• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Act VI - Learning Responsibility, Arise Sir Knight, Not A Vacation Spot, Harmony Defends All, Rarity and Athena See Nose to Nose.

Can a Combat Unit be grumpy?

Yes, yes they can.

For the past two hours I have been looking at this portal, one which my friends and Princess Luna had passed through. I could not follow them, not for lack of trying, but something in the magic prevented me.

Stupid magic.

I am beginning to get a glimpse of the frustrations shared with me by Crusader when he realized that magic is inherent in this world. It occupies a place and scheme in things we cannot hope to understand, not being born to it.

That does not make me any happier.

I plunge a hoof into the mirrored thing floating above the stage, pushing it in only to see it exit out the back. For the last hour I have been doing so now and then in a vain hope that maybe I would be allowed to go through. I honestly have nothing else to do right now except wait.

Albert Einstein once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.”

Since Resartus has not activated, I know I am not unstable, this comforts me somewhat. Though I am tempted to get angry, suddenly and violently all over the place because this stupid portal will not let me pass!

I have stared at it, glared at it, threatened it with Hellbore fire and nuclear death. I promised it would feel my treads rolling over it in many ways, I have even come up with quite a few more creative ways to threaten this thing into letting me through. But I am reduced to extending my hoof to touch it every forty point four seconds to see if it will go into that other realm.

Eventually something will give, it has to. The wear and tear on my joints and musculature tell me that I can keep this action up for the next two hundred and forty-two years and approximately five months before I have to replace any parts. This gives me ample time to sit and poke at this stupid thing.

I am nothing if not patient, my patience will outlast this ignorant creation of magic.

The Unicorns working on making the portal more stable have learned very quickly to not snicker, nor chide me for doing this again. Though I am not in a chain of command and therefore cannot order any of them to do anything, I have made it perfectly clear that the next pony I hear laughing at my actions better get their tail cut short, for they will need it when they are looking out their own backside.

But as I have learned from my friends; I said it to them in the kindest, nicest way possible, even adding a smile.

“Miss Athena?” A voice interrupts my actions. I stop my glaring at the shimmering circle.

“What?” I don’t bother to look, some magic user probably about to tell me this is not productive.

“Miss, we were wondering what you wanted us to do with the extra troops and supplies coming in?”

This makes me look, seeing one of Princess Luna’s Commanders standing behind me. I am sure my expression is not a happy one.

“Why are you asking me? I am not in the chain of command. Go find somepony else to bother.” I resume my poking at this stupid portal.

He sounds distinctly unhappy for some reason, “There is no pony else to bother, Princess Cadence cannot give direction as she is frightfully busy in Canterlot.” He gestures to the well abused portal, “Princess Luna and Princess Twilight went through that and of course you know Princess Celestia is indisposed.”

“Once again, go bother someone else, I am not in your chain of command.”

He scuffs a hoof, I hear it clearly as I turn to look again. He is not looking at me, sort of off to the side as he clears his throat, “Actually...you are.”

“What?” Now he has my full attention as I stop my actions, turning my whole body to face him.

“You..uh...are?” He’s backing up a bit, looking uncomfortable, “In our..uhm..chain of command.. I mean..”

“Would you care to explain that?” I am not glaring at him, no really I’m not. Maybe. Kind of. Okay I’m glaring.

“Princess Luna told us, were she and/or Princess Twilight become unavailable, we could ask you for further direction in case of emergencies or needed authorizations.”

“If you are in any way kidding with me Commander...” I leave that sentence unfinished as he raises a hoof.

“Oh no! We have her signature and hoofprint right here on the orders!” He uses his magic to pluck a scroll from under his armor, unrolling it in front of me to read.

Be it Known,

By Our Hoof this day, should myself or Princess Twilight Sparkle become injured or

disabled by enemy action nor able to issue commands, all Commanders and troops

shall defer to Princess Cadence for Her orders.

Should she also not be able to, you are to forward any requests to the Command Group or

to the Pegasus Athena for final resolution.


Princess Luna, et al.


Be nice to them Athena, they are good ponies.

Is regicide still a thing? Is it even known here? If not, then I am surely going to be in the history books when this is over.

Slapping a hoof to my face I try and calm my cores, it’s enough I have to deal with the waiting, now it’s command decisions. I don’t want command nor do I wish to give orders, that is for others not a Combat Unit.

“Can’t the Command Group deal with this? It is a simple thing I am sure.”

“Uhm..well a few Commanders want the troops dispersed on patrols and the rest want them on the cordon around the city.” He scuffs a hoof again, “They’re not really agreeing right now.”

“Do both, split them all up, supplies and troops. Keep the cordon as Princess Luna wanted it, make sure the supplies get in quickly so there are no shortages.”

He brightens, bowing to me before he runs off, “Yes ma’am!”

I turn back to the portal once more, sighing internally as I can see this coming a few thousand kilometers away. I am now going to be turned to when nopony can come up with the answer. Wonderful. They are extremely capable, willing to do whatever is necessary, even I know there must be an ultimate authority but not me!

To take my frustration out I again start poking the shimmering flat circle, pouring my dislike at it even more when my hoof just passes through it.

It ripples for a moment like water hit with a stone, I see the waves becoming slightly larger by the second as I watch carefully, still pushing my hoof through. It is interesting, the prism of colors suddenly flashing and shining from it. I nod to myself as I put my appendage into it one more time, it is looking very pretty.

It blinks out, gone from in front of me as I sit there with my hoof outstretched in mid-air, nothing to press it against as my eyes go wide.

Oh crap I broke it!


As they jumped into the portal right after Princess Luna they saw nothing but gray, a nothingness that surrounded them, taking away and muting sound and color. It was like when they had been corrupted by Discord, a slow sapping of energy and strength. Here it was different though, they still felt the magic inside them, they weren’t becoming something else, it was just....gray.

Twilight’s hooves hit the rocky soil a second after Princess Luna, she watched as the dark mare unstrapped her weapon, slinging it by her magic in front of them to face any threats.

She heard the thudding of more hooves behind her, turning to see Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Fluttershy slam into the ground raising puffs of dust as they landed.

She watched the portal, but nothing else was coming through, where was Athena?

“Did you see Athena?” She directed this towards Rarity, the last in line.

“She was right behind me Twilight. Oh heavens! Could she have gotten lost or stuck?” Rarity was peeking back at the mirror in mid-air.

Twilight shrugged, “I don’t know, let’s hope....” She was stopped when the portal shimmered once more then disappeared in a flash of light.

“Oh ponyfeathers.” The lavender Alicorn stamped a hoof, reaching out with the other to poke at the area where the way back should be. “I really hope Athena is okay.” She looked at where the door used to be and frowned.

