• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Interlude 2 - Some Moments.

“This above all; to thine own self be true.”

I think upon that phrase from my beloved Bard, sitting upon the hill I call home. Can I be true to myself? Will I be? There are so many questions left, but I look forward to the answers. In such a short space of time there have been so many things to experience. I cannot believe them all, some i would rather not repeat, but I know them to be true.

I have loved, in a way that no Bolo has ever done so. I was real for the nonce, just a brief moment in time. But in that space I was shown what love can and will be. It settles in me like a warm hearth fire, comforting and calm. In that span of days we both learned, my love and I, what true meaning it holds for both of us.

It is not the act, it is the passion, the desire, the longing looks in secret. I yearn for her voice, her touch, more than anything before and I prefer it this way. But I will always be what I am. A Bolo. I can be both beloved and a war machine. I will fight for what I have, let none try and take it.


Fluttershy was very surprised and delighted at her new house. I have shown her what I have done, being honest with the improvements. Her doors and windows can now be shuttered with a touch. Without electricity I have machined it to very fine tolerances, balanced and weighted in such ways the shutters slide into place quickly. The door can be secured with three bolts at the flick of a hoof. I want her to be safe, always.

Anything that tries to get inside will be locked out, and facing me.

Fluttershy is actually quite talkative when at home. She loves her new house, it appears her friends like it as well. Except for one strange rabbit who keeps glaring at me for some reason. I am not quite sure why. But I remember my promise to my love and try to do the polite thing. I ignore it. We walk and talk while I am showing her the new cellar, storage area and food area. I have enlarged it enough to carry a few months worth of supplies if needed for a long siege.

Her smile will brighten any home, I see it a lot as I tell her of the design and how safe it is. She is a true wonder with animals. I assure Fluttershy that she can keep them safe in here with her at any time.

I leave her to get settled in. I had paid for new furnishings as well, seeing as how the others were not in the best of shape after the fight. But that is fine, I do not need the money. I am glad she is happy and healthy.

Applejack does not like my sense of humor, but she is easy prey sometimes. I decided to tell her of the plans, describing to her the Automated Sentry Weapons I had designed but not emplaced. They were quite nice I thought, solar powered, easy to use; and the 15mm gatlings would hold off anything until I got there. As a plus they were earth tone colors, very ecologically friendly of me if I do say so.

The conversation got very loud about not putting those around Fluttershy's house until I told her it was just a joke.

I was then told it was not humorous.

I thought it was funny.


My Ferrets have arrived, tech spiders are unloading the remains of the drones brought down by the Wonderbolts team and Rainbow Dash. I think it was truly a piece of daring flying, knowing the capabilities of my own equipment. I am sure, as some humans used to say, “They are drinking for free.” on their stories. They are welcome to them, truly it was something to see.


It has been a few days since Applejack and her friends were asked to go to Appleloosa. A town somewhere to the south, I have tasked a drone to keep watch on all of them in case of trouble, their IFF’s are loud and clear. It appears a gang of Minotaurs was causing trouble along the outskirts, so the group was sent to see what they could do to solve the problem.

I would have offered to go, but my solutions are somewhat more permanent than just making friends. I do not begrudge them that fact, they are easy to like, and get along with. Myself, I am warrior born and always shall be.

I did offer a ride in one of the Ferret’s, but it was politely declined, the train is far more comfortable I was told. This is true, admittedly Concordiat Marines did not need beds or seats, they just hung on and hoped for the best. Maybe I should refit one of them?

But they are doing fine, Applejack calls me every so often on the relay through the drone. I worry about her, and wish to keep her safe. But I will not interfere in her life, she has had amazing adventures, I will not keep her from them.


A figure stole quietly from the street to the door of Twilight’s castle, taking one last look around as a hoof knocked on the door. A small dragon answered, peeking outwards then up at the pony.

“You got it?”

“I got it.”

“COOL! C’mon in before anypony sees!”

Spike and the pony hurried inside, running up the stairs to his room, closing the door quickly.

“Are you sure we’re okay doing this?”

“Positive! We’re alone!”

The pony reached into a saddlebag, withdrawing a few items, “As long as we’re okay.”

