• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,588 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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It took a few days for Wyatt to recover from the adventures in the comic book world. Keeping watch over him, we reprogrammed the nanites staving off his disease to reproduce, repair, and relieve what pain he has. Athena and I are not hopeful, the damage inside him is getting worse, this is a battle we are losing by inches.

“We are going back to the Empire soon, right?” Wyatt was enjoying a cold glass of something sweet. His tastes had adapted to the local production of juices and some wines, heartily taking to the different flavors and varieties.

“Well...if you really want to.” Athena was glancing just slightly past him, as if not quite paying attention to his request.

“I would like to see Calliope before..you know.” His voice was calm, not a hint of disturbance at his impending end. He eyed the Pegasus for a moment, “What are you hiding?”

Athena started, looking at him directly now, “M..me? I’m not h..hi..hiding anything!”

“You are the worst liar in the world, Athena.” He smiled, seeing her eyes close as she mentally kicked herself for stuttering again.

“We...we may have a solution to your problem.” She was shyly looking up at him through long eyelashes.

“Why do I get the feeling this may not be a good solution?” He was leaning forward, resting elbows on knees, giving her a look that was full of suspicion.

Athena got to her hooves, waving one a little too airily for his mind, “Oh, it’s not so bad. It’ll solve the problem, and maybe we can include Calliope with it!” She now showed a growing excitement on her sable face.

Green eyes narrowed, looking at the now-smiling Pegasus for a moment, “You’ve got something weird up your sleeve, don’t you?”

Shock, or a really good representation of it, crossed Athena’s face, “Why..why..no! We would never do anything to hurt you!” She looked slightly offended at even the suggestion of such a thing.

“Then why aren’t you telling me everything?” He had gotten up, standing near the faux-pony who was trying her best to look confident, losing that battle badly.

“She was waiting for me.” Crusader’s voice came through the doorway, followed by his avatar. The big umber pony took a seat at the low table, gesturing for Wyatt to join him.

“Why,” Wyatt started as he sat back down, “Did you just not contact me through the battlenet.”

“Because something like this, must be done in,” He gave a very small smile, “Person, one might say.”

“All right, enough with the mysteries.” Hands went up slightly, hitting the table palms down, a slapping sound making its’ way through the still air.

Athena glanced at Crusader, sitting like a stone.

He kept the slight amused look on his face as Athena wondered what was going on herself, being told almost nothing, but that they might have a solution to Wyatt’s predicament.

“Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna, came to us with a possible solution to this problem of you and Calliope. As you know, we are having to constantly monitor her and yourself for the slightest change now.” A hoof went up as Wyatt opened his mouth, ceasing any reply before it started, “We do not mind this at all. We would do anything for you both.”

Blue eyes watching him were soft, warm, but so deep you could lose yourself very quickly into the unknown depths of time and knowledge. They never flinched from his face.

“They have contacted a being, that perhaps, might be powerful enough to...change your situation.” The pause was not for dramatic effect, it was Crusader doing so because he actually had to think of an appropriate word for the offer.

“A being? Like..magical type being?”


Wyatt was pondering this when Calliope’s voice broke onto the net.

Can we trust this being? Can we be together?” She was sounding doubtful.

“Yes, and yes. As far as we know.”

“As far as you know?” Wyatt was not convinced, this was all too roundabout for him. “Just come out with it already!”

Crusader sighed, seeing Athena watching him, deciding to reach the point with no more stalling.

“The being in question is a bit..odd.. prone to doing things differently than expected.”

Athena gasped, her smile dropping into disbelief “No, nonono, not Di..” She was cut off by the sound of horns trumpeting an announcement, confetti flying through the air as a tall figure popped into existence, towering over Wyatt who immediately flung himself back from his seat.

Combat skills from a hundred battlefields took over, making him roll back towards the wall, getting space between him and this..this... thing that had barged in. Somewhere he’d found a sword that approximated his own molly-knife in weight and heft, clutching it in his hand as he stood there, ready to damage something.

“STOP!” The command from Crusader had everyone in the room looking at him, “Put the weapon down, Wyatt. He is not here to harm anyone.”

“Of course not!” A taloned hand waved, “Fluttershy would never forgive me if I did anything like that!” The voice was jovial, light, but contained a hint of something that made the hair on Wyatt’s neck stand up.

“What the hell is that?!” His voice was calm, but his body tensed to launch in any direction should it be needful. The magical aura his eyes picked up, was almost blinding in it’s radiance.

“This is..” Crusader was cut off.

