• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Act IV - Where Princess Luna Teaches Us All, Strength Of A Goddess, The Noose Goes Taut.

Lao Tzu once said, “Mastering others is strength; Mastering yourself is true power.” from the Tao Te Ching.

We arrived in very good time, mid morning by my internal clock, the troops pouring in had already set up a command post in the hospital and were waiting for Princess Luna to advise her of the proceedings. Patrols were already out and about, enough of them to scour the city in a single day. I am surprised at this, but Crusader had mentioned they move very fast in times of trouble, I just never realized it would be this fast.

City ponies are joining the patrols or helping where and when they can find a spot. This is increasing the searched areas exponentially as more and more join in. I record everything that I see for I wish to show Crusader when he is back in action, it's a wonderful sight actually.

After a small meal with Princess Luna, I have advised her on Combined Arms tactics, requesting that groups of Guards be posted with each tank. She picked up on it quickly and it was done before the explanation was over. My tanks are not suited for urban combat, it is going to be by hoof and by patrols unless force is needed.

Princess Luna is very calm, she is cool and decisive in her actions. While known for laughter and having a bit of fun, I now see the other side of this formidable regent.

She had immediately told me of the sensation of being watched when we disembarked the Ferret, I tuned all sensor clusters into the surrounding area picking up movement here and there with no discernable trace marks. I kept this watch through the night to make sure that the area remained secure. I now have the hospital covered with one drone, I have sent signals to my war hull and more are being fired and on the way, I want complete and total CAP coverage of this area.

I do not say much as the bustle goes on around me, I am reviewing data flows from all scanners and drones. My cores are transmitting flawlessly to me, all patrols are accounted for by my observation and it is thirty minutes ToT for the others to arrive.

If it moves, I want to be able to spot it quickly.

Princess Luna has created a command center in the hospital lobby, taking it over to be as close to her comatose sister as she can. I see her worry, it does translate through body language though I think one would have to be very observant to notice.

Crusader has told me, do not underestimate ponies. I learn this by the second, seeing the logistics fall into place as if pre-planned. Troop movements and maneuvers are flawlessly done as if waiting for this exact moment. I see the Guards around my tanks, not a single one is doing anything other than being awake and aware.

Princess Luna takes no time, she is as a general of old. She makes no hesitations, her orders are obeyed without question and she is planning a ring of steel, sending the patrols sweeping inward in a pattern to draw out anyone watching or hiding.

Manehatten is almost a ghost town, while never hugely crowded with ponies, it is even less now. Patrols are roaming the streets in search of a perpetrator or more that are spreading this disease. Whether it is a disease or not remains to be seen. After I have everything in place, I will go ask the doctors and mages of the hospital for any information.

Twilight is distraught, though not to the point of incapacity. I can see why for Celestia has long been more than just a teacher to her and anyone would be allowed to be so. She and her friends will be spending time with her by the bedside until ready to join the patrols. No one questions this.

I have a few picoseconds of time, I send the signal to start the data purge from Crusader’s cores. His secure backups are still intact and security sealed as far as I can see, I have transferred them into my own arrays to a sterile core that is not linked to my main arrays and strata. This is going to be a process of waiting, there are so many lines of code to wipe. I have to rewrite the cores with the backups line by line after a thorough search for the virus as well. If it is magical like I suspect, it may take more than a tech solution.

My musings are interrupted by a patrol bringing in a local Guard, saying that he had relayed to them important information.

The Princess takes a few seconds and looks at the unicorn Guard, standing at attention as he awaits orders.

“What is it you have to tell?” No pleasantries, just straightforward.

“I was at the Guard Post over on Center Street, a pony came in from a small restaurant saying they’d been attacked by a couple of mares. From the what he related of the incident, I’d say it’s the same ones spreading whatever this is.” His orange eyes are calm, delivering his report as he was taught and should. “The Lieutenant told me to go find some higher ups to bring in on it, next thing I know the city is locked down.”

“Did he provide a description?”

“Yes Your Highness..” He hesitates, which does not please the Night Regent.


The Guard looks at the ground for a moment, then lifts his head, “He said it was Princess Twilight Sparkle, with her friends Applejack and Rainbow Dash.”

You could have heard a pin drop as silence broke over the crowded room, all eyes turning to the pony.

Luna does not look pleased, “Guard, if this is some sort of joke..”

“I assure you Your Highness we thought so as well. We questioned him and he never once changed his story, not one iota.” The stallion stood in the Princesses stare, wondering what would happen next.

Her eyes narrowed as she chewed over this information for a moment, signaling to a heavily armored mare, “Go with him Sergeant, get to the post and retrieve this witness, I want to speak to him personally. Take a full squad and no mistakes!”

I watch as troops scramble to obey, taking the Guard with them as they head for the post. I ponder this for a moment. Crusader had informed me of Changelings, but they fed off emotions such as love. Would they do this and why is the important thing. Last time they attacked en masse, this strategy seems a bit too...subtle..for them. I move them up on my threat list immediately, intending to ask about anything that can detect them.


Lieutenant Gold sat at his desk and almost wanted to pound his face on it. The runner wasn’t back yet and he had gotten word the city was to be locked down, plus the arrival of Princess Luna to take charge. With this weird disease in the city, it was making ponies spooked and they had every right to be he thought.

One more day, just one more day and it would have been off to the Whitetail Woods for camping and relaxing by the lakeside there with friends. Not only that, but this armor was beginning to itch in the daytime warmth that was penetrating the office. Can’t anypony make something better fer cryin’ out loud?

Ah well, let’s get it all done and then we can all do a bit of vacation time. He looked around at the hardened stallions and mares of his little post, bustling around or at least trying to look busy when he eye-balled them. He sighed, not a lot to do and they really think I don’t know that? Love these ponies I tell ya.

When the door opened, he’d been trying to figure out a way he could ditch this paperwork the commanders insisted on, eyeing the trash can with some certainty. He was surprised to see Princess Twilight Sparkle walking in with a couple of friends. Blinking he tried to remember their names, he’d met them at the wedding in Canterlot months ago. Apple..cider? No.. Applejack! That was it. The yellow one..something shy..Flitter..Fluttershy!

The desk sergeant met them as they entered, the Lieutenant watching.

