• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 28 - Getting Down to Business

That afternoon, Arc, Maria, Ember, Hammer, Auriel, Max, and Frank walk out to Arc’s garage. Everyone is in full body armor, save for Maria. In place of the normal Jeep sits the Landmaster. Arc puts a hand on it as he sighs.

“Was kinda hoping we could just leave this thing in storage.”

Frank grins. “I’m glad you kept it around, for it will serve our purposes well this day.”

Auriel pats the heavy plating. “A safe way to transport my mother.”

Ember motions to the others. “And everyone else too.”

Max turns to Hammer. “Shall we get underway?”

“Sure. As long as we’re all clear on the plan.”

Maria shrugs. “I have the easy part.”

Auriel grimaces. “But one of the most dangerous I might add!”

“That’s what plans and backup plans are for, my dear.”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “Hammer, you’re driving. Max will be the copilot.”

They nod silently as Arc turns to the others.

“Uh... anyone want to say anything before we get moving?”

Ember clenches a fist. “Yeah! Can we LEVEL that place this time?!”

Hammer draws her gun. “Now you’re talking my language!”

Frank shakes his head vehemently. “Shelly and Lily’s safety must come first though!”

Max folds his arms over his chest. “Right!”

Auriel appears hopeful. “How about just a little explosion then?”

Maria raises an eyebrow as she looks to her daughter. “Auriel?!”

“I think Ember and Hammer may be rubbing off on me, mother. However I don’t like the idea of The Organization kidnapping innocent humans!”

Arc sighs. “No damage unless absolutely necessary. Everyone knows the plans as well as the backups too.”

Frank nods. “Indeed. Arc will call the shots on how much, or little, needs to be done over there.”

Maria groans. “If possible, I’d like to leave the facility relatively intact. We may need their help one day.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Uh... with what?”

Frank sighs. “One never knows what the future holds.”

Arc points. “Right. So let’s get this train moving.”

They nod and head for the Landmaster. Arc and Ember head for the Jeep in the driveway while the others make their way to the Landmaster. Getting in, Arc starts the engine and turns out onto the road. Ember looks back and sees the garage door open as they drive away. Arc turns to her.

“They’ll take a different, less busy route than we will.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Still don’t get why they don’t just follow us.”

“It’s just a precaution. After all, if Mustang double crosses us on the way there I’m guessing he could only go after one vehicle at a time.”

“Pretty big assumption there, Arc.”

“True. But if something comes up we’ll radio them. If nothing else that will give them a couple seconds heads up.”

“You really think the general will try something?”

“Doubtful. But we need to be prepared for whatever comes our way.”

Coming to the edge of town they enter the forest. Sometime later Arc spots the base from the road and pulls over. Arc turns to her.

“You might want to put on your armor now, Ember.”

“Why? You’re not wearing any?”

“First, because you’re weaker in your human form.”


“Second, you’re in that form so as not to scare Shelly and Lily any more than they already are.”

“I wondered why you told Auriel to come in her human form.”

“In any case, let me call the other vehicle and make sure they’re doing okay.”

Touching his earring, Arc calls out.

“Arc to Landmaster.”

Max calls out. “We’re here, sir.”

“Are you on schedule?”

Hammer grunts. “Give us a bit more time. Had to avoid some traffic on the main road.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Something up?”

Arc shakes his head. “I heard on the radio that they were going over to directing traffic by hand this afternoon. Apparently the stop light needs to be replaced.”

Max smirks. “It’s actually a good thing though. We needed a few extra minutes to go through our checklist, sir.”

“Any issues?”

Hammer shrugs. “Nah. Just needed extra time. We got this.”

“Good. I’ll call base camp and make sure they’re ready while we wait. Arc out.”

Arc touches his earring again.

“Arc to base camp.”

“Xenos here, sir.”

“We’re only a few minutes from driving up to the base. What’s your status?”

Hugh calls out. “All set up and ready to go, sir.”

Viktor nods as he puts a clip in very large gun. “That we are.”

“You three are clear on what needs to happen, right?”

Xenos chuckles. “Crystal, sir.”

Hugh shrugs. “We’re just a backup plan though, sir.”

Viktor nods. “True. But a very important backup plan I might add.”

“Right. If we need your help you’ll get our signal.”

Hugh picks up a pair of binoculars. “We’ll be waiting, sir.”

“Good. Wish us luck. Arc out.”

Touching his earring he severs the connection. A short time later the Landmaster pulls up behind Arc and stops. Getting out of the Jeep Arc walks over to the other vehicle. It’s rear doors open and Max pokes his head out.


“Just wanted to talk with everyone before we get started.”

He looks at Maria in her white lab coat before continuing.

“I see the others were unable to convince you to put on some armor.”

Maria nods. “Thank you, but I’m fine.”

“Please, mother. It’s very comfortable and light.”

“I’m a scientist, not a warrior.”

Hammer calls out from the driver’s seat. “Then you’ll have to stick extra close to you mom, Auriel!”

“That I will.”

Frank holds a fireball in the palm of his gauntlet. “ we get started?”

Arc frowns. “Put that away, Frank. We’re going the non-violence route, remember?”

