• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,587 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Exeunt Crusader and Harmony. Enter Athena.

A line from Macbeth haunts me for the moment as I arise this morning. The night was calm, the work done quickly the evening before. I will never disobey a command, for that is who I am. But the sheer nastiness of comments made by Applejack during the work that afternoon has given rise to paranoia.

“There’s daggers in men’s smiles.” Act II, Scene III

She says them so blithely, like it has always been that way, which I assure myself it has not. This is wrong and I must find out what is happening.

I run into Big Mac on my way out of the house, he is sitting quietly on the porch.

“Mac, does Applejack appear to be different to you?” I stop and wait for his answer.

The piece of grass gets chewed on for a moment as he nods, “Eeyup.”

I am not of the mind to put up with this today.

“Save that for the yokels, start talking.” I stare at him with determination.

He eyes me for a second, taking the grass out of his mouth, “Yeah, she’s been right nasty lately. Poor Apple Bloom was cryin’ yesterday before ya came over. She really lit in ta her.”

“How about yourself?”

“She knows better.”

“Understood, thank you Mac.” He nods in return, I hesitate before I leave and turn to face him, “Don’t worry, I won’t mention this to anypony. Fair?”


Once again my internals starting flaring with warnings, something is affecting my diagnostics and controls on my avatar. I immediately cut all combat links as I try and fight whatever this is. My knowledge of cyber combat is immense and I immediately dedicate an entire tactical array to doing so. It calms the alarms but whatever is doing it is growing in strength, almost as if a TSORP. I notice no deletions in my system, which deters me from calling it an Omega type worm.

But I hurry, trying to at least find something before I have to dedicate everything to fighting the malfs in my systems. My channel to Athena is cut now, I cannot contact her for fear of spreading whatever this is. I gallop as fast as I can.


Princess Celestia arrived in Manehatten the day after the Guard Office had been attacked. She stood with local authorities and Canterlot magicians huddled in the Mayor’s office.

They were all baffled, nothing like this had been seen before, some were wondering if it was a new type of disease or magical spell backfiring on somepony. The medics had so far not been able to pinpoint anything as a cause, even Canterlot’s finest were having a problem.

Princess Celestia went to the hospital next, wanting to see the victims and try to maybe help figure out what was happening as it was truly a mystery.

She walked among the silent forms in hospital beds. They were alive, just not...alive. Their bodies breathed, albeit slowly, the blood pumped, but there was nothing there. It was puzzling as she stood over one Earth Pony. It seemed as if he were just..gone. His soul or animating force ripped from the body leaving a husk. But what did it and how?

“Your Highness?” A small Pegasus mare stood near, a bit bashful to be confronting such a personage.

“Yes Jewel?” The alabaster mare smiled, “Don’t be so shy my little pony, I am here to help.”

“I..I know Your Highness, but I think I may have found something. But..but no pony will listen.” She rubbed a leg with another, “Can I please tell you?”

“Of course.” The smile never wavered, but she did hope this mare had found something, anything worthwhile.”

The Pegasus pointed to a small blemish on the Earth pony’s leg, “Right here Princess. It’s a mark as if somepony stabbed him, they all have it. On their necks, their legs and back, wherever. But it is the same size and shape. Whatever did this is the same weapon. I think they’re being injected with something.”

The Princess thought for a moment, “What makes you think that?”

Once again a pointed hoof at an area around the mark, “Right around the area, there’s traces of something surrounding it, like overflow or leftovers from whatever was put in them.”

“Can you identify it?”

“N..no Princess, I’m sorry. But a friend said it appeared magical under certain spells.”

Celestia tapped a shod hoof against her chin, “So we have somepony running around, injecting others with some sort of magical fluid and they end up like this.” She motioned to the lifeless appearing ponies on the beds around them.

“I don’t know if it’s a fluid, but yes Your Highness, that’s exactly what I think.”

“Then you have just out thought some of the finest minds in Canterlot Jewel.”

A frightened look crossed the mare’s face as she twisted her hooves in front of her, “I didn’t mean.. I mean I wouldn’t ever presume..”

She was hushed by an upraised hoof, “It is not presumption, it is good work and being observant.” She motioned to her, “Come with me, let us give your theory to the so-called experts shall we?”

“Y..yes Princess.”

