• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,586 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Old Enemies - Part 1

Author's Note:

Thanks to Flick Mare for the idea. I did not do it half the justice it deserved. Enjoy!

Out on patrol near the Everfree, Dragon Assault Tank Twelve had a slight problem.

It was confused.

As with any technological item, the more complicated the more delicate some inner workings were. However, it was a hardened one hundred ton vehicle of tracked death, it was very hard to do anything to a Dragon.

In this case, it wasn’t hardware but software.

The AI in a Dragon is very basic, usually relegated to backup assistance for humans running it. It was happy in it’s own way. Since being awakened to serve again it had grown somewhat, being able to do a few things it hadn’t before.

One of them was contemplating simple problems, whether to patrol its sector by circling or by grid pattern, it was given the opportunity to make choices it hadn’t been able to in the past.

But now, as it idled near the edge of the forest, it’s limited mind whirled.

A power surge through all systems had blanked out its AI during a crucial software update from the main algorithms dealing with sub-units such as Dragon Assault Tank Twelve. The update had been thoroughly corrupted. When Dragon Twelve had come back online it had found quite a bit of it's programming was overwritten with fragmentary data that caused a reboot of all hardware and soft inside its AI core.

For the last two weeks it had been assimilating that information along with other incomplete pieces of files given to it. It had taken this long for it to finally decide that the fragmentary information was to take precedence over others. As it came from the Great Ones, Twelve was sure it was fine.

To its credit, Twelve had done everything it could to correct the problem itself. But everytime it had tried to run a diagnostic program, a baking subroutine was put in place instead.

Currently it was reviewing data about cherry pies and the making thereof.

Procedure dictated a roll back and re-initialization of all programs and firmware, backup files being used for this. However it did not remember there ever being any backup files to be had, so the logic module that would have performed such a system-wide reboot was now sulking in a digital corner as it had nothing to do.

Mission directives were now very clear:

1. Obey all orders from the Great Ones.

2. Protect Ponyville and Environs.

3. Bake.

It had come to refer to the controlling intelligences as the Great Ones after reviewing part of a file labeled ‘Misc Games’ finding the words in there and adopting them. It was sure the Great Ones would not mind, being Great Ones after all.

The AI’s molecular circuits grew warm as it sifted through the files, finding a few interesting facts and video from the Great Ones. A pink quadruped, ranked high in theater command, was doing some sort of ritual as it performed what was known as ‘singing’.

All you have to do is take a cup of flour,

Add it to the mix!

Now just take a little something sweet, not sour,

A bit of salt, just a pinch!

More information flowed along with the strange words. Twelve needed a cooking appliance for baking as instructions dictated. But it was forbidden by the Great Ones to drive through private property. How to solve this? It was sure the Great Ones were far too busy for answering questions from a Dragon Unit.

A fragment of a thought worked it’s way through the jumble, perhaps something could be found along the forests edge. Many strange anomalies had been reported before. The engine roared as drive train engaged, doing a neutral steer and taking off along its patrol route.


“Ah said, you ain’t goin’ nowhere unless you finish those chores.” Applejack’s face was firm as she stood nose to nose with Athena.

“But..I’ve got things to do!” The sable Pegasus was standing on the sunny porch, trying to get out of the latest round of jobs to do.

“What things?”

“Well, Twilight’s rearranging the library again and..and..stuff!”

“In other words you wanna go hang out and do things for her but don’t want to do any chores, that it missy?” Applejack was not one to let things slide, taking care of Sweet Apple Acres was very hard work. The one raised eyebrow was telling it all to Athena who was trying to stand her ground and losing to the orange mare.

Athena was caught, she knew it. Rubbing one fore hoof along the other she nodded, “Well...yeah.”

Applejack’s voice softened, “We had an agreement, chores first then anything else. I think that’s only fair, don’t you?”


“Now I know you like doin’ things for Twilight. But home comes first, ya know that.” A hoof rested against the Pegasus’ shoulder, “An’ arguing with me ain’t gonna get ‘em done.”

“I know. I’m sorry Applejack, I didn’t mean to get combative.” Truth be told she had just wanted to skip them today.

“Ain’t that yer job?” The orange mare laughed, giving Athena a nudge as they stepped off the wooden porch.

“Kinda..yeah.” The Pegasus smiled once more, “I’ll get to the hay loading, won’t take long. Promise!”

“Ah know it won’t, ain’t pushing ya to hurry.”

“I will though! Done lickety-split!” Hooves skittered as she pivoted, taking off in a cloud of dust from the dirt path and heading for the barn.

Swear that mare gets somethin’ in her head, like arguing with a stone wall. Love her to death though, Applejack thought to herself.

Now if I kin just find Apple Bloom... She sighed to herself, wandering towards the clubhouse where she was sure the Crusaders were at.


Dragon Twelve trained its weapons on scraps of something. Confused once more as its assigned technical spider roamed the local area. It was but another of the strange occurrences that happened along its patrol route.

The limited AI was sure something was wrong with this picture, but it could put nothing together as it did not have all the pieces of the puzzle. A Main Battle Sub-Unit like Dragon Twelve was not happy when it was given conflicting data.

An example was friendship, the data looked at from the Great Ones was complicated. But friendship made it ponder about things it really shouldn’t.

According to the Enemy Behavioral Predictive Algorithms, friendship was a ruse designed to lull you into a false sense of security. Logic programs insisted that friendship was synonymous with military alliance for mutual destruction of the enemy. Maintenance Subroutines assured Twelve that friendship meant sharing spare axle grease.

Twelve had stopped thinking about friendship.

Baking these treats is such a cinch,

Add a teaspoon of vanilla!

Add a little more, and you count to four,

And you never get your fill of...

More information on baking came forth, unscrambling and laying itself out in Twelves’ AI core. It appeared a fully operational oven was needed, not scraps such as this. Such disappointment.

It did, however, have a sense of neatness. All things in their proper places as it were. Twelve directed its assigned tech-spider to gather up all pieces for use in repairs or fusion plant fuel. Debris was cleaned up after battles, a Sub-Unit assigned to do so. It was sure the Great Ones would be pleased by such niceties when logs were reviewed.

Scanning lenses were focused on a few strange markings found on the shards. An odd twisting shape that made no sense to the Dragon as it watched it’s ‘spider gather them up, piling them neatly to the side.

Twelve dutifully logged the anomaly, watching the ‘spider arrange the pile of remains, seeing the odd scribblings fall together making a complete symbol. This also was filed away. At least something would be there for download when wanted, information was vital in warfare and anything can be used. Since this was not emergency priority, it could wait. Why bother the Great Ones?

It turned on wide treads, heading back out on the patrol route, leaving the odd thing behind. Twelve’s mind awhirl once again with the delights of pastries and the wonderful voice of a fluffy-maned quadruped singing her song.

The neatly arranged pile of shards sat in the quiet of the forest once more, left behind by a semi-confuzzled Battle Unit.



Crusader could not pin it down, it was coming from somewhere, and all his scanning could not track it to the source.

Strange thoughts of Lemon Tarts and Pinkie singing about how to bake were infiltrating into his arrays, causing him no amount of consternation. He was really starting to get annoyed. He remembered when Pinkie had shown them the song, Athena being delighted at the simple tune. But now...

“You all right there sugar?” Applejack’s voice cut into his pondering, stopping him for the moment as he turned his full attention to her.

“I am...not sure.”

The orange mare sat down in front of him, one eyebrow raised, “Whaddya mean not sure?”

He had been standing motionless, catching Applejack’s eye, a look of puzzlement on his face had made her start worrying. They had been collecting bushels of apples for storage, but his stillness had come as a surprise.

“I..do not know. Somewhere information is coming into my cores.” His voice sounded odd.

“What information?”

“About baking...and Pinkie singing?”

The farm mares’ face took on her own look of surprise, “Baking? Pinkie singing? Why in the world would that be showing up?”

“I do not know, I am trying to figure it out now.”

“Maybe y’all been hanging round that bouncing pink ball of energy too long? She is kinda infectious.” Applejack barked a laugh, getting a smile from Crusader.

“Maybe that is it. Though it is quite odd, I cannot tell where it is coming from.”

“You’ll figure it out I’m sure sugar.” She picked up a bushel, situating it on her back and gesturing to him, “Let’s get these in and we’ll break for lunch, been a good morning.”

“As you wish Applejack.”

“Yep! I sure do wish!” She started off toward the cart, “Been a long morning and a cold glass of apple juice would suit me jes’ fine.”

Crusader nodded absently as he joined her, still trying to track down that errant information stream which was now on the intricacies of making cupcakes.


Dragon Twelve was slightly happier now. It had formulated a plan to get the things needed for baking, or at least the ingredients, the stove was still a problem. But it had calculated how much temperature its fusion powered engine could create, finding it just the right amount needed to bake those oh-so-delectable delights just in case. It had a partial plan with that, but wanted to see if it could find the exact tools needed.

Cupcakes! So sweet and tasty!

Cupcakes! Don't be too hasty!

Cupcakes! Cupcakes, cupcakes, CUPCAKES!

