• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Homecoming

Luna, Cadance, and Twilight stand beside The Equinox as medical staff enter and leave the ship at a feverish pace. Pegasi paramedics fly by with injured soldiers and firefighting equipment as Twilight trots in place nervously.

“What’s taking so long?!”

Cadance puts a hoof around her friend’s shoulders. “Patience, Twilight.”

Luna nods. “Yes, I’m sure Doctor Whooves and Redheart have their hooves full at the moment helping tend to the injured.”

A familiar voice rings out behind them.

“Yeah, they do.”

The trio turns around the see Arc walking toward them. He is leaning heavily on Auriel and wearing his magic cloak. Twilight gasps happily.


She runs over to him with the princesses.

“Are you alright?!”

Arc smiles weakly. “Probably. I haven’t had time to get checked out yet.”

Auriel grimaces. “We should probably get you to a hospital soon, Arc.”

“In time.”

Luna looks to Arc, hopefully. “And… Celestia?”

“She’s in my Infirmary.”

Cadance breathes a sigh of relief. “How is she?”

Arc shakes his head. “Pretty messed up.”

Twilight gasps. “WHAT?! HOW?!”

“No idea. Her wounds aren’t healing like they should though. Doctor Whooves and Nurse Redheart were working on her the whole time we were in flight I’m told.”

Cadance puts a hoof to her forehead. “This is just so… hard to take. I mean, I’m happy to have Aunt Celestia home again, but…”

She sighs.

“…is she suffering?”

“Physically she’s very badly injured. But that isn’t what has the medical staff worried.”

Luna frowns. “Oh? What else could possibly…”

Arc stumbles and Twilight hurries forward to steady him. As she puts her hooves on his side, Arc suddenly cries out in pain. Auriel grits her teeth as she uses all her strength in an attempt to keep him from falling.

“We should get you to the castle Infirmary, Arc!”

Arc shakes his head in an effort to compose himself. “There… shouldn’t be anyone there… who’s not tending to the… wounded.”

Auriel groans. “Well that includes you!”

Twilight nods as her hoof slips off his cloak. As she moves to take hold of Arc again she sees the blood on her fetlock.


Luna quickly steps forward and pulls aside the cloak with her magic. Arc winces as he holds a hand over a large blood-soaked hole in his tunic. She frowns as she looks him in the eye.

“You are going to the hospital right now, Arc!”

“But… but the others…!”

Cadance interrupts him. “…are in good hooves, believe me! Twilight, get somepony to help…!”

Arc loses his balance as he and Auriel fall to the floor. Luna moves to his side.

“There isn’t time! Cadance, help me!”

Cadance rushes forward as Twilight steps back. Luna calls out to him.

“Arc, do you have your sigil gauntlet?!”

Arc winces as he holds up his hand. “Y-yeah.”

Stretching out his gauntlet, Arc shakily opens a portal. Luna and Cadance help him through as Auriel and Twilight bring up the rear. Stepping out the other side they see the interior of Ponyville Hospital. Auriel calls out.

“We need help over here!”

The nurse at the front desk gasps and pages the doctor as two orderlies hurry over with a gurney. Both princesses help Arc lie down as Doctor Horse runs toward them. Seeing the princesses, he bows with everyone else in the waiting room. Luna frowns.

“Doctor! This is not the time for formalities! Our nation’s greatest hero needs help!”

“Yes, your highness. My apologies.”

He looks over to the orderlies.

“Take him to Treatment Room #1 and get those clothes off of him, stat!”

They hurry to comply as the doctor turns to those assembled.

“What in Celestia’s name happened to him?!”

Twilight trembles slightly. “He… was injured on a mission.”

“Any idea how?”

Auriel sighs. “Quite a bit, actually. I’m not sure where to begin.”

Cadance appears nervous. “Please try, miss!”

“Well… he was shot at with lasers, fought several humans with magical powers, nearly blown up numerous times by several different kinds of explosives from a tank along with an airship of some kind, assaulted by flying drones with more lasers…”

She shakes her head sadly before continuing.