The group of scholars and doctors nearby bowed as Celestia joined them, pointing at Jewel who then told them of her theory. Hooves smacked into faces as doctors rushed out to get more equipment, Magicians popped in and out suddenly with materials to identify whatever it was Jewel had spotted. All of them trying to make up for missing something that should have been obvious.

Celestia watched the embarrassment with a small smile, then the rush to expand upon Jewel’s discovery. Sometimes, she thought, even those who think they know everything find out they don’t.

The warm smile turned again to the mare, “Well, care to share some lunch with me Jewel? We need to let the doctors and scholars handle it from here I think.”

“Me..me Your Highness? Really?” Happy gray eyes nearly popped out of the dun coated head as she almost danced in place.

A kind chuckle was hidden by a hoof, “Yes you or is there another Jewel?”

“No! No it’s me!”The mare looked abashed, blushing furiously, “Of course it’s me, I mean..uhm. But I’m just a student.”

“Jewel, even a student can set those who think they are wise upon the road to discovery.”

The ecstatic Pegasus was led out by Princess Celestia, leaving behind them groups of doctors and scholars who were even now looking at the small wounds, taking scrapings for analysis.


The Crusaders were sitting and looking a bit dejected when they spotted Crusader trotting into town. Apple Bloom tapped the other two and pointed, “He’ll know what to do!”

They rushed over and stopped him politely, Apple Bloom talking in a gush of words.

“Ya got to do something Crusader, Applejack ain’t actin’ right, she’s not. She really got mad at me yesterday over nothin’.” She hugged Sweetie, “Poor Sweetie, you shoulda heard what Rarity said to her, to all of us!”

I look at them for a moment, processing quickly, “Rarity is acting different as well?”

Sweetie nodded, “She said I’d never get my Cutie Mark.. and she just laughed about it. She was really mean Crusader.” Her lower lip started trembling.

“That is definitely not like your sister.”

“No it’s not!” Scootaloo was furious, “Being that mean to poor Sweetie and us? What’d we do?”

“Something is definitely wrong. I am going to see Twilight right now, to see if she can’t help solve this problem. Can you three stay away from Applejack and Rarity for now?”

They all nodded, Crusader was about to speak again when a tiny Unicorn tapped his leg, “Mr. Crusader?”

“Yes..Spring Flower isn’t it?”

“Yes sir, I really need to talk to you...please?” Her face was looking troubled.

“I don’t mean to not be polite, but can it wait?”

The little hooves twisted in front of her, “N..no..it’s..I mean.. The voices...”

My ears go right up, she now has my attention. I cannot stop what I am doing but I will do the next best thing, get them all to safety for the moment. My systems are starting to show warnings again.

Pointing a hoof at the three Crusaders, “You three, I want you to take Spring somewhere safe, I am having trouble with myself and cannot trust what my diagnostics are telling me. Can you please make sure Spring is cared for?”

The three Crusaders nod, “We can take her to the tree house, she’ll be alright there.” Apple Bloom gives a warm smile to the little Unicorn.

“Good, stay out of Applejack’s way for now.” I hand them my bag of bits, “Take that, get whatever you need to eat for your stay and do not lose sight of each other, understand me?” I see them nod, “If anything else, go to Spring’s house and tell her parents that I need you to stay with them. They are nice ponies.”

“But what are you gonna do Crusader?” Scootaloo is looking at me with a worried expression.

“I don’t know yet, I have to get in contact with Athena or the Princesses and alert them.” I stumble for a second, my controls are having problems with my balance, “Please go, say nothing to anypony.”

The three fillies take Spring by the hoof and rush off to the tree house, I turn and head for Twilight’s. I need a sweep of my arrays immediately. Starting the process I gallop as fast as I can toward Twilight’s castle to see if maybe she can provide any insight.

Rarity, Applejack and possibly Rainbow and Twilight acting very differently than they should. It makes me wonder about Pinky and Fluttershy, were all the ones who entered that cave affected? It is the only thing I can imagine that would link them together, assuming of course all six are. But what of Stonewall and Granite, could they also be of a different mind now as well?

I do not have time to ponder in depth right now as I arrive at Twilight’s castle, knocking on the door.

Spike answers it, immediately holding up a paw, “Dude, what have you been doing?”

I’m sure the confusion shows on my face, “What do you mean?”

“Ever since she came back from talking with you the other day. It’s like she’s in love or something. What’s going on?”

“What is she doing?” I set down in front of him, letting him know he has my full attention.