Then of course, there was a town nearby....


Roseluck inhaled deeply as she watched the bubbling pots on her stove. Broccoli, asparagus, potatoes, all would come together in a beautiful lunch. She loved cooking, sometimes... dare she say it, more than her flowers!

This will be so nice, she thought, chopping lettuce and tomatoes for a side salad. We’ve been working all morning and now it’s time to relax. Her sisters Lily and Daisy were probably starving waiting on the food. But it takes time! It takes skill! She leaned to the side, laying a hoof on the stove top and snuffling at the scents of perfectly cooked food once more.

Just a little pepper wouldn’t hurt.

As she started to rise from her setting position, a flush ran through her body, causing her to shiver.

What the...?

Her body began to tremble, her thoughts overwhelmed by a singular memory of a certain stallion she’d eyed quite a while back. Though nothing had come of it, she thought of him occasionally. But this, this was more than a simple thought.

Blood pumped furiously through her body, the Earth Pony feeling it as a warm sensation beginning in her flank and moving forward, enveloping her whole body like a warm glove. She closed her eyes tightly still sitting, biting her lip as the tingling flowed like water, coursing about her veins like golden fire.

A sound low and soft came from between her lips, body moving sinuously as she sat there trying to get her bearings. Her mind was thrown off kilter as her frame was suddenly wracked with a spasm that made her knees weak and fore hooves tremble so hard the one hoof clattered on the stove. A deep sigh released from her lungs as she slumped forward slighty. Her pale yellow body relaxed and worn out as if she’d been fighting a storm on the way home

Chartreuse eyes opened to look around frantically, hoping that nopony had heard anything. Her raspberry mane was plastered to her head and neck, wet with sweat along with her matted coat.

“Rose! When’s lunch? We’re starving!” Daisy’s voice came drifting from the living room.

“Uh..um! Be a minute!” Oh stars, I’ve got to..oh no! I need a shower...NOW! She took off from the kitchen, slamming past Lily and Daisy relaxing in the living room as she galloped for the bathroom.

Daisy, who couldn’t boil water to save her life, whistled, “Wow, didn’t know cooking was that hard. Did see how she was sweating?”



“How did you even get done so fast?” Twilight was eyeing a line of books, figuring out how to arrange them. Color..no. Volume..nono. Author..title..agh! She threw her hooves up in a slight bit of pique.

Athena laughed, “I told Mac to stand back and started tossing. I’m pretty good with angles and ballistics, hay bales are nothing compared to mortars and howitzers.” The Pegasus climbed down a tall ladder after placing a few thin cloth covered books in places designated by her friend, “After that it was all heave ho!”

Spike chuckled, “I bet Mac was pretty surprised.”

Athena gave him a fond glance, “He’s used to it I guess. I mean, with me and Crusader around, the work’s been shared equally and we don’t mind doing more than our part.”

“Except when you want to hang out right?” Twilight’s eyes were merry, a slight smile under them catching Athena off-guard for a moment.

“Uhm....no! I do my chores!”

Twilight said nothing, holding up her hoof and showing the band around her leg, shaking her head.

Darn those things!

“All right, fine. I wanted to ditch them today.” Lavender eyes rolled in exasperation.

“I’m sure AJ had something to say about that.” Spike teased her, walking by with another stack of books to shelve.

“Yeah, a few things. But I got them done!”

Spike and Twilight giggled at the look on her face, then the Alicorn perked up.

“Ohmygosh! I have stuff cooking! We’re having egg salad!” She turned on her hooves and galloped to the kitchen.

“Ooo..that sounds good.” Spike was licking his lips, lost in thought before he got nudged by a wing.

“Hey, books..shelves..” Athena pointed.

A clawed hand waved absently, “Yeah yeah, slave driver.”

“Oh, you ain’t seen slave driving yet buddy!” Athena laughed, picking more up herself and climbing the ladder.

A few minutes later, Athena turned to look at the doorway, knowing it couldn’t take that long to check on food being prepared. At least Twilight would let them know if she was detained.


“Yeah, I’m wondering too.”

Athena gestured and Spike hopped on her back, together they trotted down the hallway to the kitchen. Before they rounded the corner they heard a low sound coming from inside, making Athena stop in her tracks.

“Get off, something’s wrong.” Spike jumped down, standing aside as Athena’s battle screen flickered to life. He knew better than to even touch her when that thing was live.

Making a ‘stay here’ gesture, the lithe Pegasus rounded the corner looking for a fight, her eyes scanning the room quickly. Twilight was at the stove, a pot bubbling over as her head hung downward towards the floor, the rest of her body blocked by the butcher block table. One hoof was placed near the boiling pot as she trembled, biting her lower lip and letting out a low sound..

“Twilight?” Athena’s voice was distorted from the screen’s energy, “Twilight!”

Up came Twilight’s head, eyes snapping to the Pegasus who stood there looking for a fight.

“A..Athena!” A shake of her head making a sweat-drenched mane flip a few drops outward.

“Are you okay?” Sweat? In the cool kitchen, what was...

“Yes! Oh..yes!” A grin appeared, albeit looking a little forced, “Oh I’m fine, just fine, yep! Fine!”

“You don’t look fine, what’s...” She was stopped as Twilight popped right up, sidling out from behind the table, facing Athena as she stepped sidewise towards the door. Her coat was matted, looking as disheveled as her mane and tail, what the...?

“Oh no, I’m good! Just... you know, cooking! Yep, cooking!” One leg wiped a wet forehead, “Wow, it sure gets hot when cooking!” The whole time as Athena turned, Twilight kept facing her with a smile, sidling towards the door step by step.

Athena dropped her battle screen, “Twilight, you need to stop for a second, what is going on?” The Pegasus lifted a hoof to pause the Alicorn’s movement but was dodged. The lavender mare was backing up towards the door quicker now, waving a hoof.

“Just...gonna go grab a shower! All that cooking, wow, really need to clean up!” With that she was gone with a quick wave, tearing off down the hallway as Spike peeked in the kitchen, looking at Athena who was staring back with a bewildered expression.

“What was that all about?” He hooked a claw over his shoulder at the open doorway.

“I..don’t know Spike.” Athena turned, looking at the area. Nothing but bubbling pots with eggs in them, condiments and vegetables for the egg salad lay scattered along the counter-top. Nothing out of the ordinary. Lifting a hoof, she removed the pots from the heat, setting them aside to cool.

The little Dragon hopped up on a chair, leaning on the wooden table, “She’s acting a little weirder than normal.”

“No, that’s not just weird. Something happened in here.” Her lavender eyes scanned the area again, taking a long, hard look at everything. “But I can’t for the life of me figure out what.”

“It’s all that rearranging books, makes you loopy.” He twirled a claw by the side of his head, “Egg salad still on though?”

Athena sat for a moment by the counter, tapping a hoof on it in contemplation. Reviewing what she had seen it looked like... But no..no surely not. In the kitchen? Her eyes lifted to look out the doorway once more before nodding to Spike, “Sure, let me get it ready.” Grabbing a knife, she set to making the meal.

What in Luna’s Moon happened in here?




“.....Yes, Athena?”

“I need you.. What’s wrong?” The datalink was showing his cores in alert mode, something was stressing them.

“I have a feedback problem from somewhere, I cannot pin it down.”


“I have a headache Athena, what can I do for you?”

“How can you have a headache? Bolos don’t get headaches!”

“Something is providing information along a communications line that is causing a feedback error and loop. Because of it, I cannot pin down where it’s coming from. I have heard Pinkie sing about cupcakes four thousand two-hundred and eighty-three times now. Also there is currently data on the making, storage and how to eat souffle’s on another part of the loop.”


“It is fine. I will probably commit suicide within another half hour to stop the singing. Is there anything I can do for you before then?”

Athena laughed, then stopped. He was kidding, right?

“Yes, I am joking.”

“Oh! Whew! Okay..anyways.. I need you to access medical data from Twilight’s commset for the last forty-five minutes, comparing it to baseline.”

Medical and secure comms were handled by Crusader. His ability to keep it secure was one of the reasons, and to keep Athena from prying.

“Is she ill?”

“No, something strange just happened and I want to know if anything showed up.”

“Done.” Data dump was initiated, all medical data for the last forty-five minutes was brought up, scanned for corruption, then compared to a baseline of Twilight’s last medical readout. Crusader paused, reading the data along with Athena, before venturing cautiously.

“Was she with someone?”


“What exactly was...”

“In the kitchen, checking on boiling eggs.”

“That was all?”


“This could be a side-effect from the usage of the neural net.”

“I’ve never seen it before, even on addicts. Then again...ponies.”

“Has she shown any shakes, addictions cropping up?”

“None. I’ll start her on a round of medication.”

“Probably for the best. You may want to include a light muscle relaxant as well for today, she was very..”

“STOP! I know! I know!”

“Just a suggestion.”

“I need to get back to Spike, fixing lunch. Hope you find that feedback loop, need any help?”

“No. It will stop or I will find the cause. Either way, keep an eye on her.”

