• Published 30th Dec 2014
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Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Into The Past Part XI

Crusader inspected the inside of the magazine, seeing the surface to space missiles laying quiescent in their cradles.

The power lines were feeding the stasis machinery on the warheads just fine, the drain was horrendous, drawing most of one power plant inside Athena’s hull to keep them stable. He doubted this could be kept up for very long. Reaction mass was at a premium in the empire. Organics being preferred, the crystalline structures inside of everything was making it tough to break down and use.

He was currently reconfiguring his Heavy VLS to accept these items and launch them into orbit where they could be detonated safely far outside the atmosphere.

“Helluva thing to find here, ain’t it?” The soft voice made him turn, seeing the human..no..Sergeant Carpenter.. standing there.

“One of the last things I would have expected, yes.”

“You’re Crusader aren’t you?” The tall figure stepped closer, leaning on his cane a little heavier, “Athena pointed you out.”

“I am.”

The slim body leaned back against a low wall, “I recognize that insignia,” A finger directed towards his faux Cutie Mark, “The Regiment was all they called it. Always heard rumors about it, never expected to see the symbol anywhere but on records.”

Eyes narrowed as Crusader inspected this human who knew of the Regiment. Seeing only the straight back, short cut iron grey hair and strong body that was being ravaged by the disease he carried. Suspicion and paranoia rose inside him as a natural response to such revelations.

“How would you know about that?”

A hand was raised in a peaceful gesture as Wyatt sat on a chair nearby, “One hears things, one sees things.” He leaned back slightly, placing both hands on the top of his walking stick, “I was on Regis IV, watched the landing of Bolos before we went in as a follow-on force.

“When we asked who the Bolos were attached to, it got real quiet. No one would say anything, not a word. You were done with your job and gone,” Fingers snapped loudly in the silent air, “Just like that.”

“Made me curious, did some digging. All I ever got was ‘The Regiment’ and a symbol.” The finger pointed like a gun, “That one.”

Crusader kept his peace, staring back at the human for a long few seconds, not answering.

“Still keeping those secrets, huh?”

“The Concordiat is long gone, it is no longer a secret. I choose not to discuss it.” He turned to watch a tech spider adjusting a fitting.

“Can’t be that bad. Not like it was some horrible..” He stopped, seeing the umber head snap around, blue eyes that turned hard as stone nailing him in place.

“There are places and things you cannot begin to imagine that are in my mind, Sergeant Carpenter.”

He stared at the stunned human for a moment, before turning back to oversee the adaptations on the missile bodies.

“You are not making a good first impression Sergeant, I suggest you do better.” Crusaders voice was offhand, thrown over his shoulder as his concentration never waned over the missile problems.

“He does have that problem Crusader. So I shall apologize for him.” Calliope’s voice was chuckling over the internal links.

“Next you’ll be telling me not to date your sister.”

This got an unexpected reaction, “Athena is of her own mind. She is very sharp Sergeant, you would be wise to be careful. Because she wishes to live another life does not mean there is not a Bolo AI behind her.” The face turned his way again with a small smile playing around the edges of Crusaders mouth, “And I doubt, very highly, she would find you attractive in that way.”

Carpenter could only gape as the pony turned back around, ignoring him for the moment.

“As they used to say in our time, tapped and slapped.


A good one it was too, by a Bolo none the less. You should feel very honored.” Her voice was mocking over the link, making Crusader chuckle to himself.


Athena chose that moment to enter, seeing Wyatt gape-mouthed and looking stubborn, Crusader with a crooked smile along his face as she had the proper angle of view, Calliope laughing in her ears.

“Uh..everything going okay?”

“Just fine, Athena.” Crusader gave her a look..was that a wink? As Calliope kept laughing.


She had come to retrieve them for a late meal, since breakfast was long past, and everyone involved in the..party.., it could be called, had just awoken, it was decided to also be a meeting.

Twilight had an ice-pack on her head, chin resting on the tabletop, bleary eyes looking at all the other red-eyed ponies around the table. Her whole body ached from sleeping in that hammock spell, which really made her happy as she could hold it in her sleep, but the power use was tiring.

A lavender hoof rubbed one temple as Applejack nodded to her, leaning on a hoof herself and trying not to pay attention to the ache that was roaring through her head like a stampede.

Rarity commiserated with them both, her mane limp and laying across her neck, not having the coordination to even curl it, her magic spitting and fluttering in and out. She just gave up and came down as is, though with dire threats that should anyone take a picture they would regret it most harshly.

Rainbow had dragged a sleeping Fluttershy to the table, barely standing herself and setting her friend on a soft pillow, propping her up with a cord from a drape that had been demolished in the room, tying her around the midsection to a column behind the hapless pegasus. Poor Flutters was bent in almost half snoring peacefully at the table.

