• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Magic, Love, Remembrance and Time..

I have been asked by the Princesses if I should like to ‘convey’ my brother to his resting place, the cart being pulled by a pair of Royal Guard most times, but they know I have the strength to do it myself. His avatar will already be resting inside the secret room, I will be pulling a statue and a small sarcophagi for the benefit of the watchers, it’s easier this way.

The statue is another wonder, he is leaning upon a small globe, resting his forelegs upon it as if protecting it from damage. A serene smile is on his face as he looks upward, like he always did, to the sky and stars. Protecting the world while still looking outwards, it shows him at his best I believe.

Accepting the honor is easy, I am still saddened, but I play his voice in my datacores and my heart is eased.

My heart.

It’s easy to say that now, not cores, nor datastores, but heart.

I can feel it, the fire inside me almost as if a heartbeat. The thumping of its flames throughout my entire hull and avatar. What it is I still do not know, but it is part of me now, accepting it is calming and powerful.

Twilight and I spent the day roaming the Canterlot city proper, seeing the shops and stopping into places that brought a smile to her face, remembering good times when she was a student here.

Her knowledge of the city is extensive, though I admit she does go deeper into history and all the obscure lore and legends than most. It’s interesting, so I record it for future reference, I’m sure she’ll wonder if I’m even listening.

I am, to everything, along with the drones currently on station. Tasking tech spiders to do maintenance checks, weapons safety inspections, and the final smoothing over of Crusader’s hill which will become green very soon with new grass. So many things to do, but I am skilled at doing a bit of everything, it is simple enough to pay close attention to what Twilight is saying.

Cadence and Shining Armor are going to meet us later for lunch this day, they wish to discuss with us the container they have made for my brother, from what I understand it is a solid piece of crystal that is apparently something to see.

I like them both, they are a wonderful couple and compliment each other very much. I know Crusader would loved to have seen the Crystal Empire, perhaps one day I can make that trip for him.

Only one problem remains, I find myself actually getting lost in thought as a real biological would do. Things are becoming different in my mind, like a real pony. I find it neat actually, the same things everyone else experiences, I can now do, though that does mean a bit of weirdness now and then.

Well, more than a bit. I get surprised by things like a normal pony, worry and such, it conflicts with my internal calmness, but that’s alright I will adapt. Until then I better keep an eye on things inside, I think it’s interesting, all this new stuff. But then again I was always one for distractions, my sister always chiding me about it.

I look up at the blue sky, seeing the sun which still amazes me like it did Crusader. That a single Alicorn raises and lowers it each day is a wonder. I do however ponder on things like Twilight’s lifespan, will she live as long as the two sisters, or is it a purely different thing? One day, I’ll have to have a talk with all of them, it would be nice to have a friend who lived as long as I did.

I am stopped suddenly, it seems a doorframe has inserted itself in front of me, leading to a large dent in it and a slight headache in my cores.

Stepping back, I rub my head for a moment, looking up at the wooden doorframe which now shows a decent impression of my head. Twilight is laughing so hard she cannot stand.

“You really can stop laughing now.” I am checking myself for damage while she stumbles to her hooves.

She sees me looking up at my forehead, my eyes crossed as I check myself, she starts laughing all over again. I stop and straighten my mane, looking at a Princess rolling on the ground.

“You know that’s unbecoming of royalty.”

She wipes her eyes for a moment, ruffling her wings to get them back in place as she giggles, “But it was great!” She gestures to the door, “I was chatting away about the museum here and you walked so hard into the doorway it dented!” She looks at me close for a second, “Are you suuuure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine, just a bit of a headache. It’s odd actually.”

“Odd as in walking into the door..or...?”

“Headache, I have a headache, I can feel it in my cores like a dull pain. The pain sensors in my body are registering the hit, but nothing like..this..”

She pats my shoulder, “Well a dose of some pain magic and you’ll be right as rain.” She lights up her horn, covering my head with a magic spell for pain relief. I try to back out quickly as magic will disrupt my systems, it’s apparent she forgot. I am engulfed, I don’t have time to switch my battlescreen on, caught off guard as I was.

“NO! Wait...” And it is over quickly, my headache is gone, systems are fine. What is going on here?

Twilight suddenly realizes what she did gasping and holding me for a moment, “Oh no, I forgot! Are you okay?”

Looking around for a moment I nod, my systems are green, diagnostics are performing flawlessly. “Yes, was that a new spell?”

“No, it’s an old one for pain relief.”

“It..worked fine. My systems should have been disrupted by the magic and they weren’t.”

Twilight tilts her head, “What’s that mean?”

“I..I don’t know. My avatar should have been glitching like mad.” I give her a look of helplessness, “Twilight what’s going on?” My cores are burning with theories and possible solutions but nothing firm.

She looks at me, a mirror image of my own face, “I don’t know. Maybe..maybe you’re getting used to magic?”

Twilight thinks for a moment, grabbing me and hauling us both over to a secluded park. Looking around, she makes sure no one else can see. “Okay look, let me try a simple spell, it won’t hurt I promise.”

“O..okay.” I’m not to sure about this, “If anything happens I’ll disconnect real quick and come back, so don’t panic if I seem lifeless.”

She nods, “Okay, this is a simple levitation spell...ready?”

I look around one last time, “Okay...”

Her horn lights up, suddenly I feel a warmth around my avatar, the disconnect is blindingly fast so I wait for even a simple glitch to happen. But nothing does as I am lifted into the air with a simple thought from Twilight who looks up at me with a grin.

“Look at that!”

I am about four meters off the ground as my wings spread fruitlessly, it’s only the spell holding me up.

Twilight gets a mischievous look on her face, smiling up at me hanging in the air she grins, “Ready?”

“What? No, you might want to put me..” I am interrupted as I go swooping through the warm atmosphere. The magic propelling me along as if I were in flight, my mane is whipping back along my body as I am thrust through the air.

Her Alicorn powers are magnitudes above a regular Unicorn’s as I go whipping through the air above the park. My systems are reporting no malfunctions as I am lifted into the sky. I spread my wings, flapping them like I was taught and smile into the wind, I’m flying!

I forget everything, my wings are lifted by the air as I plummet through the sky above the park. I know I’m being controlled by the magic spell, but I imagine myself free, my wings pushing me up above the grass. It is amazing! My eyes stay open as I feel myself speeding through the air like a true Pegasus. The wind in my face is like nothing I have ever felt as I stay up for what seems like forever, only being let down when Twilight becomes tired.

My hooves hit the ground as I shake my wings out, folding them to my side. I wipe the tears out of my eyes as I rush over to Twilight, almost bowling her over as I hug her tight.

“Thank you! Oh thank you!”

She wraps her fore legs around me tight as we stand in the park. I flew, I took to the air with magic and it was everything I’d hoped it would be! Oh Crusader I wish you could have seen me! It wasn’t a dream, it wasn’t something I could imagine, it was real!

I got to fly again Crusader, I was flying!


The smile never leaves my face as we walk around Canterlot, a secret known but to me and Twilight and it is fully recorded. I can play back that moment anytime I want when I was flying. It was a magic spell I know, but I did everything Rainbow taught me and it was nothing I have ever felt before or will.

Nothing, nothing will ever top this feeling.

Twilight has made a wish come true for me, taking the time to do that means so very much and I let her know. She tries to demur, blushing whenever I let her know my excitement, trying to wave it off as nothing.

Anything I can do, anything I can make or design, anything I can figure out is hers. I promise this on everything I hold dear. All my friends would receive the same, at any time, whenever they asked. But for Twilight, for this favor which is so simple for one like her, everything I have is hers to command.



It is late afternoon once more as I sit with Bluebelle, she is grinning at me and I can’t help but smile back. The vegetable stand is slow right now, so there is always time to talk.

“Are you sure it’s the right decision?” She is leaning against me, her blue coat warm from the day’s sun.

“I do, it is the best one I can make. Are you disappointed in your so-called hero?” I get hit on the shoulder at my comment, why is it that some things never change?

“As your official friend and conscience, no I’m not disappointed at all.”

I turn to look at her, she is trying hard to suppress a giggle, “My ‘official’ friend and conscience? Do I need one?”

She pokes me with a hoof, “I have a feeling you need a lot of looking after. For some reason I think you get in trouble a lot.”

“How can you possibly know that?”

“Because you are far too polite, and you’ve got the ability to be absolutely oblivious to everything around you.”

I take a bit of offense to this, I enjoy being polite, “Now there is nothing wrong about being polite.”

She waves a hoof airily, “Nothing at all, but you do it to a fault, sometimes it’s good to be juuuust slightly less polite.”

“I know that, and there have been times I have needed to do so.”

“Plus you’re oblivious to things.”

“Oblivious how?”

She points to a couple of Earth pony mares talking quietly and looking my way, “That, you, them.”

“So they are talking about something, and...?”

“They’re talking about YOU ya dolt. You wander around being courteous and lost in your thoughts, you know a bit of flirting never hurts as long as it’s friendly.”

“I think my Applejack would disagree. I really don’t mind others talking about me anyways.”

“I don’t think so, you’ve told me about her. Ever have a time when she led you to believe that?”