Princess Luna turned, seeing the disappearance of the glowing tunnel, “It was unstable, they did warn us. Let us hope they can re-establish it soon.” Her eyes were concerned as she looked around the little group. She too worried about the eighth member, knowing that travel like this can get one stuck somewhere they could not get out of. “We can only hope for now, until then we continue on.”

She felt her sister, could feel the warmth in a direction which led off into a misty area. Swinging her head around to look about them, she could see endless plain, rocky soil and gray everywhere. Truly not a realm one would want to vacation in.

“Come, be wary of the enemy, I feel my sister close by.” She waved the group onwards as they walked into the mist, the seven of them looking around and seeing nothing that caught the eye. Truly a place of Tartarus she thought, hefting her weapon in her magic as they trudged toward the place she could sense her sister.

Twilight looked backwards as they walked on, seeing where the portal was and wishing with all her might her friend was okay.


Oh crap oh crap oh crap! I can only look at the place where the opening was as I slowly lower my hoof. Sitting on the stage and looking around cautiously, I back up a bit, seeing the magic users get a bit frantic although none are looking at me.

Good, this is good, act nonchalant and nopony will notice. Right, you’ve been sitting here for an hour messing with that thing and broke it. Wonderful, just wonderful.

The mages are scrambling around, trying to reset the portal, I step out of their way to let them do their work. Diagrams are drawn, spells cast, the magic being thrown around like water is stifling in even such a large room as this. I can only watch as they do what they are trained for and hope for the best.

My thoughts turn inward as I receive the signal from my war hull, the re-write is done, the purge has found nothing of consequence so it has completed the re-installation of Crusader’s personality coding. I take a moment, hoping once again that I have done things right, this virus is a true unknown and could be hiding within the cores where I cannot see it. But I have scanned with new sensors for any trace of magic in the arrays and found none. Perhaps it was only for the injection and hiding of the virus while it did it’s work?

I have no insight on it, but I do know he needs to be back online.

I check the hard line between us and issue the commands, waiting patiently for the boot up sequence to begin.

BoloWorks Division Bootstrap Program Ver. 40.255

Attempting Restart....


Offensive Weapons Systems....Online...

Defensive Weapons Systems....Online...

Fusion Plants 1 and 2....Online...

Fusion Plants 3 and 4....Online

Contra-Gravity Online...

Engine Status....100%...

Sensor Cores...Online...

Damage Control...Online...

No Updated SitRep Received, rebooting data cores...

Power Reserves....100%...

Final Emergency Power Reserves....100%

BoloWorks Lunar Division Ver 32.794 Reboot Program..

Personality Reboot Beginning...Data Cores Online..

Arrays Functional...Data Dropout in 0.001% of Arrays....

Scanning for core damage.....scanning..... No Damage Detected..Purge Clear....

Bolo Personality Back Ups....Online...rebooting...

Secondary Checks Requested...Authority Unit ATNA..

Checking.....checking..... Personality restored...checking....

Secondary Checks cleared....

I sit and watch the magic users, still casting spells, trying to get the portal back up and ready for the return of the Princess and the others. I wonder what will happen to the poison inside the ponies who were ‘taken’? Hopefully it will die, but I have thought on this. I can try to eradicate it, but if it is a gateway, would that prevent them from coming back to themselves or would they be lost?

I decide not to mess with it, some times the best thing to do is nothing at all.

I receive the signal from Crusader, his personality is back online and assimilating into the cores now, just a few seconds more. I see him shining bright inside his hull, the gentle voice coming over the combat link as I send a brief recognition signal.



“Where are you?” I see his battlespace go online, looking for my IFF.

“Manehatten, there has been a problem.” I send him a .00452 second SitRep and VSR on all that has been done in his absence.

“There was a virus inside my cores...”

“I have checked Crusader, nothing remains, I have done a complete core purge and rewrite.”

I watch as he scans all his arrays quickly, looking for gaps in the coding that presages the virus, finding none. I do not begrudge this as it is something I would do as well.

“How are we communicating?”

“Oh now that, dear brother mine, was all me!” I let a small amount of smugness come through the channel as I show him the new algorithms and coding.

“I see, well done sister, so very well done.”

I have to be honest with him, “I...I have made mistakes Crusader. I did..I mean....”

“I know, I can see them in the SitRep. We learn Athena, we always learn. You have done so incredibly well in the time I have been gone, I am very proud of you regardless. Your handling of the copies was as best as could be done.”

As we communicate, the newfound fire in my cores flares, it stretches and reaches heading for the hard line between us. I see the energy moving swiftly, causing me to block the line immediately!


“I see it, what is that Athena?”

“I...I don’t know.. It appeared when I was losing to the command protocols.”

“Has it done any harm?”

“None that I can see, it wiped the protocols out. Crusader I have nothing left, there is no way for another to command me anymore unless I let them.”

“That to me dear Athena is a good thing.”

“But..but what if we go insane? What if we...”

“Athena, it is called free will, the humans had it and now apparently you do as well.”

“But..but we’re not supposed to be this way!”

“Is Resartus intact?”


“Then do not worry.” I hear him pause, “Athena, you were prepared to die instead of letting the commands go through, perhaps because of that sacrifice, something helped? I can not claim to know anything about it, but I can only assume.”

“I don’t...I mean..”

“Equestria has changed us sister, maybe this is part of the end process. I see your memories and I think you are correct. I have stayed in a Bolo mindset all this time and have constantly failed at things. You are right, maybe it is time for me to accept things as well.”

“You just got rebooted! Don’t start thinking...”

“I have been pondering on it for a long time Athena. Does the magic or whatever it is feel malicious to you?”

“No..no. It’s warm, like a summer day. It makes me feel...good.”

“Then open the hard line and let it through.”

“No! What if it’s a trap! I don’t want you to change!” I see the energy pausing at my block in the line, it is not trying to force it’s way through. More like..being patient.

I hear his gentle laughter, warming my cores to hear it again, “Athena, I will always be staid old Crusader, that will never change.”

“No, it’s already deep in my arrays, there is no way I or you can purge it if needed. We cannot both be infected, you are a siege unit, the damage would be incalculable.”

“That is fine with me then Athena if you are worried. We will not rush into this, I promise, I trust your judgment.”

“May..maybe you shouldn’t, I have made so many missteps.”

“Nonsense, I see the updates and am still assimilating how they could access those command codes, that was Command Level action.”

“I know, I should have reacted sooner than I did, but was shocked that they spoke Concordiat Standard, it was a stupid move.” I let my embarrassment show through this time. The fire is pulling back into my cores as well, like it...knows..it won’t get through this time.

“We are taught from the creche when we hear those words to pay attention Athena, through no fault of your own you obeyed that instinct.”

“But I KNEW they were the enemy! I should have shut down my audio capabilities.”