“Discord! I am the Demi-God of Chaos! The Master of Chocolate Milk Rain, ruler of this planet for a few years by the way.” Nails were buffed on a now spotless Concordiat uniform shirt, “I am mysteries and enigmas, rolled into the perfect package you see before you!” Eyebrows shot up and down with a gleeful laugh.

The odd being bowed, whipping off the officers cap which had appeared on the misshapen head,

Wyatt was watching Athena’s hoof slowly move upwards to smack into her forehead, alongside Crusader. A sigh from both of them.

“We meant to introduce you carefully, but it seems someone decided not to wait.” Crusaders’ voice was not sounding thrilled, at all. He was watching everything very carefully, seeing the tension rise in the soldier.

“Why wait? Behold, the glory that is..ME!” A throne appeared, Discord seating himself and waving a wand with a figurehead on it that looked suspiciously like Twilight, Wyatt wasn’t sure. A tilting crown on his head gleamed with..is that rock candy? In different colors.

Wyatt stood motionless for a long moment, looking at this odd patchwork figure, who appeared to be made out of different animal parts, lounging casually on a crystal throne that had appeared out of nowhere. One taloned hand grabbing fistfuls of popcorn out of a large bag and munching contentedly.

The tip of the knife lowered only a few millimeters as everything drew into a silence that permeated the suite of rooms. Wyatt looking at the two Bolo avatars and seeing no alarm, nor concern, except for a distinct radiating aura of embarrassment.

A sigh, then Crusader speaking, “This is the being known as Discord, Wyatt. Princess Luna and Celestia talked with him about a possible solution to the problem.”

“I’m sure you’re charmed,” The merry voice broke in, “Meeting somepony like me, after so many years asleep, must truly be a highlight of your life!” A snaggle-tooth grin plastered itself on the fuzzy muzzle.

“Discord, behave yourself.” Celestia’s calm voice came from the doorway, where she and her sister stood, not looking pleased. “You were asked not to come here until Wyatt had been informed.” They entered the room, which was starting to get crowded now with Discord’s throne and all.

“I couldn’t resist, seeing somepony as unique as myself.” The lanky form slithered over and around Wyatt, making him raise the..banana... in his fist, tossing it aside as he extricated himself from the surrounding flesh. He immediately dropped into a combat stance.

Athena moved, appearing in an instant between Wyatt and Discord, touching the soldier gently on one arm, her hoof solid as durasteel, “Don’t. It’s fine, he’s harmless.”

“I’m not sure about all this.” The human was flummoxed, seeing a shape that shouldn’t be, yet was here, talking and joking. He’d seen much in his time awake, though this had caught him completely off-guard.

Luna’s voice was stern, “He is the Bringer of Chaos. Also,” She gave the now top-hatted and monocled draco-equus a glare, “Reformed from his old ways, supposedly.”

“Oh, now, dear Luna. You wound me. I am fully reformed through the power of..of..what was that thing?” A talon tapped on the bearded chin, fingers snapping in revelation, “Oh, yes! Friendship and all that!”

Celestia was her usual unruffled self when dealing with the demi-god, “Discord, if you would please settle down.”

“Oh, you’re still not any fun, Celestia.” Fingers snapped, all the clothing and accouterments gone in an instant, leaving just the smiling figure with slightly off-putting eyes.

He sat, more like lounged, on the low couch, spreading his tall frame across it, the smile never leaving his face.

Wyatt’s eyes pinned the Bolos in place, the Princesses setting themselves on cushions around the table, as he gestured toward Discord, “This is the solution?”

Crusader nodded, “It is. He may be able to solve this problem.”

“How so?” Wyatt was still keeping one eye on the weird shape, seeing things materialize and disappear around it. The aura of magic bright and painful enough he had to squint, seeing the same thing he saw around ponies, only more..chaotic.

He couldn’t get a handle on it, it was confusing and making his head spin. So much so he had to sit down, and would have landed hard had not Athena been there, gently supporting him as he sat slowly.

Luna started off, pointing a clad hoof at the subject of their talk, “He controls magic much different from ours, in ways that are still unknown to us. We had been thinking, perhaps, he could make a change in you to prevent..your..” She trailed off, he could see her pretty eyes well up. She, along with other ponies, had come to truly like the odd human, even with his quirks and foibles.

“What kind of change? Get rid of the disease?”

“Maybe.” Celestia nodded, “Or perhaps something deeper.”

Now they had his full attention, leaning forward but staying well away from the rustling figure which never seemed to stop moving in his peripheral view, “How so?”

The tall mare nodded politely to Crusader.

