• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Anger and Redemption. The Misson Begins.

I scramble to my hooves in my dream, there before me the instigator of all these problems. I can’t form any words for a moment as he stands there eyeing me. I am speechless, then my anger comes roaring full force.

“Do you even KNOW what you’ve done?”

“I do, but I still did not predict all this lovely chaos! Truly it has gone a bit wild, but one expects such things; and all from turning you, my puppet, into a real pony!”

“I am not your puppet! You’ve sentenced this world to death!”

He waves an errant paw, “Oh come now, from making you a real pony? Yes I’ve seen what you can do, but you’re not in there anymore are you?” His eyes get close to mine, I back up not wanting him to touch me.

“There is another intelligence in there now, it is planning a final strike to destroy this world!”

For the first time he pauses, stopping his movements, the sly looks and the malicious laughter, “Pardon?”

I state it as clearly as I possibly can, “There is another in my body! It is planning to destroy this world if I cannot stop it!”

He reaches out with a finger, “Well that’s simply remedied! We’ll just put you back.”

“STOP!” I hold out a warning hoof, “Don’t touch me! We have a plan to defeat it, and you have to help. You truly don’t realize what you’ve done?”

I watch him closely his face is almost unreadable, but his body language is showing confusion, or just insanity it’s hard to tell. I set down on my haunches in the bright sunlight, facing the being of chaos. I don’t give him a chance to talk, not for one second, it’s my turn now.

“You really don’t do you? You decided to play a trick, I understand this. But Discord, did you ever stop to think that the technology I hold would be more than you could handle?”

His head tilts at me, looking at me as if I were surely joking.

“You are an alien being,” I start, “I am from the far past where technology ruled over magic. Good Celestia’s name Discord, didn’t you think? Could you even for one second imagine that maybe something like me would have fail-safes? An alarm system? Something to prevent us being taken over? Anything?” I sigh, looking at the ground, “I know you probably have no clue and thought it simple. I swear to you Discord I do not lie, we have a day maybe less to solve this.”

I cannot believe I am being so calm about this, I should be ranting and raving, but in the back of my mind I see my Applejack telling me to be calm. I am tired of being calm, I want to be angry and tell this...this thing exactly what I think!

“If there was any lesson to be learned like I remember you saying; please, tell me I’ve learned it so we can save this world. Tell me this was worth two lives and countless troubles and I will not say another word. Tell me..just...tell me?”

I hear his voice, a bit soft, “I truly did not know.”

Tears fall from my eyes, splashing the ground brightly, “Two sentient beings gave their lives to save me. It is a debt I cannot repay, ever. I can only hope I can save this world from dying.” I look back up at the snaggle-toothed face, “Do you understand that? A pony died for me, a little bird gave it’s life to find me when I was foalnapped. Discord this is so much more than a bit of mischievous humor.”

I wipe my eyes with a fetlock, “I can’t..I.. I should be furious, I should want to destroy you. Teach you a lesson. Do something to make you pay for this crime. But I cannot, it is not my place.” I see those bright emerald eyes in my mind, warm and loving, “I cannot let down the....the one who loves me.”

His voice comes back, there is no trace of mockery now, “So you’ve learned something I take it?”

“More than you ever imagined. I earned the love of a good mare, she truly loves me for who I am not what I am. I have made friends, they are so very special. I have met and engendered goodwill to so many it’s hard to believe. I cannot understand it all. But I cannot let them die.” I stamp the tear-stained ground with a hoof, “If I have to burn every core inside my hull I shall, I have to stop this thing. I told Applejack I would die for her and I will if I have to!”

I look back up into Discord’s face, “Understand me, I will do whatever it takes, Whatever. It. Takes. If I have to die, so be it. I would be breaking my promise never to leave her but I would see her live, to love again and to be happy and healthy. I would do anything to ensure that.”

“They all told me you had learned of friendship from Fluttershy, after the whole thing with that being Tirek. Can you not stop your impulses and think for any length of time?” I point a hoof at him, “You hurt ponies! You make others miserable, is that really friendship? Or just you being selfish? Oh I know selfish, I know it beyond all doubt. I was a warrior, I fought thousands of battles across hundreds of worlds, and all I wanted was to serve those who made me. I don’t anymore. When I awoke I thought of nothing but taking the fight to the enemy once again. All I’ve learned, what I’ve experienced, has taught me I can be something else. I can love and be loved in ways I never knew. Isn’t that what Fluttershy has given you? Love and kindness beyond what you really deserve?”

