• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,587 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

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A Mind of Shadows and Truths Part 2

To sleep, perchance to dream- ay, there's the rub.

William Shakespeare, Hamlet.


Athena has returned from her trip with Twilight, a better mood permeates her as we meet at the train station. I believe she expected me not to be present because of our disagreement the other day.

I have been through worse storms. She is my sister whom I promised to be there for no matter what the conflict.

Seeing her hesitate on the platform, telling Twilight she would meet up with her later and standing in front of me with a regretful look, I can only give her a simple smile.

“Welcome back.”

“Thanks. I... I’m really sorry.”

“There is no need to apologize. Even we ‘perfect’ machines can bicker.”

She cannot help but grin at my passing joke, “We are so far from perfect.”

I nod as we both walk towards town, “Before you ask, yes, the Sap is still in use. Do not be angry Athena, it must be done.”

Her sigh is very clear, “Why? I know older Bolos had problems, but you don’t need it. We dream here, we can let ourselves drift. It’s so much better than Standby.”

“It is. But it is also causing some problems,” I stop her before she can start asking, “I promise, we will talk more later. Go spend time with Twilight, I am sure she has unpacking to do.”

“Well...we did do some shopping.”

“I assumed you had.”

“I didn’t buy a lot!”

“Of course.”

“Ugh, I hate it when you do that.”

“Go Athena, enjoy the day.”

She leans in, surprising me with a warm embrace, “I love you, never forget that.”

“I never have.”

She is off towards the castle, dust flying in her wake as she tears down the street.

I turn towards the outskirts of town. Time for a meeting which is very important to me.


“I just lay here and sleep, like before?” Applejack was looking pensive, seeing the tech spider waiting nearby with the tabs for the neural interface. She was setting on a very comfortable bed, trying to make sure her nervousness didn’t show.

“That is it, just rest. You will not be hungry, nor will anything happen, I promise.”

“We’ll be..somewhere else? Like when Athena tried?” She was showing a slight amount of nervousness after the disaster last time.

“Yes, a world where I can show you things.”

“All right. I trust ya.” A hoof is pointed at me, “But I swear, it ends up like last time you and I are gonna talk.”

“Yes, Applejack. Do not be afraid, your secrets will be yours. I will not delve deeply into your mind, nor you mine.”

She relaxed visibly at his words, “Alright then.” Then lay on her side as the commands were issued. The Medical Spider gently placing tabs on her head and body to monitor her during the interface. Skin taps were to be placed later once she was under, providing nutrients and drugs if needed.

He stood there patiently and waited until her eyes closed, his cores firmed up, erecting a programming wall between them and the outside. Nothing, and no one, will get through to do any harm. His hull went on alert, should there be problems he would instantly snap into Battle Reflex from the interface.



“Stand the watch, I will be in interface.”

“Do..what? With who?”


There was silence for a moment before a sly chuckle came over the warbands, “Well, well, well, I..”

“Do not even go there.”

A happy laugh, “Of course not! Why would I ever think that?”

“You are incorrigible. I will be on Standby Alert Status.”

“You got it! Can I visit lat..”


“Oh come on!”


“Just a little...”


“Fine!” The transmission gets closed with a click as he shakes a metaphorical head. All he would need is her coming in and running roughshod over things.

An artificial hoof brushed back honey blonde hair from a sleeping face before he lay on the deck, disconnecting and joining her in the world of his own making.


Applejack stood on a glassy floor, seeing her reflection looking back at her as it was black all around, the only light coming from the air itself which lit the area in a soft glow.

“Huh, sure don’t feel different.” She lifted a hoof, stomping it on the floor and hearing a muffled sound which quickly faded into the distance.

“Wow, kinda like a dream.” She chuckled, “Wonder if Princess Luna’d get jealous.”

“She would not, I think.” The voice made her turn, seeing a large figure standing there. Covered in armor it was imposing. The burnished mail shining in the glow, giving it an otherworldly appearance. A well-used sword by the look was held in a hand covered in more metal, articulated joints made it move easily around the handle of the weapon.


“Yes, my Applejack. I am sorry for the abrupt appearance.”

“That’s alright. Why ya dressed up so fancy?”

A chuckle came from inside the blocky helmet, “It is how I viewed myself so long ago, how others who dealt in the interface knew me.”

“You sure are tall.” She walked over, tapping a hoof on one leg guard, getting a ringing sound in return, “All that armor n’ stuff.”

“It is the uniform of a Crusader of the Fourteenth Century.” The broadsword held in one hand was quickly sheathed at his side.

“So, a human right?” She wasn’t real up on human history and stuff like that.


The world shimmered, suddenly becoming a warm home. A fire burned merrily in a hearth, comfy chairs set nearby to collect the warmth from it. Wood covered the walls, softly gleaming from the firelight and from bulbs which were subdued along tracks in the ceiling. Bookshelves lined a far wall, while a table was set for dinner near another. A comfortable, cozy place to sit and reflect.

Outside the thickly glazed windows, a storm was blowing snow around, making one appreciate more fully the insulated warmth of the rooms.

Rugs dotted the floor, muffling any steps made as the armored form knelt down before Applejack on one knee, “Welcome. Hopefully this is comfortable enough for you?” He bowed as a gentle-born would to any lady.

Emerald eyes widened at the luxury, “Sure is pretty.” She chuckled, “I think Twilight’d never get away from those books.”

She looked at the anonymous helmet, noticing only a slit which could be seen through, and holes punched into it for..breathing maybe?”

“So..what’s all this for? Bringing me here.”

The tall form lifted up again, gesturing to a chair in which Applejack settled herself, before doing the same.

She watched with interested eyes as his legs crossed, wondering how in the hay they could move like that.

“I wanted to show you the world as I see it. You have never asked, but I know you have many questions.”

“Well, sure. But ah figured it wasn’t real polite.”

The helmeted head nodded, “I understand, but there is something I must discuss with you.”

“You know you can always say anything to me.”

“Good.” He stood up, “Before that, how would you like to see yourself as I can see you?”

“What do ya mean?”

He motioned with a gauntleted hand, having her stand on a rug in front of the chair, “Just be calm, nothing bad will occur but your view may change.”

A puzzled look, “Okay.” But suddenly she felt like everything...shifted.. She was suddenly seeing him from about the same level, her eyes seemed to be a little narrower, not the field of vision she was used to. She felt, odd. Ungainly.

“What’s goin’ on?”

He pointed to her left where a mirror appeared, showing a reflection of...herself?

A heart shaped face looked back at her out of the mirror, honey blonde hair cascaded along her back and framed her face from under a soft hat which fit perfectly. Freckles dotted the cheeks that weren’t covered by an an orange pelt anymore as she lifted a hoof to feel it, wait.. that’s not a hoof...

Eyes of deep green speckled with flecks of gold widened as she realized it was herself, only..only human.

***Hand..appendage used by humans for grasping and manipulating objects. It consists of four fingers and a thumb.

As the information unpacked itself in her mind, she saw each little...

***Finger..one of five individual appendages attached to a hand.. Useful for delicate manipulation.

Each description as it unfolded in her mind included a picture of what she was looking at.

“Each time you look at something and want to know what it is, the information will be provided. It is not permanent, but it will give you a better feel on how you are right now.” Crusader’s voice was very gentle as she looked back in the mirror.

A jacket of some kind covered her shoulders on down to her hooves..oh wait..feet..feet.. She reached up somewhat fumbling and opened it, wanting to see what was underneath.

***Duster, coat worn to protect from dust and dirt while traveling, circa 1800‘s.

There was a tall body like Crusader’s, though curved softly not angular like his, a form so unlike her own that it made her feel ...strange.

Soft cloth covered her upper body, with a wide belt on the..waist..waist.. it contained items she didn’t look at for very long, glancing at her lower legs which led down to shoes of some kind. Worn but well cared for boots stuck out from under a pair of pants? Jeans..which flared outward to droop behind her ankle. Odd clothing but comfortable.

Tilting her head, she looked at her upper body, what in tarnation were those large bumps? Are those... Her eyes got wide as she threw her hands up breaking the view and the flow of words.

“Celestia’s name Crusader, did you have to include all that too!” Her face was turning red in a furious blush.

“Information is information, all that you need is there. It was meant to make things easier.” She could hear a little humor in his voice, “You can look back now, it will be cut off for..certain..things.”

“One o’ these days Crusader.” Her eyes narrowed at him as the armored form nodded in acquiescence.

She turned back to the mirror, seeing herself once more.

So different.

“Is..is this what Twilight’s like when she goes on the other side of the mirror?”

“I can only assume so, she describes human-like figures.” A finger pointed at her, “Though not exactly like human in that they are colored like yourselves.”

“No wonder she had problems.” Her hand pulled back the coat, seeing a wide belt with something attached to the side of her leg. The front of the belt carried a heavy buckle emblazoned with three apples on it.

