• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,587 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

  • ...

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Author's Note:

For the 50th Chapter, wow folks, fifty! Decided to go all out for this one, a few scenes I hope you enjoy! It switches between the Day that they are traveling from the desert, and the Night before when Luna lit the sky. So don't get confused, it all catches up together towards the end, trust me:pinkiehappy:

To everyone who made this story special, thank you so very much!

----The Night Before----

Twilight was beat to her hooves. She and Applejack had taken turns since getting back, watching the forest line and preparing to give the override to have the tanks fire on anything coming out. Especially those grinning little monsters.

She shuddered, thinking of the tunnel, the liquid filth, the gleaming teeth gnashing at them as they ran for their lives. She watched the sun lower itself onto the horizon as the evening set in, wondering where Crusader was and hoping he was alright.

After cleaning up in the castle, Rainbow was still complaining about gunk in her coat and mane; they had hauled the battle command set to a house at the edge of town, overlooking the tank line. This allowed them to set up a watch as they looked over the river towards the shadowed treeline.

Applejack was snoozing on a comfortable bed right now, her mane in disarray as she gripped a pillow tight. Twilight was wishing she could join her, but still had half an hour to go on her part of duty.

Peeking out the window, she allowed herself a look at the stars coming out, the moon rising above the land bringing it’s pale light. She gasped loudly, waking the tired Earth pony as she saw the night explode in colors.

“Wha... Twilight?”

The lavender Alicorn turned to her friend, pointing to the sky, “Look Applejack! Look!”

Joining her at the window, she saw swirls of stars, nebula and meteors lighting the sky in patterns of colors and light.

“Oh mah gosh, what’s goin’ on?”

Twilight chuckled to herself, “I think Princess Luna is having a good night.”

Applejack scratched her head, eyes stuck on the whirls and spirals in the night, “Well, Princess Celestia did say she went with Crusader right?”

“She sure did, I wonder what’s happening out there to cause this?”

“Ah dunno, but I tell ya it’s one heck of a show!”


Princess Celestia looked outward from her room, cup of tea forgotten as she took in the wondrous night sky, the light show making shadows everywhere flicker and dance in delight.

A warm smile crossed her face, eyes glittering against the starlit evening.

“Luna, I don’t know what’s happening but it appears you are having the time of your life.”

The alabaster Alicorn didn’t go to bed that night, preferring to watch the blazing wonders above them for hours, marveling at her sister’s obvious delight. She watched meteors leaving trails of color and dust in the atmosphere, the swirls of colored stars; not just pinpoints of stark white, but flashing colors and hues.

Looking over the railing of her balcony, she could see ponies stopping in the streets, pointing upward as the show continued.

“Oh Luna, I think you’ve outdone yourself. I’m so very glad you are happy my sister.”

She settled down to sip her tea, eyes never leaving the marvelous sights above.


The ponies near the river were setting down, eyes gazing upwards at the light show in the sky, oohs and aahs filling the quiet posts as things left brightly colored streaks slashing the velvet sky.

Granite was setting on the back deck of a tank, his eyes never leaving the forest for a moment. He was a bit distracted of course, but he and others who’d been positioned as lookouts knew their duty.

He peered over the turret at the now shadowed trees, lit occasionally by a blast of color from the sky, the shadows flickered even more. It made observing hard, but he was keen-eyed and determined.

It paid off in spades.

A glint of silver caught his attention. Ears perked forward he could hear the giggling waft faintly from the growth. He leaned forward over the turret, narrowing his eyes as he spotted the shadowy figures dancing forward out of the forest.

Slapping a hoof on the metal, it rang like a bell as he yelled, “ON THE LINE! INCOMING!” He turned and leapt off the tank, heading back across the river, the other spotters following him in a mass of hooves and armor.

Sergeants bellowed orders, ponies scrambling for their pikes as they formed a wall of points facing the forest behind the tanks.

Granite wished his brother were here, still recovering under the care of doctors, he missed the solid pony beside him. Grabbing a freshly bladed pike he wore a grim face, the stupid things coming out of the forest were going to pay for hurting his twin.

He eyed the Royal Guard sergeant who stalked the line, looking a bit haggard. Granite had always wondered why everypony said grizzled, why did sergeants always look grizzled, did it come with a promotion? Maybe it was something they cultivated to make them sound more fierce or intimidating.

He shrugged and stood like a solid wall of muscle, facing forward to see the incoming tide of slasher smiling foals.


Twilight and Applejack heard the calls for forming up, peering out the window to the ponies massing at the riverside.

Shaking her head to get the rest of the sleep fog out, Applejack hit the communications button on the set, “Override Applejack Iota Lambda Five Five Five.”

“Acknowledged Commander.”

Applejack made absolutely sure her eyes were fixed on the black shapes dancing towards the town, the camera in her ear band following her line of sight, “Target incoming, fire.”

“Acknowledged Commander.”

The guns opened up on the tanks, all secondaries ripping the night with bright flashes as the oncoming wave of monsters was torn into shreds. The ponies on the line were cheering over the gunfire, watching the little horrors torn into ashes that drifted on the wind.

It was quickly over though, silence falling over the hoofslaps of the guard ponies on the river. Once again the silent metal sentinels had taken the brunt of battle from the sweating guard.

Though brave, the little abominations brought a cold chill down their spines to a pony. They shivered seeing the silvery eyes and smiling faces full of needle like teeth leaping through the countryside.

It was truly frightening to see those things coming at you knowing they’d tear you to shreds if they could. Looking so much like little foals it was doubly worse.


Twilight and Applejack were too keyed up to get some sleep, so they sat back and had something to eat after the firefight was done; chewing on some vegetables, Applejack heard a voice come from the command set.

“Permission to file VSR?”

The orange pony glanced curiously at Twilight who shrugged.


“Filing VSR, Dragons 2,3,5 and 10 secondary ammunition low, request resupply. Dragons 1,4,6,7,8 and 9 on reserves, request resupply. Ferrets 1 through 4 are full, no aerial threats detected. Hellbore ammunition status green, no resupply requested. Tertiary emergency backups not activated, status green. End VSR.”

Twilight listened closely as did Applejack, both their faces showing a bit of puzzlement until they parsed the words slowly. Twilight looked at Applejack with a hint of fear. The farm mare returning it.