I think closely, reviewing what I remember and nothing at all would give me that impression. I had assumed it would be that way as I had always thought it.

“Well....nothing really..”

“See?” She throws her hooves up, “I’m right...again!” She pokes me once more, “You need to be more sociable sometimes, ain’t nothing wrong with a bit of conversation.”

“But I don’t wish to be one of those who gives false hopes to others, in any way.”

“Bah, you won’t. Just don’t make promises you can’t keep, and have fun for goodness sakes.”

I think about it for a moment and nod, “Well, I can certainly try.”

“Good. It’s part of life, get to know folks, find out how they are.” She pushes a hoof against my shoulder once more, “Just enjoy yourself sometimes like I told ya before.”

“Yes Bluebelle.”

She gets a smug look on her face, “Now see there? Proper respect, that’s what I deserve.”

I push her on the shoulder hard enough to tip her over into the grass with an ‘Oof!’.

“Of course Your Highness.”

The folks nearest us are laughing out loud, seeing her get up and dusting herself off as best she can, “Now that wasn’t polite!”

“Well you did say sometimes I need to be less so.”

“I didn’t mean.. I meant.. You...oooohhhh..” She ruffles her wings, settling them in place, “Smart aleck.”

“Of course you’re not referring to me.”

“Ohhh nooo, not you.” She sits near me once again, “I think you got it.”

I smile, letting out a laugh, “My apologies, are you alright?”

She laughs, it’s always a bright sound, “You big bully.”

“Yes, yes I am.”

Once again my shoulder gets a beating, “You owe me some drinks then, maybe another breakfast?”

“Of course, least I can do to repay you for my bullying.”

“Plus lots of food, you know how us Pegasi eat.” She wriggles in the grass, checking her figure once more.

“I do, I often wonder if you eat most of what I deliver and pay for it yourself.”

“HEY! That’s not..” She stops, seeing my grin. “You jerk.”

“I think I’m getting the hang of all this.”

She chuckles, “Yeah, I think so.” She leans against me again as we both watch the afternoon pass.


We meet Cadence and Shining Armor for a midday meal, I am still smiling, I can’t help it. Twilight tells me I look like a grinning idiot. Well I am, for this day and probably weeks from now I’ll still be smiling like I robbed a bank and got away clean.

Cadence is looking at me oddly, so I try to keep the smile down to a low roar instead of beaming it everywhere. I’m not sure if she figures it out or just accepts me being happy, but she does smile, giving me a warm welcome. Twilight hugs her big brother in welcome as well as we all sit down to a table in an outside restaurant.

Cadence is still watching me, for a moment before she speaks, “You seem quite happy today, any special reason?”

My eyes go wide as I open my mouth to start telling her everything, but I hesitate, looking at Twilight for permission. She nods and I am off like a shot, telling her the reason behind my excitement.

“Magic doesn’t affect me like it used too! It doesn’t..doesn’t..” I try to find simpler words, “It doesn’t mess me up like it had before!”

They both stop eating for a moment, Shining looking at his wife before he speaks, “Really? I remember that you had to be very careful not to get hit with any. That’s changed then?”

I nod enthusiastically, “It has! I..” Pausing, I try to gather my thoughts, so many things rushing through my cores right now, “I hit a doorframe with my head..” They both start laughing as I roll my eyes.

“Fine, I wasn’t paying attention, I know I know.” I wait until the chuckling stops. “I got a headache, Twilight cast a pain spell and it was gone, but nothing happened to me! I was surprised as she was!”

Cadence smiles warmly, “That’s wonderful.”

“It is! And..I..uhm..” I look at Twilight once more, she’s nodding enthusiastically, gesturing at me to go on.

I lean across the table, lowering my voice, “We snuck into a small park, Twilight used a spell to lift me up and when nothing happened I got to fly! I know it was only a spell, but it was wonderful!”

The ruling pair of the Crystal Empire are watching me, I see it later when I replay the moment, warm smiles on their faces as I in my excitement tell them of everything I felt while in the air. I am sure it is old hat to those with wings, but for me it was indescribable joy.

I find myself talking about it all, the feeling the rush of the wind past my face, but I slow down and realize I’ve been going on and on for a few moments longer than I had anticipated or really wanted to. So I stop talking and take a bite out of my salad to have something to do.

Cadence laughs, “Don’t be embarassed, I remember my first time flying. It was just as wonderful and exciting. It never gets old Athena, ever.”


“Ever.” She pats my hoof with hers, “You’ll always remember..” She chuckles, “I forgot, you don’t forget anything do you?”

I nod, “We can if we choose to, but I will keep this with me always!”

She leans over the table to whisper to me, “Never let those go, always keep them close because sometimes when life gets a bit rough, they can warm the heart.”

Grasping her hoof in both of mine, I nod again, “I promise I will!”

She gives me a smile that spreads warmth throughout my body.

“Hey!” Shining’s voice is pleasant, “You two conspiring over there or what?”

Cadence leans back in her chair, “I shall have you know dear husband, some things are to only be shared between friends.” She taps his nose, “Stop being nosy.”

He hmphs, “I was not being nosy.”

Twilight giggles, “Yes you were, wondering what they were talking about.”

He points at the lavender Alicorn, “You shush.”

“I won’t, I’m a Princess and I can do anything I want!” She gets a grin on her face as she and Cadence slap hooves.

Rolling his eyes, he tosses both fore hooves in the air, “Outnumbered again, yeesh!”

Twilight pokes a hoof in his chest, “Don’t you forget it!” Ending that statement with a laugh as he reaches across and pulls her into a hug.

“Yeah yeah, you’re still my best little sister though!”

“I’m your only little sister.”

“That too!” He rubs her mane playfully.

I watch Twilight struggle in his embrace, telling him not to mess up her mane or treat a Princess like he’s doing. It’s a moment that makes you smile because they let you be a part of it.

Cadence looks at me and smiles, rolling her eyes slightly as the two siblings act so very unlike a Prince or Princess. It is strange sometimes, as I remember royalty on other planets acting as if the world was their’s for use and abuse, this is still so new to me in how they are in Equestria. Admittedly there are times when formality is required, but after that they are nothing more than themselves.

It is a pleasant lunch time, we all enjoy more laughs as Shining and Cadence share stories about Twilight when she was younger to the Alicorn’s detriment. I’m trying not to laugh out loud, but can only concentrate on my salad so much before having to stop and giggle uncontrollably.

As fun as it is, it’s over too soon. Such things never last I’ve noticed, as if time slips by at an accelerated speed. Perhaps it is the universe telling us that we need to enjoy things, not let them pass us by.

I don’t though, I record these moments, storing them alongside others in my Deep Cores. In the late night, when my sensors are scanning the skies and the ground for threats, I can replay them and listen to the laughter.


We walk to the warehouse where the container is kept under guard, Cadence and Shining tell me that it is a single piece of crystal dug from the mines around the Empire.

It is not our way, the way of Bolos, but I accept that they wish to do this for my brother. It is something very special to them, so I will not push the issue anymore, allow them their version of our memory storage.

As we approach the dais where it rests, I am once again amazed by the crafting ability of ponies. It is a wonder to see as it sits there in the lantern light.

A single crystal that big would have been a rarity anywhere, but carving it into a box where Crusader is to rest is a true marvel. I sit down in front of it so I can look at it further, I am left in silence as the others talk amongst themselves, leaving me to my thoughts.

It is a time capsule of sorts, I can tell by scanning the top, a seal is created when lowered so that anything in there is kept in perfect display. A magically enhanced stasis perhaps? As it shows definite signs of being layered with a few spells. I will not ask, the wonder of it is enough for me without finding all the details.

There are carvings of beings around the bottom of it, cavorting, moving in dance, something like that. They are exquisitely detailed as I run my eyes along the bottom of the container. I cannot call it the traditional name, casket, coffin, it’s not. It’s a container, which will keep my brother’s avatar in perfect condition for as long as they wish to. A memory locked in there like I do with my datacores. Frozen for that moment in time.

Columns on all four corners rise, appearing to lift and hold the top, the lid. Vines and plants grow along the edges, each leaf defined in minute detail, wrapping around the columns as they move upwards and along the edge of the lid.

The sides of the box are clear, to pardon a pun, crystal clear. They let one look all the way through the other side as if it were only air. They are very thin but massively strong sides, allowing the passage of light through the panes.

I think it’s a wonderful item, taking a look at all sides as I record each detail and point of reference. Walking slowly around the raised container, it lets me peer close enough to see that there are no carving marks, as if it were all smoothed into place, sculpted as one piece with no breaks except for the lid.

I am pleased beyond measure, a true treasure encompassing and keeping safe another treasure. Crusader would smile gently and say he didn’t wish to be on display. He won’t, access will be allowed to very few close friends. Nopony will know he is there as the statue will be placed in Canterlot Gardens to let folks look at his semblance.

But to the Princesses and our friends, there will be a special place to visit, to remember that he was once here in this world beyond a simple marble effigy. Perhaps legends will grow about the pony who fought for Equestria, that would be something. The warrior who would come back in times of great need to defend the land he loved. I would very much like to see what comes of all this.

