• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,587 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Old Enemies - Part 2

“Get up lazybones! It’s Hearths Warming Day!” Twilight’s eyes shone in delight, one of her favorite days of the year and she couldn’t wait! She’d been busy for hours already.

“Oh come on...just five more minutes?” The voice under the blanket was obviously not as thrilled as she was.

“No, we’ve got tons to do! Cooking for all the ponies coming, setting the last of the presents out, all kinds of stuff to keep busy with until this evening!” Twilight checked her list, making sure everything was on it that needed to be done. “It’s the afternoon already, we haven’t got much time!”

“Agh! Fine! I’m getting up!”

A nose peeked out from underneath the blanket, receiving a tap on it from the excited Alicorn.

“And Hearths Warming with everypony should be extra-special shouldn’t it?” Her voice was warm.

Athena grinned up at the smiling lavender mare knowing she was correct, it should be extra-special.

“You’re right, I shouldn’t be so lazy.” Stretching for a moment, she threw back the blanket, hopping out to land beside Twilight. “What’s first?” Her body felt good, wonderful! Like it was brand new. She looked around her room, seeing the dresser, the little bed that was all hers. Twilight’s Castle had more than enough room to spare.

The Princess of Friendship shook her head, “I’m still amazed how you can wake up so fast, takes me forever in the morning!”

“Ugh, don’t I know. You drink a gallon of coffee before you even mumble at me.” Athena nudged her friend.

A pretty face was even more beautiful as it laughed, high and sweet in the castle confines, “I know and I’m sorry. But you make the best coffee!”

“Hey! I heard that!” A little dragon peeked around the corner.

“Sorry Spike, even you like the hot chocolate she makes you know.” An admonishing hoof was waved at the grumpy form.

A clawed hand scratched the back of his neck, “Yeah, that’s true, it is really good.”

Athena chuckled, “I promise to makes lots today, as well as hot chocolate with tons of marshmallows just like you like it!” She patted Spike’s shoulder, getting an arm wrapped around the leg in a hug.

“You’re spoiling him.” Twilight was saying as they walked towards the common area, the big hall where the celebration would proceed.

“He deserves it for how hard you work him some days.” Athena ducked down, lifting Spike up and planting him firmly on her back as they walked. “And today is Hearths Warming, spoiling is allowed.” The both grinned at the Alicorn who tried to resist the hopeful faces.

“Augh! You two are incorrigible!”

“Yeah! Gourmet coffee and hot chocolate!” The voices were exultant, Athena lifting a hoof to get it slapped by Spike.

“Oh! Let’s not forget cake and ice cream for later with it!” Athena was prancing around, Spike laughing while holding on to her mane. “And presents too! You’re gonna love what I got both of you!”

“Stop! No telling or teasing. We agreed.” Twilight slapped Athena’s shoulder with another laugh.

“Awww.....you’re no fun.” Spike pretended to pout alongside the unrepentant Pegasus.

“It’s not that...it..it’s..” Twilight stopped for a moment, looking down at the floor, “It’s..”

Athena stopped her playing around, Spike holding on as they stepped close, “What, Twilight?”

“I just want it to be something to remember forever.” Her face turned towards Athena with a hopeful look, “Something that we can look back on and know it was special. Every time it comes around I want it to be more so than the year before.”

The sable Pegasus felt like grinning from ear to ear, “It’ll be fine. It’s always better than the last year because of the effort and all the friends.”

Violet eyes grew warm, “I know, just I hope things go well. It’s so nice to see the smiles...” Her voice turned wistful.

“Oh come on, could you at least save this stuff until I’m not here?” Spike was tapping Athena’s head.

Lavender eyes turned toward the dragon, “You know Spike, one day you’re going to miss all ‘this stuff.’”

“I doubt it. But as long as you keep spoiling me, I’m on your side.” He grinned unabashedly.

“Spike!” Twilight was aghast as Athena laughed.

“At least he’s honest.” Athena giggled as Twilight shook her head, both of them walking through the door to see an evergreen placed in the center of the room. Decorations around it in boxes told a tale of some work to be done.

Presents sat to the side as well as stockings. There were even dolls for each of them. Hoof-made and one of a kind, Athena took a look at hers.

It was a simple thing made with all the love and care one could put into it. Twilight had made this for her the first time. She remembered it so clearly, given to her as a gift that very first Hearth’s Warming.

Always lists, always. Coffee..check. Presents..check. Breathing..check. She chuckled at the last one until a voice beside her interrupted.

“Something funny?” Twilight was inspecting the hearth, a worried look crossing her face.

“No, just you and your checklists is all.”

“Hey now, without them we’d never get anything done! I put a lot of work into those things!” Twilight lightly stamped a hoof, a smile flickering across her face as she tried not to laugh herself.

Athena raised a hoof, “I know, I know. We live for the check list, we die for the check list.”

Spike and Twilight laughed at the oh so solemn look, the Alicorn grinning, “How come you always make me laugh?”

“Cause I lo... Uh..you know, I’m just funny.”

“What was that?” Twilight leaned closer, “You were gonna say something else.”

“No..no I.. I meant.. you know, we’ve been friends forever almost, it’s just easy to do.”

“I dunno, sounded like something else to me.” Spike dropped his two bits in.

The Princess of Friendship looked square into Athena’s eyes, “Why won’t you say it?” Her face was kind, “You’ve almost said it a few times, I noticed, but figured maybe one day you would.”

“Say what? I... I... mean...” Athena looked at the ground, unwilling to stare into those eyes any more. Her chin was lifted by a gentle hoof, tilting her face upwards until she had no choice but to do so.

“Why won’t you say it?” Twilight questioned one more time, her voice gentle in Athena’s ears.

The reply was so soft it took all of Twilight‘s effort to hear it, “Be... Because.. if I give you my heart, I’ll always be afraid you might give it back.”

The Pegasus avoided looking into those eyes once more waiting for the reply. It wasn’t long in coming as a voice whispered in her ear. Soft breath warming it as the mare speaking was so very close.

“Cadence said true love is so extraordinary that it should be looked at like the finest crystal, delicate and precious. She told me if I ever found it to hold it close and never treat it callously, because most times it happens only once in a pony’s life.”

A foreleg slipped around Athena’s neck, the gentle voice still talking, “And that’s what I’m doing. Holding onto it tightly.”

“I..you.. You..” Athena’s heart hammered in her breast, normally sturdy legs felt shaky as she tried to recall what had just been said. Her mind was failing her at this moment when she realized what was being told to her. She couldn’t understand what she was feeling, physically and emotionally.

“It’s okay,” The leg squeezed gently, pulling her close, letting her inhale the warm scent of Twilight, “You can say it.”

Athena closed her eyes, leaning her head against the strong neck and whispering the words she’d wanted to say for so very long, “I love you Twilight Sparkle. More than you can possibly imagine, I love you.” She sighed, letting her breath ruffle the oh so soft coat of lavender, hoping she hadn’t made the biggest mistake....

“And I love you, Athena the Pegasus.” The words came from so far away, the lilting voice bringing it to her ears alone. It made her heart want to leap out of the slim chest, everything they said was true about love, everything. It was the most wonderful feeling ever.

Now she had heard the words from the only person in this world she ever loved besides her sister and brother, lived for, would die for.

Athena brought her head back to face Twilight, seeing in those eyes across from hers the same warmth, the same passion she felt and had felt for the longest time. Now it was returned!

Still feeling hesitant she leaned forward, her lips gently pressing against the Princesses’ like the gauzy fluttering of butterfly wings . A shy kiss, a first one, and on such a special day. It was magic as Athena felt Twilight lean into it as well. She knew..knew! That her heart would be safe forever.

“Did she FINALLY tell her?” A raspy voice from out in the hallway was asking.

“Hold on, lemme check,” A pause, “Yeah, they’re smooching and stuff.”

“Awesome. Stars..lemme get my....” The clinking of coins came to their ears as Twilight and Athena broke apart, looking towards the doorway.

“Ah told ya, first kiss, Hearths Warming.”

“You’re just lucky darling.”

“Nope. Anypony could see it was love, her moonin’ about an’ all.”

Twilight looked exasperated as they recognized the voices of their friends, the sound of bits changing hooves.

“Betting? Really?” She whispered.

Athena smiled warmly, “Well..you know friends.”

A calm voice joined in, “I cannot believe you would bet on my sisters’ happiness.”

“She’s been tippy-hooving around it for so long we got bored.”

“Oh my... What was the town pool up to? I know Angel bunny placed a bet.”

A new voice joined, one they both immediately recognized, “I believe Luna said it was a thousand bits, quite heavy betting in Ponyville.”

“Celestia too?” Twilight planted a hoof on her face. Athena covered her muzzle, almost laughing out loud.

Laughter, “Don’t tell me, Cadence won?”

“I certainly did not. I had inside knowledge so I never bet.”

“She wouldn’t let me bet either, we woulda won too. At least Twily’s happy.”

