• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,588 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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Found, and so much lost.

I am struck a few times, the voices wanting me to speak to make sure I am still in a condition too. I have never coughed blood before, or feel a rib break. Truly it is something I wish not to remember. The voices are arguing I am sick, or going to fade away, but then I feel a tingle, the pain going away though it still hurts to breath.

As I fade once again into blackness, I wonder if Princess Luna would come to me as I dream. I’ve felt nothing, I’ve not dreamt, it’s nothing but the cold dark. Held in the grip of magic I suppose, I do not know much about it.

Strange, but I wonder how high the price will go?


The sisters had been sitting all day, working their magic, nothing is received.

“How can this be ‘Tia? Who is blocking us?”

“I do not know, but if some being is using a dark magic, could we trace it by it’s feel?”

“Cadence shall arrive soon, Shining has brought a bit of help, his own Guard is out looking in the snowy wastes as of yet.” Luna looked out from the royal tent, seeing Pegasi swooping in on relays to be fed then off into the skies. Supply trains were still rolling in.

“Maybe we can get a general idea of where if not exactly. This is odd, why would someone go to so much trouble for a pony? He doesn’t know anything from when he was a machine, could they have mistaken him for somepony else?” Celestia actually looked a bit troubled as she read the reports, the Rangers were thorough if nothing else.

Luna mirrored her sisters look, “I do not know, I find it hard to believe somepony would do this for any reason. But the blood tells a tale as the Rangers would have us believe, he was struck, and taken quickly, there were darker spells used.” She turned to look back inside at Celestia, “I cannot walk his dreams, they are just not there.”

Celestia moved to stand by Luna, watching the hustle and bustle of the camp, ponies everywhere pitching in to help in the search. “I fear this may lead to troubling times if we are not careful my sister.”


“You don’t understand, they are tracking us! The magic we’re using leaves a sign!”

“How much longer can you block them?”

“A few hours, maybe a day tops, if they use everything at their disposal, we’re going to get caught. Every single pony in Equestria seems to be looking for this idiot!”

“We’ll get our money and go then, just an hour or so, then we’re done and off to the good life.”

“I hope so, because if they catch us, Tartarus will be the least of our worries.”

I listen to the voices, they are terrified, strange accents catch my ears as I still cannot see very well. I find myself angry though, I am usually calm, but I cannot help it. I want them caught, I want them punished. I would like to go back to living my quiet life with Applejack.


The little Hummingbird slipped through the air quietly, watching the bigger avians fly around at great heights, looking for the lost pony. Snowbell loved to fly, he was fast! The pretty pony who took care of him told him he was too little to go look, but he wanted to help!

Slipping out of the house, he’d headed for the Badlands, he knew they weren’t a real good place, not a lot of nectar, but he’d had a bellyfull before he left.

That was before he’d found him! He found the pony! Stopping at an old mine shaft, there was a window looking out, he’d hopped into the dark to cool off, seeing the poor pony slumped in a chair. There were others moving in the dark, and his eyesight wasn’t as good as a hawk or falcon, but he knew it was the pony!

He turned to light out when he got smashed by a bolt of energy from something, it hurt so bad. But he could still fly, so he took to wing, tearing through the air to find some being to tell!


Twilight and Applejack stood and watched all the ponies coming and going. Applejack had made quite the killing selling off her stock of produce. Apples were known for honesty, but that never made a difference when it came to pushing their product. The vegetable farmers were definitely having a red letter day.

“Where ya think he is Twi?”

“I don’t know AJ, the Rangers said he was taken somewhere.”

“Ah hope he’s okay. I really do, tried not to worry but it’s kinda hard.”

Twilight hugged her friend, “I know, but with the amount of ponies here, we’ll find him.”

Rainbow crashed into a bush next to them, peeking out and looking a bit abashed, “Sorry, kept trying to keep out of ponies way. Just wanted to let you know, got a few keeping the weather clear here so it’ll stay sunny at least.”

“Good to know.”