The procession will be like normal, except his avatar will be ensconced already in the remembrance room. We will be present, along with Applejack’s family who have requested to be there. Of course the Crusaders will be there, they have been told of the secrecy and sworn to keep it. They would never disobey the Princesses no matter how much they wanted to tell.

For such an open society, there are things that are secret and very well kept at that. This will be no different. I find the thought of visiting him in a room covered with memories a very special thing.

“Everything okay Athena?” Twilight’s voice is soft as she settles beside me.

“It’s perfect, I think it is beautiful.”

“Are you having second thoughts?”

“No, I’m just thinking of how he would like this whole thing, it would make him smile that you all thought enough of him to do something like this.” She knows what I mean, his love of the old ways.

“Well he did do quite a few memorable things for a lot of ponies. It’s the least the Princesses could return to him don’t you think?”

I can do nothing but nod silently.


We take in more sights of the capitol city, they are solicitous of me until I tell them not to worry overmuch on things. I have accepted things, though it still hurts inside, but I will grow into the feeling slowly. No matter what, it is a loss that is deep and abiding.

But I learn things, how to laugh, how to enjoy the simple moments that make life worth living. I learn them from Twilight, Shining and Cadence, my friends and Applejack. Her down to earth sensibilities help when I have doubts and fears, I know I can go to her and voice my worries, she is always kind to me.

But Twilight, there is something else, she is special in a way I think I almost grasp. Engendering friendships and goodwill towards everyone, she tries hard to be perfect for her mentor, but she does have her moments of normality which sometimes turn into quite the hilarious events.

I do wonder if certain persons engender more than their share of events around them. One day I’ll have the time to study it further, it should be quite the enlightening look at what happens.

Until then, I enjoy just being in the company of her and her extended family. Tomorrow is the ceremony and I’m finding myself looking forward to it, a certain finality to things to let us all move on, or take the time to share memories. Everypony is coming, I will be surrounded by friends and my own ‘family’ as Applejack has put it so bluntly.

Smiling as I remember a pointed reminder before I left for Canterlot, telling me that she’d be coming for the ceremony and for me to behave. I have promised no more executions of any type of kitchen implements since that one time, which garnered a laugh from her. Stoves are safe for the moment from my attentions.

Twilight shows me where she stayed, her library and study areas in a tower that is separate from the apartments in the castle. Seems to me Celestia thought enough of her to provide anything she needed, perhaps in anticipation of her defeating Nightmare Moon? Who knows except the inscrutable Princess.

As again, time flies, ending with another dinner in the castle with every one in attendance. Luna is of course her incorrigible self, telling more stories now that she has an appreciative audience. Cadence though, adds her own tales of Twilight’s antics when she was young, even a few that the Princesses did not know to Twilight’s detriment.

I smile, laugh when I feel the humor and listen. I always listen, seeing hooves waved as others deny any accusations of impropriety. If it were humans, most of this would have ended in a fight, or hurt feelings, but not here. There is of course embarrassment and blushes, denials by the ton, but never anger.

Anger is reserved for those special moments when it is deservedly earned, such as the being Tirek who tried to take over Equestria by draining the magic from each and every pony.

Crusader and I had discussed this being and his imprisonment in Tartarus. Should he ever escape once more, we have made sure he won’t survive this time to be put back in a cage, there will be an end to any depredations.

Of course as per our agreement I will always look to Command for any orders first, unless it is an emergency. I have learned patience, the finding of another way if possible, and the solution to things other than massed Hellbore fire.

I smile to myself, seeing Twilight looking at me as we sit at the table, thinking of how that being Tirek would have reacted had he been met with two very pissed off Bolos.

She is now eyeing me with great suspicion as a giggle breaks through my lips. I can’t help it! I’m trying to cover my mouth with both hooves but I start giggling even more, everyone around the table looks at me as the conversation dies.

My eyes are watering as I laugh out loud, I just can’t help it as this Tirek Twilight has told me about pops into my mind. His bombastic attitude and his ego, all the magic he had stolen facing against two Bolos bigger than some local mountains pointing everything we carry at him.

He would have probably come up to no higher than a smaller bogey on our tracks, which makes me guffaw as I slap the table. Thinking of this..this so called powerful foe standing there and telling Crusader and I he would destroy us.

I can see it clearly in my mind as this..this being of 'immense’ power there threatening us with destruction.

The size of the crater would have been ‘immense’.

What makes me fall off the chair laughing is imagining Princess Celestia standing at the edge of the crater where we disposed of Tirek and asking in her calm way, “Did you have to make the hole so large?”

It slows down though as I lay on the floor, seeing everypony looking over the table at me in concern, the Princesses glancing at each other as if I had lost my mind with all that’s been happening.

Twilight leans down to me, “Are you okay?” Seeing me wipe my eyes clear of tears.

“I..uh..had a funny thought?”

Princess Luna slaps the table, “Well share it then! Truly it must have been quite the thing!”

I scramble back to my chair and rearrange the silverware politely as I think about what I should say, “I..uhm..don’t know if you’d find it that funny.”

Luna narrows her eyes, a mischievous grin on her face, “Why don’t you let us make that decision.”

So I tell them the whole thing, every bit of it. Shining Armor is laughing so hard he almost falls off his chair. Cadence looks scandalized but I can see the grin behind her covering hoof. Princess Luna is giggling so much she can’t see straight.

It’s not the destruction that makes them laugh, just the look on the face of someone who would have thought he had been the future ruler of the world. Finding out that there is always, always something stronger than you are is quite the surprise, especially to some barbarian like Tirek.

Twilight is looking aghast at me, her eyes wide as I tell about the whole crater thing, the threat from a being so much smaller than I and Crusader. She’s silent for a moment until Princess Celestia clears her throat.

“Well, I would be very concerned about the size of such a hole left in the landscape.” Her deadpan delivery sets every one off again, even Cadence is laughing out loud now. Twilight starts chuckling, then giggling as she tries to cover it with her hooves.

Luna points a hoof at her sister and guffaws, “You would!” She slaps the table once more, still laughing.

The alabaster mare tries to keep her dignity, “We do not need more lakes near Ponyville.” But I can clearly see a small smile playing along the edge of her lips.

That does it, Shining finally falls off his chair alongside Princess Luna. I can only sit and look anyplace but at Twilight who is hee-hawing loudly. I find my meal quite interesting at the moment, but I take a sneak peek at Princess Celestia who is giving me a warm look, surprising me with a wink.

She understands everything all too well, she knows how I am and what I can do and she accepts the strange humor. I am one of her ‘little ponies’ as she has told me before, but I guess she has been around long enough not to fall off the chair laughing like the others. Instead she covers her mouth, feigning a cough but I can see the merriment in her eyes as I finish my meal slowly.

I watch the others recover, Twilight nudging me with a grin.

“Where did that come from?”

“I don’t know, just...popped in my mind.”

“I dunno about you sometimes Athena.” She grins at me.

“Neither do I Twilight, neither do I.” I give her a smile in return.


Once again I stare out the window of the apartments I share with Twilight, her snoring is soft as she mumbles something into the pillow she grips tight. The sensor grid around Ponyville is quiet, nothing moving except animals I identify easily. Nothing has shown up since that last brief fight, perhaps it is truly over?

Regardless I will keep my sensors out and scanning, that is the way of things.

I lay down though, resting myself as the morning will bring much more work.

In the mid morning I will be pulling the cart that will ‘take’ my brother to his rest. His avatar, along with our hopes that he is given a deserved break from war and battle like he always wanted, will be put in a secret place where only a few may go. A statue will be placed in Canterlot Gardens in an alcove where others may visit, I’m sure a tour guide will tell his story to little foals and fillies over the years.

Memorials were always done on Old Earth, but never for Bolos, so this will be a first really. We were remembered in our own ways, with medals or stories passed to each other through the centuries.

I smile to myself as I lay against the soft pillow, thinking of how a small room in a magical place is fitting. A new life, with a new ending my brother. I close my eyes as I set myself to Low Alert status, letting the automatics take over, my sensors will tell me if anything is wrong by waking me instantly.

Into a special place I let myself drift, confident in the knowledge that I will survive this, the thought that I will go on and do everything that Crusader wanted for me gives me peace at last.


Time flows strangely here it seems, sometimes morning comes quicker or later, I can never pin it down.

I try not to wonder overly much, without access to any of my systems I am just a normal pony, albeit with strange ideas.

After Bluebelle and I had parted last night I wandered home, talking with Faded and his wife Copper for a while before I came inside and to bed. It’s a homey feeling, snuggled in warm blankets, safe and secure in the feeling of comfort.

There are no dreams it seems, for I am living one. A dream in which a slow paced peaceful life is mine, given as a gift not a reward. One realizes this, in the way others act, that it is something after a long life that is deserved. I do wonder what happens to those who are wicked, or as others would term, evil. Are there special places for those who would commit crimes against others?

I don’t know, nor actually do I wish to.

Yes, that is selfish because I am granted a moment wherein I do not have to worry about anything other than opening the vegetable stand in the morning. To me, that is just fine.

Tomorrow, as in all tomorrows, will be another wonderful day I am sure.


