• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,588 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Act I - In Which Chains Are Broken, Bonds Reforged and A Tale is Told.

Cadence was troubled. Ever since she had arrived in Ponyville, she had sensed something growing within Twilight. She knew what it was instinctively, it was a love for Crusader.

When Twilight had met them at the train station, she had asked Cadence not to say anything. Knowing it herself and facing it was the only thing she could do, so Cadence agreed.

But as the days went by, Cadence couldn’t help but feel it growing stronger. Twilight very much loved the strange pony and would not let it go. The Princess had tried to talk to her but was waved off with a smile and a ‘Relax, it’s fine.”

But this now was something twisted, as if being forced upon Twilight. She began behaving much more erratically than she ever had. The lavender mare was almost obsessing over Crusader and that, in Cadence’s mind, was not a good thing. She had kept counsel to herself, seeing Shining back to the Crystal Empire, having decided to stay and see what was going on.

As she kept watch, whatever was affecting Twilight became stronger. It pointed her right at Crusader even though she knew he and Applejack were together. It seemed as if she did not care, even remarking once, “He’ll like me better than a farm pony.” Which took her aback as Applejack was a close friend to them both.

As she sat on a balcony in Twilight’s Castle, she tapped a hoof against her chin thinking of Applejack as well. She had a nasty turn to her recently, making snide remarks and totally out of character for the honest, kind pony Cadence knew her for. It was disturbing.

Her commlink was dead as well, not allowing her to contact Crusader as she wondered where he was. He had disappeared after leaving the farm that morning, Big Mac telling her about seeing him head into him town, after that nothing at all.

Right now one ear was listening to a conversation down the hall as the voices echoed wonderfully in the castle. Rainbow Dash was here, sitting with Twilight and making snarky remarks about how Athena couldn’t fly. It threw up more red flags for the Princess of Love, this was not how her friends acted.


Athena brought herself out of alert status, initiating TSDS with her avatar as it got to it’s hooves on her command deck. She scrutinized it for a moment, then jumped in the med bay, giving it a quick wash.

“Got to look my best for meeting ponies!” She was feeling...better.. more at peace than she had been for a while.

She went over the message from Crusader once more before exiting the command deck.

My sister, we have been infiltrated.

My system is shutting down to an unknown attack virus, do not initiate TSDS nor a communications channel with myself until it is purged.

Resartus will take over, do not worry, it will keep me stable until a reboot is possible. I have locked down all weapons systems unless you have need of them, overrides are included in this message.

Use a direct channel to any weapons, do not go through my arrays, the possibility of infection is high.

One warning, Applejack and her friends have been compromised. Do not trust them.

Athena reread that line in shock.

Something is affecting their judgment and/or cognitive functions. I do not know the extent of the problem. Suffice to say they are not who they used to be.

They are either infiltrators or under the control of something else. Take no chances.

Help Applejack and her friends get rid of this problem, if they are infiltrators destroy them, once again take no chances. The enemy is trying another avenue of approach and we must out-think it this time if we can.

The Crusaders are hiding at the tree-house or at the home of a young Unicorn named Spring Flower. She is important, do not let her come to harm, I urge you.

Keep them safe please as I have promised them I would.

The virus inside my arrays appears to be something I cannot see nor detect, I would assume it is magical. I cannot understand how or why, but no matter. If you can reclaim Twilight, get her to scan my cores for information, she will know what to do if anypony.

I know you do not like being alone and I am so very sorry. But you must do this, be wary, be alert. The enemy is around us.

Save our friends my sister.


Athena stepped out of the command deck, trotting fast towards Twilight’s Castle. She did not know how she would go about getting rid of any infection, but they had the medical bays to purge or sweep. Something would be done.

Should they be infiltrators, that can be solved as well.


Cadence had met Twilight in the hallway, hearing the conversation with her and Rainbow.

“Twilight, you really have to stop this with Crusader, he loves another.” Her eyes were soft and pleading.

The lavender Alicorn turned slightly away with a huff, “Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll see the advantages of being with me over some other mare.”

“Twilight, that’s not fair, Applejack is your friend.” She reached a slim hoof out to gently place it on Twilight’s shoulder but was rebuffed.

“She just doesn’t know what she has then! Treating him like some...some farm hoof.. Stars and sun he deserves better!” She leaned down to a shocked Cadence, “He deserves me!”

“Twilight, listen to what you are saying, this is not you. You would never do this.”

“Then maybe it’s time I thought about myself instead of everypony else!” She gestured around the castle, “Don’t I deserve some happiness too?”

“You do, but not this way.” Cadence was smiling gently, trying to bring her around.

“Oh forget it!” She waved a nonchalant hoof at Cadence, “He’ll come around, you’ll see.”

“Twilight, this can be nothing but harmful.” She lay her hoof on the other Alicorn’s shoulder, this time with no shrug off, “You trusted me for years, we have been the best of friends. Believe me when I say this is not you.”

Twilight’s eyes grew soft for a moment, a look of confusion crossing her face as it rearranged itself back to it’s haughty look she had so recently acquired. “I don’t think so. He’s smart, he asks questions, he listens to me!” She stamped a hoof, “If he doesn’t deserve somepony like me, then I don’t know what he needs.”

She turned away from Cadence with a snort, “But I’ll tell you this, once he finds I’m better than some farmer, he’ll see things my way.” With that, she trotted off into the castle leaving a saddened Cadence behind.

Out of the corner of her eye she spotted Spike looking at her, shaking his head as he shrugged. Looking around, he approached her and quietly spoke.

“I don’t know what’s going on Cadence.”

“Neither do I Spike, but it is not something natural. I see it growing in her, it’s twisted and working on her feelings in a way that shouldn’t be.”

Spike looked up at her, pleading, “Then what can we do?”

“We need to find Crusader, he’s disappeared and nopony can find him. He may have an idea what’s going on.”

Spike scratched his chin for a moment, then motioned her off to the side, “Listen, here’s what he told me...” He proceeded to tell her everything that Crusader had passed on, the problems with the other friends, his own systems, Spring Flower and the Crusaders.

Cadence looked more alarmed as he kept telling her things she hadn’t known. “Spike, Celestia and Luna are busy, we can’t count on them for help.” She tapped her hoof on the floor, “What can we do?”

They both heard the castle door open then shut with a slam, peering down the hallway to see Athena heading for them.