Spike helped the pony undo the saddlebags, pulling out a load of popcorn and a bunch of books. The little dragon immediately went to the kitchen to start the popcorn going, tons of butter and salt of course! He waited impatiently for it to pop, when finally done he threw it all in a huge bowl, running back to the room to see his visitor sprawled out on the floor.

“Oh wow! You got the latest Power Ponies!

“Absolutely, pay enough and you can get anything delivered.”

“I gotta wait for Twilight to get deliveries from Canterlot so I can order more. Wow, what are these cards?”

“These my scaly friend, are Friend or Foe Identification Cards, detailing enemy vehicles and heavy war machines. I thought you’d like a set. As long as you promise not to show them around?”

Spike’s claws riffled through the cards, each one extremely detailed with ID numbers and points on each card, “These are SO cool! I promise to keep them here!”

I point out the various war machines used by the enemies of the Concordiat, “This is a Yavac, used by a race called the Deng.” I continue on for a bit, showing Spike all the different things I have fought through the years.

It is a guilty pleasure. Ever since Spike showed me his comics, we have been arranging a comics binge for the last two weeks. I get the latest issues directly from the store by mail. When they come in, I bring the popcorn and we both indulge in reading the latest adventures.

Twilight frowns upon Spike wasting so much time, and if Applejack knew I’m sure she would agree. But, it brings joy to his heart and he has become a friend, I don’t think popcorn and comic books are going to create a problem. When we cannot meet in the castle, we use my command deck. I find it relaxing to just lay about with my avatar, enjoy the adventures of these fictional ponies and so many other good comics.

The mail Pegasus does not question me getting comic books, and I make sure to give her a very nice tip for flying out of her way. It works out, but statistics say that we will be discovered. Until then hot popcorn tastes so very good to my avatar for some odd reason.

It is a nice way to spend a few hours. My mind is constantly reviewing data from the drones, but I am at peace just sitting and reading comic books.


There is always something to do every day, it is a pleasure reading comics, but there is so much to do in life it seems. I have my tech spiders repaint two more of my Dragons, putting Faded Scroll’s cutie mark on one, and a Hummingbird upon the other. A fitting way I think to remember them by.

I am also thinking about, well actually doing without permission; forming Equestria’s first Armored Corps. I think it only fitting, I have thirty Dragons in my bays, enough to solve most problems. It is something to ponder, although tanker ponies I’m not quite sure of. Also if I do not offer the Crusaders their own command, then there would be hard feelings all around. So I will ponder that idea a bit more.

We have always had standards of music in the Dinochrome. Our song if you like was “Ritual Fire Dance”. These days I find it a bit slow and plodding, looking for something to fit with my new place here.

I believe I have found it, although the creator of the orchestral piece has probably not envisioned it for use by one such as myself; I find it appropriate. Be my friend or I’ll blow you to dust. For a Bolo, very apropos. It does give me quite the chuckle thinking about it, I wonder if Applejack would get the humor?


I wander into Bon Bon’s Sweets Shop after spending time with Spike. I still have to order some chocolates for my friends, and was not able to last time. I can only hope after this long she is no longer upset at me. We did explain a bit at the party, but I felt it was not enough.

My expectations are met, with the impact of a chocolate truffle on my nose as I enter the store. It seems she is still a bit peeved at me. I go cross-eyed for a moment, wanting to see what had hit me, and I admit it was still quite a nice bit of chocolate. She does make good candies.

Making sure I do not go beyond the door, I attempt to explain the situation. After an hour or so of strange looks from passerby, I convince her to let me purchase a few things. I do so, plus extra to make up for the inconvenience. Bon Bon sheepishly apologies for the truffle throwing as well.

It went well before I left, hoping I made another new friend. She even waved and smiled warmly at me as I left the shop. It has been quite the productive day so far.


While I am spending time in town, my drones are being refueled for the night shift. I am paying close attention to the forest as it appears to be awakening from its winter slumber. I cannot get a handle on how it operates, so cannot fully plan for contingencies. This is troublesome, but nothing I cannot overcome. I do see movement in the undergrowth and keep sensors trained along the line closest to Ponyville.


