• Published 30th Dec 2014
  • 24,586 Views, 7,036 Comments

Legacy - NFire

A machine of war awakens in a new world. Can it become something more than it is?

  • ...

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Holidaze, Centerfold Princess

Author's Note:

Back with tons to post, and here ya go! Probably not my best as transcribed from loose leaf notebook, (Yeah wrote it all by hand, yeesh) So be gentle please, and have fun!
Yes, I should have sectioned it, but I figured it was a special chapter..so..my apologies! 100 chapters wheee!

Timeline used is from Season One canon, to keep the different events in line. It's still season five as for chapters, but the timeline was established then for celebrations.

Thanks to Tek for the awesome ideas!

Have a Happy Hearth's Warming everyone, best wishes to you and yours!

(Yeah, jumped the shark, had fun, jumped back, more fun..yeah.. :pinkiehappy:)


Chapter 100

Dedicated to all of you, the readers.

Thank you to all who have stuck with me and enjoyed reading this story as much as I have writing it. You folks make it all worthwhile!


The gray mailmare took her time, enjoying the sunny day, one of the very last before Winter truly set in. Happy, carefree and sweeter than one of Pinkie’s cakes, she was beloved by the town no matter what she did.

Her eyes were a golden glow in the sunlight looking at the castle ahead of her to which she had some mail to deliver, which was odd because the recipients of two of these letters never got any mail through the post.

She thought that was a bit sad, everypony should get something in the mail, at least a card or a letter saying hello. What would life be like without knowing somepony cared about you enough to sit and write something nice?

Well, at least she delivered her specially made muffins on time every day to Crusader. He’d done that one thing for her that made him a friend in her book. He was always polite and took time to talk to her and Dinky whenever they met.

She wasn’t quite sure how he’d done it, but her eyes were so clear now, she could see forever almost! Far enough so she didn’t run into anything anymore..we-lll...not much more anyways.

Giggling to herself she kept flying through the chill air, I may not be a Rainbow Dash, but I’m me and that’s all that matters!

Her thoughts turned to the gifts though, he and Athena had delivered a whole cart load of stuff to their house, showing them what it was and helping them store it away for the winter. She wasn’t quite sure what pre-packaged and all meant, but they sure tasted good after a long day at work and when she didn’t have time to cook!

All because they bought a potion from those two Unicorns and gave it to Crusader.

Her mouth filled with saliva as she thought about last night, she and Dinky were rapidly becoming addicted to spicy stuff. It was soooo ...OOPS!

Halting herself with a flap of her wings, she stopped inches from the heavy doors to the castle, her fore hooves were up in front of her just in case, but breathed a sigh of relief she hadn’t had to use them to stop her forward rush.

Boy that woulda hurt. She peeked out of one eye and stared at the wooden portal from a few inches away.

Yeah... that sure woulda hurt.

Dropping to her hooves, she wriggled, settling the mailbags on her back and politely tapping at the door.

“Mail!” Her voice was like honey, calling out whenever she made a delivery, letting ponies know they had something special.

Hearing voices she stopped tapping, looking up and around as her back warmed in the sunlight, making the stretch of her wings to gather each bit of the golden rays feel sooo goood...

The door creaked open, she looked down expecting Spike, but only saw hooves, making her lurch upwards hitting somepony on the chin with her head as she backed off.

“Ohmygosh! I’m so sorry!” A worried expression crossed her face as she saw Athena standing there, eyes rolling slightly from the unexpected slam.

“That’s...” Athena tapped the side of her head, “That’s all right. Are you okay?”

“Oh I’m fine, I’m used to it.” She gave a shy smile, knowing she’d probably be teased about this now.

The sable Pegasus gave a bright grin, “You stop that, I know that tone of voice, nopony is going to tease you.”

A hoof scuffed the ground as the gray mare looked downward, “Well, I guess I deserve it sometimes, ‘cause I do make mistakes.”

“I think you’re allowed, anypony gives you a hard time you see me, I’ll have a talk with them.” The smile was slightly less bright, there was a hint of steel behind it causing the mailmare to widen her eyes when she looked back up.

“Oh no, it’s okay, really. I don’t mind. I just misdeliver their mail for a while.” She smiled back at the other Pegasus, a hint of mischievousness in her eyes.

“Ah ha! I knew you didn’t mess up that much! I knew it!” A hoof was pointed at the pretty mare, laughter accompanying it.

“Well...sometimes.. Oh! I forgot to say thank you for the..the..meals? The food! Oh it’s wonderful! The spicy stuff is really good..the..the Tie food? That it?”

“Oh the Thai food? Well that’s only a small part, we made sure you had enough for winter and beyond. Is everything okay then? You need more?” A concerned look crossed Athena’s face.

“Oh stars no! Dinky and I are going to get fat from eating all that good stuff! But..but could I ask a favor?”

“Anything, we’d be more than happy to help.” Athena’s ears perked, waiting for the request.

“Well...could we trade some in and get more Thai food?” The hopeful look on the mare’s face made Athena smile brighter.

“Are you sure? I mean that stuff is nice but eating a lot of it might not be good for you.” Athena was thinking of long term effects, but since it was simple vegetable based foods it shouldn’t hurt.

“Oh we know, but it’s so good!”

“Have you tried the other food like the Indian curries? They get pretty hot.” She stared at the other mare for a moment, “You’re getting to like spicy foods huh?”

“Well..no! I mean..it’s just... Yeah we really like them.” She heaved it out in a sighing breath, “I know it’s probably not a good thing, but they’re wonderful, lots of different vegetables and peppers and everything. It sure warms you up inside.”

Athena laughed warmly, looking at the smiling mare, “We’ll bring a whole bunch over for you, no need to trade anything in.”

The smile dropped, “No! Oh no you can’t do that, we’ve got so much now...” She was stopped by an upraised hoof.

“Yes we can, we’ve got enough stores to feed Ponyville five times over, we can make much more than that as well. You keep what you have and if you see one of our vehicles pull up outside, it’ll be us delivering more, you helped us and we’re going to help you.”

“But..but it was just a bottle of that potion..” She remembered it ruining her little garden, sure the plants grew big, but now the soil was useless. They’d been given some soil builder to help, but until it took nothing would grow now. She and Dinky had been wondering how they were going to get more fresh greens before winter, as they were selling out quick, when Athena and Crusader had pulled up with a cart stuffed with these things in boxes.

“Exactly what we needed, no arguing okay?”

O..okay, I guess so.” The worried face smiled again, “Thank you, so much for everything, I keep forgetting to say that.”

“No, you’ve said it enough Derpy, don’t ever worry okay? You can ask us for anything.”

The little gray mailmare grinned like a beacon, for some reason Athena and Crusader had never used her first name, saying it wasn’t polite or something like that; she’d worried they didn’t like her but they were both unfailingly courteous and oh so very nice. It just never bothered her much. But when she heard Athena say it just now it made her heart swell.

“You..you called me..”

“I know I did. In our old world long ago Derpy, it was not a good term to use sometimes, we never thought we’d hear it here and tried not to use it because we thought you might get offended.”

“But..but it’s my name! It’s not bad.” She grinned, pointing to herself and nodding, “I’m proud of it. Maybe ‘cause I’m silly a lot, and have thoughts that distract me some times, but I’m happy.”

“I know, and we both apologize very much for thinking so.”

“You don’t need to, it’s just nice to know it’s okay with you now.” She looks around for a moment, winking at the Pegasus, “And it keeps ponies thinking I’m a ditz, let’s me get away with slacking off some days.”

Athena just blinked at her, seeing the twinkle in her eyes as the gray mare just grinned happily, “You.. Oh that is so wrong!” She slapped a hoof over her mouth and laughed behind it while Derpy kept shushing her.

“Shhh! Don’t tell!” They were both laughing too hard to stop for a minute before it all calmed down.

“I promise, not a..*giggle* word..”

“Okay, good. Oh! I forgot, you got some mail!” She reached into her bags, pulling out three envelopes covered in official looking seals and stamps and other sorts of nonsense.

“One for you, and Crusader, and Twilight!” She proudly presented them to the Pegasus who took them.

“Well I gotta go, gotta finish rounds before lunchtime!” She waved as she took off, “See you soon!” She was fast, zooming off the porch before stopping and turning with a blush to Athena and resumed her slow flapping, looking for all the world like a carefree mailmare.

“The things you find out...” Athena mumbled to herself as she watched Derpy leave. She eyed the envelopes before walking back inside where the meeting was, wondering who in the world could be sending them this stuff?


“The soil enhancers will bring it all back,” Crusader was explaining to the assembled mares, Twilight looking on interestedly, “It’s a slow process, we can’t speed it up, but by spring it should be ready for planting.”

“Well that’s good, stars, some folks lost their whole garden and that was lookin’ bad.” Applejack was looking concerned, knowing quite a few home growers that were distraught.

The umber stallion nodded, “It’s not the best situation, but we have enough supplies stored in the warehouses from previous harvests this year to last, I took an accounting. Also, in emergencies we have those meals ready to go. We can provide if anypony needs.”

Rainbow Dash snickered, “Hamburgers right?”

Laughs went all around, Twilight rolling her eyes, “Rainbow shush! This is important!”

The cyan mare hmphed, “It’s important!” Her stomach rumbled, “We’ve been at this all morning and I’m starving!”

A couple of growls joined hers as the others looked embarrassed, Twilight especially when her stomach let out a sound, “Well, guess we could take a break. Maybe a daisy sandwich or something would be nice?”

Pinkie bounced off her chair, “Oh no! What about all that stuff we saw packed into the kitchen? Those big boxes? Isn’t that food?”

Twilight glared at her, “That’s for emergencies only, it’s the stuff Athena and Crusader brought us for wintertime! It’s supposed to be for ponies who need it.”

“Well if this isn’t an emergency darling I don’t know what is!” Rarity put a fore leg over her brow, looking like she would swoon. “Oh my goodness do we need it!”

“You are so overly dramatic.” Twilight kept sitting in her chair though, refusing to budge, “We can order something from the restaurant, you’re all getting lazy!”

“Oh like you aren’t? Spike told us you’ve been sneaking goodies from the boxes!” Rainbow crossed her forelegs over her chest, looking triumphant.

“I have not!” She blushed as Applejack raised an eyebrow at her, knowing she’d been caught. “It was just some..some cookies..”

“Cookies? They’ve got cookies? What kind?” Everypony leaned forward to listen as Crusader just shook his head with a smile.

Athena came walking in to see the intent expressions on all their faces, looking puzzled as she contacted Crusader over the net.

“What’s this?”

“Apparently Twilight’s been sneaking cookies out of the emergency supplies and got caught.”

“Spike rat her out?”

“Pretty much.”

“What kind of cookies?”

“The usual assortment, but quite a few they’ve never thought of here.”

“Did she find the ice cream yet?”

“Not yet, it’s locked in the freezer we installed, she couldn’t get it open I think.”

“Heh, nano seals, gotta love ‘em.”

“So tell us! What kinda cookies?” Rainbow Dash is practically drooling.

“Well..” Twilight thinks, tapping a hoof on her chin, “There’s some chocolate chip ones, they stay soft no matter how long you have them out, they’re soooo good..” She gets a faraway look on her face, “Oh, there’s these chocolate ones with creme filling between two cookies, you dunk them in milk and they’re great!”

Rainbow is drooling now.

“Spike and I had some brownies..” She clapped her hooves over her mouth, looking around wildly at the mares looking back.

Pinkie leaned in close, narrowing her eyes, “Just cookies huh?” She poked Twilight’s side, “No wonder you’ve been getting pudgy, all those snacks!” She grinned, making sure Twilight knew she was joking.

“I am not getting...Pinkie!”

Everyone laughs, going back to the discussion, “Now why were you even in those, they’re for emergencies ya said?” Applejack’s voice is unrelenting.

“Well I got bored..I was tired of the regular food and there’s always something neat inside those boxes.” Twilight sighed, looking at Athena and Crusader, “And they keep bringing in this stuff and saying not to touch it!” She points an accusing hoof.

“I said it was for emergencies and you agreed Twilight. You didn’t say for your own use.” That was delivered with a small smile as Crusader deflected the accusation.

“Well I’m the Princess, have to make sure everything’s okay..and...stuff..”

Fluttershy laughs behind a hoof, “Oh my, well it’s no wonder we don’t see you having daisy sandwiches anymore.”

The Alicorn looks exasperated, “I love those, but... but this stuff is so good!” She eyes both the faux ponies once more, “And what’s in that big box that’s locked?”

Athena grins, “The freezer?”

“Is that what it is? You guys didn’t tell me what it was when you brought it in.” She’s eyeing us suspiciously now.

“It keeps food frozen, some that need to be anyways.” Athena explains. But it’s more than that, simple thing to make for her and Crusader, solar powered, battery run, it was zero effect on anything around it, a little light and it kept things cold forever.

“Like what?” Twilight still wants answers.

“Oh...various things..” Athena grins once more, enjoying avoiding the questions.

Now Athena and Crusader are both getting glared at, “What’s in the fr..freezer?” Twilight tests the word, “Yeah, the freezer!”

“Things.” Crusader is nonplussed by the staring mares.

“Alright, you forced my hoof, I order you to tell me what’s in that box!” Twilight grins, a smug countenance on her face, as Athena and Crusader look at each other before turning back and answering in unison.


Her jaw practically hits the table, “Wh..what? But I..”

“We can choose to refuse Twilight, you know that.” Crusader grins, “We obey when needed or we want to, but until a crisis occurs we are freely allowed to refuse.”

“Now come on there sugarcube, ain’t nothing wrong with tellin’ us what’s in there.” Applejack’s voice is silky smooth, “Why not just tell her?”

“Because we choose not to. That is for emergencies and special occasions.” Athena and Crusader both nod. The pegasus gesturing, “Why not just go have some cookies, there’s quite a few to choose from.”

Nope, once curiosity rises it’s hard to distract some ponies, especially these six.

“Noooo, I want to know what’s in the box,” Rainbow is musing, looking at all the others, “Anypony else want to know raise a hoof.” She raises her own, quickly followed by five more.

“Voting doesn’t work with us Rainbow, sorry.” The soft voice from Crusader makes it plain they’re not getting inside it. He knows they would ravage the contents.

Twilight sighs, “Well, since you’re being so stubborn, you brought this on yourselves.”

We both watch her closely wondering what now.

Pointing a hoof across the table she smiles, “Maybe those tickets to the Gala miiiight just get lost?” She raises an eyebrow at the both of us.

Rarity gasps, the chance to go to the Grand Galloping Gala is one thing she loves, showing off her new fashions. This is practically a doomsday threat of the worst kind!

Crusader shrugs, “That’s fine, I really..” He’s stopped by a wild look from Athena.

“Just give it to them, I want to go to the Gala, please?”

“She is making an idle threat, that’s not who Twilight is Athena, she’d never deny a friend.”

“But..but what if she does?”

“Just hold out for one second, she’s too kind a person to ever do that.”

“If I don’t get to go ‘cause of you I’ll be pretty mad.”

“Trust me.”

The conversation takes but a mere eyeblink as Crusader smiles, “Nice try Twilight.” Seeing the Alicorn deflate as she stamps a hoof on the table.

“Oh come on! Whats in there?” She leans a cheek on her hoof, elbow on the table.

“It’s just food Twilight, for desserts and such. But with your sweet tooth and knowing these others, we locked it.” Athena explains, breathing a sigh that Twilight was just bluffing.

“Wait..you locked it because of me?” She waves a hoof, “Well...us?”

“Sort of, you did sneak into the cookies. Plus you all have a penchant for digging into goodies.” Crusader chuckles.

“Because they’re good!”

“Fine, the lock is open, go take a look.” He doesn’t get the sentence out before the six are out of the room and into the kitchen surrounding the large stainless box, flipping the doors open to shelves of frozen confections packed tight. There is everything from a myriad of places and more, each labeled in Equestrian, which brought gasps from the assembled ponies.

“Oh....my...gosh...” Rainbow is hovering, peeking over their heads as she spies things she never knew were possible, “Peanut butter banana ripple ice cream!?” She squees in delight, grabbing a spoon off the table, “Chocolate fudge cookies and cream? OHMYGOSH!”

“Oh well, we’ve got plenty more.”

“I know Athena, just restocking is a pain.”

“At least they’re enjoying themselves.”

“I’m not sure, it looks more like a massacre.”

She laughs, “They’ve got the constitution of Fimbulwolves I think.”

“I remember those, nasty critters, liked to chew on our treads.”

“Oh...yeah..that. Oh! We got mail!”

“Mail? Really?”

“Yeah, looks really important too.”

Athena lays out the two envelopes with all the seals and whatnot.

“Huh,” She eyes it, tearing it open carefully as Crusader does his. A parchment sheet is pulled out of both containers and they both read them for one second, dropping them on the table with looks of astonishment.

“We’re being evicted!?”

The ice cream and confection slaughter stopped as every eye turned to the two ponies staring at each other.


Twilight shivered, cleaning the last of a large bite of chocolate fudge ice cream off her face, “What do you mean evicted? They can’t..I mean.. Where the hay would we PUT you?”

Both of the ponies shrug, Crusader looking concerned at the parchment sheet, “Twilight, you have a letter as well.”

“What? Spike usually..hold on.” She lights her horn up, tearing the envelope open as she reads through it quickly, getting a look on her face that is a mixture of disgust and consternation, “What the hay?”

“What’s goin’ on sugarcube?”

“Some stupid bureaucrat thinks I need to pay taxes on my castle!” She stamps a hoof, making the room resound with a crack.

“Do what now? I thought we didn’t pay them things? Least we never have, just a little here and there to help.” Applejack looked puzzled, reading over all three letters, “Looks official, sure somepony ain’t playing a joke?”

Pinkie and Rarity are looking over her shoulder, shrugging as Applejack looks at them.

“It certainly looks official darling, perhaps a letter to the Princesses is in order?”

“Well I’m going to send something! Taxing my castle, how dare..and evicting you? Where do they think you’ll go?” She points a hoof at the two ponies, both of them looking back at her with awkward expressions.

“We can’t go anywhere we won’t be seen, we’d be nothing but large targets if we move now. The covering hills give us a good disguise in case of any problems.” Athena explains, holding her hooves out to the side, “I can’t imagine where we’d relocate, we like it here.”

“We’ll get this straightened out, stupid quill pushers.” She taps a hoof on her chin, “They can levy taxes when needed, it’s allowed by Royal Law, but only in times when the treasury is low and even then it’s not much.” Twilight points to the paper she received, “But this, this is..is.. outrageous! It’s my castle, castles don’t get taxed!”

“Well how much is..” Fluttershy looks at the paper, her eyes growing wide as she ‘eeps’ softly, “Oh my..” Pinkie looks over her shoulder with a silently mouthed ‘Wow.’

Applejack whistles, “They sure aren’t bein’ very nice.” She points it out to Rainbow and Rarity who gasp.

Crusader is perusing all three letters, lifting a hoof, “It says in all three, that since we haven’t paid any rent or sundries to the owner of the land on which we reside, it gives the Royal Bureau of Income the right to levy a tax, or evict us in our case.”

“Wait..somepony owns the land?” Twilight looks at her castle and out the window over the town. “Really?”

Crusader nods, “I never thought to ask, I’m sorry, with everything that goes on I never even imagined to inquire if anyone owned the land.”

Athena pipes up, “We’re not ‘on’ the land anyways! We’re under it!” She ‘hmphs’ and folds her legs across her chest, “Buncha dumbos.”

“That’s being technical Athena, I don’t think it would work.”

“Well phooey on ‘em, we aren’t giving them one quarter-bit!” Athena’s face is angry.

“We can’t ignore it, remember what happened when humans failed to pay taxes on some worlds?”

Her face drops, looking fearful, “Oh..yeah..that was bad.”

Applejack looks at both of us, “They really made ‘em pay huh?”

We both nod, “On some worlds failure to pay was a death sentence.” This gets more gasps, especially from Rarity.

“What a bunch of no good ruffians!” She looks appalled.

“Pretty much what most humans thought as well.”

“SPIKE!” Twilight calls out into the hallway.

The little dragon comes rushing in, “What’s up Twilight?”

“Take a letter!” She’s got an intent look on her face as Spike pulls out a parchment and quill.


“You stupid.. no wait, scratch that.” She rubbed her neck, looking back at all of us, “You didn’t hear that.”

Everypony chuckles.

“Dear sir/ma’am, as Princess of Friendship,” She points to Spike, “Underline that, make sure they know..” The dragon nods. “As Princess of Friendship I am writing to ask why you are even thinking about taxing me or evicting two others, Crusader and Athena, who do so much for Equestria at this time. Please let us know soonest. Signed Twilight Sparkle, Princess...blah blah.. You know the rest Spike.”

“Got it Twilight, where’s it going to?”

“Send it to the Royal Bureau of Revenue, soonest.”

“Got it! I’ll put it in the outbox!” He hustles off to drop the scroll, returning to his comics.

“Taxing a Princess, I’ll tax their Cutie Mark kissing..”

“Twilight!” Rarity’s voice is astonished, as the Alicorn turns to see everyone looking at her.

“Heh..yeah..forget that.”


“Do we even have that much money?” Pinkie was wondering as we all sat around the kitchen table once more, still enjoying some treats.

Twilight nods, “We do, but I’m not giving them one bit until they explain themselves!”

“We do?” Her blue eyes go wide as she taps a hoof on her seat, “Really?”

“Well yeah, all the income from the medical stuff, and the jewelry and other things we’ve been selling.” She turns to glare at the stallion, “If you’d quit giving money away and charging for things you make!”

“I have no regrets.” He shrugs with a smile, garnering a laugh from Applejack.

“Can we see?” Pinkie is up and bouncing around the table, “Can we see?”

“Well...sure.” Twilight nods, “It’s for all of us to use, you’ve always been allowed to see or use it.” She gestures out the door, “I mean it’s for Ponyville too, but there’s enough.”

“You know what, I seriously forgot about all that. All the weird things going on, I really forgot.” Rainbow Dash’s voice is wondering as she hovers, all of us leaving the kitchen and heading down into a sub-level of the castle.

“Myself as well, goodness, must be quite a bag of bits in there by now.” Rarity is heading down the stairs at a quick pace.

“We-lll...kinda more than a bag.” Twilight is looking at all of us as we approach a heavy door, set into one wall in the sub-level.

“Oh? Well I’m sure it can do some good though.” Rarity’s thoughts always turn to being generous, now matter how dramatic she gets.

Fluttershy nods, “Twilight says it helped pay for the new hospital equipment and more beds, they’re really stocked there.”

“Yep, it sure did, and the Town Hall redo, the paving on the streets, it’s really been something.” The lavender mare nods, “It’s done so much for everypony.

Athena and I haven’t even kept track, leaving it to Twilight.

“Well ah’m glad, ain’t no use having it if’n ya can’t do somethin’ with it.” Applejack nods firmly.

“Yeah, tell that to Filthy Rich, you think he rolls around in his bits at night?” Rainbow laughs.

Applejack gives her a hoofslap, “Ah dunno Rainbow, maybe he takes baths in all them bits.”

Fluttershy giggles as Twilight opens the door, “Now that’s a funny..” She stops, looking into the vault room along with everypony else.

It’s not a huge room, but it is large, the side walls and back one lined with heavy shelves, upon which sit large chests that are made of wood and iron banding; the shelves are stuffed full of them, along with bags underneath lying on the floor. We can all see some spilled bits lying in the open as Rarity stutters.

“Is..is...that all.. I mean..is it..”

Twilight nods, “Yeah we’re running out of room, so there’s another storeroom just across the hall here, we started filling it last week.” She’s so calm about this as Rainbow steps into the area, opening a chest and seeing the inside brim full with gold and silver coins.

“How...how much did you say was in here?” She’s eyeing the other chests which appear to be as full as the one she’s staring at, eyes almost popping out of her head.

Twilight grabs a scroll off a nearby shelf with her magic, “Well, we counted last week, annnnd... here’s the total.” She unrolls it, showing all of us the amount in the room.

Rarity faints on her ever present couch. Athena and I still wonder where that comes from.

“Wait a second, you’re telling me you’ve just been storing it away?” Applejack voice is incredulous.

“Well yes, I mean it’s not all mine, it’s yours too. So I just use it to improve the town, help ponies out and just do some good with it.” She smiles brightly. “I know you all get an income, but this is all the rest that’s stored.”

“But..but the Town Hall alone must’ve cost..”

“One thousand four hundred and eighty-five bits.” Twilight rattles off the number out of memory, “A complete redo and reinforced foundation, it’ll stand for a long time.”

Rainbow’s jaw hits the floor as the others just stare at Twilight.

“What? Was that too much?” She taps a hoof on her chin, “Maybe I should have asked for more bids on the work..”

Pinkie looks around in awe, “Sooo..some of this is mine too?”

Twilight nods, pointing to the shelves along the walls, “Yep, each shelf has your name on it, sorry they’re crowded...” She doesn’t get to finish as everyone looks at the chests along the rear and sides of the room, crowding in to see what’s on them.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Rainbow is looking at a container on her section, once again filled, “I could buy every single piece of Wonderbolt stuff out there!”

Pinkie looks at a few containers for a moment, holding the lid on one she’s opened, peeking inside and turning to the rest. “You know, I like working at the Corner, I do. With something like this I’d never have to work again.” Her voice is soft as she closes the top with a thump, “But..but I don’t need it, I’m happy with what I have.”

A hoof gets waved airily as she grins, “Oh maybe a few extra bits for fun stuff...” She giggles for a moment before heading to the door and sitting beside the opening after taking a small bag of coins with her, “But I really don’t need it, use it for somepony who does. Just maybe leave a few for party supplies?”

Twilight nods, looking at her friend for a moment, “You sure?”

“Yep, I’m good. I send money to Ma and Pa Pie, we all have enough.”

“Okay, I’ll..” She’s interrupted by Rainbow.

“Me too,” the cyan mare holds a small bag of coins as well, “I just want that first edition of the new Daring Do, that’s all I need. Everything else, well... I think I’ve got enough for anypony.” She steps away from the riches with a firm nod.

Fluttershy does the same, not even peering into any of the containers, “I like living where I am, and my friends, all of them.” She looks at each pony with pride, “I don’t need much.” She holds a bag in her hoof as well, enough for some new bird houses or something small. “Mom and Dad made sure I have something each month to help take care of things, plus all the animal work I do for everypony.”

Rarity sighs, smiling to herself as she runs a hoof through a pile of coin, “Oh, so many times I’ve dreamed of something like this, but once you have everything what good is it?” She turns to us as she stands at the shelf, a hoof on the chest of money, “I never want to stop creating and making things, but as for this, I have more than enough.”

Closing the lid with a gentle sound, she patted the chest, “I’d hate to get lazy, can’t have that now can we?” She smiles brightly, joining the others, a simple bag carried in her magic, enough for a few bolts of cloth or some new thread in it.

All eyes turn to Applejack, who’s looking at the chests containing her share of the proceeds.

“Ah dunno, I mean we’ve got enough too. We’re not hurtin’ any, and things are goin’ good.” She gathers coins in a cloth bag as well, like Rainbow and the others, “But Apple Bloom’s got a birthday comin’ up, I aim to make it special.” She waves at the rest, “As for all this, winter’s comin’ and somepony might need it.”

Athena looked at the chest, it was certainly a lot of money. Something she’d never thought of nor dealt with until she was here. Her eyes slid to the shelf below hers, Crusader’s, upon which sat a single chest, not even half full he’d given it all away, or bought things for those who needed something.

Scooping bits into a bag, she closed it with a smile, turning around to see everyone else looking at her. Blushing she made a half-hearted motion with one hoof, “I..uh..need to pay my bill at the Corner.”

The laughter was infectious, everypony knew she was an inveterate cupcake lover.

“Well..and a few gifts, but I don’t need all this.” She moved to the door as everyone exited the room. Twilight shut the door behind them and stood there looking at the group.

“Somethin’ wrong Twi?” Applejack was curious.

“No.” She shook her head, “No, just when I think I couldn’t be prouder of my friends...” She left the sentence unfinished, giving everyone a hug.

“Well don’t expect me to give it all up next time!” Rainbow’s was chiding, “I’m gonna buy a mansion in Cloudsdale!”

“Of course it’ll be filled with Wonderbolts stuff right Dashie?” Pinkie’s voice was merry.

“You bet! I’ll get everything!”

“Right Dashie, riiiight.” The pink mare hugged her friend as they left the room behind.

“I’m proud of you, and all of them.”

“Well..I..I don’t need all that money.”

“But giving it up is not the same thing. Our traditions hold, even to the simplest things Athena, and you are a fine example of them.”

“I’m...just trying my best. Learning as I..I go.”

“You learn from the best, given the keys to fulfill all their dreams they give them back.”

“Aren’t they?”

“Well,“ Twilight was saying, “I’ll keep a little put aside, I mean we all want something special now and then right?”

Rainbow whoops, punching a fist in the air, “New Daring Do books forever!”

Fluttershy stops for a moment, holding the group up, “But what about Spike? Doesn’t he...?” She smiles as Twilight nods.

“Oh yes, he gets a little each week, more than enough for comic books and whatever he wants to do. I don’t want to give him too much and trigger the greed in him again.” She laughs, continuing on up the stairs.

“Yes, that was awkward wasn’t it?” Rarity’s statement makes everyone laugh, remembering when it got out of hoof.

“Waaaaiiiiit a second!” We all stop after leaving the sub level, standing in the room leading down, “What’d you do with YOUR share Twilight? I saw your shelf was looking a bit empty in there!” Rainbow is looking at the Alicorn intently.

“What? I didn’t... I mean..” She rubs the back of her neck, “Well the castle needed new stuff and..you know...stuff..”

“What kind of...stuff... Twilight?” The cyan Pegasus won’t give an inch, now everyone else is wondering as well.

“Well I got..you know..stuff and..more..” Her voice goes down to a bare whisper as she blushes, feeling every eye on her.

Rainbow cups her hoof behind her ear, “What was that?”

“Books! I got more books okay! Yeesh, I stocked the library to lend them out to everypony!” She grumps at the pegasus with a final glare.

“Oh that figures! All the money in the world and she buys books! Egghead!” Rainbow grabs her around the neck, rubbing her mane, “Books!” Letting go and getting away from her before she got swatted.

“Ah well, that’s Twilight, shoulda expected it.” Applejack laughs.

“But they were good books! I even got copies of some rare volumes from the Starswirl library wing in Canterlot!” Everyone turned and started leaving as she was explaining, making her catch up, “They’re really rare books!”

Fluttershy pats her shoulder, “That’s okay Twilight, we understand.”

Twilight yells at the retreating ponies, “Don’t come to me then when you want a book!”


“Evicted, what are we gonna do?” Athena’s voice is worried, looking out over the river to where our hulls are buried.

“I don’t think we will be Athena, but I wonder who owns the land. We occupy a good portion of it out there, I’d hate to leave a hole that big if we do move.” I shrug, Athena loves it right where we are, she doesn’t want to go anyplace else.

“I don’t know, let’s hope whoever does own it is nice enough to let us just pay rent?” She cracks a smile with a sigh, “One problem after another. Of all the things we’ve faced, I think bureaucrats are the worst.”

“If I remember correctly, our commanders thought the same. The words ‘Shoot them all’ came up a lot.”

Athena’s eyes get a calculating look as she slowly turns her head to face Canterlot, “You know, your cruise missiles....”

“Don’t even go there.”

“Well, it was just a thought.”

“A good one, but no.”

We set for a moment more, enjoying the midday sun and thinking our own thoughts until Athena’s eyes go wide, “Ohmygosh! I almost forgot, tomorrow’s Nightmare Night!”

“Oh that’s right, how’s your little endeavor going?” I am curious, she’s been using a large warehouse at the edge of town where the festivities are usually held, redoing it for something. Our tech spiders have been quite busy inside.

“Oh it’s going good! I’m gonna scare the ever-lovin’ cr...”


“Scare the stars out of them,” She gives me a weak smile.

I look around for a moment, switching to internal comms.

“So what are you doing?”

“Remember all the data we have on nasty critters?”

“Oh yes.”

“I set up a haunted house, it’s gonna be great!”

“As much fun as I think that will be, are you sure about it?”

“I’ve got medical standing by.”

“That good huh?”

“They’ve never seen anything like it.”

“Is that why you needed our stocks of battlescreen projectors”

“Yep, used all of them I could find, it’s gonna be great.”

“Sometimes I wonder if you do it out of a sense of glee or maliciousness Athena.” I give her a look out of the side of my eyes.

“Both, definitely both.” She rubs her hooves together with an evil smile, “This is gonna be great!”


Twilight looks at the letter she just received from Canterlot, sent by courier and unrolled on the table in front of her. It was a quick reply after a few hours, amazing her in it’s delivery by Pegasus.

Looking at Athena, she gets a disgusted expression, “They say it’s going to take a few weeks to get the information on who owns the property, until then we can’t do anything.” She slaps the paper on the table, “But they’ve recognized it’s my castle and rescinded the tax demand, so that’s one thing.”

“A few weeks? For cryin’ out loud I could...argh!” Athena’s been worrying all day about the eviction notice. “Well at least they replied pretty fast.”

“At least we don’t have to do anything until then!” The lavender mare smiles, leaning close to Athena, “Sooo..what are you doing in that warehouse?”

The sable Pegasus looks innocently at her for a moment, “What warehouse?”

A thump on the shoulder with a royal hoof makes her laugh as Twilight rolls her eyes, “You know which warehouse, what’s going on?”

Athena does a quick look around, “I’m making a haunted house for Nightmare Night.”

“You mean with ghosts and stuff?” Twilight looks interested, “But everypony knows those aren’t real, they aren’t much of a scary thing.”

Athena gives her a smile that would give an enemy pause, “Oh no..nono, ghosts are far too simple.”

Twilight narrows her eyes, looking at the evil expression, “What are you planning?”

“Promise not to tell?”

“I promise!”

“Well...” As the explanation went on, Twilight’s look went from puzzled, to interested to outright shock as the Pegasus explained what she’d done with the house. The laughter got louder as the exposition kept going for an hour into the evening.

------Nightmare Night------

I watch as Athena finishes her preparations for her Haunted House. She’s quite proud of it, and I admit it’s a work of art if not genius. The inside is covered in lights of differing frequencies to dazzle the eyes, keeping ponies off balance until they encounter one of the many scares, tricks or traps.

Things which they have never seen in their lives will be projected by holographic sets, turning them into reality or pretty close to such, but she has gone a step further.

Using our stocks of extra battle screen projector replacements, she has programmed them to work in tandem with the projections. If a pony thinks they can just walk through the phantasm, they are in for a rude surprise. A Fimbulwolf’s tentacles will grab and lift them in the air, opening it’s maw as if to eat them whole, dropping them inside as it vanishes, leaving them shaking on the floor.

There were so many things we encountered on our journeys among the stars, quite a few of them nasty, ill-tempered or just malicious. She has chosen some of the worst to put in her house of haunts.

Wait until they see a Man O’War from Asbin, those irritable things even gave Bolos pause until we wiped them out wholesale.

Should anypony make it all the way through, she’s got candy and surprises waiting for them. She figures it only fair for giving them the worst encounter of their lives, I wholeheartedly agree.

What makes it even better is there is absolutely no magic involved, lulling ponies into a false sense of security as they are used to mechanical things, simple monsters that jump out at you, an interactive experience like this is going to be a whole new world of terror. I have promised not to reveal anything about how it works, to give everypony an equal chance.

We have set up a tent out and to the side, for recovery in case of any faint of heart that we have to bring out of the house.

As it is late afternoon, everything is shutting down for the festivities. I do take a walk over where the statue of Nightmare Moon is, wondering how the Luna I know could become some-such. But I do not question, as there are many things in their history Athena and I do not fully understand, but we’re trying.

“So, think the house’ll be a hit?” Athena’s voice comes from near me where she suddenly appears, she’s very good at being quiet.

Turning to look at her I pause, blinking for a moment, “What in all we know have you done to yourself?”

She grins at me, covered in gore, part of her outer covering is made to look like it has been torn to shreds and ripped, an undead. Bones show through on her ribcage, it’s a nice effect, although she could have left the fake organs out.

“Like it? Zombie pony!” She raises her forehooves, the skeletal understructure of her jaw shows through as bone, not durasteel, the teeth revealed along one side as she smiles, “I want your braaaaains!”

“That is truly horrifying.” I’m not kidding, it’s disgusting but well done.

Athena smiles even wider, “I’ve even got fake organs showing...”

I stop her, “No Athena, I don’t need to see intestines.”

“But they’re really cool!”

“You’re going to make ponies barf.”

“And then my work here will be done!” She grins at me as we walk back into town. Thank goodness the evening is falling so ponies aren’t getting a good look at her from afar yet.

“You’re incorrigible Athena.”

“I am, I am at that!” She skips along, heading for the haunted house which now has an entrance and exit, she points this out to me, “If they make it through, they’ll come out here, if not, they’ll just run back out.”

“Think any one will make it?” I am wondering, it’s a true test of courage she’s made, but I’m not sure if anyone’s up to something like it.

“I’m not sure, but it’s going to be fun.” She leans on the sign in front which says “Haunted House, Beware!”

“You’re going to scar them for life.”

“Sweet Mother of Celestia, what happened to YOU?” Rarity’s voice is shocked, standing behind me and looking at Athena with horror crossing her face.

“I’m a zombie!” She raises her hooves once more, scaring the life out of a few foals nearby who run off screaming.

“Woohoo! It worked!”

She punches a hoof in the air as Rarity leans forward, “Is that..make up? No, that looks so real!”

Athena pushes her hoof against the moist insides, making a squishing sound, eliciting flinches “Nope, all fake, but it looks good huh?”

“That’s truly disgusting Athena.”

“I told her that.”

Sweetie Belle, dressed like a miniature Princess, comes bounding out from behind Rarity, “Oh that’s awesome!” She peers at the bones and blood, “Oh Rarity can I be a zombie next year? Please?” The little Unicorn gives her a pleading look.

“Now why would you want to be something like that? That’s...that’s.. there are no words.” She peers at Athena again who’s grinning like a fool.

“But it’s cool! It looks so real!” She pushes a tiny hoof against Athena’s side, hearing the squishing sounds with a giggle.

“Stop that Sweetie. It’s..oh that is so... Ew..” Even Rarity can’t find the right phrases for what my sister has become, the look on her face is priceless knowing Rarity’s aversion to dirt or grime.

“Wow, that is seriously gross.” Rainbow’s voice comes from above, wearing a pith hat and tan outfit, she’s peering at Athena from a small cloud, “I mean that is really gross, but cool.” She drops down, looking at Athena for a moment, “Just.. that’s something else.”

And so it goes, each of our friends making similar expressions as they join us, though Twilight is quite interested in how the fake organs are made, leading Rarity to make gagging motions behind her back. Even Pinkie is weirded out.

“Twilight, isn’t that the same costume you wore last year?” Pinkie is avoiding touching Athena right now.

“I like this costume!” She poses, the fake beard and robe looking nice actually.

“Oh c’mon, even I got a new one this year!” The cyan Pegasus poses as well, “Daring Do! From the The Search for the Golden Claw!”

“Very nice Rainbow!” Rarity applauds.

“Oh there ya all are, me n’ Apple Bloom...” She stops, spying Athena as the group parts, Apple Bloom peeking out from behind her and letting out a scream.

“OHMYGOSH what happened?” The little filly is horrified at her appearance.

“Sweet Celestia what did happen?” Applejack is shocked at her bloody appearance, dressed up like a gunslinger without the guns she looks closer, “We said scary Athena, not disgusting!”

“I’m gonna get that a lot tonight huh?” She watches as everypony nods.

“Good! More fun!” She chases a squealing Apple Bloom around the area for a moment, “Braaaaaains!”

“Glad Fluttershy isn’t around, she’d be petrified.” Rainbow was looking a bit down as her friend wasn’t here. She never came out on Nightmare Night, but it was by choice.

“We’ll bring her lots of goodies later!” Apple Bloom escapes Athena’s clutches to hug Rainbow, “We’re gonna get lots of candy!”

“You got that right!” Another voice joins the group, Scootaloo, she’s dressed like a miniature Wonderbolt and looking quite good in the uniform, “You guys ready to go?”

Sweetie and Apple Bloom grin and jump to, heading out with their friend, “Be safe!” Rarity waves after her little sister, looking worried.

“No problem Rarity, we’ve got it covered.” Athena smiles, looking at me.

I nod, drone coverage is tripled for right now, we’ve got our Hounds on standby for trouble, the town is locked down as far as we can for safety. If anything at all happens, it will be dealt with swiftly and quickly.

“So what’s this big deal we been hearin’ about? Everypony said you’ve been working on somethin’ for tonight?” Applejack is looking around for whatever Athena is up to, noticing the sign, “Haunted House? Oh them things ain’t scary.”

“Applejack, trust me..” I start to say something and get waved down by a hoof.

“Oh c’mon, just a bit o’ magic and you see things, been to ‘em before.” She smiles at me, looking like the tough farm pony she is.

“No really, you don’t want to do this.” Why is it every time I warn some one they never listen?

“C’mon Rainbow, let’s get in there and see what’s up!” The Daring Do impersonator gives her a hoofbump, heading for the entrance.

“This isn’t going to be good.” Twilight is giggling to beat all as she watches them enter the house.

We watch the door close, Athena getting a faraway look as she grins, “First one coming up in five...four..three...”

We hear the screams from inside the house, Rainbow beating Applejack out of the entry portal by only a hair as they both block the door with their bodies, slamming it shut and looking at all of us with wild expressions. From vitals readouts, their hearts are racing a mile a minute as they pant, pushing against the door to make sure nothing gets out.

Rainbow’s eyes are about to come out of her head as she screams at us, “SO MANY TEETH!”

The laughter makes us all immobile for a few moments as Applejack and Rainbow calm down, getting disgusted looks on their faces, “Now that’s not funny, that thing was big! And..and it grabbed us! It had Rainbow by the leg!” Applejack is glaring at Athena.

Rainbow is inspecting herself for missing limbs.

Athena is laughing so hard she can’t talk, seeing them panting from the short run and trying to keep the door closed so whatever is inside can’t get out. I admit, it’s quite funny.

I can’t help it, I do laugh as well, seeing the two panicked ponies. They finally realize nothing is following them and walk over to where we stand, albeit on unsteady legs.

“That was not funny!” Rainbow is pointing at Athena who is recovering from her fit of giggles.

“I told you, it’s a haunted house.” She’s grinning at both of the mad mares.

“We’re supposed to be scared, not terrified!” Applejack is sitting down on a bench near us, flapping her hat at herself to cool down from the run, “That was..that.. that was wrong!”

Athena shrugs, “Well, if you get through, I’ve got quite the reward.”

Rainbow’s eyes go from angry to interested, “Oh yeah? What kinda reward?”

Athena shows small chests sitting by the exit door, “You make it through, you get to choose a chest.”

“What’s in them?”

“Make it through and find out.” She grins at the Pegasus hovering there. Rainbow’s eyeing the containers and looking a bit fearfully at the house.

“Rainbow, it ain’t that important. That was only the first minute inside there, Celestia knows what else is inside that big ol’ house.” Applejack is standing now, cooled off and giving Athena the stink eye.

“More than you can imagine Applejack.” The grin on Athena’s face is challenging.

“I.....dunno, I mean there might be some good stuff in those.” Rainbow’s getting her courage back, pointing at the prize boxes.

“Hey! A haunted house! Cool! I haven’t been to one of those since I was a colt!” The voice is familiar as we turn and see Bastion and Granite with a few others of the guard standing near.

“Oh c’mon Granite, ain’t nothing much but a few not too scary things.” Bastion is eyeing his brother, seeing the other Earth Pony excited.

“Well noponies waiting in line, I mean it is Nightmare Night! It could be really fun!”

Athena steps forward, getting gasps from all the guards as she grins, “Well if you make it through, you win a prize.” They’re too busy looking at her disguise and getting a bit queasy from the bones sticking out of her skin.

“What happened..oh wait, costume right?” Bastion laughs, “Wow that’s..that’s really gross.”

“I know right?” Athena poses, pointing a hoof at the large building, “Enter if you dare ponies, make it through and receive a reward, if you don’t...” She leans in to all of them, “It’s ....your....DOOM!” The five guards rear back at her pronouncement, eyes wide.

“Oh c’mon!” This from a Pegasus guard mare, “It can’t be that bad.”

Applejack and Rainbow look at each other, then at the group, “Oh yes it can.”

After a quick discussion they all decide to enter, Athena gives them the simple rules, make it out and get a reward, that’s all, but you have to go through the house, no shortcuts and no magic. She makes it plainly understood that she will know if they do.

Two mares and three stallions enter the house as everypony watches, Twilight giggling behind a hoof as she knows exactly what’s inside.

Athena’s voice is merry, “Okay, first one in..five..four..”

The screams are even louder, making everyone perk their ears, the sounds of a battle going on inside the house are following quickly. All of us looking at each other with puzzled faces.

“Okay, points for bravery, they’re trying to fight the monster.” The sable mare grins, “They can’t win though.”

“Well considering what they deal with around here, good for them.” Rarity is complimenting.

“Ain’t that the truth!”

Pinkie bounces, “Wish we could see what’s going on!”

Athena looks at me, and I shrug, it’s up to her. She turns to at all of them, “If I let you see, then you can’t win anything, wouldn’t be fair.”

All of them want to see, even Rainbow; but she’s so competitive, she wants to win one of those prizes badly.

“I dunno, I mean..it’s.. “ She looks at the faces around her, loyalty being tested to it’s limits with her nature. “Nope, I’m not gonna look, I want to win one of those!” She points at the rewards.

“Okay then,” Everypony else piles into the tent where a screen is set up to watch what’s going on inside, away from prying eyes. Rainbow is looking disgruntled as she sits there, Applejack beside her.

“That’s all right sugarcube, we’ll go together, how’s that?” She slings a leg around her friend.

“Don’t you want to see too?”

“Nope, we’ll win this together.” She nods firmly.

“All right!” Rainbow punches the air, setting and waiting for the next round with Applejack.


We stand around the screen, watching the inside of the house. The five guards are worn out from the terror inside Athena’s little palace of horror, panting and helping each other along the hallway. They’ve tried fighting the phantasms until realizing it won’t work, so they dodge and move quickly, keeping out of range until they go away.

“I have to give it to them, they’ve got guts.”

“Definitely, maybe a consolation prize?”

“Oh yes, you can’t help but admire bravery like that.”

Pinkie points a hoof, “Is that a spider web?”

“Yep! “Athena laughs, “It’s got a type of glue on it, you’ll stick for a few seconds...like that.” We watch as a mare gets tangled in it, her face furious at her mistake as she tries to punch her way out.

“Wow, she’s tough.” Twilight’s watching her.

“I’ll say, who is that?”

The wiry Pegasus is twisting and turning in the capture web, used for riot control it now serves as a trap in the house.

“Would you believe her name is Sunshine?” I offer the name off an ID file.

“What?” Everyone looks at me, incredulous.

“Her name is Sunshine Dew, apparently she didn’t want to do cloud factory work so she became a guard.”

“Well she’s tougher than a horseshoe nail by the look of her.” Rarity is actually smiling, watching Sunshine fight.

The mare stops twisting, pointing out of camera view and yelling to her compatriots. Athena’s disguised some tech spiders to look like the real thing, and they come scuttling out of the woodwork to more screams.

The glue releases her suddenly, dissolving away as she lands on the floor with an audible thump, her friends gathering in a circle to outwardly face the approaching spiders.

“Those won’t hurt anypony will they?” Pinkie’s worried about the guards.

“Oh no, nothing in there will damage or injure anyone, I promise. Those are my tech spiders, I just dressed them up to scare a bit.” She points at the creatures now scuttling back into the walls of the house. “Nothing in there will do one scratch of damage, although they’ve done most of it to themselves fighting everything.”

“You have to admit, Captain Bars trains them well.” I must add that, they are formidable in there, facing everything even though they’re plainly terrified.

“Uh oh, puzzle room.” Athena’s voice captures all our attentions as they enter a plain room with a sign.

‘Figure out these puzzles three, or your doom you’ll face when you meet me.’

We watch them immediately split into three groups, Paper Work the Unicorn is attempting to use magic to solve his, but Athena had put up more signs forbidding it to prevent anyone from accidently hurting themselves. He remembers and starts working it with his hooves, turning wheels to match colors as a timer above them shows a countdown.

Everyone cheers as one is solved, you can’t help but do so, they are really working as a team in there. Which Athena purposely made happen, noticing her smile as they solve the second puzzle.

“C’mon...c’mon...c’mon!” Twilight is rooting for them as the timer has seconds to go. “It’s so simple! Put that piece there!” She’s yelling at the screen, pointing her hoof.

“Calm down Twilight, they can’t hear you.” The Alicorn blushes at Pinkie’s words.

Bastion and Granite are giving suggestions to the mare working the third puzzle when time runs out, the floor creaks apart and they all scream, looking down into a maw filled with teeth and tentacles that opens to receive them as they drop into it.

“A Sarlacc...really?”

“Hey, it was neat.”


“Oh let ‘em sue me.” She laughs brightly.

Everyone piles out of the tent, seeing the main door open and five ponies landing in a sweaty heap at the entrance, a chute directing them from the upper floor of the warehouse. We rush out to make sure all of them are okay as they untangle themselves, standing on unsteady hooves.

One of the guards gets a huge grin on his face and stamps his hooves, “That was AWESOME!” He yells it out, seeing nearby costumed folks looking at them and wondering what was going on.

The rest of them are exchanging hoofslaps, making comments about the others who did so well. It’s easy to see that even though scared to their tails, they enjoyed themselves immensely. Yes it was terrifying, yes it was exhausting, but it was also amazing and thrilling.

“Can we go again?” The mare named Sunshine is asking Athena, “That was just outrageously fun!” Her friend, also a Pegasus, is grinning brightly as well.

She looks at them with a grin, “Not scary enough?”

“Are you kidding? I was terrified! But it was so much fun!” She’s a pretty blue color, with an amber mane and red highlights, “That was just.. just great in there!”

When she grins, now everyone knows why they call her Sunshine, it lights up the area with her joy.

“You know it’s not going to be the same inside right?” Athena gets a malicious look on her undead face as we hear sounds inside the warehouse.


“Oh no, never the same, but it’ll still be fun.”

“Bring it on! We can do this!” Rainbow and Applejack are standing by the guards. Rainbow is hoofbumping Bastion, “We can do this, right guys?”

“You want to go with them then?”

“Yeah, we’re gonna beat yer little trick house there Athena,” Applejack’s grin is challenging as she looks at Athena.

“All right, we’ll wait for you out here.” Twilight chuckles, “You suuuure you want to go in there again?” There is a gleeful glint in her eye as she looks at the five guards and two friends.

“Are you kidding?” Paper Work blurted out, “Two Elements of Harmony and us? We’ll wipe the place!”

I point a hoof, “Don’t make that promise, you have no idea....”

“Pshaw, we got this!” Rainbow is cackling.

“Oooookay, you asked for it,” Pinkie is bouncing around the group of adventurers.

All seven line up at the door, watching it creak open before walking in.

“You’re not gonna do anything bad are you?” Twilight is watching Athena closely.

“Me? No, why would you ever think that?” She grins as we hear the screams inside, making ponies stop and look worriedly at the warehouse.

“Just asking.” Twilight laughs, heading to watch the screen with everyone else, “This is gonna be good.

It was, it was truly an adventure that should be remembered in a story or book somewhere. Athena had changed it slightly, making it only a bit tougher, but more scares and surprises. Applejack and Rainbow as a team were formidable, as were the guards working together.

Oh the terror inside that one lone house where crowds gathered outside, listening to the sounds of horror, screams of monsters and ponies inside.

Twilight calmed fears, saying it was just a haunted house and nothing bad was going on inside. Monsters were a plague but inside a converted warehouse was something new, the costumed ponies watched intently, wondering if anypony would come back alive even though it was plainly stated it was just fun.

We were all crowded around the screen, cheering them on inside as Athena threw a few extra things their way, they were hard pressed to actually get further into the house as the scares were coming fast. It was turning not only into a scary attraction, but a true quest to reach the end, a game of adventure that was quite thrilling to watch.

We watched them dodge and figure out puzzles, avoiding traps and snares as they wound their way through the maze my sister had designed. It was truly something to watch as they faced the last room, a plain looking area, wooden floor, nothing on the walls.

Applejack was immediately suspicious, as she should be; they’d avoided everything so far, being frightened out of their wits and wanting out of this thing.

It’s actually funny to observe as there is nothing in this room, nothing at all, the exit being across the way. All they have to do is walk across the floor and win a prize, but after everything that’s happened, all the tricks they’ve been exposed to, the traps and the monsters coming from everywhere, it’s understandable.

But it’s laughable, watching them inspect every inch of the place as they take it step by step, finally Rainbow gets frustrated, zooming across the floor to their yells and opening the door.

She turns back with a smug look as they all troop out, meeting us outside with embarrassed looks. They all appear haggard but are given cheers by the waiting crowd, Applejack and Rainbow bumping hooves as they approach the rewards chest.

“Pick one, you’re the first group through it.” Rainbow is held back by Athena for a moment, frustration on her face. “Just a second Rainbow, hang on.”

“But they’ll get all the cool stuff!”

“Trust me Rainbow, we knew you couldn’t resist this challenge.”


“Just hang on.” She motions for her to stay in place as she pulls out a few more boxes, letting the group pick things. Each of them opens a small wooden box, exclaiming in delight at what’s inside.

“WOO! I got free cupcakes for a year from Sugarcube Corner!” Bastion is grinning, holding a piece of parchment.

“I wondered why you asked for more coins from the vault.”

“Well it was a scary trip, so why not? And it’s so nice seeing their faces.”

“You’re very generous Athena.”

“Oh quit it, I put them through the wringer. It’s only fair.”

“That’s true.”

Sunshine laughs, holding a parchment from her chosen chest, “A free dress from Rarity’s? I’m good with that!” It was prepaid and all she had to do was to go down for a measure and fitting.

The other mare laughs, “Granite wanted that box!”

“Well...we coulda traded.” He was getting ribbed about possibly winning a dress.

“What’d you get?” Sunshine is looking over his shoulder.

“I got a free catered party by Pinkie!”

“Oh that’s awesome!”

Rainbow was disgusted as everypony opened their boxes, looking at all the neat prizes. She was tapped on a shoulder by Applejack, who refused to take anything as she was okay with just having the fun of going through.

“What’s wrong Rainbow?”

“Everypony’s getting cool stuff but Athena told me to wait!”

“Well maybe she’s got..” She was stopped by the approaching Pegasus, sliding a box to Rainbow, it was slightly smaller than the others, “There you go Rainbow, we knew you couldn’t resist, so we had something else planned.”

The cyan mares’ ears perk up, “Really?” Taking the box, opening it slowly her eyes go wide, “Where..where’d you get this?”

“That would be me, we planned this for a while though I didn’t know what Athena was up to, but when she told me later, well.. We weren’t gonna wait for your birthday.” Twilight was grinning widely.

“Twilight’s trip to Canterlot the other day, she found her signing books.”

Rainbow squeals in delight, seeing a framed picture of Daring Do in an action pose, the writing below her face saying, ‘To my biggest fan, Rainbow Dash.’ Below that a first edition of her brand new book, also signed inside the cover.

“This is great!” Hugs were shared quite freely.

This led to a night of more fun, ponies were going through the haunted house in groups, drawn not by the rewards, but the pure scares inside as many did not make it, but kept trying. Athena gave out quite a few consolation prizes, happily and with much fanfare as she’d tried to think of different things to give away.

She even toned it down for the younger fillies and colts, giving them a good time in return for a few good frights. A huge amount of candy was given out, I figured Athena bought most of Bon Bon’s stock.