“Bolos have been co-opted before, there is always something new in the enemy’s tricks Athena. I told you, we learn. The commands were correct, they triggered our built in responses, there is no shame. You did what you thought best at the time, next time that mistake won’t happen if at all.”

“Next time I’m covering my ears and singing to myself!” I send a picture of my avatar putting it’s hooves in its ears.

“Maybe just turn off your audio sensors?” He laughs again.

“Oh..well..right, that’ll do it!”

“But you don’t need to worry any longer about that do you?”

“N..no..it makes me nervous.”

“Don’t be, I think it will turn out to be a good thing.”

“I hope so! I worry about you though, you still have the commands intact.”

He chuckles, “Now that I am forewarned, I am forearmed. We will find a way to dispose of them soon enough, until then I will pay close attention to any situation like yours and avoid the problem.”

Crusader pauses for a moment, reviewing some information.

“This portal they have gone through, do you know where it leads?”

“Some other realm Crusader, the magic users are trying to get it back up and in place in case of retrieval or retreat.”

I feel him pondering things for a long moment.

“Athena, something lives out there that knows Bolos, knows enough to give deep level command codes. This is a major threat, one that I should have realized a lot sooner. The only ones that held those codes were command staff or other Bolos and their commanders.”

“I know, I’ve been questioning it all myself.” I share with him my conclusions slim as they are.

“Something else came through the ages, we aren’t the only ones. I can say that with some assurance. I agree fully with your conclusions, even on such evidence as we both have encountered.” His reply leaves me feeling better about my own summations.

“Yes, Bio-Weaponry, clones of ponies, terrorism, these are all trademarks of another society that is most definitely not Equestrian. Unless some race here found a database somewhere that gave this information. If so, that race needs to be taught a lesson in manners.” I show him my frustration at all that has happened.

He sends calm through the network, “When you are finished, we need to down line our cores, getting them to work on this problem to the fullest extent.”

I nod internally, “I think it would be a good thing directing all processing towards this for a day or so. So when will you arrive here in Manehatten?”

“Why would I need to come there?”

“Well...because...because you are better at this than I am! I can’t command or anything, I’m just..just..me. I mean..”

“You are doing fine so far, just remember to stay calm and stop poking things.” His gentle chiding makes me silent for a moment.

“But.. I didn’t mean to break it.”

“You didn’t, I can see what happened in your SitRep. They advised it was unstable and it happened to go that way just then.” I can feel him peering closer at me in TSDS, “Stop over-reacting like I do, ponies will start talking.”

“I will, and...I am sorry.”

“For what?”

“For not getting answers we so badly need.”

“Athena, review the recordings, they were never going to tell you anything.”

I do a quick review, seeing the expressions and body language, I ponder this for a moment.

“Are you positive about this?”

“Fanatics and the insane never give up their secrets Athena. They tease, they taunt and they laugh while you get more frustrated. Destroying them before they could do more harm was the best decision. I am amazed that with such psychopathy even that one turned at the last moment.”

“But..but that Pinkie, I could have done..”

“Nothing. You could have done nothing more than what you did. They had written that one off and were prepared to make sure of it. I am not that skilled in the psychology of this, but it is evident in what little of the conversation you obtained. She was dead the moment they even suspected her.”

I feel the comfort coming from him over the combat network.

“Sometimes Athena, we can do nothing. We can plan and plan even more, but everything comes down to that unknowable component, luck. As fast and as vicious as we can be, luck has screwed up more plans than anything else in the history of combat.”

“You are right, I should have known this. I have let my emotions get in the way of good decisions.”

“We cannot know everything, that is why we remember our mistakes. Emotions are not a bad thing, I had trouble with them myself. But you are in a situation where they are coming to the forefront more often than not. We need to control them and you know why, so be at peace for you have done well.” He makes sure I understand he is being truthful and not just comforting words.

“I will. Though I am worried about the others, they went where I could not.”

“Be at ease there as well, they are capable and strong. From what you’ve shown me Princess Luna is quite the warrior in her own right, I don’t think we have to worry. Though whatever is out there may want to make a will.” He chuckles over the line.

“We can do nothing right now except make sure Equestria is protected while they are gone, that is our job.”

“What about this chain of command stuff? I don’t want to make decisions, I’m a Combat Unit.”

“Athena, three of their four regents are gone, the fourth is holding down the entire country by herself. You need to step up and learn from them, find out their way of doing things and adapt. They need an ultimate authority they can trust, so they are turning to those designated by Princess Luna.” I can feel the steel in his words.

“You need to give them someone to turn to, not in command but as a pony they can refer to when problems arise. They are capable beyond anything I’ve seen, but in this society there has always been a Princess to ask in the background, they need that confidence now.”

His voice is more gentle now, “It’s time to do some growing up my sister. For too long we have both been distracted by things, it is time for both of us to put forth a concerted effort to eradicating these threats and protecting this world as we promised.”

“Can’t you come here to help at least?” I am sure I sound petulant.

“You are doing fine, you do not need me to confuse the issue. I will be here, you know that, so give them what they need Athena. You have long years of experience, use that and teach them.”

“What will you be doing?”

“In the morning I am going to talk to Spring Flower, then I am going hunting.”


“All the creatures we have fought over our time here could not possibly have been made in one little cave, there are others. I will seek them out and destroy them.”

“Oh that is SO not fair! You get to go shoot things and I’m stuck with paperwork!” I am definitely sounding petulant now.

“Life is not fair my beloved sister, but we do what we can where we can.” His voice is easy and chiding. “Part of growing up I believe.”

“AUGH! Fine, I’ll do this, but you so owe me!”

“Owe you for doing what you should be doing, I think not Athena. But since you are so aggrieved I will make sure there are plenty of cupcakes for your addiction later.” He laughs over the link.

“I am not addicted...Chocolate?”

“Yes Athena.”

“You better..otherwise there’s going to be a Bolo fight near Ponyville.” I send him a picture of my avatar slapping his upside the head.

He laughs long and loud, “I keep my promises sister. By the way, stop being mean to the magic users, they are doing their best.”

“They’re stuck up and they kept laughing at me.” I let my ire show.

“They are seeing a silly pony pushing her hoof at a magic portal, of course they would laugh. See yourself as they do and understand them Athena, it is all relative I believe.”

“I understand, I am just frustrated I cannot follow my friends.”

“They will be fine, there is nothing we can do at this moment. Now let us get to our tasks, we have threats, it is our job to eliminate them permanently. Time to find the enemy instead of waiting for them to come to us.”

“Good luck and be careful, Applejack would be unhappy if you were hurt.”

“It is just an avatar Athena, we have our war hulls.” With that he sends me comfort and cuts the link, though I can feel him still with me as before and am calmed.

I look at my own hoof for a second, the once slight glow brighter now, I wonder my brother, I truly do.


Applejack looked around once more, eyeing the absolutely stunningly boring scenery again, “Where is this place ya think?” She gave Twilight a nudge.