“Princess! How can we be of service?” He gave an informal bow, being on duty allowed for such things.

The Alicorn smiled, “We’re here to see the pony you brought in. Seems he saw something?”

Lieutenant Gold was suspicious by nature, always had been. Any Guard worth his sugar was when dealing with the type of problems in a big city. Something about this tripped his flags, he couldn’t put a hoof on it as he watched the interplay between his Sergeant and the Princess.

The Sergeant was telling the Princess the pony in question wasn’t changing his story, about her hurting his friends in a restaurant. That got a laugh from the pretty mares, imagine suspecting the Elements of Harmony of such things.

Gold’s purple eyes watched the three mares closely..something... That’s it! He remembered meeting Fluttershy at the wedding. She had been so painfully shy, never raising her voice, but the one thing she also did was never meet anypony’s eyes, she was always trying to hide behind her pink mane!

Now as he watched her, she had a wide grin on her face, eying the Guards as if she hadn’t a care in the world. No.. you don’t change that fast, nopony does. He blinked as he saw her rub up against one of the Guards in passing, saying something that made the scarred stallion blush a bit.

No, this wasn’t right. How did they know so fast when he had only just sent the runner? Why did the looks on their faces not match with what he knew of them, open, honest and pretty. Yes, he remembered all right, but the looks he noticed now were sly and calculating.

His mind made up, he would take responsibility later if he was wrong, but he made the call. Damn the luck he sent the only unicorn out as a runner.

Standing up behind his desk he raised his voice and pointed at the three mares, “CHANGELINGS!”

Ever since the fiasco at the wedding, with the Changeling Queen taking the place of Princess Cadence, they had practiced hard for something like this. Whoever made the call, whoever figured it out was to tell the rest, after that the fight was on. If there was a mistake, they’d figure it out later.

Fight they did, in an office as small as this one they knew what to do instinctively, forming a wall of bone and muscle and leather they hit the three mares full force. Fights are not about yelling or screaming, it is about subduing an enemy, not a word was said as hooves flew in seconds.

The Desk Sergeant slapped away a reaching hoof from Princess Twilight and rammed his own shod one directly into her nose, knocking her back into her friends, the smile on his face gone when he heard the cry. He flipped the desk over and leapt on it, joined by four more guards as they piled onto the lavender Alicorn.

Three armored Pegasi mares slammed into Fluttershy, knocking her back against the soundproofed wall with a thud, their hooves raising and lowering like jackhammers as they pummeled the yellow Pegasus. They did not cease the vicious mugging of the fake pony they were ferocious and unmerciful as they landed strikes and bites, using the edges of their hooves to punch deep into the body. Natural born warriors always were Pegasi, proving it once again by their assault.

Taken by surprise, the orange Earth pony had only just gotten out from under the Princess when she was broadsided by another guard. Ramming his hooves into her barrel he forced her back, joined by two more who flipped around, aiming their back hooves and slamming them unmercifully into the orange coated mare. It was strong, whatever it was, more so than any normal Earth pony, taking the blows and wading back into the fight with a sneer.

Lieutenant Gold had pushed his desk out of the way and was running to join the fight when he saw a lavender hoof slap his Sergeant who dropped like a stone.

“Don’t let them touch you with their hooves!!” He didn’t have to scream to be heard. Nothing but grunts and the smacking of flesh was heard from his guards. The whole office was proofed against noise, nopony would hear this fight unless the doors were opened and right now the front was blocked.

He thought of getting the pony in holding for a second, but was blindsided by a thrown guard. The Alicorn was getting back up, two of his guards were down, he turned with a snarl. He could see cuts healing on the fake mare, slowly but healing, black ichor dripping from the wounds. He gathered his strength and leapt forward, ramming his body into hers, it felt like hitting a stone.

Nopony is built like this, none! He raised a clad hoof and slammed it multiple times into the sneering face, forcing the fake mare backwards.

The three mares had finished with their target, the yellow pegasus laying unmoving as they gave it a few more kicks, panting with the effort of not letting the fake Pegasus even get a single breath. Their assault had been blindingly fast and overwhelming to the single mare. Not so the others who were struggling to get a hold of their foes. The three mares turned and snarled at new targets, splitting up to help the others.

The Lt. was joined by the remaining guard and the one that had been tossed, together they once again rammed into the fake Princess, knowing beyond a doubt now it was not her. This made things a lot easier, they did not have to hold back now.

The orange pony had managed to hit a couple of the guards piling on her, they dropped quickly allowing her to struggle her way out of the pile, forcing the remaining fighter to back up for room. He gritted his teeth as the mare smiled at him raising a hoof, he saw the dripping needle thing sticking out of it and didn’t care, he was going to take it down! He was joined by the one pegasus mare who nudged him, throwing herself into the way of a slapping hoof, letting it screech off her chestplate while throwing punches into the smiling face.

His armored shoulder slammed into the upright mare, his hoof knocking the needled one away as he forced his whole body into her, pinning the mare against the wall. She had some strength behind her as she struggled to get the one hoof free of his grip. The one pegasus that had joined him was ramming hooves into the earth pony with a grunt of effort. Every inch of her power was put into making sure the pony didn’t move until taken down. She didn’t have the solidity of an Earth pony like the first guard was, but was quick, avoiding the slapping hoof and landing body shots with her own hooves.

Gold was trading blows and ducking from a hoof that was trying to slap an unarmored area of his neck. He wasn’t as swift as his Pegasi were, but he blocked the needle with a pauldron each time, throwing his shoulder up hearing the needle scritch and skitter off the riveted armor. The two remaining pegasi mares joined him, throwing themselves into the fray to give their Lieutenant time to get a breath. The slapping of wings and hooves covered him for a moment.

He stared at the Princess, seeing drabs of black blood running down her face from healing wounds. His resolve hardened as he threw himself back into the fight, throwing shots, though he was tiring quickly. Fights take a lot of energy, even for the few minutes they’d been trading blows. He could hear the labored breathing of his colts and fillies, the grunts of effort now.

Whatever these things were, they didn’t tire easily and were wearing the Guards down. He noticed the two mares fall, slapped on the sides by a needle bearing hoof. What WAS that?

The voice of the Princess reached his ears, making him do the one thing he should not have, he hesitated.

