• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,606 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 5 - Forsaken Village

Arc and Ember sleep fitfully through the night. As the morning rays of light stream through the window, Ember rises and makes her way back to the living room.

“Good morning”.

Arc sits up groggily from his place on the couch. “Is it really morning already?”

Ember looks at Arc's sleep deprived face. “Can I take it you didn't sleep any better than I did?”

Arc nods. “That's about the size of it. I think I must have nodded off a couple times at least. The majority of my night was spent thinking about... you know...”

Ember walks over to him. “Arc, can I tell you a secret?”


The pair sit on the couch together in front of the previous night's fiery remains. Ember blushes slightly.

“Now I would appreciate it if you kept this between us, alright?”

“Of course! It will go no further.”

Ember looks down at her lap. “When I first discovered I had... feelings for you, I have to admit it kinda scared me a bit.”

“Everyone feels scared sometimes Ember. No one is completely without fear!”

“Well dragons aren't supposed to let anything scare them! At the very least, we don't talk about it... like we're doing right now. Not to mention the thought of being in love with you made me a bit... nauseous.”

“HEY! I'm not that bad looking... I think.”

Ember shakes her head! “No, no! I mean... it's complicated and all! Look, it would be bad enough for a NORMAL dragon to want to be with another race!”

Arc nods. “But you're the Dragon Lord's daughter.”

“Right! For me of all dragons to do such a thing... it was unthinkable! Back there in Tartarus, I only challenged you because the Dragon Code said I had to! I figured you and I would go back and forth for a while! Worst case scenario, I could always end the battle with my spear’s power!

“Is that why you acted the way you did when we arrived here the first time?”

Ember nods, ashamed. “Yes. It... I was embarrassed to be seen with you! Not only because of my honor and pride, but also because I was terrified of bringing shame and dishonor to my family name!”

“I see. Back then I figured it was something along those lines. Although that didn't make me feel any better about it. But if you were worried about disgracing your family, why did you challenge me in the first place?”

“Like I said earlier, the Dragon Code gave me no choice! I had no idea the armor Mythic Honor and I made for you would make you so POWERFUL! But, now that I've had time to watch you and think about it, I no longer believe my earlier assumption was accurate.”

Arc looks to Ember, confused. “I don't understand. What do you mean?”

Ember takes hold of Arc's arm and squeezes it gently. “Arc, your strength doesn't come from here...

She then points to his head and heart.

“It comes from here and here! You have no idea just how long it took me to come to terms with this, but now I understand.”

“So, what did you come up with?”

Ember smiles at him as she takes his hands in her claws! “That I don't really care what others think of me or whom I choose to be with! If they don't like you because you're a human, then they can like it or lump it!”

Arc sighs. “I'm glad you've learned not to judge others by outward appearance, Ember. But... the root problem still remains. I can't be your mate, as I can't be there for you centuries from now when you need me!”

Ember looks down sadly. I... I know that! Please understand, even though I know and accept that... it doesn't change how I feel about you! But... I want YOU to be happy too! So... if you want to take Cherry Jubilee as your mate... then that's okay with me! Just promise me you'll live a full and happy life, okay?”

Arc smiles. “I'll do my best. Thank you, Ember. I know this whole matter must be hard on you.”

Ember nods. “More than you know actually. But we should get a move on. Forsaken Village won't find itself.”

“Yeah. Let's go! With any luck, we’ll be home in time for supper!”

Ember stands along with Arc. “Sounds good. But what about breakfast?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Uh... any chance of finding anything on the way there?”

Ember puts on her armor and picks up her spear. “I think I may have an idea. Follow me!”

Arc follows Ember out her front door and out of town. About twenty minutes later they reach a small clearing of strange looking berries.

“Nice! Berries! Although they kinda look like a cross between an eggplant and grapes.”

Ember points her spear at the bushes. “I used to come here as a whelpling to be alone. While most dragons don't like them, I'm rather fond of Dragon Berries!”