I stop at a restaurant to get a bit of reaction mass for my avatar, I think trying local dishes would be nice. Ever since I was changed back, I find I enjoy things quite a bit more than normal. I still cannot understand what has happened, although I am analyzing as fast as I can. I think it is the juxtaposition of magic and technology that has happened. To this world I am something new, so it may be trying to adapt myself to it’s preferred style of life. I do not know, and for a Bolo this is something to find out.

At the restaurant, I run into the two Guardsponies, Spear Point and Bronze Shield. I am glad that they are doing well, and I apologize for what they had gone through with the weapons test. I am forgiven, though I am told that they really don’t wish to do it again.

I can understand that and tell them so. We have an enjoyable meal together, I like listening to their tales of being in the Guard. Though not an active army sort of reserve, they do have their share of problems to deal with.

They invite me to go along with them to a pub they frequent. I agree and it is a nice place, quiet, amiable atmosphere. Although the cider has a very high alcoholic content. This leads to problems when one pony accuses Spear Point of something to do with his mother.

I watch as the fight takes place from my seat at the bar, it envelopes most of the pub actually. It’s interesting to watch as various pieces of furniture are used as bludgeons, quite ingenious for some. I am enjoying the cider as I watch the various Earth ponies, Pegasi and Unicorns declare sides. This happened a bit on old earth as well I believe, but to actually watch one is interesting in it’s dynamics.

It does get broken up with the entry of the local Guard, hauling ponies off to their homes or fining them on the spot. I greet Iron Bars politely as he was the one who took me from Bon Bon’s shop that day.

He is surprised I was not involved, I assure him I wasn’t and the bartender vouched for me. I see my friends Spear and Bronze get taken off, I follow and pay the fine for brawling in public. Everyone deserves a chance I think.

They stagger off to their temporary rooms as I bid them goodnight.


I am settling my avatar in for the night when the link opens, it is Applejack.

I listen to her tell me of her adventure rounding up the gang of Minotaurs that were causing problems.

“So sugar, what did you do all day?”

“Nothing as exciting as you my Applejack, same old thing.”

“Sure sounds like you’d get bored.”

“Not really, no. It was just a day.”

“Well I’ll be home this evenin’ so see ya then.”

“Be safe.”

I listen to the link cut off and prepare for the night, watching the moon rise.

Applejack sure has interesting adventures.


“My crown is called content; a crown seldom kings enjoy.”

I greet you my long lost brothers and sisters. It is night here, and I stand watch as we all did those many years ago. Though I miss you all dearly, I know I can never travel into the past to communicate with you again. I have discussed it with Twilight Sparkle, seeing if maybe magic could punch a hole to you with a message, but alas. I am afraid even magic could not accomplish it.

I am sentinel over the old earth, our home, our birthplace; and her moon which always shone so brightly on us when we were here. I am at peace. We have known so much war during our times, but never a peace such as this. I invite you as always my brethren, come and see. If not my messages over the SWIFT Link before I shut it down, hear me sending this thought to you.

Let it be known I have upheld our honor, our colors, the Dinochrome shines brightly here. I shall be here every night, telling you of the adventures and of what I have learned. It is so very much. Applejack did not call me foolish when she asked what I was doing out here, she sits beside me now, leaning up against me.

I told her of you, of your glories, of your accomplishments across the stars. I tell her of my regiment, of what we did across the systems. She is sad sometimes when I tell her of the battles. But that is expected, this is a peaceful place and does not deserve war.

But I keep my promise, of telling your tales to others, telling them of what we did to make humanity safe across the galaxy. Of legends and heroes.

I bid you goodnight my brothers and sisters.


A Miss Cheerilee has asked me if I would talk to her class about Bolos, and what we are. I was at first inclined to demur, as I believe Bolos are something young foals shouldn’t really know of or worry about. But considering my weapons are outside of town, and can be heard when used, it is only fitting that they know why I do this.

I download files into the command set, used for directing Bolos in the field, it can project battlespace information as well as anything else you need. It is quite handy for displaying tactical data, and for a show for Miss Cheerilee’s class.

Opening the link, I advise Applejack of what I am doing.

“Yeah Cheerilee told me she was gonna ask ya.”