Before they could wave to her, Rainbow Dash caught sight of the Pegasus trotting along, she zipped out of the room where she’d been talking to Twilight with an evil grin on her face.

“Hey! Athena! Are ya trying to get more flying lessons?” The malice in the comment was plain for everypony to see, Cadence drew in a breath as Spike looked on, he was shocked as well by her behavior.

Athena for her part, kept a warm smile as she neared Cadence and Spike, wanting to talk to them. A cyan blur suddenly blocked her way as she got close to the two, Rainbow wasn’t done yet.

“Why don’t ya go take those wings off, don’t need em anyways. I’m sure not being a real pony you could make do with being something else huh?” Her face was a showpiece of nastiness, all of it directed at Athena.

Athena almost flinched back, she was a fraction of an inch away from turning and shying into a corner. But a voice made her stop. You have a will of steel my daughter.
Marcus’s voice came loud and clear through her, reminding her she had made a promise. She had never, ever broken a promise to Marcus no matter the cost and she wasn’t about to now.

Reaching over to a side table, she took a crystal decorative ball in her hoof, setting it on the floor with a thump. It was solid and pretty. She lay her hoof on it as she looked into Rainbow’s eyes, the warm smile never leaving her face. She was very calm, something that if Crusader had been there he would have immediately taken action to prevent. Her and her sister’s calm had killed continents.

But this was different being something Marcus had taught them; peace in danger, calm in a fight. Always be serene, use your anger to a purpose, the enemy always makes a mistake.

Rainbow had made a mistake, but one which could be solved simply, not violently. For Athena had learned a new way.

“You’re right. I’m not a real pony, but that doesn’t keep me from trying.” The hallway echoed with a loud report as Athena pushed down on the crystal ball. “But since you’re so insistent on reminding me of that. Let me expand upon your so called knowledge.” The blue crystal started showing fissures in it’s surface as Athena kept pressing.

Cadence and Spike looked on in wonder as she made no effort at all, no trembling of her leg, no sweat breaking out. It was simply her appearing to lay a hoof on the solid crystal beneath it, prisms of light slashing through fractures which made an abrupt appearance.

“I was old when your great great grandparents were but a twinkle in their parent’s eyes. ..CRACK... I have been on worlds where it rained acid and pools of fire consumed everything.. Craaaaackk... I have fought beings that thought they were gods in their own minds.. craaaaaaaaack...” The orb was deforming slightly now, taking an oblong shape.

She leaned a bit closer to Rainbow Dash’s smirking face, which was rapidly losing the smug look. “I have seen things that would make you turn white in so much fear you would never recover...CRACK!.. There are worlds out there bereft of life because of me and my kind...CRACK!!.. But what I think is most telling is I am here...CRACK!!!...and they are not.”


Her hoof hit the floor, pulverizing the crystal orb into dust and shards as it shattered beneath her pressing appendage. Rainbow’s eyes darted to the glitter exploding from beneath Athena only to cross them seeing that same hoof was now suddenly pointed at her nose, rock steady and a millimeter away, the movement had not even registered in her mind as the slight breeze from the motion puffed into her face.

The cyan mare blustered once more, trying to gather her courage, “Well I think...”

That hoof remained pointed like a spear as Athena’s voice became very low, never losing it’s warm tones. She cut Rainbow‘s comment off at the start with a sharp poke into her nose, “If I ever wanted your opinion on such things, as little as such an opinion from you would mean. I would beat it out of you.”

Rainbow Dash swallowed the saliva that had been building up in fear as she had watched the lithely built pegasi smash the crystal into powder, making a loud gulping sound that was very clear in the hallway.

The hoof never moved, remaining solid and pointing at Rainbow’s nose as Athena smiled warmly still, “Now get out of my way.”

The multi-colored mare skittered to the left, huddling against a wall as Athena lowered her hoof, dusting the bottom of it off and walking on by, never losing her smile as she nodded to a shocked Spike who stood stock still next to an equally amazed Cadence.

Athena bowed to Cadence as was only proper, “I...I apologize Your Highness, I’ll replace the decoration.”

Cadence cleared her throat, pressing a hoof against her chest, “I...I’m sure that..that will be fine. Can...can I help you?”

“I have come for help, to see if Twilight can help me with a magical problem.”

Spike and Cadence shared a look that triggered Athena’s wariness, “What is the problem?”

Cadence spoke, low and warm, “She’s not acting herself. Something is very wrong with her, she is obsessing over Crusader.”

Athena thought for a moment, “Crusader warned me that something was affecting the six friends, possibly Granite and Stonewall as well. He did say that Twilight may be able to come up with something, but we may have to purge her of whatever it is that’s affecting her judgment.”

She tilted her sable head, looking at Cadence, “Unless it’s not Twilight. If so, I will have to dispose of her.”

Cadence took a second to process that sentence, realizing what it meant and throwing her slim hoof out, “No! No, it is her, I swear it.” She inhaled sharply, “It’s just something is making her act this way.”

“Are you positive?”

Cadence nodded swiftly, “I am, believe me.”

“Then I will take your word for it, barring my own scans.”

Athena thought rapidly, “Is there a spell you know that could pinpoint what it is so I can get it out of her? My medical bay is repaired, we can do a scan of her there as well.”

The lovely Princess blinked, thinking furiously, “I’m not sure. I’ve never seen anything like this.”

Spike piped up, “Can we get Princess Celestia or Luna to help?”

Cadence shook her head, “Celestia is in Manehatten, they’ve got some sort of problem there and Luna is busy with the Courts.”

Athena smiled, “Then it’s up to us. Do we need to foalnap Twilight or will she come peacefully?”

The Dragon and the Princess looked at Athena in utter shock before Cadence spoke, “I don’t think that will be necessary. I’m sure we can get her to go with us.”

Athena scuffed a hoof on the castle floor, “Well shucks, I don’t get to do anything fun.” Before laughing at Spike and Cadence’s aghast looks, “S...sorry, just kidding.”

Spike narrowed his eyes and looked at the Pegasus, “Something’s different about you Athena.”

A warm smile graced the pegasi’s face again, looking down at him with soft lavender eyes, “I saw an old friend Spike. Someone who always made me believe in myself.”

The little dragon just nodded, “That’s good right?”

Athena hugged him tightly, “More than you’d ever know. I’ll tell you about him sometime.”