“And that’s just what I saw from the monitors. I’m sure there was more that went on off-camera.”

“I’ll order a full body examination along with x-rays and a CAT scan.”

Twilight’s eye twitches fearfully. “Will he be all right, doctor?!”

“It’s too early to tell, miss. But we’ll do our best.”

The doctor hurries away as a nurse approaches and kneels.

“If it pleases the princesses, would you allow me to guide you to the doctor’s office?”

Luna shakes her head. “You will take us to Treatment Room #1.”

Cadance appears confused. “Luna?”

“I wish to see for myself that the doctor and staff are doing all they can to help our nation’s Hero of Light.”

Auriel grimaces. “Please, your highness. We’d just be in the way over there.”

Twilight nods. “Yes. That and we should probably notify Canterlot.”

Luna rolls her eyes. “Of what? Arc’s unknown condition?”

Auriel turns to Luna. “I think Twilight means your current location, ma’am.”

Cadance sighs. “We did leave in quite a hurry. In the confusion I doubt anypony saw us.”

Twilight’s eyes grow wide. “So nopony is in charge right now?!”

Luna shrugs. “There’s Sunburst and Captain Shining Armor.”

Auriel shakes her head. “Sunburst was busy trying to help Stellar Flare shut down The Equinox’s engines before they exploded and Shining Armor was coordinating the medical staff when last I saw him.”

Cadance turns to Luna. “I could go back and keep things moving.”

“How? By flying back?”

Twilight looks to her friend. “You could do so via the telephone, Cadance. If Canterlot knew where to call, they could notify you if something came up.”

“Take me to the Town Hall, Twilight. I’ll use the mayor’s office for the time being.”


Auriel calls out after them. “I’ll notify you when we know more.”

“Thanks Auriel.”

Twilight and Cadance leave the hospital as Auriel turns to Luna.

“We should probably get moving too, your highness.”

Luna sits down on her haunches. “Nonsense. I will wait right here for word.”

“That might make everyone else a bit uncomfortable.”

Luna surveys the room and notices that everyone present is still bowing.

“We can wait in the doctor’s office as the nurse offered.”

The nurse nods. “Yes, Princess Luna. I’ll notify you the moment we know anything.”

Luna sighs. “Very well.”

Auriel and Luna follow the nurse to a small office door. Opening it she allows the pair to pass before turning to them.

“Please make yourselves comfortable. Is there anything I can get for you, your highness?”

Luna shakes her head. “No.”

“Very well. If you require anything at all please call for us or send your servant to the main desk for help.”

Luna nods as the nurse leaves the office. She turns to Auriel as the door closes.

“My apologies.”

Auriel smiles. “It’s fine.”

“I do not believe it is.”

“Your highness?”

Luna sighs. “Please don’t call me that.”

“But why?”

“You are a princess in your own right, miss.”

“I… suppose so. But…”

“Princess Auriel, I… would like to apologize for something else.”

“What is it?”

“You have no doubt heard of the peace summit that took place recently at Arc’s base in Ponyville.”

Auriel nods. “Yes. Twilight and her friends told me all about it.”

“Looking back at that time, I realized that we failed to invite a delegate from a certain race.”

“You did? Which one?”

“The Demon Kingdom.”

They are silent for a time as Auriel looks at Luna, confused.

“Princess Luna, I… don’t understand. The members of my race are currently locked away in Tartarus.”

Luna sighs. “Arc made it abundantly clear to me that we needed to establish a dialogue with all the world’s nations. Yours, while still imprisoned for the crimes of the past, are still a very old and established culture.”

“Are you saying you wanted my father to attend the summit?”

“Or you, princess.”

“But I… I’m no one special.”

“Yes, you are. You’ve shown yourself to be brave, kind, strong, resourceful, and trustworthy. At least from what Arc has told us. Was that not true?”

“It… I don’t… know really.”

“Princess Auriel… I do believe you are living proof that the Great Demon Kingdom of old can one day return to this land.”

“But how?”

