• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 13 - Secrets Revealed

A short time later there is a knock at the library door. Twilight moves to answer it.

“I'll get it! It's probably the Hammers! We're heading to Canterlot Castle for... an extended period of time. Listen to Auriel, Spike!”

Spike folds his arms over his chest. “Hmph! I'm not some baby that has to be watched all the time!”

Twilight opens the front door to see the Hammers.

“Hello again!”

“We're ready to go anytime you are!”

Twilight steps outside. “I'm all set too. Please follow me.”

She leads the Hammer's behind the library where the Blitztorte is parked. Silver Hammer looks to the ship, wide-eyed!

“The Blitztorte! But what's it doing here?!”

“Arc lent it to me in case I needed to quickly get to Canterlot. We need to get this book into Arc's hands as soon as possible!”

Steel Hammer nods! “Agreed!”

The group boards the airship. Tight Ship quickly comes out of his cabin!

“We need to get to Canterlot Castle, Tight Ship. We've a lead on curing the princesses!”

Tight Ship nods. “Very well. We'll get underway in a few minutes.”

He heads for the flight deck as Twilight turns back to the Hammers.

“I... know you don't like to talk about your past. But... really, who ARE you two?”

Steel Hammer shrugs. “Just a humble blacksmith.”

Silver Hammer nods. “Just a jeweler and shopkeeper.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Really?”


Silver Hammer walks over to the guardrail. “Let me put it to you this way Twilight. Wouldn't you rather everypony forget how you sent Arc to Tartarus?”

Twilight sighs. “I'd be happy if just I could forget.”

“Everypony has a past. While we don't hold yours against you, please do the same for us would you kindly?”


The engines suddenly come to life and the Blitztorte is quickly airborne! Twilight pats her saddlebag to make sure she has the tome.

“All I want to do right now is get this book to Arc! If the two of you want to keep secrets from everypony, that's your business. But I've learned in the past that it's best to trust your friends! You don't have to walk this lonely road alone!”

Steel Hammer sighs. “We understand Twilight. However, we've been together for a long time now. The two of us have seen many things! Met many ponies!”

“There are just some things in life that you have to keep to yourself, friendship or not. Especially when lives hang in the balance!”

Twilight nods slowly. “I'm not going to get a better answer than that, am I?”


Twilight walks to the other side of the ship, muttering to herself. “They're hiding more than just their past! I can only imagine what dark secrets these two hold. But why does Arc seem to trust them so much?! He's usually so perceptive! How can he not see what I do?!”

Silver Hammer turn to her husband. “Do you think she knows?”

“She does not. However, this isn't the first time somepony has asked these questions of us. Eventually she'll hit a dead end and drop the subject, just as everypony before her has.”

“I do hope you're right dear.”

“So do I.”

A short while later the group arrives at Canterlot Castle. They quickly make their way to the Audience Chamber. Twilight approaches the Royal Guard Commander.

“Hello sir. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I'm here to report something of great urgency to Lord Arc.”

“Yes, Miss Sparkle. Lord Arc has given orders that you are to be admitted immediately upon your arrival. I shall inform him you are here. One moment please.”

He quickly enters the Audience Chamber. Ember is doing her best to hold two angry stallions apart while Arc sits on his throne and facepalms!

Arc sighs. “I hate my job...”

The Royal Guard Commander quickly approaches Arc and bows, removing his helmet respectfully. “Lord Arc! A Miss Twilight Sparkle is here to see you.”

“Perfect timing! GUARDS! Take these two stallions to the dungeon to cool down! When they are ready to discuss their problem like adults, they can come back.”

The guards drag away the fuming stallions as Arc turns back to the commander.

“Show Twilight and her friends in at once commander.”

“Yes sire!”

He returns to Twilight and the Hammers as the previous audience is dragged away kicking and screaming.

“The Lord Regent will see you now.”

“Thank you.”