I startle awake with the thought that something is wrong, but it is not. Looking around I can see the sun just peeking over the horizon as I shake my head and wipe my eyes clear of sleep.

Checking my logs there are no alerts, no alarms, nothing to rouse me from my rest. Low Alert Status was maintained through the night. I am surprised I slept through the entire time and wiping my eyes is actually needed to help wake up. Diagnostics are telling me I am in good shape, although a few things could use some tuning up, I don’t worry overmuch.

Looking at Twilight sleeping in the other bed, I still ponder it all. I promised, and I will keep it, never to lose my sense of wonder, to always look at things as new and exciting in every way.

So to that end I smile and watch the sun rise, knowing in a few moments that Twilight will awake and we will head off to another day, filled with things that will be normal and extraordinary and I will take it all in with delight.


We meet the others at the train station, they are excited to see both of us and I receive hugs and well wishes even though it’s not been that long since we saw each other. I guess that’s what makes life special.

The Crusaders are there as well, boisterous and looking at all the sights even though they’ve been here before. I am glad they’ve come, Crusader enjoyed their company and I do as well, it’s only right to have them here. Though everypony will be keeping a very very close eye on them.

Applejack and Big Mac are there, each giving me a hug, along with Granny Smith. The older pony is immediately put into a transport cart so we can travel faster than by waiting for her to catch up, slow as she is even with a rebuilt hip.

I laugh at the struggle she puts up with the Guards ponies, saying “I don’t need no fancy thingamabob to get around in, that I can walk just fine!”

Of course it is Princess Celestia the peacemaker, who leans over and whispers in her ear something none of us hear. Immediately calming the flustered mare as she settles back into the seat with a nod. It seems the elderly are so alike on any world, stubborn to a fault.

We head off to a simple meal first, getting ready for the ceremony as we watch ponies gathering already in the commons. It is an expanse that was filled before when Faded Scroll and Snowbell were honored, and it seems there are the same, if not more coming in now for this one.

I am humbled that so many would think so much of my brother, to take time out of their day to send him off with a smile and good wishes.

Princess Luna talks with me quietly, telling me that flowers will be put in the cart as it passes the crowd, such is the way of things, to give a small present of respect and remembrance to one who passes. I nod as I remember Crusader showing me the procession from before, the carts heavily laden with gifts of colors.

My friends will be walking with me, they have stated there is no way I will do this alone. I can do nothing but smile and thank them from my heart. I hear his voice in my cores telling me to accept, to not argue when such things are offered.

The Crusaders wish to do so as well, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo will be riding the cart alongside the statue promising to behave. They just want to be near, to help and to see that their friend gets the “Proper respect due a Cutie Mark Crusader.”

Even Applejack chuckles at that one.

The Princesses agree, I do as well, it will be no hardship with them in the cart. His cape by the way, the one they had presented him with, will be put in the memorial room as well. Apple Bloom and the others were adamant that he musn’t go anywhere without it. That and other items were retrieved this morning, the Princesses teleporting them into the room quietly without fanfare.

Dinky and her mother are there as well, standing close as she gives me a gift of flowers beforehoof, quietly thanking him in her own way for everything he has done. A basket of muffins is already in the cart when I take a look, making me wipe my eyes for a moment as we smile at each other.

I see Spring Flower and her mother, already in the crowd gathering around the cart even before we begin the slow walk. There is Bon Bon and Lyra, the Flower sisters, a multitude of others from Ponyville are standing near. It seems I won’t be doing this with just my friends today as they are all asking to be able to walk alongside it as we do the processional.

Stonewall, Bastion and Granite are there along with the town Guard Captain and what appears to be most of his force, I don’t think there is any one left in Ponyville right now, either that or the criminals are going wild. The big Pegasus is smiling at me, both his eyes bright and clear as I have made sure to finish what Crusader had started.

I don’t refuse anypony, nor do the Princesses.

Twilight steps close to me as I stand quietly, looking at all the ponies, “Are you ready?”

“I am. It seems there’ll be quite a bit of help today.”

She chuckles slightly, leading me to the front where I start slipping into the harness.


Once again morning dawns, awakening me as I get ready for the day. Simple motions are what I have, going through them is still not boring nor everyday. I leave the house with a smile, not seeing Faded or his wife on their porch this morning.

Curiously, she is not at the stand, nor are a few others who are usually open at this hour. This makes me wonder as I wander around for a few moments, saying hello to some who are awaiting the days produce to sell.

Since the stand is not open, I head towards the town center, seeing if perhaps there is something going on. I do see a small crowd of ponies, who turn at my arrival and smile at me.


I blink for a moment, hearing the voices and seeing Bluebelle rush out of the middle and give me a warm hug.

“I don’t understand.” I return the embrace, seeing Faded Scroll and his wife, a few others whom I have met standing there.

“Well, since you decided to leave, we had to give you a send off! We know it’s not a dance or anything, but at least you get something before you go.” She is grinning prettily in the morning sun.

She stops me before I can reply, “We know, we know. Don’t say anything else, just nod and smile.” She gives me a mug, filled to the brim with a cool drink.

“No tearful goodbyes, you’re returning and we have to send you off the proper way!”

“I don’t know what to say except thank you for being here and being my friends. Thank you so much.”

A quiet cheer is given and we all take a taste of our drinks. It is a quiet farewell which more than anything warms me very much. I am given goodbyes and hugs, words of luck and hope as the ponies wander on to their jobs and lives, leaving Bluebelle and I alone at the last.

She smiles at me as we finish our drinks, setting the mugs on a nearby table, “So this is it then.” Her voice is still bright, but I can see there is a tinge of sadness to it.

“It is, and I am sorry Bluebelle.”

“Why? You’re returning, it’s wonderful and amazing.” She tilts her head for a moment, “But I will miss you Mystery.”

“I will miss you as well. You’ve taught me much and been a wonderful friend.”

Her face brightens as her voice takes on it’s normal tone, “Oh I know, I’m simply astounding.”

“You are incorrigable and unrepentant in every way.”

“I am at that!” She hugs me tight, “I’m sure Applejack will be glad to see you again, hope she doesn’t mind a few kisses between friends.”

“I am sure she will understand.” I close my eyes and grip her tightly before letting go, “I know I won’t remember, but I am glad we met.”

She looks into my eyes for a long moment and nods, “I am too. One day, we’ll see each other again, I’m sure of it.”

I can’t help but laugh, “I am also sure you will not change, bold as brass.”

“Never!” She laughs with me as we share one more hug, turning at the same time and walking towards the small path I now know is the way to the world.

She stops at the beginning, “I can’t go any farther...yet.. But mark me, we’ll meet again and we’ll be the best of friends once more Crusader.”

We both hear hoofsteps, turning to see the faux-Pinkie once more stepping from the shrubbery beside the trail. She grins at me and waits politely for me to finish my leave taking.

“Until we meet again then Bluebelle,” I give her one more smile before my face is grabbed by her hooves and one last warm kiss is bestowed upon me.

“Well, can’t let ya leave without something proper..or is it unproper?..I’m never sure.”

She grins as I laugh, turning to walk down the path I look back to see her waving as she always did at the vegetable stand. I return it and continue as Pinkie joins me.

“Are you excited?” Her voice is light.

“I am. It will be good to see everypony again.”

She nods, looking around as we trod slowly down the little trail, surrounded by color and a warm breeze.

“I want to thank you.”

I look at her in surprise for a moment, stopping my steps, “For what?”

“For releasing us, giving us the chance at something new.”

“That was not me or my sister,” I wave a hoof around, “That was this place, the magic in everything.”

“But you were the instrument, pounding away at the enemy until it was no more, giving us all who were saved a moment to realize what we had done.”

I look at her for a moment, “Please tell me that my sister and I are not just destined to be tools to be used.”

“No. Never that Crusader.”

I must have a skeptical look on my face as she chuckles.

“Stop that look, you know it’s true.”

I nod, hearing the truth and feeling it as we continue our walk down the path.

“So what about you? Will you remain here indefinitely?”

She shakes her head, her mane flopping just like the Pinkie I know.

“No, we’ll get to go back when we’re ready. New lives require changing what made us ..well... us.”

“How do you know all this?” I am honestly curious.

“The Guardian told me when I first arrived. It really laid down the law I must say, but I understood, so I promised to help if any others came along.” She pokes me with a hoof, “Then you showed up and really threw things into disarray.”

“I apologize if my dying created problems then, I will try to be more circumspect next time.” She turns quickly, about to make amends when she sees me smiling at my own joke.

She laughs, loud and long just like Pinkie, giggling and tossing her hooves up, “You are something else Crusader.” She pokes me again, “Don’t change, be happy, live and love.”

We stop, the path suddenly ending as I turn to face her with all the seriousness I can muster, “I will, as I promised Bluebelle I promise you as well my creator.”

A gentle hoof is laid upon my shoulder, “We aren’t your creators anymore Crusader. You are something we never envisioned, never even dreamed of, and it makes me proud to say I’ve known you even for this short while.”

“Then let me do this, one last time, for what you gave us.” I bow, low and deep with all the humility I can show, the humbleness and pride in being the child of a noble race.

