• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 6 - Grand Slam

An evening two days later, Arc and Rainbow Dash walk into the living room together. Arc puts a hand on Rainbow Dash’s forehead.

“You’re feeling normal again.”

Rainbow Dash grins as she does the same to him. “So are you.”

Arc pulls the bottle of medicine from Doctor Whooves out of his pocket. “Looks like this stuff really works.”

“Yup. I feel great!”

“That’s good. I just wanted to be sure we were both back to normal.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “Yeah! I’ve been waiting for this!”

“A night out?”

“I meant a real date, silly! Everypony else that got to go out with you said they had an AMAZING time!”

Arc smiles. “As did I.”

“And I just want to experience that for myself! That and see if I can learn more about what it means to be a human!

“Well, as long as you tell me right away if something makes you uncomfortable.”

Rainbow Dash nods happily. “I will! Promise!”

“Alright. Let’s start with a trip to a restaurant. What kind of food were you looking to have?”


Arc raises an eyebrow. “Um... really?”

Rainbow Dash nods fervently. “Yeah! Like I told you before, I wanna know what it’s like to be a human! And that means eating animal flesh!”

“Not all humans eat meat, you know.”

“Right. But you do. And I want to understand you better.”

“Maybe we should start you off slow then.”


“How about we have you try an all meat pizza first?”

Rainbow Dash frowns as she folds her arms in front of her chest. “We kinda already did that the other day though, remember? I’m ready to move on to something... meatier. Is that a word?”

“I suppose so. But are you sure that’s really what you want?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah!”

Arc chuckles. “Alright. Steak it is.”


“But only if you’re sure that you’re ready.”

“I’m pretty sure I am.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Just ‘pretty sure’?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Mostly sure, yeah.”

“That’s not too convincing.”

“Well, why don’t we get a second opinion then?”

“From who?”



Rainbow Dash nods. “Yeah. She’s pretty good and coming up with date ideas, after all.”

Arc puts a hand on his chin thoughtfully. “Well... I suppose it couldn’t hurt to ask her. That and we haven’t checked in with anyone back in Equestria for a couple days.”

“See? Two birds, one stone. Get restaurant advice and see how things are going back home.”

“Okay. You talked me into it.”

Heading upstairs to his parent’s bedroom, the pair sit down on the side of the bed as Arc presses the speakerphone button on his bedside Equestrian telephone. Waiting a moment, he is eventually connected to the Canterlot Castle switchboard.

“How may I direct your call?”

“I’d like to speak with Lieutenant Hammer, aide to Colonel Flash Sentry please.”

The operator sighs. “The lieutenant has given orders that she not be disturbed at this time.”

Arc frowns. “This is Hero of Light Arc.”

There is a stunned silence for a few moments before the operator nervously speaks again.

“Yes sir, I’ll disturb her! Believe me, I’ll really disturb her!”

The line goes dead as Rainbow Dash falls backwards on the bedspread and laughs heartily.

“That was great!”

Arc sighs. “Must be a new aide, or something.”

“Yeah. I figured everypony knew your voice from the radio speeches you made a long time ago.”

“That and the readouts at their station should tell them whose phone is calling them.”

The line comes back on as Hammer’s unmistakable voice rings out.

“For crying out loud, what is it?!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Hey there, cupcake!”

Hammer gasps. “Rainbow Dash?!”

“Nope! It’s ‘Raine’ now!”

“Where’s Arc?! Did something happen?!”

Arc chuckles as he shakes his head. “Nope. I’m right here.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “We were just looking to get some advice from you. But what’s this about you not wanting to be disturbed?”

Hammer smiles nervously. “Oh... right. About that. You see, Twilight has standing orders that she and I aren’t to be bothered around this time every day. It’s Mio’s magic training time and Twilight didn’t want needless interruptions.”

Arc nods. “We’ll try to keep this brief then.”

Hammer waves a hand dismissively. “No, no! Talk all you want! That’s just for everypony else!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “So it’s ‘everypony’ now, cupcake?”

Hammer groans as she facepalms. “Great! Now I’m saying it!”

Arc clears his throat loudly in an effort to move the conversation forward. “How’s Mio coming along?”

“Not the greatest actually. Her magic is a LOT weaker than I remember it being back on Earth.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Why’s that?”

“We don’t really know. Twilight’s been tutoring her on casting without her staff, of course. But she just isn’t getting any better.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Not at all?”

Hammer sighs. “It’s so unlike her. Usually Mio can pick things up lickety-split.”

Arc smiles. “Want me to help teach her when I get back?”

“If you’ve got the time, yeah. I’m sure she’d like that. But I doubt you called over here to talk about Mio. Something about needing some kind of advice?”

Rainbow Dash licks her lips hungrily. “Yeah. I wanted to learn more about human diets and suggested we get steak for supper tonight.”

Arc quickly chimes in. “And I figured that it’s a bit early for that.”

Hammer thinks for a moment. “How much meat have you tried before, blue?”

“I’ve already tried sausage, bacon, and pepperoni.”

Arc chuckles. “That last one was on pizza, of course.”

Hammer nods. “How’d you take the sausage and bacon, blue?”

“Sausage was just okay. Bacon was amazing though!”

“And you had a pepperoni pizza?”

Rainbow Dash pats her belly fondly. “Pepperoni and bacon, yeah.”

Hammer sighs. “Going to a steak would still be quite a jump though.”

“I’m ready though!”

“Trust me, blue, it’s quite the leap.”

“Well, what do you suggest we do instead then?”