“That I do not know for certain. However, I believe that with your help they can find a way to move past what’s written in the history books. Your artificial sun idea may be the first step down that path.”

“That’s what I’m hoping. As it stands I know my people can’t leave. They’d just kill and destroy everything and everyone. But maybe we can show them a different way. A… kind of in-house parole.”

“We will see, princess.”

Auriel smiles. “Please, Princess Luna. Feel free to just call me ‘Auriel’.”

Luna nods. “Very well. But only if you refer to me as ‘Luna’.”

“I… suppose that’s fair.”

Sometime later Twilight enters the office. She turns to Auriel.

“Any word?”

Auriel shakes her head. “Nothing yet.”

“What about my sister?”

Twilight sighs. “Nothing from Canterlot yet on that. Other than Doctor Whooves is still examining her and running some tests.”

She looks to the phone.

“I told Cadance to call if anything comes up.”

“Auriel was just telling me the details of Arc’s latest mission. It sounded quite dangerous.”

“Yes, Luna. In all honesty, I’m surprised we made it back.”

Twilight gasps. “The enemy forces on Earth put up THAT much of a fight?!”

“That and they seemed to be ready for everything we had.”

Luna smiles. “But Arc and his troops were successful nonetheless and escaped back to Equestria.”

Auriel frowns. “Right. But…”

A nurse enters the office and bows.

“Your highness, Doctor Horse has news of the Hero of Light’s condition. May I escort you to him?”

“Yes. Lead on.”

Luna stands and motions for the others to follow. They make the short walk back to the treatment room. As they arrive the nurse holds the door open for them. Arc lies on the bed talking to Doctor Horse. Smiling widely Twilight runs over to him.

“Arc, you’re alright!”

She turns to the doctor.

“He IS alright… right?”

Doctor Horse nods. “For the most part, yes.”

Luna moves to join them. “Your prognosis, doctor?”

He walks over to a tray on a nearby table. Picking it up with his magic he levitates it over to Luna. On it sits numerous pieces of jagged white shrapnel.

“I pulled these from my patient here.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “What… are they?”

Arc sighs. “Pieces of my armor.”

Reaching for his ring Arc pulls out his helmet and sigil gauntlet before continuing.

“This is all that’s still in decent condition.”

Twilight gasps. “It must’ve been a truly horrific fight to destroy Hydra Scale armor!”

Luna nod. “But how did these end up inside you, Arc?”

“It might have happened when I detonated two magic staves.”

He thinks for a moment.

“Or maybe when we took on those drones on our flight back. I actually don’t remember.”

Luna frowns. “How can you not…?!”

Arc shrugs. “Considering everything that was going on, I was running on pure adrenaline pretty much the whole time.”

Doctor Horse clears his throat. “Yes well… other than extreme bruising from… something or other, and some rather nasty cuts and burns, you’re fine, sir. Well, now that the numerous shrapnel shards embedded in you have been removed, that is.”

Twilight looks at Arc suspiciously. “What about all that blood though?!”

Arc smiles sheepishly. “The shrapnel in me caused that.”

The doctor nods. “It was worse than it looked due to them constantly cutting him whenever he moved.”

He pulls aside the covers and lifts Arc’s hospital gown slightly to reveal his boxers along with the gauze and bandages.

“They’ll heal on their own. Assuming you don’t get into any major fights, that is.”

Arc grimaces. “No promises.”

“You’re free to leave the hospital anytime, sir. Just remember to take it easy and allow your body time to heal properly.”

Twilight breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you doctor. I’ll keep an eye on him.”

He sits up and swings his legs over the side of the bed. Luna steps forward and looks him over.

“Maybe you should stay in bed, Arc.”

“I can’t do that.”

Twilight frowns. “Haven’t you done enough already?!”

“Maybe. But there’s something I need to do right now.”

He looks around, confused.

“Where’s Princess Cadance?”

Auriel points out the window. “At the Town Hall.”

“Let’s go and pick her up. Then we can return to Canterlot together.”

Twilight groans. “Don’t you ever take a break?”