Arc walks toward the bushes and pulls a piece of fruit off. “Dragon Fruit, huh? Eating this won't make me grow scales and wings, will it?”

Ember laughs! “No silly! It sickeningly sweet though, so don't eat too much!”

Arc takes a bite. “Wow! This is really good! Why don't we have these in Equestria?!”

Ember walks over to the bush and pulls off a Dragon Berry for herself! “My father has decreed that Dragon Fruit may never be taken from the Dragon Lands. It's probably for the best though, what with the legend and all.”

Arc stops chewing. His pupils shrink. “Legend?”

“Superstitious nonsense really! It's said that if two dragons were to take a bite from the same piece of fruit at the same time, they would develop feelings for one another!”

Ember looks at the fruit in her claw sadly.

“I'm sure it's nothing but an old mate's tale, but... I sometimes wish it were true.”

She suddenly has a rather wicked gleam in her eye as she holds the fruit out to Arc and smiles!

“Want to try it?!”

Arc shakes his head. “I'll pass. Love is a wonderful thing, and shouldn't depend on magic of all things to manifest itself.”

Ember eats the fruit herself. “I guess you're right.”

The pair sit down and eat.

“Well... I've had my fill. How about you, Arc?

He picks one last piece of fruit and takes a bite. “Sure. Just one more for the road.”

Ember and Arc continue on their way. Before long they reach the coastline and walk down the beach together. Arc finishes his Dragon Berry and turns to Ember.

“Thanks for breakfast!”

She sighs. “No problem.”

Ember seems lost in thought.

“You know, eventually I will have to choose a mate.”

Arc nods. “Do you have you eye on someone?”

Ember shakes her head, clearly frustrated! “That's just it! Compared to you, no one else even comes close! Eventually my father may grow impatient and just choose for me!”

“That doesn't sound very romantic.”

“Believe me, it's not!”

Ember looks down at a Dragon Berry in her claw and sighs.

“I suppose the legend of the Dragon Berries will have to suffice.”

“Huh? I didn't even notice you had that.”

Ember hold the berry in front of her and stares at it intently.

“If I have to be with someone other than you, then I’ll insist that we both partake of the fruit together! It may be only due to magic, but I prefer the artificial love this fruit can grant me over millennia of sadness with another dragon I don't love!”

Arc shakes his head! “No! You'll find someone out there who cares for you just as much as I do! We can search together if need be!”


“You're too young to be giving up on love so easily, Ember! Now, I won't try to force you, but as your friend I ask that you not try to find love by magical means! Please...”

Ember stops walking. She looks at the fruit in her claw for a long time. Arc holds out a hand toward Ember.

“Believe me when I say you're a very pretty young dragon, and I know you can find a mate without resorting to... this!”

Ember slowly reaches out to Arc with both claws and puts the Dragon Fruit is his hand. However, she does not let go of either the fruit or his hand.

“Thank you. I'm happy that you have so much confidence in me! Much more than I myself have! Please... take this fruit and do what you will with it!”

Arc closes his fingers around the berry and looks at it for a long moment as Ember releases her grip on it.

“Thank you, Ember. I know you don't need magic to find happiness.”

The pair turn and continue walking down the beach together. Arc tosses the Dragon Berry over his shoulder. It lands in the sand with a small thud. A short time later a dark magical aura picks up the fruit and carries it to a robed creature. The Dark One looks intently at the fruit in front of him!

“Interesting idea little dragon. However, I have a much better use for this!”

Arc and Ember continue down the beach. An hour or so later they spot what appears to be a small village in a clearing ahead just off the beach.

“That must be it!”

Arc calls forth his armor. “You're probably right. Remember what the Dragon Lord said and keep your guard up.”

Ember looks to Arc and smiles! “Oooooohhhhhh, someone getting paranoid?!”

“I prefer to think of it as being defensively optimistic.”

“Fine. Have it your way!”

The pair slowly walk toward the village. It appears deserted. Ember frowns.

“This isn't the welcome I imagined. Where do you suppose everyone is?”

Arc looks around slowly. “I don't know, but something doesn't smell right.”