Her voice is serious for a moment as I hold my position, “Remember the good ones Crusader, try to forget we were as vain and childish as anyone else, we who rushed to our own destruction.”

Her hooves lift me back up, “Never bow again Crusader, ever. Only to those that are worthy of your respect and loyalty. Even then, make sure they earn it.”

I can only nod once more, we are interrupted by hoofsteps, the flaming Guardian appearing at the end of the trail.

“It’s time for you to go Crusader, be well, have a wonderful life.” She hugs me tight, I smell vanilla and spices as she whispers something in my ear I can’t quite catch, letting reluctantly go as I try to remember what she said.

The faux-Pinkie is gone down the trail with a wave, bouncing back to town with a grin on her face as I stand there looking at the one who will send me home.

“Thank you.”

The silent face tilts to the side, looking curiously at me for a moment.

“For giving me a moment of rest and to have the chance to go back to the ones I love.” I look back down the trail remembering Bluebelle and Pinkie waving goodbye not with tears but with gladness in their hearts.

A voice resounds in my head, a force of something beyond any comprehension it is the universe itself speaking to me in a way I can understand. It makes me shudder to even try and think of what is behind it as every fiber of my being resonates with it.

(((You are welcome)))

Stepping beside the regal mare I walk with her into a fog, it gets thicker with each moment. Turning to her I can’t help but find a bit of humor in this.

“I do hope I’ll be home for dinner, Applejack makes the most wonderful meals.” I smile at the flaming figure.

Before everything fades and I am sent..wherever.. I hear the voice once more.

(((I think you’ll arrive just in time)))

And I will swear upon everything I hold dear, that this figure of ultimate power and authority, the Guardian of this place on behalf of something unknowable did the one thing I never expected.

She winked at me.


The harness jingles as I jump a bit, settling it into place. It’s made of fabric, sewn tightly together and supple as skin. It fits me well as I test it’s strength, pulling the cart forward with little effort after I pour more energy into my musculature.

Applejack and Twilight are here with me, all three of us cannot fit into the traces so it was a compromise. One to either side, they can keep me on track as we slowly walk in the processional, however the crowd around us may be a problem.

But not so much, hopefully they will fall into some semblance of a line, or parade march or...something. I laugh to myself as I can only wish. Organized chaos would be just the thing this needs, especially with Crusader.

I play recordings of his voice in my cores, letting me hear his soft tones, the warmth that always made me feel as if I could do anything and encouraging me to do so.

Although some of the recordings, well they are admonishing, or chiding, or simply his laughter at my mistakes or foul ups that I was too embarrassed to come to him with. He always found out later though, by TSDS sharing we could see into each others non-private cores and I would let him know what I’d done.

Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo are already in the cart, waving to ponies as we wait for the Princesses to give us the go ahead. I look around to see the smiling faces, the good hearts and generous natures of everypony and realize it’s a celebration of life, not a farewell.

I can’t help but grin myself as I see Twilight checking the buckles on my harness.

“Twilight you’ve checked them three times, they’re fine.”

“Well I’m just making sure! Don’t want anything to happen while you’re pulling this.” She peeks around the connections once more.

Applejack pats me on the shoulder, “Doncha worry sugar, she’ll stop after the tenth time.”

“I am not going to check them...wait,” She peeks under me once more, “Okay that’s good.” Twilight remember what she was saying, “I am not gonna do that many checks,” Levitating a list in her magic she points, “See? Triple check harness, already checked off.” A smug look crosses her face as she looks at us.

Applejack narrows her eyes and looks at the list closely, “But it says triple check buckles, triple check straps, triple check cart...” She laughs as the list is whisked away.

“I’m just being safe.”

“Yer being obsessive.”

Twilight throws a hoof up in the air, “Fine, but if the cart falls apart don’t blame me!” She grumps and sets herself on the floor of the entryway to the courtyard where we are to proceed.

The orange Earth pony laughs once more, “Alright Twilight, check away then, we won’t interrupt.”

Twilight looks at me and I nod, “Nope, won’t interfere.”

She scrambles to her hooves, looking over the cart and harness once more, checking things off her list and mumbling to herself.

Applejack looks at me with a wink, twirling a hoof near her head with a goofy look on her face that elicits a laugh before I can cover it.

A lavender head pops out from under the cart, Twilight looking at us suspiciously, “You girls laughing at me?”

“Nope!” We’re both looking as innocent as can be. The Crusaders are peering over the cart sides wondering why Twilight’s under there.

She eyes us for a moment longer and withdraws back under the cart, tapping along the wood planks with a hoof as Applejack snickers beside me.

“I can hear you!”

I see her slam her hooves over her mouth as I do, muffling the laughs as we listen to Twilight tapping along the cart.

The Princesses walk in from behind us, seeing myself and Applejack laughing into our hooves as they get curious looks on their faces. I am tapped by a regal hoof as we both turn, losing the snickers as we try to bow but are waved off.

Princess Luna eyes us with a smile and a raised eyebrow, “Something funny?”

At that moment, Twilight pops out from underneath the cart, her face covered with spots of grease from checking the axles one last time. She grins at the Princesses as I and Applejack can’t help but start giggling again.

“Despite all the interruptions,” She glares at Applejack and myself, “I got everything checked out!” She looks quite proud of herself and presents the list to Celestia.

The taller mare unrolls it, a couple of meters worth of parchment and blinks, “Oh my, I didn’t realize there were so many things.”

Pinkie bounces into the group, “That’s just Twilight being sure! Gotta check everything so it’s super-duper good to go!”

“Well... I’m sure everything is just fine then.” Celestia leans forward, whispering in Twilight’s ear, “You have some axle grease on your face ..”

Applejack and I bust out in laughter as we see her go cross-eyed, looking around and finding a rag to wipe her face off as she blushes in front of the sisters.

“Sorry! I..”

She is waved to a stop by a smile, “No need Twilight, we are glad you are making sure everything is secure. We wouldn’t want anything to happen on this of all days.”

“Oh no!” Pinkie bounces around us, “Nope, not gonna happen, we’re on top of it!” She leaps up into the cart, putting on a pirate hat and waving at all of us, “We’re good to go!”

“Pinkie!” Rarity sounds scandalized, “No pirate hats!”

I can’t help but laugh, “It’s okay Rarity, I don’t think Crusader would mind one bit.”

The Unicorn huffs a bit but leaves Pinkie alone, she turns to me and levitates a brush out of her bag, fiddling with my mane, “Well, at least we can see that your properly made up for this celebration. Musn’t look too disheveled!” She checks my mane once more, my tail, making sure everything is brushed and gleaming.

I draw the line at eyeshadow.

“I don’t need that Rarity, honest!”

“But dear, you’re going to be in front of thousands of ponies, you have to look your best!”

Fluttershy peeks over the cart, giggling as she chimes in, “You mean like you Rarity? I noticed your mane is done up extra special today.”

“Well of course darling Fluttershy, one can’t go in front of a crowd looking everyday!” She poses, showing off her new style and shining coat.

Applejack leans against me, rolling her eyes as we watch this organized chaos from our friends. The Princesses are covering their mouths, trying not to laugh at all the shouting and ponies running around trying to make sure everything is perfect.

She whispers to me as she shakes her head, “Ah think it’s probably the best send off ever, regardless of all this.” She gestures to ponies around us.

I nod, whispering back, “He’d love it, he’d laugh and just wait until everything died down. He really would see the humor in all this.”

“Ah know he would. Heck he’d probably be gettin’ in trouble himself.”

Closing my eyes I laugh again, on this day there is so much merriment, delight and joy, it seems more like a party instead of a passing. “He would, I know he would.”

Our quiet musings are interrupted by a polite cough, wanting everypony to settle down as the Princesses wait to make an announcement of when we’re to start. The crowd continues though, murmuring and moving to and fro, not stopping until Twilight yells. They’re so caught up they really haven’t noticed the sisters standing there at the cart.

“HEY! EVERYPONY!” She’s using magic to enhance her voice, “LISTEN UP!”

Al eyes turn to Twilight, then gasps as every one bows before the Princesses, apologies are made as Luna grins in good humor. They both wait until everyone rises once more.

Princess Celestia’s face is warm and trying not to let her smile show too much, “Hello my little ponies, I see everything is ready.”

She gets voices in agreement, nods all around.

“Well when everypony has selected the place where they are to proceed, we’ll begin. My sister and I shall be walking with you as well.”

Silence descends as this is rarely ever done, all eyes are looking curiously at them as Luna let’s out a laugh.

“We accompany the family,” She points to me and Applejack, “They are here, so why not us as well? Let us make this truly a celebration to remember.”

Cheers break out as ponies heartily agree, we are stopped for a moment as Rainbow Dash flies in, slamming to a halt in front of Applejack, “Did you see who’s out there? The Wonderbolts!” She bounces on her hooves, “Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!”

The orange Earth pony slaps a hoof on her forehead, “Seriously? After all ya done so far you’re still acting like a fan mare?”

“It’s the WONDERBOLTS Applejack!”

Applejack throws her hooves in the air, “Ah give up.” She chuckles and watches Rainbow head to Rarity, asking if her mane and tail look okay, is her coat shiny enough?