Hammer chuckles. “I was actually brainstorming a few more ideas after you two left for Earth. Just in case you needed some more suggestions. One of them might just work out in this case.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Great! What is it?!”

Sometime later Arc and Rainbow Dash, riding in the Jeep, pull into a restaurant parking lot. Turning off the vehicle they step out and walk toward a building. Entering, the pair are seated by a hostess whom gives them waters as they sit down.

“Here you are. It’s going to be a bit of a wait though, as we’re pretty busy right now.”

Arc chuckles. “No rush.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Right. We’ve got plenty of time.”

She walks away as Rainbow Dash turns to Arc.

“Thanks for bringing me here. Uh... what’s it called again?”

“HopCat. It’s a place Frank used to like to go to years ago. He always called it his favorite brewery, even though it technically wasn’t one.”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “What’s a brewery?”

“It’s a place where beer is made.”

“Like a factory?”

Arc nods. “Right. However, back then it was actually a ‘brewpub’. That means a restaurant that sells beer made here in the building.”

Rainbow Dash looks around. “So... what is it now?”

“Officially, just a restaurant. They stopped making alcohol here years ago and started bringing in local craft beers.”

“Why’d they change?”

Arc shrugs. “No idea. Not officially anyways.”

“You got a theory?”

“It was probably a monetary decision. After all, maintaining a working brewery requires a lot of upkeep, oversight, maintenance, permits, and rigorous cleaning to stay within the health code. Corporate management probably figured that they could save money, and still keep the customers happy, by outsourcing the production to various other craft beer brands.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Their competition?”

“I suppose they would be known as that. However now they’re probably just called ‘suppliers’.”

“Kinda makes sense. That gave them time to focus on their food business, right?”

Arc nods. “And allowed they to offer a more diverse alcohol selection.”

Rainbow Dash grimaces slightly. “Sounds... great and all. But I don’t understand why you brought me here. I mean... I know your feelings on alcohol.”

Arc sighs. “Yes, well... that’s something I’m trying to come to terms with.”


“Alcohol was what took my mother from me. But she was the one whom chose to drink it. No one forced her to do so, after all.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Arc, if this place makes you uncomfortable...”

Arc interrupts her. “No, no. Actually, I’ve been here quite a few times in the past.”


“Yeah. Every so often with Frank when we were younger.”

“Even though... you know...?”

“He respectfully didn’t order anything other than soda to drink though. And of course neither did I.”

“I don’t get it. If neither of you drank any alcohol, why come here?”

Arc grins. “Because they have REALLY good food.”

“Is that why cupcake suggested it?”

“Actually, no. You see, a place like this is just a step below a steakhouse inasmuch as they specialize in dishes that are only partially meat based.”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “I don’t get it. How can something be only ‘partially meat’?”

“Around here they’re best known for their hamburgers and fries. In a meal like that, only the patty and some of the toppings are meat. The bun is made from wheat flour, the various toppings are mostly vegetables, and the french fries are deep fried potatoes.”

“That sounds okay. But what’s your big aversion to me having steak?”

Arc sighs. “Sorry. I was just worried that you’d be, I don’t know... grossed out by it, or something.”

“Well, you weren’t exactly wrong. I mean... I can’t say for sure that I wouldn’t be.”

“That’s why Hammer suggested this place instead. If you can handle a burger and fries, a steak would be the next logical step.”

A waitress approaches them with two menus. Handing them to the pair, she speaks.

“Sorry for the wait. I’ll be taking care of you two tonight. Can I start you off with some drinks?”

Arc nods. “I’ll have a Coke.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Same, I guess.”

The waitress writes their drinks down. “Be right back with those.”

She turns and walks away as Arc and Rainbow Dash open their menus and look them over. Rainbow Dash frowns.

“Not really sure what much of this is.”

Arc points a finger at the text. “They have descriptions printed under the headings.”

“I see that. But I don’t understand them either.”

“Want some help?”

“Probably should, yeah.”

Arc taps a spot on the first page of his menu as he turns it around for his date to see. “We start off with what are called ‘shareables’. They’re appetizers that a table splits amongst themselves.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “That sounds really datelike. It is, right?”

“Kinda. I mean, part of being in a relationship is sharing, yes. Now then, they have a couple chicken wing dishes here.”

“Wings? Like the literal wings of a chicken?”

“Just the meat part.”

Rainbow Dash makes a face as she puts a hand on one of her shoulders. “Uh... that kinda hits a bit close to home, Arc.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “I didn’t know you liked chickens so much.”

“Remember, I literally have wings back home.”

“Oh... right. Sorry.”

Rainbow Dash waves a hand dismissively. “It’s cool. Let’s just not talk about chicken wings again though. It kinda gives me the shivers.”

“Alright. There’s also some non-meat dishes you might like. Nachos and pretzels.”

“What are they?”

“Pretzels are bread that are fried and salted. Here they’re little balls served with cheese sauce and mustard.”

“That sounds interesting. What about the other thing you mentioned?”

“Nachos. Those are corn chips covered in spicy melted cheese, shredded pickled vegetables, and various seasoned herbs.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “That sounds good!”

“You like spicy food?”

“Love it!”

Arc chuckles. “Then I guess you found your appetizer.”

“What about you, Arc?”

“I’m not much for spicy food myself.”

“But didn’t you say that these supposed to be ‘sharables’? I mean, I’m hungry and all. But I don’t think I can finish something that’s supposed to be eaten by a group.”

Arc shrugs. “It’s okay. We can always take what we don’t finish home for leftovers.”

“But won’t that be kinda, you know... expensive?”

