• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,586 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

  • ...

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Mumbles, Grumbles and Fun with Radio

I am at a loss for words. It has been a week now as I sit and ponder questions, replaying the conversation over in my memory banks. What could I have done? Been less that honest? I even warned them that the answer may not be to their liking, but I never imagined it would be taken as hard as it was.

They have not returned, nor have I detected any close approach of any indigene as of yet.

Their’s must be a truly peaceful society to have reacted in such a way. I have met pacifists, I have met objectors to our kind before. I can be nothing but what I am, a planet killer. My memory cores contain missions in which millions were wiped out in the Final War, many of which I participated in.

I bring up a music file, Vivaldi’s Four Seasons, and let it wash over the empty command deck. I feel the strings, the quiet power as I continue to question.

A previous commander once argued with me, saying that ‘punk’ was one of the highest forms of music ever created. Needless to say we differed on that point, quite a bit I might add.

I listen to Spring, letting it fill my mind with elegant artistry from so long ago. Even in the time I served, the classics were treasured and wanted for their majesty and power. Except for Commander ‘Punk’....

My status is good, all interlocks and triggers on the nuclear weapons stored in my bay are secure and safe now, the nano-repair systems are efficient and fast. Radiation has been scoured and neutralized. All cartridges for any powder based chemical weaponry have been re-manufactured in my fabricators and are now optimal. The outer armor sheathing is taking a bit more, having to be built up from common materials a bit at a time, and that is what I have, time.

Nanotechnology was quite advanced when I was rebuilt, allowing us to resupply ourselves most of the time, replacing worn parts if we had materials. My war stocks are still quite high, but the armor will take a large chunk out of it. But that is fine, I prefer to be fully operational.

The strings from Autumn bring my reverie back to the conversation. Would that I had couched it in better terms I think. Could I have just lied, yes, I could have. But then I am in a unique position, contacting an unknown race who has extended nothing but goodwill. I would prefer to start off not having to answer awkward questions later if and when they came up. It has been my experience through long years of war, that the questions inevitably do arise.

I have spent the intervening days interrogating all star charts and memory cores on spectra and related phenomena. Once I can place sensors outside, I shall attempt to fix my position in the cosmos. It is very odd as the stasis depot order was given on Earth. Could I have been transported elsewhere and lost? I do not know, and cannot know without further study.

All channels and bands are quiet, even the EL is quiet, there is absolutely zero traffic on any known communications I can perceive. I come back to my original thought, am I alone now? Am I the last of my kind? Surely there might be another unit, trapped in it’s survival center, hearing me but unable to reply, I do not know.

Using all scanners now, I pick up quite a few things, even beneath a covering of soil. They are powerful enough to slip through the surrounding berm and reach into the skies, tagging potential hostiles for targeting and action in case I am needed.

But one thing I am sure of, as I listen to Winter, the final in Vivaldi’s quartet; that like the falling snow, the woods dark and deep, I feel the loneliness.


My sensors register a single quadruped, though I must change that to pony. I make the appropriate notations in my cores. Approaching the hatchway, it gives a few reluctant taps on the door, I gladly slide it aside. My visual sensors register it is Twilight coming down the entryway. I immediately brighten the lights and push warmer air into the walkway, making it more comfortable.

I await patiently as she settles onto the floor, it is not quite comfortable for her I am sure being mostly bare metal, but I am glad she is here.

She gives a sigh, putting her head on her forelegs I believe they are referenced, before looking around.


“Yes Twilight?”

“I am sorry.”

For the moment I am taken aback, royalty, such as known in my time and on different worlds, never apologized. Theirs was the right of kings.

“For what?”

Twilight’s ears dropped a bit alongside her head, not looking as cheerful as she had days ago. “For not staying, for not talking, for...for running away.”

“It is fine Twilight. It was something you were not prepared for, and never had experience with. It was a mistake on my part for not saying it..maybe a bit gentler? But there’s is no couching it in simple terms I fear.”

“But..but.. I’m the Princess of Friendship, I should make the effort to befriend, or at least try to understand! I let my fear get in the way, and..and I had to leave. I am so sorry.”

“You have nothing to apologise for. Nothing Twilight.”

At this, she perks up, ears forward as she leans a bit, intently listening.