Spike smiled, “I’d like that.”

Cadence tilted her head, seeing something blossom inside Athena, it was love for somepony. True, bright and crystal clear as the day, it was there. As far as she knew they were not real ponies, they had always made that evident, then how could this be happening?

The Princess smiled to herself, watching the pegasus hug Spike and glow with absolute affection for somepony...far away? Not here, yet here? In any case, it was warming to see.

“I'm sorry to interrupt, but we have to get Twilight." Cadence offered.

Athena nodded, “Let's go," She set Spike down on her back, “We need to hurry I think. Hang on Spike."

The little dragon clutched a handful of mane as Cadence and Athena took off down the hallway to the library. Leaving a silent Rainbow Dash staring at a mound of dust on the floor.


Twilight, for all her obsession, was easy to convince to come with them to Athena’s Command Deck.

Athena lied. Lied so boldly and brashly that Cadence was amazed the entire world didn’t pick up on it. But Twilight was now so single-minded about things, it never occurred to her.

She had greeted Athena like a sister, telling her of all the wonderful things in the castle. That since she was Crusader’s family, she should take up residence here as well when her brother finally realized she was better for him.

Athena’s smiling face never changed, never deviated from it’s warm look as she agreed, telling Twilight that she was more of a match for Crusader than anypony else. She would try her very best to convince him so, as a matter of fact she had set up a dinner date for the both of them tonight on her command deck so they could be alone.

The lavender Alicorn was ecstatic at the agreement, happily chatting with them as they exited the castle, heading for the hill in which Athena was preparing her medical bay for a complete scan and sweep.

Of course, Twilight being told that Athena would like to give her a gel bath. Twilight having seen how the Luna looked after one on the trip with Crusader readily agreed, saying the prettier she looked, the nicer the dinner would be.

But on the other hoof, the god Murphy has his way within any universe, time or space. In this case, it was the appearance of Applejack.

“Twi! Hey Twi!”

The alicorn sighed disgustedly, recognizing the voice and slowly turning around, “What?”

Applejack, being lost in her own world, didn’t even notice the tone of voice, “You seen that layabout Crusader? He’s supposed to be helping with a few things and I can’t find ‘em anywheres.”

“I’m sure he got tired of being abused and left to hide out somewhere.”

“Do what now?” Applejack peered at Twilight through narrowed eyes.

Twilight lifted her nose just a bit, talking down it to her supposed friend, “The way you treat him it’s a wonder he hasn’t left before now. He’s not a simple farm pony, he deserves better than that.”

Athena closed in on the two mares, seeing their faces, the intense looks.

“What gives you the right to judge me? I work hard and so should he, it’s the way of things!” Applejack was pointing a hoof at Twilight now.

Twilight sneered, actually sneered at her friend, shocking Cadence, “It’s not anymore. I’m going to prove to him he should be with somepony better," She leaned close to Applejack’s face, “Me!”

“What? Lemme tell ya somethin’ Princess,” The word came out as a half insult, “He loves me and we’ll be just fahn together without none of your airs, ya hear me?”

“The way you treat him? Hardly!” She returned the insult with a snort, stamping a hoof, “Go back to your apples and leave things like this to your betters.” She turned to walk away.

Cadence watched Applejack’s face, emotions tearing it apart before reforming into one of anger, she raised a solid hoof and took a step forward, “You little..”

Only to be stopped by another rock like hoof on her chest, lavender eyes stared into hers as Athena made no move to let her by.

“No. You won’t do this. Take that step and nothing can ever be the same Applejack.”

“An’ let her insult me lahk that? Oh no, nopony does that!” She tried to move forward but was unable to, Athena was a solid wall impeding her progress.

Athena took a step forward, pushing Applejack’s entire body backwards, the orange Earth pony had grounded herself solidly but was unable to stop her hooves sliding back in the dirt.

“Be calm Applejack, you’re my friend, please don’t do this.”

They all watched the emotions through the green eyes, seeing them twist her face once more, looking sorrowful one moment, angry the next as it settled on anger.

Throwing her hooves up in the air she yelled as she turned away to go back to the farm, “Fine, ya want him, ya got him! No good lazy pony anyways!” She trotted off into the dusty street. Shocked ponies who had been watching the entire thing shook their heads, Cadence was sure the rumors would start flying.

Athena stood watching the retreating Applejack, her cores saddened by what had just transpired, but steadied her resolve to solve this. She turned, making sure Spike was still safely on her back as they continued to her war hull.

Twilight flicked her tail, joining them in a trot, “Well, glad that’s over with, now Crusader can see..” She was abruptly cut off by a soft voice, it was Cadence of all ponies.

“Shut up Twilight.”


It was simple enough to get her in the med bay. I am currently doing a full scan of her internals. Crusader had given me all the data he had from before when he worked on different ponies, so this is just adding to the cores data store. What is surprising I find nothing out of the ordinary. I project the scans on an inner screen as Cadence and Spike watch, I point out the various internals and other bodily functions.

“This is her circulatory system, the flow is normal, but there seem to be minor gaps, as if the scans are not picking something up.” I point to a collection of veins and arteries.

Cadence was looking interestedly at the monitor, “So there’s nothing there to see?”

“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”

Spike scratches his head, “What’s that mean?”

“It means just because we cannot see something, doesn’t mean it isn’t there.” I flick the scanner through different spectra and wavelengths, stopping on one that shows a glinting light from minor occlusions.

I point this out to Cadence and Spike, “This is a high wavelength scan, like a certain way to view things. It is tuned to magic and is showing me only the barest hint of what this is. Cadence, do you know anything that might reveal the presence of magic?”

“I believe I do.” Her horn lights up, spreading a wave of magic that encompasses the medical bay. The scanning screen lights up with a million stars.

“Wow, what are those?” Spike is leaning closer.

I adjust the scans to pick up the spectra these unknowns are shimmering in, they come into clear focus, “It looks like we have a magical virus.”

Cadence blinks, looking at the screen, “Is that even possible?”

I point a hoof, “You can see it there, it is infesting her body.”

Spike scratches his chin, “So, like she’s got a magical cold?”

Cadence smiles down at Spike warmly, “Exactly Spike, very good guess.”

The little dragon puffs up under the praise, “I get this stuff!”

I smile at the dragon, “Indeed you do Spike, Crusader was always impressed with you.” He smiles back at me, “Now, what do we do with a cold?”