“Not really.”

As they head for the door Doctor Horse calls out after him.



“Aren’t you forgetting something?”


“To change your clothes.”

Auriel giggles. “You do look kinda funny in that gown, Arc.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Thanks.”

Twilight turns to leave the room. “We’ll wait outside for you to change.”

“Okay. I’ll be quick.”

Sometime later they enter the Mayor’s Office. Cadance looks up as they enter. She smiles widely as Arc enters the room under his own power.


Stepping out from behind the desk she rushes over to him.

“Are you alright?!”

Arc pats his wounds gently. “More or less. You ready to head back to Canterlot?”

“Yes! I just got off the phone with Shining Armor!”

Luna gasps. “What news?!”

“He says Doctor Whooves wants to see us at once regarding Aunt Celestia’s condition!”

Twilight grins. “Maybe she’s woken up!”

Cadance nods happily. “Let’s go see!”

Grimacing, Arc calls forth his remaining gauntlet and opens a portal. Luna, Cadance, and Twilight hurry through as Auriel hangs back and turns to him.

“You and I both saw how bad she was.”

“Right. I don’t think the doctor will have good news.”

Auriel sighs as she takes Arc’s hand. Together they walk through the portal. Appearing on the sigil in his room in the castle, they see the others heading toward the door. Twilight and Cadance trot next to each other happily.

“I can’t wait to see Princess Celestia again!”

“Me either! It feels like it’s been forever!”

Luna nods. “I’m sure she has quite the story to tell.”

She looks back to Arc and Auriel.

“Are you alright, Arc?”

“I… think so, yes.”

Twilight trots ahead. “Let’s go already!”

They leave the room and head for Celestia’s Bedchambers. A multitude of guards line the corridor leading up to the door. They salute as Arc and company pass. Shining Armor and Trixie personally stand guard in front of the ornate door. Arc notices that they grimace momentarily at their approach. Luna addresses Shining Armor.

“I’m here to see my sister, captain. Please stand aside.”

“I… really shouldn’t, your highness.”

Twilight frowns. “What are you talking about, big brother? These are the PRINCESSES!”

Shining Armor looks nervous. “Y-yes, I know. However, the doctor wanted me to stop you here so he could… speak to you before entering.”

Cadance appears confused. “Whatever for?”

“Trixie believes he should be the ones to tell you that, Princess Cadance.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “Do you have any idea what’s going on?”


Luna frowns. “What does that mean?”

Auriel sighs. “Trust me. We should wait for the doctor.”

Arc nods. “Where is he, Shining Armor?”

“Just inside. Lieutenant Trixie, would you tell him the princesses are here?”

“Yes sir.”

Trixie enters the room cautiously. She returns a few moments later with a very haggard looking Doctor Whooves.

“Hello, your highnesses. My apologies for the delay.”

Cadance looks to him nervously. “What’s going on, doctor?”

“Yes. How is my sister doing?”

The doctor bows his head. “Not too good. She’s… well… not exactly the mare that we all know. I’m sorry, but you just have to see it for yourself. Now then, when we enter please be very quiet and try not to do anything that might excite Princess Celestia please. She’s very weak right now.”

They nod as Trixie opens the door. Doctor Whooves leads them inside. Numerous nurses stand around watching various machines. All of them bow respectfully as the princesses enter. Doctor Whooves turns to them.

“All of you please wait in the corridor.”

Everyone nods and leaves the room, shutting the door behind them. The doctor walks over to the bedside and pulls back a curtain to reveal Celestia. Luna, Cadance, and Twilight gasp as the form of the lost princess comes into view. The large mask still covers her head like a vile tumor. IVs snake around her limbs as a heart monitor beeps softly next to the bed. Bandages cover much of her body as blood and pus seeps through several of them. For a time no one can speak. Eventually Luna breaks the silence.

“What… happened?!”

Arc bows his head. “I don’t know, Princess Luna.”

Auriel nods sadly. “Yes. She was like this when we arrived.”

