• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,587 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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From The Past To Now - Unexpected from Underneath

All over the Crystal Empire holes were blown upward from the underlying crystal and rock that the foundations of the city were laid upon. Things that dug through solid stone like mud were crawling out of each one, followed by masses of chittering, gibbering shapes out of the worst nightmares, even beyond.


“Move! Move!” Wyatt stepped backwards, unslinging his rifle and priming the grenade launcher underneath the squarish weapon. A fast trigger pull and a cylinder of concentrated explosives slammed into a roaring mouth, blowing the head into gobbets of flesh.

As the mountain of twisted skin and bone slumped to the ground, another pushed it aside, bringing itself out of the hole with claws that were as long as Wyatt was tall, glittering in the pale light of the new day.

He fumbled the grab for another round off his armor, dropping the grenade as the monster closed in.

Crusader and Athena were alarmed. He was in danger, and the world stopped.

Battle rage rose in both of them, so quickly it was an overwhelming force. Blaring klaxons were cut off as the massive hulls moved to either side of the Crystal Castle. A twenty centimeter Hellbore shot came blasting through the air, pinpoint accuracy gave it a narrow focus. The nuclear fire blew the mountain of flesh into bloody scraps in an instant, the splash tossing the tall human backwards, to be caught by Crusader as Athena stood guard.

The ground was smoking where a new crater had been formed by the flames of technology, another shot closing the hole and vitrifying the soil around it.

“Athena, we will take him to our hulls.” Crusader’s voice was even as he grabbed Wyatt, tossing him on the strong back he told the armored form to hang on, whipping through the streets like a mad pony.

Wyatt, was still blinking the blast aftereffects out of his eyes, following instructions blindly before he realized he was on the back of a pony careening through the streets, heading for the durasteel monolith that loomed in the lightening sky.

“Stop! Stop!”

Crusader ignored the command, his only reason for being right now, was to see to the safety of the Sergeant. His body surged forward, making the hands tighten on the neck, hanging on as he twisted and turned at a speed not recommended for safe traveling.

Athena was following close behind, her body glittering like starlight as the kinetic battlescreen flared to life. Wings outstretched, she chopped and diced anything that came near them.

Even she was no match for the larger things. Her strength and speed kept her ahead of the grabbing claws, swiping talons, teeth that gnashed just behind her pretty tail.

Wyatt leaned forward, yelling into one umber ear, “Drop me at the castle!”

The reply came through his mastoid patch, “We are taking you to be secure inside our hulls.”

The sergeant smacked the back of Crusader’s head, not even causing a trip in the gallop as he shook his hand in pain, “Damn, you’ve got a thick skull! I need to be there, they’ve got to organize a defense! They’ll be coming up from underground, and..and.. Calliope!”

Wyatt held on as the stallion beneath him swerved, taking a corner and almost skidding out of control as he headed for the castle.

Supplies will be waiting, Ferrets are enroute for anti-air support and will drop as many spiders as we can spare. Unfortunately they will not be combat spiders, but heavy lifters can do damage.

Athena’s voice cut into the channel, “We can’t control everything, we’ll get overtaxed and we need the processing power. You have to use the tech-spiders for the city fighting. They’ll be command certified to you, along with all the Hounds, so just direct them as you would human troops.”

“I got it. Don’t worry, nothing gets through the line.” Wyatt nodded to himself, hanging on for dear life as they cranked a turn around another corner, Athena speeding ahead and chopping up a few minor problems that thought they could cut the running avatars off.

Blocks and chunks of flesh littered the roadway as they sped by, the human eyed them still steaming and leaking fluids “You do that all too well, Athena.”

She grinned at him, honey and gold mane flowing in the wind as they galloped, “I try!”


Rainbow bounced a ball against one wall of the big meeting room, “I’m so bored! Why won’t they let us help?”

The blast from a Hellbore made her jump, wings popping out in surprise, ears perking up as the walls rattled from the force of even a secondary shot.

Twilight grinned, “Maybe that’s why?”

The rest of them chuckled at Rainbow’s blush, “Yeah, well. Caught me off-guard.”

“I thought the battle was over, didn’t they say so?” Cadence’s voice was worried once more, having been apprised through her comm band.

“They did, wonder what’s up now?” Applejack was trying to see out a window, hearing booms and more shots from the hulls outside.

A guard came running into the room, “Your Highness, we’ve got ..things... coming up through the floor near the bunker and Calliope!”

Cadence‘s eyes widened, “Things?”

“Let’s go!” Twilight and Rainbow were off like a shot, heading for the stairway and whatever wanted to come up under the castle. They swerved around rushing guards, Twilight’s horn lighting up with a spell at the ready as well as Rarity’s. The white Unicorn had been studying a little more in depth after seeing what Twilight could do with hers.

Shining and Cadence were right behind, horns lighting up as well, bringing a surreal montage of colors to the hallway as they sped down the stairs, ending up in the corridor leading to the bunker.

The hall was crowded with guards leaning crystal pikes forward, staving off a rush of ..of.. things is the best description.

Fluttershy eeped and tried to hide behind Pinkie, who was trying to hide behind her, “That’s a LOT of teeth!”

Grunts of strain and slapping of hooves against floors sounded in the tight space as the guards held their own, forcing the things to take a step back and reevaluate the situation.

The ponies of the Crystal Guard were unlike others, as a thousand years ago they had fought against Sombra and his minions, taking a stand when nopony else could after Princess Amore’ was taken from them. They fought long and hard, eventually succumbing to overwhelming odds, but not before making a few stands which would make even Bolos applaud their bravery.

The stallions and mares stood firm in crystalline armor, unscathed for now as well as the pikes and bows held in magic auras, launching arrows at the critters trying to scamper along the walls and picking them off quite handily.

Twilight threw a shield up in front of the line, Shining beside her doing the same, overlapping the two magical forces. Princess Cadence and Rarity joined in, adding even more power into the block which made an almost impenetrable wall in front of the guards, allowing them to shove weapons through, but the monsters couldn’t get at them.

“One step, forward!” Shining’s voice came through the tumult, the line of guards lifting, then planting one hoof forward, forcing the monsters back.

“One step, forward!” And again, pushing the things backwards, impaling them on pike-points and spears, arrows taking a swift toll of anything that tried to rise above the unruly mob in front of them.

The hole they’d come out of was getting closer as the ponies of the guard stood firm, not wavering nor quailing in the face of the hideous creatures that kept trying to come out and fill the hallway.