“I was made, or born if you prefer to do what I had done. My mission, my life if you will was dedicated to destroying the enemies of the Concordiat. It is..was.. all I know and had known. I am an unknown, I am unlike probably anything you have encountered. I do not know. But now I find myself in the midst of a new world, a new race of beings that have never known war like I have. I believe it is I who should apologize.”

She looks a bit confused for a moment, before a small sigh once again is released from her.

“But I was the one who ran!”

“I was the cause of it. For that, I humbly apologize, and shall try to see it never happens again.”

Twilight waved a hoof around, “Nonono, this is not how I wanted it to go. I should apologize for acting that way. I should have been smarter than I was. I mean, I had....” She reaches into a bag along her side, getting out a sheaf of parchment with her mouth. My sensors register tightly written notes on them as she sets them in front of her. “I had a whole apology written, and things I could say.. and ... You weren’t supposed to apologize to me!”

She flops down on the floor, lying on the stack of parchment with a somewhat disgusted look on her face if I read it correctly.

“I can listen to whatever you had written, I am nothing if not patient. Besides, you do have a captive audience with me.” I let a chuckle flow through the directional speakers, “You cannot plan for everything I’m afraid, some times you have to accept things and move forward no?”

“But..but it’s ruined now! I can’t say all this now, and.. you apologized! Ugh!” She waved her hooves around in exasperation.

“Twilight, being a friend means you accept them as they are. Even if they apologize as well for something you wanted to apologize about.”

Twilight twisted her hooves in front of her for a moment, then cracked a bit of a smile, “Captive audience huh?”

Why do I have this strange feeling I should not have said that?


Approximately seven hours have gone by, it is late afternoon, and I am sure that my data cores are quite full of the subjects of spells, their use and creation. Also, something called Obscure Unicorn Lore and History, has been left with me to scan and enter into my banks. I really do not believe she’d quiz me on this, even though she had mentioned that. I have had a tech spider insert it into the scanning documents drawer and is now being entered into memory, just in case.

It is amazing how many items she had pulled out of those bags, saddlebags they are called, though there is no saddle. Of course due to limited space, she had not carried as many items as she had wanted she explained to me. For this, and I am ashamed to admit, I am grateful.

The chat was pleasant, when we were not discussing the merits of technology compared to magic. I explained in the world I had known, it was a myth, and had never worked. Somewhat shocked, she did demonstrate, and I recorded, the use of magic. The unknown spectra and energy signature I have analyzed quite thoroughly now. Points of evidence are adding up to a conclusion about my situation, but I still need more data.

I admit, seeing telekinesis in action was somewhat baffling, as well as fire starting and a few simpler spells. It is definitely something I would like to investigate further.

As for information, besides magic and history, I have learned quite a bit of this world. There appears to be an assembly of princesses, though the main rule is held by two sisters, Princess Luna and Princess Celestia. It is a unique situation, as my data cores show nothing like it in Concordiat experience as well. This discovery has piqued my interest as well for Twilight says they are both immortal.

In return, I have promised Twilight to print out a few books from my world of Old Earth. I had mentioned Shakespeare, she had shown an interest and I quoted from the Sonnets. This led to further discussions, with myself promising to make copies she could add into her library in her castle.

I have also learned the proper use of pony, nopony, somepony, etc. This will help me relate more readily if I encounter anypony else.

One thing I did wish to do was extend sensor masts beyond the covering of soil that is above me and asked permission. I explained to her they were not weapons, but would allow me to scan the immediate area for at two thousand kilometers in any direction. Of course converting kilometers into their unit of measurement is not quite working until I can figure a table out, but she agreed and stepped outside to watch them.

I am loathe to display advanced technology, but as the masts are not easily accessible and protected, they cannot be reverse engineered, all they would see are four very large columns of metal with lenses.

Twilight stepped out of the warm tunnel, trotting up the hill as she waited for what Crusader had said were ‘sensor masts’ to rise up out of the ground. The ground trembled a bit as four large round sections of grass rose into the air. Four gunmetal gray poles lifted themselves into the air, topped by divots of grass and soil.

She approached them cautiously looking at the four pillars, quite thick, covered in golden windows that turned and spun a bit, reflecting the afternoon sunlight. She could see her reflection in them as they swiveled and looked back at her, Crusader’s voice entering her ear once more.