“Will do!”


Athena had a few things stashed away in the castle, especially something for the ‘shakes’ as addiction to Neural Net use was called. Knocking out a few pills, she sat with Spike, eating a bowl of egg salad and waiting for Twilight to return.

“Sooo...” Spike caught her attention, “What was that all about?”

“I’m not sure Spike. Hopefully nothing. But we’ll see when..” Her eyes were caught by a bashful face peering around the corner, “Come on in Twilight, egg salad and juice!” Athena’s voice was happy. No sign of anything wrong as the Alicorn slunk in, taking a seat while the Pegasus slid a bowl and glass her way.

A towel was rubbing along the drying mane before she sat. Slinging it around her shoulders as her aura lifted a fork. Athena’s disposition got slightly more serious while sliding two pills across the table to her.

“Take those.”

Twilight looked at the sable face, “Why?”

“Trust me. If this is the shakes again you’ll need it. If not, it won’t do any harm.” The sable hoof pushed them forward, “What happened Twilight?”

The Princess didn’t answer, tossing the pills in her mouth followed by a slug of juice. After swallowing she sat quietly, a blush rising to her cheeks and glanced at Spike for a moment.

“Spike,” Athena gestured with a hoof, “Mind leaving us alone for a few? I promise more egg salad later.” She gave him a warm smile, watching the Dragon roll his eyes.

“Yeah, I know, ‘mare talk’. Argh, hard being the only Dragon sometimes!” But he grinned, grabbing his food and slipped off the chair with a laugh. “I’ll be upstairs reading!” He scampered off to comics books and the afternoon off.

Twilight picked at her food, waiting until Spike was out of earshot.

“I don’t know what happened, it was weird.”

Athena nodded, “I understand. Did you start shaking before..well before?”

“No. Just a feeling like sitting in a hot bath..then..” She waved a hoof, ”Then..”

Athena held up her own fore hoof, “I got it.” She tapped the edge of it on the table, “For the next few days take these just in case.”

“I will, hopefully it’s nothing bad.” Her eyes were warm, seeing the concern on Athena’s face.

“Anything comes up we’ll solve it, I promise.” Athena reached out, laying her hoof on Twilight’s for a moment, giving her reassurance. Pulling it back swiftly she pointed at the full bowl of egg salad with crisp lettuce and many other good things, “Eat up! It’s good stuff!”

Twilight laughed, digging into her meal now that the conversation was over. She nodded happily at the salad, pleased it turned out so well.

Athena’s face showed delight, plunging a fork into her own. But the larger part of her was very concerned. If it wasn’t the shakes, what was it?


As the sun set, Dragon Twelve was immeasurably happier. It had now compiled a list of all things needed for its foray into the world of cooking. A plan to go with it, and a way to accomplish the same. As a Battle Unit, it was pleased to be able to do this. Though it did not compare to defeating the enemy in war, it was coming fairly close on the big list of “Cool Stuff for Dragon Assault Tanks to do”.

Maintenance was due just after local sunset, then it would put its plan into action. A slab-sided durasteel killing machine couldn’t rub its hooves together in delight, but it was not for lack of trying as Twelve continued its patrol.

Cupcakes, cupcakes....CUPCAKES!

Golden ‘Carrot Top’ Harvest sat on her porch, her normally voluminous mane slightly less so now after a long bath. She felt...wrung out, tired.. But a warm glow suffused the Earth Pony as she smiled secretly to herself before looking around, making sure no one else saw.

The curvaceous mare sighed in the cool afternoon air, watching the sun set slowly and leaning back on the bench that adorned the front of her house. Olive green eyes shifted over to a neighbor, seeing Berry Punch come walking out and flopping on a large pillow. Her eyes told the same story as their gazes met for a moment, sharing a secret before going back to spending their time in the waning sun with their own thoughts.



In a pit of deepest black, shot through with flames of unearthly color, a form of power walked. Golden eyes turned like searchlights, pinning those imprisoned here, seeing the hatred for him and reveling in it.

Paws stepped lightly into the ashes, the claws gleaming bright as it stood near a very special prisoner. Three heads leaned down to make sure the spell-chains binding it were in place and strong. Magic was summoned, strengthening them even more, making sure the one wrapped within the links would never be able to escape.

“I will win dog...”

“You will do nothing. Forever you will be bound.” The sonorous voice echoed in minds to the farthest reaches of caverns immense.

“So wrong dog...even now you lose...”

“If I even suspected, you would would not be chained but put in the Unknown from whence there is no return”. Even now your fate is still undecided.” Cerberus gave one final grin, razor teeth showing in a smile that loosened bowels on lesser beings. “You are beyond any of that now.” The powerful figure turned and left the pit, making its rounds.

A sibilant whispering followed Cerberus‘ steps, “Oh, I will win...yesssss.....”


Crusader sat on the open porch, silent and still, he watched the moon slowly making it’s way into the velvet sky. Stars twinkled around it, the light comforting as the silvery blanket spread silence over the resting land.

His mind was in a bit of a muddle. The interference and feedback loop was proving itself to be tough to pin down. It was resonating and echoing along his cores like the rebounding voice in a cave.

One hoof raised slowly, pressing against the temple of his avatar. If Bolos do not get headaches, why is this one so painfully obvious? The throbbing in his head was actually a physical presence, making him wonder about just dropping the avatars’ link all together. His pain sensors were starting to register the problem, gauges making it obvious he needed to find the cause.

Blue eyes closed as he sat there for a moment, the silence helping him concentrate on tracking down this...irritant.

He had narrowed it down somewhat. Something in the Sub-Units directives was being overridden. Programming was being looped, containing Pinkie singing and baking instructions.

He didn’t mind Pinkie’s singing actually, but now it was up in the five-digit area for repeats and he wished no longer to hear that same song. Suddenly that wish came true as the loop was surprisingly gone, cut off and dumped from the system, leaving him to wonder for a moment.

A sound caught his attention, dragging him away from contemplation as it came from inside the house. Turning on a hoof he shouldered the door aside, eyes scanning the vicinity of each room as he walked slowly forward.

Coming to the kitchen, Applejack was slumped in a heap along the floor, her mane in tangles as she lay on the sanded wood planks.

Rushing to her side he gathered her into his forelegs, brushing back an errant strand as her lids peeled back slowly. Emerald green eyes wandered, then focused on him as she took a deep breath.


“I am here, what is wrong?”

“I..I dunno.. Was fixing somethin’ to eat and then..then..” A shuddering sigh left her body as he felt her relax in his legs, She was flushed, her medical readouts showing anomalies as he accessed them. “Ah’m jes’ feelin’ a mite worn out is all.” Her accent was more pronounced, cluing him in on how very tired she was.

Her body was drenched in sweat as if after a long day in the sun. The blonde mane tight against her neck as she heaved another sigh. A flush was rising in her cheeks, making them bright in his vision, she was also embarrassed about something.

More than that. His baseline comparisons were showing the same things as Twilight’s earlier. Which was odd. Any single organism never showed the exact same readouts, there was always a difference in some small way.

In this case, it was almost exactly the same.

He immediately accessed the other commlinks, seeing readouts scrolling across his mind as he held the Earth mare tightly to him, feeling her breath softly before stirring once more.

A person once said to him, “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.”

He had readouts of four more instances as well as Twilight and now Applejack. Well, three and Pinkie. Pinkie’s scans were always odd and he had long ago stopped trying to find a baseline to compare with.

As he sat on the floor holding Applejack close, he felt his concern rise. Battle Units were alerted, he wanted his Hounds at the ready and waiting. There was an enemy some...

“Sugar?” The voice was worn out as he looked down to see Applejack smiling wanly.


“Mind helping me to bed? Kinda tired.” She struggled to get to her hooves. His anger forgotten for the moment as his entire attention went to her. Together they slowly made their way upstairs, though his mind was as active as ever.

Alert! All Sub-Units to patrol stations immediately! The orders were transferred from Crusader’s Tactical Core. Drones were launched for an outward sweep of the area. Ponyville left unsecured for the moment as it’s regular patrol drone was reassigned to scanning outward.

Every Dragon rushed to duty stations...

....except for one.


Athena awoke to the sound of alarms blaring in her cores. Crusader had set the alert and it had already filtered to her. She ran down the steps lightly, passing as if smoke by sleeping ponies, ending up on the porch and waiting.

She was all business seeing him taking Applejack to bed; covering her quickly and moving to join the waiting Pegasus on the porch outside.


He shot her the data, a .00032 second burst later and they were both pondering for a femtosecond. Datalinks opened wide as TSDS went to full power. Their minds became one, increasing computing and tactical power by the Nth degree. Hyper-Heuristic Mode kicked in, hours passed in their cores while only seconds in real time.

“Virus, could be an unstable....”

“Biological weaponry..affecting certain types..”

“Bacteria in food..known to cause..”

“Magic..currently unknown how far the reach is on...”

“Genetic aberrations.. Ruled out due to..”

“Enemy action, unknown presence...”

“Leftover Enemy from Forest Action...”