“I know! Bed rest and noodle soup!”

Cadence chuckles, “That’s one way Spike. I think Athena has a different way though. Not to say yours isn’t a very good idea.”

“I do have a way, one second.”

I call up my nanite datastores. My fabricators are not fully online but I can produce an amount of what I need through reproduction. I program the nannies to latch onto the signature of the virus cells, dragging them from the body to be washed away and destroyed in my reactor for safety. It will take a bit longer than producing them directly, but we have time.

I flick on my internal battle screens, preventing any outside influence from assisting the virus in anyway. I notice the motes still glow, suggesting they may have internal power sources of magic. It is quite interesting and I record all for storage.

“Give me fifteen minutes, then we’ll introduce a..well let’s call it an anti-cold virus into her system. It should wipe whatever is in there out.”

As we wait, Spike tenders numerous questions about the body scans I have showing on the screens, curious as any child he does ask politely and I show him various organs, the heart, the kidneys. Until he pointedly asks about a certain one I do not want to even start explaining.

“Well, why won’t you tell me what that does?” He points to an area near Twilight’s flank.

“Look Spike, that is for Twilight to tell you about when it’s time and you're older. I am NOT getting into this conversation.” I point to Cadence who is hiding a grin behind a hoof, “Ask her.”

She drops the hoof, clearing her throat and looking around nervously, “Well.. I uh..” Spike is eyeing her intently.

I am sure the smile I have on would be called mischievous by any stretch of the imagination, “Well you are the Princess of Love are you not?”

Spike nods, agreeing with me, “Yeah Cadence! So what does that do?” He points again to the screen.

Cadence turns distinctly pale underneath her already pale cerise coloring, then blushes right down to her hooves. She is giving me what others would probably call a ‘death glare’ as she inhales deeply.

“Oh look at that! We’re ready, let’s do this!” I gesture to the screen where my nanites are being injected.

Spike turns immediately to watch, forgetting for the moment his questions as Cadence moves to stand near me, whispering very low.

“I’m gonna get you for that.” She narrows her eyes at me but I see the laughter twinkling in them.

I lay a hoof on my chest, “Why Princess! That’s not very loveable!” I wink at her.

She tries to look angry but can’t, laughing lightly as we watch my nanites go to war.

The sweep is slow, I am watching the progress through a myriad of scanners and sensors, making sure that Twilight is sleeping peacefully while my cleaners get this virus out of her system. Reprogramming them on the fly when I notice inconsistencies, I also notice the enemy virus does not reproduce as fast as mine, this is a plus. I up reproduction rates and flood Twilight’s system, paying special attention and safety to her cranial area, where they seem to be gathered the most.

Once I see the optimum mix and programming, I begin fabricating medical gel-paks containing the nanites with a knock out drug. This will prove handy as we can corner anyone infected and slap one on them.

It remains to be seen whether the damage is permanent.

I have flushed and re-injected nanites four times now, taking my time, making sure the changes are made in the gel-paks as well. We cannot drag each pony here as it is too time consuming, so I make quick and dirty adjustments on replication rates. Once the pak is adhered, they will reproduce very fast and sweep the target’s system. The only problem, is when the nanites remove themselves from a body, it’s not going to be pretty. They have to do it quickly and there is only one way I can make sure.

I include a suicide code in all paks, once the body is clear and they are away from a living organism, they will ignite, immolating themselves and the virus preventing a pandemic.

We watch closely as the virus motes are surrounded and taken out of the body. I do one final scan, noting everything is clear. I begin the wake up process, crossing my metaphorical fingers I have not missed anything. Even one could reproduce and cause this all over again.

I watch as Twilight lifts herself out of the medical bay, Spike is right there assisting her with a paw. Cadence watches closely, her horn lighting as she inspects her sister in law minutely.

“Hello Twilight, how do you feel?”

The lavender Alicorn looks around for a moment, “I feel great, wow, cleaner than I have in a while! Sooo...why are we here?” She looks at Cadence, Spike and myself curiously.

Cadence looks at me with a nod, it seems she’s clear of infection. I scan her just to double check, seeing no signs of the virus on any sensor.

“Twilight, how do you feel about Crusader?” Cadence asks as I scrutinize her closely.

She blushes, scuffing a hoof and looking around the room, “Well, he’s nice. I like him, he’s really intelligent.”

Cadence watched again seeing a love bloom, a clean, good light inside Twilight. It was normal. She would never tell a soul though. But she did nod to Athena for the all clear.

“Do you remember anything of the past few days?” I ask her, seeing her settle down on the carpeted floor.

“Not really, kinda like remembering through a fog, what’s going on here?”

Cadence sighs, sitting by her sister in law and telling the whole story. Twilight is aghast, shocked she would even think of behaving that way. She gets up, intending to rush out and apologize to Applejack and anypony else she may have offended.

Cadence grabs her, giving her a hug, “Stop, it’s not good to be out there right now. Things are going really wrong.”

“But..but Applejack’s my friend! I have to..”

I stop her, “Not yet, any confrontation is going to end badly. Let me finish my fabrication and we’ll have something to fight with. It’s going to take a while, and we don’t know how you got the virus anyways.”

Twilight looked dejected, scuffing a hoof on the carpet as she sighed, “I didn’t even know, how could something control us like that?” She pleads with Cadence, her eyes looking huge and sad, “How could I do something like that?”

Cadence joined her, snuggling close, “It wasn’t you Twilight, it was something making you do it. What we need to figure out is how you got it.”

Twilight shrugged, “I don’t know.” She looks up, her eyes ablaze with fury, “But we’re going to find out!”

I gather med paks from the drawer where fabrications are sent to from the vats, stacking them in a pair of saddlebags. “So who do we start with?”

Cadence and Twilight look at each other for a moment, then turn to look at me, saying in unison, “Pinkie.”


I can see their reasoning, Pinkie is...unusual. She is the one who would probably get away from us to do more damage or spread the virus to others if she already hasn’t. She is a baker and this could mean the virus is loose. But I wonder, in the past days nothing has been showing in any others as far as I can remember. But I have not seen Granite or Stonewall either. This is puzzling.

Spike is heading back to the castle, he is going to keep watch if anything else is reported, or a message is sent from Canterlot for any reason. We tell him of our plans and he promises to let us know first thing. He will be making a detour to gather the Crusaders up, with Spring Flower, returning them to the castle for interrogation as to what their part in this may be. He is proud to be given an important mission such as this.