The cyan mare marched up and gave Applejack a hug, “Hey, we’ll find ‘em, yeesh every pegasus between here and Fillydelphia is in on it! Pretty sure Cloudsdale has shut down almost..”

The orange mare hugged her friend back, tilting her hat up on her head, “I know, I know. What I want to know is who told these ponies he was mah coltfriend? Now I’m getting all that sappy stuff ‘bout a ‘lost love!’ ”

“Darling, how are you holding up?”

Applejack got a deadpan look on her face as she turned around, “Shoulda known..”

Rarity struck a pose, turning not a few heads of passerby, she was definitely elegant today. “What’s the matter Applejack? Surely you haven’t given up?”

“You know I haven’t Rarity, but do you have to go tellin’ everypony he’s mah coltfriend?”

The light grey mare put a hoof on her chest, looking at Applejack, “But it’s so romantic, I just had to share! I mean honestly, nopony quotes poetry anymore, or even looks at somepony the way he does you! Besides, I’m still waiting to measure for your wedding!”

“Didn’t we tell you...”

“Oh stop that.” Rarity gave an eyeroll, looking at Rainbow and Twilight like they should know as well, “If you two aren’t a perfect match I don’t know who is.” She put a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder, “Trust me, I have the perfect outfit in mind, emeralds definitely, a hint of sapphire, it’ll be gorgeous!”

Applejack pinched her nose with a fetlock, opening her mouth to let Rarity have a bit of her mind when stopped by a friendly leg around her shoulder.

Twilight grinned, “C’mon, let’s grab something to eat, I’m sure we could all use something.”

Applejack just nodded, being led off with Twilight and Rainbow, Rarity gushing a bit more about the wedding designs. Rainbow Dash didn’t help when she asked about the best pony outfits.

‘Ah’m gonna kill both of ‘em, I swear.’ , was AJ’s thoughts before the scent of food took her mind away from it.


The hawk’s keen eyes caught the little bird tumbling through the air, she stooped quickly and got under it; nestling it between her wings as she soared high in the open sky. She was magnificent for her kind, broad and sharp taloned.

**You’re hurt Little Brother**

--Snowbell found the pony! Snowbell found the pony!-- The tiny white Hummingbird chattered from her back. His heart racing against her skin.

**Where away Snowbell?**

Snowbell described the place in the Badlands, giving directions as accurately as he could.

**Well done Snowbell, well done indeed! It’s time to get you help.**

--Snowbell just needs to rest is all..just....rest....--

The hawk’s heart broke as she felt the Hummingbird relax against her, the little heartbeat thumping a few times, then no more.

**Spread your wings and fly high little Snowbell** The hawk’s cry tore through the sky, piercing the air with sorrow and information, **The pony is found!**

An Eagle came winging it’s way to her side, ***Where to Sister?***

She gave the golden bird directions, **Find the Old One and tell her where, strike them and pluck their feathers, wait for the ponies.**

***Where do you go?***

**I must deliver a hero** She tilted, showing her Brother the little form on her back.

The noble head nodded, ***Fly high little one*** As he tilted off, flapping his wings to gain height he cried to any who could hear, ***The Pony is found!***


The auction is over as far as I can tell, quite an amount of bits are being given or received, I am not sure. The voices are starting to move away slightly as I am roughly brought to my hooves. I cannot stand very well, my head is stuffed full of wadding it feels. My good eye can’t focus and I fall down onto my face. It’s restful here on the cool floor, I’ll just close my eyes a bit and rest. I can listen just fine from here...

“Get him up, we have to go!”

“He won’t move, he’s out, something’s wrong.”

“He's fine, don't worry about it!”

“Wait, no money if no pony, he can’t speak then give it back.”

“He’s fine, just a bit woozy. Get him and go, all of you. We have to leave.”

“Tie it up, let’s go.”

I feel bands being placed around my fetlocks, it’s still hard to stand, I wish they’d let me rest. So thirsty. A door opens, letting light in that pierces my eye, I’ve been in the dark too long.