“Assaulting a Princess, that’s not very nice.”

He paused in his blows just for a split second, a blink of an eye but it was enough for a lavender hoof to slip past his defenses. He felt the needle in his neck as he dropped out of the fight.

He saw the last guards go down, tired and panting they had lost the initiative and were fighting a losing action now. There was no other way this could end with an opponent that didn’t tire as fast as real ponies. His eyes lit on the unmoving yellow pegasus on the floor surrounded by black liquid. His whole body felt like it was on fire as he lay on the floor.

But we got one. We got one of you. We’ll get the rest, our real Princesses will do that. But my guards got one of you.

Before he closed his eyes he smiled, he was so very proud of his colts and fillies.


The first pony to the door of the office opened it quickly, stopping dead in his tracks as he blocked the others behind him.

“Hold it! Hold it!” The squad stopped to peer into the door.

The office looked like a war zone, desks overturned and walls indented, there were ponies lying immobile on the floor. The ones looking in couldn’t tell if they were dead or not. It appeared to have been a hay of a fight.

The runner saw his Sergeant and the Lieutenant lying on the floor, he tried to push past the Royal Guard but was blocked by a steady arm.

“Don’t colt, it’s no use.” A pointed hoof picked out a pegasus, “Get to the Princess, we need magic users to tell us exactly what happened here. Until then we’ll stay outside, we won’t touch a thing.”

The Pegasus was off like a shot, winging her way into the sky but staying low as Athena had told them too, so as not to be shot by a..a..drone? That was it. Her mind reeled at the scene in the office, somehow knowing they weren’t going to be taking the witness back.


Twilight had come down from the floor where Celestia was being kept comfortable and cared for. There were a few tears in her eyes but that was expected, Celestia was loved, but no more so than by the younger Alicorn.

All six friends were standing around a map table, created by one of the magic users assigned to planning. He had magicked a three-dimensional map of the city off of plans previously stored for such a need. It was perfect down to the last window and vendor cart on the street, current up to the moment.

I am amazed at this map, the showing of things up to date as if a magic powered battle space scan. It cannot show individual ponies, much the loss, but it does show all buildings and every tunnel and sewer way that is even now being searched by patrols. It really is incredible what magic can do. I record everything for storage and later discussion with Crusader.

The doctors have briefed us, it is a puzzling thing. They say that whatever is being injected is something magical. It is changing as they watch under their microscopes and are trying to find spells to delay or even eradicate it. The one thing that truly baffles them, is the magic remains in the pony, but their soul is gone.

Bolos had often wondered, even pondered the possibility of a soul. What is it that makes humans themselves? It was never really answered by the philosophers and scientists of our day, only speculation and theory. Religions tried to define it, but were spurious or even way off at best. It never came down to something simple that was understood by all.

But here, in Equestria, they know of it. They have studied the existence of it and even accept that it exists. Simple as that, no hoof wringing over technicalities only an assured response. Yes, there is a soul.

Now, something was stripping that away. It was taking it somewhere else. Tirek I am informed took the magic, that which pervades all ponies and life here in some way. This is the opposite. It is somehow more cruel, more...depraved.

I am angered, it is not so simple a thing I can correct with a broadside of Hellbores or even Crusader’s bombardment capabilities. I cannot shoot it, nor can I bury it beneath my treads. In this I am powerless because I cannot use magic. I tamp down my frustration and remain calm, there is still much I can do, I will keep my friends safe.

“Athena, please if you would, explain your theory?” The Princess smiles at me, gesturing to the map.

I look at it for a moment and all the eyes watching me. I really wish to just crawl under the table and hide but I don’t. I gather my words carefully.

“W..well Your...Your Highness..”

She raises a regal hoof, “Stop. Before we go any further.” She leans over and looks at me intently, “No one here is judging you. You have information we need badly and I need you to be confident.” She waves at the watching commanders and soldiers, my friends. “We are here to learn, teach us of your ways Athena that we may stop this.”

Marcus, you truly would love Princess Luna.

“Yes Your Highness.” I steady myself and look around at the silent room.

“In my day there was warfare the breadth of the galaxy. But certain aspects of it were worse than others.” I point to the map, “What you have here is what we called Asymmetrical Warfare...or Terrorism.” I am stopped politely by a commander.

“So this is not normal stand up warfare, it is something more..devious? Asymmetrical meaning not in order, lacking symmetry?”

I smile, “Exactly,” I watch the commander smile back. “It is a form of warfare that is telling in ways. Small strikes, sowing fear in a population. Never anything you can stand and wipe out, always hit and run. You cannot pin the perpetrators down because they are always moving, always planning something different. By the time you catch up, they are already ahead of you.”

“Terrorism is also exactly what it means, sowing terror or fear. It is used by cowards and bullies who cannot stand and fight. They must hide in the shadows or use others to do their dirty work for them.” I remember terrorists from long ago, “They are nothing but dregs of society who think they have a mission to do harm.”

I point to the map again, “That’s partly what is happening here, making the populace afraid, hoping for riots, outcries and other things that would disrupt society.”

“But miss," Another Commander pipes up, “We don’t do that, there’s no reason for riots. I mean yes, we have problems, but most ponies know things will get solved. I admit there have been a few shaky times when Tirek was running around, but riots? Whatever for?”

“That’s the point, they think you will just run rampant and destroy cities and towns in a panic.” I chuckle for a moment, thinking of Ponyville and all the repairs.

“Why that’s preposterous!” An older Sergeant declares, “I concede we have excitable ponies and some get a bit out of hoof. But destroying a city because of a muddle of problems? That’s nonsense! Admittedly there was beginning to be a panic here, but everypony knows it will get solved and acting like an idiot doesn’t help!”

I point a hoof outside, “You’re right, look at the streets, quiet, calm. Ponies are cooperating in ways to help and bring the search along. I understand carts of food and more supplies are already starting to arrive from closer areas?”

“Well of course! As Celestia says, “What happens to one, happens to all!” We immediately sent messages asking for assistance and ponies are always glad to do so.” The grizzled commander gestures, “We are carefully vetting the carts as well, any ponies that come in have to stay, they understand this so they are dropping supplies at the cordon checkpoints and we are bringing them in.”