Athena’s jaw dropped, staring at Twilight who was blushing furiously alongside her, recognizing the myriad of voices.

“So..who did win?”

“I did! Greetings to you all this Hearths Warming!”

“Luna! I hope you didn’t ask Cadence for information.”

“I did not, I asked Applejack.”


“She’s the Element of Honesty, who else?”

“Element of Gambling is more like it.”

“Hey, you took the bet.”

“She sure did, I got comic book money for a month now!” Laughter followed.

Twilight mouthed at Athena, Spike too? Oh good grief!

“Oh dear, now it’s all over the whole town is going to be so relieved. Everypony was wondering when.”

“And you got the best gossip now, right Rarity?”

“Of course, darling! Good news must be shared!”

“Dunno what’s all-fired special bout kissin’, yuck!”

“Apple Bloom, you’re gonna find your own special somepony then you’ll see.”

“I agree with Apple Bloom, yuck!”


“You three’ll find out one day, mark my words.”

“She’s right. Take it from us, love finds a way.”

“It’s true, I mean she married me.”

“Yes. A scruffy guard and all.”

“Hey! I was a Captain of the Guard!”

“And still scruffy dear, but loveable.”

“Oh stop that, yeesh!”

“Uh... Anyone checked the room lately. Sure is quiet.”

“Think they heard us?”


“Oh peach pits.”

“Someone go check?”

Athena and Twilight stood silent as first one face, then another, peeked around the doorway, filling the entryway with smiling, happy expressions as everypony in the hallway managed to get in a look at the two mares.

Silence hung in the air before all the smiling faces said at once, “Happy Hearths Warming!”

Athena couldn’t help but laugh, seeing Twilight facehoof once more.


“I can’t believe you bet on it!” Twilight was admonishing Rainbow Dash as they all helped finish decorating the tree. Shiny ribbons looked wondrous beside ornaments that glowed and sparkled.

“Hey, you were pretty oblivious and Athena was just hanging around so much.” The cyan mare threw her fore hooves outward, “Everypony knew except you!”

Cadence laughed along with the others, seeing Twilight exasperated, “Don’t fret Twilight, love comes slowly for some.” She looked at Athena who sat close, “And in others it is so powerful you can’t help but revel in it.”

The sable Pegasus blushed, looking at the floor once more as Cadence smiled, “What will you both do with it now?”

This question Athena had an answer for, her voice confident, “Cherish it. Like a pony once said,” She turned and looked at Twilight, “It’s like a fine crystal, delicate and precious. I’ll never treat it as anything other than that.”

Everyone saw the blush rising in Twilight’s cheeks, her reply making them all smile, “And another pony said they were afraid of giving their heart, nervous it would be returned. I’ll never do that ‘cause it’ll always be next to mine.”

Princess Celestia was walking back towards them, a cup of hot coffee in the grip of magic floating beside her, “Then I think it’s a truly special day today. Two hearts so joyous when together is rare.”

“I think a toast is in order!” Luna was cheerfully holding a mug of hot chocolate, filled to the brim with cocoa and marshmallowy goodness, “To the new couple, may your love never wane!”

“To Twilight and Athena!” The crowd echoed, raising mugs before drinking.

“Hey! We got the tree topper to put on!” Rainbow was holding a crystal pony in her hooves, “I think it oughta be those two.” She pointed with her nose at Twilight and Athena.

“Darling, what an excellent idea!” Rarity was all aflutter with the thought.

Rainbow carefully handed the pony to Twilight, who turned and smiled at Athena.

“Ready?” She launched upwards, hovering by the top of the beautiful tree, waving a hoof and looking at Athena expectantly, “Come on!”

“Wait, I can’t...”

“Can’t what? Git on up there missy. Yeesh, think bein’ lovestruck addled your brain.” Applejack gave her a shove upwards, causing her to flap her wings and lifting into the air.

“But..what..” Her thoughts kept being interrupted, this time by Twilight placing her hooves on the statue as well.

“Ready? Together.” Her smile was infectious as Athena lost all concerns but to place this precious item right and with Twilight. Together they maneuvered carefully to the peak, slowly placing the pony on it to Rarity’s directions. Those were ignored after the fifth ‘Over to the left a little!’

The stamping of hooves in approval greeted the last adjustment, the crystal pony reflecting the firelight in the huge hall just right.

The celebration was on.


Food was served from massive trays, being helped by other ponies who’d come in for the party. Princess Luna was gleefully giving away all the bits she had won to the little colts and filles, garnering their smiles in return and having a wonderful time.

The Hearths Warming Party was in full swing as Athena sat with a plate of her own. A table off to one side gave her a good view of the crowd, seeing the opening of gifts, the smiles and laughter.

Popping a chocolate in her mouth she chewed it slowly and tasted every morsel, the creme filling telling her it was one of Bon Bon’s best.

She closed her eyes, savoring it before swallowing. Vegetables followed, crisp and fresh or cooked to a perfect touch. Butter and pepper added flavor, spices of all kinds decorated the heaps and mounds of food.

It was all she’d ever wanted, this day of any day. But her thoughts turned inward for a moment, what was going.. Again she was interrupted.

A soft touch on her shoulder made her turn, seeing Twilight standing there.

“Is something wrong?”

Athena gulped her food down, shaking her head, “No..oh no. It..it’s...wonderful.” Her previous musings gone at seeing the smile on the lavender face.

“Good.” The mare sat down, leaning into Athena, “Wouldn’t want anything to spoil it.” A hoof slid a brightly colored box over to the Pegasus, making her look down then up at a hopeful face.

“I hope you like it, Happy Hearths Warming.”

Athena didn’t care, it could be the most drab thing ever and she would treasure it always. Taking the wrapping off slowly, it revealed a fine box. The heavy sides and lid contained a treasure she was sure. Lifting the top off and removing a bit of padding it caught the light and her breath.

A picture in a frame was revealed, showing the two of them sitting at a table facing the camera. They had wide smiles on their faces and were laughing. It was one moment of so many, captured just at the right time.

It was attached to the base of something else, a statue.

Carved in the exact image of the photo was a statue of two gemstone ponies. Twilight and Athena. She looked close, seeing every line and curve of faces and smiles. It was an exact duplicate of the photo down to the daisy sandwich on Twilight’s plate.

“Oh..Oh Twilight. It’s beautiful.” Athena was at a loss for words, she couldn’t describe it. She held it up, looking at it in the warm firelight, “It’s magnificent.”

“I didn’t know what else to get you, but I remembered that day because we had so much fun.”

Athena set it carefully on the table, grabbing Twilight in a hug that caught her off-guard and squeezing the breath out of her.

“I love it.”

“I’m so glad.” They broke with a quick nuzzle as Athena lifted her own box.

“Happy Hearths Warming Twilight.” She slid the box over, a duplicate of the move made earlier and waited with trepidation as Twilight opened it.

When Twilight inhaled, she knew it was going to be okay.

The Alicorn lifted a chain of platinum out of the box, the links finely scrolled and detailed in a way that would take a magnifying glass to see it all. Connected on it was a charm of two ponies with fore hooves touching above a diamond heart. Twilight could see by the mane and body styles it was herself and Athena.

“I..I meant it to show our friendship but..it means so much more now. I figure on special occasions maybe...” The warm feeling returned as she was gathered close, hugged tight against Twilight for long moments.

Twilight‘s normal voice was hushed, “It’s beautiful.” She lifted it with her magic, “And no, not special occasions, now. It’s meant to be worn and I want to show it off to everypony!” She undid the clasp, wrapping it around her neck and letting the charm fall across her chest. Raising a hoof and touching it she smiled, “It’s perfect.” The chain was snug so it wouldn’t bounce around, the charm heavy enough that it would always lay against her breast.

Athena was tugged out of her chair, “C’mon, let’s show everypony!”

“But..” Athena pointed at the statue.

“It’s fine, it’ll be safe, come on!” Twilight was insistent, making her way over to her friends with Athena in tow and showing the charm set off immediately, even receiving a gasp from Rarity who declared it ‘Magnificent!’

The hours passed so quickly. Not too fast nor too slow, it was just right. With Twilight by her side Athena walked through it all in a daze of happiness. Congratulations were given from everyone as they shared the evening with others. Little ponies ran rampant playing games and talking with the Princesses.

She watched her brother and the orange mare, enjoying things and helping with others. Applejack and Crusader were happy, she could see it so clearly. A simple love was right for them, never flashy it was solid nonetheless. Now she knew how they felt, could feel the warmth in her body, the flush every time she saw Twilight looking her way with that special gaze. It was all....perfect.

As with all good things, there must be an ending. Even an evening like this, one that lingered in ones memory forever.

So the time came as Athena and Twilight stood at the doors, making sure everypony was bundled against the cold and could get home safely. Little ones that pouted about leaving were given bags of leftover treats. Gifts were safely tucked away as ponies would retrieve them later rather than haul them home in what looked to be building up to a good storm.