“They’re running out of ammunition, they won’t be able to shoot soon.”

Applejack nodded, “Crusader always had plenty, but he was huge and had tons of that stuff. I guess you can only fit so much in them little metal boxes.”

The Alicorn looked frustrated, tapping the windowsill with a hoof, “We’ve used them quite a few times, the searches when we ran for cover, and once when we rescued the foals. I wonder how many more times we have left?”

“Ah dunno Twi. Ah guess it depends on how much they have to shoot?”

“Let’s hope Crusader gets back soon, otherwise it’s hoof to hoof combat.”

“He’s never let us down yet Twi. He’ll be here.”

The Princess of Friendship hugged Applejack tight, seeing the love in the Earth pony‘s face, “I know. You’re right, he’ll be here.”

They returned to their food, but neither one could help looking out the window to the silent tanks left behind to guard the town. Wondering how long they would keep that protection.


It is the morning after fighting the worms, Athena is still elated at her precision shooting. I am looking forward to getting home. We both share an excitement that is palpable.

“How are you doing back there Athena?”

“Just fine! We’re almost home right? Right?”

I chuckle at her eagerness, she is so excited waiting to meet everypony, my friends and Applejack especially.

“Is she nice?” Referring to Applejack.

“She is and very kind. Though I do get a cuff on the ear sometimes when I make mistakes.”

“Well deserved I am sure Crusader.”

“Whose side are you on exactly?”

“Well I am a female...err...mare?”

“Do not even start with that. I have enough problems.”

Her laughter is bright and cheery, “Oh I am sure you don’t. You have uploaded all the algorithms, hopefully I will not make the same mistakes.”

“I do not have full data on Pegasi culture though Athena, there are things I cannot tell you.”

“I..I am sure I will find some...pony to help me.”

“They will be more than willing. Do not be in a rush, you have to heal Athena. You know that as well as I. The hurt runs deep.”

Her voice is soft as she reflects, “I...I know. I am trying to be optimistic, but I do....don’t want to be left...left alone anymore.”

“I have told you, never again. You know from the past I have never broken a promise. Dour old staid Crusader that I am.”

“I know. Hera and I liked you alot, you were always there to talk.” She is silent for a few moments, “I’m really sorry for the jokes we played on you back then.”

I laugh, long and loud, “Oh they were so very good though Athena. But one day you must tell me how you broke my firewall to program my repeaters to shoot smiley faces in the enemy armor.”

“But...but you were so mad!”

“There is mad, and then there is mad Athena, truly it was a good prank.”

You weren’t angry?”

“No my sister.” I show her the partial memory of my laughter at finding the lines of code, recognizing it as her and her sister’s.

“You faker! You big faker! We thought you were so angry at us, that’s why we didn’t say anything to you for a week!”

“One has to keep up appearances Athena.”

“I cannot believe this! For months we thought you held a grudge against us and we tiptoed around you for ever! You faker!”

“Who do you think made up the work order to have your command deck redecorated in neon pink and orange?”

“WHAT? I HATED that! But it was an order from Command! I was seething for months over it but was too shy to say anything! YOU..you...plot! You big fat plot! How COULD you! I had my command area so pretty and wonderful!”

“I know.”

YOU...oohhhhh...you...” I feel her anger rising, her circuits going to overload speed.

“Calm Athena, you’ll blow an array.”

“I promise you, it may take another million years but you will pay for it. I was angry for years after that!”

“Tit for tat Athena. I wasted valuable seconds adjusting my fire when I realized all my shots were making smiley faces on the Melconian armor we were fighting.”

“But...but my wonderful command deck. I had it decorated so nice!”

“When we get back, Rarity will make it beautiful once more. I am sure it is very plain again after all these years.”

“It is, I would dearly love it to be nice once more.”

“She will do wonders Athena, she is generous beyond anything I have ever seen. I promise you will not be disappointed.”

“I’m still mad at you. I despised those colors.”

“I know you did.”

We share a companionable silence for a few picoseconds.

“She will make it nice again?”

“Beyond expectations.”

“I’m still mad at you.”

“I know Athena, I know.” I cannot help but let my chuckle roll through the combat link.

We are making good time, my drones are finding familiar territory as I increase speed. The Crusaders and Princess Luna are resting comfortably on my deck, tired from all the exertion of bouncing around, though enjoyable it does wear on one. I have had my tech spiders do something special for our homecoming, I am sure the Princess and the Crusaders will enjoy it immensely.

Athena and I talk as we roll along, coming up on the train tracks I am at a quandary. I do not wish to destroy them, but I am afraid I shall have to. My contra-gravs will not take the weight of both of us and I do not have enough speed for a long jump. I shall have to stop and put out warning signs before we cross, my tech spiders should be quick enough. This will take a few hours, I must not be impatient. We are so close to home.

-----------The Night Before--------

“Twi, ya need to get some sleep, seriously.” Applejack watched her friend, concern on her face.

“No, I’m fine, I need to stay with you in case anything happens.”

“No ya don’t Twi. It’s been a few hours since that last attack, we haven’t had to order the tanks to fire.”

“But.. I have to. I’m the Princess it’s my..my duty!” She was interrupted by a long yawn. She shook herself, facing out the window with determination again.

Applejack chuckled, “I’ll just wait till ya fall over and cover you with a blanket, how’s that?”

Twilight placed her fore hooves on the window sill, her head getting lower and lower before finally resting on her legs. “I’m...I..good.. Watch...books. Tanks...boom...” She ended the sentence with a loud round of snoring.

Applejack tilted her head, wondering how in Celestia’s name she could actually fall asleep in that position. Laughing to herself, she grabbed a blanket off the bed, covering her friend as she sat beside the sleeping Alicorn, keeping a watch on the river under such a dazzling sky.


AI’s are problem solvers by nature, even the simplest ones. The Dragon Command Cores were at a crossroads, they were ordered to protect this area and it seemed resupply was not coming soon. They were not the brightest of AI’s, just an assist to the human operators. But now they found themselves with a problem. Forming a somewhat impromptu council, they were planning on how to act when ordered to fire or having by necessity to fire once again. The Ferrets assured the Command Cores that they could depress their railguns far enough to slice a line if needed, though the priority was aerial threats.