Rainbow had plopped down on a cushion, laying one cheek against the cool table and ‘aaaahing’ happily at the sensation. An ice-pack landed on the other side of her head as she waved to Twilight, “Thank you!”

Cadence and Shining were looking just as bad, sitting at the end of the table, both of them leaning against each other for support. Lidded eyes surveyed the damage and nodded to the servants if they would please serve a meal and to be as quiet as possible in doing so?

But the worst was actually poor Pinkie. The fuschia mare had wandered in and practically fell over on a cushion, her head barely missing the edge of the table. A nearby guard grabbed her and some more pillows, helping her to sit up and lean forward on the table, propping herself up on elbows and hooves, she couldn’t focus for a few minutes, until the realization she was sitting at a table hit her and she looked around.

Even Athena was leaning slightly against Crusader as he sat and watched the group. The only one who wasn’t in poor shape was Sergeant Carpenter, whose merry eyes took in the devastation he’d not meant to wreak on the poor ponies.

“Guess we might have had a little too much last night. I really do apologize, I didn’t know it would affect you all so badly.” He was looking very apologetic, leaning over and pushing Fluttershy back up before her nose hit the table.

Athena tapped his shoulder, “Told you.”

He was honestly surprised, “I can’t imagine one glass, just one, doing that to anyone.”

“It’s ponies Wyatt. I told you things happen.”

“Please stop yelling,” Rainbow was squeezing her eyes shut, trying to block out all the sounds, her voice was a little rougher than normal.

A servant dropped a spoon on the table, the clatter made them all flinch.

Crusader sat at one corner of the table, looking with interest at the wreckage of ponykind spraddled on their seats, the tabletop propping up not a few. A glance showed him Athena leaning against his shoulder as he sat like a rock, hearing the slight groans as the others tried to get back into some semblance of normalcy.

The umber stallion looked at Carpenter, tilting his head and jerking it in a way that said ‘Leave them be, we have things to discuss’.

The tall human nodded back, “Please excuse me. I do hope you all feel better very soon. We’ll have the meeting later.” He rose and politely removed himself from the table.

Crusader quietly got up, making sure Athena had something to lean against and followed him out.


“Adaptations for surface to space weaponry are proceeding. It is just a matter of swapping out launcher parts.”

Wyatt nodded, staring out over the town from his vantage point on the balcony, “The sooner we get rid of them, the better.”

“Current estimates are four hours for the entire compliment. We can then transfer the missiles directly into the VLS cells.”

The eyes of the human swept over to the right, seeing the massive machine parked behind Athena’s own hull, “A Planetary Siege Unit. Do they really understand how powerful you two are?” The durachrome sides gleamed in the daylight, taking up a huge amount of room near the castle, dwarfing any buildings nearby.

“They do. The Battle of the Everfree was a clear demonstration of our abilities.”

“But do they understand?”

“I believe so. They do not want our technology, except for simple things. We are not planning to inject anything, if we can help it, that would upset this world. Beyond ourselves of course.”

The gray head nodded, turning himself to lean back against the low railing and staring at the impassive pony, “You could have ruled this world. Why didn’t you?”

“It is not our place, nor our desire, to become dictators or despots.”

“I never dealt with Bolos firsthand. Only saw them at a distance you see.” He waved a hand as if gesturing towards the past, “All we saw was what you did when you hit the battlefield. We heard stories, tales of heroism, of sacrifice from you machines. Doing what humans couldn’t do.”

“I assure you, Sergeant Carpenter, Bolos did what they had to out of honor, loyalty and a desire for duty.”


“Why what?”

“Why did you do all those things? For humans that a lot of times didn’t even trust you.”

“For those that did and those that served and died alongside us, Sergeant. For the ones who could not defend themselves, we were there. Our mission was to preserve and defend the Concordiat and its peoples and allies. We did so.”

“But now?”

A pause, the blue eyes looking back at him reminded him of the thousand yard stare he’d seen in veterans, looking at something that wasn’t there for a brief moment.

“Now, we have a new world. One where the Concordiat is no more, or so we believe. This race, and others, who inhabit this world do so in relative peace. We have decided to protect them, these ponies, for as long as we shall live.”

A twinge of pain that ran up his back and spread to his entire chest made Wyatt flinch, he grabbed the side of his rib cage and bent forward. Breath was coming in harsh pants as he looked up to see the umber pony right there, a hoof holding him steady.

“Time for us to do a medical check-up, Sergeant Carpenter.”


The auto doc in Crusader’s hull was similar to the one he had rested in all those long years, comfortable and airy. He fell asleep into a timeless world that was soon gone and done, seeing the lid sliding backwards and a concerned face looking at him as he stood up out of the bay.