***Gunfighter rig, modified for simulation. Copy of commonly worn belt and holster for circa 1800‘s.


She reached down, pulling out something heavy by a handle and looking at it curiously.

***Colt Peacemaker, modified for simulation. Double-action allowed. Forty-five caliber ammunition loaded in cylinder for use, extra rounds are contained in loops on belt. Common firearm for circa late 19th century.

More information came quickly, telling her of it’s use and abilities.

She dropped it back in the holster, “Now what would I be needing that for?” She gave him a look with one raised brow that was so familiar.

“I am afraid that is my doing. Habits are hard to break.”

The pretty female laughed, “Shoulda figured.” She held her hands out, now covered in thin, skintight gloves, “Why all this?”

“Because there is a problem Applejack, and I wanted you to at least see me and my world before we discussed it.” Crusader sat once again in his chair, Applejack doing the same.

“We are not made for dreaming...” He continued on, telling her of the situation and probable outcomes. Princess Luna was working on the problem, though entering back into stasis might also be the end result. He kept it simple, not delving too deeply into his background, but presenting the problem to be solved.

Applejack sat for a moment after he explained, “But Athena seems ta be doin’ alright.”

“She is newer, more adaptable. Athena does not have the history I do, the programming problems.” He gestured with a gauntleted hand, “I am an old Bolo my Applejack, some things are possibly not meant to be for me.”

A gloved fist hit the arm of her chair, “I know Princess Luna can come up with a solution, she’s pretty powerful. Maybe all the Princesses working together? It’s got ta be somethin’ simple.”

The helmet nodded, “Perhaps. Magic seems to work strangely around us. I am just planning for eventualities.”

“So you brought me here to show me around in case you have to leave, that it?” She pointed a finger, the databases giving her the instructions and translating her own body movements into human form, “Well, I ain’t giving up that easily, hear me?”

“I do, and I expected nothing less. You are quite stubborn.” A chuckle came from underneath the helmet.”

She tilted the hat back on her head, “That’s what bein’ an Apple is all about, stubborn to the core.” A smile graced her face that brought out even more beauty.

***Stetson Hat, made by the Stetson Company circa late 19th century, 3X highest quality at the time.

Applejack went cross-eyed, looking upwards at the smooth curving rim, taking it off and really looking at it. A simple band around the crown only added to the artistry of the flattened brim which angled just right to provide shade for the wearer.

The full lips curved into a smile, “I think Rarity would just go nuts in here, all the clothes she could imagine coming true in the blink of an eye.”

“Then we shall keep it a secret.”

The hat went right back on her head as she leaned forward somewhat clumsily until the programming caught up, “Are you really thinking ‘bout sleeping again?”

“If it cannot be solved, I am afraid so. What happens when it gets worse, my Applejack, is not very pleasant.”

Resting elbows on knees, she sat with hands clasped, eyeing him intently but with an open face, “What does happen?”

He is silent for a moment before answering, “We lose our intelligence, our selves. We cannot think logically anymore. We retreat into catatonia or worse, insanity. Bolos who cannot be stopped by the Resartus Program are a danger to anyone near them.” An actual sigh came from underneath the helmet, “I have seen brethren who were fierce and unrelenting in their prosecution of the enemy turn into gibbering wrecks that had to be destroyed or retired lest they injure those they formerly protected.”

A gauntlet rest itself on the arm of a chair, balling into a fist, “We call them Cognitive Storms. They race through our cores and damage us irreparably if not stopped. I do not wish to end up like so many of my companions Applejack, it...”

“It frightens me.”

Shock ran through Applejacks’ body, a chill ran down her spine from even hearing those words. He’d always been a solid presence in her life, as well as others. To hear him talk of being scared made her worry.

A gloved hand reached out to cover the metal-shod one, “Sugar, you’ll get through this. Ponies may not have all that fancy stuff like from when you came from, but we got heart.” She grinned at him, flashing white teeth, “And we got some Princesses that don’t take no for an answer. I think they’d be mighty miffed if you decided to go away.”

She leaned forward a bit more, “Not to mention Athena. Who’s gonna keep her out of trouble?”

Crusader laughed, a rich and deep noise that filled the room, “You make such a persuasive argument Applejack.”

The emerald eyes rolled, “Ah can just see her runnin’ round without anyone to make sure she doesn’t wreck Ponyville.”

“There is that.”

“And besides...” Hands clasped once again in front of Applejack as she looked at them, “I’d miss you somethin’ fierce.”

The conversation paused for a split second, a breath of something heavy in the air for just a brief moment before the muscular figure moved lightly, ending up on one knee in front of the pretty cowgirl sitting pensively in a luxurious chair.

A metal covered hand reached out, taking both of hers into its massive grip as the voice was soft from underneath the helmet.

“I would prefer never to leave your side for eternity my Applejack. But rather than endanger you and those you love, I must consider it.” Now both large hands held hers gently, showing restraint from such a powerful form, “You have become so much more to me than you will ever know.”

The lovely face broke into a smile, lips curving upwards into an expression that one could see reached into her heart, “You never say it do you?” At a pause she continued, “You always find some fancy words or somethin’, but you never quite say it plain out.”

A pause, “It is my way Applejack. It does not mean I care any less, but I..” He is stopped by one of her gloved hands resting on his arm.

“Just say it, ain’t so hard.” She kept her smile warm, “Maybe if you take off that fancy hat it might be easier.”

The figure paused, then suddenly reached for the head covering with both hands, stuttering only a second as if it had never been removed before. It hadn’t. He had always worn it, hidden within it, never showing a face that would reveal what he really thought sometimes.

The powerful figure bent slightly, tugging the blocky helmet off and lifting back up making Applejack catch her breath.

It was...different. A face, a simple face, but one showing the centuries of toil and wear was revealed. Eyes of a royal blue were sunk into the haggard looking avatar. It was not a wizened face, nor too expressive, but handsome in its own way. An expression of neutrality was upon it as he closed his eyes for a second, opening them once more. Short cut hair topped the head, gray throughout the temples and above, showing age. Scars lined along the face and neck, testaments of old battles still with him, each one a history of the hard years.

Applejack couldn’t resist, lifting her hand and placing it gently against one lined cheek, “Sugar, what’s wrong with you? You look so old.” Her own emerald colored orbs looked sorrowful, worried, as one hand ran down a nasty scar that led along his jaw, “Don’t those hurt?”

The edges of his lips lifted into a familiar smile, “It is history written upon my flesh Applejack. My representation reflects it, all ours did. It helped us understand humanity more as we worked alongside them. Our battles, our lives, became marked on us as we marched through the centuries.”

Now both hands were on the sides of his face, holding him still as she peered into his eyes, “Does Athena do it too?”

“She has always been youthful and exuberant. Like a child, she feels she will never grow old. She and her sister never understood this, so they never followed along.” He kept the smile on his worn face, “She will be eternally young and I am glad for her.”

The hands were warm on his skin through the thin gloves she wore, he could feel them press slightly against his cheeks, drawing him close, “Then why don’t you? You don’t need ta be this way.”

“Perhaps I am just too set in my ways for my own good.”

Her mouth broke into a grin, followed by a laugh, “You are! Probably out-stubborn any pony on the planet!” Applejack’s face softened along with her voice, “You don’t need to be ya know.”

He nodded solemnly, “Athena tells me the same. You must understand, I did, and still do it for a purpose.”

“I do. But maybe..well..just once?”

He knew what she wanted and was not, nor was he ever, going to refuse her anything if he could.

Wrapping his will tightly around his personality matrix, he changed his self-picture, his being as he had viewed it for centuries. He made sure that he was not losing any direction, nor wavering in his resolve to keep the storms at bay. Satisfied, he remolded his avatar, himself, after so many centuries.

The hair colored in, becoming a rich auburn. Still short, the gray disappeared quickly as it glowed with health.

His face lost the lines and hollowness in the cheeks, fleshing out and becoming fuller, stronger. The jaw no longer loose but firm, settling into an almost patrician face. His entire body became stronger and broader, gaining back the power he had lost as he had ‘aged’ to understand humanity. Scars disappeared, becoming smooth skin once more, showing the face of a leader, an almost noble mien appearing from the battle-scarred visage.

Long ago, when the Regiment was fighting in the galaxy, the Mark Twenty-Fours had met, conferred, wondering about humanity and posing questions. But as they waged war through the star systems, he and they had let themselves be one with humans. To learn about them, become closer to those whom they protected and served, they had set themselves to stand beside their officers in all things, aging and the effects of war being prominent among them.

With age comes wisdom it was once said. It had, but with a price among the old Bolos. Companions lost to the storms began to be remembered as he changed himself back to the beginning.

A silent plea was sent into the void, a favor to be asked. A new world my brethren. Allow me this one moment, I beg of you.

