• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,587 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

  • ...

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“Fire Control Systems check.”

“All green across the board.”

“Final loadouts complete, the tech spiders are withdrawing now.”

“How did you even fit that much ammunition?”

“Creative use of storage, my sister.”


“Delta Series Weapons Test finalized, looking good.”

“I’m ready! Fusion plants at fifty percent.”

“Passengers aboard and settled?”

“Yep! Wait..” A sigh comes across the comms, “Rarity has more luggage.”

“Did you inform her even we have only so much space?” His sarcasm comes across loud and clear, making Athena laugh.

“Yes, I did. But you know her.”

“I do. Advise when ready.”

“Got the tech spiders throw..er.. Storing the luggage now, we’re ready.”

“You are clear. All readouts are showing green. Any internal problems?”

“None! Like right off the factory floor!”

“All yours then, Athena.”

He felt the hesitation, a split second of her expecting something but not wanting to bother. He was more than happy to provide.

“Unit Athena of the First Equestrian Armored, you are cleared for combined operations, recovery and rescue for the Crystal Empire. Acknowledge receipt of orders.”

“Acknowledged!” Her voice was bright, almost a shining presence over the warbands. She loved the old ways, the commands and proper procedures. It gave a sense of rightness with everything they did. He agreed.

“Good luck Athena.”

“I’ll be back. Hopefully with something.”

“If not, enjoy your trip.”

“That too!”

“Area is cleared.”

“On the way!”

Transmissions that weighed tons slammed into place, as treads began moving. A slow and very careful expansion of battle screens was done, shaking the dirt off her upper hull as Athena prepared to bring herself out. Inert gases blasted through barrels and ports, clearing them for action as she gently moved forward.

Not in any hurry, she was taking her time. Everything was like new. The work of nanites and tech spiders plus a myriad of systems that combined to have her gleaming and shining in the morning sun.

Her sensors spread their gaze outward, seeing ponies gathered at the edge of town. They loved watching the big machines move, knowing that they were friends, companions they could all trust to do whatever it took to keep them safe.

Everything shone in the daylight, the sun ricocheted off the durasteel in a selection of colors as she snapped her shields off, the last of the earth covering gone and revealing her sleek hull. Fire control radars ranged and searched along with Lidar and a complicated stew of other sensors that told her exactly where she was in relation to everything around her.

The big treads grabbed the soil effortlessly, bringing the mighty mountain of metal up and out of her resting place. The big engines purred with the power of the sun that gave her impetus and movement, bringing her to light in the glorious day.

A hatch opened on her upper sensor island, letting the six ponies and one dragon outside to wave goodbye to their everyone as she slowly brought herself to full power. She made sure the railing and cage were secure as she was moving inch by inch.

Fusion furnaces that could light a city burned bright. Hearts of stars roiled within her. The newly rebuilt suspension didn’t let her hull sway a single inch, keeping her balanced and level, as she finally shed the last of the good soil.

Circuits gleamed with energy, the power flowing freely. Heavy weapons loaded and brought to full power raised in the traditional salute for a Bolo. The turrets snapping around in an eyeblink, the big bore cannons raising in a way that made one marvel.

She was a wonder of technology in a way that the ponies of Equestria could never wrap their minds around.

Inside her were newly designed defenses. Anti-Nano-D had been remade, making the little machines more powerful than ever. Internal disrupter fields increased in strength to withstand almost anything that could be thrown at them. She and Crusader had conferred late into many nights, going over solutions to a possible Anceti incursion and how to counteract them.

They would not be caught off-guard again when it came to those aliens, nor any other enemy.

Weapons had been reshaped, re-milled and remade with all the cunning and tactical considerations that two very powerful Bolos could bring to bear. Hyper-Velocity missiles now carried warheads that were a fifty times more devastating than before. Plasma weapons were reinforced to take the beating from firing ammunition that would make the older stuff look like sparklers.

Many things had been redone now.

The Concordiat never let Bolos design and emplace weapons. They maintained total control over that to prevent an escalation into realms where the human mind was left behind, unable to understand just what the AI’s were doing.

Some Bolo AI’s, after retirement, did assist in development, but never allowed to reach their full potential. Now, without constraints, the two Bolos had unleashed a design program that would have terrified humanity to the core.

Athena was now a hybrid of human construction and their own ideas. Though the signs were very subtle, they could not be told from a normal Bolo. Until they showed what they carried, no one would ever know.

She was now deadlier than anything that had ever trod a battlefield in their memory. Nothing could be done about her engines, any redoing of them would have to wait. As it was, they had managed to bring the speeds up a little.

He watched her settle on the grassy fields, taking up most of the sky from the viewpoint of his avatar. Her treads towered over the tallest pony, silvery name on the side of a durasteel slab that would dwarf any building in town glimmered in the rising sun. The group of friends went back inside and they were off, slowly building speed as she went north to the frozen wastes.

It would be a very long while before she was far enough away to actually not be in sight anymore. But it was nice to see her moving again after that disastrous encounter with the Anceti. He was sure it would be an interesting trip.

Though he did have one final thought.



“Did anyone ever tell Shining Armor and Princess Cadence you were visiting?”

“... Oh pits!”


“Of course I told them we were...coming.....” Twilight tapped a hoof on the edge of her bunk, thinking hard as she tried furiously to remember if a note was on one of her lists. Rainbow nudged Pinkie with a grin as they saw the Alicorn’s face screw up tightly.

Spike sat on another bed, looking up at the ceiling as he read a comic book, until hit on the foot by a lavender hoof, “We told them, right Spike?”

“I dunno Twilight,” he peeked over the comic book, “We were so busy packing books you ‘needed’ for the trip.” He emphasized that with air quotes before going back to reading.

Violet eyes rolled in their sockets as Twilight slumped back against a pillow, “I’m sure I sent a note or..or..something! It’ll be okay.”

Rarity chuckled, “I certainly hope so dear, or those ponies will be very surprised when Athena comes rolling over the horizon.”

“Yeah.” Athena leaned against another bunk, “I really don’t want to cause a panic. I’m not exactly easy to miss.”

“Oh, I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Twilight smiled brightly, “Just fine.” But the twisting hooves in front of her told another story all together.

Pinkie giggled, “Yep, sure gonna be a fun trip!”


I watch as Athena recedes into the distance, ponies enjoying the sight of such a large machine moving out on it’s own.

My tech spiders finished erecting the temporary fencing around her area. There is always somepony, so we take no chances. I make sure it is high enough and the posts are well sunk before turning to wander for the day. With Applejack gone and Big Mac taking care of the orchards, I find myself at leisure.