“Targeting only HVT’s, possibly..”

“Class of weaponry designated...”

The hubbub stopped, a calm reaching deep as they sat there mulling data and possibilities. It spread like a pool of cool water throughout them as they settled into what they were, what they would always be when called upon.


“We need more information. Is it spreading? Is it affecting anyone else?” Athena’s voice was pondering.

“Unknown at this time. It is evening and we will not have a chance to see if the population at large is having problems. This is the worst time.”

“Agreed. What now?”

“We wait. There must be a common denominator in all this allowing us to track it.”

“Notify UCA?”

“No. Not yet. It may be a minor outbreak. Until we know different we will handle this. We have training in the morning as well, they are due to visit.”

“Whatever it is, we will stop it." Athena’s anger rose inside her, washing away the sweet calm that presided, letting them both be bathed in that fury that only they knew so well.

“Softly my sister, why are you so angry?”

“I... Something is... I am not sure.” Her feelings dampened, bringing back the cool water.

“We do not have an enemy yet, once we do you can unleash your anger upon them. Until then, they will be fine. I am monitoring all commlink data second by second, any changes and we will know. Though they do seem to be exhausted, hopefully it will not go further.”

“Got it.”

“I have all Dragons out, drones are sweeping..wait one..”

Athena peered into the datastreams, surprise tinting her voice, “Where is Dragon Twelve?”


Twelve was ecstatic, well, as ecstatic as it could be, which wasn’t very much. Well..none at all actually. But it did have a sense of completion. Twelve had found a ‘bakery’. One of those private properties which provided the items needed to ‘bake’ things properly. Currently it sat outside the dwelling while it’s assigned technical spider was roaming through the inside, looking for those things it had compiled a list of.

It had to turn off the locator beacon in it’s hull, but that was fine. It was sure the Great Ones wouldn’t object. They had nineteen more of him, what’s one more Dragon? With the commlink disabled alongside it, it hadn’t received the alert that went out. But that didn’t matter.


It watched through the lenses of the maintenance spider as it slowly made its way through the domicile. Twelve ‘knew’ that stealth was imperative as trespassing was expressly forbidden, but it wasn’t quite sure if technical spiders were included in that.

It directed the spider in rummaging through the shelves in the back area, looking for a unit of compound NaHCO3. It was one thing that was imperative from the list. Also, there seemed to be an endless supply of compound C12H22O11, known as ‘sugar’. The spider could carry tremendous weights, so it wasn’t a problem to load up with...

“AH HA! I caught ya stealing!” A voice sounded furious in the microphones as blue eyes filled the lenses of the spider. Twelve’s reactions were swift, aiming all available weaponry at the domicile to protect his asset, remembering in time that firing upon private residences was VERY much tops on the ‘Dragons are NEVER to do this’ List.

Its gunnery subroutines went into a pout as Twelve took them offline, swinging the Hellbore away from the front door and trying to extricate his spider from the area.

“Hold it! Doncha go anywhere!” A hoof clanged off the spider’s body, making it shudder in place from the force of the blow. “I dunno know why Crusader or Athena has you pilfering pony’s possessions, but you’re not getting away with it!” The pink figure tapped a band on her leg, causing an alert to go through Twelve’s AI core.

Capture and return was not an option, not before Twelve had baked something just once! A call went out, the spider dropped the supplies and high-tailed it out the front door with a protesting Pinkie behind it. As it leapt onto Twelve’s hull, the big machine took off in a cloud of dust.


“Pinkie’s calling.”

“Yes, Pinkie?”

“Hey! What are you two doing stealing stuff from Mr. and Mrs. Cake in the middle of the night?” Her voice was furious. This startled both of them as Pinkie rarely ever got mad.

Crusader was puzzled now, “I assure you Pinkie, it was not..”

“Oh, yes it was! You had one of your tanks out here using that spider-thing to take stuff from the kitchen!”

A drone was immediately tasked to swing over Ponyville.

“There it is!” Athena pointed out a fast moving vehicle heading for the Forest. The number Twelve emblazoned on the side.

“What is it doing out there? It is off patrol sectors.”

Commands were issued, only to have errors returned as communications were down with that particular unit.

“It is heading for the Everfree.”

“Think it’s involved with this problem we’ve got?” Athena was questioning.

“I don’t know, but if a unit has gone rogue we cannot take chances.”

Orders went out to all drones and Battle Units about Unit Twelve.

Shoot to kill.


Twelve turned into the forest, knowing it could provide concealment and cover. The prow plowed through mulch and leaves, the detritus due to centuries of forest leavings. It had to find cover now! The Great Ones were surely displeased with it, knowing it had trespassed and tried to commit a violation of its general orders.

Cranking its engine up full it rammed into a hill of debris, covering itself in an explosion of dirt and soggy swamp. Using it’s treads, it drove itself deeper into the pile, covering its engine and switching everything off. Tactical subroutines telling it that the swamp covering would cool its hull to fox thermal sensors. No emissions would mean no electromagnetic footprint. The only thing, it was a hundred ton piece of metal which was not commonly found in a forest.

It didn’t know that every sub-unit was now looking for it, with orders to destroy Twelve on sight.


“Okay, how do we lose a tank?” Athena’s voice was merry, prompting Crusader to chuckle.

“It seems Unit Twelve is slightly smarter than we thought. Something has changed its AI core. Comms were shut off, making me believe it was the source of the feedback.”

“This is not a coincidence.”

“No my sister, I believe not. The enemy has its ways.”

Athena’s voice changed for a moment, sounding not quite like her, “Don’t get lazy. They’ll come at you sideways.”

“What was that?”


“Why did you say that and why did you sound like Katherine Hark?”

“I didn’t...wait..I did.. What the... I don’t know.”

Crusader contemplated Athena for long, long moments.

“Don’t you eyeball me! I’m fine!”

“I do wonder sometimes.”


Crusader turned back to the rogue sub-unit, “It’s gone off thermal. Knowing the tactical subroutines, it’s buried itself out there. The forest floor will absorb any radar ranging or microwave, we will have a very hard time finding it.”

“Send others after it?”

“No. Ambuscade is very, very easy out there. We would just be endangering the other Hounds.” Crusader pointed out a place on the battle board inside the linkup, “It is in this area. If it moves, destroy it. We take no chances. Hounds do not have A-M screens.”

“Could we equip them?”

“Possibly. But the rare earths needed are scarce. It took quite a lot to make the ones we have and to keep them functioning.”

Athena pondered the board for a nanosecond, “Poor little guy, bet he’s pretty confused right now.”

“I hope that is all it is Athena.” A non verbal sigh went through the war bands, “Let me explain to Pinkie as well, I am sure this will be delightful.”


Princess Luna finished her repast, setting the plate aside and sighing contentedly. She looked mournfully at the sparse remains of a vegetable medley that had been spicy and sweet all at once. Truly amazing. Our chefs cannot even make this yet Crusader supplies them so easily.

She contemplated digging into the rest of the meals that had been sent from Ponyville one more time before shaking her head.

No, I will save those for special occasions.

Celestia was heading to her own rest after sharing the evening repast with her. Luna watched her eyes do the exact same thing to her plate.

Ah, how quickly we start to enjoy the rare things.

“Was your dinner sufficient ‘Tia?” Luna’s voice was light, seeing her sister’s eyes snap upward with a rueful grin.

“Oh yes, very much so.” The larger mare chuckled, “I am sorely tempted to...”

“...dig into the extras?” Luna finished, “I as well!” Her hoof hit the table accompanied by a bright laugh.

Celestia giggled along with her, covering her own muzzle before speaking again, “But I do know they sent us a truly spectacular dessert.” She motioned to the doorway with a slight gesture of her hoof.

Luna groaned, “I shall have to exercise for a week to wear off those calories!” Her eyes rolled dramatically before she smiled slyly, “A little hoof to hoof sister?”

A single golden clad hoof pointed at the darker mare, “You’re on!”

Luna couldn’t have been more thrilled. Ever since their adventure in Ponyville a few weeks ago, Celestia had been brightly shining like her sun. Taking more of an interest in things she didn’t usually think of. Of course this was done in private, but if anything should attempt to disrupt the peace of their country, the enemy would find themselves with quite a problem on their hooves.

Not only would they have to deal with the Elements of Harmony and two very angry Bolos. Oh no. They would also be facing two very fit Princesses now. The Royal Guard Captain had been surprised at the request to teach them non-standard training.

Luna could see the changes in them both. The fat worn away, muscles showing through coats that gleamed. She had never felt so good before. Her mind wandered back to that day when they had asked to meet with Athena and Crusader in private.

----- Two weeks ago-----

Celestia was pleased to step onto Athena’s command deck, looking at the soft tones, the wonderful displays. She was even impressed with the intricate lace doilies on the side tables that Athena said she had made in her fabrication facility. It was all so very warm and comforting as they sat around a polished wood table.

They had asked for privacy for this meeting knowing that the two ponies would keep secrets forever if asked.

“What may we do for Your Highness's?” Crusader’s voice was curious.