A murmur of agreement ripples in the crowd with heads nodding at the security and the statement of Celestia’s phrase.

“That is the point, whatever is behind this is seriously overestimating your reaction to this. So expect more small hits, attempts at disruptions. This is how, I believe, whatever they are operate. But it appears you’re just making them mad by not doing what they expect.” I smile at the pride being shown by every pony in the room.

“They will make a mistake, I guarantee it. Their overconfidence in what they want to do will be their downfall. Just be prepared, the chance could come at any time, any place. Be ready for it.”

I watch the commanders and ranks nod, breaking off into small groups for planning and strategizing.

A hoof is pressed on my shoulder by a smiling Princess Luna, “Well done Athena, confidence is all one needs.”

“Y..yes Your High..Highness.”

Princess Luna shakes her head, giving me a nudge with her hoof, “We really must work on that Athena.”

She winks at me, returning to her planning and commanders.

I did not inform them of one other thing. Cowards and thugs they may be, but they will always go for High Value Targets. In this one building are eight of the most HVT’s there are. I have moved their security up to Priority One on my threats list and have quietly informed the personal guards of Princess Luna of this. They did not argue with me and I see them standing close, weapons ready and watchful.

Nothing must interrupt the planning and searches, this must go on until the threat is neutralized. To this end, I stay very close to all of them.


A doctor has come down, interrupting Princess Luna with a sorrowful face.

“I am sorry Your Highness, there has been a death.” He continues on before anypony can say anything, “Not the Princess, another, a Unicorn by the name of Finder. We do not know what happened Your Highness and we are truly very sorry, he just..expired.”

Every pony in the room stops for a moment, lowering their eyes before continuing on. The doctor has informed that the poison or virus inside the pony had stopped living the moment he passed. This is information we can use. Most biological processes I know of continue for a few minutes more after cessation, but the unknown disease died immediately.

“So once he passed, the disease was no longer active?” Princess Luna is thoughtful as the doctor nods.

“It immediately died in his body Princess, there were no traces when we examined him.”

Twilight stepped forward, “Princess, could this disease be somehow connected to wherever their souls are? Once the soul...passes.. the disease no longer needs to work? Maybe that’s why they all still live?”

The dark mare’s face turns to look at Twilight for a moment, “Are you saying a bridge, some way to keep the soul and body alive while striking fear in the hearts of us all?”

I listen closely to the conversation, this is an interesting development. Magic has stumped myself and Crusader for a long time though we are getting glimmerings of it. If this is a connection, can it be traced?

The younger Alicorn nodded, “Yes! If there is a connection...”

A hoof is raised by Luna, “Then it can be tracked! Well done Twilight!”

She turns immediately to a group of Unicorns, “Get to the sickened ones, use whatever you can and see if there is a trail or track that can be followed to wherever they may be. This is a priority, call on Canterlot for anything you need!”

She slams a hoof on the table with a grin, “When they are tracked they can be found, when they are found I will teach whoever did this not all ponies are gentle.” She looks at the wide eyes from Twilight and her friends, even myself, “What? I was Nightmare Moon once,” She watches the slight flinches, “Fear not, I am no more, but to whatever is behind this, they’ll think Nightmare Moon kind beside what I shall do to them.”

“They cast the die and they will reap the rewards of their terror.” She points a hoof at Twilight and others standing around, “Learn from this Twilight, as must everypony, there will be times when certain things must be done. This is one of them.”

The younger Alicorn nods, “Yes Princess.”

Luna turns back to her commanders, organizing more patrols as we all stand there looking at each other for just the moment.


A Pegasus was brought to us, saying the the Guard post had been assaulted and the ponies there in the same state as all the others. They were holding in place for mages to inspect the crime scene.

Princess Luna heard this and called for her personal guards, I tried very hard to stop her, being outside is not advisable with threats roaming around. She very gently pushed me aside.

“Athena, I will not remain safe while others suffer. This is not my place, they should see their Princess out and unafraid.” She pointed at the six friends following her, “They and you will keep vigilant, I know this.”

“B..but Princess.”

I am stopped again by an upraised hoof as we load onto the Ferret for travel, “As I said to Twilight, I say this again, once more a lesson. One cannot lead by just ordering others around. Be with them, let them see you are part of it all. That is a leader, not one who stays behind and tells others to do things.” She leans closer to all of us standing there, “Show them, those who are willing to give their lives for you, that you are willing to do the same for them.”

“Yes Your Highness.”

Applejack stops next to me, fanning herself with her hat, “Boy she sure is somethin’ else when riled up huh Athena?” We both watch her walking up the ramp.

“She is, I really would not like to see her truly angry.”

The emerald eyes turn on me, a hint of laughter, “She got ya runnin’ scared too? Hay I don’t blame ya, she is kinda scary sometimes. C’mon let’s git!” She piles into the Ferret as I take one last look around, entering as the ramp goes up, the engine roaring as we take off for the Guard post.


Luna’s Guards are on the outside of the armored vehicle, I am moving slow enough they can keep hold of the reactive armor on the plating. I do not like this, she, Twilight and the others are vulnerable outside. But she and Twilight are Flag Command Priority on orders, I shall obey them.

That does not mean however I cannot use my judgment when in combat. Three drones now orbit above us, following our move. All guns on the Ferret are active and pinging for targets. It is strange, not having to worry about enemy scans or weapons locks. But nonetheless, all I have is hair triggered and ready to react.

When we reach the site of the problem, I hold them inside until her Guards give the all clear. I receive quite the look from the Princess but I smile and tell her I am just doing my job. That it would be nice of her to let the Guards do theirs as well.

Having them encased in an armored vehicle only I can control is a plus as well. Though I make absolutely sure I do not look too smug about that.

Princess Luna peered into the battered office with steady eyes, she looked over the ponies lying there and the damage from the fight. Turning to one of the mages that accompanied her she gestured inside, “Can you show us the Shadows of approximately when this occurred?”

“Yes Your Highness.” The Unicorn moved to stand in the doorway, lighting his horn and letting a glow of magic spread over the room. Transparent representations of the guards were seen moving around, doing everyday work, it was a replay of what happened. They watched as the door opened, a gasp from everypony as Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy and Applejack walked into the office.