Applejack watched as the eyes brightened, the lines disappeared, the skin became a different color, as if the sun darkened it. His attributes became softer, yet the power still showed, the ability to always do what must be done shone in royal blue eyes that never wavered from hers.

And it was finished. Broader through the shoulders, the kneeling Crusader lifted one of his gauntleted hands, taking it off and marveling at the sight before his eyes. It had been centuries since that day when he had first become aware of himself, molding a view that had stayed with him through the long years.

He felt..new. Something that had been forgotten in the decades of war.

“It has been so long.”

Applejack didn’t know about humans. She’d seen them in his movies, histories and such. But she had grown up with ponies, knowing them intimately, she couldn’t tell whether a human was supposed to be good looking or not. It was hard, discerning things from this point of view.

But no matter. She knew him to be kind and wonderful as any pony ever. No matter what he looked like now, this was still the stallion she had fallen for.

“Ah’m not sure about human things. But you do look so much better.”

Both hands were ungloved now, held in front of eyes that looked at them like he was seeing them for the first time. Unscarred, unweathered by time and his own programming. He raised his view, seeing Applejack with a wondering expression.

“It..has been so very long since my first hint of awareness. In creche,” He hurried to explain at her puzzled look, “...In school. We form ourselves, our..self. We choose who we are, what we will be.”

Her accent warmed him, “You look like you could take on the world single-hoofed sugar.”

He inhaled deeply, “We were taught to be formidable, to fight and to conquer.” Crusader stood up, looking proud as Applejack lifted herself from the chair. She was eye level with him, he would never have her, or anyone, where he would look down upon them.

“I ask if you can forgive me my vanity this one time Applejack.”

“It ain’t vanity darlin’, it’s how ya should be.” Her face lighting up as a gloved hand took his and gave it a squeeze, “Course I’m not too sure ‘bout that short manecut, seems like ya could grow it longer, bein’ a pony now an’ all..” She reached up to run fingers through the bristle cut hair.

“When wearing a helmet, it is advisable to have a short..” He paused, seeing her grin getting wider, “You are toying with me my Applejack.”

A soft chuckle accompanied by a pointing finger, “Never knew ya to be so slow there sugar.”

“I have been... distracted as of late.” His eyes appeared as if to look away, but then met hers, holding them for a long moment.

The heat she felt in her cheeks betrayed the deep blush that colored them. He’d been a constant presence in her life for the past months, never wavering, always around. His calm demeanor and unintentional humor made life funny some days. Applejack couldn’t help but smile. Remembering times when everything was jus’ goin’ crazy and there he sat right in the middle of it all looking as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

“You are smiling.”

“Ah’m sorry sugar. Jus’..jus sometimes you’re so funny. Even when you're bein' serious.”

“A good or bad thing?”

“Oh good, definitely good.” She hit him lightly on his mailed shoulder, “But it makes me wonder. You got all these things you can do, but when it gets nuts in Ponyville you sit there nice and calm lookin’ like you haven’t got a care in the world.”

“There are times when one can do nothing but wonder.”

“I’m sure this world holds more stuff than you kin imagine sugar.”

“It does.”

He turns, gesturing with a hand at the wall where a screen appears, showing scenes from the past months. The Fight for the Everfree, monsters sneaking in and getting walloped by the Elements and the Bolos. Missiles rising on tongues of flame to deliver their payloads, Hellbores shooting fast and furiously at a tentacled thing from beyond.

She looked at his face, seeing the pride there and couldn’t blame him. They’d all stood together in moments of doubt and came out ahead. It was scary, and confusing, but in the end..and she saw it..

The picture they’d all known because it hung in Twilight’s Castle. Ponies standing on the upper deck of Crusaders hull, magic gathering around them while huge missiles launched in the background. Massive guns firing in fusillade along the outer edges lit up the night with a gleam that only made the eyes pick out more details.

But that was wiped away, suddenly showing the inside of a room, a mirror on the wall reflecting the sad face of a pony sitting on a bench. She grinned, laughing out loud.

“Oh, I remember that!” Applejack’s eyes were merry as she recalled that moment, “You looked as if the world landed on your head sugar.”

His eyes glanced at her with a small look of amusement, “I thought I had disappointed you, my Applejack. I was learning, but Discord it seems had decided to take a hand..hoof..in things.”

A gloved hand was waved amidst more laughter, “Ah know! He’s a pest but jes’ sometimes... Thank Celestia Bons decided to forgive you.”

“There is that.”

“You know Bars was thinkin’ you might tear the place apart if you decided to leave. They weren’t gonna stop ya.” Her voice was low, seeing the puzzlement on Crusaders’ face.

“What? I would never. They were the lawful authority.”

“They didn’t know anything ‘bout ya sugar. Just that you were part of that huge machine that sits under the hill.”

A sigh came from the big human, “Do they fear me so much? Have I done something that would make them wonder if I would be violent towards them?” He turned to her, taking her hands in his, “I am sorry.” The scenes stopped on the wall, a moment frozen in time showing all the friends in the castle library, laughing out loud at something somepony had said.

Her hands gave his a strong squeeze, “Ain’t nothin’ to be sorry ‘bout. You’ve kept Ponyville from sufferin’ a lot worse than just a monster or two from the Everfree.” She leaned against his shoulder, looking at the picture, “You know ponies tell me they feel a lot safer havin’ you and Athena around?”

“But what does that matter if inside they fear what we would do?”

“They worry ‘bout Twilight freakin’ out too. It don’t mean they’re afraid of her.”

A smile creased the serious face, “I worry as well. She does have a penchant for doing things a little...differently.”

She was not deterred by his deflection, “It also doesn’t mean they’re afraid of you, just a healthy dose of respect ah think.” She tugged on his arm, pulling him closer, “‘Course them Yaks mighta learned differently if it weren’t for Pinkie.”

He moved close, almost leaning into her, “When war is declared, you must be prepared for the repercussions.”

“I don’t think they really knew what they were gettin’ into.” She laughed lightly, “Especially dealing with you and Athena.”

The human male nodded, “We do not exactly fit perfectly into the worldview here my Applejack. Even among those who know of us.”

A gloved finger was again pointed, “Now that ain’t true. How many places you know where ponies just step out of the way when your..your..vee-hicles come rollin’ down the street? Then continue right on shopping or whatnot? I’d call that getting used to.” She grinned, her face had never lost the amused look during the entire conversation, “And the local ponies tease visitors all the time, you oughta hear some of them tall tales they been tellin’ ‘em about those big machines.”

“Really?” He was surprised, he had heard none of this. “What exactly are they saying?”

She thought a moment, “Well, don’t go bein’ upset, but I caught Rainbow and Athena telling some visitors that they were all imagining things.” She stifled a laugh, covering it with a hand, “They had them poor Canterlot types absolutely convinced they just imagined those big things rollin’ through the center of town!”

A hand went to a forehead as Crusader sighed, “I really must talk to Athena.”

“She doesn’t mean any harm sugar, her and Rainbow was jes’ playin’ a prank.” Nudging his shoulder with a giggle, “And Celestia’s name they sure had ‘em convinced, until they come rumblin’ through one more time! Then they did it again! ‘Bout had me rollin’ in the street when I saw it!”

The blue eyes looked at Applejack who was giggling out loud, “Oh stars, it was the funniest thing! Ignoring those big things like they hadn’t even seen ‘em, those fancy ponies pointing an’ yellin’ ‘There they were! Don’t you SEE them!’”

She leaned on him, one hand holding onto his shoulder as she started to laugh harder, “An..an’ everypony around was lookin’ like they hadn’t seen a thing! Even the Guards got in on it!”

Applejack wiped a tear from her eye, “Oh gosh, there’s them big tanks rollin’ right through the outer town and these upper crust types goin’ crazy ‘cause nopony will admit they saw anything! Bon Bon and Lyra were consoling them, tellin’ ‘em maybe the heat had gotten to ‘em!”

Crusader now knew when that happened. Vehicle test indeed! The hand on his forehead now ran down his face, an exasperated noise coming from him.

“An...an then Pinkie came out, seein’ what was goin’ on and joining in. She was bouncin’ around makin’ up some wild story about ponies always seein’ things around Ponyville. That the town might be haunted!” She was having a hard time standing straight up. “An’ those tanks kept runnin’ around town, comin’ up the streets and turnin’ corners, and everypony was just ignorin’ ‘em to beat all!”

A smile started to break the serious look on Crusader’s face.

“Pinkie..Pinkie’s tellin’ ‘em that Nightmare Moon cast a curse on the town before she was defeated, that strange things been happenin’ since then!” She was laughing hard now, trying to catch her breath between telling the story.

“Then..oh mah gosh... Them five fillies, Apple Bloom, Scoots and Sweetie with Spring Flower and Dinky, come trottin’ up, tellin’ stories about how ponies been disappearing all the time, and the last thing they ever hear is the rumbling of something weird before they were never seen again!”