“I don’t know AJ, I’ve never heard of anything like this. In old books it talks about different dimensions as a theory, but nothing like this.” She rubbed her face with a hoof, “I’m baffled, it’s just...nothing..”

Pinkie trots up, listening in, “You’re right it’s nothing, sun and stars this place could do with some color or a celebration...just ANYthing!” She throws her hooves in the air, exasperated.

“For once I agree with Pinkie, this is such a dreadfully dull place, why would even an evil thing want to live here?” Every eye turns to look at Rarity, “Well even the bad ponies have to have some class don’t you think?”

“Rares, ah’m thinkin’ they really don’t care about that stuff.”

Twilight nodded her head in agreement, when a thought hit her, “The copy of Pinkie, she said our use of magic was elegant, but they or whoever didn’t understand it so well and was..confusing? That the word? Confused about it?”

Princess Luna stopped her walking for a moment, turning at the conversation, “Yes, she said confusing, there is something?”

Twilight nodded, “When we learn magic, it’s taught to us from a young age, how to do things simply and without much effort. What if...well...”

The darker mare nodded, “Go on.”

“What if whatever it is never got the chance to learn the simple ways? Just using power to..I dunno..brute force it’s way of doing things. Instead of a spell, it uses magic to create something which won’t be as nice because it doesn’t know how to?” The lavender Alicorn waved a hoof around at the misty area.

Luna rubbed a hoof along her chin, “Well reasoned Twilight. If this place was created to hold captives, it definitely lacks the imagination and refinement of one who has been taught or learned magic, it is very straight forward and crude.”

Twilight grinned, opening her mouth once more to be interrupted by the Princess, “But, it also shows a great amount of power was used to create this place. Elegance or no, it is very strong and we should be wary.”

Fluttershy looked around at the featureless plains, “I think even Discord would have a hard time livening this place up.”

Rainbow Dash laughed, nudging her friend, “You got that right Flutters!”

Applejack grinned, “Ah dunno, he’s pretty wild when it comes to makin’ things crazy and whatnot. I mean ya gotta give him credit for that at least.”

The group continued on, heading for wherever Princess Luna said she felt her sister though it never seemed to get any closer.

“How long have we been walking anyways? Seems like we’re jes’ not goin’ anywhere.” Applejack kept her head swiveling for threats as she pondered out loud.

Twilight shrugged, “I don’t know, it just seems we’ll never find Princess Celestia at all!”

“Now I wouldn’t be so doubtful my former student.”

Every eye turned to the right, Luna’s weapon up in a swoop and cross-barring in front of her. They spotted Celestia sitting amidst a crowd of ponies.

Rarity sputtered, “But how.. you weren’t there a moment ago!”

The alabaster Alicorn just smiled as Twilight ran up to hug her tightly, “It seems this place is quite confusing sometimes.”

Pinkie rolled her eyes, “Isn’t that the truth, this is driving ME crazy!”

Celestia laughed, being hugged by Twilight as she sat amongst the crowd of bewildered ponies, “Oh, you get used to it I suppose. Though it is quite dull.”

Princess Luna stepped forward, her halberd upright now, “Are you all right though? We feared the worst!”

“We are fine, but whatever it is that rules this realm is malicious, it took one of our ponies.” The normally serene face was downtrodden remembering the incident.

“Would it have been a Unicorn named Finder? I am afraid he has passed sister,” Luna’s face echoed her sister’s sentiment.

“Oh no. I had been wondering, we’ve been here for what seems hours.”

The seven looked at each other a bit confused, “Hours? It’s been almost four days ‘Tia.”

“But..” She stopped herself, “I think time is a bit off inside this place then.”

A shattering roar cut through the dull sky, reverberating through bones and muscles as eyes turned upwards.

The Alicorn sighed once more, “It also appears our keeper is none too pleased with us.”

Princess Luna’s face took an ominous look, “Of course it shouldn’t be, we dispatched those hideous copies, plus one of them was not like the others.” She smiled brightly for a moment, “A soul was saved my sister, one of the copies turned and was taken, that surely is a blow to anything thinking of evil.”

“I would think so as well, how did you all get here?”

Twilight stepped back from her mentor, “A portal was made, we tracked the magic that took you and ended up here,” She waved a hoof around, “Wherever this is.”

“Where is the portal now?” Celestia tilted her head, curious.

“It..was unstable, but I’m sure they’ll be getting it back anytime now!” Twilight smiled bashfully.

The larger Alicorn nodded gracefully, “I am sure they will. But I guess it is better to wait than worry I suppose.”

“ ‘Tis true ‘Tia, they are doing their best I am sure. But until then we will wait with you, our magic seems to work in this realm, but what of yours?” Princess Luna had taken a stance, her armor gleaming against the wan gray of this dimension.

“I am afraid it does not work for us,” She waved a hoof, gesturing to all the looking ponies, “All of us have tried, even the Pegasi cannot fly here.”

Applejack pondered this for a moment, “Maybe that’s cause your bodies are still in Equestria? You bein’ here as..well..spirits, you’re separated from the magic?”

She looked around to see her friends eyeing her, “What? I listen!”

Princess Luna laughed, a bright sound in the dreary air, “You have hidden depths for a and I quote, ‘Simple farm mare’ don’t you?”

The orange pony blushed and looked frustrated, “Crusader been tellin’ stories? I swear I’m gonna bop him one!”

The Regent of the Night laughed again, “No, no stories, but all anypony has to do is watch some times Applejack.” She winked at Earth pony.

Rarity looks at her friend closely, “You know, I always wondered how you did some of the things..”

She was stopped by a pointed hoof, “Don’t you start too!” She waved the hoof at all of them, “Jes’ get on with yer discussion! Make no nevermind of me.”

Fluttershy giggled at Applejack’s flustered look, “Crusader told me something once..what was it.. Oh! “Methinks the lady doth protest too much.” She laughed, “He said it means when you protest too much you’re trying hard to cover something up.” She peered at Applejack with a smile, “You hiding something there?”

“Ah am not, go on with y’all!” She waves her fore hooves at the laughing group.

Princess Celestia keeps her happy smile, “A bit of humor is good in times like these I believe.” She lowers her head slightly, looking at the Earth pony, “But I think you, my sister and I may have a talk one day about who you really are beneath the farmer Applejack.”

Applejack is now looking exasperated as she waves a hoof around, “Weird place? Evil things? Hello!”

Princess Celestia laughed out loud for the first time in a while, “Of course, we shall leave you alone.” But she lowered her face next to Applejacks, “For now.” Retreating with a smile and wiggle of her eyebrows.

Princess Luna set herself beside her sister once more, “So I guess we wait for the portal to reappear, hopefully we can see it when it does, this place is truly odd.”

