• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - The Yakyakistan Invasion

Arc and company run out of the hospital! There is pandemonium in the streets! Arc waves over a Crystal Defender.

“What's going on soldier?!”

“Sire! Thank Celestia you're here! We're being invaded by large woolly creatures!”

Ember turns to Arc. “I guess Yakyakistan got tired of waiting for you Arc!”

Derpy puts her front hooves around Dinky! “What do we do?!”

“Who's in charge of the Crystal Empire, soldier?!”

“Princess Cadance left General Wind Rider in command before she left to aid Princess Luna in Canterlot! He's in the Crystal Castle!”

Ember turns to Arc. “We should see if he could use some help!”

Arc nods. “You and Sereb go. I have something else to do!”

Sereb appears confused. “Such as?”

Arc calls forth his armor and spear, angrily! “Driving these invaders out of the Crystal Empire! If they want a fight that bad, they're gonna have a bad time!”

Derpy looks to him, wide-eyed! “Alone?!”

Cherry Jubilee puts her hooves on his side and looks up at him pleadingly! “Arc! NO!”

“Derpy, I want you, Dinky, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to evacuate to safety with the townsponies. Cherry Jubilee, go with them!”

Ember grabs Arc's shoulder as he turns to leave! “Wait Arc! You're the Lord Regent now!”

“Yes. And?!”

Sereb shakes his head. “It would be a great risk to this land for you to enter battle needlessly.”

Cherry Jubilee nods! “They're right Arc! You should be at the castle coordinating the defense of the city!”

“I can take you to the General, sire!”

Arc sighs and nods. “Fine. Let's hurry!”

He and his friends follow the Crystal Defender to the castle! He quickly leads them to the Throne Room where an elderly pegasus and his commanders are looking over a table filled with papers! He looks up at them angrily as they enter!

“Mares... fillies... a dragon, and creatures I can't identify~ I don't have TIME to see anypony right now! I'm trying to figure out this situation!”

Ember reaches into Sereb's saddlebag and pulls out Arc's crown and scepter! She quickly approaches him and puts the crown on his head and hands him his scepter!

“Well you better MAKE time... whomever you are!”

The pegasus and his commanders snap to attention as does General Wind Rider as he sees Arc’s insignia.

“My apologies sire! I didn't know who you were! I'm General Wind Rider! Uh... who are you anyways?”

“Hero of Light Arc.”

Ember nods smugly! “YOUR BOSS!”

“Easy there Ember. We have more important matters to attend to.”

Arc quickly approaches the table.

“So what are we up against?!”

Wind Rider turns to the map on the table. “It looks like Prince Rutherford has finally gone off the deep end! He's sent his forces to attack the Crystal Empire!”

Arc sighs. “Great. I was just going to see him.”

The general looks over at Arc, confused. “Sire?”

“I was on my way to Yakyakistan when I was suddenly... sidetracked.”

Ember nods! “He had hoped to avert this!”

Wind Rider rolls his eyes. “Well... that went swimmingly. Fortunately, I’ve already put into action a plan of my own.”

Arc nods! “Good. How is the evacuation going?”

The general looks to Arc, confused. “Evacuation?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Yes, General Wind Rider. When a city is attacked, you generally evacuate the citizens so the military can concentrate on fighting the enemy!”

Wind Rider shakes his head. “Right now I believe the enemy would see that as taking an aggressive stance! My delegation is on its way to meet with them. Hopefully there can still be a peaceful resolution to this!”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “General. Are you perhaps insane?”

Cherry Jubilee looks to the general, angrily! “The civilians deserve protection! Help them!”

Arc looks to Wind Riders' commanders. “Raise the alarm and see to it that all civilians are evacuated to the castle.”

The commanders look uneasy. They appear to be unwilling to disobey Wind Rider. Arc slams his fist down on the table!


They scramble to carry out Arc's orders as Derpy turns to Arc!

“I'll help with the evacuation! Dinky I want you Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to stay here with your father!”

“But mom...”

“Do as I say Dinky!”

She sighs. “Okay mom...”

“We'll be good!”


