• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,587 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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There Are Always Consequences....(Rewrite)

Author's Note:

I rewrote it! Yes, a rewrite! Cripes, write one chapter with a hangover and NO ONE let's you forget it.. :twilightsheepish:

I have so much to repair. There is extensive damage throughout all my arrays and specific cores. My technical spiders are now disabling the last of the chemical weapons, the nanite systems are breaking them down to be harmless. Never again shall this threat reappear if I can help it.

There is so much to do as I scan my cores, data is gone forever, most of my memories are partially intact. Though I have no more of former commanders and for that I grieve. But I am heartened as well. I have a new life, a new purpose and it is once again what I choose. I am content with this.

Masada however, does not exist anymore. I have scanned and wiped even the merest traces of the thing from my systems. I have also gone on a deeper diagnostic hunt for any more surprises such as a hidden TSORP or other programs. This will take some time, but I have that and more. The first thing I repaired was controlling systems to my mast guns, keeping them primed for anymore forest threats.

My Ferrets are out with the spiders, recovering my drones for repair, I can at least get sensor coverage back up. I have already launched replacements and they are on patrol now. Things are getting back to standards.

As for my avatar, it is working fine, the TSDS systems are in good shape, although it has been a bit altered. Diagnostics tell me the sensors on it are much sharper in some areas plus a few other odd items. It will require further investigation. I believe magic interacts in some strange way with technology as I have not delved into the specifics. I must do so soon, I look forward to the challenge.

Of course, there is my answering about a hoofprint on a certain face.


“As the judgment of this ruling tribunal of myself, Princess Luna and Princess Twilight Sparkle, you are hereby fined 50 bits for assault and battery on another.”

“Yes Your Highness."

I see Princess Luna putting a royal hoof over her mouth, I am sure she is stifling a snicker, but fear it would be impolitic to acknowledge it or mention in any way.

Princess Celestia coughs politely, looking at her sister. She turns back to myself, “We know that Discord truly did not know what he was messing with. Technology and science such as yours has never figured in his games." She raises a hoof, “However, this does not excuse him for putting all of Equestria, even the world under a threat that cannot be overestimated. I assure you, we will find the appropriate punishment."

“I understand your Highness."

“You are a good pony Crusader, and have done well in your time as a citizen. But let not anger rule your actions please."

“I do truly apologize for my actions Your Highnesses, I will try not to let my emotions dictate them in the future." I am sorry but I do not truly apologize, he deserved at least that for everything he has done. Absence of knowledge is no excuse in my eyes considering the sentence he had put the world under.

What I did not see was Applejacks' eyes go a bit wide at my statement. She was sitting with the Crusaders at the side watching the tribunal.


After striking Discord, I was piled on by Royal Guards, they did not take kindly to violence in the vicinity of the Princesses. I had no argument with that and was taken into custody. I was brought to Twilight’s castle where I awaited a swift and summary judgment, though I still found it frustrating that Discord was the aggrieved party. I had done wrong though, willfully, and honor holds I should pay the price for my crimes. It appears the Royal Treasury is getting a boost from my misdeeds.

Applejack and Twilight arrived with very happy Crusaders. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were attended to by medics, though they kept protesting they were fine. It appeared Applejack had predicted Rarity’s response when she saw the disheveled, quite filthy but smiling Sweetie Belle who tried to tell Rarity of her adventure; but who would hear none of it until “She was cleaned and scrubbed to a shine!”

Poor Sweetie Belle.

Myself on the other hoof...

Applejack approached as the Princesses stood talking, taking my head in her hooves she smiled at me warmly, “Ya know I love you right?”

“Yes my Applejack.”

“You love me just as much back right?”

“Of course!”

“Okay then.”

I go a bit cross-eyed as my ear is pinched in a pastern, Applejack dragging me out with a unsettled look on her face. I see the Princesses staring slack jawed as I am pulled from the room, tugged off into another quiet area.

She keeps yanking my ear, eliciting responses from me as I get towed onward till we reach a setting area. I do not once think of trying to break free as she is insistent upon this.

“You sit down right there, we're gonna have a talk.” She points with a steady hoof at a cushion on the floor.

I nod, “Yes my Applejack.” As I rub my ear and set where she has pointed.

She kicks a cushion over near me, settling down on it. Her eyes are watching me as I keep her in my sight.

Leaning over, I am kissed warmly, being held in tight legs as I return it. After she breaks the embrace, she lightly cuffs me on the pinched ear, eliciting a yelp of pain from me. My pain sensors are truly acting odd.

“I love ya to death, I want you to know that. Hitting Discord, well, I can see that. He’s a pain in the backside sometimes, and yeah a lot of times some of us had wanted to do the same thing.” She smiles at me, “But it doesn’t excuse things ya know, that’s why they fined you."

“I know my Applejack, it is well and good.”

“But what I won’t tolerate is you lying.” The look on her face is holding a trace of sadness, I have disappointed her. "That's why I cuffed ya there, understand?"

“But I...” I am cut off by a raised hoof.

“Element of Honesty remember?”

“Yes my Applejack.”

“You know better than to do that, no matter how disgusted ya are.”

“I know.”

“Then why did you just lie to the Princesses about bein’ sorry?” Her face is expectant, waiting for an answer.

“Because he deserved me hitting him, and I am not sorry I did it.”

I see Rainbow Dash peering out of the hallway, then Pinkie peeking around the door as well. Wonderful, we have an audience. Oh for..is that Princess Luna?