“It’s fine. After all, I want this date to be something you’ll remember fondly.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Okay. But only if you’re sure.”

“I am.”

“What are you going to order?”

Arc motions to the menu. “Think I’ll have an order of Pretzel Nugz. Without the spicy dipping sauce, of course.”

A short time later their waitress returns with refills on their drinks. After apologizing for the delay, she pulls out her order pad and takes down their appetizer orders.

“Now then, do you two know what you’d like for the main course?”

Arc shakes his head. “I think we’ll need a few more minutes to decide that.”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Right.”

The waitress nods. “Sure thing. I’ll get this sharables order in while you two figure it out.”

Arc smiles at her. “Thank you.”

She turns and walks away as Arc and Rainbow Dash look over their menus again.

“So... what’s good on here, Arc?”

“I recommend a hamburger.”

“That’s what cupcake said when we called her earlier. So, what exactly IS that?”

“It’s ground cow meat on a bun. Usually it’s served with a combination of lettuce, tomato, onions, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, and pickles. But it’s really up to you exactly what you want on it.”

Rainbow Dash points to her menu. “And a ‘double’ means that you get two of these things?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, a double just means that you want two meat patties on one bun. The biggest is known as a triple, which is probably more meat than most people can handle in one sitting though.”

“Anything else?”

“There’s also a cheeseburger, which is just a hamburger with some kind of melted cheese on it. Or you could get a bacon cheeseburger.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “That sounds exactly what I’m looking for!”

Arc chuckles. “You sure did like bacon the other day.”

“Yeah, I did!”

“So a bacon cheeseburger might be a good fit for you.”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Not just a regular bacon cheeseburger. I want a triple!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You do realize that would be huge, right?”

“I can handle it!”

“Well... alright then. But only if you’re sure. That only leaves the sides.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “More food?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. It’s something to add a bit of variety to the meal so that your taste buds don’t get bored. Here I recommend the ‘Cosmik Fries’.”

“Is that anything like Hay Fries back in Equestria?”

“The basic principle and cooking method, yes. However, here on Earth we make them out of sliced up potatoes rather than grass.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “That sounds... kinda weird.”

Arc chuckles. “To be fair, I said about the same thing when Twilight took me out to eat one day.”

“Yeah, she LOVES those things! But I’m not sure how deep fried potatoes would be better than Hay Fries.”

“After cooking, the chef puts some kind of proprietary seasoning mix on them. Mostly it’s just salt and pepper though. Now I know that sounds really simplistic, but they’re some of the best fries I’ve ever tasted. In fact, they’re so good that they were declared one of the best in the nation at one point. I remember them originally being called ‘Crack Fries’ years ago when I was younger too, since you couldn’t stop eating them.

“Why the change in name then?”

“Probably bad publicity. You see, here on Earth there’s a highly addictive drug that’s called ‘crack’. Enough people must’ve complained, so they changed them to ‘Cosmik Fries’.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “They didn’t have any of the ‘crack’ stuff in ‘em, did they?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. It was just a name.”

“Well... I guess if you say they’re good, I could give them a go.”

Arc grins. “And if you really don’t like it, I’ll eat them.”

A short time later their waitress returns with their appetizers. She sets the plates in the center of the table before looking to the pair.

“Here you are. One Pretzel Nugz and one Nacho Business.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “That was fast!”

“I felt bad for making you two wait earlier, so I put them down as a rush order.”

“Thanks. These look great”

The waitress pulls out her order pad. “Have two you decided what you’d like to have for the main course yet?”

Arc nods. “I think we have.”

“Alright. What can I get for you today?”

Arc points to his menu. “I’ll have a double bacon cheeseburger with a side of Cosmik Fries, please.”

“And how would you like that cooked?”


“Do you want everything on it?”

Arc shakes his head. “Just ketchup and mustard.”

The waitress looks to Rainbow Dash. “And you, miss?”

“Give me a triple cheeseburger with bacon.”

“How do you want that cooked?”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “Um...”

Arc quickly chimes in. “Better make it medium well. Just in case.”

“Okay. That sounds fine.”

The waitress nods. “And what would you like on that?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Everything you’ve got! The whole kitchen sink!”

“Alright. I’ll get that right in for you. Shouldn’t take too long.”

Arc nods. “Thanks.”

Taking their menus, the waitress leaves. Rainbow Dash looks to Arc, confused.

“What did you mean by ‘medium well’?”

“Sorry. I forgot to go over that with you earlier. She was asking how you wanted your burger patties cooked. Medium well means very little pink in the center of your burger. And considering that you’ve never had one before, I was worried that the sight of red liquid in your burger would be... off-putting.”

“Well, I don’t really have anything to go on here. So I guess I’ll just go with what you suggest.”

“Trust me, I think you’ll really like it.”

“While we wait, do you think you could go over the whole meat grades thing?”

Arc appears confused. “Huh?”

“I’m guessing there’s more to it than just ‘medium well’.”

“Ah! Well, you see...”

Arc explains to Rainbow Dash the various ways to cook meat as they wait for their meals. Sometime later the waitress returns with a serving large platter. Setting the plates on it before them she turns to Arc as she puts fresh drinks in front of them.

“Here you are. Is there anything else I can get for you two tonight?”

Arc shakes his head. “No thanks. I think we’re good.”

“Alright. Enjoy your meal and I’ll check back later.”

She turns and heads to another table as Arc looks to Rainbow Dash’s plate.

“So, what do you think?”

Rainbow Dash rubs her hands together happily. “This thing is HUGE?!”

Arc chuckles. “I’m hoping that’s a good thing.”