“She turned down a nice stallion who asked her for a date, saying she was already taken. I heard her talking to herself later mentioning you.” He looks hard at me, “I thought you were with Applejack?”

“I am Spike, something very odd is happening and I don’t know what it is.”

He eyes me suspiciously, “If you’re playing games with Twilight..”

I hold a hoof up, “You know me better than that.”

He sighs, “You’re right, I do.” He rubs his head for a moment, “So what’s going on? I mean I’ve never seen her like this over anypony.”

“Spike, If I knew I would tell you. Rarity and Applejack are not acting themselves either.”

“Really? This is getting kinda spooky.” He looks around himself worriedly.

“Don’t get too freaked out as Rainbow would say Spike.” I give him what I hope is a reassuring smile, “Things will get solved.”

“I hope so. I mean it’s nice seeing Twilight fall for a good pony, but not some one else’s ya know?”

“I do.” I think for a moment, “Maybe I should not talk to her then, I’ll be on my way.”

“Good idea, I’ll keep an...” He is interrupted by a cheerful voice.

“Crusader!” Twilight comes bouncing out the door, throwing her fore leg around me and giving me a warm kiss, “I knew you’d visit!”

Spike’s eyes are about to pop out of his skull.

She waves a hoof into the castle, “I bet you’d like to know where you’ll stay huh? I know living inside that hill must be boring, or that farmhouse.” She leans closer, “I think we can provide better accommodations.” Her face has a very inviting look as I back up a few steps, bringing some space between her and myself.

“I actually came to see Spike for a moment, we have a comic book day coming up.”

Twilight just nods and smiles, “Of course! It’ll be nice when you don’t have to travel all that way to do that won’t it?”

“Of course. But I must get going, have some things to do today Twilight. If you’ll excuse me?” I turn to leave but am stopped by another hug.

“Don’t forget to come back, we’ll have dinner.”

“Yes Twilight, if I can.”

She kisses my cheek and bounces off inside the castle, leaving me and Spike staring at each other for a moment.

“Dude you are in so much trouble.”

“Don’t I know it Spike. Keep an eye on her?”

“You got it, be careful out there.”

“I will.” Before I go I raise a hoof, “One last thing,” I see the Dragon look at me attentively, “If you have not heard from me within a few hours, contact Princess Celestia or Luna immediately and tell them there is a problem with the Elements of Harmony. Explain everything, got it?”

He salutes, but I see he is serious, “You got it, I’ll be ready!”

I give one final wave, tearing off for my war hull.


My array sweeps are showing gaps in my coding, nothing is missing, just gaps. It’s like something has been inserted but I cannot see whatever it is. I do not hesitate, I immediately lock down all weapons systems, shutting down all command processors to the interlocks.

A .00042 delay and I am done. My sensors are showing an alarming rate of failure in my avatar and my data cores, I enter the command deck quickly and dump the link, letting it collapse on the floor as I turn all internal systems to sweeping my code.

I cannot contact Athena. It is to my detriment that I had shut down all links leaving her alone, now I cannot reactivate them, the virus like problem is attacking all command lines and corrupting them. I can only hope my previous communications with her did not spread this into her systems.

I am becoming unstable, Resartus will kick in very soon and I cannot let that happen until I prepare. All weapons are now under secure code, Athena can override should she choose but I do not have time to contact her with a SitRep. This is moving too fast for my firewalls to keep up.

I do not even have time to wake Athena, but I set an alarm that will alert her should I go completely under.

I prepare a message and a whisker laser on one of my sensor masts, it will repeat every thirty seconds until she acknowledges it.

As I finish the last of it, I shut down everything else and put all Dragons and Ferrets on standby in case. They are good and faithful, they will protect the town for Athena as they do for myself.

That is my final thought as my psychotronic array goes into instability.

I can only hope Athena gets my message.


----Earlier that morning----

Princess Luna had canceled the day’s appointments when Celestia had to leave for Manehatten to investigate some strange occurrence out there. She had not heard from her sister and so decided to take a bit of time to herself.

She had received Crusader’s message and thought this would be an appropriate time to walk with Athena. The dear sweet pony needed her help and Luna was more than happy to give it.

She made sure her rooms were quiet, giving orders to the guards she was not to be disturbed until she had notified them.

Concentrating, she lit her horn, opening the portal wherein she walked into the ethereal world she was the mistress of.