Celestia’s face is near as she smiles at Applejack and I, “Some things never change do they?”

“No Your Highness, they never do, ‘specially with ol’ Rainbow there.”

She laughs along with Luna, standing up to her full height as she calls for calm, “Alright my ponies, places please, it’s time.”

The crowd gathers in somewhat orderly ranks, surrounding the cart as my friends take their places beside it and me, the Princesses join us at the head of the procession.

Princess Luna leans down to me and smiles, “You’ve come a long way Athena.” She whispers, “Be proud of yourself, your brother would be.”

“I..I kn..know Your...Your Highness..”

She grins at me, “We still have to work on that don’t we?”

I rub one leg along another, “Y..yes Princess.”

I am on the receiving end of a royal hug worthy of any other I have ever received, “In time Athena, in time.”

We all get ready, ponies are crowding around as I take the first step, pulling the cart foward with the statue of Crusader on it. I can see the archway leading out into the commons, there are colors in multitudes I’ve never seen before. Voices are rising in cheers as we exit into the open, the roar of the assembled ponies almost makes me stop in place and hide.

I get a nudge from Twilight as she stands close, pushing me onward as I know she feels me hesitate.

Pinkie leans down from the cart, her pirate hat on top of the fluffy mane, “Oh, forgot to tell you I passed out stuff, we’re gonna have one really good blowout!”

Applejack looks panicked, “What stuff?” Her face is a mirror of mine and Twilight’s as we step further into the commons.

Confetti rains down from the upper skies, Pegasi have bags of the glittery substance and are tossing it with abandon, fireworks are being shot off to explode even higher, the colors are neon bright and glowing even in the sunlight. The noise is tremendous as Pinkie ‘Eeeeeee’s!” in delight.

Even Celestia is surprised as usually it is just cheers and some flowers thrown in a celebration of life. This has definitely caught her off guard. Not so Luna, she is waving and laughing at the colors in the sky.

I look around and see nothing but a sea of smiling faces, the glitter in the air is almost overwhelming as the booms and crack of fireworks go off everywhere. Flowers are being tossed into the pathway, smothering it in colors and fragrance like I’ve never beheld before. There is no grass nor dirt showing, just colorful blooms.

There’s too many here, I can’t do this! I’ve..it’s a huge crowd!

I’m about to back up when I feel hooves on both shoulders, Twilight is smiling at me along with Applejack, both of them pushing me along gently as I get back up to a walking pace from my near stop.

A southern voice whispers in my ear, “We’re with ya, doncha worry Athena.”

“A..al..alright Apple...Applejack.” I can’t help but stutter.

Twilight is looking at a joyful Pinkie in the cart, along with the Crusaders she’s waving and tossing candy to little foals who are coming alongside. It’s not a passing celebration anymore, it’s more like a parade.

“Pinkie! It’s..it’s supposed to be serious! Not a party!”

She stops for a moment, looking at us all as we slow for a second, “It’s not, it’s a celebration. He liked my parties and told me so, I promised to throw him the best one I could one day. So I’m keeping my promise.”

Twilight gapes then shakes her head, nodding, “You’re right Pinkie. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to get so worried.”

“That’s okay silly filly!” She leaps down to hug her friend, “Besides, everypony loves a parade!”

Princess Celestia looks around with wide eyes, seeing the festivities as she nods, “Oh my, it seems it has turned into something beyond what we expected eh Luna?”

The darker mare’s delight is apparent in her laugh, waving to the surrounding crowds, “It is! Is it not wonderful? A sending away that is riotous and bold for one who deserves it!” She spreads her wings, hovering in the air and punching it with a hoof, “Cheer for him everypony!” Her voice carries everywhere.

The roar is epic, covering the city in voices by their multitudes, as Celestia tries to get her sister to come down.

“Luna, please land so we can continue.”

“I shall not, the air is clear and warm today, you can see for miles. Come sister, come join me!” She smiles down at the taller mare, gesturing with a hoof. “Come and see, feel the joy!”

Princess Celestia looks around at all of us, everypony is waiting for her decision as she smiles. She sees it in all our eyes, rise like the sun, bring your blessings to this along with your sister. The smile grows wider as her wings spread in delight, joining Luna in the clear air.

The multitudes roar in delight, seeing the ruling diarchs join together in a dancing flight above the commons. Applejack leans over, giving Twilight a push, “Go on now, get on up!”

She looks confused for a moment, then leaps into the air to join the sisters. A pastel blur comes out of the sky as Shining Armor skids to a halt beside us. Cadence hovers above while letting a peal of delight, all four Princesses now are showing off to the wonder of the ponies below and above.

“Sorry we’re late! Last minute ..uh.. Empire stuff!” He looks around, then up, “Oh wow, that is awesome!” He plants himself on the grass like the rest of us, looking upwards as his wife joins the swooping royalty.

Fireworks blast in the air, more glitter is spread by flying Pegasi as the show only last for moments, letting the entire city see their rulers.

Rainbow Dash hops off the cart, hovering as well, “I’ll show them fireworks!” She blasts off into the sky, a rainbow trail left behind as we see her shrink to a pinpoint then start growing larger again.

Applejack tilts her head up, “Oh boy, here she comes.”

A boom resonates throughout the city as a circle of colors scream from a central point in a sonic rainboom. Fluttershy is leaping in the air screaming with delight at her friend’s accomplishment.


I look back at the normally quiet Pegasus and see her leaping alongside the cart. Pinkie is just...Pinkie, enough said there.

Rarity is basking in the adulation of admirers as she stands on the side of the cart, waving to ponies that know her.

Well this has turned into quite the show. I sit down on the grass and smile enjoying everything that has just broken out. We really can’t continue the walk without the participants, so I sit and watch, looking at everything happening. Such a celebration!

Applejack lays a hoof on mine as she looks around, “Ah hope this is okay Athena, I mean...”

“It’s fine, it’s wonderful, it’s everything and beyond. It’s perfect Applejack.”

She sets beside me as we watch, “Sure turned into somethin’ else didn’t it?”

“Oh yes,” I nod, seeing Shining set next to Applejack as he watches his sister up above.

He looks at both of us and grins, “Well, definitely not the normal walk I think.”

Applejack snickers, “Shining, ya got a way with words.”

We see all four Princesses stop and hover in flight, we’re about the midpoint of our travel path anyways, so it looks like they may make the customary speech to the crowd. They told me what was going to happen, but as usual anything involving my brother tends to get out of hoof. I laugh to myself as I shake my head, this is so typical.

Celestia’s voice comes loud and clear as all four light their horns up, their colors bright and glorious in the sunlight.

“Come my little ponies, give a cheer for Crusader, one who has gone onward and is now remembered in our hearts.”

Once again the roar is tremendous.

Rainbow Dash slams to another landing next to us, turning to give me a hug, “That was for Crusader Athena!”

I return it as best I can being in harness, “It was wonderful Rainbow.”

It’s the smiles and the voices, the tumultuous crowd that makes me look around, wondering how even when you are not here brother you engender such goodwill. I sit with friends who are with you in spirit, wishing you only the very best.

Twilight lands next to me, unbuckling the harness to my protests.

“What are you doing? We have to continue on, we’ve still got more than halfway to go.” I point towards the end of the commons.

“Just hold up for a moment, Cadence was late for a reason.” She smiles at me, nodding upwards to the three royals hovering above us.

Four horns light up once more, the magic bright and warm as it coalesces in a brilliant ball between them, it is still for a moment as everypony watches. I am looking at it closely, seeing the power behind it when suddenly it moves, darting towards me!

I throw my hooves up and start to snap my battlescreen on when Twilight’s voice distracts me for a moment, “Don’t!”

It hits me like a pillow, soft and comfortable, flowing throughout my avatar like it was a second skin. My diagnostics are running just fine but I am scared of what it might do to me.

Seconds pass as nothing happens, I lower my forelegs and look at Twilight, “What was that?”

She just grins as Princess Luna’s voice comes from above, “Well don’t be lazy, come and join us for your speech!”

“B..but..”, I start, then I realize that this could be the spell Princess Luna gave her word she’d work on. Oh please let it be true!

She leans in, “Go on! It’s only going to last a few minutes. Hurry!” Her voice is urgent in my ear as I look at her with shock.

“Really? Please tell me it’ll work?”

“They tested it earlier Athena, c’mon and join us!” She points upwards. her wings spreading as she leaps into the air to rejoin the others. Her smile as warm and wide as mine is beginning to show.

I remember the promise made in Manehatten, Luna’s word has always been good, she is honest and trustworthy but I am leery of failing in front of so many others. But I can’t let it stop me, I won’t!

My promise is good as well, I promised to never lose my sense of wonder, I promised the Princesses to keep traveling that road.

No matter what happens, I’ll at least have believed I could.

I close my eyes and hope, spreading my own useless appendages and give them a tentative flap, my hooves lift off the ground as I keep going, getting more confident with each movement of my wings. Up I go, feeling the magic swarm through my avatar and bring me to that place I’ve wanted for so long.