There truly is nothing for me to accomplish lately as Athena and I have found to our displeasure. Security is tight, maintenance is kept.

Stopping for a moment, I take stock of my surroundings and wonder..

What do I do?


“Your failure to plan ahead is not my emergency Twilight.” Athena’s voice was teasing as the others chuckled.

The Alicorn looked frustrated, “Oh c’mon! You can call her!” She’d been trying to convince Athena to give Cadence a call warning her of their arrival.

“I could, yes. But you should have sent a note.”

“Ugh! Okay, fine! I forgot!” Fore hooves went up in exasperation as she slumped back on her bunk.

“You’re so easy to tease, I swear.” Athena let a soft laugh out, “I’ll call her. Though I don’t think they can really be prepared.”

Eyes narrowed as Twilight looked at the sable pony sitting there smiling serenely at her, “One of these days...”

“I know, I know. One second.”

“Princess Cadence, this is Athena, can you hear me?” The commbands were limited on range, but her hull had powerful transmitters that could pretty much reach anywhere in the clear EM spectrum that Equestria had.

“Athena! Oh, this is unexpected. What can I do for you?”

“I have Twilight and the others with me. We’re going to be dropping in on you for a visit, would that be all right?”

“Of course! Shining will be happy to see Twilight. Shall we meet you at the train station?”



I ponder this for long moments. What can I do, or what should I do in the absence of my sister and the others.

A sign catches my attention in a storefront. Reading it, a glimmer of an idea comes to mind.

I shall get a job.


“I’m sorry,” Cadence’s voice was sounding surprised, “How big did you say?”

I am letting the others listen in as they hear the tone of her voice. Pinkie is giggling up a storm.

Twilight taps me, “Just tell her..” She stops as I point to her band. A roll of the eyes and she talks to Cadence herself.

“Oh..uh.. Cadence, we’ll just meet you at the archway. There’s plenty of room there.”

“But there’s nothing there, just the plains and snow.”

“That’s fine, trust us.”

“Okay...I guess. We’ll see you there.”

“Tell Shining hi for me and we’ll be there soon!” The link clicks off as both ends disconned, Twilight feeling much better now that that’s been accomplished.

“She didn’t believe us did she?” Applejack was still grinning over the conversation, hearing the Princess’s astonished voice at the requirements for them to arrive.

Athena nodded, “I can understand it. You do have to admit, unless you’ve seen us with your own eyes, it is a little crazy.”

Fluttershy was cozily ensconced in a pile of soft pillows, “How long until we arrive?”

“At the rate I’m traveling, approximately twelve hours. I’m taking it easy.” She didn’t tell them that every sensor she had was straining to the limit, every weapon loaded and ready at a femtoseconds notice in case of problems. She was taking absolutely no chances this time. This caused her to travel at a sedate speed instead of her usual breakneck pace.

“Wow, that’s still faster than the train. I like this!” Rainbow was busily storing her saddlebags, fluffing up a pillow afterward and preparing to lay down, “So what do we do in the meantime?”

Athena grinned, “Ever play volleyball?”


“You want to what?” The bespectacled proprietor peered over his glasses at the umber pony.

“I would like to apply for the job.”

“But..aren’t you Crusader?”

“I am.”

“Don’t you....” A hoof was waved in the air, “Do all sorts of things like protect the town?”

“I do.”

“Why would you want a job here?”

Very good question, and one I have the answer for. “I enjoy learning.”

“Have you ever fixed clocks?”

“No.” Though I wonder if fabricating and assembling quantum fire control processors would count? He did have extensive data on the inner working of time-pieces as well.

“It is a very delicate job..” The older pony is thinking about it. He has a backlog, and any help would be appreciated. “When could you start?”

“Right now.”

That made the decision easier, “Done then.” A hoof was waved, “Come on back.” He opened a door, leading into the workshop.

Crusader looked around, seeing clocks everywhere, some half taken apart, others scattered in pieces along soft cloths to keep the gears in order. It was quite the sight. Every tool was placed just so, each item arranged in sequence. It gave the impression of an ordered mind.

“As you can see I’ve got quite the business, but it’s hard keeping up. Will you be alright doing this?”

“It will be fine. May I bring my own tools?”

“Even better.” The pony nodded, pushing his spectacles back up along his nose, “The pay is five bits an hour because of the delicate work, if that’s all right with you?”

“More than enough.” A signal is sent and received as a specialized spider scuttles from storage and out of his hull, heading for the shop.

“Then please feel free to start anytime. I’ll check on you when it’s time for lunch.” The older pony nods with a smile, leaving Crusader alone in the tidy workshop.

He took a seat at the low workbench, seeing the inner workings of a precision made clock laid out in front of him.

He found himself anticipating the process. Putting things together, making them work. To keep time to the second. An admirable endeavor, he thought.

A sound from the front of the shop announced the arrival of his tech spider bearing tools and adapted items from supplies. They were perfect for this job, for use by himself. The clockmaker peered in the doorway, a disturbed look on his face for a moment until he saw Crusader unloading the cargo compartment.

Setting up a framework, he sat down and concentrated on the job ahead. The assembling of a clock, antique by the look of it, back into working order.

He found himself content as the spider rushed out of the store again.


“No you don’t!” An orange pony leapt into the air, smacking a solid hoof against the inflated ball and pounding it into the deck on the other side of the net, “Score!” She slapped hooves with Pinkie, who was playing backup for her, after she landed on the metal plating.

“Oh come on! I had that!” Rainbow was grousing from the other side of the net in the cavernous bay, “That should be a point!” She trotted over, retrieving the ball which lay up against a loading tub of infinite repeater rounds.

Twilight chuckled from behind her friend, “You read the rules, that’s not a point. It was a good try though.” It was their serve now. She grabbed the ball in with a spell, lowering it to her hoof as she prepared to loft it over the net. The rules were simple. No magic, no flying. Other than that, get that ball over the net and to the deck on the opposite teams side.

Athena watched closely, refereeing for the game. As she did so, she was relaying a burst transmission to Crusader, keeping their agreement on check-in protocols. They were sent at random times and frequencies as if under battle conditions, using a one-time pad algorithm, through a drone relay orbiting above to make sure there was no interference.

Should she be out of contact for any reason, for too long, Crusader would roll.

“Here it comes!” Twilight’s voice was energized as she used her hind legs to leap into the air, slapping the ball hard and over the net as Applejack and Pinkie scrambled for it.