Once again, the finding of Athena’s dream was easy, the power behind it was enormous. She stepped from the living world into a gray nothing, concentrating she formed a starry night, warm breezes whipped her mane as she looked around for the one she sought.

There was no war this time, no energies beyond comprehension blowing a planet apart, just a clear night. She looked at the grassy hills around her, spotting who she wanted.

On a small hill, head low, was Athena. Sobbing quietly to herself, her hooves over her eyes as teardrops fell like sparkling rain on the bright green of the meadow.

Stars falling from the sky Luna thought.

The Princess walked slowly over to where she sat, ears splayed, body in a position of hopelessness.

Athena didn’t notice Luna until she settled next to her on the grass. Quietly waiting, patience she had in abundance when dealing with dreams, for often they were not solved so quickly.

“P..Princess..” A tear ran it’s way along a sable cheek, following the trail of so many others.

“Why do you weep Athena?”

“I..I don’t w..want to..to be here any..anymore.” The sweet voice was full of so much pain it struck Luna hard.

“Why is that?” She spread a wing, wrapping it around the sobbing pegasus.

“I.. It.. I had a friend.. A...a real friend..and..and she..” The voice cut off as she leaned into the dark mare next to her.

Luna’s horn lit once more, letting her see the memory of Rainbow Dash, the conversations that pierced Athena like a knife in the back.

Cyan eyes watched Athena as she replayed the memory for both of them. It reminded her of the first time she had walked in the Bolo’s dreams, the group of shadows, the tearing down of the ego and the pony. This would not stand.

“This is very odd Athena, why would such a staunch friend act this way?” The Princess was truly puzzled, for what she knew of Rainbow Dash this was totally out of character.

“I..I don’t..kn..know. M..maybe she..she got tired of teach..teaching a peg...pegasus who can’t fly?” Athena fell silent, the only sounds were the patter of tears upon the ground.

“No, no my defender, there is something at play here.” Her face got a determined look, “No, we need to see what this is about.”

Athena shook her head, “No. I don’t care anymore Princess. Just let me be.”

Luna looked, really looked at the sable pegasus, seeing a hurt so deep nothing could heal it. She had been walking with Athena for just a while now and had thought their sessions were helping to bring her back, out of the pain. For such a mighty being, she was so very fragile.

All it takes is one domino, tip that and the entire line falls. In Luna’s eyes that one domino was fallen, others were quickly following and taking Athena with them.

Luna sighed to herself and gathered her strength. Magic for the Princess was an easy thing, for she could dredge up memories, bring them out and make others face their fears. She could do so many things to help her ponies that it seemed inconceivable she could not do something for this one, whether she was a pony or not.

She needed help, she needed to bring forth one whom Athena would listen to. But she was afraid to do so as this was not a simple pony, but a machine with impossible memories and power behind them, she was almost afraid of what the spell would do. It would either close the wounds, or drive them open so wide they would never be healed.

That mattered not, for she was the Princess of Dreams and she would do what she willed, heal this friend and protector by any means. She would stand and be watchful for any harm, woe to those who would do such.

Her horn lit, the strength gathering as the light blinded both of them for just a moment, spreading outward in waves of warmth and starlight, encompassing the whole of the dream.

Luna shook her head, the drain had been tremendous and ...nothing.. she could see nothing had changed. But..wait..

A soft voice spoke suddenly beside them, making Athena whip her head around.

“Well, what seems to be the problem my daughter?”


A tall human stood beside them, dressed in a Concordiat officers uniform. His grey hair tight against his head as the clothing outlined a powerful body, still muscular even with the age it showed. But what was most appealing, were the smile and the warm green eyes above it.

“MARCUS!” Athena leapt up, grabbing the tall human around the chest, laying her head on his shoulder as she cried out, her tears flowing so hard now they couldn’t be dammed up. Her forelegs held him tight as arms wrapped around her. Standing on her back legs she was almost as tall as the distinguished officer.

Luna looked at the dream form, eyeing it critically. The power of Athena’s memories had been more than she imagined as the human was just the barest fraction away from truly being alive. She was astounded.

One large arm wrapped around Athena’s barrel, one hand stroking her mane as a quiet voice shushed her, telling her it was all right. Holding her tight to a being Luna had only seen in Crusader's 'movies'.

“Shush my daughter, everything will be fine. What’s wrong now?”

