• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Cupid's Dilema

Arc and Auriel take the elevator back up to ground level. After finding the jeep that fits their key they drive out the gate and down the bridge. Auriel breathes a sigh of relief as they reach the road.

“That was nerve wracking!”

Arc nods soberly as he drives. “Agreed. Now let’s meet up with the others.”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Xenos. You there, big guy?”

“Yes sir.”

“Meet us at the rendezvous point. We need to compare notes right away.”

A few minutes later Arc stops the Jeep on the side of the road. He turns to Auriel as he shuts off the engine.

“Xenos should be here soon.”

“Good. I’m anxious to get back to your place.”

Cherry shudders. “Agreed. These woods are kinda spooky at night.”

Auriel nods. “That they are. But I want to start going over those notes.”

Arc pats his ring. “You can as soon as we get home.”

In short order Xenos pulls up. Arc casts the Matter Compacting spell on the conscripted vehicle and stores it in his ring. Sliding into the back seat next to Auriel he turns to Xenos.

“Let’s go.”

“Yes sir.”

The Jeep pulls away from the side of the road and heads for home. Arc turns to Auriel who has taken hold of his arm.

“You okay?”

Auriel nods nervously. “I am, yes. At least I think so.”

“Really? Because you’re shaking.”


Xenos grins. “I’m guessing your adrenaline rush from being that deep inside the enemy stronghold is wearing off.”

Arc puts his arm around her.

“It’s okay. You’re safe, Auriel. We all are.”

Sometime later they reach Arc’s house. Auriel has long since fallen asleep. As carefully as he is able Arc picks the young woman up and carries her inside. Xenos holds the door open as the rest of the squad bounds up the stairs. Viktor is the first to reach the top.

“Sir, we…!”

They stop in their tracks as Xenos motions to Auriel. Arc carries her upstairs to his room and lays her down.

“Good work, my friend. You really came through for us.”

Turning to the doorway he whispers to Xenos who is waiting patiently.

“Tell the others to get some sleep. We’ll deal with this in the morning.”

Xenos nods and closes the door behind him. Arc removes the janitor’s scrubs and kicks off his shoes before changing into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. He then turns back to the bed and lies down next to a shaking Auriel. As he covers them both up she clings to him.

“Rest now. You’ve earned it.”

Sometime later in the wee hours of the morning Arc awakens to Auriel crying into his chest. Rain pelts at the windows in a torrential downpour. He gently shakes her.


She sniffles, but does not look up.

“I… I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Did you have another nightmare?”

Auriel shakes her head as a low rumble echoes in the distance.

“The storm?”

Again she shakes her head.

“Then what…?”

“I… I’m just so sorry.”

“About what?”

“…a few things. But do you think we could have a bit of light? I… just feel the need to look you in the eye for this.”

“Um… okay.”

Reaching over to a small lamp on the nightstand Arc turns it on. Auriel’s face is red and soaked with tears. Arc gasps.

“You’ve been crying for some time now, haven’t you?!”

Auriel bows her head and nods. Arc looks around for something to wipe her nose. Failing in that he pulls off his t-shirt and hands it to her.

“Here. Sorry it’s not much.”

Nodding, Auriel sits up and does as she is told. She blows her nose several times before being able to speak.

“Sorry about your shirt.”

“It’s okay. We can wash it tomorrow. Now why don’t you tell me what’s wrong?”

Auriel looks away.

“I… I betrayed you.”

“No you didn’t, Auriel. If anything it’s thanks to you the we were successful.”

“That’s not what I mean. You’ve always been so very kind to me. Ever since that day we met in Tartarus.”

“You mean other than breaking into your control room and threatening everyone?”

Auriel forces a small smile. “No one is perfect, I suppose.”

She slowly turns to him before continuing.

“What I did… my feelings… this isn’t something anyone should even try to forgive.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Yesterday at the base, I… um… I kissed General Mustang.”

Arc looks to her, perplexed. “You told me that, yes. But I thought he was the one whom kissed you.”

“He was. But… but I…”

Auriel sighs.

“…I liked it.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that.”

Auriel turns to him as fresh tears stream down her face. “Yes there is! That was my first kiss!”

“I’m really sorry to hear that. But how does that constitute betrayal on your part?”

“Because I… I… um…”

She buries her face in the t-shirt again and cries for a few moments before blowing her nose again and struggling to look at him.

“Do you remember when you asked for my help at the library?”

Arc nods. “Yes. What about it?”

“I left to pack a few things. But I overheard you and Twilight’s conversation about… ‘herds’.”

Arc blushes. “Oh… that.”

“I believe that you’ll make them all very happy.”

“Um… thank you?”

Auriel sighs. “However, there’s something I need to confess.”

“What is it?”

“I wasn’t going to say anything until after the artificial sun project was completed and installed. But… given what happened tonight, I really need to tell you that I… um…”

Auriel pauses before continuing. Eventually she works up the courage to look Arc in the eye.

“…I agree with Twilight’s idea for you to form a herd.”

Arc appears surprised. “You… do?”