Orbiting above the mine in the high air, the Eagle soared and the other was something rarely seen, a Thunderbird; one of the Old Ones. Like the Ursa Major, the Thunderbirds were left alone, very few existed and they preferred to live in peace all their days. She was asked, and agreed to help keep those beings in the mine in place until the ponies came.

Her golden eyes watched carefully as she spotted a unicorn exiting the doorway. Folding her wings back, she stooped; her beak a pointed spear as she dove out of the sun, heading for her target. Faster she drove, feeling the wind rush once again through her feathers.

Just before she collided with the earth, her wings snapped out, yards wide the metallic colored feathers glinted in the sun as thunder crashed through the air, blowing the unicorn back into the mine shaft.

The Eagle stood on a wingtip and whipped around the now ascending Thunderbird, “***Impressive Old One***

^^^Bah, younglings can do such. But ‘tis good to feel the wind and thunder again my friend. It has been long since I stretched my wings^^^ She soared higher, orbiting once again and waiting for her next chance, too long had it been indeed.


I hear a sound, the crashing of a body near me as yells and cries cut the dark. Something’s out there, slamming into the mine with a rush of wind and concussion.

“It won’t let us out, it’s a Thunderbird!”


“It’s a Thunderbird!”


I hear the door open again, once more the crack of thunder reverberates through the mine, hurting my ears, pounding my head. I can’t get up now, so I just wait, there is confusion about me, panic, I can hear it, they are trying to find a way out but something is preventing it. Good for them.


The cast of Falcons called to Fluttershy from outside the cottage, waiting patiently as she opened the door and saw them all perching in her yard.

“What’s wrong...?” She stopped as the female showed her the little white body nestled on her back.

“Oh Snowbell....” She gathered it up in her hooves, starting to fly off towards the town, wanting to be with her friends. The falcons stopped her, telling her where the pony had been found and that they were waiting for the ponies to come, keeping the bad beings inside it.

The golden pegasi’s eyes were filled with tears as she made her way toward town.


Princess Celestia noticed the tumult near the edge of town, seeing Fluttershy with her friends as a crowd gathered, ponies talking as they pointed, moving out in large groups towards the south, the Badlands.

“What is happening?”

All eyes turned towards her, “Crusader's been found, he’s in an old mineshaft in the Badlands, everypony’s moving out.” One of the guards bowed as he answered her query.

Tilting her head, she looked at Fluttershy, “What is wrong?”

Fluttershy held out her fore legs, telling the Princess her friend had found Crusader, and got injured by something. It had been too much and the little bird had passed.

Celestia could smell the magic coming off the burned body, her anger started to rise, but she kept her cool exterior, showing a warm, sorrowful smile to the golden pegasus. She motioned to a nearby Unicorn, “Take ..?”

Fluttershy said very quietly, “Snowbell.”

The regal head nodded, “Take Snowbell, take good care of him, make sure nothing happens. It will be some time before we can properly reward a good and faithful subject, do you understand?”

The Unicorn stood tall, nodding at the command, “Yes Your Highness!”

Fluttershy was led to the tent where the Council of the College resided, they would take very good care of the little Hummingbird.


Celestia’s voice lost it’s ethereal warmth for just a second, turning to Twilight, “Take to the air Twilight, get there, take as many wings as you can. We need to go now.”

“Yes Celestia!” The lavender mare grabbed Rainbow Dash, calling out to everypony nearby and getting them moving. Rainbow took off in a streak of color towards the Badlands, wanting to scout out the situation.

She walked slowly back to the royal's tent, Luna looking expectant at her when she peered through the flap, “What word sister?”

“We need to go to the Badlands now, dark magic has been used to kill.”

The surprise in Luna’s face was hard to mistake, she roared out of the tent, calling to the guards that could fly and winging away into the sky.

Celestia looked at the ground for a moment before taking wing herself, her thoughts troubled as she saw the entire camp moving as one towards the Badlands. When ponies moved, they moved fast, it would not be long before they got there; she and her sister had to be there to stop anything untoward.