“What do you mean? Who knows how long this village has sat empty?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Look around. These huts are all in decent condition and there are fresh tracks all around here.”

He walks over to the large fire pit in the center of the village and puts a gauntlet over it for a moment before standing up.

“These coals are still warm! Someone or something has used it recently! That and I can't shake the feeling something is watching us!

Ember readies her spear! “I don't like this!”

A voice rings out behind them!

“Most perceptive, Arc.”

Arc and Ember turn to see Kane slowly walking toward them.

“Kane?! What happened to your tribe? Are they all right?”

Kane nods. “They are fine.”

Ember looks around again. “Then where are they?”

“They are... watching you. Even now there are many eyes fixated on the two of you. Watching your every move. I come now to ask you... why did you come here?”

“I just wanted to make sure you made it home safely. That and you DID invite me here!”

Kane nods. “Indeed I did...”

The large wolf-like creature narrows his eyes.

“...however, I do believe I asked you to come alone.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, you told me not to bring any ponies along. My friend here is clearly a dragon.”

“I suppose you are right. Forgive me, but she has the scent of an Equestrian, not a dragon.”

“Dare I ask what I smell like?”

Kane sniffs the air. “Your scent is... foreign to me. I have tried to place it since we first met, but to no avail. It is similar to a pony. But very different!”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Is that good or bad?”

“Both... and neither.”

“That's not very reassuring Kane.”

Kane nods. “My apologies, but our Matriarch is unsure if you are a friend... or an enemy!”

Ember folds her arms over her chest “Obviously he's a friend! Would an enemy have released you from a lifetime of servitude?!”

Kane narrows his eyes. “If they had something to gain, then yes.”

Arc sighs “So... where do we go from here?”

“Our Matriarch would like to test you. She has ordered several of our strongest warriors to attack you.”

Ember holds her spear in anticipation! “Kane, I'm liking this conversation less and less by the moment!”

Arc puts an arm in front of his friend. “Easy there, Ember! I can handle this. Now Kane, what must I do to pass her test?”

“It is really quite simple. Engage our warriors in combat so we may bear witness to your battle prowess. Draw your weapon when you are ready to begin and our warriors will attack.”

Ember steps forward. “I've got your back, Arc!”

Kane shakes his head. “No. He must face them alone.”

“Thanks Ember, but I'll be fine.”

Arc turns back to Kane.

“I'm expecting a more detailed conversation after this skirmish.”

“That would depend of how you do here.”

Arc calls forth his spear. “Fine...”

Suddenly, several huge wolf-like creatures charge out of the brush from several different directions!

“Arc! Be careful!

Turning to face the incoming warriors. “Always!”

Arc waits for his assailants to come to him as he levels his spear! As the first warrior reaches him, he sidesteps to avoid the beast's fearsome bite! Arc then quickly turns his spear around to deliver a crushing blow to the warrior's chest! His opponent's own momentum only adds to the power of the counterattack!


The next warrior lunges and takes a swing at Arc with a massive claw! Arc knocks the paw out of his way with his spear, putting his opponent momentarily off balance! Taking this opportunity to grab the beast by the throat, Arc throws his entire body weight into it and slams his opponent onto his back!

“That's how it's done!”

The third warrior charges forward! Going for broke, he appears to throw everything into a single lunge attack! Arc takes a step back. As the assailant comes within range Arc delivers a strong kick to the beast's jaw! He catches his stunned opponent in his arms and flies backward on the ground, using the warrior's own momentum to throw him off himself with his legs! The beast lands hard on the ground some distance away!

Arc stands and looks around. “Anyone else want some?!”

The air is silent.

Ember runs up to him! “Arc! You did it! Are you okay?!”

Arc nods. “No worse for wear, I suppose. Which is better than I can say for our friends here.”

The warriors lay on the ground and do their best to collect their wits. Arc turns back to Kane.


“My opinion is not important. Only the Matriarch's will matters to us.”

Ember glares at Kane! “So... where is she?!”

Arc slowly turns around. “She's right behind us.”