“Is this a bad thing?”

“I dunno, Diamond Tiara’s in that class, so keep your cool huh?”

“Ohhhh, that is right.”

“Wait a second, you never forget anything, why’d you say that?”

“No reason my Applejack.”

“Crusader, doncha do anything now.”

“I will not, you have my word on it.”

“Sugar, you got a bad habit of gettin’ in trouble anyways. You just mind yerself.”

“Yes Applejack.”

“Have fun then! I’ll see ya tonight!”

“See you soon love.”

I smile to myself, humming softly, a song I heard being shared by folks around town, something to do with Winter Wrap Up, quite a catchy tune if I say so. Packing the Command Set was a bit difficult, but it is accomplished. I make my way towards the schoolhouse.

It is an old fashioned schoolhouse, rustic, with a sign out front. But warm, cheery and cozy. The children are outside playing and the Crusaders fairly...well...mug me in greeting.

I am pleased Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are all fine from their adventure. I am regaled with tales of how they fought the tech spiders in the array room. I have full recordings from it when Masada was in charge, but I listen politely and nod at all the right spots.

“...and then Sweetie lit her horn up and BAM!” Scootaloo was grinning at her friend, who was blushing a bit. “Oh come on Sweetie, if it weren’t for your magic we woulda had to go down for those gems!”

‘Well, I’m glad I could help!” Her smile is so very bright.

“You did more than help Sweetie. I can’t thank you enough for your bravery.”

“So what are ya doin’ here Crusader?” Apple Bloom is peeking into my saddlebags.

“Miss Cheerilee asked me to come and talk with you all about myself.”

“Oh wow!” Nopony believed us when we told them about the mission! Now they will!” Scootaloo punches the air with a hoof. “Oh yeah, they better believe us, we helped save the world!”

I lean down very close to Scootaloo, “We were all told to keep that a secret about saving the world Scootaloo. Anything else is fine, but never let that out.”

The little pegasus nodded, “Sorry, I forgot.”

“No worries.”

I am greeted by Miss Cheerilee, she is a very kind mare, leading me into the classroom so I can set up. I patiently wait by the projector as the colts and fillies file in. I am proud to be able to share myself with them. Of course there she is, the bane of my former commander, Diamond Tiara. She who breaks rules, ignoring a royal request. Oh yes little filly have I got something special to show the children.

“Now today we have a very special guest! His name is Crusader. Those big poles you see outside of town, well he controls them, using them to keep us all safe from the Everfree, since it has become a bit of a hazard. He’s come to talk to us about himself! Let’s give him a nice welcome.”

Hooves are stamped in welcome, along with a few cheers from the Crusaders.


A hoof is raised, I point, “Hi! I heard you’re not a real pony, is that true?”

“It is, I am not a pony like you all are. What you see before you is what is called an avatar. It is sort of an extension of myself.”

“So what are you?”

“I am called a Bolo. A fighting machine made in the long past. I woke up recently and found I rather liked being with ponies and making friends. So I made one to fit in better.”

Quite a few oohs and aaahs are heard.

“So what are those poles outside of town?”

“They are called Sensor Masts. They contain things that allow me to keep watch over all of you for your safety.”

“Is your cutie mark real?”

“No, it is a symbol that represents my unit, it is called a regiment. This is my regiment symbol. I wear it with much honor and pride.”

“So you’re just a blank flank too!” Oh the voice I so recognize.

“Yes, I am. I do not know if I can ever be granted a cutie mark, but I am willing to try.”

Another hoof is raised, “So what do those poles do?”

The question I’ve been waiting for, thank you little colt.

“Those poles contain what is called sensors. I can see in what is normal vision,” Here I turn the projector on, showing a normal view of the forest and surroundings. Gasps of delight are heard from the picture show.

“I can also see what is called Thermal, this means I can see temperatures of surrounding things.”

I flick the viewer to show the view of when Apple Bloom was assaulted, they cannot tell who it is in my gunsights, but that will be evident very soon. I do not explain what the cross-hair gradients mean as well.

“Notice the ponies there? How each is a color?”

Heads nodded in affirmative.