Steps away from the opening, another rumble proceeded to shake the floor, rippling the crystal as a huge clawed hand came from the entrance hole, trying to enlarge it so a creature of massive size could come through. The talons glanced off the magical shield, slapping it back at the ponies, making them tumble backwards along the hall as they scrambled to get back into formation.

The lesser creatures took this opportunity to charge forward when a voice from behind the ponies made everything pause.


Everypony dropped to the floor as heat washed over their backs, two forms practically flew through the air above them as the hallway was filled with the screams of surprise from the monstrous mob.

Twilight peeked out from under her forelegs, seeing Athena and Crusader speeding into the crowd, stomping and crushing the creatures under their hooves. Athena leapt into the air, spinning and shining like starlight as she cut through sinew and bone like it was butter. Crusader was beside her punching holes into bodies, surrounded by the same glimmering light, his face was terrible to behold, filled with anger and rage she never would have believed was the calm pony she knew.

The two ponies waded into the fight with a fearlessness she’d seen before, but not this close. The one thing that stood out was Wyatt, stepping forward with his weapon and planting shots between the two ponies who were switching back and forth as they bounced off each other and the walls to get angles on the monsters trying to invade the castle.

He was bulky in his armor, and unbending, as the weapon he was holding stopped working, making him drop it to swing from his shoulder by a sling and grab a smaller one off his belt and what looked like a long knife in the other hand. She gasped as he stepped into the melee without hesitation, the knife flashing in the soft light of the castle ornaments, the smaller weapon pounding out a rhythm that beat against her ears.

A slim thing dropped out of the ...handle? Handle of the thing he was holding, he grabbed another and shoved it inside the weapon and kept doing that for the long minutes of the battle, so fast and precise like she’d never seen anypony do before on anything.

The massive claw kept blindly reaching about in the hallway as they stomped on the smaller creatures, getting close enough she saw Wyatt grab something off his armor, pressing a button on it and yelling ‘Fire in the hole!” As Crusader and Athena ran away from the opening along with the tall figure.

A blast enveloped them only slightly before Twilight got her shield up, the overpressure forced back down the hallway and away from the ponies lying about.

Debris from the hole blew upwards along with scraps of what she supposed were the monsters’. Ick..

She kept her shield tight, pouring her magic into it as Shining joined her, waiting until she was tapped on the shoulder by an armored form, smiling at her and whispering it was okay to stop now.

Twilight dropped the magic spell, slumping a bit in her shoulders from the overuse of magic and smiling back up at the tall human.

“You did good there, Twilight.” Wyatt grinned back at her, his face lined with dirt and smoke. Sliding the knife back into the sheath after he flicked it clean of ichor, he gave her another reassuring smile.

“And my backside is not candy-colored!” The violet eyes narrowed a bit as she got back some of her feisty demeanor.

The human just kept smiling, reaching into a pocket on the outside of his armor and producing a candy in the shape of a round ball, one of the special ones he retrieved that day from Athena. He held it up before her eyes and she saw it was exactly her color, exactly.

Popping it in his mouth, it soothed the raw throat, a wash of sugar, a taste of alcohol and the rush of flavor made it worth carrying as he leaned down, whispering into one perked ear.

“Told you.” Chuckling at the blush that ran from her face all the way down the strong neck.

A spider went skittering by, carrying a large package that it dropped into the hole, “Everyone back!” Athena was yelling and pushing ponies down the hallway.

Ponies went for the stairs and not quite making it as another explosion rang out, an actinic light brightening the hallway for a brief second as the sides of the hole melted and formed a plug of vitreous crystal that ran like molten glass before stopping and starting to cool. The satchel charges worked well for blocking enemy tunnels.

“That’ll hold for a while.” Athena was directing a few more spiders, her limited combat ones, to take up places near the entryway, anything that tried to come calling would be rudely surprised. If they were in danger of being overwhelmed, they would carry destruct charges to once again take as many of the enemy with them as they could.

Wyatt peeked at the door to the bunker area, tapping his commlink, “Calliope, you okay?”

The lovely voice was calm, “Oh, yes. It appears durasteel plating will stop them, they tried to get in under the floor before moving to the hallway.

“Good. Stay safe, and let us know if anything happens.” The tough voice was sounding worried, prompting glances from Crusader and Athena, as well as Twilight and the others, “I’ll talk to you soon.”

Clicking the communications off, he turned to them all with hard eyes.

“Bad enough we have to fight in a nice place like this, now we have to do it again.” He pointed to the two Bolos, “Move out. You do whatever you have to, but crush them, understand?”

Heads nodded as they trooped up to the main living areas, “I’ll stay and get defenses set up, this castle looks big enough to hold a lot of people, so we’ll take in refugees. Anything else, you pick up, got it?”

Once again, two heads nodded.

Reloading the rifle he’d switched out in the fight when it went dry, he slung it over his shoulder, “Go.” His voice was like steel as the two faux ponies looked at each other, then him.

“Duty and honor.” The voices were soft as the avatars lay on the cool crystal floor, appearing to rest as the minds behind them ensconced themselves once more fully into their war hulls.

In the new dawn, two gleaming machines moved away from the Crystal Castle, the light shining off their hulls like gems in the suns’ rays. Words that the monsters could never understand picked out in gold and silver along the chassis as the great treads crushed the roadways beneath them.

Radars and sensor clusters lit up the electromagnetic spectrum like beacons, reaching out to every inch of the Empire that they could, covering the airspace and beyond as magazines and ammunition were slammed into place inside hulls that thrummed with life. Fusion furnaces lit with the power of suns as kinetic battlescreens flickered on, outlining them in a glittering waves of starlike motes. Disrupter screens flared to life inside them, directing any possible energy attacks away from vital systems and into overload circuitry for use against the enemy. Battle plotting had come to life inside tactical cores, plans being made, discarded, and redone in femtoseconds as they slipped into Hyper-Heuristic Mode.

The world slowed, almost as if picture by picture stills were flashing slowly by as they finalized their objectives and resurfaced with an anger far out of proportion to what they had before.

Turrets and missile launchers slewed toward groups of things flying through the air, muzzles raised up out of seclusion behind thick durasteel plates to bristle like spines along the sides of the massive machines.

The sun broke fully over the horizon, bringing with it a sight that the aberrations never expected to see.

Tremendous machines moved out and away on opposite sides of the castle, bringing themselves fully into view of the marauding hordes. Misshapen faces and bodies turned into the sunlight as the bright orb crested over the two hulls, carrying with it a glorious day.