I also make note to check the local water supply as well, something like this could sneak in even under our sensor net, we are not geared for Biological warfare. For now, we are headed for Sugarcube Corner, which seems to have a bit of a crowd outside. They are silent and not a few of the local Guard are there as well looking worried. One rushes up to us.

“Your Highness, Pinkie’s gone a bit..uh..overboard, can you help?”

As Twilight is talking, I raise my head to peer into the window. I see a few terrified customers at tables. Pinkie is rushing around as I try to get a visual lock on her. Watching her for a few moments, I believe she has been taken over by the virus completely, it appears she has gone psychotic.

I turn to Cadence and Twilight, “We can’t wait, as soon as we enter grab her with magic, I’ll get the pak on her.”

Twilight was looking at me curiously, “You sound different.”

I smile at her, “I m..met an old..old friend.”

She just nods, walking up to the door as we prepare, “Remember, as soon as the door opens, grab her.”

They both nod, I wait a second and then smash the door off it’s hinges with my back hooves, hoping the sound will distract Pinkie from harming anypony.

Cadence and Twilight both rush inside, their horns lit as magic spread, being quickly used to wrap Pinkie up in a ball of glowing light. She is screaming at them, saying something about serving her customers the right way. Twilight and Cadence are shocked by her look, the mane frizzled outwards, it appeared she had a cutting implement in her hoof when caught as it is on the floor beneath her.

I reach back to get a gel-pak out of my saddlebags, approaching her to slap it somewhere on her body. I should have paid more attention, I knew better.

As I push my hoof out to put the pak on I am blindsided by a powerful hit on my head, my eyes actually cross as pain sensors go into alarm mode. The side of my head is registering major damage as Pinkie had more strength than I thought in her madness.

I slap the pak on her and back up to where Cadence is standing.

I watch the green go to white and await the results of the knockout drug.

DMSO is a very odd chemical developed by Alexander Zaytsev, a Russian scientist in 1866 Old Earth, it has the property of being absorbed immediately through skin and some membranes carrying drugs along with it. By tweaking it for pony physiology, I get a saturation of knockout pharmaceuticals within a split second, watching Pinkie go to sleep.

Cadence touches the side of my face with a hoof, my pain sensors have gone offline, “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine Cadence, just took a hit when I wasn’t expecting it.”

She leans over to grab a glass, showing me my reflection.

My covering is torn, showing the shining skeletal structure beneath it. The muscles along my cheek are flexing and moving in the open as I survey the damage.

Cadence looks as if she’d hurt me by touching it again, “Are you sure?”

I slap a gel-pak on my cheek, covering the damage, “Nothing I cannot fix, though we don’t wish to scare anypony.” I give her a reassuring smile.

Next time the battle screen goes up first if any indication of violence, stupid stupid mistake.

Our eyes turn to Pinkie as the gel-pak falls off her, the sign she is being swept and the drug should soon wear off.

“We need to get her to the bathroom immediately.”

Twilight keeps her horn lit, holding Pinkie in mid-air, “Is she going to be all right?”

“Yes, but the things I have clearing her, need to be expelled after completing their task. We need to go now.”

Twilight moves very fast when she wants to, dragging a waking Pinkie along behind her as we rush to the facilities. We are in time as Pinkie looks around at us, then suddenly turns a really pretty shade of green. She promptly leans over the tub and to put it crudely...barfs.

I am afraid it is not a usual purging as the nanites need to all be expelled. The domino effect is put into play as Twilight stumbles, hearing the sound and rushing out the door, dropping Pinkie near the tub. Cadence is looking distinctly ill as well, making her way outside. Even in my many decades as a Bolo I am taken aback by the force of it.

I sigh, getting a wet cloth and helping poor Pinkie away from the basin. The nanites commit honorable suicide by igniting, taking any traces of the virus with them.

Holding her in my lap I wipe her face gently, the blue eyes look up at me.

“I..couldn’t stop.. it was like I was outside myself looking in. I kept smiling and smiling and I couldn’t stop..” Tears start to form.

“You suffered what is called a psychotic break Pinkie, it’s over now.” I clean the tears off her haggard face.

“Did...did I hurt anypony?” She peers at the damage to my face, “Did I hurt you?”

“No, no everything is fine.” I give her my warmest smile, “We’ve got you now, everything will be just fine.”

She grabs me with her forelegs and sobs into my chest as I hold her tightly. Looking up, I see Cadence and Twilight peek around the door, nodding and closing it as they wait for me outside.

I hold her close, she is a wonderful friend and has treated me with such compassion I can only return it by keeping her safe until the crying stops. She looks up at me and wipes her eyes.

“Don’t..don’t tell anypony?”

“Never. You are Pinkie Pie, nopony stops Pinkie Pie.”

Her smile is warming to my cores as she stands, helping me up, “No, nopony stops me." She grins brightly, Wow!” She shakes her mane out, it returns to it’s fairly normal poofy state as she rubs her tummy, “I sure could go for a milkshake!”

“Pinkie, I really wouldn’t do that right now.”

She reaches out a hoof, laying it on my shoulder as she smiles so sincerely, “Thank you.”

“It is always my pleasure for a friend.”

After dissuading Pinkie from eating or drinking anything, we meet Twilight and Cadence in the main store floor. It is quiet, folks have been cleared out and returned to normal everyday things. Twilight and Cadence sit with Pinkie and tell her what has been going on during this crisis.

She is upset by the revelation she has been so mean to ponies, but quickly recovers. Twilight stops her from going out to rectify things, telling her we have to make sure the others are cured as well.

Pinkie is not thrilled with it, as her job is to make ponies happy. But she understands, smiling and even joking a bit. I watch as Cadence scans her with a use of magic, giving a firm nod that she is clear of any undo influence.

We all make it clear to Mr. and Mrs. Cake that the door will be repaired and fixed by the days end. They are just happy seeing Pinkie back to normal, they truly do care for her.


Our next stop it appears is Rarity. This might not be so bad, but I am on alert as I know in a pinch she is a fighter and can do damage when she wants to. Seeing as how the virus is affecting each pony, it makes me wonder if it was a tactical weapon or a broad spectrum. Latching onto certain personality traits and twisting them to be an extreme opposite. Whatever it is, and I will be analyzing it much later, it is insidious and the product of a definitively deranged mind.

