• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Gifts from the past. A Simple Test

I watch as the night envelopes the land, my sensors peering into the different spectrum as I scan the forests edge. My drones are freshly reloaded and maintained, patrolling the edges carefully. It will not catch me off guard again. It is the enemy. I believe whatever is at the heart of that tangled mess of evil knows I am here now. Magic or no, I have shown it but a mere fraction of what making an enemy of a Planetary Siege Unit will do if it tries to harm my charges.

Do not test the ferocity of a Bolo.



I take a few milliseconds, forever to a Bolo, thinking back upon what Pinkie had said. The words resound with me, causing much introspection and reflection. I have served the Concordiat and the Regiment faithfully, unto almost destruction a few times. But at no time, ever, had I been asked what I wanted to do. It is an almost mutinous feeling, yet, I am here. Alone, I must choose the path that seems the wisest, chart my own course in these seas.

I was not a slave, no, but I was a servant, bound to duty and honor to defend the Concordiat and it’s allies. It gave us Bolo a sense of unity, contentment, even peace that we did our jobs faithfully and well. But now I am faced with something I do not believe has ever been recorded.

I will face this and solve it with the same resolve Bolo’s have faced the enemy with for a thousand years. For after more than four hundred years of honorable service, I find myself wanting to know.


The day rises beautifully, the sun warm on the grass around my hill. My sensors see the autumn coming in the leaves of the trees surrounding me. I take a brief moment and let my mind wander in the brilliance of the morning.

I have contacted Twilight, asking her to please come out and speak with me for a few moments. But to bring a cart or something to carry a load as well. I believe she will enjoy her gift immensely.


I greet her warmly as she enters my command deck, “Good morning Twilight.”

“Hello Crusader, you sound a bit different this morning.” Her head tilts slightly as she puzzles at my voice.

“I have recently had a conversation with Pinkie, I believe she helped me with a few things.”

“Pinkie does that, don’t know how, but she does.”

“I have stopped asking Twilight, believe me.”

“Oh I do!” She looks around, seeing the covered pile in the corner, “So...what’s the secret here?”

“If you would please uncover the pile there you’ll see.”

Twilight moves to the cloth cover, taking it in her mouth and pulling it away to reveal my gift.

“Are all these..”

“Yes, they are. Books. I give to you the finest authors I carry in my data cores. Shakespeare, Socrates, Plato, philosophers and poets, thinkers and wise men. They are my gift to you. I am sorry they contain no technology, but they are the best I have. Plays and sonnets, poems and other things humans had written down for thousands of years. Hopefully they will provide joy, or entertainment.”

“How...oh my, how many are there?”

“I count two hundred volumes.”

“You made these in a night?”

“I have nothing else to do Twilight, save watch the forest and make more jewelry.” I let a chuckle slip through the speakers. as I see her blush, chastising herself a bit. “Do not worry, I am pleased to print them for you. They are from a human point of view I’m afraid, but just maybe they can add your culture.”

“I don’t know what to say, but thank you!”

“You are very welcome Twilight.”

I remain quiet as I watch her scan the books, opening them, perusing the contents. She settles down on the floor, lost in Shakespeare. I quietly remind her that maybe she should load them up to take back before she gets too involved.

“Ohmigosh, you’re right, I’m one for sticking my nose in a book and leaving the world behind.” She puts a few in a saddlebag, trotting up the maintenance way and back, it takes quite a few trips, and she’s almost worn out by the end.

“Thank you so very much Crusader, I’ll see copies are sent to the Royal Canterlot archives as well.”

“Enjoy them Twilight.”

“I will! But I must be getting back...ugh..princess duties again. But we’ll visit again soon, I promise!”

“You can always call on the link Twilight.”

She plants a hoof on her face, sighing to herself, “I knew that.”

“Have a pleasant day Twilight, be safe.”

She waves to me as she heads out of the hatchway, my sensors seeing the small cart she brought, topped with books. A very large smile on the mulberry mare’s face as she keeps looking back at them. You can see the urge for her to stop and peek, but thankfully she resists, making it back to town.

My drone patrols over the skies of Ponyville make sure she is safely in the town limits before I turn my attention to other things.


There is one final test I must make, to find out exactly what happened to me. For this, I access the link, calling up Rarity as she is a magic user.

“Pardon my interruption Rarity, if I may ask a favor?”

The link is crystal clear now, with all the drones deployed, the relays are quite a bit better.

“Well of course Crusader! What can I do for you?”

“I was wondering if you might be able to visit myself today? I would like to perform a test using magic, seeing as Twilight is a bit busy.”

“Oh dear yes, she’s been locked away with those books you gave her for hours now! I doubt we’ll ever see her again!” She chuckles over the combat link, “You really shouldn’t have given her so many at once, knowing her she’ll want to go through each and every one.”

“I shall be more circumspect in the future Rarity, I promise.”

Rarity assumes a faux haughty tone, “Well, see that you do!” Once again a laugh comes over the link, “I’ll be right out, thank goodness they made a small path out there, it just doesn’t do to get so dusty in the afternoon when one wants to relax you know.”