It was fun, I admit. The whole group taking time to escort ponies in and out, recovering those who wouldn’t go any farther inside. There was much laughter at the attempts, turning into something more fun than scary, even though it was part and parcel of the evening.

Princess Luna actually dropped by, convincing Celestia to accompany her inside to take a look at what ponies were doing. Having played her part, receiving the offering of candy to prevent Nightmare Moon from returning, she and her sister were roaming the festivities having a joyful time as well, drawn by the large crowd.

They also thought my sister looked quite... ‘revolting’ was the word used. Entering the house to wide eyes watching the royal duo, ponies outside waited in anticipation of what would happen.

I have never seen that expression on Princess Celestia’s face before, nor have I seen Luna laughing that hard either. Though the large hole made from inside proved one of them got scared enough to use magic. Neither one would admit to anything, although from Luna’s ever present grin, one could hazard a guess.

It was quite the memorable evening.


The morning after Nightmare Night Athena dismantled the haunted house to disappointment of the young ones who wanted to go one more time. She promised them to bring it back next year to many smiles and hugs, it is good to see her happy.

As she spent time with Twilight, I received a courier near my war hull, an official Unicorn from the Canterlot Bureau of Revenue.

Needless to say I was not pleased.

“Mr. Crusader?” The well-dressed pony was actually looking down his nose at me as I sat near the entry to my command deck.


“I have here an order, requiring you to vacate these premises within two weeks for failure to pay rent or taxes for your living here.” One hoof held out the official looking parchment which I did not take, merely staring at this pony.

“You are kidding right? Do you even know how big a problem that would be?” I stare at him for a moment, “Haven’t you even found who owns this land yet so we can make that up?” I am trying to be reasonable, I have been sitting and enjoying the cool sunny day with nothing to do, and now even that is gone.

“That, sir, is not my department.” The voice is distinctly upper-crust, used to dealing and treating others as underlings. “I am sure someone else is taking care of that, but until then you are required to leave, or we shall enforce this by the Royal Guard coming to evict you.” This is followed by a disdainful sniff.

I despise bureaucrats, literally to my cores I despise them and their ways. Beyond politics and fighting the enemy, this is the one of the few things that will rouse me to fight back.

I do, however, try to be gracious, “I am sure Princess Celestia, or Luna, would be more than happy to...” He interrupts me with a hoof in front of my face, making me blink for a moment as now my anger rises.

“Crusader?” Athena’s voice is worried, she can feel my emotion and see what is happening.

“Not now.” I cut the voice link.

“We do not bother Their Royal Highnesses with paltry things sir! We are given this duty by Law and it is under our department that we take care of such minor problems.” He emphasizes minor as if it just a piece of lint on his tailored jacket.

I calm myself slightly before trying once more, “We cannot move, we are larger than you think and cannot go just anywhere. I’m sure Princess Celestia or Luna can explain this to you.”

“Yes, yes,” He’s ignoring anything I say, “We’ve all heard the stories, but it does not alter the fact you are being ordered to move.”

“Stories? Is that what you think I’m telling you?” My eyes narrow as I stand up to confront this..this...upstart. “Have you been living under a rock this past year? Seriously?”

“If it’s any of your concern I was just transferred in from the outer areas, oh yes, ponies tell stories all the time.” He chuckles nastily, “A great light show and a fight over the Everfree, any competent magic user can do the same I’m sure. Fights in the forest are quite common I’ve heard. I’m sure you and your sister are,“ He puts his fore hooves in the air like quotation marks, “ ‘Special’ ponies. But everyone is special, nothing out of the ordinary except for dodging taxes, nothing brave about that.”

There are those who choose to not see things, not being able to understand them, they try to fit them into their own world view and just ignore the rest. Some are just plain idiots, I happened to get a mixture of both here in one pony. I don’t know what it is, the attitude, him questioning if we are just simple, or the fact that he thinks he can force me to do something with his position and power.

I can endure many things, but this is something that I will not ignore.

“I think you need to leave.”

“No sir, you must sign this paper in acceptance of the ruling, I shan’t leave until it is done.” He leans down, pointing a hoof at me, “Or shall I call the guard to help me do so?”

Looking at the hoof in my face, the sneering smile on the Unicorn’s face, and him ruining a perfectly good day, I hit my boiling point. I have hated, and always will, those who use their position like a weapon. Since the day I found out what happened with Athena and her sister, even before, I have always harbored a dislike for that kind of being.

“You need to leave, now.”

His horn lights up, sending a prearranged message to Royal Guards stationed nearby to help in case of problems; they respond quickly, not knowing who he was going to serve.

“I have summoned the Guards sir, you will sign this paper or else a substantial fine will be levied as well!”

“You might.. “I find I am grinding my teeth somewhat, “Wish to talk to my sister.”

“She is not here and you are, just sign the paper or we’ll have you taken care of.”

That does it.


Athena’s head snapped up in the direction of their hulls, the game she was playing with Twilight paused as a look of fear crossed the pegasus’ face making her stand suddenly, “Oh no.”

Twilight looked up, seeing the expression, “What’s wrong?”

“You need to get us to Crusader, right now.”

“What? Why?” The Alicorn was getting to her hooves.

“He’s going to hurt somepony!”


A flash of light told everyone nearby a teleport occurred, Twilight and Athena looked around having only a general idea where he was, seeing him confronting a strange pony. Two Royal Guards stood close, indecision crossing their faces as Crusaders’ voice could be heard plainly across the quiet fields. They had known immediately who he was and tried to get in between the two, but Crusader firmly pushed them to the side, telling them to stay away.

“You sniveling little paper pushing tail kisser! I am a loyal citizen of this country and I will not, repeat NOT have you look down at myself nor my sister for some ‘stories’ you think aren’t real!” He was backing the courier up with a steady hoof in his face as Twilight and Athena ran towards the guards.

Crusader kept moving, turning it so the Unicorn would be up against the durasteel door to his command deck, forcing him to stay in place, “We have fought and we have done more for this nation than you could ever think of doing you snob. You will not force me to do anything I don’t wish to.” The hoof jabbed into the jacket clad chest, “I and my sister are decorated Bolos, and that, you stupid Unicorn, means more than you will ever know!”

His battlescreen flicks on, covering him in lines of sparkling force as he rears back, cocking a hoof for a massive blow “I’ll show you what it means to take on a Unit of the Line you worthless piece of..”

He is broad-sided by another glittering form in a blur of movement, the two slamming together with a solid sound that rings through the quiet air like boulders colliding, tumbling in the green grass. The force screens crack mightily against each other as the kinetic energy was dispersed. The Unicorn heaved a sigh of relief as the guards retrieve him, moving him away from the two ponies rolling not far away in a heap.

Athena makes sure she lands on top, pinning him with everything she has and whispering into his ear, “Stop, stop Crusader, he’s not worth it.” Both their battlescreens flick off as he recognizes her and she no longer needs it. She is speaking out loud instead of using the commnet, finding it comfortable nowadays.

The steely blue eyes look up into warm lavender ones, a smile on his sisters face as she shakes her head, “I know, I know why, but not for this. Don’t do this.”

“He needs a lesson in manners Athena.” Crusader doesn’t struggle, the fight would not be won by either of them.

“Not this way, you know that.”

“I will not have him question your bravery, nor mine.”

“He’s stupid brother, nothing but ignorant.” She looks back at Twilight talking quietly to the three ponies, “And he’s a coward and a bully, I saw it. Don’t lower yourself.”

The determined face softens, the blue eyes going warm as he nods, “You’re right, as always, I let my anger get the best of me.”

“No, you saw a wrong and tried to right it. I can’t fault you for standing up for me.” She nuzzles him, letting loose as they both stand up.

“No hitting, okay?” She chuckles at the look he’s giving the courier.

“No promises.” He gives her a small smile as they approach the group.

“I want him arrested!” The Unicorn was yelling, “Assaulting an Officer of the Bureau of Revenue, how dare he!”

Athena links to Twilight, quietly telling her what had happened as Crusader stays silent.

The Princess of Friendship listens, turning to look at the courier, “Trying to force somepony to sign something? I think you better leave, you’ll hear from me soon.” She turns to the Royal Guards, “Take him back, see that Celestia and Luna know I’ll be sending a report later today.”

“Yes Your Highness.” They hustle the protesting Unicorn off.

She turns to me, “What was that?”

“He was nothing but a low life, trying to force me to sign acceptance of the eviction order which I would not do.”

“He’s an officer of the Court, it would be better if you didn’t hit them,” Twilight actually chuckles.

“I was just going to break his nose.”

“Crusader!” Twilight is pointing a hoof at me. “Don’t you dare do that, you know better!”

“Yes Twilight.”

She looks at me for a moment, “You really were going to hurt him weren’t you?”

I nod firmly, “Because he uses force to get his way, he is nothing more than a coward who hides behind others, I was going to teach him a lesson.”

Twilight taps a hoof on the ground, looking at me for a moment, “Let me write a letter to Celestia, she can figure something out.” She points at me again, “No hitting anypony.”

“Yes Twilight.” I get nudged by a giggling Athena as we walk back to the castle, the notice ignored on the ground behind us.

“You didn’t need your battlescreen.”

“I didn’t want blood on myself.”

“You are seriously bad, you know that?”

“Yes, yes I am.” I look at her as we walk, “No one has the right to question our loyalty nor honesty Athena.”

“I understand. But there are some who’ve never seen us up close, nor saw us in battle, they tend not to believe stories.”

“I will make allowances for idiots from now on.”

“Smart aleck.”

“That’s still rude you know!” Twilight’s looking at both of us, seeing the shrugs and glances, “It’s polite to include others when talking.”

“Yes Twilight,” We both answer in unison.

“Stop that, you two are so weird!”

“Yes Twilight.”

“Stop it!”

“Okay Twilight.”

“I said..are you doing that on purpose?”

“No Twilight.”



Celestia was enjoying a midday break from Court when the parchment scroll appeared in mid-air. Grabbing it in the glow of her magic, she read it carefully, a small frown appearing on her face.

Princess Luna had been up for a while, doing some paperwork before Night Court began at dusk, she saw the expression and became concerned.

“What befalls sister?”

Celestia’s eyes turned to the darker mare, “Oh, Twilight telling me how an officer of the Royal Bureau of Revenue tried to force Crusader to sign an eviction notice.”

“Is he still among the living?” A smile crossed Luna’s face, making Celestia giggle.

“Yes he is,“ The taller mare shook her head, “He is new, just transferred in from the outer areas, apparently he didn’t know who Crusader was.”

“This tax and rent item is becoming concerning, is there nothing we can do?” Princess Luna did not like red tape.

“I’ve sent inquiries to the Bureau, apparently the archives are immense, so it’s taking time to track down the owner of the land. We’ve always stayed out of such things you know, but perhaps we should take an interest?” She sipped from a tea cup held in her magic, a look of concern on her normally placid face.

“I think we should, methinks they need a shaking up to get the dust out of their tails.” Luna was smiling to herself, her version of shaking up involved quite a lot of yelling and royal guards plus explosions.

“Luna, do not do it. We will do something quietly.” She eyed her sister over the cup of tea she levitated to sip from.

“Thou art no fun sister.” The darker mare looked petulant.

“No, we don’t want to pay for any repairs.”

“ ‘Twas a thousand years ago, and it was one office!” She threw one forehoof up in exasperation. A newly made building for new appointees to the court, and a budding bureaucracy was almost stomped on by her when she received a notice for taxes due.

“You destroyed the side of the building Luna, no. It was a mistake, nothing more.”

“Fine, take all my fun.” She looks at her sister, “What about the ne’er do well who tried to force his will on Crusader?”

“Oh, I’m sure we have a position somewhere to the south he can take, a warmer climate may do him well you know.” Celestia smiled peacefully, her eyes meeting Luna’s over her tea cup.

“Thou art truly cruel ‘Tia.” A smile met hers as Celestia looked upward with a royal sniff.

“I don’t know what you mean Luna, I am calm and peaceful.”

“Of course, especially when finding out you are eating a cow.”

The tea spit from the taller mares lips barely missed Luna as she laughed, seeing the expression on her sister’s face, remembering that moment.


“What is that wonderful smell?” Luna was peering into the crowded kitchen, seeing the Elements of Harmony enjoying a repast that almost made her salivate with the aroma floating through the kitchen. They had come to find out about the commotion earlier, but were now distracted.

Princess Celestia was even looking intrigued, never having quite had such a fragrance pass her nostrils before and inhaled deeply, “Yes, what is that?”

Seven faces turned towards them with smiles, offering seats near the single table. As the royal duo settled themselves, plates were served to them, a sandwich of some sort, between two pieces of rounded bread were onions, pickles, lettuce, tomatoes and other things on some sort of patty that literally made them swoon with the thought of taking a bite.

It had a smoky smell as if fresh out of the oven, a sauce that Luna dipped a hoof in, taking a taste with a wide-eyed expression as the spices made her tongue tingle.

“Oh my stars, what is this?” She looked at the others happily eating their own.

“It’s a hamburger Your Highness,” Athena was smiling brightly, setting down two cold glasses of juice for them to drink.

“A...a ham-burger? Like a hayburger?” Luna was lifting her sandwich with her magic, taking a large bite that about made her almost fall over with the taste of something indescribably. Her eyes narrowed in pleasure as she chewed thoughtfully, “This..this is wondrous!”

Princess Celestia saw Luna’s reaction, taking her own bite. Normally the warm and placid mare rarely showed expression like this, but her eyes got wide as the taste on her tongue exploded in a thousand different directions. It was nothing like she’d had in more than a thousand years, if ever!

“This...this is incredible, where did you find this?” Celestia’s voice was muffled as she chewed on another large bite taken.

“Oh, Crusader and I make them.” Athena sat back down, munching happily on another sandwich.

“We must get the royal kitchens this recipe ‘Tia, I think it would be quite nice to have something like this for a lunch or dinner!” Luna’s face was in a state of bliss as she finished hers, picking another one up off a platter.

“I believe so Luna,” Her face is smiling as she finishes hers, taking another one, “So what is this made of?”

Twilight wipes her face, a napkin held in her magic, “Well there’s lots of things. It’s a sauce called a barbecue sauce, with spices.” She taps her chin, “Let’s see... Oh yeah, tomatoes, pickles, onions, lettuce, bell peppers...”

Everypony chewed for a moment before Luna asked, “But what is this?” She pointed to the thick patty on the bun.

“Oh that!” Pinkie’s face was gleeful, “It was Twilight’s idea! Ya know she’s a Princess and all, so she’s got refined tastes.”

Celestia smiled, “Really now?”

“Oh yeah, it was a great idea, I mean with nothing to do with a dead cow, it sure makes a pretty good meal.” Applejack’s southern accent was soft in the room.

“Pardon me?” The alabaster mare gave Applejack a puzzled look, Luna matching her sister in that department.

Athena grins, “Well Crusader and I, we can process anything. So Twilight had a great idea to see what we could make of a cow, and here’s what we came up with. Isn’t it great? Maisy’d be proud!”


“Oh yeah, that’s her,” Rainbow Dash points at the sandwich, “Cool huh? No waste, no fuss!” She gives a somewhat evil grin to the two royal mares. Everyone around the table matches her, a slightly dark cast to their features as the sisters look at each other for a moment.

Celestia turned to Pinkie who was gobbling another bite of her food, “Would...would this be what you were yelling about?”

“Oh yeah!” She swallows loudly, “But that’s okay once you try it,” She grins maniacally, “You’ll really liiike it.” Her eyes sparkled with a hint of malicious glee.

Now Celestia and even Luna had attended many dinners in the past, some with races that were carnivore, some not. In all of them they stuck to their guns, asking for vegetarian food, as they would not partake of a sentient being in any way shape or form, nor anything to do with carnivorous behavior. This ticked off diplomats to no extent, but the diarchs were a force to be reckoned with and they were not denied.

Throughout the centuries before Luna’s banishment, this had been their position, never wavering even in the force of combined nations at a dinner, quietly eating their salad as others tore into something once alive, or thinking. It had stood them in good stead through politics, making their point very clear to those who observed the two sisters, or even through the long millenia without Luna. They would not bend, and they definitely would not break.

Although having some exotic tastes came with living so long, they truly stuck to their chosen lifestyle, staunch defenders of their way. Once they did try such and found it truly distasteful, just to see what it was like, but nevermore. So for centuries they had set the example of a way of life.

This however....

Celestia’s hoof went up in front of her muzzle, making a slight sound as Luna didn’t even bother, spitting the food on the plate and turning a delicate shade of green that showed through her normal dark coloring.

“It..it.. You wouldn’t!” The smaller Princess glared at the nodding heads, Twilight giving her a wink.

“Trust us, you’ll get used to it.”

Luna turned to her sister, seeing her eyes wide behind a covering hoof over her mouth, turning the same shade of green in her cheeks, her other hoof moving to her stomach which had become distinctly upset right now. Viciously upset by the growling now being heard through the quiet room.

It was Twilight that finally gave in, snorting and then slapping a hoof on the table in glee as she laughed so hard her eyes teared up almost immediately, seeing the expressions, hearing the rumbling.

The two sisters looked around, seeing everyone else break up in hysterics, except for Crusader who had a hoof planted firmly on his forehead.

“What...What is going on?” The darker mare now with an angry look on her face.

“Bwahahaha! We got you! Oh yeah, we got ya good!” Rainbow slaps hooves with Pinkie as they keep laughing. Nopony can answer them as they’re lost in their merriment, leaving it up to Crusader.

“It is not meat your Highness, it’s a vegetable creation, nothing more I promise.” Crusader’s voice came across clearly through the snorts and giggles.

The two sisters sat and watch the laughter die down, tears wiped from faces as the seven jokesters calmed, looking at each other with nudges and giggles. They all nodded at Crusaders statement, leading into more chuckles.

Twilight coughed, trying to stop as she nodded, “Oh..it...ohmy.. I’m so sorry, we just couldn’t resist.” She giggled once more.

Celestia’s eyes went narrow as she realized what she was being told, Luna nudged her slightly with a laugh, the green tint fading slowly, “It appears we have been pranked my sister.”

The taller diarch coughed once more, swallowing delicately, “It appears so.” She actually glared at the seven laughing mares for a moment, creating more giggles and apologies.

“Ah’m sorry Your Highness, we couldn’t help it.” Applejack is looking like she’d break into laughter once more.

“Since the others can’t stop laughing, let me explain.” A quiet voice near them made them turn, watching Crusader and listening as he told them the entire story.

It took a few minutes, letting the others calm down with more chuckles, but they finally understood what the umber stallion was telling them, that and a few tablets of stomach medication.

“Quite the good prank Twilight,” Luna was appreciative, but pointed a hoof at the junior Princess, “But know this, we are quite skilled as well, we will get you back you scoundrel.” She laughed at Twilight’s expression.

Fluttershy looked up at them, peeking over the table, “We’re really sorry, but it was kinda funny.”

Celestia actually chuckled, laying a clad hoof on her chest, “Even you dear Fluttershy? For shame.” She waggled a hoof at the softly smiling mare.

Princess Luna looked at the remains of her food, “So this is pure plant? Nothing more?”

“Yes Your Highness.”

“Amazing such a thing can be made.” She did not touch the food again until later, after her and Celestia’s constitutions had a time to settle.

By then, the conversation turned to what had happened, leading to quite a few laughs over what Pinkie had thought, and the promise of meals sent to Canterlot for the two Princesses to enjoy as apology for the prank.


Celestia wiped her muzzle with a napkin, apologizing for the tea on the table, “It was not that funny.”

“Oh I think it was, though I admit the thought made me upset, after so much life we had let something like that..” She shuddered, “But ‘twas all in fun.”

“So are you..” Celestia was stopped by a nod.

“Oh yes, I am planning even now.”

“And when do you expect...”

“The Cider Festival of course.”

Celestia tried to cover her muzzle but was too slow as she let out a snort, then a giggle, looking around to make sure they had privacy before laughing out loud. Luna joined in, rubbing her hooves together in malicious glee, eliciting more laughs from Celestia at the look on the dark mare’s face.

-------Cider Festival------

“Well at least we got a reprieve for a while, that’s a good thing.” Athena was sitting in front of Twilight’s castle, talking to Crusader. It had been a couple of slow weeks now since the courier incident, and a letter had arrived, telling them to stay where they were, the Princesses were looking into it personally.

“It is, but it took the Princesses to get them off us. We still owe something to somepony.” His face was looking down, tired with the bother of problems.

Athena nudged him, “Stop looking like that, we’ll be fine.”

“I just don’t want to go anywhere, I’m fine where we are.”

“As am I, we’ll be all right, trust the Princesses.”

“I will.” He nods at her, finally giving a smile.

The Pegasus nudges him, “We better get to the lane, Applejack will be needing help with all that cider you and Mac hauled here.”

“True,” He gets to his hooves alongside her, “It wouldn’t do to be late.”

Unknown to them both, they were being watched by a pair of eyes that tracked them all the way to the stand where Applejack and her family had set up for the festival.

Applejack had gotten smart, making more than enough now, and with tables and other stalls around it was turning into a real festival instead of just a day for cider. Ponies were politely waiting in line for a turn to buy some of the sweet drink, looking forward all year to the foamy taste.

Vendors had started to come in as well, selling food and other drinks, none more popular though, but it made for a lively atmosphere as Athena and Crusader wound their way through the crowding ponies.

Both of them ended up at the stall, seeing Apple Bloom ready to start dispensing as Crusader took his place to help Mac with loading the barrels. There were quite a few this year, the trees blooming and dropping apples like nopony’s business, leading to an overflow of liquid gold.

All ready to start, Apple Bloom waved to Athena, getting her to come over and get ready to help by hoofing mugs to her so she could concentrate on serving everypony.

The watching eyes went narrow in glee, waiting for the right moment as a dark mare sat on a cloud above, seeing the festivities and waiting for the right time to play her little joke.

It was actually a few hours later when the line had died off, a minor amount of barrels remained, and the eight ponies sat around a table chattering about how good the cider was this year.

The day was going so well it seemed, laughter and smiles all around on one of the last sunny days left in the year. Soon to come was the Running of the Leaves, and then as winter set in, Hearth’s Warming. After that on the new years’ day, the Grand Galloping Gala, which was on everyone’s mind somewhat.

“So Rares, whatcha got planned for the Gala this year?” Applejack was sipping a cold mug of her creation, smacking her lips loudly, “Oh that’s good.”

They did not sense, nor see the slight glow of light from each of six mugs, a gentle nudge of magic unnoticed even by Twilight.

“I have a whole line planned, The Midnight Collection!” She posed, getting oooh’s from the others. “It’ll be the best I’ve done yet!”

“I dunno, you say that every year Rarity.” Rainbow Dash is smiling, drinking deep from her own container.

“But it’s true! I outdo myself every year!”

“You really do Rarity, it’s always nice to see what you come up with.” Fluttershy’s voice is excited thinking about the Gala, even after the last time when it didn’t go so well. Well...as excited as her voice can be, which is a few decibels above ‘soft’.

“I assure you it will be the best you’ve seen yet.” She pats a hoof on the table, emphasizing her point, taking a deep drink of her own mug.

“Well ah for one can’t wait, I know last time was kinda a bust, but this time’ll be better, ah’m sure of it.” Applejack nods, holding her mug up, “To friends!”

Eight mugs clack together before being withdrawn, “Friends!” The drinking goes for a few minutes, chit chat and laughs, good friends sharing a few fun tales as a barrel gets drained, and a good start on another. Athena is actually making everypony laugh by doing impressions of Celestia saying things she normally wouldn’t.

Even Twilight is guffawing so hard she can’t breathe.

It’s such a wonderful day, all of us sipping or in Rainbow and Pinkies’ case, gulping the cold liquid. It’s foamy, made with much care and devotion, and it slides down with ease. I think Rainbow, for all her athletic prowess, has a hollow leg along with Pinkie.

“Hey sugar, how about a kiss for a hardworkin’ mare,” Every eye turns to Applejack as she leans against Crusader, her cheeks a bit red. Surprised because she’s really not one for outward displays like this.


“How about a kiss, I been working all day and think ah deserve a reward.” She’s eyeing him, eyes half-lidded as he fidgets uncomfortably, her grin open and honest.

Leaning over he pecks her on the cheek, to chuckles from the others, garnering a snort of disdain from the farm mare.

She grabs his face in her hooves and plants a kiss right on his lips, holding him tight for a long, long moment before letting him go, “Now that was a kiss sugar, ya oughta know that by now!” She wriggles her eyebrows at him, making all of us laugh.

He’s looking at me as I look back, wondering what in the world is going on as he blushes down to his hooves.

“Wooo Applejack!” Rainbow punches a hoof in the air, “Way to go!”

A mug is slammed down on the table by Twilight, her face somewhat flushed at the open affection but smiling brightly, “You know why I like this? Cause we’re friends, and we’ve saved Equestria lots of times, it’s great to have fun!” She falls over backwards, splaying out on the ground, “And because I’m a prancing pony princess!” Getting shakily to her hooves, she grabs Fluttershy, “Do you know this one?”

Crouching down, she starts singing a rhyme, “Sunshine sunshine ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves,” She does so loudly, turning to waggle her rear in the air, “And do a little shake!” She repeats this once more and Fluttershy joins in, ending with a loud giggle from them both.

I don’t know whether to laugh or be very concerned, but as I watch, it’s slowly becoming concerned.

Crusader is eyeing me from the other side of the table.

“What is going on?”

“I don’t know, it’s like they’re drunk! But the cider is non-alcoholic. This is...weird.”

I watch him taste his own, analyzing it quickly he shakes his head as I do the same, returning nothing.

“We might want to get them inside.”

“Good idea.”

That was not going to happen anytime soon.

Rainbow was attempting to hover, doing little stunts and smashing into the table, making us all wince as she staggered to her hooves, “I got this! Noooooo problem!” She took off with a flap of wings, cruising through the air for all of two seconds before hitting the ground nose first. Athena and I move to stop her from doing any more before she really injures herself.

Fluttershy ‘yays’ at the attempted trick and subsequent crash. She’s waving one hoof in the air while drinking the last of her cider with a loud smacking of her lips. She raises her voice as a song comes out, beautiful as it floats through the air, drawing attention to the table.

“Is that Ave Maria?”


“Oh boy..”

We’re trying to corral Rainbow, who’s dodging us quite skillfully. Twilight on the other hand is taking an unsteady stand on the table, waving her mug around like a scepter, “Bow to me minions! I’m the Princess of Friendship and I do all that friendship...er...stuff!” She glares at all the watching ponies who just blink for a moment before chuckling out loud at her antics.

Applejack is laughing as Rarity is giving fashion tips to a plant setting next to her, offended that the greenery isn’t paying any attention. “Hmph, figures such a pony would be oblivious to free fashion advice, it would make you look fabulous, but no, just ignore me!” She folds her forelegs and turns away from the silent plant, her nose in the air.

Pinkie has totally lost it, she’s consumed twice as much as the rest and she is bouncing everywhere, handing out party favors, even smooching stallions on the cheek to see who blushes first. She is also making balloon animals, though some look very suspicious and are not quite for children we think. We can’t understand how she’s even standing, but as we finally get Rainbow under control she topples over with a “Wheeeeee!”

“Grab her!”

“Got it!”

Grabbing a tablecloth Athena bags Pinkie, literally, making sure she can’t go anywhere. Hooves push out at the cloth as she giggles inside, “Ohhhhh fun!”

Crusader is tapped on the shoulder by a grinning Applejack, who leans in whispering something that makes his ears stand straight up, “Applejack!” He grabs her and makes her set down on a bench near the table.

“What did she...?”

“Don’t ask.”

Rarity is still making ponies laugh with fashion advice to anything not moving, plants, chairs, the table. We’ve got Pinkie bagged, Rainbow has settled down, although still trying to fly, yelling about ‘Bonderwolts’ or something like that. It’s hard to make out through the slurred speech.

Athena is now jumping up off the table, Twilight is hovering above her just out of reach as she’s leaping as high as she can. “Twilight get down here!” The Princess sticks her tongue out and ‘Phbbbbts’ at Athena as she flaps her wings slowly.

“No! I’m a Princess and you can’t tell me to do nothin’!” She grins down at the Pegasus trying her best to grab her.

Fluttershy is still singing, her voice quite beautiful as we concentrate on getting Twilight down.

“Twilight, get down here darnit!” Athena can’t quite reach her.

“Nope! I’m a prancing Princess Pony..er...pony prancing Princess?” She hovers a moment, trying to tap a hoof on her chin and missing it completely, “Nope! Princesses prancing their ponies! That’s it!” She grins brightly.

“Twilight, c’mon get down here!”

“No, I can do anything I want!” She points a regal hoof at the watching crowd, “Get me more cider minions!” Tossing her mug at the nearest town guard, he scrambles to obey.

“You don’t need any more of that Twilight!” Athena’s still trying to get her down. “And stop calling them minions!”

“Behind you.”


She feels Crusaders hooves underneath her own, powering her up through the air as she leaps off with all her strength, smacking into the unsteady Twilight and hanging on to her, “You get down now, Miss Prancing Pony Princess or whatever you want to call yourself!”

The lavender Alicorn grins, “Nope!” And with a flash they are both gone.

“Oh crap!”

“Where are you?”

“I don’t kn...a HYDRA!” She’s screaming over the link as she and Twilight start teleporting all over, our trackers are overloading from the input as it bounces around.

“Just hang on!”

“You’re damn right I am!”

Making quite a few apologies, Crusader moves to get the friends to the castle where they can figure out what’s going on. Ponies are just shaking their heads laughing, as they are quite used to oddness in town.

Gathering the now corralled ponies, Crusader herds them off to the castle, trying to keep Applejack from leaning against him as Rainbow stumbles over her own hooves, smacking into the ground a few more times before they reach the safety of the interior. Rarity’s speech is slurred now, telling the nearest statue they could use more makeup as he hauls Pinkie in the tablecloth.

Fluttershy is still singing loudly as he helps the Pegasus finds her way inside, making sure she’s not wandering off.

Leading them to the kitchen, he does a quick count, setting them in place and closing the door, planting himself in front of it so no one can leave. Spike has come down wondering what’s going on, seeing the friends bumbling around the kitchen and looking at Crusader.

“Just make sure they don’t go anywhere.” The little dragon nods, planting himself firmly by the door as well.

“Where are you? The tracking systems are going nuts.”

“I have no clue! I think I’m getting nauseous.”

“I’ve got them here in the kitchen, just get Twilight back.”

“I can’t stop her!”

“Don’t lose her.”

“I’m trying! Oh no, I’m gonna barf.....”

It was almost an hour later when a bedraggled Twilight popped into the kitchen, a haggard and sick looking Athena hanging on to her as they both thumped onto the floor.

The rest of the group were resting against the table or on the floor, almost worn out from their exertions and looking around as if suffering hangovers.

Athena got to her hooves, wiping her muzzle and pointing at Twilight, “You stay! Stay! No teleporting!”

The Alicorn grabbed her head, “Oh I don’t feel so good.” Her wings spreading out on the floor as she sprawled.

“Are you okay Athena?”

The sable Pegasus glared at him, “No! I barfed and almost got dropped in some swamp! I am not okay!” She stomped over to a chair and plopped down on it, leaning on the table, “I’m so dizzy! My gyros are glitching.” She glares at me, “We’re not supposed to be able to barf dangit!” Her hoof covering her mouth for a moment.

“Reboot and reset, it’ll help.” He checked on everypony else, either eyes closed or resting with groans, all complaining about headaches.

“Tsk tsk, sister I do believe the Elements of Harmony have imbibed far too much cider.” The voice is cheery and bright as we both look at the opened door, seeing Luna and Celestia standing there.

“Your Highness?” Oh stars..I’m so dizzy.. I want to help Crusader, but I just can’t move right now.

The taller mare’s voice is soft, “Well perhaps we can take care of that.” Her horn lights, enveloping them all in a warm golden glow. Their eyes open as they stagger to their hooves, looking around and noticing the two rulers standing there.

Twilight’s eyes go from worn to shocked, “P..Princess! Uh..I...” She remembers everything.

Celestia laughs, “Our subjects are now ‘minions’ are they?” She’s eyeing the blushing Twilight.

“I uh..well...” She stands stunned as the two sisters break out in raucous laughter, watching them for a minute before they wipe their eyes. Their faces bore large grins as they eyed the unsteady friends.

Princess Luna leans towards her, “Never prank your elders Twilight.” Her face a delight at the look on the younger mare.

“Wh..what? You mean...”

“Oh yes. Make us believe we were eating some poor cow, for shame Twilight.” Luna chuckles again.

Princess Celestia grins, “Though I did like the ‘Prancing Pony Princess’ declaration, it suits you.” The glint in her eyes is showing the merriment at seeing Twilight making her pronouncement earlier.

“Oh no...you saw that?” Twilight is looking for a place to hide, failing in doing so and sitting on a chair with a sigh.

“Oh yes, as did most of Ponyville.”

“Ohmygosh..ohmygosh, what’d I do?” Rainbow is panicking, listening to the conversation.

“You were quite the stumblehooves Rainbow Dash, very comical.” Luna laughs once more.

“Oh NO!” The mare groans, setting her head in her hooves. “You were watching me too?”

“Of course, ‘tis not proper to pull a prank without an audience, ‘Tia and I were quite amused at the antics.” The dark mare settled herself on a chair, Celestia joining her. “Fluttershy has quite the wonderful voice, she should sing more often.”

A quiet ‘Eep’ was heard from behind the table, a pair of eyes under a pink mane peeked over the edge, “Thank you.”

“Thou’rt welcome.” Luna inclined her head regally, watching Fluttershy disappear once more.

“Well I’m sure I didn’t misbehave that badly," Rarity is checking her mane in a nearby glass, primping it softly.

“No, but the plants and statues will have quite a bit of fashion advice to follow, hopefully they listened.” Celestia’s voice was teasing as she saw Rarity’s eyes go wide.

All the assembled ponies eventually got seated around the table, holding heads in hooves, the spell helping them to shake off the aftereffects.

Princess Celestia leaned over the table, eyeing a blushing Applejack, “Quite the nice kiss dear Applejack, but what was it you whispered in his ear?”

Caught off guard, she stuttered for a full minute, trying mightily not to be as honest for once, but was forestalled by an upraised hoof. Her whole face a beet red as she tried her best to answer.

“Fear not, private things are private.” She winked at the blushing mare, settling back and chuckling once more.

“Ahhh pranks, where would Equestria be without them? Athena, are you all right?” Her eyes caught the slim Pegasus still sitting woozily at the table.

The Pegasus nodded, “Just dizzy from all the teleporting.” She tried to keep her own eyes from rolling as resets ran through her systems, a golden glow enveloping her and helping with the problems, settling her down.

“Thank you.”

“Quite welcome.” The regal head nodded as a smile graced the warm face once more.

“But...there was no alcohol in the cider..” Crusader stopped for a moment, “Something with the mugs?”

“Very good, we’ll make a magic user out of you yet Crusader.” Luna smiled, “A simple spell from long ago, it ..oh... lowers your ability to have inhibitions, letting yourself be free for a while. Very much like imbibing too much drink.” She nudged Celestia who was sitting near her, “Quite the thing to use back when.”

Luna guffawed brightly once more, “We knew you and Athena would figure it out, so I only spelled their mugs. Seeing you two trying to get them under control was fun enough.”

Celestia nodded, agreeing with her sister, “Quite the odyssey there.” To the disbelieving looks she replied, “Oh yes, that spell was very much in demand for parties.” The taller mare giggled at the shocked faces, “Equestria was not as peaceful back then as today, it was very rough and tumble.”

Silence reigned in the kitchen for a moment, until Celestia spoke, “Don’t worry, I’m sure the embarrassment will fade in time.” Her eyes were bright as she looked around the room, giggling merrily, “ ‘Prancing Pony Princess’, I’ll have to remember that.”

The two rulers stayed a while, chatting and laughing uproariously as the group recovers, helping with another spell or two as they share moments from far back in history. Eventually the chagrin fades, letting everyone enjoy the stories and anecdotes.

We released Pinkie from the tablecloth after a while, she’d had quite the amount of spell-affected cider, so was taking slightly longer than everyone else to recover, even with the help provided by Celestia.

“Oh well,” The Pink mare giggled, “Fun is fun!” She complimented Athena on her knot tying ability.

“Only Pinkie, I tell you.” Rainbow is shaking her head.

Well, at least the Cider Festival was a big hit. Folks were talking about it for weeks, much to the unease of a certain group of friends.


“You would think ponies could forget by now!” Twilight is digging into a bowl of ice cream as we sit in the kitchen. I’m leaning on the table, my head propped up by one hoof as I listen. It’s been a couple of days since the Cider Fest and the Running of the Leaves is soon to happen, everyone’s getting prepared for that.

“Well Twilight, you are a Princess, folks tend to remember.” I can’t help but smile.

Her spoon is held mid-air by her magic as she looks at me, “Well..still, I mean it’d be polite at least.”

All I can do is shrug, “It’s Ponyville, can you really expect anything else?”

She puts the spoon in the empty bowl, turning to rummage for more in the freezer, “You know, they say that a lot.”

“Crusader and I have wondered about it, perhaps this is just a place where things happen? You have the Elements of Harmony here, Crusader being found here, the Everfree. Maybe it’s just a confluence of events that make this place a little..a little..uh..” I’m trying to be polite here.



She sticks her face deeper inside the cold box, looking for different things to munch on, “I’ve been wondering as well, and I’ve come to the conclusion that ponies in this town are just crazy, I said it when I first got here and I’ll say it again.”

I laugh, “Well, you live here now too.” I do have to point that out

She peeks around the door, looking at me, “Yeah I remembered that, maybe it’s contagious?” The eyes disappear as she goes back to rummaging around.

I can’t help but laugh, “Then you’re definitely in the mix Twilight.”

Her voice comes from inside the freezer, “I can’t believe Celestia and Luna would play that kind of prank either! Augh, it’s embarrassing!”

“When you’re as old as they are, you tend to do things differently I’m sure.”

Twilight steps back to the table, her bowl filled with a collection of different items, regular ice cream, an ice cream sandwich or two, some chocolates. I stare at it with a slight look of horror, “Are you sure you’re going to be okay eating that?”

“Oh yeah, it’s all really good together!” She digs in happily.

Smiling gently, I shake my head with a chuckle, drawing her look, “And you say the others are weird?”

“I am not..” She stares down at the bowl for a moment, “It is contagious.”

We both share another good laugh, one of so many.


“So, the Running of the Leaves makes the trees shed themselves, then you clean them up?” Its a little odd I have to say.

“Yep, ah tell ya darlin’, it’s a lot of fun, an’ I know Rainbow and I’ll be in the runnin’ for first place this time.” Applejack chuckles, tossing another bale of hay as I work beside her.

“Well, with what happened last time...”

“Ah know, ah know, we let it get a little.. ungh.. out of hoof.” She tosses a bale high, Mac catching it and stacking it towards the back.

“Competitiveness isn’t a bad thing really.”

“Well when ya come in last it is! So we’re just gonna see what happens this year.”

“Why don’t you let the leaves sit where they are, mulching into the soil naturally?” It’s one thing that has always bothered me about this Running.

“Well..” She looks at me with a puzzled expression, “Ah don’t know really, but it looks a lot better after some raking up.”

“That’s true.” I throw the last bale on my side, sitting for a moment, “I understand about controlling your environment, as there were cities enclosed by domes in my time, fully inside from the weather and managed studiously.”

She sets beside me, waiting for Mac to come down as the last of this load of winter hay is stored, “Well, that’s kinda sad really. No clouds or nothin’? Can’t feel the rain on your face, or a good snowstorm to play in?”

“No, everything was carefully done, it had to be for them to survive in those places where the atmosphere wasn’t the best.”

The green eyes look up at the sun, the scudding clouds, the blue sky, “Well maybe that’s why they were all kinda mad a lot, ain’t nothing needed but good sunshine and a little weather to help take the cares away.”

Looking at her, and now Mac as he sits down with a huff, it makes me wonder. Could it have been simply that since man enclosed himself from nature, in an artificial environment, it could have affected him in deeper ways? Maybe they were not meant to live on planets unsuitable for life, instead of trying to bend the forces to their will. It truly is another thing to ponder.

“Sometimes Applejack, you pose the most interesting questions.”

She grins at me, “Ah got mah moments.”

I chuckle, seeing the look in her eyes as she copies my own phrasing, “Good one.”

Slapping a hoof on the ground, she taps Mac and myself on the shoulder, “Let’s go get somethin’ to eat, it’s been a good day so far and we got a few things left to do.”

Mac nods, getting heavily to his hooves, “Sounds good, ah’m starvin’.”

Although it is a point to ponder, I add one caveat. Nothing else like a good meal to help with that as well.

-------Running of The Leaves-------

The day is cool as ponies assemble at the starting line, Pinkie is in a balloon up above giving a commentary with Spike as the crowds watch the runners. Applejack is giving Rainbow a hard time, and is receiving it back as they nudge each other, getting ready to put their best into this race.

Sitting next to Athena, I watch the preparations. She has a calm look on her face and has been quiet for most of the morning.

“Something bothering you Athena?”

“Oh no, was just thinking about the race. They don’t get all the leaves off everytime right?”

“No, there’s always some, but the majority fall.”

“Think they’ll mind us helping?”

“Nothing in the rules says anything for after the race.” We both grin at each other.

She nudges me with her shoulder, “I love doing things like this.”

“I as well.”


Pinkie calls for everypony’s attention as they all line up, giving the rules quickly as they wait for the start. A Unicorn fires a spell into the air and the crowd of ponies is off, the thunder of hooves making the ground shake, leaves falling everywhere as they race around the dirt track.

It’s exciting to watch as Rainbow Dash is leading the pack, her wings taped to her sides to prevent any unfair advantage. All the Pegasi have done that, the Unicorns aren’t allowed magic either, leading to a good race.

We watch and cheer as it goes on, miles of track taking out the weaker competitors, leaving a small group of ponies in the lead. Applejack and Rainbow Dash are in that leading party, but they appear to be arguing about something.

Fluttershy is sitting with us, shaking her head, “Oh no, here we go again.”

Twilight isn’t joining the race this year, content to watch, “It’s that whole thing about who’s the best again, always comes up. Oh well, wonder where they’ll place this year?”

“How did they place last time?” Athena is curious.

“Last, again.” Rarity chuckles, “No matter what, they seem to place last.”

“Maybe if they’d stop trying to outdo each other they could enjoy this whole thing?” Twilight is watching her friends fall back, arguing again, with a sigh, “Well looks like it’s gonna happen.”

“At least we can still cheer them on.” Fluttershy’s voice is soft, waving a hoof for Rainbow and Applejack.


We watch them come around for the last lap, bringing down the last of the leaves for this race, it’s a close thing for first place, but it looks like Lyra actually won it, with Minuette coming in second and a tie for third between Derpy and another Pegasus, ID confirms as Fleetfoot. They’re all smiling as they get presented with their medals, as well as ponies for fourth, and fifth, all the way to tenth place.

Rainbow is scuffing a hoof, breathing heavily after landing in a heap at the finish line along with Applejack once more, “Last again! Aw c’mon!”

“Well..uhm..if you didn’t try to beat Applejack so much Rainbow.” Fluttershy is nudging her friend.

Applejack is scratching under her hat, “Yeah, we kinda let it get in the way of fun don’t we?”

“Sometimes.” Twilight is laughing, “But it is funny seeing you two cross the line in a tangle of legs.”

“She nudged me!” Rainbow is pointing.

“Ah did not ya goof!” Applejack’s nose is directly in front of Rainbow’s, both of them pulled apart by Twilight.

“Stop it, not again, you know neither one of you would ever do that.” The look on her face is warning them.

“Yeah, okay...I guess.” Rainbow rubs a fore leg along her other, “But I woulda won!”

“No ya wouldn’t ya featherbrain, I woulda!”

“Oh yeah?”


They all notice Athena and Crusader heading off into the forest, “Wait a second, where are you two goin’?” Applejack is yelling at the retreating ponies.

Athena turns around, pointing a hoof at herself and Crusader, “Us?”

“Yeah you, where you takin’ off to?”

“We got permission to help shake the leaves off.” She grins and runs off, accompanied by Crusader.

“What are those two up to?” Twilight is watching them disappear.

“Ah dunno, but whenever it’s both of ‘em, it can’t be good.” Applejack’s nodding in agreement with herself.

Pinkie announces over the bullhorn for the audience to take their seats, a special event is about to take place. Everypony looks at everyone else and takes a place upon the bleachers which have been moved back quite a ways from the finish line.

“And they’re up and running!” Pinkie’s yelling from the balloon, Spike’s voice is excited as he points.

“Look at that!”



“Yeah, I’m gonna blow you away.”


“Smart aleck, let’s go shake some trees!”

“Anytime you’re set.”

“Okay! Ready...set...go!”


Music comes wafting through the trees as a rumbling sound permeates the air, ponies looking every which way as the sound gets louder, Spike’s voice yelling through the bullhorn as Pinkie is laughing in glee.

Two Dragons come tearing out of the woods along the dirt track, their engines roaring as they torque up to their highest setting, weaving in and out of the trees.

Athena is waving from one as Crusader is in the other, a race between them as they tear on by the stands, going for three laps, winner take all.

“Celestia’s name! Look at that!” Rarity is holding on to her hat as the wind from the two massive vehicles nearly blows it off as they roar by.

Applejack laughs, “Figures them two would do something like this!” She’s waving her own hat as they go on by.

“Go Athena!” Rainbow is screaming as they pass, being nudged by Applejack as soon as she yelled out.

“Ain’t no way, Crusader’s gonna take ‘er!”

Leaves blow every which way as what’s left on the skeletal trees comes off in the passage of the two tanks, the howling engines telling everyone they were coming back again, this time with Crusader in the lead as Athena’s face looked determined.

The treads grabbed onto the hard packed dirt, from years of running and thousands of hooves, it was the perfect highway to do this.

The stands of ponies are cheering for their favorite as the two slam by in a rush of noise and furor, the commanders leaning out of the hatches and grinning as they disappeared once more into the woods.

“Athena for the win!” Rainbow is yelling in the wake of dust.

“Crusader ya featherhead, ain’t no way he’s gonna lose!” Applejack is eyeing her friend.

Rainbow’s face gets a sly look, “Want to bet on that?”

“Ah don’t bet with losers, “ The Earth pony lets out a sound of merriment.

“She’s not gonna lose!”

“Wanna bet?”

“Yeah! I’ll...wait a second..” Rainbow’s trying to think of what just happened as the sounds get louder once more.

Twilight laughs out loud at the twist in conversation, seeing it turned in Applejack’s favor as they watch for the tanks to come back around.

The cloud of dust is spotted in the distance as ponies raise a cheer, each one picking a favorite and yelling at them to win. Pinkie up in the balloon is having a hard time seeing them, but is calling the shot by shot as they race for the finish line, first one, then the other, it’s close, so very close.

The second lap goes like the first, a close thing between two huge pieces of Old World tech, ramming down along the hardened dirt track and leaving everypony gasping from the wind of their passage. Athena is laughing out loud, barely heard over the sounds of roaring engines as they pull into the third lap now.

The engines on the tanks are screaming as they run down the last part of the track, trees completely denuded by the passing machines, leaving them bare for the winter. It’s the home stretch and the race is so tight even Pinkie’s given up trying to say who’s going to win.

Every eye is on the two massive pieces of durasteel as they come down the last few hundred yards in a flash, passing by so fast no one saw who won as the heavy machinery gives a screech from the brakes and slew to a halt as quickly as they can. The dust settles and ponies are surrounding them, declaring one or the other a winner.

“Pinkie!” Twilight is yelling up at the now descending balloon, “Did you see who won?”

She shrugs, “I couldn’t tell! It was over so fast!” Spike is shaking his head too.

“I believe we can solve that.” Wings flare as Princess Celestia and Luna land in front of a bowing crowd of ponies.

Twilight is gleeful, always happy to see her mentor, giving her a hug, “Did you see who won?”

Luna smiles, “We believe we did, though it was very close.”

Now the arguments start, half the crowd wanting one, the other..well you get it. It’s quite the furor over a simple thing as Crusader and Athena sit there. They watch the friendly arguing, the pointing and gesturing as Celestia asks for some calm.

“Now my little ponies, calm down.” She smiles warmly, waiting the moment until the voices die out, “We were observing and can declare a winner.”

Princess Luna giggles as she sees her sister drawing out the tension on purpose, everypony leaning forward waiting for her decision.

After a moment’s deafening silence, she states in a very calm voice, “It was a tie.”

Now the uproar is louder as ponies blink then start yelling that they saw ‘their’ winner win the race. The two rulers watch the furor for a moment before smiling broadly, waiting for others to notice their giggling behind hooves.

“Ugh...again.” Twilight tosses a hoof in the air, seeing them playing another joke as things become silent, all eyes turned to their rulers for the final outcome, “Will you please just tell us?”

“Of course.” Celestia smiles, “So impatient, the waiting is the fun part Twilight, a slight bit of anticipation never hurt.”

A little skewbald pony bounces in front of Princess Luna, with a slight accent he begs to know, “Please Princess Luna, tell us who won?”

The dark mare smiles, recognizing him from that very first Nightmare Night, proclaiming she was his favorite princess. She gives him a warm hug, “Well of course Pip Squeak, my sister will make the pronouncement I’m sure.” She nods to the taller ruler.

“Of course.” Celestia turns to the waiting crowd, taking her time once more before lifting a hoof, “And the winner is...”

Breath is inhaled all over as ponies wait.


The sable Pegasus jumps in the air with a punched hoof, pointing at Crusader, “In your face! I won! In your face!” She’s grabbed by Rainbow who’s sharing her joy, Pinkie and Fluttershy joining in with Twilight and Rarity not far behind.

“Yeah! Athena for the win!”

Applejack smiles, patting Crusader on the shoulder as he watches his sister get congratulated, “It was a good try there sugar.”

“Oh I know, it was fun either way.” He gives her a look out of the corner of his eyes, making her suspicious.

“You wouldn’t...” She leaves it open.

“I would not, it was a fair race.’ He keeps smiling at her.

“You’re a good brother,” She gives him a hug.

“I try.”


Winter is going to be heavy, bringing a moisture with it that is badly needed on land depleted by the potion that was bought by almost everyone. It will sink in, taking the soil builders we have distributed and making it work well. It has been an odd beginning though, Rainbow Dash not believing, nor realizing her pet Tank will hibernate through the winter.

There was much wailing, as some would say. Refusing to believe anyone, even her friend Fluttershy, that this was going to happen. Athena and I stayed out of the conversation as a disbelieving pony will not listen and must learn for herself.

Eventually though, after quite the mishap, Winter arrived in a spectacular way. I do believe that in all our long years, we’ve never seen it do so in quite that fashion.

Athena is feeling quite disgusted, though I can’t see her, I know she is. We’re currently buried under two point four meters of snow which arrived in one large..well.. snowball. It exploded on impact and buried the town, literally, in ...uh.. Winter.

“Really? Because of a tortoise?”

“Yes, it seems the season has arrived slightly early.” I’m okay with this, it’s so familiar as we both sit there. Working my way upwards, I uncover myself to see ponies doing the same all around, my sister’s head pops out and shakes the snow free with a huff.

“Well that’s one way to ring it in.”

I can’t help but laugh really, seeing her look as she tries to get herself clear of the covering snow.

“Stop laughing!”

“My apologies.”

“Well I hope she’s happy now.” Her gaze turns to see the group of mares heading out towards the lake.

“I am sure she will understand about Tank, she has become quite dependant on him for company.”

“Yeah.” She looks over towards me, “Funny isn’t it? A super speedster and the slowest thing on the continent.”

I shrug, getting clear of the snow covering, “It is, but one never knows who you may befriend.”

“That’s true!” She grins brightly, “I gotta go get my new scarf!” I watch her rush off to the Castle where she keeps some clothing stored.

Usually the weather is tightly controlled by the engineers and weather patrols, Pegasi everywhere the length and breadth of Equestria keeping and maintaining the patterns. This, I am sure, has upset their plans. I make note to keep an eye on any emerging weather systems.

As for Athena, she couldn’t be happier really, seeing her gallop along the now snow-filled streets. I realize this year has gone by quickly, regardless of all we have seen and done, it makes..makes... What does it make? A heart grow fond for the past? A mind to rest for a while from it’s endless deliberations on things?

What does it mean really, when the time is measured in millenia, does one year truly make that much of a difference? Is a tick of the clock important enough that it sticks in our thoughts, one of so very many, so important it is marked and reflected upon?

Watching a slim sable Pegasus return, bounding through the snow wearing a scarf made of material that shines in the sunlight, the answer is yes. It is so vital that you do not, you cannot want to forget anything about it. You want to remember each moment, each second of joy, the tears and the pain. Together they add to a measure of life that cannot be quantified, you hope each year afterwards is more of the same, regardless of what may come.

Athena’s smile is so gleeful as she bounces in the white fluff, plowing through the drifts quickly as she makes her way once again to sit beside me. Holding a hoof in front of her face she sees her breath, the warm air circulating throughout her system showing her she is almost alive, telling my sister she is something very special in all the universe.

“It never gets old does it?” I have to ask her, seeing her puffing out clouds of warm air turning to fog in the frosty day.

“No, it doesn’t, not ever. I don’t know how to say thank you enough.” She stops and looks at me, her eyes glimmering in the daylight.

“One time was enough, more than needed. You never have to thank me Athena.” I give her a smile.

“But..but I do.” She stops me from replying, “You put up with my shenanigans. I have to thank you because I don’t know what else to do.” Rubbing a forehoof along the other, she looks at me silently.

“You don’t need to do anything.” I give her another smile, “Worry about Twilight, about yourself, your friends and mine.”

“I can’t, it’s not me, you know that.” Her smiles brightens once more, “You taught me that, worry about what’s important to you.” She lays a hoof on my shoulder, “You’re important to me.”

“Then I have an idea,” I stop her before she leaps out of the snow at me, “But only if you promise to follow it.”

“I will, you know I never break a promise.”

“Be happy.”

“You say that all the time!” She throws her fore hooves in the air, “C’mon! At least come up with something new!”

“I keep saying it, but you never listen, just be happy.” I lay a hoof on her shoulder, keeping her in place before she gets frustrated, “Nothing more than that, and I will keep repeating it until you believe me.”

The Pegasus fidgets in the snow, adjusting her scarf and glaring at me before her eyes soften, “I’m still going to worry about you.” Her voice is firm.

“Eventually that too will fade,” I point to Twilight trying to skate on the frozen lake, she’s not doing very well, “There are other things than you needing to watch over me, like saving Twilight before she breaks her leg.”

The look on her face is one of concern as she snaps her head around, looking over to where Twilight is and seeing her stumble, I can feel every fiber of her being wanting to run over and help, but she calms herself and looks at me shyly.

“Worry over a friend is a good thing Athena.”

She is off like a shot, no reply, nothing said as she tears across the field, grabbing Twilight before she can stumble once more, helping her to get her balance back.

I smile again as a light hoofstep behind me reaches my ears, “You are getting good at being quiet Applejack.”

“Ah didn’t want to disturb you, saw ya talkin’ over here ‘till she took off.” the orange Earth pony settles next to me in Athena’s spot.

“She worries too much sometimes.”

“Ah think she’s got a reason to worry, knowin’ you like I do.” She laughs, slapping a hoof on my shoulder, “Somepony’s gotta keep you out of trouble.”

“You do a fine job my Applejack.”

“Ah got to, otherwise with you ‘n her, ah think Equestria’d be in real trouble.”

“I am getting better.”

“Ah know, ah know.”

------Hearth's Warming-------

Hearth’s Warming, celebrating the coming together of three different tribes of ponies. A time when good cheer and family are brought together, decorations set out, plays done about the time of the Windigos, the beings that brought Winter because of cold hearts and hatred. How the power of friendship brought them together in a new land is a tale that has been told for a long time.