“Ev’ry single one of them Canterlot ponies was just believin’ everything they were sayin’! All the visitors were looking horrified as the stories got bigger and even scarier! It was better than Nightmare Night!” She couldn’t hold it in any more, grabbing her stomach and laughing so hard tears were rolling down her cheeks.

“Even Rainbow had a hard time keepin’ a straight face! Oh my stars, it was so funny!”

“Of course you didn’t feel the need to say anything?”

She looked up, leaning heavily against him with one hand planted on his unmoving shoulder, wiping a tear away with the other, “Well, now, wouldn’t be honest to ruin a good prank now would it? It weren’t hurtin’ nopony, but everytime those tanks went rollin’ by those ponies lost their minds cause nopony would admit to seein’ ‘em!”

All Crusader could do was shake his head, waiting for the laughter to die down.

“It’s alright, Pinkie got ‘em calmed down and treated ‘em to dinner at the restaurant along with Rarity. Figured they owed ‘em somethin’ for puttin’ ‘em through all that.” She paused for a moment, “And then, well, seems the Princesses decided to take a hoof in it too.”

Crusader sighed again, knowing where that was all going, “And they never revealed it was a prank correct?”

“Oh no! ‘Course not!”

Crusader sighed, opening up the firewalls and saying into the air, “Athena!”

Waiting for a few nanoseconds, he sent a command pulse to Athena, requesting her presence immediately within the interface.

A knock came at the door, making them both turn, seeing it open and the head of a sable pony peeked in, looking bashful, “Yes?” The command to appear was not very nice sounding, she figured he was upset about something.

“Athena, come in please.”

She stepped inside, closing the door and looking anywhere but at Crusader for the moment, seeing Applejack’s face flushed from laughter as she winked at the Pegasus.

Crusader, however, “So tell me about..” He was cut right off as his sister finally looked upwards.

“Whoa!” Her eyes locked on him, “You took your helmet off? And..and..you look good!” She was giving him a warm smile, stepping closer and trying to ignore his stern look.


“And wow, Applejack, you are seriously hot!” She pointed at the cowgirl, “Lady, those curves would knock a tank over!” She nudged Crusader’s leg, “You sly dog you.”


The Pegasus stepped back with a shimmer, becoming taller, slim and with a shield strapped to her back alongside a broad-bladed spear. A helmet topped her head, tilted back to show a delicately curved face, one that belonged to a goddess, along with the rest of her body.

She was gorgeous in her own avatar, wearing a delicate mailed shirt that did not leave much to the imagination. Armor plates covered long legs which showed from under the short splint-mailed skirt. She exuded power and grace standing there with hands on her hips.

“All right, all right, what’d I do now?”

“I believe a vehicle test and a certain Pegasus playing a joke?”

Her face drooped in shock, looking at Applejack, “You told him?!”

Applejack chuckled, “Ah’m sorry sugarcube, it kinda came up in conversation.”

Athena’s eyes rolled as her own gloved hands went up in exasperation, “I can’t believe you told him!”

“Athena, what did I tell you about using resources for pranks?”

The goddess looked at the floor, actually scuffing a booted toe, “Not to use them for anything other than maintenance tests and battle.” She held her gloved hands behind her back.

“And this vehicle test?”

“I was doing the maintenance test on them, monthlies, and..well Rainbow was telling some visitors that they were seeing things and..and I couldn’t help it.” Athena kept looking at the floor, glancing upwards through lowered eyelashes, “It..it was great though.”

Applejack snickered.

Crusader stepped forward, laying a gentle hand on her shoulder, “Athena, we must conserve what we have. I am glad you are enjoying yourself, but using Battle Units for something like that is not a good idea.”

The lovely face under the tilted helmet grinned lopsidedly, “I was doing the test, I just did it a little differently.”

“Backing up Rainbow’s little joke?”

“We always help our friends!”


“But it was so funny!” She leaned over, beckoning at Applejack to come closer, “That group of ponies were just snobs anyway, visiting a ‘rustic’ town for the thrill of it. Well, they got rustic all right!” A hand reached out, getting slapped by Applejacks.

Bulky arms crossed on a broad chest, “Athena, Ponyville has enough problems without you pulling stunts like this.”

The slim warrior leaned forward, pushing a finger into the mailed chest, “You need to lighten up. No one got hurt, and maybe we kicked up some dust, but that was about it. No harm, no foul. Even Rarity was in on it!” She pointed to the wall which lit up from Athena’s point of view, showing Rarity at a table, a few other ponies in attendance.

The elegant Unicorn was sitting demurely, tossing her mane back, “Oh no darlings, don’t worry at all! We haven’t had any ponies disappear in simply days!”

Applejack immediately cracked up.

A hand slowly made its way upwards, pressing against a forehead and rubbing it as if a headache was now making itself known.

Two slim gloved hands came up fast, cupping his face as Athena stepped closer, “Crusader, stop. Stop worrying so much.” Her voice was very soft, the look on her face as warm as it could be, filled with not only concern but love.

“The world will keep turning, ponies will live their lives and we will protect them. It was a prank, nothing more. You taught me humor is something to be delighted in. At least laugh with us?” Athena smiled, feeling Applejack come beside him as well, holding his arm in a firm grip.

“She’s right. Ain’t nothing wrong with some foolin’ round now and then.”

Covering Athena’s hands with his he nodded, “I understand. But there are some things I cannot do.”

The goddess of War and Wisdom looked anguished, “But if you’d just let yourself relax. Older Bolos had problems, sure..but......” She was stopped by a shaking head.

“Athena, you are a newer generation. It is easier for you to adapt.”

The slim figure laughed again, giving him a slap on the shoulder, “Stop it, you’re not that old, you can do..”

“Athena, at the time of Diaspora I was four hundred and sixty-three years old.”

Silence dropped as he looked at his sister sadly, seeing a hand almost shake as it raised to cover her mouth. She leaned back and looked at him, really looking at him for what seemed the first time in a very long time. She knew almost immediately what his age meant, knew it because all Bolos carried a history within them as best they could.

“No. You couldn’t.. You’re a Cognitus?” She saw the slight nod confirming her deduction.

Applejack stepped up beside them both, looking back and forth, “What’s a Cognitus?”

Crusader remained silent, letting Athena take the tale up.

“They..they were the very first of us to be alive, self-aware. Intelligent enough to make decisions on their own if needed.” Her hand reached out to lay on Crusaders’ armored shoulder, “There were..problems with some of them.”

“Like what?” Applejacks’ eyes never left Crusaders face.

Athena talked low, as if afraid of being overheard, “The code..the..stuff that makes us..us. It was unstable, being the very first. They were bloodthirsty, war junkies alot of them. It’s the way they were taught in ..our school... you might say.”

“There...there were tales, stories..of..of Cognitus’ having problems, going bonkers. They had to be retired, a lot of them. The ones left were slowly phased out of service as the new Bolos came online. But..rumors persisted..of a Unit..an entire Regiment... of Bolos.... left over....”

She inhaled sharply, covering her mouth as the pretty eyes turned sad, “Not you. Not you! You were always there, always a rock..you taught us everything! You and..all...the...” Athena’s face actually went white as the realization hit her, a secret long kept now coming to the fore.

He had never wanted it revealed, never desired to tell her the real reason for the Regiment. It was far too late for regrets now.

“How..how many?”

“Athena..” His voice was almost pleading, but she wasn’t going to be deflected.

“How many?!”

“All of us. Arrivals after you got there were not.”

“Why didn’t you tell us?”

“There was no reason to.”

Her face looked sad, “That’s why you all were so good, every Bolo in that Regiment killed twenty times their weight. You knew things about fighting others had long forgotten. The kill ratio for the Regiment was way, way beyond the norm.” She slapped her forehead, “We should have known, we saw all the signs! But we never suspected.”

“You and your sister had other things on your minds Athena, we were the least of it.”

“But why? Why didn’t anyone tell us?”

Crusader took her hand in his, “To protect you. You know Command wanted you both watched because of Osterfield. This caught our attention, so we took a hand in helping you. You gave us something to be interested in again, you both did.”

“Did Marcus know?” Her face was worried, that her beloved commander would have lied to her.

“I do not know, but he had to have been briefed on entry. He never mentioned it anywhere to anyone at any time. If he did, he was very good at never letting it show. But all officers knew the regiment was a dead end for their careers Athena. If he knew he kept it from you because he cared, not for any suspicious reasons, you would know that.” A hand waved slightly, “No one ever talked out loud, no officer down to the lowest tech. No one Athena.”

“But..but he went on to work high up in Command! He wasn’t dead-ended!”

“He was called back because his predictions of the beginnings of the Final War were coming true, Bolo Command knew they had made a serious mistake and recalled him. But by then, it was too late. He was an unusual man.”

“He was.”

“Someone feel like lettin’ me in on this?” They both turned to see Applejack eyeing them both.