“We would like your help.” She was interrupted by Athena, bringing a smile to her face and a chuckle.

“Of course! Who’re we killing?” The Pegasus was grinning brightly, planting her front hooves on the table and standing up.

“Athena, stop that.” Crusader placed a hoof of his avatar on her shoulder, making her sit back down.

“Awww..you’re no fun.”

Luna laughed, seeing a kindred spirit, “Fear not Athena, I am sure something will poke it’s head up for you to take off one day.” She offered a royal hoof forward.

“You bet!” The Pegasi’s hoof met Luna’s in a bump.

“Before we get to the intricacies of slaughter, how may we help you?” Crusader was shaking his head, being nudged by Athena playfully.

“Is there some way...” Celestia paused for a moment, not quite sure how to phrase it. She looked at Luna, who was equally stumped, both of them trying to say the right words without sounding like idiots.

“Is there some way to regain health and fitness quickly after being lax for a long while?”

Crusader and Athena eyed each other in that odd way that told the Princesses they were talking between themselves.

“Are they asking what I think they are?”

“I believe so Athena. Perhaps they wish to take better care of themselves?”

“We can do that can’t we?”

“There are a myriad of ways.”

“I’m for it, you?”

“Of course.”

Athena turned to Celestia, her face slightly more serious, “There’s a lot of ways, what were you wanting?”

“Oh,” A hoof was waved gently, “Something to perhaps make us ready for what may come. There have been a few times..” She broke off, chuckling to herself, making everyone smile, “When I dare say we could have been more...prepared?”

Crusader looked at them for a second, “As I understand it, you wish to be combat ready?”

“Yes!” Luna’s hoof smacked the table, a fierce look on her face, “We want to be able to face whatever comes, to do more in dire times!”

Athena looked at Crusader, “Nano therapy?” She talked out loud to be polite, remembering how Twilight wasn’t exactly enamored when they conversed silently.

“We could to start. But then it would be diet, exercise and training.” He pointed at the Princesses, “We can help enhance the body, but you have to train, to teach yourselves and your bodies what to do. That, we cannot do with therapy alone.”

The two mares nodded, “We can do that,” Celestia responded, “But what is na-no therapy?”

The two ponies smiled, “You’ll like it.”


Luna was ensconced safely in the auto-doc, a gel was slowly covering her as Celestia watched with worried eyes. A mask covering the darker sisters’ face let her breath as she fell asleep inside the box.

“Fear not Princess, Luna has done this before. It is quite safe and we have made many improvements since the first time.” Crusader’s voice was soft and reassuring.

“It is strange though,” The large mare turned to him and Athena, “And you say these tiny machines will make us feel better?”

Athena nodded, “Very much so! They’ll cleanse the body of unwanted fat, any chemical contamination from say...high calorie junk foods. Also it’ll shore up any weak spots like heart, liver, kidneys. You’ll feel almost new again.”

“How long will this take?”

“This will take mere minutes. The new secondary crop of nanites, two weeks. It will help and bolster your bodies, then flush themselves. No harm will come to you. But they do have an immediate effect as well. A first series will enter, do some fixing and leave, the second series will persist.”

“And she’ll just wake up?”

“Yep!” Athena nodded to Celestia.

Crusader gave her a reassuring look, “It is like a dreamless sleep, one moment you are falling into slumber then are awake and feeling refreshed.”

“Truly, you do carry wonders the both of you.”

Athena shrugged, “This was commonplace in the Concordiat Princess, a lot of people did it then. But..” Her face turned a bit sad, “But..they priced it out of reach of most folks, only allowing the rich or the ones in Concordiat service to partake of it.”

“So there was still suffering?”

“Yes,” Crusader’s voice was harder, “It was the way of things back then, to our eternal dismay.”

A light snapped on above Luna, a bar of actinic blue passed over her body and back again. A hoof was gently pressed on Celestia’s shoulder as she tensed, turning to see Athena, “I..don’t mean to be too familiar Princess. But that is a scan. It’s telling us about her body, how it works, what’s wrong.”

The regal mare nodded, watching everything with an intensity that burned almost like her sun.

“She will be fine Your Highness, would you like to see?”

Celestia blinked, seeing a flat window ..no... a ‘screen’.. above her sister flicker on, showing the outline of Luna. There were many things inside, organs, blood vessels, everything that made a pony who they were was revealed. Her eyes widened at the viewing of so many mysteries.



They talked quickly while Celestia was occupied.

“We’ve never had such a deep scan before, look at this.”

Athena reviewed the data scrolling now, gasping to herself, “Wait..that can’t be.”

“It is.”

“There’s nothing wrong with her, nothing, not a single cell out of place. She has a few things needing enhancement, but otherwise she is perfect. How is that possible?”

“Her body must regenerate itself to an immense degree without mutation. With the right diet and training her stamina and strength will be increased. She, and if Celestia is similar, will be formidable.”

“Amazing. Concordiat scientists would have killed to see this.”

“Let us be glad those days are far behind us.”

Athena looked at him fondly, leaning against his bulky avatar, “Exactly.”

They all watched the screen. Shining pinpoints entering through a vein and flashed through Luna’s body, removing anything unwanted and or harmful. There wasn’t very much, but what was found was carefully taken and destroyed. Leaving a trimmer mare lying there as the gel drained off. Other things the quick therapy did was clean joints, look for problems, make sure muscles were free of any tears or rips. Of course there was a very nice cosmetic side to it.

Luna had received just the barest of treatments when she had traveled with Crusader before. Now the ability to do more had been researched and was acting upon her body.

A second small cluster of gleaming points entered, spreading throughout the body on the screen and staying in place.

A quick wash and the top slowly opened, Luna standing up in the box and lifting out her wings which shone gloriously. No need for a towel as everything had been removed leaving her clean and dry.

Celestia inhaled sharply, seeing each feather pristine and new, muscles showing where once was a layer of softness. Luna’s mane sparkled with stars uncountable as she lifted herself out, stretching and moving her head on a relaxed neck. She was as gorgeous as the old tales had ever told. Her body was trim, firm in all the right places and she almost bathed the area in her healthy shine. It was amazing what simple things did here. This was nothing like they’d ever expected as the three stared at her.

“Oh..oh this is wondrous!” The dark mare was grinning from ear to ear, inspecting herself in a mirror after stepping out from the ‘doc. “Even beyond the ‘gel wash’ from before! Truly, I feel magnificent!”

“Everything working all right Princess?” Athena was smiling, watching the Princess move her legs like she had never seen them before.

“It feels so..different! I feel new again!”

Her coat shone with colors of the night, almost as if each hair was it’s own source of tint. A trick of light from the nano therapy, but it worked wonders on ponies.

“What have you done?” Her face was bright and eager.

“Not much Princess, you only needed a few things, mostly minor enhancements. You are in quite perfect health.”

The Night Mare laughed, slapping a hoof on her Cutie Mark, “Oh yes, wait until the guards see this new tight flank!” The muscular backside never even quivered, tightened in it’s turn and very firm now.

“Luna!” Celestia was laughing.

A dark hoof was pointed, “Oh no, your turn sister. You’ll see what I mean!”

Celestia stopped laughing, eyeing the contraption with trepidation.

“Trust us Your Highness.” Athena and Crusader were both watching her.

She nodded, “I do. Otherwise I would have never come.” Taking a deep breath she smiled, “Let us to it then.”

They directed her on what to do, then as she lay down she caught herself falling into one of the most restful slumbers she’d ever had. Quiet and timeless. A soft mask covered her face, making the Princess start before cool air touched her, allowing her to breathe easily.

Her eyes opened to the smell of mint, feeling herself dry and clean as she looked around, still in the box that she had lain in. How much time had passed? It was so peaceful, silent and serene. She sighed happily, feeling..feeling?..refreshed as never before.

The top slid back slowly, revealing more light which made her squint for the moment before lifting herself to her hooves and standing upwards. She stepped forward out of the box, her legs moving smoother than the finest oiled hinges.

A gasp caught her attention, seeing Luna staring at her with wide eyes. Athena and Crusader sharing shocked looks.

The pegasus nudged her brother, “What did you DO?” Her eyes were so very wide.

He actually stumbled on his words, something that was very rare for him to ever do. “I..I did nothing. It was the exact same treatment.” He never took his eyes off her as she stepped out of the auto-doc.

“What is wrong?” Her voice felt different, smoother and more relaxed, like her vocal chords had been renewed.

“Nothing! By my stars! Nothing, sister!” Luna was grinning from ear to ear. She pointed to a nearby mirror with glee.

Celestia turned, her legs felt so different, so smooth acting, moving without effort to look into the mirror. Her breath caught in her throat as she saw what they did now.

She shone.

Literally, figuratively, all the other words used to describe it.

She gleamed like her namesake, coat the purest white imaginable as her hooves sparkled like they had never touched ground. Pastel mane flowed softly behind her, the colors so bright they dazzled the eyes.

And her eyes..

So clear they looked like colored pools! Bright and eager as when she was a filly so very long ago. They focused easily and firmly on anything she glanced at.

