• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 4 - All Work and No Play...

Sometime later Arc and his friends walk in the front door together. Derpy looks to her daughter.

“Shelly’s really brave to be able to face something like this.”

Dinky nods. “Yeah. I think I’d be really scared.”

Sereb sighs. “As one whom has faced death in the past, I would have to agree.”

Cherry calls out. “Really, Sereb?”

“To die to something without the ability to face it head-on is… disturbing to me.”

Scootaloo shudders. “I’ve been in bad situations in the forest before. But at least then we could usually see trouble coming and do something. Whether that was preparing to fight or getting out of there, we were able to make the choice ourselves.”

Derpy turns to Arc. “You should go see her as often as you need to. I’ll watch the fillies.”

“Thank you, but I…”

A familiar voice suddenly reverberates in Arc’s ear.

“Arc? Can you hear me?”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Is that… Miss Rarity?”

“Yeah. How the heck…?”

Dinky giggles. “You might want to answer her and find out, dad.”

Touching his ear, Arc replies.

“This is Arc. Is that you, Rarity?”

“Yes! We’re all here!”

Rainbow Dash calls out. “Hey, Arc!”

Applejack grins. “How’s the weather over there?”

Pinkie bounces around. “Eating well?!”

Fluttershy smiles shyly. “Is everypony doing alright?”

“Y-yeah, we’re all good. Um… how are things back in Equestria?”

Rarity sighs. “About the same. Well, other than having to put up with Decimus’ soldiers patrolling the town, that is.”

Rainbow Dash takes up a battle ready stance. “I still say we oughta drive em out of there!”

Applejack frowns. “Good way to end up in the dungeon there.”

Fluttershy sighs. “That and I don’t think we could take them all.”

Sereb growls. “How many soldiers does he have over there?!”

Pinkie’s mane deflates. “Enough that they’re going to be able to fill Light’s Hope to capacity when it’s ready!”

Dinky sighs. “He’s taken over the town?”

Rarity nods. “I’m afraid so. But he’s not interfering with businesses or citizen’s daily lives though.”

Scootaloo grits her teeth. “At least not yet.”

Derpy appears concerned. “You think he will?”

Scootaloo nods. “He looks down his nose at those whom are thought to be below him. After all, before he learned what the Scarlet Filly was capable of, he did that to me.”

Arc chuckles. “Right. But after that he really seemed to like you, Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo sticks out her tongue and gags. “Ew!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I don’t mean like that.”

Dinky puts a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “He seemed really interested in her future back in Miss Pommel’s office the other day though.”

Arc nods. “That reminds me. Are the orphans okay?”

Rarity smiles. “Yes. They’re a little frightened though, what with the Main Hall being filled with soldiers every night.”

Sereb bares his teeth. “The scoundrel!”

Applejack sighs. “We just wanted to let you know that everything’s going to be okay over here while you’re gone, Arc.”

“How ARE you doing this?”

Pinkie grins. “A device Auriel whipped up! Come on! Say something, silly!”

There is a slight pause before Auriel’s voice comes over Arc’s earring.

“H-hello, Arc.”


“Y-yes, it’s me.”

“Good job getting this to work!”

“Thank you. It was just something I came up with using parts Twilight and I had lying around the lab though.”

Derpy nods approvingly. “That’s pretty impressive. Arc wanted a similar transmitter some time ago.”

Dinky frowns. “Sunburst said it would be too expensive to build though.”

Rainbow Dash grins as she looks at the demoness before her. “Well, Auriel here’s smarter!”

“Maybe not the word I’d have used. But I had some theories to test out. Fortunately they worked.”

Arc nods. “Say, how big is that device you built, Auriel?”

“It’s about the same size as you are, Arc. Why do you ask?”

“I was just wondering if it was portable.”

Rarity sighs. “Maybe with a crane, yes.”

Fluttershy shakes her head. “Not really as it stands.”

Pinkie shakes her head vehemently. “We could never even hope to lift it!”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “You worried about something happening, sugarcube?”

“Kinda. Decimus in town makes me worried for your safety.”

Rarity smiles nervously. “We’ll be okay here. Decimus is far too busy looking for you to worry about us.”

Auriel sounds surprised. “He is?”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Yeah. Haven’t you seen all the wanted posters in town?”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Those things are EVERYWHERE!”

Auriel smiles sheepishly. “I don’t go out much.”