Arc nods. “Be careful out there Derpy! Don't take any unnecessary risks!”

Cherry Jubilee stands next to her. “Don't worry Arc! I'll go with her!”

“Okay, but stay together!”

Wind Runner runs over to block the pair’s exit as he puts a hoof on Cherry Jubilee's shoulder!

“Now wait just a minute! The Lord Regent ordered civilians to evacuate! You can't...”

The general suddenly finds himself being VERY forcefully pulled toward Arc who grabs him by the front of his armor as soon as he is within arm’s reach! He pulls the stallion to within inches of his face!

“Don't... you... EVER speak to my fiancé like that again! And keep your hooves off her! You got that?!”

Cherry Jubilee looks over, clearly surprised! “It's okay Arc! I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it!”

Arc lets go of Wind Runner and nods. “I know. That's why I'm letting it go... for now. Stay safe out there!”

Cherry Jubilee and Derpy leave the room as the evacuation alarm rings out!

“Now then general. Tell me about your plan to bring a peaceful solution to this.”

Wind Rider composes himself and walks back over to the table. “Very well.”

The general points to a large map of the Crystal Empire.

“They're attacking from the West Gate! Not the most tactically sound plan, but the yaks aren't really known for thinking things through!”

Ember looks to the general and rolls her eyes. “Like someone else I could mention...”

“Lay off, Ember! Continue general.”

Wind Rider traces the shortest path to the Crystal Castle from the gate!

“If we can't convince them to stop their attack before they break through the West Gate, there will be no stopping them! They'll smash the empire like it was a dollhouse!”

Sereb frowns. “Are they really that strong?”

Ember chuckles! “They're all muscle and no brains! But I guess they don't really need to think when they can smash!”

Wind Rider frowns as he looks to Ember. “It looks like we can agree on that much, dragon.”

Arc nods. “So what do you propose we do, general?”

“In a word... surrender.”

Arc and Ember fold their arms over their chests!

“I'm positive I didn't hear THAT right!”

“General! Have you lost your MIND?!”

Wind Rider shakes his head. “Look, I know this sounds like the coward’s way out, but we really have no choice! You said it yourself sir! The citizens need to be protected! If we turn over the Crystal Heart to them, as a sign of good will, perhaps...”

Arc interrupts! “Wait, what?!”

“But isn't the Crystal Heart a national treasure?!”

The general nods. “It is. However, the lives of the city's inhabitants should come first!”

Sereb growls. “What will happen to the empire without the heart?”

Wind Rider shrugs. “We're not… completely sure.”

Ember rolls her eyes, sarcastically. “That's reassuring.”

“There are legends that the Crystal Heart was used in the past to keep an ancient evil at bay.”

Arc looks out the window. “Well it's certainly keeping winter away! Outside the city it's a blizzard, but inside it's like spring. Can you explain that?”

“I cannot. Nopony can!”

Arc shakes his head. “Well, I'm not willing to take the chance! I'm relieving you of duty as of now General Wind Rider!”

“WHAT?! But you can't do that! I was appointed to this post by Princess Cadance HERSELF! You don't have the authority to...!”

He interrupts the general, angrily! “With the princesses unavailable I AM the Lord Regent of Equestria! You WILL follow my orders and leave... NOW!!!”

“But what about the Crystal Empire?!”

Arc turns back to the map. “I will coordinate the defense myself.”

“B-but what if our forces can't handle it?!

Ember brandishes her claws! “Then the three of us will enter the battle and deal with the yaks... personally.”

Arc nods as he looks up. “You can count on it! Now get out of my sight, coward!”

Wind Rider turns to leave the room!

“Fine... this is YOUR mess now... sir!”

He leaves the throne room as his commanders return.

“General?! What are you doing out here?!”

“I've been relieved of duty. Our ‘illustrious’ leader has decided to forgo my advice and try to fight the yaks!”

“That's crazy?! What are we going to do sir?!”

Wind Rider walks down the hallway quickly. “All of you stay with the Lord Regent and carry out his orders.”

“General? What will you be doing?!”

He doesn’t not look back. “My job.”

The commanders enter the Throne Room together.