And their doom.

Ranging lasers flicked out, pinpointing targets so fast it was only a point of light on a breast or body, there one second, gone the next. Anti-Air weapons flipped upwards to the sky, seeing and knowing where the flying creatures were.

An unheard agreement, a nod to each other in that timeless second before action. Crusader sent the command over a blip of communications time that lasted all of an eyeblink.

But this was neither here nor there to the hordes closing in on ponies trapped in the city, trying to find a safe place and finding themselves turned around at each street with more pouring out of holes in the pavement.

Boards went green in the time a pony took a half step, ranging came back with tables in the rest of that step. More lights flickered out, beams of thin light that pointed to certain creatures as all of a sudden thunder and fire enveloped the city.

Chain feeds ramped up, screaming an oh so familiar song to the Bolos as ring penetrators formed walls of lead that pulverized monsters wherever they roamed in the streets. Anti-Aircraft lasers flickered outward and into the air, chopping through anything that dared peek its head into the sky as bodies fell like rain on the houses below. Hyper-Velocity missiles shattered the air with cracking sounds before slamming into larger flyers, blowing them apart with octocellulose warheads that left almost nothing to drift down to the streets below.

Infinite repeaters tracked and slammed solid slugs into anything that was not a pony, easy to do as all animals and the ponies themselves gave off recognizable sensor readings due to their makeup. It was an oddity they noticed that none of the invading enemy gave the same signatures as Crystal Empire denizens.

Ponies told of years afterwards how they had been trapped with monsters coming at them, that then just disappeared in a flash when a beam of light that blew them to minuscule pieces appeared and was gone before they could blink.

Vehicles roamed the city, Ferrets under command of their tactical cores, picking up ponies that had strayed into the line of fire. Their Anti-Air railguns searching the skies eagerly for targets. An almost triumphant feel came from the limited AI’s inside the rolling strongboxes when another creature was torn into shreds by railgun fired pellets that gave no time to maneuver or get out of the way, traveling faster than the eye could see with the snap and crack of displaced air.

Stealthed combat drones hovering on null gravs, reaching almost the end of their endurance to do so, hung around behind chimneys and other places before popping out, making a few strafing runs, then heading back to refuel in the Bolo hulls.

Tanks sat at the end of shotgun streets, those roadways that went out to the end of the city limits in one clear shot. Nothing in the way of them firing their main guns, so they lurked, pointed outward from the castle as the center hub. Quiet until a group of creatures crossed their paths. Radars lit up, sensors giving the okay and then a track of nuclear fire would rip down the road with a deafening boom and light, leaving nothing but blasted ash in it’s path as they reset and played the waiting game once more.

Things coming out of newly dug holes were met with heavy resistance from hidden spiders controlled from inside the castle by a gleeful Wyatt. Setting at the battle console he’d been given along with supplies for holding out in the now fortified castle, he was grinning to himself and ordering the tech-spiders and auxiliaries like they were his own flesh and blood troops.

The Bolos unleashed their massive firepower into the ranks of creatures on the outskirts of the city, the things thinking they could slip into the houses and buildings without being noticed.

Sensors picked up the movement and entire broadsides of howitzer and mortar fire thundered through the sky, the explosions throwing geysers of soil and snow into the air along with pulverized enemy bodies.

No screen, nor battle plan, is perfect. Bolos were used to dealing with enemies on the same scale as themselves, though the repeaters and other weapons could handle troops and smaller mobile units, there was always a gap no matter how hard one tried. And due to being inside a city they did not wish to destroy, made them cautious, leaving openings in the walls of flame and destruction they wrought.

The Crystal Castle being the largest building, it was like a beacon to everything that could see it, making them weave their way toward it.

Pinkie leaned over Wyatt’s shoulder, the scent of perfume grazing his nose as he inhaled softly, enjoying the clean smell, “Whatcha doin’?”

“Directing the battle, pink pony.”

A hoof shot out, “Put those, right there.” She indicated a group of lifter spiders which were holding an area near the castle, directing them to a spot a little ways away.

“I know what I’m doing.”

“Truuuust me, they’ll stop those things cold.” The warm smile with blue eyes sparkling under the curly mass of mane, made him suspicious.

Wyatt wasn’t one to deviate, he was used to simple plans of action. But this, he just couldn’t see the reason for it, though a little voice was nagging him to try.

“All right.” His fingers pointed on the holo-board, giving the commands, watching the group move quickly to the indicated section. Immediately they engaged with a few creatures which had been sleazing along the side street, bringing them into the crossfire of a couple of Hounds which were waiting quietly. The whole fight took seconds, with not a scratch on equipment.

An amazed face turned towards Pinkie who was gleefully clapping her hooves, “How in the hell did you know?” The translation into Equestria was more like, ‘How in the name of Tartarus did you know that?’ Athena kept most slang and cussing out.

“It’s a gift.” She grinned at him happily.

Outside, the two metal mountains moved quickly, splitting up and covering one half of the area each. Creatures died quickly, messily, and in some cases without a sound as they were taken by a technology beyond their ken.

Light that killed, small metal creatures that ambushed them at every turn, razing the ground clean of their kind as numbers dwindled. Even the mighty tunnelers were being exterminated one by one as they popped up through the paving.

The crack of sound, then a hole blown clean through a muscular shape, toppling over as a small metal thing skittered away to the next one. Screams like nothing they’d ever heard before a group got chopped into pieces or blown apart.

On the outskirts, more groups coming towards the city were scattered into dust as explosions rocked the landscape. Nothing more was heard then everything went topsy-turvy, metal birds diving and slicing into the monsters with abandon, the sky clear one moment, then the next was filled with the harrowing sounds of something stooping from the air at them.

They were to be feared, these things out of nightmares. They should be the ones to conquer, to destroy. Only they were being decimated by inches. Unknown things coming at them and leaving nothing but destruction in their wake.

Numbers were dwindling fast, the remnants of a powerful population of things were being sent to oblivion quicker than they had ever imagined. But enough remained to assault the tower, the beacon they saw not too far now, the center of it all.

The Crystal Castle.


Sector Three is clear, forming a cordon.” Crusader was swapping updates with Athena now, the laser-links pulsing with data as they melded into one battlemind.

“I’ve got Sector Four and Five done, we’re sweeping inwards now. Got groups evading the tanks and spiders, moving towards the Castle. No shot, housing and ponies.” Athena’s voice was frustrated.

“Inform Sergeant Carpenter, they need a defense.