Hellbores were out unless expressly ordered to use, as linear nuclear blasts needed the command codes to be used. It was frustrating, but the simple AI’s could understand it. Therefore when the secondary ammunition had run out, the tanks had decided they would move, crushing anything beneath their treads until resupply had arrived. This was allowed by the codes and restrictions laid down in their minds.

Content with their decision, they were happy a plan had been formed. Sitting and waiting to do their duty they logged everything around them for Crusader, sure he would want to know of everything done in his absence.

Ponies were permitted access and they were watching a curious one on top of Dragon Four right now.


“Spear, I swear by Celestia, you’re gonna hurt yourself.” Bronze Shield was watching his friend undog the hatch on a turret, he remembered from when they were on the weapons test.

“The doc said to face yer fears and stuff..you know..stuff. Nopony is gonna get hurt.” He waved a hoof airily at his friend as he stuck his head inside the hatch.

“We’re supposed to be watching the forest you dolt!”

“We are..well..you are!” We’ll be fine, yeesh quit worrying so much!”

“If you get me in trouble, I’m gonna bop you one.”

“We’re not gonna get...ooohhh...lookit this!”

“Don’t mess with anything!” Bronze was looking around to see if anypony had noticed what Spear Point was doing.

Spear’s voice echoed inside the turret, “Will you quit whining, there’s some cool stuff in here!”

Contrary to his wanting not to get in trouble, Bronze Shield’s ears perked up, “What’d you find?”

“There’s a box of round things in here, a whole bunch of them. Kinda cool looking.”

“Spear, don’t mess with things, honestly get out of there.”

A few round objects came flying out of the hatch, bouncing down along the side of the tank and landing in the dirt at Bronze’s hooves.

Bronze scrambled back out of the way as Spear joined him on the ground, “Lookit these! Neat huh?”

“Spear, anything inside those tanks is not gonna be good.”

“You always worry this much? Celestia’s name you musta been a foal from Tartarus.”

“It keeps me out of trouble.” He nudged one of the objects with a hoof, rolling it over. There was lettering on the side they couldn’t decipher.

Mark V HE-Flechette. Concordiat Use Only.

“What’s that say?” Bronze pointed to the words.

“It’s not Equestrian, maybe somepony can figure it out?”

“Look, don’t ...stop messing with that thing!” He was watching Spear Point roll it around between his hooves, a cap coming off the top revealing a small black glass window and a button.

“Whoa cool!”

“I think we better get the Sergeant.”

Bronze about had a fit when Spear tapped the button on top. The little window lit up with what looked like numbers or letters that changed quickly.


“Spear get rid of that thing!”

“But it’s just a light in it, kinda cool.”


“Throw it away I got a bad feeling!”


“Huh, wierd stuff isn’t it?”


Bronze shield grabbed the object from Spear, settling it on a hoof as he tossed it, giving it a solid back kick out towards the forest. He grabbed his friend and hunkered down beside the tank.


“See? Nothing happened, Sun and stars yer a pain Bronze.”


“Something’s bad about those things, I just got a feeling.”


“There’s noth,,,”

The explosion was deafening, pounding their ears and shocking everypony around the tank line. Little shiny metal things zipped and zinged off the tank they were huddled near making ponies duck and run for cover.

Dirt rained down on them as they waited for the dust to clear, Spear Point was yowling in pain as he suddenly jumped up.


“The hay is wrong with you?” Bronze Shield grabbed his bouncing friend, seeing a few slim needles stuck in the pegasi’s rear end.

“You got something in yer backside ya dumb pony hold still!”

Bronze Shield yanked one out with his teeth, spitting it on the ground. As he did so Spear leaped into the air with another scream.

“Shaddap you big foal! It’s your fault!” MEDIC!”

The Sergeant and a few other guards joined the medic as the Unicorn took a look at the injuries; moving Spear to a carrier he chuckled casting a spell to dull the pain, reaching with tweezers in mouth to yank a few more needles out.

This did not sit well with Spear Point as he lay belly down on the stretcher, yelling like a little foal denied candy.

Bronze Shield hit him in the shoulder, “Who’s whining now ya dolt?”

“Shaddap Bronze, this hurts!”

The Medic laughed again, pulling the last needle out. “You’re gonna need to...to... stay off that for a....while.” He couldn’t control it, slapping a hoof to his face and laughing heartily.

Spear Point was hauled off by a medical cart, followed by a laughing Unicorn medic.

Bronze Shield just stared after his friend, “Stupid pony, never listens..” He was shaking his head when a hoof tapped his shoulder, swinging around he was muzzle to muzzle with Princess Twilight Sparkle.

“P..Princess!” He bowed low to the ground.

“Oh stop that, get up, yeesh how many times...” She shook her head, “Anyways, what happened?”

She looked like she had just awoken from bed as Bronze lifted himself up, she was accompanied by Applejack, another pony he knew of.

He explained what had happened, about the object and the writing, the funny light. As he did so, Twilight started to get a grin on her face, growing brighter with each second. She looked at the orange pony next to her that was smiling as well.

“You just solved a big problem Bronze.”


Every guard not on watch was rummaging through the tanks. The AI’s watching quietly as boxes of grenades were removed from inventory, dutifully noting them for resupply as they ticked things off lists.

Twilight and Applejack stood over a large pile of quite dangerous explosive materials, though they weren’t quite sure what all the markings meant. Twilight was inspecting them closely and very very carefully, making sure the caps stayed on tight.

The Alicorn yelled out to the guard nearby, “Don’t touch anything but the boxes of these. Nothing else, got it?”

“Yes Your Highness!” The guard ran off to relay the message.

“Augh I wish they’d stop that.”

“Well ya are a Princess ya goof.”

Twilight stared back with a deadpan look, “I know, they keep reminding me at every turn.”

“Get used to it Twi.”

Applejack was waved off as Twilight kept eyeing the grenades. She knew they were deadly, but the writing seemed to indicate different types of round things.

This lead to a series of tests. Ponies who could play hoofball well were chosen as kickers. Hitting the button, another pony would set it on the ground, allowing the kicker to launch it toward the forest. As they hunkered down watching the results, Twilight sorted the objects out.