“Sure is! Bet I can eat the whole thing first too!”

“Let’s not have a race on this. After all, I want us both to enjoy the food. Not scarf it down without tasting a thing.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Fine.”

“That and it’ll give us a chance to talk through it.”

“Uh... sure, I guess. But can you explain something to me first?”

“What is it?”

Rainbow Dash attempts to pick up her burger. “How the heck am I supposed to get this monster into my mouth?!”

Arc chuckles as he picks up a knife. “You could always cut it in half.”

“That just seems like cheating though!”

“Well, do you have a better idea?”

Rainbow Dash frowns as she looks over the plate. “Give me a second!”

Tapping her chin with a finger, Rainbow Dash considers the problem. Arc shakes his head as he points to the plate.

“Why don’t you give the fries a chance while you think about it?”

Shrugging, Rainbow Dash does so. However, as she takes her first bite her eyes light up excitedly.

“That tastes great!”


Rainbow Dash nods happily as she eats more fries. “Sure am! Never thought potatoes could taste so good!”

“Hence the original drug-related name.”

“Still need to figure out the whole sandwich problem though.”

“I still say cut it in half if you can’t get your hands around it.”

“But that’s cheating!”

“No, it isn’t.”


“Because, like I said earlier, this isn’t a contest so there aren’t any rules.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “I’m still competing with myself though!”


“One part of my brain says it can’t be done. The other part says that I got this.”

Arc facepalms. “Seriously?”


“So how would cutting it in half be cheating?”

“Because the sandwich would be smaller.”

“By maybe a fraction of a percent of that which sticks to the knife.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “I know it sounds weird, but...”

Arc interrupts her. “How about we cut it with a butter knife and you clean it on the side of your burger? You could still eat what comes off then.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Perfect!”

She picks up a knife and carefully cuts her burger in half. Wiping the knife on the side of the bun, Rainbow Dash sets it down and picks up her food.

“That makes it at least manageable.”

Arc watches her intently. “Now that we’ve figured this out, give it a try.”

Opening her mouth, Rainbow Dash takes a small bite of the beef and begins chewing. She does so slowly and deliberately before swallowing and turning to Arc.

“It’s very... interesting.”

“How so?”

“The texture is really... weird.”

“And the taste?”

“I know this sounds weird, but... kinda smokey.”

“That’s from the grill.”

“It’s not like anything I’ve ever had before either.”

“Is that good or bad?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Neither, I guess. It’s just that I don’t really have anything to base this on. To compare it to, I mean.”

“Then why don’t you try a full bite? Try the taste of the meat, veggies, garnish, and bun all together.”

“Alright. Here goes...”

Opening her mouth as wide as she is able, Rainbow Dash takes a large bite. Taking quite some time to chew it, she grins after swallowing.

“That’s awesome!”

“Try the fries again then.”

Doing so, she smirks.

“That’s really something!”

“Now try taking a smaller bite of your burger and following it with fries.”

Shoving more food into her mouth, Rainbow Dash talks between bites.

“It’s really good! The flavor of the fries really shines with the burger!”

Arc chuckles. “Slow down there. I want you to enjoy it, after all.”

“I can’t help it! This is just SO yummy!”

“Glad you like it.”

Picking up his own burger, Arc too begins to eat. Looking up a few minutes later he spies Rainbow Dash eating the last bite of her food. Chuckling, he gestures to her plate.

“Should we order you something else?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Nah. I still have to finish that nacho plate from earlier.”

“So can I assume that you liked the meal?”

“Yeah! It was awesome! Think I’m ready for a full steak dinner now?!”

Arc nods happily. “That I do. Next time, that is.”

“Fair enough. I think I’m going to be stuffed for a week though.”

“Feeling a bit full?”

Rainbow Dash puts a hand to her belly. “Now I know what one of Pinkie’s balloons must feel like.”

“Here on Earth that’s what we call feeling ‘bloated’.”

“Is it bad?”

“Not really. We have medicine for it if it gets really out of hand. But if you give it some time, your stomach will catch up in the digestion department.”

“I think I’ll be okay then.”

“It does give us time to talk as I eat then.”

Rainbow Dash smiles apologetically. “Sorry.”

“As long as you enjoyed your food it’s fine. But there was something I wanted to ask you.”

“What’s that?”

“How do you like being a human?”

“It does take some getting used to. But I’m really happy being one, as that means I can finally understand what you go through.”

Arc appears confused. “What I... go through?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Yeah. No flight, having to wear clothes all the time, and walking on my hind legs.”

“And you do enjoy it?”

“I guess. But that could also be from trying something new and exotic.”

“Changing bodies tends to do that.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “How do you know?”

“At one point I too changed.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “You were a pony?”

Arc shakes his head. “A dragon actually.”


“My squad all got really sick at one point. So much so that they passed it onto me. Someone suggested that I be turned into a dragon so as to be in a body which was immune to sickness. That way I’d get better immediately.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “I bet Ember liked that!”

Arc looks away nervously. “Y-yeah.”

“Uh oh. Something happen?”

“Kinda. You see, she liked me so much as a dragon that we got into bed together and started... breathing fire lightly on each other’s scales.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing at the time. It felt really good too. But partway into it, Ember told me that it’s part of dragon... uh... foreplay.”


“It’s when...”

Rainbow Dash interrupts him. “I know what foreplay is! The question is why haven’t I heard of this yet?!”

Arc sighs. “Never actually got around to mentioning it to the others before.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Ember might have told them. I mean, I don’t attend EVERY meeting they have. And sometimes I just kinda... zone out in those things.”

