “You betcha! I bet they got some gem or something that’ll blast a spell everywheres! How ‘bout you Scoots?”

“Oh yeah! I’ll be there, we’ll stop this bad pony!”

Apple Bloom hoof bumped her friend, both of them coming around the table to tell Sweetie she didnt have to go, giving her warm hugs.

“It’s alright, we’ll be okay! We’ll still be Crusaders ya know, friends don’t give up on friends.” Apple Bloom nuzzled her friend, “Doncha ever think that alright? It’s perfectly fine ya don’t wanna go. The Princesses said so!” She gave a bright smile to the royals.

Sweetie nodded, looking a bit dejected as she nestled closer to Rarity, “I’m sorry..”

Princess Luna raised a hoof, “No, stop that. You are not to be sorry. It is volunteer. We asked you instead of your sisters or family because they would immediately say no. You are old enough to understand things, young yes, but you understand the hazards. It is a simple mission, but potentially with a cost. You are not to worry alright?”

Princess Cadence smiled at the little unicorn, “Don’t worry, we will bespell a gem and make sure Apple Bloom or Scootaloo can use it to cause the disruption. It will be fine.”

“O...okay..” Sweetie Belle did not look convinced, and it was evident by her face she felt she was letting her friends down.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom took her off into a corner, hugging her and talking to her quietly. Telling her it was fine, sometimes you just can’t do some things. They are a team no matter what and they soon have Sweetie Belle smiling again, giving each other advice.


I watch them reassure their friend. She is very sad she has upset her friends by not agreeing to go, they comfort her though. That is fine, that is why I told them to ask not order. Doing anything like this is dangerous enough, asking young ones to do it is irresponsible. I am mad enough at myself I cannot get in the access way. Now i am asking young ones to do something Concordiat soldiers had a hard time doing. Jumping into the face of the enemy. But in the morning we will train, and I will show them how to get there quickly.

Make no mistake, Masada is the enemy as sure as I was a Bolo. It will kill everything. What ever possessed those stupid scientists to ever think this was a good idea?

I see the looks, the glares, and I cannot be here anymore. I tender my polite good nights, walking back to my room. Evening is falling and we have to get sleep to prepare for the day. Thinking upon Discord I have to wonder, is he doing this to destroy them on purpose? Or does he actually have no clue what he’s done only wanting to play a joke?

Either way, he owes these ponies.

Applejack is not pleased, I can tell by the look she gives me as I head away. I am sorry my Applejack, truly and with no hesitation I would do this if I could. I cannot fit in those spaces. It grieves me to even ask this of them.


I sit on the bed, looking out the window and wonder where you are my brothers and sisters. I could use your help right now. Am I doing the right thing? Am I just throwing away lives to no purpose other than to assuage my own ego? I am trying to save this world, but in so doing will I cost it more than it is worth?

In the morning we will launch the attack on the drones. Masada will know it has another enemy now, and it will relish the thought of killing them. Why would our creators do this cruel and foolish thing? It was Case Ragnarok, I know this. But to exterminate worlds for no other reason than to deny the enemy. Madness. Pure madness. I wonder my brothers and sisters, were our creators really just trying to survive or insane? Maybe it is best they are not here to contaminate this world anymore with their selfishness.

I wish you a good night my brothers and sisters. Wish us luck here on old Earth, that we have many more dawns after this.

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