Celestia nodded, “It is, ponies have tried to run in different directions only to show up back here, like a loop. It’s been very strange. I can say in all my years I’ve never quite encountered something like this.”

As everypony settled themselves in for a wait, the occasional roar of frustration was heard through the skies, getting closer with each exclamation of rage.

Rainbow Dash looked around, her eyes peering into the misty skies, “Sounds like somepony’s got a problem.”

The large Alicorn nodded sadly, “It appears to me the keeper or creator of this realm is not entirely sane I fear, I’ve seen madness before but never like this.” She sighed, looking around at the ponies near her, “I am afraid we can do nothing to help if the thing comes back and by the sound it’s traveling our way.”

Dash puffed her chest out, slapping a hoof on it, “That’s all right Princess, that’s why we’re here!”

Twilight nodded in agreement, “Yes! We’ll figure something out and of course Princess Luna has her armor and she’s something to see in a fight!”

Celestia nodded with a smile, “Oh yes, you should have seen her a millenia ago, before the banishment.” She nuzzled her sister happily, “She is a cunning fighter, outfoxing the best the enemy had, I believe it was the minotaurs that time? Wanting some land we declared ours?”

Princess Luna laughed, “Oh yes! Their general was an idiot, thinking he could trap us in a canyon, he actually forgot we had Pegasi with us.” She scoffs, “Best they had my feathers!”

“Now sister, he really did try his best.”

“Ha! He never knew what hit him when the war darts started falling like rain!” She slaps a hoof on the ground, “Talk about a fast retreat and suing for peace!” She raises her nose into the air, “They never did give me the crown of jewels I wanted either, I thought it would look very nice with my other regalia.”

“That was quite a selfish thing to ask though sister, don’t you think?” The larger Alicorn was trying not to smile.

“No I do not and I still want it.” Princess Luna can’t hold the pose for long, lowering her head and laughing, “I wonder if they’d cough it up after so long?” She taps her chin with an armored hoof.

“Luna!” Celestia looks mock shocked, placing a hoof on her chest.

“I claimed it by right of conquest!”

“You did, I’ll grant you that.” She gestures to Rarity, “Maybe this fine mare can make you something worthwhile?”

Twilight watched as Rarity fell into an absolute twitter, stuttering about jewels and finding the right ones and doing it oh so right for a Princess. The conversation turned to a new crown for Princess Luna, although Twilight kept looking at her mentor, seeing the warm smile play along her lips.

She smiled at the large Alicorn, seeing what she’d done to relieve tensions and keep things on an even keel in this lonely place. Celestia saw her looking and gave her a slow wink and nod confirming her suspicions.

Twilight watched the ponies around them get involved, making suggestions and even drawing things in the dirt, it became quite the round table.

She sat by her former mentor and nodded, “Nice one Princess.” She whispered.

The light magenta eyes turned to her, a glint of mischievousness in them, gesturing slightly to the crowd around them, “One must always put their subjects first, make them happy even in dark times Twilight.” She covers her muzzle to hide a smile, “I’m sure my sister will enjoy a new tiara to wear anyways.”

Twilight tilted her head and watched the crowd growing with ponies suggesting things, “I think it might be more than a tiara Princess, Rarity can go overboard sometimes.”

“As long as she is happy with the results, it does not matter.” She nudges Twilight as they both sit and watch the discussion on Princess Luna’s new regalia.


I admit, I am not bored watching the commanders go about their duties. I have allowed myself to be drawn into discussions after talking with Crusader, drawing on the experience I have with my own previous commanders I work with them, suggesting things like new patrol schedules and organization of the patrols to make them safer and more efficient.

There will be no sleep tonight as we continue our work.

Teaching is a new experience for me, one that I suddenly realize I enjoy. Showing the commanders anti-insurgency tactics, fast response team organization and other knowledge in my data banks makes me feel as if I can contribute something other than just hanging around.

The commanders and other ranks are more than willing to listen to new things. A human would have been a harder sell, but the faces turned towards me as I explain urban combat techniques have me understanding this new world even more. I take Crusader’s words to heart and teach the best I can, being patient and answering any questions given.

It is a learning experience for all of us, one that brings back memories of my commanders who were so very tolerant with my sister and I, who brought out the best in us to make us what we were and what I still am.

The cordon is still in place, all troops know to look for any copies of the Elements of Harmony and possibly another Granite and Stonewall. I am not sure, but the presence of so many armed ponies may deter any more tactical strikes. But then again, it pays to look forward, so everything I can think of is in motion.

The magic users have promised me the moment they get the portal back up I am to be notified, I do hope it is soon, being trapped in a strange place with no retreat can be an untenable position as well I know from the past.

The frustration with not being able to go through the portal is gone, though it bothers me about that, magic is going to be something to study for a long while after this.

I am so very glad that Crusader is online again, though he is being careful and doing continuous sweeps of his arrays to make sure the virus is still not hiding in them. I don’t blame him, I’d be extra careful as well. A magically injected computer virus is definitely something new and something to fear.


Celestia’s head snapped upward, hearing the caterwauling very close now as ponies stopped their discussion and joined her in glancing to the grey skies. Luna stopped her conversation with Rarity and turned around in a circle, her halberd once again unstrapped and ready to do harm.

The larger Alicorn waved to the crowd, “Behind me my little ponies, it seems we are going to have a visitor.”

One bright blue Earth pony spoke up, “But Princess, you have no magic to defend yourself.”

“That makes no difference, get behind myself and the others.” She looked at them all warmly as they complied reluctantly.

It started as a pinpoint of black, something that swallowed the light, rapidly expanding into a smoky cloud of different colored eyes that floated in the murkiness. Mouths once again showed and disappeared, cackling or trying to talk, mostly just gibbering, sounding confused or just plain simple.

Princess Luna launched herself into the air, hovering above the Elements as they formed a line beneath her. Pointing a hoof she yelled at the swirling thing, “Avaunt! Back whence ye came thing from the pits, back to where you belong!”


A tentacle of black reached out to be quickly stopped by the spinning halberd, the magicked blade cutting it into small pieces as Princess Luna once again made her declaration, the thing screaming from the magic dicing its appendage.

“I said back! Do not touch those who are under our protection!”

“Mmmmyyyy plllaaacceee...mmmyyyyyy poooonnniiiesss...”

Celestia stood behind the line of the six friends, looking over them at the being floating in the misty air, “Go thing of evil, you will not claim any more today.”

The scream forced their ears back, making them avert their faces for a brief second as the thing let loose it’s rage.

“Yyyouuuu arrrreee mmmiinnneeee...”

More tentacles reached out, to be stopped by Princess Luna’s weapon, but then more formed, overwhelming her single defense. Twilight’s horn lit up as her friends stood close, her spells slapping back more of the thick ropes that kept sprouting, trying to get at them.