“The alarm has gone out sir!”

“Evacuation is underway.”

Arc points to the map. “Good. Now I want all of you to take your soldiers and see to it the evacuation goes smoothly. Start with the western side of the city!”

Ember nods. “Yeah! That's where the most panic will be!”

He draws lines on the map before him.

“Each of you will take a sector. Get everyone out and to the castle quickly but safely!”

“Yes sir.”

The commanders leave the Throne Room to gather their troops.

“Do you think we should have told him about the general?”

“What would we say?! “General Wind Rider is going to do... SOMETHING”?!”

“I suppose. But both of their plans, whatever they are, make me nervous! I mean... we can't fight YAKS! Can we?”

“Like it or not... it looks like we are.”

Meanwhile, back in the Throne Room, Ember heads for the doors!

“I'm heading out to help!”

“I will join you.”

Ember and Sereb walk toward the doors.

“One last thing you two.”

Ember turns back to Arc. “Yes?”

Arc walks over to them. “I want the two of you to stay together at all times!”

Ember chuckles. “Why Arc? Do you think a big mound of fur is enough to take us on?!”

“No. But while you're out there I want you to find Cherry and Derpy! Tell them to get back to the castle and let the guards handle this!”

Ember nods soberly. “Don't worry Arc. We'll find them!”

“I'm sure they are fine.”

Arc nods nervously. “I hope so. In any case... take this.”

He tosses Ember a radio.

“Contact me if you see anything of importance! I need as many eyes out there as I can get!”

She catches the radio. “No problem!”

Sereb nods. “We have this.”

“Be careful out there!”

Ember and Sereb nod and leave the Throne Room. Arc sits down at the table to look over the maps again. Messengers begin to trickle in with status reports!

“I never should have let Derpy and Cherry go...”

Meanwhile, Ember jumps on Sereb's back! “Where should we look first?!”

Sereb sniffs the air. “They went this way.”

Ember nods! “Well let's go then!”

“Very well.”

Sereb runs past the onslaught of panicked ponies making a mad dash for the castle! The further they get from the castle, the more military personnel they see! Ember points a claw at a disturbance up ahead.

“What's going on over there?!”

Sereb turns toward the trouble. “We shall see.”

A stallion is arguing with a small group of Crystal Defenders.

“Sir, you have to leave now! Forget your possessions and save your family!”

Filthy Rich chuckles and shakes his head. “I most certainly will not! These items from our vacation property are priceless antiques! They're irreplaceable!”

“But sir...!”

Filthy Rich cuts him off! “If you really want to help, call your superiors for backup! I need lots of strong backs to help save what I can!”

Ember rides up to him. “YOU AGAIN?! Get your daughters to safety, you fool! Get back to your duties, soldier! I'll handle this!”

“Yes ma'am! Thank you!”

The Crystal Defenders move along. Filthy Rich turns to Ember and Sereb angrily!

“Now why did you go and do that?! They could have moved a large portion of our things!”

Ember glares at him! “We're about to be invaded by enemy soldiers and you want to save your trinkets?!”

Diamond Tiara looks down her nose at the pair. “Hmph! If you and the Hero of Light... or whatever silly title he's using these days, did your jobs as well as you run your mouths, this wouldn't have happened!”

Filthy Rich nods! “Right! Now why don't you be a dear and help me save a few things? There's plenty of bits in it for you if you do!”

Silver Spoon looks around nervously. “Dad, I don't think now is a good time for this! Can we get out of here?! I'm scared!”

Filthy Rich pulls Silver Spoon over to him. “Don't worry my dear! The City Gates are very strong! It will take those troublesome yaks hours to break through them!”

Diamond Tiara nods! “Daddy's right Silver Spoon! Don't you worry! As soon as we find some drudges to move our things, we'll be out of here!”

Ember shakes her head. “What's the matter? Run out of servants to do your bidding?”

Filthy Rich frowns. “Servants we HAD until this happened!”

Diamond Tiara sighs. “They all ran off for some reason! Cowards the lot of them! I hope my daddy fires all of them when this blows over!”

“At least they had sense enough to get to safety!”