Now Dire Bears were known to be cranky, and when they got cranky they tended to get very angry. Short Snout was not only cranky, he was sweaty, thirsty, and highly mad he had to sit outside this stupid door and keep whatever was inside in there.

He had run all the way from his cave to the badlands, asked by the Old One to help keep these stupid beings in place till the ponies came. So that made him extremely angry, not at the Old One whom he respected, but at these small beings that kept him from snoozing a nice day away and going fishing.

Needless to say, three tons of angry, sweaty, thirsty, hungry Dire Bear is not something you want to confront outside your door. Trying to use magic to get it to move? Doubly pissed.

The Old One sat above the mineshaft opening, an amused look on it’s metallic colored face, ^^^Great One, thank you. I promise, I will find lots of fish for you to eat upon ending this.^^^

Short Snout hmphed and rumbled, a deep basso thrumming, (((Why are these things so important that we need to keep them here?)))

^^^The ponies have asked, and they have always given us respect and peace in the past, we can do no less when their need is great can we?^^^

(((Yes, you are right Old One, but you owe me quite a bit of fish now.))

^^^We will fill your belly to bursting Lazy One^^^

A roar echoed into the hot, still air; the maw opened wide and cut loose with a deep throated sound that frightened even the rocks.

(((I will have you know silly bird, I am not lazy, just a bit slower than most.)))

^^^Of course Great One, of course.^^^ The amusement tinging the conversation made them both smile.

The Dire Bear turned and smacked the front of the mineshaft, making it rattle; shaking dirt loose from the wood planking covering the opening, letting those inside know it was still here and not happy. His sides were burned from the magic used against him, patches of raw skin showed, but they would heal. Short Snout kept his agreements. Besides, he was sure the ponies would be here soon, he could go lick his wounds and eat fish.


Something very large is outside, and very unhappy if I am hearing it right. It smacks the door now and then as if to remind it is there. The voices around me are getting more and more panicked.

“It doesn’t care! I’ve shot it a few times with bolts and it just scratches and ignores them! It won’t move!”

“All those bits spent on stealing books and none of it taught you anything more powerful? Bah, you’re useless!”

“Do you even realize what they are going to do to us? To YOU?”

“Shut up, they’re peaceful types, know nothing but ‘friendship and respect’. Nothing will happen and we will go along as always, this is just a bump nothing more.”

“I hope you’re right, otherwise, you may be in for a surprise.”

I listen to the worry, the panic, it makes me smile. I get smacked across the chops for that as I lay here, but that’s fine. The net is closing, and the wire it is made up of is cutting deep before they are caught. The magic closes my mind again as I fall into the black once more.


Rainbow was sitting on a rocky outcropping as more Pegasi landed, joining her in watching the opening of the mineshaft. Twilight skidded to a halt beside her and saw the look on her face.

“What’s wrong? Shouldn’t you be down there?”

“Not a chance in Tartarus Twilight,” She pointed down to the mineshaft.

Twilight’s jaw drifted a bit as she watched a huge bear smack the covered front of the shaft, voicing it’s displeasure to whoever was inside. A metallic colored bird was sitting on the rock above it, tilting it’s head and watching the bear, “Is that a Thunderbird?”

“Yep, and that’s a Dire Bear. Older Pegasi tell stories about them. I’m thinking we’re just gonna sit up here and wait.”

Twilight settled in beside her friend, “You know, that’s a pretty good idea.” More Pegasus joined them, the entire group watching the furry mountain whack the mineshaft covering again.


^^^Seems we have company Great One, time to leave?^^^ She motioned with a wing to the ponies around the mineshaft now, gathering by the second.”

(((I still have one thing left to do Old One, the one inside that gave me a bit of trouble, I owe them.)))

^^^Peace Great One, peace.^^^

The bear flipped a paw at the bird, “(((Do not worry, but I will have my fun.)))

^^^Fair enough. Here comes the Princesses, you know them?^^^

(((Oh yes, every being does.)))