“I can communicate with you outside as well now Twilight, and spot any danger for quite a distance. This might make it a bit easier for me to spot trouble.”

Twilight tilted her head, still letting her eyes wander over the big columns, “Hardly anything ever gives us problems, and when it does, it’s handled quite readily. So why do this?”

“Can we just say, barring the past, I would like to protect a friend?”

She nodded, still looking closely at one of the LiDAR lenses. “So what do these do?” Her curiosity knew no bounds with things new.

“The one you are currently looking at is a range finder basically. I can pulse a target with it, and find distance to it immediately.”

“And this is used for?”

“Would you like the reason or shall we just leave it at that?”

The voice made her jump, remembering the previous explanation that caused so many problems, she took the easier course, “Oh..well...no problem. It is very neat looking.”

“Thank you.”

Twilight patted her chin a bit before turning away from the rotating lens, “Well I guess it’s time for me to go. I have spent quite a bit of time today with you.” She actually blushed a bit, embarrassed as she realized she had been lecturing for quite a few hours with no one to stop her as they usually did.

Crusader couldn’t resist as the chuckle came across, “As I said, you had a captive audience.”

Twilight cheeks lit up as she started to apologize again, before suddenly realizing he was teasing her, “Oh..you!” She waved a hoof in farewell as she trotted back to Ponyville, chuckling at herself. Making a mental list though of what to bring next time she visited. I’m sure he’d love the Starswirl Biography, and the one about Clover, oh can’t forget Mundy’s Ramblings On Some Stuff too, always a laugh.

I continue my watch as Twilight trots away from the hillside, heading for a small town in the distance. She had said it was named Ponyville, apropos I think. I snap all targeting radars and LiDARs up and begin scanning, microwave pulses go out, giving me a map of the current area. Considering I am on a level above the normal ground, it gives me a vantage point.

I do feel a bit badly about not telling Twilight about the masts full capabilities, the 10mm infinite repeaters are a protective measure for the sensors. But if I am to protect my friend, and any of hers that are visiting, it is a chance I shall take.

Currently, as the night falls, mapping of the local area goes quickly, I now have plotting data I can use if ever needed for battle.


As the sun rises, I continue my watch from the hilltop, the sensors are scanning clearly. It is a beautiful day actually, the sky is very clear, temperature of seventy eight degrees. A nice day on any world.

My hatchway is about to be assaulted by three very eager looking fillies if my terminology is correct.

Applebloom knocked on the door, out of breath and nodding to her friends, “He’s gonna love this ah’m sure!”

Sweetie Belle was actually bouncing in place, a miniature version of Pinky for the moment as her excitement got the best of her. “He is, this is gonna be great! But we gotta ask what those big things are sticking out of the ground, they weren’t here before.”

Scootaloo agreed, “Yeah, they’re kinda cool looking though!”

I open the hatchway, three smiling fillies tumble down it, ending up in a heap on the command deck floor.

“Hello my Commander, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo. What can I help you with today?”

Applebloom untangles herself first, leaping up to sit at the console while the other two stand up, taking places on either side of her.

“We are here to formally ind..in.. the hay was that word?” Applebloom gives Sweetie a pleading look.


“Raht! In-duct you into the Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

“I beg your pardon?”

“The Cutie Mark Crusaders! We try out different things to get our Cutie Marks! ‘Cause I know I toldja it was the best thing ever right?” Applebloom is now bouncing in the commanders chair with excitement.

Considering the amount of destruction they do cause on the command deck, I wonder if this is wise. But as a philosopher once said, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” I agree.

“Yes you did my Commander. Is there a ceremony of some kind then?”

I really ought to watch what I say, there is a flurry of movement, and an impromptu podium is assembled. I fear for the spare parts lockers and resolve to weld them shut at the first opportunity. A pronouncement is made, though why this takes an hour I am not quite sure. I do pay attention however, such is not hard for a psychotronic unit.

“..and so, from Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess Cadence, and above all US! We here-by in-duct you to the Cutie Mark Crusaders!

“Thank you my Commander, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, I am honored.”

Sweetie Belle pops up on the chair, laying a red embroidered cape over the back of it, a pony rampant with cape is emblazoned on the back, “And here’s your official cape too!”

I swivel a camera around,taking in the expensive looking fabric, wondering how they might have obtained it. But I am inordinately pleased at the sight of the cape along the back of the commanders chair.