But it is doubly special this day, my sister’s very first celebration of Hearth’s Warming and she takes to it with a will. Her smiles and laughter ringing throughout the castle, bringing good tidings and happiness to all that see her. Her eyes are bright and merry as she serves food, not letting anypony else do much, making herself available to the little ones who wish to play a game. I had been hard-pressed to keep up with her as she wanted to make this first one a true memory.

Twilight enjoys it as well, inviting everypony over for a celebration on Hearth’s Warming itself. Applejack’s family spent the Eve celebrating amongst themselves, and we all joined in the castle on the afternoon of the holiday. Along with all the friends and family, it was crowded and glorious. A stack of gifts are surrounding the hearth, shining in the firelight.

Presents aren’t required actually, just good will as it’s a celebration of home and family. But a lot like to give them, as Athena and I do, we enjoy seeing the faces and the expressions on the simple things we can make which mean so much to everyone.

Twilight and the others show us a special item for Hearth’s Warming, the dolls. Hoof made, they sit above the fireplace on the mantle, some passed down through generations of family. Athena and I have neither, and are promptly taken to a place in front of the fireplace where Twilight and friends stand near.

“We noticed you both didn’t have anything like these, and for this Hearth’s Warming, we wanted to make sure it was extra special!” She smiles, Pinkie hopping out to give us our own versions of the dolls that they all have, showing them to us both as everypony gathers around.

Athena is hugging the gift tightly, her eyes welling with tears, “Th..thank you!”

I look at my own, a representation of myself, crocheted and beautifully done. Not so simple a thing to have made and it warms me down to my cores.

We’re congratulated by everypony as apparently the making and giving of them is cherished, and so we will these for as long as we exist, setting them in place along the mantle with all the others brought for the day. I can only sit and look at it for a moment while my sister happily exclaims about hers.

Of all the awards and medals we have received in our time, I believe this may be the best gift I have ever truly been given. Not a piece of shiny metal, a plaque or meaningless speeches, but a thing of beauty, plain and simple.


“Darling this is the the millionth time you’ve given us all gifts, I feel just awful I have nothing equal in return!” Rarity is looking at the gaily wrapped box Athena and I have given her. The others are opening the boxes and packages that everyone else had brought for the celebration.

Athena grins, “Don’t worry about it, it’s just little things Rarity.” She smiles, “We know everypony exchanges gifts, we just made sure there was one for all of you.”

“Well let us know next time so we can figure something out.” Applejack grins, pointing at the boxes, “ ‘Least let us get on equal terms here. Kinda hard making something for somepony like you guys.”

“Yes Applejack.” We do the speaking in unison again.

“Oh don’t get them started!” Twilight is chuckling.

Regardless of any apprehension, they are well-received and enjoyed. Not the complicated things we could assemble, the technological marvels that might amaze or astound, but then relegated to a dusty room. An inflatable ball, a box of thread that won’t break easily, party favors that pop open with a sound and light that make others laugh in delight.

How the simple things Athena and I take for granted, are welcomed here with wonder and a smile that means the world to both of us. A moment in the making and forever in the giving. She wrapped each one by hoof, wanting to do it that way because it ‘made them more personal’, she said. Looking at the reactions I agree, it was worth it.

Unlike my first holiday here, Athena is fully into the spirit of it, as am I. We have provided for this celebration, so no one would have to do any work. There is food for all and then some, games and things to do to while away the snowy hours. As the wind kicks up outside, it is warm and cheery in the castle.

At one point Athena convinced Twilight to leave the party for a few minutes, both of them dressing warmly and heading out into the falling snow. They did not return for an hour, the stomping of hooves in the mudroom our only warning they were back as Athena did not tell me what was going on.

I am not going to ask, Athena guards her thoughts carefully sometimes and I take heed. Something has passed between them, that much is obvious, but I cannot tell what. Twilight is joyful in a way none of us have seen for a long time, as is Athena. The Alicorn is shaking her head when asked, having made a promise not to tell anything about what went on out there in the cold day.

I admit my curiosity has the best of me, but I will respect their wishes.

“What do ya think went on out there?” Applejack’s voice is curious too as we enjoy a cup of mulled wine.

“I honestly don’t know.” I turn to her and shrug, “I wish I did, but I respect her privacy on those things she doesn’t wish to share.”

“Well I ain’t seen Twilight smile like that ‘cept for really special things, musta been somethin’ nice.” She’s watching the aforementioned mare and Athena laugh while trying to figure out a puzzle game.

“Knowing Athena, something very special.”

“Now it’s got me all fired up wondering.” She grins at me with a glint in her eyes.

“Me too actually, but I’m sure we’ll find out.” I smile back, “No need to go digging, we’ll know soon enough when they want to tell us.” I lay a hoof on her shoulder, “Don’t go asking around.”

“Oh alright, yeesh yer no fun.” She rolls her eyes in exasperation, hitting me on the shoulder.

“I get that a lot.”


It is a wonderful afternoon and evening, a true holiday by any standards. It’s sad it has to end soon, but folks get tired and retire to their rooms, all having been told to stay the night instead of braving the cold. It is a good choice, the weather has turned worse and the castle is a sturdy bulwark against it.

Athena and I had offered to do escorts for her guests, but were politely denied, Twilight saying it was nice to have the castle full of warmth and friends. We agreed with that sentiment, staying up until everypony had gone to their rest, Athena and I walking the halls, making sure of security.

“Drones are having a hard time, weather’s getting worse for the lighter ones.”

“Heavies only then, we’ve got a front moving in off the coast, it’s going to be very bad. Wrap Up’s going to be delayed, even the weather patrols are staying clear. Put the heavies in bays if it gets worse.”

“Something’s bothering you.”

“It’s been too quiet Athena, we still haven’t cleared the forest and there are things out there that are a threat.” I see her pondering me with lavender eyes, “Yes, something is bothering me, a feeling perhaps.” I give no credence to hunches or ‘gut feelings’, but this time it’s overwhelming inside my cores.

She looks at me for a moment more before the orders go out, our hulls bristling with sensors that are now fully powered. Our watch has always been careful, but lower key, now we pull out the stops. We scan the skies and as far along the ground as we can. The snow is making the effort harder, but we are up to the task.

“Hounds are on their way to their sentry posts, full sensor grid active and deployed.” Her face has grown harder in the last few seconds, “If it moves, we’ll know it.” She is fiercely protective of Twilight and everyone we know, she has adopted them as they have us. We both feel the same, and nothing will prevent us from seeing to their safety.

“I think it’s time for some rest, we both need it.” I see her look, turning to stare out a window, “Don’t start worrying, we’ll be fine. Revert to Low Level Alert, we'll be prepared.”

“If you say so.”

“I do, goodnight.” I push her along to her bedroom as she laughs.

“ ‘Night!”


The enemy never sleeps, there is always something with enough hate, or anger, or spite to gather it’s forces and take it’s petty grievances out on something else. A last gasp from what was left, some things left behind even after all we had done. We knew there were more, but the forest is immense, and so we watched and we waited.

We never stopped, we never would, and those who opposed us never learned.

The alarms went blaring through our cores, I could feel Athena snap into Battle Reflex as I did, a sleepy voice asking me what was wrong as I tore out of the room. For some reason we both have reacted this way instead of disconnecting from our avatars and returning fully to our hulls.

There is no time to explain, through the snow we see it, we feel it...them..coming in a charge of evil. Something remained and it was going to try one more time.


Athena comes tearing down the hallway, joining me in TSDS as well as heading for the door.

“Multiple hostiles, LiDAR showing movement in the storm. Blurry but they’re there. Hounds moving in, sentries on spot and waiting.”

I take a look at the streaming data, run it through my tactical cores, “Prepare charges, forest side only, open mortar plates directly after the ports are clear, bombardment pattern Kilo Five. No Secondary Hellbores if we can help it.” I give control to her for broadside engagement, handling the intelligence and scanner end of things. We mesh together like cloth, each of us complimenting the other.

“Copy. Guns spinning up on all posts, I’ve got everything deployed. Drones went into bays four hours ago, weather.” Her anger is up, her whole being is now focused, directed at whatever is coming our way.

“Bring up the Anti-Air, microwave is showing multiple airborne targets, howitzers are online.” I focus, bringing more tactical and analytics up and processing, seeing the shapes through the fuzzy readouts.

I feel a hoof take mine, holding it tight as Athena looks at me, her smile gentle but her eyes holding a sadness, “I wish our guns could have stayed silent forever, especially tonight of all times.”

Deep in TSDS I realize she is right, I feel her emotions at this very first Hearth’s Warming of hers, her heart breaking at it being just another battle to be fought. It belittles this wondrous, magical and warm day of all days by making it the same as every other in our long lives.

This will not do.

“Step aside.” I take control of everything, leaving her just as an avatar, pushing her away from all command and control as I cut the link to my own semblance. Concentrating my will I fire up all cores in both hulls, the power of two Bolos at my single command and I turn my full attention towards the enemy.

“What are you doing??” Her panicked voice comes from far away, having just herself.

“My gift to you beloved sister, remember not this day as one of war, but as your very first of many more Hearth Warmings.” I send her comfort along the communications line before I have to concentrate.

I can see them, a melange of figures and things coming through the snowy fields and the air. The teeth, the claws and talons, things meant to rend and tear the unwary.

I wait until the killzone is full, targets everywhere on my battlespace plotting boards as everything goes hot. My cores flare with purpose, my will a needle that is focused to white hot point.

One last time, once more, and then perhaps silence will reign forever. But I push that aside, waiting until the last second. There is no escaping now as I blow the charges, in the instant I do so I open up fully into the mass of creatures.

The two war hulls shudder with the force of my broadsides, everything along one side unleashed into the air and along the forest line. It doesn’t matter what I hit, just that they are gone, blown to atoms by suncore temperature blasts, a superheated charge of ions. Infinite repeater chain feeds scream as they pour rounds out, barrels that overheat are switched as fast as I can so I may give them another serving of hell.

My Secondaries punch steaming wakes through the snow, nuclear fire consuming anything that gets in their way, the twenty centimeter Hellbores a bright wink of light before their minds go dark. I use them very judiciously, a sample of it here and there. The last thing they see, that they feel, is the power of my guns. Heavy mortar plates slapping back, releasing upwards into the gray skies shells that contain the power of technology, blasting a line behind them and marching onward, sealing their doom between myself and the explosions to their rear moving inexorably forward.

My sister will fire no weapons, not a single bullet or charge, not one mortar round this day as I have cut her off. Athena will contribute nothing to this, watching as just herself. She will remember a battle fought by only me, the memories of a wondrous day in the forefront of her mind forevermore.

The perimeter mines go off as crawlers coming in are pulverized by steel shot, exploding in steamy blasts that are followed by more slashing weapons that make doubly sure nothing moves again.

I tear the atmosphere apart, forcing nature to listen, to obey my will and get out of my way. The HyVel Missiles cracking the skies with thunder as they impact on each and every target I designate. I do not miss, efficient killers that we are, we have become so much better than we were.

It is uncoordinated, the directing mind gone but not the loathing, I can see it in the scattershot way they approach. There is no rhyme, no reason, just a relentlessness that shows they are nothing but soldiers. No tactics, no attempt at anything but to charge and die. Created and given a task to destroy by an intelligence no longer there, they do what they do. Having hidden in the deep forest, they had taken their time, waiting for cover. Now they find a storm of a wholly other kind waiting for them as they push out of the trees.

I do not hate anymore, it is gone, but I can and still rage to the sound and the fury, letting the thunder slip its leash and careen along the skies. Howitzers blast apart monsters who stumble through the drifts, repeaters singing their song of hopelessness to those that try to breach the wall of lightning I form in patterns. Sweeping the field until they are no more, until the last call or cry is fading in the air.

The ragged voices echo into nothingness with the sounds of my last shot, the last mortar, a final charge of ions.

My screens are clear, scanners telling me there is nothing left to crawl, to walk, fly or to die.

I watch for long moments, a twitch, a breath, a single movement is answered with the rumble of fire once more until nothing is left to see or hear. I make absolutely sure nothing retreats, if it does it is blasted into oblivion, nothing escapes.

A peace of sorts settles over the area, filling the space in which a few minutes ago was filled with the screams of the damned. Nature does not like a vacuum and so the storm continues it’s fall, unruffled by the ferocity of my weapons.

As my guns cool I watch the snow resume it hard pace downwards, lying upon the barrels and turrets, the scanners being covered in a light frosting. The world once again showing it can recover, that it will move and retake what is rightfully its own.

External sensors hear nothing but the crackling of ice, the snowflakes gently hitting each other as they build up more layers on my weapons. The storm is still building in intensity and that is fine, let it cover this field once more.

Silence descends upon the land once more as I summon the plows, hurriedly pushing the dirt back, no reason to keep uncovered. It will only take a few hours as the charges this time were quite precise, uncovering just what we needed. Anything else will be taken care of by my spiders and nature itself, by spring the evidence will be gone forever.

Reconnecting to my avatar, I find myself looking into worried eyes, “Are ya okay?” Applejack’s leaning over me as I stumble to stand up.

“Just fine, no worries.” It takes a moment to readjust.

The others have already come out, standing around and looking towards the forest. They have seen the light show and the drumming of weapons, Athena explaining to them what had happened. Except for Spike, somehow he could sleep through an earthquake, odd that.

“Somethin’ bad show up?” She gestures towards our hulls, “We all heard the firin’.” Others have come out of their houses, lights showing here and there in windows at the sound of weapons that had for so long been quiet, it was almost a new thing to hear them again. But they know we do it for a reason, looking to make sure of the quiet before our sensors see the townsponies go back inside, to their families and friends, knowing we help keep them safe.

Turning to her with a smile I can only say, “A thought, maybe a final breath, from something here no longer.”

“Them things again? I figured they were gone.” Her eyes look worriedly out towards the Everfree.

“They are now. Probably some still out there, but not as much a threat anymore. They will fade in time, going the way of things best not thought of.” I believe this, in my very being I do, but we will always be watchful.

“That’s good. It’d be nice never to worry ‘bout ‘em again.” She leans against me, warm in the falling snow. “That’d be a pretty good thing I think.”

A wing and a leg hug me tight from the other side, I turn to see a smile and warm eyes once more as Athena embraces me.

“Thank you.”

Applejack looks over at her, “For what now?”

“A gift, a wonderful gift.” She smiles warmly, giving me another tight snug.

Applejack nods as if understanding, I’m sure she’ll ask later, but for now I believe the message passes along in it’s own way.

We three sit and watch the falling snow together, as others head inside to get warm, thinking upon gifts that you give that can only ever be from the heart.


It is a few days after Hearths Warming, the land is still and quiet, the Wrap Up will be delayed by the stormfront that came through. But it’s taken in stride along with everything else, another day, just another happening.

Athena is in high spirits, it’s hard keeping her contained as she stands for a fitting with Rarity, her dress for the Gala about complete. But since the Unicorn is a perfectionist, there’s always something that needs to be updated or a stitch here and there added.

I am happy for her, she wants to go to it badly, even though the others had told her what a disaster the last one was. They were surprised by the fact that Princess Celestia had invited them to make things lively because it was usually very boring, but they did get a good laugh from it, taking it in stride as they seem to always do.

That is somewhat interesting, inviting them not because they are good and kind ponies, but that she wanted them to liven it up. From reports, it was quite so when it all went south, I’m sure tales are still being told.

But it does make me wonder about Celestia’s motivations if she invites Athena. I do not want her to become a center of attention because of a want to ‘liven things’ up.

That would definitely not set well with me.

I do not take advantage of my position, ever, but this concerns me enough to contact Princess Celestia directly, asking for a moment when she is free to talk about the Gala.

She assures me she will make the time, so I wait patiently to talk over the comm net. I did not expect her to show up personally as the teleport flash advises me of an arrival nearby. The tall mare smiling as is her wont, seeing me by the entryway to my command deck.

“You wished to talk about the Gala?” She is curious about my request.

“I do Your Highness, but I expected a call, not you taking time away from Court.” I bow, as is only proper, getting waved away once more.

She then twirls a hoof with a slight laugh, “It’s good to be away at moments, the endless requests and arguments wear some times.” The alabaster Princess settles herself in, sitting in the shade of the opening so as not to be spotted easily. Her eyes watching me as I do the same.

“So what is making you worry enough to call?” Tapping a hoof for a second, “Besides the trouble on Hearth’s Warming.”

“A last try Your Highness, it failed spectacularly. There may be some roaming about, but I doubt if they’ll be a concentrated threat once more.” She nods, and I get a sense of relief flowing from her.

“There will always be things I suppose, though I wish it were not so.” She looks downward for a moment, letting me see the centuries for a brief second. “So, about the Gala?”

“I have heard reports of the last Gala, how you invited the friends because you thought they would, and I quote, “Liven things up.” I see her nod. “I do not want my sister used that way if she is invited.” I let her hear the resolve in my voice, I have no qualm about it.

“That...yes.” I wait as she ponders for a moment, “I admit it was selfish of me to do so, and I had not expected it to go so far.” She chuckles, remembering the excitement. “But you do have to agree, wherever they go, it does get ..interesting..”

I open my mouth to reply, and then stop as I think for a moment, “You have a point, it is suspicious that it happens.” I rub my chin, “We have theories, but nothing that can figure in everything.”

She laughs lightly, “You cannot predict everything Crusader, nor plan for them. I and my sister have always believed the Elements attract things,” She waves a hoof at the town, “Since they themselves are the elements, and not a simple piece of jewelry, perhaps the magic just acts as an attractor? We can never fully know the ways of the world.”

I admit, she has a very good point, “True, sometimes things are unknowable, but it does make one wonder.”

“Oh we do Crusader, we do!” She is merry, “Do not worry about Athena, she will be an honored guest along with the Elements of Harmony, she saved Luna’s life and I would not do anything to detract from that. I owe her a debt of gratitude, and Luna would never let me hear the end of it.”

“Then my apologies Your Highness, I have overstepped my bounds.”

“No, of course you haven’t, concern for one’s family is always important.” Her eyes glint mischievously, “Don’t tell her she has an invite, we’d like to surprise her.”

“I won’t. Though she has already had a dress made.”

“Luna and I did hear that Rarity was making something special for the Elements, care to let us know?” She shows a rare curiosity on her face.

I think for a moment, I was not made to promise any secrecy, but it wouldn’t be right to reveal everything, “She calls it her Midnight Collection, saying that bright colors were over used, she’s bringing something different to the table. I’ve seen them, they are truly magnificent.”

The tall diarch smiles brightly, “One can always count on Rarity to try something new, it sounds marvelous. I will tell Luna as she’s always wondered why no one wears anything that compliments her night.”

“I think she will be pleasantly surprised.”

“I am sure she will be.” She gets to her hooves, stretching a moment before stepping outside the cover of my entry way. The land is still and quiet, covered in snow, the flakes falling gently as we both stand in the daylight.

Turning to me, it’s as if the star that lights the sky is near, warm and pleasant, “Be well Crusader and try not to worry so much about Athena, she has a bright future ahead of her.”

As I try to ask what she means, a flash signifies she is gone, teleporting back to Canterlot. I could raise her on the comm net, but I find I would rather ponder over the question of her statement instead of asking for answers.

------The Grand Galloping Gala-----

Sitting outside is wonderful some days, a porch, a snowy field, a quiet day is in the offing. Not too much to do during the winter, but as needs must, I’m sure I can find something to keep me occupied until the Gala tonight.

“Hello Crusader!”

And of course, there is Discord.

“Hello Discord.” I turn to the right, seeing him setting in a rocking chair, holding what looks to be a long stemmed corncob pipe in his mouth, blowing bubbles happily, “What can I do for you?”

“Oh nothing,” He waves his taloned hand around, “Just thought I’d pass a little time with a friend.” He grins at me.

Looking at him for a moment, I wonder if I should snap into Battle Reflex and hope the world doesn’t turn topsy-turvy right now, “Now you have my complete attention Discord.”

“Oh that’s nice, it’s not very polite when somepony ignores you you know!” He taps his paw and taloned hands together, giving me a strange look, “I was wondering, are you going to the Gala?”

The Gala? “Why yes actually, Celestia asked me to show for a meet and greet, she wanted me to meet her commanders.”

“Oh she did? How wonderful for you!” He’s still grinning, making me distinctly nervous.

“I’m sure it will be a typical affair, quite boring.” In the old world they had been, very boring.

He waves a paw in the air absently, “Oh don’t be so sure, the last one was quite ...oh... chaotic to say the least.”

I nod, settling myself back down while keeping an eye on the strange figure, “I’ve heard. Discord, what exactly can I do for you?”

“Oh nothing special really, but perhaps you can help! You see I haven’t gotten my ticket for the Gala, and was wondering if somepony might take me as their plus one.” He grins once more, blowing bubbles from his pipe.

“I would think Fluttershy...”

“Nonono,” He waves a paw, “She’s taking someone else as her guest.” He’s looking a bit disturbed, “What was her name, Tree Muncher... No... Wood Polisher? No... Oh! Tree Hugger that’s it!” He snaps his talons in remembrance.

I can only look at him for a moment with a blink, “Pardon me? Did you say Tree Hugger?”

His taloned hand never stops moving, making lazy figures in the air, the other paw firmly on the bubble pipe, “Oh yes, probably some nature-loving dimwit who prattles on about talking to bushes or some twaddle like that.” His face though, holds quite the expression of disgust, as if he’s truly disturbed by the thought of Fluttershy taking someone else to the Gala instead of him.

“Discord, is it bothering you she is taking somepony else?” I guess I’m not real big on tact sometimes, proven when he gives me a look of utter disdain.

“What?” He lays his hand on his chest, “Of course not, a minor thing! I’m a spirit of absolute chaos and anarchy, why would it bother me she’s taking Berry Eater to the Gala as her plus one?” The last few words are said with a distinct tinge of anger.

“Tree Hugger.”


“Because you don’t even bother to remember her name, that’s a big clue of your dislike Discord.” Some things are very plain even to me.

“Oh puhleeeese, she rattles on about ‘vibes’ and other nonsense! How could anyone take her seriously?”

Vibes? “Well I am sure that the Princesses have sent you a ticket, perhaps you haven’t received it where you..” I have to actually think hard for a moment, “Where exactly DO you live Discord?”

He grabs me, squeezing me with a strength I hadn’t known he possessed, “Oh it’s a lovely and dark place, everything is wonderfully upside down and rightside never! I can even see the golfing green with the Krakens in the lake from my front window!”

“Krakens?” Surely he doesn’t mean the great beasts from mythology?

“Oh yes, lovely couple, they try not to eat the golfers these days since we had that talk.” He chuckles, “Big as they are, it’s quite nice where they live”.

“Eat...the golfers?” I can feel my analytics going into overload as I try to process this odd revelation. Krakens? I immediately shut most of them down to prevent a problem.

“Oh yes, such a nasty fifth hole it was until I had a sit down with them, of course a snack now and then happens, but what can you do?” He shrugs and laughs loudly, releasing me as I fall into a heap. “Definitely add a few strokes avoiding them!” Poking my chest with a talon, “I recommend a four wedge, most assuredly!”

“I’m... sure it was quite the conversation?” I have absolutely no clue how to reply.

“Oh I daresay it was!” Leaning down he grins at me once more as his eyes whirl in delight, “Some day we’ll have to talk about the other neighbors, I do love good gossip!” He gives me a wink, “I’m off, glad we had this talk! See you at the Gala!” He pops out of the area, leaving me sitting on the porch.

We talked? Neighbors? He has neighbors? Why does the thought of hearing gossip from Discord make me worry? I never did get the chance to tell him Athena will receive a ticket, plus a guest slot he could have asked for.


“Athena, would you please stop, it’s like you have fleas or something.” I have been watching her looking out the window of the castle for the last hour this early afternoon,wondering still if she will receive an invitation to the Gala. It had been quiet since Discord popped in, and my walk to the castle was filled with the strange revelations I had heard.

She has also been fidgeting quite a bit, walking back and forth, peering out the window waiting for the mail to arrive, at separate times mugging two package delivery ponies and scaring them.

“But what if it got misplaced? Or..or...they just didn’t send one?” She gets a worried look, “What if they forgot!” She stands at the window, her nose pressed against the glass. “The Gala is tonight!”

“I highly doubt they forgot Athena.”

“Is she still goin’ on about that?” Applejack’s voice comes from behind us as we both turn, seeing her ducking the three Crusaders who have been jumping around in their brand new outfits for their very first Gala.

“Yes Applejack. She seems to think they’ve probably forgotten her.”

The Earth pony laughs, “Ah doubt that, they’re probably waitin’ ‘till the last minute to send it, they always do something like this.”

“Couldn’t Twilight just take her as a guest?”

The farm mare taps her chin, “She could, but they always send a ticket when it’s your very first Gala, it’s kinda special.” She smiles at the nervous Pegasus, “Gives ya something to remember it by.”

Athena’s nose is pressed against the glass still, the window fogging from her breath, “Well..I hope they didn’t.... oh!” She turns and tears out of the room as a tapping comes at the doors, a mail delivery pony standing at the entrance.

“Oh stars, she’s gonna mug him.”

“I’m sure she’ll be more polite this... and I’m wrong.”

We both watch out the window as Athena barrels into the poor mail delivery pony, ending up in a tangled heap as she seems to be asking him about any mail for her. Though with her standing over him now after getting to her hooves, it appears more threatening than it really is.

“She keeps doin’ this, they’re never gonna deliver the mail here anymore.”

“She’s just excited.”

Applejack looks at me, giving me one raised eyebrow, “How in the world can she possibly be that excited over something like the Gala?” She points a hoof to the sky, “She’s seen and done stuff that I can’t even begin to understand.”

“It is a symbol to her of acceptance Applejack, that she is no longer that thing under the ground out there, that she is a part of life here.”

“Have we been treatin’ her different? Ah mean she gets in trouble just about as much as anypony I’d guess.” She chuckles, “Well.. maybe a tad more.”

“No, no you treat her well, Twilight even more so. It is just something that she feels is needed.”

She laughs again, looking out the window to see Athena apologizing to the poor mail delivery pony who turns to start delivering again with a wobble, “Maybe we oughta keep her locked up until tonight?”

“I’m debating it actually, this is the third minor assault today from what I understand.” We see Athena take off back into the castle at some speed.

“Well now, not exactly assault.” Applejack grins, “More like exuberance?”

“I got it! I got it!” Athena runs back in, yelling at us down the hallway, under her wing is tucked an envelope with a golden slip peeking out of it.

“Does this mean you’ll stop attacking the postal carriers?” My statement stops her suddenly as she looks downward, rubbing a fore leg along another.

“Uh..I apologized. I did.” She’s peeking up through her eyelashes, seeing us looking at her.

“As long as they don’t press charges then I think you’re okay.” This starts her up again, bouncing in the hallway as we three head for the living area, hearing the Crusaders below excitedly yelling about going to the Gala.

“And if we kin ever get them three to calm down we’ll be all right,” Applejack sighs, seeing the Crusaders bouncing around, Rarity trying to get them to stop moving in their outfits as she puts the finishing touches on them. The Earth pony walks over, helping to keep the three in place as Rarity works, giving me time alone with Athena.

“If you do not settle down Sweetie, I will take drastic measures!” Rarity is glaring at her sister plus the extra two, they all immediately stand still.

“Much better.” She goes back to her hemming and stitches.



“Why are you running into ponies, are you still shutting down your externals? You’re also off the sensor grid quite a bit, not accepting data streams.”

“I... I want to be more like them. Ever since Manehatten, when Celestia talked to me. When I thou..thought you were gone forever. This Chri... Hearth’s Warming, when you locked me out, not letting me participate.” She looks at me with wide eyes, “It gave me the opportunity to really think about things.”

“Are you sure this is what you want? I know you’ve said it before, have you finally made your choice?”

“I am, and I have, can you understand why?” She looks at me, her eyes holding a deep yearning, “Please tell me you really understand?”

“I do. But please stop running into others?”

She looks embarrassed now, “I.. it’s hard to do things when you’re so confined inside yourself.”

“I can see that. I’ll handle the watches and grid, just maintain contact with me in case of alerts.”

“I will.” She goes silent for a few moments, “I don’t want you to think I’m living in a fantasy land..”

“You’re not. I think the choice you’ve made is what you need.” I give her a smile while we walk the hall of the castle for a minute alone, “It’ll be fine.”

“Are you s..sure? I...I don’t want to seem ungrateful. B...b..but..” She starts to stammer, pounding a hoof into the floor as she stops talking, unable to go further.

“Stop getting nervous. You have made the best decision you can for yourself.”

“O..Ok...” She stamps again, calming down, “Okay.”

I watch her for the nonce, seeing her react through her avatar instead of using her cores and programming, forcing herself to act out little things. There are ticks along her body, subtle clues and shifts that show me she’s fully integrating herself.

This is something I’ve expected, she wants to be nothing more and has gone so far as to actually do it. She maintains minor contact with her hull, but for all herself she is a Pegasus. I am impressed to watch her do something that I have been hesitant to do.

“Please stop staring.”

“Just admiring, you’re doing a wonderful job adapting.”

“Why haven’t you?” She points at me, “You haven’t done anything to improve yourself.”

“Because I’ve chosen not to.”

“Why not?”

“Someone must stay behind Athena.”

She stands in the hallway, turning her eyes on me, “What do you mean stay behind?”

“Don’t worry about it Athena, the Gala is tonight, concentrate on that.”

Her hoof presses into my chest as I try to keep going, “No. Explain. Now.”

“Athena, there is no need for this conversation right now.”

“We have the time, it’s a minute, explain yourself.”

“Do not press this issue Athena, it is of minor concern why or why not I haven’t made any changes.”

“Not to me.”

“Do you really wish to keep digging into this?”

“Yes! You are constantly putting things off, continuing on as you have always done, I want to know why.”

“Because someone has to watch Athena, over our hulls, technology, our weapons. You continue to pare yourself down, becoming just a single entity. I can’t do the same, someone must maintain things.”

“Oh stop that, you can...” I interrupt her protest gently and not unkindly.

“No. Things must be cared for, properly done, otherwise it could endanger everyone. We must maintain a vigil my sister, for the good of all. ”

Sitting down in the hallway, I continue, “You have continually cut yourself off from your strategic cores and sensors, confining yourself to your avatar. I have made allowances for that and am keeping things intact and secure. I may have changed in some ways, but I will stay behind, I will not invest fully in myself. Someone must be sentinel as long as we live.”

“We..we could just delete the data! We could...could trim down the cores, just keep enough for ourselves and just..just be us!” She throws a hoof out in the air, “We can maintain the fabricators, enough to provide what we already do, it would be easy!”

“You know that wouldn’t work, we cannot let things slide, we carry within our very beings the means to destroy this world Athena. We cannot let it sit there without a proper guardian.” I lay a hoof on her shoulder, “There is a time and a place for everything Athena, and I’m afraid it’s just not my time nor my place.”

She gets a pleading look, “I don’t want to leave you behind. Don’t do this!” I feel her emotions, “We could..we could tell them! They’d figure out something! Maybe they could seal all the stuff we have away with magic?”

“You are not leaving me behind, you are living Athena. I cannot trust our technology to the illusionary promises of magic and you know that. It is no imposition sister, do not concern yourself so much.”

“Well..no! I don’t..”

“Stop. This is not the time nor the place, perhaps we can talk later?”

“Okay fine. But we WILL discuss this.”

“Of course.”

He turns to leave, watched by concerned lavender eyes as he walks slowly down the hallway. She observes the stiff movements only she can spot, telling her he is as he always was, nothing but a machine, not smooth and flowing like he has made her own. Her chest heaved for a moment with a sigh, seeing him staying this way while she grew, knowing he would not stop doing what he always does.

“Athena! You ready for the big night?” Rarity‘s’s voice is cheerful as she peeks out of a doorway. She steps near and tilts her head, “Are you okay?”

Reaching a hoof up, the Pegasus wipes a single tear off her cheek, “Yes, yes I’m okay, just a slight malfunction. Sorry.”

“Oh! Well hopefully nothing too bad. We’ve got a few hours before our train gets here, we need to get dressed for the Gala!” Her face lit up, a smile at hopefully a wonderful night for everypony. “Let’s hope Twilight is not greeting guests all night and has some fun of her own at the dance!”

Looking behind her as she joined Rarity, she saw the single figure staring out a window that faced the town. Even through her enhanced eyes she couldn’t be sure, but it looked as if he were a bit sad, the expression gone in an instant as Applejack called out to him.

She let it be, turning back to catch what the Unicorn was saying as they both walked down to the area that Rarity was using for final checks and dressing for them all.


“Really? That’s the absolute best you could do?” Athena is staring at Crusader as they ride in the train on their way to Canterlot for the Gala before the sun sets. Everypony is wearing their finest, more than enough room to move, but the six mares are getting quite a lot of stares at the outfits Rarity designed. The Crusaders are quiet, talking among themselves as they gleefully wait to arrive at the biggest event of the new year.

“What’s wrong with it?”

“It’s a Gala! A dance! Something fun!” She points a hoof, “You look like a stuffed shirt!”

“It is a Concordiat Officer’s Dress Uniform, Rarity made it to my specifications, although she added her own style, I think it’s quite nice. Though she could have left out a few things.” He looks at the front of his chest where his medals for valor and service and other decorations weigh heavy on it, done in gems with a flair only the Unicorn could do and get away with. “She didn’t have to add all this.”

“Of course I did darling!” Rarity leans forward, “One must be proud of their accomplishments, and you have so much to show off!” She points at the uniform, a blend of grays that Concordiat Officers wore to formal events, of course she had added her own touch to it, making it something other than bland.

“I don’t want to show off Rarity, a simple outfit would have done nicely.”

A hoof is waved at him, “Tut tut, none of that. I think they look stunning, and will be quite impressive to see along all those other stuffy ponies who think a term in the Royal Guard is the be all and end all.”

He is still adamant about not displaying anything, “You didn’t have to add all the battles.”

“Oh shush, it took no time at all, besides, I had that many very small gem chips anyways and nothing to do with them.” She looks quite pleased with herself as she points to the glittering field on his chest.

Rainbow Dash leans over, looking at the myriad of tiny pinpoints arranged in small rows, “How many are even there? All the battles you fought right?”

I give her a nod, “Eight hundred and fifty-five.”

“What?” The cerise eyes almost bug out of her head as the cyan mare peers closely, trying to count them all.

“I told him I wanted a look at some decorations, he showed me his awards and I thought it would be fabulous to add them to the outfit.” She leans over to Applejack, “There was quite the fuss though.”

Applejack laughs, “Oh ah’m sure there was. You know he doesn’t like boastin’ or nothin’ Rares.”

“That’s not the point, I thought they looked good with his uniform, but he wouldn’t let me add anything else.” She hmphs, crossing her forelegs and looking put out.

“Rarity, I don’t think you have that many gems.” Athena laughed along with the others, knowing how many awards he and even she had received in the long past. “Besides those are only for the big battles, all the skirmishes and border fights, they really add up over a couple centuries.”

As the discussion continues, I observe Fluttershy talking with her new friend, a mare by the name of Tree Hugger. By listening to the mare’s replies, I have begun to seriously ponder if she’s on some kind of mind altering substance or normally this way.

“She does sound like she’s high doesn’t she?”

My eyes snap to Athena who’s giggling behind a hoof, “I have been wondering that myself.”

“Probably then, they do eat grass you know.” She laughs over the comms, eliciting my own.

“We really shouldn’t laugh, it’s not polite.”

“Why not? Her name is Tree Hugger for crying out loud, I mean really? She looks like something from Old Earth’s past.” Her eyes roll surreptitiously, “Dread locks? So last eon.”

“Now be nice, we’ve met many ponies with even odder names, Candy Mane for example and plenty of others.”

“But we expected that! Not this..this.. one sec..” I feel her rummaging through files, “Hippy dippy pony.”

I snort out loud, unable to stop myself and garnering a look from Applejack before I smile and tell her it was a simple malfunction. She nods and goes back to talking with the others, but not without a warning glance.

“Ha! You laughed!”

“I did, now stop that, I’m sure she’s very nice.”

“Yeah right, all that stuff running through her system would keep anyone calm. Probably grazing one day and hit a patch of the right kind, had a few mouthfuls, got into an altered state, had an epiphany and hugged the nearest log.” She grins at me, “Ta-da instant Cutie Mark!”

“Will you...”

“Oh and I bet she’ll talk about making sure our chakras are aligned to get the most out of all the ‘higher vibrations’ that come to us when we’re at peace.” She sends me a picture of her in a lotus position, going ‘Ommmmm..”

“Where are you even getting this?”

“I dunno, got a file on metaphysics here, they sure uploaded every piece of crap they could in Diaspora, who the heck needs this?”

“Could always delete it?”

“Nah, more fun comparing, makes me wonder how remnants of human society got here anyways.”

“I ponder that as well when I run into something like this, parallel evolutions have always been theorized.”

“Not like this, it’s strange.”


“Yeah like Maud there, sure she’s Pinkie’s sister?”

“From what Applejack tells me, yes. She’s ...different... no?” I look at the mare who sits next to an exuberant Pinkie who’s gesturing and talking a mile a minute.

“More like the walking dead, she ever smile?”

“From what I’ve been told, once or twice.”

“Yeah it’d probably crack her face to do any more than once a year.” She giggles over the network.

“Stop that, she’s been very polite as well.”

“She has a pet that’s a rock Crusader, a rock.”

“Don’t judge by what others choose to do Athena, you know that.”

“It’s a ROCK! Named Boulder!”

“Perhaps it’s quite talkative and understands her better than anyone else?”

Her eyes snap right on me, narrowing as she stops talking for a moment. I give her a small smile so no one realizes we’re using the network.

“Are you messing with me?”

“Not one bit.”

“Yes you are!”

“I am not, that would be igneous of me.”

“Did you just.. Was that supposed to be a pun?”

“Not at all, I don’t pun, that would be almost like me being sedimentary.”

“Don’t make me do something...”

“Now don’t get upset, that wouldn’t be gneiss.”

“Quit that!”

“Taking my easy manner for granite are we?”

“Stoppit. You’re not funny.”

“Are you saying I’m full of schist?

“Stop it.”

“Maybe I’ve lost my marble?”

“Stop it.”

“You’ve got quite the boulder on your shoulder there Athena.”

“STOP IT!” She yells out loud, pointing a hoof at me, which causes all conversation to cease and all eyes turn towards her as I smile once more. She slaps both hooves over her mouth and looks back at the observing company.

“Somethin’ wrong there Athena?” Applejack’s eyeing me as she questions the quiet Pegasus.

“No, nothing, just uh..all the waiting for the Gala, you know.” She gives a weak smile, remembering Twilight told them both that it’s not polite to leave others out of a conversation.

“You sure?” I am studiously avoiding looking at Applejack, staring out the window for a moment as she interrogates Athena.

“Positive, just excited!”

“Alright then.” The conversation picks up once more after everypony makes sure nothing is wrong, concerned about her for the moment. I just shake my head before getting hit on the shoulder, a voice whispering in my ear.

“You quit pickin’ on your sister, it ain’t nice.”

“I am not..” Those eyes tell me that she knows I was being malicious, “Fine, I’ll stop.”

“What were you doin’?”

“Talking about rocks.” I give her a disarming smile.

“Twilight’s right, you both are weird sometimes.”

“Yes, yes we are.”


Arriving at the Gala is somewhat of an experience in itself, carriages are awaiting to take us all to the ballroom, and it’s quite a line of them as they haul off guests then returning empty for another load. They are very ostentatious, but of course this being the formal event of the year, it’s to be expected.

The gowns that Rarity designed show off their splendor in the evening light, street lamps are lit, the flames making falling shadows among the dark fabric, Rarity’s usual gems added to them only make the ensembles stand out even more.

Even Rainbow Dash, notorious scoffer and refuser of dressing up is walking proudly, showing off her flowing drape; the lines complimenting her slim body perfectly, the stars in her mane glittering along with those on the dress itself. Each of them a constellation of colors, done up by Rarity in their manes that flow down into the dresses seamlessly, making star fields of the six ladies.

Maud had refused of course, but she did dress up, which for her from what I understand was a major improvement. A simple dress Rarity made in no time, but quite nice to look at on her.

As we all sit in the carriage, the Unicorn is fussing over last minute things. The Crusaders, boisterous as usual, are getting adjustments to their bright outfits, the older mares the only ones in darker shades. It only takes a few moments to arrive at the edifice they call a ball room, more like a temple in the old world sense, columns and slabs of polished marble everywhere, gleaming in the soft street lights.

They are not at all somber, the outfits showing a distinct contrast to most of the other bright dress folks are wearing, making them all stand out in the crowd as they exit the carriage to gasps and pointing hooves.

I do admit, the Unicorn is an absolute genius when it comes to things like this. As the mares move to enter the ballroom, the starlike gems on their dresses wink and sparkle like real ones, coming together to make a wonderful light show, reminding me of the bodysuit she’d made Vinyl for her contest.

These creations have outdone that by leagues, in singular they all look incredible, but when standing close to each other, walking down the carpet to the entrance, they take the appearance of a dream come to life.

A smiling Twilight comes running down the steps, greeting her friends and completing the entire look by standing close to the others as she leads them in. She’s excitedly talking about how Luna had come to the ball to see what Rarity had made that was garnering such interest from Celestia, as the Unicorn refused to say anything at all about her designs.

The funny thing is, there are no black in the outfits, none. It is all done is soft velvet blues, indigo and other darker colors, blended so they can look like a night sky but lighter and cheerier. They are without a doubt something wonderful.

The diarchs stood at the entryway greeting guests, taking the time to make a personal comment or two before the ponies moved on into the ballroom or the dining area. Tables were set with satin cloths, food being served by servants of the castle.

Celestia was brilliantly attired in a red drape, flowing over her back and to the floor, it contrasted perfectly with her alabaster coat. She was smiling and nodding to an older couple who returned the gesture, waving as they proceeded into the celebration. The dress as warm and bright as she herself, the curls and whorls of silks a compliment to her whole body.

Luna was standing quietly at her side, a soft velvet dress surrounding her lean body as it too flowed over her back, covering her tail and dropping to the carpeted area in a myriad of satins and silks. She looked happy, grinning and laughing at a joke told to her by Celestia as the merry atmosphere charged us all with good humor and delight.

“Stop fidgeting with the ascot.” Athena is whispering to me as we get closer to the receiving area.

“I don’t like ties or ascots, but Rarity insisted.”

She stops walking, turning towards me and adjusting it so the cloth sits correctly with the rest of my uniform jacket, “There, now stoppit.”

“Thank you.”

The line proceeds until Luna catches sight of the seven mares dressed to kill, flowing gowns trailing behind them in a whirlwind of stars and pinpoint gems that outshine even the brightest day. They bow politely, even Twilight, and greet the two royal sisters.

The dark mare steps close, eyeing the gowns and looking happy at something that so brilliantly illustrates the night that is so precious to her. She is wearing a tiara that is not the usual regalia, being made by Rarity and sent to her a while ago, she now is showing it off to the mass of ponies who crowd the rooms and outside on the terraces.

“What wonderful dresses!” She walks around the seven who are the center of attention, dressed darkly but cheerfully, lit up by the lights in the ballroom. Rarity is about to fall over in delight, seeing her design worn by a Princess and the comments made about her creations.

“I call it, ‘The Night Ensemble’ Your highness!” Rarity smiles.

“Wait," Rainbow turns to eye the Unicorn, “I thought it was the Midnight Collection?”

“She told me it was the ‘Princess of the Night’ set.” Applejack is pointing out to Rainbow as the others join in, having been told different names at different times as Rarity had completed each dress. They all turn to look at the unabashed Unicorn.

“I’m allowed to change the name anytime I want!” She lifts her nose with a huff.

“Not every five minutes Rarity, yeesh.” This garners a giggle from the two sisters.

“Regardless, I think it is truly splendid, and I thank you Miss Rarity, your skills are beyond reproach.” Luna smiles brightly, stepping back beside her sister as Fluttershy and Pinkie grab Rarity who is all aflutter with glee.

“Come on Miss Fashion Pony, let’s get ya inside.” Applejack is leading the two who take her away before she can start going on about dresses and designing, leaving Twilight, Rainbow and ourselves standing in the line still.

“Well I think they look quite lovely.” Celestia offers up, “They do make things different.”

“She’ll be happy about that for the next six months Celestia,” Twilight laughs, knowing Rarity as she does, “I’ll make sure she gets the compliment.”

“I heard it already!” A lilting voice comes drifting back from the group dragging her off.

Twilight sighs with a hoof to the forehead.

The two sisters laugh, Celestia gesturing with a wing, “She is as she will always be Twilight, come join us to greet the guests.” She motions to her side opposite Luna, the younger Alicorn hopping into place with a smile.

The taller Alicorn turns her warm gaze on the quiet Pegasus, “Athena, you are looking splendid this evening.” They get a blushing smile in return as the she looks at them.

“Thank you.”

“Crusader, you’re quite dashing in that uniform, but it’s unfamiliar to me.” Princess Luna is looking closely at the medals and badges.

“A Concordiat Officers’ Dress Uniform Your Highness, I thought it appropriate.”

Pointing at the glittering rows, she asks, “What are all these?”

Before he can answer, Rainbow pipes up, smiling and nudging him, “Those are battle awards!” She points a hoof, “Eight hundred and fifty-five of ‘em!”

She ponders that for a moment, moving to point at the other side of his chest where a few gems hang from ribbons, gold and platinum medallions in a swarm, “And those?”

“Valor and service Your Highness.” He doesn’t elaborate, not wanting to seem boastful, but that’s taken away quick enough.

Athena chimes in, “Don’t let him fool you, those are some of the highest awards the Concordiat could give, I think they ran out with him.”

“Please don’t Athena, there were more highly decorated Bolos than myself.”

A hoof is waved airily, tossing his comment away “Yeah but they were jerks.”

He looks at Athena with a glint in his eye, “Shall I tell them of all your awards?”

This gets a reaction as she shrinks slightly, looking for something to hide behind and blushing furiously, “N..no..”

The two royal sisters get a sparkle in their own eyes, “Oh really? Your sister is quite the warrior?” They already know this, but absolutely cannot pass a chance up to be mischievous, especially on a night like this.

“Very much so, Athena and her sister were awarded for valor three times in a single battle.” Oh yes, I am going to help them.

“Well,” Princess Luna looks at the blushing Pegasus with warm eyes, “Our shy Athena has such bravery inside her then. One couldn’t tell by the way she scarfs down cupcakes from what I hear.”

“Perhaps we shall award her for courage in the face of baked goods sister, what say you?” She turns to Celestia, who is hiding a giggle behind a hoof.

The taller mare tries to nod solemnly, watching the embarrassed pony in front of them, “Most assuredly, I believe they tremble in fear at her approach.”

Athena tries to say something but is at a loss as the two sisters laugh brightly, Luna tapping her shoulder with a hoof, “ ‘Tis all in good fun, you are brave enough in my eyes. Enjoy the Gala, you deserve it.” She nods, stepping back in place beside a smiling Celestia who tilts her head in agreement.

Twilight chuckles, giving a smile to her friend as Rainbow leads her off to the ballroom where others are gathering. I follow along, not having been asked to stay and chat as the line behind us gets longer; more guests arriving each minute, being announced by the Herald of the Court in proper fashion.

Celestia looks to the younger Alicorn, “I must say, it's been very nice having you take over some of the planning responsibilities for this year's Gala.”

Twilight grins, “Anything I can do to make it easier for you.”

The tall mare nods, looking at the happy gathering, “Thank you, Twilight. I am quite looking forward to just enjoying the Gala for once.”

I find a place away from the crowd to sit and watch. It’s amazing what is here, a simple quartet for music, decorations, and everyone dressed in the finest outfits they can afford or find. Different from typical human ceremonies like this, which were inevitably about who is better at what and showing off the latest medal/story or something of the sort, jostling for position amongst their peers.

Although, there are some who remind me of long ago, vain, egotistical, there is always...

“I assume you’re wearing that uniform for a reason?” The voice is very snobbish sounding as I turn to look at who is addressing me.

...someone who sticks their nose in everywhere.

A white unicorn with a disdainful look on his face is staring at me, sniffing lightly he seems full of himself. I run an ID check and come up empty, somepony new I suppose.

“I am, Princess Celestia has designated me the commander for the First Equestrian Armored Regiment. This is the formal attire of such an officer.”

“Oh yes...you.” He peers closely at my chest, “I assume those are for decoration?” Referring to the battle decorations.

“Not really. They are for my participation in major battles.”

“You couldn’t possibly have all those, Equestria has been at peace for years.” His voice is disdainful, but I remind myself that it is a time of cheer and so remain calm.

“They are from when I was in service with the Concordiat, I assure you they all are real.” I notice Applejack coming over, wondering what’s going on as she settles in a seat next to me. She looks wonderful, a starfall from her mane accents her coat and eyes perfectly.

“And exactly how many...”

“Eight hundred and fifty-five.” Why is it that everyone has to ask how many? It’s slightly embarrassing, but I do let this slide as I see this Unicorn choke a bit on the drink he is holding in a magical aura, sipping from the cup.

“Battle awards?”

“Not counting skirmishes, ship-to-ship, bombardments and picket duties, or border actions.” Applejack takes my hoof in her grip, holding on as she snuggles close, giving a grin to this unknown pony.

“Satisfied yet?” Her voice is soft but taunting, she knows this pony.

She is ignored as a imperious hoof points to the other side, “What are those?”

“Valor and service medals. Why are you so interested may I ask?”

He gives another sniff and walks off without a further word, eliciting a giggle from Applejack who talks in a low voice, “That’s Prince Blueblood, Rarity had an awful crush on him until she found out he was more of a snob than most Canterlot types.”

Adding him to my ID file I nod, “So he wasn’t all she expected?”

Laughing as she takes a drink from a wine glass, “Oh no, definitely crushed those dreams into powder.”

She tells me further about what had happened to the Unicorn we both know. I am shocked, Rarity is generous to a fault and was treated that badly, it makes one wonder.

“Doncha worry none sugar, she’s not makin’ that mistake ever again.” She tugs my leg, leading us to the dance floor. She smiles once more, her mane sparkling in the lamp light, “C’mon now, have to show ya off to all them mares been eyeing ya since you walked in.” Laughing, she makes sure to let me know she’s joking as I look around.


Athena watched Crusader and Applejack dance, smiling to herself as she stood near Rainbow at the table where they both picked up mugs of sweet drink, something sugary for them both to start the night right up.

“Ohmygosh! There’s Spitfire! I’ll be right back!” She runs off after setting down her drink, heading for a group of ponies in military style dress, leaving Athena by herself for the moment.

She looks over to see Fluttershy talking to her friend, who she still thought was not in her right mind, but each to their own.

“I’m sure a beautiful mare like yourself would prefer to be seen with somepony of status.” A not so smooth voice says from beside her, making Athena turn to look at a white Unicorn smiling at her. “Not some want to be Wonderbolt.”

Raising one eyebrow, the sable mare shakes her head, “Not interested, but thanks for the compliment.” Her smile is warm. See? I can be polite and gracious and...

“Oh certainly you wouldn’t turn down an offer to dance from a Prince now would you?” The Unicorn puffs his chest out inside a tailored jacket, looking at her expectantly.


The lavender eyes settle one him for a moment as she interrogates her files, noticing the update from Crusader pinning him with an ID. Ohhhhkay.... Can’t hit him, no hitting.

“Yes, I can.” Athena’s smile never changes, but her eyes turn steely. He’s oblivious, “After the way you treated my brother, oh yes I can.”

“Your brother?”

She lazily points to where Crusader is dancing with Applejack, both of them laughing at something and talking happily.

“That is your brother?” The Prince looks slightly nervous now.

“Yep, I’m Athena, nice to meet you.” The look on his face is priceless, probably heard of the action in Manehatten, and is most likely making him reconsider his offer she thought. This is a fun dance, really fun, I am so glad I got invited tonight.

He excuses himself and wanders off to bother a group of mares standing near the buffet table as she snickers behind a hoof.

“What’s so funny?” Rainbow is right beside her, watching Blueblood walk away in a hurry, returning from a quick visit with her favorite Wonderbolts.

The cyan mare almost falls over in hysterics when Athena tells her of what just happened, remembering when Rarity got treated so badly by the same pony.

“Good for you!” Rainbow raises a hoof as they both bump them together, and raising a glass of cider, “That’ll teach him!”


All heads turn as the Herald announces another guest, this one accompanied by...what is that? Athena is peering close at the two figures in the main entryway.

“Announcing the Spirit of Chaos, Discord and his guest, the..uh...” The Herald looks at the lanky figure, whispering quickly back and forth before turning once again to the audience, “The Smooze!”

“Good evening everypony! What a glorious affair!” Discord is smiling in his top hat and tails.

I can feel Crusader’s attention zeroing in as mine does, it is an amorphous shape that walks..no..oozes? In beside Discord, it has a top hat and bow tie on, though how is beyond me.

“What in Tartarus is that?” I know my voice sounds incredulous.

“I was about to ask you the same thing Athena, it looks to be some sort of..of...” I can feel him running his analytics hot, looking for the proper phrase, “I can’t describe it.”

“A Smooze?” I can’t help it, snarky away!

“I’ll go with that. I’ve never seen a life form like that, have you?”

I rummage through dusty files long unaccessed, “Nothing. I think we better be wary.”

“It’s with Discord, it bears...do you see that?”

We both see the green shape suck in the Herald’s trumpet, seeing it dissolve inside the blob.

The tall figure laughs, “He does have a yen for shiny things, the rascal.”

I see Crusader pinpoint it, marking it as a possible threat. I agree, that thing comes near my dress I’m gonna go ballistic on it’s slimy butt, seeing it leaving a trail along the floor as it squelches along.

Rainbow and I both watch as Twilight has a hurried conversation with Discord, she’s not looking very pleased. I wouldn’t be either if someone brought something that looked like a bowl of snot in a hat to my party.

“What do you think she’s saying?” Rainbow is looking curious.

“Probably to keep that thing off the carpet.”

Rainbow snerks, looking at me with wide eyes as she laughs behind a hoof, slapping the table lightly as I realize what I just said.


She waves a hoof, “Don’t worry, that was funny!” laughing again, “Shoulda heard some of the comments Twilight made after being huma..” She slaps a hoof over her mouth as I look at her.

That comment trips so many triggers inside me I can‘t count, “After being what? What did you say?” She has my undivided attention now, something that sounded like ‘human’.”

“Uhh, nothing! How about some more cider?” She smiles weakly, running off with our mugs.

No, she did not just say ‘After being human’. There’s no possible way they could.. Have they been hiding something from us all this time? No, they wouldn’t do that, they’re our friends!

Looking over at one of the serving tables where she was headed, Rainbow has disappeared.



I replay the conversation for him, adding my thoughts. I can feel his attention sharpening. “Why would they not mention anything like this?”

“I don’t know.”

“That’s very odd.”

“This whole time they’ve been awfully blase’ about us mentioning humans Crusader, that’s been bothering me.”

“It has made me wonder, quite a lot. Though I did not question it.”

“She said, ‘....Twilight made after being huma..’, she didn’t finish that word. She was going to say ‘human’. A ninety-seven point four two eight statistical match on the word and pronunciation.” I let him see my view, “Now she’s run off, something’s not right here.”

“We will definitely think about a talk with them after this.”

“I think so, this is curious, do you think they already knew about humans?”

“If they did, they must have a good reason why they didn’t tell us.” I can feel his own curiosity at this little tidbit of information. “Tag this for priority processing, let the automatics take it and the files to look for correlations, if they’ve slipped up somewhere else we’ll find it.”

“What do we do if we find more?”

“We confront them, if they knew about humans before us, we need to know.” He processes for a split femtosecond, “Plus this thing about Twilight being a human.” One more pause, “Perhaps they were sworn to secrecy, that I can understand.”