“I’m guessing she told them, yes. But at this point I’m too embarrassed to ask.”

“Embarrassed? About what?”

“Going that far with someone. That and I’m worried that it’ll make them fight, or something.”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “I wouldn’t worry about that. After all, everypony there is really chill about whatever happens between you and each of us. That is, as long as nopony is trying to hide things, or whatever.”

“It’s not that I’m trying to keep this from them. But at the same time I feel really... bad about the whole situation.”

“But why?!”

“Because I liked it! And I technically went further with Ember than I have with anyone else!”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “Nothing wrong with that. I mean... it was just your body reacting to what was happening.”

Arc frowns. “Huh?”

“At least that’s what Twilight said with Applejack confessed to, um... something.”

“What was it?”

Rainbow Dash looks away nervously. “I... probably shouldn’t say. It’s REALLY embarrassing to her.”

“Is she alright though?!”

“Oh yeah. But she told us that she felt about the same way, when you went to the farmhouse a while back, as you’re describing now. Worried that it would cause others to become jealous.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “I’d better talk to her about it when we get back.”

“She said about the same thing some time ago. But since we’re having this conversation, I’m guessing she never really worked up the courage to do it.”

“Yeah... sounds like it.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Guess I should probably just say it then.”

Taking a deep breath, she continues.

“Applejack told us that you and her have made out a couple times since you two got engaged.”

Arc nods. “That’s true, yes. But I wasn’t aware that was a problem.”

“Oh no, it isn’t. However, she told us of a bit of an issue it’s caused for her. Now then, I want to start off by saying that Applejack is totally head over fetlocks in love with you, Arc. And that she’s in no way, shape, or form blaming you for this, but... you see... every time you and her make out she’s been having... leakage issues.”

“Leakage? I don’t...”

Rainbow Dash narrows her eyes. “Just think about it for a minute.”

There is a long pause as Arc considers this. Eventually he speaks.

"Just for the sake of clarification, can I assume that you mean this literally?”

Rainbow Dash nods soberly. “Yeah. Now I’m guessing that human mares don’t really have that problem, as their nether regions are always covered by undergarments and pants of some kind. But you have to understand that a pony mare’s genitals are always out there for everypony around them to see. And smell.”

“So you’re saying that I’m... turning her on?”

“Yup. Frankly I’m surprised you didn’t smell anything. Mare juices are kinda potent in terms of scent.”

Arc groans. “I’ll have to apologize for embarrassing her.”

Rainbow Dash waves a hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about apologizing.”


“You don’t have anything to be sorry for. Believe me when I tell you that she REALLY liked it!”

“Then what should I do?”

“Just address it with her.”

“How though?”

“Try reassuring her that it’s okay, for starters. And tell her that you didn’t smell anything back then. That will help.”

“Anything else?”

Rainbow Dash smiles wickedly. “Just one. Do her.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What?! “

“You know you want to.”

“But what about Rarity?! I can’t just do that to her!”

“Remember, I’m the Element of Loyalty. So I was the one that suggested that the order we go in might have to be changed. Everypony agreed, and Rarity did tell Applejack that if she really needed to that she could be the one to go first.”

Arc sighs. “So says the Element of Generosity.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Yeah, I kinda figured she would go that route. Especially for Applejack’s sake.”

“They are pretty close, I hear.”

“Well... there is more to it than that.”

“How so?”

“Sorry, but the rest of that needs to come from Applejack herself.”

“Alright. Thanks for the talk though.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Anytime.”

They finish their meal as the waitress returns. She smiles at them and gestures to the empty plates.

“How was everything?”

Arc chuckles. “Great, as always.”

Rainbow Dash grins as she pats her belly. “Yeah. I am FULL too!”

The waitress pulls the check from her pad and sets it down on the table. “Glad you enjoyed it. Now then, I’ll take care of this whenever you’re ready.”

Arc removes several bills from his pocket and hands them to her. “Here you are. Keep the change.”

“Thanks! Have a nice night you two.”

The pair stand up and head for the door. Returning to the Jeep, Rainbow Dash turns to him.

“That was a meal and a half!”

Arc nods as he gets into the driver’s seat. “Yes, it was.”

“So what do you want to do now?”

“Well... Hammer suggested either a movie or a walk through the park after dinner.”

Rainbow Dash grunts. “I’m a bit full for a walk right now. And sitting in a darkened room would just make me fall asleep at this point.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “So you want to rest, but not be too restful.”

“It sounds weird when you put it like that.”

“I think I might have an idea though.”

“What did you have in mind?”

Sometime later they pull into a parking lot. Rainbow Dash looks at the building and grins.

“Some kind of sports arena?!”

Arc nods as he turns off the ignition. “Yup.”

“What do they play here?!”

“A game called ‘football’.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “Betcha I win!”

“We’re not here to play.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “We’re not?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nope. Just watch.”

“Oh, uh... that’s cool too, I guess.”

Arc opens his door. “Come on. The game’s already started.”

Getting out of the vehicle, they hurry over to the ticket booth. After speaking to the ticket vendor for a few moments Arc pays and is handed a special keycard. Entering the building, they follow some signs before coming to a locked door. Scanning the card, Arc opens the door to an expansive room before them. Rainbow Dash gasps as she runs over to a large window on the other end of the room. Looking down she spies the players on the field as they line up. Arc closes the door and walks over to join her.

“Like the view?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Do I ever! We’re so high up!”

“That’s so we can see everything.”

Rainbow Dash looks around. “What is this?! Some kind of royal section?!”

Arc chuckles as he takes her jacket. “Nah. Just a VIP suite. It’s expensive, but totally worth it.”