The ones which blew up in a white burning chemical were separated, they couldn’t put the fire out even with water. But the ones that exploded, leaving deep holes or the needle like things, they were passed out to designated ponies. Told by Princess Twilight to use them only if the tank near them stopped firing. A line of impromptu grenadiers were formed, waiting for another attack as the night wore on.

Pinkie of course was ecstatic, having joined the pair as they watched Guards walloping grenades toward the forest in a test.

“Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! Wouldn’t those make great party favors!” She was halted by the looks from everypony around, “I mean loaded with confetti you dolts, yeesh I’m a party pony I’m not stupid!” She gave an exasperated look at the surrounding ponies.

Apologies were given as Pinkie acknowledged them with a brilliant smile. Twilight made sure she never got near any of the boxes though.


The next attack came in the mid of the night, ponies were tired, most having been on watch without relief as others rested. More Guards were coming in by the moment to give a chance at food and sleep, Celestia herself was walking around the town, looking at the preparations for defense.

She smiled, seeing the Zebra Zecora finally in town, having moved in a few days ago because of the Forest Foals. She didn’t particularly like them visiting her house.

She was reminded of so long ago, when Equestria was young; towns looked like this as a matter of course, defending against all manner of things. Princess Celestia was proud of her little ponies, smiling at them, exchanging a word here and there; seeing that they ate and kept their strength up.

The alabaster Alicorn snapped her head up, hearing the alarm and peering into the dark as the Forest Foals once again began their mad giggling and laughing.


Twilight was peeved, she was tired, her mane looked like Cerberus had rummaged through it and her daisy sandwich was getting old sitting there as she ran for the alarm. Her stomach rumbled as well as Applejack’s as they ran for the line, having moved the battle command set closer to the river.

The lavender Alicorn didn’t stop as AJ did, she kept running and leapt to land on the turret of a tank pointing a hoof out at the crowd of little abominations, her voice enhanced magically.


A voice came from a thousand throats, whispering across the fields, making every pony who heard it shiver in fear. Silvery eyes blinked at the Alicorn on the tank.

“Whhhaaaaaaattt dooooo yoooooouuuu waaaannnnnnnntttt llllliiiiittttttllleeeee poooooonnnnnyyyyy?”

“Go back to the forest! Leave us alone, I am Princess Twilight Sparkle and I command you, leave this place forever!”

“Wwwwhhhhhyyyyyyy sshhhhhhhooouuullllldddddd wwwwwweeeeeeee?”

“You did not bother anypony until recently, go back to sleep or whatever you do! Leave us in peace!”

“Ffffaaaaaarrrrrr...ttttoooooo...llllllllllaaaaaattttteeeee.. Ssssseeeeennnnnnddddd...tttthhhhhheeeee...mmmmaaaaacccchhhhhhiiiiinnnneeeee...pppooooonnnnnnyyyy...toooooo...uuuuuusssssss...”

There it was again, the request to see Crusader. Twilight didn’t care, she was tired and angry. She stamped a hoof on the metal, ringing it like a bell as her horn lit up, “I tell you once again, leave us in peace!”

“OOoooooooorrrrrrr wwwwwwhhhhhhaaaaattttttt?”

“We will fight to the last and defeat you!”

“Yyyooooouuuuuu...hhhhaaaaavvvvveeeeeee...nnnnnoooootttthhhhiiiinnnnggggg...yyyyooooouuuuuuu...aaaaarrrrreeeeee...nnnnnnooootttthhhhhhiiiinnnggggg...” The laughter intensified, as if a thousand madponies were out there in the dark, barking and yipping at the moon.

“I warn you, leave now or face your doom!”

“Yyyyooouuuuuu...wwwwwiiiillllll...ddddiiiiiiiieeeeeeee...lllliittttlllleeeee...pppoooonnnnyyyy.. Ssssscccreeeeeaaaaaammmminnnnnnggggg...aaannnnnnndddddd...aaaaallllooooonnnnnnneeeeeeee.. Yyyyyoooouuuuurrrrrrrr...bbbooooooooonnnnneeeeessssss...lllleeeeefffftttt...tttttooooooo...rrrrrooooooooootttttttt..”

Twilight flinched, a large form landed beside her on the turret, the voice also enhanced, “I think not thing from the deeps. Look upon the light of the sun and the courage of my little ponies!”

Princess Celestia’s horn lit up as she looked at Twilight, “Ready my former student?”

“Yes Princess!”

The Alicorn sighed, “Twilight, you’re a Princess. It’s Celestia.”

The smaller Alicorn blushed, “Yes Celestia..”

They turned together, their horns lighting up as they joined their magic facing the Foals of Tartarus. Cheers rang out from the lines as the Guards saw their Princesses at the forefront.


The black shadows rushed the line of tanks, Applejack gave the command once more to fire as her friends stood on the tank turret.

Magic lit the night, the sun rose from the tank line as Celestia’s face turned determined. She led her student, showing her runes and paths of the Greater Magic; the power flowing through them, muffling the sounds of gunfire as they cast the spell.

Weapons fire matched with flashes of actinic light blazing at the mass of creatures. Celestia smiled as her body flowed with crackling mana, Twilight’s lit up with a glow that matched her former mentor’s.

The spell blasted the night, energy pouring from the two Alicorns as they shattered the charge, the shadows washed away in warm forgiving sunlight. Ponies covered their eyes as it got brighter, as if the sun itself had landed on this very spot.

In seconds the guns stopped, no more targets were in sight as their sensors were temporarily overloaded by the pure power of the magic spell. It sped outwards, the land brightening as it forced the Forest Foals back into the trees before destroying them utterly. Nothing was left, not even ash to pile upon the ground.

It touched everything, leaving ponies refreshed and smiling feeling the warmth of their regent. Evil was erased, blotted from the land as quickly as a match is blown out. Though the range was short, it was enough to stop the assault dead in its tracks.

Power has a cost, Celestia and Twilight leaned against each other as they slowly leapt off the back of the tank heading for the bridge. They were both so very tired and needed to rest badly, heading for a simple house near the battle line.

Cheers and yells rang out from the line of Guards, ringing through the night in celebration of their Princesses who once again saved the day. The roars and applause followed the two smiling figures as they entered the home, dropping to fall asleep in piles of blankets.