No voices could be heard, it was just a ghost of memories in the area. The spell I was told is very high order and has to be specially trained for to use, when I had asked why this hadn’t been done before. When the doctors had seen that the ponies affected had been injected with something, a spell caster had been on the way when Celestia was stricken. The Unicorn so trained had been hours in traveling, he could not retrieve the memories of the assault on the Princess as they were far too old.

It is interesting, the ability to see back in time for only a short sequence. I wonder on this, remembering Marcus in my dream. Did Luna’s magic somehow summon him from long ago? My metaphorical heart hurts as I remember his smiling face.

It truly was a good fight as well, Princess Luna was proud of them as they stood together and wreaked havoc on the interlopers. She watched carefully as the fake Fluttershy went down, noticing no body was there where the Shadow lay in the replay. Just a pool of black liquid drying in the warmth of the office.

It was over soon enough, seeing the Twilight and Applejack head into the back holding room after they had seemingly healed their wounds.

“I take it that was where the witness was?” She motioned to the Unicorn Guard who had brought them here.

“Yes Princess.” He looked sad at the thought of leaving his comrades behind to this.

“Take heart, they were true in their duties and put up a fight as expected. They got one of whatever they are. But it seems the body is missing, they did not want any evidence. But for them it is too late, we know now.”

The Night Princess motioned to waiting guards and medics, “Take charge of them, I apologize for having you wait so long, please take good care.”

“Yes Your Highness!” The ponies swarmed in, loading up the Guards carefully on litters and rushing to take them to the hospital.

I advise them to load the casualties on my Ferret, it can deliver them quickly and return to us.

Once the room is emptied, Princess Luna turns and looks at the seven of us.

“It appears our enemies have made copies of you all. They do not appear to be Changelings as why would they need to do this to a pony, they feed off emotions, encapsulating them to do so as a harvest.”

Rainbow Dash asks the question we all wonder, “But how? I mean don’t you have to at least have something to make a copy? Magic or..or something?”

Princess Luna shakes her head, “I do not know, truly this is something new.”

“The cave.”

Everypony turns to look at me.

“What was that Athena?” Twilight is looking at me intently.

“The cave where the foals were taken. Crusader and I had wondered about it. You said it was oozing and very wet inside?”

“Darling, it was awful, just dreadful. Took days to get my mane back!” Rarity will always be Rarity.

“You stepped in the liquids right? Got it on you?” I see heads nod.

“It took samples of you, it was a factory of sorts I can only presume. It made copies of you and sent them here to sow fear.” I point a hoof at the office, “Mind you it is nothing but an assumption, an idea, but that cave is the only common factor or they would have copied Luna or Celestia as well.”

Pinkie was looking slightly more somber as we stand in the shambles of the office, “That wouldn’t have been good. Imagine what they would have done with two ponies that looked like the Princesses!”

“No, it wouldn’t have been good.” I turn to all of them, “We must get back to the command post, you are not safe out here.” This time I receive no argument as we rush out, gathering once again in the returned carrier and traveling back to the command area where I can keep them secure.

I notify all Guards at the blockade points through my Dragons, let nopony approach from inside the city, even if they look familiar. Hold them and slap the tank to get my full attention to deal with them. Do not let them leave or touch you. I give them explicit instructions on what will happen when they do so, to prepare them for what may come.

Acknowledgments come in quickly settling my mind slightly.

We arrive in good time, the command area is secure and Princess Luna once again takes full charge of the search. So far it is going well, grid by grid they are blocking off the city and forcing whatever it is into a smaller and smaller area. This is excellent tactics, give the enemy no place to go.

Twilight and the others wish to join in the search, I am about to advise them not to when Princess Luna interrupts.

“No, you will stay here. There are doubles of you out there and it can cause only confusion.” Her tone of voice brooks no disagreement.

I nod, “Keeping you here allows freedom for the patrols to do whatever is needed to get rid of the enemy. You being out there they would have to make sure it is not you before responding, that can cost lives and time.”

The friends reluctantly agree, turning their efforts to helping where they can in the command center, it is better than nothing and they take to it with a will.

Why is it, in times of crisis or battle, that words somehow become prophetic in their meaning?

Princess Luna and the others are taking a small meal, I have already had something to keep reaction mass at capacity and am feeling a bit full. Ugh, how do biologicals handle feeling the real thing? I feel fat. I think I am hanging around Rarity too much with her ideas about how a ‘proper young mare’ should look, I can not get fat....I think.. Looking at my own sides I become a bit self conscious that nopony sees me doing so.

I really have to stop worrying about minor things, the dataflows are still streaming new information as the patrols are switching grids, I hear Twilight’s voice welcoming someone, she sounds excited.

“Stonewall! How did you get here?” Twilight is smiling brightly seeing the eye-patched Pegasus.

He shrugs, “Just figured you might need some help when I heard things got locked down here, so I came in to see if I could offer anything.”

I smile, watching Twilight talk with her friend, a sense of normalcy in a strange situation. But why is he wearing that patch? Crusader has practically rebuilt the eye, it should be close to normal right now...... I stare hard at the Pegasus. He is watching Princess Luna come down a ramp from the elevator by the angle of his eyes. His actions are now garnering my full attention as he appears to sidle closer to the Princess, seeing him raise a hoof towards the dark mare, my visual sensors catch the outline of some sort of weapon protruding from the bottom part of it.


In an attosecond my alerts go off, my musculature receives full power as the alarms scream in my cores.


Command Flag Priority Override goes into effect, there are immediate and verified threats! My system goes deep into Hyper-Heuristic mode as the world slows to almost a stop around me. Data scroll through my eyesight as I calculate angles and trajectories for what I need to do.

I have all the time in the world.

Pushing off the floor, my hooves leave dents in the wood, my wings snap out for balance as I leap upward over ponies in the way. I flip my body upside down, letting my back hooves hit the high ceiling, once more pushing off with all the strength I have at my command.

My battle screen came on the instant I left the floor, I feel the ceiling beam give under the force of hitting it, I adjust and compensate for the minor change.

I am now looking down at the infiltrator, still watching as the needle is clearer in my sight, something organic extending from it’s hoof. It is closer to Princess Luna.

Like I said, all the time I need.