All four of us peek in the door to the Boutique, seeing Rarity helping a customer. Pinkie for some reason holds us back, pointing to her ear as we listen. She is much sharper than anypony realizes, Crusader has told me that many times. Once again, she proves that as we hear Rarity’s voice.

“Dear, seriously you can’t be thinking of choosing that one?”

“But...why not? The color goes with my coat.” A blue mare with white mane is trying on a very pretty darker blue dress for some function we can only assume.

“Oh I’m sure it does, but really you ought to lose some weight, those hips are just ruining the lines of the dress.”

Twilight’s eyes go wide, hearing the insult and looking back at us.

“What?” The blue mare is aghast at such an easily tendered insult.

“You heard me, it just won’t do, drop another twenty pounds then come back and see me.” She ushered the sputtering mare out after retrieving her dress back, “Oh and get a hooficure, goodness you’re a mess.”

The mare looked back as she exited the shop, “Well I never!” Stomping off in a huff.

Rarity waved with a smile, “Not with those hips you won’t! Ta-ta!” Before turning back into the shop.

It’s not as extreme a change as Twilight or Pinkie, but it is something so totally out of character for her. I’m afraid we don’t know whether to laugh or just be amazed at insults delivered with such aplomb.

A commander once told me, “Tact, is the ability to tell someone to go to hell and make them look forward to the trip.”

Rarity has totally lost that ability right now.

Twilight just shrugs, heading into the shop as we follow after her.

“Hi Rarity!”

“Twilight! Darling it’s so good to see you!” She gives the lavender Alicorn a peck on the cheek, “Seriously dear, when will you get rid of that awful mane style?”

I can only sigh as Twilight stops dead, raising a hoof to her mane, “But..what’s wrong with it?”

The white Unicorn laughs lightly, “Oh my it’s so ten years ago, we should set you up with a decent stylist. I know one at the spa that would do wonders for that mess.”

“But..but..” Twilight stops as she gets poked by Pinkie, who points at Rarity.

“Huh? Oh!” Her horn lights up, capturing Rarity in an orb while I move quickly, slapping the gel-pak on her and waiting.

The sweep goes quickly, I monitor the effects as Rarity begins to wake after a few minutes, Twilight and Cadence hustling her to a bathroom while we endure the process again. The two Alicorns waiting outside as Pinkie and I take care of a disheveled fashionista.

“Goodness! I’ve never felt so bad in all my life!”

The nanites ignite in the tub with a WHOOMP, startling Rarity for a moment, “There’s a fire!” She points a trembling hoof, “In my TUB!” She looks around with a bit of panic, “Sweetie Belle! If you’re....!”

Pinkie laughs, “No Rarity it’s not Sweetie, you haven’t been yourself lately silly filly.”

“What? I’m fine! Except for this awful taste, goodness what a disgusting blend of flavors!” She smacks her lips, levitating over a bottle of mouthwash and rinsing quickly, “Oh that is SO much better.”

Twilight and Cadence walk back in, they are looking slightly green in the gills as they are still not used to the after effects of the purge. Rarity greets them with her usual smile.

“So nice to see you again Princess Cadence! I...wait.. What is going on here?” She looks at Pinkie and myself, the two Alicorns. “Something’s wrong.”

I inspect her closely, “Do you remember anything Rarity?”

“Why no, I’ve..I’ve been... Haven’t I been here?” She looks confused.

Twilight nods as she sets down next to her friend, filling her in on the last few days and what she’s been doing.

“No..oh no! This is the WORST. POSSIBLE. THING! My business is ruined! I’ve been insulting EVERYpony?” She receives four nods, “Oh I’m ruined!” She puts her head in her hooves and sobs dramatically, “I’m RUINED!”

Twilight and Pinkie have dealt with this before, so Princess Cadence and I retire to the main shop, setting and waiting for them to get Rarity settled down. Though I am impatient to get moving, she is a friend and time should be taken to make sure she is told it was not her fault.

Though the wailing gets a little out of hoof while Cadence and I wait patiently.

Eventually they do come back down, Pinkie is staying with Rarity until they can get the mess with all her customers cleaned up. She’s not in any sort of mood to do it by herself, so Pinkie’s is going with her to cheer up any insulted clients.

A good idea I think. Though it does leave us a bit low on backup. Twilight tells them to meet at the castle for dinner, she needs to have a meeting on this.

Our next target is Rainbow Dash.


We find her still in the castle, setting on her throne in the council chamber. She flinches when she sees me so I stay back while Twilight and Cadence take a hold of her. She is protesting loudly, telling them she’ll make them pay for binding her in magic like a rat.

She is fiercely loyal, the virus has made her spiteful and hating, something she would never be in all her years. It saddens me that the enemy has stooped this low, but that is the nature of a foe, they do what is least expected and hit where least seen.

We go through the process, the gel-pak, the waking, the purge. It all goes in sequence. I am with her, holding her tight and wiping the drawn face with a cool cloth, something I have become used to this day. I do not mind, I would do anything for friends, the ones I have made here and wish to keep for as long as I live.

Her cerise eyes make contact with mine as she coughs a bit, “Heya Athena.”

I smile as warmly as I can, “Hi Rainbow Dash. How are you feeling?”

“Like I hit a tree then Crusader gunned me down.” She chuckles roughly.

“That’s about right I’d think. Do you remember anything?”

“I dunno, it’s like... I was me, but I wasn’t. Like I was watching me do all this bad stuff, but I couldn’t stop it.”

“That’s normal, it wasn’t you. Something infected you.”

She leans against me harder, hugging my chest, “I’m so sorry Athena.”

“You have nothing to be sorry about, it wasn’t you.”

“But it was still me saying those things!” She looks at her hooves, “You’re my friend!”

“I still am and it wasn’t you. The enemy has found a new way to sow fear.” I push her mane out of her face as she pulls back, getting upright again.

“Well then I say we kick it right in the backside!” She puffs her chest out, throwing a punch with a fore leg which makes her stumble a bit. I reach out to help her stay balanced, she covers my hoof with hers.

“We’re going to kick some flank!”

Twilight laughs, “Yeah, that’s Rainbow.”

Getting to my own hooves I re-secure my saddlebags, “We’ve only got two left, Fluttershy first? Then Applejack?”