Twilight and the Hammers enter the Audience Chamber together. Arc stands up from his throne and quickly heads over to Twilight and the Hammers. He kneels down to give Twilight a hug.

“Twilight! Flash Sentry reported to me that the four of you were attacked! Are you okay?!”

She returns the hug and smiles! “I'm just fine! Really!”

Ember nods! “Next time you really should just go with them Arc. You were beside yourself with worry the whole time!”

“I think I will. It has GOT to be easier than some of these audiences!”

Arc looks past Twilight to the Hammers.

“I'd ask if the two of you are all right, but I know better.”

The Hammers smile back and wink.

“Things... didn't exactly go as well as we had hoped.”

“On the bright side, nopony was hurt.”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief! “Good! That's what I wanted to hear! Now how about we go to my office so the three of you can sit down?”

The group moves to the adjoining Royal Office. The Hammers and Twilight sit on the couch with Arc as Twilight fills him in on the day's adventure. Ember and Sereb stand respectfully near the door.

Ember nods, clearly impressed! “That's quite the tale! Did you bring the book Zecora gave you?”

Twilight removes the book from her saddlebag and levitates it over to Arc. “I did! Here it is! She left a bookmark on the page in question.”

Arc looks over the page on Sanguine Azolla. Suddenly his face turns red with fury! Silver Hammer looks to him concerned!

“Arc? Is something...”

“Damn it, Decimus!!!”

Steel Hammer looks confused. “Captain Decimus? What does he have to do with flowers?”

Arc walks quickly to the door, putting the book in Ember's claws. “Everyone, follow me!”

They office and proceed out the Audience Chamber door. Arc turns to the Royal Guard Commander as he passes!

“Get Shining Armor and my squad to Captain Decimus' personal quarters now!”

“Yes sire!”

A few minutes later Arc and company arrive outside Captain Decimus' quarters. Ember turns to him.

“Arc, what is going ON?! I've never seen you this upset before!”

Steel Hammer nods. “Indeed Arc! You should really calm down!”

Silver Hammer agrees with her husband. “You'll give yourself a heart attack!”

“Decimus! He's responsible for this!”

Steel Hammer frowns. “That's quite the claim Arc! I hope you have proof to back it up.”

“The proof is right behind this door!”

Arc's squad along with Shining Armor and Trixie run up to them!

Max reaches them first. “Commander! You wanted to see us?!”

Shining Armor joins them momentarily! “What's this all about sir?”

Arc turns to Shining Armor. “Do you have a key to this room?!”

He shakes his head. “Sorry sir! It's probably the only door I CAN'T open!”

“Viktor, can you pick it?!”

“On it sir!”

After a few minutes of fiddling with the lock Viktor looks back to Arc.

“It's even more complex than the chest in his room sir! Captain Decimus must have had the locks upgraded!”

Arc attempts to Blink through the door, but is rebuffed and knocked across the hall!

“What the heck?!’

Twilight puts a hoof on the doorknob. “This door is imbued with anti-magic wards!”

Shining Armor puts his hoof on the door. “I can feel their power. This ward's power is immense! They must have been put here by somepony EXTREMELY powerful!”

Trixie looks to her commanding officer. “Like who?!”

Silver Hammer sighs. "Somepony like a princess perhaps?"

Steel Hammer sighs. “If that's the case, we’re REALLY stuck! NOPONY could undo a ward made by somepony with magic THAT powerful!

Trixie looks around. Anypony have any ideas?!

Xenos backs up in order to get a running start. “I got one... BRUTE FORCE!”

Max turns to the others. “Uh oh... EVERYPONY TAKE COVER!!!”

The Hammers along with Twilight and Trixie stand behind Shining Armor. He quickly casts a barrier spell.

Arc casts a barrier spell of his own. “Do it, Xenos!”

Xenos lunges at the door! The entire hallway shakes as he makes contact! Even through their barriers everyone can feel the shock-wave! However the door is unmoved.

Trixie falls back on her haunches! “WOAH!”