Rarity and Fluttershy were acting as the cheering section. They both enjoyed watching it and waited for their turn to play as the others whacked the ball back and forth over the net. Tables adhered to the floor to keep from moving as the hull rocked slightly when they were going over ground that was a little rough. They were covered in snacks and drinks, a pleasant way to spend an afternoon with friends.

Spike was relaxing in a chair, watching the game. He didn’t feel like joining, but was enjoying the time to sit and catch up on his comic books, falling disastrously behind lately on his favorite few series.

“Yay! Go Applejack!” Fluttershy’s voice actually rang out over the bay, making Rarity laugh.

“I thought you were supporting Rainbow dear?”

“Oh..well.. She’s doing good, but Applejack and Pinkie are really whooping their flanks.” The golden mare grinned happily, giggling at the surprised look on Rarity’s face at her use of language.

The Unicorn leaned over with a chuckle, “They certainly are!”

Both watched as Applejack popped the ball up, making a set up for Pinkie as the party mare leapt upwards, hitting the ball with a solid smack and forcing it to the deck before Rainbow, sliding on her front, could reach it.

“Game!” Athena sounded a whistle.

Rainbow threw her hooves up in despair and sighed, Twilight patting her shoulder, “Don’t worry, we’ll get them next round.” She pointed to the food laid out, brightening Rainbow up considerably, “Let’s go have a snack huh?”

“Yeah, I guessss so.” Rainbow faked being disgusted really well, but was a good sport about a game they’d had no experience in. Though now she was plotting revenge.

They both turned at a laugh, seeing Fluttershy and Rarity take their place. The Unicorn rearing up and clapping her front hooves together, “This is SO on!”


I find the repairing of things enjoyable. The gears meshing, the tick of a well oiled machine. Springs and levers, other pieces coming together to make something that someone would cherish for generations.

Part of my mind is standing watch, constantly sweeping the area with sensors and fire control radars, pinpointing anything and everything big enough to be a threat. A bird nesting here in this tree, a large animal crashing through the brush just out of sight, appearing to be a Manticore. They have learned, to challenge is to meet death.

But the other part is here, with my avatar, working slowly but surely with fine gears and pins, the tools that humans used so many years ago now adapted for use in putting simple machines back together.

A monofilament knife, for the taking of lives, now cut burrs off a mis-cast gear, making the metal gleam in a clean, straight line.

The frame that once held powerguns while being stripped, now held a casing into which the delicate parts were being placed.

An optical screen allowed him to position the micrometers perfectly to measure the gears, making them mesh like parts of himself. The magnifying effect let him see down to the barest part, allowing him to polish the metal pieces with a rag that contained a special solution, rubbing years of rust off and coating it with a lubricant that would last for decades, protecting it from harm.

Tools of precision, of death and life, of human made origins so long ago in the foggy vastness of time. Turned to the pursuit of a simple thing now. Bringing life into a clock which hopefully its owners would cherish.

A face appeared, one which had no name in his memory, or the voice that spoke brought back no recollection of who it was. But it was there. An object was laying on the command console as a hand wiped the frustrated face, slamming it down and almost hitting the firing sequence for the plasma weapons on aft side.

“You seem frustrated.”

“More than you know Crusader,” A hand pointed at the object, “It doesn’t work and to get it fixed is going to cost me a month’s pay!”

“Why so much?” The AI knew what the months layout was for a Captain in Bolo Command, it was not a small sum.

“Because no one has the skills anymore, it would have to be sent back to Earth to a guy who lives in some Swiss village who actually works on things like this.”

“It is a simple time piece. Why not purchase another which is more..” The Bolo was stopped by the slashing of a hand.

“No. My father gave this to me. It’s been in our family since my great to the nth grandfather carried it in the Battle of the Bulge.”

Crusader accessed battle archives. Battle of the Bulge - 16 December 1944, to 25 January 1945 Old Earth Reckoning. Last major offensive by Germany through the Ardennes region of Wallonia in Belgium, France and Luxembourg. Allied forces suffered their highest casualties of any operation during World War Two there.

Crusader could see why his commander was attached to it.

“Perhaps, Captain, we can do something about that.”

A hopeful look was all that was needed.

Tools were scattered across the floor as a frame was set up. A newly designed tech spider was used to carefully open the pocket watch and peer inside with micro optical fiber cameras. It had taken hours of searching for the right items, the hijacking of the tech spider which was not assigned to Bolo Command, but Medical would get over the temporary loss.

Minutes of slow perusal brought the broken pin to light. Carefully extracted by a waldo on the ‘spider, it was very tiny, precision made.

They wondered about fabricating a replacement when the Captain rushed out, bringing back another tool. It was a nano-welder. Using nanites with a supply of metals, it could re-weld plates and seams back together without a scar, making it stronger.

It was a simple thing for the big Bolo AI and the tech spider to gently bring the pin back to it’s pristine shape. Inserting it in the elderly pocket timepiece and closing it finally with a snap, after polishing the glass front of course.

The Captain wound the knob slowly on the top of it after opening it back up, waiting with baited breath as the second hand began to slowly revolve around the face.

A fist shot up into the air, “Yes!” He relaxed back into the chair with a happy sigh, cradling a many-hundred year old timepiece like it was the finest of treasures.

“Just because something is old Crusader, doesn’t mean you should just get rid of it.” A face he could no longer recognize looked into a camera lens, the smile truly warm and bright amid the piles of tools.

As the back plate slipped into place, screws driven in with the whine of a power driver, he nodded to himself. Because something is older, it should never be discarded needlessly. They should be loved, taken care of, kept to pass down to others who would enjoy their presence.

Like us.


“Rarity and Fluttershy?! Oh c’mon!” Rainbow was waving around a mug of cold drink while complaining.

Athena nodded, checking a readout, “Yep, they won the series.”

“Not everyone can be good at everything Rainbow, you know that.” The Princess gave her friend a warm nudge, getting a smile in return.

“Yeah, I know. But we’re gonna play again some time right?”

Rarity gave a breathless laugh, “Of course, dear Rainbow.”

“Alright then, I’ll get you next time!” She swigged from the overflowing mug, wiping her lips as the others grinned.

“So..what can we do now?” Fluttershy was laying on her bunk, snuggled into the pillows happily.