The words came out of Athena in a rush, along with more tears, she was alternating between telling her entire story and sobbing against Marcus’s chest as he brought them to a sitting position in the soft grass. He held the pegasus tight to him, her head lying in his lap as he soothed her mind, comforted her soul.

He listened to each word, not interrupting, letting it all flow out and taking it in with an attention that was single minded.

Princess Luna settled herself beside the two, watching curiously as the tall figure did nothing but murmur comforting sounds, being as kind as possible.

“I’m tired Marcus, I want to go home.” The words came out with another cry as she buried her head in his waist, holding tight to him with her fore legs.

“But this is your home now my daughter. I can’t take you to what it appears doesn’t exist anymore.”

“But..but I can st..stay here! With you! In my dreams! Let me stay, please let me stay!”

Sparkling green eyes looked at the sobbing pegasus over a warm smile, ignoring the statement for the moment as he gestured to Princess Luna, “Shouldn’t you be polite and introduce me?”

Luna’s eyes went wide, dream forms did not acknowledge her usually.

“I..I’m so..sorry Marcus.. This is Pr..Princess Luna.”

Marcus bowed from the waist, Athena not letting him go for a moment, “My pleasure Your Highness.”

Luna blinked, “Mine as well..er.. how should I address you?”

“Marcus if it pleases Your Highness.” The warm smile was winning Luna over quickly, she could see why Athena pined for this one.

“Marcus it is then, “Luna replied with a smile of her own, “I am glad you could come, our poor Athena hurts so.”

“I see that.” He lifted Athena’s head, looking into her lavender eyes, “I also see you aren’t your Bolo anymore either Athena. But no matter, you are still my lovely daughter.”

Athena blushed, right down to her hooves as Marcus chuckled, looking over to Princess Luna. “I take it this is the normal form now? No humans around?”

The dark mare shook her head, “None that we have ever seen. This is Equestria and Athena is one of it’s beloved ponies.” She stared hard at this human, dream forms did not question or wonder why, this was far beyond anything she’d ever encountered.

The human smiled, “I can see why.” He stroked Athena’s mane as she lay on his lap, “Is she accepted?”

The Princess smiled, “Oh yes, she is lovely and quite adored for her being a Bolo.”

The human thought for a moment, as if going through memories, “I see..so she’s still a Bolo, yet has a representation of herself as a..flying pony?”

“A Pegasus yes, they are much respected in our society along with others.” Luna tilted her head, “You are quite astute Marcus.”

He laughed, “Well you always did want to do the impossible Athena.” He leaned down, kissing her forehead. He looked back up at Luna, “I was always a bit faster than others.” Giving her a wink.

The tearful lavender eyes met his once more, “Don’t go, please don’t go. I don’t want to be alone, I miss you and Hera and everyone.”

Kind green eyes met hers, “But you have Crusader from what you just told me. He is good and true from what I remember, he would do anything for you.”

“It’s not the same! I..I don’t want to be hurt anymore.. I..I can’t even fly!”

“Yeesh, always giving up too soon!”

The musical voice made Athena snap her head around so fast she almost broke her own neck. Lavender eyes stared back at her from a sable face, a grin underneath them as a cream mane with honey highlights above it shook with a bit of laughter.

Princess Luna stared in shock, this was not how the spell worked. It was to give just the barest hint of memories to help with solving a problem, yet here were two almost alive beings talking with Athena. Questioning Luna herself!

“H..Hera... HERA!” Athena struggled to her hooves and bowled over the other pegasus who was an identical image of her sister, both beautiful with sable coat and cream manes. Athena once more let a torrent of tears roll out of her eyes as she clung to the one she missed the most besides Marcus.

Hera led the crying Athena back over to Marcus, where they both sat and kept her hugged tight between them. Athena could barely stand much less talk, so she lay back down with her head against Marcus once more.

Hera was staring at one hoof, moving it back and forth, “Well this is ..is... interesting.”

Princess Luna had had enough of this, “Hold. What are you?” She pointed a hoof at the two figures, her horn lighting with offensive magics in case of trouble.

The human looked up from stroking Athena’s mane, “What do you mean?”

“This is a dream and I am it’s mistress. You, ”She pointed to the pegasus and human, “Are far too alive to be dream forms, what are you?”

Marcus just shrugged, “I don’t know.”

Hera narrowed her eyes a bit and raised a hoof, “Look lady, you got a problem with Marcus I’m gonna punch your lights out!”