Ember spins around. “What?! But I don't see anything!”

“Very perceptive, Hero of Light Arc.”

Arc turns to Ember. “Told ya!”

A very old wolf-like creature appears before them.

“I am Matriarch Iris. Please forgive me for my actions, but I had to be sure.”

Ember points the matriarch angrily! “Sure?! Sure of WHAT?! You could have KILLED ARC!!!”

Matriarch Iris nods. “Fear not, as that was not my intention, Lady Ember.”

“You know me?”

“Yes, my dear. The daughter of the Dragon Lord's scent is well known to us.”

Arc frowns. “If you saw I was with ‘Lady Ember’ as you call her, why did you still need to test me?!”

“We have known the pain of betrayal from the land across the sea known as Equestria before. I had to confirm that this was not another attempt to enslave more of my tribe.”


Matriarch Iris sighs. “Yes. Please come with me to the fire pit. You can stay awhile and listen.”

The Matriarch turns around and walks to the fire pit. Arc and Ember follow her. Arc turns to her as the walk.

“Stay awhile and listen huh? I don't suppose you learned that from Hydra Prime Ikis?”

“Indeed I did. But how do you know that name?”

Ember smirks! “We were there yesterday!”

“I'm friends with one of their warriors, The Marquis. He invited me to Hydra Village. Although, now that I think about it, we were attacked when we entered that place as well!”

Matriarch Iris chuckles. “Such is the way of the Dragon Lands! Might above all else!”

Ember nods in agreement. “I guess dragons, hydra, and the Forsaken all have that in common.”

Matriarch Iris reaches the fire pit and sits down. “Yes, Lady Ember. I'm glad you understand that now. It would do well for the future Dragon Lord to be mindful of the ways of the land.”

Ember sits down with Arc. “Uh... thanks... I think.”

“So... any more tests for me?”

“Truthfully, yes.”

Arc sighs. “...great.”

“Fear not. I only wish to speak with you to learn more of your intentions.”

“Talking I can do. It's so much less messy than... the other way.”

“First of all, what was your business in Hydra Village?”

Arc makes himself comfortable on the ground before answering. “I only went there to visit the Marquis and meet with Hydra Prime Ikis. However, after an initial... misunderstanding with a couple hydra near the village border, it turned into a full-blown diplomatic conference!”

Ember nods. “I guess you could say Arc here represents Equestria as its Hero of Light.”

Matriarch Iris nods, understanding. “Yes... we are familiar with Equestrian customs thanks to Kane here.”

She motions for Kane to join them. As he does so, the rest of the tribe comes out of their defensive positions in the jungle and gathers nearby to listen.

“My time in Equestria was... scholastic at best. I learned from my time there.”

Arc turns to him. “That reminds me Kane. You never actually told us how you came to be in the ogre king's service.”

Ember nods! “Yeah! No offense, but you sure looked out of place there!”

Kane sighs. “I was... very young and foolish. Hoping to see the world beyond our village, I traveled to Equestria to sate my wanderlust!”

Matriarch Iris frowns. “Against my orders I might add.”

Kane nods. “Yes... please forgive me... mother.”

Ember’s eyes grow wide! “Wow... did not see that one coming!”

“I second that, Ember! Although now I do see the resemblance.”

“Tell us Kane. Did you find what you were looking for in the land of ponies?”

Kane shakes his head. “No. I had hoped to find the excitement of battle! However, it appears that the land of the ponies is a fairly peaceful one.”

“...as I told you.”

“Forgive me for not heeding your counsel, mother.”

“All is forgiven Kane. However, it appears your trip was not completely a waste of time.”

“Indeed! I now feel more at peace here in my homeland. Hopefully I will never again have such crazy ideas of seeking the road less traveled.”

Arc nods. “I'm glad you were able to find peace Kane, but that doesn't really answer my earlier question.”

“My apologies. I seem to have strayed from my tale's path. In any case, it all comes back to the customs of our tribe.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “It's customary to live with other races?”