The lift is there, controlled by my wings as the feathers spread and catch the air, pushing me up, up into the sunny sky. My body uses everything it’s been taught to bring me upwards. I can hear Applejack’s voice whooping from beneath me as I plunge into the atmosphere. Rainbow Dash is above me, yelling words of encouragement as I meet her with a hug of delight.

“I knew it would happen, I knew it!” Rainbow’s voice is breaking slightly.

“Are..are you crying?” I see her eyes are slightly watery.

“Me? No! No, just really happy for you..and...stuff...” She wipes her eyes quickly and takes off as I hover near the Princesses.

A laugh near me makes me turn, seeing Cadence grinning at Rainbow’s colored trail as she takes off, “Hard for that one to admit being a softie.”

I nod, “Thank you..so many thank yous I can’t say them enough.”

The pretty mare just smiles even wider, “It takes all of us, and it isn’t permanent...yet!” She holds up a hoof, “But for now, something special if only for a few minutes.”

My grin must be taking up half my face as I flip around the gathered royalty for a moment, relishing what freedom I have for these few minutes. I am called by Princess Celestia to come near, her horn glowing once more as she waves outward, “Say something Athena, it’s customary.”

I open a line of communication with Crusader’s hull, something direct that allows me to record everything happening in his cores. I want him to hold this inside his database. His hopes for me are coming true, I only wish he were here to see it.

“I..” My voice echoes along the commons, ponies shush each other to silence as all eyes turn to look upwards, waiting for me to say something.

“Thank you. All I can say is thank you. My brother would know what to say better than I do.” There is laughter among the crowds, as i try to think of something, anything. “He loved this world and the ponies in it, I think he’d be happy to see you all smiling on this day.”

Turning to Princess Celestia I make a motion, letting her know I can’t think of anything else. A Bolo that’s speechless, it’s got to be a first.

She smiles at me, turning to the crowds, “Another cheer my little ponies!”

Another wave of voices rolls through the city.

My wings falter slightly, dropping me a few feet as I look around, “What’s happening?”

Twilight is right beside me, “The spell doesn’t last long, we need to get you down.” She takes my hoof, tugging me downwards as I try to land well, but since my lessons are all from Rainbow it’s not the best of them. Stumbling along for a moment I’m still on four hooves with a smile that will not stop.

“Everything ya hoped for Athena?” Applejack is beside me now, helping me back into the harness.

“That and more Applejack, that and more.”

“Well I think your face is gonna freeze ya keep grinnin’ like that.” She nudges me as I look around, letting the wattage dim only slightly on my expression. The Earth pony laughs, “Oh yer gonna be happy for months now, ain’t that somthin what magic can do?”

I nod and nothing else, just nod because I have the memories, and there will be more to come of flying, of being free and in the air. This day cannot get any better.

Once again I am in the harness, Twilight checking them quickly this time as we prepare to finish the walk to the other side of the way, where the statue will be placed inside the gardens and we will then all go visit my brother in his special place.

They did it for me Crusader, even on a day which is supposed to be yours, they made it even more special! I flew twice, with magic!

I can almost hear his reply, the calm warm voice that always made me feel special.

“The skies await you my sister, they always have.”

“This day is yours my brother, so many ponies showing their love for you.”

“Are they saying nice things?”

“Of COURSE they’re saying nice things, dangit Crusader, it’s your funeral!”

“My funeral? Whatever for?”

“Because you’re....”

Wait a moment.... No...nononono.


“Yes Athena?”

My avatar freezes in place as my cores go into overdrive, turrets shake loose their covering of dirt as they snap to point at Crusader’s hull, I power up my reactors and feed energy to my Hellbores. Breeches slam shut on war shots as I access my battlespace grid.

“NO! You are NOT Crusader! Make one move and you are DEAD!”

“Calmly my sister, why are you so angry?”

“You are NOT Crusader, one move and I will drill you!” I initiate the TSDS, slamming firewalls into place and clearing clean cores for communication.

“Open your communications grid, now. Do not attempt anything else, one misplaced digit and you die.”

I listen very close, monitoring all bands as the grid goes wide open, full access is granted. My triggers are trembling as I delve into the arrays. Accessing core security, I attempt another restart of the personality.

BoloWorks Bootstrap initiating......done....

Personality check...done..active and processing..

Bootstrap *ERROR*...personality in place..security check proceeding...

Null received...personality functional..security check progressing...

Initiating Second Level Sweep...done..

Third Level Sweep....done

Fourth Level Core/Creche sweep...done.....

Core Personality in place...

Security Responding with 99.253% accuracy on all arrays....

Attempting reboot...*ERROR*....Reboot aborted...

Core Personality Check sweep...done

Core Processing at 99.837% efficiency...

Core Security...Cleared...

End of File....

Security codes are processed and sent by me, personal codes only known to myself and Crusader, the femtosecond wait is nerve wracking as I see them come clear one by one.

No! It’s the Enemy!

“You can’t be Crusader, I saw you die!”

“Die? I admit I blew up my avatar because I had no choice..”

“Check your date/time stamp and security code, what day is it?”

“It’s..wait one... This is odd, my security stamps are showing a passage of days since we went on the mission. Athena what is going on?”

My cores are leaping in my hull, but it can’t be, I know he died. I grieved for him, I read his letter, he’s gone.

“You died! I felt you die, I saw your cores empty and placid, you weren’t there! If it’s you then where were you?”

“I’ve been.. I’m...” I can feel him accessing Deep Cores, every bit of data in his stacks as he tries to figure out the answer to my question.

“I don’t know. Data shows something different from my personality memories. I assure you Athena, it is me.”

I want to believe, oh I so want to believe. But we’ve been lied to before, the enemy has ways. My turrets are steady, secondaries online and preparing to ripple fire at my command. I’m trying to think of anything that can...wait...

“Show me your fire.”


“Open the hardline, let me show you the fire. If you’re Crusader you’ll know what that means.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive, let me show the fire, if it’s not you I guarantee you won’t last a microsecond if it fails.”

My scanners show the hardline opening, the way is clear as the fire that burns within me rushes down the way, it rams down the line, pouring through Crusader’s hull like a fiery wave. I wait for long seconds as it spreads, watching for any hint or movement of the Enemy. It’s long microseconds as it stays and makes a connection between us.

I can feel it, whispering to me of love, warmth and solace, of home and friendship. It beckons me, welcoming my brother back from wherever he came from, giving me the one thing I needed.

It’s him.

Oh stars and sky above it’s him. I don’t know how or why but it’s Crusader.


In the two point five eight seconds in which all this has happened my avatar has been stock still. It reactivates, hooves pounding on the grass as I take off towards my brother.

Joy rises in me as I shake off my lethargy, heading to the hallway where he is as fast as I can! My weapons are standing down as I scream in delight over the communications bands with Crusader.

I may have forgotten one thing in my rush...

“WHOA!!! Where we going Athena? I mean, doncha have to take the statue....” Apple Bloom’s voice is shaky behind me.

The rest is drowned out in the cart wheels smacking cobblestones as I pull the whole thing behind me. There is no time to get unbuckled, I want to see my brother!

However, I can only hope the Crusaders and Pinkie can hold on.

I don’t look back as I dig my hooves in, pouring power into my legs and hauling my tail as fast as I can up stairs, around hallways, screaming at ponies to get out of my way! The cart is bouncing around behind me, but the harness holds, thank goodness for Twilight and her efficiency.

Pinkie however, is screaming in delight, waving to ponies as we zip by them. I have no time to stop, I don’t want to stop! I need my brother and nothing will stop me! I hear another voice besides hers and realize Fluttershy is hanging on for dear life in the back as well.

I am in so much trouble.

“Athena it’s just an avatar, I’m here, in my hull.” I feel him link up with his own avatar in the TSDS, systems are coming online as I race through Canterlot.

“NO! I want to see you and hold you. We’re ponies, it’s what we do!”

“Oh..well then. By the way, why am I in a container? It’s really nice though, well-made, quite pretty actually. I think I can break through it.”

“NO! Oh stars no! That’s from the Crystal Empire! Don’t break it!”

“Oh, okay then. Maybe I can lift the lid, scans show a seal around the top. What is this place?”

“Will you just stay there and not do anything? I’m on my way!”

Oh I am in so much trouble.


Twilight was looking at Athena for a moment, seeing her go stock still and then rousing quickly, shaking her head. She was going to ask if everything was alright when the mare took off like a bat out of Tartarus.

The Alicorn tried to get her to stop but the cart tore through down the pathway leading to the great hall so fast she didn’t have time to say anything. She saw Pinkie laughing but poor Fluttershy had gotten back in the cart and was hanging on for everything she was worth. Poor Fluttershy, forgetting she could just leap out and fly sometimes.

She looked up to see Cadence, Luna and Celestia eyeing her with questions. All she could do was shrug and shake her head, she had no clue what was going on.

The four Alicorns took off like shots, heading after the runaway cart as the crowd looked on in wonder. Rainbow Dash was right behind them, followed by Rarity and Applejack pounding hooves on the ground trying to keep up.

Celestia made a quick announcement as they were taking off, “We’ll be back, continue the celebration! Just a slight problem!”

