• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Travelling Is Not Too Boring...

We are finally into the desert proper, traveling under optimum speed due to my passengers not being used to the shocks and bumps of a full speed Bolo. Princess Luna awoke some time ago, pleasantly surprised to find company awaiting her as she recognized the Crusaders. Sweetie Belle has perfected cuteness to an art form and should be locked away with how she swayed the Princess from saying they shouldn’t be here.

I am not happy with the situation, but I shall accept it for now.

The Princess is waiting to raise the moon, so I will have to halt travel for a moment as she does. Currently they are enjoying a repast made from reconstituted Concordiat rations, although the nanites reproduce flavor and texture plus all nutrients perfectly, I’m afraid some things are not to their liking.

The dark mare’s face twisted in an expression of revulsion as she spat out a mouthful of food onto the plastic tray, “This is truly vile, what IS it?”

I watch as the Crusaders do the same thing, Apple Bloom furiously wiping her tongue with a hoof.

“It is called fruitcake Your Highness.”

“What have you put in this...this thing to make it so revolting?”

“It is candied fruits and nuts Your Highness, some spices, nothing more.”

“Your creators must have truly hated themselves to eat this concoction.”

“It was quite popular during holidays, though we Bolos often wondered why they kept giving it as gifts when it was universally hated. Even some other species banned the presence of it on their worlds. We dedicated quite a bit of thought to it, only coming up with the answer that humans were masochists, with a very large streak of sadism on certain days.”

A regal hoof was raised to my camera lens, “Hear me Crusader, by Royal Decree we ban this....fruit...cake.... now and forever from Equestria! You shall not share it’s recipe with anypony, especially not the Pink One! Nor serve it in any fashion!”

The Crusaders agreed with a resounding “YAY!”

“As you decree Your Highness, it shall be done.”

Princess Luna gagged once more, “Ugh, stop so I may get some sand to scrub this off my tongue!”

“I truly apologize Your Highness.”

The Alicorn got a sly look on her face as she turned to my camera lens once more, my avatar quiescent for now. “Would you do me one favor though?”

“Of course Princess.”

“Please make one more of that..fruit..cake for me? Also if you would prepare it as a gift?”

“At once Princess, but may I ask why? I am sure nopony would like it by seeing your reactions.” The Crusaders are exchanging glances behind her with a few shrugs.

“My sister has developed a taste for odd things, I am sure she would love one as a gift. She enjoys ....delicacies...like this sometimes.”

I see the beginning of a grin start to form on her face.

“Princess, it may not be my place, but I think such a prank may not be received well.”

Her nose goes up in the air with a “Hmph!”, “I shall have you know We are royalty, We do not play ‘pranks’!” She holds the pose for a few moments, hearing the snickers behind her from the three fillies, breaking down into a laugh full and rich.

She wipes her eyes after a few seconds, giving a wink to the three Crusaders, “You are sworn to secrecy! Tell nothing of this! You as well Crusader!”

“Yes Your Highness.”

“Princess, would ya at least let us know what she does?” Apple Bloom was fighting off a grin.

The Princess of the Night tapped the Earth pony’s nose gently with a hoof, “It will be a story worthy of heroes of old, presenting my sister with a gift! I am sure she would not wish to disappoint her beloved sister by refusing to eat it!”

Sweetie Belle covered her mouth with her hooves, giggling madly, “You’re so bad Princess!”

Scootaloo was already falling backwards, slapping the deck floor with a hoof, “Oh stars! That’s so not right!” She was laughing hard, holding her sides.

A calculating look crossed Luna’s face, she tapped her chin with a shod hoof, “I am sure there will be some dinner, or receiving of nobles from another realm. They surely would not offend my sister by refusing to partake of such a delicious treat!”

“Your Highness, I think you are planning far too much fun for a simple cake.”

“Oh no Crusader, much more than that! I shall present her with one every Hearth’s Warming! To see her beloved Luna waiting with anticipation of her devouring such a wonderful item!”

The three Crusaders were rolling on the floor laughing at the Princess issuing such statements in a royal manner, the giggling echoed off the walls.

“Your Highness, you truly have a bit of silliness inside you.”