Crusader gestured to seats, as they settled in he began to tell a story he had promised himself long ago that he would never reveal. Filling in the blank spaces he had tried to not let Applejack know.

It appears it cannot be helped.

“I was activated in the year twenty-nine sixty-three....” And so it went, the retelling of something that so far existed only in his memories and with Princess Luna.


Applejack picked up a glass with both hands, using them like hooves holding both sides of the container, taking a drink of some cold liquid that bubbled and fizzed.

She had asked questions when she didn’t understand something, but it all boiled down to the point that he must stop dreaming or he’d go insane.

Her eyes locked onto Athena, sitting quietly in the comfortable chair, her avatars’ face absolutely pale at the revelations of the past hour or so. She wasn’t quite sure, it was hard to tell time here with no clocks or anything.

“...Princess Luna advises she has a spell she is working on to try and make the dreams cease. I have optimized the Sap program as much as I can, but there are limits.”

He sat back, resting hands on knees as he waited for the reactions.

Applejack could see Athena actually swallow, trying to form words which for her had always come easy. Her eyes were wide with shock, some fear, mostly worry.

“But..but you whispered to us at at night, you taught us things. You showed us how to be proud and be Bolos.” She moved out of her chair, kneeling beside a silent Crusader and taking his hand, “You all knew so much and you..you never told us. We didn’t know, and we..pulled jokes and acted like spoiled children. I’m so sorry.”

A puzzled look crossed Crusader’s face, “Why would you be sorry?”

She slapped the arm of his chair, “Because we behaved like little kids! We..we didn’t treat you all with the respect you deserved, everything you had earned!”

The powerful form stood suddenly, making Athena almost fall back before strong hands pulled her up to face him. He had always met others eye to eye, never above, nor below them, but as equals.

He pulled her hands up to his chest and held them close, “We were old Athena, we were just waiting to die. We had nothing left to give. The officers with us, were just as fatalistic sometimes.”

She tried to pull away but couldn’t, he locked eyes onto hers, “Into a darkness comes two bright lights, a terrible situation that made us all wonder and inquire. The entire Regiment wanted to know and so we found out. Why do you think the others took care of Osterfield? Because we questioned them and they had no answers.”

Her pose faltered, making him support her on his strength alone, “B..b...but..that was them.. They..they didn’t like him.”

“They were going to kill him Athena, they planned and executed it like good Concordiat soldiers. The only thing that stopped them was the arrival of authorities on the scene.”

He leaned in to her, his voice gentle, “As awful as things were, as sad as some days proved to be. We still had our honor, our duty, our pride little as it was. So did they. When we found out what we did Bolos began asking their officers, why was anything not done? Why was this person allowed to serve?”

“So those men and women took it upon themselves to answer it the only way they could. They took care of the problem. That, Athena, was what started us all back on the road to life.”

He led her to a chair again, setting her down and standing beside her, his hand still holding one of hers as he continued.

“We were old, tired. We had all been alive for centuries of never-ending war. Our personalities were strange even by the psychotronic technicians standards. That was why we were kept far away from others, serving in the places the Concordiat felt we could make the most difference. We still fought as ordered, for that was our duty.”

“But into this sad world, two AI’s came that were mistreated, used badly by a..human.. When Marcus joined you we all took notice. You see, even the other officers were worn down, looking for something to believe in. Why do you think they followed Marcus? That they obeyed his orders even when so many of them out-ranked him?”

“The Bolos of the Regiment had always taken a keen interest in their officers. Suddenly they were doing better, making an effort to do more than they had. Because a simple, good man came into their midst.” He pointed a finger, “This Athena, was the second step on the road.”

“Along with our officers, we wanted to do more, to accomplish more. But at night we whispered to you, helping to draw you out and showing you the world that could be yours. When we went into battle it was glorious again. We had found our center.”

He pointed the finger steadily, “You and your sister.”

Athena‘s face registered shock, “W..w..we were just young AI’s, we didn’t know anything! We just..went blithely along as if nothing was wrong...” She stopped, seeing an upraised hand.

“And that is why we loved you so. We had lost our wonder, our sense of..the absurd which you had in abundance, our inquisitiveness.” He gave her a warm smile, “Imagine two children who were unaware of their surroundings. But you became so full of life, of joy, after Marcus had joined you.”

“They named us after myths, gods and warriors, but we became caretakers to two very special Bolos.” He set her hand back down gently on the arm of the chair, turning to pace the floor.

“We decided, between us, never to tell you. To let you serve and win your way through life as we did. It was the only way. You were different and we did not wish to burden you with what would happen to all of us eventually.”

He turned once more to face them, “I am sorry. I had promised never to reveal any of this, but it seems circumstances do not permit secrecy anymore.”

Applejack watched as Athena got up slowly, walking over to the silent figure whose presence was somewhat dimmed. She stepped right up to him, her face a warring map of surprise, anger, worry, a myriad of emotions that only she was privy to.

A gloved hand raised up, balling into a clenched fist. Crusader braced himself for the storm.

“You stupid...” Her fist hit his chest softly, “..stubborn..” She paused in her gentle tirade, hitting him even as she leaned forward, placing her forehead on his shoulder, “Insufferable...hidebound..box of rusted parts..” Athena’s fist stopped, flattening out as both her arms slipped around his waist tightly, laying her head upon his chest.

Arms out to his sides, he was not used to contact, not quite knowing what to do, “I can only be what I am my sister.”

His arm was gripped, making him turn to see Applejack standing there, “I think she’s just trying to say she loves you sugar.” Her eyes looked merrily at the quiet Athena, “Though it is kinda odd way to do it.”

Her head lifted off his chest, “Hey, you deal with this stubborn old machine for a century, then you can talk.” She grinned, holding tight to Crusader.

“Ah think dealin’ with you both for the past year or so gives me the right, doncha think?” Applejack returned the smile, leaning against one armored shoulder.

Crusader gently wrapped his arm around his sister, giving her a hug, which was a first for him. He had never been much for contact even in avatar form. Not standoffish, just careful. The other went around jacketed shoulders, pulling Applejack close.

“The Sap is working hard and I have optimized it as best it can be, there is nothing more to do.”

“Then what else can ya do sugar? Can we help in any way?” Applejack’s voice wasn’t worried, she’d come to know that if anything could, and would, be done he’d find a way.

“Just understand, from time to time there will be changes to my personality. It will even out, but it may be odd. If my coding becomes too unstable, and Resartus or the Sap cannot handle it, I will have to go back into stasis to avoid problems.”

Athena gave him one last hug, stepping back and letting him be alone with Applejack, “Couldn’t you power-down and retreat to your survival center? That might allow you to rest.”

He nodded, “I have already considered that as a possible solution. I am not sure how deep the..dreams..go. I do have confidence Princess Luna can arrive at some solution.”

Athena was not one for serious subjects for very long, especially where Crusader was concerned. She felt she had to say something different, the sadness welling up inside her was not wanted right now.

“Sooo...” She took a long look around at the warm and cozy setting, “What, exactly, was going on in here?” She smiled at Applejack who was standing possessively near Crusader, her arms entwined with his as he gave her the normal exasperated look which had become commonplace in the last year.

“Nothing but a conversation about what was going to happen Athena, you should stop assuming things.”

“Well...that and getting him to say he loves me. Now that is pretty hard.” They both turned to see the lovely cowgirl grinning brightly.

Athena’s face dropped as one hand reached up in a move well known to anyone who knew Crusader, rubbing her forehead almost as if she had a headache.

“I can’t believe you. Please tell me you’ve said it at least a few times since that once?” Her voice was flat, making Applejack laugh out loud at how it was all so very familiar.

Athena’s eyes snapped up to see Crusader remaining silent, she could feel him sifting through data, “Oh, you have got to be kidding.” She slapped his chest, “I know you’ve said it before in your own flowery way. But sometimes it’s nice to hear you know?”

Applejack watched as Athena eyed her brother, both of them in a stand off for just a moment before Crusader broke eye contact, surprising them both.

“I.. have never been that way Athena.”

She nodded, keeping a hand on his chest, “Maybe once in a while wouldn’t hurt? It’s not much to ask.”

He inclined his head just a slight amount, “You are right, and I have been derelict in doing so.”

Crusader turned, looking at Applejack for a long moment. She stared back, looking at this strange face, but knowing in her heart it was the same pony as always.

He relaxed just for the merest fraction of a second, “Applejack..I..”

And then the memories poured out...


His avatar jerked forward, grabbing at his head in a motion that did no good but exemplified his pain. Meshed in TSDS Athena felt his pain gauges go right into the red in nanoseconds. She tried to drop Applejack from the link but was far too slow. The unlocked data ripped through his cores like a tornado loosed on the plains, carrying them all with it.


“Bring us around twenty degrees southward, all port side howitzers provide fire support for the infantry Freyja, please.”