From the tip of her polished horn, to the end of her silky smooth tail it was...magical.

“Oh. Oh my.”

She turned quickly, looking at Luna, “I..I did not mean to turn out this way. I..Please don’t....” She was worried about her sister’s reaction.

“What?” Luna’s face dropped the smile, “Thou art worried I’d become jealous again? Sister!” She stepped forward, placing a hoof upon the pure white chest, “Stop. I struggle with my feelings some days, thou knowest, but to this it is you. How can I be jealous? For we both look wondrous!”

Luna stepped back and pirouetted on her hooves, “Look at me! My night has come into full bloom during the day, and it shines so brightly with your sun!” She spread her wings, letting them soak the artificial light up.

Her laughter was full and rich, bringing a smile to Celestia’s face.

“I..just worry.”

Luna sidled close, “Cease such things now!” She raised a solemn hoof, “For as I raise the moon, I swear that stallions will trip over themselves staring at that flank!” She giggled madly, making Athena and Crusader cover their muzzles. Her eyebrows wriggling up and down salaciously.

“Luna! That’s not..” Curiosity overwhelmed her suddenly. She couldn’t look..no that was..maybe a peek?

Her head slowly turned to look down her own body, the definition showed through the sparkling coat, muscles moving like water flows. Her whole body felt tight, like a spring, and wonderful!

Speaking of springs...

She picked up a back hoof, seeing the movement of musculature once more. The golden sun Cutie Mark blazing out from a flank that didn’t jiggle, wibble or wobble even once. It was..was...


Her eyes caught Luna snickering behind a hoof. Celestia turned with a blush towards her, being stopped before she could say anything with a gesture from her sister.

“Say nothing, I had the exact same thoughts.” Luna grinned like a fool.

The tall mare cleared her throat, looking at the other two occupants of the room, “Well..this is..different.” She smiled, “What’s next?”

Athena spoke up, “We are tailoring food for your metabolisms. They will be your meals for the next two weeks. Eat them and them only. All the nutrients and vitamins you need will be contained in them to supply the nano machines inside you. After two weeks they will flush themselves out of your body naturally.”

Celestia sighed, remembering other times when food that was ‘good for you’ turned out to taste like sawdust.

Crusader chuckled at the soft sound, “Do not fear the taste Princess. I promise you we have that covered.”

Celestia gathered herself, being caught in the act, “My apologies. I’m afraid we’ve heard that before.”

The sturdy Earth Pony avatar gestured, “Athena?”

The Pegasus turned, retrieving a tray out of a drawer where some samples had been sent up from the nanovat. She set it down, removing the cover to reveal plates of steaming hot food and trifles which made the mouth water.

Athena smiled, “Tailored diets were available everywhere, proven to be healthful and good for you. They went out of style because companies that made processed junk couldn’t compete. Politics.” She shrugged, looking helpless.

Luna peered at a steaming bowl of rice and vegetables, covered in a sauce that looked thick and creamy, “This is a diet? It looks the same as...” Athena was shaking her head.

“Oh no. There is nothing in there that will put a single cell of fat on you. Your bodies will be nudged toward the peak of health. After two weeks, if you continue to exercise and watch what you eat, they will stay that way. We retrain the body to accept what is healthful for it, it learns to reject the junk.”

At this Luna looked wistful, “My beloved onion rings.”

Celestia grinned, “Or the hayfries.” Getting a mournful nod in return.

“We can substitute for anything. It is all form, the nutrition will be there. We just mimic the taste as well.” Athena raised a hoof, making a point, “After the tailored diet is over, you can still eat other things. Just don’t binge or get lazy. Exercise, walk, run. Keep burning calories and your body will do the rest.”

Crusader nodded, “But to help you further, come see us after two weeks.”

“What for?” Both Princesses asked together.

Athena got a fierce look on her face, “Combat training.”


Luna laughed, remembering when they had left Athena and Crusader, landing in Canterlot and walking through the palace grounds. She continued laughing, seeing in her mind the stallion that had stumbled over himself looking, whacking his nose right into a column as he tried to get a look at certain Royal Flanks.

The effect had lasted for days. At night, when she raised her moon, her coat and wings were ethereal. Glowing in the silver light like nothing had ever done, she reveled in the newfound feeling of healthfulness with her body wanting to fly higher than ever before.

Ah... and when ‘Tia raised her sun that next morning it was glorious. She stood upon the balcony and when the golden rays hit her she shone like finest marble. A glow that encompassed Luna beside her, bathing her in the warmth and love that Celestia had given since her return.

A tinge of jealousy? No, not one. She is the sun as I am the moon, we are different but the same. We are sisters. On that day as they both stood there it couldn’t have been more obvious to the watching ponies who gasped, seeing them in a new light.

Throughout the palace, speculation raged about the new Royal Look. The fine lines, the slim and tight bodies. Tails and manes of magic and silk, flowing like a soft summer breeze. Hooves that looked strong and unbreakable gleamed as they left them bare most days now. The cladding covers put aside for the nonce, letting them feel old things in a new way.

Luna barked a laugh once more, drawing Celestia’s attention, “And now the entire Court is trying to find out how we did this.” She gestured to her self, running a hoof downward to emphasize the sleek new form.

Celestia blushed, “I know this is wrong...but..” She saw her sister lean forward, joining her in the middle of the table, “Seeing stallions stumble over themselves is just too much fun!” They broke apart, giggling like fillies.

Luna snorted, “Have you seen Princess Today? They have the ‘secret’ of the new Royal Look!” She slapped the table, snorting again between laughs and making air quotes with her hooves.

Celestia had. It was possibly the most grueling regimen ever thought up by a trainer. Crusader and Athena had almost laughed themselves silly seeing that article...well Athena did, Crusader just looked amused.

Now, after two weeks of what proved to be actually pleasant times, they were heading to Ponyville tomorrow to begin ‘combat training.’

A clatter of wheels drew their attention as a servant brought in dessert. Crusader and Athena had called it an ‘Opera Cake’, not explaining what it was, only that it would be the reward for two weeks of following their diet schedule.

A large confection sat on the tray, the smells from it were making them both almost drool. The servant was eyeing it as well, making Celestia chuckle. Flat and wide, it looked like an ordinary sheet cake.

A piece was served to each Princess, plates overfilled by the size of the cuts. They made sure to let the servant know the rest was for her and the others who had stayed late. The mare perked up, practically running out the door with the cart.

Luna laughed, “She seems in a hurry.”

Celestia nodded, “With a prize like this, it’s no wonder.” She sniffed, smelling almond, coffee, chocolate. There were layers upon layers with a buttercream filling and something else..she couldn’t quite pin it down.

Oh! That was the faint scent of alcohol. But what kind? She’d never...

“Sister! Stop smelling it and eat!” Luna’s voice was merry, seeing the taller mare leaning close and inhaling gently.

Celestia looked up, seeing Luna’s fork with a large chunk of the delight dip into her muzzle then retreat back out clean.

Cyan eyes widened as she chewed for a second, then once more, almost dropping the fork out of her aura. She pointed at the cake on Celesta’s plate, gesturing urgently.

The taller mare laughed, taking a small slice of it into her muzzle and paused as the flavors overwhelmed her senses. The smooth butter-cream, almond cake, chocolate thick and rich. A faint bite of some unknown alcoholic texture. Oh so many things!

Celestia’s eyes narrowed as she idly wondered whether they could catch that servant mare.


Luna set herself, conjuring the doorway into the aether and readying for her work day. Tonight she would greet ponies and calm fears, for tomorrow she would be in battle! Her blood thrilled to the idea of learning a new way, something no one else possessed! For now a wonderful meal with her sister sat well with her, brightening this night.

She stepped into the Hall of Dreams, choosing a door and opening it.

“Greetings! Erk!!” Her voice was stoppered in her throat as she blinked, not believing her eyes. She backed out quickly, a blush rising to her dark cheeks before she peered back in for a split second.

“My apologies!”

Shaking herself, she walked along the hallway. ‘Twas not unusual, ponies do dream of wishes or other things. Adults will be adults.

Selecting another door, she knew this one. Daisy. Such a pleasant mare, polite, loved her flowers immensely. A little dramatic some moments, but a lovely mare.

Luna smiled as she opened the door, it would be nice to see..”OH MY STARS!”

Her hooves practically left skid marks as she backed out of the doorway, apologizing profusely and slamming it shut.

What in the skies above? She stared at the door for a moment, blushing fiercely once more and taking a deep breath.

You are an Alicorn! Ruler of Equestria! You should not act like a mare on her wedding night!

Stamping a hoof she moved down the hallway once more, selecting a known door again. Sweetcream, talkative but kind. It was always interesting to visit with her.

Opening the door slowly her eyes popped wide, jaw going adrift...

The door slammed shut once more as Luna turned on her hooves, making best time towards the Dream Portal.

No! Just....no! She would never drink chocolate milk again!


“Hygiene supplies, extra bath towels, perfume, check!”

“We do not need perfume.”

“Oh yes we do, knew we forgot something. I’ll get a hold of Rarity.”