As I push off the ceiling I make sure that my trajectory misses any ponies in the way as I descend on the enemy in a rage, my forehooves are extended in front of me, pushed tight together to form a single platform wherein all my power is directed through.

Even as fast as I am, I see the single eye glance slightly upwards, finally noticing me as I spear towards the enemy. It knows I am coming and there is nothing that can be done about it. I can almost see the thoughts running through it’s mind as I dive from my perch.

So much time, so many things to think about as I pour everything I have into my plunge.

You see me coming don’t you? Thinking you could be faster, stronger and do your mission without a care. But you hadn’t counted on me. I have reaped a dire harvest that goes back eons, but for you my enemy, your doom will be special. I am going to take you apart for threatening the ones I protect and will do so with a song in my heart, a smile upon my face.

It is not hubris, nor pride, it is a promise. One that is being kept in this very slight time between the ticks of the clock.

Even now the music swells and past battles come to mind. Can you hear it as well my enemy? The song that is playing for you, your dirge. A fire is lit that can only be quenched one way, with your blood.

I watch the muscles start to clench along your body, the nerves frantically firing impulses that will never reach their destination. You are far, far too slow. The arrogance, the pure audacity you show even now thinking you can still do what you came to accomplish. You have made your only and final mistake thinking nothing could touch you.

But I can.

You’re probably wondering who I am, this Pegasus who is even now heading for you. Something out of the far, deep past that is here at this moment to defend those who have given me strength.

I am your death.

My foreward facing hooves hit the exposed back in the middle of the figure, hammering through the spine in a splash of black ichor that hinders me not. My body already pulling back from the punch as to not get trapped in the flooring beneath the body as it is forced to the ground. My back legs landing solidly in a steady stance as they hit a microsecond after I pull my forehooves from the enemy.

I drop my left shoulder, twisting as I retune my battlescreen to a monomolecular edge on the front of my left wing, dipping it back slightly and then spinning my body to the right as it cuts through the neck and raised hoof of the infiltrator, sending them both heading for the ground as I keep the move going, landing back on all four hooves; facing away from the enemy to give me another strike.

My backside is towards my target as I pour power into my flanks and rear legs, ramming the durasteel hooves into the carcass, pounding solidly into hard flesh it slides to the wall in another splash of whatever it uses for blood.

Even as the torso is racing along the floor heading to its final rest, I turn to pulverize the head lying on the ground near me, the amputated hoof as well before leaping once more to the main body. My fore hooves move swiftly to knife into the body, striking deep into the chest with bloody punches, making sure it will never rise again before stopping. I turn to scan the area first before standing down, seeing Princess Luna unharmed as well as Twilight.

My screen flicks off as my power reserves are dangerously low, I have burned too much too fast and my avatar sways before slamming into the floor. I try to keep it active as ponies rush towards me, trying to tell them I just need some food or water.

My head is lifted, it is in a pool of sticky liquid but somepony doesn’t care as they caress my mane out of my face.

“Shhh, you’re fine. It’s all done.”


“You..You’ll get fil..filthy Rarity.” Of all the things I need to say that comes out, swift Athena, very swift. You need reaction mass!

“Don’t worry about that darling, what can we do to help?” Her eyes meet mine, they are warm and worried.

“Just..food or water. Pl...please.”

No sooner than the words leave my muzzle than something sugary is stuck in my mouth, it is sticky, sweet and oh so delicious. A Lemon Creme Surprise cupcake.. Pinkie is now my official heroine.

The office is in an uproar as I lay there, being fed water and food from wherever Pinkie stores them. I promise myself to delete all speculations concerning her forever. I need to get to my hooves but am being prevented by my friends, they want me to lie there for a moment, I keep reminding them I don’t need to.

Rarity holds my head in her lap as I lay there, “Rarity, I’m fine, just let me up please.”

I am held down by a gentle, elegant hoof, “Stop it this instant. You need to just rest for a moment, trust me.”

She watches me closely and somehow I am comforted by this. It is a caring and reassurance that I only found in dreams or with Marcus and Crusader. But Rarity is kind, she is generous with her time, ignoring all others to concentrate on my well being.

After moments of being in her care I relax, leaning into her and letting myself drift for a moment. It is quiet with the mess being cleaned up, I hear ponies around me rushing bits to the doctors for examination. Princess Luna inquires about me and is told I am fine.

I believe I am, in the kindness and caring of friends I am just fine.


The room has been cleaned to a high shine, the body removed and sent to the mages and doctors for examination. Hoping to glean any more information on whatever these things are. I think nothing is faster than a Bolo but a pony cleaning crew.

The search area is getting smaller, I am seeing a pattern in the patrols that makes me reason the enemy will soon show it’s face or try to escape from the cordon around the city. I am ready, my drones stand in patrol, the tanks and Guards aware and alert. The word has also gone out, look for one Granite Boulder, an Earth Pony with jumbled boulders for a Cutie Mark. We will not be caught out again.

As expected, there have been running ambushes, small strikes along the patrol routes where the enemy disappears into the non searched areas. Regardless, we are forcing them into a corner. My drones can observe but not strike when the parties involved are entangled in a battle, far too much chance for friendly fire. The guards are holding their own, driving the enemy off with minimal casualties.

I am sitting in a corner, reviewing data and keeping my eyes on the door and everypony that walks in and out. But in reality I am hiding, it seems no one wants to talk to me other than Applejack, Twilight and the others. Each time I try to ask a question of any other, they answer curtly then bow and walk away.

I didn’t do anything wrong, I was doing my duty as given to me. I don’t understand, what did I do?

As I sit staring at the floor for a moment reviewing drone data, a pony settles themselves next to me. I look up and see Twilight smiling brightly.

“What’s wrong Athena? Need more food?”


“Why are you looking so sad? I mean, you saved me and Princess Luna! You’ve been sitting here in the corner for the last few hours.” She is honestly questioning me, maybe she doesn’t see it?

“No..no one will talk to me. I..I tr..try to ask quest..questions and they just..just answer really quickly, bow and move away. I do..don’t want them to be sc..scared of me.”

Her pretty face gets confused, “Wait, nopony told you anything?”

“T..told me what?”