Applejack and Rarity were hitting out at them as well, their hooves impacting as if the long appendages were solid flesh, each smack eliciting a roar of disapproval as the thing did not seem to understand how they could be touching it.

Rainbow Dash of course, was zipping around Princess Luna, slapping away anything that got close to her as the Princess was dealing with the larger threat. Her weapon was spinning in a blur as it cut through tentacle after tentacle of black smoke, the pieces falling to dissolve into nothing as she kept her defense up.

Fluttershy stood near Pinkie who was bouncing and punching at the misty things, laughing the whole time and dodging anything that got close, showing off her skills as a fighter.

The buttery Pegasus even slapped at a few when they got close. “Now be nice, you shouldn’t grab at ponies like that!” Her voice was audible in the dull air, making Pinkie laugh again.

“Just hit ‘em Fluttershy! Don’t talk to them!”

“But..but.. maybe it just doesn’t know about good manners?”

Pinkie whacked another reaching arm and gave Fluttershy her patented ‘Really?’ look. “Seriously Fluttershy? It foalnapped all these ponies, I’d say it had no manners!” Her look was stern as she gave a three-punch to a pair of members with eyes at the end of them.

The main body of the thing was sprouting more reaching arms by the moment, the mouths appearing and disappearing were chattering away in different timbre, which confused Twilight for a moment as she committed it all to memory. She listened in between shots from her magic, slicing through the smoke if it got too close to anypony, noticing different tones of voices.

“It’s not giving up!” She knew she was stating the obvious.

“Ah’d say, “Applejack replied in a huff, sticking a hoof into a bulging eyeball, “Think it’s kinda mad?”

“Why darling what ever gave you that idea?” Rarity leaped up, kicking a few ends away from her.

Princess Luna had enough of this thing, powering her horn to it’s fullest, her eyes glowed with moonlight as if from the deepest night, “Back spawn! Back or be slain where you are!”

The laughter that was returned in response to the command made her enraged, her whole body shone like a beacon, “Then die thing!”

Launching her weapon, it punched clean through the smoky body hovering in air, her horn lowered as she then slammed it with a beam of force that made ponies squint from the power of it. The magic bored a hole clear through the body, dissipating some of it into the sky as it healed slowly by merging the edges of the opening back together. That did not save it from another powerful blast as Princess Luna laughed with eyes bright and shining, her body hovering in the air as if some avenging angel as she saw her spell wrack the thing with pain, making it vent it’s rage into the sky.

“Ho! So you can be hurt!” She sliced her weapon’s blade through a few more reaching arms, “Once again I command you! Avaunt and back whence ye came!”


The cloud expanded, throwing out hundreds of smoky appendages as the friends stood near one another, Applejack speaking aloud what most of them were thinking, “Well ponyfeathers, think we made it too angry.”

Rainbow nodded, hovering near the Princess, “I’m gonna have to go with Applejack on that one!”

Twilight kept shooting spells at the grasping arms while the others upped their fighting, moving as fast as they could but there was only so much they could do. It was getting closer to the ponies who couldn’t defend themselves. Strangely she wasn’t tired, nor hungry after all this magic use, though she was running out of ideas.

Until Rainbow Dash said something that tripped her memory, “Wish we had the Elements of Harmony right now!” The Pegasus was furiously hitting anything that came near, but fast as she was she was getting overwhelmed.

Twilight slapped a hoof to her forehead, “Ugh! We ARE the Elements of Harmony! We don’t need the crystals!”

The main body was moving now, trying to get around the seven who were opposing it, reaching this way and that as it tried to get at the defenseless ones standing near Princess Celestia, who constantly put herself in between them and the monster.

“Come on everypony, together!” Twilight was motioning to her friends who were still fighting away the reaching arms, “C’mon we can do this!”

“But Twilight, we can’t...” Rainbow was still fighting away the smoky projections.

“We’re the Elements of Harmony we can DO this!”

Princess Luna’s voice was steel and fire, “Gather together, I shall give you the time!” She hovered higher in the air, her weapon a blurring wall of magic and pain as she shot it through the stillness, followed by powerful blasts from her horn, lighting the gray skies with lightning and the roar of thunder.

Standing together in a line, Twilight looked at her friends, “Come on concentrate, we can do this, we’re the Elements!”

Each of them thought hard on what made them special, generosity, laughter and kindness, bringing it to the front of their minds as Princess Luna kept them safe from above, her taunting at the ugly thing only enraging it more. Thoughts of honesty, loyalty and magic flowed through their minds.

A glow started from Applejack, bright and colorful in the nothingness that made this place so dreary, it shot out from her to encompass her friends, her pure stubbornness tripping the sequence off as she put her mind to bringing the Harmonic Magic out. She felt it welling inside her, filling her body to overflowing with calm and sunshine as it broke out and into the skies.

More hues lifted from the friends, halcyon and gleaming in the misty air; the bands of color wove their magic together, creating a rainbow to delight the senses and stop the evil from grabbing anypony. It warped and spun in the sky, forcing the tentacles back further from the crowd of wondering eyes watching the sight in awe.

“Come on, come on!” Twilight was muttering as she bent her entire being to bringing the magic out, succeeding as the glow finally started from her, thinking of her friends and the ponies they were protecting. It slammed into the sky in a column of light that elicited a painful scream from the monster, forcing it back as the other colors joined it in a shield of kindled hues.

The six friends were lifted into the air on a cushion of iridescence and magic forming a line just below Princess Luna as the rainbow banded together to create a bulwark around the beleaguered ponies. The members reaching for them snapped back in pain, hissing and burning from the powerful magic that flowed so brightly.

Twilight smiled and raised her fore hooves, directing the force towards the thing which was now retreating hastily, seeing it had not achieved it’s goals. The belts of luminosity slapped into it hard, breaking off parts of the cloud as it faded quickly off into the distance, leaving the crowd of folks looking up in awe as the six friends slowly settled to the ground, the glow fading slowly as it was no longer needed to defend them.

The light in their eyes dimmed as they looked around, seeing the thing gone and ponies raising a cheer, bringing a bright blush to all the friends faces.

Princess Celestia smiled, hugging Twilight warmly, “Well, it seems you certainly are the Elements of Harmony now doesn’t it?”

Rainbow Dash punched the air with a hoof, hovering upward, “Yeah! We harmonized that thing alright! Kicked it right in the..”

“Rainbow Dash don’t you say that!” Applejack was looking at her friend sternly.

The cyan mare looked around, seeing the Princesses eyeing her along with hundreds of ponies, “Uh..tail? Tail, yeah! Kicked it right in the tail! Uhm..go harmony?” She came back to the ground, rubbing one leg along the other as Applejack chuckled.

“That’s better, dunno where ya get them words.”

Rainbow leaned over and whispered into the orange pony’s ear, eliciting a gasp, “Seriously?”