“So, will I play violin again?”

“I doubt you could before Sergeant.” The voice was tinged with humor at the hoary old joke.

Wyatt waited, nothing more to say.

“Nanite sweeps have done much to boost your immune system,” A screen came on behind the umber form, diagnostics showing as a column rolling by on one side, passing the form of a human outlined on the screen.

“The neuropathy has degenerated your nervous system to a point where you should be disabled. Why did you not tell Athena you were in so much pain?”

Carpenter looked at the pony sitting quietly, knowing it was just a small part of the immense machine surrounding him. At the same time, he could see a trace of true concern on its features, honest and worried.

“I don’t want to live my last days in a fog of painkillers, Crusader.”

“He is stubborn that way.” Calliope, who had been listening in, ventured quietly, “The medical nanites were at a premium, I did all I could to stave off the progression, we sacrificed many items to make more, but the results were crude, we did not have proper materials nor vats.”

A hand waved in the air, “Stop blaming yourself Calliope. It was more than I hoped for.” He gave a hard look to Crusader, “Can you do something?”

The umber head tilted slightly, as if listening to a far off voice, “I can. It will not reduce your quality of life and it will take the pain away, or dull it down to where light pain relievers will work efficiently.”

“Please do so.” As Wyatt said the words he felt the twinges leave, the excruciating nerve fire he’d felt up and down his back and legs was gone, forced back into a simple ache that might need a gentle analgesic. He felt better than he had in days.

“I have left the nanites in your system, they will block the pain until it becomes a moot point.”

“A moot point.” A snorting laugh, “You mean when I’m dead.”

Crusader remained silent, both of them knowing the answer.

“How long?”

“Do you truly wish to know?”

“Yes..no!” Eyes searched the deck flooring, a hand balling into a fist and hammering quietly on the arm of the command chair, “No. No I don’t.” The head raised, once again peering at the silent pony, “Will I know when?”

“Yes. There will be warning signs.”

“Can’t just give me a whole new nervous system, huh?”

Crusader’s voice was actually warm, not detached nor neutral, “We can rebuild parts. It would take work to shore up the degenerated areas.” Here he stepped forward, placing a hoof on the hand that rested on the arm of the command chair, “But it would be worse than you can imagine, Sergeant Carpenter. There would be nothing we could do to halt the re-emergence of the disease, or the progression, which would be faster than before.” He stopped, not wanting to say anything more.

A hand landed on the strong shoulder, squeezing for a moment as Crusader felt the first touch of a human being in so long it almost made him wistful.

“That bad?”

“More than you can possible think.”

Well, guess that’s that then.”

“I am truly sorry, Sergeant.”

“Do me a favor?”


“Call me Wyatt, please.”

“It would not be..” Another squeeze on his shoulder stopped his protestations.

“Of course.”

“Please don’t tell Athena, she knows enough, but doesn’t need to know about this. She is joyful in a quiet way I can’t quite grasp, and I don’t want to see her moping around whenever we talk.”

“I shall not disclose anything from the medical. It is not hard to deduce what is happening to you or how far advanced it is, she will figure it out.”

Wyatt nodded, “I’m sure she will, that’s why I waved off any offers from her for a scan. We play the game Crusader, to the very end.”

“I understand.”


We are ready for the first transfer. Clear all nonessential personnel from the area.” The voice came over all commlinks, prompting a final check of the castle and surroundings as the warning went out.

Athena stood with Crusader as they watched through sensors, a heavy lift spider start removing a missile from its rest. She asked Wyatt with a low voice over the comms.

“How much anti-matter is in each warhead?”

“Thirty kilograms.”

Quick calculations told them both that the destructive power contained in each of these slim lances was more than enough to blow a Melconian cruiser to bits, or the Empire clean off the map.

They had not asked before as the matter of these weapons was enough to bring Crusader to help solve it. While they existed the entire planet was in danger, regardless of how many there were.

However, tactical cores were telling them both, each of those metal forms lying in silent cradles carried twelve hundred and eighty-eight megatons of destructive force each.

Now, the process of slowly bringing them out, intact, was going to be laborious. The warheads must be detached from the boosters and brought up into the light, reassembled and slowly lowered into the VLS system. Once the cells were full, Crusader would back out from the city, launching them when he was far enough away. No amount of distance would save them if one detonated upon launch, but it was enough to try.

Fuel cells were still in prime condition, no refueling necessary. The power cables to each one had to be carefully maintained to keep stasis intact, otherwise the mixtures would collide and there would be a tremendous flash of matter converting into energy at a one hundred percent efficiency.