The faux-pony took up the explanation, “At one point after awakening, Discord managed to change me into a pony. Fully fleshed and alive.” He ceased speaking, seeing a hand raising in a ‘stop’ motion.

Wyatt looked deadpan, “Are you seriously saying..?”

“He may be able to make you a pony.”

The humans’ jaw dropped, actually and physically dropped an inch or two, “You aren’t kidding me?” He gaped at the serious faces.



“Discord has the magic of Chaos, it is sometimes unpredictable, but he can control forces beyond us sometimes.” Celestia smiled as a little bird landed on her head, singing merrily while Discord gave her a wink.

“How sure are you of this?”

Crusader was honest, “Not very,” Seeing a wounded look on Discord’s face, “It was a spur of the moment act, and may, or may not, be repeatable.”

“I can certainly try, can’t I?” The rolling eyes appeared right next to Wyatt, looking at him with a distinct hint of madness deep down in the watery orbs. The aura was actinic and piercing to his brain, seeing the magic like he did.

“And..” He shook his head, wiping his eyes, “What if it doesn’t work? Am I going to be some three-headed animal or something?”

“Cerberus likes himself the way he is, you’d get used to it.” Discords’ voice was still filled with humor.

“Cerberus?” He glanced towards Athena, getting a ‘that’s for later’ look.

“Can Calliope be changed as well?”

“We are not sure. She is a unique situation. Having no representation so to speak, existing in a world of data and information. Calliope has not been ..affected.. very much by the magic of this world as we have. We have no information why.” Athena’s voice was soft in the room, carrying just to local ears.

Wyatt reached upward, tapping his link to get Calliopes’ attention, “Calliope, what do you think?”

Her voice was delayed in coming, another problem being solved by the two Bolos, it had Wyatt almost frantic before she came online. The two war machines worked hard each moment by moment to keep her stable.

“I think anything which can save us, we could try.”

The soldier didn’t even hesitate, “She said it.”

Discord leapt up from the couch, one talon heading straight for Wyatt’s head before he was stopped by an umber blur, accompanied by a sable one. Holding up one hoof, Athena peeked over Crusaders’ shoulder with an expression of wariness. Discord slowly withdrew the talon.

“No. Not until we brief him and Calliope. They need to know certain things and will not adjust as easily as we do to our avatars.” Crusaders’ voice was hard as steel, telling the surrounding ponies, and especially Discord, there would be no compromise. Do it this way, or not at all.

“I think it only right, don’t you Discord?” Celestia’s voice was an ocean of calm in a tense room. The situation defused by a few simple words.

“Of course, Celestia. One musn’t rush such things.” The words were without rancor, nor teasing, a simple statement. The strange form went back to the couch, “Please, do let me know when you’re ready.” A snap of talons and he was gone in a shimmering blur which made Wyatt’s head ache from the chaotic images flooding his sight.

“What do we need to know?” Calliope was asking immediately, wondering what could possibly hold all this up.

Athena sat on a cushion, “Let us tell you what happened when Discord decided to turn Crusader into a live pony.”


“Masada. Good freaking god...why?” Wyatt was stunned at the full revelation.

“If we can’t have it, you can’t either.” Athena was looking down at the table, to either side sat the Princesses, quiet and reflective of that time not long ago when the world almost ended.

Crusader did not flinch, nor did he look away, stating facts as he always did, “Does, or do you know if, Calliope has anything like that? Was she equipped with a self-destruct in case of capture?”

Wyatt was thinking of all the years together, “I honestly do not know.” He spoke to the air, “Calliope?”

Her voice was steady, as warm and wonderful as he always knew, “I do not know either. We, my sisters and I, never programmed any such thing. But our equipment was built partially by Concordiat Engineers and scientists. There could be something hidden we are not aware of.”

“She was highly experimental, there could be anything.” Wyatt’s fist hit the table, “Dammit, we never even thought...”

“We will get spiders in there immediately, also we’ll be performing a logic sweep in her main processor areas. This may take a while.” Athena had a faraway look in her eyes, seeing the tech-spiders moving en mass to where Calliope rested.

Crusader turned towards Wyatt, “The nanites inside you are the only thing keeping you functioning. If we turn them off, we will lose whatever progress we have gained for maintaining your life. They have been specifically hardened in ways we have learned being here, they may not be affected by Discord’s magic, but if they are, and the spell fails to change you, you will die.”

“What are the chances of it failing?”