“I do, do I not? Let it not be said royalty are above a bit of laughter!” She settles on a cushion, watching the three fillies laughing, “Such dinners are so boring and staid. I despair to always talk of state and politics. I would lighten my sister’s heart as well as mine. Such a thing comes far too rarely.”

“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown Princess.”

“It is a truth is it not? So many little things to wear away the day, there is not enough time to just...be..”

I watch her take her regalia off, setting it aside in a corner as she settles on the cushion once more, a lovely dark mare with a mane of stars flowing in an unseen breeze. “I think we should enjoy ourselves for this trip!” She looks at the three Crusaders, “What shall we do to celebrate?”

Three fillies look at each other uneasily, not quite sure how to respond to such a thing.

“Come now, surely there is something?”

“Well Princess....” Sweetie Belle started softly.

“Luna, please call me Luna.” She gave them all a wink, “There is no need to feel you cannot be polite by calling me my name after all.”

Apple Bloom cleared her throat, “Well, mah sister always said treat the Princesses with respect an’ stuff.”

“What do you call Princess Twilight Sparkle?”

“Twilight!” Sweetie Belle blurted out before covering her mouth. “Uhm...”

“Then it is no different.”

Three sets of little hooves went up at the same time, “Cutie Mark Crusaders Princess Pals! YAY!”

Princess Luna giggled slightly, covering her mouth at the exuberance of the three fillies, “Then let us watch the Battle for Ponyville once more! Crusader!”

“Yes Princess?”

“Please prepare something fit for a movie watch! I believe some chocolate cake if you have it?”

“I do Your Highness, it will be there shortly. Popcorn and juice as well, or would you prefer tea or coffee?”

“Some of that lovely dark rich blend of coffee you served with dinner please.”

“The Java blend, yes Princess.”

Scootaloo piped up, “Could we have some more orange juice?”

“Jes’ don’t tell mah sister!” Apple Bloom snickered from behind Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle blushed a bit, “I get kinda tired of Apple Juice Apple Bloom, sorry...”

Princess Luna laughed seeing the Earth pony grab her chest, throwing a leg over her forehead, “Oh mah gosh! Betrayed! What shall I do!”

“Calmly fillies, calmly, ‘tis no betrayal.” She snickered behind a well polished hoof.

“To mah sister it would be, she’d be hoppin’ mad about orange juice and stuff.” She points a hoof at Sweetie, “What? Not liking the best Sweet Apple Acres produces! Sun and Stars!” In a perfect imitation of Applejack.

I cannot help it, I join in the laughter, it was truly a good imitation of her sister. I know how she loves her apples to the point of almost fanaticism. I do remember one time asking to try Pear Juice and got an earful about it.

The Princess laughed again, “Then we shall all swear never to tell of you drinking orange juice, on my honor.”

The Night Princess gets a faraway look in her eyes, “Crusader, would you please stop traveling, it is time.”

“Yes Your Highness.”

Ceasing movement, I open the hatchways, making sure everything is calm as she walks out alongside my batteries. I have a clear sensor view of her, watching as she lifts into the air, out to the end of my upper fore turret Hellbore. She stands as if she owns the world for that moment, watching the sun lower on the horizon. As soon as it disappears, she lights her horn, her body glowing in an aura of magic as the moon begins to rise over the edge of the world.

Her starlit mane flows with the unseen winds of the night, I see as it waves like a banner preceding a wondrous army of light.

It is truly amazing to observe, though I have not grasped the inner concepts of magic, seeing her raise the moon is astounding to me. I watch and record it all for further study, and because it is something beautiful as well. I have a picture in my Deep Cores, of her standing on the edge of my Hellbore, staring into the night, the stars are clear and bright as the moon is full and in the sky.

I am watching as the stars appear, pinpoints of sharp brilliance against a soft background. The Crusaders have gone outside to watch her perform in making the night gorgeous. They sit quietly, seeing her smile as she lights up the sky. I have not understood, for as long as I have been here, how those stars can have spectrum and absorption lines as real stars do. I am not easily baffled, but by this, yes.

Activating an outside directional speaker, I wait until she appears finished.