“About that. Auriel, you should probably stay out of sight as much as possible.”

Fluttershy appears confused. “Why’s that?”

“Because Decimus might use her as a scapegoat. After all, she is half human.”

Rarity gasps. “He could even learn where you are, Arc!”

Rainbow Dash scoffs. “The oaf wouldn’t get anything outta ME!”

Applejack turns to the demoness. “We’ll take turns keeping you fed, Auriel.”

“Thank you, everyone.”

Arc frowns. “That might not be enough.”

Sereb growls. “Arc is right. After all, everyone in town knows Auriel is there. If one of them slips up, he could send troops to the library.”

Pinkie gasps. “We should get her out of here then!”

Fluttershy pipes up. “She can hide in my cottage. It’s outside the town limits.”

Dinky stands on the couch to get closer to the earring before speaking. “Or my mom’s house.”

Arc shakes his head. “I was thinking someplace a bit more… remote.”

Rarity grins. “Earth?”

Rainbow Dash shrugs. “The Dragon Lands?”

Applejack puts a hoof to her chin. “The Crystal Empire?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not quite that remote. Redemption Village would be a better fit for her, I think. The Crystal Empire and Dragon Lands are really out of the way compared to what she’s used to. I don’t want Auriel to have to leave the country over this. Unless she wants to though, of course.”

Auriel shakes her head. “Equestria is my home now. I’d like to stay in it if at all possible.”

“Good. If someone over there can show her the way, I’d appreciate it.”

Applejack raises a hoof. “I’ll help transport her equipment, Arc.”

Rainbow Dash takes flight. “Me too!”

Rarity nods with conviction. “And I’ll take care of packing it securely for the trip.”

Fluttershy grins. “I’ll lend a hoof.”

Pinkie giggles. “Me too!”

Auriel smiles. “Thank you, everyone. But considering my past with the citizens of that village, I don’t think they’d be willing to take me in.”

Rarity smiles smugly. “They will if Arc’s name is involved.”

Arc nods. “Right. That and if you recall, you weren’t harmed by them when you left Tartarus originally.”

“I may have been dragging you to safety at that point though.”

Fluttershy gasps. “Oh my!”

Rainbow Dash appears hopeful. “Great! Maybe they’ll remember that part!”

Arc grins. “It’s worth a try. Auriel, I’d like you to pack up that machine and head to Redemption Village.”

Auriel nods. “If you think it’s necessary, I will.”

“Good. Get relocated over there and set up your machine again. Mythic Honor can probably help you acquire whatever you need as well as give you a spot in the Town Hall for it. Take Rose with you too.”

Rarity sounds nervous. “Um… she… isn’t here.”


Auriel sighs. “A few days ago when I came upstairs to make coffee I found a note on the table. She wrote that she was going to Canterlot to see her mother.”

“Did she get there safely?”

“That’s the worst part. Rarity asked Twilight about it and was told she never arrived.”

Sereb frowns. “Where is the last place she was seen?”

Rarity’s ears droop. “We don’t know. The clerk at the station says she never boarded a train.”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “How did she intend to get to Canterlot then?”

Pinkie shrugs. “The only other way would have been for her to walk!”

Scootaloo gasps. “What?! But that’s so far!”

Dinky thinks for a moment before speaking. “Well, she doesn’t need to sleep, right? So maybe she could have just kept walking day and night.”

Arc calls out. “Rainbow Dash, can you go look for her?”

“Already did. Rose would’ve taken the most direct route, so that’s the way I flew. But I didn’t see her anywhere.”

Sereb frowns. “That isn’t like her.”

“Do you suppose she’s okay, dad?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin as he thinks. “As strong and smart as Rose is I can’t imagine her coming to harm anywhere between here and Canterlot. Did she say anything to you about this beforehand, Auriel?”

“She had said in the past that she wanted to see more of the world. That and she’s been acting kinda strange since Twilight left.”

Fluttershy appears nervous. “What should we do, Arc?”

“At this point there isn’t much you can do. It’s possible that Rose just needed to get out of town for a while.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Then why didn’t she take the train?”

Sereb sighs. “Perhaps she just needed more time to think.”

Derpy appears hopeful. “A long walk?”

Scootaloo shrugs. “That’s especially long though.”

Rarity clears her throat. “Twilight promised to send some Royal Guards to look for her when we spoke last night.”

“Good. Now then, I need you to do something for me, Auriel.”