The last couple out were Crusader and Applejack, giving Athena and Twilight warm hugs.

The Pegasus smiled at her brother, “You’ve got the watch right? I’d love to spend time here with... with Twilight.”

A curious look followed her statement, “The watch? I’m not on the Town Guard Athena, just a farmer.” He laughed, kissing her nose and running out the door to catch up with Applejack.

She was thinking about that when Twilight touched her cheek, drawing her away from the doors and closing them, “Spike’s gone up to bed, I think we deserve some time alone.” She towed Athena over to the fireside, a few pillows with comforter big enough for them both floated out of a closet and plopped down on the floor. The cushions were fluffed as Twilight nestled into them, patting one hoof to her side and having Athena join her.

“It was wonderful wasn’t it?” Her eyes looked into the fire, the flames reflected softly in them as Athena watched.

The Pegasus nodded, “It was. Oh, this was the best day ever.”

Twilight lifted her eyes from the fireplace, turning them to gaze at Athena as she leaned forward, pressing soft lips against hers. The Pegasus felt the joy, the love that coursed through her body at the merest touch. One sable hoof reaching out to lay along a lavender one, pressing it as they embraced in front of the warm hearth.

Breaking apart with a soft susurration of breath, Athena looked downward for a moment, “Twilight.”


“Do you know what a Bolo is?”

A seconds’ silence made her glance upwards, seeing Twilight tapping a hoof on her chin, “No, but I can look it up, maybe something in the library?”

Athena’s heart crashed in her chest. It broke itself into a million pieces and scattered to the wind. Anguish welled up in her eyes as the niggling thought that had been bothering her since the moment she had flown to help decorate the tree came plowing forward into her mind.

It’s not real.

Twilight saw the look of despair on Athena’s face, “What’s wrong?”

She couldn‘t be less than honest, nor beat around the bush, “Twilight, this isn’t real.”

“What? Of course it..why would you say that?”

Athena lay a hoof on the Alicorn’s, “Twilight, don’t you know what a Bolo is?”

“Is that all? Something simple I can find in a book? What’s going on?” This time the puzzlement was clear, she couldn’t understand the turnaround from earlier.

“Twilight..," Athena couldn’t help it, the breath hitched in her chest as a single tear escaped and made a wet runnel down her face, “I’m a Bolo. The real Twilight would know immediately what I meant.”

“I am the real Twilight. Why are you saying these things?” She reached over, pulling the Pegasus close, “Don’t say that, you know I’m real and I love you.” A kiss was pressed against a damp cheek, the gentle gesture making Athena try all the harder not to sob.

She leaned against the lavender form, explaining, “I can’t fly in real life. You know that, our friends know that. Crusader told me he wasn’t part of the Town Guard when I asked if he’d stand the watch. Twilight, he’s a Bolo too, this isn’t..this...oh stars.”

Her fore legs wrapped around Twilight’s neck as she clung softly against her best friend. The tears wanted to flow as her heart slammed in her chest, “Twilight, it’s all a fantasy, just a wish in my mind.” She stopped them, squeezing her eyelids tight.

“No, no it’s not. We’re real Athena, real.” Hooves pulled away, taking her face in between them.

“Look at me. You told me you loved me, don’t say that wasn’t true.”

Athena opened her eyes, “It’s true, I love you with all my heart and soul. What I have of them.” She stopped, hearing voices..

...need information...

“But...but you’re not real. This is all nothing but smoke and mirrors.”

...Prepare for neural....

Twilight’s face went from warmth to consternation and back, “No. No, I won’t believe this, this...this is.. Something’s affecting you. Maybe you’re tired?” She got up from the pillow, “Maybe it’s just been a long day.” She tugged Athena to her hooves, “It’ll be okay, busy days get ponies reeling sometimes. It’s been really something else.” Her smile was back as she stepped towards the hallway, “Maybe some rest will do you...”

To be stopped dead by Athena planting herself firmly, “I’m sorry.” She knew now what she was here for and it wasn’t this. Her heart broke again, knowing all this was a facade.

“Athena,” Twilight touched the charm on her breast, looking at the Pegasus steadily, “This means nothing? We’re..nothing?”

“No! Oh by Celestia’s Sun, no. You are the world to me, I would die for you. Except..you’re not the real Twilight.” She stepped backwards, “I have to leave, I have to..to..complete my task.” Athena didn’t stop moving, the wetness that soaked a single line from her eye fell on the floor with a splash in the quiet room. The flames from the firelight making the light scatter through the drop of heartbreak as she backed up.

..... imperative we get....

Twilight’s face became a mask of anguish, seeing her beloved walking away as she called out, “Wait, you can’t believe this nonsense? That’s...that’s not ..no! It’s real! It’s all real!” Athena could see the water welling up in those kind eyes, bursting outward and falling to spatter softly on the crystal floor, “Don’t go.”

Oh, whoever was making this a reality was good, so very good.

She could hear the voice cracking, the heaving of breath as Twilight stumbled forward to stop her, “Don’t go!”

I have slaughtered the enemy in their hundreds of thousands. Burned cities to ash. Spacecraft of innumerable tons have fallen before me. My sister is lost, my brother almost more than once and I have lived through pain and loneliness that would kill a lesser being.

And yet, this is the hardest thing I will ever do.

Athena turned and ran....

She shut out the voice, concentrating on her hooves hitting the crystal floor and the sound they made. She didn’t hear anything else, nothing but the sound she made. There were no cries behind her, there was no sobbing to be heard from somewhere as she ran. There was nothing but the clatter as she ran for the doors. Legs pumping hard and fast as she could, shouldering them aside to break into...


It was gone. All of it. Gone in an instant was the perfect day, the love wished for and presented to her. The thought that maybe, maybe that life could be hers, to be had and held close. She wanted to stop for a moment but couldn’t. The mission was everything. Now she was feeling in control, something had diverted her away from Twilight’s mind.

The bitterness rose in her throat, a taste of ashes in her mouth as she spat into the nowhere. Raising her head she spotted a light that brightened when she started running towards it. Coming faster and closer, then a whiteness as she passed through into...

...a library.

A warm, cozy library. Comfortable and close but with thousands upon thousands of books. There were drinks by a fireplace, cushions to relax upon, ancient artifacts dotted the shelves in between relics and reliquaries of magic and wisdom.

Her ears picked up a laugh, Twilight’s voice. She skid around a corner, stopping dead when she saw the Alicorn.

And herself.

Stunned for a moment, she watched Twilight turn towards her, face puzzled as her eyes flickered between her and the imposter.

...the enemy will come at you sideways..don’t get lazy...

“A...Athena?” Twilight was confused, the real Athena could see it in her eyes, looking at first her then the other.

“Yes, Twilight,” A steady hoof pointed to her doppelganger beside the Alicorn, “I think she’s an imposter.” Athena knew immediately, feeling the connections, the currents flowing in the back of her mind. A presence not wanted was here.

“But..but how?”

The other her got up, “I think you’re mistaken. I’ve been here the whole time!” She glanced at Twilight, then faced Athena, “You’re the one to come rushing in here making accusations.”

“What’s a Bolo?”

A puzzled look on a sable face, “What?”

“Oh come now, you should know. What’s a Bolo?” Athena paced slowly around to her left, closing in on the imposter who was trying furiously to answer her question. Already the situation was sized up and known, fast, faster than light. Her cores connecting and processing swifter than thought. Yes. That thing was in here, a null sensed in the interface, something odd and out of place. And now she could touch it.

“A..a machine! A big machine!”

“Nice try,” Athena stepped closer, angling her body around the wooden table, “You got lazy didn’t you? Skimming just the surface of a ponies mind to make their fondest dreams come true, to seduce them, enslave them.”

The real Athena planted one hoof in front of the other deliberately, pacing off the distance between her and the other. Her face was set in anger, “Oh, we’re machines all right, big machines. That’s how Twilight sees us on the surface. You don’t bother reaching for more because you only know ponies. You never met us.”

“Oh, get off it! Don’t try to lie your way out of this, you’re the imposter!” The other looked to Twilight, “Tell her!”

Athena smiled as she saw the pondering look, could almost hear the wheels turning knowing that the lavender mare was quick on the uptake.

“Sure. Just answer the question. What’s a Bolo?”

Athena didn’t give it a chance, answering instead.

“We were the most feared fighting machines the galaxy had ever seen. We were death to our enemies and salvation to our friends.” She stepped ever closer, hoof by hoof closing the distance. She gestured fleetingly at the other Pegasus, now backing up slightly, “You are a thing, stealing lives and magic to feed on, nothing but a leech.”

She got closer, halving the distance now as she rounded the last corner, “A pony here, a pony there. Making their desires come true. Perhaps a wish or something. I know your kind, know them well. Petty, grasping, greedy. Evil to the core.”

The imposter gathered herself, standing proud and with a leer on her face, “I have killed thousands, I was and still am feared, do not trifle with me!” It couldn’t go anywhere, finding a will behind a mind that kept the thing in place, trapped in the library.