“So we can watch the game comfortably?”

Arc nods. “And warmly. Look at the other spectators out there in the stands.”

Rainbow Dash gazes down at the crowd. “Everypony’s wearing a coat.”

“Yup. Here we can sit in nicer seats, eat snacks at an actual table, or just talk about whatever you want to.”

Rainbow Dash looks to the table across the room. “But from there we can’t see the game.”

“Sure we can. Watch.”

Stretching out a hand, he pulls a remote from a nearby counter with a spell. Pressing a button on it, three televisions all spring to life. Rainbow Dash grins as she turns to him.

“Looks like they thought of everything with this place!”

Arc shrugs.” I suppose. But I just wanted to keep you out of the cold. Remember how sick you were the other day.”

“You too though.”

“Well, it’s a clear night. If I have a relapse, I can just look at the moon and go into my Crimson form to recover. You can’t.”

Looking over to a nearby table as Arc hangs up their coats on hangers near the door, Rainbow Dash spies a number of bottles. Picking one up, she looks at the label.

“They provide alcohol too?”

Arc nods soberly as he walks over to join her. “Yeah. Watching sports and drinking beer kinda go hand in hand here on Earth.”

Rainbow Dash points at a tray with a drink on it. “Looks like the first one’s on them.”

“The lady at the ticket counter did say about the same. They’ll bill us for any other bottles opened though.”

“So... what do you want to do with this?”

Arc shrugs. “You can have it if you want. I’m certainly not going to drink it.”

Nodding soberly, Rainbow Dash picks up the cup. She sniffs it for a few moments before walking over to the sink. Dumping it down the drain, she sets the now empty glass back where she found it. Arc appears confused.

“I would have though you’d have enjoyed trying human alcohol.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Kinda, yeah. But we’re on a date right now. And I know how you feel about that stuff.”


“That and I’m sure you wouldn’t like my breath smelling like booze right now.”

Arc smiles and nods. “Thanks for understanding.”

Rainbow Dash looks out the window at the field again in an effort to change the subject. “So tell me about this game.”

“The gist of it is that one team, called the offense, tries to carry the ball to the end of the field in front of them while the opposing team tries to stop them by knocking the person with the ball to the ground. If they make it to the endzone safely though it’s called a ‘touchdown’.”

Rainbow Dash watches as a player is tackled. “Looks painful!”

“I’m sure it doesn’t feel good, yes. But they’re pretty well padded up for safety.”

“But they still get hurt sometimes, right?”

Arc nods. “Yup. After all, padding can only do so much.”

“So if the offense gets the ball to the other side of the field they get a point?”

“Six actually. Then they get a chance at a seventh point by kicking it between those forks during the next play.”

Rainbow Dash appears confused. “Why six or seven?”

“Because there’s other ways to score. You get three points for kicking the ball between those posts during a normal play. Or two for successfully pushing the offense back into their own endzone, known as a ‘safety’.”

Rainbow Dash looks down at the field as a new play starts. “Seems like that second thing would be really hard to do.”

“Pretty much impossible, yes. But it’s the only way for the team on the defensive to score any points.”

“How else do you score?”

“That play after a touchdown can be run instead of kicked. If they make it to the endzone without getting tackled the free point becomes two. Also very hard to do, so it’s not attempted very often.”

Arc goes over the various positions with his date as well as points out the nuances of the game as they plays continue. Rainbow Dash nods as she watches.

“This sorta seems really simply to me. Just work your way down the field to the first down line enough times to score.”

“A good defense can stop that from happening though.”

“And if they make a mistake it could allow the other team to advance.”

Arc nods. “Right! Like that!”

He points to a receiver as he finds an opening in the defensive line. He runs past everyone as the opposing team gives chase. Unable to catch him, he charges into the endzone as the spectators cheer loudly. Rainbow Dash yells out loudly.


Arc chuckles. “That’s what’s called a touchdown. Now his team gets six points and the option to go for the free point or two if they decide to run the ball.”

Rainbow Dash grins as she and Arc sit down in chairs in front of the window overlooking the stadium. “I like this game!”

“I thought you would.”

“So why do they call it ‘football’? I mean... it looks like they’re carrying the ball pretty much the whole time.”

Arc shrugs. “No idea. I mean, it would make more sense to call it something else. After all, we do have another game that involves just kicking balls. No hands allowed.”

“What’s that one called?”


Rainbow Dash tilts her head to one side, confused. “That just makes me think of socks.”

“Admittedly it’s a bit strange, yes. I choose football though as there was conveniently a game here tonight. That and soccer isn’t too popular in this country.”

“Oh? Why not?”

“The rough and tumble game in front of you is more action packed usually. Something that’s more beloved in this culture.”

Rainbow Dash grunts and grimaces as two players collide spectacularly. “Kinda getting that vibe. I could feel that one all the way up here!”

“So I did right by bringing you here?”

“Oh yeah!”

“Good. Um... this might sound like a silly question, but are you hungry?”

“Not really, no. Why?”

“I just thought you’d like to try some traditional stadium food.”

“They have food here?”

Arc nods. “Concessions, yes.

“So what’s a ‘concession’ taste like?”

Arc chuckles. “No, no. Concessions are where you buy the food. Not the food itself.”

Rainbow Dash smiles, a bit embarrassed. “Oh... uh... is it tasty?”

“It’s just okay in my opinion. But it’s kinda part of the sports spectating experience.”

“Then I’ll try some... whatever it is.”

Arc stands. “Okay. Want to come with me, or watch the game?”