“Look, I don't have all day! Just tell me how much you'll charge to help us and you'll have it! Because I am NOT leaving without my prized statue!”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Statue?”

Filthy Rich gestures to the huge ornate statue behind him!

“It's been in the Rich Family for generations!”

Sereb shakes his head. “It looks like a giant stone coin.”

Filthy Rich nods smugly! “Very astute of you, Fido! This is a constant reminder to me and my family that in life you really need to remember the important things... like money!”

Ember looks to him as if she is about to explode! “This...? THIS is what your risking your life for?!”

Filthy Rich nods! “Very similar to the time you went into the Everfree Forest for ME!”

Ember suddenly regains her composure. She nods calmly as she gestures to the statue.

“Very well. You say you can't leave this behind. Right?”

Diamond Tiara rolls her eyes. “Yes, I believe that is what my father has been explaining to you in great detail!”

Ember nods. “Then how about we help you with your little problem then?”

“It’s about time!”

Ember whispers something in Sereb's ear as she dismounts. She walks a short distance past the statue.

“Ready Sereb?”


Sereb uses his magic to pick up the statue. He suddenly hurls it toward Ember, who breaks it in half with her spear! Filthy Rich can only stand there, his mouth agape!

“W-w-w-WHAT?! Why did you...”

Diamond Tiara stands next to her father, astonished! Are you STUPID or something?!”

Silver Spoon sighs. “It was just a statue.”

Ember mounts Sereb. “There you are Mr. Rich. Now you don't have any reason to stick around here.”

Sereb nods. “Indeed. We suggest you get your family to safety.”

They turn to leave as Filthy Rich blathers on!

“Th-the princesses will hear of this!”

Ember looks over her shoulder. “You mean the Lord Regent, right? He'll probably give me an award for saving your life!”

Sereb looks up at Ember as he runs down the street.

“Somehow I don't think Arc would approve of that.”

Ember chuckles! “Gotta disagree with you on that one! Arc hates that guy!”

“Dare I ask why?”

An explosion rings out several streets away!

“I'll tell you later, Sereb!”

Ember and Sereb rush toward the blast! A number of civilians rushes past them!


As they round the corner, Ember and Sereb see a rather large hole in the city wall and a couple yaks covered in soot stepping through!

“Yak told you to be more careful with powder! Now yaks have nothing to bring to gate!”

The other soldier looks nervous. “Yak Commander be mad!”

“What yak do now?!”

He drops to the ground! “Quick! Fill bags with plants! We bring to commander! He think it just mix up on part of quartermaster!”

“Great plan!”

Ember and Sereb watch in disbelief!

“Ember? Is this really the enemy?”

“I... think so.”

“What should we do?”

Ember thinks for a moment. “Hmmm... what would Arc do?”

“Should we try... talking to them?”

Ember shrugs. “I guess so. Arc usually tries that before beating anyone up!”

They approach the pair. They do not look up at their approach!

“Um... hi?”

“Not now! Yaks busy filling bags with small plants!”

“Ya! Yaks need get this to Yak Commander! We lost Black Powder! Hey! You not pony, are you?!”

Ember shakes her head. “No. I'm a dragon!”

One of the soldiers looks to Sereb. “How ‘bout you?!”

“No. I am a wolf.”

The solder looks around! “You two see any ponies around?! Yaks at war with ponies!”

Ember shakes her head. “Um… nope. No ponies around here!”

She watches the yaks fill the bags with any plants they can get their hooves on!

“Hey, you know it might be better if you filled your bags with dirt.”

The soldiers stop and look at her.

“Why that?”

“It would... um... look more like Black Powder?”

The pair nod happily!

“You smart for not being yak!”

“Ya! Yaks smartest!”

The bags are soon filled with dirt. The pair stand up and put them on their backs as they step back through the wall.

“Bye now! Yaks have to be getting to Yak Commander.”

“Yak thanks you not-ponies for help!”

Ember and Sereb wave after the pair.

“Do you think we did the right thing, Ember?

“I... think so. We should probably contact Arc and let him know about this hole though.”

Sereb nods. “Agreed.”