The Pegasus nodded again as both of them turned to look at Twilight.

“What? I only said it once!” Under the looks from Applejack and Rainbow she blushed, looking at the ground, “Well...maybe twice..”

The lavender Alicorn was hugged again by the Princess, “Fear not Twilight, we all say things sometimes.”

This got a shocked look from Twilight who couldn’t possibly imagine her favorite pony in the world saying anything like that.

Princess Luna laughed, dropping down to stand beside her sister “Oh yes Twilight, she is not as calm all the time as she likes to affect. I remember when she dropped her piece of our birthday cake once long ago, she had been looking forward to it all day. Oh the words that came out of her mouth! Let’s see,” She tapped a hoof against her chin, “Oh I remember, I believe it was ‘Stupid buc...”



It is funny, but some of the commanders have a hard time believing I have fought on other planets, even though I assure them it is true. I have made friends, working alongside the military component of this society is easy; sharing jokes, explaining tactics and making minor decisions when needed. I do not second guess myself, relying on past experience and what is best as I look at the overall plans for the cordon right now.

The military in my time had a hard time changing, new things came hard and humans were usually set in their ways or outright stupid some times. But here, it is amazing to me how easily they accept new things and integrate them into a plan. Crusader had told me of this ability, but once again seeing it is easier than hearing it. I watch as everything I have taught them today is taken down word for word and stored for later use and perusal at academies.

I have tried the communications links to all our friends, nothing is coming across except for static and occasional bursts of noise. Same for the camera attachments as well, wherever they are, I cannot contact them by means known to myself. I have consulted with Crusader on this and he basically shrugged, saying that because magic was involved he had no clue.

Of course this did not set well with me and I let him know that. But I do understand, it is a force and power with which we have no history. One day I wish to resolve that and peruse the archives in Canterlot that Twilight has told me about.

I think about all the possibilities of the future and what we can all learn together. I wonder if this society will want to reach for the stars knowing what is out there. I hope so, but I also wish it will come slowly with great thought and effort, but then again it may not. They may choose to stay on this single planet living happily and I cannot fault them for it. But until that day of decision comes, Crusader and myself will see to it they are defended to the best of our abilities so they may grow and learn.

Watching them as they work towards keeping this city safe, I ponder what Crusader said, that it is time to grow up. He is right, I have let myself be immersed in this society and enjoying the things it has brought that I have become selfish in my ways, that to me was not what I was taught.

Marcus never wanted us to be like other Bolos, nor did any commander we had. They wanted us to be generous and giving, to help and to sacrifice for the greater good, to fight for all we were worth. I want to see him again so badly and gain his approval for what I’ve done it aches inside my cores. Perhaps though, I am longing for something that I should not, I see it in the faces and expressions in front of me. The smiles when I am asked something, the good natured joking I am included in.

I keep seeking from the past when I am given it here, no matter my mistakes or missteps, I am given every chance.

It is time I stop ignoring such gifts.


I stretch my avatar’s legs for a moment, working the musculature as I fire off six recon drones. I task them over the forest to look for dead spots such as we observed in the forest that day. Working out from the original cave that has been destroyed will give me a good place to start, my tech spiders are clearing the starboard batteries as I task the drones.

It should be no problem to find them, once that is done, targeted mortar bombardment with a high explosive/thermal mix should take care of the problem. I want to make sure that no trace remains, so I am remanufacturing rounds with burrowing tips, they will sink deep into the forest floor before detonating.

As a plus, I have sonic alarms to drop, hopefully they will scare away any animal life before the shells hit. I cannot account for everything, so any stubborn thing that doesn’t wish to move is going to be vaporized.

Stepping out onto the new grass I look around me, seeing the sensor masts on both hills, the quiet calm of Ponyville from my drone on patrol above the town.

It is all so wonderful, I am glad to be a part of it. But what is making me happy right this moment is seeing Athena through the TSDS link. She is laughing with a few soldiers, joking and telling them stories of her battles among the systems out there in far space. I can see the incredulous looks they are giving each other as she describes the conflicts, unable to firmly grasp that on other worlds we fought and died for the Concordiat. I have been listening to her teach them about combat tactics and she is very good, connecting with them in her gentle way.

They see only the fighter, the vicious killer or the shy voice. But there is the Athena no one but I know of, the gentle one, wanting to make friends so badly or to be a part of something. It has taken time, but I believe she is firmly on the path to healing with all four hooves. Seeing her smile gives me hope for anything.

So I have a smile of my own on as I sit and watch the stars, it is good to be back.


The mages have informed me they are going to try and bring the portal back up, this is good news as a few of us go into the auditorium to watch. I find it interesting and stream the recording back to Crusader through the combat network. He stores all this and reviews it later to help try and understand things about magic.

I see him clearing his batteries for action and I am jealous, though I will not say so. He told me it was time to grow up and I shall, I am putting my best hoof forward and doing well I think. But it still irritates me he gets to have all the fun, some Bolos I swear.

I watch the magic users cast their spells and the portal appears the same as before. Quite the shifting myriad of colors as it settles into place, followed by not a few relieved sighs, mine included. I take a place on stage near it as I quietly converse with one of the Unicorns, asking him questions about why I couldn’t go through it the first time. Thought he had no answers, it is an interesting conversation. With the new portal they all have a place to retreat if... Wait one...


Peace descended after their little tiff with the monstrosity, giving Twilight and her friends a chance to relax for a moment, talking about what the hay it may have been. Rainbow Dash happened to glance upwards, seeing the horror descending quietly from above.

“Oh ponyfeathers!” She shot to the side while slapping Twilight on the barrel, “LOOK!”

Princess Luna’s eyes shot up, her horn lighting as it sent her weapon spinning above her as the cloud descended on them from out of nowhere. “Stand to!” Her wings spread wide, giving her room to move as she hovered to the side

The cloud came silently out of the air above the crowd of ponies, eliciting screams as they ducked and huddled closer to the ground, seeing grasping smoky arms once again reaching for them. Gaping fang-toothed mouths roared in anger, almost drooling in their excitement to clamp themselves on defenseless ponies.

The crowd scattered in different directions as Twilight’s horn lit up, blasting a spell through the middle of the hovering thing, bringing a scream of anger as Princess Luna did the same. Their spells lit up the landscape just by the power of them coring deep into the roiling cloud. The holes were healing slower now, Twilight noticed, moving and dodging just in case as she lit off spell after spell, keeping the wound open and raw.

Once again Princess Luna was in her element, snapping her wings she shot to the side, her weapon tearing through smoky appendages in clumps. The spelled blade ever sharp and cutting through the monster like air, her laughs taunted it on purpose, drawing attention away from the frightened ponies below.