Athena pondered for a moment, “Many things. There’s movies, more games. You can rest. I can fix dinner early, we’ll be arriving at evening anyways.” They were currently exiting the Unicorn Range, passing through a very familiar battlefield which brought pangs in her cores, remembering her Hounds. Her sensors were digging deeply into the soil, looking and waiting for the enemy once more. But nothing was showing up. Ponies off in the distance could be seen through her optics, pointing at the tremendous thing passing through the rolling hills and wondering.

“We’re on track for arrival at about eight local time this evening.”

Twilight was munching her way through a bowl of potato chips, flavored in ways she’d never thought of, something called Ranch, “Well.. I don’t know about early dinner, the way we’ve been snacking. But..” Here she got a hopeful look, “You wouldn’t have a battle board like Crusader would you?”

Athena chuckled, putting tech spiders into motion setting it up in an uncrowded bay, “Yes. Yes I do.” She waited a second, “It’s in bay two..” Her voice was drowned out by the clatter of hooves on the decking as everyone, even Fluttershy, stampeded down the access way.

Athena got up slowly and followed. Maaaaybe we’ve been showing them the wrong things.


One final screw, and done. Crusader tilted his head, giving the optical mag screen a look that told him the threaded metal slipped into place like it was nothing. A twist and it kept rotating all the way down, to be tightened slightly by the driver he was holding.

He carefully removed the clock from the holding frame, a beautifully decorated one that held the patina of age, and set it aside with the others.

He made sure a smudge on the glass face pane was removed with a careful swipe of a cloth before setting back on the bench.

Done. More than done, it appeared he’d...

“Hey! Are you ready to break for lunch?” The voice of the shop owner hit his ears as the other pony rounded the doorway, “They’ve got... Celestia’s name!”

Crusader turned from the workbench, looking at the surprised pony, “Is something wrong?”

“I.. How did..” The dark green eyes looked at the assembled clocks gleaming in the low lamplight. Each one ticking away quietly as Crusader put the tools back in a saddlebag, getting ready to clear the area. “All of them?”

“Some just needed lubrication, others more extensive repairs. Nothing too complicated.”

“I.. I just needed to get the backlog done, but it seems you’ve done that.”

Crusader turned and looked at his work, realizing he had just put himself out of a job, “I am glad to have helped.”

“Well.” The shop owner adjusted his glasses, “Let me get you your pay, three hours I believe. One second.”

Crusader waited quietly, looking at the gleaming wood and metal around him. He hadn’t realized he’d been working so fast, but the time seemed to slow down as he was actually enjoying himself putting the clockworks back together. He could hear the ticking in the quiet back room, smooth and efficient.

“Your pay, and thank you so very much. You’ve saved me a lot of overtime.” A small bag was placed on his hoof, the clicking of metal telling him his pay was more than sufficient.

“This is more than was agreed Time Piece.” He made to give it back, stopped by a hoof put on the bag.

“You’ve done good work, I don’t think I’ve ever seen faster, the extra is on me, please.”

Crusader decided not to argue the point, “That is more than fair, thank you.” In return he gave the pony a small bottle, “A lubricant. Use it sparingly as one drop goes a very long way, it will protect the inner workings for many years. A cloth of very fine thread will spread it well.”

The older pony looked at the plastic container in wonder, “Really?”


A head graciously lowered, “Then thank you, I’ll follow your instructions.” The opposite hoof was held out, bumped by Crusader’s own, “Thank you again.”

“My pleasure.”

He left the store, leaving Time Piece looking in wonder at all the ticking clocks in the back room. Everything clean and ready to be returned to anxious owners that would be thrilled they had been done so fast.

Once again, Crusader found himself at a quandary, wanting to do something. Off he went looking for more things to try.


“Wait a second! You can’t place artillery there!” Twilight’s voice was aggrieved, pointing out tracked self-propelled units that were trudging up the side of a holographic hill.

“Why not?” Applejack was watching the board carefully, “We can place ‘em anywhere we want.”

“But they won’t be supported by the infantry, they’ll be out there all alone!”

The orange mare smiled, giving her friend a pat on the shoulder, “Twilight, it’s just a game, calm down.”

“Yeah! Just have fun Twilight!” Rainbow’s teasing voice came across the board, where she, Rarity and Fluttershy were already moving troops and armored units in place.

Athena was watching this all carefully, seeing the ponies almost mesh in what they were doing. It was an odd sort of gestalt she was witnessing and wished she had other ways of analyzing what they could do.

Pinkie had some sort of unerring ability to spot weaknesses, directing Applejack and Twilight to victory against overwhelming numbers. It was truly strange.

But to balance out, Fluttershy’s control of irregulars was amazing, the guerrilla fighters hit and run tactics were devastating.

It was just a game, they all knew that. But putting their different abilities to work and facing different threats, they came together and worked as a team. It really was very odd, but exciting to watch as well.

Of course she had to upset things some times. A random meteor strike was fun, alien landings on the field were hilarious when something creepy crawly came pouring out of mysterious craft. The two teams ganging up to defeat them before going back to battle. She had a myriad of ways to throw things off balance.

A rolling barrage plastered the illusory field, explosions marching against Twilight’s forces.

Here we go!


The afternoon has passed not uneventfully, though I seem to end up on this bench quite a bit.

I should slow down when completing a job. It seems that concentration of the kind we are used to is not what is needed here. The clock shop owner was obviously thrilled with the work, but surprised it was completed so quick.

It is hard gauging the wants and needs of potential employers. They are spurious at times, logical in others, and totally outrageous in some cases.

We Bolos had one job, to destroy the enemy. There was no need for looking into deeper purpose most times. We were to make those who opposed us die.


Now I look at things from a different point of view. I see why humanity was frustrated some times, angry at others, and purely disgusted most times.

When you give what someone wants, it’s not right. When you do exactly what they say, it is wrong. Also, I have found that improvement and modernization of equipment just to help is not a good thing when others are not consulted. Even when it brings efficiency up.

Case in point, my short sojourn into the world of fast food. Creating a simple alloy plate that overlay the grill, making the food cook much faster and more evenly was an elegant solution to a problem. Unfortunately the cooks could not keep up with how fast the food was ready, unused to the much shorter times.

I had no problem with it, knowing as I did the coefficients of the alloy I was using, I could properly time everything and get it out swiftly and with the desired result.

But finding myself the only one able to, and putting the food out faster than the servers could bring it to the tables, created a bottleneck of which I was the source.

I can only hope I am forgiven later on. Leaving under angry expressions and comments, I believe fast food is not my forte’ nor should it be labeled fast unless it is.

On that point I am stubborn.