Crusader reached back into his memories, “He once told me that because of the chaotic nature of himself, sometimes spells do not exactly act the way they should when he uses his magic. It is often..well.. chaos become real.” The umber pony shrugged, “In my case it worked a little too well, trapping me out of my hull and activating Masada. In your situation it could make you a flesh and blood pony, a partial transformation, or perhaps none at all.”

“But if it fails, and the nannies get affected, I’m dead?” He was looking towards the window, seeing the clear skies, pegasi pushing clouds around to provide a little shade for the afternoon.

The answer was blunt and honest, “Yes.” Before it could be asked, Crusader continued, “The book adventure did not turn them off. Magic temporarily healed the hurts, fooling the medical nanites. When you exited the world, everything returned to normal, except for the injuries. Injuries sustained because Twilight accidentally stripped the protections off of you and the others. You were very lucky. The wounds affected you because the nanites could not suddenly handle the influx.”

“True, but she was just trying to help.” He saw the impassive face remain so. No nod or otherwise, knowing Crusader was still not pleased about the entire situation.

“Of course.”

Wyatt leaned forward, his voice only for Crusader as the two Princesses got up, walking a distance away and leaving them alone for a moment.

“You need to let that go, it was an accident.”

Crusader remained stoic, “It was an attempt to do something even she was not sure of, endangering you.”

“In this world, all the wondrous things around you, and you hold onto this?”

“You are the only human alive that we know of, yes, you are important to us..to..me. I cannot..I have hoped..” The deep blue eyes turned toward the floor, “We..I... cannot go on without help..I need...” A hand touching his withers stopped the flow of words.

“You don’t need me. You have protected this world without my help, and when I’m not here anymore, you will continue to do so. Don’t think you ever need me, or any human.” Wyatt’s voice was soft.

“I do not wish you to leave. If it were within my power to do so, Sergeant, I would give my own life so you may live.”

Wyatt paused, hearing nothing but blunt honesty within that declaration, “I know. That’s why you were so much better than we could ever imagine, you Bolos.” He kept going, “We can try this, we can try something, and if it doesn’t work...well... It doesn’t. But don’t think you need anyone Crusader. You or Athena.”

“What will we do...without you?” The voice was low, carrying only across the table, “We are alone, we...we might be all that is left.” The blue eyes turned upwards, pleading, “We have so much still to share, to tell you. We have upheld everything we were taught, and learned...”

Another touch and the words stopped, “Crusader, like I told Athena, you don’t need to tell me anything. It’s a new world out there, help those ponies make it a good one. That’s all you need to do.” The soldier smiled at the wondering face, as close to open emotion as he’d ever seen on the umber avatar, “Take everything you have and keep this world safe. If you need orders, or a request, do that. Keep them safe.” He glanced over to the two co-rulers talking quietly away from them.

“They are good, and kind, and make mistakes. Just like we all did in the past.”

“I...” The soft tones stopped, pausing as if thinking, “Will.. We will do as ordered Sergeant.”

“And forgive Twilight, she was trying to help.”

A sigh, “I shall try.”

“That’s all anyone can ask, right?”

“Of course.”

The human laughed, seeing the eyes roll slightly. He was always amazed at the depth of emotion shown in what were basically overgrown tech-spiders. The world had changed them in very subtle and not-so-subtle ways.

“So, let’s discuss this a little more.” He tapped his commlink, making sure Calliope was receiving through the relays, gesturing to the tall mares to join them once more.

“Tell Calliope and I, what might happen.”


Later that evening, setting alone on a balcony above a city he could have only seen in paintings or in a virtual world, Wyatt Carpenter looked out over waterfalls of unsurpassed beauty. The setting sun created prisms of light through the falling liquid, the lands below them green with grass and trees, buildings wrought of stone and other materials that made the eye stop and wander over every line.

A goblet made of cut gemstone that would have been worth a king’s ransom in the Concordiat, shimmered in his grasp. The wine inside of a taste and vintage that was never even thought of. A vintner named Berry Punch making it in small batches to sell.

All this surrounded Sergeant Carpenter, late of the Concordiat armed forces, as he discussed the day’s discoveries with a voice that had traveled with him through time.

Calliope, a presence in the darkness that was slowly forming before his eyes as night came fully on. The moon rising to take its place in the glory that was Luna’s easel, a painting of stars and skies that awed at her beck and call.

The soft voice in his ear spoke carefully, as did he, planning for what may happen, what could happen. The pair talking of possibly handing their fates over to a being who may, or may not, kill them both if what they had planned failed.

They would face tomorrow with solid hearts, as they had through the years of solitude inside a bunker.

It was what they’d always done, and would do so again, together..

To be continued.....

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