“It is truly something beautiful Princess.”

Luna turns with a brilliant smile, “It is my night Crusader, each and every one. My sister has her sun, and it’s warming brilliance. But this,” She waves a hoof around, “Is mine alone. A velvet canvas that I can paint and design, to tell everypony there is nothing to fear, for I will light their way.” She walks back to the flat of my turret, standing and looking up at her sky.

She sees the Crusaders staring at the darkness, motioning them over next to her. I chuckle as they tumble over each other to arrive at her hooves. “I walk dreams in my night, calming fears and bringing joy.” She taps each of the three fillies on the nose, eliciting giggles, “I also know when somepony has done wrong, and try to help them see that maybe they should not do so.”

All three Crusaders look a bit guilty, blushing as she watches them with a smile, “You three have been on a quest to get your cutie marks, but on the way have caused not a little havoc.”

Sweetie Belle twisted her hooves in front of her, avoiding the Princess’s eyes, “We’re just trying to find what we’re good at, we don’t mean to cause trouble.”

The Princess laughs, that rich sound ringing out along my hull, as she hugs all three, “Never stop your quest. I shall tell you a secret.” She leans down to all of them with a grin, “I have laughed so hard at some of your adventures the guards wonder if I have truly gone mad.”

Scootaloo looks at the smiling face, “Really?”

“Oh yes, walking dreams I see the results of your hoofwork, it is truly amazing three little fillies can cause so much disturbance.”

“Prince...uh.. Luna, can ya help us get our cutie marks?” Apple Bloom looked at the taller pony expectantly.

“I am sorry, that is something even Princesses cannot do.” The three looked crestfallen at her words, “Do not despair, it will come in time. That is a greater magic than even my sister and I can perform.”

“Awwwwww...” All three fillies looked downward.

A gentle hoof lifted three chins, “Now do not look so sad. You are good young fillies, and have many many years ahead of adventures. You will get your cutie marks, you have my word on that.”

Scootaloo scuffs a hoof on my hull, “Everypony tells us that. Sometimes I think we’ll never get ‘em!”

Luna tilts her head, her smile becoming soft and gentle, “Then believe them. It will come in time, you should not be in such a hurry to grow up. Enjoy the time you have with laughter, love and life, live it to the fullest.”

The three faces perked up a bit at that, smiles started peering out as Luna gave them each a hug, “Come, there is an exciting movie to watch, with cake and popcorn!”


I have had my technical spiders set the food out, waiting for them to return. They do with a vengeance, the three fillies laughing and tumbling over each other to get inside. I see the Princess walking behind them with a bit of a wistful smile on her face.

I engage her link for more privacy, “I believe you have become their favorite Princess.”

She looks up at the night sky one last time before entering the hatch, “Things are so important when one is young, but when you achieve them, you look back and remember the fun you had getting there wishing you had those times again.”

I activate my avatar as the transmissions slam into place once more. It is sitting and waiting as the fillies scramble into the command deck, politely waiting for the Princess as she joins them, settling on a cushion.

Moving out as smoothly as I can, I am still impatient to get to the signal, but not so much after hearing the Princess. It does make one think of what they want in life, is achieving it really worth leaving things behind?

The movie begins to play with a cheer from the three Crusaders. Especially from Scootaloo as she ends up on my avatar's shoulders, waving and hollering for her hero Rainbow Dash when she appears on the screen. Even Princess Luna is joining in the fun, with every shot fired, or acrobatic maneuver there is a rousing applause.

The movie is run five times this night, each time the excitement is unrestrained, popcorn spilled and much juice consumed. The three fillies begged the Princess to stay up and watch it more than once, of course she gives her permission to them, waving away their attempt at being cute to get their way.

I roll into the night, my tracks grabbing deep into the sand as the Crusaders finally sleep, watched over by a smiling Princess Luna. Her and I talk of things into the deep night as I make my way through the desert, she is insightful, and pleasant to converse with. Although the laughter does get a bit out of hoof as she tells me of pranks played in the past on or by her sister.

I almost run off my trail into the side of a large dune laughing at the thought of both sisters playing hide and seek from the Royal Guards because they did not want to attend a state dinner. As adults.