I wipe my wet cheeks once again, “Ask yourself, do you warrant what she gives you without reservation? I know I don’t. I don’t justify the love that’s been given me from Applejack. I’m a killer, a murderer of worlds. I have exterminated more life than there is on this whole planet a hundred times over! In spite of that she loves me, it is one of the greatest gifts I have ever received.”

I don’t give him a chance to reply, pointing once more, “I will be earning every bit of Applejack’s love for the rest of my days. I do it because it is her love for me that spurs me to try and do more. Because the friends I have made are worth every second I do something to make their lives better and happier. Not because they say I have to, but because I want to! I will earn this every single day I live!”

“Faded Scroll went to his own death saving my life with a forbidden spell. He knew that, and I can never EVER repay that sacrifice. Snowbell gave his life to find me! Applejack and Princess Cadence told me, take that gift, be the best pony you can be and I will. Why? Because I owe them for everything that has been given to me or taught to me, I OWE THEM! There is nothing for free in ANY world, no matter where it is. There must be give and take. All you do IS TAKE!”

I shake my head, tears flowing freely now as I keep yelling at the tall figure, “You are selfish beyond measure! You cannot think beyond your tricks and games! I am nothing but an engine of destruction and I will go to my grave saving these ponies and my Applejack if I have to! Can YOU say that?”

“I believe you have said enough for you both Crusader.”

I snap my head around, it is Princess Luna! Did she hear it all? She walks up to both myself and Discord. She does not have a pleased look on her face.

“It is about time you showed yourself Discord, You are needed in conference with myself and Celestia. I detected your presence in this dream and came to retrieve you before any more damage was done.” She smiles down at my tear stained face, “You should not feel you owe anypony. Especially the one who loves you so very much.”

I follow her look to see Applejack is in my dream! Oh no, nono I did not want her to hear this.

Luna motions to Discord, leading him off before he can say anything in return to my tirade. Applejack walks up to me as I prepare for a dressing down, or at the very least an argument. I receive neither of those, she hugs me tearfully, nuzzling my neck.

“You dunderhead, you don’t owe me nothin.”

“I owe you everything, you give so much to me. I just want to earn your love and keep doing so every day.”

She smiles at me, sighing a bit and hugging me close, “You do! Every day you talk to me, every time ya hug me. Each time we kiss. You don’t have to anymore, I’m yours as sure as you’re mine. Tell me that ain’t true..go ahead, tell me.”

I lean against her, “I can’t, it is true. I’m yours, I always will be. But I am a murderer Applejack, I have killed a thousand times over and it is hard sometimes to understand what you see in me.”

She holds my face in both hooves, looking closely, “I see you, the pony that played music and read poetry to me. Ya talked to me on those long nights, when I was feeling a bit down. You brought Hearth’s Warming gifts to just say hello. You’re not that other pony anymore, you’re somepony else! You’re good and kind, and help anyone you can. What more can you do?”

I just nod, holding her close on this bright sunny day in my dream. “I don’t know Applejack, I don’t know. I am trying to make good for all the things I’ve done. I guess I’m still seeking forgiveness.”

“You were defending your home, your planet like you are now. There’s nothing to forgive!”

She’s right, I was doing what I needed to do. I wasn’t bloodthirsty like some older Bolos. I was me, an AI encased in a war machine. I did my job and well, protecting the Concordiat. But now it’s time to change, to stop living in the past. Again is this what Discord meant when he said ‘Just let it go?’

I do, finally. This time I let it go, I rest myself in Applejack’s love and care. She protects me as I do her. I let it go to wherever such things reside, hoping it never returns. I don’t live the life I was given or granted, I live the one I choose. That is what makes it so very special.

I stare back at her, taking in those wonderful eyes, “I love you so very much Applejack.”

“I love ya too you big dolt. But Luna said to tell you, wake up.”

I stare for a moment, then suddenly find myself opening my eyes. The moonlight still streaming into the window, the night is brisk, but warm under the covers. I turn my head to see Applejack opening her eyes, looking at me warmly. We reach for each other once more, the night passes by as we revel in this new feeling of us.