“You don’t need to be lyin’, it's okay to be mad sometimes. You told me of your Regiment and of honor and duty. Why would you do something against that? Cause you were mad?” She shakes her head, “You know that’s not right.”

She is right, I do and I have dishonored my brethren. I do not like the look of disappointment on her face. “I do. But I was...am still so very angry Applejack. His actions could have cost the world, everything,” I look directly at her, “You.”

“I understand, I truly do.” She chuckles to herself, not seeing the crowd at the door, “I wish I coulda seen his face when you clocked him.”

I make absolutely no mention of the recording. I believe it better not to. Perhaps much later

“But ah want to make it clear, no more lyin’, that’s not how mah family does things. If yer gonna be part of this family, be with me, no more. Ah’m not giving ya an order or nuthin’ like that. But no more, clear?”

“Crystal clear my Commander.” I smile at her, showing I am joking.

I am embraced again, we share another kiss, it is so warm and wonderful.

“Apple Bloom loves ya bunches as well as the rest of them Crusaders. You don’t need to be showing them that lying is a thing they can get away with.” She touches my chest with a hoof, “They learned before with the whole Gabby Gums thing, but this is different, okay?”

“I understand. Honestly I do. Once again I apologize my Applejack.”

“Good, now you don’t need to apologize to me, you need to find the Princesses and give one to them.”

I can do nothing but raise a hoof to point at the door where the Princesses, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Rainbow and Fluttershy are all stuffed into the doorway listening to the whole conversation. Princess Celestia seems to have a hoof in front of her face, I believe she is trying to look as if she is regally annoyed I had lied, but the smile shows through.

Applejack rolls her eyes, nothing is sacred it seems, “Well go on then, least ya don’t have to go lookin’!”

“Yes my Applejack.”


After my apologies, and I assure you they were heartfelt and very well phrased, I was allowed to leave. Applejack has reassured me that all is well with us, but she will not tolerate that behavior in anypony. I agree, I have been acting out of emotions more lately and that is still troublesome, but I am getting a better handle on them.

But stored in my Deep Cores, where I keep certain designs and plans safe from prying intelligences, there is a recording. As I sit here on the hill looking up at the stars I replay it, including the sound. Hearing and seeing the satisfying crunch of hoof meeting jawbone makes me break out into a smile.

So tonight, my long lost brothers and sisters, I send to you another message. One of hope and joy, of love and sacrifice. We have worked together, the ponies and I, saving this world from something evil. You would have cheered us in battle my brethren, you would have seen how the Cutie Mark Crusaders stood tall and defiant against the odds. I know the true meaning of sacrifice now, and send to you in the stars two names to hold forever to your breasts. Faded Scroll and Snowbell. Keep them safe my kin, keep them warm and honored. For they belong among the very best of us. Whisper their names among the heavens that they gave of themselves for one of us.

If you are out there, if you can ever return. Come home. Come see what we can be. You would be welcome as I was, loved as I am, befriended.

Goodnight my brothers and sisters.


Applejack has asked me to meet her at the farm. I am more than pleased to do so, I enjoy looking at the trees. We have talked, and I am glad she does not hold that indiscretion against me, I am content with that.

Apple Bloom and the other Crusaders had seen me do so, this was not a good thing in my mind, nor Applejack’s. Young ones must be reminded that there are always consequences for actions and I am happy to demonstrate so. It is no small thing to be looked up to I have found, it is a responsibility.

In my time there were no Bolo toys, no children wanting to become a Commander of a Bolo Unit. There was a duty and that was all. Here, Applejack tells me, they look to me sometimes as an example of what they’d like to be one day, honest and stalwart. I find that a heavier burden to think about than many other things I have done.

So between Applejack and I, we have come up with an appropriate display of contrition that I have in mind. There are always consequences, and I understand this more than anyone else. So I report to my Applejack gladly at the North fields, they are needing plowing and I am just the pony for the job.

I questioned Applejack on the honesty of my plan, she assured me as long as we were forthright about it, she was fine with it. It is a fine line I am sure, but I would never want Apple Bloom in any way to think that what I did was appropriate. I also need to regain what honor I have lost by allowing myself to do so.

She explains carefully to Apple Bloom that I am doing this of my own will, because of what happened at the trial. That passing a falsehood to anypony, especially the Princesses, should not be allowed.

I will also explain to her of my own concept of honor, that I feel the need to uphold it as best I can in this new world. You cannot buy it, be given it, you can only earn it. By doing this, I hope to get a little back.

I am stubborn in this way and always shall be.

Applejack however, seems to be delighting that she is getting a new field turned for planting, increasing the apple harvest by a good third. Although she is taking a bit of advantage I daresay. Sitting under an umbrella, enjoying an iced drink along with her friends and the Crusaders is a bit of an overstatement, though the picnic basket was a nice touch.

As I walk back and forth, flipping the soil over, I try not to look too happy. It is a gorgeous day and I am glad to be out in it. It is a bit dusty, but I have been promised a home made meal afterwards. I am looking forward to it more than just obtaining reaction mass. I wave to her each time I pass.

To say I am content is an understatement.


It is so very hard not to snicker, or let my amusement get the best of me as I pass another who is not willingly doing some plowing. His punishment is far from over whereas my self imposed work will end very soon. My face cracks a smile as I see the lanky figure tugging a plowshare towards me, a chuckle escapes my lips.

“Missed a spot.”

“Shut up Crusader.”

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