Ember pulls the radio out of Sereb's saddlebag. She turns it on and presses a button.

“Arc, this is Ember. Come in please!”

Meanwhile, Arc is surrounded by messengers and military personnel! Hearing Ember’s voice he picks up his radio. “Arc here. Go ahead Ember. Did you find Cherry and Derpy?!”

Ember shakes her head. “Not yet. We just wanted to tell you there's a big hole in the west side of the city wall!”

“WHAT?! HOW?!”

She looks toward the hole. “It looks like some yaks accidentally dropped some Black Powder and blew it up.”

“Get out of there!”

“It's okay, Arc! They were worried about their boss finding out! We convinced them to bring dirt to their commander instead.”

Arc nods. “So... you sabotaged them then?”

Sereb sighs. “That is one way of putting it.”

“I'd say they sabotaged themselves. Those yaks were idiots!”

“Good job then you two! Keep looking for our friends though! I want all of you back here as soon as possible!”

“We're on it. Ember out!”

Ember puts the radio back in the saddlebag. Sereb looks at the hole once more.

“What about the wall? We can't just leave it like this.”

“I got an idea! Let's go.”

A short time later Ember and Sereb walk away from the freshly patched wall.

“Isn’t this stealing, Ember?”

Ember shakes her head. “Nah! It's ‘commandeering’! We'll give it back later! Besides, I don't want those two bunglers to bring anyone through this hole!”

Sereb nods! “Good.”

The pair continue on their way. Soon they find themselves at the gates! The three commanders from earlier have brought their forces to defend it! Ember shout to them as she rides up!

“Who's in charge here?!”

The three commanders look at each other and shrug. Ember shakes her head and sighs.


“I... uh... think you are, miss.”


One of the commander’s nods. “The princess' personal guard takes priority over Field Commanders! Not sure how the Lord Regent's bodyguard ranks in there but...”

Ember sighs. “Fine. How are things going here?”

“The yaks have been banging at the door for quite some time now. The gates won't hold them out forever!”

One of the commander's appears uneasy. Sereb looks to him as he narrows his eyes.

“What is wrong?”

“Um... it's just... General Wind Rider just flew over the gates to try and talk to the leader of the yaks.”

Ember facepalms! “Great. Is he trying to get killed?!”

“I... I think he had the Crystal Heart with him.”

“Wait, he did WHAT?! Lord Arc specifically told him NOT to do just that!”

“Please ma'am! He was just worried about having to face YAKS!”

She dismounts angrily! “Grrr... well he should have been more worried about having to face MY wrath!!!”

Ember flies up and over the wall. She quickly spots the rogue general with the biggest yak!

“Puny pony don't get it! Yaks don't WANT your glass heart!”

Wind Rider holds the Crystal Heart as he backs away nervously! “What?! But I brought it here in hopes of talking peace!”

The Yak Commander shakes his head! “Yaks no want peace no more!”

“I… I don't understand! What DO you want then?!”

“Yaks wants ALL pony's lands and treasures! And yaks want them NOW!”


The Yak Commander grunts! “Yaks deserve them more than ponies! Yaks best at EVERYTHING! We start by showing we the strongest and smartest by destroying Crystal Empire! Then we move on to Canterlot! From there, take rest of Equestria!”

Ember swoops down and grabs the Crystal Heart from Wind Rider!


“H- HEY! What the...?”

The Yak Commander points to Ember! “See?! Puny pony not even able to hold onto small gem! Strange talking bird deserve it more than you!”

Two yaks approach Wind Rider and quickly tie him up! The Yak Commander throws Wind Rider next to the two sacks in front of the gates!

“We make example of you to other ponies! You blow up with Black Powder and gates!”

Wind Rider looks fearfully to the bags of powder on either side of him! “WHAT?! NO! Please, spare me! I... I can help you!”

The commander picks up a torch. “How you help yaks?!”

“I... I can take you to the Lord Regent! Hand him over to you! Without its leader Equestria will fall! That and I can show you where the city's defenses are weakest! Just please spare my life!”

“Where the fun in an easy victory?! Die pony traitor!”