The two legends sat and stared at Luna and Celestia as they walked up towards the mineshaft; ponies in armor behind them looking distinctly nervous, but trusting their rulers.

Celestia and Luna smiled, they remembered these beings of eld, when their rule was young and the Thunderbirds cracked the skies with sound. The Dire Bear was ancient, as such things live long, but they had retreated to the deep woods, bothering nopony.

Luna stepped forward, “We greet you Ancient Ones, we remember you from our younger days.”

The metallic colored bird bowed a bit, the bear sat on his haunches and nodded.

“We have come to retrieve that which you have kept for us, but I am afraid our ponies have heard the tales, so they might not be as trusting.”

The metallic colored bird looked a bit amused Celestia thought, as it tilted it’s head, speaking to the bear in a musical tone. They both looked at the Alicorns, the large bird waving a wing outward as it took off to the sky, letting itself play in the wind before smashing the air with thunder one last time.

^^^Come see me for your fish Great One!^^^

The bear sat on his backside, staring at the door and motioning for them to do what they had to. But he was going to sit there.

Rainbow Dash was looking at the sky, watching the huge bird break the stillness with thunder, “That...was....awesome..”

Twilight bumped her friend, “Shush, the Princesses are going to speak.”

Celestia used the Royal Canterlot Voice, speaking loudly to whomever was inside the mine, “Come out NOW! You will not be harmed.”

The door slowly opened, a horn peeked out, followed by a green body, it looked around then stepped outside for the first time in a while.

The Dire Bears’ paw shot out at tremendous speed, grabbing the Unicorn around the barrel and bringing it up to it’s huge maw. It squinted at the pony, recognizing it as the one that had hurt it’s sides.

Everypony in sight held their breath, sure they would see a messy end to the Unicorn.

Short Snout licked his chops, then opened his mouth, making sure the pony saw each and every one of the two-hoof long fangs that filled it. A roar blasted the pony, wet and terrible as it kept going for what seemed like forever as the bear brought it’s face close, snapping the iron jaws shut inches from the terrified face.

The huge paw set the pony back down and stared at it, as the legs gave way and it toppled over in a dead faint. Chuckling to itself, it got up slowly and ambled off back to it’s cave, there were fish promised and naps to be had.

Luna looked over at Celestia, a grin almost breaking her face as she tried to stay serious, “Seems our friend had a little bit of revenge to get.”

Celestia kept her face straight, “Indeed sister, indeed.”

What followed made all in sight gasp, eyes wide as they all stared. Celestia knew at that moment things had gone from bad to worse. She couldn’t keep this quiet, there was no way. Pegasi were streaking off after seeing it and tearing through the skies to spread the word. This would be bad.

It was the diplomats, all of them. The ones that had fought with the Sisters for control of Crusader, who wanted a share for their own ends. She stood though, her leg tapping the ground in a pique of nervousness that Luna recognized. They would risk everything and anything to grab a piece of something they could not even comprehend?

Was it so base a reason?

The Night Princess leaned against her sister and comforted her as they kept watching.

Two more Unicorns exited, they were unknown to them, and then one last familiar face.

This face they knew, always and forever they would remember that fight that day inside Crusader. The greedy mare, the one who was Filthy Richs’ paramour, the mare who wanted more bits of gold and had to be threatened to stop.

Why? Why in the stars would anypony do this to another, it was beyond reckoning.

Celestia tempered her anger, stomping it down to a low burn as she gave the orders to her guards.

“Take them all away.” The disgust in her voice was plain.


I hear the voices outside, I am relieved. I can rest now, but not before I see my Applejack. I don’t want to break my promise, I told her I would never leave, but this may be beyond my control. I don’t know what to think. But for the first time in a while, I fall asleep, without the iron grip of the magic in my mind. I hope I dream of her.

Author's Note:

Sometimes, it's not a big conspiracy, or something huge. Sometimes, it's for the simplest and most base reasons, which is so very sad in itself. Enjoy folks!

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