Neither of them had dealt with anti-matter systems before, but Wyatt had told them everything he knew about handling and launching. It was fairly straight forward.

It was also very lonely.

It was Crusader and Athena alone that stood there, in the roadway, handling the necessary machines and programs to safely remove that hardware of death.

They had asked that everypony else be evacuated to the farthest areas of the Empire. It would not do much good, but it gave the others something to do.

This was the important part, keeping their friends out of the way and prevent them from trying to ‘help’.

Stable on Missile One, bringing warhead out now.

Cables are intact, power flow is in the green.

They both watched through various optics and sensors as the ship killer was brought out, the booster following it in pieces, held carefully by heavy-lift spiders.

“Everything going okay?”

The two Bolos almost jumped out of their manufactured skin, hearing the voice so close. Sensors had been so occupied with the transshipment and loading they had not given any to perimeter defense and detection.

“What are you doing here?” Athena’s voice was exasperated, seeing Wyatt standing with a snifter of cognac in one hand, taking a sip now and then.

He waved the container around, sloshing the liquid gently inside, “Just figuring maybe if you needed any tips, I could help.”

Athena pointed to the boom mic at the side of his head, “You have a commset you doofus!”

“But that’s so impersonal. I mean if we’re going to be destroyed in a flash of matter-antimatter reactions, why not just be right there, you know?” His comment, made in the most normal tone, actually had Crusader turning to stare at him as if he were an idiot.

Spiders reassembled the long shape, lowering it gently into the first cell of the Heavy VLS system, making sure everything was working properly.

They both spoke out loud now, distracted from Wyatt looking out along the vista, seeing the two Bolos and all their machinery in action.

“Circuits are green, launcher is stable and working. We are go for the rest.”

Almost a sigh of relief passed between Athena and Crusader as they ramped up the effort. More spiderlike forms hustled from bay doors, winding their way down to the vault, proceeding to take apart the missiles still left.

Both of them then turned their attention fully upon Sergeant Carpenter, who stood there nonplussed, drinking the ancient cognac slowly and with much relish.

Looking at them both over the rim of his glass, he lowered it slightly, “What?”

The two ponies looked at each other for a moment, the umber one nodding slightly to the other, letting her take over.

Athena immediately snapped her eyes on the tall figure, “You idiot. You’re supposed to be keeping the others together and away from here.”

She kept going even as he tried to reply, “You know better! We gave those orders for a reason!”

He shrugged, taking a drink and looking out towards where the first of the missiles were emerging from the front door, “I know that. You know that. But they certainly refuse to know that.” He hooked a thumb over his shoulder, making her lean to the side and see a group of ponies come down the street.

“Try convincing Miss Purple Princess to stay away when something interesting is happening.” Wyatt went back to sipping his drink, smiling at the frustrated look on Athena’s face. Crusader sat like a stone as always.

“I heard that!” Twilight was close enough that those refined pony ears caught every word, “I am not purple, I’m more a shade of lavender, thank you.”

“Toh-may-toes, Toh-mah-toes.” Wyatt waved a hand.

Athena ignored him, letting Crusader handle the ‘spiders, “Why are you here? We told you to stay in the bunkers.” She had rounded on Twilight and the others with a look that was not hard to fathom.

Crusader’s Hounds had dug a line of quick set bunkers far and away, providing some protection if anything would happen, although nothing could truly protect one from these missiles. It was more make-work than anything, comforting the mind though not truly logical.

“We came to just be here, not like we could do anything if something bad happened.” Twilight was peering over Athena’s shoulder, watching the lift-spiders pull another booster out of the castle.

“In other words, you came to see because it was killing you not to know and you talked them into it. Right?”

“ ‘Thena, you hit that..” Twilight’s hoof hit an orange muzzle and silenced the words, Twilight giving a nervous grin.

“Of course not! I wouldn’t endanger my friends!”

Applejack’s eyes narrowed above the firmly planted hoof, giving Twilight a look that said they’d be discussing things later.

“Ugh! Fine! I wanted to see!”

“This is as far as you go. No arguing.”

“Okay!” Twilight settled in, peering at the horde of machines taking pieces and assembling them back into engines of destruction, slowly lowering them one by one into Crusader’s VLS hatches.

Even Pinkie was strangely silent, watching the heavy lifters bringing out the boosters bit by bit, putting them into the launching cells.

There had always been fun, laughter, sad and good times, but nothing like this. Seeing what you knew, deep in your heart, that those quiet shapes, encased in mirror like bubbles, held misery and all the bad things you could think of in one simple item.

It was beyond scope, trying to wrap a mind around such things as explained by Athena and Crusader. It truly boggled that so long ago, somepony would build something that would end everything with one simple press of a button.

So much to think about.

To be continued....

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