“No Lady Ember. But it IS how a disgraced member of the tribe may regain their honor.”

“I'm sorry, but I don't believe I follow you.”

Kane sighs as he continues. “While on my journey in Equestria, I was hunting for food one day when I came across a rather tough looking lizard like creature. Hoping to hone my battle skills I lunged at it! It was then that I saw the others close in on me!”

Ember looks confused. “Others?”

“The beast was not alone! Its companions jumped out of the brush and descended upon me! I fought my best, but the outcome never was in my favor. One of them spit some kind of spines at me. As they pierced my skin, I felt my body going numb. A few moments later I fell to the ground completely paralyzed.”

Ember looks to Arc. “Just like your squad!”

“Yes. And you too Ember.”

Ember folds her arms and looks away. “I'm trying to forget that time in my life.”

Arc chuckles. “Good luck with that! I'm sorry Kane. Please continue.”

Kane does so. “The lizards were actually a hunting party that the ogres sent out to gather food for the tribe. Luckily, Ogre King Megut decided to spare me.”

Arc nods. “And you owed him a life debt?”

Kane sighs “Pretty much. It was the only way for me to save what was left of my honor.”

“So, where do you stand in that department now, Kane?”

Kane looks over to Arc.

“I have fulfilled my duty to both the Ogre King and you Arc. My honor has been restored thanks to you.”

“Glad to hear it!”

Matriarch Iris nods. “So, am I. But am I to understand that you came here only for a visit?”

Arc nods. “Yes. I was in the neighborhood and thought to visit both villages in the same trip. Matriarch Iris, may I ask you something?”


“Your tribe is on bad terms with Equestria. Why is that?”

“Many years ago, they would come here to try and take our cubs.”

Ember appears horrified! “What?! Why would they do such a thing?!”

Matriarch Iris closes her eyes and sighs. “Long ago, when Equestria was still our ally, their strongest and bravest would come here to challenge our warriors in combat. Our customs are to follow those who best us in one-on-one combat. In doing so, a Life Pact is formed between the two.”

“A what?”

Kane looks to Arc. “A very special bond between rider and mount. Their lives are inexplicably linked from that time onward. The warrior then allows the pony victor to ride them into battle!”

“Kane is correct! “A Forsaken Warrior is quite fearsome in battle as you have just witnessed. However, once a warrior has taken a Life Pact with a rider, the two of them can draw strength from each other.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “That sounds like quite a bond! But why would Equestria try to steal you cubs when they could just as easily form a Life Pact?”

“I can only assume they wanted to raise them up to bear their less than worthy warriors. At that point in time, Equestria was quite short on heroes. This was back when the three pony races still warred with each other, of course! To take our warriors would be to gain an advantage against their enemies.”

Kane frowns. “We have not seen one worthy of riding us in many centuries! When your princesses took control of your land it ended the ages long struggle between the different pony races and brought peace to the land. Over the long centuries our race was forgotten.”

Ember nods. “So you feel... Forsaken?”

“Something like that Lady Ember. It is as Kane said earlier though, those worthy of riding us have not been seen in quite some time... until today!”


Matriarch Iris turns to Arc. “You personify what it means to be strong and brave, Arc! I am sure you are worthy of any of our tribe's warriors!

“But how could you know that? We only just met!”

“The reason behind me ordering my warriors to attack you was not simply to see you fight, but HOW you fight. Tell me Arc... you have quite the weapon, why did you not use its lethality to defend yourself?”

Kane looks at Arc. “Yes. We most certainly gave you cause to do so.”

Arc nods in agreement. “I came here today on a peaceful expedition, hoping to befriend your tribe. That would be rather hard to do with their blood on my spear.”

Matriarch Iris nods approvingly. “A very noble answer. The way you fight certain proves your words to be truthful. Yet another desirable trait in a rider.”

Kane smiles a toothy smile! “Any of our warriors would be honored to bear you in combat Arc!”

The warriors behind Kane roar and howl in agreement! Matriarch Iris stands.

“Arc, we would be honored if you would choose one of our own to bear you in battle!”