“I’ll just hang out here if that’s okay.”

“Sure. Be right back.”

Leaving their room, Arc heads down the corridor. Returning sometime later, he sets a tray on the table and calls out.

“Food’s here.”

Rainbow Dash stands up and walks over. “So what did you get?”

“A few things. First off... hot dogs.”

Rainbow Dash grimaces. “Um... what... is it?”

“Finely ground meat from cows, turkeys, and chickens. If you want to skip this one though I completely understand.”

“Nah, it’s cool. I just didn’t like the idea of eating a wing earlier.”

“That’s understandable. Next we have some stadium pretzels. They’re soft, but chewy.”

“Like what we had earlier?”

Arc nods. “Right. Just a lot bigger than the smaller balls. I also picked up some popcorn, peanuts, and extra-large soft drinks.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Soft drinks?”

“That’s what we call soda. Now other than that and the hot dogs we do have the rest of this stuff back in Equestria.”

“Can I try a hot dog?”

Arc nods. “Sure. I wasn’t sure what you’d like, so I just had them put a few different ones together. And a plain dog so you could fully taste just the meat if you wanted.”

“Thanks. I think I’ll try that one first.”

Picking it up, Rainbow Dash puts the dog in her mouth. Taking a bite, she chews carefully before swallowing and turning to Arc.

“It’s really a strange texture. Nothing like the burger I had earlier. And not as flavorful.”

Arc picks up another hot dog and grins. “That’s because it didn’t have anything on it. The toppings are what pull the flavors of the meats together. Or so I believe. Try this one.”

Doing as Arc suggests, she takes a bite of the other hot dog. Grinning, Rainbow Dash quickly eats the rest of it before speaking.

“Now that was good! Can I have a pretzel too?!”

Arc smiles at her as he hands one over. “Sure. Help yourself to whatever you want.”

Taking one of the drinks, Rainbow Dash sits down and looks at one of the televisions before them as she eats. Arc joins her as he grabs the bag of popcorn and a hot dog for himself. They eat in silence as the game continues for a time. Eventually, Rainbow Dash breaks it.

“Can I ask you something, Arc?”

“What is it?”

“Is there something else humans do for fun?”

Arc chuckles. “Bored already?”

Rainbow Dash shakes her head. “Nah. Just trying to learn more about human culture.”

“Lots of things really. Remember, humans and ponies are the same in that regard.”

“Well, how about outdoor activities?”

“We have parks like in Equestria. But there’s a lot more playground equipment here than back there. Hiking, camping, beach-goers, skiing, and whatnot.”

“Ponies do those things too. And a lot more.”

“I would imagine that our two species are about the same in that regard.”

“How about indoor activities then?”

Arc counts on his fingers as he speaks. “Television, live theater, reading, mall goers, arcades, shows, video games, and cooking off the top of my head.”

“Equestria has all of that except for television and video games.”

“We did the former once if you recall.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Yeah, that was really cool. Never thought I could sit still for that long though. Still don’t understand what video games are though. Even after cupcake tried to explain it to me a while back.”

“Did Hammer tell you about our Christmas visit to the orphanage here?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “How she bought some kind of boxes so the kids could play, yeah.”

“They’re kinda hard to explain without a point of reference. Think of it kinda like television that you can control.”

“I still don’t get it. Do you have any at your place?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. Never really got into those. We didn’t have anything like it growing up in the orphanage. That and I didn’t really have the time when I grew up either.”

“What did you do for fun before coming to Equestria?”

“A lot of reading. Back then I had wanted to become a Private Detective and was off and on studying it. Sometimes I would help out Shelly and Lily at their restaurant if it got too busy for them to handle alone. And Frank and I would sometimes go out for a bite to eat.”

Putting a hand to his chin, he thinks before speaking again.

“In the warmer months I would work in my backyard garden. But I can’t really think of anything else.”

“That’s actually really surprising, Arc.”


“Considering how much fun me and the others have had on dates with you, I just thought you were an expert on having fun.”

“Nah. Pretty boring thanks to my upbringing.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “Then how did you plan all those dates?!”

Arc shrugs. “Mostly by just thinking about what they’d like to do.”

“Come again?”

“I did my best to bring them, and at the moment you, to places where they would feel comfortable and enjoy our time together. Rarity was a private meal. Derpy and I got pizza in Manehattan and did some shopping in their red light district. Auriel and I ate and went to a certain place that was special to her. Fluttershy involved a quiet meal and a walk through an indoor animal sanctuary. Twilight had a nice time in an exclusive club for the rich and famous in Griffonstone. Applejack enjoyed drives in the countryside as well as a lot of one-on-one time with me cooking and cleaning my house in the Celestia Realm. Ember’s date was mostly in my Sanctuary so we could be alone. And yours has been showing you what Earth has to offer, since you showed an interest in that.”

Rainbow Dash smirks. “Aren’t you forgetting somepony?”

“Am I? Who?”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “Cupcake, silly!”

Arc looks away nervously. “Oh... right.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?!”

“Sorry. It’s just...”

Sighing, he continues.

“...something I still regret.”

“Regret?! Cupcake had a BLAST on your dates with her!”

“Yes, well... those were fake.”


Arc nods soberly. “Back then I was just trying to get close to her in order to get into Damocles Base. It’s where Princess Celestia was being held prisoner.”

“Did you have fun?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not really, no. It was more of a mission for me than something enjoyable. Everything I said was carefully crafted to make her trust me, after all. What I did... it wasn’t right.”

Rainbow Dash puts a hand on his. “But she forgave you for that, Arc! It’s come up numerous times during meetings, after all! And every time it does, cupcake defends what you did!”