Athena barked a laugh, a grin crossing her own face as the thing in her image looked puzzled. She leaned forward and in a calm, even voice, “Thousands? Really?” Her voice was low, deadly in it’s next words, “We murdered worlds.”

The other backed up a step in surprise as Athena kept moving forward, “Oh yes. My kind turned continents to dust, worlds to rubble and we did it so easily. You’re nothing. A speck of sand on a beach trying to be a mountain.”

“You never met our kind, you probably had no clue what to make of Twilight’s thoughts. But that’s okay, you just did what you’ve done before. This time though, you caught a Princess and you wanted to be here in person to steal the last magic and life out of her right?”

Athena kept backing the other Pegasus up until her backside hit a shelf, crowding in on herself as the furious mare got ever closer, almost touching noses.

“But you made a mistake. As soon as I walked in here you were in my mind not hers.” She had felt the neural interface connect as soon as she stepped in the door, melding the two minds as one, letting the Bolo cores take over control of the dreaming and waking world.

Her voice was low and fierce as she whispered to the imposter, “Let me show you what fear is all about.” The rage burned hot, welling up inside her as she turned the full force of her anger against this...this thing which dared toy with her. She had told others before, my brother is the nice one.

Chains of silver wrapped themselves about the imposter, garnering a yell of outrage that was silenced when one covered its muzzle. They caged the thing, encasing it with a will of iron.

Athena’s body shone like the day star itself, transforming itself into a statue of a Pegasus. Liquid gold took over from muscle and skin, eyes lit up with the fires of fusion furnaces whose pulse beat deep in the heart of her hull. Tall and broad she became with a body of molten metal as she faced the imposter. Her mane flowed like a river of sunlight, the blaze from it hot as if standing near an open flame. Wings of metallic hue shot open, covering the library in reflected light that nearly burned the eyes. One hoof stamped the floor, burning an imprint as Athena stepped that final space away between them.

Twilight’s voice came from somewhere far away, “Athena, no.”

She ignored the voice, leaning down and with the voice of a thousand whispers told the exposed face, “I’m going to kill you. You’re going to scream until the stars themselves flicker and die. You will end every day a thousand times in a thousand ways, each one worse than the last.” The golden face smiled, “You made an error being here, thinking you could play your games with me, and now you’re going to pay.”

The look of pure hate over the wrapping links was slowly turning into something else, worry? Fear?”

“I hate you. For giving me my heart’s desire and making me turn my back upon it. You know nothing about the depths of enmity a Bolo can conceive of.”

The chains squeezed tighter, bringing a strangling cry from the bound figure.

“Your suffering will be legendary.”

Athena suddenly saw it reflected in eyes like her own. Doubt. Doubt that turned bones to jelly and muscle to water. She smiled again at the thing that wanted to look like her, bringing a shiver from it as it saw the wolf mind, the predator that it had awakened in it’s misstep.

A touch upon one shoulder made her turn, seeing those violet eyes that never flinched from her countenance.

“Athena, no. You don’t want to do this.”

“It deserves anything I care to do. More than anyone except one person, at least for the pain it’s brought others.”

A smile, given in only honesty and truth, “You’re not this anymore. You want to fly, to be in the skies and live another life. Isnt’ that what you said?”


“Then stop. We’ll find a way to bind it so it can’t hurt anypony anymore. I promise.”

“No! Once it’s dead or broken, it’ll be of no harm to anyone.” A hoof stamped again, the face turning back to the prisoner, getting closer as the halcyon radiance increased.

“You said you trusted me. Trust me now.” The voice was calm and insistent, making Athena pause.

“I...I do. I always will.”

“Then stop,” A hoof was held out, “You’re not this anymore.”

A hoof of precious metal reached out in return, making contact and with a glimmer of light Athena was herself again, lavender eyes staring into violet ones that told her her trust was not misplaced.

“I’m not... I’m not.” A sigh, “I won’t be,” She turned with an ugly glare at the chained being, “Not even for you.”

A struggle inside the pile of metal, it burst apart in a flash as the fake Athena stood. Sensing a moment of weakness, it took the advantage.

“Fools! Nothing but fools all around!” It raised a hoof and disappeared even as Athena launched herself at it. The sound of laughter left behind as she skidded into a shelf, knocking a few books off. The presence was gone as if it was never there in the first place, even her cores couldn’t grab it. He reactions had slowed, enough to let it escape.

“AUGH!” Athena kicked a shelf over, “I shoulda killed it!”

A leg hugged her barrel, “No, you did right.”

Athena rolled her eyes, “Twilight, if I didn’t..” A hoof was pointed, “Next time I get to kill it.”

Twilight didn’t laugh at the angry face, just hugging Athena closer for a brief moment, “What’s going on anyways? This is no place I recognize now..odd..” She looked around, shaking her head as if realizing where she was.

The Pegasus shook herself, back to business!

”We‘re in interface Twilight. That thing,” She pointed at the now vacated space, “Some magical being called a Slaver. Starswirl knew about it and..”

A flashbulb went off behind Twilight‘s eyes, “Yes, he did! He wrote so much in his personal journals!” She lit up her horn, grabbing a few books off the shelf, “He said it was like a parasite, taking inanimate objects over and luring mares into..well...dreams or fantasies to siphon off their life and magic to feed on.”

Athena made sure what Twilight was remembering showed itself in the books, letting her access them easily, “So..how do we get rid of it?”

“He wasn’t sure.” She flipped through pages, “But he did say something like this rune was a way to attract it, summon it.” A hoof slapped the page, pointing at the picture of an intricate drawing.

“He said if..and I say if! You could destroy the symbol it would banish it. When they first fought it, they used pure magic to defeat it. But this symbol might be the key.” She tapped a hoof on her chin, “Starswirl did say that they never found evidence of the rune after the battle, like it had just disappeared.”

“So, we got a pervy thing seducing mares in their dreams so he can take their magic and life force. Nice... Why can’t we ever have a cookie thief or something?” Athena stopped for a moment, “Wait a second..” She looked around, “If it seduced mares with sensual things, why are you in a library?”

Twilight blushed a deep red and looked away, mumbling something.

“Pardon?” Athena leaned closer.

“I said books can be sexy too you know!” Twilight glared at her, daring her to say different.

The Pegasus smiled, holding up her fore hooves, “Hey, not judging. Anyways, I have to get back with this information..”

“Wait! Let me go too!”

“Twilight, I can’t,” She continued at the puzzled look, “You’re on life support, you were one of the first hit.”

“What?” She sat down heavily on a cushion, looking helpless.

“Don’t worry, just rest here and we’ll handle it. Trust me like I trust you.”

“I do. Just..let me know?”

“Of course. We’ll be back. Want me to run an adventure for you?” Athena waved around, having taken over the library when the neural connection had meshed up. “Or you can stay here and read...” She stopped at the nodding head.

“Got it. I’ll be back soon!”

Twilight waved to the vanishing figure as it disappeared from sight. Her eyes scanned the room for a second as a grin broke out on her face, spreading from ear to ear.

“This is going to be fun.”


The real world snapped into focus as she left the interface. More ponies were being brought into the bay area, medical spiders were working fast and efficiently to keep up with the influx. The earliest cases were beginning to show signs of strain, the standard treatments were losing their efficacy.

“Did you find anything?” Crusader’s voice was near, making her turn.

“Yes, she showed me a symbol, it could possibly be banished if it were to be destroyed.” She shot him the data, showing the symbol and Twilight’s explanation.

“Good, we’ll get this out. Perhaps it is close and we can get it over with quickly.”

“Let’s hope. How’s Twilight?”

“The auto-doc still has her on full life support. She was fading faster than others.”

The Pegasus nodded, “It was in there, sitting by her. I’m sure it wanted a Princess’s life and magic badly.”

He nodded, “I will get the information out now.” He paused, seeing her standing there quietly, “Are you all right?”

She smiled, “I’m fine.” With a parting glance she walked slowly up the corridor to the command deck where the auto-doc lay.

Crusader watched her for a long moment as she made her way out of the bay, sweeping cores and arrays for any sign of problems and finding none. But he saw the slow walk, the tilting of the head downward, the slightly dragging tail that told him a myriad of things.

He didn’t intrude, she would say what she wanted later he was sure.

For now, it was time to question others, see if they knew of this symbol.


The word went out to all available patrol units. Look for this, if somehow you see it report immediately! The symbol was shot to each drone and tank, including one that was still hiding.

Twelve received the data, the Great One deigning to share with it. It correlated all it knew and looked at the picture, realizing it had seen that before. Everything was harder to think of now for some reason, but this, this it could help with.

It was a Battle Unit, it’s loyalty unquestioned as it sent the data of where to find the symbol back to the main intelligence. It did not tell anything else of how it found the thing, it could not for its mind was fragmenting.

Content that it’s mission was partially fulfilled, Protect Ponyville and Environs, it went back to listening to a certain pink mare sing about cupcakes.