“I did, a spell maybe? Perhaps a test of something?” I’m trying to find anything that would justify them not telling us.

“I don’t know. I would be disappointed if they had kept secrets from us after all we’ve been through. Regardless, we will ask if anything comes up in the files we have.”

“I would be as well, let’s not mention a thing about it.”

“Act as always.”

Athena sat down near a table, leaning on it with an elbow as she thought. Twilight was her very best friend, she was everything to her, she wouldn’t lie to me would she? No, if she did she had a good reason, she had to have one.

Her lavender eyes looked around, either way Rainbow is in for it, for running off AND taking my mug of cider with her! A flash of multi-colored mane drew her attention, spotting the mare next to Rarity for a moment, talking about something. Athena got up and trotted towards her when Rainbow caught sight of her, eyes going wide before she ran off towards an open door.

Oh no you don’t! Bringing up the comms Athena’s voice was staid, “Stop right there Rainbow!” She saw the startled look as the cyan mare turned to see her making the distance lessen at a good pace, “Don’t you dare take one more step!”

Rubbing a fore leg over the other, she stands there waiting until Athena catches up.

“What’s the deal with you running off and not coming back with the drink you promised?” The sable mare gives her a disarming smile, “That’s not very polite you know.”

“Oh!” Athena can literally see the relief flowing through the slim body, “I got..uh.. distracted, I’m really sorry!”

“No worries, want to go get another, they’ve got some really good stuff over there!” She points with a hoof, smiling at Rainbow, “C’mon, let’s go have fun.” Two can play the innocent game, it’s very very easy.

Rainbow nods, her look telling Athena she’s glad not to be questioned any further about her little comment earlier, chattering happily as they approach the drinks table on the other side of the hall. She stops though, pointing, “Hey, that thing’s heading outside.”

They both look to see the green..thing..heading right for a few mares who are dripping with jewelry, it’s got an expression like a hungry predator.

“Uh oh, I think it’s going for shiny stuff.” Athena is already heading for it, followed by Rainbow. “I don’t know if that thing is friendly or..” The pony screams as the jewelry it’s wearing gets vacuumed off in one fell swoop by the blob.

“Oh wow..that sucks!” Rainbow snerks, snickering behind a hoof, making Athena stop and laugh, swatting at her friend.

“Stop that!”

“What?” She’s snickering harder now, “It’s true! It’s slurping the gems right off that pony!”

Athena looks at a grinning Rainbow, “I swear, you really do have a dirty..” Another pony screams at the blob taking their gems.

“We better go help.” Rainbow is trying not to laugh, “C’mon Athena.” She leads the way, heading for a mare that’s swatting at the green thing, yelling at it to give her jewelry back.

“Hey!” Athena is saying loudly to the blob, “Stop that right now and give those gems back!”

Rainbow is standing right beside her, the ‘I’m ready for combat’ look on her face as she nods in agreement.

The..blob just looks? ...at them, smiling weirdly and slurping it’s lips as they get closer. Athena’s not having any of this.

“I said give those gems back, they’re not yours.” She’s eyeing it, analyzing methods of attack and defense as she readies herself. “Now spit them out!”

After a moment of rumbling, a loud burp, and a few squelches, a pile of slimy gems lands at their hooves as it trundles off to someplace else, leaving behind a trail of ooze.

“Oh that is so disgusting.” Rainbow is pushing a hoof at the pile of jewelry. The two mares come over, finding their particular sets carefully and thanking the two mares for their help from the blob. They summon servants to help them clean whatever it is off the gems.

“That was really bad.”

Discord walks out and grabs The Smooze, seeing the two mares and a pile of gelatinous covered gems, smiling a bit as he holds his friend in place, “Oh, I see Smooze was just mingling!”

“Mingling? That what you call stealing things?” Athena’s not happy, Rainbow is wiping a hoof on a nearby napkin disgustedly.

“Oh he’s just being friendly is all, aren’t you Smoozey?” The thing gives a strange smile at the Spirit of Chaos.

“You might want to keep better control of him,” Rainbow is adding, “Twilight’s not going to be happy he’s doing that.”

“Oh pish posh! He’s just getting to know everypony!” A snaggle-toothed grin appears, “It’ll be fine! Stop your worrying!” With that, there is a magic poof and they are both gone.

“That thing is trouble.” Rainbow nods, agreeing with her.

“Well forget it for now,” The cyan pegasus tugs her leg, “Let’s go dance, we got tons of time tonight! Let somepony else worry about it.”

Athena gives one last look around, accompanying Rainbow back inside, “Yeah, let’s have some fun!”


“We made it to the Gala! We made it to the Gala!” The three fillies prance along as they look at the sights, hearing the sounds of the biggest event of the year. They are enjoying every minute, parading around in dresses made especially for them.

Applejack sniffs a bit, looking from side to side before rubbing her nose, seeing Crusader eyeing her for a moment, “What? Can’t be proud of mah little sister?”

“You usually don’t show things on the outside.”

“Well...true, but still, seeing Apple Bloom growin’ up an all.” She rubs her nose, watching them wander off into the ballroom.

“It had to happen eventually.”

“Ah know, ah know, but I can hope she doesn’t grow up too fast now can’t I?”

“Of course. I think you’re allowed.”

Watching the farm mare for a moment, her eyes are watching the three throughout the ballroom. I decide to lighten the mood, “Let me tell you a story.” She swings her head my way, listening to me tell her about the time Athena, her sister and I got involved in a blow up caused by misunderstanding.

Liaisons among commanders were fairly common, however, they were frowned upon when another was married. A Bolo commander in the regiment was sneaking around with another of the Bolo officers, this led to the wife suspecting someone else who was not even involved. But due to the intensity of the interest, that same Bolo commander started wondering why the other’s wife didn’t like her, so started to eavesdrop using her Mark XXVIII’s ECM Suite.

This perforce led to her finding out that her boyfriend, another regimental officer, was seeing another woman as well on the side. The boyfriend was using his Bolo’s ECM Suite to tap into comms from his other girlfriend, which led to more Bolo’s being involved by listening in to private and regimental communications. It quickly gathered force as more and more officers were found out to be doing things that weren’t quite allowed in the relationship department, each of them deciding since they had powerful methods at their disposal, they would find out what was going on.

However, none of the Bolos involved were allowed to tell each other what they were doing, only hearing one side of the story and loyal as Bolo’s will forever be, they increased the efficiency of eavesdropping to help their beleagured officers. Regimental Comms were tapped, so were private and cryptoed emails and voice, this led to the entire regiment of Bolo’s reaching out to every single communications network on the whole planet while in laager, nothing was out of sight as they worked hard to find out information for their commanders. Bolos are sneaky, and when we wish to be, damn near invisible.

Eventually a communications network technician noticed that every single phone call on up was being listened to by an unknown source, which happened to be the entire regiment of Bolos. Every single database and line on the planet was being drained of information, which caused an alert to go out as a possible prelude to an alien assault.

This revelation of course sent Concordiat Command into a near insane tizzy, as this shipping nexus was on a scale of trillions of tons per day of military and civilian supplies and ships.

Four full regiments of the latest Bolos were shipped in to help with security. Three entire Task Forces of Naval Heavy Cruisers were posted for a possible attack, along every planetoid and planet in the area were hordes of armored vehicles and Marines waiting to kill anything that showed up on their scanners. The offending regiment didn’t realize that this was being caused by their listening to all the communications, just knowing it was an alert, typical compartmentalized information.

The entire Concordiat was dumping huge reserves into the surrounding systems to protect them when Athena and Hera got involved.

Marcus had tasked them to find out where the source had started, wanting to know if it was a network of spies or infiltrators that were planning on sabotage before the attack.

They contacted me and I helped them start tracking, only realizing after a few days that we were trailing other Bolos. The three of us and our commanders were stunned to find out after that, that it was an entire regiment of Bolos listening in to everything at their commanders behest. We also found out that most of the officers and others involved were lying to spouses and significant others while cheating on them, a soap opera of massive proportions.

When Marcus informed the Inspector General, who had assigned him the task, he and Athena, Hera, I and my commander were put immediately into lockdown, no comms in or out for six months. During that time, and I do have to say I admired the efficiency with which Command covered it all up; all officers of that regiment and some of the more over-enthusiastic Bolos were immediately transferred out, the cover story being a redeployment. The resources dumped into the system and surrounding areas was told to be a ‘Reinforcement’ of critical areas, which actually necessitated a rethinking of overall strategy for the entire quadrant of space.

All Bolos were henceforth issued direct orders that we were never to tap comms unless in battle or an extreme need to do so, infidelity not counting. Athena, her sister and I were specifically ordered never to say anything about what we had found.

Except for Marcus and my commander, who were reprimanded for watching cartoons on duty while we three did the tracking.

I’ve never seen Applejack laugh that hard in a while, Athena and Rainbow, Pinkie and the others, Fluttershy and her friend as well. I explained it in more basic terms, but they got the gist of it.

“Ah can’t believe that, that’s so not true!” Applejack is pushing my shoulder, grinning at the whole thing.

“Believe it,” Athena adds in, “That whole fiasco...” She’s interrupted when Discord pops in, laughing somewhat oddly as the others are still chuckling.

Tree Hugger looks at him placidly, “What’s so funny?”

“Exactly!” He grins as the rest of us look at each other.

Applejack tugs me away to get something to eat as Rainbow does the same with Athena, leaving Fluttershy and her friend along with Discord. The tension is getting a bit thick for some folks and they really don’t wish to deal with it.

“Ah don’t know what Discord’s up to, but he sure is acting more weird than usual.” She watches the conversation from our vantage point at a table.

“I think he’s upset she didn’t invite him to the Gala, but took Tree Hugger.” Strangely I find myself wanting to laugh when I say that, though I tamp it down.

“Really? How’d you find out?”

I explain to her our conversation and how I think he doesn’t particularly like Fluttershy’s friend.

“Well that explains it, wish Fluttershy would quit being so nice and let him know he’s acting badly.”

“It’s up to her, I’m sure it will all be solved.”

“Let’s hope, wouldn’t want that goofy Discord going all Nightmare Moon on us.” She gestures as we head out to the night air on a terrace.

A banging on the large door leading outside, Rarity’s voice is hapless as she’s screaming, “Let me in! Let me in!”

A magic user unlocks the door, and a disheveled Unicorn flops onto the floor, picking herself up exasperatedly, “That creature took my jewels!” She’s right, every one of the gems on her outfit are gone, she’s covered in a glistening slime.

Twilight is looking furious as she wings in, “Discord! I thought I told you to keep your friend under control!”

The tall figure laughs, waving away the protestations, “Oh, please. I have better things to do than to watch that thing all night!” He gives a nervous laugh, looking around for a moment, “What I mean to say is, that thing is a dear, dear friend, and I’ll make sure that the ooze..uh.. that he can’t help but secrete doesn’t get on anypony else.”

A snap of his fingers and a vacuum appears, sucking up Rarity’s dress as she looks aghast, sneaking off to find some clothing somewhere.

Twilight eyes him for a moment, “Thank you.” Turning to the watching crowd, “It’s alright everypony. Let’s just get back to enjoying this magical evening.”

Athena watches as Rarity shows up in another outfit, the Unicorn giving her a wink, “Always have a backup dear.”

She feels an internal nudge from Crusader, both of them watching Discord locking his...friend.. into a room and walking away.

“Yeah, it’s an ooze, it’ll probably seep out from under the door.”

He doesn’t say anything for a moment, “As strange as this may sound, he’s treating his supposed ‘friend’ very badly.”

“Jealousy does that.”

“Sad to say, yes.”

Feedback from a speaker garners everyone’s attention, seeing Discord up on a stage holding a microphone.

“Check, check, check. Is this thing on? Good evening fillies and germs! I just flew into Canterlot and wow are my interspecies parts tired!” A rimshot followed by silence falls over the crowd.

Athena’s standing next to Twilight and Princess Celestia, finding herself laughing out loud, getting a look from Twilight.

“Oh c’mon, that wasn’t funny.” She’s staring at the sable pegasus.

“Are you kidding? That joke was old and tired when I was in service, even Bolos groaned at it!” This gets a laugh from Twilight and Celestia who understand what she’s talking about.

It also gets a glare from Discord up on stage, who clears his throat, “Well, seems somepony thinks my jokes are old and tired.”

“Not just the jokes.” Maud actually adds in with a deadpan voice, getting more laughs.

“Good one Maud!” Pinkie hugs her sister.

He recovers albeit slowly, “But hey! I’ve only got these mismatched wings, but even I can fly better than Twilight Sparkle! Am I right? Pchoo!” Another rimshot to dead silence.

Twilight looks offended, “Hey!”

Athena giggles again, “Keep your day job Discord.” This gets quite a few loud laughs now, even Twilight is stifling a chuckle along with Celestia.

The mismatched figure laughs nervously, “Well perhaps you’re into more observational humor.” He leans over the stage, “Did you ever notice how you always materialize out of thin air? Why not thick air? What’s the deal there?” Another rimshot, more silence, a few coughs here and there.

Athena leans over to Twilight, “Hear about the military accident?” She almost laughs at Twilight’s shocked expression.

“No! What happened?”

“A Royal Guard stepped on a bag of popcorn and crushed two kernels.” Athena smiles, waiting for them to....

Celestia actually laughs, laughs so loudly that the ponies turn around to look at her, Twilight is still thinking for a moment when it hits her and she joins in giggling with Princess Luna who got the bad pun as well.

“Athena, that was the worst joke...”

“Oh come on it was better than Discord’s!” She sees Applejack laughing after hearing it. “See? Funny!”

Discord is still trying to do his routine, which in all honesty is not very good for a supposed spirit of chaos. “You know, you might be a Ponyville pony when an ordinary night on the town ends in a lesson about friendship!” Another silence, this isn’t going too well.

Athena leans over once more, nudging Pinkie, “Hey, what do clams do on their birthday?”

The blue eyes turn to Athena, the pink mare taps her chin while she thinks, “I dunno.”


Pinkie stares at her for a moment, then snorts, letting out a flurry of giggles as she slaps the floor laughing.

Twilight is snickering along with them, “That was awful!”

Athena points a hoof, “Got you laughing!”

“That’s ‘cause it was so bad!” Twilight is looking at Celestia and Luna smiling behind polite hooves. “Even Pinkie’s jokes are better.”

The named mare snickers, “I dunno, I thought it was pretty good.”

Twilight sighs, “Only you Pinkie.”

Athena looks up on the stage where Discord is failing, actually starting to feel sorry for the mismatched figure as he tries to come across as a comedian, telling one joke after another. She tries to think of a way to help actually, even though he’s doing this because of a unwarranted jealousy of Fluttershy’s new friend, it doesn’t mean he has to look bad. Athena herself knows what it’s like, to lose your pride, your sense of self, to have it all torn away.

It’s concerning her as she can’t quite think of something simple, until Discord says...

“Knock knock!”

She knows this one! Leaning on the stage with her fore hooves she grins up at him, “Who’s there?”

His eyes show surprise at seeing her smiling face, saving him a little pride, “Orange.”

Athena’s grin gets bigger, “Orange who?”

“Orange you going to let me in?” Another rimshot, this time to groans from the audience as some giggles are finally let loose. Athena gets a wink from Discord as he prepares to say something else.

Looking up at the less nervous figure, Athena cracks another smile, “Hey Discord, who’s on first?” She takes a chance, he can’t possibly know this, it’s from so long ago it was ancient when she was young. Baseball was on Old Earth long ago, could it possibly...

The eyes zero in on her soft voice as a smile washes over the snaggle-toothed face, his voice answering back, “That’s right!” Confusing everypony around them as Athena jumps on stage, looking out at a gathering crowd, she grins, seeing Pinkie following intently for some reason.

She looks at the Spirit of Chaos, “No, who’s on first base.”

Discord laughs, “Exactly!”

Athena fakes a disgusted look, “No, I’m asking who’s the pony on first base!”

“That’s the pony!” He knows, he knows it! The wink is sly from his eye away from the crowd.

Stamping a hoof she looks at her partner in crime, “Look, you got a first base pony?


“Who is it?”

“That’s right!”

Athena does it it so well, she looks absolutely furious, “Look, all I’m asking is what’s the pony’s name on first base.”

Discord straight lines her, “No. What’s on second base.”

“I’m not asking you who’s on second!”

“Who’s on first.”

“One base at a time!”

“Well don’t change the players names then!”

Pinkie has it, she’s laughing so hard right now she can barely stand, leaning against Maud who is actually cracking a smile as well, her mane is bobbing in delight hearing something like this for the first time. Twilight’s trying to keep up and it’s slowly dawning on her what’s really going on as Athena and Discord keep up the skit.

Ponies are trying to keep up with the banter as it flies back and forth, confusing and hilarious all at once as Athena plays the straight mare, trying to find out who’s on first.

“Look...” Athena is saying, “What’s the pony’s name on first base?”


“First base.”


“That’s what I’m asking! What’s the pony’s name on first base!”

“What’s on second.”

“I don’t know!” Athena is looking exasperated.

“Oh he’s on third.” Discord gives a huge grin, ponies are laughing uproariously now, finally getting the gist of the conversation.

“How did we get to third?”

“You mentioned his name.” Discord is agreeable sounding, a normal conversational tone.

“If I mentioned his name, then who’s on third?”

“No. Who’s playing first.”

Athena shakes her head, “What’s on first?”

“What’s on second.”

“I don’t know!”

“He’s on third.”

“There I go back on third again!” She looks out at the laughing audience with another disgusted face. It’s working, ponies are enjoying the sketch as she sees Princess Luna and Celestia laughing out loud at their impromptu put on.

She turns back to her partner, “Would you just stay on third base and not go off it?”

Discord has a bat appear in his hands, swinging it gently with a baseball cap on his head, “What do you want to know?”

The sable pegasus appears to think for a moment, “Okay... Now, who’s playing third base?”

“Why do you insist on putting Who on third?”

“What am I putting on third?”

“No what’s on second.”

Athena stares, “You don’t want who on second?”

“Who is on first.”

She stamps a hoof, “I don’t know!”

They pause, gesturing together, “Third base!”

Athena is trying not to laugh out loud as they continue, it’s fun, light-hearted and silly. She can see Crusader smiling at her, nodding slightly with approval as she helps Discord and make ponies laugh at the same time. It’s different, she’s not forced into a circumstance, but wants to do this, and that makes it all the better.

She stamps a hoof once more as they pause, “Okay, you got an outfield?”

“Sure!” Discord is swinging his bat.

“The left fielder’s name?”


“Well I thought I’d ask.” She scuffs a hoof on the stage.

“And I thought I’d tell you.”

“Then tell me who’s playing left field.”

“Who’s playing first.”

“I’m not...” She looks furious again, “Stay out of the infield! I want to know what’s the pony’s name in left field.”

“Noooo, What is on second.” Discord is grinning.

“I’m not asking you who’s on second!”

“Who’s on first.”

“I don’t know!”

They’re shocked as this time the entire crowd yells with them “Third base!” The gathered audience breaking into peals of laughter as the ponies catch up with the entire thing, waiting for more as the merriment spreads.


I watch Athena doing a routine from ages past, harmless and fun it is something she can share. I know she does it because of the embarrassment she saw in Discord’s face, and no matter the reason why he was doing what he did, her good heart wouldn’t let him suffer.

It’s almost becoming cliche’ as I think how proud I am of her and what she does for others.

My eye is caught though, a small filly trembling as she stands staring at the door where previously Discord had locked in his erstwhile companion for the evening. I’m not quite sure why, but it appears as if something is going on inside that room, the aperture seems to be straining at the hinges.

Walking past her, I step close to the portal, leaning in and listening for a moment, liquid sounds are prevalent as well as an intense sloshing of the same. Like the room is quite....full....

Oh no.

Applejack wanders over as I press both hooves against the bulging door, pushing back with more and more energy, trying to keep the heavy gate closed. My back hooves are digging into the stone floor, trying to get a grip as I am pushed away slightly.

“What’s goin’ on?”

“Something is about to break this door, the room behind it is full of liquid, you may want to run.”

“What?” Her eyes go wide, looking at me as if I am talking nonsense, when the door groans, straining against the frame.

“Oh stars!” She turns to run off and warn others when the door busts off it’s hinges, a tide of green slime pouring out of it, catching her and I in the initial burst. She let’s out a yell as we are both washed away in the ensuing tidal wave of...ooze..

It’s hard to see through the green haze, but ponies are scrambling for cover, or at least hopping onto tables to get away from the rolling tide of green stuff. I didn’t even think to use my screens and so am covered in a viscous fluid that is seriously disgusting.

Just when you think life really can’t get any weirder.


In the middle of their skit, Athena sees the door bust open, preceding a roiling mass of fluid pouring out from the room Discord had locked his friend in. Jumping straight up, she clings to a scaffolding holding a few lights for the stage as her former comedy partner cackles merrily.

Ponies are pretty much doing what ponies do, screaming and running a lot.

She watches Twilight try to cast a spell against the encroaching stuff, having no luck.

“None of my magic works on this ooze! Can you stop it?” She’s pleading with Celestia beside her as Luna looks absolutely furious, standing in a pool of green liquid, her own and Celestia’s magic fails at any attempt to stop it from spreading. Ponies are stuck to the walls and windows by the gluey substance, it’s actually pretty gross.

“I’m afraid not!” Celestia’s voice is actually showing a slight amount of panic as her magic doesn’t do a thing against the waves of stuff.

Rainbow Dash is trying to take off, pinned to the ground by sticky stuff and splattering back into it when she rubberbands back from trying to fly, “Oh come on!”

Twilight is furious, “Discord how could you bring him here?!”

A taloned hand waves as he walks above the mass of liquid, “Oh he’s not that bad!”

Athena is hanging by a thread above the green covered stage, her hooves are slipping as she tries to get a better hold, “Not that bad? He’s everywhere!” No, nonono I will not fall into that!

Rarity is looking like she’s going to burst into tears, “Oh, my shoes will be ruined forever!”

“That’s what you’re worried about, really?” Applejack’s tone is not pleased.

Tree Hugger’s voice is soft, “This is kind of a bummer.”

Discord looks malicious, “Isn’t it though?” He peers at Fluttershy, “And to think, it wouldn’t have happened if I had come to the Gala as somepony else’s plus-one.”

Tree Hugger is non-plussed, “Seems like something has harshed his flow you know? Like, his senses are agitated.” She’s upside down on one window, hanging near Fluttershy.

Discord makes a dismissive noise, “You don’t know anything about rare creatures. I’ve known Smooze Face for ages. He’s not agitated, he’s partying down! Whoo!” Discord dances above the floating ponies.

The dreadlocked pony keeps talking, “All he needs is some, like, calming auditory therapy. I know I always feel really at peace when I’m bathed in positive vibes. Maybe he’ll calm down with some sonic bliss?”

Discord looks at her fiercely, “Do you even know what you just said?”

Athena is grabbing for purchase, thinking the same thing, sonic bliss? Oh for.. Oh NO!

Her hoof slips, she’s falling towards the pool below and snaps her battlescreen on, making a huge splash as the repellant field forces the green liquid away from her with a splashing explosion on nearby ponies from the wave created when she lands on her hooves..

Standing in a cleared space, she sees a heavily goop covered Twilight glaring at her

“Uh..” Athena backs away, covered in sparkling lines of force, smiling nervously, “Uhm..sorry?”

“Not all of us can do that Athena, good grief!” She’s wiping off her face with a hoof.

“But..but I like this dress!”

Rarity’s voice comes loud and clear, “At least somepony appreciates good fashion!”

“We know Rares, we know.” Applejack’s trying to pull a hoof free of the sticky liquid, giving her Unicorn friend a glare.

“Ooooommmmmmm, Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee...” Tree Hugger’s eyes are closed as she hums and whinnies.

“Let go Smooze! Bliss out! Ommmm Ee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee.”

The green slime bubbles happily at the sound of her voice, gathering itself together by draining off the floor and ponies as it becomes one very large blob.

Sweetie Belle is checking herself for remnants as she exclaims, “It worked!”

“Way to go Tree Hugger!” Rainbow Dash is hovering once more.

Fluttershy hugs her friend, “That was the most magical thing I’ve ever seen done with animals!”

Athena shut down her screen, thinking to herself, It’s not an animal, that’s kinda rude. She notices Discord not looking very happy at all.

“Oh thanks everypony, it makes perfect karmic sense magic doesn’t work on him. He only responds to vibrations that peace out his energy fields.” Tree Hugger is smiling softly.

The tall figure is angry, “Stop it! Stop it! That’s it, I’m done with you Tree Hugger!”

She’s not getting the threat as Athena tries to get closer, “Oh man. You’re really bumming me out. Can you just, like, lower your voice a skosh?

“A skosh? A skosh?” His taloned hand reaches back, clawing behind him opening a circular portal in mid air, lifting Tree Hugger up next to it.

“Uh oh” Applejack is nudging Crusader, pointing at the goings-on.

“Whoa dude, what is that?” Tree’s pointing at the dimensional rift.

“Relax Tree Hugger, I’m not going to hurt you, well...maybe just a bit.” He laughs maliciously, “I’m going to send you to another dimension, I can’t have you interfering in my relationship with Fluttershy anymore!”

Fluttershy is aghast, “Discord stop!”

He summons a tea cup, a look of disdain on his face, “I will as soon as she’s gone! Then we can have a good laugh about this whole affair over our regular Tuesday tea.” He sips from the cups, pinky finger extended of course.

Twilight gathers everypony, “Don’t worry Fluttershy, we’ll stop him!”

Discord turns the tea cup into a shimmering disco ball, attracting The Smooze’s attention and tossing it near the five mares. The blob goes after it, picking the friends up and taking them away as it flows after the shiny object. Yep, more screams.

“Oh c’mon Discord, knock that off!” Athena’s not feeling happy, barely avoiding another sliming, Crusader standing with her, “Just let her down.”

He leans towards both of us, eyes whirling in anger, “Don’t. Just don’t.” One talon points at our faces, making us both take a step back, our screens a hair away from being triggered.

Athena looks at Crusader, “Whoa, he’s really pis...”

“Athena.” He looks at me for a moment.


He turns back to his audience now, ponies watching him as he elaborates, “I’m doing her a favor Fluttershy. It’s a lovely dimension, white sand beaches, attentive wait staff... I mean okay, the humidity isn’t all that great, but where isn’t that the case these days?”

She’s hovering near him a plaintive look on her face, “I don’t understand why you’re doing this. We were all getting along so well!”

He gets right in her face, “As well as we could, considering you’ve already stomped all over our friendship by inviting her to the biggest night of the year as if I didn’t matter at all!

Fluttershy is actually talking louder than normal, “Did you really think I’d abandon you just because I have a new friend?”

“Yes, because that’s what you did!”

Fluttershy actually looks angry, “No, Discord! I invited a friend to a party! I didn’t abandon you! What if you had a friend that you could discuss chaos-based magic with? Would that mean we weren’t friends anymore?”

He looks confused for a moment, his eyes looking around as he thought quickly, “Uh...” He stutters for a second, “No, I suppose not. It would just mean that I’d have different friends for different things..” Now we can see the light dawning, “Oh, oh dear, it looks perhaps I’ve just overreacted a skosh.”

“More like a lot of skoshes!” She looks at the hanging mare, “Tree Hugger could you give us a minute?” Her friend shrugs politely.

Discord is looking unnerved, “I’m just so new at this whole friendship thing. It’s so much more complicated than it looks.”

The yellow mare looks furious, “Don’t you think maybe you owe somepony an apology?” She watches as Discord offers her a flower, “Not me!”

Athena nudges me with a grin, “Think somepony’s mad?”

“I believe so.”

“Well considering they’re both pretty oblivious sometimes..” Athena leaves the sentence unfinished.

“I think maybe a little more communication would have helped.”

“Ya think so? Sometimes it goes a bit far," Applejack is nodding as well.

Discord snaps his fingers, Tree Hugger falls onto a cushion which then disappears. He snaps once more, a pile of gold and gems shaped into jewelry appears then is gone, returning the Smooze to normal size.

He leans down to the placid pony, “Er, Tree Hugger, I’m sorry you got caught in the middle of my...er.. you know.. wrath.”

She pushes the lanky figure away as he hugs her, “Oh, it’s all groovy. Um, I need like a few minutes to clear out my chakras before I can hug you from a place of authenticity.”

The Spirit of Chaos chuckles, “Oh, your chakras, of course. Fair enough.”

Athena hears that and slaps my shoulder, laughing out loud, “I told you!” She snickers again, hitting the floor with a hoof, “Called it!”

“I know Athena, I know.”

She jumps on the stage, sitting quietly with a smug look on her face, “I love being right,” and promptly gets pushed over by Twilight who’s setting next to her.

“Hey!” She tilts over, stumbling around for a moment as Twilight grins at her.

Twilight laughs, “Friendship lesson, don’t get smug, trust me on that.” The lavender mare smiles as she helps Athena steady her hooves.

“G..got it.” The sable mare blushes as she gets a hug.

Discord is talking to his blobish friend, “I owe you an apology Smooze. I spent the whole evening thinking about my own feelings and never thinking about yours.”

The green pile of ooze smooches Discord, leaving a good amount of slime on his cheek.

Twilight looks at Athena, hiding behind her hoof, “Ugh.. eww...”

The Pegasus laughs behind her own hoof, snickering at the expression on the Princess’s face.

“Well friends!” Discord chuckles, “I think I may actually grow to like this multiple friend thing!”

Maud’s still deadpan as always, “I like it too.”

Pinkie’s bouncing around, “Hey, it’s not a party until somepony spreads magic-resistant ooze uncontrollably over the ballroom!” She squees before grabbing The Smooze, “Come on, Smoozinator! Let’s dance!”

It follows her off the stage and on to the dance floor, leaving behind a trail of liquid.

“Ya know, might wanna keep that thing from wandering too much, leavin’ that stuff everywhere.” Applejack is avoiding walking near the viscous liquid, “I mean..ew..”

Twilight is apologizing after approaching the Princess, “I’m so sorry Princess Celestia. I thought I could give you a break tonight, but it turns out I was in over my head.”

“You have nothing to apologize for. This has been the most fun Gala in years!”

Twilight nods, looking dejected, “I know, it was a--- What?” Her face gets a shocked look as she stares at the tall mare, “But there was ooze all over the place! And one of guests threatened to send somepony to another dimension!”

Celestia grins, wrapping a wing around Twilight for a moment, “I know!” She laughs, “Can you imagine how dull it would have been if I hadn’t invited Discord?” Pushing Twilight gently with her wing now, they step towards the dance floor, “Come on! Wooo! The night is still young!”

I think, sitting here for a moment, the word that most describes the taller Sister is incorrigible. I never thought to ask if she had something else planned when talking to her about Athena, though perhaps I should have. I wonder, would she have stepped in to stop Discord from sending another to a different dimension?

Or does she somehow know ahead of time how things will turn out, not trusting to blind luck? That piques my interest, especially since her earlier comment about how my sister has a bright future ahead of her. She and Luna command great powers, some unknown even to the nation as a whole, could she possibly see that far if at all?

I do wonder about it, even as Applejack and I are greeted warmly by Celestia and Luna’s officers, leading to a very nice talk with them about the state of the country.

But as we chat, I notice Discord talking with Athena for a moment off to the side, this concerns me to a great extent. Although he is ‘reformed’ as I have been told, the chaos he creates sometimes, wittingly or unwittingly, is still a source of displeasure for some folks.


“How did you even know that? That routine was ancient when I was born Discord.” Athena is questioning his knowledge of Old Earth’s past.

“It comes to me sometimes, like an open book I read and pass on.” He grins, waving a taloned claw in the air dramatically.

“So...the information is there, somewhere, and you can access it?”

“Precisely! Sometimes even I don’t know where it comes from, but it’s always fun to use!” He laughs from the belly, making Athena smile.

“But if that’s true, how come you didn’t know what we were? Crusader and I?” Athena is honest in her questions, wanting to know more about this.

“I honestly don’t know.” He taps a talon against his chin, “I make mistakes, and sometimes they’re quite the doozy. But I don’t know. Sometimes the information is there, and sometimes it’s not, quite the confusing situation. Lovely isn’t it?” He grins at that last, enjoying all things chaotic.

He leans down, almost curling up on the floor in his tuxedo for a moment, “But I do owe you my fine Pegasus, for the saving grace on stage.” He points a finger at her wings, “Want to be a real pony for a while? See what it’s like?”

Her entire being responds as she realizes what he’s asking her, she wants this! More than anything else in this or any world, she wants this, but common sense comes to the fore.

“I.... I can’t Discord. I know what a Faustian Bargain is, and there’s always a catch somewhere.” She sighs, knowing what she’s giving up, “There is always a price to be paid for our wishes.”

“Oh come now, you sound like boring old Crusader! Faustian indeed, what is a bargain without give and take? Take and give?” He smiles slyly, “That spell they made only lasts a few minutes, but I can give you days of flight, of living and..” He leans next to her ear, whispering, “...of loving.”

The last catches her off guard as she’s trying to tune out his offer, making her look around in fright, “You don’t know...”

“Oh quit it, like it’s sooooo not evident in everything you do.” He grins, sliding his eyes to look at a certain pony across the way. Athena’s join his for a moment before tearing them away and facing him once more.

She stamps a hoof softly on the marble floor, “That is not why I do what I do. She is my friend, it is not what you think.”

“Oh ho ho, it isn’t?” He conjures a small gem-like globe, letting only the two of them watch the pictures inside it, “Watching over her as she sleeps? Making sure the castle is secure every night? Doing anything she asks? What exactly would you call that?” The moving pictures show Athena walking the halls, checking in on Spike and Twilight while they rest, running around and helping with anything the Alicorn asks her to do.

Athena gets a fierce look on her face, “It is called loyalty Discord, a loyalty which only we can give,” referring to her Bolo side, “It is something that is in us from our birth, though we are no longer what we were, we choose who to give that to now.”

The figure eyes her for a moment, the pictures in the globe changing to show her helping Twilight up from the ice when she fell, Athena’s face worried and warm until the other mare faced her, then it changed to a simple smile, “Oh you hide it well don’t you?” More pictures, more times when she chose not to show anything at all.

The slim pegasus closes her eyes for a moment, opening them once more, “I have my reasons. We do not feel the same as living beings, when we give of ourselves, we give all.”

The snaggle-toothed face is beside hers as he leans down again, “But if you were alive, wouldn’t that change things?” His voice is soft, penetrating deeply into her mind.

Would it? Would it all change if she were truly alive? She quashed that thought with a tremendous effort of will, stamping it down mercilessly.

“No, it wouldn’t change Discord.” She points a hoof, “Let me repeat this, we are not like you.” She settles on a cushion nearby, looking at him with steady eyes, “I have loved so deeply in the past you couldn’t imagine Discord, and I have lost those same loved ones. I know what it is to feel grief so intense you wish to end it all.”

Athena stops for a moment, seeing Discord’s surprise at her revelation, leaning in, she makes sure she’s nose to nose with the tempter, “But that doesn’t mean I stop doing what I do.”

“But don’t you want the same thing Crusader has? Somepony to love you back as fully?” He shows more pictures, of warmth and times around a fireplace at the farmhouse that all of them shared.

Athena stares at him for a moment, “Since we’re comparing, what about you?” Before he can say anything she continues, “Like the outright jealousy you showed at Fluttershy’s friend?” She is not spiteful in her words, softly spoken and warm, “Like the affections you have towards her as your friend?”

He stutters briefly, his eyes watching the buttery Pegasus for a moment before turning back to Athena, “Well.. I wouldn’t say..” He’s caught off his moment by the twist in conversation, the crystal ball disappearing from sight.

She leans upward, making sure only he can hear her words, “You can love a friend as deeply, and as truly as anyone else. Share their joys, their triumphs, their pains and sorrows, and still love them.” Her hoof touches his taloned hand as it lays on the table near them, “You can do all those things even if they choose someone else to be with their whole lives, you can still care for them as a friend.”

She continues, softly spoken words flowing between them, “You can get jealous, you can be angry over things, but it doesn’t damp the fire inside Discord. I watched many of those I cared for get married, live their lives, be happy; and I shared every moment with them because I loved them.” A face comes forth in her memory, one she knows so very well.

He thinks for a moment, his body still, “But wouldn’t you want the pain to go away? Seeing somepony you cared for with someone else?”

“There will always be hurts Discord, you can’t stop that, no one can.” She smiles warmly, “That’s why friends are there, to help ease the pain in your heart.” Athena taps his chest once with a gentle hoof.

He squeezes the hoof laying on his taloned hand, smiling back, “Perhaps you’re right, it does give one something to think about.” He chuckles, leaning his head next to hers once more, “Are you sure you don’t want to at least be able to fly for a while?”

“More than you can possibly imagine I want that.” She stops him before he goes further, “But I want to earn it, to make it mine, not have it given. I do hope you understand?”

He nods, “I do, or at least I think I do, sometimes it’s hard to get things right up here.” He taps the side of his head, making his eyes roll crazily to Athena’s giggle.

Discord grins down at her happy face, “Well, seems I do have more to learn about friendship after all, you have given me a few things to ponder.”

Athena nods, “Glad I could help.”

“Are you sure you don’t want to try it out for a while?” His voice is seductive, almost as if he’s trying for a reason, but then that’s Discord.

“I’m sure, but thank you so much for the offer.” She is honest, but hiding her true feelings. The lust to be real is so bad it hurts inside her chest, wanting to feel for just that brief moment what it’d be like.

“Well, anytime you want to reconsider, just let me know!” He grins at her, waving and walking off towards the dancing area.

Athena watches him walk away, lifting a hoof to call him back, to say Yes! Over and again, to give in to whatever he wanted! But she stopped herself, setting it back on the marble floor and looking down at the table where she sat alone. Sighing softly as her eyes stared at the satin cover for long moments, wondering what she’d do now.

A step behind her, a presence that felt powerful and overwhelming made her turn, wiping her face for a moment to regain her composure.

A pair of warm cyan eyes meet hers, glowing with the reflected light of the moon outside the window as Princess Luna moves closer. Her wings ruffle slightly underneath the covering silks, settling herself on a cushion next to a silent Athena.

“Princess, a..anything I can do?”

The kind face maintains an expression of thoughtfulness for a moment, then answers her question with one of her own, “Temptation is a terrible thing, is it not?”

“I don’t know what..” She is interrupted by the Princess who stares at a glass with a faraway look.

“Long ago I too was tempted, by the power to bring my night forever, to make it last, outdoing my sister’s sun.” Her voice is soft, calm and unhurried as she explains. “I was so very jealous that ponies played and lived in her day, while they ignored the night, sleeping away the hours.”

The pegasus nods, paying rapt attention.

“It’s like a whisper in your mind Athena, a voice that slowly overtakes you, telling you that your desires should be brought forth.” Her hoof toys with a wineglass for a moment, “It tells you that you deserve the praise, the glory and the honor reserved for others.”

A servant comes close, pouring a measure of rich red liquid, leaving in a hurry at the flick of her clad hoof, “Some ignore it, having it dissappear never to return. But some, like myself, listened to it; letting it grow stronger with each passing day, the anger and jealousy, the pettiness. Oh how it grows Athena.”

The sable pegasus listens closely to every word as a hoof is pointed in her direction, “But there is always a price, as you said. Mine was to destroy my sister, so I could fully rule Equestria and bring my night forever.”

“Some have said Celestia should have done more, some say that I should have been more forthcoming with my feelings. However it was, it ended badly, my banishment, my sister without me for a millenia. Even now, I still struggle with it sometimes.”

Her horn lights, bringing the glass to her lips and taking a delicate sip before setting it back down, “But we learn, do we not, from others mistakes.” The warm eyes meet Athena’s once more, “Learn from mine, don’t take the easy way, the path less trod.”

“But it’s so hard sometimes, I’m never going to fly, I’ll never be like the others.” She can’t help but look down at the floor, breaking eye contact, “Some days I think I’m just fooling myself, but when he offered...”

A hoof lay gently on her shoulder, “When he offered, there was that voice telling you to take it no matter the cost, correct?”

She admits it, being honest about the temptation, “Y..yes.”

“There is magic in this world Athena, magic that comes to the worthy, the deserving, those that truly are ready for it.” Princess Luna's voice is calm, her eyes friendly.

“But I’ve done everything that has been asked of me and more.”

“And so you expect a reward?” The clad hoof lifts her head by the chin, forcing her to meet the glowing eyes once more.

“Well...no..yes... Yes, maybe I do.” She looks back into those calm eyes with a growing resolve, “It’s not much is it? Its not a Cutie Mark, nor riches, nor anything like that, I just want something.....”

Princess Luna lets her chin go, sweeping a leg outward to point at Discord, “Then go ask, go take your reward, have him give you what you want.” Her voice is firm with a hint of steel behind it, “It’s that simple, go ask.” She leans down towards the shocked face, “Or is it you remember there is a price to be paid that might not be what you’re willing to give?”

“I was to destroy my sister, who would you have to?” She points in another direction, at Crusader and Applejack talking to Twilight, smiling and sharing a drink. “One, perhaps all of them? Where would your price stop being paid Athena?” She gestures to Rarity, Pinkie and Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash.

The dark face gets closer, almost nose to nose, “That vicious little whisper telling you it would be fine, a simple task to do in return, it’s so very easy is it not? That anything would be okay as long as you,” She emphasized this with a hoof pressing into Athena’s chest, “Got what you wanted.”

It might have been her imagination, or it might not, but a susurration of sound slunk out of her cores, words that weren’t quite intelligible, promises made if only she’d do certain things. A feeling of dread came over her as a chill ran down her spine, causing her to shiver and shake her head as the oily murmuring continued.

“No.” Her voice was low but emphatic, “No! Nothing is worth that!” And just like that the voices stopped, going back to whatever shadows had spawned them, leaving her once more at peace.

She looked at the Princess, “How did you know?”

“Because that is what I heard when I fell Athena, naught but a taste of the evil that lurks and waits for us at moments of weakness.” She smiles, her whole face brightening in the ballroom light, “But I think you shall have no more problems with it.”

Athena paused for a second “You did that, the whispers!”

“I told you there is magic in the world, can I not use it to teach a lesson perhaps?” She laughs gaily, “Or maybe it was just your own conscience telling you what would happen had you given in?” She turns her head slightly, giving a sly look at the Pegasus across from her.

The slim mare returns the smile, “I keep underestimating you.”

A hoof is waved in the air, “So many do, to their detriment.” Her head turns back, facing Athena fully, “In time I believe you will receive your heart’s fondest wish, not because of what you are asked to do, but because you are good and kind.” Her eyes slide to the side, landing upon a single figure who is giggling at some joke, “And that you choose to care without asking for anything in return.”

“Oh for crying out loud, does everypony know?” A disgusted look crosses her face as Luna laughs.

“No, but to those who have lived long enough it is a little obvious.” She grins, “It does not matter, you are a good friend and that is not a bad thing.”

“I’m trying.”

A clad hoof is held up, “Ah, but you do more than that, you accomplish whatever you set out to do.” The appendage lowers, pointing at her once more, “That, my little filly, is what makes the difference.”

“I am not a little filly Princess, good grief.” She chuckles at the thought.

“Oh but you aren’t?” Luna looks at her with a smile, “How long have you been thus?” She runs a hoof downward, indicating the body Athena wears.

“Well, less than a year.” She thinks for a moment, “But I was in service for centuries...” She is stopped by a regal wave.

“To humans, correct?”

“Yes, the Concordiat.”

She leans forward, still a smile on the dark face, “And how long have you been in service here?”

“Well..not very long, true.”

“Then you still have much to learn, to live and to experience.” She raises an eyebrow teasingly, “Oh, there are so many things that you can see and feel, you are just beginning!” The Princess of the Night laughs delightedly, “You have only scratched the surface of life Athena. I have lived very long and still I see things that make me pause, and that,” She presses the tip of a hoof against Athena’s chest, “is why I call you filly.”

“So should I call you Grandma Luna then since you’re so old?” Athena raises her eyebrow in perfect imitation, grinning saucily from her side of the table at Luna’s face which has taken on an aspect of slight shock, “Ought to think about getting a cane, might break a hip soon.”

“Thou impertinent whelp!” She slaps a hoof on the table, laughing uproariously, “Hoist upon mine own petard I am, oh save Equestria from the vagaries of fillies who think they know all!” Her way of speaking comes back when she relaxes, preferring it to modern usage.

“I don’t know all, Oh Princess of the Night, but I know enough to give back what I get.” She points back at the laughing mare, who keeps a wide grin on her face.

“I regret nothing said, a lesson learned is a lesson learned. But,” Another quick gesture, “Remember I am also the Mare of Dreams Athena, thou wouldst not like what I could conjure in the night time.” A fierce smile accompanies that statement, making Athena stop for a moment and wonder.

Oh nonono, nope, not gonna give in.

“Bring it on old lady, I can take whatever you got!” She leans across the table, looking into those cyan eyes.

“Old lady? I’ll have you know foal, that there were songs once sung about my beauty when I was first crowned!” She looks imperious at that statement.

Athena grins, leaning her cheek on a hoof as she critically eyes the Princess up and down, “Yeah....not seeing it anymore, could stand to lose a few pounds there.”

“You dare call me fat?!”

Waving hooves are brought to the fore, “Oh nonono, I’d never do that! More like wide in the flanks?” The sable Pegasus gets ready to run for her life, “Pleasantly plump? Maybe some stallions like a little more cushioning than most, I’m sure somepony somewhere does.”

She can see the inhalation of breath, the terrible fury that is about to erupt and she gets ready to run as fast as she possibly can for the door, maybe I took this a bit too far?

A laugh of tremendous proportions comes from the darker mare, slapping the table with her clad hoof, almost breaking the wood as she guffaws in delight, her eyes watering with tears.

Annnnd maybe I’m wrong?

Eyes turn to the table where they sit, seeing Princess Luna laughing so hard she can barely keep her seat, the pretty mare wiping tears away as she finally calms down, still hitting the table occasionally, tapping it in pure joy.

“Uhmmm...Princess?” A servant is standing close with a worried look.

“I’m fine Silver Tray, just fine!” She waves away the hovering waiter, looking at Athena.

“Oh, I can take it as well Athena, though it has been long and long since somepony dared to try.” She leans back on her seat, wiping at her eyes delicately, “Oh I needed that, it truly has been such a long time.”

“I really thought I’d have to run for it.” Athena’s smile is a bit wary.

“Why? Princesses can take a good joke as well as anypony else, though few dare to say anything.” She waves her hoof, “Such bowing and fawning, bah, that somepony would speak their mind sometimes.”

She gets up, waving to the Pegasus, “Come, join me and let’s go enjoy this night.” Athena happily joins the Princess by her side as they walk along the celebratory hall, “Oh such things await you Athena, magic and more, but tonight, drink and dance!”

A moment of silence as they both head for a table laden with food as Luna leans over, whispering in her ear, “It’s not the dress making me look fat is it?”

Lavender eyes see the honest question as she shakes her head, “No, definitely not.” Giving her a blunt answer as the Princess relaxes.

“Good, wouldn’t do to be... How did you say? ‘Wide in the flanks’?” She laughs again at Athena’s blushing face, trying to hide beneath her mane like Fluttershy.

“Stop being so shy, enjoy the limelight!” She positions her head down near Athena’s, “Try being in my hooves for a day, that would definitely.....” She stops dead, looking thoughtful for just a moment, “Perhaps that would help.”

“What? What would help?” Athena is worried now, seeing the smile once again appear on the darker mares face.

The grinning face turns to her, “I think we have a way to solve some of these problems you have.” A motion of one hoof as Luna takes off, “Come with me.”

“Really Your Highness, there’s no need to..” She is stopped by a look.

“Do not argue with me Athena.” Her voice is firm as they approach Celestia, Twilight having taken a break for a moment to get something to drink.

“I have an idea dear sister.” Luna begins as the taller mare turns her smile on them both.

Celestia’s face looks wary for a moment, seeing the wide grin on Luna’s face, “And what exactly would that be?”

“We have been concerned with our little Athena’s shyness, her problems with certain situations sometimes have we not?”

Celestia nods, “Yes, for all she does she’s still quite hesitant.” Her smile never wavers though as she looks fondly upon the quiet pegasus.

“I..I’m good really. Th..there’s no need.”

Luna gestures to her after hearing that, “See what I mean? I have a solution.”

“Once again, that would be?” Her head tilts slightly, listening close.

Luna's voice is bright, “Make Athena regent for a day.”

The silence was deafening as the two sisters looked at each other for long moments, Luna’s idea ringing in the air between them when suddenly Celestia nodded, “I think that’s a wonderful idea.”

Before Athena could protest, Celestia kept going, “I think we could use some days away, there’s nothing pressing. It would be a wonderful way to solve this problem and give us time to ourselves for once.”

“My thought exactly ‘Tia, how long has it been?” Luna was tapping her chin, trying to think, both of them ignoring the sable mare for a moment.

“I believe the last time was when we left poor Starswirl holding the bag, he wasn’t too pleased, but then we were young.” The alabaster mare laughed.

Luna laughs along with her, “Oh yes, a full week they spent looking for us!”

“Uh..I really don’t need... Honestly I’m good with how I am, really.” Athena raises a hoof to interrupt their joy.

“Oh nonsense!” Celestia tugs her close, “You’ll enjoy it, interacting with everypony, taking over the royal duties, it’s an experience some ponies would wish for!” She leans her face close to Athena’s, “But then again, the entire country would depend on the decisions you make.”

Lavender eyes go very wide at that statement, “No, oh no I can’t do that! I.. I.. I’m not made to do that, I’m j..just a Bolo.. We..we don’t run countries!”

Both sets of eyes look at her as she stutters for a moment, once again silence reigns before Celestia’s voice replies, “You wouldn’t deny your Princesses some time away now would you?”

“W..well.. N..n...no.” She runs a fore leg along the other, looking down for a moment, then looks back up with a smile, “Okay, you got me, I see it.” She laughs, “You really had me going there. I’ve been out-done, you win.”

Her giggles die out though, seeing the two sisters looking at her curiously as she goes silent, “You...you are joking right? Right?”

Luna looks at Celestia once more, “Can we have a coronation? I’ve always enjoyed those!”

“Of course! Such a thing should be a celebration. Oh we could have a special cake made, as well as inform Shining and Cadence, I’m sure they’d love to be here.” Celestia’s voice is merry, thinking of things.

Luna claps her hooves together in delight, “Oh we could wear our regalia as well, I did so love doing so! We so rarely get to go all out, Twilight’s ascension was the last time.”

“Wait. W..w..wait wait wait! I can’t do this, it’s not right!” Athena is waving her hooves in front of the mares, trying to get their attention. “I can’t be a..a.. Princess!”

They both stop their planning to look at her, “What’s not right?” Celestia wraps one wing around her, snugging her tight as she waves a hoof out in front of them both, “It’s not just a job Athena, it’ll be an adventure!”

The smaller sister laughs wholeheartedly, “Oh surely ‘twill be! Oh ‘Tia, we should take two days, make it something special, I know we’ve both been wanting to go visit Rainbow Falls, and a few other places.”

“You’re LEAVING? You can’t leave, what’ll I do if..if..I need help?” Athena shakes her head, “No wait... I’m not doing this at all!”

She is ignored as Celestia nods, “We’ll do three, take a real vacation, I know we’ve both been under pressure lately, let’s make it a wonderful trip!”

“Do not worry Athena, I’m sure you’ll have good advice from a friend,” She points at Twilight approaching, looking at the two joyful sisters and one very panicked Pegasus.

“What’s going on?” She’s eyeing all three of us.

“Twilight Sparkle, meet our newest Princess,” Celestia gestures with a regal nod at Athena who is desperately shaking her head, “Athena.”



Applejack is looking at me as I tilt my head, excusing myself from the meeting for a moment as I consider what is going on. I can feel Athena panicking heavily, as I look over to where she is I can see a shocked Twilight staring with wide eyes as Athena is shaking her head, exclaiming about something. She is so nervous I cannot contact her as the network is now scrambled in her fright.

“What’s wrong?” The soft southern voice is asking me, she has drawn near, worried about my expression of concern.

“I don’t know, Athena’s in a panic about something.”

“Well let’s go over and see..”

She’s interrupted by Pinkie bouncing our way with a wide grin, “Did you guys hear? Athena’s going to be a Princess!”



“Your Highnesses, do you think this is wise?” I can’t help but question this decision as I am waved off with a snort and chuckle.

“We deserve a bit of time off, do you wish to deny that to your rulers?” Luna is looking at all of us.

Everypony near shakes their head, none would ever deny anything to them.

“But Princess Celestia, couldn’t Cadence or even..well.. me.. take over?” Twilight is trying to be practical.

“It will be fine Twilight, we have full faith in Athena and with you as her counselor, she will make the right choices. It will be a different experience for the both of you.” The Sun Mare smiles at them both.

“I c..can’t do this, I’m not supposed to do this, tell them Crusader!” She points at me in desperation.

“It is true Your Highness, we are not supposed to nor allowed to be in this position. It was done to prevent problems and conflicts that could arise from Artificial Intelligences being in total authority above others.”

Princess Luna looks at both of us, “You do not serve your Concordiat anymore correct?”

“Yes Princess.”

“You are sworn to our service, and we are now considered your command correct?”

“Yes Princess, you are the ultimate Command Authority.”

“Then I see no problems with it, you are serving your rulers by doing this.” Luna and Celestia both nod with smiles, firm in their decision.

The stallion stops for a moment, his eyes getting a faraway look, “Well it could be allowed, as it is only temporary.”

“Crusader! No! Don’t you dare agree with them!” Athena is fully in a panic.

“She has a point Athena, a temporary position can be considered, especially since they and not the Concordiat are dictating the rules now. We have sworn to follow their commands, and if this is something they allow, we have no recourse.”

Celestia nods, tilting her head at Athena, “It will be a wonderful experience for you, perhaps it can help with that shyness we all know and love.” Her ever-present smile is calm and cool. “We are not ordering you for this is your decision, but I think you would find it ..different...” Her eyes hold something none of us can puzzle out, a deepness.

“B...b...but....” Athena twists her forehooves in front of her, “I..I don’t know the first thing about this stuff!”

“Twilight is an excellent teacher, she will help guide you through things, but it does remain with you to make the decisions, to do what you think is best for Equestria.” Celestia is nodding as Luna explains.

I speak up once more, “I will be here Athena if you..” But I am cut off with a curt hoof.

“You will not Crusader, you are forbidden to help in any way.” Celestia is actually making this statement, shocking everyone. “This is for her alone, do you understand?”

“Yes Your Highness.” Athena looks piqued, knowing he will not argue with those in command unless dire circumstances apply.

“We understand you have ways of communicating between yourselves we cannot hear, so in no way are you to assist her. On your word and honor we will take your oath, by swearing that you will sever all ties to her for the duration of her service as regent.” Celestia and Luna look at me intently, knowing that should I so vow I will follow those commands until rescinded.

“Please don’t, I’ll be alone!” Even though she had been maintaining just her avatar, I was always there, always ready to assist in times of need, now I was being asked to leave her.

“Give me the word my sister and I will forswear everything. I promised never to leave you and I will not go back on my word.”

She hesitates briefly, “No.. I can’t.. you can’t do that, it would ruin you...us!”

“Then what shall we do?”

“I..I don’t know!”

“We have imprinted them as Ultimate Command Authority, we no longer have Omega Worms nor Masada, I do not know if Resartus would activate, figuring we were unstable if we choose to refuse an order from them. But they are giving you the choice sister, a chance to see what it is like, to shine by yourself. You don’t need me all the time, you get in trouble enough without me.” I chuckle, trying to ease the conversation.

“I do! I’ll always need you!”

“Perhaps then, you should take this opportunity to find out? They are doing this for a reason, and I am wondering what that could be.”

“I am too, I know I want to live as they do but I was taking it slowly, and I’m frightened.”

“I know you are, but you have the heart and courage, you can do this.”