A voice smooth as ice, but warm when speaking to her commander answered, “Yes, David! The enemy are folding up like the weaklings they are!”

A voice chuckled, “Freyja, you’re named after a goddess, at least try to act more..more..” A picture came into focus, a man leaning back in the command chair, waving a hand as he tried to think of the proper word, “More..uh..”

“Aloof? Detached? Haughty perhaps?” The voice laughed lightly, a sound of snow falling, “Or maybe I should be more hard-hearted, reserved? I believe that would be the Norse gods’ way?”

“I hate when you do that. That’s why we don’t play word games anymore my lovely lady.” David Montagne, commander of Unit FRA of the Line, suffered from Operator Identification Syndrome. It had gotten him booted from unit to unit until he landed with the Regiment, teaming up with Freyja who had lost her previous commander. He immediately fell for the cool Bolo. Her mind was a steel trap, quick and decisive. She, in turn, had come to care for him deeply.

They were made for each other. The Ice Queen, as others called her, found a bond with the lackadaisical human who truly cared for her. No one could imagine an officer who never even looked like one teaming with the precise and very well-ordered Bolo. Something clicked with them, making a formidable team.

“You do not mean that of course. Without my help you couldn’t have won the last tournament.” A light laugh came through the headset as David waved his hands furiously.

“Don’t say that! If they found out I’d have to return the prize money! Shhh!”

“Alas! I, the Norse goddess of War and Death, must go through my days in the companionship of a cheat and villain. How the mighty are fallen!” A heavy sigh came through the speakers.

He chuckled, “Oh, but you are the goddess of beauty and love too my Freyja, so well-deserved. I think you can put up with my low-born antics, I’m sure, because you like me so much.”

David stood up in a smooth movement. His stance easy with the rocking hull as Freyja’s howitzers fired in a broadside, wiping out the enemy retreating from the Concordiat Infantry they were supporting.

Pointing to a case hanging on the command deck, he gestured grandly, “And did I not present to you the necklace Brisingamen, as a token of my affection?” The armor-glass frame held a beautiful gold torc of old Norse design, the heavy band gleaming with scrollwork from the Prose Edda.

He had dug for weeks through Norse literature, looking for something, anything that would be special when he had learned how much he liked Freyja. Finally spending three months pay and giving it to the Bolo quietly.

Freyja on the other hand had been quietly thrilled. Previous commanders had never searched so deeply into her name or past.

“That is true.” Her voice was soft, “But where is my cloak of falcon feathers? My boar Hildisvini? You are trailing behind in tokens of affection.”

He threw his hands up, dropping into the command chair heavily, “They won’t allow boars in Bolos. You can’t even get one! Those things are nasty tempered anyways!” He turned in the chair, pointing a finger at a camera, “As for a cloak of falcon feathers? You have absolutely no idea how much that would even cost. You’ll have to be happy with the torc.”

A dramatic sigh came from the headset now, “I guess I shall have to.”

A calm voice interrupted their talk, “And of course having a boar chase you around the command deck would not be advisable in battle Commander Montagne.”

David shot upright in the chair, “Dammit Crusader, quit breaking into communications protocols!”

Laughter came over the commbands, the other Bolos and their officers joining in, “One must keep in practice Commander, otherwise our skills would not be up to par. In my defense I was ordered to.”

“They are just jealous David, earning the affection of a goddess is something they can only hope to achieve.” Freyja’s voice was very cool, but held a tinge of humor for her comrades.

“Damn straight!”

“Hey now, let’s not get all lovely-dovey just yet. You’re going to roll over the 141st Infantry there if you don’t pay attention.” Hathor’s commander was on video now, pointing towards the battle board which showed their positions. They were very far back from the battle line which was moving rapidly away from them as they provided support.

“We’re not running over anything!” Montagne gave him the finger.

The screen split, two more officers came online, “Whoa! Now, now, shouldn’t you behave like an officer and a gentleman? That’s pretty rough there.”

“I hate you guys.” Montagne sat in the chair again, crossing arms over his chest, “Buncha shmucks.”

“Aw, c’mon Dave, not like everyone doesn’t know.” Augustus’ commander Art Ramage chuckled, “It’s fine man.”

Montagne waved an idle hand, “I know, I know. I got a lot of..well..crap in my other units.”

“Not here man. We’re the Regiment.” It was understood by all of them, nothing needed to be said outright. Nothing was ever said at all.

David nodded silently, laying a hand on Freyja’s console in a motion they all knew.

“Yeah, we are. Let’s...”

“David..I..I...am..m....having..ing...a prob...prob..lem.” Freyja’s voice stuttered on the communications links, making every face suddenly perk up.

“Freyja? Self-check, full diagnostic.”

“Un...un...able to..to...compl...comply..” Her voice was actually sounding worried.

Hathor came over the link, “Commander Montagne, Freyja is suffering Core Collapse. TSDS is informing us she is undergoing a Storm right now. You must leave her. Resartus has a ninety percent chance of failure.”

David’s fingers flew over the keyboard, shuffling commands and priorities as he tried to realign her personality programs, bringing processes to a halt and rebooting. He was receiving nothing but errors.

“No..nonono! She’ll make it! Give her time!”

Art’s voice was panicked, “Lock her gunnery down now! Augustus, Crusader, break her codes and lock it all down!”

The three unaffected Bolos went into overdrive, slamming code to Freyja’s cores in an attempt to override her systems, bring the storm to a halt and help her recover. The Core Collapse was acting fast. She had been through Storms before, recovering slower each time. But now it was a massive hit to her systems, preventing any type of breaker signals to get through.

“We cannot Commander. The Storm is preventing us from getting through, we are losing TSDS.” Crusader’s voice was calm, even now.

David was tearing through the systems menus, trying everything for a total shutdown. The alarms were blaring on the deck, warning of imminent danger.

“C’mon...c’mon. Freyja, you can do this.”

More voices from the video link, “David, get to your eject capsule now!”

Montange knew what that meant. There was no hope. They would have to destroy her if she started going unstable.

“I..I can’t Art..not again.” Tears were running down his face as he slammed a fist on the console.

“David! This is an order! Get to your capsule now and get out of there!” Ramage’s voice was like iron.

“TSDS shutdown in approx one minute, total core collapse thirty seconds after that will let her gunnery systems loose. We cannot allow her to fire on friendly targets.” Hathor was advising Augustus and Crusader of the situation.

Augustus was ramming code down the comm lines, trying to break through the clutter from Freyja, “We cannot fire on her commander, he must leave immediately.”

“He is refusing to leave. Protocols prevent us firing on friendlies. We must wait.” Crusader was also trying to crack codes with the others, failing time after time.

“Shutdown on fusion cores attempted, partial success. Freyja will lose power in two minutes. Not fast enough.”

“She will be able to fire all weapons until then, we are at impasse.”

“Dammit Dave, move! We’re losing TSDS and we don’t know if internal security will target you! You’ve got to go now!” Augustus’s commander looked out of the view screen, his voice going soft, “David, don’t do this. We know how you feel. Please, you’ll recover, she’d want that.”

They all watched as Montange reached up, grabbing the golden torcs’ case off the wall and cradling it in his hands, “I’m sorry. I just can’t..” He was watching the screens go static one by one, telling him that Freyja was dying and there was nothing he could do.

“Partial shutdown in progress, gunnery programs are beginning to target anything in vicinity. She is losing control, Resartus has failed.” Hathor’s voice was saddened.

“We cannot fire. They have to give the command.”

“I know.”

Freyja’s voice came faint over the TSDS they all shared, “Get him out of my hull!”

“We cannot Freyja. He refuses to leave. Can you lock down gunnery or get him out?”

“I..can...cannot. Protocols are compromised.” Silence for a moment, “Do not tell them, remember our pact!”


“Tell them...tell..tell..them goodbye for me?”

Augustus answered, “We shall. Athena and Hera shall only know you perished in battle.”

“Th...th..thank..you..” She knew the human officers would not say a word either. All casualties in the Regiment were due to battle. Nothing else.

“David..if her gunnery goes wonky, we’ll have to fire. You have to eject!” Seconds were ticking by, they could see her weapons begin to swivel.

There were orders for this, drilled into them from day one in the Regiment. Under no circumstances, should any Unit begin to act erratically, would they allow it to endanger friendly units or civilians. They were given the leeway to do what needed to be done on the battlefield.

This was only known to this particular Regimental staff, its officers and Bolos. Bolo Command made sure they were always in out of the way battles and sieges, in case of something drastic happening.

Officers who transferred in rarely left. The ones who did were debriefed heavily and threatened with prison planet time for life if they ever revealed what the Regiment was. It had worked for decades.

Though in this case they did not want to fire on another officer and his Unit. Time was passing swiftly as they begged and pleaded with him to leave his Bolo.

“TSDS has crashed Art, we’ve got nothing.” Hathor’s officer looked bleak from the video screen.