She gestures around to the crowded room, “They’re showing their respect for your act of bravery in saving Princess Luna and I; as well as others probably from what happened to so many folks.” She plants a hoof on her face with a sigh, “I’m so sorry, somepony should have said something!”

“B..but why won’t they talk to me?” I know I have a pleading look, I don’t like being ostracized or what I feel to be that way.

“Princess Luna has told them to leave you alone for a while, in case you might need a bit of time by yourself. Notice the guards nearby?” She points at two guards I had noticed near me, they wouldn’t answer anything much either.

“That’s to keep ponies from mobbing you with questions or bothering you too much. We know you don’t like to be alone, but this was the best we could do to keep things quiet. Otherwise you would be surrounded by ponies wanting to thank you.”

“B..but I did...didn’t do any..anything special. I j..just did what I wa..was supposed to do.” I tap my hoof on the floor, my face a mixture of confusion. I didn’t do anything other than my duty. This is frustrating sometimes.

The young Alicorn stares at me hard, “You really don’t see it do you?” She settles into a better resting position, “Athena, no one even saw you move! All of a sudden there was a few cracking sounds and that thing was dead, before anyone could even blink twice.” She shakes her head, “All I saw was a sparkling blur, I got splattered with a bit of..ew..stuff and then you were standing there about to fall over.”

I twist my hooves together in front of me, looking down at the floor, “W..well you were in tr..trouble. I ju..just did what I ha..had to.”

She laughs, Twilight is very warm when laughing, “I think the story has gotten bigger since you did it though.” She points to the floor where I leapt from, the boards have been replaced and sanded to match, ponies seem to be very good at quick repairs. “Those prints you left? Princess Luna is having them taken to Canterlot after this is over, encased in the Royal Library under glass for others to see the..how did she put it?... Oh yes. The “Hoofprints of a Hero.” There’s even going to be a small book that will tell everypony how they got impressed into the boards and how you saved our lives.”

I’m sure my eyes got a bit wide, “No, nonono, I do..don’t wa..want to be a her..hero or anything. I..I was just doing..” I am interrupted by a lilting voice.

“Doing what was necessary in saving our lives. “

I snap my eyes up to see Princess Luna.

“B..but I do..don’t want...”

“What you want and what will happen are two very different things Athena.” She smiles brightly at me, pointing a clad hoof, “You have been brave, loyal, trustworthy and never failing in your duty to us all. With no asking or want of recompense other than to be happy and live with your friends.”

Princess Luna points at Twilight and the others, “They wish the same thing and desire nothing from the crown, even though they’ve saved Equestria not a few times. Since I am in charge, this will be taken care of immediately, so as not to give you time for an excuse.”

Princess Luna leans in to Twilight and I, “Such selflessness will be repaid whether you like it or not young mare.” She never sounds impatient with anyone, smiling so warmly and giving me a wink.

She gestures to both of us, pointing to a door in the lobby. We follow her into an auditorium for the lecturing of doctors and physicians when needed. It is filled with ponies, ranks of all sorts and soldiers everywhere. It must be a lull in the patrols, a switching of shifts I think. I am worried this distraction will cause us to lose momentum and mention it to the Princess.

Before we go through the door Luna answers my query, “Never fear, my commanders have the patrols in hoof, we are closing in on the enemy and have time. Now follow me.”

Luna mounts the stage, pointing to a spot near her as I stop dead in my tracks, Twilight pushes me from behind.

“Tw..Twilight I don’t..”

The Night Princess looks directly at me, “Stand here Athena, do not disobey your regent.”

“Y..yes Your Highness.”

She watches me take my place, Twilight beside me. I see Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash come onto the stage, giving me a smile each and standing close.

The Princess briefs all the attending ponies on the cordon and search, the mages working on tracking this disease and the doctors report that Celestia was doing fine as well. The stamping of approval is quite loud at the efforts of all involved.

Then she turns to us on stage.

“Learn a lesson for the last time today Athena, Twilight,” She gestures to the friends, “All of you.” She looks out at the assembled ponies, “Rewards and respect are not given lightly, nor should they be given at all.” Her voice reaches every corner of the room. “They should be earned, by doing good works and deeds.”

She raises a hoof, pointing to all the ponies throughout the room, “Each of you knows this, as my sister has said, “What happens to one, happens to all.” That includes the honoring of those whose actions are deemed to be in the best interests of Equestria and the community.”

Princess Luna stood tall on the stage, every eye on her, “Even in the midst of despair or troubles, there is always and shall be time to give thanks to ones who so dedicate themselves for all of us. My sister would wish it as I do.”

She turns suddenly and points at me, “A cheer for Athena, defender of Equestria!”

Hooves stamped hard on the auditorium floor, shaking the roof as cheers rang out, a solid minute of sound for the shy Pegasus trying to hide on the stage.

As the roaring goes on, Princess Luna leaned near the group on stage, “What is it you would wish Athena, what can I do to reward you? Do not be like your friends and turn this down.” She points at the six and smiles, “They seem not to want anything either when ever I or my sister offer.”

She receives laughs in return, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, all the others have constantly turned down rewards or other things from Celestia or Luna. Wanting merely to live their lives as they see fit.

I can’t look up from the floor, I really don’t want this or any reward. But I glance up to see Rainbow Dash smiling at me, they all are, making urging motions.

“I..want to...”


“I want to fly.” I look up at her, she is a Princess, if anypony can do this she can. “I..I want to..to fly, please? I..I know I’m not a real pony..but..but I want to fly.”

The smile I receive is nothing short of spectacular, her voice is kind, “You are more real than you think. This shall be done.”

“As soon as we return to Canterlot I shall put our best minds to this Athena, this I promise. If there is a way we shall find it, you have my word.” She stamped her royal hoof on the stage and that was all it took.

The cheers ring out once again, I am humbled by this. My friends surround me with hugs and laughter as more ponies come to the stage, wanting to greet me.


As we are in the auditorium, an alert comes in from the cordon, a slap on the hull of Dragon Twenty makes me focus everything on the sensor clusters there. I see clearly the ring of guards surrounding a rainbow maned Pegasus.

The enemy is smiling and gesturing as if nothing was wrong, the Guards are not wavering, they know and their spears and polearms are close to impaling her as she tries to move out of the ring of steel. The Guards are giving directions for the foe to stand and be still, it keeps moving to one side or the other. She keeps talking in a voice with not a care in the world, trying to leave the city.