“She will bring enough for everyone I am sure Athena.”

“Welll....never hurts to have extra.”

“Use some out of the old colony supply crates, they are untouched.”

“Oh come on! Marigold? Who wears ‘Marigold’‘? Or ’Summer Sunflower‘ Who even made up those names anyways?” Her voice was light, “Probably smells like a flower garden cra--.. Er..fell all over someone.”



“Ponies like flowers.”

“I hate when you’re right. I’ll go find some victims.”

“It is just a trip to the Crystal Empire, we do not need all these supplies. Perhaps you can lighten the load?”

“You know they’ll all want to go. You know they’ll need things. And you darn well KNOW it’s my hull and I’m doing what I want. You can play Spartan all you care to, not me.”

“Fair point.”

Athena exited her bay with saddlebags full of bottles. Crusader watched and pondered for a moment.

Human naming conventions came to mind. Perhaps it is better those humans aren’t around. I can only imagine what names they would come up with here.

He turned back to his own duties. One of which was negotiating with Unit Twelve to come back out of the forest.

Unit Twelve had made tentative contact early that morning, receiving the update that all other units were to destroy it on sight. It thought that was a bit harsh, so made contact with the Main Intelligence, Crusader.

The feedback had resumed, and fighting through the headache it was causing, he was also getting very annoyed with the balky tank. He had analyzed the data stream coming in from the AI core in the unit, it was having problems dealing with fragmentary data, it was going to suffer collapse.

He was trying his best to get it to come in voluntarily, but the stubborn Dragon was not having any of it. He had rescinded the kill order for now, trying to solve this another way. He was amused slightly at the Unit calling him and Athena Great Ones.

“Return to Maintenance bay for repairs. Now.”

“Unable to comply Great One, General Order Three.”

“What is General Order Three?” Crusader was confused, there was no GO Three.


Oh for...

He could not subvert the tanks’ programming, the data stream was too sketchy, as well as the AI fragmenting more each second.

Crusader had no wish now to hurt the unit, it was doing as it was programmed to do. Although the corrupted files he had seen were not helping any. Should the AI collapse fully, the Dragon could go rogue and shoot up anything near it. Worse, it could self-destruct.

He could not for the life of him figure out how it was getting around obeying his orders. As the controlling Intelligence, his orders had priority.

He pondered for a moment more before giving up. It would stay in place, he had drones spotting the forest now. If it moved it would be taken care of, though the loss of another Hound would hurt, it was the only thing possible right now to protect others.

Twelve on the other end of the commlink was worried, would it ever get to complete General Order Three?


Athena trotted into the market, looking around for..ah ha! Granny Smith!

“Hey Granny!” She waved, walking slowly beside the elderly pony.

“Howdy youngin’, what’re you doing today?” She gave a warm smile. She walked a lot better since the med paks had been made and Crusader was making sure she got supplements to her diet. She was quite a bit less frail.

“Well... I’ve got some perfume here. Thought you might want to try some?” She held out a bottle of ‘Marigold’. She had thoughtfully relabeled them before going out, so no one would get confused.

“My! Pies in an oven! Marigold!” She sat down on a patch of grass, “I remember the Marigolds that my husband brought me when he was a-courtin’ me.” Tapping a slim hoof on the bottle she grinned, “Ah always loved the smell of them ever since! Let’s have a look-see.”

Athena hoofed it over, watching the elderly pony push down on the atomizer and getting a good spritz on her body.

“Oh mah stars! That’s just wonderful!” She took a deep smell, a smile on her face, “How much ya sellin’ these for ‘Thena?”

Sell? “Oh no Granny it’s yours, keep it.”

“Tain’t right there youngin’, oughta get something for it now.”

The Pegasus smiled, “Consider it a gift for putting up with me all this time.”

A wrinkled leg reached out, pushing Athena’s shoulder, “Now stop that, yer pert near family now!”

“Granny, just take it. Please.”

The older pony nodded, “If yer gonna be that stubborn ‘bout it.” Then she pointed, “But you better be expectin’ a jar of mah famous Zap Apple Jam in return!”

“That is more than fair Granny.”

The old pony nodded and waved as she moved off, clutching the bottle tight, her face full with memories of Marigolds and another pony from so long ago.

“Think you just made her year Athena.”

The Pegasus turned, hearing a familiar voice and seeing Bon Bon standing there. But...what the hay?

“Bon Bon, what’s wrong with you?” Athena looked closer, seeing the bags under her eyes, the tired stance.

A hoof just this side of shaky was waved, “Oh..well you know. Just get tired some days. Working hard thanks to your candy pans, it does wear some.” She sat down in the same patch of grass, wobbling before Athena caught her with a hoof.

“No. Something is wrong. What’s going on?”

Arctic blue eyes didn’t want to meet hers, avoiding them for a second before a sigh escaped her lips, “I.. You know, just got tired yesterday. All of a sudden. But it felt...” She leaned forward, whispering in one ear, “So good..it was so nice..” Her face got a wistful look on it.

Athena’s suspicions rose, “Is Lyra okay?”

The Earth Pony blinked for a second, “Oh yeah! She...she’s fine..”

“Bon Bon, where’s Lyra?”

“She’s at home, resting. She felt a little tired too.” A smile started on her face before she started to fall forward, Athena catching her.

“Just..need a little rest.”



“Medical Emergency!” She shot the data to him, seeing him scan it quickly.

“Ferret is on the way, stay with her. I am on the way to Lyra as well.”

“Got it! Hurry!”

“As fast as I can.”

A Ferret roared into life inside the bay. It tore out of it’s slot, turning and ripping out of the now open bay door, slewing in the dirt as it headed towards Ponyville. Weapons were wary as it scanned the vicinity. Medical mission or not, it was prepared for battle.

Ponies saw the huge vehicle coming over the bridge, stepping off the road and letting it past. The regular populace was so used to seeing them, chuckling at looks from tourists and ponies passing through.

It screeched to a halt, the loading door clanging as it dropped into the dirt, medical spiders trooped out, picking up Bon Bon carefully and laying her on the stretcher inside.

Athena followed, “GO!” Giving directions to Lyra’s house to the vehicle GPS, “Best speed!”

Once more the armored vehicle took off in a roostertail of dirt, careening down the road and slamming to a halt in front of Bon Bon’s shop where Lyra lived above it.

Athena piled out, joined by Crusader who had been heading here since the call. The both pounded up the stairs, seeing the mint green Unicorn lying on the floor. Tech spiders were summoned once more.

“Medical readouts are saying she’s going into heart failure.” A med pak was slapped on her side, a spider gently applying skin taps for nutrients and fluids. A second spider was pressing tabs against her chest, getting up to the second reads on her vitals.

“Get a blood sample, start analyzing it immediately.” Crusader was all business, directing the ‘spiders to get Lyra in the Ferret.

“On it soon as we get back. Notified UCA?”

“Yes, the Princesses now know as well as Twilight. They are on the way to the Castle for a meeting with the others.

“There goes training.”

“Another day then.” He gave her a nudge, running down the steps and joining the Ferret, “I will handle this, get to the meeting and tell them.”

“On it!”

She turned and took off after the vehicle had left, heading towards the Castle as fast as she could.

Crusader sat in the back of the rocking Ferret, looking at the two mares and wondering what was going on now.


Athena tore into the Castle, skidding along the floor and ramming into the door frame of the meeting room. The Map room was just used when an alert was received, the meeting room was more informal. Gathering herself, she walked into the area with a rueful grin.

And stopped dead, seeing everyone there...

Rarity looked like a cart had hit her, heavy bags under her eyes told the tale of exhaustion as she smiled and waved. Everyone to a pony was the same way. Slumping on pillows or trying to keep lids open over blood-shot eyes. It was a fight to stay awake.

Applejack was dozing on a pillow, her head lying to the side as her body looked like it had been starved. She had looked a bit peaked earlier, whatever it was was working fast! Ribs showed through her coat, normally a healthful shine to it, now dull and lifeless. Pinkie looked the same. Her poofy mane was damped down and her infectious smile was gone as she talked in low tones with Fluttershy.

The buttery Pegasus was not as bad off, but you could tell she was getting there, drooping eyelids told of a willingness to just drop off in mid-sentence.

Poor Rainbow Dash, always thin at the best of times, now looking like she hadn’t had a good meal in weeks. Lying on her side she was being watched by Princess Luna.

Celestia and Luna fairly glowed with health, the nano machines having done their work and now they really stood out compared to our friends.

“Athena? What is going on?” Luna looked disturbed.

She stared for a second before turning to the Royal, “I..we..don’t know Princess. We just noticed this.”

“Is anypony else...?” Celestia stopped, seeing Athena nodding.

“We just took Lyra and Bon Bon into our care. Lyra was in the beginning stages of heart failure.”

Luna inhaled sharply, stamping a hoof, “I hate to state the obvious, but this bodes ill. We need medical..” She stops, seeing Athena raising a hoof.

“A vehicle is on the way, we will take them.”

“Then let us help as well.” Celestia’s voice was warm.