“I thank you all, I will be pleased to display it proudly. Though I am not sure if I can obtain a Cutie Mark myself.”

Scootaloo piped up, “Sure ya can! We’ll help you! Maybe along the way we’ll earn ours too! It’s a win win!”

I ponder on that for a moment, though Twilight did say that so far only ponies received cutie marks, it was not known outside of their race. If it was, it is considered rare. But as I do not wish to disappoint...

“Then I shall attempt my best effort into obtaining one as well.”

“YAY!” Three pairs of hooves waved in the air. Settling down, the three fillies told Crusader about their day, and what had happened during the time no one visited. Lunch was brought out and shared, sugary sweets as well as sandwiches, they seem to have come quite prepared for a stay.

Conversation did turn quite often to Cutie Marks, what they had tried and failed at to receive them. If I could flinch I would do so at some of the antics described.

As I listen to the three talk, it becomes apparent that they are disturbed by one named Diamond Tiara. A typical bully if I get my read on it correctly, and one that could be taken care of with a self directed 40cm mortar round. But as I have been admonished by Twilight about those things, maybe I can find a solution. I will have to think on this, though I do wish I could help immediately, crestfallen looks are not enjoyable among such cheerful little ones.

I do tell them about the sensors up above, which elicits a chorus of ‘COOL!” I tell them if they are in any trouble, if they are close enough, stand in the middle of the square formed by them and I will see what the problem is. The positioning should give me ample opportunity to keep them from harm until help arrives.

The day ends to soon though, as I do enjoy the company and the cheerfulness which infects them in their seeking of the cutie mark. I look forward to when they may be able to visit again. Until then, I shall do my utmost to find a solution to this Diamond Tiara problem.

I spend the evening comparing star charts to the sky I observe. There is to be no moon tonight I was told, the new moon being in effect of course. So I shall have to wait a few days until it decides to show up again. The three fillies have told me that Princess Celestia and Luna, raise the sun and moon. Which goes against anything in my data cores, the concept of a geocentric solar system much less a universe shown to be patently and demonstrably false.

My comparisons on star charts and known phenomena are quite different, though the algorithms are seeing if time adjustments can make anything fit. As fast as I am, it will take a while to see.


During the night I believe I have come up with the solution to a communication problem. My fabricators have been idle, nanos taking over armor repair now. Taking a few minutes to create the gift took no time at all. I have one of the tech spiders take it out of the drawer to set it on the console, to await Twilights visit. As I am not sure if she will bring Applejack, I also provide one for her as well. This will make things a bit easier, for me to see and hear what is going on.

I will seek permission to launch one or more stealthed drones, my only concern is the Pegasi and other animals that fly, but they can be programmed to avoid such confrontations. Though with the difference in sight, I do not know if normal stealthing would work, I must either ask Scootaloo to test it or find someone else.

The description of things that have come out of the Everfree forest concerns me, as my larger weapons are not free at this time, though I stand ready to blow gunports clear. I do hope I am not needed to do so, and that smaller solutions can be found. It would be quite the overkill on what they call a Manticore if it was hit by a five megaton per second Hellbore.

It and quite a large section of forest would not survive the consequences, I am sure that would not please the local authorities. I check my cores for patterns for non-lethal weaponry, picking and choosing a few designs that may work. I will put them in the masts soonest.

I find myself actually anticipating, and happily awaiting my visitors.


This day, I see the sun rise, and analyze the spectra and absorption lines. I plug it into the analysis programs comparing star charts to see if a similar match will appear.

I see Twilight and her friend Applejack come trotting towards the hill out of the township I watch closely to make sure nothing happens on the way out, as they knock politely on the hatchway.

I wait as they settle themselves on the floor, wishing there was a way to make them more comfortable.

“Crusader,’ Applejack speaks first, “Ah really want to apologize..”

“Applejack, as I have told Twilight, there is no reason to apologize. If you wouldn’t mind, all is forgiven.”

Applejack scratches the back of her neck for a moment, “Well if that’s what ya want.”

“I do, and I have a gift for both of you as well.”

Twilight perks up at this, “Really?”

“Please look on the console, you will find boxes containing the items.”