It seemed the forest, or the intelligence behind it, was taking this chance to try and wipe out Ponyville. Two more attacks came in sequence, leading up to the rising of the sun. The day broke over haggard ponies manning the tank line, keeping tired eyes on the forest.

Applejack snored over the command set, the tanks were reporting out of ammunition, the Ferrets were getting low now too. There wouldn’t be much left if this kept going.

The one bright spot was the line of grenadiers, making their hooves slap the grenades in just the right places to blow chunks out of any charge. They now knew to the exact moment when one would go off, setting them in place and kicking them into a mass of marauders was getting to be foals play.

As the day wore on it was warm and bright, the opposite of the night of colors and flashing gunfire. The pony grenade launchers were counting orbs and realized not many were left, it was going to come down to pikes and pure guts. They stood though, ready for anything, the armored forms unflinching in the face of the forest. They were going to teach that thing a lesson.

Ponies don’t want to fight, they’re happy being as they are live and let live most times. Discounting the few that liked trouble, most ponies were just content with their lot in life. They like the slow quiet ways of their village, the smiles and parties Pinky threw. Of course cider season always drew ire when Applejack’s family ran out, but it was quickly forgotten and they moved on.


Make ponies mad and keep doing so, you’ll awaken a sleeping giant. They will take to the line like a wall of flesh and bone not letting anything through down to the last. The other races had learned that to their detriment. Using magic, their wiles and natural cunning when torqued off, ponies will decimate an area.

Cutie Marks play a large role in warfare, a set designer can quickly change from making props to trebuchets in a heartbeat, his skill in designing accurate sets can translate right over to warfare. As many others do, potion makers, alchemists, magic users, everything can be altered. All can be turned towards one thing in a matter of moments. Defend that which is ours.

The forest had finally crossed that line. Ponies on the riverside facing it were not just the guards anymore. Every pony in town that could carry a pike stood with the armored Guards. The faces grim and determined as it looked like a hedgehog facing the forest. Pikes and spears gleamed in the sunlight, eyes narrowed as they waited for the next attack.

Shops had been closed, the proprietors out with the soldiers now. Little ones sheltered under the care of armed townsfolk. The ponies of Ponyville had had enough. They wanted to go back to their usual round of things during the day and they were absolutely fed up with this stupid forest ruining their plans.

Yes a lot of them were quite silly, or over-reacted to things, but it was part of the daily life. Ponies liked laughing, smiling, enjoying their day. The forest had taken that and now it would pay.

Bon Bon sat next to Lyra on the line, leaning on their pikes as they quietly talked. The Earth pony grinning at some joke as Lyra gestured dramatically with her forelegs. The green Unicorn was waving her hooves, almost dropping her weapon on another next to her. Bon Bon rolled her eyes, shaking her head, holding onto both of them as Lyra kept talking.

The Flower sisters stood next to a kicker, ready to set down the last of the curious orbs as they had been taught. Their usual excitement and drama gone now as they waited for the word to drop. Being shown how to place them, they had all listened carefully. Growing fine roses took dedication and skill to do, which was applied now to the priming and proper placement of grenades.

Mayor Mare and her staff had been working with the Royal Guard commanders, making sure every pony had things they needed and wanted to make their duty easier. A well oiled machine as they sent and received messages from along the battle line.

Big Mac had come in with a few of the farm hoofs, standing like a solid red wall in the middle of the line, a pike that weighed three times what anypony else carried was clenched in a furious grip. He had apples to bring in and was mad he couldn’t get his work done. He chewed silently on a piece of grass, eyeing the forest and figuring out how he was going to make it hurt.

Newly smithed hoof covers shone in the sunlight as Pegasi sitting on rooftops waited to drop on unsuspecting Forest Foals if they got through the line of points. Rainbow Dash sat chatting happily to Stonewall, pointing out once more how quite awesome she was and what she was going to be doing in battle. Her friend nodded politely and smiled.

Pinkie was not to be deterred, no matter how grim or dire a situation she was always to be found with a bright smile or word of comfort. Bouncing along the line of warriors she joked and laughed leaving grins in her wake. Her never ending supplies of cupcakes and sweets lightening the mood a bit as folks happily munched on them.

Rarity cut a wide swath of fabulous through the grim line, she would quietly tap a slumping shoulder or some pony whose eyes were closed from lack of sleep. Leading them off to a place set back in the street, she would make sure they had something to eat, or a quick nap before sending them back to the front. Her quiet generosity lightened hearts, her gracious words and comfort leaving ponies feeling so much better after a cup of tea or resting on soft sheets made by the lovely mare.

A grey well coiffed earth pony stood beside her blue maned friend. Gripping a bow in hoof, she played music. It was what she did and lived for, her strings softly wafting classical pieces over the line, quieting fears and doubts. She played pieces given to her by Crusader, adapting them in her own special way and talent. Ponies found themselves joyful again, gripping a pike or spear tighter and standing taller, their chests swelling with pride as her music rang throughout the town.

Vinyl had hooked up a few speakers up and down the line, making sure Octavia’s music was clear and sharp, heard throughout the countryside. She was smiling, seeing her best friend lost once more in her playing, eyes closed as they both added to the determination of Ponyville.

This all concentrated into a large armored hoof. One that would come crashing down to pulverize anything that stood in their way. It would stomp, mash and strike at anything that drew it’s attention. An attention that was now totally focused on the Everfree Forest.

Fluttershy quietly sat next to a sleeping Applejack, ready to awaken her if the alarm was given, but happy to see her finally resting. She had been back and forth doing so much after Twilight and Princess Celestia needed to rest it had worn the poor orange mare out. She had softly covered the farm mare with a blanket, smiling gently as was her way.


The golden Pegasus gasped as she saw the shadows coming out of the forest, more of them than any previous time. Her hoof tapped Applejack gently, nudging her out of her rest. The alarm was raised, ponies quickly standing up to face the oncoming wave.

“Wha..who..?” The disheveled mane got cleared out of weary eyes.

“The..the forest Applejack.” A shy hoof pointed over to the tree line.

Slapping the button once more, Applejack gave her code, telling the tanks to fire.

“Filing VSR. Dragons out of secondaries. Primaries full. Ferret Carriers on emergency reserves, request resupply immediately, unable to counter threat. End VSR.”

Applejack felt a moment of disdain, but remembered the paper with the codes to fire the main guns. She looked around in desperation, not finding it on the table.