“Okay. What should I be doing though?”

“Other than hiding, you’re going to be my link to Equestria. If something over there changes and I’m needed back there, you need to be able to send word right away.”

Derpy gasps. “But how would you get back, Arc?!”

“There’s still the Crystal Mirror. Uh… is it still around?”

Auriel nods. “Sunburst had it shipped to the Crystal Empire after you returned with Princess Celestia, Arc.”

Derpy smiles. “That was a good idea on his part.”

Applejack sighs. “Not really. It was actually Twilight’s idea.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “The new princess?”

Rainbow Dash grins. “She wasn’t at that point though.”

Rarity nods. “Twilight did mention that during one of our nightly conversations. She was worried the Princess Celestia might see it and figure out where Arc came from.”

Fluttershy shudders. “She was the one whom summoned him here, after all.”

Sereb looks to Arc. “In this case though it could be used as a secret return point to Equestria.”

Scootaloo appears thoughtful. “Are there any others?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not with the S.P.E.A.R. dismantled, no. At least none available to us.”

Applejack grins. “Right. But there are other ways to get to Earth.”

Derpy looks to Arc, clearly surprised. “There are?”

“Right. After all, Sunset Shimmer and Wiseman seem to have it figured out.”

Fluttershy appears suddenly frightened. “Um… any sign of them over there?”

Arc shakes his head. “None fortunately. Well, other than Wiseman occasionally showing up to give me cryptic and largely useless advice, that is.”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “But the other one might show up, right?!”

“I’m assuming Sunset Shimmer doesn’t know where I live, no.”

Applejack gasps. “How can you be so sure?!”

“Because with her temperament, she would have stormed over here and attacked by now.”

Derpy shudders. “Are you sure?”


Sereb growls. “That banshee has no patience!”

Dinky grins wickedly. “And even if she did show up, my dad would send her packing!”

Scootaloo nods with conviction. “We’d all pitch in!”

Derpy smiles. “That we would!”

Sereb bares his teeth. “I would tear out her AND Kane’s hearts!”

Arc chuckles. “Thanks everyone. But I’d rather just avoid that witch if at all possible.”

Rarity appears relieved. “That would be for the best, Arc. I spoke to Twilight about her, and she’s quite powerful.”

Fluttershy shudders. “Maybe even more so than you yourself are.”

“I appreciate the warning. Now if things get dangerous on your end, Redemption Village is the fallback point. Get in touch with me and we’ll figure something out.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Like you coming back to take care of it?”

“That’s always a possibility.”

“What about Miss Shelly though, dad?”

Scootaloo nods. “She needs you too!”

Arc sighs. “I’d really like to be here for her, now more than ever. But if it comes down to a decision of her versus the safety of an entire country…”

Derpy gasps. “But that wouldn’t be fair to Shelly!”

“If she knew, she’d agree.”

Applejack bows her head. “Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that.”

Rarity composes herself and speaks. “Right. Well, you enjoy this time with your family and stay safe.”

“You too, Rarity. That goes for everyone though.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Equestria will be fine, Arc. You just enjoy this little vacation.”

Pinkie giggles. “Right! It’s not like there’s going to be some kind of hostile takeover resulting in the country crumbling from within, right!?”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “Oddly specific.”

Applejack groans. “She just means worst case scenario.”

Fluttershy shudders. “A scary thought!”

Rarity nods. “We’ll see to it that doesn’t happen though.”

“Good. Um… see everyone later.”

Rarity smiles. “Bye!”

Auriel touches a button, severing the connection. Sighing, she turns to the others.

“I’ll see about getting this machine disassembled and ready for transport.”

Applejack nods. “Let me head back to the farm and get my wagon. Wanna help me pull, Rainbow Dash.”

“Meh. Not really. But I’ll do it anyways.”

Meanwhile, Arc turns to his family. Sereb frowns.

“That was unexpected.”

Arc grins. “But not unwelcome.”

Derpy smiles. “It was nice to hear from Equestria.”

Dinky nods. “Now we’ll know if something happens over there.”

Scootaloo looks to Arc. “Assuming Captain Decimus doesn’t track them to the place you mentioned, Big Brother.”

“It isn’t on any map so that seems unlikely.”

He looks Scootaloo up and down before continuing.

“Tell me, how confident are you in your walking?”

“I’m not falling down anymore. Well, not usually anyways.”