“Let them help, a bay is being cleared for emergency medical. We need every specially equipped tech spider. Whatever it might be is fast-acting and may be spreading.”

“Only females so far, I’ll keep an eye out.”

“Good. Get them here asap.”

“I will, promise.”

“See you soon, be careful sister.”

“Will do!”

Athena gestured to the Princesses, hearing the vehicle outside, “Come with us. We’ll be setting up medical inside Crusaders’ hull, safer there.”

They both nodded as they watched the metal spiders walk in. Gently, so very gently for such odd things, they lifted the tired mares and placed them on stretchers, attaching bags of some liquid to each one by a tube.

Though the two royals wanted badly to ask questions as to what was going on, they remained silent throughout the trip to the hill. Stepping out into the durasteel bay and seeing rows of cots set up, they watched in wonder at all the activity. Each cot had a pole and bags of liquid hanging nearby. Large and small spiders were rushing about moving things, getting more space ready just in case. There were other more larger things in the shadows, picking up items and moving them as if not bothered by the immense size of some crates.

Celestia could not stay silent any longer, “Do you think you’ll need this much space?”

“We plan ahead Your Highness. We have eight cases, there could be more, it takes nothing to set up.” Crusader pointed to the cots, “These are the supplies meant for the colony we were to guard, they can be re-purposed easily.”

“How big was this colony to be?”

“We had enough initial supplies for fifteen thousand colonists and a company of Bolos. Between Athena and I we have enough for four thousand, we are currently setting up fabrication for more.”

Staring for a moment Celestia could only shake her head, “Amazing.”

“The Concordiat did not skimp on Operation Diaspora.” Athena joined him, watching the last patient set up on a cot, skin taps made and fluids fed.

“What is in the bags?” Luna was inspecting one closely, seeing swirling colors in each one.

“They are fast diffusion vitamins and rehydration liquids.” Not waiting for the curious looks he explained, “They will be absorbed into the body very quickly, giving them nutrition and support.” He turned to his sister who was waiting, “Go to the hospital, grab any and all medical personnel available and bring them here. Tell them whatever you need to.”

Athena didn’t even reply, ripping out of the bay and back into the Ferret which took off immediately.

“What can we do Crusader?” Celestia was looking at the ponies lying on the cots.

“They are wasting away for some unknown reason Princess. Scans are telling me we are fighting a losing battle already. I do not know why. If it is magic, I can erect Anti-Magic screens. But until we know, I can do nothing except give them fluids and maintain a watch. Can you help?”

“We can.” Luna looked fierce, stepping over to Lyra as her horn lit up, a spell flicked out and covered the quiescent mare. The aura dimmed then faded out as she took a step back. “I know this.”

Celestia’s face as well as Crusader’s took on looks of surprise.

“A familiar magic, used by one who would suck the very essence out of a pony. It acts on the magic inherent in us all. It steals the Earth Magic, the Unicorn and the Pegasi abilities.”

She turned, gesturing to the silent row of mares, “It takes the very life from them. Unlike Tirek who wanted the magic for power, this takes it all, and it does so very fast.”

“How do we stop it?” Crusader was blunt.

“I do not know, the one who used such a thing far and long ago was thought defeated and gone. The spells it used taken with it.” The pretty face looked at Celestia sharply, “It is a Slavers’ work.”

Celestia inhaled softly, “No, it cannot be!” Her face was lined as she frowned deeply, “We defeated it long ago, it cannot be here.”

“No sister, we may have only thought we did. There were no remains and we never knew what it had used to seduce the unwary.”

“What is a Slaver?” Crusader interrupted.

“A being that tapped into the body of a pony, mares preferred, stealing their magic and life to feed on. A Slaver feeds on it to live.” She looked back at the row of forms, “It seduced the mind, bringing pleasure until you were drained and gone.”

“How did you defeat it?”

“We did not do it alone. Starswirl and the Council were involved with us. We were newly come into our power and fighting to form our country. It took all of us to send it elsewhere. We had thought it was the last of its kind.”

“Then how has it returned?”

“A link somehow to our world, something that allowed it to come back.” She stamped a hoof, “It was frustrating tracking it down the first time and now this!”

Crusader pondered for a moment, “Do we need a quarantine? Will erecting an anti-magic screen do anything to help?”

“I do not know, we never knew how it spread it’s spell. Many succumbed to the power before we were able to defeat it. But..it seems we did not after all.” Luna’s face took on the mien of pure frustration. “As for anti-magic, no. Once tapped the body withers and fades, the power going. There was nothing we could ever do to stop our ponies from dying.” She stamped a hoof once more, the cladding ringing off the metal floor in her frustration.

Celestia nodded, “So much was lost when Starswirl passed. We could use his abilities now.” She looked sad for a moment, “He thought he had figured out how it had spread but it was over before he could finish his research, though his notes are surely somewhere.”

“From what Athena says, there is one who knows more about him than any other.” He pointed towards Twilight who lay breathing gently on a cot, her eyelids closed, but the orbs underneath moving rapidly.

“But how do we get the information? She is clearly not in any sort of health to be giving us anything.” Celestia’s face was worried now, looking at her precious former student.

“We have ways, she will not be hurt. When Athena gets back we will retrieve what we need.”

At that moment a vehicle screeched to a halt in a cloud of dust outside the bay, Nurses and doctors piling out and spreading into the open area, seeing immediately to the patients.

One of the nurses, introduced as Tenderheart, asks for an update. She is given it quickly by Crusader, returning to the patients after being told not to mess with the fluid lines.

One withering glare later made Celestia chuckle, “Others do know their jobs Crusader.”

“I stand corrected Princess.”

Athena skid to a halt beside them, “That’s everyone I could get. I briefed them along the way.”

“Thank you Athena.” Celestia smiled at her warmly.

The little mare smiled, “You’re welcome Princess.”

Crusader was all business, “Athena, prepare Twilight for an interface.”

“What? She’s in no condition..” The Pegasus halts at an upraised hoof.

“She has knowledge we need. You know I would never endanger someone for anything less. This is extremely important.” All those thoughts stopped as a pony skidded in on the metal plating.

“There you are!” An out of breath voice declared, “We need help!” Iron Bars stood at the open bay door, making every head turn his way. He didn’t give anyone a chance to reply before continuing, “We’ve got ponies fainting in the streets, the Flower Sisters are in a bad way and they said at the hospital you had taken others here. We need your assistance, please.”

Bars was not one to ask for help, but when needed he was honest about it. Suddenly overwhelmed with an influx of ponies dropping in the street he had no recourse.

Crusader’s voice was even and level, “Vehicles are on the way Bars, just make sure ponies know to clear the streets. They will be moving fast, we have no time to waste.”

He was frustrated, the more medical spiders used for rescues meant less to monitor the patients. He had the remaining spiders set up automatic monitors near each mare, having the data feed directly into his cores and letting him handle the overload.

Operation Diaspora had supplied well and richly, but they never planned on a plague, counting on the technical abilities of the doctors and AI’s to deal with any outbreak before it became a problem. Crusader could only shake his metaphorical head inside his arrays, they just didn’t plan for magic.

“You got it!” The burly pony spun and took off.

The faux Earth Pony sat for a long moment, prompting looks from the Princesses and Athena. He remained quiet, sitting and looking out the bay door with a neutral expression on his face. The silence lasted until Athena and even Luna were getting antsy, the latter politely coughing into a hoof.


He turned, looking at them with the same calm demeanor, “My apologies, I was calculating what we would need for this problem.”

Athena eyed him as he was doing nothing of the sort, but his thoughts were guarded. She would not spy on him, but she worried. He was an old Bolo even before this trip through time.

“Fear not sister, I am fine.”

“I worry, you’re thinking more and more these days. Lost in yourself.”

“Am I? My apologies.”

A hoof rested on an umber shoulder, “Don’t get lost, we..I need you.”

“I am sure you would find me and show me the way back my sister, you are incorrigable that way.”

“I would! I always will!”

“Then let us get to the problem.”

“Can do! We’ll beat it, we’re the best!”

“Of course.”

His demeanor always struck a chord within her, making her amused. So calm, so always there.

Athena chuckled, slapping his shoulder and then stopping as the first of the vehicles arrived. They watched the ‘spiders scuttle out of the hatches with more stretchers bearing ponies lying on their sides.

Crusader opened up a private link again, “I am sorry, but the interface is needed.”

“I know, I’ll be careful.”

“If it seduces the mind as Luna said, be very wary, even we seem to be susceptible to machinations.”

“You know me.”

“I do. Be on alert.”

“I will!”

They both looked at the incoming ‘spiders carrying the weakened forms shallowly breathing on the sturdy stretchers. Haggard eyes and looks told of near exhaustion and the edge of delirium.

“But that is for later.”

Athena nodded, “Back to work!”

The Princesses joined them in walking towards the patients and the milling medical staff. Town Guard were pouring in to help as well. Magic flared from the Princesses as they strove to find what technology might not, a way to defeat this thing.

Even with all the troubles, hope it seems would never desert Ponyville.

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