“She really shouldn’t. I mean...”

Rainbow Dash interrupts him. “...that she should be mad at you and hate you for toying with her heart?”

“Kinda should be.”

“Then make it right!”


“Take her out for real! A nice dinner and some entertainment afterwards would help make up for what you did before!”

“But I’m not even sure she wants to go out again.”

“Believe me, she does.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Really?”

Rainbow Dash nods and grins. “Yup.”

“She never said a thing to me about it.”

“That’s because cupcake wanted everypony else to have a chance before she did. After all, according to her you two went out numerous times in the past.”

“I think I need to talk to Hammer about this when I get back.”

“And Applejack too along with Rarity.”

“That list is growing and growing.”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Better to talk it out than leave things unsaid, right?”

“Probably sound advice. Where’d you hear that?”

“Cupcake. She said it came from a show on television, or something.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Interesting.”

Rainbow Dash sighs. “Look, Arc... all I’m saying is that you need to talk to the others more often. Face to face and alone if possible.”

“I know that I do. But everything’s always so...”

“Listen! We all really do care about you, Arc. And I mean a lot. And we know that you care about us too. But there are some things that nopony’s going to say in a group setting. Stuff that’s personal... and for your ears only.”

“I suppose that’s true. After all, no matter how close everyone is, we all have certain secrets that we want to keep to ourselves.”

Rainbow Dash nods as she looks away nervously. “Yeah. It’s... it’s hard to open up to somepony about your deepest, darkest, most closely guarded secrets. Even more so in a group of nearly a dozen.”

“It’s normal to have a few things that no one knows about, I suppose. But having too many secrets, or really big ones, will just drag you down.”

“That’s something I really struggle with. Opening up to others, I mean.”

“Like your parents?”

“Right. I was just so worried what they would do or say if they found out about you and me being interested in one another.”

Arc smiles at her. “That all worked out fortunately. Uh... it did, right?”

“Sorta. I mean... my parents and I have talked on the telephone a number of times since then. And I’ve gone to see them in Cloudsdale several times since it was moved into Canterlot airspace. You do come up really often in the conversation.”

“What’s said though?”

“They just want to know how you’re doing, any new advancements in our relationship, and generally what’s going on with the whole herd.”

Arc appears relieved. “That’s pretty normal sounding though.”

“I keep most of subjects regarding the conversations from the herd meetings to myself though. Believe me, they don’t need to know everything that gets talked about during those.”

“So what do you tell them?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “Not much admittedly. I mean... until we went on this date, I didn’t really have anything of note to tell them about us as a couple.”

“I suppose now that will change.”

Rainbow Dash looks away. “Y-yeah.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Something wrong with that?”

“I just... I don’t want to... um...”

She is silent for a time before continuing.

“I don’t want to let them down.”

Arc appears confused. “Let them down?”

Rainbow Dash nods sadly. “By messing things up.”

“How would you do that?”

“I dunno. But you were there a while back. You saw just how much they wanted me and Zephyr to become a thing.”

Arc nods. “While I do feel that they just wanted what they thought at the time was best for you, it probably could have been handled a bit better. By all concerned parties, I mean.”

Rainbow Dash holds up her soda. “Well... live and learn, right?”

Arc chuckles. “Right.”

Tapping their cups together, the pair go back to eating and watching the game. Arc looks to Rainbow Dash and speaks.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“Tell me, how do you feel about our relationship?”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “I don’t understand the question.”

“I mean... us as a couple.”

“Like as in the herd?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Just you and I.”

Rainbow Dash looks down at her food. “It’s... complicated.”

“That’s not really what I expected to hear from you.”


“I mean... you’re always very forward with your opinions. Not afraid to say what you think about whatever the conversation is about. Generally speaking, of course.”

“Yeah, well... my mouth does seem to get ahead of my brain sometimes. But what brought this on?”

Arc shrugs. “Just wanted to know how I was doing.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “Wait! How YOU’RE doing?!”

“Something wrong with that?”

“You’re doing GREAT! Honestly, this past week is the best time I’ve ever had in my LIFE!”

“Can you tell me what you liked about it thus far?”

“Literally everything!”

Arc chuckles. “Any way you could narrow it down a bit?”

“It’s...! Everything we’ve done together has been really fun!”

“How about the part where we got sick?”

“Even that was great! We got to rest together and just talk. After all, there wasn’t much else to do and we both felt really crappy. But you made that special for me.”

Arc appears surprised. “I did?”

Rainbow Dash smiles nervously. “Like... like you did... uh... a long, long time ago back in the Sugar Cube Corner kitchen.”

“Honestly, I see it as being the opposite of that.”


Arc nods. “I took care of you back then. And you took care of me when I was sick.”

“And then I came down with it.”

Arc sighs. “Sorry about that.”

“Don’t be, Arc. We were supporting each other back then. It felt... really nice. To be cared for and to care for somepony else. Just lying there next to you and resting together.”

She smirks before continuing.

“We’ll have to do that again sometime.”

Arc chuckles. “Without the sick part though, right?”

Rainbow Dash nods. “Of course. But that just leaves the matter of where we go from here.”


“Yeah. If you want to know my thoughts on the matter, I really do want to explore my feelings for you more. And while that doesn’t really sound like me, it’s the truth.”

“I’d like that too.”

Rainbow Dash stands and points toward the large windows overlooking the field. “But enough sappy talk for now. Why don’t we get back to watching the game for real?”

Arc chuckles as he rises and heads for the larger window. “Sounds like a plan.”

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