Derpy appears confused. “Were you planning something, Arc?”

“Maybe if the rain stops.”

Sereb pipes up. “The weather channel said it should be over before noon.”

“And after that?”

“Clear skies and sunny.”

Arc grins. “Perfect.”

Derpy shrugs. “What should we do in the meantime?”

“How about we go grocery shopping?”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “Food? But we just ate.”

Dinky looks to her mother. “Well, we do need to refill the refrigerator.”

Derpy nods. “And it would help Scootaloo learn to walk better.”

Sereb chuckles. “Practice makes perfect.”

“Right. But I was thinking more along the lines of getting her more used to being out in public.”

Dinky appears confused. “Used to… what?”

“Scootaloo’s accustomed to hiding under a cloak. We need to get her comfortable with not doing that.”

Scootaloo nods. “It quite the change, yes.”

“Let’s head out then.”

Heading for the Jeep, they make the short drive to the store. Walking the aisles they purchase fresh fruits and vegetables along with various frozen goods. Leaving the store Arc and company find the rain has since stopped and the sun has come out. Dinky grins.

“Look! The pavement’s almost completely dry!”

Derpy smiles. “And it’s nice and warm.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “Is that important?”

Arc chuckles as they make their way back to the vehicle. “Kinda. It’s a nice day to play outside.”


Dinky nods happily as Arc and Derpy put the groceries in the back of the vehicle. “Sure! You wanna?!”

“I don’t understand.”

Derpy turns to Scootaloo. “You’ve never played?”

Scootaloo shakes her head as they climb back into the Jeep. “No. Back in Knothole Village we had work to do.”

Dinky frowns. “What did you do when not working then?”

“Rest. It was important to keep our strength up.”

Arc thinks as he gets into the driver’s seat. “Now that you mention it, I don’t remember seeing any toys in your room, Scootaloo.”

“What are ‘toys’?”

Derpy smiles at her. “Things you play with.”

Arc sighs. “I don’t think that cleared it up.”

Sereb pipes up. “Your life is familiar to me, little one. Playing was not something we did in Forsaken Village either.”

Dinky looks to the wolf. “What did you do then?”

“Hunt and train.”

Arc starts the Jeep. “Well, why don’t we drop this stuff off at home and show Scootaloo what playing is like.”


Arc grins. “You’ll see.”

Heading for home, they bring the groceries inside and put them away. Returning to the Jeep, Arc backs out of the driveway as Sereb turns to him.

“So where are we headed?”

“The park.”

Derpy smiles. “Like back home in Equestria?”

“They’re a bit more advanced here.”

A short time later they pull into a small parking lot. Dinky looks out the window.

“There’s so many foals here!”

Scootaloo nods. “Yeah! What’s that they’re doing?”

Arc parks the vehicle. “Playing on what’s called ‘playground equipment’.”

He points as he talks.

“Swings, slides, a merry-go-round, and a few other things I can’t think of.”

Scootaloo turns to him. “Is it for some kind of combat training?”

“Nah. Just to burn off some energy and have fun. With fall officially here, everyone knows there aren’t many warm days left before the snow flies.”

Sereb sighs. “Shall I play as well?”

Arc appears suddenly nervous. “Uh… about that. You see, we have what’s called ‘leash laws’ here.”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “You can’t be serious.”

Arc pulls out a collar and leash.

“I am.”

“Perhaps I will just sit in the Jeep then.”

Derpy looks to him pleadingly. “Come on, Sereb. You need to get out too.”

Arc chuckles. “You heard Derpy. Let’s go.”

Sereb sighs. “Very well.”

Hopping into the front seat, he allows Arc to put the collar around his neck and attach the leash to it. They step out of the vehicle together. Arc motions for everyone to follow him over to a picnic table. Sitting down, he looks toward the playground. Two young children run over to them as Arc greets them.

“Hey, Mia. I see you have Alex with you today.”

“Yeah. Mom wanted us to enjoy the weather while we could.”

“Do you two remember Daisy?”

Mia nods. “Sure! It’s been a while!”

Dinky waves happily. “Hi!”

Alex looks to Scootaloo. “Wanna play with us?!”

“I’m not sure if I… um…”

Dinky takes Scootaloo’s hand. “Come on! It’ll be fun!”

“Thanks, but I think I’d rather stay here.”

Mia shrugs. “Okay. Come on, Daisy!”