She is silent for long moments before replying, “Make the promise.”

“Are you absolutely sure?”


I turn to face the diarchs fully, raising a hoof, “I swear upon my word and honor, that as long as Athena serves as regent I shall not assist, nor communicate with her in any way. With two caveats.”

“What is that?” Celestia’s face has grown warmer now, her smile a slight bit wider.

“In case of extreme duress or emergency, we are allowed to coordinate and communicate battle actions, plans, or solutions to the problem or problems. That she can communicate if needed with anypony other than myself for help or advice. These terms are non-negotiable upon acceptance of my oath.”

Celestia and Luna trade glances before nodding, Luna adding with a chuckle, “I should have you at the bargaining table Crusader, diplomats would quail under that stare.” She smiles, “Done and done.”

“I mean no disrespect ever Princess, but I wonder at your reasoning for doing all this.”

“Sometimes Crusader, a turning point is reached, we do what we can to make the right choice or to help others do so.” Celestia’s voice leaves us all with that before turning to summon a scribe, who takes down her statement.

“Let it be known throughout Equestria, that on the third day of Spring, a celebration shall be held to proclaim the Pegasus Athena as regent in our absence, her counselor of note will be Princess Twilight Sparkle.” She makes sure the Earth pony mare has it all correct, “Make sure the proper ponies are notified, and schedules are adjusted.”

The red mare nods, “Yes Your Highness.” Running off to inform others as the Gala continues.

“Is that all right with you?” Both of them look at Athena, waiting for her acceptance.


She doesn’t meet their eyes, a golden hoof reaches under her chin, lifting her face upwards to meet Celestia’s, “Don’t be so fearful my little pony, you will do wonderfully.”

The quiet face whispers so only Celestia can hear, “I really don’t want to be a regent, honest.”

“I know, and that is why you can be trusted to do what’s best.” The alabaster mare smiles, her warmth suffusing Athena, bringing a peace, “You wonder why I agreed don’t you?”

Athena feels herself nodding, her eyes questioning, “Yes, why all this?”

Her muzzle is close to Athena’s ear, her voice like a song as she whispers, “A time in everypony’s life comes, when they must choose.” She smiles again, “To go further down that road, or remain where they are, that time of yours is now.”

A wing is nudged against her as Celestia turns to everyone gathered, “But we still have a Gala going on, the announcement can wait I’m sure. Until then, another wonderful night everypony, enjoy yourselves!”

After the initial shock wore off, Pinkie grabbed Athena in a hug strong enough to make her frame creak, “Isn’t it cool! You get to be a Princess!”

Rainbow Dash is looking at both myself and Applejack, “What just happened?”

“Ah dunno Dash, but I wonder if they got somethin’ in mind. I mean this is kinda sudden.” Applejack turns to me as if I have the answers.

I shrug, “I have no clue, honestly, this is a surprise.”

A wet smack makes us all turn to see The Smooze give Athena a kiss on the side of the cheek in congratulations, leaving a large amount of ..stuff.. on her face, and quite the disgusted look. He had moved up to join the group, finding it interesting.

“Gee, thanks Smooze.”

“Oh look at that, isn’t it precious!” Discord is standing with his hands clasped, looking enchanted at the exchange, “He likes you!”

“Yeah..I can see that,” She wipes her face with a hoof, “and feel it too, oh yuck.”

Applejack snerks, holding a hoof over her mouth and laughing behind it after seeing Athena’s face, “Sorry sugarcube.” She reaches out a hoof to get slapped by Rainbow as they both giggle.

Two pseudopods reach out to embrace her as Athena steps back, pointing a hoof, “Down! No hugging! You stop that!”

“Now now, Smooze is being nice, he just wants to give you a congratulatory hug is all!” Discords voice is it’s usual sly sounding pace.

“No! No hugs!” Athena is backing up, “Stop him Twilight!”

“I can’t! Magic doesn’t work!” Twilight’s horn is lighting up ineffectually.

The blob burbles happily, still reaching out.

“I said no you pile of ooze!” Athena’s looking for an escape route.

“Lots of good vibes there, he just wants a hug, it’s good for the karma.” Fluttershy’s friend is chiming in while the others are laughing.

“Oh stuff it up your chakras!” The pegasus bails out, leaping over the blob and running behind Twilight who’s frantically trying to keep away as well. The Smooze blurps to itself for a moment, then moves off to somewhere else.

Even Fluttershy is laughing at the comment, “Well, it was funny.” She peers out from under her mane at everypony, garnering another round of giggles.

Two sets of interested eyes watch the proceedings, smiling as they listen closely to the conversation until the darker mare leans over, whispering in a calm voice, “Thou art a good actress ‘Tia, do you believe this will work?”

“I do, and you aren’t too bad yourself Luna, spur of the moment was it?” Celestia gives her sister a regal nod.

The Night Mare lifts herself proudly, “ ‘Twas in fact, it happened to hit me while we were talking, I figured was good enow. “ She watches the group of ponies, seeing the smiles and conversation turning to other things than their pronouncement, “I have hopes enough, have the scryers said aught else?”

“No," The alabaster mare points a hoof, “Just that she is at a point where she must decide, for the good of everypony, to become stronger, or to go backwards.” She looks over the golden cladding, her eyes settling on Athena. "Let us hope she goes forward, for her betterment and ours."

Luna nods, “Being a regent, even for a few days, should teach her that she has strength inside her. Since that day when I found her amidst the dead and being attacked by shadows, she has grown and learned, but I can do no more for her.”

“What about her friend, the human Marcus, that she asks you to summon?” Celestia’s voice is calm, but very low, making sure nopony overhears.

“I would say naught but a shadow, however it is deep and aware.” She taps a hoof on the floor for a moment, “ ‘Tis unlike any I have ever brought forth to cure ills. He calms her fears, gives her strength, tells her what she so desperately needs to hear. But there must come a time when she has to do it on her own, even he has told her thus.”

The taller sister nods, “Finding the strength inside yourself, I agree.” She sighs heavily, “Though I wish the scryers could tell us more, but all they have is feelings, unlike when Sombra returned.” She pauses a moment, “But of course, the scare he was to rise again, I had thought hope was lost.”

“The signs the magicians have given us have all come to be, perhaps in the ancient tomes we may find a clue?” Luna is smiling brightly at Twilight sternly telling Athena not to hide behind her if the Smooze comes near.

“Starswirl and Clover wrote many things before they passed, leaving them for us to puzzle out, though I don’t know if they ever counted on those two appearing.” The Sun Mare laughs, “I admit to being quite surprised when Twilight told us.”

“True, and who would have thought they’d become such staunch allies?” Luna pauses, “What about Crusader?”

“I don’t think we have a need to worry about him, he has found something to ground him, to take away the anger and pain we felt inside him.” She nods towards the named pony, seeing him get slapped on the shoulder by Applejack as he tells another funny story, “He is the one who asked for our help originally, we are just completing the task.”

“True, and he has uplifted Athena whene’er she asks, keeping her safe. He knows a time will come when she no longer needs him, you can feel a hint of sadness; but he will be glad for it, knowing she is well.” Cyan eyes turn to look at the taller sister, “Sounds so very familiar, does it not?”

Celestia lets out a small laugh, “It does, very much so.” She smiles at Luna, “Every day I wish you the same my sister, each and every day, that you are well and ask your forgiveness.”

“You shall always receive it," They both get up, walking towards the merry group, “We have a celebration to plan, let us do so with joyful hearts.” Luna is almost prancing in delight.

“Now that I can guarantee Luna, that I can guarantee.”

-------Winter Wrap Up------

The Gala, despite everything, was enjoyed by all. Dancing, laughter, merriment, it all adds up to a pleasant set of memories. Athena eventually got used to Smooze, even talking with it for a few minutes, though it was quite unintelligible, preferring actions to words. Somewhat like us I suppose.

I worry though, my sister is getting more nervous as the day passes, sitting here watching Winter Wrap up it’s plain to see it affecting her. Nervous twitches, mistakes, the thought of being in the spotlight does not appeal to her, though it still makes me wonder the reason behind all of this.

Celestia and Luna’s motivations have been cause for me to ponder sometimes, though they only have the best interests of Equestria and their ponies at heart. I have seen nothing but goodwill, barring the Gala incidents which remind me of mischievous minds. But I wonder were Athena and I able to live that long, would we do the same to relieve what boredom would come?

But of course, we deal with the here and now....

“Why can’t we help?” Athena sighs for the fiftieth time, I have lost count really, not paying much attention.

“Because they don’t know whether to class us as magical or natural Athena, we don’t fit into the scheme of things. Perhaps next year.”

“We’re not magical! We’re a bunch of machine parts!” She tosses a hoof in exasperation. There’s no consoling her it seems, she truly wants to help.

“Give them time, they’ll make a decision.”

“We could have the Dragons out with plows, really wrapping this up quick!”

“That’s not the way of this, it’s to celebrate the tradition of changing seasons without using magic.” I point this out to her for the tenth time, I have kept count on this one.

A hoof is scuffed in the dirt, “Well I don’t think it’s fair.”

“There will be plenty more events to participate in I’m sure. You do have your regency coming up as well.”

The network statics out for a moment before she calms herself, I can see the twitching start in her before she grabs a hold of the programming, stomping on the problems without mercy, “I really don’t want to do that.”

“I have made my promise Athena, and you agreed, we cannot go back.” Our sense of duty forbids it, she knows this as well as I.

“I know! I know! Do we really have to sequester my cores?” She looks at me, that expression nearly breaks my heart.

“It’s the only way I can stay out of communication, we cannot even share TSDS Athena, they said no contact.” I lay a gentle hoof on her shoulder, “Do not fear, I will not just dissappear.”

“But why? Why this? Who the heck makes a decision in a second to proclaim somepony a regent for three days? This makes no sense!” She stomps on a piece of dirt for a moment, kicking it into the field.

I try another subject, “Did you ever notice, that when you know I am there to lean on, or come to in times of trouble, you’re happy? But when I’m not, you are withdrawn, closed, refusing to communicate unless you have to.”

She stops her fidgeting, looking at me sharply, “I’ve always been that way, ever since..since...” She pauses, changing tack, “Marcus was always there for us! Our commanders were always there for us.”

“But we have nothing like that now.” I look back into her eyes, “There may be a time when I will not be here Athena, who will you turn to?” I shift position slightly, “Look what happened when you thought I was dead, you almost had a breakdown if not for the Princesses giving you support, Twilight and the others helping.”

Her eyes drop to the ground, one hoof swinging back and forth as it scuffs the dirt once more, “I know.”

“Your AI has always been different, you and Hera were unique among a rare few. I remember your reaction to find out Marcus had passed on, when other commanders had done so as well. You feel too deeply sometimes my sister.”

“So I should become an unfeeling machine, is that it? Not ever want to care or to grieve, or..or anything?”

“I am not saying that. You are wise in your own way, helpful and kind, but you do so only in instances when you know you can fall back on someone, myself mostly. What do you do when I am not there, forced into circumstances like Manehatten? Can you stand on your own...truly?”

“That’s not...” I see her thinking, every time in trouble or problems there was someone, someone she could talk to, to run to, to help her with what was going on.

“But they appointed Twilight as counselor, isn’t that the same thing?”

“No, she is to give advice when you ask, not before, and not after.” This was clarified by Celestia and Luna before we left for home after the Gala. “She is not to make the decisions for you in any way shape or form. You know very well Twilight will stick to those rules, she is as attentive as yourself.”

A sigh comes from the slim Pegasus, “I know, wish she’d relax some times.”

“She is as she is Athena, and your friend. But once again, it will be your choice whether to lean on her or try this yourself, you have both options.”

“She is, but..but.. I wish I hadn’t agreed to this!” She stamps a back hoof.

“You can always call them, tell them you’d rather not.”

She swings around, pointing a hoof at me, “You know darn well I never go back on a promise!” Stamping once more she makes a growling sound, “And why a celebration? Good grief can’t they just say ‘Tag you’re it! A regent for three days’?”

“I’ve noticed ponies never pass a chance up at a party.” We watch Pinkie skating along the lake, cutting it into squares along with a line of others, I point at her laughing gaily, “Case in point.”

A flat out disgusted look expands across her face as she looks at me, “I hate when you’re right.”

“I notice you hate me a lot.”

“Are you saying you’re right all the time?” She’s eyeing me narrowly now.

“Well, not all the time, but mostly yes.” I give her a small smile in return. Perhaps I shouldn’t have done that.

She sits for a moment looking at me, I can almost see the thoughts going through her mind as I chuckle at my little joke.

“Stop that! I’ll...I’ll... I’m gonna...”


Her battle screen flicks on, sparkling in the sunlight as she gets to her hooves, “I just remembered I still owe you for all the rock puns!” The grin that crosses her face is not a happy one.

“Now Athena, there’s no reason to be angry.” Of course I am backing up, I’m not stupid.

“Oh yes there is!” She takes a step as I take one back, “You stay still! Take your lumps!” Yes, she definitely has decided to take frustrations out on myself, not a bad thing, but this will not end well.

“As Rainbow Dash is fond of quoting, nope!” Turning quickly I take off in a swirl of leftover snow. No one said I had to make it easy.

“Come back here you jerk!” She takes off just as fast, hot on my hooves.

“No, I believe I have some pressing issues elsewhere.” I do not slow down, increasing power to my legs.

We tear through the piles of snow that have been gathered, the battlescreen dissipates them in a crack and puff of steam, dispersing energy as they are designed to. We leave a trail of fog behind us as she chases me through the town, the screen flash heating them from it’s own interior power source.

“You better stop!” She’s panting in the chill air, steam snorting from her nostrils as she gains on me, perhaps I shouldnt have made her avatar so agile.

“Not until you calm down!” I turn a corner, slipping on some mud before regaining my balance.

“Only when I beat you into the ground you..you...agh!” I see her flash by as I sit quietly on the corner I just turned, stopping and sitting down quickly, watching her pound ground as she goes past me, concentrating on what’s in front of her and not beside her.

She skids to a halt, looking around for a moment, “I can track you!”

“No you can’t, I disabled it when I took off.”

“You cheater!”

“All’s fair...”

“You cheater!” She stamps her forehooves, then turns, seeing me waving at her from the street corner.

I dodge the first rush, taking a back alley in response and running down the cobbled street. I lose her in the twisting areas between yards, leaping over gardens before I cease motion, waiting for her to catch up.

Twilight hears Athena’s voice, she’d been talking with Applejack about the planting, now both of them turn towards the main part of town.

“Oh stars, what’s gotten into her now?” The orange pony takes her hat off, scratching her head.

“I don’t know, but she doesn’t sound too happy.” Twilight taps a hoof on her chin, “Maybe we ought to call them..” She taps her bracelet, getting an immediate response.

“Yes Twilight?”

“Crusader? Is Athena okay? We can hear her yelling across town.” She speaks out loud for the benfit of Applejack.

“She is fine, just working out some anger issues right now.”

Twilight looks at Applejack, “What anger issues? What’s she angry at?”


Twilight laughs, “Says she’s angry at him.”

The farm mare leans over Twilight’s bracelet, “Ah told you to stop pickin’ on your sister, didn’t I?”

“I assure you, I did not pick on her.” He channels the communications to her ear now.

“Well it sure sounds like ya did! You get over here the both of ya!” Applejack’s no-nonsense tone comes over very clear.

“That’s going to be problematic, I’m trying to make sure she doesn’t go through any walls or fences, she’s quite determined.” A few screams come from in town, “Though I can’t say the same about the cart she just destroyed.”

Twilight plants a hoof on her forehead, “We’ve got everything planned already, so just keep doing what we’re doing. I’ll go see what’s happening.”

Applejack looks abashed, “Sorry Twi, didn’t expect them two to cause any trouble.”

The lavender mare laughs, “It’s not your fault! I’m amazed we haven’t had any problems at all, kind of expect them some days, Wrap Up being delayed by weather and all.”

Applejack grins back, “Ain’t that the truth, lemme know when yer back!” She steps off to oversee the plowing for a moment with a wave.

Twilight shakes her head, looking at Spike, “Hang around and make sure the checklist is complete, I’m going to go see what kind of trouble they’re in to.”

He salutes with the quill in his claws, “You got it Twilight!” He watches her take off towards town.

Above the town, she can see a trail through the piles of snow, spotting the Pegasus running down the street. Her link clicks on with Crusader’s voice.

“I am just to your right, near the fence line.”

She spots him waving, coming in for a quick landing, “What’s going on?” Concern on her face.

“I was joking with her, apparently she thought pummeling me into the ground would solve the problem of me doing so. Plus there were the puns earlier the day of the Gala...so...” I shrug, “She’s just venting, nothing more, her nervousness has peaked about the regency.“”

Twilight looks at me, standing silent for a moment, “Well we better stop this right ...” The air leaves her as Crusader pushes her to the side, not as gently as he is wont to do but an emergency shove, Athena speeds right through the space that both of them had occupied, skidding to a halt in a pile of dirt and turning with a hoof raised as she leaps in the air.

“I got you...” She stutters to a halt, dropping to the ground as she sees Twilight stumbling for a moment, her battle screen flicks off as she reaches out to help her friend steady herself.

“I am so sorry, I’m sorry I’m sorry!” The Pegasus’ face is worried, looking her over for any damage, “I’m really sorry!”

“What’s going on?” Twilight’s normally calm voice holds a note of exasperation, “Running through town and interrupting everything?”

“I uh..I...” She points a hoof, “He started it!”

Twilight’s eyes swing around to me, “Well..?”

“I accept the blame, a joke went too far....” I am stopped by an upraised hoof.

“That’s not the whole truth is it?” She looks at Athena once more.

Rubbing a forehoof along another she shakes her head, “No..I got mad, I’m sorry. It was just some joking.”

The lavender Alicorn looks stern, “You can’t do this, Winter Wrap Up is almost done, we don’t need anything taking us off schedule, all right?”

“Yes Twilight.” Athena answers separately from myself.

She points at me, “Go fix that cart, I saw it on the road, and anything else that you may have done; after that go back to where you were sitting, alright? They haven’t decided whether to let you both help yet, but maybe next year.”

“Yes Twilight,” I leave in a rush to get the cart fixed.

Her eyes swing around to focus on Athena, “Athena, come on, you’re going to be regent in two days, you can’t act like this!”

“Maybe...I shouldn’t be regent...” Her voice is small, coming out in a whisper.

“What?” Twilight leans close.

“May...maybe I shouldn’t be regent.” She can’t face her best friend, looking down at the ground.

“They already sent your schedule for the three days Athena, you can’t say no now, they’ve rearranged everything.” Her eyes soften, “It won’t be so bad, they know what they’re doing.”

“I hope so, I really do, because I haven’t got the first clue on what goes on.” She sits down with a thump in the street, sighing.

“We’ll go over all the protocol and stuff the day before, it’s not that hard. Besides, it’s the first time they’ve appointed a regent since..since..huh..” She sticks her lower lip out, thinking hard, “Since they first became rulers, not counting the few times they ran away for fun....wow this is a special occasion!”

Her face takes on a whole new look, a glimmer in her eyes as a historical precedent is about to take place in front of her, making her excited as only she can be. “Oh my gosh, this is..is...history! We could be right there and I can record it!”

“Uh..Twilight..” Athena raises a hoof as the other mare squees in delight.

“Ohmygosh! I’ve got to get ready, I’ve got to record everything! I could be in the history books! Oh this is great, this is awesome!” She bounces around happily, “History right here and now, yes yes yes yes yes!”


She stops for a moment, seeing Athena’s face and shaking her head, “I’m so sorry, I keep forgetting.”

“That’s okay, I’m sure it’s important for you too.”

“It is! Can you imagine? This will go down..” She stops, rubbing the back of her neck, “I get carried away sometimes.”

Athena smiles, “It’s all right, really. I’m so sorry for getting mad.”

Twilight gestures for them both to start walking, getting out of the street as workers are shoveling snow off rooftops, “You’ll get through this. Princess Celestia sent me here to make friends and I ended up defeating Nightmare Moon with them.”

She smiles, leaning over to nudge the quiet Pegasus, “It’s all in how you look at it, it can be fun, or it can be boring.” She laughs, “Let’s make it fun okay?”

“I guess so, you know I really don’t want to be in charge right?”

“I know, but trust in Celestia and Luna.”

Athena stops, mulling over that for a few seconds, “All right, because it’s you saying so, I’ll try.”

“Well...you don’t have to take just my word. I mean..” She’s stopped by a look.

A hoof is gently pressed against the Alicorn’s chest, a soft voice following it, “I trust you, Twilight. I gave my promise in the desert that night, anything you say or tell me I will take to heart. I don’t make those lightly, nor give them to just anyone, I trust in you like I do Crusader.”

“Well, I make mistakes too you know!” She smiles brightly.

“I know, and I understand.”

Twilight giggles, “And just think of all the cool stuff we can get into!”

“Cool stuff?” Now the lavender mare has her attention, “What kind of cool stuff?” She waits as they walk along the cobblestones.

“Well, there’s Celestia and Luna’s private library, I didn’t have much of a chance to see it back when I was her student, even now, but since we’ll be there for three days..”

“A lot of interesting things?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe! Spell tomes of magic from when it was first made, histories written by ponies from so far back their names are all but forgotten!” Her excitement shows at being able to sit for a while perusing such things.

“How do the books last that long? I mean age.. Oh.. Magic. I keep forgetting to add that in.”

She nods happily, “Preserved by spells from the very first day, all important books are. That way we can always have a written history! Copies are stored in a vault deep below, so if one is lost, it can be replaced.”

“That’s actually a good idea, perhaps Crusader and I can reinforce that vault, make it more impregnable in case.”

“I’ll ask when we have time.” She smiles as a thought hits her, “Oh! It’s not going to be long before ponies start wondering either.” She emphasizes her statement by pointing at something, I grin and push her hoof down.

“Soon enough, you know that.”

“I know! I can’t wait!” She bounces on her hooves, looking for all the world like a filly on her first day of school. “Pinkie’s been driving me nuts trying to find out, but I told her I promised, so she understands, they all do.”

“She can be persistent.” From all I’ve know of that pink mare, more like downright scary.

She turns to me with a worried look, “Are you sure it’s..”

“Stop worrying so much, it’s fine.”

“Yes!” She pumps a hoof in front of her as we walk out towards the edge of town.

Standing alone for a moment and watching others work in the fields, a thought occurs to me, though perhaps I shouldn’t say anything. It has been bothering me since the Gala and now seems the perfect time.

“Twilight, when were you a human?” I keep looking outward, not confronting her with anything, just a casual toss of comment.

For a moment I thought she’d break her own neck turning to stare at me like I had just grown a second head, she stutters for a second, gaining composure, “I..I don’t know what you mean.”

Her vital signs are approaching the high side, her heart is beating rapidly as well as other rising stress indicators, telling me this is a very sensitive subject.

To calm her fears, I give her a way out of this conversation, “You do know you can trust us right? We would never reveal anything you didn’t wish us to.” I give her my best smile, “We know all about keeping state secrets and that kind of stuff.”

She recovers beautifully, I admire her for that, “I know that, and I do trust you.” Shrugging, moving a few steps towards the open fields, “But being a human? I dunno, kinda like being a pony myself.” She laughs, trotting off to talk to a waving Amethyst who’s heading up the Animal Team.

I sit for a moment, watching her walk away.


“Yes Athena?”

“Confirmed.” I shoot him the conversation and the vitals readouts.

“I wonder what is going on here. But after seeing Discord open a dimensional gateway, could they have the same ability?”

“I do too. I thought of that also, but why would they keep it from us?”

“Sometimes secrets are just that, you get used to keeping them.”

“True, maybe one day they’ll tell us.”

“Or we can confront them.”

“Let’s wait on that, give them a chance.”

“Will do. You’ve got your appointment coming up anyways.”

The network scrambles for a moment, static and buzzing all through our cores.

“If you don’t stop being nervous you’re going to wreck the commnet.”

“I’m getting better!”


“Look, the celebration is tomorrow and you’ve got to know this! You’ll be dealing with diplomats and ponies from all over!” Twilight throws a hoof out in exasperation.

“But it’s boring!” I can’t help it, this stuff is truly, actually boring, even for me. I can pay attention to a speck of dust falling, but this... Oh stars this is way beyond that. “I thought they said no diplomatic stuff anyways? Why the change?”

Twilight looks at the sheaf of parchment, scanning quickly, “Because of certain appointments they couldn’t reschedule,” She taps a hoof on one paper, “Least that’s what it says here.”

“I don’t want to start a war!”

The Alicorn laughs, “Oh don’t worry, it’s just minor stuff, a dinner or two, some talk, nothing like serious negotiations.”

“Oh great, small talk over dinner, woo hoo..” I twirl a hoof in the air slowly.

“I thought you two could do stuff like this? I mean you pay attention to everything.” She’s staring at me across the table.

“We do, and we can. But things that interest us, not this..this..ugh..” I slap both hooves on the table, “Do you know what small talk is? Boring pleasantries when you’re trying not to say what you really think.”

I look to my right, as if somepony was there, “So Lord Stupid, how did the croquet game go today, I’m sure it was just wonderful!” I can do Celestia’s voice perfectly, proven when Twilight looks at me sharply.

“Oh quite!” My voice takes on a distinct accent, “We trounced them four to three in the field, bloody good show!”

Twilight is aghast at how I can duplicate her mentor's voice, “Oh how nice, I’m sure there were polite claps all around.”

“Most polite, and a few rousing cheers as well, we raised quite the ruckus I daresay!”

Spike is laughing so hard he falls off his seat, having perked up when I started doing the voices while he was reading a comic. Twilight is trying not to let anything out, hiding it behind a hoof as I continue.

“Well I’m sure we’re due for some tea and biscuits after such a hard fought battle!”

“Oh quite, quite. My wife says she’s utterly exhausted after playing such a rough and tumble game, she’s taking time to swoon in her quarters, she’ll be joining us later.” I stick my nose in the air, “I, myself, have to polish my monocle before tea time, wouldn’t do to have it fall out during refreshments of course!”

Waving a polite hoof, “Oh of course not, bad form I’d say.”

“Oh very!”

Putting both forehooves on the table, I lean forward, “Know what everypony WANTS to say?”

Twilight nods, lowering her hoof.

“Croquet sucks! It was hot, boring, and now we have to sit here talking like it was soooo cool!”

Twilight’s eyes go wide as her hoof slaps against her muzzle again, silent for a second before she giggles uncontrollably. Spike’s still rolling on the floor laughing as I sit there, my point made.

I tap the table, “Tell me that’s not exactly what happens, go ahead..”

Twilight wipes a tear from her eye, clearing her throat and trying to get back on track, “Well, I wouldn’t quite..” She stops at my look, “Okay...sometimes.”

“See? Can’t we just declare a three day holiday or something?” I’m grinning now.

“No! We have to go by the schedule! They’re depending on us!” A hoof pats the sheets of parchment, “Now come on, back to the protocols.”

Planting a hoof on my forehead I nod, sighing again and listening to her talk about which fork to use on what course of the meal. At least Spike gets to read comics books, that lucky dragon.


“And just why do you have that smile on yer face?” Applejack’s voice comes from beside me as walk the orchards checking trees.

“It seems my sister is quite bored with all the things she needs to learn for her appointment.”

“All that fancy stuff, ah can do without it, let them Canterlot types deal with all that.” She kicks a tree, an apple falling in her hoof as she takes a quick bite of it and chewing thoughtfully, “Glad I don’t have to deal with it.”

“I as well, I’ve never liked the false pretenses others put on for show.”

Her eyes catch mine as we sit at the end of a row, “You think she’ll be okay?”

“I think so, she has everything she needs to accomplish this.”

“Why in the world those Princesses decided to do this is beyond me, sure makes no sense some times.” She takes her hat off, scratching at her mane for a moment.

“I’ve often found that the motivations of those in power, or in charge, are sometimes unfathomable.”

“In other words ya don’t know, right?”


A strong hoof slaps me on the shoulder, “Then just say so ya dunderhead! You and your big words.”

“I do have a reputation to uphold.” I give her a nudge, catching her off balance for a moment as she swats at me with her hat.

“Yeah right, reputation for trouble!” She laughs, finishing her apple as we get to our hooves, walking the next row.

“I take offense to that, surely I haven’t caused all of it.” I check the trunk of a tree near me, “And of course any problems have been solved.”

“No, but ya been right in the middle of it all!” She thumps a sturdy trunk, “I gotta admit, been excitin’ some days, though downright terrifyin’ on others.”

“Let’s hope it just remains calm.”

“Ah dunno, Athena runnin’ the country, we could end up worse than when Twilight freaks out, and both of ‘em together? Stars help Equestria!” She stops, letting out a belly laugh for a long moment, “Ah tell ya, least it ain’t borin’.”

“I rather prefer boring.” This gets me another laugh as we continue our walk.

“Well, let’s just hope Equestria stays in one piece, them two alone up there in Canterlot...” She stops, looking at me, “Maybe we ought to go with ‘em?”

“We have been invited for the investiture. I can’t stay though, she is to have no contact with me whatsoever.”

“Aw shoot, that’s right.” She taps a tree close to her, “That’s kinda funny they’d do that, but not the rest of us.”

“Perhaps motivation.” I explain as she looks at me, “When we are together, we both play our roles in battle. She is an Assault Unit, forward and fast, one who presses into battle. I am a Siege Unit, slower and more plodding, but I plan, sharing things with her, we fit like pieces in a puzzle. Together we can do anything, but she has never been left to her own devices, always having another to help in times of conflict.”

The farm mare nods, thinking for a moment as she chews this over in her mind, “So kinda like when you first leave home on yer own, gotta face those challenges.”

“Yes, exactly, although this is more than just leaving home, I believe they’re doing it to see if she has the strength needed to do so.” I explain to her about Athena limiting herself at times. She also knows about me requesting help to heal my sister. “But then again, it’s only a guess.”

“Well they could do that at any time ah’m sure, kinda pushing things aren’t they?”

“They tend to do things on the spur of the moment, so..” I shrug.

She nods, pointing off towards another row to check, “Yeah, them two Princesses get in a heap o’ trouble all by themselves sometimes. Prank playing ponies, ah swear.” She laughs, remembering the Cider Festival.

“They are unique, I can tell you that.” I have researched my files, finding no monarch as an equivalent.

“Well, they get in trouble they know we’re not that far away, we’ll help. She’s got Twilight there too, nopony better for that stuff.” Applejack nods firmly, always standing by her friends.

“Of course.”


“Are you ready?”

“No..no I’m not. But...”

It is very early in the morning and we are all seeing Twilight and Athena off at the train station. Athena and I have found a quiet corner to talk, to prepare her for the communications cut. We will be arriving later for the celebration since it will be in the mid-afternoon, a joyous occasion it should be if not for my sister being so nervous.

“It is only three days, I will be here.”

“But what if something happens? What if you..if you go away?”

“I would move heaven and earth to return, you know that.”

“I know..I know.” She sighs, giving me a hug and holding tight, “I’m scared.”

“Don’t be, you are one of the finest Units the BoloWorks ever produced, and you are strong beyond even your own imagining.”

“I wish I believed that too.”

“In time Athena, you will.” A heartbeat goes by, “Are you sure you’re ready?”

Her voice is muffled, her face buried in my neck as she clings tightly to me, “No, but go ahead.”

“On my count, once we have sequestered you, it will only be when we receive the order will it be re-established.” I whisper in her ear, “I have given you everything from my databases I can, the best minds and decisions throughout history to help you.”

She laughs, “I figured that’s why you suddenly copied all that data.”

“As the ancient Romans said, ‘Ain fortitudo et decor’. You have more than enough of both.” I give her a moment, “It is time.”

She squeezes me, waiting for the moment with her eyes tightly shut as she nods.


And then there is silence, it falls like a wall that cuts off everything. No updates, no backchatter, no constant synching of cores and datastreams. There is...nothing... but dead air and our own thoughts.

“No..no...nononono...” She won’t let go, shaking her head. I know she’s trying to reestablish communications, but it will not work.

“Relax, just give it a few seconds to settle Athena. Everything has been cut, you cannot get back in contact until we are ordered to do so.”

Her voice goes up slightly, her fear is showing, “No, I don’t want this! I can’t, it’s so quiet, please don’t leave me alone! I take it all back, I don’t want to do this.”

I hold her until she calms, never letting go for a moment as she almost sobs into my neck, begging me to re-link with her, to open a channel, anything.

But I cannot, we have made our promises. We have both agreed, and however much it tempts me to do as she asks, I hold firm, we must be true to our word in every way, even though hearts break at it.

Finally though, she calms, leaning back to look at me as I give her my best smile, “You have the emergency protocol, it can only be used under the most dire circumstances. Don’t be tempted Athena.”

“I know..I know. “

“You are on a grand adventure, something I don’t know if any one of us has ever done.” I watch her nod with eyes full of tears and it hurts, so very deeply. I hope that the reason is to heal her further, to make her see herself and be strong. I truly do, it is the only conclusion I can come to.

But I let none of that show to her, “You will do fine, just don’t start a war.”

She laughs, rubbing her face, “No promises.”

“You can contact any one of our friends, just not me, do so. Twilight is there too, use her advice, or just as some one to help.” I encourage this, she does not need to sit and get lost in herself. But she must do so by post or courier, the networks are taken offline for the duration.

“But they’re not you, they don’t understand.” More tears flow, I wipe them gently away, consoling her as best I can.

“Then make them. Tell them, let them know what it is to be us. Don’t just let it be something for you, let it also be a lesson to them.” I put a hoof on her chest, feeling the thumping inside it, “You show them what we can do, you did so in Manehatten, you can do so again.”

The train whistle blows, catching our attention as the others wave farewell to Twilight who is boarding.

“Don’t be late, you wouldn’t want to miss your own coronation now would you Princess Athena?”

Once again I make her laugh, though it is strained, “You joked that one time, now it’s coming true, serves you right.”

“It does, perhaps I shouldn’t say such things anymore.”

We both share another moment with a smile as she hugs me once more, “I..I better go.”

“You will still know where I am each day, I will be thinking of you, sending my best.”

“I know,” She holds tight for a moment longer before stepping back, “I..I can’t miss the train.”

Stopping her for a moment, I lay a hoof on her shoulder, “You’ll be fine. Have fun too all right?”

“I’ll figure out something.” She runs off with another wave, catching up with Twilight and giving everypony a hug before boarding the train.

Walking up, I watch the train exit the station, moving along quickly as it steams out of sight.

“She’s pretty nervous huh?” Rainbow Dash is standing near me, looking thoughtful for once.

“Yes, very much so.”

“She’ll be fine, not every day you get to be a Princess huh? She’ll show ‘em!” The cyan mare grins, pumping a hoof in the air.

Looking at her for a moment, I smile, “She’d appreciate your encouragement.”

“Well when we go there today, I’ll make sure to tell her!”

“I think she’d like that.”

“I gotta go, gotta get cleaned up, too much cloud busting today.” She waves, heading for home with a rainbow streak in the sky.

“Always speedin’ off somewhere ain’t she?” Applejack watches her go for a moment, “Well, we gotta get ready too, can’t show up lookin’ like we just got done applebuckin’.” She laughs as we both head off to clean up as well.


“Are you okay?” Twilight’s eyes are concerned as we sit in the quiet car, early morning trips are never crowded, hence our decision. She’s left Spike behind as well, too many things will happen during the three days, and she preferred him to take care of her castle in her own absence. She trusts him, though I made sure Crusader knew to check on him each day, giving her a report.

“I’m...fine. It’s just quiet.” And it is, so very quiet, nothing but me rattling around in my own mind.

“Is that bad?” She’s honestly curious, as well as worried.

“We weren’t meant to be alone, there was always something in the background, some communication. Even when I tried to be just..” I motion a hoof along my body, “...this. There was always a channel, a stream of data. Now..it’s gone, everything.” I smile weakly, “I’m just..me.”

“But that’s not so bad, I’m in here by myself all the time,” Twilight taps the side of her head, “And it’s okay, ‘course when I read too much it feels like it’s over-full, but..” She shrugs, laughing lightly, “You get it.”

“I do.” Leaning against the windowsill, I prop a cheek on my hoof, “But we were always made to have something, somebody with us. It’s just.. Even when Crusader was gone, I still had his cores, his voice, memories. Now there’s really..nothing.”

Twilight nods, “I know what you mean, I didn’t have a lot of friends I was so busy studying. But I never realized until I got sent to Ponyville to help set up the Summer Sun Celebration.” She shrugs, “I mean I had them, but not..you know, really close.”

“You do get focused on things sometimes Twilight.” I sound a lot calmer than I really am.

“Yeahhh,” She rubs the back of her neck, “I guess so.” She points a hoof, “But I’m learning to do other things!”

“That’s always..” She interrupts me with a groan, slapping a hoof on the seat, “What’s wrong?”

“I forgot to make sure we had ice cream and stuff shipped up to the castle, darnit!”

“You mean the stuff you’ve been digging through in the castle, that ice cream? Enough so we’ve had to restock the freezer four times? That stuff right?” I grin at her blushing.

“Okay, so I like it.” She points a hoof, “And you’re guilty too!”

Holding up my own I fend her off, “Yes I am, but in moderation.”

She looks crestfallen, “I know they’ve got lots of things in the castle, but still..”

I can’t help but smile, “Already taken care of, I knew you’d want something so Crusader shipped a few items up yesterday.”

Her ears perk, a grin crossing her face, “Really?”

I nod, before I can answer I am tackled in a hug.

“Thank you! Cookies too right?” She looks so hopeful, making me chuckle.

“Yes Twilight, plenty of them as well.”

“Yes! Yes yes yes!” I am hugged tightly before she resumes her seat, ruffling her wings as she sits down, “*Ahem* Well that’s..nice.”

I roll my eyes, “Oh you really fail at the whole regal thing.”

She grins, “I’m trying though, it’s only proper for a Princess to remain composed.”

“Oh of course it is.” I raise a hoof, “A Princess must always be composed and calm in the face of anything, so as to present the proper united front to anypony who threatens the peace and stability of Equestria.”

“You remembered!”

“How could I not, we went over it all three times.” I give her a deadpan look, showing her how thrilled I was to learn all that claptrap.

“Well I had to make sure you understood it!” She is adamant and not repentant at the very least.

“I remembered it the first time you read it.”

Tapping her hooves together in front of her, she let’s a nervous chuckle, “Well, it always pays to make sure.”

“I think you just like saying all that stuff.”

“Now that’s not..” She twists her hooves now, looking away for a moment, “Well...kinda.”

“Yeah, thought so.” I nudge her slightly, “I think we both have our own little quirks.” Silence falls between us as we both get lost in our own thoughts for a moment.

We’re saved by a cart pushed by a conductor, it’s filled with snacks and drinks. Twilight gasps, grabbing a few things as I get my bits out of a bag, “Ohmygosh I haven’t had these since I was a filly!” I watch her chewing something that looks like a crispy cookie stick covered with chocolate and sprinkles. “Oh these are so good!”

Grinning as she grabs a hoof full of them, I make sure enough bits are given to the nice stallion who’s serving them as she munches happily. Yes, I do grab a few things of my own to enjoy along with drinks, different juices in wax covered boxes are stacked beside me. I know she’s going to get thirsty eating all those sweets.

I have to admit, pony society has made an absolute art and science of making food and sundries. They really are a treat to chew on as we sit on the quiet train, the clacking of the wheels on the tracks is a calming sound.

“You know," Twilight says between bites, “It’s times like this, when it’s calm and peaceful, they’re some of the best times aren’t they?” She looks out the window, watching the landscape pass by, turning back to smile at me.

I nod, “I’ve always thought so. Sometimes when I look at the stars, I remember when we all sat in depot, quiet, somber, waiting for the next battle. It didn’t matter if we talked, just knowing there was someone near was more than enough to make it....special somehow.”

Twilight returns the nod, “It does! Spike and I sit and read for hours without talking, it’s nice.” she reaches out a hoof, laying it on my shoulder, “Kinda like now.”

I nod, chewing on a marvel of a treat as we both sit in silence, letting the sounds of the train lull us in our companionable silence.


“Here are the apartments for your stay Princess.” A very kind mare bows as Twilight and I walk into a huge set of rooms, filled with everything imaginable to be comfortable with.

“Wow, this is amazing!” Twilight is looking around with astonishment, “They’re even better than I remember!”

I can’t even begin to describe the opulence of the place, they really go all out.

The pale blue mare looks embarrassed, “Uhm, not you Princess Twilight, for Princess Athena during her regency.” She points at me, while Twilight blushes.

I chuckle as Twilight catches herself, “Oh, uh..okay. Heh, sorry.”

“Oh no, it’s fine Your Highness, yours are right through here,” She grins, “They’re the same, I assure you.” Pointing towards a set of connecting doors, she walks over, opening them to show her another large array of rooms, decorated in another fashion completely.

“And..uh.. I’m not a Princess.” I do have to point that out.

It’s waved away with a grin, “It’s all done but the ceremony Your Highness, it’s just a formality, but we do have to obey the rules do we not?”

“I...I’m not sure about all this Princess stuff.” My misgiving’s are washed away with a bright smile from this kind pony.

“It is very easy Princess, just enjoy your stay and if you need anything, ask or ring for us.” She points to a velvet rope, “We always on duty, so please, be at ease. My name is Satin Shoes, so feel free to call anytime.”

“Thank you so much Satin.”

“You’re very welcome, I do hope you have a wonderful time here.” She bows, leaving through the open door, closing it behind her gently.

I turn to Twilight, who’s still rubbernecking around, “Is everyone like that?”

She nods, “Oh yes, they’re great here in the palace.” She taps a hoof, “Though you do get the occasional..problem pony. But they don’t last long.”

Looking around, I can’t do anything but sit in the middle of the floor, “But what do we do with all..all...this?” I sweep a hoof out, “I mean..there’s so much space! Can’t we just...kinda sneak into your old..” She stops me with an upraised hoof.

“Oh no, you have to stay here. Part of being royalty is to accept things like this, I mean you could hold a hoofball game in here, but it’s part of the whole thing.”

“Awww...” But there is a saving point! I jump up on the bed and flop on the thick mattress, “But at least the bed is nice!”

Twilight giggles, “They are, you’ll sleep really well!” She shows me where the comforters are kept in case the nights get chilly. We put away what little we brought with us, not even filling a chest with our clothing in case we need them.

Turning from a mirrored table, I settle again on the floor, “So what do we do now?”

“I think we can help with that.” Both of us look at the direction of the voice, Twilight gasping in delight as she rushes to give Shining Amor a hug, Princess Cadence watching with a smile.

“Shining! You came!”

He smiles, “Well of course, something like this doesn’t happen every day.” She switches, giving Cadence a tight hug as well.

I bow before the Princess as we always have, a lilting voice rings out in a laugh, “Oh no Athena, no bowing now. You’re to be a Princess soon if only for a few days.” A slim hoof taps me on the shoulder nudging me upwards as I lift myself.

Shining’s voice is happy, “We got the invitation telling us there was to be a new Princess Regent appointed as Celestia and Luna were to take a vacation. Needless to say we kinda wondered about all of it.”

Twilight nods, “Well, we’re here and it’s happening, so no more wondering.”

Shining grins, “Couldn’t be a nicer pony either, how are you Athena?” He nudges his wife, “Going to be a member of a pretty exclusive club here today.”

“I’m doing okay. I..it’s only for three days, then it all e..ends. So it’s not quite the lifetime thing like T..Twilight or Cadence.”

Cadence smiles, she is so very kind, “That doesn’t mean you give everything up. They have never appointed a temporary in over a thousand years, it’s a very special time.” She gives me a warm look, “So it’s quite unprecedented.”

“Well, I’ll try not to mess it up too much.”

They both laugh along with Twilight, “You’ll be just fine.”


Breakfast is ordered in as it is already mid-morning, a few hours until the celebration and the excitement is palpable. Ponies smiling as they rush from place to place, things being done to help it all go smoothly.

Twilight and Shining go wandering the halls, brother and sister taking time to visit, leaving Cadence and myself alone for the moment.

Chewing on a piece of toast, and I am really starting to love the taste of this special grape jelly on it by the way, I see Cadence giving me a thoughtful stare.

“Still not going to huh?” Her voice is sweet, a lilting that is easy on the ears.

“Not ever.”

“It’s so very strong inside you, like a fire that warms the heart and body.” She smiles at me, raising an eyebrow as she lifts a spoonful of eggs with her magic.

“And there it will remain.”

“I still don’t understand why, you could always just have a conversation about it.” She notices me looking at the door, “No, they’ll be gone for a while, those two are inseparable, distracted and enjoying their time together.”

“There will never be a conversation about it Princess, not ever. I will know, and of course you, and a few others that can keep it to themselves.” I shrug, eating more from my plate, “But other than that, nothing.”

She smiles, she’s very pretty, almost delicate in a way, “Isn’t that hard to do? Loving somepony so deeply but never admitting it?”

“No, not for me, I’ve always been different in that way. I even told Discord, and now you, I have seen those I have loved move on, marry, even pass on after long lives, and still I do what I do.”

She nods, finishing her meal with a final swoop of a spoon, setting the plate aside. “You know, I could just mention..”

“No, please don’t.”

She lets out a sigh, “I am the Princess of Love you know, you make this very hard.”

“Why worry about it?” I give her my own smile, leaning on the table after pushing aside my own plate, “I’m sure you have more pressing issues.”

“Because I wish to see her happy, in any way I can. She is my sister in law and I wish nothing but the best for her.” Refilling a glass of juice, she takes a delicate sip.

Resting my cheek on a hoof I smile once more, “But what better way than a friend who will be there for her? To share in her delights, consoling when there is pain, to lift when she’s down?”

She lifts a hoof, pressing against her own chest, “But I feel it, the emotion is so strong when I get near you, it’s so deep and wide like a river. It’s hard not to try to help it along.” The Princess gives me a rueful smile.

“I don’t know what to tell you, I honestly don’t, it’s just how I feel.”

A frustrated sound issues from her, “Then tell her how you feel, it’s not that hard is it?”

“And...what? Hope she returns it? If not, then it ruins what we have now by this little thing that will always be between us because it’s been brought up?” I shake my head, “No, too many lives have been brought down by such a small thing.”

Now a different look appears, a suspicious one, “Then what do you want?”

“Want?” I straighten up in my seat, looking right back at her, “I want nothing. Quite a sudden change isn’t it? From wanting to help to suspecting me of trying to get something?”

“Then I just don’t understand,” She hesitates, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to accuse you of anything.”

“Yes you did,” I see her eyes go wide, “It’s normal, she’s family, and royalty. I would ask the same question.” I lean forward on the table, “But in my case, if I found out anyone was using her, they wouldn’t live long enough to regret it.”

She laughs for a second, the merry sound dying out as she sees my face, serious to a fault when I make that statement, “You...you actually mean that don’t you?”

“Absolutely. I am not only her friend but her protector.” At her shocked expression I nod, “Oh yes. A country, a world, a pony. She is that pony, and the stars themselves couldn’t help anyone I thought would hurt her.”

“Surely... I mean Crusader and Applejack..”

“You think for a moment he wouldn’t do the same?” I give a chuckle, “You have no idea what he would do should someone ever hurt her, you think I would be bad? Oh you haven’t seen anything.”

She let's that sink in for a moment, choosing to attempt a counter argument, “But you’re both so gracious and kind, you’ve been in trouble before, you’d never hurt anypony.”

“Because we choose to Princess, our sense of duty and honor. But there are limits to patience, to what we will tolerate with friends and those we consider our family.”

She taps a hoof on the table for a moment, “I don’t know whether to be scared or happy she has a friend like you.”

I laugh, “Please don’t worry, also jealousy or such is just not in us, if she chooses another over myself, that’s fine, it’s part of being alive. But until then I will watch over her, be the best friend I can.”

My hooves are grasped in hers as she leans forward, “Will you promise to make sure she’s happy? I know you can’t protect her from everything, but promise to try?”

“I promise, you have my word on it.”

“Then I can live with that.” She leans back, suddenly giving me a sly look, “Although telling her...”

“Oh stop it!” I toss a piece of grapefruit at her, “Good grief!”

“You can’t blame me for trying!” The innocent look on her face makes me chuckle harder, while she smiles at her little insinuation.

“Yes I can! Turn off the love magic for a while, yeesh!”

She laughs, but then eyes at me once more, “You sound so different sometimes, so sure of yourself one moment, then so shy the next.”

“It’s who I am, one on one, or a serious subject, no problem. Anything else..well...problems.”

“I’m sure your short tenure as Princess will solve that.”

I grab another piece of toast, sitting tall in my chair, “If not, off with their heads! Off with ‘em I say!” I wave the piece of bread around as Cadence giggles, “Don’t laugh at me you witless pony, go on now, off wit’ ye!”

“By golly nopony laughs at Princess Athena, I shall rule with an iron hoof! Bow before me you peasants!” I slap a hoof on the table, waving my toast, “And more grape jelly! If we don’t have any more, get some grapes and start stomping or feel my wrath!”

Princess Cadence is cackling so hard she can’t breathe, tears streaming down her face as I stand tall, leaning on the table and making my first royal decrees, “Toast for everypony I say! I shall be known as the Princess of Toast! ..er.. or breakfast, or something like that!

Pointing at the guffawing Princess I give her my best regal look, “Laughing again are we? I’ll have you know toast is important! Away with you, the Princess of Toast has things to do!” I wave at her dismissively, my nose stuck in the air.

“Well it seems like you’re fitting right in ‘Princess of Toast’.”

The voice makes us both turn, seeing Celestia and Luna standing in the now open door, Twilight and Shining are behind them laughing their tails off at me, caught in the act of standing on my chair, a piece of toast in my hoof giving commands. Servants are peeking around the doorway to see what all the yelling was about.

Oh..such an auspicious start. I have got to stop concentrating on single things!

“Uh...” I lower my hoof, setting back down on my chair, “How long have..”

“Long enough,” Celestia is grinning broadly, “Shall we inform the kitchen staff that if they don’t have enough grape jelly it would mean their executions?” Luna can’t help but snort and chortle harder. Twilight and her brother can’t even say a word, leaning against each other, snorting and giggling behind hooves.

Great, just great.

“Uhm.. I..” I can’t look at them, I really can’t, I only meant to make Cadence laugh, to take away the seriousness of our conversation, but somehow.. How do they keep doing this to me?

“Oh please, go right ahead, we will call the scribes to make sure your orders are followed.” Celestia actually makes a graceful half-bow, spreading one wing in deference.

“No..no that’s okay...honestly.” I could crawl under the table and hide forever right now.

“As you wish, we wouldn’t want the palace servants to suffer under your ‘iron hoof’.” Princess Luna tries to keep a straight face at her own statement but can’t, cracking up as she leans against the doorway.

Only three more days to go...yay.


“Will you please just come out of there?”

“No, can’t we just say, ‘done’ and go on with the day?” The adamant voice is muffled by the thick wood of the door separating them.

Twilight runs a hoof down her face, sighing again, “Look, if you don’t come out of there, I’m coming in!”

The door cracks slightly, one lavender eye peering out as Twilight tries to push it open further, it won’t budge, “Will you just open the door?”

“No, I can’t believe I’m supposed to wear this stuff!” The voice is sounding frustrated.

“Athena, this is the first time they’ve appointed a Princess who wasn’t an Alicorn, c’mon, you’re making history here!”

“As long as no one takes any pictures, fine.”

“Uhm..well..” She rubs the back of her neck, “The royal archives need pic..” The door slams again, “That does it!” She lights up her horn, forcing the simple lock open and swinging the door wide.

A disgruntled looking Pegasus sits in the middle of the floor, surrounded by maidservants who are beaming in delight at the job they’ve done getting her ready for the celebration.

Her mane is done in ringlets, draped along her neck and above her forehead, drifting in a wave that is delicate and beautiful all at once. Topped by a gleaming crown with a few faceted jewels set in it, she is regal without being overly ostentatious. Her tail is done the same, a curl that shows off her slim lines, with an elegant jeweled band that is wrapped around the centerpoint.

A breastplate lies form-fitting along the front of her chest, a stamp of her Scroll and Spear Cutie Mark is dead center, it is a burnished gold that sets off against her coat color, making it distinctive yet subdued in a way that catches the eye. The Cutie Mark raised with inlay of silver and gems to bring it out at any angle to onlookers.

Her hooves are clad in the same finished gold covers that reach up the front of her legs in a complicated curl, somewhat like a fleur-di-lis in shape. A slight hint of lavender outlines the shapes of the leg fronting.

As regent and Princess, she represents all Princesses currently in office at the time, hence the myriad colors, but they are done so subtly and well, you really cannot tell unless you look very closely.

The lavender eyes are done in a light shade of makeup, accenting the curving of her lids, and making her face lovely to look at.

“Ohmygosh you look wonderful!” Twilight is leaning close, looking at everything. Her own regalia already shone to a gleam.

“I feel like an idiot.”

Twilight smiles to the waiting maidservants, seeing them grinning back, primping Athena’s mane one last time to make sure everything is perfect, “I hope there wasn’t any trouble?”

A purple mare grins, “Oh no, none at all, we hope you like it?” Though from the looks of the maids behind her, there was something that made them slyly smile at each other, tipping Twilight off.

“Oh it’s wonderful! You’ve done an excellent job!” Twilight nods, looking again at Athena who hasn’t moved.

“We’re glad Your Highness, although she wasn’t too thrilled at first, we got her done as quick as we could.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow, “Oh really? How did you get her to sit for the dressing?” She glances towards the deadpan looking Pegasus once more.

“They threatened me.” The voice is low in the room, causing the servants to chuckle, quickly hidden by polite hooves.

“What?” Twilight leans in, barely hearing her.

“They told me if I didn’t sit still they’d get Celestia and Luna to come and order me to do so.”

Twilight snorts, hiding a laugh, “I’m sure they’d never do such a thing, treating a soon to be Princess like that.” She smiles at the maids, all of them grinning brightly, “Would you ladies?”

“Oh no Princess Sparkle!”

“Oh, we would never...”

“Of course not!”

“Perish the thought!”

“See?” Twilight nudges her friend, “They’d never do that.”

Athena sighs, getting to her hooves, looking like a vision out of old tapestries, “Th..thank you though, I know it..it was a lot of work.” No matter what, she will always be polite and gracious to those who work so hard.

The four mares bow low, smiling at her, “Everypony is nervous, we helped Twilight during her own coronation, she was just as bad.”

The named mare coughs, looking at the ceiling for a moment, “Yes..well.. it was my first time.”

The four maids smile brightly, “We have to go Your Highnesses, much to be done, please excuse us?”

“Of course!” Twilight nods, “Thank you again!” She yells to the trotting forms exiting the door.

Athena is looking at herself in a floor length mirror, turning from side to side as Twilight steps up beside her, “You really do look nice.”

“It..it’s just a lot of stuff for really nothing Twilight, it’s only three days.”

“But it’s an important three days.” She sees the distraught face, giving her friend a hug, “You’ll do great.”

“I..I hope so.” Her eyes glance from side to side quickly, making sure no one is around, “Do I really look nice?”

“You look wonderful, Rarity would be jealous.” Twilight looks at her through the reflection in the mirror, seeing the Pegasi’s face light up in delight at the comment.

Lifting her hooves, she stares at the covers, “But... How do you even walk in these?” She motions to the ones Twilight is wearing.

Twilight laughs, “Lots of practice!” She nudges Athena, “Cmon, it’s time to go and it gets hot in these things fast, so let’s hope it stays cool for the afternoon.”


“We are so glad you could make it, seeing her friends will be all to the better.” Celestia is beaming at all of us, Pinkie is looking at all the party preparations with a critical eye, kept from saying anything by Rarity.

“Well we can’t let a celebration like this pass us by.” Rarity’s voice is light, “Besides, this is the first time in recent history isn’t it?”

The tall mare nods, “It is, we had to go far looking for the exact rules, but it seems we did put something in place long ago, in case anything ever happened to us.” At the shocked look of ponies all around them, she chuckles, “It was not a very nice world back then my little ponies.”