On it!


We’ve got groups moving in under cover, we can’t fire otherwise we’ll destroy too much.” Athena’s voice carried her pique, “You’ll have to provide close-in defense Wyatt.

Wyatt nodded to himself, plans already forming in his mind, “Can do. Carpenter out.” He cut the link and turned to the eight ponies waiting behind him, observing the battle with pensive looks.

“You want to help? Get the soldiers out around the castle, arm ‘em up. I’ll be bringing in some tanks and whatever I can to form a perimeter.” He stood up, slapping the chest piece of his armor closed, having left it open for some breathing room.

“Hurry, we haven’t got much time.” He watched them scatter, giving final commands to the Hounds he had control over to close in on the castle, the tech-spiders following them in, tightening a steel ring around the area. The rooms were filled with worried ponies as he stalked through the hallway, heading for the outside when Rainbow Dash caught up with him.

“Hey! Don’t go out there alone! I’ll go with you, might need some muscle!” The cyan mare grinned as she hovered next to him.

The tall human stopped for a moment, seeing the bright eyes and hopeful look on her face. Shaking his head to himself, he chuckled, “You got guts by the yard Rainbow, I’ll say that.” He reached out, tousling her mane, “You need to stay here, I’m sorry, it’s going to get bad outside.”

Grim-faced Crystal Guards ran past, pikes and bows carried in auras of magic followed behind, they were hurrying to get in place as they zipped through the hallways.

“They’re going!” She pointed to the last of the large group now disappearing out the door as they walked.

“Rainbow, if you got hurt, there would be no end to the problems.”

“You said we were friends, right? You told me you would’ve loved to have met me back when you lived, right? So why can’t I go? You need somepony to protect your back!” A hoof pointed at her own chest, “That’s me!”

Wyatt sighed, the seconds were ticking away, he didn’t have time for this, “Rainbow, you stick close to me. If I tell you to do something, you do it! Got it?”

“You bet!”

“All right, follow me.”

Carpenter ran outside, followed by the pegasus and taking up a position behind a turret on one of the tanks that had rumbled in, pointing outwards down a long narrow street. Ranks of Crystal Guards stood behind the machinery, there to catch anything that got through the line of durasteel.

Tapping his wrist, he linked up to the battleset inside the castle, relays clicked in and he was in voice command of all assets in the area.

Drones had veered off, going to observation mode this close to the castle and it’s inhabitants. looking down on the streets and feeding updates along the datalinks.

He had a birds eye view of everything, allowing him to be in constant contact even with his machines on the other side of the large building. Unslinging his powergun, he braced it on his hip, standing up on plain view as Rainbow landed beside him on the turret.

“What’re we doing?” She was looking down the empty street.

“We’re waiting for the enemy.” Hard brown eyes turned toward larger ones, “Let them come to you. Sometimes it’s better, they’ll roll right into a trap if they’re in a hurry.” He leaned against the side of the blocky turret, “And relax when you can.”

“Aren’t you going to go out and fight?” Rainbow was perplexed, usually charging into a scrum herself.

“Why waste the energy? They know we’re here, they don’t realize we know where they are. They’ll come.” he reached into a pocket on the armor, holding out a piece of candy, “Chocolate peppermint? They’re really good.” He popped one into his mouth and sucked on it as Rainbow watched him, so at ease, like there was nothing in the world to be worried about.

She said her thank you’s and took one herself. One of the candies he’d brought back from Athena’s stash, it was full of flavor and went down smooth, soothing the throat and bringing that sting of real peppermint to the tongue. The chocolate creamy and delicious like nothing she’d ever tasted.

Keeping the squarish powergun braced, he pointed down a street, slipping the candy into his cheek, “Now. They’re going to be coming that way first.” He peered up at the visor on his helmet, displaying a drone view and tags on enemy movement.

Rainbow nodded.

“What we’re going to do, is let them come in nice and close. Then we’re going to rip them a new one.” He chuckled, charging his weapon with an off hand.

“A new one what?”

“Rip them a new one, you know..” He saw the puzzled eyes and remembered, maybe he shouldn’t finish that sentence. He waved a hand idly, “Just a phrase we used, means nothing really.”

“Oh. So how long until we get to rip them a new one?”

Wyatt chuckled, “In about fifteen seconds a big group is going to come around...that corner.” He pointed to a far off side street. Sure enough, on the dot a group of creatures came roaring into sight, seeing the castle and not paying attention to what was hanging around it, they charged down the street with a clamor.

Rainbow watched Wyatt, chewing on his candy. His eyes never leaving the charging pack of things as they got closer. He was still leaning against the turret, making the pegasus get more and more twitchy as the things got ever closer.

A hand lay itself on her shoulder, gently giving it a squeeze, “Stand easy, Rainbow. Stand easy.” His voice was toned so only she could hear it.

“They’re..they’re getting closer!”

The hand remained, a gentle pressure kept her from flying upwards, “I know. Remember, let them come to you. An enemy in a hurry will not pay attention to the little things, like us here. They seem to want to attack the castle.”

“But..the tank, the tank is right here!” Rainbow’s wings popped and settled down, the hand still holding her in place.

“Yeah, they just don’t seem to care do they?” His voice was so even and so..so..calm! How could he do that?

Rainbow glanced back, noticing the Guards eyeing Wyatt very closely. All of them shifting nervously as they stood with pikes and bows, seeing the looming monsters getting very close, very fast.

A few seconds more went by, Wyatt looked at her, “Good candy, huh?”

She about leapt off the tank and into the air, she was getting as nervous as the guards behind her now, “What?! I..”

He smiled at her, voice still even, “Cover your ears and hang on.” He leaned back, looking towards the guards still watching him, “Cover your ears!”

Rainbow slapped her hooves over her ears, crouching down while he stood there, whispering something into his microphone.

The turret shifted, the street being a straight shot to the end of the city without any obstacles, the motors hummed, something clanked inside the metal box as she saw Wyatt take a grip on a handhold.


The twenty centimeter Hellbore roared out its payload of death, the compressed nuclear fire blew down the street and vaporized the oncoming enemy. So close now that Rainbow could see all the teeth and wide mouths before they disappeared into the ravening energy blast. Her eyes blinked, tearing up at the brightness as she tried to get them clear.

When the spots faded, the street was empty save for a few smoldering parts that plopped down on the crystal pavement.

The hand let go of her, Wyatt leaping down from the turret and facing the Guards who were wide-eyed and not so skittish as before.