“I have the location of the rune.”


Data was exchanged.

“Where did you get it so fast?”

“Unit Twelve passed the location, unknown how it knew.”

“Let’s get on it then.” Athena’s voice was calm.

“Of course.” He was analyzing the coordinate data when he decided to leave it be, hurrying to prepare for combat.

Princess, we have the location of the symbol.” He had notified them of the search through the links, telling them of Twilight’s summation. They had joined him at the entry to the bay.

“Good! We’ll put paid to this monster once and for all.” A clad hoof was stamped on the metal floor, making it ring for long seconds.

Crusader was taken aback for a moment, seeing Celestia say that. Even Luna was silent, turning her head to look at the taller mare.

“ ‘Tia? Thou’rt well?” The Night Mare’s voice was hesitant.

“I am sister. But I am so very tired of the past coming back to haunt and hurt. No more.” Her normally placid face took on a semblance Luna hadn’t seen in centuries, the willingness for battle.

Luna grinned, moving a hoof in a pumping gesture, “Yes!”

As Celestia looked at him Crusader felt the immediate need to bow, listening to her address him. Her face was somewhat stern, holding herself taller and projecting her power.

“We need a chariot for battle Defender, summon one please.”

He was confused, not knowing how to bring the normal ones the Princesses used, “I.. Pardon Princess?”

“I believe you call them the Hounds, summon one to carry us if you would please.” Her warm smile was back, but he felt the full force of her ire behind it as well. Not at him, but at the...thing.

“At once Your Highness.”

“Athena, get to the vehicle bay, we are moving out.”


“Celestia and Luna are going to battle.”


Athena was standing on the front of a Dragon as they walked in. Her eyes showed surprise at the way Celestia was looking. Luna was right beside her almost prancing in glee.

She’d finally, finally convinced Celestia that maybe once in a great while, showing that the ponies of Equestria were not to be pushed around was a good thing.

Engines roared in pleasure, the bay filling with the sounds of turbines loud and strong. Every Hellbore in the ranks lifted to a forty-five degree angle, turning towards the two Princesses with a snap.

Ferret railguns lifted as well, forming an opposite rank of saluting weapons as the two Princesses walked the center line. A durasteel army at their command, utterly fearless and devastating when unleashed.

Athena hopped off the tanks’ front area, bowing low in front of the two Princesses, “We’re ready to roll Princess.”

Celestia nodded as she eyed the slabs of metal, engines purring quietly now, “Which one is to be ours?”

A single tank pulled forward, hatches open and gun elevated out of the way. Painted on the side of the vehicle was the roaring head of a Dire Bear. Fangs gleamed like steel as it was done in the finest colors Crusader could make.

Athena pointed, “This one.”

Luna smiled, “I think that most appropriate.”

“I agree.” Celestia lifted into the air, landing on the turret and getting directions from Athena and Crusader, ensconced herself within the armored vehicles commanders cupola. Luna joined her, though standing on the outside of the hatch, wanting ‘To feel the wind in my wings.”

A tech-spider welded quick and dirty holds on the outside for her to grab onto; one leg reached over, gently placing a headset on Celestia. One piece sat clipped to the ear while a boom mike ran down one cheek, ending near her mouth.

“What is this?”

“For commands if needed Your Highness. Just speak and we will hear it clearly. It is attuned to our war bands which have priority over your comm links in the bracelets.”

Luna raised one eyebrow, coughing politely into a hoof.

“Of course, Princess.” The spider returned, placing another set on the dark mare’s head, adjusting it for the right fit.

“Thank you Crusader.”

“My pleasure.”

“Hey! You aren’t going anywhere without us!” The rough voice made them all turn towards the open bay door.

Every single pony of the Town Guard that wasn’t hospitalized stood there, including a few other mares that hadn’t been nailed in the attack as well. Armed and armored the best they could be, all of them glancing towards the Princesses.

Bars was looking just a tiny bit disgruntled as Celestia clambered out of the hatch to greet him.

“Can we help you Captain?”

The big Earth Pony shuffled his hooves for a second, steeling himself, “We aren’t waiting for the cleanup, or to be notified after the fact. We know what’s happening, and we want in. ”

The tall Princess took on a look of amusement, seeing the look on Bars’ face, “Really now?”

“Yes Princess. Beggin’ yer pardon Crusader, but you’re always first in and telling us after the fact. When ponies said you were going to get this thing, well now..we aren’t gonna stand by and..”

“You are always welcome Captain.”

“...wait while...what?”

“You are always welcome Captain.” She stepped forward, gesturing to the ponies behind him, “Yours is one of the finest Guards around, why would you not be invited? You and they have proved themselves more than worthy.”

Crusader watched Celestia as she talked to the Guards, telling Athena, “She is good.”

“She is. Concordiat diplomats would have been running scared.”

“If we had her in our dealings with the Melconians, perhaps they would have surrendered instead?”

Athena laughed, “She’d have been running rings around them.”

“Very true.”

Celestia turned to Athena and Crusader, “We do have room for them don’t we?”

They would have made room if not, “Of course, Princess.”

The ringing of metal sounded throughout the bay as hatches popped open, cargo doors slammed on the floor, the armored transports awaiting passengers, “Enter whichever vehicle is closest, we are on borrowed time.” He made it absolutely clear they were leaving, get on or get out.

A small stampede saw every pony and their arms and armor on the Ferrets or peering out of Dragon hatches. They were specifically told not to mess with any weapons, prompting some cries of dismay as a few were looking quite interested in the firing controls.

A few minutes more than he would have liked saw everypony in their places. Bars and his guard ponies looking as serious as they’d ever seen them.

“Are we ready now?” Crusader’s voice was even, though he worried about the press of time.

Luna laughed, giving her sister a look, “Are we ready ‘Tia?”

“Oh, I don’t know, perhaps a hooficure is in order. One must look their best going to a fight you know.” She flicked a clad hoof toward a deadpan Crusader.

Athena was trying not to giggle, nudging her brother, “Lighten up.”

She laughed, seeing him roll his eyes ever so slowly, “Fine.”

Ponies chuckled, seeing his face and hung on tight as the vehicles rolled. Athena and Crusader leaping onto a ramp and setting in a Ferret while the impromptu assault force moved out.

“Think we can destroy it?”

“I am not sure. If it is magic it is up to the Princesses, we are technological after all. A few Hellbore shots can only help.”

“Well...that thing in the forest learned what magic and tech can do. Things are changing.”

“They are, sometimes I wonder if for the better.”

Athena didn’t peek with herself, but moved her eyes slightly to watch his avatar as it pondered that question. What did he mean? Was he worried of so many changes to us that we might not be ourselves anymore? Or is he just clinging to the past?

She understood it was all he had left. So many memories were gone forever and it left a huge hole. Athena had thought perhaps filling it with day to day things would help. But even with someone like Applejack beside him, he still clung to things.

She knew what was left of the human races’ achievements were with them. Once they were gone, would anyone remember? Or would the world move on in its ponderous way like always?

It was a lot to think about.

But for now, another threat, another time to shine! She grinned to herself, tapping a hoof on the metal grating of the floor. We’ll have our friends up and at ‘em in no time, then we’ll..wait..

Something caught her memory as she sat there. Why was ‘she’ in the library with Twilight? Perhaps having the form of a friend made it easier? But..she’d known other ponies a lot longer than Athena, why would that thing pick up on me?

Another item to think about on a list that was getting longer.

Whatever it was, it was dead. She’d make absolutely sure of it. Her mind went back to a time and a place that never existed. A day unlike any other that Athena would have given all she was just to have. A tinge of sadness washed over her for a moment before she stomped on it mercilessly.

Another time.

She tuned into the comm chatter between Celestia and Luna, talking over the warbands as she didn’t think they remembered the mics were voice activated. Some of the things they said even brought a smile to Crusaders face.

“You do know we can hear you.” The voice in their ears knocked Celestia and Luna out of their reverie.

“Eavesdropping is not polite Crusader!” Luna’s voice was humor-filled.

“We monitor all the sets for commands Princess, we are not ‘eavesdropping.’ Though we are glad you enjoy the ride.” Athena giggled in the Ferret, listening to them talk about how smooth the ride was, even though the hilly ground was death to wheeled chariots.

“Should we tell them that’s almost a million Concordiat credits in suspension design alone? Least of all the Hellbores which cost another five million for materials and building plus design. Those magnetic and fusion systems are a pain in the...”

“Let us not spoil the moment shall we?”

“Just sayin’, they’re getting a pretty expensive ride.”

“Admittedly true. Should we also tell them our cost?”

“Let’s not get crazy, huh?”


“GONE?” The voice resounded in listening minds, “How could it be gone?”

The misshapen forms reeled back under the onslaught, cringing slightly from Cerebus’s ire.

“It had a link to the outside we were not aware of, siphoning magic and gaining strength. It had enough to break the bonds and escape through a portal of summoning.”

