• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,605 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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REMASTERED - Chapter 11 - Conclusions

Spike is re-shelving some books in the library when he hears a knock at the front door.


He opens the door to find Arc on the front steps. Spike looks up at Arc happily.

“Hey! Long time no see!”

“Spike. It's only been a couple days.”

He leads Arc into the library. “Well, it feels like longer with Twilight in such a mood lately.”

Arc frowns. “Something wrong?”

“Nah. She's just been a bit... depressed since you left. I guess you really made an impression on her while you were here. She's been nothing but worried.”


Spike sighs. “I think she got the idea that the strange pony your living with is going to hurt you, or something.”

“Is she here now?”

“Nope. I finally convinced her she needed to go and spend time with her friends. Get her mind off things.”

“Well I certainly hope they can help. Speaking of which, I need you to help me find some books on…”

Arc looks around cautiously before kneeling down to Spike’s level and whispering something in his ear. Spike looks up at Arc quizzically.

“Are you serious? Why would you need books on THAT?”

“Please Spike! It's more important than you know. I really need you to trust me on this one.”

The baby dragon walks over to a shelf. “Well… I suppose there's no harm in it.”

He removes a few books from their places on the shelves and gives them to Arc. The young man lowers his voice and looks around.

“One more thing. Please don't tell anyone that I asked for these.”

Spike’s eyes grow wide at the idea of hiding something. “Not even Twilight?!”

“Especially Twilight. She's worried enough about me as it is. Knowing I have this might just send her over the edge. If I’m wrong about this then I guess it’ll just be a bit of reading time wasted. But if I am right this information may just save a life.”

Spike nods. “I understand.”

Arc smiles and gives him a few bits. “Thanks, Spike. Here… for the next time you find yourself at Sugar Cube Corner.”

“Wow! Thanks! Want to wait here for Twilight to come home? She shouldn't be too much longer.”

Arc nods. “Of course. Twilight would be heartbroken if she found out I stopped by without seeing her.”

Spike scurries off to make some tea motions for Arc to have a seat at the kitchen table. About fifteen minutes pass before the front door opens and Twilight's voice can be heard along with Rarity’s.

“Thanks, so much for suggesting a spa day, Rarity. It was just what I needed to take my mind off things.”

“Think nothing of it darling. And don't you worry about Arc. He can take care of himself.”

Spike hurries into the entryway. “Hey Twilight, we...!”

Upon seeing Rarity, however, he forgets all about Arc in the kitchen.

“Oh, hello Rarity. Your looking especially beautiful today!”

Rarity giggles as she pats Spike’s cheek. “Oh, why thank you Spikey-wikey! You’re looking extra handsome yourself.”

Arc assumes Spike has forgotten all about him after seeing Rarity, so he jiggles a few teacups. Hearing the noise Twilight turns to Spike.

“Spike? Is somepony in the kitchen?”

The questions seem to bring Spike back to reality. “Wha? Oh yeah, I forgot all about him! Sorry Twilight. Arc came by... uh... for a visit.”

“What?! Why didn't you say so earlier?!”

Twilight dashes into the kitchen so fast she runs into the kitchen table, knocking it over. Fortunately for her it had been empty at the time. Arc stands at the counter pouring himself another cup of tea. He turns around at the sound, looks over the table lying on its side, and sees Twilight lying on her back on the floor.

“Uh… hi, Twilight.”

She smiles up at him sheepishly. “Hi…”

“You okay?”


Arc helps Twilight to her feet and sets the table upright. He and the two ponies sit and talk over fresh cups of tea. Rarity is the first to speak.

“So how are you liking your new home, Arc? Twilight has been most worried about you.”

Twilight blushes slightly at the comment. “Rarity…”

Arc sighs. “Well, let's just say the last couple days have been... interesting.”

Twilight leans forward expectantly. “And your landmare? What exactly have you learned about her?”

Arc says nothing as he stares into his tea, thinking. Rarity looks over at him and replies in a worried tone.

“Is something wrong?”

“Well... no. I'm just having trouble thinking of the words to explain it. About my landlady... I haven't actually learned anything about her personally.”

Twilight raises and eyebrow, confused. “Well, what about her name?”

Arc shrugs. “That's just it. I asked her once and she seemed to become really uncomfortable. She’s shy beyond anything I’ve ever seen before. To be completely honest, Fluttershy would seem positively outgoing compared to this mare. Come to think of it, she even SOUNDS like Fluttershy.”