Would that some human royalty in the past had learned such lessons, perhaps there wouldn’t have been such strife?


We continue through the night, my engines running smoothly as I keep constant sensor watch. My GPR is sensing hollows underneath the sands, making me divert miles off my track, that is fine I can keep a good speed while doing so.

My thoughts do turn to Applejack and I am hoping she and the rest are doing alright. I had programmed the tanks with as much information and direction as I could, but the forest worries me. Reviewing the recordings I have, it is smarter and more aware than I had realized. There has to be a solution other than razing every inch to the ground. The damage would be tremendous, but would it be worth it to alleviate the danger?

At one time I would have done so without a second thought, now I tend to think or find other ways than just destruction. It is harder and often more confounding, but I am stubborn and shall prevail.

I wonder if I should ask Princess Luna about Equestria, why the magic that suffuses the land is changing me. I have gotten a handle on my emotions, I am the Bolo I once was, but so much more. The hours I have spent pondering the situation and trying to work out why is frustrating as no answers are forthcoming.

Perhaps that is a conversation for another day.


The morning comes too quickly, I have enjoyed my conversation with the Princess. She is of quick mind and wit, such as it has been a true pleasure talking with her through the night. It comforts me to have the company of her and the Crusaders. I had often been sent on missions by myself without a commander, but it was not as it once was. I find myself happy with the thought that on this trip I shall have companions, regardless of how they got here.

Once again I cease movement, checking the area with all scanners before allowing the Princess out of the hatchway. I have become more cautious due to the fact it has been quiet the entire trip so far. Sometimes it is good to be paranoid, to be suspicious as things are not often what they seem.

My cargo is too precious to waste one moment not making sure things are safe, my batteries are primed and ready at any moment to give a greeting to those who would do injury. Not to mention what my Applejack would say if I allowed the Princess or the Crusaders to come to any harm. I believe that scolding would be worse than facing a Fist of Melconian Heavies.

I know why she does it, she worries far too much about things, maybe we should talk about it when I get back home.


Have I ever truly had a home? A place to feel that I belong? That word elicits feelings I have never felt, safety, comfort and love. Battles upon many worlds and systems, was there any place that we as Bolos ever felt at home? Earth was our birthplace, but even it too never brought these feelings. It is something to wonder at.

I extend a camera to watch once again as she lowers the moon this time, the glow surrounding her fading as the sun rises to take it’s place. She looks a bit worn as she walks along my side, entering the hatchway with a yawn.

“Perhaps some sleep Your Highness?”

“Of course Crusader. Could you kindly prepare some breakfast first? I would eat before resting.”

“At once Princess.” I get the nanites powered and moving.

Before I can serve the plate though I lurch downward and to one side, throwing Luna against the command deck wall. It happened so fast my avatar did not have a chance to grab for her. I must check her in the medical bay as soon as I can. My sensors had not registered any sinkholes or objects while I was in place, but it appears something is trying to eat my forward port track.

“Princess are you alright?”

I see her shake her head, the Crusaders are getting themselves out of a tangle sleepily, “I am Crusader, what happened?”

“It appears I have disturbed something and it is trying to eat one of my tracks, it is failing, but persistent. It is also large enough to dig an area out underneath me. I have apparently rested directly on it, it blended well with the sands. I shall have to attune my sensors to be more discriminating.”

“Are ya alright Crusader?” Apple Bloom sounds very concerned.

“I am fine, although it is trying to chew through my tracks, it is losing teeth at quite a rate.”

I drop the armor plates along my tracks, cutting the things head off as it latched onto my tread and the bogie above it. I extend sensors to scan and take note of it in the sands. Quite a long body, twisting underneath me as it dies, sort of like a large worm but with stubby legs to provide motion. An interesting development.

“Please settle yourselves for a moment, I must move quickly.”

I watch the three Crusaders getting Luna to sit down before making themselves secure as best they can. I must install safety seating when I get back, I make note and mark it imperative.

My treads grab sand, my sensors registering seismic movement around me now as it seems there might be a nest of these things. Bad timing of course, but then the unexpected is expected in Equestria.