I do not understand why the imposter does not try to fly away, being a copy of Rainbow, but no matter.

I request the guards to back away, leaving the bewildered thing wondering where my voice is coming from. The ring of points is steady and unmoving as the enemy stands there, almost sneering at the stalwart ponies. The Guards know what is coming, they are expecting it. An opening appears in the ring behind the infiltrator, giving me a clear shot.


Once Crusader said, “Mine is the burden.” When he took it upon himself to do something no pony should have to. He was forgiven, absolved of his pain and he rejoiced in that. He embraced everything in his new life as I have done.

Standing here upon this stage, I am surrounded by warmth and love; the embraces are soft and gentle, the cheers still ringing in my ears as I wish I could shed tears of happiness for where I am right now.


I see the cyan face, the almost smile that is actually a sneer as the guards give her a wide berth. Their pole arms never wavering, never flinching. I know it is not Rainbow, for she is beside me, giving me a smile I will always remember as long as I live. With that in my mind I give the guards a few more moments to get to a safe distance.


It is not and will never be a burden, to do what I must for my friends and others. I know that whatever I do to keep them safe will be the right thing.

For mine is not the onus of protecting, it is my duty and very much my honor to do so.


I calculate the angles before giving the commands to fire the Dragon’s Co-Axial guns, I pound the thing into scraps of bloody debris as the guards watch with stone faces. They know I would never harm one of them, so they stand far enough away, protecting themselves until the firing stops. It takes but a moment in time, a second nevermore to be heard from as it wings into the past.

My scanners inspect the smoking hole where the enemy stood, firing once more to eliminate any traces of the filthy thing from the face of Equestria forever. I watch as the guards return to their duties, once more watchful, the looks on their faces happy as they know they have helped eliminate a threat.


It should never be viewed as a hardship to defend those you love. One must have compassion, caring, the love and warmth of friends and family to help. To keep oneself in balance with all those things, accepting the good things of life and what it brings to the table. Returning them to others as it has been given to you.

Except for the enemy, for them there will be no compassion, no warmth, no love.

I continue to scan the crater in the roadway where once a copy of my friend was, my guns aimed for the moment as I finish my thought.

There will be no mercy.


A cry has reached us inside the auditorium, a guard busting through the door shouting triumphantly, “We’ve got them Your Highness! We’ve got them!”

Princess Luna yells with a triumphant grin, “Go! Surround the place where they are and await me!”

The guard salutes and rushes back out the doorway, everyone inside the auditorium following out to take command of the action, staffing and sending messages by runner and magic to encircle wherever the enemy may be.

The Night Princess turns to us on the stage, “Now we end this, forever.” She takes wing, hooves slapping as she lands near the door in her rush to get outside and into the action. Her guards hurriedly following in her wake as we all do.


My carrier pulls up in a cloud of dust outside a small building in the outskirts of town. The cordon and patrols skillfully maneuvered the enemy into this barren area, driving them forward before the searching guards. I have been impressed with the planning and execution of this the entire time.

The two story structure stands alone in what would be a minor suburb of the main city, a perfect place to drive the enemy to for execution. My drones are now circling the building, waiting for the orders to rake it with gunfire if needed. I am bringing a few tanks in along the streets as well, if the building has to come down, a few very low power Hellbore shots will do it without too much collateral damage.

There was a fight, groups of soldiers had been ambushed by the copies, their bodies being tended to now as they are taken to the hospital. But by force of arms and pure stubbornness they forced the enemy into this building and secured it. Now they stand two deep around the edifice, faces carved in stone as they wait for the order.

The guard informs us that the other grids are being cleared now, it appears the entire group is in there. Unicorns have scanned the building, seeing only five shapes, which is the right amount of enemy if figuring copies of only the ones who went into the cave.

I can do one better. I switch to heartbeat scans, using microwave enhanced radar to penetrate the building for a better look at what is inside.

There are five ponies, I can see the shapes pattern matched to Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack and Granite to a ninety-four point two percent probability according to my files. As I ring the building with vehicles, their GPR is telling me there is no tunnel nor sewer line big enough for anything to escape through. This heartens me as finally we have them trapped, perhaps we can get a few answers?

I sit down in front of the carrier, content for the moment as I watch my friends closely. Princess Luna is directing the encirclement and is grinning in a feral way, she is looking forward to this draw down I believe. The day has been quite a bit longer than she had anticipated, though I am still amazed at how fast the troops went through this city. Admittedly it is nowhere near as big as Manhattan on Old Earth, but still, quite an amazing job.

She is going to take time to lower the sun, letting her moon come up to illuminate what we all hope will be the final battle. Hopefully she will not be too tired once she does so, but it will also give me a chance to switch to thermal sights on my weapons, much easier to target individually.

There is nothing for me to do except advise or keep security tight so the copies cannot get away. The soldiers are doing their jobs, the commanders hard working and solid. I am just there in case of problems.

I cannot help but grin myself, a newfound confidence and desire welling up inside me as I see the stone building in front of me containing the enemy. The foe who terrorized a citizenry, stripped souls from innocent folk, copied friends who are known by all and turning them into a mockery of themselves.

Oh I do hope there will be problems.


Five sets of very calm eyes peered out a shaded window, seeing the ring of guards and machines backing them up. They watched everything being set in place quietly, no sound other than a giggle or just a snicker.

The pink mare laughed, “Are we going to do this then? Time for a party ya know!” She was bouncing in place.

A low rumbling voice laughed, “Well there are quite a few of them out there. Maybe we should just try to leave and do this another time?” The big Earth pony was staring out the window as well at all the gathered force.

“No, everything is in place, we’ll be fine.” The fake Alicorn looked at her compatriots after staring out the window a few moments more. Her violet eyes gleaming in the daylight that was fading.

“Besides, it’s not every day you get to destroy a world.”

Author's Note:

I have been asked, how much time I spend on this story. Working two to three jobs a day very little, I just like writing I guess:pinkiehappy:

So yes, there are mistakes, yes there are little things I miss. But remember, it's just a story, have fun with it and enjoy!

You folks are still awesome and epic!

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