Marcus looked like he was about to fall over, “HERA!” The standing Pegasus snapped to, looking at him. “What did I tell you about being polite.” He pointed at Princess Luna, “Now apologize, she’s a princess and deserves respect!”

“But she...!”

Marcus got a determined look, “Hera...drop the tough girl act and do it.”

The standing Pegasus rubbed one leg along the other as she eyed the ground, “I..I’m sorry Princess. I..I apologize.”

Princess Luna nodded her head for a moment, “Accepted, but still, what are you?”

Hera reverted from tough pony to shy in a heartbeat, hiding behind Marcus as he hugged them both, trying to answer the dark mare.

“I don’t know Princess, I’m sorry.”

“How can you not know? You are here in this dream, questioning me and almost alive. How can this be?” She stared hard at the two newcomers.

Marcus shrugged again, “All I know is that one of my daughters was hurting and I was summoned. So I came, that’s all I know.”

“Are you... are you from the other side?”

“I don’t know Princess, honestly.” He hugged the identical Pegasi next to him, “All I know is that I was here, I knew this was Athena and she needed me. I promised her and her sister I would always be there, I never failed that promise once.”

Hera leaned into him with a nuzzle, “He never did, not once.”

Luna looked at them with more than a bit of suspicion, “But of course if you were evil you would not say so.”

“Of course not, I’m afraid there’s no way to prove it.”

Athena looked up from his lap, wiping her eyes with a hoof, “It’s them Princess. Oh it’s them, I’d know them anywhere!”

The Princess thought for a moment, “Then do as you wish, but understand, the slightest move to hurt her and I will banish you to tortures you haven’t dreamed of.”

Marcus smiled warmly again, “As it should be.” He looked down at the crying pegasus, “You have made good friends Athena. But it is time to stand up and be who you are.”

“I...I don’t want..want to anymore.. I’m t..tired of be..being hurt.”

“No Athena, no that won’t do.” He gave her mane another ruffle.

Marcus clapped his hands, still setting on the ground as he directed the two identical Pegasi to sit in front of him. “Come on, snap to, you know the drill.”

Both of them scrambled to their hooves, sitting in front of him. Hera hugged Athena awkwardly with one leg as they waited for Marcus. Both staring at the ground for a moment.

He reached out, lifting both their chins so they faced him, “I told you, never be shy, always look someone in the eyes remember?”

They answered as one voice, “Yes Marcus.”

He chuckled, there was not a single hint of malice in it, but warm, inviting and comfortable. “Well, you both weren’t..” He looked at Princess Luna.


He nodded, “Ponies, but we’ll make do. Though you did avert your camera lenses a lot. Now both of you look me in the eye.” He smiled at the two sisters.

They both nodded together, “Yes Marcus.”

He made a point to look at Athena more often than not, but they both answered in unison when he asked a question. He told them how proud he was, how he had bragged of them whenever he was off duty. That they were the two most special ladies in his life, barring his wife of course.

The sisters laughed, remembering his wife, gracious and so very kind to them.

“Now you Athena, need to buck up. You’re an Assault Bolo and you’re a very pretty pony from what Luna says. I’m afraid I wouldn’t know being me. But I know in my heart you’re as beautiful as you should be.” He laughed, tapping Athena on the nose. She smiled at him as he kept going.

“I don’t know how long we have here or even why we’re here Athena, but obviously you needed your sister and I.”

She started crying again, the tears rolling down her face as she tried not to look at the ground, her eyes lifting and dropping.

“No tears my daughter. You’re one of my Ladies of Steel, you should be proud.” He cupped her cheek, wiping the tears away as they slid downward.

“I...I am Marcus..”

“Then you should stop being sad. You were one of the most wonderful things in my life.” He leaned forward and hugged them both, “Both of you were.” He pointed an admonishing finger at Athena, “But you daughter, have a new mission. You are to protect this new place I take it?”

“Yes Marcus, Crusader and I.”

“Then you do that. You know everything I could teach you and more.” He smiled, “You and your sister were feared and respected, you earned every reward and commendation. But now, from what I can tell, it is a whole new world. Do your duty young lady. Can you do that?”

“Y..yes Marcus. But I don’t want you to leave! Don’t leave me again!” She clung to him tightly. “Everyone leaves me...”

He wrapped a powerful arm around her barrel, “I never left you. I would never leave you Athena. My boots trod your command deck for years, our war games went on for days. We talked weeks upon weeks of tactics and other things.’ He reached out, touching her chest above her heart, “I am in everything you are Athena, you can’t get rid of me that easily.”