Hammer looks over her shoulder at the group. “Then what’s with all of us being so heavily armored?!”

“Insurance. I want everyone walking away from this.”

Max nods soberly. “Shelly would want that, sir.”

“Agreed. Now then, I’ll leave my comms open so you’ll know when to decloak, Hammer.”

“We’ll be listening.”

“Good. Um... anyone want out of this before we get underway?”

No one speaks. Arc nods approvingly.

“Alright then. Here we go.”

He closes the back door and heads back to the Jeep. Getting in, Ember turns to him.

“Everything okay?”

Arc groans as he starts the engine. “Auriel’s mom still doesn’t want to wear armor.”

Ember smirks. “Ballsy.”

“More like foolish if you ask me.”

Putting the vehicle in drive, he pulls back onto the road. A short time later he calls out.

“About to leave the tree cover, Hammer.”

“Cloaking now.”

Arc glances in the rear view mirror to watch the Landmaster vanish from sight. Continuing, he turns onto the bridge and slowly makes his way toward the base. Ember grimaces.

“Those are some big guns!”

“Yup. I’m used to approaching from the opposite direction. With them pointed away from me.”

Ember looks to Arc nervously. “Um... I’d like to take the opportunity to say that this idea of yours is terrible.”

Arc clutches the steering wheel tightly. “Duly noted.”

“Okay, explain why we’re going first when the Landmaster is so heavily armored!”

“Because if the base starts shooting they’ll hit us, not them.”


Arc interrupts her. “And it’ll give the rest of the group a chance to get away.”

Ember groans. “ I know. Don’t like it though.”

“Then you should have done as I originally planned and been in the Landmaster.”

“And leave you alone?! Not a chance!”

They come up to the guard shack. Arc lowers his window as the guard on duty speaks.

“State your purpose.”

“I’m here to see General Mustang and Doctor Rieper.”

He holds out his badge. The guard looks it over before comparing the picture to that of Arc. Going over his clipboard he flips a few pages before handing the badge back and motioning for the gate to open.

“Have a nice day, sir.”

“Um... thanks. Oh! One last thing. The vehicle behind us is also with me.”

The guard looks back but sees nothing. Turing back to Arc, he appears confused.

“But there’s nothing there.”

Ember grins. “Look again.”

Doing so, the guard is stunned to see the Landmaster appear out of thin air. Taking a few moments to compose himself he motions for Arc to continue on. Pressing the gas, they head for the large building before them. The door opens and they drive onto the elevator together. Parking side by side Arc shuts off the Jeep removes the keys as they begin to descend. Looking to Ember, he sighs.

“No going back now, I guess.”

Ember grimaces. “Nope.”

“You okay?”

“I think I liked these missions better when we went in all stealthy-like.”

Arc sighs as the elevator starts going down. “So did I.”

The others call out over Arc’s earring. Auriel is the first to speak.

“So do we get out now?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Might not be a good idea, Arc. You’re a new face around here. Don’t want the guards getting jumpy and doing something we’ll all regret.”

Max frowns. “Is it too late to put on your armor, sir?”

“Kinda think so. Don’t really want the general knowing for sure that I’m the Hero.”

Maria rolls her eyes. “From what you said earlier, it sounds as if he’s already put two and two together.”

Auriel nods. “Agreed.

Arc shrugs. “I’m playing that part by ear.”

Sometime later the elevator reaches the bottom. General Mustang and Colonel Diva are waiting for them. As the elevator stops Arc gets out. Ember starts to but he motions for her to stay in the vehicle. Arc closes his door and walks over to the general and his aide.

“Arc... welcome to Damocles Base. I trust you had no trouble getting in.”

Diva glares at him. “This time anyways.”

Arc nods. “Everything was just fine, yes.”

Mustang motions to his aide. “Allow me to formally introduce you two. Arc, this is my personal aide, Colonel Diva.”

She grits her teeth and extends a hand. Arc takes it and gives it a shake. Diva squeezes it exceptionally hard. Arc reciprocates as he looks her in the eye.

“Do you really want to see which of us is the strongest?

Diva smiles wickedly. “Yes.”

Arc smirks as he lets go of her hand. “Good. Neither did I.”

Mustang clears his throat loudly. “In any case, I’d like to continue this conversation with you, Arc. That is, AFTER you allow me to escort the doctor to the lab.”

Nodding soberly, he motion to the Landmaster before looking back to the general.

“Very well. But just so you know, she’ll be heavily guarded.”

“That’s not necessary. I assure you that our facility is quite secure.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “That’s what I’m worried about.

A few moments later the back doors of the Landmaster open and everyone steps out to form a perimeter. Lastly, Maria hops down and moves to the center of the group. They close around her and walk toward Arc slowly as they scan the area. Ember gets out of the Jeep and joins them. Reaching the general, Doctor Knowles calls out to him.

“Hello again, sir.”

Mustang smiles warmly. “Doctor Knowles. It’s been so many years since I last had the pleasure of you company.”

“Shall we skip the pleasantries for now? I have work to do.”

“Always business first. Right this way, doctor.”

