• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 18 - Bloody Bolts

Arc Blinks his party back to the Lunar Destiny. They head for the Infirmary. Luna calls out as they enter.

“Nurse! We need some help!”

Redheart hurries over. “What seems to be the problem, Princess Luna?”

“Arc here is injured!”

He holds up his bloody hand with the bolt still in it. “Think you can fix this?”

“Oh my! Please come this way, sir!”

She leads Arc over to an examination table and opens a nearby drawer. Redheart frowns as she removes a tray of tools and puts on surgical gloves.

“How did this happen?!”

Arc sighs. “Someone wanted to assassinate Princess Luna. Again.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Fortunately they failed.”

Natalya frowns. “That’s twice today!”

Rose turns to Arc. “They may try again.”

Arc sighs as a needle pieces his skin. “Right. Although I’m going to assume that after this last attempt, General Blackbeak isn’t going to leave anything to chance.”

Redheart touching Arc’s hand lightly with her gloved hoof. “How does that feel, sir?”

“I don’t feel a thing.”

“Good. I’ll get to work then. Don’t worry, sir. I’ll be as gentle as possible.”


Redheart takes out a small saw and begins cutting the bolt’s shaft just below the head. Rose turns to Flash Sentry.

“I hate to say this, but how do we know the general himself isn’t behind this?”

“That is a possibility. The rebels DID get through security twice today.”

Luna frowns. “And also escape without a trace.”

Arc stares up at the ceiling. “Their exit is more worrying to me than the assassination attempts.”

Natalya appears confused. “Sir?”

“To get into the Aviary for the first attack should have been hard enough. But to get several operatives in place without being seen…”

Natalya interrupts him. “It really shouldn’t be possible!”

Rose looks to Arc. “How do you think they managed it?”

“Only one way I can think of. They had inside help.”

Flash Sentry nods. “Makes sense.”

Luna sighs. “Traitors within the Aviary. A frightening, but logical conclusion.”

Rose moves to stand next to Arc. “What do we do now?”

Flash Sentry joins Rose. “The summit should probably be called off after this.”

Natalya nods soberly. “Princess Luna’s safety should come first.”

Arc sighs. “I don’t like turning tail and running home like this. But the treaty really is important to both our nations.”

He turns to Luna.

“What do you want to do, Princess Luna?”

Luna stomps a hoof emphatically. “We are NOT leaving until the treaty is signed!”

Natalya appears surprised. “But Princess Luna, your safety…”

“…is secondary to this!”

Flash Sentry cautiously steps forward. “With all due respect, Princess Luna, Equestria can’t lose another princess.”

“Princess Cadance is fully capable of carrying out the duties required of ruling the land should something befall me.”

Arc frowns. “But, she can’t…”

Luna interrupts as she walks over to him. “…do it alone? I agree.”

She puts a hoof on Arc’s good hand.

“Should anything happen to me, Cadance has instructions to rule by your side.”


Luna nods. “Yes. You did a splendid job leading our nation when Cadance and I were trapped in the Lunar Realm.”

“I did what had to be done, but…!”

“Arc, who else can I entrust this task to other than you?”

The room is silent for a time as Luna’s words sink in”

“Cadance has already agreed to follow your orders as she would mine in the event something terrible happens here.”

“Wait! Follow MY orders?!”

“What else would she do?”

“I mean, shouldn’t I be following HER?! She is a princess after all!”

Luna shakes her head. “Cadance is very young and inept in the ways of leadership.”

Arc sighs. “I’m not exactly experienced myself, mind you.”

“That may be. However, you have shown a natural affinity for leading during hard times. Cadance can handle the day to day affairs just fine… for a time. But she will begin to crack sooner than later.”

Luna sighs.

“I am certain she is not ready to lead the country alone. Can I count on you help her until my sister returns?”

Arc nods soberly. “I will. But we’ll do our best to bring YOU home from this safely as well!”

Flash Sentry salutes. “That we will, your highness!”

Rose nods. “I’ll help too!”

Natalya stands at attention. “As will I, Princess Luna! This treaty is very important to both our country’s futures!”

“Thank you, everypony.”

Redheart looks up as the head of the bolt finally falls off. “Whatever this thing is made of is tough stuff!”

Arc turns to her. “You think it’s military grade?”

Redheart picks up the head with her magic as she pulls the shaft deftly out of Arc’s palm. “It has to be. The quality is top notch.”

Natalya steps forward. “Maybe I can help.”

Arc nods as Redheart gives the shaft to Natalya. “Mind the blood.”