He leaned forward, kissing her forehead, “I’m there, oh...maybe a whisper in the wind. The touch of my hand on your command panels. So many ways I am with you my wonderful lady.” He hugged her tight, then Hera, holding them both close as he whispered, “I never left. I don’t know how Hera and I got here, but you better believe we never left you Athena.”

“I...I do.. Oh I do..”

Marcus smiled, he kept smiling, he never lost it once. “Now then, you have a duty again. Protect a new world. I think that’s a fine mission for someone like you Athena. Will you do so?”

“I will Marcus.”

He put a hand on her chest, once more above her heart, “Will you do your best like I always asked of you? You never failed once when we were together, you can’t slack off now.”

She put her hoof over his hand, feeling it warm and strong, “I will Marcus, I always will for you.”

He tilted his head, “Not just for me anymore young lady.” He looked back at a smiling Luna, “Also, Crusader if I remember right wasn’t exactly the most..well...’fun’ of all the Bolos, so he’ll need your help too.”

Hera and Athena laughed, they remembered all too well what Crusader was like, though Athena had a few more memories than Hera did now.

He looked into Athena’s lavender eyes, clear and bright as they stared back, “I never asked anything of you that I didn’t think you could do. Now I want your promise.” He held his hand over her heart still, wrapped in her hoof, “I want you to promise me, no matter what, you’ll do your duty. You are shy, you always will be, I understand that. But you have a will of steel when you need it Athena.”

“I promise.” She gripped his hand with both her hooves and looked at him with all the love she had inside her, “I promise!”

“Good.” He tugged his hand from her embrace, standing up and slapping the seat of his uniform clean. “Now I get to say something I never thought I could or would.”

Both sets of eyes were attentive as they waited.

“Go and play!” He made pushing motions with his hands, “Go on, go and play, don’t come back for a while!”

Puzzled looks greeted him as Athena and Hera looked at each other.

“You’re ponies! You can fly!” He rolled his eyes,” I can’t believe I just said that.” He flapped his hands at them, “Go and play! Shoo now, get on with you!”

The two pegasus looked at each other then at Marcus, slowly getting to their hooves and walking away, though not without a bit of trepidation. They kept looking back as they got farther away, seeing Marcus smiling and motioning them away. Eventually Athena tapped Hera, both of them running full out into the grass as she showed Hera how to fly, the two lithe forms winging through the puffy clouds as Marcus stood and smiled upwards.

He shaded his eyes with one hand as he watched his daughters dancing among the clouds with a sigh.

“Truly they love you.” Princess Luna’s voice was soft.

“I loved them like no one else Your Highness, except my wife. They were the finest Bolos in all the worlds, none could stop them.”

“She is loved here in Equestria Marcus. Crusader and her are staunch defenders of all we believe good and just. Though we do make mistakes, we are only ponies after all.”

Marcus laughed, lowering his hand, “Your Highness, I believe that is true in any universe. We used to say “We were only human after all.”

He looked at the dark mare, “How long do they have, is there enough time here?”

“A lifetime here would be but an eyeblink outside.”

“Then they have time to be with each other. That is a good thing.” He sat once more upon the grass, taking a stalk and chewing on it slowly as he watched his daughters fly.

Princess Luna sat next to him, voicing her question softly once more, “What are you?”

“Princess, if I could tell you I would. Honestly. I don't know beyond the fact I am here. I do not even question why you look as you do." He gestured towards her starry mane.

She thought on that for a moment and tried another tack, “Then tell me, what lies beyond?”

“I can’t.” He looked at her now, his eyes soft.

“Can’t or won’t?”

“Can’t Your Highness, I honestly don’t know.”

“Can you say anything then?” her voice was curious now.

He smiled, reaching out to touch her hoof as he said gently, “There are more things in heaven and earth Princess Luna, then are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

She nodded, touching his hand in return as she smiled, “I understand.”

The dark mare suddenly laughed, covering her mouth with a hoof, getting a quizzical look from Marcus.

“Something funny Your Highness?”

“You spoke just like Crusader, he is always quoting somepony..a..a Shakes Spear?” She is tapping a hoof on her chin, trying to think of the name.

“Shakespeare? You mean he’s still doing that?”

“Oh yes, quite often.”

Marcus laughed, a booming that came from deep inside, “Some things never change.”