“I apologize for any inconvenience Rarity.”

“Shush, I shall be out there within the hour!”

“I look forward to it, thank you.”

As I close the channel, I find I am truly looking forward to a visit from the fashionista.


My sensors see her at the hatchway, opening it I await her arrival on the command deck. It is puzzling how ponies can be resplendent in minimal clothing, but it does seem to work, her sun hat, a bit of inlay on her saddlebags, she has a sense of design and flair most human designers would kill for. That is probably why the jewelry keeps selling so well along with her fashions. Once again it is made very obvious it is a new world, but I am fine with this now.

“Thank you for seeing me Rarity, I know you are quite busy.”

A flipped elegant hoof greets that statement, “It’s nothing darling, I’ve been meaning to come out and see about more redecorating anyway.”

“Rarity you just redecorated a few days ago.”

“But that was last weeks’ style Crusader! Really you ought to keep up with the fashion trends! Maybe some end tables here, oh definitely a new rug or three!” I am treated to a concise class on the new style, including end tables. I am not sure if the command deck can take it, durasteel or not.

“As you wish Rarity, I’m sure it would look quite nice.”

“Trust me Crusader, you’ll love it!” She settles on a couch quite demurely, “So what is it I can do for you?”

“I would like you to use your magic for me. I have two tests, very simple ones, and it would help me greatly if you would agree.”

“Of course, what’s first?”

“You will see a small ball appear over the deck, please do not let it frighten you. What I would like, is for you to use a simple spell, anything is fine, to see if the ball disappears.”

“Simple enough, please proceed.”

I find myself liking this elegant mare, she is very self-assured, but at the same time Sweetie Belle pronounces her a ‘Drama Queen’ when she feels she must be. She is the Element of Generosity, I find that to be so true in everything she says and does when I am allowed to follow her through the combat link.

I create a simple stasis ball, encasing a volume of air approximately one foot in diameter above the command deck. This is the same stasis field I was in.

“If you would please, activate any spell.”

I record every moment of this test, seeing her horn glow within a light blue aura, the stasis field immediately sputters and dies. This proves the last of my assumptions about the time line, I am convinced all the data I have collected is true.

I watch as after a few minutes, the field comes back, although dimmer and a bit less useful, it’s abilities greatly diminished. I turn it off, the test done.

“Thank you Rarity, one more test if I may?”

She nods gracefully, “Well of course, I do hope I’m helping?”

“More than you know Rarity.”

As a side study, I have analyzed the energy spectrum of magic whenever I could, whenever it is used near me, I take recordings, now to see if what I have done works.

I create an interior kinetic screen, exactly the same as my battlescreens, it serves the same purpose to protect the interior of my war hull. It is a flat surface unlike a mirror, facing Rarity as she lays on the couch.

“If you would please try to penetrate that screen?”

“You’d want me to use magic to get through that?”

“Please Rarity.”

“Well, I’m not versed in such magic, but we’re all taught a simple spell for summoning help, sort of a flare.”

“That would be most helpful.”

I watch as the glow intensifies, a small ball of light flares from her horn, hitting the screen and spreading across it like an energy shot from a plasma weapon. I am satisfied that by tuning my screens to a certain wavelength and volume, I believe I now can protect myself against magic use.

I shut the screen down, filing the recordings for later.

“Thank you so very much Rarity, you have been a tremendous help.”

“Is this to find out how you got here?”

“Yes, I know now, what has happened to bring me to this world.”

“Oh my, will you let us know?”

“Yes ma’am, I plan on asking you all to visit so I can explain the circumstances of my, well...predicament.”

“Well! I can’t wait to hear it then!” She gets up, placing her sun hat on her head, “I shall be back in a few days with the redecorating scheme, I think you’re going to love it!”

“As long as I am allowed to pay for it.”

“Why, now that’s not needed, I much rather enjoy trying new things. The jewelry is selling quite well, and with the split between everything, I have made much more than even I had anticipated, it’s my pleasure really.”

“Please do not try to out stubborn a Bolo Rarity. If you choose, give the money to a worthy cause then.”

“Hmph, well that’s a very gentlecolt attitude of you Crusader! I’m sure the school could use a few things.”

“Agreed then, and thank you very much for taking your time to come out here.”

“Truly my pleasure, I shall be seeing you!”

I watch closely as she exits the hatchway, how somepony can do so with style and grace is beyond me. Maintenance crews were constantly complaining about how they were made. With Rarity, it seems as if she’s always in a fashion show. I shall never understand it I think. My drones track her carefully until she is safe in town.


I have the final pieces of the puzzle that has eluded me since I woke up. It is not complete by any means, but it answers a few questions. Although, after the conversation with Pinkie, I started doubting. Why I am here, can be answered later if ever. I now know how it happened at least. It’s a bit more than I imagined, but it all fits into the picture.

I send a priority link message out to everypony, asking them to meet me in the morning if possible. It is time for me to reveal a bit of truth about their world, although questions are still looking for answers. Further study should help, but some matters are even beyond me; either way, this will be a bit of a revelation.

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