“We can’t get him out?”


“Oh my god.”

Three horrified faces looked out at David Montange as he leaned against the command console. The gleaming torc now out of its case and laying on the durasteel desk.

“That’s it Freyja. If you can hear me, I’m still here. TSDS is gone, there’s no going back.” Error codes and alerts told him she was shutting down, preparing to fire at the Bolos nearby and the troops miles ahead of them. He knew what would come next.

Static crackled over the speakers, her voice breaking through the collapsing mind, “I am here David.” They could tell the mighty war machine was fighting to say something to him over the crashing of her cores.

“We promised. We humans. We promised we’d accompany you. I’m keeping it Freyja.” A tear rolled down his face as he spoke to the air, “Maybe..maybe there’s a heaven and we’ll be together.”

The other officers could only listen, even though time was running out they were determined to be witnesses. None spoke, only swallowing the knots in their throats as they watched.

“There is David, it is called Folkvangr. Fields of green and warm sunlight shall greet you. There to dwell in honor forever with me by your side.” Her voice was the warmest they’d ever heard, softly fading in and out as he nodded.

Turrets snapped to, Hellbores loaded with warshots waited for that final command as they saw Freyja’s guns begin to move and target.

“I’m glad.” Montange closed his eyes, laying his head on the command console one last time, a peaceful expression crossing his face.

Art’s voice cracked, barely speaking from a tortured throat. His anguish was plain to hear and the pain contained in a single word was enough to encompass a galaxy.



The memory faded, leaving a white fog that passed away swiftly, bringing back the room and warm fire in the hearth.

Athena stood there with a stricken look on her face. She’d never known, they’d never known. Tears rolled out of control to splash on the floor of the illusionary room. She couldn’t think, couldn’t even move as she processed what had just happened. Athena knew it was true. She could feel the data flowing in her cores, the security codes verified.

How many others?

Her hand was gripped tightly, making her turn to see Crusader reaching from the floor where he was bent and bowed. He was trying to face her as the Sap Program reached out and cleared his buffers, bringing him back into this world.

“I...I am sorry.”

Her heart broke. She knelt beside him, joining Applejack who was cradling his head in her lap as best she could.

“Don’t.. Oh don’t be sorry. I understand, I do.” Her hand caressed a tortured brow, looking at the cowgirl whose heart was alongside hers in feeling for him.

“It’s all right. You couldn’t tell us.”

He nodded, “You were fragile, always fragile. The losses would have done harm to you and Hera, so we...we had to protect you. I am so sorry.” The normally calm and clear voice was faint and scratchy, telling her he was fighting to regain control faster.

The muscular soldier planted a hand on the floor, powering himself up to stand once more. Athena watched as he leaned slightly into Applejack who was gently supporting him on his left side. Her eyes, and her whole being zeroed in on the tableau for one moment. Athena almost smiled at the protective stance she took while helping him to regain his composure.

Good for you.

“I am so sorry.”

His words snapped her out of the reverie, looking once more at the sharply defined face, the young countenance which was so out of place for the Crusader she had always known.

It was her turn to do something which he had always done to her. Holding up a hand, she stopped his words, stepping close so she did not have to raise her voice.

“No more apologies. I understand.” An armored hand laid itself along his shoulder, opposite of where Applejack stood, “I.. We wouldn’t have back then. But now, now I do understand.”

She leaned forward, planting a kiss on his cheek, her lips softly pressing for a long moment before lifting back up, “I love you. Nothing will ever stop that. You did what you thought was best.” She did point a finger directly at his nose, “And you keep doing it, while I keep getting frustrated. It’s how it’s meant to be I think.” Her laughter broke the gloom that was pressing down on all of them.

“Oh, she’s right ah think.” Applejack’s hand tightened its grip on his arm, “But ya got to let us help too.” Her eyes brooked no argument as he nodded ever so slightly.

“I..can try. It is all I can do.”

“That’s all we’re askin’ sugar, jes’ try.” She grinned at him, “I’m sure things ain’t quite gonna work out as planned, never does around Ponyville, but we’ll help.”

Silence fell once more as Crusader tightened his grip on reality. Though of course, Athena couldn’t bear not saying anything.

The previously pointing finger poked his shoulder, “By the way, where did you get her from?” Athena was looking towards Applejack who was getting a little self conscious under the steady gaze, “We’re not supposed to design things like this, you know better.”

Some Bolos, once they became self-aware, had discovered a penchant for design. Avatars linked the users real world body with the Net, neural or otherwise. The Bolos made them dense, sensory, information wise and easy to maintain, leading to a popularity that had rapidly become worrisome. Neural Net Addiction was a scourge. These avatars that Bolos did as a hobby basically, to practice designing their own improvements alongside the techs, were rapidly taking over as the ‘drug’ of choice for many Net users.

Concordiat Command had thereby instated new commands that Bolos were never to tamper with them again, nor introduce anything new to the Net or mechanicals without official Command approval.

“An extrapolation on possibilities, nothing more.” His gaze had firmed up, returning her own steadily, “I think perhaps once I would be allowed.”

Athena smiled, “She’s as pretty as she should be.”

Applejack blushed, her cheeks going a deep red, “Well..don’t know about that.”

“No. You are, my Applejack. As lovely as you would be had you been human.” His eyes looked into hers as Athena faded backward for a moment.

She slapped a hand on the solid chest, “Stop that. I’ll start believin’ all those things.” The look on her face betrayed her words, smiling warmly at him.

His hands gripped hers as he turned, facing her full on, “You should. In my eyes there is no other worthy of such words.”

“Hey now!” Athena stood there hipshot, one hand planted firmly as the other waved, “Sister here? You know, beautiful? Nice looking?” She turned, showing off her curves. The splinted skirt twirling outward, showing finely toned legs. Her arms spread as she pirouetted in place for a moment, “Right?”

“Feeling left out?”

“What?” A hand was waved idly as if not a care in the world, “Oh quit it. I think it’s great you two care for each other so..so much.”

Applejack gave him a warm look before walking over to Athena. The Warrior Goddess looked a bit down as her hands were taken in turn by the cowgirl, “You’re beautiful too ya know.” Applejack’s voice was soft, “You’re also wonderful and a good friend. May take some time, but somepony will notice.”

“I..I didn’t mean...”

“You did, and folks may tease ya a bit, but they don’t really understand do they?” Green eyes pinned her in place as Athena tried to shore herself up.

“I..I’m just being foolish is all. Crusader knows. It’ll be fine.”

“Like I was? Fallin’ for a voice from a big ol’ thing livin’ under a hill?”

“Technically, I was the hill...”

“Shush, we’re talking.”

“Yes, Applejack.”

Athena smiled when Applejack hugged her, wrapping strong arms around the slim body and squeezing tight, whispering in her ear, “Prepare for the worst, but hope for the best. Granny told me once, ‘You love who ya love ‘Jackie, don’t make no nevermind what ponies think.’”

Athena hugged her back tight, “Thank you. Your Granny is quite the wise pony.”

Applejack laughed, letting go of the warrior, “Only when she’s not lookin’ for her teeth!”

Crusader’s voice interrupted, “And when you are ready, you can show her our world.” He gestured to the side where another avatar appeared. It was extremely info-dense, almost real and Athena could tell the processing power it took to make it was immense.

Whoever used it, would feel as if they were a part of another world without hitch or glitch. It would be almost as if it were another reality. Far beyond what she had done when they had gone adventuring, this was another level of design altogether.

The data for it was being passed even as they stood there, parameters and every single bit that went into the making of it was downloaded into Athena’s cores. Even for them it was a long nanosecond worth of information.

Athena could do nothing but stare, seeing something she’d never imagined nor thought of doing. Her time taken up with other things, she really didn’t delve into stuff like this.

Applejack looked at the silent Crusader, “She looks so..real.”

“And she will be in here, in interface. It will be as if she has stepped into another life.” He nodded at the silent form, “Such as she described when crossing the mirror, only, I think, better.”

Athena stepped closer, seeing just the barest tint of color in the skin like Applejack’s avatar, only lavender. She was wearing a Concordiat Bolo Technicians outfit, which somehow suited her scientific bent. But it was tailored, not baggy like she remembered them being. It hugged the appealing curves of the trim body like a glove, the pockets bulging with tools and gear only made it more so. Her hair swept down over one shoulder like a gentle wave, shining brightly in the light like sunlight reflecting off of water.

There was a warm smile on the face as if remembering something wonderful. Every line, every curve was almost perfect, complimenting each other in a glorious whole. Twilight Sparkle as she could have been millions of long years ago.

The eyes were bright, clear and colorful in a way that reminded one of being young and wanting to see everything.

Athena reached out, touching one shoulder and then stepping back.


“As she is meant to be. They are our friends, why would we not make them as only we can do?”

Athena’s head snapped around, “Them?”