Leading the procession down a corridor, he turns to Maria.

“I believe you’ll be quite impressed with the amount of progress we’ve made since you were here last.”

Maria rolls her eyes. “If you have made THAT much progress, I wouldn’t be here.”

Diva frowns. “Well, this particular project has that idiot Rieper stumped.”

“That doesn’t take much.”

Mustang smiles. “Well, I’m sure you’ll figure it out, Doctor Knowles.”

“I will certainly try.”

Arriving at a strange looking observation room they see Shelly lying unconscious on a bed. A myriad of strange looking machines are hooked up to her. Rieper is writing on a clipboard by her bedside. Diva turns to Maria as they approach the door.

“I’ll escort you inside.”

Arc steps forward to block her advance. “As will her guards.”

Diva groans. “We don’t have the space for...!”

Auriel turns to Diva, angrily. “And I’m not letting my mother go in there without protection!”

Maria nods. “They will keep to the outer walls.”

Diva turns to the general. He nods as she returns her gaze to Maria.

“Very well. This way.”

Opening the door, she leads Maria and company inside. Mustang turns to Arc as the door closes behind them.

“Now then, can I offer you and your... partner some refreshments?”

Ember grits her teeth. “Nothing from you!”

Arc frowns. “Agreed. But I have a more pressing question for you.”

Mustang chuckles. “Oh?”

“Where is Lily?!”

“In a safe place, I assure you.”

Arc clenches a fist. “I want to see her!”

“That could be arranged. Please follow me.”

Leading the pair down the corridor, Arc looks to the general.

“What are Shelly’s chances?”

“Better now that you brought us Doctor Knowles. She’s the best at what she does, after all. But of course you already knew that, didn’t you.”

Mustang looks over his shoulder at Arc.

“Perhaps you and I could work out a deal.”

“What kind of...?”

Mustang continues. “It’d be of great help if she were to stay here with us at Damocles Base. I would of course have her work on any research projects you needed next to our own, Arc.”

Ember glares at the general. “She’s not a piece of lab equipment, you know!”

Mustang chides her. “Temper, temper, Dragon.”

Arc nods. “She’s right, you know.”

Mustang shrugs. “Well, I have the rest of your visit to try and change your mind.”

Arriving at his office, the general pushes the door open and gestures for them to enter ahead of him. Doing so, Ember turns around angrily.

“I don’t see Lily anywhere!”

Arc raises a hand to pick up a couple chairs with a Telekinesis Spell as he looks to the general angrily. “That’d better change, and fast!”

Chuckling, the general closes the door behind him. Looking to Arc he nods. Extending his own hands, the general forcefully pushes the chairs back down into their places with a spell of his own.

“Be seated.”

As the pair begrudgingly do so, Mustang pushes a couple buttons on his console and a screen comes to life. Ember’s eyes grow wide.

“Is that... a dungeon?!”

Mustang shakes his head. “No, Dragon. It’s an isolation room.”

Arc grits his teeth. “WHY?! She’s done nothing wrong!”

“Merely a precaution, Arc. We can’t have unauthorized personnel walking the corridors, now can we?”

Ember points to the screen. “Well, you don’t need to put her in a CELL!”

“I’d be willing to release her to you, Arc. In exchange for... someone else.”

“And Shelly?!”

“I’d release her to your custody as well. Assuming the good doctor can work her scientific magic, that is.”

Ember grits her teeth. “She’s nothing but a pawn to you!”

Mustang shakes his head. “Progress of this magnitude requires sacrifice, my dear Dragon. Remember, I’m not asking you to just hand her over without offering anything of value in return. This is a bona-fide trade. One that heavily favors you, I might add, as you are getting two for one.”

Arc shakes his head. “I can’t just give you another human being like that.”

“Think it over. Perhaps you may come around to my way of thinking yet.”

He gestures to the screen before continuing.

“Either way, you can see that your friend is perfectly safe and sound in there. She’s being fed three times a day, has a place to shower, a cot, blankets, clean clothes, and a toilet. It’s the picture of serenity in there.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Except for the fact that she CAN’T LEAVE!”

Mustang shrugs. “Nothing is perfect.”

Arc nods soberly “I’m not leaving here without her.”

“Then I will have to do my best to sweeten the deal. But first, I think it’s high time you and I have a very important chat, Arc.”

“What about?”

Mustang walks over to his desk and sits down. “Many things, really. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness... and your place in that dynamic.”

Ember scoffs. “You’re not making a lot of sense.”

“That’s because it’s not meant to make sense to anyone other than Arc and myself.”

The general looks to Arc and smiles.

“I’d like to have a bit of a one-on-one talk with you, Arc. Man to man.”

Arc nods. “Fine. Just one thing.”

“A request?”

“I want to see Lily first.”

Mustang gestures to the monitor again. “But I just showed you that she’s...”

Arc interrupts him. “Not on a screen. I want to be able to see her with my own eyes.”

“You would not see anything that can’t be viewed from here though”

“Those are my terms. Meet them and I’ll entertain you with a chat.”

Mustang nods as he stands and heads for the door. “Very well. This way please.”

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