The two sat quietly for an hour or so, watching the sisters in the sky, winging their way through clouds and grass as they swooped and flew.

Luna heaved a tired sigh, “Marcus, I am afraid I cannot hold this dream any longer, it is time to go.”

He nodded, standing up and giving a loud whistle, attracting the two pegasi’s attention. They trotted over quickly, smiling and hugging each other. He was glad to see them once more, if only for this little while. Though it was different seeing them as..well...ponies.

Marcus knelt down, giving them both a hug, “It’s time for us to go Athena.”

“But..but no! You just got here!” Her lavender eyes teared up again.

Marcus smiled, tapping her nose once more as he wiped away a single tear, “I told you, no more tears my daughter.” He leaned close, “Listen to me young lady, you do what you do best. Stand tall and be proud, I’m watching you.”

“Y..yes Marcus.” She didn’t lower her head this time, looking him in the eye as he gathered Hera next to him.

Hera ran from beside Marcus, hugging her sister hard, “It’s not goodbye, you know that. I’m with you, I am always with you.”

“I..I know Hera..but..”

“No buts, we’re two in one. You are me and I am you. I’ll be here in your dreams. Got me?”

“I got you.” She looked at her duplicate, “I miss you every day Hera.”

“But don’t let it get you down. Be the best you can be my sister.” She held out a hoof, something Athena had taught her.

Athena bumped it gently, watching Hera go to Marcus’s side.

“I promise, I’ll make you proud of me.”

She waved at the two, human and pony as they turned, heading into a mist that suddenly surrounded them. Marcus lay a hand on Hera’s shoulder as they talked while walking, they faded away but made Athena merry one last time.

“You really don’t need wings Hera.” Marcus had always teased them about things.

“But I like having wings!”

“You’re a Bolo Hera.” Marcus’s voice was mischievous.

“That’s not fair, Athena has them! Why can’t I?”

“Just because your sister has something....”

They two walked into shadows, the mist dispersing as she laughed at the argument, Luna was chuckling beside her.

A dark wing snugged her tight, “I do not know what has happened, but you deserved that time with your loved ones if anypony did.”

Athena turned and hugged the Princess, “Thank you. Thank you so much I..”

The dream was interrupted by a siren, coming from everywhere and nowhere. Athena tilted her head up.

“Princess that’s the alert, I must wake up now!”

Luna nodded, “Awake Athena, remember it all!” As she flickered out from the dream.

Athena watched as the landscape broke up, bringing her to full watchfulness as the alarm sounded in her cores. She immediately trained all her weapons on the forest, scanners reaching out and finding nothing. She kept sweeping, doing a .00956 second diagnostic on her sensors before tripping to one on her masts, it was registering a laser communication, one way from Crusader.

She sequestered the message in a clean secure core, away from her processors as a precaution, one ways were usually given when a Bolo was in trouble and did not want a reply for some reason.

Opening it slowly, she cleared it with multiple combat programs before she could read it. The first line made her shiver to her treads.

“My sister, we have been infiltrated.”


A figure stood in the silent room, watching the full moon in a velvet sky, pinpoints of light dotted the canvas. It was quiet, Earth being far from the Melconian front.

“What’s wrong dear?” A soft voice inquired behind him.

“Nothing, I had an odd dream Athena needed me.”

“Come back to bed Marcus, I’m sure she is fine. You haven’t commanded them for the last fifty years.”

“They are still in my heart Linda.”

“I know, just like mine.” The voice came closer as Marcus was wrapped in a hug.

“I just hope she’s okay.” His green eyes turned to the moon once more, strangely drawn to it as he thought, “Be safe my girls, wherever you are.”

Author's Note:

Don't try and reason it, every story needs a bit of mystery in it and this is it. Enjoy it, smile, be happy.

Tip O' The Hat to: Nightmare 723764, FordPrefect, Richardson, SuperGiantRobot, ArchAngel Gundam, Angry MadMoth, Crimson Eon, ViktorNovaMk2, Cadmium, JDunk1971, Prince Jonathan, Lord Iron Skull, Jordan179, Liqwidice, Uncle Mike, Drayce Adrestria, CDR, Humansarenotgoneyet, New World Order, Psycho2Cool, M1-A4-Abrams, Rowantwig, Gordon Freebrony, Forward Duck, Emanwe, jmlop0.

Without you guys, this story would be a lot less than what it is, thanks!

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