“Yes. But… I… uh… honestly… back then I wanted to… become a part of it.”

“Wait! You wanted to join my theoretical herd?!”

“I did, yes! But…”

She looks away, clearly ashamed.

“…but now I know that I’m unworthy.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “How so?”

“I kissed another human and liked doing it! You can’t trust me to be a faithful wife, concubine, or even a lover!”

“So… you care about me?”

Auriel nods.

“Yes. However I’m not deserving of your affection or even your time after what I did. I only ask that you find happiness with Twilight and her friends. That and I beg you… please help her with the artificial sun. While it’s more than I deserve…”

“Auriel, stop.”


“Listen to me. You didn’t betray me. A good looking man put the moves on you, and your body enjoyed it. That’s not wrong. In fact, it makes me think that much higher of you.”

“What? But… but how?”

“Because your remorse shows your loyalty and devotion.”

Auriel appears hopeful. “You mean… you’re not angry?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not in the least. But I’m hoping you can tell me something.”


“How long have you been… interested in me?”

“Truthfully, I’ve always found you fascinating. However, when you helped make my test artificial sun experiment a success, and risked your life to fix my mistake… that was when I realized you were special.”

She smiles at him warmly before continuing.

“You see… back in Tartarus, the demons were always all talk and boasting. There wasn’t much substance to their words there. But you… you told me you would help, and then you carried out your promise.”

She holds his shirt up to her face and inhales deeply before blushing and looking him in the eye.

“You’re the most amazing individual I’ve ever met, Arc. And I… I’d be very honored if you would accept me into your future herd.”

“Auriel, I… um…”

“If it pleases you, I can be a demoness. Or if you prefer, I’d be willing to remain a human and bear your children.”

Arc sighs. “That’s… very generous of you. It’s just… I still don’t know what I’m going to do.”

Auriel smiles. “I heard you tell Twilight that you would consider the idea at least. No promises were made, of course. But should you choose to go that route, please consider taking me as well.”

“What about your father? He won’t be happy about this.”

“Demon culture allows for numerous mates and concubines based on a male’s strength and size. You’ve already defeated my father on more than one occasion now, so you’re certainly worthy of taking his daughter.”

“But is that what you want? I mean… you’re not just saying that because I’ve bested King Malevolence in the past, are you?”

Auriel shakes her head fervently. “I’ve never wanted anything more than that in my entire life. I just… feel so safe in your arms.”

She blushes again.

“That and I do admit lying next to you recently without my clothing on was very… pleasurable for me.”

Auriel looks to Arc with a glint of hope in her eyes.

“So… would you consider taking me?”

“I… um… would like to get to know everyone a bit better before committing to something like a herd.”

“Is that a ‘maybe’?”

“Um… kinda. Sorry, but like I told Twilight and the others, that’s the best I can do right now.”

Auriel’s face beams with joy as she wraps her arms around his neck.

“Thank you! I promise I’ll always do my best to make you proud!”

“I… thanks.”

Auriel draws back and smiles sheepishly.

“While I really have no right to ask more of you, might I make a request?”

“What is it?”

“Well, General Mustang took my first kiss. Would you be willing to… give that back to me?”

Arc blushes slightly. “Oh… um… you want me to…?”

Auriel nods. “You’re the most special, Kind, and courageous individual I’ve met. It would be an honor to have a man like you kiss me.”

“I’m not sure if Cherry would…”

Cherry giggles. “Go ahead, Arc. I know you want to.”

Arc grimaces. “HEY!”

Auriel smiles happily. “So you approve of me, Miss Cherry?!”

“I do. You’re a very sweet young mare.”

Auriel looks to Arc, hopefully. “Even if you won’t take me as a member of your herd, I would really like you to kiss me. Please?”

“Okay. But just this once.”

Smiling, Auriel closes her eyes and waits patiently. Arc leans forward and wraps his arms around her back. Slowly he presses his lips against hers. She leans forward and pushes Arc onto his back as they continue. After a few moments she draws back and opens her eyes happily.

“Was that okay?”

Auriel smiles broadly. “That… was absolutely amazing! I’ve never felt anything like it before!”

“What about Mustang?”

“Believe me when I say his kiss was nothing like yours.”

“Oh? What was different about it?”

Auriel blushes happily. “You honestly care about me and my feelings. I didn’t feel that from him.”

“That I do.”

“Can I… stay with you?”


Auriel nods. “Ultimately I want it to be forever. But we should probably start small.”

“That’s fine. Why don’t we get some sleep though? Lots to do tomorrow.”


Arc reaches over and turns off the bedside lamp. Laying back Auriel presses her face against his chest and smiles as the sounds of raindrops falling outside continues.

“Good night, Arc.”


The next morning Arc and company sit around the basement table as Arc relays the adventure from last night.

“…and that’s what we found.”

Max gasps. “Quite the tale, sir.”

Xenos nods. “Yeah! If anyone else had told it, I wouldn’t have believed them.”

Hugh chuckles. “Me either.”

Viktor sighs. “The question now is what this data means?”