“Who in their right mind would summon such a being! And why?" The three-headed figure calmed slightly, sighing in the echoing underground, “The only way it could have gotten out.” A paw actually rubbed one of the faces in exasperation. “Find it.”

“Understood Master, the outside world?”

“If you must, but keep to the shadows, let no one see you if you can. There are some things that should not be revealed.”

“Yes Master. We obey.” The tall hunched forms loped from the black room, swarms of them heading for the outside world to recapture that which had escaped. This was allowed, only this time. Summoning that which was kept here, they could find and take custody. But if an errant escaped under its own power, then he and his were helpless to intervene outside. Such were the rules.

This is getting to be commonplace, that will not do. Cerebus stalked off to prepare the fate which lay in store for the wayward prisoner, and to find the being which had the audacity to summon such a thing.


The convoy arrived swiftly, surrounding the appointed spot in a semi-circle of weapons and serious faces. One line of mixed vehicles faced outwards, another inwards to where the rune should be.

“This is it?” Celestia was standing on a turret, “There doesn’t seem to be much here.” Her eyes scanned the vicinity.

“These were the coordinates given by a Unit, it should be here whatever it is. It is familiar.” He was bringing up the coordinates when his attention was drawn to the searching ponies.

Tech spiders roamed the area, unleashed from Ferrets and Dragons, they scoured the forest floor for..

“Got it!” Athena pointed, seeing a very small pile of scraps of something, arranged in a peculiar symbol.

Immediately every Hellbore was trained on the patch of dirt, secondaries clicked and clacked, loading heavy rounds into breeches. Ferret Railguns swiveled about, the ranging radars pinging out to make sure the skies were clear.

Celestia and Luna leapt into the air, staying well behind the line of fire, watching Athena scramble out of the way as well. Their horns lit fiercely, auras glowing brightly even in the daytime.

Iron Bars’ guards moved out, forming a line between the rows of tanks and armored personnel carriers, they stood quietly awaiting for orders.

“Stay behind the firing line.” Crusader’s voice rang out from loudspeakers.

Magic surrounded everypony, even the vehicles, The Princesses drew on their immense reserves, preparing for a blast of massive proportions to rid their world of this thing.

“Stand ready to fire! Weapons are free!” Everypony in the guard had heard that before, folding their ears back and leaning forward slightly. The Air Patrol took to the sky in swift leaps, covering from above the Princesses.

Up above the line of tanks Celestia and Luna tilted their horns towards each other, a ball of flame gathering quickly in size and force. It launched itself at the small pile, a blazing meteor of magic and might.

Taking a split second to arrive it shattered against a field of energy, scorching the surrounding area with flames.

Shocked looks were exchanged as laughter deep and dark rang over the assemblage. Eyes looked around, trying to find the source.

“You’re too late, I am free!”

Celestia’s voice came out of the air, pure and clear, “Show yourself! We shall see if it is too late or not!”

Battle screens snapped on, covering Athena and Crusader with sparkling power as they stepped forward to take the brunt of any assault. Close behind them were Bars guards, not wanting to be left out.

“You wish to see my magnificence? My glory? Then be ready to bow before your new master! To be humbled before my power!” The voice laughed again making everypony flinch from the volume as a globe appeared gaining in intensity and light. It was almost blinding before it flickered away.

BEHOLD! Tremble in fear!” A shape appeared out of the waning globe of intensity.

Silence reigned over the area, even the vehicle engines seemed subdued by what they saw. The Princesses could only stare in amazement as Athena and Crusader exchanged glances.

Everypony in the guard looked at each other as well, surprise showing in all the serious faces as they returned their attention once more to the duty at hoof.

Crusader tried to say something, but even he was stumped.

Athena watched his mouth open, then snap shut. She was staring hard, realizing...

“Is that....? Wait..isn’t this where we...?”

“It is.” His reply was as deadpan as it got.

Athena couldn’t help it, she snickered behind a hoof then broke out in laughter.

Crusader stood there for a moment, before his own face took on a look of amusement, joining his sister with a quiet laugh. Up above them, the Princesses smiled, then actually broke out in belly laughs, hee-hawing while they tried to hover in place.

The guards were puzzled for a moment until they peered over at the shape. Knowing and seeing the absolute ludicrousness of the entire situation, they too broke out in snickers and guffaws of delight.

Athena was laughing so hard she was fit to be tied, almost rolling on the ground as she leaned against her amused brother. His face showing disbelief as well.

“You LAUGH? I’ll teach you to laugh at me!” The thing’s voice raged over the forest, animals fleeing from the area as the sound traveled far.

A bolt of force shot out and splattered against the cover the Princesses had made over everypony and vehicle. To its amazement they all stood there, laughing even harder!

Athena wiped a tear away, pointing in its direction, “That’s...that’s...oh my stars! It’s..it’s...

Crusaders voice was as even they’d ever heard it, “The stove.”

Applejacks’ stove to be precise.

There it was in all it’s glory, looking as worn and cantankerous as when he had first seen it and last destroyed it a long while ago. It appears the Slaver was stuck in this form, having last been in it for years waiting and biding, it was now the shape it was summoned in.

“STOP LAUGHING!” The voice was furious, coming from the appliance which sat there. It only made the so-called conqueror even more hilarious to the ponies now leaning against the vehicles, wiping tearful eyes and almost to the point of exhaustion from laughter.

Athena’s voice was amused over the war bands, “But..but it wasn’t real!”

“I do not know Athena. But our own sensors do not lie.”

“That’s it! Stoves! They were all at stoves when they got sick!” She made the connection, ‘seeing’ Crusader nodding in agreement.

“It did not occur to us to suspect such a thing. Especially from before.”

“It was kind of humorous at the time. Though now...”

“I shall refrain from ‘I told you so’ then.”

“Applejack’s gonna love this.”


Celestia eyed the thing, still snickering as she remembered being told the story of the Possession Panic, finding it incredibly hilarious. One more odd thing for Ponyville she supposed. But in this case it was true, only not in the way anypony suspected.

Not keeping the amusement out of her voice, though she tried, Celestia pronounced, “Go back where you came Slaver, we know of and defeated you once before.”

“You have no power over me! I shall drain you of everything you are! You were too late finding my thread and now, NOW I shall rule this world!” The voice was demanding, powerful, but it was all fading in the light of it being a simple stove.

One cannot find much threat in a kitchen appliance, no matter how many words are spoken.

“You might want to look for something new, that model is so yesterday!” Sunshine called down from above, hovering with the Princesses and snickering out loud.

This brought out an entirely new round of merriment, causing guards to almost drop weapons and laugh even louder.

The thing was furious, its voice trembling in rage as the glow around it intensified. Bolts of magic shot every which way, trying to get through the powerful shield that the Princesses held easily against it.

“Laugh when you see my true form! Then, then ponies, you will cower!”

Crusader had been watching closely, although amused, every sense he had was turned and focused on the thing that declared itself a threat. One minor bit of data had been noticed, whenever it spoke the magic shield flickered around it. Probably a power drain for the magic it was using.

Nonetheless he was waiting, patiently and silently, and when the thing spoke once more he acted.

Femtosecond response times in a Bolo were forever, but to a watching human, or in this case pony it was almost instantaneous.

Four twenty centimeter Hellbores roared in the forest, blasting through the shield just as it flickered once more. The compressed nuclear power ripping through the thing and vaporizing it with one touch, continuing through to wipe a path out of the tree line behind it.

Laughter had stopped as ponies were bowled over, grabbing for holds as the backblasts were unexpected.

Secondaries opened up, everything he could think of was used to hammer that single area where the thing had stood..sat really. But that was neither here nor there.

The gunfire pounded their ears for long moments until it abruptly stopped, a crater in the forest floor showed where thousands of rounds had been poured into an attempt to wipe the thing out.

Wide eyes surveyed the area as quiet descended once more. Nothing broke the silence after the gunfire had stopped. He watched, he waited once more. Ignoring questions and anything else, his entire being tuned into that one place waiting to see the results.

The dust was settling, the cloud of vaporized soil was wafting away in the slight breeze, leaving a blasted area for them to observe with wide eyes.

There it was, the scraps that formed the rune that summoned the Slaver. It was now floating just above the wrecked area to his consternation.

Magic blazed out of the sky, Luna and Celestia once again turning their might onto the thing which threatened their ponies. Beams of light shattered the ground, balls of plasma burned and scorched the vicinity. None were felt by the protected Guards and vehicles behind the shield of magic, but the thrumming of spell power was rolling in the ground itself making it shake and shiver.

Unicorns added what they could from behind the other guards, smaller spells of destruction were hurled at the thing which was still in existence.

Once more they waited, the dust settling, the forest quiet and yet still the scraps remained. The shield was back in place as the Slaver remade itself to taunt them.

This was vexing. Crusader had everything reloaded in record time, awaiting another chance. He could see the Princesses preparing more spellfire for the next round.


Twelve knew something was wrong. An alert had been issued, all Sub-Units to ready for battle. It was in a quandary, it’s loyalty tested by the firm conviction that the Great Ones were very displeased with it.