Natalya looks it over for a few moments in her talon.

“This appears to be a heavily modified bolt. Far from standard issue.”

Flash Sentry frowns. “Modified?”

Natalya points to where the shaft was cut. “Look at the inside of the bolt.”

Luna walks over. “Something mixed with the original material?”

Arc nods. “I see it too. Rose, can you tell me what this stuff is?”

“I’ll try.”

Rose looks at the tip for several moments.

“The substance is of several different compounds. Alone they should do nothing. Perhaps together however…”

She processes this for a moment.

“Analysis complete. I not completely sure, but I believe this substance would have put Princess Luna to sleep.”

Flash Sentry’s eyes grow wide. “For how long?”


Natalya grimaces. “That would have certainly delayed the ceremony. Is it possible that was what they were trying to do?

Arc shrugs. “Maybe. Rose, are any of those substances organic?”

Rose nods. “One is, yes.”

Arc rubs his chin. “Is it possible?”

Luna looks over to him nervously. “Arc? You don’t think…?”

“We should give this to Moon Dancer for testing. Then we’ll know for sure. Rose, wrap both the shaft and head in some gauze.”

“Very well.”

“Head to the Bridge and have Moon Dancer take a look. I want her to analyze the contents of that bundle thoroughly.”

“Yes sir.”

Rose leaves to carry out her orders as Arc turns back to the others.

“We’ll know more soon hopefully.”

Redheart clears her throat. “Sir, I need to x-ray your hand before proceeding.”

“Sure, go ahead.”

Redheart pulls over a machine and puts Arc’s hand in it before heading to her office.

“Will everypony please follow me?”

They join her in the small office.

“This won’t take but a few minutes, sir.”

Arc nods. “I understand.”

The office door closes and Arc is alone. He looks at his bloody palm and shakes his head.

“I guess this is another stark reminder that I’m not invincible.”

A short time later the x-rays are taken and developed. Redheart looks them over as Rose returns and walks over to Arc.

“She’ll get right on it.”


Redheart turning from the x-rays. “You’re very lucky, sir. No broken bones. Just a flesh wound.”

Luna breathes a sigh of relief. “His recovery time?”

Redheart pulls a needle and thread from a nearby drawer. “A week or so. Just let me sew that wound up and you’re good to go. Just try not to overwork it while it heals.”

“No promises.”

Redheart sighs as she pulls out another syringe. “I thought you’d say that. If you get in a fight though don’t be surprised if you start leaking.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

The nurse gets to work sewing Arc’s hand up. Before long she finishes and wraps it up in some gauze.

“There you are, sir. If it starts hurting or appears red and inflamed come back immediately.”

“Thank you, Nurse Redheart.”

Arc sits up and moves his fingers.

“It doesn’t even hurt too bad.”

“That’s the painkillers, sir. Keep that up and you’ll feel it later.”

Natalya looks at his hand. “Should I inform the Council of Lords of your condition, sir?”

“Yes. We did leave them rather abruptly. Let me know if they’ve learned anything about our assailants.”

“Yes sir.”

Natalya salutes and leaves the room. Rose turns to him again.

“Arc, might I suggest staying aboard the Lunar Destiny?”

Luna frowns. “That might make us seem like poor guests.”

Flash Sentry shakes his head. “Perhaps, your highness. But I think they’d understand with two assassination attempts within an hour of each other.”

Luna looks at Arc’s bandaged hand. “Yes, you’re right.”

Arc chuckles. “I can’t take many more holes being put in me either.”

“Why don’t we take you to your room, Arc? I’m sure you’re tired after all this excitement.”

Redheart nods. “I would recommend you take Princess Luna’s advice, sir.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “While that’s probably a good idea, I don’t think I can sleep right now. Flash Sentry, I want you and Rose to secure the ship. Make sure no one can get aboard to cause any more trouble.”

“Yes sir.”

Rose looks at Luna. “But what about the princess?”

“I’ll stay with her.”

Flash Sentry and Rose leave the Infirmary. Arc slowly stands up and walks over to Luna.

“How about you, Luna? Do you need to rest?”

Luna sighs as they walk down the corridor. “I’d like to sit down at least.”

“Still tired from last night?”

“Yes, but…”

She shakes her head.

“…it’s not that simple. We can talk in your room.”

“You mean YOUR room, right?”

Luna smiles slightly. “Call it what you will.”

They make their way to the cabin. Two guards are standing on either side of the door looking bored as they approach. Arc turns to them.

“You two are dismissed. I’ll take over guarding Princess Luna now.”