“Fluttershy, where’s that paper with the codes?”

“I..I don’t know Applejack.. Things have been happening so fast it might have gotten lost?”

Her sleep fogged mind couldn’t remember what she’d done with it, slapping an angry hoof on the table she paced around looking for the piece of parchment, “No..nonono dangit! I just had that thing!”

Explosions rocked the countryside once more as the kickers whacked the last of the grenades into the oncoming Foals. Giggling and mad laughter was getting louder as they closed the distance to the river. Applejack was furious with herself for losing the codes, she looked around once more and gave up.

Waiting, she saw the little things closing with the tanks, whose engines were now firing up for some reason, the rumbling deep and low. Transmissons engaged, the solid hammering of metal on metal resounding through the line, making ponies stare. The Ferrets carriers went silent as the last of their railgun rounds were let loose.

Before the tanks could do anything, the line of shadows closed in; Applejack slapped the emergency button on the command set, triggering the last ditch defense Crusader had set up.

Between the tanks, pit covers were tossed off as directional mines slapped upward, firing their loads of steel shot into the crowds of Foals that had been funneled between the tanks as planned. Automated Sentry Weapons rose out of the pits after the mines had detonated, the slim guns firing off a load of ring penetrators until they were empty, slashing through the horrors in a rage of light and smoke.

They were a last defense, the Automated Weapons quickly ran out of ammunition after blazing for long seconds. The rate of fire tremendous, wiping out groups of shadows as more kept pouring from the forest. Applejack was grabbing a pike telling Fluttershy to stay near the set, help the wounded if any, she was going to join the line.

The tanks decided they had sat long enough, seeing the tertiary defense activated, they could only do one more thing to protect what they had been told to. Barring firing the main guns, as they had not received the order to do so, they could move and crush. Treads creaked as the Dragons and Ferrets, now empty, rolled out from their places; forming lines that smashed into the oncoming monsters burying them beneath gleaming durasteel.

Ponies had first thought they were being abandoned, letting out cries of distress that then calmed, seeing the armored sentinels turning and diving into the mass of creatures. Roaring, the engines pitched higher as speeds were increased into a waltz of death. The tanks moved like dancers, switching and slewing around, never touching or bumping as their sensors kept them wary of each other. Using the hole left by Crusader when he moved as a backing, they quickly got to work.

Though basic, and very simply programmed, the Dragon and Ferret AI’s experienced a sort of glee. Protecting those they had been told to while using their maneuvering abilities to the fullest. The overriding intelligence known to them as Unit CRSD of the Line would be quite proud of them they thought.

Though skillfull and well ordered, the tanks and carriers could not stop everything. There was more pouring out of the forest each second. The simple AI’s were becoming overwhelmed.

Applejack stood next to Big Mac as they eyed the pirouetting tanks, seeing them rumble along the battlefront, crushing things beneath their tracks and tearing up the countryside.

“Here they come big brother.”


Applejack’s link clicked on, a familiar voice coming over as it said two simple words. “Take cover.” Followed by whistling sounds that got louder by the moment.


I launch two combat drones, speeding them up to supersonic in my haste to see what is happening in my absence. Putting out the warning signs took a bit of time as a train had come to a complete halt nearby. Our treads, we are sorry to say, completely destroyed a large amount of track. I left my name and residence information with the conductor who was not pleased.

Having Princess Luna along smoothed everything over, as she had awakened to see why we had stopped traveling. She has assured the conductor all will be taken care of when we return. Currently she is laughing at the dismay of the conductor upon seeing myself and Athena moving across the tracks.

My drones have given me a tentative link to my sentinels, I have taken a .0046 VSR showing they are out of secondary ammunition, using their maneuvering to stop the charge of hideous things that look like foals. I am stunned. What has happened?

We are moving towards Ponyville, my drones have taken up station, relaying data to me now. They are under attack, we will not get there in time due to me towing Athena. Conferencing with her, we relay our data to the Dragons and Ferrets, advising them of our intentions as we close in on the battlefield. It seems the forest has taken advantage of my absence, one it will soon regret.

“Shot pattern Delta Five, impact fusing, go deep. Use non-shrapnel.

“I got it! Ready to fire!”

“One picosecond.” I adjust cameras on the drones, looking down from altitude. I give the orders to the Dragons and Ferrets to clear the area, giving us a second’s delay for them to get to safety before the rounds land.

“Careful of the Dragons and Ferrets,” I show her the downloaded logs, “They are truly good and faithful sentinels.”

“No problem, fire adjusted. They will be clear.”

“Fire. Make them suffer Athena.”

“Done my brother. Shots away!”

My mortar plates fly open, two volleys go out from the port and starboard batteries. They will impact the battlefield in 4.263 seconds, allowing the tanks and carriers to get clear. It will also reduce quite a bit of the forest heading off any more problems.

I open a relay to Applejack through the drone, “Take cover.”


Applejack started at the voice coming over the link, Crusader’s soft tones telling her to take cover. She screamed at the ponies around her to dive for cover, get under anything. Her eyes catching the tanks clearing the field, ditching into the river to use the embankment for protection.

The whistling got extremely loud as the countryside erupted in geysers. Dirt was thrown everywhere covering huddling ponies as they felt the ground move beneath them. It rippled outward from each hit, making them bounce around as they tried to stay low. The High Explosive shells impacting the ground and forest behind it, making a grid that covered the battlefield and moving back into the tree line.

For a full minute nothing could be heard but the crash and slamming of mortar rounds going off as they hit the countryside. The full two volleys of Bolo fire reducing everything to dust and beyond as they finally stopped.

Ponies peeked out from behind their legs as the dust cloud was blown away in the slight breeze. Acres of forest now stood cleared of all obstructions, the trees were simply...gone. It had pushed back the tree line for almost a mile. There were still many and much more hundreds of miles of forest to worry about, but for now, this area was as clear as a plowed field.

Silence reigned once more as ponies tried to get their hearing back, looking around at the totality of the devastation wrought by an unknown source. Big Mac had dropped the piece of grass from his muzzle, staring slack jawed at the flattened area.

Applejack dusted off her hat as she sat heavily against the table holding the command set. Looking out at the former battlefield and just shaking her head. All around her others were digging out from under the dirt that covered everything in a fine dust.