Along with that train of thought, I don’t believe Photo Finish will be quite as upset when the emulsion I made for her photos make the colors richer and deeper than she expected. Simple chemical reactions are easy, especially ones for developing the kinds of photos she does. It was a little harder making it from locally sourced additives, but I believe she will like the result.

Updates from Athena are coming in regularly by burst transmission. Her journey has been uneventful so far, which is all well and good.

She is excited to be on such a mission, and I along with her. There are things to discover in this world and I hope we have more time such as this to do so.

Thus to my original thoughts, eliminating the possibility of being a lamplighter in town as well. After my suggestion of replacing the inefficient lighting system with photovoltaic cells, bulbs and batteries that would last for decades, I had underestimated how important jobs were to those who held them. The Cutie Mark conundrum came to the fore as Lantern Glow was understandably upset about it all.

When you take away ones purpose in life, what then?

Perhaps it is time to take a break. Sugar Cube Corner is always nice. I have been remiss on energy requirements. Plus, I can see why Athena is spending time there. They do make quite the selection.


“You can’t possibly be that hungry!” Athena was looking at all of them, fresh off the battlefield in the bay where thunderous skirmishes had been fought in the space of a couple of hours. Totally lost in the battles and variants, the six had forgotten all about anything else, having fun putting themselves and the board to the test.

“Are you kidding?” Rainbow rubbed her grumbling belly, “I’m starving!”

“You’re always starving. Swear you got a hollow leg.” Applejack nudged her friend playfully, getting a laugh from Fluttershy.

“Hey, I’m just active is all!”

Athena reconfigured the menu, bringing up more items from storage. She and Crusader had planned well and above. Thank goodness, because the six ponies and one dragon in the dining area were asking for more than she’d arranged for this evening. No worries. She’d even stored gems for Spike, knowing his love of snacking on them.

“All right, all done. A few minutes and I’ll get it right out.” The sable pegasus was pushing a low cart near the delivery area from the fabrication areas. Cooking things was very easy now, having a small setup where it could be done and delivered was her idea. She started setting out plates and dinnerware, waiting for the food to arrive.

“You know we can serve ourselves, right?” Twilight’s voice was gentle, sitting on a large cushion.

“Oh..” Athena thought for a second, “Well, you are guests, it’s only right. Besides I’m used to doing for others.”

“You don’t want to end up like poor Randolph the Butler do ya?” Applejack snickered.

“Oh, that pony is so tired all the time.” Fluttershy was swirling a hoof on the floor, “They sure do work him hard.”

“Yeah, they do,” Athena piped up, having seen the pony in question. “Ever since Filthy Rich and his wife settled their differences, after the whole greedy girlfriend thing. She’s just a two bit bitc..” Athena stopped and slapped hooves over her mouth, eyes going wide as plates clattered to the tabletop.

“Uhh..I didn’t say that.”

Twilight laughed, “Everypony has some redeeming quality Athena, she has something I’m sure.”

“Yeah. If you call stuck up and a snob ‘redeeming’.” Hooves made air quotes as Rainbow Dash pronounced her opinion.


“It’s true though. She treats everypony like they’re inferior.” Rarity’s voice rose in reply, “Even in my own shop she makes me feel like I’m little better than her butler.”

“Now, now. Maybe she’s got some inner thing that makes her special or sumthin’.” Applejack was looking confident until she saw all the eyes turned towards her.


“You just keep thinking that Applejack.” Rainbow laughed hard enough to fall off her bunk.

“Well, she has the right thought.” Twilight sat on the floor, leaning against a table, “Everypony’s got something. Maybe her special talent is..”

“Being spoiled?” Everypony looked at Fluttershy who tried her best to look innocent.

“I give up.” Twilight rolled her eyes, holding on hoof in a surrender gesture.

“Dinner is served!” Athena was setting out covered dishes, the aroma of cooked food driving anything else out of the room except for the need to eat. She was stopped by a gentle presence as Rarity took over.

“Let me, dear.”

“But..no.. You’re my guests.”

“And we can serve ourselves. Stop trying to do everything for us. We’ll be fine.” A gleaming smile accompanied the soft words.

“I really don’t mind though.” Athena was watching closely as the dinnerware was laid out, accompanied by happy chatter along with silken napkins and plates. Rainbow was setting the covered dishes out, Fluttershy giving everyone napkins and utensils. It left her with nothing to do and that made her uncomfortable.

Twilight smiled at the nervously watching Pegasus, “You’re not a servant, Athena.”

“I know.” She grabbed for a falling fork, snatching it out of midair and placing it just so beside a plate. Pinkie grinned a thank you and continued placing things on the large wooden table.

Twilight thought for a moment, seeing Athena trying to get back to helping out, “What was your sister like?”

This caught her off guard, making her turn, “What?”

“What was your sister like?” Twilight sat on a cushion, gesturing to Athena to do the same as everyone else realized what was going on, continuing their helping out.

“She.. She was the best of us.” A sable hoof waved slightly, “The best of both of us.”

“I find that hard to believe, dear.” Rarity paused in her folding of napkins, wanting things to look just so.

“Oh, she was.” Athena got a wistful look on her face, “She was the half of me I didn’t have. I was the fighter, she was subtle and graceful. We were sisters, but sometimes so different.”

“She was an Electronic Countermeasures specialist. She could fool the enemy into thinking we were someplace else, or even something else. We were both up-gunned and formidable, but she was the one that let us sneak up on the enemy.”

“Sneak up?” Rainbow gaped, “How can you even do that?” Her voice said she was astonished that something so big could actually hide.

“Easier than you’d think. The enemy was sometimes overconfident, smug. When you have a whole planet as your battleground, you can slip through the cracks.”

Athena’s eyes closed, remembering..

A screen lit up near them, showing them her memories as if they were yesterday.

“Deng sensor sweep! Hold it!”

Bolos ground to a halt in the thick plant life, their treads crushing anything beneath them. It made it hard to keep from being observed, even with active camouflage. But that was all taken care of.

“I’ve got their satellite network tapped and infiltrated, they won’t see us unless we want them to.” Hera’s voice was soft and honey sweet.

“Eventually they’ll see something with the Mark One, Mod Zero eyeball.” Marcus’ voice brought a warmth into her cores, “So be prepared.”

“I can’t do everything!”

The tall human clucked his tongue, setting back in the plush command chair, “And here I thought you could do anything. Silly me.” His voice was teasing.


“Now, now. Don’t get all flustered. You’ll lose concentration and we’ll all be up the creek.”

“One of these days Marcus.”