They salute and walk away. Arc opens the door and the pair walk inside. They head to the couch and sit down. Luna sighs as they look out at the city before them.

“It’s nothing like Canterlot.”

Arc nods. “I agree. The city is much less… comforting.”

Luna shakes her head angrily. “That’s putting it mildly! I can smell the oppression in the air!”

“As can I.”

“Remind me why we’re doing this again.”

“To prevent future wars. And… for Raven.”

Luna nods soberly. “Yes. No mare should have to go through what she did.”

“That and a lot of lives will be spared if we prevent future conflicts.”

“Politics are… tiresome.”

She looks over the city once more before sadly looking back to Arc.

“You may think me cold for saying this, but… I’m so tired of the problems of others. I feel awful for thinking that, but it’s the truth!”

Arc nods. “I suppose the many long years of leading a nation would do that to anyone.”

“Does that make me a terrible mare?! You’re the only one I can ask this of and expect an honest answer.”

Arc thinks for a moment.

“I believe you, and anyone else who accepts the mantle of leadership, requires proper rest and relaxation to continue to be able to do their job effectively.”

Luna appears confused. “What does that have to do with…?”

Arc interrupts her as he stands. “Luna? Do you see that city out there?”

“I do.”

“It’s filled with many whom care only for their own enrichment. But it’s also home to those who DO care about others. I believe the ability to help, and harm, lives within each of us. It’s what we do that determines who we are.”

Luna looks down and sighs. “I’ve done much in the past to ruin our land.”

“Nightmare Moon?”

She nods.

“I… I hurt so many back then. Even my own sister! How she ever took me back still eludes me.”

“That may have been who you were then. But it’s not who you are now.”

Luna puts a hoof to her forehead. “What should I do? I want to do what’s best for our nation. But I’m just so tired. So… drained.”

Arc nods. “I think Princess Cadance is as well.”

“Yes. She tries to hide it. But I see the weariness in her eyes.”

Arc puts a hand on her hoof. “I think the two of you need some time off.”

“I admit we do. But I can’t ask that of you!”

“You need to rest. When we find your sister, I think the three of you should go on vacation together.”

“It’s just… well… I think I’d like that.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“I’m afraid I’d like it TOO much! Coming back would be like willingly returning to prison!”

Arc shrugs. “I don’t think it’s quite THAT bad.”

“Do our job for centuries and you might!”

Luna looks away.

“I… I’m sorry for blowing up like that, Arc. You’ve been nothing but helpful.”

“None of us are perfect. All the more reason for you to rest.”

“Where would we go? Where COULD we go?!”

“Well… what do you and the others like to do?”

Luna sighs. “My sister and I have been princesses for so long we’ve forgotten. At least I have! But perhaps we should get back to the matter at hoof.”

“Which part, Luna?”

“First off, are you in any pain? From either wound!”

“I’ll be okay. Really!”

Luna looks at his bandaged hand. “Arc, I… why?”

“Why what?”

“Why did you DO that?! You know I can’t be killed!”

“I just kinda reacted. Besides, who’s to say the assassins haven’t found a way?”

“That’s not possible.”

“Oh? I find it very strange that they would go through all the trouble and risk capture just to injure you.”

“The truth about our immortality has been tested in the past.”

Arc nods. “But it’s not a secret, right?”

“No. However, it’s not very well known, even in Equestria. Please don’t worry so much about me.”

“I can’t take that chance, Luna. If something were to happen to you…”

Luna interrupts him. “It won’t!”

“…then I would have to tell the citizens AND your sister of how I failed them.”

Luna is silent for a time, not sure how to respond.

“Look, I’m sure your image is important to you. But this is more important than just you. Please understand that I’m going to keep protecting you even if you don’t want me to.”

“But you could DIE!”

“So could you.”

Luna sighs. “Arc.”


“I just want to say… thank you.”

Arc raises an eyebrow as he turns back to her. “Thank you?”

Luna looks him in the eye, soberly. “I am the Princess of the Night and ruler of Equestria. As such I am not used to anypony having the courage to tell me…’ no’. That they will not follow my orders.”

“Just doing my job.”

“And you do it very well! I’m very sorry for… my earlier harshness.”

“I think that was the stress talking.”

They look out the window silently for a time.

“Would you please do me a favor, Arc?”

“What is it?”

“Just… keep doing that.”

“Which part?”

“Saying when you disagree with me. While I don’t like it, I definitely need to hear it more often!”

“I’ll do my best.”

There is a knock at the door. Arc stands.

“I’ll get it.”