Arc shakes his head. “That's very generous of you Matriarch, but I don't really need a mount. All I really want to do is try and make things right between Equestria and the Forsaken. Perhaps you could join Hydra Prime Ikis in his talk with the princesses?”

“Such humility! Our young could learn a thing or two from you Arc. You have great power within, yet you choose to restrain yourself. Most impressive!”

Matriarch Iris nods in agreement with Kane. “Very well Arc. As you have impressed us greatly, we will agree to meet with your leaders. However, I must insist that you take one of us with you on your journey. This will help our tribe learn more about how Equestria has changed over the centuries.”

“Very well. But, whom shall I take?”

Kane looks to the warriors then back at Arc. “That is completely up to you. Fear not! A true warrior such as yourself will be able to sense who their partner should be!”

Ember gives him a thumbs up, happily! “Give it your best shot Arc! I know you can do this!”

“Well, okay.”

Arc stands up as the tribe lines up in front of him silently in order of rank. Matriarch Iris looks up and down the line.

“Wait! Where is Sereb?”

Kane sighs. “Probably out training, as usual.”

Matriarch Iris turns back to Arc. “Please forgive him! As one of the weakest among us, he tries very hard to bring himself up to our standards.”

She turns back to Kane.

“Go find Sereb. He should be here to witness this momentous occasion!”

“By your command!”

Kane rushes off! A short time later he returns with a rather large snow-white wolf. Sereb take his place at the end of the line as Kane returns to his mother's side.

“That is everyone.”

Matriarch Iris walks up to Arc and leads him to the front of the lineup.

“Here are all of our warriors. From our alphas to our omegas. Please, take your time and choose a companion carefully! Know this... you will know in your heart who is destined to fight by your side!”

Arc nods soberly! “I'll give it my best!”

Matriarch Iris returns to stand next to Kane as Arc walks slowly down the row. He notices the warriors get smaller and thinner as he proceeds down the line.

Kane quietly turns to the Matriarch. “Should he not have chosen from among the strongest? I mean... he's approaching the omegas!”

Matriarch Iris waves a hoof dismissively! “Fear not! It is customary for a true warrior to look at EVERY candidate before choosing one.”

Arc comes to the end of the line Before him stands the weakest of the tribe, Sereb. He appears quite out of place as he is MUCH larger than the others next to him. Arc then walks back down the line once more before returning to Matriarch Iris.

“Have you made your decision, Hero of Light?”

“I have. You were right Matriarch! There is no doubt in my mind on whom will join me!”


Arc turns back to the tribe and points a gauntlet at his chosen warrior.

“I choose... YOU!”

Matriarch Iris and Kane look at Arc's choice, confused.

“Hero of Light. I am old, and my eyesight is not what it used to be, but even I can see that you are pointing at our weakest member!”

Kane frowns! “Arc. Are you ABSOLUTELY certain of your choice?! There is no shame in admitting a mistake!”

Arc nods soberly. “I am certain!”

Matriarch Iris nods albeit confused. “If I may be so bold, why him?”

"It is as you said Matriarch. I feel it in my heart. He is the one."

“...very well. Warrior! Step forward!”

Arc's choice does so at once. He bows before the Matriarch and Arc. With his white coat and blue eyes, he stands out from all the others. The wolf’s voice is low and raspy, very similar to Kane’s.

“Sereb! This warrior has challenged you for your fealty. Do you accept?

Sereb nods. “Yes. I accept and will face him in combat, Matriarch.”

“Very well. To the beach!”

Arc and Sereb walk to the beach and face off against each other. Ember turns to Kane.

“So... what's going on now?”

“Although the Matriarch declares him worthy, Arc must still defeat Sereb in combat for the Life Pact to be forged.”

Matriarch Iris herself presides over them.

“I advise you not to hold back, Arc. Sereb may be the weakest among us, but he can take whatever you can throw at him. Anytime you two are ready...”

Arc throws his spear to one side and plants his feet firmly. “Bring it on, big guy!”