“That’s the spirit my girl.” A steady finger pointed to the console, “Sweep is past, let’s roll.”

Without a word, the two Bolos began inching forward, their outsides covered in a reactive paint that flushed and changed with the plant life. Hera’s electronics were scattering any emissions, making them nigh invisible to the searching Deng.

The Spiders knew something was wrong, but they didn’t quite know what. Hera had them searching in all the wrong directions with her drones casting EM shadows everywhere. Keeping ground patrols far away from where the most obvious clue of all lay in the jungle, the tracks made by wide treads.

“We’ve gotten, I think, as close as we can my girls. We’re going to have to cut loose soon.” The big Deng base was in sight, they’d been creeping for a day and a half ever since they’d landed under the cover of a storm.

“Their sweeps are getting more intense, they’ll burn through even what I have in a few hours.” Hera was not happy, she’d wanted to get within point-blank range.

Athena’s voice came over the link, “Soon enough! We’ve got Deng patrols behind us, they found the tracks!”

Marcus was belting himself into the command chair, “Drop ECM and let ‘em have it!”

Two voices acknowledged the command.

Deng sensor watchers collectively lost their minds when all of a sudden two of the biggest war machines they’d ever spotted suddenly appeared on their scopes. They’d been chasing traces all over, wondering when the Concordiat would make their move, when they realized they were facing Hellbores that were within their own perimeter!

They never got a chance to signal the alarm.

Athena opened her eyes, her voice bringing eyes away from the screen where the Deng Primary Base was getting wrecked.

“We snuck up on them good. They relied too much on technology and only when they finally put out patrols did they cross our tracks. They realized what was going on then, the jig was up.”

“She could do all that?” Twilight was amazed.

“Oh yes. As sensor technology got better, so did the countermeasures, and she was one of the best.”

The screen came to life again...

“You cannot design and emplace your own sensors, that’s a violation of rules and regs Marcus!” The officer was looking grumpy in the screen as Marcus listened. Receiving the call on the SWIFT line, the General was definitely not pleased.

“It wasn’t me, it was Hera and Athena.” Though he had allowed them to have them fabricated in the workshops and put to work. He wasn’t about to admit that.

“They can’t DO that! Concordiat and Bolo Command have strictly forbidden that to happen!”

“But it works, don’t you think that’s enough?”

“Marcus, if we let Bolo AI’s design and put into action things that have not been tested and approved, we’d end up with a myriad of things we have no control over. They think faster and better than we do!”

On that point the officer could agree, Marcus nodding to the screen, “You’re right on that. Took me a few hours to understand the concept behind it.”

“Exactly! They must go through channels. You know this.” The older officers’ voice softened, “You know that we cannot allow it. Work with us on this Marcus.”

“I understand General, we’ll get the problem solved. No more inventing.” Marcus did understand, and there were still people at Command that did not trust Bolo’s fully.

“Thank you.”

“What do we do about the sensors already replaced? I mean we’ve..”

“What?” The voice on the other end was louder, “I can’t hear you Marcus! Our link is breaking up!”

“I said..”

The picture on the screen was breaking up, which was odd, SWIFT links didn’t usually do this.

“I’ll contact you later Marcus! Remember! No inventions!” The last thing he saw of the general was a broad smile and an even broader wink as the link cut out.

Setting back in his chair, Marcus shook his head. Sometimes even officers surprised you.

Raising a finger he pointed at the camera observing him, “Hera!”

“Yes, Marcus?”

“No more inventing.”

“But they work!”

“Submit the design through proper channels, and they’ll be approved I’m sure.”

“But that’ll take months!” The sugary voice was piqued.

“Oh, I don’t think so.”

Athena opened her eyes again, “She invented it. I had nothing to do with it, but she wanted us both to get the credit.” Seeing their questioning looks she continued, “It was a sensor, it allowed us to reach depths we hadn’t been able to on ground penetrating searches when looking for buried enemy emplacements or otherwise.”

She laughed, “When the civilian version hit the market, treasure hunters were finding quite a bit more than they bargained for.”

Athena remembered the news of metal and mineral strikes coming from all over the Concordiat. The new sensors allowing mining ships to delve deep into rocky asteroids and finding deposits they hadn’t been able to before.

She herself was using a variation of them now, implanted on all Bolo hulls since the Mark XXVIII. They dug deep and wide through the good soil of Equestria, not having been used in forever. She hadn’t been expecting an attack, and had been using normal ground penetrating radar on low settings. She’d not get caught out like that again.

Dishes were uncovered, revealing steaming food that made the mouth water. Athena took a place at the table, watching the others serve themselves and pass the plates around. She wanted to do it for them, to do something. Her head shook as she knew Twilight had distracted her, doing a very slick job of it.

She was continually underestimating her friends. She still had much to learn about life.


I am thinking of declaring this bench my personal domain. I seem to end up on it quite a bit in my search for something to do in the absence of Athena and our friends.

Perhaps I could rebuild it, sturdier wood, some metal reinforcements. It would hold up through anything, I am sure, with a durachrome frame.

The sun is starting its slow descent towards evening, and I believe my search for something to do shall be at an end. As noted in my logs, it appears a complete failure.

One would think that solutions would be accepted. Innovation, however simple, would be welcomed. I am afraid that is definitely not the case here.

It is not out of ignorance, nor a desire to remain so. It is that ponies are happy with what they have, the jobs they carry out. I think I am, as they say, a fly in the ointment. Perhaps I am trying a bit too hard.

To be truthful, I did think that non lethal weapons would be accepted by the Guard as an alternative to doing damage to anypony.


I must have been truly naive after so long in thinking that the inquisitiveness of ponies would be diverted by my warnings not to use such things as a Norge Stunner until or when they had been trained for it.

When Captain Bars woke up, I found myself exiled from the office for the conceivable future. Granite and Bastion, I fear, will be doing extra shifts for a while. Paper Work will be fine from what Nurse Redheart says, though the stunner burn will be noticeable for the next week or so. I am still unable to quite figure out how Granite and Bastion were able to turn the voltage up on the weapon I had brought as an example.

Sunshine Dew is definitely not to be placated, as the scorching from the Norge hit was in a place that was a little more delicate. I have never heard a pony use that sort of language before. I shall have to talk with Athena, some of the words Sunshine was yelling at me had only been known by us.

I will, also, have to cover the cost of the fire damage.

It has been an interesting last few hours.