Rainbow punches a hoof in the air from where she’s hovering, seems the after effects don’t appear to make her as woozy as others. Probably the fast metabolism of a Pegasus, or she is putting up a very brave front.

“Yeah, let’s do this!” She stops for a second, “Ya know, if we were doing this, wonder what Flutters did?”


That was soon answered as we came into view of Fluttershy’s house at the edge of the Everfree. It was strangely quiet. Outside everything was neat and orderly, very pristine as a matter of fact. Rainbow and Twilight were looking at the place oddly as we approached the door.

Cadence leaned over to me, “Isn’t it kind of quiet?”

I nod, looking around. I don’t see her usual plethora of animals.

Twilight gives a polite knock on the door, it’s answered swiftly.

“Twilight! Oh..oh come in, I was just arranging some things!” She looked out seeing all of us, “Oh Rainbow, Princess Cadence, oh my.. lots of company. Let me get some tea!”

We walked in slowly looking at Fluttershy, she wasn’t acting like the others, calm, a bit shy, the usual.

It was a few moments when it hit me, there were no animals. None. No songs, no birds, nothing in the house. As a matter of fact the house was spotless, she even had doilies everywhere. I would say it was very nice inside the house if it hadn’t struck me as creepy.

She came out with a pot of tea and cups, setting a low table quickly and motioning to us to sit down. I made it a point to sit next to her.

“Oh my, lots of company today. Wh..what can I do for you Twilight? Princess Cadence?”

I rummage in my bag for a gel-pak as Twilight smiles, “Well, we just thought we’d drop by and..well..see how you were doing.”

“Oh I’m fine.” She smiles prettily, “Every since I got rid of all those nasty animals I can keep house a lot better, easier to clean too!”

Rainbow eyes me behind Cadence’s back.

Twilight blinks, “So..uhm..what happened to them?”

An airy hoof was waved, “Oh, the ones that didn’t leave, they’re in the basement, I’m sure when I stop feeding them the problem will solve itself.”

You really could have heard a pin drop. I narrow my vision on her and realize she is also suffering from the virus, only it’s focused on the animals instead of ponies. Once again, twisting her nature and kindness, it makes me believe this was not a broad spectrum attack, but targeted and highly localized.

I poke Twilight in the side, looking away from Fluttershy, her horn lights up, trapping the golden pegasus in a glowing orb as I slap a med pak on her.

After the usual round of excitement I leave Rainbow taking care of her, she is not steady at all, having suffered slightly more than the others. Her metabolism doesn’t seem to be as fast as Rainbow’s, due to athletics maybe? I need to analyze this virus as fast as I can, to get a handle on how it works, if at all.

Twilight and I release a veritable zoo of animals from the basement, they all head out of the house to get something to eat, it seems they’ve been there for a while. It’s quite the stampede. All except for a large bear, who sits by Fluttershy with a huge paw on her hoof and a worried look.

Her cyan eyes flutter slightly as she opens them, seeing Rainbow Dash and the large bear sitting next to her. “Oh my, did something happen?”

Twilight leans over, pressing a gentle hoof against the yellow pegasi’s shoulder, “Nothing that can’t be fixed Fluttershy.”

The bear lets out a low rumble and growl, patting her hoof.

“Oh no, I wouldn’t do that to my animal friends, I wouldn’t!” She is frantic but weak, Rainbow Dash is holding her close as she quiets her panicked friend.

Rainbow Dash gives me a ‘Here it comes’ look, motioning with her head to the exit. I nudge Cadence and Twilight, heading out the door to wait.

We politely ignore hearing any sobbing, it would not be right I think. She deserves a release and an acceptance of what has happened. It is cathartic.

Rainbow opens the door with a small smile, “I’m going to stay here, she needs me.”

This is accepted without argument, for Rainbow and Fluttershy have been friends for a long time. Twilight makes sure to tell them to meet up at the castle later for dinner. Rainbow nods, giving each of us a hug before heading back in to her friend.

We head out to our last pony on the list, Applejack. This may prove a bit harder because of the fight between her and Twilight, we can only hope it goes smoothly.


As we approach the farm, I find myself apprehensive. I am not used to doing so much by myself. Usually Crusader was with me or linked by combat network, at least always there in the back of my mind. I find the silence disturbing. I do not wish to be alone anymore, ever, but until the problems are solved I shall have to keep pressing on.

But I got to visit with Marcus, dream or not, he was a welcome face. He who saved my sister and myself from destruction by our own hand or others. He was our salvation, for that I owe him everything and anything. One thing troubles me, though it is a minor thing.

I never had a memory of Marcus with grey hair.

Putting that thought aside, I am standing at the door to the farmhouse with Princess Cadence, she is readying her spell as I knock politely. There is a loud voice inside, by tone and timbre it appears to be Applejack yelling about something. I am dismayed, honest and kind she has always been, turned into a nasty individual by this bio warfare agent.

As soon as the door opens, Cadence snatches her with magic, I slap the gel-pak on as we all walk into the farmhouse. Twilight is coming in behind us to wait for the inevitable.

The lavender Alicorn looks at the sleeping Applejack with a broken heart, her face sad as she strokes back a blond shock of mane out of her face.

Cadence and I say nothing, watching as the gel-pak turns white then falls off, the sweep initiating normally.

We are prepared this time, already having her near a wash basin when she awakes, not having time to move before the last step in the process happens. This time though I step back, Twilight is holding her collapsed friend close as she uses a wet cloth on her face.

The nanites perform admirably, igniting in a whoosh of flames that take what I hope to be the last of the virus with them. Barring us finding Granite and Stonewall, those two I am worried about as they could become vectors for a new outbreak.

The orange Earth pony coughs heavily into the still air, opening green eyes that center on Twilight sitting above her, keeping her steady as she wipes her brow.

“Hey Applejack.”

“H..hey Twi..”

“How are you feeling?” Her voice is sad, her face even more so as she holds her friend.

“Like I dun been run over by a cart. Twi what’s goin’ on?” Her face is that open honest one Twilight has come to appreciate.

“Do you remember anything?”

“I dunno, seems I was angry a lot, couldn’t understand why though. Kinda odd.”

“Like looking through a fog at yourself?”

“Yeah! That’s it!” She nods, gaining a bit more strength with each second.

Twilight smiles again, telling her of what’s been happening and how they were all infected by this spell virus that twisted them.