‘So you’re really taking a vacation Princess?” Apple Bloom’s voice is inquisitive, “Who’s gonna raise the sun and moon an’ stuff?”

“We will Apple Bloom, it takes but a few moments to bring them for the day and night.” Celestia smiles in her quiet way, seeing the worried expression on the little pony's face.

“Well ah hope y’all have a great time off, you deserve it.” Applejack nods, knowing how nice it is to get a day to yourself.

“Hopefully you don’t get mobbed by admirers, that would truly ruin some days I’d think.” Rarity is looking at all the silks and satins, a myriad of fabrics, flowing around the celebration hall.

Princess Luna smiles, “We have ways, there will be nothing to interrupt our time away.”

“That’s awesome, going to be kinda weird without seeing you all the time though,” A hovering Rainbow Dash is thinking out loud.

“It won’t be that long, we’ll be back before you know it.” The diarchs both nod.

“How is Athena taking all this?” Crusader has not been happy with the cut off, but he accepts it as part of his promise, though curiosity is burning inside him.

“She is doing just fine, she should be right along any.. Oh there she is.”

Everypony stops dead, inhaling in a gasp at the sight of Athena done up beyond anything we’ve seen yet. She is truly lovely, standing in regalia that only makes her trim body look as if it truly belongs on a throne. With Twilight beside her, it makes the senses reel with fascination at how wonderful a pony can look.

“Oh my stars.” Rarity presses a hoof against her chest, “Look at that.”

I watch my sister stop, shying away for a moment before regaining her balance, stepping forward to greet her friends warmly.

“Ah can’t believe that’s her.” Applejack’s voice is low as we watch for a moment, not wanting to crowd around, “She’s somethin’ else.”

“She is, Rarity does a fine job, but I think this one time perhaps she’s been outdone.”

A voice makes us look, Twilight nodding, “But it took four ponies to do it, so maybe not.” She grins at us both agreeing with her words.

I am enveloped in a hug, a perfume surrounding her catching my attention with subtle undertone and hints, Athena’s voice is gentle in my ear, “I missed you.”

“And I you, but you look well and wondrous.” I step back, “You are lovely beyond measure.”

“Well..I feel stupid.” She whispers at me, making me laugh before I can cover it, Applejack joining in.

“Darlin’ if that’s stupid, then I’d hate to see what ya look like feelin’ good.” The orange mare reaches out, touching the curled mane, “Ya sure are a sight.”

“It iz perfekt! Absolutely perfekt!” A flash from the side catches us all off guard, seeing a strange looking pony behind a camera. A light gray mane and cerulean coat sets her off as she yells orders to an entourage that moves lights and shaders around. How she can see to take photos through those sunglasses is beyond me.

“No! Over zere! You have no talent, do vhat I zay!” A pony slips quickly to a light, adjusting it slightly.

“Perfekt! I kapture ze magik!” Another flash, a multitude of flashes, “Behind the scenes I am, I Photo Finish shall make this a record for..” She pauses dramatically, “...ze history!”

More flashes, blinding everyone before she yells at her group, they pack up quickly as she points to a door, “Enough! I go!”

And like that they are gone, leaving us all in a daze.

“What..what was that?” Rainbow is rubbing her eyes.

Princess Celestia is blinking rapidly, her eyes slightly crossed, “I believe that was the photographer hired to make a record of the celebration.” She watches Luna trying to get her eyes to stop rolling.

Fluttershy and Rarity look at each other and giggle, “Oh yes, she’s a photographer.”

A trumpeting announces the ceremony is about to begin, we cannot spend any longer talking as the four move away, Applejack and I returning to our seats in the hall. She smiles as she watches Athena walk with royalty, looking as if she belongs.

“Sure somethin’ else when a little sister grows up ain’t it?”

I can only nod as we sit down, looking at the empty stage area, “It is.”


The hall remains quiet as Celestia steps out looking formal in her regalia. Not as dressed up as when we saw her at the passing, but enough to know this is a solemn occasion.

“Today is such a special day my little ponies.” She beams, spreading her warmth throughout the hall to the assembled mass of ponies of all stripes and colors.

Princess Luna joins her, stepping lightly beside and to the left of the taller mare as she grins, joyful and looking so warm in the light of the sun, “It has been more than a millennia,” She pauses, her voice ringing through the silent crowds, “Since we have appointed a regent to act in our absence.”

Twilight joins them, stepping to Celestia’s right, looking very happy to be there, her dress is bright in the rays of light coming through the windows, “Since then, they have ruled Equestria without pause.” Her voice is light, “Devoting each day to maintaining the peace we all know.” Everyone knows about the Nightmare Moon incident and there is no wish to bring it up.

Celestia nods, “But today, we shall take a rest of three days as posted in the banns sent to all corners of our land. I believe after so long, a little vacation couldn’t hurt.” She is answered by cheers and laughs, ponies understand. “That is not to say we could not appoint Princess Twilight or Princess Cadence to act in our absence, but since their duties take precedence, we will not burden them further. Therefore, Princess Twilight will be advisor to the Regent, a good learning experience for them both we think.”

Princess Cadence steps onto the stage, taking a place to the left of Princess Luna, her voice sweet as it lifts through the air, “So to make sure that Equestria is not without somepony who will watch over the land, we are here to appoint just that Princess Regent.”

Twilight steps forward, reading a scroll that is lifted in her magic to the crowds awaiting, “In accordance with Equestria’s Laws, first written down in the Year One of the Founding of Equestria, we so appoint said Princess Regent, to be our voice, to be our hoof, and to be our conscience while we are absent, for the term of not less than three days beginning when this evening falls on the Third Day of Spring. Signed this day by Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna, witnessed by Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

The four Alicorns separate, making a space between them as Celestia’s voice grows louder, encompassing each and every pony gathered, “We present, for your approval, Princess Regent Athena.” She opens one wing, sweeping it outward in a formal gesture to welcome my sister onto the stage.

Twilight is almost having a nervous breakdown as she eyes Celestia, whispering to herself, “Oh please oh please oh please, don’t get shy, don’t get shy.”

Celestia looks at a panicky Twilight out of the corner of her eye, smiling as a head peeks around the curtains, a hesitant Pegasus being nudged by the golden glow of Celestia’s magic which is subdued so nopony can see. It gives her the momentum to step out fully, taking her appointed place between the four rulers of Equestria.

The light from the day star gleams off her jewelry as she stands between the smiling rulers, trying to look as tall as she can, having been coached by Twilight for hours on how to be properly introduced.

Her eyes go wide as she sees all the assembled ponies looking directly at her, freezing in place as the hall goes silent. She can’t say anything as smiles break out, then a rumble comes from the back to the front of the hall as ponies cheer, the roar gathering until it is a sound wave of hooves and voices that threaten to overwhelm her senses, making her want to run back behind the curtains.

A wing nudges her as Celestia leans down, “I believe it’s proper to wave back, show them you appreciate their approval.” Her voice is merry and warm, startling Athena for a second as she lifts a clad hoof, waving back to the crowd.

The cheers redouble, the tumult almost bringing down the roof as she even sees Crusader in the front row. She sees him actually stomping his hooves with Applejack for her, along with Rarity, and Rainbow who is whistling loudly, Fluttershy is clapping hers alongside Pinkie who is going all out with a few noisemakers.

Crusader watches the wave get stronger, more easy, as she waves with all her heart at ponies who approve; who like her, and who want nothing but the best for her.

He made sure the smile on her face was recorded forever.


At the banquet afterwards, the four rulers, and newest temporary fifth sat enjoying a meal with others. Once again the hall was full, ponies stopping to congratulate Athena, or giving words of well-wishing. Though she tried desperately to make them stop, the bowing continued, all of it with only good will towards her.

“Athena, I don’t think it’s going to work.” I can’t help but make my own comment, seeing her face as she tries to wave off more of the same.

The sable face gets a look of frustration, “Twilight got them to! Why can’t I?”

The lavender Alicorn laughs, “Oh it took a while, let me tell you!”

Rarity leans over near Athena, “I just can’t get over how gorgeous you look darling, it suits you!” She might be a lot of things, but mean, never. She is truly delighted to see Athena looking like she does.

“It..uhm..thank you.” She can't hide the smile at Rarity for the comment.

“Stop being so shy, you should be on the front page of every magazine!”

“Zat is why I am here to kapture it all once again!” Once more flashes go off in everyone’s eyes, making us all blink.

“Oh for..” Rainbow is rubbing her eyes again.

“Stop, right there, zat is it! Beautiful! Oh yes, ve kapture ze moment....forever!” She raises a hoof, the cerulean mare getting right up against the table, “Oh yes! Zhow us your royalness, the regality! The pure Princessness inside you!”

“Are those even words?” Pinkie is looking at Fluttershy, the buttery mare just shrugs.

The photographer zips around the table, her lens everywhere as she keeps talking at a rapid fire rate, the flash going off so fast it’s almost a strobe, capturing each moment she can.

“Oh yes! Zat is wonderful, yes yes lean zat way! You are truly a model for young fillies everywhere! Everypony zhall grow up to want to be like...” A hoof is pointed right at Athena’s nose, “YOU!”

“Oh stars, that’s all we need.” Applejack slaps the table, laughing with everyone else before they get blinded again.

“Yes yes! Laughter! Ze merriment! Zhow us all you have!”

Princess Celestia tries to speak, “I think we have..”

“Enough! I go!” And once again she and her crew are gone with a rush of air.

“Well that was interesting,“ Princess Cadence is blinking her eyes to clear them. “She is quite a good photographer from what I hear.”

“Oh she is!” Rarity gushes, “On the cover of every magazine throughout Equestria, if she takes your picture, ponies will know you! Just ask Fluttershy!”

The shy mare nods, “It’s true.” Referring to when she became an overnight sensation.

Pinkie munches on a piece of cake, wearing a pair of sunglasses as she nods, “Yep, she’s pretty famous.” Looking around at everyone eyeing her, “What? I don’t like the limelight sometimes.”

Rainbow cackles, “Only you Pinkie.”


Taking off the jewelry, I set it on the dressing table with a sigh, it’s been..different. The banquet was so nice, it was amazing seeing all four Princesses together, how they’re like family instead of rulers. Maybe that’s why things run more smoothly than they should.

Princesses Celestia and Luna bade their farewells after it was over, heading to their own apartments and packing for the trip, leaving quietly and without much fanfare. They were actually looking forward to not being the rulers for a while, and I hope they have a really good time away. Night Court is cancelled as I can’t handle both of them, even with Twilight, so we are expected in the morning.

Princess Cadence and Shining left that night too, saying they had pressing business in their lands, Twilight bid them both a tearful farewell, not seeing them enough. I know how that is, sometimes it’s hard.

Bidding goodbye to all our friends at the station along with Crusader was even harder, but he told me it would be all right. If there’s anything, I trust him and our friends, so I try not to let their absence affect me.

Twilight is off getting the schedule for tomorrow nailed down, so I am left to my own thoughts for a while. It’s lonely.

Watching the moon outside my window, I lean against the sill, feeling the chill night air up here on the mountainside. It’s so quiet inside me, I don’t like it, I hate it. I can see Crusader on my limited tracking, he and Applejack are back in town doing something. I want to contact him so bad, to bring up TSDS, bring back the voices that filled my head with chatter and data.

But I promised, I promised I wouldn’t.

Leaning a cheek on hoof I watch the open areas below, seeing ponies go about their every day business, wondering if this is what it’s like for Luna and Celestia. So high above, only looking from the outside and never being a part of the hustle and bustle of life.

As my eyes sweep upward, I know there is a stealthed drone above me, keeping watch on the city, alert and unafraid. I can’t contact it as I am out of the network, but I know he’d never let security down while I am here. He’s probably got a whole fleet up there overlooking the castle knowing him, worried and attentive.

Sliding my eyes to the side, looking a bit off, I spot the disturbance in the atmosphere, signaling to me a drone is just above and to the right. I wave, wave as hard as I can to it, hoping he’s watching.

It dips, an odd tilt for a split second before it moves away on patrol pattern. A wing tip! He sees me! I miss you so much, so very much. I’ll be back soon! You keep everypony safe!

A creaking of hinges and a light step behind me makes me turn, seeing a pale blue Unicorn mare with a warm smile on her face, introduced to me earlier as Satin Shoes. She takes care of all the apartments here in this section of the castle.

“Your Highness,” She bows for a moment, lifting up and heading for the chest at the end of the big bed, “I’ve come to turn your bed down, I’m sure you must be exhausted from today.”

“Oh, you don’t have to, honest. I don’t feel the cold like.. Well, I don’t need it really.” I smile, sitting and watching her get a thick comforter from the wooden container.

“But it’s comfortable.” She turns her pale magenta eyes on me, “You don’t want to lay on a bed without something nice.” She moves to the tall bed, preparing to cover it quickly.

I give in, “I can help though!” I grab the one end, helping her to open the downy covering, though I notice she doesn’t use her magic to do so on her side.

She pauses for a moment, holding the delicately stitched ends in her hooves, “Oh I don’t think that would be proper, it is my job after all.” She tries to take the comforter away from me and I tug back.

“Nope, I’m gonna help.” I give it a pull in my direction.

“Your Highness, let me do it please.” She’s got a really good grip, yanking it back her way with help from her magic.

“Not unless you let me help.” She’s not gonna take it, I heave on it, getting her off balance for a moment.

“Your Highness...” Tug. ”Please let me do..” Now she’s really pulling as I hold firm, “My job!” She gives it a final yank and we both hear the stitching rip loudly in the quiet room, filling going everywhere as we both land on our butts, seeing the air filled with feathers and padding, each holding half the comforter.

Looking through the falling faux snow I see her face, almost mad for a moment, but then it lights up, a hoof over her mouth as she giggles, then laughs out loud.

It’s infectious, I can’t help but join her as the insides of the comforter cover us like snow ponies on a winter day, I’m tearing up and wiping my face as she continues to cackle and roll on the floor for a few minutes along with me. I roll a ball of it in my hooves and hit her in the chest with it, getting a surprised look before she lights her horn up, barraging me with a few featherballs, this only makes the filling spread farther.

Soon there is an all out fight in the room, both of us ducking and dodging, trying to find more stuff to make ammunition with. Another comforter is sacrificed to the gods of war as the battle rages, we needed more to fight with. You shall be remembered with much honor my downy filled friend!

I finally get a really good shot, landing one on her horn and covering it with a ball of feathers and filling. She’s so funny looking up at it with crossed eyes and holding her hooves in the air.

“I surrender!”

“Ha!” I leap up from behind a chest, “You can never defeat..” And I am knocked over by a huge ball of feathers combined with magic, knocking me for a loop and off my hooves as I tumble into the side of the bed upside down.

“Oh that’s not fair!”

She spits out a few feathers, helping me stand up, “You started it Princess.”

“Well..yeah.. but you surrendered!” I’m trying to get all the feathers off myself, no luck, it’s going to take a while.

Her eyes light up in merriment, “Nopony said there were any rules.”

She‘s right..darnit, “Technicalities!” Stretching my wings I see there’s more feathers than I should have, giving them a good shake. I take a good look around, the entire area is covered in feathers and down, puffs of it in every niche and crevice, “I’ll clean this...”

A hoof is held gently up, the smile behind it even warmer if you can believe it, “No you won’t Princess, let me do my job, it’s why I am here.” Her eyes take in the devastation, “Though I was just supposed to turn down the bed.”

“I caused a lot of it though.”

She ignores that, “I’ve never been in a tug of war with a Princess though, this is definitely a first.” Giggling lightly, her magic makes short work of all the stuff around, gathering it and teleporting it away somewhere.

“There, all set, now we just need to turn down your bed.” She gives me a raised eyebrow as I hold my hooves up in surrender.

“I promise not to help.”

“As it should be.” She gathers the last one out of the chest, spreading it over the tall bed, making it look warm, “You should be fine tonight, I’ll get the comforters replaced so if you need more tonight, please just ask.”

I nod, sitting quietly as she finishes her work, making sure everything is in it’s place. Satin turns to look at me, hesitating for a moment, one hoof rubbing along the other.

“Uhm.. Your Highness?”


“Is it...is it true you’re different from other ponies?” She gets a bashful look, as if she’s overstepped her bounds and is waiting to get reprimanded.

I smile at the honest question, “I am. Really different.” I motion to some pillows on the bed, hopping up and tapping the one beside me, “Come sit, ask anything you want.”

She waves her hooves in front of her, “Oh no, I couldn’t..”

“As my first Royal order..or whatever.. You will sit and talk with me. That okay?” I watch her face light up, leaping on the bed and curling up on the large cushion, “What do you want to know?”

She’s still hesitant, but I keep smiling like I’ve seen Princess Celestia do, this calms her.

“Are you really a.. a uh..”

“A machine? Like a clock?”

“Yes! That’s it, something of parts and clockwork?” Her hooves clap together in delight, finding a polite way to ask.

“I am, even this,” I run a hoof down my body, “Is part of it.”

“But you look so alive! You breath, and laugh, and I heard you can cry too like..like..” Here she goes again, reaching a tentative hoof out to touch my chest, feeling the heartbeat inside it, “You’re so like..”

“Like real ponies?”

“..Yes.. I don’t mean to offend Princess.” She snatches her hoof back.

“You are not in any way offending me, I told you to ask anything you wanted.” I put my hoof on hers for a moment, reassuring.

“So how.. I mean...” She holds out her fore legs in a questioning motion.

“I am something from long ago, even further back than the Princesses Satin,” I see her eyes go wide, “It’s the truth, we, my brother and I, wound up here by pure luck or something. So we are trying to be a part of your world now, to fit in you might say. Our world, everything we knew, is gone now.”

“That’s...a bit sad.” Her eyes dim a little.

“It is, but we have a new life here,” I press my hoof against hers, “With ponies like you, kind and wonderful.”

This gets her smiling again, “Is it true you saved Princess Luna’s life?”

Now it’s my turn to be bashful, “It wasn’t all that, really. I was at the right place at the right time.”

“Oh no! Everypony has heard of it!” She stands on the cushion, “You were all in Manehatten when a bad fake pony attacked her.” She points a hoof outward, telling a story as I watch with fascination, seeing her excited to relate it.

“They said you moved like lightning does across the sky, so fast you were a blur.” She makes punching motions, “That you hit the bad pony so hard it never even got the chance to fight back!” She moves, dodging something in her imagination, “Nothing landed on you or even touched you until you beat it through a wall!”

“Everypony says you’re fast and deadly, faster than something from the Everfree!” She jumps up off the cushion into the air, landing with a thump and laying back down once more, “That you protected her from all harm!”

“Perhaps it’s gotten a little too tall in the telling Satin.” Oh boy, tall tales.

She‘s not listening, “When Princess Luna came back, she put a special display in the Archives, it’s part of a floor she said you jumped so hard off of that you left hoofprints in it. I saw it, it’s real!” Her face is excited, like meeting your favorite movie idol in the flesh.

“It says right below it, ‘The Hoofprints of a Hero’, and it has your name!” She points at me in delight. “The whole Castle was talking about it for weeks.”

She lays there, panting with exertion, a broad smile on her face at the reenactment of what went on that day, looking at me expectantly.

“Let me tell you exactly what happened.” She leans forward, ears perked as I tell her everything, though I take the time to leave out a lot, toning it way, way down.

But I remember, oh yes. Every single second crystal clear as if I were there again. The look in the eyes of that thing as I was heading for it, that split microsecond of pure fear in them before I broke its spine. The moment when everything is white hot, driving you to act, to take a foe and wring it’s neck until it is dead.

Her face doesn’t change, hearing the tale from the one who did it and clapping in delight as I finish. Though I did not tell of the bloody aftermath, I guess it was thrilling enough for her.

Her eyes are wide as she gasps, “So you are a hero!”

Shaking my head I smile, “No, I was just there. I don’t want to be anything else but a pony,” I press a hoof against her chest like she did me, “Like you.”

A surprised look crosses her face, “Like..like me? Why would you want that?” She looks astonished I would even say it. “You could probably do wonderful things, why just..just be like everypony else?”

“Because it’s what I want. Long ago Satin, so long ago, all I did was fight. Wars, battles, nothing but fighting. But now I get a chance to be like you, in a peaceful land. I think that’s the most wonderful thing of all.”

She taps a hoof on mine, “My mom always told me, don’t be like others, be yourself. There’s nopony like you in the whole world, that you are special in your own way.” She lays it on her own chest solemnly, “I love doing what I do, taking care of Princesses, making things nice for them.” Pointing back at me she states firmly, “You need to figure out who you are, then you’ll realize how special you really are.”

She is so eager, so fervent in her statement, I can do nothing but nod, “Then I will try my best to find out, will that do?”

“As long as you don’t get too full of yourself, like some Princes..ugh..” She rolls her eyes as I laugh, knowing exactly who she’s talking about.

“I promise.”

Clapping her hooves happily she nods, “That’s good enough for me. I can’t wait to tell everypony about the story though! That I heard it from you!”

Shaking my head I give her a look, “Now don’t go embellishing it any, okay?”

“I won’t!” She leans forward, gesturing me to do so as well, looking around before she whispers, “I saw the Princesses get into a pillow fight once.”

I can’t resist, my eyes go wide as I look at her in shock, “No! Really?” She knows I’m playing with her, nudging my hoof.

“They had half the Royal Guard in on it, we were cleaning up feathers for weeks!” She giggles, covering her muzzle.

For the next hour, we exchange gossip about the palace, confirming rumors or just outright stories. It’s so fun I forget the quiet, the emptiness inside, as I listen to her laugh about things I tell her.

“Hey! I got the schedule for..” The sentence cuts off as Satin jumps from the bed, bowing as Twilight walks in the now opened door.

“Your Highness.”

“I’m sorry, did I interrupt something?” She’s looking at myself and Satin.

I smile, “No, she and I were just exchanging gossip, nothing much.”

Twilight’s eyes go wide, “Really?” She grabs a nervous Unicorn and pushes her towards the bed, “You left me out?” She jumps, landing on another cushion as we both wait for Satin to join us. She does so hesitantly, lying down once more.

Twilight laughs, “Stop being so nervous, what kind of gossip?” She leans forward, face intent on hearing things.

“Uhm.. I don’t know if I should Princess.”

“Satin, she can keep a secret, trust me.” I raise a hoof, Twilight doing the same, “We promise not to say anything. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” We both make the motions as the blue Unicorn laughs.

Twilight taps the cushion, “There, we promised not to tell, now tell!”

It’s hard being alone inside yourself, like I am, unused to the silence. But for the few hours we have it’s a special time of laughter and secrets, shared between friends.


“I don’t want to get up!” I don’t, I’m happy and snug under the bedspread.

“C’mon,” Twilight’s aura envelopes the comforter, yanking it back as I groggily get to my hooves, “Time to start the day.”

“How can you be so cheerful this early, good grief.” I shake myself out, looking in the mirror and realizing there’s no hope for my mane.

“It’s easy! Late night studying, late bed, sleep spell, ta-da! Up early again!”

“You’re a barbarian, nopony gets up this early.” I point to the sun barely peeking over the horizon, the first rays shining through the sky. “You magic using cheater.”

She laughs, peeking in the mirror, “Ugh, gotta take a shower myself, but be ready okay? We’ve got a schedule to keep!” Running off towards her set of rooms, the doors slam behind her.

Ah well, let’s get clean. I could use it, been a busy day yesterday so I wonder how they even work water facilities here? Going to have to find out, probably gravity fed, something...whoa!

I never did check the bathroom last night, not really having a need, but this...this is something else!

A huge pool is the centerpiece of the room, set off to the right of me, tiled floors that are warmed from underneath, probably steam heating, they make my hooves tingly as I step over to the dressing counter. Everything is plated in precious metals, making me afraid to touch anything for fear of scratching them. Oh wait, those aren’t plated, they ARE gold. How do they even..gold’s too soft..what.. Oh forget it.

I peek into the drawers, cosmetics, other things. Maybe some eyeliner? I could do that right? I could make myself nice? I make sure no one is around as I dig through the stuff, all new and never been used, wow.

After making my selection, I turn towards the tub..no..pool, it’s huge, but made to look like it’s in a glade somewhere. It’s..it’s..awesome! There is an opening up the wall on one side overlooking the tub, for..water maybe? I’m not quite sure as I turn the golden handles near me, the water comes rushing out in a torrent like a waterfall, splashing into the bottom and filling it up.

I am going to love this to death! I’m a Princess right? I can do things, I can..I dunno, have a little fun?

There is something on the bottom, clean, pristine white sand-like stuff. It’s odd, but it looks as if it acts as a cleanser for hooves and a filter, making sure the water stays clean by.. You know, I’m not going to wonder, I’ve got a private beach of my own!

There is an extensive selection of shampoos and washes and everything else my little heart desires. One catches my eye and I open the top, taking a deep sniff. It smells of incense, and something else that really makes it unique. I’m not going to ask anymore, I’m gonna just do this!

My hooves hit the bottom as I move under the warm waterfall, the cleansing action of the stuff beneath me makes them feel shiny and new as I walk around for a moment. The particles aren’t small enough to get in any spaces, like it was made for walking around in, this is so neat!

I duck entirely under the waterfall, my mane soaking down along my body, it covers me in fresh hot water, the temperature rising as it’s been running for a bit. I spread my wings, letting it wash away the days accumulation and feeling wonderful!

Closing my eyes, I remember a rainfall like this. A feeling wells up inside me as I remember the dream, when Crusader was gone, how it would wash my troubles away I’d hoped, I’d wished.

I lift my face into the fall of water, letting it rush over me, cleansing my body for a moment as well as my mind, leaving that all in the past it’s almost as if this place makes you fresh and new again.

All this needs is music, I didn’t..wait, I did!

I stop myself for a moment, not bothering to grab a towel as I rush out into my rooms, scaring the life out of a maid as I wave and smile, grabbing a small item out of a drawer and rushing back into the bathroom. I really hope that doesn’t get around.

I’d brought it to try something different. Instead of playing music from my files and listening to it internally, I brought a player with recording media in it, thousands of hours of music to listen to with my ears alone, like everyone else.

Tapping it, I scroll through the menu, the screen hidden from sight unless you can find it like I can. It’s keeps ponies from wondering and prying eyes from seeing. It looks like a simple box, something pretty and ornate, but inside... I set it on the edge of the dressing counter, hitting the button to let it play.

I knew he’d do it, he put his favorites on there, here’s the one I want. Thank you for thinking of me Crusader.

The music surrounds me, echoing in the room as it rebounds off the walls of marble. It’s so warm, so light and airy I feel as if I am lifted on the strings and instruments from so long ago. I have always chided him for his love of classics, but maybe I can learn to appreciate them as he does.

Vivaldi’s Spring bounds through the air, a concerto just for me as I step into the pool again, imagining myself surrounded by nothing but sunlight and music that takes me away to a place of peace. The violins and cellos playing reach deep inside me, plucking at my heart and bringing it up along with a smile on my face as I let the water rush over me again.

Is this what he feels? Is this the thing that makes this music so eternal? A violin from so long ago is playing beautifully, I run my hooves through my mane, scrubbing the scented soap along each and every hair, making sure it’s deep and clean. The smells, the sounds my ears catch are making it an ethereal experience.

The acoustics in the room are perfect, every note, every string, ringing clear and crisp as when the recording was first laid down an eon ago. He always called it ‘power and majesty’ in music. I always wondered, but now, now I can feel it. It hums along my bones, it thrills my artificial muscles and tickles my ears with something I’ve never felt before.

I can’t hear anything else but my heart beat, the sound thumping inside me along with the music as I lift up under the waterfall, scrubbing along my sides and front, using the long brush I grab from the side of the pool, it makes me feel new again.

Autumn comes on, meshing with the end of Spring, it is more of the same, a brilliance fading into the fall of seasons, not in a somber way, but with a shining of waning light.

I can’t help but twirl underneath the splashing fall, lifting my hooves out as runnels of water are flung everywhere. The stringed instruments make me feel as if I could do anything, dancing around in the pool I close my eyes, only myself and the wonderful, wonderful strains of what is almost music of the spheres.

Dancing under the rain I listen, listen with all my being, to try and see what Crusader loves in this. I feel it, I move to the sounds of a composer who had no clue his music would thrill somepony like me. Standing on my rear legs I make sure to keep washing, but am distracted so much by what I hear, I leave my cleansing for a moment and fall into the music.

It’s over so soon, but then another comes on, one I didn’t pick but I know it, Pachelbel’s Canon in D. I am gone again, returning to my washing and dancing, I can’t help it, I want to. I waltz around slowly, bowing and nodding to my unseen partner, a stirring inside me that tells me this is what it's all about, to live..to..love.

The Baroque music is stirring, profound in a way that you can only feel and not describe. I hit the replay on it, leaning out and swiping with my hoof before going back to what I was doing.

A light touch on my shoulder almost scares the life out of me, making me turn and ready a punch, as I see Satin standing there with a towel, smiling in her warm way.

Whoops! “I..uh..what do you need?”

“I came in with fresh towels for you after your bath, I heard the music and wanted to listen.” Her ears tilt, listening to the sounds her voice carries over.

“Don’t need them yet.” I take them from her, setting them aside as I stand in the water, “Come dance!”

“I’m sorry..what?” She’s looking at me like I am insane.

“Come dance! Trust me, you’ll love it.”

She looks nervous thinking this is something more, I laugh, “It’s nothing bad, not in that way. Come feel what I feel with the music. Just...dance.” I take her hoof, “Come on!” I pull her into the pool, turning the water up to let it splash both of us, I rewind the music to Pachelbel once more, “Let me show you.”

I show her the steps I’ve made, what I designed when I was first an avatar, I don’t tell her it’s for fighting, but it is elegant and it works with this so very well; the dips and bows, the flourishes and graceful moves suit us both as we move around the pool. We spin in joy, letting the music and laughter flow like the water which washes everything away but life.

She laughs, her mane flat from the water as she dances, copying what I show her and twirling around in the swirling liquid, steam everywhere as her delight shows in her eyes, each movement and slide. She is graceful and light on her hooves, her face joyful.

Once again I am enraptured, but with a new friend, hearing her laughter when we both listen and move to music that captures everything beautiful in the world.

This is what Crusader feels, I know it, because I can feel it throughout my body and soul, the beauty of everything.

An aghast voice disturbs the reverie once more, “What is.. Athena we’re going to be late!”

We both turn to see Twilight looking shocked, Satin is gleefully gesturing to her to come inside the pool while we both stand there.

“Come dance Twilight.” I reach out to grab her hoof.

“No! We’ve got to..”

I stop her, “No, we’ll be there when we’ll be there. Come dance Twilight, just once, don’t worry about schedules and checklists.” I’m slowly pulling her into the pool, her hooves are hesitant, stepping forward.

“I don’t think..” She's trying her best to pull back, though not fighting really hard enough.

“Stop thinking, you’re already here.” She gasps, trying to get out of the water as I keep her hoof in mine, “Let me show you.”

She watches, I show her the dance, making sure she gets everything correct and ducking her under the waterfall to totally ruin her mane. She’s laughing finally, splashing water as I and Satin bow to her, starting the dance once more.

“I feel silly doing this.” She’s eyeing the closed door, I rush over and lock it firmly, placing a chair against it and returning to the pool.

“Just feel Twilight, listen to the music.” I place a gentle hoof on her chest, happy beyond measure when she nods.

She’s a fast learner, mimicking moves as all three of us frolic like nymphs out of some Renaissance painting, the water is refreshing and I can see her eyes close, her ears listening to each note and movement.

Every move becomes smoother as I watch, she’s gaining confidence and really listening to herself.

In innocence there is joy, in joy there is love, and in love there is life.

In a room that was filled with ostentation, treasures and precious metals, wealth beyond some measures.

There was, in a pool of water, so much life that outshone the brightest gold.


“I can’t believe you talked me into that.” Twilight is rushing alongside me as we head to the throne room.

“We had a great time.”

We had dressed quickly, spending an hour..well two, dancing and enjoying the pool. Satin had noticed the time and almost freaked out until Twilight assured her she was in no trouble. But she did rush off to resume her duties, leaving Twilight and myself toweling off fast and getting ready for the day.

She smiles, “We did, and I can dance!”

“Wonderfully too.” I will teach her more later, she’ll never know she can fight until she needs it, when that happens, she’ll be ready.

She puts a hoof out, stopping us as we run along, “Stop! We need to walk in, calmly, like we know what we’re doing.” I find we’re already outside the door to the throne room.

“Got it.” I adjust my breastplate, making sure it’s not askew.

“Okay, here we go.” Twilight inhales and opens the door, a Herald catching our entrance and announcing loudly, “Princess Regent Athena and Her Counselor, Princess Twilight Sparkle!”

Some murmuring happens, I can pick them out clearly, obviously unsettled at our late appearance, but ya know what, forget ‘em. Self-important twerps.

We walk slowly in as I take my place on Celestia’s throne, I had argued fiercely that I would not do this as it was hers. But I was told to sit there, being the seat of power and ponies expected it.

Twilight settles in beside me as we await the first declarations of the day, this morning is problems brought before the Crown to be settled in finality. They were the ultimate authority for cases that could not be settled in a simple judicial arena.

It’s actually easy, I don’t listen to the lawyers or whatever they call them here, I ask the ponies bringing the case to us, their story. Making a decision that’s fair is no problem, it’s making a decision that’s right is another. Logic doesn’t apply sometimes, what we think may be correct could be disastrous due to other things. So it takes time, listening and asking questions. I find digging into things is interesting, fulfilling.

I learn though, asking Twilight her opinion on a few things and she shows me what might be possible under Equestrian Law. She is an excellent teacher, giving me the confidence I need to render decisions firmly in the face of law and what should be right. I find myself truly fascinated with all of it, the minutiae.

The hours pass, it’s a surprise to me as the hall empties, Twilight and I are making judgments so swiftly there’s no time really to stop, no need to take a break. Her insight is invaluable as I learn all the intricacies of what I need to, I lean on her lightly, trying to remember what was told to me and making my own decisions, but based on information I glean from Twilight.

I do notice her smiling to herself while I voice my decisions, I won’t ask, but it’s not something that would make me self-conscious, just..a smile.

But a stomach grumbles whether you’re ready or not, as Twilight’s does, then mine. We’re both starving, paying too much attention to details as we call a halt, breaking for a late lunch.

We walk to the private dining room, passing a sub-area where ponies working in the castle take their breaks, my ears perk as I hear a voice.

“...and she told me herself!” That is Satin, it’s a match.

“Oh come on, a newbie like you getting the Princess Regent to tell you things.” The other voice is dismissive, female.

“She’s nice!”

“She’s a Princess, we don’t hang out with them, get that through your head and stop telling stories.” A third voice, equally as harsh, another female.

“I’m not, I don’t lie!” The stamp of a hoof indicates anger.

“Right, brand new and the Princess Regent confides in you. Tell another one.” Another voice, this one male, I am not liking this at all.

I stop myself from rushing in and doing what I normally do which is threaten others with destruction. Different, have to think differently, something is available some...got it! I am quiet for a moment as we sit down at the small private table, tea and cakes served while Twilight and I wait for food. Something does come up though, I flip through the data seeing if I have it right.

“Twilight, I am allowed a Hoofmaiden correct?”

She thinks for a moment, “Why yes. They’re old fashioned but extremely important, they serve the Princesses directly, doing things for them. They have to be trustworthy and loyal as they are with them twenty four hours a day.”

“So, being one is an honor?”

She nods, finishing a tea cake, “Oh yes, it’s an honor to serve a Princess directly. But like I said, very old fashioned, they haven’t had one in centuries.”

I sip my tea slowly, I think I’ve got a plan. Twilight is looking at me grinning over my cup.

“What are you planning?”

“Nothing, just smiling.”



By mid-afternoon we are done, it was actually pretty smooth. We had a few arguments, some ponies didn’t wish to accept the ruling. That’s all right though, they’ll see they were fair and as just as Twilight and I could make them.

Looking around at the empty room I can’t help but smile, sitting on a real throne. I slouch a bit, leaning against the velvet cushioned back rest. The guards aren’t paying attention..much.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m relaxing, can’t be all perfect all the time.” I spread my wings, giving myself a good shake and flopping into the seat. Twilight is about to fall over as I swing a leg over one arm.

“Will you stop that! You’re representing the Princesses.”

“Oh come on, like they never slouch?” I point a hoof, “What do you think they do all day? Sit here and look like they’ve got a rod stuck up their..”

Her face is almost pure shock, “Athena!”

I see the guard behind her crack a very, very tiny, miniscule smile and I laugh, “Alright, well.. you know.” I straighten up but I still relax.

Twilight checks her ever-present list, “We’re done early actually. What do we do now?” She’s at a loss, we both never expected to be finished so soon. Even the guards are looking puzzled, I guess it’s not this way normally.

“I got it!” Sitting tall on the throne I gesture to the Majordomo, “I would like to choose a hoofmaiden, please bring candidates?”

“Your Highness?” His voice is distinctly upper-crust, looking at me as if I were talking gibberish.

“A Hoofmaiden, you know, Hoof...Maiden...., Personal servant? Somepony like that?” He nods, “Please bring me a list of candidates, I’d like to choose one now.”

He scrambles to obey, leaving me with Twilight eyeing me suspiciously, “Why do you need one?”

“Well since I’m making history, let’s make a little more.” I give her my best smile.

She is definitely not convinced of my forthrightness and truth, honesty and..aw heck she knows. “You are so full of ponyfeathers.”

Leaning over so no one can hear, I tell her what happened, I don’t use the link as I’ve been knocked off the network for the regency.

She listens, giving me a sly smile, “What a wonderful idea, let’s do that.”

“Thought you’d like it.”

We both await the list, talking about a few minor things. Tonight’s dinner is with a few diplomats paying their respects, so it should be fun, nothing like diplomats...yay.

It takes a full hour actually, ponies were scrambling to obey the order and getting likely candidates names and such. It’s kind of fun actually, say something and have others moving their tails. Nope, not gonna abuse this power, nopers.


The Majordomo appears, graciously handing us a list with ten names on it.

“Your choices Your Highness,” He bows and moves over to the side as I look at each one, noticing one is left out.

Stepping back I rub a hoof on my chin, “Hmmm, where is Satin Shoes’ name?” I know the rest, even the two who were giving her a hard time, finding out this morning when I talked to Twilight on the way here.

The Majordomo steps up, “She is new Your Highness, surely you’d prefer a more qualified..” He stops as I look at him.

“I don’t see anything wrong with adding her, there are a couple of new names on here as well.” I point to the ones I refer to, getting a polite embarrassed cough from him.

“Well..Your Highness...” He pauses, making me think she’s been left off deliberately and I don’t think I like that.

Handing him back the list I see Twilight give a small nod, “Please send for Satin Shoes.”

“Yes Your Highness.” He rushes off once again, pretty spry for an older pony.

She shows up in a rush, her mane in slight disarray as she was doing something before being summoned. She skids to a halt on the red carpet, bowing and then lifting up as she stammers, “I..I’m here P..Princess!”

I give her my best impression of Celestia, easy to do actually, “I can see that,”

Satin stands nervously, “Is..is something wrong?”

“Not at all!” Twilight steps down, grinning at her.

“Th..then what can..can I do.”

“You, Satin Shoes, will be my Hoofmaiden for the term of my regency.” I give her a warm smile, the best I can think of as she looks shocked, eyeing both of us for a moment. History is well known when living in Canterlot, as it’s all around you.

“But..but I’m new and..and..” She points to where the others exited.

“You are my Hoofmaiden, do you accept the job?” Twilight is smiling like a fool as I am, seeing the look on the Unicorn’s face.

You can see her chest about to burst with pride at even being asked, “Yes! Oh yes I do!”

“Good, then come sit with us, we’ll..we’ll..” I look at Twilight, she shrugs, nothing on the list.

“We’ll sit and talk for a while, that sound good?” Everyone nods, “Good enough..wow, next time we’ll take this slower.” We all settle back on the dais, getting comfortable, though I get a warning glare from Twilight that tells me slouching again will definitely get me an ear full later. Spoilsport..

Satin fidgets for a moment, turning to look at both of us, “So..” Her voice is quiet, “So..what does a Hoofmaiden actually do?” She sits down to the left of me and slightly forward, where Twilight directs, the proper position for a servant of her status.

“Ve don’t know! But ze world will want to know everyzhing!” A flash catches us off-guard as the accented voice fills the hall, even the guards couldn’t stop her. She rushes around, snapping pictures of everything, her crew following and setting lights up, taking them down, it’s a madhouse for a few moments.

“How did she even get in here?” Twilight is rubbing her eyes.

“I don’t know!” I can’t see, the flash got me just right, blinding me for a moment.

“History is made, and I vill kapture it! Hoofmaiden to the Regent! You shall be an...” She grabs Satin, hugging her tight enough to get a squee from the poor Unicorn, “..idol to ponies everyvhere!” She waves a hoof out in front of them both before letting go.

Poor Satin tries to hide in her own tail, pulling it around to deflect the flashing bulbs.

“Yes! Zat is it, show us your beauty, your grace, your dedication to ze Princess herzelf!” She is snapping photos of poor Satin all over, from every angle until she stops suddenly, “Enough! I go!’ She disappears in a whooshing of air, her crew following.

The guards nearby are shaking their heads as I make sure she’s gone, “Wow, she shows up everywhere.”

“Yep!” Twilight’s eyes aren’t rolling anymore.

“But..I don’t want to be an idol.” Satin’s sweet voice is quiet as she looks around fearfully for the marauding photographer.

“Join the club Satin.” Twilight chuckles, knocking the side of her head with a hoof.

“So..so what do I do as Hoofmaiden?” She asks the question once more, this time making sure only we can hear it in case Photo Finish comes back.

I think hard for a moment, knowing the rules but not the duties, “I have no clue, but it’ll be fun finding out!”

Twilight nods, she’s in the game, all the way.

I look at the guards near us, giving them a glare for letting that rogue photographer assault us, “You guys are so fired when Celestia gets back.”

Twilight and Satin were still laughing an hour later.


I am starving, almost literally. My ribs would show had I any body fat to be wasted away. I would look like I had been walking an arid desert for weeks if I wasn’t an avatar. But this is... No wonder Luna and Celestia stay so trim, they don’t get enough to freaking eat!

Staring at the plate I am given, supposedly something to tide me over before the main meal, so many courses it’s hard to keep track. Now I know why, not enough here to feed a dead pony.

A few sprigs of herbs, a leaf of lettuce, a delicately carved cherry tomato and something that looks like parsley is sitting together on this large plate, making me yearn for Sugar Cube Corner.

Twilight is munching on a tomato, eyeing me, “What’s wrong?” She smiles at the diplomats across the way, the Duke and Duchess from Maretonia, nice folks. Two traders from Saddle Arabia, who don’t realize I can understand their language. A smattering of minor functionaries, all in all, polite and gracious.

But this is a travesty, I want some food.

Satin leans over from behind me, taking her position very seriously, “Anything I can get you?”

I give both of them a look, pointing at the plate, “Come on, seriously? I’m starving!” My words are quiet but fierce, Twilight almost chokes as the three of us engage in a whispered conversation.

“Look, if I don’t get enough, my avatar will shut down and it’s going to be trouble to restart it, I need the mass!” I gesture to the empty plate from before, “I’ve eaten everything they’ve given me, it’s not enough.”

“Can’t you wait until later, we can get something more from the kitchen.” Twilight’s voice is nervous, hoping this doesn’t turn into a disaster at our first dinner.

“I can try, but right now, it’s getting close. I’m sorry Twilight, I thought there’d be more to eat.” I give her a hopeful look.

Satin nods, “I’ll go see what the chef has for you, I am your Hoofmaiden after all.” She grins, trotting off to the kitchen area.

Twilight smiles, “See? No problem.” We wait patiently for a few minutes.

Seeing Satin’s face as she backs out of the doorway, it is a problem. She walks over to both of us and stammers a bit, “Th..the chef said no, it’s the standard menu. I tried to..to tell him but he just told me to get out.”

Twilight is shocked, “Did you tell him who you were?” Not believing anyone would be so bold as to do such a thing, even though Satin’s position is new, word had spread.

“I did, he said he didn’t care.” She looks crestfallen at the thought she’d failed in her new job.

Setting my napkin down I stand up, interrupted for a moment by the polite clearing of a throat from the Duke of Maretonia, “Pardon me Princess.”

“Yes Duke, what can I do for you?” I will always be gracious, especially to these two, as they had greeted me warmly at the dinner table when we arrived.

“I couldn’t help but overhear that you might be going to order more, well, sustenance from the kitchens?”

“Yes Duke, I’m afraid I don’t find the normal menu appealing tonight, my humblest apologies.”

His wife laughs lightly and warmly, smiling at me, “Oh no dear, none needed. Would you be kind enough to order some for us too, I know it’s an imposition, but it has been a long day.”

Twilight is hiding a smile behind her hoof as I nod, “Yes sir, I shall, anypony else?” Everyone sitting around the table nods, too polite to ever say or do anything like that by themselves, but since the Duke spoke up.

“I’ll be right back, please, enjoy yourselves.” I grab Satin, bringing her with me as we walk through the door to the kitchen. Stopping the Unicorn, I ask her, “Who’s the chef?”

She points at an overweight stallion, haranguing some poor Sous-Chef who’s trying his best. Other ponies look tired and harassed, this is not a good environment from first glance.

“You!” I point a hoof, everypony turns and bows, except this jerk who just lowers his head for a moment and stares at me. “You and I are going to have a talk.” Making sure Satin is with me I step close, nose to nose, “You know who this is right?” I point to her.

“An upstart who thinks..” I stop him before he goes way too far.

“She is my Hoofmaiden, and as such she will be treated with the deference and respect due her, do you understand me?” I watch him grudgingly nod, looking at her as if she’s something beneath him.

Nope, just signed your own warrant buddy.

Taking a lighter tone, I look around, “I want you to serve more substantial plates, this itty-bitty frou-frou stuff isn’t doing it, let’s get some food out there.” The kitchen goes quiet as I make my statement, never insult a chef and what he serves.

“I’ll have you know I’ve served their Highnesses for years and they’ve never complained!” Yeah, he’s getting mad.

“Maybe that’s because you could starve a cockroach on what you give them, they don’t have the strength to do so?” I’m smiling at him now, watching the temperature rise. I can see the smirks behind him, the workers seeing the high-hoofed chef getting his status challenged.

“You dare? Come into my kitchen and tell me...” He stops at my look.

“Your kitchen? Yours?” I laugh, “This is property of the Crown, and for the next few days, myself. You don’t own a thing here.” I glance around, “And from the looks, you run a shoddy ship.”

I nudge Satin behind me with a gentle back hoof, waiting for him. He knows the score, yell at even a fake Princess and your life is pretty much done in the castle. But there’s got to be.. Yeah..I got it.

I turn and leave the kitchen, cranking my hearing up as I hear his voice haranguing the staff once more, I record it internally and keep doing so for the next minute. That’s enough I think, turning around and entering quickly, I catch him in the middle of pointing at a server, Satin is following right on my tail.

Two Royal Guards are on station outside the doors as I lean out, getting them to come inside and pointing at the chef.

“Take him out, he’s fired, don’t let him return.”

The two Royal Guards grab him and haul him out the back way as I stand in the now silent kitchen, the pots and pans bubbling in the silence. Pointing at the Sous-Chef, “You’re second right?”

He nods, looking panicky.

“Stop being nervous, you’re in charge, can you get some real food out there?”

A sense of relief passes through every kitchen worker, some actually chuckle at what just happened. One of the cooks near me bows, “Princess?”

“Yes? Please don’t bow, you’re working right now.”

He nods, getting back up, “Thank you. He uh.. really made things tough in here.”

“He was a jerk, you don’t need that.” He nods, accepting the statement as grins break out. “ Let’s get something out there, I mean seriously, feed some ponies!” I scan the workers looking at me, “And for Celestia’s sake, be happy! Have fun!”

The beefy stallion turns to the others, “You heard the Princess, let’s feed some ponies!” Everyone rushes to get back to what they’re doing, but this time, more food comes out, chopping blocks are piled high with greens. I can’t help but smile to myself as Satin and I pile out of their way, heading back to the table.

Settling down, I tell Satin to grab a seat, I’m sure she’s hungry too. Everypony looks at me, waiting for the results.

“I fired the chef.” Twilight almost spits out her juice, staring at me.


I hook a hoof over my shoulder, “He was a jerk, treating them like slaves in there. We’ve got some real food coming now!” I give her a smile, and sure enough, talk about fast.

A line of ponies wearing white comes out, setting platters of cooked vegetables and everything else imaginable on the table in silver trays. Smiles from the kitchen workers as they politely serve plates, mingling with the guests and taking compliments as the hot food is passed out. I’m digging into a huge pile of noodles myself, watching the others finally enjoying a meal for once instead of the stiff atmosphere.

The dining area is alive now, with talk, with laughter and smiles, you can see the difference. Twilight looks at me with a merry face before nodding slightly, and that means the world to me, her approval.

A comment catches my ears as the two traders are slyly looking at Satin, speaking in their native tongue which is very close to Arabic. But I’ve listened, noticing the differences, so I smile politely.

In their own language I tell them quietly, “Make another comment about Princess Sparkles’, mine or Satin’s backside again, I’ll shove your teeth down your throat so far you’ll have to lift your tails to eat.” But I never lose that sweet smile, have to be polite you know.

They hastily excuse themselves from the table, funny, we never saw them again.

“Ruffians the both of them,” The Duchess remarked, “Can’t believe they’d excuse themselves so rudely.”

“Quite.” Her husband removes his monocle, giving it a polish as he looks at me, “Well Princess, I must say this meal is quite substantial, thank you.”

“You’re very welcome, there is plenty so please enjoy yourselves.”

He nods, “Oh by the way, would you care to join us in a rousing game of croquet tomorrow, it really is smashing, and we need a third and fourth for our team.”

Twilight’s eyes grew wide at the Duke’s words, matching mine.

We made a good excuse why we laughed so much at that comment.


Watching the moon rise, it’s quiet again. But a different kind, the normal one in which night slips over you like a glove, bringing with it dreams and rest for the morrow.

I know he’s out there, he’s got me pinned and tracked probably down to the nanometer. I can always trust him to watch over me, to look out for me even when we can’t communicate.

I wave out the window, I don’t see any distortions but I’m sure he’s there, I give him a smile, hoping he’s taking care of everypony.

Humming along with the soft music from the player, I drift around the set of apartments, so much room, so little to do in them really. It’s fun finding new things, exploring the multitude of closets and drawers, keeps me interested.

I’ve learned today, learned so much that it’s not the obvious things, it’s the subtle. The sublime, things that by their very existence are not noticeable until they happen. Passing judgment on cases, talking to others, taking responsibility for ones actions are not what I expected. It does affect you, deep down, knowing you can do a good thing, and it’s never noticed until far later.

I think it’s nice that I can stand on my own, but I can still lean on friends when I have to. But it’s there, inside me, the thought that maybe if a day comes when I am alone, that I can do what I need to. A day in a Bolo’s life is an eternity, coming to conclusions so rapidly now, it’s a benefit, being able to think about things so fast sometimes..

I stand in the middle of the apartment, staring out the window, knowing, just knowing, it’s not my weapons or computing cores that makes me what I am. Satin said find the thing that makes me special, and I am getting a glimmer of what it might be, pieces of the puzzle that will fit together.

And you know what? I find...I find the quiet not so oppressive now, not so dark and frightening after just one day. It’s still lonely, it always will be, but facing it, throwing light into it’s face and making it retreat back to the corner where it stays, is part of me now. Stepping over to the window, I can see my reflection in the glass, the lavender eyes that look back at me, telling me, you’re stronger than you think.

Crusader brought me home, he gave to me this body of which I’m inordinately proud. But Princess Luna said there is magic in the world, that will come to the worthy, the deserving, and I can only hope one day it finds me so.

Until then, the fire inside me will grow, it will encompass my being and show me the way that comes with being alive, I know this now.

But before that day comes....other things must take precedence, like ice cream!

I look at the doors to our adjoining rooms, wondering if I can just whip in and get a treat from the supplies Crusader shipped. They’ve been stored in Twilight’s room and stars only know what she’s been doing. Laughing to myself I shrug, no worries, as long as she is happy.

But thinking of a large bowl of rich, deep, chocolate fudge ice cream is really distracting me right now. I’m staring at the doors with an intensity usually reserved for the enemy. Yep, ice cream it is! Forward! To breach the ramparts and take what is mine by right of conquest!

“Princess?” Satin’s voice from behind.

Curses, foiled in my attack!

“Hi Satin,” As I look at her face, the normally bright smile is gone and she’s looking sad for some reason, “What’s wrong?”

She waves a hoof back at the open door leading to her own set of rooms. She’d been moved into them as her status had changed, they were quite large as well, “I’m just kinda rattling around in there, can I come listen to music with you?”

“Of course!” I jump up on the bed, grabbing a few large cushions, “You don’t have to ask, yeesh, we’ve known each other forever! Well..one day..but that’s forever!” I grin, seeing her giggle.

As she settles on the cushion, perking her ears, I point my hoof at her, “You call me Athena, alright?”

“Oh no, that’s not...”

I wave at her, smiling all the while, “Ah! We’re alone, it’s quiet, no need for all the hooplah here.”


“See? Not so hard.”

The connecting doors open in a glow of magic I recognize, Twilight trots in, holding three large metal bowls that are very cold from what a glance tells me, she’s grinning seeing us already on the bed, “I brought ice cream!” She looks kindly at Satin, “I heard you’d be joining us.”

A bowl of my favorite lands in front of me, a spoon to match as I almost stick my entire face in it, gathering my composure for a second, “You...are my... hero Twilight.” She laughs, setting her own and Satin’s down gently, her magic control is perfect.

Satin is staring in the bowl, giving us both a strange look.

“What’s wrong? Twilight stops her spoon in mid air.

“What kind of ice cream is this?” She points to the bowl, it’s a melange of sorts, fudge, banana, a myriad of flavors that will just make you crave more. I’ve had it and it’s addictive in a way, it’s also multi-colored, bright and cheery.

“It’s called a combination Satin,” Twilight looks proud at remembering when I told her, “It’s got almost every flavor imaginable and then some, you’ll love it. I didn’t know what you liked.”

I’m half-listening, already digging into mine. But I watch her take a delicate taste, her eyes lighting up as she mumbles around another quick spoon full, “It’s good!”

“Told you!” Twilight gives her a wink.

Wiping my face I guess I’m too quiet, thinking of things and how the day has been going to go. So far, it’s been okay, except for the chef, and I really hope I haven’t caused an incident with the traders, but types like that don’t need to be in polite company. Twilight and I agreed to the croquet game of course, it’ll be nice, the Duke and Duchess have been nothing but very polite to us all.

Something’s bothering me though, it’s right at the tip of my tongue, something I noticed the day of the celebration, but was too preoccupied to dig into it. What was...

Scrambling off the bed, I ransack a drawer and come up with the scroll for the regency announcement, the one Twilight read. Leaping back on the mattress between the two mares I unroll it, staring at it for a moment as it hits me.

“Those little.. I knew they were up to something!” Slapping a hoof on the parchment I give a huff.

Twilight and Satin are puzzled until I show them

“See right here, a ‘term for not less than three days..?”

“Well, yes.” Twilight nods, having read from it previously.

“It doesn’t close! It should say a term of not more, nor less than three days, they left it open!” I wait for them to get it, the light slowly dawning in their eyes as Twilight grabs the pronouncement in her magic, bringing it near her face.

She mumbles, reading it to herself and looking at me in rising horror, “They did!”

Satin’s looking at both of us, “What’s that mean?”

I slap the parchment, “That means they don’t have to come back in three days. Those sneaks!”

The look on her face matches ours as we sit there staring at each other for a long, long minute.