Sereb nods. “This is a bit... unsettling.”

Arc looks to the door, angrily! “AGAIN!”

Xenos bashes the door several more times with to no avail. He turns to Arc, winded.

“I'm sorry sir. It's too much even for me!”

Arc runs up to the door himself, punching it with all his might, furious! “Stupid... door... I... said... OPEN!!!”

The door remains intact as Arc falls to his knees in front of it, breathlessly!

Steel Hammer approaches Arc with Silver Hammer by his side. “Arc? We know the feeling of facing an impossible task. But if you don't stay in control of your emotions you won't get very far.”

Silver Hammer nods. “I know you're upset, but you have to stay calm! Only then will you be able to see other options!”

Arc looks at those around him. “I... I'm sorry everyone. Let me think about this for a minute.”

He puts a hand on the door and closes his eyes.

“I sense something here.”

Trixie looks around Shining Armor, cautiously. “What is it, sir?”

“The harder we push the more resistance the ward will put up to counter it.”

Shining Armor nods. “Right. That's the fundamentals of Ward Magic sir.”

Max looks at the door. “This ward must be removed somehow if any progress is to be made.”

Hugh sighs. “Easier said than done though it seems!”

Arc puts both hands on the door and concentrates. “It's really just a magical lock of sorts.”

Sereb turns toward the door. “A very large, very powerful lock one might add.”

Twilight nods! “I can sense it from all the way over here!”

Arc takes a deep breath. “Let me see if I can do anything about it.”

For a short time, nothing appears to be happening. Suddenly there is a flash of light! Arc takes a step back and raises his foot. As he brings his boot down the door is ripped off its hinges!

“There we go! Sorry for getting all worked up everyone.”

Trixie looks over. “It's okay sir. I know how you feel.”

Arc turns to his squad. “Let's go boys! Everyone else wait out here.”

Calling forth the rest of Eidolon's Ward, Arc takes point as he and his squad cautiously enter the room.

“Look around for booby traps! Decimus certainly didn't want anyone in here! I'd be amazed if he didn't have something waiting for us!”

Max looks under the nightstand. “Don't touch the phone! It's hooked up to what might be a bomb!”

Viktor examines the bookcase carefully. “Incendiary charges over here! Pull the wrong book off the shelf and instant barbecue!”

“Can you disarm it?”

“Sure. Give me a hoof, Max!”

Viktor and Max together disarm the device. Max pulls out wires and the charges.

“There we go! This won't hurt anypony now!”

Arc nods. “Good. Is the office secure?”

Hugh looks around. “Yes sir! Decimus assumed anypony who got in here would be going for the bookshelf.”

Xenos chuckles. “Even if we didn't pull the wrong book, if we discovered anything the phone would have been our next move! Clever!”

Arc turns toward the door as he returns the bulk of his armor to the ring. “It's safe to come in now!”

The Hammers, Twilight, Shining Armor and Trixie enter the room. Ember and Sereb stand in the doorway.

Shining Armor looks around the room. “Somehow I thought the Captain of the Royal Guard would have a nicer room.”

Arc nods. “I said the same when I first saw it.”

Steel Hammer looks to Arc, confused. “What?! But isn't this the first time you've been in here?”

“Right! I can't see Captain Decimus inviting anypony to his private chambers!”

“He didn't. My squad and I... broke in here a while back.”

Twilight looks at Arc, wide-eyed! “You did WHAT?!”

Shining Armor frowns! “WHEN?!”

“The same night you broke into MY base, Shining Armor!”

Twilight looks to her brother, amazed. “What the WHAT?! Big brother, how could you?!”

“Twilight, I...”

Arc turns to his friends. “Please Twilight. Shining Armor was only following the orders of his commanding officer.”

Ember frowns. “Well, that doesn't make it right!”

“That's roughly what I told him at the time. But I couldn't really come down on him TOO hard, considering I had been doing the exact same thing only a few minutes earlier.”

Trixie hangs her head. “There was... another reason too, sir. Remember?”