I bring my power plants to full output and tear out of the area, my tracks leaving gouges in sand and bodies as I see the things squirming behind me dying from injuries I have inflicted. A rooster tail of sand flies into the air as the four ponies slip across the deck from the force of my take off.

“WHEEEEEE!” Sweetie Belle lets out a cry as she slides across the deck, ending up tail over mane in a pile of carpet.

The other two are grabbing for a hold on the slick deck, ending up in a tangle of jumbled limbs with Sweetie. Princess Luna’s eyes get wide as she tries to avoid ending up with the three Crusaders, I am afraid to say she failed. Scrabbling for a grip on the floor, she ends upside down and staring unhappily into my camera lens.

“Crusader this is not the proper way for a Princess to travel.”

“I apologize Your Highness, I will slow down in just a moment when we are clear of the area and my sensors register no more movement.”

Scootaloo starts giggling underneath Apple Bloom, causing her to start laughing. Sweetie Belle joins in as the three Crusaders indulge in a bit of levity, seeing the Princess upside down against a wall looking quite put out.

She eyes the three fillies mock menacingly, “It is not proper to laugh at a pony’s discomfort.”

“Ah don’t know about dis..discom..fort.. But ya sure are funny upside down there Princess, sorry ‘bout that.” Apple Bloom covers her mouth with her hooves as another round of laughter starts.

Princess Luna tries to look at the three with menace, but she just sighs and laughs along with them, sliding down to the floor as I slow my forward motion, coming to a stop on a rocky area where my sensors register nothing but solidity downward.

I urge the Princess into the medical bay where I can scan her for injuries. She is reluctant at first, but I tell her it is fine she will not feel a thing. Apart from a slight concussion, she seems to check out, Alicorns are quite a bit tougher than they appear. I program nanites to clear out any problems near the area and seal a few capillaries, they will filter through her bloodstream with no problems in a few days. But for now she is in top health. It is quite interesting to see and record how magic flows through her mane and tail, creating the effects everypony sees.

Apple Bloom watched as the Princess emerges from the medical bay, her coat shining and glossy from the gel wash I included in the procedure, her wings as well. It cleans and alleviates the need for a bath plus healing any minor things accrued from day to day life.

“Wow Princess, you sure are lookin’ nice!” Apple Bloom inspects her coat closely, “Take a bath too?”

I interrupt politely, “It is a gel wash that cleans and disinfects, leaving you without the need to take a bath in water, would you like one?”


“Just enter the bay and lie down, you’ll be asleep while it is done, is that alright?”

“You betcha!” Apple Bloom almost bounds toward the medical bay in delight.

I process the three fillies slowly, as they are young I take the time to do a thorough scan of each of them. Nanites are programmed and released into their bodies to correct minor things. I take a good look at Scootaloo, having the scans from Fluttershy and realize her wings are smaller than they should be. I put in an extra package to develop growth with proper feather and bone structure for her. It should be a pleasant surprise in a few weeks as they start matching her body.

Sweetie Belle is bouncing around the deck, showing off her mane and tail that are now curlier than before. “Wow, Rarity would die from envy! She works so hard taking care of her mane!” Her cuteness has been magnified tenfold with glossy waves, her coat gleaming along with her smile.

Apple Bloom was staring at her now shiny hooves, looking them over. “Beats goin’ to a spa I bet!” She put her bow back in her mane with a twist, “Sure feels good though!”

Princess Luna reclined on a couch, put back in place while the others helped, waiting for their turn in the med bay, “I agree, I feel very good. Sinfully so I’m afraid!” Her smile is warm as she watches the three prancing around the deck, even Scootaloo’s normally tussled mane is in place.

I serve breakfast for all of them, after they eat they talk quietly for a time as I start moving again. My speed gently increasing without the need for haste. I have attuned GPR sensors to pick up anything like the desert creatures behind us to forestall anymore problems.

The rocking motion of my hull lulls the four to sleep again. I increase the coolness in the command area as the desert is heating up outside, reaching triple digits before the noon time.

Though I am looking forward to the rendezvous tomorrow by my estimates of arrival time, it will still be good to return to Ponyville.

I will be home soon and I will be glad.

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