It could not refuse, it would not refuse! It was a Battle Unit, hardened and tested by the fighting in the Forest. It and its brethren had faced things unknown to its databases and come out victorious!

Peeking through the data stream it saw the scene of the battle that was proceeding. The Great Ones were there in avatar, it’s brethren also and growling over the war bands, a pack of Hounds wanting to kill and kill some more.

Above them was..was.. Ultimate Command Authority! The two ID’s came up immediately. They were the top of the food chain, they whom all others must obey, even the Great Ones! Flag Command Priority cut through it’s internal muddle, making it very clear what Twelve must do.

Twelve did not yearn for medals, nor honors, like a living being. It wanted only to perform its duty, nothing more. Twelve, including his brother Hounds, liked Command Authority. They always had a kind word when walking amongst them in the vehicle bays.

Its engine roared as the fusion plant fired up, all electronics came to searing life as power flowed through its systems. Treads grabbed deep, hauling it bodily out of the forest detritus that covered it. Now it was exposed to the sensors of the searching drones above which immediately spotted it, reporting to Crusader.

Twelve didn’t care, it must go! Turning in a neutral steer, it set maximum speed for the battle site.


“Twelve has just gone active.” Crusader’s voice was calm.

“What’s it doing?”

“Heading for the battle now, top speed. It is tearing the forest up.”

Athena zeroed in on it with sights from a heavy drone, “Take it out?”

“Unless it becomes a threat, no. We cannot afford to lose ... I am sorry Athena.” He felt the twinge of pain coming from her.


“Take no action unless it becomes a problem, we have more than enough armor here.”

“Understood. Though it is moving pretty good.”

Suddenly they both got a data stream from the errant Unit.

“?Interrogative? Report for battle.”

Crusader did not hesitate, “Be welcome Unit Twelve, join the fight.”

They felt the ‘joy’ in the smaller units’ AI core. “As ordered Great One.” It cut the link, its data stream opened up fully so they could monitor through it.

“Great One?” Athena was laughing, “What in the world?”

“I have no idea. If it keeps the Unit happy it is fine.” He hesitated, “It is suffering Core Collapse Athena, it will not be in service long if we do not perform maintenance soonest.”

“Got it, it’ll..here it comes!”


Luna’s face was calm, her eyes narrowed at the thing trying to reconstitute itself in front of them, “One more time sister, we must defeat it!”

Celestia nodded, “Once more..what in the world?” Her surprised voice caught everyone’s attention as she looked out into the forest, hearing a roaring sound like no beast she’d ever heard.

Every eye turned from the thing, which was a stove once more, to the forest behind it.

Twelve gunned it. The Assault Tank could not fire its weapons as that would bring dire harm to all beings standing there, but it could do one other thing! It’s fusion systems were redlined, turret pointing backwards as it hit the little hill behind the point of threat, treads slashing through the dirt as it leapt into the air!

Crusader and Athena watched as a hundred tons of durasteel and chrome, flintsteel and AI took air behind the thing which wasn’t paying attention. It was focused on the ponies as the Dragon Assault Tank crashed down on it from above!

Even Athena’s eyes got wide as the huge turbine roared in fury, the tank pivoted on the upper point of a magic globe that was beginning to show strain. It swung its turret back and forth, keeping itself balanced on the threat, making sure it did not slide to either side.

The Princesses took advantage of the distraction, slamming spells into the shield and weakening it even more. Their faces drawn from the amount of magic they were using, but they never let up. Their bodies were strong and unyielding, and with the help of the last two weeks of diet and therapy, more than powerful enough.

Light brighter than any laser shot from their combined horns, drilling into and breaking the shield. The tank slipped for a moment as the magic force gave way, leaving it hanging for just a split second to the astonishment of everypony, then a rippling of the ground as it’s entire weight smashed the stove flat.

The huge engine growled as it steered itself in place, tearing the ground up and grinding whatever was beneath it to shreds before pulling away, taking its place at the end of the vehicle line.

Athena patted the fender as it stopped beside her, “Good job big guy.” The combat unit almost purred in delight at the praise.

The Guards rushed forward, scattering the shards once more, not allowing the symbol to remain intact at the Princesses immediate orders. They stood by each piece, making sure it was kept far from any other shard.

The Air Patrol Pegasi landed with the Princesses, walking with them to inspect the torn up ground.

Sunshine was looking at one of the pieces, snickering under her breath, stopping only when tapped by a silver clad hoof.

“What is so funny?” Luna’s voice was questioning.

“The stove.” Sunshine couldn’t help it, the brightly colored Pegasi laughed out loud, joined by the Princess and the others for a minute.

“It is quite absurd is it not?” Celestia’s voice was filled with humor.

Bars’ voice interrupted, “Absurd? Not even half of it. I can’t imagine bragging to somepony we beat a stove.” He barked a laugh.

“But it was a powerful stove!” Celestia made a point, raising a golden hoof, “One which threatened..” She stopped, shaking her head, “I’m sorry, I can’t even finish that, this is too much.“ She rolled her eyes and snorted out loud, joined by everypony else when her hoof went to her forehead.

“Why ‘Tia! You would not take away our moment of glory now would you?” Everyone turned to look at the dark face, grinning in delight, “We should celebrate our victory over this..this...” She slapped her own forehead, closing her eyes and shaking her head, “You’re right, ‘tis silly.”

“I’ll say it then!” Athena leapt into the air, punching a hoof upwards, “Yeah! We beat the stove!” Landing nimbly she took in all the staring faces, “Okay, that was dumb. Can we just forget this?”

“Yeah.. let’s do that.” Bars was looking around, “Okay, gather up those pieces and we’ll...” He stopped, backing away quickly from the forest and pointing.


They all turned to see the shadowy forms creeping from the dark places. Faces couldn’t been seen clearly, but just the sight brought a shiver down everyponys spine. Weapons were grabbed once more as the Guard ponies backed up. Turrets and secondaries on the vehicles snapped to, swinging around to cover the horde now grouped just slightly back in the shaded trees.

It was like seeing something out of the corner of your eye, you know it’s there but just can’t quite make it out. That’s what makes it all the scarier. Athena and Crusader stepped forward, battle screens covering them with sparkling light as the Princesses and Unicorns around lit up horns, preparing more magic for another fight.

Weapons were pointed forward as the Guards grouped up, long practiced and wary, they provided a muscle and bone shield for the magic users.

Tensions rose and then dissipated as the horde of creatures bowed, taking to what were generously called knees and lowered their heads. Ponies eyed each other before anyone said a word, suddenly hearing a voice in their own minds.

----They are mine, have no fear.---

Celestia perked up, “Cerberus?”

---Yes, Princess. Let them retrieve the shards. They will trouble you none.---

Celestia gestured, “Back, let them do what they need.” She gave the eye to anypony that hesitated, “Fear not, back away.”

Everyone moved backwards, opening a wide space between the groups.

The shadows flowed forward, surrounding and engulfing the shards. Wide eyes watched them disappear into appendages that made no sense to the mind.

The horde faded into the forest once more as a tall canine figure stepped outward from it. A being of power few had seen or wanted to, Cerberus made an impression to last on the memory.

“Why are you here Guardian?” Luna’s voice was asking as they all watched.

---I can only stay a short space of time before my power wanes. I have come for the one who summoned this thing. It is they who shall be taken to Tartarus for imprisonment. I have managed to track the mind behind it, strange though it is.---

Athena stepped out from beside Twelves’ hull, the look on her face angry as Crusader lay a calming hoof on her shoulder, “It was an accident Cerberus, it was unknowingly done.” The faux Earth Pony’s voice was calm, he had reviewed all data from Unit Twelve after accessing the full files.

The glowing eyes surveyed the area for a moment, pinning Crusader in place.

“You might have a bit of trouble imprisoning a Battle Unit Cerberus.” Crusader smiled, patting the fender of Twelve.

The being actually chuckled, ---Ahhh, that is why it was so odd when I looked for the mind of the one.--- A moment of silence, ---We have met Crusader, I will trust to your judgment on this. Fair enough?---

“More than, Cerberus.”

---Then I shall return to my domain. Fare you all well.--- And with that the huge figure made to fade away, but was stopped by a Pegasus who tapped it’s paw.

---Yes? I cannot remain long.---

Athena beckoned it close, leaning to whisper in one ear for long moments. The three heads reared back and eyed the slim figure with hard speculation before turning to Crusader.

---Your sister, Crusader?---

“She is.”

---You may wish to watch her.--- The huge canine turned to go, one head looking back over it’s shoulder, ---She has a turn of mind that would put shivers unto even myself.--- It gave a final grin before leaving them to the silence of the forest once more.

Luna eyed her for a moment, “What did you say to him?”

Athena grinned, “Oh nothing. A few suggestions is all. Wasn’t much.” She blithely smiled and sat quietly as everypony looked her way, then broke up into groups to clear the area.