“Yes, but we don't have to talk about that, Trixie!”

Sereb nods. “Sometimes it is best to leave the past in the past.”

“Agreed. I'm not proud of some of the things I did under Captain Decimus. If I may ask sir, what were you doing in here?”

Trixie looks to Shining Armor. “He... he was looking for a confession that I had been forced to sign during my interrogation! Captain Decimus and his soldiers beat me savagely until I was willing to sign a paper admitting to many horrendous crimes! Most of which I had never even CONSIDERED!”

Arc walks over to Trixie and puts a hand on her back. “I couldn't let that go! Trixie really was guilty of numerous crimes! However, I didn't want her to be punished for a bunch of fabricated statements! I had been planning to come here anyways as part of my ongoing investigation.”

Ember chuckles. “I still can't believe you did that Arc!”

Sereb looks to Ember. “Breaking in or defending a criminal?”


Arc points to an empty flower box in front of the window. “There WAS some strange looking flower in the box when we were here last!”

Ember looks confused. “Flowers?”

Arc walks over to Ember and takes the book from her. He opens the book to the bookmarked page and holds the book toward the others as he points to a picture.

“They looked exactly like THIS!”

Silver Hammer looks at the book, shocked! “What?! But those are the plants from the forest!”

“Arc! Are you saying Captain Decimus had some growing right here in his room?!”

Max nods. “Yes. We all saw them. Lieutenant Flash Sentry even photographed them!”

Hugh looks at the book. “We should compare this with his picture, sir!”

Arc nods. “Agreed. I thought it was strange that a stallion like him would have such a large collection of botany books!”

Ember walks over to the bookcase. “I'm surprised that nut job has TIME to read with all his other plotting and scheming!”

Twilight looks over the shelf, jealously. “I have to admit, this collection is probably more complete than the one at my library!”

Viktor nods. “We also photographed a bunch of technical looking papers in a chest that used to be in here!”

“Right! Twilight, I'd like you to look them over with Auriel when you get back to Ponyville. I'll call Flash Sentry and have them sent over.”

Twilight nods. “We'll do our best! But I don't understand. Why didn't you tell me about this before?”

“Sorry, but it was part of an ongoing investigation. I couldn't risk Decimus learning that I was on to him. That and, up until now, I couldn't see even him attacking the princesses directly!”

Ember sighs. “The real question now is, where is he?”

Sereb growls. “And how far do you think he'll go.”

Arc nods and folds his arms over his chest. “Well, as far as I'm concerned, this evidence makes him a bona-fide traitor to Equestria! Shining Armor, I want Decimus found and brought in for questioning as soon as possible! If he's already done harm to the princesses, there's no telling what else he'll do!”

“I'll send out a dispatch to all our forces immediately sir! Come lieutenant!”

“Yes sir!”

Shining Armor and Trixie leave the room

Ember examines the flower box more closely. “Hey, what's this?”

Silver Hammer walks over to see what Ember is pointing at. “Is that what I think it is!”

Ember reaches down to pick something up and brings it to Twilight. She takes the item with her magic and looks it over carefully.

“A seed!”

Arc looks at the tiny object. “Think you can grow it Twilight?’

Twilight puts the seed in a small container in her saddlebag. “I'll certainly give it a try!”

“Thanks. If it turns out to be Sanguine Azolla, that will be the last nail in the coffin for Captain Decimus' case.”

Arc looks over at the bookcase.

“Some of these books have notes in them. Shall I send them along as well?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. I just hope Tight Ship has room for them on the Blitztorte.”

“I'll have some guards box them up for you Twilight.”

Arc turns to all assembled.

“Thank you everyone for all you help in this investigation. I couldn't have gotten this far on my own.”

Silver Hammer nods. “We were happy to help!”

Steel Hammer smiles. “Agreed!”

Meanwhile outside the room a hidden figure silently listened.

“The Dark Lady will not be happy to hear about this...”

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