“That’s why I haven’t seen Cadence and Shining since that night, I’ve been trying to get in contact with them, but I get messages from the Crystal Empire saying they’re ‘indisposed’.” She stamps a hoof, “I wondered why they left in a hurry.”

“I’ve got to call Crusader, I have to establish contact again, he’ll help us figure this out!” I’m bringing up the emergency protocol when Twilight’s hoof on my shoulder stops me.

“No, you promised, we can do this.” Her voice is warm, but the look on her face is determined.

“But this is an emergency, they left the appointment open! We can’t just run the country for however long it takes them to decide to come back!” I must look exasperated, “This isn’t what was told to you and I, it’s not right.”

“Right or not, we’ve got to do the job. The Crystal Empire’s Seneschal will take good care of things, if anything breaks out, we’ve got myself and the Elements, anything bigger, we’ll get you and Crusader.” She grins, “Between all of us, anything bad wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“Are you sure about this? Absolutely sure?” I stare right into her eyes as she nods.

“Absolutely, we can do this.” She puts a hoof out, I lay mine on top of it as we both look at Satin.

She starts, looking at us, “Me..me? I’m just...”

“You’re my personal Hoofmaiden and now you know a secret that cannot get out, ever.” Her faces look panicky for a moment, “You cannot tell, you can’t say anything about this, if anyone looks too closely there might be trouble.”

Twilight nods, “We’re the only ones that know right now, you have to promise.”

A tentative blue hoof is put on top of ours, “I promise.”

“Good!” Twilight looks at me, “Can you track them?”

“No, I’m out of the network and my cores are sequestered, it means I have no data whatsoever from any communications. Even I have limits, and they are beyond my simple scanning range.” Satin looks puzzled, but Twilight knows what I’m talking about. “I can pick up if they are close, but beyond a two hundred kilometer range it’s dead air, Crusader and I meshed everything to get more range, without the network I’ve got nothing.”

I slap the cushion I’m laying on, “The bands you wear are so small and give off such a tiny signal, we used a lot of processing to keep tabs on them.”

“I’m sorry,” I give her a helpless look.

“It’s okay! We’ll figure out something.” She grins, “But until then, ice cream!” She laughs at our astonished looks, the fate of the country was at stake!

“It’s melting, can’t waste it you know.” She points at the soggy messes the bowls are about to become.

I shrug, “Yeah, can’t help it.” I dig back in along with Satin who giggles between bites.


Although it seems blithe, there is nothing to be done until the morning, so accepting it lets me move past any reservations. This includes finding a way to ping the bracelets, giving me at least something to go on. They are multi-plexed and very secure as Crusader could make them, which means nigh impossible to break unless you’re determined and stupid enough to spend the next hundred years cracking the codes.

But, and it’s a big but, maybe I can find a way to put power into a narrow band and maybe get some feedback from the unique frequency assigned to them. It’s something to think of. No..wait.. dangit won’t work. Stupid Crusader, have to make things so dang secure! If I try to do a feedback echo, Crusader will spot it, wondering what I’m up to and then he would call, promise or not, and the cat would definitely be out of the bag.

I do ponder it though, while I’m chatting with Twilight and Satin, the ice cream long gone, the music soft as I see them nodding, finally just lying on the cushions and sleeping in place. A long day indeed. I cover them with the comforter, making sure pillows are close by and giving myself room to sleep, the bed’s big enough for a herd of Aurochs, so plenty of space.

The whisper of a violin lulls me to rest, even though I never need it, I still close my eyes, letting myself fall into a timeless realm...just for a while.


Opening my eyes, I see the barest hint from the coming dawn, it’s the wolf’s hour, that time before the breaking light takes the night, whisking it away. Not moving, I listen, hearing breathing, separate from each other, Satin and Twilight still asleep. But in an hour or so they’ll be rising too.

More than enough time.

I grab the player, heading for the bathroom and closing the door, making sure the volume on it is loud enough, but not so much I will wake them, they deserve their rest, and this is a guilty pleasure anyways. The first time I was in this room it made me wonder why humans certain things, looking at themselves so much, doing things that ..well.. confounded us sometimes really.

I start the bath, watching the water once more fall in splashing pools in the basin below, heating up quickly as I step in front of the floor length mirror.

Scanning the area, I make absolutely, positively, beyond a shadow of a doubt sure this place is clear. I even lock this down in my cores so when I re-establish contact with Crusader he’ll never see it.

Okay, nopony here, nothing to see, no window, doors locked, we’re good.

I look at myself critically in the mirror, I really haven’t before. Crusader did such a nice job, I can see the flowing lines of muscle when I turn and twist, trying to get a better angle on myself. The mirror folds out into a sort of tryptych, letting me get a good view of everything.

You know, I’m really okay looking. Slim, taut, everything in the right place, my wings are the perfect shape and size for my body. It’s a fabulous creation, I never really paid attention before, just took it for granted.

I make sure the area is clear again.. you know.. just in case.. I point a hoof at my reflection.

You are one dead sexy pony! Posing with my face tilted to the side, giving my reflection a sly smile, oh yes you are. Got a flank some ponies would kill to have, you betcha, and a Cutie Mark to match! I give myself a turn, looking at said spots, yep!

I feel so silly, how did human women do this all the time anyway? But, it is kinda fun. Maybe silliness is just another part of..I dunno..laughing at yourself? Making you comfortable in your own body? Is this what they saw? Making themselves try to look better, more..more appealing?

Aside from maintenance, I never realized what a marvel I’ve been given. Durasteel and semi-organic muscles, made into a semblance almost indistinguishable from reality. Every time I’m in the repair bay, he does something, a little thing here and there to make it even better. What could he have done with the Concordiat’s resources behind him?

I’ll ponder more later..right now...

I push my mane up behind my head with a hoof, gorgeous? No, not that, but I’m pretty, or I can be when I want. Is this what it’s like to figure out who you are as Satin said? Find out what makes you special?

We never looked at ourselves, always inhabiting one hull or the other, guns and power plants, cores and computing. But as I look at the tilted eyes on my face, it’s...different. Softer, gentler than I ever was, no hard edges to define, nothing but curves and gentle roundings that make me..pretty.

And you know what? That’s fine with me.

No one can be as good looking as Rarity, or some others, but.. I turn to the shower with a flick of my tail and a wink to my reflection, I’ve got a few things going for me.

Stepping under the hot water it’s refreshing, standing for a moment and letting it run all over my body. I can’t feel it fully like real ponies, but I know it’s wonderful all the same. I am so getting one of these. I immediately start my design cores on redoing facilities on my Command deck, oh yes.

Leaning out of the waterfall I slap the player on, let’s see what comes up...oh now that’s a good one. The words are perfect for how I feel right now, a darn fine tune.

I grab the shampoo as the song begins, one of those slow...really good ones.. it’s definitely fitting the way I am right now. I spread a large amount on me and scrub as I find myself moving once more. I am just ..how did one commander put it? Jammin’ out right now..yeah.

I can’t help it, grinning like an idiot, I push my hooves into my mane again as I stand on my back ones, lifting it into the waterfall and moving my body sinuously with the tune. Yeah this is perfect, I am the sexiest thing in this room right now and nopony can deny it! The bass line just grabs ahold of me, as I slide under the hot water like a snake.

Closing my eyes, I run my hooves down the length of my body, leaning forward with a come hither look, feeling incredibly silly as I do it, but having no second thoughts as I blow a kiss over my outstretched leg. I’m covered in bubbles and lather, it’s so silky smooth so..so..oh this feels so goooood...

‘Yes I can tell that you’ve cast your spell,

the way you hold me, somehow

If this is sin baby count me in, I can’t turn back now’

I join in the chorus, singing my heart out, minding the room’s not completely soundproof, but that’s all right, singing in the shower is common.

I hope.

“I’ve got to have all of you!” I move slowly, wrapping my forelegs around my barrel, hugging myself tight. The water just makes the soap creamy and delightful, this should really be illegal, probably is somewhere.

“Little Darlin’!” I keep it up, slipping around, the bass slamming into the room with a great beat, flicking my tail as I move in a way that would be considered definitely not for little ones to see.

“All of your lovin’, all of your huggin’, all of your kisses too!” I blow another one at the mirror, giggling to myself as I run my hooves down my sides once more, this time running to my hips and back legs, bending over in the shower with a lascivious look on my face, I can see it in the mirror.

Pony bodies aren’t made for standing like this so long, but it’ll do, more than.

“I’ve got to have alll....ooooof...you!” Oh yeah, flick of the tail, a little glimpse of a spear and scroll, yeah shake that Cutie Mark.

“Every day, in every way now, no one else will do!”

Oh yeah, slow guitar, the music is just right. I twist just enough, letting my Cutie Mark show with a raised eyebrow on my face, the mirror shows a dead set knockout pose, half-lidded eyes, oh and a pout, just a tiny bit with half a smile...riiiight there... Beat that Rar...


I’m partially blinded, caught unaware as more go off. *Flash! Flash!* A series of them as I try to get my balance back, I can’t do anything right now except...

Yep, I scream.

“Zat is it! Pure magik I zay! Oh my! Such beauty, such poise, oh you are zezxy beyond belief! Pout for me! Work vith me! Let us see that pose again, oh yes, lean zat way!” The flash goes off more times, keeping me off balance as I try to grab a towel, a piece of clothing, oh stars... ANYTHING!

“Yes yes! Look at those lines, such grace, such style! The wet Princess look is IN!” A multitude of flashes, some more lights and then the voice again, “Enough! I go!”

I fall out of the pool, landing hard on the tiles as I scrabble to clear my eyes of soap. Getting to my hooves I skid across the floor, hitting the door and wrenching it open, gritting my teeth as I rush past a bewildered Twilight and groggy Satin.

“We heard you scream..” I lose her voice as I rush out the door, looking for that marauding ponyrazzi!

I run right into two guards rushing to the door, probably because of a scream..yeah.. We tumble in a melange of legs, weapons and armor as I push them away trying to get a view and myself untangled, looking down the hallway and stamping a hoof in frustration at not catching that ambusher!

But I do have two guards getting back up as I point steadily at them.

You guys are so fired!”


Satin helps me get dried, though not without quite a lot of giggling as I try to towel myself off. I’m sure my disgusted look is quite hilarious to her, and Twilight who keeps snickering. She also tells the guards they weren’t fired, just me being a bit frustrated.

“How in Tartarus is she getting into these places?”

Twilight shrugs, “She’s the best photographer in Equestria, I dunno how she does it. But she has been given all access, I didn’t realize she’d show up in there.”

“She was in the freaking bathroom! MY bathroom! Taking pictures! That..that..voyeur!” I throw my hooves in the air, “She’s like a stupid Ninja with a camera! Ugh! Somepony better find her or I’m gonna murder that mare!”

Satin laughs, “Oh don’t worry, you were just taking a shower, not like you were doing anything...wrong...” She looks at me intently, “Why are you blushing so much?”

“What? Me?” Dangit! “I’m..you know, embarrassed about standing in the hall covered in soap. Heh.” Yep, I’m good.

“Nooooo, you’re turning even more red, “ Twilight is looking at me from her seat near the bed while I towel off. “What were you doing in there?” I see the beginning of a malicious smile and an eyebrow slowly raising up on her forehead.

I hate when she’s observant.

I make sure the door is shut, and locked, with a chair and a dresser in front of it, checking each room real quick as I decide I’m just gonna be honest. We sit on the floor as I gather them close, keeping my voice low as I can.

“You know when you’re in the shower,” They both nod, “And you’re covered in soap and it feels so good..and..and you just can’t help but think you’re the prettiest mare in Equestria?” Both of them nod again.

“Well..yeah.. I was uh..kinda showing off.”

Satin covers her muzzle and grins behind it as Twilight’s eyes go wide, realizing what I just said.

“It was fun, and..and I kinda went a bit too far posing and stuff...that’s when that stupid photog got me!” I stamp a hoof as they both fall over laughing.

Satin recovers first while Twilight’s still snickering to beat all, leaning in close with an intense look “Show me!”

I look at her like she’s insane, “Do what?”

“Show me!” The blue mare grins, “We’re friends right, show us!” She gestures to Twilight who’s nodding eagerly.

No. Absolutely not. “I really shouldn’t, I mean it’s not really something..” I can’t help but blush even more.

“Oh c’mon, you taught us that dance!” Her blue face lights up with a warm smile, “Please? Show us this, I won’t say anything I promise!”

She does the Pinkie Promise, Twilight following immediately with her, both of them looking at me expectantly. Oh stars, peer pressure is a terrible, terrible thing.

One time in your life, just once, you do something that is so totally out of bounds and you darn well enjoy it. I’m gonna do this! We’re going to be late, but what’s a couple of hours?

Closing my eyes, I give a sigh, “Alright, I’ll show you. But you ever say anything about this and I’ll find you, I know where you both live!” We all chuckle.

I do a double-check of the rooms again, making sure the hall is clear as I lock the doors, doing a security sweep as fast as I can before returning to the middle of the floor.

“Okay..just imagine you’re in the shower, and the warm water...” I tell them how to picture the whole set up, starting the music.

That bass comes in and we’re off, their eyes following me as I picture that shower so rudely interrupted. There’s quite a few giggles, and laughs when we stop so I can correct the movements, showing them the poses, the looks I made.

Satin is a natural, her lean body is moving like she’s done this before, sliding across the floor with her eyes closed, smiling to herself and dancing. She’s really got grace and poise, maybe that’s where she got her Cutie Mark? I have noticed it’s a pair of Equestrian type ballet slippers.

It’s Twilight that makes me blink, once she stops being in control so tightly, she definitely has promise. She moves fluidly and lightly, using her wings to help with some of the poses, she knows how to put on a pretty face.

I am so going to Tartarus for teaching them this stuff.

I finish the lesson and we get back in line, I start the music once more. Ponies know music somehow, instinctively and deeply. I’m not and will probably never be sure why, but they take to it like a duck in water. It’s part of them, the magic in the world and I am so abusing it.

Also, I’m dead if Crusader finds out.

“I’ve got to have alll..of....you!” Wow, we can actually sing well together, go figure.

Oh this song is such a classic, just the right tune for three mares having fun. It’s also pretty good exercise as we collapse on the floor. I can see them sweating while they laugh, fanning themselves and grabbing glasses of water off the serving tables.

Twilight is grinning and sipping water, “That..that was so fun! Why didn’t you want to..” Then she realizes, “Oh, right, not exactly for the Gala.”

I point at her, “You got it, Celestia and even Luna would probably have real fits.”

Satin laughs, “Well I think it’s neat!” She gulps some chilled water, “Got any more music like that?”

I think for a minute, a slow smile breaking over my face, “I think I’ve got one....”


The two Royal Guards at the end of the hallway are startled for a moment from loud music coming from the Princess’ apartments, looking at each other and shrugging, listening to the strange tune and trying to stop their hooves from tapping along with the really catchy beat. Hearing the three voices singing quite well from down the access way, a brief smile passes between them. They liked the Regent and Twilight was always thought of kindly, the third voice of the new Hoofmaiden was just incredible as the words flew down the hallways.

"Be good to yourself, when

Nopony else will!

Ohhhh-oh be good to yourself!"


“Huh, nothing to do now....”

“It’ll be over soon, then we can have some dinner.”

“How come we keep finishing so fast, I thought this took all day?”

Twilight shrugs, “I dunno, we really ripped through the cases today.” She checks a list, “The last one was twenty minutes ago and we’ve got about an hour until Court closes.”

The throne is actually pretty comfortable, but it does get monotonous sitting here all day. I tap my hoof on the arm, seeing them both smile when they recognize the music from earlier and nodding to themselves.

It was really one of the best times I’ve had in ..well... ever. Even the odd looks from the servants made me giggle, probably wondering what other strange things we were going to do.

Satin looks back over her shoulder, “Besides, still gotta do some more practicing, it’s sure fun!”

I can’t help but laugh, pressing a hoof to my chest and shaking my head, “I have corrupted an innocent, whatever shall I do.” Satin rolls her eyes, knowing I mean her.

Twilight sighs dramatically, “Celestia and Luna are going to be soooo disappointed.” She puts her hoof up to her brow, looking as if she’d swoon.

This makes me sit up, tall and proud, lifting my muzzle in the air, “I shall face my punishment, whatever comes! I have no regrets!” All of us laugh.

Our merriment is interrupted by the slamming open of the far doors, making all the guards immediately turn and present arms as nopony is expected at this time, there are no appointments. It doesn’t seem to affect the..thing..walking in the door with loud steps. My eyes focus, seeing a large Minotaur stomping down the space between the rows of seats, not even bothering to look at the guardsponies who are not happy.

I don’t blame them, but giving the signal I was taught, they reluctantly step back into place.

Satin’s having a hard time staying seated as it gets closer..he.. Looks to be a he. Twilight leans over, “Micah the Strong, Ambassador from the Minotaur Khanate.” She whispers hurriedly in my ear, beating his arrival by a few seconds.

“Where is Celestia?” His voice is deep and booming across the empty hall.

“You mean Princess Celestia!” Twilight is pointing at him, not looking thrilled at that kind of familiarity.

He waves it off, “Whatever. We need to talk about trade tariffs, where is she?” Looking at us both expectantly, he crosses thick forearms across a broad chest.

I do take a longer look before answering instead of Twilight, he’s large, quite so, muscle mass is dense, he’s be a formidable opponent in a one on one fight. He’s got the arrogance to match his posture which is definitely defiant. Weairng a baldric of some sort, probably denoting his status and rank, across the broad chest, he’s pretty intimidating.

“I’m afraid Princesses Celesta and Luna are unavailable. I am their regent, I can speak for them.” I can see Twilight looking at me in surprise as I reply calmly, almost making me laugh. “Though you don’t seem to have an appointment today, nor for the next few days as I know my own schedule.”

“The Khanate doesn’t obey the whims of schedules, we talk when we wish.” A sly grin crosses the blunt muzzle, not trying to lower the volume of his voice, preferring to try and impress with it.

“Then I am afraid if you wish to talk with Princess Celestia, you will have to wait.” I try to emulate the alabaster mare with a warm smile, nodding my head politely.

“We’ll see.” He turns and stomps out, leaving us all looking at each other in puzzlement.

Twilight is frantically looking through her clipboard, shaking her head, mumbling as she peeks at the writing on the sheets. “No, no they don’t have anything like a trade meeting, especially with the Khanate.” She shrugs.

“Well he’s kinda rude if you ask me,” Satin nods firmly, stepping from beside the throne where she had backed up in fright.

“They are a bit pushy, not exactly the most polite of races.” Twilight’s face takes on a look of concentration, “And they tend to be aggressive in trade deals, wanting more concessions and not giving any back. Celestia just usually gives them a decent deal on things, it tends to settle any problems.”

“That sounds fair.” Satin nods in agreement with me, “But hey, long as there’s no trouble huh?”

We close down the court for the day, hurrying off to the dining room, ‘cause the smell’s been killing us for the last half hour.


Definitely a different atmosphere in here, smiling staff, and lots of food! Lots and lots of it! I am almost salivating, if I could, smelling spicy soups and noodles, rices and herbs. Satin’s stomach growls louder than mine as we settle in the chairs held for us. How food helps with memories, strange that...


Breakfast had been a pleasure, the wait staff and kitchen workers were smiling this morning when we arrived, serving us with a happy air. I guess I helped to do that, and it made me feel good about myself, seeing the ponies chatting with guests.

The Duke and Duchess had welcomed us warmly on their croquet team, yes, it’s a boring game, but Twilight and I played well, winning for our side and believe it or not, polite claps all around.

We had been playing when the Duke mentioned something about mining that caught my attention. Seems they couldn’t increase output unless they invested heavily in new tools and such. He described the kind of machinery and tools they were working with, triggering a thought inside me. Colonies and others such as in asteroid belts had the same problems being lower tech, they had to find a way to increase production without blowing everything on a high tech solution, to keep themselves solvent. It all came down to the bottom line, how to get more for less.

I mentioned a solution to it, totally off the cuff, lining up a shot at the time when I realized everyone had gone silent, making me turn around to see the Duke and Duchess staring at each other, then myself.

“What was that?” He was listening very close as I explained a simple solution, well within means for Maretonia to increase their mining output by using the same lower technological things they were equipped with. It was a proven problem solver, with many colonies increasing exports. Just took a rethinking of how to use the tools you already had.

“It should bring production up at least thirty-two percent, if not more, depending on rates of exchange.”

“And we can do this without lowering pay for the miners and bringing in more profits to share?” He seemed to be the good type, wanting to give more to those who worked hard.

“Oh yes, should be more..lemme figure real quick..more than enough. You should see balances rise within a month.” It wasn’t that hard of a solution.

“That’s absolutely incredible, we’ve been trying to figure a way to do that for a year! Thank you so much Princess!” He and his wife bowed, making me self-conscious for a moment.

“I..uhm.. you’re welcome.” Twilight had nudged me from behind, making sure I accepted the thank you politely.

Before Court had started, we had early morning tea for a few minutes before they left, sharing pleasantries that were heartfelt in their case, glad to go back with something to give their ponies that would make life better. They promised to make sure that their citizens knew who’d given them the answer, showing us pictures of their family and being really nice before they left on their train for home.


You never know what kind of things make a difference, you really don’t.

Watching the servers with more smiles come out with our food, I’m glad, I changed something. It makes you warm inside, knowing things are better for what you do.

Satin is still not sure about sitting at the table, her position requires her to be able to run off at my request at any time, but meh, dinner is dinner. I know she’s starving like we are, tearing into that plate of spaghetti like a feral wolf.

Turning to look at me, a muzzle covered in sauce, she politely picks a napkin up with her magic, wiping delicately, “Sorry, I was kinda hungry.”

I just shake my head, digging into a pile of herbs and rice myself, “Don’t worry, it’s good!”

Twilight is nodding, she can’t talk because of a stuffed mouth as well, seems the noodles are going over big the last couple nights. Making us both laugh as she keeps her fork in motion, swallowing quickly before leaning over to us, “More ice cream tonight right?”

“Absolutely!” Nothing keeps us from ice cream, nothing.

A large form drops in a seat across from us at our table, I’d heard the steps, and didn’t wish to turn around to let him know I noticed. The heavy body makes the chair creak as I continue eating, seeing him staring at all three of us.

It’s suddenly quiet in the dining room as the Minotaur grabs a plate off a passing waiter, slamming it on the table and eating the superbly cooked rice with his fingers. I’m good with this, I’ve seen worse table manners in my time.

“Care to join us for dinner? I think you’ll enjoy the rice.” I keep my voice calm, thinking of how Celestia would do things, though I’d much rather prefer Princess Luna’s way. I think Satin is going to fall out of her chair, watching the display of bad manners from across the table.

No reply but a nasty bass laugh, shoveling food into his mouth as he continues to stare at the three of us.

I do look though, the heavy musculature, the bovine face and head, horns that look sharpened to a point deliberately. He’s made for war, for battle, like myself. When Twilight mentioned the Khanate, I have been reviewing files on the Mongolian warlords, looking into the past for parallels. Something always comes up, this world is rife with inconsistencies that tease the mind.

Twilight is watching me closely while she eats, I’m sure she expects me to do something foolish. She’s right, I probably would, but I am in a position where it would be detrimental to do so. Somehow the thought of Princess Celestia and Luna being disappointed in me, makes me feel like I should not fail them.

“Can we help you with anything Ambassador Strong?” I think I’m done with my meal for now, wiping my face with a napkin and setting it aside.

“I am a Sword of the Khan and shall be addressed as such!” He slams a hamlike fist on the table, making the silverware and poor Satin jump.

“Sword of the Khan Strong then.” I acknowledge it with a slight tilt of my head as I’ve seen Celestia do, “What can we do for you?” Every eye is on our table, the thoughts of a nice dinner gone with a single sentence. Quiet words are exchanged as I see guards suddenly posted at doorways, moving slowly into position to protect any pony they deem in trouble.

“I wish to talk about tariffs.” He grabs another plate, tossing the empty one aside.

“I’m afraid that will have to wait, Princess Celestia is not due back for another day.” We hope.

Leaning back in the chair, it creaks slightly as he crosses his forearms across the wide chest, “You are the regent I have found out, you speak with their voice. We will talk tariffs, perhaps about some lands currently in dispute.” He grins nastily.

Now I see. Testing, seeing what you can get away with and how far. Now that you don’t face two formidable sisters, but a single Pegasus as regent, you want to see what you can grab. How very typical.

“I’m sure we can clear some time in the morning,” I give Twilight a look as she shuffles through the schedule and nods to me.

“We’ve got..” She’s interrupted rudely by the deep voice.

“We will talk when I arrive little pony, be ready.” He gets up with a huff, stomping out of the dining room, leaving shocked faces and wide eyes in his wake.

A Guard Officer rushes over, “Are you all right Princesses? We are so sorry.”

I give him a smile, “We’re fine, tell your troops good going on the quiet, keep it that way, when did he arrive?”

“A few hours ago, we tried to stop him the first time, but did not want to cause a commotion, we are truly...”

“Please stop apologizing, you did what you thought best.” He looks relieved. I do admire them, quiet, swift and ready, there’s nothing wrong with that. “Keep an eye on him, and if he causes trouble, stomp on it, I’ll take responsibility.”

He nods and rushes off, leaving us to our thoughts, our plates being replaced with fresh food as we try to start again.

Twilight is not consoled, “He’s up to something.” She takes a bite of her food, chewing thoughtfully.

I nod, “He is, he found out a regent was in place and decided to see what he could get.”

“How do you know all that?” Satin is sipping from her glass of wine.

“His sudden appearance, the way he acted, seeing if he could be rude and if we would respond. Also, his mentioning of disputed lands. He’s trying a grab.”

Twilight nods, perking her ears, “The Vale of Dreams. Ever since Luna defeated them there, they’ve wanted it back, that was over a thousand years ago, they really hold a grudge.”

The Majordomo is always present in the background and I wave to him, he responds quickly and bends an ear as well as his head, “Yes Highness?”

“Get me all the information on treaty talks with the Khanate, as well as any decisions Princess Celestia and Luna have made concerning them, the Vale of Dreams, and any tariffs. I need it now, please, have it waiting in my apartments.”

“At once Princess!” He hustles off, for an older pony he moves pretty quick.

I turn back to my dinner, seeing Satin and Twilight staring at me, “What?”

Satin smiles, “Well..you sounded just like a real Princess there for a moment.” Twilight nods with her.

I wave a hoof, “Bah, I’m still the silly me..you know..dancing and all that.” I give them a look out of the side of my eyes, wriggling my eyebrows playfully to their laughs.


We find a stack of parchment about two feet high waiting for us, Twilight sighs, “It’s going to be a long night.”

“No, no it’s not.” I settle on a cushion near the sheaf of paper, “Look, I’m going to do something I don’t normally do, but time is important.” I’ve got Twilight’s attention now.

“Use your magic, I want you to show me each sheet, both sides if there’s writing, for a count of two and then the next one, got it?”

She nods, picking up the first sheet and holding it in front of me.

When we’re needing information on something, we can focus so minutely that everything else is left to the wayside. This is what I do to the passing papers, snapshotting them in my cores, filing and sorting, processing each line and letter until I know it intimately as if I was there myself. Though I cannot know the thoughts behind the decisions and such, I can get a glimpse of how they did them, what motivated certain decisions, and that is a treasure trove of information.

Thirty minutes later, we’re done, and I am making sure everything is being run through analytics and tactical databases as well, looking for things we might be able to use if this rude Minotaur shows up again.

“Got it, we’re done, just need to let it work for a few minutes.” I give them both a smile.

Twilight stacks the papers neatly, setting them aside for pickup in the morning, “How come you don’t do that when we’re reading together?”

“Because it’s more fun than to just flip pages and know it.” She keeps watching me as we both grab cushions for a moment, settling down on them, “I want to learn with you, not try to outdo you.”

She’s not happy with that, “But if I could do that, imagine how much I could learn, how much knowledge is out there!”

All I can do is smile, and try a different tack, “Twilight, when we play chess, how often do I make a mistake?”

“You do miss a move sometimes, I know our games are pretty close some days.” She nods, remembering some hard fought ones.

“I can calculate within myself as we play, every move you might possibly make to the end of the game.” I let that sink in for a moment, seeing her eyes go wide.

“Wait..if you can do that, then why do you lose?” Cocking her head she eyes me narrowly, “You could win every time!”

“I don’t want to win every time. I limit myself, two moves ahead, maybe three, or less. Like a normal pony would know if they liked chess, that’s why I lose.” I put my hoof on hers, “Imagine if you knew every move I would make, how to win every time. Wouldn’t that be boring? Take the fun out of it?”

“That’s not the same as books though, you could read it all and remember so much!” She’s frustrated with my revelation, I can see it, I don’t like it.

“Do you like books?”

“Yes, you know that.”

“Then what happens to the joy of a book when you know it already, and you can’t get another one because you already know that?” I press against her tapping hoof, “You would lose your love of things, always rushing to another, to try to get more and more, you wouldn’t have time to enjoy what you had.”

“I love sitting and reading with you for hours, because it’s a simple pleasure. It takes me time to read through a book and that’s fine, because I’m learning with you. You’re my best friend, and I want to be right there, experiencing things together.”

“You don’t find it..well.. boring?”

“No, because I’m not doing it alone.”

“So..” A look crosses her face, not sure what it is, “You’re dumbing yourself down?”

“Not ever. I’m meeting you halfway, we’ll do it together, we’ll grow together. I told you that night, anything I have is yours. If you choose to make use of my knowledge, so be it, but never think I’m ‘dumbing’ myself down.” I poke her with my hoof, “Or that by implication you are dumb. We both have knowledge that is different, we learn from each other.”

She let’s that roll around for a minute or so, finally gIancing at me in suspicion, “Are you sure you don’t lose on purpose?”

Laughing, I raise a hoof, “I promise.”

I think hugs are great, ever since I’ve had an avatar, I’ve thought that hugs are the best thing you could ever receive; from a friend, a loved one, anyone. They’re honest and fill you with joy when you get one like I do from Twilight right now.

“Awwww..that’s so cute!” Satin’s holding three bowls of ice cream with her magic, looking at us when she walks in.

And then it ends with a few coughs and some looks away, the usual, but the feeling remains.

She sets down a bowl for each of us, giggling at the blushes, “Oh come on, just a hug, hugs are great!”

“They are,” I’ll admit it, “But every time we give each other one somepony thinks it’s something else.”

“Well phooey on them.” She nods firmly, taking up a spoon with a glow of magic, “Let them think what they want.”

Seeing Twilight smile, she’s right, so both of us hug her tight, making Satin giggle in delight.

Yep, hugs are great.


Breakfast is a little somber, we’ve been apprised that the Minotaur; I’m not even gonna use the whole ‘Sword of the Khan’ thing for him, he’s been a twit; is going to be interrupting morning Court, so we go through what little we have to do and rush through.

Twilight reschedules some things, making sure we’re the only ones in the throne room when the doors open with a slam.

I’ve got the information I need now, and the wherewithal to go along with it. Twilight gave me a run down on Minotaurs and the culture, they respect strength, only giving deference when outdone.

The Princesses had shown that when dealing with them, along with magic they had the backbone to stand up to them many times over the centuries, teaching the Khan it was not a good thing to mess with the ponies of Equestria.

I am a regent, something not seen in centuries. This diplomat had seen a chance to make a name against an unknown in charge, probably hoping to score points back home.

Twilight and I know what’s to come, we’ve talked ever since waking this morning, we’re as prepared as we can be. Satin is still nervous about the whole thing, but we are going to present a united front, so she sits proudly to one side.

So when that door finally slams open, as mentioned before, we’re ready. Twilight is actually wearing her crown, as am I. Satin has a silk bow in her curly mane, looking more formal than usual as we wait for the ambassador to stomp down the carpet, ending up looking at us with a sneer.

“So little ponies, what shall we talk about today?” His deep voice resounds once more, but we are not caught out like before.

When Celestia says ‘little ponies‘ she means it warmly, with love, when this guy says it..well..no. “I don’t believe we have anything to talk about Ambassador, you haven’t scheduled anything, and I think it would be improper without the Princesses knowing of this.” There, calm, cool, collected.

“They’ll know when you tell them I’m sure.” He turns, taking a few steps and then turning back, retracing his path, pacing in front of us. “Until then, we talk of tariffs, and the Vale.”

“Once again Ambassador, we will not. This can wait until the Princesses return.”

“When will that be exactly?”

“Tomorrow at the latest.” We’re still hoping.

“No, too late, we will talk of things now.” He slams a cloven hoof into the floor with a crack, another sneer crossing his face.

“Ambassador, I’m afraid we’ll have to decline.” I’m not impressed with the veiled threats really, but I am trying my best, Crusader is always so good at these things.

“I think not, according to our treaty we are allowed to discuss terms any time we wish.” He’s right, I do know that.

“Then what exactly do you want to talk about?” Twilight’s voice.

“A lowering of tariffs and the return of the Vale, immediately.” He’s still smiling nastily, thumping a cloven hoof on the floor and reiterating his demands, because they sure aren’t requests. “A decrease of ten percent and then the entirety of the Vale back to the Khanate.”

He’s good, ten percent lowering of tariffs would allow an increasing flow of money into the Khanate to help build another war machine. It’s simple math, and seeing their culture, would not be a good thing. As for the Vale, it’s a strategic point, a buffer between the two countries, allowing for space and time to keep the peace.

Celestia is brilliant, taxing imports and exports enough to keep them in goods, but not allowing much extra for anything other than to keep their citizens happy. This must really gall the Khan.


Twilight starts to reply and I lay a gentle pressure along her shoulder. She stops, looking at me as I stare at the Minotaur.


“What? You refuse?” He’s not happy now, but it is the only thing I can do, otherwise I will throw centuries of negotiations out of whack.

“Correct. There will be no lowering of the tariffs, and the Vale will remain in Equestria’s possession for the foreseeable future.” Satin looks at me in surprise, hearing the steel in my voice.

“You are tempting fate little pony.” He points at me as I try to maintain some semblance of being in control. There are still many things I don’t know and the lack may hurt.

“No, I am maintaining a peace which has held for centuries, nothing more.”

“Bah, you don’t even have the strength of the Princesses. I demand a lowering, and a return of the Vale, otherwise, we will face off you and I.” He crosses the thick arms along his chest once more.

Twilight is thinking wildly, I can see her eyes jerking slightly as she’s scrolling through memories. I do the same, finding the clause in the treaty for resolution of disputes, one of them is trial by combat. Not having been invoked since the treaty was established, it fell out of use centuries ago, the magic the sisters wielded was too powerful to overcome, hence the Minotaurs...

I see it, I see it far too late. He thinks I’m just a Pegasus, no magic, just wings. If he defeats me, he will win the dispute, gaining the right to a lowering and return of land.

Stars I’ve been an idiot, I didn’t think it would be invoked, not realizing he only saw me as a pony with no magic whatsoever. He thinks he can overpower a simple mare, and win prestige for his Khan. Stupid stupid me. We’ve kept my existence close, though they probably know of Crusader by now with dealings before, but myself as a pony... I really hadn’t thought, and now, I’ve blown it.

Now I know why Crusader despises politics.

“Then it will have to be, you will not receive a decrease nor the return of land.”

The laughter that follows is hollow and hard on the ears, “Fine, then in one hour you will face me under Clause Two, Section Three of the Treaty of Vale!” He points a thick finger my way, “I assure you ‘little pony’, you will meet your fate then.” He turns and stomps out, leaving an aghast Twilight looking at me.

“You know what he..”

“I know Twilight, I missed it. It’s my fault.”

Her voice is plaintive, “What do we do?”

“We go fight.”


I’ve never eaten so fast in my life, chowing down on anything I can get a hold of to up my reaction mass, making sure I have more than enough. Ugh, I feel full. The time of resolution is up to the challenger, hence the hour, he’s rushing it thinking I won’t have time to prepare.

A private open space is waiting for us as we walk down the steps in a secluded area of the castle, heading for the impromptu arena. The Guards Commander was absolutely livid, but once I explained it couldn’t be helped he understood, it was the treaty, it had to be upheld or everything the Sisters had done with the Khanate would fall apart.

Satin is about to have a nervous breakdown, even after I reassured her it would be fine. She’s become a wonderful friend, really she is, she just needs to calm down a bit.

He’s waiting in the cleared area, surrounded by guards that are making sure there are no onlookers as well as keeping that stupid photographer away. That would be all we need, seeing pictures of this everywhere.

There’s got to be another way, something different, something..not...me. This is happening fast, he’s pushing everything so as to make sure he gets what he wants. I am thinking as quickly as I can, how to solve this, how to do it.. not my way..

Everything’s in place, the Minotaur cracking his knuckles like it’s impressive or something. Hope he gets arthritis later, serve him right. Before I step into the circle, the Herald has to do his thing.

“Per the Treaty of Vale as Signed in the Year Twenty-Five of Equestria, the Ambassador of the Khanate has declared trial by combat as resolution to dispute over Tariffs and the Vale of Dreams, do you both so agree this is true?”

We nod.

“As per the treaty, combat ends when one opponent surrenders, or is declared unable to continue. The winner will choose a resolution of the disputed parts of the treaty to their satisfaction.”

Polite way of saying the winner gets to grab a whole bunch of stuff.

Twilight taps my shoulder, “Are you sure about this?”

“I can’t do anything else, he invoked the treaty. If I don’t, all that work gets blown away, I’m sorry Twilight I really messed up.” I can’t help it, I feel guilty and stupid that I missed this simple thing.

“Well...” She grins, “Just don’t hurt him too badly.” She winks at me, nudging with a wing as I feel a whole lot better for some reason.

“I’ll try not to.” I give her my best face, stepping into the area as the Herald clears it, marking the start of combat.

I can’t help but give half a smile, seeing him flex, showing off the biceps that bunch under the thick skin. His cloven hooves stamping the ground, making a real show of it. Sometimes intimidating an opponent can end a battle just as quickly as physical violence, but I am at peace. It is to be personal combat, no weapons other than what we already have naturally.

His middle is covered in a heavy fur, down his legs leading to hooves that gleam sharp and look deadly. His skin is rough, but thick, leading me to think he can turn blows easily if not powerful enough. But everything has joints, weak spots, places you can incapacitate them with. A little pressure and they go popping like corn in a kettle, though the results are usually permanent.

I don’t want to do this. Memories of Manehatten, the creatures in the forest, so many fights, so much anger. I just don’t... I just don’t want it anymore. No, I will not injure him, nor anything else permanently unless I am forced.

His eyes are narrow, grinning at me, “I’ve heard the stories little pony Princess, how you’re fast as lightning, the things you’ve supposedly done, but we both know how things grow in the telling don’t they?”

I don’t reply, anything I could say might be taken as braggadocio, and I really don’t want that.

He stretches his arms out, “Nothing to say? A simple answer maybe? Perhaps the tales are just that. Nothing more than a pony trying to make herself seem larger than life.”

Looking up at him, I can only remain calm, “Believe what you wish.”

“I shall, and in doing so I will prove that legends are meager musings in reality.”

I can see his whole body tensing, yep, it’s time.

Here he comes, heading right for me, he’s telegraphing a swing with his fisted hand, allowing me a few precious moments to plot something. By the time he starts his move I’m done, this is the way, this is right.

A roar that startles everypony comes from the bovine muzzle, thick arm swinging in an arc that’s meant to land on top of my back, breaking bones and an opponent before the fight starts. But it only hits the dirt, because I’m not there.

He blinks before he finishes a hit, it’s a great tell, giving me time to slip to the side, making sure I’m not anywhere near the bunched fist when he hits the hard packed dirt. I hear the bones creak, it really was a good shot, powerful too, the dirt should be fearing for it’s life.

I giggle at that thought, I can’t stop myself, making him turn to see me behind him chuckling in delight. Oh well, he thinks I’m doing it at him, here he comes. Yeah he’s pretty mad, not even seeing me move, steam coming out the nostrils in the chill air as he rushes at me once more.

It’s easy to see the angles, what he’s trying to do. But..I don’t want to hit him, injure him, even kill him. All I’d need to do is knock his knee joint out with a good kick, he’d be crippled for life, fight over.

As I see Twilight and Satin watching anxiously from the sidelines, it makes me realize I’m in a different position. I can’t blithely hurt, or even kill, there is a better way without permanent injury. I can do this.

So I dodge, sometimes with a smile, other times a simple look on my face, I’m just not there to be hit. Oh he gets close, he does, but I’m faster, leaving the kicks and punches behind, or even knocking one or two aside when he gets close, which is more times than I wanted. But when you’re just trying to avoid things, you tend to cut it close.

He’s panting, yelling at me in the still air, calling me a few inventive names. His chest is heaving after twenty minutes of me running rings around him. I know what it’s like, being that angry, being so mad you want nothing more than to hurt, oh yes I know.

But that’s okay, he’ll get over it.

He comes at me from a new angle as I leap in the air, knocking a fist aside with a back hoof and tumbling backwards to....

PAIN! My pain sensors go into overload as I get kicked by a sharpened hoof, cutting into my midsection and making me scream out loud. He caught me out, I got overconfident and paid for it in spades, it’s a good hit.

Oh Celestia it hurts as I skid along the ground on my side, my body slamming up into a marble column, hearing Twilight’s voice yelling my name.

Nanosystems are already on it, making sure nothing critical is down as I try to get back up, my gyros and balance knocked for a complete loop as I shut down my pain sensors, resetting them and silencing the alarms. My wing is damaged, but that’s okay too, it’ll get repaired.

Oh you ought to see his eyes when I stand once more, wide and wondering, surprised aren’t you? Yeah, I’m pretty durable. You oughta meet my brother, he’d just pound you to a pulp. Lucky it’s me then, I’m the nice one.

He’s trying to press the attack, rushing me, but everything’s working fine so I can slip right underneath the next swing. I give him a shot in a leg joint as I go by, seeing him go down for a second, one for one, it’s fair. Not crippling, but I do notice in his eyes he knows it could have been much, much worse.

He’s a lot faster than I thought. Figured he was slow and heavy, got careless, but that’s all right. I keep my screen off, the energy dispersal if he hit me would blow his hand clean off, I don’t want that.

It’s truly hard not to keep grinning, because now I see Satin and Twilight on the sidelines jumping in the air and rooting for me. How can I let them down?

His chest is heaving now, we’ve been at this for close to three-quarters of an hour. I can see the clouds from heated breath as he keeps swinging, or trying to bull-rush me. He’s not going for injuries anymore, an analysis of his change in tactics show he’s trying to kill me.

Whoops! Almost got gored there, I gotta watch those horns, wide and off to the sides they can swing out of nowhere. Those sharpened points can’t go deep enough to hit critical systems, but they’ll sure make a mess of things.


Twilight watches the sable blur avoiding everything the Ambassador can launch, smiling and leaping around, making sure she doesn’t get hit in any way. She and Satin worried when they saw Athena get broadsided by a kick from the cloven hooves, sliding into a column with a cracking sound.

But it wasn’t broken bones, it was the marble that showed crazed lines from the impact.

I keep forgetting she’s made a lot differently than we are. Wow.

The look on that Minotaur’s face when she got back up made them both giggle out loud, though to be honest it wasn’t quite proper to do so.

She can see the guards watching the fight as well, their eyes following every move that Athena makes. Leaping along the cleared area, using her wings to help pivot, she’s a sight to see as she goes rushing by them.

But she’s not fighting back! Oh she got in one shot, but she’s not doing anything harmful. I get it, I get it now.

“Why isn’t she fighting back?” Satin voices what Twilight’s thinking. Her hooves twisting along with a worried look on her face.

“She doesn’t want to, she’s just tiring him out, trying to get him to give up.”

“Huh? But he’s really trying to hurt her.”

Twilight smiles at the worried Unicorn, “Athena knows that, so she’s showing him we choose not to hurt anypony. We don’t have to.”

Her eyes light up, “I got it! That we can still win without fighting!”



He’s slowing, it’s getting more noticeable as I start timing his swings and rushes. The Ambassador doesn’t have much stamina, admittedly he’s lasted longer than I thought. Fights must be a short affair in the Khanate, showing strength and toughness over agility.

The right training they’d be a pretty formidable force, but due to their expansionist tendencies, I can see why Princess Celestia chose to do what she did in the treaty.

Those prank playing Sisters are sneakier than I’ve given them credit for, I think I’d better be a lot more careful around them from now on.

There he goes. Using one hand on the ground to hold himself up I wait politely for him to catch his breath. He’s not getting enough oxygen anymore to give him what he needs, his body is using it too quickly.

“Are we done?” I see his ears prick up at my voice, I’m not even out of breath.

“You..are a coward....”

“No, I just didn’t fight the same way you do.” I start walking around him slowly, keeping a close watch for the bunching of muscles that tells me of a swing or movement, “You were trying to kill me, I won’t return the favor.”

“You...should be... broken..”

“But I’m not. I am still standing while you are worn and tired.” I complete my circle, standing in front of him once more, “I repeat, are we done?”

The slight narrowing of his eyes shows me the answer as I leap upwards, watching the slowed arm pass through the space where I was, coming back down I tap his nose with a hoof, ending back exactly as I was standing previously, seeing him snort and looking woozy.

He just glares at me for a moment as I wait, I watch him nod ever so slightly, making the required signal to the Herald.

As the announcement is made, he gets back up, he’s bent but not broken, which is good. I don’t want to break anyone, a hurt to the mind lasts far longer than one to the body, I know that all too well.

The Herald interrupts our moment of silence, “Your Highness, your resolution?”

“The treaty stands as is.” I keep my eyes on the Minotaur.

“Thank you Your Highness.” He runs off to make sure the archivists know of the decision and to record it.

I motion to Twilight and Satin to stay back, gesturing to the Ambassador to accompany me to a short marble column nearby. I wait politely as he stands back up, taking gulping breaths to replenish himself.

“I want you to understand something.” His eyes follow me as I turn in one smooth movement, knocking a large chunk out of the sculpted stone with my fore hoof and returning exactly to how I was standing before. He watches how very little effort it takes me to do this, part of the column gone in a single hit.

Before he can say anything I smile, “But it’s not like this ever happened right? I mean, I’d offer to get some Kumiss and we could go have a quiet drink, but finding the right ingredients would be very awkward.” I gesture around with my hoof, “It’s such a pretty day, don’t you think?”

He gets it. I can see the realization in his eyes.

Nodding slowly, the heavy head tilts for a second, his rumbling voice more somber than before, “I think it would be a beautiful day for a walk in the gardens would it not?” He clasps calloused hands behind his back, looking at me with inquisitive eyes. His voice though, deep as it is, takes a lower tone, “What are you?”

I grin up at him, “I’m just a little pony.”

He stands there staring at me, I don’t know what’s going through his mind, I wish I did, but I am hopeful. Please accept it, please.

My heart leaps inside me as he nods once more.

I nod in return, turning to leave him to his thoughts, but before I go I just can’t resist, “Oh, you might want to try a spoon next time, the rice tastes so much better that way.”

Pausing for a moment, he eyes me with what I think might not a good thought, “I will take that under advisement Your Highness, have a pleasant day.” He bows very slightly to me before turning and walking slowly into the gardens, head still high, unbowed, but hopefully with a better understanding of Equestria.

I did it! Oh Crusader you’d be so proud of me! No pain, no hurt, just..just maybe an understanding?

A voice on my left makes me almost jump out of my skin, “What’s Kumiss?” Twilight’s looking curious along with Satin.

Oh fer....


“Oh that looks painful!” Satin’s voice is worried as Twilight helps me bandage the cut in my midsection.

I give her a reassuring smile, “It’ll be gone in a while, but I can’t walk around looking like my guts might fall out.”

“Oh ew!” Her nose scrunches up at that thought.

Twilight finishes with a last pat, letting me stand up again, “There we go, all done.”

Stretching out my body proves it’s a good job, it’ll allow me to see if I can use internals to fix it, shouldn’t be too hard, be patched in no time. My wing however is useless, bent and clamped against a side by my muscles, it’ll have to be repaired later. For now it looks fine.

“Oh! Time for lunch, wow I can’t believe it’s that late already!” Satin’s scurrying around, making sure the rooms in order as Twilight and I get up to hit the dining room. We actually have a more private one, but I like eating with other folks now, and the kitchen staff is doing awesome things with the food nowadays.

Yes, you can thank yours truly.

It’s not very far, but I do notice odd glances from the maids and such as we head towards the smell of cooking, “Twilight, you told everypony there that what happened was a secret right? Got their words?”

She nods, noticing the same thing, “Oh yes, PEO, Princess Eyes Only on the record, and nopony’s going to say anything.”

“Then why are we getting these looks?” I peek at my bandage, not really that noticeable.

Satin is wondering as well as we enter the dining area, silence falls like a ton of bricks as every eye in the place glances at us, smiles spreading like wildfire.

“What the hay is going on?” She’s whispering at Twilight and I.

The voices start up again, the atmosphere returning to somewhat of a semblance of normality, but we’re still getting a few odd looks here and there.

“Maybe rumors, you know how those things spread.” I’m not worried as we place our orders, I am really wanting some noodles and a big salad, and just anything I can get my teeth into right now.

“Well true, but it’s kinda odd.” Satin is playing with a salt shaker.

Twilight shrugs, “We’ll find out, eventually it’ll..”

A waiter stops by, dropping a paper covered parcel on the table, “Highnesses, your copies of the latest Princess Today for you.” He moves on to the next table, dropping off plates of edibles.

“They have a magazine called Princess Today?” I knew they had reading materials like magazines, but never really paid much attention.

“Oh yes!” Satin is gleefully ripping the cover off of one, “It shows everything about the Princesses, they set a lot of fashion trends you know!”

“Huh, I ought to pay more attention.” But I’m not as a large bowl of fresh salad is placed before me and all I can think about is.... the juice that hits my face as Twilight chokes.

Wiping myself off with a napkin, I can see she’s spluttering at something, “What was that for?”

She points a shaky hoof at the magazine Satin is holding, my face plastered bigger than life on the cover, in the shower, posing like a..like... oh no.... Satin is shocked as well, now that we all realize what the looks were for.

Blazoned across the front is the headline, “Intimate Princess Moments! The Wet Look is Fashion Fabulous!”

I can’t say anything, literally and figuratively, I cannot say a single word as we all stare at the glossy photo of me posing with eyes half-lidded and my hooves pushing my mane up seductively under the shower on the cover of the freshly printed magazine. At least it’s only a upper body shot? ..At least?

“Twilight...how big is the circulation of ...”

“All over Equestria, it’s the top magazine.”

That means wherever Celestia and Luna are, they could be seeing this right now.

I am so in trouble.

Satin though, definitely a saving grace, “But you look really pretty.” Twilight and I stare at her, mouths agape as she giggles, “Well you do!”

Setting the magazine down, she flips through it, “At least it’s nothing too bad, I mean you..” Stopping, we watch her mouth drop open like ours, “Oh no...”

“What? What?” Twilight and I scramble for the extra copies, slapping them open and flipping through to the ..huge.. color middle section.

And there we are in all our glory, dancing in the bedroom and looking for all the world like some stage act somewhere. I do admit we look pretty good though, I mean, have to be honest and all.

“No! How did she even...” I see the angle, a closet? “She stopped using a flash! That sneaky...” I’m looking at a picture of all three of us, leaning elbows on the bed and looking over our opposite shoulders in the soft glow from candlelight, Cutie Marks prominent as well as a good slice of backside from what our tails don’t cover, “I’m going to kill her.” It’s not a bad photo, just..well.. a lot sexier than it should be, darn that photog could make bugs look awesome.

Twilight’s trying not to go apoplectic, “My Mom subscribes to this..”

Satin’s voice is very small, “What are my friends going to think?”

Twilight and I look at each other suddenly, both saying at the same time, “Ponyville!”


“Hey! Did you guys see the latest issue of Princess Today?” Rainbow Dash is hovering above us after flying in as we are all setting in the castle kitchen, checking on Spike has been pleasant, he’s a good steward.

It’s odd not hearing my sister, but if she calls, I will be there. With the networks down for the time being, it’s nice to talk face to face nowadays.

Applejack and I are preparing lunch for all the gathered friends, a quiet time together chatting about things. Pinkie suggested it, we all thought it a wonderful idea.

Rarity waves a hoof, “Oh the usual I’m sure, some tabloid mania and nothing worth reading probably.”

Rainbow smiles slyly, “I think you better look.” She holds out the magazine, showing the cover in full glossy color, the headline bold and standing out over the picture.

Fluttershy gasps at seeing the face presented, alongside with Rarity and Pinkie who stops her bouncing around for a moment.

Noticing the reactions, I glance upward to see.. Is that Athena? Applejack drops the plate she was holding with a crash.

Spike looks at it in awe, “Wow, she looks really nice.”

Rarity flips it open after grabbing the magazine from Rainbow, she inhales sharply, holding a hoof over her mouth with a stunned look back up at us, turning the magazine around to show us what’s inside.

Fluttershy immediately covers Spike’s eyes and grips him tight.

Applejack is incredulous, “What the hay is goin’ on up there?”


“It’s too late, they were out hours ago, they know,” Twilight is looking nervous, “Oh what are they going to think?” She’s tapping her hooves together lightly, staring at the pictures.

“But we were just having fun.” Satin’s face is worried as well, clutching the magazine tightly.

“Maybe it’ll blow over soon, how often is this printed?” I’m trying not to think of what Crusader and everypony is wondering back home.

“Every three months, they keep the latest issue in circulation until then.” Twilight sighs, leaning her cheek on a hoof.

“Well it can’t be that bad. I mean it’s fashion, they’re like everyday things, in one minute and out the next.”

The blue Unicorn shakes her head, “No, everypony watches what the Princesses do, they set the trends for years.”

“Oh good grief.” I point to a picture, another one of me in the shower, “Do they do this with Celestia and Luna?”

“Oh no, they aren’t allowed.”

“Then how come..come....?” I can’t even express anything, waving at the magazine.

“Well they gave her all access, I guess nopony thought she’d do this kind of thing, they’ve always wanted pictures of private moments.” Satin is trying to look brave.

“Well they darn sure have them now!” I slap the table with a hoof, catching a tomato as it flies through the air and chomping on it.

A timid voice comes from beside our table, making Twilight and I both look up, “Princess?”

“Yes?” We smile, having both answered, seeing a mare standing there with the magazine in her hooves.

“Uhm.. Could I...get your autographs?” She holds out the fresh magazine, looking at all three of us, “I mean, if that’s all right?” We can see others in the dining room, watching her closely, she must’ve been the one chosen to try.

A glimmer of something comes to mind, as I take the quill from her, “You know what? Yes, I will sign this.” My writing needs work, but I do my best with a flourish.

She grins happily, turning to Satin, “Please?” Holding out the quill to the astonished mare.

“Me?” She watches the Earth pony asking, receiving a nod. “But..you don’t need my autograph Dulcimer, I..I’m..just a maid too!”

”But you look so pretty in the magazine, please? Please?” The look on her face is endearing.

Taking the quill in her magic, Satin signs it quickly, getting a hug from the mare, “Thank you!” Turning to Twilight, the Alicorn already has a quill lifted, signing under her part of the picture.

“Thank you SO much!” She runs off in delight, we watch her friends gathering around her and looking at the signatures.

Twilight nudges me, “What are you thinking?”

I give her a grin I usually reserve for those I’m about to do away with, “I’ve got a plan.”


Another stack of parchment awaits us in the apartments. Canceling everything during lunch, we rushed back after I told the Majordomo what I needed. Twilight knows the drill, we scan the pages quickly, letting them process as I sit there for a moment, a smile getting bigger on my face as the seconds tick by.

“What are you doing?” Satin’s been watching the whole process.

“I’ve got Equestrian copyright law, now I know why no pictures of the Princesses ever showed up. They get a cut of everything that uses their likeness, if it’s a private moment or supposed to be.” I process a moment more, “They’re public figures, so anything normal like out in a park is fine, no problems, but this..” I point to us dancing, “Is a big no-no, they blew it.”