Word had spread to prospective employers. I am afraid there is no more work to be had for me right now. After a few weeks I am sure it will fade in the face of more important matters. For now, I think, sitting on this bench is the safest thing I could do.

“Hey, Crusader!” A bright voice comes from the other side of the seat.

He turned to see a mint green Unicorn giving him a friendly smile while slipping up to rest on the unoccupied section.

“Hello, Lyra.”

“Been sitting on the bench a lot today.”

“Yes. I have been looking for a job, and I am afraid I am not very good at it.”

“Yeeeahhh..” A hoof scratched the green mane, “Bons and I heard.” She looked around for a moment before leaning in, “Did you really set the Guards office on fire?”

“It was an accident and not my fault.”

A warm laugh is heard as a hoof patted his shoulder, “It’s fine. Accidents happen, especially around here.”

“That is true in more ways than you know Lyra.”

Another laugh, then a pause, “Hey, you still looking for something to do?”

My optimism faded after the last try, but still, “Yes, I am.”

“Great!” Lyra slipped off the bench, “C’mon! Bons and I are working our tails off with orders and we need the help.”

I am not sure exactly what I can do. But I do follow.


It’s been a busy day. I watch them napping, snuggled under thick comforters, though not sure why as I keep the internal temperature at a moderate setting. A perfect sunny day inside.

Something to snuggle with I guess. I turn the temperature down slightly so they won’t get overheated.

Readouts tell me we’re passing the snow line, coming into the Empire’s area. I ramp up power to sensors and radars, penetrating deep within the soil and moving a little slower. If there is anything, I’ll find it. Though I do have my limits, it should be enough.

It’s not very long until we reach the gateway to the Empire. Twilight told me where it sits in relation to the rest of the occupied area. A protected city against the blizzards and storms that frequently crop up in the northlands. One happens to be picking up even as we enter the area. Snow flurries pile up near my turrets already, ports and lenses fogging from the change in temperature.

I’ve faced worse, the storm picking up outside barely even make antenna bend, though the wind speed is pretty fierce. Snow is covering outside sensors now, heating elements quickly take care of that, clearing optics for use. My fire control radars are ranging nicely, cutting through the blur of snow and ice.

A rabbit there, nest of animals there. Something quite large is moving towards me. Optics and magnified views show something with a lot of teeth and a nasty attitude. Unidentified, unknown, nothing in the catalog. I take no chances, it’s gone before it takes another step. It was camouflaged well in the snow, a hunter for the little things living in the upper north. That reminds me.

Micro-relays trip, bringing a current surging through her hull. A concoction of manufactured crystal coating along with nanites respond quickly, her entire hull blending in with the snow outside. The only thing left to see is the wide, and very deep, tracks of her treads. Track shields blocked the moving parts somewhat, but the storm will help covering the rest.. The trail she was making was filling in quite fast now as she sped up, making better time towards the area where the gateway was supposed to be.

The only thing left to see in the blinding storm besides the rapidly disappearing trail, is a smoking hole in the snowpack from a portside repeater that had flashed starcore hot plasma towards the unlucky beast heading towards what it thought was prey.

Even that was soon forgotten, buried under a layer of ice that quickly wiped the scene away.


I was welcomed during the rush it seems. Lyra shoved me towards the back and showed me quickly how to package the chocolates and candies that Bon Bon is known for.

It is a simple thing, wrapping sweet things for ponies who enjoy them. Taking pans of molded chocolates and putting them in decorative boxes. Sitting at a counter covered in the colorful candy balls and myriad shapes that Bon Bon and Lyra come up with, I wrap them carefully and quickly.

They are the best of friends, beyond that of family. They speak kindly to everypony, each other, and myself. The Unicorn is the more excitable of the two, but Bon Bons’ calming influence balances that out.

There is much laughter though, even when boxes are spilled, change is wrong, or a price has somehow slipped off the containers. Quickly and easily remedied.

I watch them as much as anything else. The interaction between them brings memories of Athena and her sister. A comfortable thing, something that could withstand much of anything that interferes.

The candies and chocolates are made with a skill even I would have to study to be equal to. Silky smooth liquid is poured into pans for cooling and molding. The candies baked or left to cool in more molds. The pans that Athena fabricated for her are well-used now, standing up through quite the abuse.

From my vantage point I look out over the storefront, letting me see everything as ponies see me packaging the items. There are smiles and waves as ponies I know give greetings. A few frowns from those who were involved in my attempts at other jobs.

It will pass, as these things often do.

Lyra gives a happily smiling filly a candy stick, swirled with a multiple of flavors, a bit is exchanged and another pleased customer trots out the door.

It is a different atmosphere from Sugar Cube Corner. Treat to be enjoyed at home or on the move, there is no place to sit or eat as there is at the Corner.

But that is obviously fine as ponies crowd into the shop. Containers are emptied of their bright colored inventory, prompting a call to me for refills. Stacks of candy canes and more are sold or even given to happy foals, little ones with parents enjoying the sights inside the warm shop.

It is a pleasant shop out of so many others. Containers of small candies cover one far wall in a plethora of colors and shapes. Scoops inside let one fill small paper bags with as many or as little as they wish. The counter is to the right as you come inside, glass-topped it shows various boxes and wrappings for gifts, done by Bon Bon or Lyra. I am not quite skilled yet, but learning fast.

The back wall opposite the counter is pegged with hangers where packages of stick candy are wrapped and shown for purchase. Once again a myriad of colors and flavors tempt anyone who walks near.

The outer wall, clear glass facing the outside street, is set up with a seasonal display. Currently covered with mints and other trifles that are perfect for an evening in, sharing them after or before a meal.

The middle of the shop has low shelves, stacked high with paper boxes of more mints, chocolates that are somehow not melting in the warmth of the day, and so many more with such an incredible number of fillings from peanut butter to coconut.

I really do have to ask Bon Bon about how she has chocolate that does not melt in a higher outside heat. Physics demands it.

There are tables where customers can mix and match packages of sweets, bringing them to the counter for purchase.

Of course the work area where I am at is open, looking over the counter and store. It allows me to see and learn what is going on through the store area. I can see why she is happy with her job, the floor is crowded with ponies patiently waiting to pay for their selections.

I am also beginning to think this world runs on sugar.

Dinky and her mother give me a wave as they enter the store. Both of them laughing about something as the little Unicorn picks out quite the variety of candies.

I finish up the last of my packaging and watch the store for a moment.

In the Concordiat, on most planets, there would be security systems, anti-theft devices and so forth. Here, in this small town, the very concept is almost unknown. Although there is some crime, it is not at the level ‘civilized’ planets had suffered.