I do not wish to get up, I want to lay here forever in her embrace, holding her tightly and never letting go. But I cannot, I have a duty to perform. I do not know if I go to my death, but I will go knowing I have done my best. My search for redemption is over. Fluttershy forgave me once, even for all I had done. Now I find that I am forgiven in a wholly new way, from somepony who loves me. I am renewed in my purpose. I shall defend this world because it is mine now, as I belong to it. I am a Bolo Combat Unit, the song of the Dinochrome Brigade sings in my body. There is none that can stand before me on this or any other world.

Once again I am going to teach an errant thing the price it pays when taking on a Bolo.

I am going to slaughter Masada.


I slip out of the bed, leaving a note by my love who quietly sleeps. I am sure my face shows determination as I stalk down the hallways. I see Apple Bloom and Scootaloo lounging around the breakfast table. They are cheerful, laughing, teasing each other over who had the fastest time in the mock up. I could not be prouder of both of them, the spirits of my brothers and sisters live in these two.

We are informed by an arriving Princess Celestia that we are to teleport to Ponyville immediately. Discord will be there to help, her sister is watching over him right now to prevent any more problems. We are to pack and be ready in ten minutes.

I see the Crusaders scramble out, I do as well, heading for our room and waking up Applejack, letting her know we are to be in the main room in ten minutes.

“We’re going to Ponyville love, it’s time.”

She nods, kissing me warmly as she arises from the bed. We grab our things and go.


Arriving in Ponyville by teleport is a distinct experience. I am afraid experiencing nausea was not on my list of must do. We are in a house overlooking the hill on the outskirts, it’s as close as we can get and still be assured of some safety.

Twilight is there, her other friends attending as well, seeing if they can assist in some way. I watch Pinkie making sure the Guards eat, she is always smiling, always. I remember, ‘Ponies know.’ Rainbow Dash is grounded until the danger is past, although she is complaining it’s and I quote, “Booooring” in here. She is the only one fast enough to outrace my weapons, she is on retrieval in case anything goes wrong outside.

Rarity is still comforting Sweetie Belle, watching her friends get prepared, she wishes them the best, looking as if a heavy heart has been keeping her up all night. Her friends reassure her it is fine, though I can see in her eyes that is not the case for herself.

I am talking with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, they are nervous but excited as all young ones usually are when trusted with something important. Twilight and Applejack will be escorting them out to the hill as they are not Pegasi and therefore not targeted. They are to wait by the hatch until I am inside, after that, if all goes to plan, they will be inside and disrupting Masada before it realizes.

Of course, I remember that idiot Murphy and his laws so long ago, hoping that Equestria does not abide by them.

Discord appears to be somewhat subdued, although having a glowering Luna standing over you like a sentinel would be intimidating to anypony I suppose. She is not happy at all this and is trying to keep her anger in check. Celestia warmly smiles at her, reminding her to be calm, and just concentrate on the matter at hand.

I talk with Applejack in a corner of one room, away from listening ears, just a moment between us.

“You be very careful love, I expect to get hit on the ear many more times.” I smile at my little joke, seeing her laugh.

She hugs me tight, whispering in my ear, “You promised, and ah’m holding you to it, you got that? You come back.”

I nod, kissing her cheek, “I will do my best.”

“No, not your best,” She looks at me intently, “You come back to me or ah’m comin’ in there after you. You hear me?”

I nod, we can only embrace before she and Twilight head out to the hatch. I watch them before they get too far to see, the racket of guns pounding our ears. It appears Masada has removed the suppression on the weapons to draw more attention. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom are covered by the two adults, holding them close as they start their mission. I turn to face the Princesses.

“We have a few minutes before they reach the hill.” I look at a subdued Discord, “Once they reach there, you are to give me back my old form, once I am inside the data cores I will be fighting Masada for control, do not touch me again. Do you understand?”

He nods, still silent as we wait, I see one of the Guards putting down a telescope, “They’ve arrived Your Highness.”

I close my eyes, “All right Discord.”

I feel the touch of a single talon upon my head, I am inside again, the cores vibrant with life and power, my weapons stand ready. I take a look around quickly for .0003 seconds, finding nothing as my personality immediately gets hit from the lower cores.

I am in a fight for my life.

Author's Note:

One of those late night uploads, enjoy folks. As always you are all awesome!:pinkiehappy:

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