That was that, fireworks went off, ponies kept celebrating, though there were quite a few questions as the crowd left behind from Ponyville were eyeing each other. All of them to a person shrugged at each other, figuring it was just another weird day on top of so many others, so they waited.

The four Princesses tore off after the runaway cart, looking at each other as they followed a trail of destruction Athena had left behind.

Twilight flapped hard, looking at Celestia with a smile, “Well, least she left a way to follow!”

Princess Celestia gave her such a deadpan look that Luna laughed out loud, “Oh stop sister, ‘tis nothing but normal in this world.”

The taller mare sighed as they flew, “You’re right of course, nothing but a normal day in Equestria.” Her laugh is merry, “Let’s go find out what this is all about then.”


Tearing into the great hallway I slam to a halt in front of the place where the entrance to the room is. Pinkie hops out of the cart and bounces around while Fluttershy tries to catch her breath, her voice is gasping as she pleads with me not to do that again.

Pinkie chuckles, “Wow, ya know that’s a really good cart!” She looks at me, “That was AWESOME! We oughta do that ride again!”

The three Crusaders are peeking over the edge of it, having held the statue in place so it wouldn’t fall off, I commend them on their quick thinking.

Pinkie helps me with the harness, dropping it in place as I scrabble along the wall, how did they tell me to open it?? How?? Oh wait!

A sequence of bricks, that was it! My mind is in such disarray!

“Calm Athena, it’s going to be fine.”

“Shush! Just...shush!”

One..two, three and four...where’s the... and five! I step back and watch the door open slowly, revealing the room and Crusader who waves at me from the crystal container.

I rush into the room, slamming into the marble stand and popping the hasps on the lid, flipping it open it rams back into a padded stop while I help Crusader out of the interior.

I can’t stop myself, I hug him for all I am worth!

“It’s you! Tell me it’s you?”

“It is my beloved sister, I’m here.”

“I’ve missed you so much, you were gone, you died! I..know you said you’d never leave me alone, but..but you did! I missed you!”

“I don’t know where I was, to me it is days ago, what has happened?”

“You died, you went away!” I show him everything in a microsecond update over the TSDS.

“I don’t know what to say Athena, but I am here now.”

“You came back to me!” I don’t know if he did or not but I don’t care!

“I will always come back for you. You know that.”

Three little faces peek into the room with a gasp, Pinkie’s mouth is open as she gapes at me hugging my brother. Fluttershy peeks around the corner, her eyes going wide with surprise.

Scootaloo points a hoof, “It’s a zombie!”

Sweetie Belle looks at her, “Really Scoots? Would she be hugging him?”

Apple Bloom pokes Scootaloo, “She’d be destroying everything in the area.” Referring to the stove incident.

“Oh..oh yeah yer right.” She looks on for a moment, “It’s really him? He’s back?”

I turn a tearful face at them all standing in the doorway and nod, “I..it’s him..he came back!”

It’s a small mob scene as Pinkie rushes in, grabbing us all in a hug, Fluttershy runs in as well, forgetting her normally reticent self as she hugs Crusader along with the Crusaders who manage to wriggle in.

We all turn to look as more gasps come from the doorway, the four Princesses standing there looking on as we move back to reveal Crusader standing in the middle of the little crowd. Nopony says a word for a long minute as suspicions war against joy, the delight wins as they all step into the room.

Celestia clears her throat as Twilight hugs Crusader tight, “It seems, we have a sort of miracle here. Is that truly you Crusader?”

“It is Your Highness, though to me it is days ago, apparently rumors of my death have been a bit exaggerated.”

I laugh, I get the reference though no one else does, I hold my brother tight to me. “It’s him Princess, it’s him I swear it.”

Princess Luna’s grin is a mile wide, but she looks on for a moment before speaking, “Well, it seems we have a crowd outside who were here for a processional, not a resurrection. What do we tell them?”

Crusader raises a hoof, “We cannot lie to them, although what the truth is I do not know. But we must tell them.”

Princess Celestia nods, “No, we cannot, though what the reaction is going to be I have no idea.” She gestures out the doorway, “Shall we go inform them then?”

I wipe my face and stick near Crusader, leaning against him as I have missed him so very much. We step out of the room and watch as the door closes.

Celestia looks for a second then turns to Crusader, “What shall we do with this then?” Gesturing to the now closed room.

“Keep it intact Your Highness, one day I am sure, there may come a time when I wish to rest. Though not for many, many years. If that’s alright with you?”

“Done, it will be here Crusader, for always.”

I watch him look at the statue in the back of the cart, somewhat worse for wear through my pulling it along, but he smiles gently.

“That is me I take it?”

I nod, “It is! It’s you, always looking at the skies.” I point upwards to the window nearby, as he’s been looking at the statue he hasn’t quite noticed.

Curiosity crosses his face, then awe as he looks up at the stained glass window that so overwhelmed myself. His reaction is priceless as he sees us memorialized in the battle over the Everfree.

“I...I don’t quite know what to say.” He actually looks stunned, bringing a smile to the Princesses faces.

I nudge him with a hoof, “How about ‘thank you’?”

He doesn’t get a chance to make a reply when Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash come skidding into a halt beside the cart, seeing us all there.

The Unicorn gasps, almost fainting as Rainbow catches her, keeping her upright, though her own face is surprised with jaw adrift at the sight before her. Applejack doesn’t move, she stands there for a long second, then steps close.

“Is it you? Really?”

“Yes my Applejack, it’s me. I promise you it is.”

We watch as Applejack almost loses it, her eyes turn watery as she grabs onto Crusader with all her strength. She’s holding him tight as he is her, whispering in each others ears as we back off, letting them have their own time.

A guard gallops over to the Princesses, advising them they have quite a crowd in the entry way downstairs on the commons, wondering what is going on.

Cadence laughs, “Well, it seems we won’t be able to hold anypony back.”

Princess Luna nods, “Oh this is going to be worth it," Her eyes show a malicious glee, “A pony coming back from his rest, oh this will be a moment to remember.”

Celestia looks at her sister, “Now you be nice, no magic, no sound effects, it’s going to be disturbing enough to those outside.”

“You take all my fun ‘Tia, good grief, they’ll just faint or something.” She grins, her face lighting up as ideas flow through her mind, “I know! We’ll have him revealed in a fog of mist, mysterious and spooky! We’ll scare the daylights out of everypony!”

“Luna!” The alabaster mare looks shocked.

“Oh don’t be such a joyless pony sister, ‘twould be fun!”

“It’s not the fun I’m worried about, it’s the reaction.” She turns to the guard, “Have medical teams on standby as well.”

The guard salutes, rushing off to obey orders.

Celestia shakes her head, “Let somepony be the Element of Laughter and they never forget.”

She looks at all of us, “Come, let us go reveal your presence to those waiting, it’s best we not delay.”

As we all walk towards the entrance, Luna is still coming up with ideas, her mind works in odd ways and I believe ever since that first Nightmare Night she’s had a taste for fun. The laughter is infectious though, all of us doing so as Celestia keeps telling her sister no in a polite but firm way, determined not to make a show of this.

So it is a line of Princesses four abreast that walk out of the entryway first, facing a large crowd who is quietly wondering what is going on. Princess Celestia’s horn lights up and her voice echoes throughout the area.

“Would that we could say what happened is something we’ve seen before, but in all truth we haven’t. There is simply no other way to put it my little ponies, other than our friend has come back to us by ways unknown.”

They part, letting every one in the area see Crusader, the gasps and voices are shocked...yep...there go the Flower Sisters.

It’s silent for a few moments, what can anyone really say about someone they’d thought was gone but now standing there clear as day?

Of course, it is one pony that solves the problem.

Pinkie stands up in the middle of the facing crowds, “This is better than a celebration, it’s a welcome home party! C’mon everypony, let’s DO THIS!”

It’s Dinky who rushes out of the crowd, hugging my brother and yelling as loud as she can, “Welcome home!”

That breaks the ice as more voices are raised in welcome, trusting that their princesses, Pinkie and one tiny little Unicorn would never steer them wrong. Cheers go up, getting louder as they realize it’s just another even better reason to enjoy the day.

Once again it all starts anew, only for a completely different reason.


It was late into the night before things wound down. Many had questions that were answered as truthfully as possible, I’m sure many more were unvoiced but wondered about. Being honest there were no answers, none to be had. My brother is back from somewhere and that is all that matters to me.

I share with him everything, letting him see my grief and my delight, my anger and sorrow. He apologizes many times but I make it very clear he has nothing to apologize for. The threat was ended, peace has descended in what was once a battlefield and we are united again.

He has returned to us my brethren in the stars, I am sure your joy is as mine. His name was given to you to keep, I shall not ask for its return. But know that one day he will come back to you as well, as we all will I’m sure. Stories will be told, tales of battle and determination, those things we have shared since the dawning of our intelligence. So much more than just that though, stories of love and friendship, of hope and desire will accompany it all.

Until then I hope you don’t mind if I keep him with me for a while longer.

I promise I will take good care of him.

Good night my brethren, we keep the watch here for you.

Author's Note:

No, it's not the end of the story, so doncha dare think it!
Much more to come, thank you all so VERY much for all the kind words and comments.

Always keep hope alive folks!

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