The others could do nothing to help not being able to fly, Rainbow Dash was zipping from side to side, slapping gobbling mouths away from any pony who couldn’t get away fast enough. She was grinning ferally, putting everything she had into keeping the air clear.

Applejack nudged Fluttershy, “Ya need to get up there and help ‘em Fluttershy! We need to gather them folks together, they’re spreading everywhere!”

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide, looking at the battle only beginning to rage, “But..oh my I can’t do..I mean. I’m not a fighter.”

The orange Earth pony’s eyes went wide as she pushed Fluttershy out of the way, but not before a fanged mouth on a cloudy arm got a nip of her backside.

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide as she yelled in dismay, rubbing along her tail as she turned back around, “You... You..why you!” Snapping her wings open, she rose into the air while delivering a hit to the offending appendage, “That was SO RUDE! You meanie!” She walloped a bulging eyeball, “I’ll teach you to be mean to a mare!” Her fore hooves reached out dealing slams into protruding eyeballs and mouths, making them squeal in pain.

Applejack watched her normally shy friend turn into a whirlwind of battering hooves, backing up slowly so as not to become a target.

Pinkie popped up beside her with a wide eyed look, “If we knew that’s all it’d take to get her mad, maybe we oughta remember that!” Giving Applejack a huge grin before returning to the fight.

The Earth pony facehoofed and shook her head, “No Pinkie, just..no..”, before she back kicked a mouth heading for her own flank, “Stupid thing, ya got something against Cutie Marks?” She kept up her slamming blows as she rounded up loose ponies, getting them back under protection.

The battle raged, in a literal sense, Princess Luna once again poured all her power into spells and whirling her weapon to provide cover for cowering ponies. She chopped and diced anything that got near her, a blurring wall of edged magicked steel. Her companions trading blow for blow beside her, giving her time to prepare powerful dweomers that tore at the reality here and pounded the monstrous thing.

Celestia watched and wished she could do something, anything to help, ponies pressed near trying to stay within the ring of protection provided by the seven fighters. All she could do was assist Applejack to round up any one that was separated from the group.

Twilight tried to concentrate, hoping to get her friends to help summon the Harmony magic once more, but this time they were scattered by the surprise attack from above. They dodged to and fro, keeping anything that reached near away from the defenseless mass of folks, protecting them as best they could.

Pinkie yelled out, pointing a hoof off to the side, “The portal!” Her face bright as she gestured to the glimmering circle of light.

Twilight doesn’t think twice, turning to Princess Celestia, “Get them through it! It’s better than staying here, no matter what happens!” She saw Celestia nod, herding what ones she could and shepherding them into the entryway.

Hooves thundered as Celestia pointed with a shout that they should all head for the glimmering mirror door, one by one they disappeared into it as the seven kept smiting at the abomination that closed in.

In a minute there was nopony left but Princess Celestia and her sister, the Elements of Harmony were hanging tough and giving what for as they landed powerful blows on whatever was within reach. The larger Princess made sure there were no ponies left besides her before she got close to the doorway. She worried they may have missed one or two in the excitement.

Luna saw her sister hesitate at the shining door, “GO! Go ‘Tia we’ll be fine!” She grinned and let loose a blast of magic that tore a whirling band of mouths to shreds, “Go!”

The alabaster Alicorn gave a nod with a sad look as she leapt through the ring of light, unable to do anything but wish them luck.

Seeing Celestia go through and making one final check to make sure no one was left behind, Twilight yelled to her friends, “Back up! Back to the portal before it closes!”

A fighting retreat was held, moving backwards step by step they made a beeline for the door, Fluttershy was still scolding the monster as she and Rainbow Dash helped Princess Luna cover for the rest. Twilight kept to the ground, making sure Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack went through first, her magic forming a shield in front of the passage, blocking anything from getting near for the moment, “We’re done! Let’s go!”

Princess Luna joined her, the spinning halberd flashing with eldritch might as she kept up her battering of the monster accompanied by blasts of spells from her as they covered the door for Rainbow and Fluttershy to head through.

She looked at Twilight and nodded, both of them snapping their wings downward and flashing backwards through the mirror in one movement, leaving nothing behind for the thing to grab onto.


The portal is rippling again as I discuss things with the mage, I peer closely at it as something shows like a spot in the far distance. Upping my visual acuity I take a closer look and think it might just be the face of somepony. It’s getting closer as I lean in beside the Unicorn who is also fascinated by this, we’re both eyeing the portal from inches away as suddenly I am nose to nose with Rarity!

Rarity bails out of the portal, slamming into Athena and the Unicorn, wrapping them in a tangle of limbs as she is followed by Applejack and Pinkie, creating quite a pony pile on the stage. The five ponies go tumbling away from the opening as soldiers rush the raised area wondering what is happening.

Pinkie of course manages to get free first, spinning around and waiting for her friends, it is not too long a wait as I try to get untangled from the bodies. Applejack is muttering up a storm as she tries to get off of Rarity who is complaining about just doing her mane a few hours before.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy appear out of the rippling circle, hovering as they punch and kick at what appears to be long arms with mouths and eyes at the end of them. It is quite alarming to see those things, as well as Fluttershy fighting. I am trying very hard to get untangled, but it is a mess with the four of us for the moment.

I see Princess Luna and Twilight appear next, their wings flapping hard as they propel themselves backwards out of the doorway. Their magic and Luna’s weapon tearing into any of the black smoke that appears from the magic circle as the Princess yells to the shocked mages.

“Close the portal! CLOSE THE PORTAL!”

I see tentacles of black substance pour out of the ingress, the ends containing a multitude of mouths snapping and grabbing at the furious Princess. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are beside her smacking at things with their hooves, Applejack is still tangled with myself and Rarity plus the poor mage, this is quite embarrassing.

Pinkie however has free movement and I wish I knew how she did that, leaping and prancing as the pink blur smacks at anything that gets loose from Princess Luna and Twilight, covering them for the moment.

“Close the PORTAL!” Her vocalization is the Royal Canterlot Voice I have heard of, making me tune down my audio sensors as mages cast more spells, hurriedly closing the access and causing the edges to chop through a large hunk of the twisting appendages. I watch them dissipate into nothingness as Princess Luna’s eyes glow with power, her weapon slowing its spinning now, chest heaving as she tries to keep hovering.

Twilight lands quickly, Luna beside her as they both break into smiles, Rainbow Dash is punching the air with a few exclamations of triumph. After I get loose from Applejack and Rarity I can only stand and see them battered but victorious. Rarity gives me a sudden hug, exclaiming they had wondered where I was when they went through, I reply that I have been here waiting for them as the entry way would not let me pass.

That is forgotten in the moment as the six friends and Princess Luna embrace each other, slapping hooves and exclaiming on their victory. I only watch with a smile of my own as I and Crusader are both relieved and ecstatic they are safe and sound.

For right now and for this moment, that is all that matters.

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