“And that, boys and girls, is how you do it!” He grinned, giving pats on shoulders or wings as he walked by. The Guards smiling now, stomping their hooves as he moved off to another section of the perimeter where another group was coming close.

“What..” Rainbow was seriously confused, “What was all that?”

Wyatt stopped, making sure he was out of earshot before speaking.

“When your troops are looking to you for guidance, you show them you stand taller, are more brave, than what’s coming at you. Otherwise, they may break and run.” He poked a finger into her chest as she hovered beside him once more, “They depend on you for leadership. You fail, they fail, and it all ends in disaster.”

“Weren’t you scared?”

“Down to my toes, Rainbow. Scared to death.”

The pegasus’ jaw dropped, “You..looked so calm..so..so.. How...?” She threw her hooves outward, knowing even Spitfire, she of the attitude and courage, would have had an equally hard time just standing there.

He motioned to keep moving, still talking as he walked, “Push it down inside you, leave it for later. Trust me, I’m going to have a good stiff drink after all this. Those things give me the willies.”

Giving her another smile, he nodded, “You did good, staying there by me. Good example for the troops. Let’s do it again.” He pointed to another area where it was just Guards and another tank.

Rainbow didn’t quite gather it all in yet, but she would. Her chest puffed out slightly as she grinned back, “Let’s do this.” Sharing a hoof bump, they sped towards the next problem area.


It wasn’t an hour later his explanation came true. A group of creatures side-slipped the tank aiming their way. Smaller ones, they chittered and clicked as they slunk through the cracks and alleys nothing else could fit. Springing their own ambush on the two who were waiting on a tank top for the third time. The Guards immediately jumped into the fight alongside the two, Dash kept a few monsters off Wyatt as he tore through them with skills gleaned from countless days on the battlefield. His weapon punching steaming holes into anything he aimed at.

Not having time for a magazine change, he dropped it and did a weapon switch, pulling his heavy pistol and the molly-bladed knife he had carried since the beginning.

The firing of the semi-automatic was a deafening thing as the knife swept through limbs and muscles like butter, tearing apart anything that got near them or any pony. Pushing ponies behind him, he’d step forward and take on anything that threatened, being a bulwark behind which the Guards gathered and formed a ring of crystal spearpoints and shields.

Rainbow couldn’t believe how fast he was, switching out weapons and moving like he was not real. A blur of the arm and a creature came apart, a slip to the side and the pistol was up and firing at another. He’d managed to get his rifle reloaded and kneeled on the front of the tank next to the main gun, knocking flapping things from the air, splattering crawling things on the ground.

Over and over again they both fought back to back, alongside the Guards, throwing those misshapen things back to wherever they came from.

In the melee, Dash had gotten knocked for a loop towards the end, her wings tangled into each other as something that looked to be all teeth had leapt on her back. Picked off by a spear, the thing tossed out and away, the pegasus had retreated behind the tank for a moment.

Now Dash was lying on the back of the tank, worn to a frazzle as Wyatt flicked the ichor off his knife, sheathing it carefully. She had watched that blade cut through things like they were air and gave it a wide berth as they had fought. The mare proved her courage, time and again, wrestling with a clacking, champing thing before shoving it outward in front of the tanks guns, or Wyatt’s aim.

The Sergeant, chewing on one of the almost limitless pieces of candy he seemed to carry with him, sat down beside her, running a hand over a wing that lay outstretched on the tanks vent grill.His eyes wandering for a moment along the piles of what once were moving things, hoping it stayed chilly because he certainly did not want to smell them anymore than he had. They reeked.

“Doing okay there, lady?” Nimble fingers gently ran along the wings edge, feeling a few scrapes and nicks, but nothing serious, except a few missing feathers that would grow back in time.

“I’m fine, when’s the next fight?”

Wyatt laughed, seeing how worn out the mare was, but not wanting to harp on the point.

“Did good out there.”

“Thanks. You too.” She eyed him, still standing tall, sweating like no tomorrow from the exertion of combat, but still moving with a purpose.

“How can you not be tired?”

“Like I said Rainbow, push it down.” He gently refolded the wing, making sure nothing was wrong as the pegasus stood back up, “You gotta reach deep down, find that last part of yourself and haul it forward.”

Tired eyes swept the area, seeing the Guards slapping on injuries what he now knew as nano-paks. Developed by Crusader as a simple medical device, they were so commonplace that ponies used them for everyday things. Cheap to make, easy to do, he fabricated them by the thousands from simple carbon and soil.

The figure in armor slumped against the turret, taking his helmet off and wiping a wet forehead with the back of one hand, “There were times, Rainbow, when we’d march all day, fight, then march again. You have to keep going sometimes.”

Rainbow nodded, “Crusader told me once, that courage is taking your fear and using it.”

“He’s right.” Looking up at the cloudy sky, the human nodded, “But there’s more to it. You have to have the heart and the will.” he popped another candy into his mouth, one called a taeli fruit flavor, from Epsilon Iridani. Grown in mountain fields on a world far away, it was another taste altogether, so tart and light, it almost puckered the lips, but had an edge of something else no one was ever able to define. It tasted so very good right now as the flavors cleared the energy weapon after effects from his throat.

A tapping on his arm drew his eyes away from the clouds for a moment, Rainbow holding out her hoof for one as well.

“Got ya hooked, huh?” He pulled one out, watching her pop it right in the cyan muzzle and suck on it with a look of pure pleasure.

“Oh, yeah. These are so good.” Her eyes closed as she rolled it around in her mouth, letting the flavors coat her tongue. It was like nothing she’d ever had, even counting Pinkie’s best creations.

Wyatt peeked at the open visor, his data points telling him they had a few minutes until the next group got close. The rolling thunder of weapons fire was a continuous echo throughout the city as Crusader and Athena waged their war against the monsters.

The big ones that dug the tunnels seemed to be all gone, no more were popping up. But the holes they left were crawling with smaller ones that were still pouring out in some places. There weren’t enough ‘spiders, nor time, to drop charges in all of them and close the holes. So, the battle raged. Here around the castle, for the next few minutes, there was a little peaceful time.

He felt a pressure on his side, glancing down to see Rainbow leaning against him with her eyes closed, breath coming easier as she relaxed in the moments left. He’d said to do so when you could, and she was taking full advantage of it.



“I’m not a pillow.”

A wing waved lazily at him with a mumbled sound.

He planted an arm along one lifted knee, sitting quietly and enjoying the peace before all hell broke loose once more. It was coming. He could see it in the patterns of movement by the enemy. So familiar some things, even Crusader had commented on it.