The Yak Commander hurls the torch at the bags as all the yaks dive for cover! Wind Rider squeezes his eyes shut!


The torch lands inside the open bag and immediately begins to die out. He looks at the bag confused.

“What wrong with Black Powder?”

He looks to the two messengers who brought it. They shrug. Meanwhile, Ember, having thoroughly enjoyed the show, swoops down and grabs Wind Rider!

“You're coming with me, you traitor!”

The yaks watch as Ember carries Wind Rider back over the wall

“Wow... that strong bird! Must be from northern Yakyakistan! All right yaks! Back to pounding!”

Ember returns to Sereb and the commanders! She roughly drops Wind Rider in front of them as the yaks resume banging at the gate!

“Somepony untie me!”

Ember lands nearby “NO! You're under arrest!”

“WHAT?! On what charges?!”

Ember rolls her eyes! “Oh, I don't know... disobeying a direct order, stealing from the citizenry, attempting to aid the enemy and conspiracy to betray the Lord Regent to the yaks!”

Wind Rider squirms! “T-These are all lies! Somepony help me out here!”

Ember looks around. “Does anyone WANT to help the one who was willing to sell you out to save his own skin?!”

Nopony moves.

“Take the general back to the castle and lock him up! Lord Arc will deal with him later.”

The Crystal Defenders do so. Wind Rider calls out as he's dragged away!

“What I did... I did it for my COUNTRY!!! I'm not the enemy here! That crazy Lord Regent is! He has to be stopped!”

Ember puts the Crystal Heart in Sereb's saddlebag and takes out the radio. “Arc, you there?!”

“Arc here! I've just received word that the eastern half of the city is evacuated. How's the west looking?”

Ember looks over to the commanders. They all nod.

“We're all evacuated here. But I still haven't seen Derpy or Cherry Jubilee! Are they with the evacuees?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I just had several soldiers along with Dinky and her friends look for them. Neither of them are here!”

Sereb thinks for a moment. “Perhaps they do not know the evacuation is complete.”

Ember nods. “Or they might be on their way back now. Don't worry Arc! They city hasn't been breached yet! There's still time for them to get back safely! I wish we could keep searching for them, but I have to take command of the gate defense now!”

Arc sighs heavily. “…very well. Keep the yaks out the city as best you can! If things get too dicey call me and I'll...”

Ember shakes her head! “No way Arc! We can't afford to lose you in battle right now! That and you've had quite the day already!”

Sereb nods. “Agreed. You should be resting.”

“Alright. I leave this in your claws, Ember. Bring everyone back safely. Now, is there anything else?”

“Um... yeah. We've uncovered a traitor.”

Arc frowns. “General Wind Rider?”

“Yeah! How did you...”

He interrupts. “Human intuition. Where is he now?”

“I've ordered him transported back to the castle under guard.”

“Good. I will deal with him... personally.”

Ember looks back at the gates. “I got a bird's eye view of our opposition. There aren't really THAT many yaks out there!”

Arc stands up quickly! “Don't be lured into a false sense of impeding victory, Ember! I really doubt Prince Rutherford would be cold-hearted enough to send a force that he didn't believe could achieve victory!”

“I think I may have an idea Arc! If it works, we won't have a single casualty!”

Arc frowns. “And if it doesn't?!”

Ember sighs “Then you'll have to come visit ME in the hospital for a change!”

“I don't like where this is going, Ember!”

“I can do this Arc! Please trust me! Besides, that gate isn't going to keep them out much longer!”

The radio is silent for a time.

“...very well Ember. Just... come back in one piece, would you kindly?”

She nods. “I'll try. Ember out!”

Ember puts the radio back in the saddlebag and calls forth her spear before turning back to the commanders.

“I'm going over there to try and talk to the Yak Commander. There's something I'd like to try! If I don't come back, Sereb will coordinate the defense on behalf of Lord Arc!”

Sereb nods. “Very well. But what exactly are you hoping to accomplish?”

“I want to stop this before they get into the city! Wish me luck!”

Ember flies out over the wall and heads for the Yak Commander.

“Here goes nothing. I just hope I'm not making a huge mistake...”

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