Auriel puts a hand on her mother’s note. “I’ve only had time to scratch the surface of the documents we found. However, I do believe their research is on more than just weaponizing humans and making magical potions. The notes hint of their intention to use a kind of magical pheromones to aid them in their endeavors.”

Sereb frowns. “How close are they to realizing such things?”

“Much closer than I thought possible.”

She looks to Arc and blushes slightly.

“In fact, I believe General Mustang may be using a prototype version of this idea.”

Rose appears interested. “Is it in the form of a potion or an injectable?”

“The notes were vague on that. It only referred to the process as part of something collectively called ‘Ascension’. However, I can only assume these notes are only an early draft.”

Dinky grimaces. “So they could be a LOT further along than we know?”

Auriel nods. “That’s certainly a possibility, yes.”

Max shudders. “And a scary one at that.”

Arc frowns. “Agreed. Imagine a beast with insane amounts of strength, magical abilities, and worst of all… charisma.”

Viktor gasps. “They’d be unstoppable!”

Hugh moans. “Mostly because no one would have the courage to raise a hand against them.”

Xenos shudders. “Yeah. Even if they could, their end would either come from a punch to the face or a magical barrage.”

Ember sighs. “Neither sounds like a pleasant fate.”

“Dad, could that general be using those pheromones to control Miss Hammer?”

“He might be, yes. I’ll have to run this by her.”

Sereb growls. “That might be dangerous. Especially if he is controlling her.”

“She seemed pretty level headed in that matter. Nothing’s going to change if I don’t say anything. That and we have to finish the job to her satisfaction.”

Rose appears surprised. “Are you interested in claiming her reward, Arc?”

“It would be nice to have the extra money, yes. While I certainly didn’t have a chance to count it, judging from the size of the tool box, that much would probably be enough to buy a small house.”

“What would you do with it, dad?”

Arc shrugs. “No idea. But it never hurts to have extra cash in the bank, sweetheart. But let’s go back to the idea of our opponents creating compelling monsters.”

Ember rolls her eyes. “I still don’t get that. A monster is a monster. As likeable as they are, you can still just hit em!”

Arc turn to the others. “What if they didn’t fit the standard definition of monsters or beasts though?”

Xenos raises an eyebrow. “Sir?”

“It’s possible their idea of ‘Ascension’ is the process by which these beings are created, right Auriel?”

“Yes. That’s part of the notes.”

“What if ‘Ascension’ didn’t create something like Bloodletter? But just changed a human into something strong, magically fortified, and charismatic without altering their physical appearance?”

Viktor shudders. “That would make a truly terrifying creature!”

Xenos nods. “Yeah! That and they’d be able to hide in plain sight!”

Hugh turns to Max. “An army of these things might very well be unstoppable!”

“A sobering thought.”

Sereb looks at the pile of notes. “Whatever their plan, it is clear our opponents have given it considerable thought.”

Ember groans. “Along with the resources to make it happen.”

Dinky sighs. “What now though?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin, thoughtfully. “Hammer might know something about this.”

Auriel shrugs. “Maybe. But she seemed a bit too nice to be complicit in this matter.”

Sereb shakes his head. “Outward appearances can be deceiving.”

Ember turns to him. “You fought her before, Arc. What do you think?”

“Well, she’s a LOT stronger than a first glance would suggest. And her guns are certainly magic-based. To say nothing for the anti-magic grenades she used against me.”

Rose nods. “My scans of her help confirm that.”

“So you think she might be one of those ‘Ascended’ things, dad?”

“It sounds like it, sweetheart. Hammer, Stingray, and Mio all have extraordinary abilities that just don’t come naturally in humans. They had to come from somewhere.”

Max turns to his commanding officer. “Where do we go from here, sir?”

“You guys go over the audio of my recent mission with a fine tooth comb. See if you can find anything I missed.”

Viktor grins. “Yes sir.”

“Auriel, can you go over those files from you mother?”

“I’ll get to work on it right away. But the sheer number of pages will certainly make the process a slow one.”

Rose looks to Auriel. “Can I help? I can read significantly faster than anyone else can.”

Arc nods. “That would be of great help. Auriel?”

Auriel shakes her head and takes the stack of papers. “Thank you, but… I really want to do this myself. It’s the first real connection with my mother I’ve had other than her ID badge.”

“Very well. Let us know if you need help though.”

“I will.”

Ember turns to Arc. “So what’s the next step?”

“We spend today going over the footage and other files I scanned at the base. I’m going to try to create a logical explanation as to how Hammer’s sisters are being controlled.”

Dinky gasps. “So you really do think they’re not acting on their own free will, dad?”

“Not anymore, sweetheart. But we need to be able to prove that.”

Sereb sighs. “As much as it pains me to say it, Hammer does deserve the cloture of knowing for sure one way or the other.”

Arc nods. “Right. And I’m going to do my best to give that to her. But right now I need to give her a call and try to set up another date.”

Rose appears confused. “Oh? When for?”

Arc stands and heads for the stairs. “Tonight.”

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