Twilight and Applejack stand up, peering at the small boxes as they take them with their hooves, opening them on the floor. Applejack notices the cape along the back of the chair, giving it a wary look. “Well I see they’ve inducted you into their club there Crusader.”

“Yes they have, I think it is an honor.”

“Well don’t you let them go talking you into doing something, they cause enough problems on their own!

“I promise I shall restrain myself Applejack.”

The Earth Pony laughs, “Oh I dunno, they’re pretty convincing when they want to be.”

Twilight is busy opening her box, motioning to Applejack to do the same.

“Oh this is pretty!”

“Well, can’t say’s I like frou-frou stuff mahself, but it is nice.”

“As you can see, there is a bracelet first, please put those on your foreleg. You can also see another small band, connected by a fine chain to a larger one, the larger is to fit over your ear, resting at the base, put the band on the outside of your ear, about midway, it will adhere by itself and not fall off I assure you.”

They followed instructions, putting the band and bracelet sets on, I thought they looked quite nice.

“I took the opportunity to put your cutie mark symbols on them as well. Also, I tried to match your coat colors as closely as I could. The bracelet on your legs, contains what is called a tracker, I can track you anywhere within range and know where you are exactly at any time. Also, if you wish to turn it off at anytime, press the cutie mark twice. Once to turn back on. Just talk at the bracelet if you wish to talk with me. The band on your ear, is a small camera, I can see what you look at very easily.

I watch as they take a look at the bands, micro communications were very easy to make, disguising them however took a bit of thought. I believe they turned out quite well, and it will allow me to see the wider world, I am eager to experience that.

Twilight taps her band, holding it to her mouth, “Can you hear me?”

I reply on the combat channel to both of them at the same time, “I can hear you just fine. If you notice, only you both can hear my reply, so it may look as if you are talking to yourself if you’re not careful.”

Applejack doubles in laughter, “Crusader, you don’t know Twi like we do, she talks to herself all the time!”

Twilight turns to her friend, “I do not! Well, not all the time! I’m just thinking!”

“Like when you ran headfirst into Mayor Mare that one day cause you were talking to yourself?”

“That...that was different. I mean the Parasprites were taking my attention!”

“Right Twi, right. So now Crusader can see when you bump into things. Maybe we should ask if he can record em somehow to play back later huh?”

“Applejack!” Her cheeks turn a bright red, “That’s, well that wouldn’t be very nice.”

“Sure would be great at the next sleepover! Twilight Sparkle’s greatest bumps!”

Twilight facehooves and turns away from the laughing Applejack, “Thank you very kindly for the jewelry Crusader,” She gives a mock glare at the Earth Pony, “SOME of us appreciate it.”

Wiping a tear from her eye, Applejack stands back up, “I thank ya too Crusader, but keep a close eye on Twi there willya?”

“I shall Applejack, I promise.”

As predicted though, when they are leaving, Twilight is so ensconced in her new bracelet that she bumps headfirst into the hatchway side. A laughing Applejack leads the embarrassed pony outside where my sensors pick them up to follow along their way to town. I open the combat channels to record and receive in case I am called. I shall ask about the drones later, as Twilight seems quite preoccupied.


Twilight was blushing beet red by the time they made it back to Ponyville, Applejack was exhausted from laughing as she had to keep picking Twilight up when she fell over rocks, bumps, grass, because she was enamored of her new jewelry.

“Seriously Twi,” Applejack wiped away tears, “You really ought to stop being so single minded.”

“But, it’s neat! Talking to somepony at a distance, maybe we could craft a spell like this, or maybe even put pictures over a magic spell some way, or..or..”

Applejack rested a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder, “Twi, stop. Really, you’re gonna get so distracted you’ll forget to eat.”

“I will not!” Twilight replied, a second before her stomach gave a loud growling sound.

A soft voice came into her ear, “Even I heard that Twilight.”

The lavender mare’s eyes popped wide, a blush running across her cheeks as she stammered a bit. Giving Applejack a look that told her everything she needed to know.

“Crusader heard that too did he?”


That was it, Applejack doubled over in laughter right there on the sidewalk, pounding the ground hard with a hoof and rolling on her side with guffaws.

All Twilight could do was wait for her friend to get back up, “Applejack! C’mon! Get up now!”