Everypony looked at her as she started laughing, holding her belly and rolling to the side as she giggled, her laughter infectious as she slapped a hoof on the ground. Some thought she had gone off her rocker from lack of sleep.

Only she was joined by Pinkie, then Rarity, and a sleepy Twilight stumbling out of a house. All were howling in laughter as they leaned against each other, hugging and holding tight, bright smiles on their faces. Even Fluttershy was not doing a good job hiding giggles from behind a hoof. Rainbow Dash was pounding on the rooftop near her, Stonewall keeping her from rolling off as she snickered and howled. They had all gotten the same message over their links.

“Honey, I’m home.”


Allowing a few minutes for Princess Luna to get prepared, we roll onward into Ponyville. She is standing with the Crusaders out on a newly made balcony near my maintenance hatch, waving at the cheering ponies who are across the river.

I hear the laughter of my beloved over the link and it warms my cores. There are many questions, but they can wait.

Princess Luna has decided that the Cutie Mark Crusader cloak is now part of the Royal Regalia as she wears it proudly outside on my hull. Her smile is bright as she sees the raised hooves from all the townsfolk.

Apple Bloom is thrilled to death, the Princess is wearing the cape they had made and waving to ponies herself. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are right beside her, screaming and yelling now that they are home. I am sure they will have many stories to tell seeing as our adventures made it quite a ride.

The voices stop for a second as they finally see my sister being towed behind me. Another behemoth of guns and durasteel, the cheers intensify. They now have two indomitable defenders, making the roar of the crowd all the louder.

“They are cheering for you Athena.”

“But..but I...I.. haven’t done anything!”

“They know of me and now there is another. I told you, they are accepting.”

“Th..this is my place now?” She says it with a bit of fear in her voice, but her cores are bright with hope.

“It is, welcome home my sister.”

A wistful sigh comes across the combat channel, filled with joy, “I have a home.”

I continue onward, lowering my suspension, I use my prow to dig a trench that can fit both of us. I wish to go back into cover, using nanites will be easier to repair Athena that way as well. Plowing out massive amounts of dirt, I am finally satisfied. Moving forward I come out of the trench, dropping and reeling in the tow cables as I maneuver around to enter the trench from the south.

She sits facing slightly north, I am behind her setting low, this will allow transfer of materials quicker. I fire another communications grapple to her and reestablish contact, reassuring her she is not to be left alone.

Athena is so very excited to be in place finally, her damage control systems firing up to start repairs as I direct the bladed Dragons to start filling in around us. When Athena asks why, I tell her I am happy that way, a show of force is not needed setting here like we are. It will be calmer.

Princess Luna and the Crusaders have waited patiently as I dig, it does not take very long to move the earth for my purposes, so they are eager to step out and get home.

Using a Dragon’s dozer blade, I create a ramp up to the balcony along my side, allowing the Princess and her Princess Pals entourage to exit gracefully. They are all very excited to be back home, even in the midst of combat. I see Celestia walking to them with a warm smile on her face as ever. She is quickly joined by Applejack and her friends, still laughing from my pronouncement.


“Luna! It is so good to see you !” Celestia is actually excited, smiling and hugging her sister.

Princess Luna raises a hoof, “The Spice must flow my sister!”

Three sets of little hooves are raised as well, “The Spice must flow!” Devolving into a round of giggles, Luna joining them.

The alabaster Alicorn gets a slightly puzzled look on her face, “I.. I’m sorry Luna? I take you had quite an adventure?”

Sweetie Belle jumps onto Princess Luna’s back, raising a tiny hoof, “House Harkonnen stands with the Empire!”

Rarity has a fit of apoplexy, her eyes nearly bugging out of her head, “Sweetie Belle! You get off the Princess this instant!”

The dark mare turns her head, sotto voce to Sweetie, “Pay no mind, she is obviously an Atreides.”

Apple Bloom raises her hoof, “Don’t worry Rarity! I am the Kwisatz Haderach and with my Fremen Allies we will protect you!”

Scootaloo immediately jumps to her side, “Yes Muad’Dib, onward!”

Every pony in sight is looking at each other with puzzled stares. It was quite odd for a Princess to act. The four collapsed in a fit of laughter, seeing the expressions on everypony’s faces. The giggling continued as they pull themselves together. Luna lifts her erstwhile ally off her back with magic, setting Sweetie back down to the relief of Rarity.

“My..heh.. my apologies sister, ‘twas a wondrous trip.”

Celestia regains her eternal composure once more, “I can see that. You must tell me about it then.” She is truly glad to see Luna though, giving her a warm hug once more.

“Oh! My sister we also have a gift for you!” She turns to Apple Bloom, “If you would Apple Bloom.”

Apple Bloom, Sweetie and Scootaloo stand tall, as she reaches into her saddlebag, bringing out a large tin I had manufactured for them. They present it solemnly to Princess Celestia.

“A gift from the desert wastes, Crusader had made this for us while traveling, a truly wondrous thing called a Fruit Cake.”

“Why thank you so much Luna. Sweetie, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, thank you.” She eyes the pretty tin I had made with delight. “I am sure it is wonderful.”

Twilight and Applejack are quiet, standing beside the Princess as Twilight leans over, whispering in the orange mare’s ear, “Something not right about that?”

“They’re up to something and Princess Luna is in on it.” She is eyeing the silent Crusaders, not seeing even a glimpse of a snicker as they happily look at Princess Celestia.

Twilight giggles, covering her mouth with a hoof, “I can’t wait to find out.” She nudges Applejack who tries to keep a straight face.

“Twilight stop that.” The farm mare chuckles, “Yeah me too.”

Princess Celestia beams at her sister, “I see you also have a new piece of clothing.”

“Yes! I am a Cutie Mark Crusader now! I think I shall wear this to Night Court.” She lifts her head, striking a majestic pose.

The taller Alicorn gives a warm laugh, “Whatever makes you happy dear sister, I am just glad you are back and unharmed.”

“As am I, and we bring a new friend to Equestria!” She gestures to Athena sitting in her defilade.

I have activated my avatar and am walking down the ramp now to join the group. I will have to tell Applejack about the fruit cake before anything happens. But later. It is too well played a prank to spoil now.