Rarity looks noticeably concerned. “Oh dear! Perhaps she just needs to get out more often. Should we invite her to tea sometime?”

Arc shakes his head as he takes another sip of tea. “I don't think that would be a very good idea. The one real conversation we had she just seemed so... so...”

Twilight raises and eyebrow. “Introverted?”

“...fragile. Have either of you ever seen her outside her house?”

“Rarity and I saw her a couple months ago walking toward the market. She walked so slowly and we couldn't see any part of her body or face due to that black robe she always wears.”

Arc looks over at Rarity. “I was wondering if you could tell me anything about that robe.”

“It just looked like a normal robe to me. Why do you ask?”

“Well the other day when I touched it, well I don't really know how to describe it other than it felt like... magic.”

Rarity puts a hoof under her chin. “I have heard of a few materials that can be imbued with different spells. However, the materials in question are VERY expensive to purchase. Not to mention VERY difficult to work with. And finally, it would take a VERY powerful unicorn to imbue the clothing with magic. Assuming you could even find one, such a process would take quite some time!”

Arc stares at Rarity, amazed. “I had no idea such a thing was so labor intensive!”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “She doesn't look like she has the bits for such a garment.”

Arc ponders this for a moment. “Perhaps I was mistaken. She certainly doesn't appear to have the money for such an item.”

“You know Arc, my offer still stands. If you want to move back, you would be welcome as long as you like.”

“I appreciate that Twilight, I really do. But... I can't really explain it any other way than... this pony needs me right now. Please understand.”

“I really don't. However, I trust your judgment.”

Twilight appears to be trying to come up with an idea.

“How about a book on pony psychology? I'm not really sure how else to help, and it would make me feel a lot better if you could see the signs of a crazed psycho-mare.”

Rarity recoils at the thought. ”Twilight!”

“I'm sorry. It's just... I know she's hiding something, but I can't even begin to guess what it is! Anyways, let me find that book for you.”

Twilight walks back to the library and returns a few moments later with a book. Arc accepts it and puts it in his satchel. He is very careful not to let her see the books he received earlier from Spike.

“Thanks Twilight. Don't you worry though. One way or another I’ll get to the bottom of this matter.”

Rarity stands up. “Well, I should be getting home to Sweetie Belle. Take care, both of you.”

Spike joins her as she walks toward the door. “I'll walk you home, Rarity!”

The pair head out the front door together as Arc stands up.

“I should probably head on home too. It's supposed to start snowing any time now.”

Twilight looks over to Arc with a hopeful look in her eye. “You could stay here tonight if you want!”

Arc turns to push his chair in. “Thank you Twilight, but I should get back.”


Arc turns to face Twilight and sees that she has begun to cry.

“I can't seem to come up with any logical reason for it, but I just know that pony is hiding some very dark secrets.”

“I agree with you, Twilight. And that is why I need to go back. While I also can't come up with any logical reason for it I just feel that she needs me. Please understand.”

Arc reaches down to hug Twilight. The two embrace for a long moment as she clings to Arc tightly and continues to cry. Twilight does her best to compose herself, but fails.

“I know I said I trust your judgment, and I do, but... it doesn't make this any easier.”

As Arc looks down at her, still hugging her. “That's what I like about you Twilight. You really are so open and honest.”

She pulls away from him and smiles, tears still in the corners of her eyes. “And you always try to be there for everypony. That's what I like about you.

“Thank you, Twilight. I needed that.”

He hugs Twilight for another moment before setting her down. Arc walks toward the front door with her.

“Goodbye, and don't worry about me. I think I’m close to figuring this mystery out.”

As Arc leaves the library Twilight closes her eyes and smiles.

“I hope so... for both our sakes.”

Meanwhile, Arc walks home through the cold, fall air. The sun has begun to set and the wind howls through the trees. Looking up at the sunset, Arc sighs and pats his satchel.

“Hopefully this will help me figure out what’s going on. ”

The first snow of the season falls over Ponyville as he walks. He looks around as the snow turns the green landscape a beautiful white.


Arc enters through the front door. His mysterious landlady lies asleep where she was when he left earlier that day. He covers her with the blanket and looks over her for a brief moment before going back to his room to read the books in his satchel. Tossing his satchel on the bed he pulls them out and looks them over.

“I guess I should start with the pony psychology book.”

He gets a fire going in his little stove before sitting down on his bed with the books. Arc reads deep into the night.

“Twilight sure had a good idea lending me this book. I get the feeling this information will be of great use in the near future.”