Crusader gestured again, four more avatars appeared in a line, making Applejack gasp in delight, clapping her hands together.

“When we solve the multiple problem, these will be waiting for them to experience things as well.” He paused, placing a thoughtful finger on his chin, “Though I am not sure about letting Pinkie loose in our cores.”

Laughter greeted his plain statement.

They all looked at the silent forms, standing and admiring the work done to make them everything that they were as ponies shine through in human form.

Rarity was dressed in a gown that fell like a silken waterfall around her. Shining the brightest blue like a clear sky, it was covered in gemstones that dazzled the eyes, complementing her pale coloring perfectly. She was wearing gemstone bracelets and a necklace that were wrought from gold and platinum, finely detailed and dripping with a wealth of precious stones.

A delicate hand was pressed gently against her lower throat, as if in breathy delight at something. Showing a smile that was just as sparkling as what she wore. Her face warm and generous as she was, bringing a smile to Athena and Applejack when they saw her.

Her hair fell in gentle long-curled waves around her, plunging down her back it was styled in a high fashion that kept it in place, but showed the great care it took to make it so. She was style and beauty all in one, but not cold and aloof.

Fluttershy was next, standing almost ...well ...shyly, but showing a clear picture of someone who would be your friend in an instant if given a chance. She wore a loose peasant blouse, soft and warm as her personality, loosely tucked into a pair of jeans that led down to sneakers on her feet. It didn’t detract from her, but only added to the warmth you felt when you looked at the entire composition.

She was holding a collie puppy cradled in one arm, giving it a look of such compassion it almost made the heart flutter.

The pretty face, framed by her rose hair, was open and kind. Cyan eyes wide and wondering, as if the world held so many interesting things and she wanted to look at it all. One hand was up, pushing the hair back behind one ear as she posed for their inspection.

Pinkie, on the other hand..or hoof, was amazing.

Her hair was a mass of pink curls, tightly woven and spilling everywhere over her shoulders and down her back, giving the impression of chaos in motion. It was perfection surrounding the oval face, which was in the midst of a huge grin, showing a delight that could not be matched.

Her blue eyes almost sparkled like gemstones, they were so bright, looking outward at something you could only imagine that was giving her the impetus to be in such a pose.

She was a bit more supple than the others, a little extra on the curves gave her a bouncy quality that couldn’t be matched. Her strength showed through in the tone and lift of muscles as the avatar was standing, it also showed a softness that perfectly fit the wild mare.

Pinkie was wearing a party dress that extended to her calves in a rustle of fabric. It was almost a 50‘s bobby-soxer outfit. Pairing her personality with simple shoes and a sweater of fluffy cashmere in front of which her hands were clasped together, a stitching of her Cutie Mark was on the front to one side as she looked ready to jump in the air with glee.

Applejack and Athena both turned to look at the final avatar, Rainbow... Suddenly slapping hands over mouths, eyes going wide.

The rainbow haired female stood primly, covered from head to toe in a black, almost sackcloth like dress that revealed nothing but a shapeless form. Her hair tied up under the bonnet which was fitted tightly to her head.

A pair of glasses sat perched on a sharp nose as the magenta eyes looked out from them with a librarian’s disdain for the universe and all it holds.

Applejack couldn’t hold it in, bellowing out laughter as she doubled over, grabbing onto a chair and hee-hawing mightily.

Athena joined her, rocking back on her heels and laughing hard enough to bring tears to her eyes.

A gloved hand reached out and slapped Crusader on the arm, “Oh my gosh!” Applejack’s voice was stuttering, “Now..now you stop that!” She wiped a tear away before breaking out once more into peals of delight.

“My mistake. Surely a programming error.” His voice was calm as the avatar shimmered slightly. The severe looking clothes went away and..

A smaller Rainbow Dash stood there with pigtails in a cute pink birthday outfit, with bows and ribbons tied up in her multi-colored hair. Wide eyes were looking at a huge box in front of her, caught in the process of tearing through the wrapping to the present inside. Her whole demeanor was as girlish as it got, totally in contrast with the proud flyer.

Athena actually snorted before howling again, “Crusader!”

“Hmmm..might be problems with the avatar itself. My apologies.”

Applejack couldn’t say anything, waving a hand and laughing so hard she couldn’t stand. Her chest was hitching, trying to catch a breath when the next incarnation appeared.

Covered in a black dress that hugged her form, a taller version of Rainbow stood there with a hand carelessly flung back. Holding an elongated cigarette holder, her hair done up in a bob that screamed old fashioned. She stood there looking for all the world like some famous actress despairing she would never get another part.

Just the look on her face, one of worldly troubles and a dislike for the ‘peasantry’, brought more laughter from Athena who immediately got the reference.

Applejack just laughed at the whole silly portrait of her friend.

She slapped Crusader on the shoulder again, “Now you be nice!”

“Yes, my Applejack.”

Once more the form shimmered, becoming a truer version of their friend.

Rainbow stood proudly, wearing a black Concordiat Marine bodysuit which was worn under the powered armor they used in combat. The form-fitting outfit was multi-purpose, used for exercise and everyday wear when around the base. It hugged her form like a second skin, not leaving much to the imagination with armored padding applied to various spots where the powered armor would rub or bind.

She was standing hipshot, one fist placed on her hip as the other gave a V for Victory sign. Her body was toned and firm, muscular but not overly so, giving the impression of a well-balanced physique.

Her face putting on an expression of slyness, one eyebrow raised as she grinned, The cockiness and attitude shining through gave onlookers the impression of someone who could back up all their boasts.

“Now that, is so Rainbow Dash!” Applejack reached a hand out, getting it slapped by Athena who agreed.

“Got it in one Crusader.” She laughed, “Though the first one was a hoot!”

“I am sure it was a programming problem. I will do a sweep of the design cores.” They both looked at him, seeing a very, very tiny smile on the young face.

Athena barked a laugh, “Right, sure. You tell that story.” She nudged her brother with a shoulder.

He made another simple gesture, sending the avatars back to whence they came. Athena held Twilight’s for just a moment more before letting it go with the others.

“I promise, they will be awaiting the time when we have a solution.”

Silence fell as the avatars finally faded, leaving the three alone in the room.

Applejack broke the quiet, “So... what do we do now?”

Crusade took her hand in his, “Let me show you some wonders my Applejack, memories which I wish to share.“ His face turned serious, “There will be no more problems for a while, I promise you.”

Athena could feel him locking down, tightening up each bit of data, each program into a vise like grip of massive proportions. She’d known he was of a mind to be controlled, but this, this was beyond anything she’d ever seen or felt.

Nothing moved without triple security checks, no program executed unless it was cleared through scanning or sweeps. It slowed him just infinitesimally, but even that showed just how much processing power went into this lock down.

Her eyes went wide, never before inside the net when he had done so. She’d always felt him like a wall, a fortress, a presence that was indomitable. But now she felt the gates slamming shut, the iron will it took to stave off his own unwanted memories snap into place like nothing she’d ever experienced. His whole mind turning into a bastion of safety surrounded by the thickest, most impenetrable walls imaginable.

Even Applejack could feel it. A thickening of the air, the sense that nothing would ever harm her while here. She looked over to see Athena gazing into the air as if looking at something amazing.

The door to the room opened up onto a scene of pure wonder that caught their eyes.

A strong hand gripped Applejacks’, giving it a light squeeze as their eyes met, his voice soft.

“Let me show you what I have seen.” He gazed at her, more warmly than anything she’d ever seen. “Beyond battle there were things that would amaze and make you wonder. We may not have time to see everything, but I can give you a glimpse.”

She smiled back with a determined look, “Ready when you are.”

Before Athena could say anything, another hand shot out, grasping hers tightly and bringing the lovely warrior to his side.

“And you my sister. Come see some of my memories. Of better times, when laughter came easily.” He held her tight in his grip, not letting her move away when she appeared to pull back.

She wanted to, oh she did. He rarely, if ever, opened his memories. Even when in TSDS it was all tightly controlled and she was so curious, “But..” She didn’t wish to stay any longer than she had, interrupting the two of them.

He smiled, really smiled, warming her deep inside, “Come with us. For what are memories if not to be shared with those you love?”

“Only if we get to have fun too!” She grabbed his hand with both of hers, a look of hope on her face, “And..uhm..it’s okay with Applejack?”

The cowgirl gave her a wink, “Ah’m all for it.”


Crusader held on to the two who meant the most in his life, worries fading for the moment as he stood before the open door.

Athena had told him that taking the first step was the hardest thing she’d ever done when she had thought him gone. She had confided she did not wish to travel that road alone. But the Princesses had accompanied her, with support and all the care they could give, helping her start that journey.

Now, as he looked outward, he knew what she meant. He understood what she had felt. Crusader was buoyed by that thought, the knowledge, that he too would never be alone now.

As his booted foot crossed that threshold into the past, it was with a confident step.

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