“Ohhhhh no!” She replied between bouts of laughter, “Oh no, yer not getting away from this one! You forgot to eat again! And HE heard it too! Oh Celestia that’s good! I think half of Ponyville heard that rumble!”

Twilight tried to hide behind a small rock in the street as she waited for her friend to pick herself back up, her cheeks a bright crimson. “Applejack! C’mon it’s not that funny!” Her stomach gave another growl this time, causing more gales of laughter from Applejack.

Her friend finally got up out of the dust, brushing herself off, wiping away the tears as she tugged Twilight towards a restaurant, “C’mon now, this ones on me, and you stop forgetting!”

Twilight took a seat at an outside table, watching Applejack settle into the other, “But I needed to make a list of books for Crusader, and so many other things. I had to write Princess Celestia and..”

“Twilight Sparkle..” Applejack interrupted, “That don’t mean you can’t get something to fill your belly. Now order up and stop talking.”

The soft voice was back in Twilight’s ear, “Applejack is correct Twilight, you need to look after yourself.”

This time Applejack eyes widened a bit as she leaned over whispering to Twilight, “That sure is kinda spooky ain’t it?” Having heard what Crusader had transmitted to Twilight’s band.

Twilight nodded, but ventured, “I wonder if I could talk to you from far away Applejack?”

The reply came immediately, “Just say ‘Link Applejack’ and you will be directly connected to her band Twilight. To stop, just say ‘Unlink Applejack.”

Twilight looked around, seeing the wait pony heading for them to take their order. She remained silent on that for a moment as they both ordered a good meal for lunch, Twilight’s stomach grumbling once again getting chuckles from Applejack. The wait pony took off with the order as they sat looking at each other, “Link Applejack.”

A tone was heard, then Applejack could hear Twilight in two places at once, “Can you hear me?”

“Whoa! Now that’s all kinds of weird there Twi.”

Twilight jumped up from the table, waving her hooves around, “But this is SO neat! Imagine what we could do with them, I mean talking this way would be useful for ALL sorts of things!”

Applejack raised her eyebrows and glanced from side to side, making Twilight turn her head to notice the rest of the ponies at the restaurant were now eyeballing them with confused looks.

“Oh..uh..” She sat back down at the table, “Sorry folks, just uh...got excited about a new spell.”

A few chuckles were heard as the townsponies were used to Twilight’s antics.

“Unlink Applejack.” Once again a tone was heard and it was back to normal, Applejack could no longer hear Twilight in two places.

“The Alicorn leaned over the table and with a grin on her face, “This is SO cool!”

“I swear Twi, you bother me in the middle of the night with something and I’m comin’ over to bop ya one!”

“But it could be an emergency or something!”

The earth pony pinched the bridge of her nose, “Twi, you think a torn page in a book is a national emergency.”

Twilight twisted her hooves a bit on the table, not looking at Applejack, “But..but it might be an emergency.”

“Ah said no Twi. Only if it’s a real emergency!” Applejack leaned over the table, giving Twilight’s eyes a stare, “REAL emergency.”

The alicorn looked at the table, twisting her hooves a bit more, “Ooookay..”

“Oh stop that....yeesh if ya get TOO lonely..” Applejack immediately got wrapped in a hug as she rolled her eyes.

“I promise, only when it doesn’t bother!”

They were interrupted when the wait pony came back, setting down two very crisp salads, iced water for drinks.

Applejack dug in immediately, followed by Twilight, who kept talking with her mouth full.

“We could talk while you’re applebucking! We’d never get bored!” She was spitting bits of salad everywhere as Applejack just gave her a deadpan stare.

“Twi..salad first.”

Twilight gave a frustrated look before swallowing her mouth full, returning to the salad as Applejack directed.

The soft voice advised in both their ears, “Remember, you can turn them off at night, two taps on the cutie mark.” Heading off Twilight’s protestation almost like he was there, Crusader continued, “If it is an actual emergency and they are turned off, you’ll hear a soft chime.”

Applejack grinned, “Thanks Crusader.”

“You’re very welcome Applejack.”


Applejack admitted, those things were kinda neat as she settled down for the night. Wandering around with Twilight was exhausting sometimes, but she was a friend, and AJ loved her to death. But now, she was looking forward to a few hours of shuteye.

Bing..... “Applejack?”


Author's Note:

You saw it coming, you had to :pinkiehappy:

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