Cadance eyes the device on her head. “What IS that thing?!”

Luna seethes. “A magic nullifier.”

Arc frowns. “It looks similar to the one Shining Armor was wearing when he entered my base to warn us about Trixie and the Alicorn Amulet.”

Doctor Whooves nods. “It would have to be very powerful to contain her alicorn magic, yes. But this also blinds her.”

Twilight cries softly as she approaches the bedside. She takes her friend’s hoof and gently pats it.

“Who… could be so… so vile!”

Cadance grits her teeth angrily. “Yes! Aunt Celestia is the kindest, gentlest mare I’ve ever met! What reason for this atrocity…!”

Arc interrupts her. “Doctor, has she said anything since arriving?”

“No. In fact, she was unconscious when they brought her in.”

Cadance gasps. “Could it have been the crash?”

The doctor shakes his head. “I don’t think so. Ember said the medical staff secured her prior to that event.”

Arc snaps his fingers. “Ember was with her the whole time. Maybe she knows what happened.”

Auriel looks around the room. “Where is she?”

Doctor Whooves points toward the balcony. “She stepped outside when all of you arrived. Said she needed some air.”

Luna purses her lips. “Twilight, call her in.”

“Yes, Princess Luna.”

Twilight walks toward the patio door, but does not take her eyes off the bed until she passes through the archway. Motioning with a hoof she gets Ember’s attention. The young dragon slowly walks inside and over to the others.

“You okay, Arc?”

“Yeah. But what happened to the princess?

Auriel nods. “She was awake when we found her.”

Ember sighs. “The airship battle really freaked her out. Nurse Redheart had to sedate her when she started hitting others.”

Cadance gasps. “Oh my!”

Luna frowns. “So she’s merely sedated. Why was that not recorded on her chart?”

“I’ve yet to see it.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “It wasn’t brought in with her?”

“No, not yet.”

Ember sighs. “I think I can explain that. You see, with all the wounded flooding into the Infirmary I don’t think anyone had time to run it over here.”

Arc nods. “It was a very drawn out battle, yes.”

Luna looks down at her sister and sighs. “Did she say anything at all to you, Arc?”

“Just one thing.”

Cadance appears hopeful. “What was it?”


Twilight looks to him. “Yes?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. That’s literally all she would say.”

Luna frowns. “Just… ‘Twilight’?”

Ember nods. “Yes. That singular word was the only thing she uttered.”

“I don’t understand.”

Auriel nods. “She was also extremely frightened.”

Arc gestures to the magic nullifier. “Yes. I would assume it was because she could hear but not see us.”

Cadance points to the nullifier. “Can we get that off her now?!”

Twilight grimaces. “Yes! I’m worried what’s under there myself!”

Whooves shakes his head. “We need Sunburst to look it over beforehoof. It needs to be done properly, after all.”

Auriel looks to the door. “Shall I go get him?”

Arc shakes his head. “No need. I’ll do it.”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Sunburst.”

Sunburst breathes heavily. “Sunburst… here.”

“We need your help to remove a very strange magic nullifier from Princess Celestia’s head. Where are you?”

“Just leaving The Equinox, sir. My mother… I mean, Stellar Flare and I were able to bring what was left of the engines back under control.”

“Good. Get over here right away.”

“Yes sir. I’m on my way.”

“Thanks. Arc out.”

He cuts the feed and turns back to the princesses.

“I’m sure he’ll get it off in no time.”

Auriel looks again at Celestia. “Yes. But what will we find underneath?”

Ember shudders. “That worries me as well. Considering the damage we could see, after all…”

Arc shoots her a withering glance as he motions for her to stop. Before long the Lead Sage hurries into the room and over the bed. He looks the princess over and sighs as he gives the doctor a chart.

“Let’s get this off of her.”

Lowering his horn, he casts a strange spell. Frowning, he turns to Luna.

“I’ll need some help here, your highness.”

“Very well.”

Her own horn aglow, Luna casts the same spell with him. A few moments later they stop as Sunburst turns to Arc.

“It’s done.”

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