He walks over to the door and opens it. Moon Dancer salutes as he comes into view.

“Sir! I’ve finished my analysis of the items you sent to me.”

Arc steps aside. “Come in.”

He closes the door behind her. Together they walk over to Luna.

“What have you learned, my little pony?”

Moon Dancer holds out the bolt head and shaft to Arc. “The material is a composite of some kind. Mostly some unknown material.”

Arc nods as he takes the items from her. “Unknown? As in undiscovered?”

“Yes sir.”

Luna frowns. “Tell us about this material.”

“It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen before, your highness. The chemical makeup is completely new to me!”

Arc looks at the shaft. “Anything at all you know about it? I don’t care how small.”

“Two things, sir. First, it appears to be magical.”

Luna appears confused. “You mean it’s been artificially infused?”

Moon Dancer shakes her head. “No, your majesty. It appears to be naturally magical.

“Interesting. And the second?”

“This may sound strange, your highness. But some of the components on it appear to be organic.”

Arc frowns. “You mean… alive?”

“Yes. Looking at it under a microscope I saw individual cells making up at least part of the coating.”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin. “Hm… a magical, organic material… interesting.”

“I recommend we send this data to Lead Sage Sunburst, your highness. It needs to be studied more thoroughly than I can here.”

“Very well.”

Arc nods. “I’ll see to it this is delivered safely when we return to Canterlot. Can you send all pertinent information regarding this material to Sunburst, Moon Dancer?”

“Yes sir, I’ll see to it at once. I’m sorry I couldn’t be of more help though.”

Luna nods. “You’ve done well. Return to your post.”

Moon Dancer nods, bows, and leaves the room. Arc touches his earring as the door closes behind her.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts.”

“Right here sir. Go ahead.”

“Notify Lead Sage Sunburst that I need to speak to him at once.”

“Yes sir. I’ll see to it!”

“Thank you. Arc out.”

Arc severs the connection as Luna looks at the ruined bolt in Arc’s hand.

“Quite an interesting find.”

Arc nods as he stores the items in his ring. “Indeed. I’ll be happy when we know more about it though.”

A few minutes later Arc’s earring chirps. He touches it.

“This is Arc.”

“Sunburst here, sir! What can I do for you?”

“Our Science Officer is going to send you some readouts of a crossbow bolt head and a shaft. Find out everything you can about it and report back to me as soon as possible.”

“Yes sir. Anything I should be looking for?”

“All we know is it’s made up of an unknown material, magical, organic coating, and it hurts a lot when it hits you.”

Sunburst gasps. “Is Princess Luna alright?!”

“Yes. But my hand isn’t.”

“I’ll take care of this, sir.”

“Thank you. Arc out.”

Arc severs the connection and turns to Luna.

“I guess all we can do now is wait for a response.”

There is another knock at the door. Arc answers it to find Natalya waiting for him. She salutes respectfully.


“Come in.”

Arc steps aside to allow her in. Natalya enters the room and bows to Luna.

“Your majesty. The Council of Lords sends its regards.”

Luna nods coldly. “Have they been able to apprehend the assailants?”

Natalya shakes her head nervously. “No, your highness. They’ve all but disappeared.”

Luna rises from the couch, clearly agitated. “I see. The griffon military is unable to find a few rebels?!”

“They… um…”

Luna glares at her. “I’ve nearly been killed TWICE today! Can their forces not handle such rabble?!”

“Th-that’s what I’m here to talk to you about, Princess Luna. They council wishes to know if you would like to postpone the signing until the situation is more secure.”

Luna stomps the floor. “This is disgraceful! I…!”

Arc steps forward. “I believe what Princess Luna is saying is she thinks it’s disgraceful to think that they would put off signing the treaty because of the rebels.”

Luna frowns. “But, I…!”

Arc turns to her and winks.

“Isn’t that what you were just telling me, princess?”

“I… yes. The ceremony must go on if our nations are to know peace. Return to your council and inform them of my decision.”

“Right away, Princess Luna!”

Natalya stands and hurries out the door. Arc closes it behind her.

“You were a bit harsh.”

“Yes, well… I AM upset at this situation. If I didn’t know any better, I would say they weren’t taking this seriously.”

“They view the rebels as little more than a nuisance. It’s a pride thing.”

Luna sighs. “Pride…”

“Yes, well… after tonight we’ll be official allies.”

“I certainly hope you know what you’re doing, Arc. You’re already injured!”

“You and I both know this has to happen. If not now, they might get cold feet about the whole idea.”

Luna nods. “That cannot be allowed to happen.”


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