They understood about the weapons now and were steering clear, using the houses and buildings for cover. A hard learned lesson with the destruction of a major part of the enemy forces. It was almost impossible to get clean shots anymore. The combat spiders were overtaxed, being used far beyond their supposed endurance, but they held up well, trooping in and out of the castle for resupply and going back to the battle.

Assets were limited, but used well enough, forcing the creatures to stay in hiding while moving, they had learned that to step out from concealment was to be destroyed.

Wyatt slapped Dash on the leg, watching the groggy pony blink blearily at him while he checked his loadout, “Let’s go Dash, got things to do.”

“Just a few more minutes?” She tried to rouse herself, yawning mightily as he chuckled.

“Sorry, we got company coming. Dig deep Dash, you’re gonna need it.”

He looked upward after grabbing the helmet off the deck of the tank, seeing Princess Cadence and Twilight walking among the Guardsponies. Fluttershy and Applejack were helping pass out med-paks. Rarity was making sure each one had something to eat, along with a hot drink, serving it with a smile and a flutter of lashes when complimented on her outfit. Pinkie had raided the palace kitchens, making up snacks that were sweet and light to pass out to everyone, the refugees from the battle were mingling in with the others, helping to shore up barricades and working to fortify the area even more.

He was amazed at the industriousness of these peoples. Quick, skillful, and definitely knowledgeable about doing things the way it was needed.

Crusader had explained about Cutie Marks, how they were what a pony did best, what he almost was. Wyatt saw it, carpenters building swiftly, putting in place intricate walls that would deflect shots and creatures from getting close. He loosened the chest and backplate of his armor, letting it sag to get some air circulating around him more than the suit fans did. It felt good, the cold, fresh breeze.

He could pop it back in place within a moment, knowing the things were gathering for one last push, he made sure everything was set before going to look around. Maybe they could take a break for a few minutes longer. The enemy were in no hurry and neither was he.

Sighing to himself, he paused for a moment, running a hand through the stiff brush of hair that wasn’t exactly in the best of shape after wearing the helmet for so long. Really ought to find time for a shower, he thought. He hung the helmet by a hook on his belt, watching the crowd for a moment. He was seeing smiles, hearing laughter, the end of a joke, the comfort of a friend. All over there wasn’t a sign of hopelessness, but plenty of hope itself.

Crusader had told him they were formidable, and now he truly saw it. They didn’t retreat in the face of danger, they faced it with everything they had, putting their talents to use in a myriad of ways he couldn’t begin to conceive.

He flipped back through the pages of his own memories, seeing despair, sadness, all the things that marked war in his mind. Rarely did he see hope on blasted planets, the populations too beaten down to do anything else.

Though there were times, admittedly, a glimmer shone through. Nothing like this of course, not anything close.

Worthy inheritors indeed, Crusader my friend, worthy inheritors indeed.

He stepped into the line for a meal, unstrapping a Concordiat issue messkit. How strange, through all the years and centuries the Concordiat fought on worlds and systems, the mess kit still survived. Although now a truly compact form, it was still the same as any dogface GI in the far past carried.

A simple fork, spoon and knife, two plates that carried whatever was served plus collapsible cup, and there you have it, messkit. He shook his head, thinking of all the times he’d used one and never thought about it. Powerguns, Bolos, energy weapons to blast a planet apart, and we have the messkit.

You and me, old buddy, he thought as he flicked it open, the plates opening with a single handle to make it easier to carry. We’re old soldiers far from our time, but still together. You and me.

Data was still flowing through his earpiece, Crusader and Athena giving him updates as required. Silence was falling, a calm before the storm he knew would come. The enemy were gathering in the houses, knowing that we loathe to destroy buildings, they would be safe for the moment.

The crack of a rifle shot, the slight tearing sound of a chaingun came through the still air. Creatures being picked off who were too slow, or stupid, to hide.

Patiently waiting his turn, he listened to the Guards around him, chatting about things that were non-consequential to the moment. Family, home, what to buy at the store tomorrow. There was no defeatism here, none. He smiled as he stepped forward, taking his place in the serving line and helping himself to a few things. There behind the line was the pretty mare who’d thanked him for saving her. She smiled very warmly and pointed to the food.

“Serve yourself! There’s plenty!” She went back to loading up the buffet line.

Hot, fresh bread topped with creamy butter, the smell coming off it reminded him of so many things. Pasta and sauce to make the mouth water was piled into one side of his kit, the other filled with vegetables that were spiced and roasted in such a way it tasted like nothing he’d ever had. Simple fare, filling and good on a chilly day. Large and still steaming potatoes topped with sour cream and goodies helped make it all better. His cup was filled with a juice from berries fresh off the vines that was sweet and light and so wonderfully refreshing after the suit water.

Lastly, but never least, a few treats from Pinkie’s side of the line. Chocolate cake rolls with creme filling that looked very familiar, though freshly made, topped off the meal.

I guess some ideas keep going, he thought. Grabbing his meal and heading off to sit by a tank tread, forking mouthfuls of wonderful things and chewing it slowly, enjoying every moment.

His hand patted a large bogie next to his side, “Done good there. Keep up the good work.” The engine purred as if the big tank was pleased, making him eye the large vehicle suspiciously.

“They did say things had been changing with them, Wyatt.

Calliope, his best, and only, friend for so many years, watching over him.

He tapped the earpiece, clicking his commset to privacy, “They did, but I wonder how. They say it’s magic. I believe them, but it’s all so..so..” he ended that with another fork full of pasta, chewing it over with his thoughts.


“Yeah, I’d say so.”

Perhaps we should just accept things as they are? We have both been asleep for so very long.

He let the utensil hang for a moment on the way back to the plate full of food, “But how? How could such a shift occur?” he waved it slightly, knowing she saw through the miniature camera, “How could a world so industrialized, even though the Melconians wiped it, turn into this?” He made sure to sub-vocalize, not wanting to be misconstrued.

After long enough, even the grandest achievements decay. Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.

Wyatt shook his head, digging into his meal once more, “Whatever the case, it’s just beyond my pay grade I guess.” He glanced over towards the others, seeing Dash finally grabbing something to eat. The little mare put it away, must have hollow wings or something he thought.

A musical voice, low and quiet caught him off guard as he twisted his head around to see who was speaking.

“Why are you sitting all alone?” Flutterhy was peeking from under her mane, looking at him with inquisitive eyes.