“Very well.”

The air around Sereb crackles with energy. Ember turns back to Kane.

“Wait! Kane, your tribe can use magic?!”

Kane points a paw to a small nub of a horn on his forehead. “We all possess at least SOME knowledge of magic. Sereb however is more... adept than most of us in its use.”

Ember sighs. “Great...”

Sereb fires several electrical based magic attacks. Arc activates one of his Magic Blades and catches the lightning. Extending the other blade he fires the lightning back at its source. Sereb takes the blow full force, although it does not appear to do much damage.


Arc retracts his magic blades. “Yeah... probably not the best idea to use conductive magic against me.”

Sereb nods. “I will remember that.”

The giant wolf charges at Arc and lunges. Arc stands his ground and takes the hit! Falling to his back Arc uses Sereb's own momentum to throw him off with his feet. The beast lands hard on his back in the sand.

“What?! How...?”

Arc shrugs. “I'll explain it to you later.”

Sereb quickly stands and charges up! A moment later a large fireball is launched from his horn! Arc crosses his arms in front of his face! The moment the fireball hits him, he throws his hands down to his sides! The attack dissipates as it is redirected harmlessly into the sand surrounding him!

Arc nods. “That was quite the attack! But let me show you have I do it!”

Arc assumes his fighting stance and points a hand at Sereb. A ball of magical white flames materializes and quickly grows in size and power.


The volatile magical attack moves toward Sereb at roughly the speed of a fast walk. Arc’s opponent sidesteps out of the way to let the powerful but slow projectile pass him harmlessly.

“Maybe you should practice that move some more before using it in battle.”

Arc, with his arm still outstretched, suddenly turns his hand palm up as the magical attack passes its target. He snaps his fingers. The 'bomb' explodes with such force that Sereb is launched straight at his opponent. Arc quickly jumps over Sereb as he flies past him and plows into a palm tree. He turns to face Sereb as he slowly rises to his feet.

“Uh... can we stop this now? I'm afraid if we keep going, you're really going to get hurt.”

Sereb nods. “Yes. I surrender. Continuing this exercise would not change the end result.”

Matriarch Iris walks forward. “Sereb, you are now bound to Arc for life! May the two of you cut a wide swath through your enemies and bring greater glory to both our races!”

“Thank you, Matriarch. I will try.”

Matriarch Iris turns to Arc. “Please take good care of Sereb. Hopefully he will be of at least SOME help to you in the future.”

Kane walks forward to join the Matriarch. “Arc, please forgive my brother Sereb for being weak.”


Matriarch Iris turns. “Kane! Not all of us can be as strong as you are! Sereb does his best!”

Kane walks away. “Sometimes one's best... is not good enough.”

Matriarch Iris turns back to Arc and Sereb, shaking her head. “My apologies, Arc. Kane is... just sad to see his brother go I imagine.”

Arc nods. “Don't worry. I'll watch his back.”

“And in turn, I shall watch yours... master.”

Matriarch Iris smiles and nods! “Goodbye Sereb. Do your best to make us all proud!”

“Yes mother, I will.”

“Arc, I look forward to meeting with the princesses in the near future.”

“Thank you, Matriarch Iris. I hope this day will mark a new beginning between your tribe and Equestria.”

She nods. “As do I.”

As Arc, Ember, and Sereb walk down the beach Kane turns to Matriarch Iris.

“Mother. Are you actually going to meet with the princesses of Equestria?”

“Yes, I am. The bad blood between our races has gone on for far too long! It must end somewhere!”

Kane frowns. “But how can you be sure this is not a trap?!”

“Because Arc is an honorable warrior! I do not believe he would stoop to such treachery.”

“I agree. However, he is certainly NOT an Equestrian! For all we know they may still be as they were.”

Matriarch Iris considers this for a moment. “Possible, but unlikely. If they were indeed untrustworthy, I do not believe they would have made Arc their Champion. Nor do I believe he would have agreed to work for them.”

“I hope you are right, mother.”

“As am I Kane... as am I.”

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