“Oh no, no I’d never. Oh Twi can ya forgive me?” She places a hoof over the Alicorn’s.

Twilight hugs Applejack harder, “Nothing to forgive, we’re friends AJ, always will be.”

“Ah know, but still. It’s hard thinkin’ I said them things.” Her eyes break wide, looking around, “Crusader! Oh mah gosh he must think the worst!”

I step in this time, setting next to the two, “No, he understands Applejack, he always will.”

“No, no that ain’t right.” She tries to get to her hooves, stumbling around a moment before Twilight catches her again. “No, I have to apologize, that’s just not right.”

I help with a steadying hoof, “He’s not here right now, he got infected by a virus and had to shut down. He is fine, but we’ll need to get working on it in the morning to bring him back up.” At her worried expression I elaborate, “It’s fine, trust me. We will have him back tomorrow after you rest up and can be there with us.”

She looks at me with puzzlement and not a bit of alarm at the mention of infection, “I can’t do magic, why would ya need me? Is he okay? He ain’t hurt or nothin’?”

“You are his commander, when we restart him, you need to be there to make sure he imprints on you again. Otherwise it could get confusing.” I shake my head, “No, no he isn’t hurt, it’s just a precaution that he shut down.”

I decide it better them not knowing the full reason, that it is something simple.

“Well sure, you know I’ll do it.”

Cadence smiles, adding, “That’s why you are the dependable one Applejack, always there.”

The Earth pony scuffs an unsteady hoof on the floor, “Shucks Princess, ain’t nothing but a farm mare ya know.”

I cannot resist as I grin, “That’s not what Crusader has told me.”

There it is, the old Applejack as she points at me, “Now you shush, I ain’t nothin’ more and let’s keep it that way.”

“Yes Applejack.”

Twilight grabs her friend as we head out of the farmhouse, “It’s been a long day, I’m sure we all need something to eat, everypony’s meeting at the castle.”

“But I got..I mean.”

Cadence lays a hoof on a strong orange shoulder, “Not now, not for this evening.”

“Yes Princess, lemme grab mah hat!”


We gather in Twilight’s castle, the six friends and Princess Cadence, sitting around a table in the kitchen. I choose to help Spike cook, it is a different experience and Crusader had uploaded all the files to me previously. I enjoy it, this making of something with various items and not just putting it together with a nanite facility.

Spike, though one would say a typical young person; is a happy soul, his jokes and complaining of the usual things makes me glad I never went through that. Though his comments on comic book days with Crusader do have me laughing quite a bit. I must ask Crusader about that or if I can join in. It sounds like fun.

He has brought the three Crusaders to the castle, they are sleeping now having been hiding out in the tree-house all day. Spring Flower is with them, they have all become fast friends during their time in seclusion, I think it only right they stay together as did Spike. He has done a masterful job, getting them fed and cleaned and off to bed, one would think he was an adult now, he shows his pride when Twilight compliments him on a job well done.

I keep my distance, there is quite a bit of talk, not a few tears and the reassurance of friendship between them all. I am glad I could help. Is this what Crusader feels every time he accomplishes something? If that is true, I truly wish to feel that myself more often.

I am nervous, being by myself at this dangerous time, but I have confidence that I will solve Crusader’s problem and we will destroy the enemy.

A fire burns inside me, one I have not felt for ages and I stoke it high, giving it reins to consume and punish. All I am, all that I still possess will be directed towards this enemy who in it’s madness tried to take such good ponies and turn them into something against their very natures.

That is not honorable battle, it is not a fight, it is terror and insanity.

We are going to crush this foe. We will do what Crusader has always said in battles before.

Make them pay for their arrogance in blood and fire.

I set the last of the platters on the table with Spike, turning to leave the castle as I must maintenance my avatar. It wouldn’t do to walk around looking like a zombie from an old 2d film.

“Where are you going?” I hear Twilight’s voice.

As I turn, all eyes are looking at me above the table covered with meal items.

“I..I am g..going back to my hull. My..my avatar needs fixing.” I will always be shy, but that is not a problem anymore, not since my dream.

“Oh no yer not!” Rainbow Dash swoops over, grabbing me by the hoof and tugging me to an empty chair.

“It’s fine really, you all need to...to spend time with each other. It’s been a stressful day.”

Princess Cadence nods, “It has, that’s why friends need to spend time together.” Her smile is very warm.

“I..I understand that,” I give them my best smile. “I will see you in..in the morning.” I pull my hoof out from Rainbow’s grasp, turning to leave once more.

Once again I am stopped by an elegant hoof, “Darling, that means all our friends need to spend time together.”

Is it that hard? Is it truly that hard for me to accept what I think they are saying? Yes, it is. I have been alone so long that it is normal for me to back out and take the easy way to always being by myself. We have broken the chains of slavery today, can I break the ones binding me to my self-imposed exile?

“You have a new mission my daughter, stand tall.”

Those words don’t haunt me, they comfort, they console. I wish he was here, I want to show him what we’ve done and become. He would be proud I am sure.

“Are..are you sure? I don’t want to be..well..an extra.”

Pinkie throws her hooves up, “Why does everypony think that?” Every eye turns to her, “I swear you’d think we’re some exclusive club or something.” She points at me, “That’s not true, now you sit right down.”

I settle into a seat with a smile, “Yes Pinkie.” She leans over to hug me tight.

The crowd digs into the meal Spike and I have prepared, silent for a moment with the clicking of dinnerware until Spike looks at me, “So who’s the friend you met?”

Twilight perks up, “That’s right! You promised to tell us!”

I stop for a second, composing my thoughts. I see Twilight magically lifting a quill and blank book as she waits. It appears she can multi-task very well with magic.

“He was a human named Marcus Canfeld...”

I tell them all about my Marcus, mine and Hera’s love for him that knew no bounds. He was not just our commander, but our savior in a dark time. He was a cut above any human we had ever met and beyond. The listening friends do not judge, they do not do anything except share with me.

You would love them Marcus, they are kind, true and honorable.

They are my friends.

Author's Note:

Thanks so much to everyone!

Ganein, SwimmingDalek98, The_Lone_Wanderer, Battlecrank, Autarch Prime, Husqvarnic, StarChaser01, MrCakeandRice, Detoxicity, Himmelen, and BronieE.

Without all you guys, I couldn't have made it this far. You have my thanks once again!

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