He liked her, the golden yellow color, the way she smiled all the time and how she treated others.

Smiling around a chunk of baked potato, he ventured, “A few minutes to eat in peace and quiet never hurt. I’m sure you don’t want to see some grunt like me piling it in.” He chuckled, seeing her eyes widen at the self-depreciation.

True to his word, while he and Calliope had talked, he’d been demolishing the fine food. Not a lot was left of the heaping amount he’d put on earlier.

“Oh! Well, that’s not true at all!” Fluttershy pointed back to the crowded area behind the barricades, lifting her head, looking very firm about things, “Applejack says a healthy appetite is nothing to be ashamed of!” A quick glance around as she leaned toward Wyatt, “You really ought to see her brother Big Mac put it away.” She giggled and stood back up with a timid smile.

The sergeant couldn’t help himself and chuckled right along with her, leaning on a bogie and pushing upwards to stand with messkit in hand, “You’re right. I think I will go for seconds.” He leaned toward one golden ear, “And yes, I’ll join the crowd.”

Fluttershy gave him a brilliant smile, turning around to lead him back when something caught his eye.

He reacted on instinct, knowing there were no drones where he was now turning to stare. A small shape growing larger in his vision made his adrenaline start pumping as he moved.

Turrets on the nearby tanks swung viciously fast, bringing to bear their secondaries as Ferrets whipped Anti-Air railguns up with a flick of movement. The peaceful air was suddenly filled with a roar and thunder along with the snap-crack of weapons fire as the sensors finally picked up the incoming beast.

Wyatt stepped to brace himself, pushing Fluttershy downward as he kneeled at the same time above her now prone body, lifting his rifle in a smooth movement from where it was slung along his shoulder, bringing it up to aim at the thing barreling in from the sky.

It was small enough to dodge the sensors, juking and jiving in the air, avoiding any aiming laser that tried to pinpoint it. It was just too small and too fast. Even technology has it’s limits, there were no heavy suites of sensors on the tanks and Ferrets, being secondary vehicles.

The safety off, Wyatt took careful aim as it swung and swerved among the gunfire from vehicles desperate to put it down before it caused harm, one of the Ferrets winging it with a rail pellet, as it slipped in between streams of tracer fire.

Pushing the stock against his shoulder he steadied himself, breathing slowly as he kept Fluttershy safe beneath his armored form, the end of the barrel tracking the winged monstrosity as he found his rhythm. Pulling back gently on the firing stud he cut loose with a three shot group of superheated plasma that hit dead on target as it was making it’s final approach. The creature let out a bleat as it died, still aiming for him.

He cursed to himself, seeing what he’d done and tried to get up and move out of the way but his legs failed him at that moment, too unsteady from sitting so long he gritted his teeth as what was left of the beaked thing slammed into his chest like a sledgehammer hit, throwing him back into the barricade behind him.

The armor took the brunt of the impact, even hanging loose as it was, the pointed beak..or mouth..sharp like a bayonet that skittered across the plasteel and ripped through the skinsuit and skin across his rib-cage where he’d left it unsecured, drawing not a few colorful words that the translation software didn’t even need to parse.

Grabbing the bleeding side, he kept the rifle pointed upwards, knowing there were probably more as he nudged Fluttershy, telling her to get everyone inside as fast as they could.

He knew, just knew more of them were on the way. This wasn’t a sniper hit, this was the scout of a swarm,he was dead sure. He’d seen it before, one critter gets ahead of the others and then they pile on behind it.

He was looking into the sky, clear for the moment as clouds roiled away to let a little sunshine through, and saw nothing.

“C’mon, c’mon..” He tightened up his chest piece, grimacing at the pain as ruby liquid dripped to the crystal paving. He could feel the dulling, the edge going away as medical nanos took charge, trying to keep him from bleeding anymore and using what his body had to rebuild essentials like capillaries and veins.

Oh, he picked this one wrong.

They didn’t come swarming from the skies, they came through the houses and buildings, along the streets, low and fast!

Dark swarms swung through and around buildings as they blotted out the streets with shadows, a mass of winged creatures all heading for the castle to soften it up for the others. Small enough to evade detection until seen, they plowed through the chill air like a bulldozer, heading for him and the ring he’d set up for defense.

Ponies were scrambling to get inside, away from the swarm. It was orderly, and very quick as the last shut the doors behind them, others taking cover in the Ferrets which clanged the heavy troop ramps shut to seal them in.

He rammed the helmet on his head, sealing it swiftly with sure hands as he aimed once more towards the black mass moving his way. Tanks and Ferrets opened fire at his command, trying to whittle down the crowd of creatures that were getting ever closer.

Oh, this is going to hurt. He thought, thinking of those sharp needle-like beaks punching into his armor. Plasteel would hold, he was sure of it, but he was going to get battered badly.

Slapping the tank, which was trying its absolute best with all secondaries blazing away, he yelled into the intercom, “Get them! You can do better than that!” Hauling himself up to land on the deck beside the secondaries that were flaming with bursts of fire.

He would swear, until his last breath and beyond, that the tank stopped firing as if to give him a look saying “What do you think I’ve been doing?” Then resumed hammering at the swarm. A Hellbore went off, firing down a long lane and punching a hole swiftly filled back in, in the flock.

He shoved the stock into his shoulder and commenced firing alongside the turret, superheated plasma throwing itself downrange and burning through winged creatures. Not enough, not enough by far.

Gritting his teeth, he swapped out magazines, returning to sweeping the front of the flock and crisping anything that was getting too close for comfort.

He scrambled for an air-burst grenade, loading it into the underslung launcher when a fan of light came through the air, narrowing quickly it was joined by four more. Pinpoints could be seen dotting here and there when the Anti-Air Lasers opened up. A sizzling, then snapping sound as the air superheated along the wide tracks, ricocheting off the crystalline houses and pavement, it bounced along the path of the swarms, burning everything to cinders that fluttered through the air like leaves in the fall.

In seconds it was over as he heard the rumbling behind him, seeing Crusader’s hull approaching ever so slowly, Athena coming up on the left, their ranging lasers sweeping the area with hair thin beams of light. Anything caught by them was immediately shot, leaving nothing but drifts of ash that blew around in the slight breeze.

Amazing what a little tuning of laser frequencies will do.” Athena’s voice was merry, her hull rocking to a stop. Not a scar, or blast mark, left on the houses and buildings, the lasers shifted just a miniscule bit in frequencies to leave no trace but remain devastating.

“Cut it a little close didnt’ you?”