It snows in Ponyville for a week straight, but it matters little to Arc as he seldom leaves his room. He reads the books he received from Spike from cover to cover several times over. So dedicated is he to reading and studding that even the mysterious mare takes note of it as she peeks into his room from the half open door. Arc does not seem to notice her as she observes his study habits.

“Strange. He just reads the same two books over and over. Is he... is he trying to memorize them or something? That's ridiculous though. Who would want to memorize an entire book, let alone two?”

She muses to herself as she returns to her mat in front of the fireplace. Late that night Arc closes the book and sets it down. He sighs as lies down on his bed to get some well-deserved rest.

“It appears I was right. Everything... it all makes perfect sense. I now know what I have to do.”

Early the next morning Arc grabs his coat and satchel. He leaves the house quietly with his shopping list as follows...

1- Hunting Knife
1- Med-kit
3- Blankets
1- Ball of String
1- Tin Bucket
1- Bar of Soap
1- Large Bottle of Rubbing Alcohol
2- Jars of Zap Apple Jam
1- Can of Coffee
Assorted vegetables and as many apples as the bag has space to hold.

Late in the morning Arc staggers home with his purchases. Upon entering the house he receives a rather quizzical look from the Mysterious Robed Pony, who can see no reasonable combinations for those particular items. He returns to his room with his purchases and sets everything carefully on his dresser.

“I do hope I haven't forgotten anything.”

As Arc puts away the items the mare raises her head from the mat and again looks into his open door. She silently muses to herself as she continues to watch.

“A knife, a whetstone, string, a bucket. Is he planning to... eat me?!”

The mare sighs as she rests her head back on the mat.

“Oh well. Considering what I’ve done I guess I deserve such an ending to my life.”

She listens to the sound of him sharpening his knife.

“Arc really is quite kind. He must want the knife to be razor sharp so I don't suffer any more than is necessary. It... really is more than a monster like me deserves.”

He emerges from his room a few minutes later and heads for the kitchen to put a pot of water on the stove to boil. Arc then begins slicing vegetables. She notices he is wearing the Hunting Knife sheath on his belt.

“I guess it won't be long now. Mother… I'll be seeing you soon. I just hope you can forgive me.”

A half hour or so later Arc walks over to his landlady who is calmly waiting for the end of her suffering to come. He looks down at her and smiles.

“Are you ready?”

She does not look up. “...I think so... but... will you please... make it quick?”

“I suppose if that's what you want, I’ll try to hurry things along. Sorry, but I’m not quite ready for you.”

“...do you... enjoy... the suffering of ponies?”

Arc looks over at her, a bit taken aback. “No, not at all! If you would be more comfortable on your mat in front of the fireplace, I can let you have it there.”

She nods slowly. “Yes... that is where... it should be done. Thank you... for understanding.”

He turns back to the counter. “Alright. Let me grab something real quick so we can get to it.”

Arc heads back to the kitchen. She slowly pulls the hood even lower over her eyes and nose and holds it in place as she slowly raises her head as high as she can, exposing her tender neck as she hears Arc's footsteps come close to her and stop.

“Go ahead and do it... but... please... make it quick.”

“Um… okay. But only if you’re sure you want it here.”

She nods as Arc sets something down on the floor in front of her and walks back to the kitchen. Confused, she looks down at the floor in front of her and sees a bowl of soup.

“Um... what... is this?”

“Vegetable soup. I hope you like it.”

She continues to stare down at the bowl before her. “And... this is... for me... to... eat?”

“Yeah. I was worried you weren't eating properly, so I decided to cook something nutritious for your lunch. It's still pretty hot, so if you want to wait a few minutes I understand.”

He pours a bowl for himself and sits down on the couch behind her. The mare turns to him very slowly.


Arc looks up from his bowl. “Is something wrong”?

“It's just... the knife... and... the pot on the stove. I thought you... wanted to... um... eat... me.”

Arc drops his spoon and looks to her, dumbfounded. “Wait! So the whole time I was making the soup you just waited there... for me to... cut you up?! And you were OKAY with that?!”

She looks down into her soup sadly and nods. “I've... done things in my past... caused so much pain and sorrow in the lives of others. It just seemed a fitting end to a monster like me. Besides, it's not like anypony would miss my passing, as there is no one in all of Equestria who cares for me.”

“You’re wrong.”


“There is at least one who cares what happens to you.”

She shakes her head and sighs. “Thank you, but if you knew my past, I don't think you would care so much about my life.”