Tapping a hoof on her chin, Twilight looks at me narrowly, “So you mean....”

“We can’t take them back, but we’re gonna make some serious money. We are going to own them.”

Satin looks at us like we’re crazy as we both laugh evilly.


“But I’m not supposed to dress like this!” Satin is pouting in the mirror, “I’m a Hoofmaiden!”

“Oh quit it, you look fine.” I finish putting a jeweled band around her tail, she’s got a natural fluffiness to her mane and tail like Pinkie’s, so it looks really nice.

A choker around her neck sets off her blue coloring nicely, Twilight is adding a slight amount of eye-shadow with precision movements of her magic, she’s really good at this.. We’re dressing up, not regally, but just up, way up. We’re going to make this whole situation turn around.

“I didn’t know you could do makeup that well.” I watch her use very light brushstrokes.

“Rarity taught me, if anypony knows, she does.” The Alicorn smiles, already having done herself and me, both of us looking more..well..sassy than usual. She’s wearing a simple chain and pendant, plus a jeweled band as well, matching mine and Satin’s.

“Why do we have to do this anyways?” Satin’s blinking her eyes, making sure the eyeliner works, it’s beautiful, just enough to make it noticeable. “I mean, it doesn’t look bad, but aren’t we supposed to be..well..more formal?”

Waving a hoof, I walk to the window, seeing ponies wandering around, plus a large crowd of photographers, “If you get caught out doing something, own it.” Turning to see her looking at me in puzzlement, “I mean make it yours, don’t let anypony else direct where it goes.” I grin, “That and it’s part of catching that stupid Photo Finish. She can’t possibly resist getting photos of us looking like this.”

She nods as I hold up the magazine, showing a picture of herself in candle light, eyes closed, twisting around with her hooves above her head, “And you’re pretty! There’s probably a million ponies wanting your autograph or a date right now.”

She blushes a deep red, trying to hunker down to make a smaller profile, “I dunno..”

“Even if it blows over tomorrow, how often do you get to act like a star?” I toss a hoof out, “Trust me, right now I want to hide in the closet and not come out, but I think we can do this.”

“You? Really?”

Twilight nods, making sure her mane is staying put, “Oh yes, she’s so shy sometimes you wouldn’t have believed it.”

“That can’t be true.” Satin is looking at both of us, trying to see if we’re pulling her tail.

“It is, but they put me in this position, so you know, I’m going to do this.” Shaking myself out, the bandage is gone now, repairs were made while we waited so at least there is that. Outer covering is easy to do, thank goodness. “So forget anything else, just..well..have fun!”

Twilight nods, “But first, we’ve got a score to settle with the publishers, they should be waiting right now.” They had been summoned immediately while we made ourselves up, told to report to the throne as soon as possible from their offices in Canterlot.

“And remember,” I make sure Satin is okay, looking her over, “It’s not what you wear, it’s how you hold yourself.” I walk across the room, giving a little more swing in my hips, a saucy flick or two of my tail, “See? Don’t overdo it, just gentle things, a tiny bit here and there.”

“How come you never did this before?” Twilight’s checking her chain and pendant.

“I..well I just never needed it. You know, I just liked being me..”

“I think it’s great, shows a whole new side.” She smiles, giving me a wing nudge, “That doesn’t mean I didn’t like the old you, but maybe once in a while..” Her eyes catch mine as I nod.

“I get it, I can do that.”

“Good, now let’s go out there and show those ponies the three best looking mares in Equestria!” Twilight fires her magic up, opening the door as we follow.


“Your Highnesses? You requested our presence?” The editor is sweating buckets, knowing exactly why he and the owner were summoned. Twilight is handling this one, she’s got a serious streak a mile wide when somepony messes with her, even though she’s not supposed to, it’s all her.

We, and I will say it, look glamorous. Sitting on the throne and looking for all the world like pony pop stars. Livin’ the dream! Entering the throne room like we owned it, a few gasps from onlookers who were watching. I’m telling you, it’s fun, really fun, looking like you’re walking down the red carpet. Setting on the seats like nothing in the world can bother you.

Satin though, took my words to heart and gave the best performance ever, sassy was the word of the day, flicking her tail and eyeing ponies as we walked in. Yeah, she’s got it down. Twilight too actually, she can do regal well when she thinks about it, I think Celestia would have been just a bit surprised at her former student.

Divas of Canterlot, yep, Crusader’s gonna definitely wonder. I’ll explain, he’ll laugh, we’ll have a good time.

But for now, Twilight stands at the end of the dais, looking at two stallions who are fidgeting uncomfortably under her glare.

“We did, and you know why.” She stamps a hoof, “What ever possessed you to print those pictures, knowing copyright law?”

“Well..well you see..we never got inside pictures before, and they were so good we just had to publish them!” The owner is nervous enough trying to justify his magazine breaking the law.

“So you thought... Well you hoped we wouldn’t go digging and hold you accountable?” She perks her ears, looking fierce, “Very bad move.”

She stalks along the edge of the dias, tapping a hoof occasionally on her chin, “You have a choice.”

Seeing a solution, they both look eager, “Yes Your Highness?”

“One, recall all the magazines for destruction.” She stops them, seeing the protest rising, “Two, print a total retraction.” Once again, she halts them, “Or three, obey Equestrian Law. That means anything that comes from those pictures, including advertising profits or sales of anything even remotely associated with them, the Crown gets a cut.”

She sets on the second throne lightly, “Which will it be?”

“She’s really good.” I nod as Satin whispers to me.

“Uhm, number three if you please Your Highness.” Both of them nod, knowing a recall or retraction would destroy them financially or reputation-wise.

“Good. The Crown will hereby get a...” She pauses dramatically, “Thirty-five percent cut of all profits.”

I almost laugh, covering it with a polite cough as Satin’s eyes get wide. You can see the two ponies almost choking on the amount that would be. We’d been advised that the sales of this issue have already skyrocketed because of the pictures, showing a side of Princesses nopony has ever seen. The presses have already done a second and third run with more to come. They are making a bundle, and thirty-five percent is going to really cut into it.

Too bad.

“But..Your Highness...” He stops, seeing the look on Twilight’s face.

“Yes?” Wow, she does steely really well.

“That..that would be fine Your Highness, thank you.”

“The contracts are awaiting you outside, I assure you the Crown legal teams have looked it over and it is iron-clad. Do not even think about doing this again.” Twilight stamps a hoof, ending the audience with a stern finality and watching the two ponies high tail it out.

Watching the door close, she turns to us with a giggle, “How was that?”

Satin grins, clapping her hooves, “You were perfect!”

I nod, stamping my own, “Oh definitely, Princess all the way!”

She sits back down, “Now, just one more thing, how do we find that photographer? I mean we sent a summons, but nopony can find her to give her the word!”

Satin shrugs, “I don’t know, no pony has seen her since the last time she took photos, she’s got to be around.”

“There’s got to be a way..” I really hope this works, we sound like a bad soap opera.

I pose on the throne, looking as model-ish as I can be, “How’s this? Wouldn’t it make for a great photo?” I look at them, hoping they get it. The guards though, there is definitely some turning of eyes.

“Oh yeah, what about this?” Satin turns slightly, winking one eye slowly, “Good enough?” She lifts a foreleg up, posing beside the larger throne.

“Oh that is definitely photo worthy Satin, Maybe..” Twilight is interrupted by a flash, nearly catching us off guard. That Photo Finish is so quiet even I didn’t pick up on her, dang, she’s really good.

“Yes! Zat is perfekt! Ze zezxy! Time to zhow ze perfektion of Princessness!” Her crew rushes around as flashbulbs continue to go off, “Oh yes! Zhow us your lines, your grace!”

We wait until the last moment.

“Enough! I go!” She prepares to move out.


Oh yeah, the Guards were ready this time, piling onto the crew as they try to take her into custody so we can have a little talk. We wait for a moment as the dust settles down, seeing nothing but a pile of armor and..wait a second...

“Where is she? Where’s the crew?” Twilight is stunned, watching the guards untangle themselves.

Seeing nothing but a few lights, no crew, no photographer, Twilight looks flustered, “Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!”

That’s it.

I stamp a hoof on the throne, standing up as tall as I can, “You know what, no more fooling around. I don’t know where you are but you forced me to do this!” I’m yelling at the room, “I’m getting out the big guns, and you better tremble in your horse shoes you stupid photographer!”

Twilight and Satin look shocked, seeing me yell, though I’m not really angry..sort of, “Now, calm down Athena, don’t get mad.” Twilight knows exactly what I can do.

“Oh no! I’m done with this!” Pointing at a guard, “Get a chariot ready to go to Ponyville, I want you to bring back..”

I can see the questioning in Twilight’s face, expecting something truly horrendous.

“...Pinkie Pie!”

She gets a deadpan look as I stand there dramatically, the guard rushing to obey. “Really? Pinkie?”

I give her a look, knowing she knows what Pinkie can do, “What? If anypony can find her, she can!”

“Pinkie? Seriously?”

“You’re ruining my moment here, trust me.” Satin giggles as I sit down, “Really, that was a good moment.”

“Yeah right.” She rolls her eyes while looking at Satin, twirling a hoof by her head.



We haven’t got anything to do really, the day has been cleared, it’ll be a couple hours until Pinkie arrives anyways. So...what to do?

Well first, a little us time. Talk about a rush of days. It hasn’t been boring, one thing I can truly, honestly say, never boring.

We’re eating in our private dining area, enjoying some down time, the service is excellent, everything is nice and quiet.

“Twilight, any word on contacting the Princesses?” I’m hoping because they are due back tonight some time.

“Nothing, we better be prepared to hang on a while.”

“Ugh, figured as much. We’ll be fine though, we can do this.” I do feel that way, I honestly do.

“We can!” Grinning as she digs into a daisy sandwich, of all the things she could order, “We can do anything.”

“Well if that’s true, let’s go shopping!” Satin’s suggestion makes us both look up from our plates.

“Huh?” Brilliant riposte there Athena.

“Let’s go shopping! C’mon we haven’t left here in days, let’s go out, hit a club, go shopping!” She’s grinning madly, waving a fork around with her magic. “Do something! We’re all dressed up, why waste it?”

Twilight nods, setting her own fork down, “You know, that sounds like fun. It’ll be a while until Pinkie arrives. Let’s go do something.” She points at me, “You know I was just fine staying at home reading a book most days, but noooo.”

“What? I didn’t do anything.” I give her the best innocent look I can to Satin’s laugh.

“Oh!” The Unicorn gets up, “I’ve got to make sure everything’s caught up before we go!” She’s out the door before we can say anything, Twilight grinning as she watches her leave, heading for her old quarters where the schedule for the workers are kept, her job to make sure the apartments are kept in good condition as well as Hoofmaiden duties..

“Didn’t tell her did you Twilight?”

“Nooo, not yet.” She bounces a bit, “I think she’ll be surprised.”

“You’re an awesome friend Twilight, don’t let anypony ever tell you different.”

Twilight, in hammering out the contract with the legal team, had added an extra five percent for Satin because of the pictures taken without her knowledge. Hitting the publishers for a staggering forty-percent, though there were certainly no protests.

But I do have a caveat, “I also think you’re a lot more vicious than some ponies ever suspect.”

She waves me off, “Oh nono, I couldn’t ever be mean.” Ending that with a smile that would make you wonder, “I mean, I AM the Princess of Friendship!”

“Uh huh... Riiiight.” I can’t help but laugh.

Fifteen minutes pass, no Satin yet as Twilight gives me a puzzled look, “Where is she?”

“I don’t know, let’s go find her and get going.”

“Good enough!” The Alicorn bounces out the door, it’s nice seeing her relaxed.

Wandering along the hallway, we can’t spot her anywhere. Odd that, she’s always punctual. We round the corner to her old quarters, voices low and vicious are coming from inside. Oh yes, those two again.

“Look, I’ve got to get going, I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.” Satin’s voice, sounding nervous.

Twilight stops, peeking around the corner for a moment. Joining her, we see Satin backing up slightly, talking to a few others.

“Too busy with your sucking up to royalty then?” I sigh..the same voice from before. I’ve been so busy with things it never occurred to me what would happen with her.

Actions have consequences, down to even this. I get so caught up in things I don’t plan for them, I always depended on Crusader for that because he’s good at the details. I’ve got to start paying attention, more attention than I have, this shouldn’t happen.

I step forward, wanting to head around the corner when Twilight stops me, “You can’t be there all the time,” she whispers.

“I know, but this is my fault, I have to correct it.”

“It’ll be fine, she’s a strong mare, just wait.”

I‘m not happy with that, but I trust Twilight, “All right.”

We listen, the others berating her for making up stories about being a confidant of Twilight and I. It’s true that she has become a good friend, but from their point of view more like ingratiating herself.

“They keep me busy! I’m not doing anything wrong!” A hoof is stamped, showing pique.

“Oh yeah?” Another voice, “Then why are you wearing that stuff? Going clubbing with the Princesses and borrowing their jewels?”

“They gave..it..” Silence for a moment, “You know what, I don’t have to explain myself to you! That’s all I’ve done since they asked me if I’d take the job. I don’t care what you think, I’m not doing it anymore!”

Good for her! Go get ‘em Satin!

There starts one really good argument, Satin is holding her own beautifully as she turns the tables on her accusers. Twilight and I are listening in case of any problems, but it seems she has things well on her side.

Satin is calm, but she is stalwart as well, you can tell by the way she puts her words. She’s not backing up anymore and that’s fine with me.

“...And this choker? They gave it to me and I think it’s one of the prettiest things I’ve ever owned! Just because you can’t be honest and say you’d like one for yourself doesn’t allow you to be mean every time I come here!”

“So what happens when the Regent’s gone? Going to try to keep your new status?” The voice is mocking.

“No. I’m going to take care of the apartments like I always have. Cleaning things and washing things, it makes no difference. I do my job and I do it well!” Another hoof stamp. “But I’m not going to let you ruin what has been a wonderful time in my life, Sugar Sweet is still my friend along with others, and they are happy for me!”

Twilight’s pumping a hoof, “Yeah! You tell ‘em!”

“Twilight stop that!” We’re both giggling, trying not to reveal ourselves.

Heavy steps come down the hallway, silencing the argument for a moment as a rumbling voice reaches our ears. We both peek around the corner to see Ambassador Strong stopping by the alcove where Satin is. His massive form fills the hallway as he stands there, hands clasped behind his back.

“An argument in such a peaceful place?” His voice is deep, it really makes you wonder where it comes from. Sounds like a couple of Bolos I knew from the Regiment.

“My apologies Ambassador, if we’ve disturbed your quiet.” Satin’s voice, taking charge of the situation.

“I have been listening for a few moments. Disturbing, is it not, when one achieves a status that others desire, but then they blame that one for getting such a thing?” A stillness as Twilight looks down at me, and I look up at her shrugging.

“We’re really sorry Ambassador, it won’t happen again.” Satin is doing a good job at trying to keep the peace.

He waves a hand absently, “In the Khanate, we solve problems simply, execution is preferred but we have changed that to leaving them in irons for a goodly period. Too many servants gone, not enough replacements.” The ponies in front of him blanch, backing up nervously at his words.

Twilight’s face is absolutely stunned, I’m sure mine is the exact same. Good Celestia’s name!

“But one thing they are taught, is do not ever question their Khan nor his decisions.” He leans down to face the group of ponies who back up from the blunt-nosed face and gleaming horns, “Your Princess Regent and her esteemed Counselor Princess Twilight Sparkle have made such a decision. I would advise you to take it to heart and do not tempt fate, you may well encounter something truly unexpected.”

We watch him stand back up, turning our way as we pull our heads back from the corner. As he comes even with us we are both standing there trying to look as innocent as possible.. We really stink at it.

“Princess Regent Athena, Princess Twilight Sparkle. Pleasure meeting you here.” His face actually has a slight smile on it while using our titles. He is not chiding, rather a sense of...respect?

“Sword of the Khan Strong, pleasure is ours. Out for a stroll?” Twilight is very formal when she wants to be.

“Yes, I thought I would take in the sights today. It has been a while since I walked the shopping districts.” He pauses, looking us for a moment, “I have been reminded recently that there are still things left to discover in this world.” He nods politely to both of us, heading forward down the hallway once more.

We can only stand silent, watching the large form turn a corner and disappear, Twilight looking at me with eyes full of wonder, “Wow..you just never know do you?” His demeanor, the gracious voice, even the way he almost smiled at both of us has taken her off-guard.

“No..” I shake my head, “No you don’t.”

We both almost jump out of our shoes as Satin’s voice comes from beside us, “Are you guys following me?”



“Oh stop worrying, it’s fine!” Satin is merry as we walk through the district this evening, the shops are still open, the clubs just barely starting, so it’s the right time to catch some fresh air.

“Well I didn’t know it would affect you like that, I really do apologize.” I am worried, her life has been turned upside down because I wanted to get a little revenge. Lesson learned the hard way, it’s not going to happen again I can tell you that.

She trots alongside me, “Really, they’ve always given me a hard time because I’m new. That’s why I liked the apartments, I could do my job and be alone.” She turns a brilliant smile on us, “Then I met you guys! Er..uh Princesses..”

Twilight laughs, “It’s fine.”

“Anyways, Sugar Sweet and I talk when I get the chance, she really would like to meet you, I mean if that’s okay? She’s so nice, but she doesn’t want to seem pushy or anything.”

Twilight nods, glancing at a store display, “Sure, just bring her to the apartments, I mean it’s not like we’re going to toss her out.”

“Oh that’s great! She’s going to just die!” Satin’s mane is bouncing as she nods, “She might want an autograph on the..uh..magazine though.”

I sigh, “Like we’re not used to it by now.”

We had exited the castle, wanting to just go wandering for a while and stretch our legs, chatting and looking forward to just some time out and away. Yep, that went south real quick, starting with the photographers, then the nice ponies wanting autographs. Twilight is too polite as are we all, so we stood for an hour signing and taking photos with anypony who asked, finally getting away when it thinned.

Satin had the time of her life, Twilight and I had nudged her forward to sign autographs or just take pictures with friendly ponies, we did the same. It was fun, never having been the center of attention before, Satin was smiling the whole time.

“Twilight, have you looked into the land thing anymore?” I’ve got to ask, having a moment.

She nods, “Yeah, they’re still researching, but they’ve narrowed it down,we should be hearing something within a day or two.”

“Oh that’s great, that’ll take a load off I tell you.” We stop dead in front of a cake shop, seeing something that would make Pinkie pause.

“Oh we’ve got to try that!” Twilight is peering close at the coconut topped fudge chocolate cake which is just begging to be eaten.

“Didn’t you have enough earlier?” Satin is gazing at the bakery window as well.

“Twilight has a hollow leg for sweets, don’t ask me, but she can put ‘em away.” I admit that cake really does look delicious.

“Yep, and I’m going to get some of that!” She points first, then heads into the door as Satin and I follow. The ringing of a bell as she opens the door telling whoever’s watching the shop that they’ve got customers.

The inside is warm from the ovens, glass showcases with cakes and everything imaginable that can be baked that are so tempting. There are small tables for two or three, empty for now, but we take one nearest the counter, waiting for somepony to show up.

“Oh it smells wonderful in here!” Satin is sniffing the air, “Apple turnovers!” She points to some overstuffed pastries under a glass dome. “I love apple turnovers, they’re so good!”

“You know, if you like apples, we have somepony you ought to meet.” Twilight laughs when I say that, nodding.

“Oh yeah, she’d like you.”

Before Satin can answer a familiar voice rings out, “Hiya guys!” A pink form standing at the table with an apron and a booklet ready to take our order.


“What are you doing here?” Twilight is puzzled along with myself as Satin looks on.

“Well, I got here early ya know and decided to take a walk before I met you guys, this pony was baking and I told him he was using too much vanilla in the cupcakes, this led to a big ol’ fight too! Should seen it! I won! Anyways, I offered to bake while he took a break and then I got everything in order, that cake out there’s mine by the way, and then I just kinda kept helping cause it’s been so fun, I really meant to meet you guys sooner but this was really important ‘cause when you use vanilla too much it..mmprpghgp.”

Twilight has stuck a hoof in Pinkie’s mouth, stopping her story mid-sentence, “We get it Pinkie.” She pops the hoof back out as Pinkie just grins.

“So what can I get you?”

“Maybe you want to drop the apron and have a seat, we need your help.” I pull up another chair.

“Oh no! I can’t do that, I’m on the clock and it wouldn’t be right to slack off especially after Mister Turnover said he’d be gone for just a few minutes, I really can’t let him down cause a promise is a promise you know! I haven’t even started arranging the shelves in the back...mmrrmrpphphg.”

Satin is giggling at the deadpan look on Twilight’s face, “Pinkie, seriously, sit down.”

The Earth pony nods around the silencing hoof, plopping in the seat.

Twilight removes it again, wiping it on a napkin, “We need your help, there’s this photographer making life a pain in the Cutie Mark; we need to talk to her but she keeps eluding us, can you find her?”

“You mean Photo Finish right? I saw the pictures, you guys looked great!” She grins at all of us blushing around the table.

“Yeah, she wasn’t supposed to take those, but it’s gotten a little out of hoof.”

“Yeah I can see that.” She taps a hoof on her chin, “I think they were nice though, didn’t know you could cut loose Twilight!” She hugs the Alicorn tight as Twilight’s face goes a deep red.

“Anyways,” I continue, “Can you find her?”

“Sure! That’s easy!” She keeps grinning, “She’s right there!” Pointing at the front of the store we all turn in surprise, getting blinded by a flash again. Dangit I have got to install something to stop this!

“Time alone! Time with friends! Ah I see it now, Princesses softer sides! Truly another fine expose’! Ze emotion, ze feels!” The camera goes off again, multiple times, before her usual...

“I go!” Zipping off with her crew, leaving us alone in the store rubbing our eyes.

“Pinkie, we meant find her before she did this again!”

The pink face lights up with a sudden realization, “Ohhhhh, okay!” She stands up with a salute, “I’m on it!” She’s out the door in a blur, suddenly coming back in and slamming plates of cake and turnovers on the table, “I heard you when you came in, here ya go! Tell Mr. Turnover I took another job! Bye!” She’s gone in a flash.

“So...” Satin’s voice is wondering, “That was Pinkie Pie huh?”

“Yeah she’s..”

The door whips open once more, the pink pony grabbing Satin’s hoof and shaking it wildly, “Sorry! I’m Pinkie, it’s really nice to meet you! Let me know if you’re in Ponyville we have to throw you a party!” She grins with a squee and zips off once more.

The blue Unicorn’s eyes roll a moment, steadying herself against the table. “She’s...nice?”

“She’s unique, let’s say that.” Twilight laughs.

“Are all your friends like her?”

I laugh, Twilight joins in, “Oh you have no idea.”

We do settle things with the proprietor, Mr. Turnover, when he comes back, telling him Pinkie was needed elsewhere. He was sad as she’d been the best employee for all of two hours he’d ever had. He did understand though.

This is getting familiar.... Strange how things work. But the cake was awesome!


We walk through the streets, lamplights being lit as the evening falls fully. It’s beautiful in Canterlot, tended gardens and parks, stores fronted with dressed stone, but warm and welcoming, not cold and sterile.

“So, Pinkie can find her?” Satin’s still wondering about the manic mare.

“If anyone at all can it’s her.” I nod, “Pinkie’s got a way of getting into anyplace, it’s odd.”

Twilight chuckles, stopping us outside a club, “Pinkie is one of my very best friends, she’s kind, she loves to make ponies laugh. But she’s got a way of doing things that make you wonder.” Leaning in, she looks at Satin with a smile, “Don’t wonder, it’ll only confuse you.”

We laugh as Satin agrees, “Got it, no wondering.”

The music however, catches our ears, so we turn to open the door in the club. It’s in a really nice area, by itself, it’s loud and thumping through the heavy wooden doors. As Twilight opens them, we’re assaulted by the sounds and voices from inside.

Yes!” Satin is bouncing in place, “Let’s go dance!” She grabs both of us, dragging us inside.

While we enter, I ask Twilight a question that’s been bothering me, “Hey, why hasn’t Discord shown up, isn’t he usually trying to... I dunno.. mess with ponies?”

She laughs, heading for the bar, “Celestia and Luna told him in no uncertain terms, he gets within earshot of us they would make sure he’s a bird bath this time.”

“Whoa, kinda harsh there.” We step up to the counter ordering three drinks, quickly served they taste great after the sweets in the shop.

“Yep, they wanted no interference while they were gone.”

I take a long swig of the cold juice, nodding, “I think we get in enough trouble all by ourselves.” Twilight laughs, holding her mug up and tapping it against mine and Satin’s.

“That is so very true!” The Unicorn puts hers down, tugging us once more, “Cmon, let’s dance, let’s show them what we can do!”

Guilt hits me as we walk towards the dance floor, “I feel bad, Pinkie’s out there working hard and she’d love this.”

Twilight shrugs, “That’s Pinkie, once she’s onto something, nothing else matters.” Seeing my face she smiles, “Don’t worry, we’ll make sure we have another night out with her, our treat.”

“Fair enough then, promise?”

“Promise! We’ll make sure it’s the best night ever!”

But for now, an hour or so of dancing won’t kill anypony, especially us.


“That was so much fun! I know we couldn’t stay long, but think we could go back?” Satin’s voice is merry, bouncing alongside me as we head to the apartments once more, ready for some sleep.

Absolutely!” Twilight is nodding, trotting along gaily as we head down the hallway to our bedrooms.

Though no one really wanted to approach us, we took to the dance floor and ignored anything else. It’s amazing what friends can do with the right music, some smiles and a passion for anything fun.

Once folks there realized we weren’t in our ‘official’ capacity, it all went back to normal, loud, rambunctious and lots of fun. It was too bad we really had to leave early, but we’ll go back.

Opening the large doors to the apartments, a grinning face greets us, making us start for a moment.

“Hiya guys!”

“Pinkie!” Twilight smiles, “Did you..”

“Yep! Got her right here! Took a while, she kept hiding in closets, sneaky photographer!” She leans near us, glancing back and forth, “She’s gooood.”

Pinkie is awesome and scary at the same time.

Sitting quietly on a cushion, the fashion photographer gives us a disdainful sniff, “I, Photo Finish would have had more tasteful pictures if not for this..this pink thing!” She waves a hoof absently, “Vhat is it you want?”

“Well,” Twilight sits nearby, “We’d just like to tell you, please, no more pictures of the bedrooms and such. Public stuff is fine, but we’d really appreciate you not doing any more intimate stuff, please?” She gives her a winning smile.

“What? You do not like ze pictures? I thought zhem charming, a delight, truly a feast for ze zenses!” Her eyeglasses almost pop off, offended at the suggestion.

“Nonono! They were great, just..well.. some things ought to be private you know?”

Twilight’s good, I’d have just broken the camera.

She taps a hooficured hoof on her chin, “You are right, zome zings should be private. I, Photo Finish, shall remember that!” She cocks her head at us, pulling out a folder, “But vould you care to look?”

Spreading out a bundle of glossy photos in front of us we can only gasp. She truly is an artist, ego or not, she can take photos like nothing I’ve ever seen.

There is Twilight, sitting in candlelight, her eyes turned slightly to the window where the moon is cresting the horizon. Her face is bathed in a golden glow mixing with the slight silver reflecting from the moon, it turns her into something ethereal. One hoof resting on the windowsill as she has a longing look on her face, it’s hard to describe, not somber, yet beautiful. Her mane frames it all like a picture, showing the delicate curves that you never notice unless looking in a very particular way.

There is Satin sitting on a cushion, her face lit up like a lantern, a smile wide and bright as she laughs at some joke, some story. Her body is posed in such a way as to highlight her lean lines, accentuating everything about her that tells you here is delight. Mane sparkling from a recent shower, letting it glitter like it was made of jewels, her picture is joy in all it’s forms.

Me, there I am. How does she do this? A sable face with eyes closed in sleep, a form that is relaxed and resting. Curled up against a pillow, I’m smiling as my face is lit from the lantern by the side of the bed, it’s glow showing just enough to tell you it’s not magic but natural light. My mane spreads out along the sheets so well it almost looks staged. The covers are letting only my upper body show, but the filter gives it all a warm fuzziness that says here is peace.

I can’t say anything as we look through these, Photo Finish sitting quietly as we’re just stunned, unable to articulate anything about them, spreading them on the carpet in amazement.

More pictures, Twilight sleeping, Satin, all of us laughing at something at the dinner table, smiles all around. She captures moments in time, so fast they were.

Twilight shakes her head, pointing at the pile of shots, “How do you do this?”

Silence for a moment as we all want an answer to that question, Photo Finish looking back inscrutably from behind her glasses before speaking.

“Vhen I was young, I knew I could see ze beauty, ze wonder in things. I wanted to kapture zhem forever, to put zhem in something that others could enjoy and see, to delight in!” She emphasizes this with a thrown out hoof, “I realized that only I, Photo Finish, could do this, and so became a photographer. But not just any photographer, ze best! Showing what others miss, what zhey don’t realize is all around zhem, inside zhem! Ze magik!”

Pinkie gasps, seeing photos of herself in the castle, a shot of her smiling at something in the distance. Not the manic or goofy smiles we all know and love, but a gentle one that gives her face a glow of true beauty with those blue eyes, looking out from the picture and holding your attention. Showing an inner laughter and delight that makes her different from what we know.

“When did you take that?” She picks up her photo, looking quizzical.

“Vhen you were lookink for me, you are quite good.” The stoic face actually shows a smile for a moment.

“Lemme tell you, finding you wasn’t a snap either!” She laughs, still holding the photo, “Could..could I keep it?”

“Of course, it is for you to enjoy!” She pauses, “But I vould ask zomezing if I may.”

This catches us all off guard, looking at each other before Twilight nods, “Sure.”

“I, Photo Finish, shall be having a showing in Manehatten next month, let me use some of zese, let me show ze world beauty in all it’s ways.” She waves at the spread out pictures, “I ask for your trust in zis.”

Looking at the pictures, they are so good it takes your breath away, not just the subject but how they are captured, I can’t do anything but nod, “I’m good with it.” Twilight and Satin eye me for a moment, “But..uh..none like the magazine? Please?”

“No, nozing like zat. They should never haf published zose, I told zem zey were to be held not printed. These," She points at the photos, “Shall be works of art. These shall be ze finest taken, framed and shown for all the world to gaze upon and see true magik!” Her hoof presses against her chest, “Zis I, Photo Finish, promise.”

I have to admit, for all her attitude and..talking about herself oddly, I can’t fault her in any way, shape or form. You really can’t help but like her in her own way.

Twilight taps a hoof, “Do we have to dress up or pose or anything?”

“No! Juszt be you, natural, nozing more, zhat is all I ask.” She pulls another folder, showing more of the time when I was teaching them to dance, “You have poise that cannot be kaptured by staging it, be yourselves.”

“What else do you need?”

“Juszt let me have complete access for one more day is all, in the public areas.” We can’t see her eyes behind the lenses, but her voice is ringing true, at least to me.

“What do you think girls?” Twilight looks at us, even Pinkie for her approval.

Everypony nods.

“Done, just..uh.. no more?” She gestures to another set of pictures showing us dancing.

“You have Photo Finish’s word!”

“We can agree to that then, okay.” Twilight smiles, her mane blown to the side as the photographer disappears once more, “How does she even do that?”

Pinkie shrugs, “She’s almost as good as I am, caught her in a bakery cabinet.”

“Nopony beats Pinkie.” I have to say it as everyone laughs.

The fluffy maned Earth pony grins, then leans close, “Soooo, what were you guys doing?” She points to the pictures left behind, showing us doing dance moves in the apartment. “Whatever it is, looks like fun and I want in!”

Twilight’s voice is hesitant, “Pinkie, I don’t think we should say anything, we oughta just leave it alone.”

“I promise not to tell anypony!” She makes the usual motions.

Oh what the hay, couldn‘t hurt, “I’ll tell her Twilight, long as Photo Finish isn’t lurking around.” That one makes all of us sans Pinkie eye the room suspiciously.

“Nah, she’s good on her word,” Pinkie nods, “Don’t worry!”

“Okay then.” I stop as Pinkie smiles at me once more, “What?”

“You’re not stuttering as much.” She, for all her oddness, is truly observant sometimes..

“I know, everything that’s going on, I just don’t..well.. I haven’t been.” I’m trying not to look at the ground like I normally do.

“That’s a good thing you know.” She settles close to us, “Crusader bought a few copies of that magazine.”

“What? Why?” Oh no.

A warm look crosses her face, “He told me to tell you he thought it showed a beauty he knew was there, everything you should be.”

“He did? Really?”

“He sure did.” She nods once more, her mane bouncing, “He said not to worry.”

He always knows somehow, don’t ask me, but he always knows.

“Enough of that! Tell me! Tell me!” She’s about to bounce off the cushion in expectation.

“Yeesh,calm down,” Twilight is smiling at her friend, Pinkie’s one of a kind, “Okay, so....”

Once again, we sit and explain what was going on with the pictures, Pinkie’s laughing her tail off at every new revelation. The rest of us can only sit there in embarrassment as the story unfolds, we leave out a few things just because..you know..because.

She cocks her head, looking up at the ceiling for a moment and pursing her lips, “I’m not sure after all that why you’d be all upset, I mean it was just dancing right?”

“Not that kind of dancing Pinkie.” Satin’s voice is light, “It’s not exactly something you want to show everypony.” Both Twilight and I are shaking our heads at her, don’t say anything!

Now her interest is piqued, “Oh now you really have to show me!” Leaning forward, almost toppling over, she grins wildly at the three of us.



Pinkie’s fast asleep along with Satin, Twilight and I are talking by candle light in her rooms as mine have been occupied by two very tired ponies. Having Pinkie in the mix, teaching her what I taught Twilight and Satin, made it hilarious, her natural delight at things had us all rethinking how to do certain routines. All in all, it was truly fun, something to long remember.

“You know that was a pretty slick trick they pulled, even I didn’t catch it until later. Maybe because I was so nervous.” I’m shaking my head, thinking about that simple sentence in the proclamation, sneaky Sisters indeed. Crusader was right, I need to pay attention more sometimes, I’m limiting myself too much.

Twilight chuckles, “She’s been around a long time Athena, so she’s got a few things up her sleeves.”

“Yeah but I’m supposed to catch things like that immediately! Not a day later, good grief!” Marcus would definitely have called me out on this one.

“Nopony’s perfect.”

My head lifts up, looking at her as I open my mouth and stop for a second, “You’re right.” I process this a second more, “You’re right, Celestia said I am one of her little ponies, and I’m not perfect.” I sigh happily though, “And you know what, that’s just fine with me.”

Twilight smiles, “But you can still do some seriously neat things too, that’s not so bad either.” The lavender face is bright, “Though I am working on a spell to duplicate that battle screen, don’t count me out!”

Pressing a hoof against my chest I take a solemn look, “I promise never to underestimate you then.”

A gentle hoof swats at me, “Oh stop it.”

“What? I’m just saying...”

She narrows her eyes with another smile, “You’re being sarcastic.”

My best shocked look, a hoof pressed once more to my chest, “I would never! Your ability with magic is second to none! Why..why.. I would never denigrate your skills!”

A pointed hoof, “You are so full of ponyfeathers.”

Rolling my eyes I can’t help but laugh, “Yeah pretty much. Though I would like to see the result.”

Nodding, she raises her hoof, “Done, it’ll be a whole new type of magic I think..”

Off she goes as I listen for the next hour, magic is definitely something to learn about, storing the talk for sharing when next I see Crusader.


“Just a second Twilight,” I stop her for a moment and slip next to the window, I see the distortion and wave with all my might, smiling brightly. The dip shows as it moves back off on patrol, leaving me staring out the window.

“What was that?”

I’m sure the look on my face shows I’m guilty, “Well, Crusader has drones on patrol, so I wave to him ever since i got here. I know we’re not supposed to communicate..so.. please don’t tell?”

“We-ll... I don’t think that’s breaking the rules.”

“Thanks. I just miss him.”

She nods, “I understand. I miss everypony back in Ponyville too, and my brother and Cadence.” She moves close, wrapping a leg around my shoulders, “But we’ll see them all again, there’s always time.”

“I know, it’s been so busy I don’t hear the quiet. But when it’s late and you all are asleep, I can’t help it.”

“Don’t worry, they’ll be back soon, maybe they got delayed. Stars only knows what kind of trouble they could get into on vacation.”

“No explosions or anything else wiping out cities, so I think we’re good.”

I watch as she laughs, moving back to rest upon a cushion, “We’ve got another court in the morning, so get used to it until they get back. We’ll be fine.”

“I hope so, I really do.” Lying back on my own cushion, I close my eyes, feeling a nudge, “Yes?”

Her tired voice is merry, almost laughing as she whispers, “Worse comes to worse invite Crusader up here, he’ll just beat ponies senseless.”

It’s delivered so matter of factly it makes me snicker into the pillow, then laugh out loud, “Stars Twilight!”

“What?” She gives me a grin before closing her own eyes, leaving us in silence once more.

But it’s not a lonely silence. Nothing that takes from the cool night, the warm covers, the companionship of a friend. It’s a silence that lets you alone to think of the days ahead, and just hope they are as wonderful as today.


You know, sitting on a throne, same place, every day, I will never look at this whole thing the same way again. A thousand years of doing this? Wonder if they replace the seat pad a lot? Maybe Celestia’s butt wore a hole in it..oh boy.. I’m really getting off-track....

Pinkie’s actually having a great time, she’s decided to stay the day as well, though I’m sure her trying to make the guards laugh might be a bit more than expected, but it does make the place more lively. I did like the squeaky clown nose, I thought it was hilarious.

“Why are you smiling like that?” Dangit, why does she always catch me?

“No reason.”

I can see her eyeing me, before she turns back to the next set of complainants with a suspicious look, “Riiiight.”

Here we go, wheee...more problems to solve. I swear, by whatever I can swear to, I will go back to being a happy Bolo if you’ll just let me out!

The court clerk announces the case in a monotone, he’s obviously done this for far too long.

“The Case of Rose Petal versus Gold Oats, ten bits owed for services rendered.”

“Proceed please.” It’s been a true learning experience doing this, the cases, the problems that concern every day ponies are unusual sometimes; but as Twilight keeps telling me, it’s easy to make a decision, just do my best.

As I listen I realize, I have done my best, the best I could and I’ve learned so much. It’s not truly that boring or anything, I complain, but I wouldn’t have traded this for all the world. Well...except for the photos.

“...And I bought the ice cream this time around, so she owes me the ten bits for all the food I purchased!” The voice is sounding aggrieved, the pony Rose Petal is looking piqued at Gold Oats.

“That’s not true, I paid for all the rides, the park wasn’t that expensive, I mean ten bits? C’mon!” Gold Oats is not having any of this, her taupe eyes staring at the other pony.

“You ate enough to make a Minotaur faint!”

“I did not!”

They end up nose to nose before I can say anything.

“Excuse me.” They both turn towards myself, “You’re friends right?”

“Yes.” They both reply.

I fumble for my bit bag, getting out twenty bits and stepping down from the dais, I give them both ten each, “Friends shouldn’t fight, it was a day out for fun, not for arguing. This one’s on me.” Twilight’s watching me with a smile.

The two ponies look at each other for a second, then Gold Oats turns back to me, “Well done Athena, I see you’ve learned quite a lot.”


They both shimmer, Princess Celestia and Luna standing before us as I’m sure my eyes go quite wide, seeing the two complainants turning into the ruling sisters.

“I....Princess!” I bow, but am stopped before I can get very far. Twilight scampers down from the dais, hugging her mentor as Luna watches with merry eyes.

“Celestia! When did you get back?”

“Well we got in last night, but decided to see how things were going, forgive us for being late?” Her smile is warm.

“Of course!” I nod along with her.

“We have photos as well! Truly a good time, it was so very nice to enjoy things for a while!” Princess Luna is almost prancing in place, grinning widely.

Then I remember, “Wait a second, you two owe us an explanation about that proclamation.”

The diarchs laugh, looking at each other for a brief moment, “Oh that.. Well when you didn’t catch that immediately, we wondered how long it would take.” Luna points a clad hoof at me, “You need to pay attention young mare.”

She‘s right, darnit. “Yes Your Highness.”

A commotion behind them is Pinkie giving Cadence a hug as her and Shining Armor walk into the throne area, Twilight points at them immediately, “And where were you two!”

A look passes between them for a moment, I’ve seen that before long ago between Marcus and his wife, “Oh we figured since they took a vacation we would too, we had a wonderful time.” Cadence is gazing warmly at her husband.

“Well you could have told us!” Her eyes roll as I hide a chuckle behind my hoof.

Shining grins, “We felt you had everything in hoof little sister.”

I’m positive I don’t look thrilled, “You know, leaving a country in the hooves of a seriously underskilled pony is not a good thing!” I cross my forelegs, standing there.

The alabaster mare nods regally, “Oh, well isn’t it fortunate you had a skilled counselor?” Her eyes slide to my right where... “Your report Twilight?”

Wait a second, “Report?” As I look, Twilight is smiling broadly.

“She learned everything you wanted her to and more. Though a couple of unexpected things happened, she took care of things in a different way, learning how to be, well, Equestrian.”

“We will expect a detailed report later then.” She stops Twilight before she can unroll a very thick scroll.

“Wait a second, you were spying on me?” I’m shocked, I really am.

“No, I was making sure nothing went wrong. If things got out of hoof, I could step in and help, but I didn’t need to.”

My jaw goes adrift, “But the Ambassador! That could have gone wrong in so many ways! Why didn’t you say something?” Then it really hits, “You were communicating with them? You fibbed!”

Twilight smiles, “Yes, I admit it, I mislead you, but it was to make sure you handled things yourself, like they told me you had to. As for the ambassador..well..” She points at her brother, “And those two taking off, nooo, couldn’t let me know!”

Princess Luna nods, “That... was truly unexpected. But from what Twilight told us in her messages, you did quite well. We had a feeling he might take advantage of our absence, so there were other things in place.” She points at me, “But it was real and look at you now, standing taller, the self-doubt gone now.”

All this, all the trouble for a lesson. To teach one pony how things can be and could be. Who in the history of existence would ever go through such troubles except for ponies? It boggles the mind that such an elaborate thing could be done so easily, with nary a thought. What lengths would friends go to here?

My reverie is interrupted by the appearance of a familiar shape in a slim hoof, Cadence almost laughing as I plant mine firmly on my forehead.

“Oh, could we get your autograph?”


Cadence and Shining couldn’t stay long, heading back to the Crystal Empire where I’m sure their Seneschal is going to be quite happy. Court was in abeyance for the day, the return of the Sisters taking precedent and wanting to talk about the past few days.

“About the photos..uhm..” I really don’t want to tell them.

“Be at peace, Twilight told us of the circumstances.” Celestia is still smiling, never losing it for a moment, “Though it was somewhat of a surprise seeing you all in Princess Today. But it is as it is.”

Satin comes in, having remained quiet all this time since the throne room when the Sisters returned, she had followed us back to the apartments, making tea for all of us as we sat around a small table.

“Your tea Highnesses.” She bows and turns to leave, I stop her and gesture to a seat. She shakes her head at me with a firm movement.

Luna’s voice comes across with a merry tone, “Sit and be welcome Hoofmaiden, it’s long since we’ve had one, you are the first in centuries and are more than deserved of a seat.”

The pale blue Unicorn sits uneasily until Celestia smiles, “Stop worrying, you have done well, is something bothering you?”

“No..no Your Highness, just... well I’ll miss them when they leave.” She looks at Twilight and myself.

“Ah, but they will visit often I’m sure, and Ponyville is not that far for a trip.” The taller sister sips tea for a moment, “And if you get tired of working here, I’m sure you could follow your dream somewhere.”

When Twilight had finally told Satin about inclusion in the contracts, we both thought she’d faint, seeing a good amount of money coming to her. Her Cutie Mark was for dancing as she told us later, formal dancing, any dance, she’d always wanted to start a school to teach. Now, perhaps she’d get her heart’s desire.

“Oh no Princess, I love my job! Maybe..oh maybe later, there’s time.”

“As you wish.” Satin had requested to go back to her old job, knowing we were leaving and Celestia and Luna not needing a Hoofmaiden after so many centuries without one.

Seeing the Unicorn nod, the alabaster mare went back to her tea, “As long as you are happy and content.”

I nudge Twilight, “Can’t believe you were spying on me.”

“I was not spying, I was being a friend and making sure everything went okay.” An abashed look crosses her face, “The Princesses asked me the night of the Gala, I agreed to help out, they said it would help you be stronger.” She grins, “It has, you walk differently, you talk without stuttering so much even when you’re nervous.”

“But why all this?”

Princess Luna sets her cup down, “Crusader asked us to help.”

“What?” What the heck?

The dark mare nods, “When you first arrived and became your avatar, he was concerned you would not adjust well. You were focused on war and fighting, even down to creating a dance.” She smiles at my look, “Yes, he showed me, and he was wanting us to assist in changing your outlook on life.”

I must be sitting there with my mouth open, as Twilight lifts my jaw back into place with a gentle hoof, “Crusader? All this is because he..”

“Oh yes, among other things. We couldn’t go any farther in your dreamworld Athena, so this was the best solution. To bring you to a place where you could be confident in your actions and yourself.” She gestures at me, “To let you be the one to either take yourself further, or retreat.”

All the moments come back, every time he smiled at me and said just be happy. He meant so much more than that. So much so he went to these lengths to ask the rulers of a country to help me be content, to be more than a war machine. All those times I got frustrated at him or just blew him off when he said that make me feel like an idiot.

How could I have never realized this? I was so concerned with fitting in he was working at the same thing, only deeper and behind the scenes. Every time he improved me, did something to make me feel special, everything good that came my way.

Not one word, never a mention, not a single thought.

Seeing the distraught look on my face, Luna speaks quietly, “Because he cares so very much for you, how could we not help?”

I owe him an apology of the deepest kind, so many of them.

Celestia nods her head regally, “The world is open to you now my little pony, what will you do with it?”

Looking at Twilight, “We head back in the morning right?” I watch her nod. “I think I owe somepony an apology when we get back, a very deep apology.”

“If that is your wish, though I am sure it’s not needed.” She gazes warmly at me, “I believe he knows and understands, he has always been that way since his awakening. You could contact him now that we have returned.”

I think about that for a moment, shaking my head, “No, no I can wait.” Seeing the smiles around the table.

“Good enough, now I am sure we’re all famished so let us enjoy our meal.” Celestia and Luna’s eyes go wide as piles of food are put before them, the serving ponies smiling and doing their utmost best to make it nice before disappearing.

“Well... this is quite the change from the usual portions, any particular reason why?” She eyes both Twilight, I and Satin.

Twilight looks nervous, did she not tell them? Oh stars.. “Uhm...about that.”


Pinkie and Twilight are asleep now, Satin is drifting off as I watch her eyes slowly close in mid-sentence. She didn’t want to miss a second of our time before we left, having such a wonderful three days, I understand it’s hard to let go. Her friend Sugar Sweet was quite ecstatic to be invited to the apartments, getting our autographs and spending some time before she had to go.

I have been relieved of all duties, a simple passing of the torch, though I will remember this time forever. I have stored it in my Deep Cores and will make sure that I look at the memories from time to time.

I gaze out the window, leaning on the sill, seeing the distortion in the air I wave. As it moves back on patrol I smile, watching it leave. I’ll be home soon, and I do hope you’re right there. I’m not leaving you behind, I’m bringing you with me, you’ll see a new world.

I’m not taking no for an answer this time.


At the train station in the morning, a surprise waits us. Ambassador Strong is waiting there, surrounded by an open space as his large frame is intimidating to ponies. He is standing in his normal pose, calloused hands clasped behind his back as he watches Twilight, Pinkie and I approaching.

Princess Celestia eyes us, “He asked when you were leaving, I hope you don’t mind.” She stops when we assure her it is fine, leaving us to step forward to look up at the Sword of the Khan, letting us all have a moment alone. Pinkie stands with them, knowing it’s for us to talk with the imposing figure.

His voice is still deep and rumbling, “Princess Twilight, Regent Athena.”

“No longer Regent, I have been relieved of duties.” I give him a smile as we sit down in front of him. He leans down so we may converse more privately.

“So I have heard.” He pauses, “You have kept your word, and in return, perhaps a little more trust between our nations is warranted. I shall so advise my Khan.”

Twilight and I share a glance, turning back to the tall warrior, “That’s wonderful Sword..” She is stopped by an upraised hand.

“Ambassador, please.”

Twilight nods, “Ambassador. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will be pleased to hear this I’m sure!”

A thick finger is pointed my way though, “I am still wondering what you are. We have heard rumors, ponies also talking about one named Crusader. I was there when he told the Assembly his refusal to share knowledge, but he was just a voice in a box, although quite a magical demonstration.”

I don’t answer for a moment, thinking of something innocuous, “I’m just a pony Ambassador, nothing special.”

“No, no you are more than that.” He actually cracks a smile on the grizzled face, eyeing me with what looks to be a hint of laughter, “But if you choose to say so, then I will believe you, you will not hear any rumors from me.”

“I think it’s best, don’t you Ambassador?”

“Yes, I do.” He lifts himself back up, “It was good to have made your acquaintance Princess of Friendship, your title holds true.” He watches Twilight’s face with that same small smile. “With friends like the Regent here, I believe Equestria shall have a peaceful future.”

“I..uhm, thank you Ambassador.” Twilight’s not sure what to say.

“You are quite welcome. If you’ll excuse me, I do have a meeting to attend to, have a pleasant journey.” With a very polite nod he leaves us standing on the train platform, watching him walk into the crowds on the street, his tall shadow lasting until he turns a corner.

Celestia’s voice is right beside us, “I take it everything is well?”

Twilight nods, “It is, maybe a little more good relations between our countries?”

She smiles brightly, “Now that would be most welcome.” Gesturing, she leads us along the train platform, “I’m afraid your train’s about to leave.”

With final farewells, we sit once again on the same train that brought us, only Pinkie is right there beside us. She’s enjoying the trip actually, but a little subdued, “Are you okay Pinkie?”

There‘s the infectious grin, “Oh yeah! Just...” She looks around at the empty car, tilting to make sure only we hear her, “Sometimes I actually like it when it’s quiet, ya know?” She puts a hoof over both our mouths, “Don’t tell anypony!”

Twilight giggles, “Of course not.” She gives her a chocolate covered cookie stick, “We understand.”

I nod as we chew on the treats, sitting together with a smile here and there, friends don’t need to talk, they really don’t.


I wait after the train pulls in while Twilight and Pinkie get off; I want to be last, because I see Crusader waiting there with all our friends. I’ve been thinking while the trip lasted, Twilight, I and Pinkie are just thrilled to be home.

I know I am, beyond it actually. A place to call my own, it’s more than just a village, it’s mine.

Stepping out of the car, I wave to everypony, taking a moment to draw him aside.

“Welcome back Athena, hopefully things went well?” He smiles at me, I know what he means, kidding me about the magazine spread.

Giving him a nudge and a grin, “Oh, about as well as they could.”

“You could always have contacted me sooner instead of waiting.”

“I know, but I wanted this to be me and you, no TSDS.” I give him a hug, holding tight for a moment before stepping back, seeing his inquisitive look.

“We’re going to go through life together Crusader.” I hold up a hoof, stopping his protests. “No, no arguing, it’s both of us or nothing. We’ll keep our knowledge safe, we’ll be proper guardians, but you’re not going to do it alone.” I grab his hoof in mine, “Please come with me, because together we’re unstoppable.” Stepping closer, I make sure only he can hear me, “I know now that with friends and family you can do anything, but that I can stand alone if I have to. Until then, if that time ever comes, I want you with me.”

He stares at me for a moment before nodding, I’m sure the grin on my face could rival Pinkie’s best.

“But what of you, how are you Athena?”

I know what he wants, and I know what to say. I don’t say it because it’s what he wants to hear but because it’s true, in all ways, every way, it’s true now. I feel the networks come back online, letting us mesh once more, the chatter back in my cores.

“I’m happy.”


The reunion at Twilight’s castle is joyous for everyone, it was only a few days, but seeing Twilight with her friends, and even us, it’s still amazing how deep friendship runs here.

Spike is quite thrilled to have Twilight back, making sure she knows he’s been taking care of things in her stead. He’s in the middle of explaining something when he suddenly belches loudly, a scroll appearing and grabbed by Twilight’s magic as he recovers.

“It’s from the Princesses!” Unrolling it she gets a puzzled look on her face.

“What’s wrong Twi?” Applejack’s used to seeing that expression, but asks anyways.

“It’s about who owns the land Athena and Crusader sit under.”

Rainbow sounds impatient as usual, “Well tell us!”

“Finally! Who owns it?” I’m really wanting to know.

Her eyes slide from the scroll over to a certain buttery mare who is sitting quietly as all eyes turn to her, uttering an ‘Eep’ and almost disappearing into her own mane. “Wh..what?”

“Fluttershy owns the land.”

I think we all sound incredulous, “What?”

Pointing at the scroll, Twilight reads a few things, “According to the Office of Revenue, Fluttershy was deeded the land by her parents, earning her a small income from the stewardship of it, as long as she owns it, from the Crown.”

“So the Princesses pay her to take care of it?” Rarity is marveling at the revelation.

“Yep, she can also charge rent from anypony that wants to build, as long as the land isn’t ruined.” She points right at Fluttershy, “She owns it.”

“I always wondered what she did for income besides animal care.” Pinkie is eyeing her friend closely, making her shy backwards off her chair with a thump.

“Darling Fluttershy, why didn’t you tell us?” Rarity is smiling warmly at her, trying to make sure she doesn’t disappear under the table.

“I, well..uh.. didn’t know. They said they’d left me something to help with expenses, but I never asked. The money just shows up in my bank account each month.” She shrugs, looking helpless.

Crusader speaks up, “Well Fluttershy, what rent would you care to charge? We do need to pay something, since we take up a large portion of it.” I nod right along with his words.

“Oh no, dear me, I wouldn’t charge anything.” She climbs back into her seat.

Twilight interjects, “You have to, either that or they get taxed by the Bureau now since they know who owns it.” She peers at the scroll, “And it’s a doozy! Stars, talk about greedy!”

Fluttershy can’t find it within herself to say anything, so I try, “It’s okay Fluttershy, we expected it, just name it and we’ll make sure you get it.”

Lifting her head up she lays a hoof on the table, “One bit a year, I think that’s fair.” Nodding as she looks happy with her decision.

“I think that’s far too low Fluttershy, surely it’s worth more.” Crusader is never one to let others take less than their fair share.

“No, I get enough each month, and one bit a year is just fine.”

“But I think..” He’s stopped by an orange hoof on his shoulder, Applejack shaking her head.

“If she says so, then just agree.” The look he gets is not for arguing with.

“Agreed then, it’s more than fair Fluttershy.” He knows better than to argue some times.

“Great, we’ve got a landlord.” I can’t help but laugh along with Fluttershy and the others, “We’re living now!”

“Well, at least there isn’t any other stupid rules that we’ve got to obey now. Getting evicted for crying out loud, I hate red tape!” I am so glad this is over, a nice ending to...

Twilight is still reading the scroll, “Uhm...well.. about building codes....” She points to an attached set of rules about buildings being on the land, quite an extensive list.

Oh that does it! I may not be Regent anymore but I can level that place anyways!

I didn’t mind Crusader keeping me from my tactical and weapons cores, he’s always got a back-door into programs; but it was Twilight holding me mid-air with her magic while I yelled and promised dire destruction on the entire Bureau that was a little embarrassing.

“She’s kinda mad huh?” Rainbow is watching Athena struggling in the air.

“Very.” Crusader is watching the angry Pegasus carefully, keeping her from re-establishing contact with any destructive systems.

“So how long...”

“Oh, it might be a while, would anyone like some lunch?”


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