You know, you could be a bit more grateful.

“I tell him that all the time, he’ll never change, Athena.” Calliope’s pretty voice joined the chorus as he leaned against the turret.

A finger pointed down the street, “You do know there are more gathering for a charge, right?”

Of course we do. It’s a feint, the main force is actually on the opposite side.

Yes. That is why we moved in closer. Athena has had her combat spiders emplacing some surprises for the enemy.” Crusader’s voice was as close to outright chortling as he could come.

“Good.” Wyatt clutched his side, the wound was deeper than he’d thought, though the nannies were doing a good job. Grinding his teeth for a moment, he stood back up, leaning as if it was an everyday thing.

We know you’re injured Wyatt. Stay still. Your readouts are good, everything is fine. Let the nannies do their job.” The voice was quiet over the commlink, Athena being circumspect.

He nodded inside the helmet, “It hurts. Much as I hate to admit it, that thing got me good. Shouldn’t have undone the armor, stupid me.”

We need to get you into the autodoc soonest, but it appears there are a few looking to you for leadership.

The Sergeant glanced to the side, seeing Guardsponies waiting in rows and looking at him for orders. Seems his little trick of touring the troops worked, but now he had to live up to it. Taking a deep breath, he stood a little taller, bracing a hand against the turret to hold himself in place as he nodded to them, exaggerating the gesture so the helmet would copy it. The ponies smiled, running to get in place and the defense lines bristled with bows and spearpoints everywhere.

“Seems you have fans.” You could hear the smile in Calliope’s voice.

“They’re just seeing a front. I’m tired, and those things really worry me. What are they?”

Crusader chimed in, “They appear to almost be of the same aberrant physiology that were defeated in the Everfree. We will take samples, Athena can do an analysis later.

“Something’s hinky ain’t it?” The Sergeant kept himself upright, slipping a stim-tab from the dispenser in his helmet and biting into it. The sharp metallic tang made him curl a lip in disgust, but all of a sudden he had his body back, mind was clear, the dulled edges fading away.

“It is. We have suspected genetic engineering long ago. But by who or why, we cannot say.

The visor was flipped up, letting the chill of the day in as he took a deep breath, hard eyes looking over the lanes of fire carefully, “I’d say someone, or some thing, had a serious mad on.”

We’ve had some clues, but nothing solid. We’ll fill you in later. We have movement.” Turrets and weapons moved blindingly fast on Athena’s sleek hull, aiming outward from the castle.

“You two going to cover everything?”

You’re fine, we can’t track all lanes with the castle in the way, although we can cover most of it.” Athena sounded almost thrilled to be engaged in battle once more.

The two mighty machines, made so long ago it was less than a memory, moved to either side of the castle. The ground troops filled in the slots where direct fire might have a problem.

“We’ve got the ground covered, any backup?” He didn’t need a reply as combat spiders popped up from behind barricades and defense points, bristling with weapons. Guards ponies were eyeing them curiously, not worried at all, knowing that the strange things were on their side.

Tanks shifted fire lanes, moving with Ferrets to double up on the open areas, providing force multipliers when needed or wanted. Drones flew like shadows overhead, pinpointing enemy movement and tracking anything their optics could reach.

Since we have moved back to reinforce, they have infiltrated what appears to be the last of the groups on the outskirts. We have no firm numbers, but because we were protecting lives, they have managed to slip in.” Crusader sounded frustrated, he wasn’t used to letting the enemy get one over on him.

Wyatt was silent for a moment, “You’ve both done beautifully. Property can be rebuilt, but lives, they’re special. Know what I’m saying?”

“We do.

“Didn’t your officers ever have discussions about all this?”

Sometimes, though never very far. We were more concerned about the enemy when not on Low Level Alert. Even in our long lives,” Athena sighed, “There just didn’t seem to be enough time.

“Take it from me then. I know you’re used to blowing planets apart,” Here he heard a chuckle from Calliope and Athena, “But this time around, you done good.”

There was silence on the commlink, but he could almost feel the burst of pride at the praise, something they’d both longed for, wanting to hear it just once again.

Looking up at the inner visor display, he could see masses of the enemy begin to move, “Now, boys and girls, it’s time to clean the slate.” He looked back at the guards waiting quietly, “You ready?”

Hooves pounded the pavement, glittering points like hedge-rows shot up to lean forward. Bows were brought up and loaded with magic swarming around the lines of ponies.

“We’re ready to rip them a new one!” The raspy voice made him turn, seeing Rainbow hovering beside him, the others were standing in a line with Twilight and Shining centermost, ready to throw magical shields out at the first sign of a problem. Cadence stood beside her husband, reinforcing his magic with her powerful aura, looking determined as the rest.

“And just where, may I ask, did she learn that phrase?” Calliope’s voice made it quite clear she knew already.

There were sounds of humor over the commlinks from the two Bolos, making him pinch the bridge of his nose, “You know, I see now why Bolo commanders were wacky, I really do. You nagging bunch of hardware.”

Awwww, we like you too!” Athena laughed brightly over the airwaves.

He waved at the waiting ponies, getting one in return from them all as they watched outward from the defensive ring around the Crystal Castle. Wyatt felt his side, the pain dulled by nanites and the stim-tab. He shouldn’t take more than one or two of those, not very good for the system. There would be a hard crash in about eight hours, but that was fine.

Leaning against the side tread cover of one tank, he peered into the distance along the silent roads leading away from the castle. He thought back, those many many years ago, where he’d done the same on so many planets. He couldn’t remember all the names, but a few stuck out here and there.

He’d never seen creatures like this before. There were so many alien races in the galaxy, some quite..different.. Nothing like this melange of things that looked put together in some mad doctor’s laboratory. He’d definitely have to sit and have a discussion with the two Bolos about it all.

A roaring, then screaming came from the surrounding buildings and houses, piercing the quiet air with a sound of battle to come. He watched as the last of the enemy forces poured down the streets, right into their guns.

He pulled the well-used rifle up and into his shoulder as he saw Twilight step up beside him, magic flaring brightly around her horn, Cadence and Shining doing the same as magic overlapped once more, a thick shield of energy surrounding them as Rarity moved up, Applejack and Pinkie looking determined, Rainbow Dash hovering with a confident grin.

Wyatt couldn’t help but give a nod at the bravery, even in the face of something like this. Worthy, oh yes, more than worthy, he thought, turning to give a grim reaper look towards the rushing horde.

“Come and get us, suckers.”

To be continued.....

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