“As I said before, if you want to talk about it I’m here for you. Even if you just want someone to sit with you.”

“You are... so very... kind. Could we... sit at the table? It has been quite some time for me.”

Arc smiles at her. “Sure.”

Arc picks up the two bowls and sets them on the kitchen table. She slowly rises, carefully walks to the table, and sits down. The bowl of soup is eaten in a flash.

“Would you like another bowl? And how about some Zap Apple Jam toast?”

“Yes please.”

Arc serves her another bowl of soup and watches her eat.

"Easy there. Don't forget to breathe."

"Yes... well... it's just so good!"

Arc takes a spoonful of his own bowl and takes a bite. "It's an old recipe from a friend of mine back home. She's quite the chef, after all."

"A what?"

"Chef. Someone who cooks meals for a living."

"Ah... well... I'm not much for such things."

"What do you enjoy anyways?"

"I... don't really know."

"Well, I've seen you lying on that mat pretty much since I moved in. Did you make that yourself?"


"It's very nice. How did you...?"

The mare looks up and speaks angrily. "I don't want to talk about it!"

"Okay, that's fine."

She bows her head and sighs. "...sorry."

"It's okay. I just want to get to know you a bit better, that's all."


"Well, we are living together."

"That's true."

"I'd like to try and learn what makes you upset so I don't do those things."

"Um... I don't... really have..."

She sighs before continuing.

"I don't have any hobbies or interests, so I can't really tell you much."

Arc smiles at her. "How about your name then?"

The mare shakes her head vehemently. "No. NO! I can't tell you!"

"But I need to be able to call you something."

"I'm not allowed to...!"

Laying her head on the table, the mare does her best to calm down. Arc hears her sniffling sadly for a few moments before she sits up and continues.

"Sorry, but I... honestly can't say."

Arc sighs. "Guess I can't really force you to tell me. Would it be okay if I tried to think of something to call you?"

The mare groans. "Please, no!"

"Alright. In any case I see you've finished your soup again."

She looks down at her bowl clearly surprised to see it empty. "It... would appear I have."

"How about some more then?"

"Y-yes please."

Arc serves her another ladlefull of soup. Watching her eat he thinks before speaking.

“Wow! I assumed you were hungry but I had no idea you were THAT hungry."

"I... need to eat extra. To... to make up for... um... something."

Arc nods. "Yes, I suppose you do. However, it all makes sense now.”

She looks over to him, genuinely confused. “What... do you mean?”

Arc looks at her evenly. “You seem to sleep all the time yet you always seem tired. Seldom eat, walk slowly if at all, try not to be seen by anypony, cover your whole body with your robe, depressed and angry all at once. Originally I thought it was some kind of substance abuse issue. But now I realize that there can be only one reason for these symptoms.”

She looks down at her hooves nervously. Arc gives her a warm smile as he continues.

“You’re pregnant, aren't you?”

She stammers and shakes her head vehemently as she moves to hop off the chair but miscalculates. Her robe catches the corner of the table without her noticing it. A loud tearing sound is heard as she drops to the floor. The robe splits right down the middle and falls to the floor as the mare screams out

“Please! Don't look at me!”

The mare picks up the robe and tries to put it back on. However it is in too great a state of disrepair now to be of any use. Arc sees her body for the first time and immediately sees that she is VERY visibly pregnant. As she collapses to the floor in tears, the mare does her best to cover her face with her hooves.

“...please! I'm a monster! Don't... look... at me!”

Arc runs to his room and grabs one of his blankets. Returning he wraps her up in it. He then picks her up as carefully as he can, sits down on the couch, and holds her close.

"No! NO! Please don't hurt me!"

"I'm not going to hurt you or the child inside you."

"You... you're not?"

Arc shakes his head. "No. If anything I'll keep you safe."

"I... don't deserve that."

"Why not?"

"I just don't! Nopony can see me!"

"From what I saw you look okay though. Or do you just not want others to know you're pregnant?"

"Nopony can know!"

"Know what?"


"Is someone after you?"

The mare shakes her head. "No. Nopony is looking for me. Nopony cares. But I need to stay away though."

"I don't understand. Are you just THAT shy?"


"What are you afraid of then?"

"Somepony asking my name! I can't be recognized! I CAN'T!"

Arc sighs and pats her head as she shakes with emotion.

“Go ahead and cry. Let it all out.”

She buries her face in Arc's chest and cries seemingly without end. Arc gently strokes her mane with his hand and quietly whispers words of encouragement to her.

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