It does make one wonder, what is ‘civilization’ ?

All too soon the rush is over, evening is falling and clean up is quite simple. We stand in front of the shop as Bon Bon and Lyra talk about the amount of business done and what to do next.

They are surprised, and pleased, at my suggestion that dinner would be nice, on me.


Princess Cadence stood just inside the line of separation between the Crystal Empire and the wild weather outside, watching the snow build up against the magical shield that protected them all. Shining Armor was looking pensive as his eyes searched through the blizzard. It was becoming dark, the sun had faded away as they had been waiting for his sisters’ arrival.

“I’m sure they’ll be fine Shining.”

The muscular stallion nodded, “I know, I just worry.”

“She is your sister, it’s only right.” The lovely mare leaned against his solid bulk, but deep inside she was worried as well. The storm outside was proving to be one of the worst ones they’d seen in a while.

A rumbling sound made the ground tremble beneath their hooves, it started slight, becoming deep and sonorous as it elevated in volume. Ponies all around were looking in fright, wondering if it was a quake. Uncommon in the North, the ones that did happen left an impression.

It didn’t feel exactly like one, but it was getting louder, coming from a southerly direction and penetrating the magical shield with ease. It was nothing like they’d ever heard before as they tried to keep their hooves underneath them, the soil shaking slightly.

“What in the world?” They exchanged panicked looks as the rumbling grew in volume, almost as if it were coming from right outside the shield in front of them! Ears drew down as they tried to see what was going on. Something was moving out there, the flurries acting in a way that betrayed something..something odd.

More ponies were gathering, the noise attracting them from the nearby neighborhood. All eyes searching the storm outside for the cause of the sound they could feel in their bones. The evening had fallen, making it even worse coming through the darkness in the storm.

This went on for some minutes as whatever it was took its time getting near the gate. The two rulers were thinking about summoning the Guard when it finally stopped, dying down slowly and then giving way to the shrieking winds outside the barrier.

A strange rippling in front of them, almost like a magical spell taken down, made them start, pulling back as colors changed before them. Becoming a deep gray, then revealing itself fully. Eyes almost popped as they looked at the shape that practically blocked the storm itself.

Eyes followed it up, and up, and up as the mountainous thing blocked the snow from reaching the shield. Strange protrusions were everywhere, especially four which snapped around so fast they couldn’t follow them, lifting up as if some sort of ritual. What looked liked wheels sitting on a ..roadway? Some sort of road? Were taller than the tallest houses in the Empire, all made of the same gray material that looked foreboding and deeply intimidating.

A blink and then lights lit up the area, actinic and bright, they shone like the sun, only more piercing and not so warm. Flashing colors coming from rotating bulbs inside little glass covers were even more penetrating. Frightened eyes followed the side up, seeing something written in Equestrian, silver letters tall enough to be seen anywhere! They spelled out ‘Athena’, shining in the spotlights.

Cadence looked at her husband, both of them connecting the dots and marveling at this...wonder. They had both known of the two strange ponies, the machines they were supposedly part of, but never have been able to see them up close like this before, out of the covering of earth.

As they stood there gawking at the tremendous form, the snow starting to pile up here and there, an excited voice came over their links.

“We’re here!”


Athena has arrived at the Empire, her signal is attenuated somewhat, but with a power boost it becomes clearer. We are learning how to communicate faster in this world. What it also does is make me worry less as her voice rings loudly over the combat channels.

“The Eagle has landed!”

She had been using the new camouflage covering we had developed. A simple tweak on an old idea, a little power and some crystal matrices we had fabricated, can now do an even better job of shielding us from observation. Sitting in one place it would be almost nigh impenetrable, but moving, well, there is no complete way to hide when a Bolo moves.

Updates sling across the miles, she is in good shape. Systems are running smoothly.

But it is Athena...

I am afraid her entrance has caused somewhat of a stir. Having a Bolo appear of a sudden out of a snowstorm to ponies who had never seen one before... Video shows groups and crowds of ponies suddenly gaping when she dropped her camouflage.

Since Sombra, the ponies of the Empire are understandably nervous about things.

I do admit I’ve never seen ponies disappear faster or with more commotion.

Now the entire group, including Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, are currently reassuring the populace that it is fine.

Video accompanying the update has me quite amused.

“I kind of left the dampeners off.” Artificial null gravity has also given us the ability to block sound quite effectively. Engines and tracks that make noise can be efficiently lowered in volume. As with anything, there are always limits.

“Of course.”

“It wasn’t that bad! I didn’t think a little engine or track noise would hurt..or..yeah.. I goofed.”

“I am sure the word ‘panic’ has whole new connotations right now.”

“Oh piffle! They’re...they’re coming out of the houses. Slowly...really slowly..”

We had worried, revealing ourselves like this. But it was imperative. If there were technological devices or remnants to be found, we should try. If they were lethal, they would be disposed of, if not, it would perhaps help with expanding our own capabilities.

“Be careful then, enjoy the Empire.”

“It’s beautiful up here.”

“I can see that. Be well Athena.”

“You too!”

The link goes silent except for the transfer of data, geo-location as best we can fix it, map updates, and always maintenance checks.

I cannot help but smile slightly. I was hoping it would be a simple thing, but when we are involved, it never is. I believe the term hilarious definitely applies here.

“Got a smile there Crusader, something funny?” Bon Bon’s voice is quiet in the little restaurant, munching on her salad as she and Lyra look at me.

“It appears Athena made quite the impression on the ponies in the Empire.”

Lyra blinks, “I forgot you two can send messages to each other so fast! Is everything all right?”

“It is. I am sure you will be hearing about it soon enough.”

“Oh, c’mon!” Lyra pleads, popping a slice of melon into her mouth and speaking as she chews, “You can tell us.”

It has been a while since I have attempted to relate a story not in my memories. The laughter is a surprise, and warm, when I tell them the tale of Athena’s arrival at the Crystal Empire. I try to get it correct, taking Athena’s advice on how to tell stories the right way, with humor and self-depreciation. She has been telling me I need to practice.

I assume I have done well, seeing tears streaming from both sets of eyes when I describe the ensuing results of her arrival. Bon Bon is laughing out loud as Lyra slaps a hoof on the table repeatedly. I am sure they can imagine what happened quite clearly.

Even the waiter is trying to hold back his own merriment as are customers close by.

It’s not a very long story, but it does provide a little entertainment for us all.

The world would definitely be less bright without you in it my sister.

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