The trio run toward the playground. Arc motions for Scootaloo to sit with him. She appears suddenly nervous.

“Are you mad at me?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. But you really should learn to play.”

“What for?”

“You’re only a kid once.”

Derpy nods. “That’s right. If you have a chance to play, you should take it.”

She lowers her head before continuing.

“My dad… never took me to places like this when I was little. Anywhere really.”

Scootaloo sighs. “Neither did mine. Well, other than to go foraging.”

“That wasn’t exactly what I would call fun though. More like inherently dangerous.”

Sereb whispers as he looks to Dinky along with Mia and Alex. “They appear to be having a very good time over there.”

“I think I’d rather just stay here with Big Brother and watch.”

“Fine. But if you change your mind and want to join them, go ahead.”


They sit there for a time watching the little ones play. Eventually Derpy looks to Arc.

“I know this might sound a little strange, but… do you think I could join them?”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “You want to play?”

Derpy nods. “Like I said, my father never took me to places like this when I was little. I’d really like to see what playing is like.”

“Let me show you then.”

Arc stands and walks over to Dinky on the swings. Mia and Alex are taking turns on the swing next to her.

“Daisy, your mother would like to try the swings.”

“Oh… okay.”

Hopping down, Arc motions for Derpy to take her place. She sits on the rubber seat and looks to Arc.

“Now what?”

“I’ll push you.”

Pulling the swing back, Arc lets it go to start. As Derpy swings back he pushes her from behind. She goes higher and higher, grinning all the way. Eventually Arc steps back and watches with Dinky.

“Mom seems to be having a lot of fun.”

“Yup. You’re never too old for the swings though.”

Mia turns to him. “You want a turn, Mister Arc?”

Alex nods. “We’re done with it.”

“Sure. Thanks.”

Sitting down, Arc grabs the chains on either side of him as Dinky runs over.

“Want me to push you, dad?!”

“Sure, sweetheart.”

Dinky goes back and forth for the next ten minutes pushing her father before doing the same for her mother. Meanwhile, Sereb turns to Scootaloo at the picnic table.

“They appear to be having a nice time.”

Scootaloo sighs. “I guess.”

“Would you like to join them?”


“Why not do so then?”

“I’m… just not ready yet.”

Sereb appears confused. “Ready?”

“Since meeting Big Brother, I’ve had to question pretty much everything I thought was true. He’s opened my eyes to so many things I didn’t even know existed.”


“But, while I look like a human filly… girl, I’m not ready to be one just yet.”

“I know this is a lot to take in at once. But Arc and his family will help ease you into it.”

“Yeah, well… I don’t know if I want that yet.”

“Which part?”

“Being anything other than what I am.”

“And what are you?”

Scootaloo turns to him. “Huh?”

“I’m asking what you think you are.”

“The Scarlet Filly. Somep… someone others can look to and feel safe.”

“You’re also a filly at heart. There is no need for you to keep the façade up at all times.”

“But what if I mess up and make Big Brother look like a fool?”

“Arc is very understanding. He won’t get mad at you, or anything.”

“I know that. But I still want to make him proud of me.”

“Like a father?”

Scootaloo nods. “Mine was never really happy with what I was. Not that he was wrong, mind you. I was pretty pathetic back then.”

“What changed?”

“I met Big Brother. He helped me to become something more than I currently was.”

“How did he do that?”

Scootaloo shrugs. “I don’t really know. But whenever I’m around him, I just feel so… confident. Like I could do anything.”

“That feeling is familiar to me. I too was the least in my tribe. Yet when Arc took me as one with whom he would make a Life Pact, everything changed.”

“Can you tell me about it?”

“He showed me that much of battle was planning, watching, and waiting. The actual action was generally over before it began that way.”

“You fought him?”

“Yes. It was required before the Life Pact could be made. He defeated me with relative ease, using nothing but his natural talents.”

“No weapons?”

Sereb shakes his head. “None. Just his mind mostly.”

“I’ve seen him handle many problems that way.”

“Things generally work out for him when he thinks it through.”

Scootaloo grins. “Yeah. I want to grow up to be just like him!”

“I do not believe that is what Arc would want.”

“What do you mean? After all, isn’t that the lesson to be learned from your story?”

“No. Arc doesn’t make others like him.”

“Then what…?”

“He shows others how to be themselves.”


Sereb turns to watch everyone play again. “Stay with us and you’ll find out.”

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