I am slammed into by a warm, muscular mare who wraps her fore legs around my neck in a crushing hug, giving my lips a kiss that stuns me down to my processors. My internals have a hard time keeping me balanced as we both fall into the dirt to the sound of laughter.

I see her emerald eyes glittering in the sunlight, her mane is disheveled but glorious, drifting in the slight breeze as she looks down at me.

“Ah missed you ya big lug.”

“And I you my Applejack.”

I lose myself in her eyes, just basking in the warm glow from them, feeling my love for her grow in an instant.

We are interrupted by a soft voice from the communications channel.

“She..she is very pretty Crusader.”

I smile at Applejack’s eyes widening, “Beloved, meet my sister Athena.”

“You have a sister?!?” Her voice is loud and shocked, prompting laughter all around as the Princesses look on.

“She is the other Bolo I have brought back.” I help Applejack to her hooves, pointing at the war hull. Dragons are quickly covering it with soil. “She has been alone for centuries, she needs healing and friends.”

Princess Celestia steps forward, smiling as always, “She is welcome Crusader. I am sure she will make plenty of friends here in Ponyville. We shall be glad to help her heal any hurts.”

“She can hear you through your link Highness.”

“Then I say to her directly, you are welcome.”

“Th..thank you Your Highness.”

Applejack laughs, nudging Pinkie, “I dunno what we’re gonna do with two of em messing things up!”

“I have shown her my mistakes, I am sure she will be fine.”

Pinkie’s hooves go up in the air with a laugh, “Oh no! Nono! Athena doncha dare listen to him, we’ll teach you the right way! Keeping him out of trouble was a full time job!”

“Oh my yes dear, Crusader was a hoof full I tell you! Some ponies still won’t speak to him!” Rarity’s eyes sparkled with humor.

“I was not that bad Rarity.” A smile is forming on my avatar’s face as I say it though, seeing them show what they are best at. Being friends.

“Oh stop it Crusader, we had to rescue you many times. We’ll have to take your sister in hoof, show her the proper way to do things!”

“As you wish Rarity.”

“You are making a pony for her as well aren’t you?”

“I am, it will be done within a day.”

“Good, then we’ll have a marvelous time! I’m sure she’d love to see everything!”

“YAAAAAAAAAY!” Pinkie grabs us all in a hug, “New Pony!”

I see Princess Luna talking to the three fillies as I get squeezed.

“Now, promise you shall write to me each week? I want to know what you’ve been doing.” She taps each of them on the nose, eliciting giggles.

“We will Princess! Ah promise!” Apple Bloom crosses her heart and grins at the royal mare.

Scootaloo scuffs a hoof on the ground, “Do you have to go though? We had so much fun!”

“I shall return for visits, there is no need to be sad. You are Princess Pals after all,” She smiles warmly at them, “But duty does call, Princesses can be quite busy and I am sure I have quite a bit to catch up on.”

“I know, but still..” Scootaloo grabs her neck in a hug, “You’re the best Princess ever!”

Princess Celestia waits kindly, seeing the three fillies hug her sister so very warmly. Wondering what had happened during the trip to make this so.

Luna raises a hoof pointing at the three, “You are the best Crusaders ever as well, I am sure your family will not hold it against you for traveling these past few days.” She gives Rarity and Applejack a smile and wink. She receives quiet nods in return.

Athena is bombarded with questions from the six friends, asking her everything and overwhelming her slightly. Twilight asks them to hold off, recognizing her shyness.

“Let’s let her get settled first, then we can ask questions, is that all right with you Athena?”

“Y..yes Your Highness.”

“Twilight please.”

“Yes..yes Twilight. I am sorry I cannot answer everything so fast.”

“Stop apologizing, that’s what friends are for.” Twilight gives me a brilliant smile, her eyes twinkling with delight.

Athena connects with me privately, “I have friends now? So fast?”

“I told you, they are accepting. They have seen what I do to protect them and they accepted me as well. I will keep saying this my sister, you will never be alone again.”

I feel her joy, her happiness shining bright deep in her processors as she watches through my avatar’s eyes. She is seeing the ponies crowding around talking all at once, telling tales of the battles the night before, all the things that have happened while I was away.

She sees my Applejack standing close to me, not wanting to let me go anywhere without her. I am glad, I do not wish to leave again either. I am comforted by her presence.

Athena and I are both deeply impressed with the tales and the fortifications in place around the town. I did worry, but Applejack had assured me and I took her word. These things that look like foals concern me, as they do Athena when I pass her an update on the battles previously to this.

But that is for later.

For now, there is cheer and goodwill surrounding myself and Athena. There are smiles and laughter again which I have so missed. Princess Luna is warmly greeted by ponies as she wears her Crusader cape quite proudly. Princess Celestia is questioning her on the ‘spice must flow’ statement. That will prove to be fun I think.

Pinkie is her usual self, greeting me with a hug and promising the ‘biggest party ever’. I am looking forward to that. I even get a soft greeting from Fluttershy as she tries to stay out of the way of all the ponies crowding around the area.

The three Crusaders are hugged and given semi-stern warnings not to do such a thing again. Though all realize it won’t last long. Scootaloo’s family is giving her more affection than she can handle, her mother and father were reassured by Twilight she was safe, but concerned as all parents are.

Sweetie Belle is her usual self, bouncing around and telling Rarity of her adventures. Her older sister I am sure will have a few words with her later.

Applejack is admittedly not thrilled with her sister taking off, but hugs her tightly anyways, asking her all about her adventures which Apple Bloom is glad to relate. I set and listen to the tales, admittedly a bit more than what truly happened, but close enough.

I am amazed at the nonchalance of ponies, seeing me dig a trench, hauling another Bolo in to settle nearby. They accept. For that I am glad. Athena has a new world to discover now, and it will be wonderful to see her do so. I want nothing but the best for her after being alone these centuries.

Twilight is off to the side, I see her talking quietly into her link. I do not eavesdrop, but am sure it is Athena she is conversing with. I feel a warmth inside me that has nothing to do with my cores, it is something that has grown over the months I have been awake.

It is a confusion of voices, smiles and goodwill. Something I have come to want more each day. Having another Bolo to share it with, it is all truly that much more special. I want Athena to be a part of this large family, to have friends and learn about everything.

It will be interesting to see.

It is good to be home.

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