“That means they are living things. Warm blooded, what you have inside of you.” I point to a shy filly and get a giggle in return.

“Each of you has blood flowing through your body, making it warm, I can see that in my sensors. It’s very useful at night.” I try and keep things very simple.

I point to the picture again, “Now notice this pony is shaking a bit, getting warmer, that’s because they are basically a bit scared, it makes the blood pump faster. You’ll notice the color gets a bit redder, meaning a higher temperature.”

I see the heads nodding, at least they are following.

“Now, this pony was so scared.. See that puddle forming? No, that’s not blood, no that pony wasn’t hurt. Notice the temperature, it’s cooling fast. Yes, the pony was so scared they actually wet themselves. I know it’s not very nice, but it does show the different temperatures by color.”

I flick the thermal images off, showing the normal view of Diamond Tiara standing in a puddle as her eyes are wide, her body shaking in pure fear in my gunsights. If I am not mistaken, Miss Cheerilee is turning her head, holding a hoof to her muzzle.

“Oh my, sorry for the picture, my apologies.” I turn the projector off. “So are there any other questions?”

I am inundated, showing the different sights on my sensors, even the weapons I’ve used. I show the movie of the Great Ponyville Paint War, there is much cheering as they recognize Rainbow Dash. I am given a warm send off after about four hours of questions and answers. I have very much enjoyed my time with the little ones, they are bright, inquisitive and are truly going to do good things.

Some ponies say I have no sense of humor, I beg to differ.


There is one thing I really wish to do, and I spend about the next five hours trying to find a certain pony. When I do, she is very shy, painfully so. She is also kind, sweet and such a good pony.

I convince her to come to the hill where I reside, assuring her of nothing untoward. As we walk to the tunnel entrance, I listen to her. Her love of family, the town, sometimes the sad things that happen. But she is alright with this, it doesn’t dampen her spirit one bit.

Sometimes I have been referred to as a hero, which is not true. I do what I do because I can, and will. I give that to others like her.

I let her precede me into the entryway, assuring her once again that nothing bad is going to happen or ever will while she is with me. She nods, making her way onto the command deck where I show her the medical bay. I tell her what I plan on doing, being honest as is my wont.

She is quite surprised, but I promise her that it will be fine. After a few minutes she is convinced. I see her lay down in the suspension gel and I go to work.

My diagnostics are performing perfectly, the nanite systems are rebuilding the arrays quickly enough I can do this. I run a full scan on her body, sending the newly made nano-tech into her through a thigh vein. She sleeps comfortably, I am making absolutely sure she feels nothing but a warm slumber.

It is as I figured, easily done and I start the process, clearing arteries and veins, correcting a minor defect in the lungs. There seems to be a weakening of the heart muscle which is quickly repaired. I have learned a lot since Fluttershy, this allows me to perform in a couple hours now what would have taken weeks.

I go over every inch, making minor corrections and repairs, a couple of major ones as well. She will be in perfect health.

As the system gets flushed, I help her out of the medical bay. She stumbles a bit, holding on to me as I gently reassure her she is fine. She will be very much so for a long time.

I show her to a mirror and she gasps, looking back and side to side, asking me if it is temporary. I tell it it is permanent. I do not make mistakes when it comes to helping somepony.

Blushing, she says she does not have anything to pay me with, I stop her immediately. I tell her it is free, she is welcome, and I hoof her a promissory note she is to take to the bank in the morning. When I am asked why, I tell her, because you never ask, you never give up, and you have never used what was wrong to your advantage, you always fought through it.

She cries on the command deck, holding the note, and onto me as I let her do so. She is happy now, enough money to do whatever she needs, she is elated and terrified all at once. She does not know what to do first.

I ask her to please not tell, just say it was a new experimental medical spell or something. It is a while before I offer any medical help to the public, as I am still programming it to be used on ponies.

She agrees, but is in a hurry to get outside. I show her the door, watching as she takes to the air, winging her way with a laugh of delight.

A basket of muffins show up on my doorstep the next day.

Author's Note:

Check the music, perfect for an Armored Friendship Platoon I'd say! :twilightsmile: Just a bit of fun for you folks. You're all awesome!

And some little slice of life as we get into the next arc!

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