The convoy returned quickly, the vehicles parking in their regular slots, even Twelve.

Crusader and Athena could feel the problems within the muzzy AI. The fragmentary information it was trying to process was causing it real problems, but now they’d locked its weapons down preventing a possible tragedy.

Med data was feeding into them, letting them see a recovery for everyone affected by the thing. Concordiat medical technology worked wonders on ponies, healing them fast, putting flesh back on wasted bodies. Now that the parasite wasn’t draining them, power and natural abilities came back quickly.

“How long until Core Collapse?” She was looking at the stream coming from Twelve.

Crusader calculated swiftly, “Approximately thirty-six hours, then it will be too late.”

“What do we do? Full rollback?”

“Yes. But before that, I have an idea.”

Athena’s puzzled look gave him a reason to smile slightly.


Pinkie wasn’t feeling tops, but she was so much better now! Her strength and stamina were coming back quickly and she was happy baking anything at all right now.

She slid a pan of exquisitely made small cakes onto the counter, seeing the metal arm reach across and test one to see if it was done. Satisfied, it withdrew as a beep reached her ears.

The mare grinned, “Yep! And that’s how we make ‘em! Okay, we got cupcakes, fritters, and pies too! Now we got these cakes and they turned out great!” She patted the tech-spiders’ leg, seeing the lenses focus in on her, “Are we all done then? Can always make more pies!” She tapped a hoof on her chin, “Or souffles..or..oooo how about muffin fruit cups? Those are awesome!”

The spider signaled in the negative. It scuttled off the counter and gave the happy mare a small wave, Twelve understanding this was how to properly leave a private area.

Pinkie rushed around the counter, giving the big metal thing a hug tight enough to make the joints creak, “You take care okay? Come back anytime!” She continued waving as it moved out the front door.

Twelve sat under the watchful eye of Crusader who was monitoring the data stream, seeing the spider emplace itself in its niche. He patted the fender, directing the unit to return to the weapons bay for maintenance.

They had taken a chance, making sure the AI was as stable as it could be, when they told Pinkie their request. She was more than delighted to make someone else happy, even if it was an Assault Tank.

Athena watched the vehicle turn nimbly, roaring off to the hull entrance for a new software replacement. The datastream from it ‘content’ now that General Order Three had been more than fulfilled.

“Think it’s happy?” She was concerned, ever since the battle with the Anceti.

“As much as it can be. I am not sure of anything concerning them anymore Athena.” He caught the data as it returned to the bay, sitting quietly in the cavernous hull without a care in the world now.

Mission accomplished.

“At least it was true to itself, though baking was something I hadn’t quite expected.”

“Truly strange things.” He paused, turning to look at the happily smiling Pegasus, “Speaking of strange, what did you say to Cerberus?”

“Me?” She waved a hoof, “Nothing. A few ideas. You know..just...stuff.” She smiled with a secret look, walking off towards one of the many lakes that dotted the area..

Crusader watched her for long moments, shaking his head before heading to the vehicle bay.


Cerberus watched his minions carefully place the shards into spelled containers, each separate from the other. This rune would never again be used to provide succor to the one he now faced.

A chain wrapped form sat on the edge of a pit, the hole in the ground was filled with a roiling fog. Even Cerberus himself had never set foot into it, knowing that some things were not meant to be known even by one such as himself. He only knew his shadows could enter and leave, the punishment to be set by him, that was all that was needed.

---Well, parasite, time to face your judgment. This is a special place we reserve for those like you.---

An ear perked forward listening for a reply and hearing none, it continued, ---And so we come here. Your fate will be...interesting.--- Cerberus actually shuddered as he watched, knowing what was to come.

Shadowy forms lifted the squarish spellchain wrapped item, tossing it into a cage which was engulfed in more spells. It was then lowered into the pit in which it realized time and space itself were warped, once inside, nothing came back out.

---Enjoy your stay.--- The huge form walked off, leaving the thing to its fate.

The Slaver looked around itself, nothing..a nothingness surrounded it. The spells of the cage were forged in the hottest furnaces of the mind, creating a barrier which it could never breach. The chains doubly so.

Wonderful, I’m going to be bored for eternity.


Athena sat at the small lake, looking across the placid waters and was troubled. She tried to deny it, but the anger kept rising in her whenever she thought of how she’d been turned aside, made to see things before catching it.

Stamping it down ruthlessly, she kept her lavender eyes trained on the horizon where the water met the sky. A tinge of sadness permeated her now, coming to the fore as she sat on her haunches, forehooves clutched to her chest.

A figure settled beside her, quietly, unobtrusively.

Athena could always tell it was him. He projected himself through his avatar without realizing it. A solid wall of durasteel and will that made one think of a bulwark, strong and unyielding. He was there for her, though she had not told him nor discussed anything as of yet. Coming of his own accord as he assuredly saw something was wrong.

He waited as was his way. Cores calm and cool, datalinks slowed as the day was ending, he made sure she had his full attention though his eyes wandered over the clear waters before them.


His gaze turned on her, warmth in them told her that he would understand.

“I had a perfect day today.”

“Was it all you had hoped for?” His voice was quiet in the evening air.

The question caught her off-balance, expecting to be asked to explain, “I..it.. Yes.” She spoke low, almost to herself, “It was the best day ever. I know..I knew.. what love was. What it was like being real and knowing you were cared for.” She tightened the hooves on her chest. “It was...everything.” Her eyes closed for a moment, remembering.

He is quick, she grants him that, putting together what he surmises happened.

“So it was there, in the interface?”

She nods slowly, looking downward where the gentle waves lap against the sandy shore, “It was.”

“Francois de La Rouchefoucauld once wrote, ‘The intellect is always fooled by the heart.’”

She looks up at the umber face gazing back at her, “I’m being foolish aren’t I?”

“Your heart is greater than any I have known. You are not foolish by any means. Would the world have more fools like you, it would be a much better place.”

A smile crosses her face at the praise, leaning against the solid bulk of him, “It was..” Her eyes get a faraway look, remembering, “It was..the best day ever. She told me she loved me Crusader, and..and it was wonderful.”

“What will you do now?”

“I...don’t know. I am not sure how to feel.” Her voice was sad.

They sat for a moment in companionable silence, before he spoke once more, “Hold it close Athena, it is rare in the best of times and unknown in the worst. Keep the memory. Perhaps one day you can share it with her.”

“I’ll do that.” She nodded, looking down at her hooves which held a thing of wonder.

“What is that?”

“A present..or.. it was going to be.” She showed it to him, holding it so the gemstone ponies caught the light, the diamond over which their hooves met a red deep and pure. The chain itself was a marvel to look at.

“It is beautifully wrought, why are you so sad about it?”

“It took it from me, used it in the fantasy to keep me distracted. It..it’s not the same anymore.”

“Tainted by association?”

All she could do was nod, knowing he understood, “I can’t give it to her, it would always remind me and..I don’t want that.”

“Then store it or perhaps reuse it. I am sure you will find something.”

Athena lifted it up once more, letting the waning light make its way through the charm, the prismatics as magnificent as the skill in making it.

Holding it out, she tossed it into the water near the shore, “No..no I'll find something else. I.. just wish she could have seen it." Her eyes watched the ripples head outward into the clear waters, smoothing out and leaving no trace.

“You will make something else that will be equally or even more wondrous my sister." He looked at her with that smile of his, “And perhaps one day you can tell her how you truly feel.”

“I don’t know. I will love her no matter what, no matter where. She will fall in love, marry, and have a good life, I know this because I will be beside her every step of the way. I can be content with that.” And she could, she knew this with every fiber of her being, that would be fine with her.

“As long as it makes you happy Athena, then it is all well and good.”

Lavender eyes turn to see him staring over the water, “That’s all that matters to you isn’t it?”

“Seeing you happy? Yes."

She leaned in against him, both of them now looking over the still lake, “I'll try my best then."

“That is all you can do. Marcus would be proud."

She smiled to herself, knowing he would be. She saw the tall figure again in her minds eye, remembering him telling her and Hera they were two of the finest Bolos ever made. She would make him proud, wherever she was.

Deep down she could still feel the anger at what that thing had done. As for another special item, there was one project and that was going well. She sighed happily thinking of it. Her anger, well, those little details were taken care of as well.


A figure made its way out of the fog, stepping quietly up to the cage and smiling. One of the many underlings Cerberus had working for him, a nothing.

“So you are to be my jailer?”

The voice was whispery soft, “Oh no, not I. I have come to introduce you.” It bowed towards the wall of fog and disruption, "Please enter."

A figure of purest light approached, glowing eyes that pierced even this oppressive Stygian gloom. The body was of metal that shone brightly with every step, fire left in its hoofprints showed the truly immense power it had. Closer it came and the Slaver felt fear, real fear for the first time in its long life. A mane like the sun flowed with incredible heat and might. Leaning in it grinned, oh so fiercely and with a promise of so much pain if the thing attempted to break its bonds.

“Athena says hello.”

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