• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,606 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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Chapter 7 - A Royally Expansive Evening

The following day, as the sun begins to set, Ashe knocks on Arc’s door before stepping inside. Finding him just hanging up his phone, she waits for him to speak.

“Shining Armor tells me that all security measures have been accounted for. How are things on your end?”

“I spoke to the Aviary about this idea and have obtained permission.”

“And you’re sure about this place?”

Ashe nods. “Trust me, all the great and powerful go there. It’s a status symbol! Great for Twilight’s reputation.”

“I don’t think she’s too concerned with that.”

“Yours too, you know.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Same boat as Twilight there.”

Ashe folds her talons over her chest. “Come on! You need this to get noticed and gain prestige here!”

“Don’t you mean ‘notoriety’?”

Ashe shrugs. “Call it what you will. Princess Twilight is looking forward to it though.”

“It’s the only reason I’m doing this, you know.”

“Very commendable.”

Arc appears surprised. “Huh?”

“Not many would do such a thing.”

“You know how I feel about her, don’t you?”

Ashe smiles happily. “Yes. And it’s something I do understand.”

“Your own... special friend?”

Ashe nods. “Correct.”

“Um... maybe it’s none of my business, but are you two... still a thing?”

Ashe sighs. “I’m... not really sure at the moment.”

“Something happen?”

“Kinda. It’s a bit... complicated.”

Arc turns to her soberly. “Ashe... I need to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

He motions to the table and chairs. “Would you please sit down?”


The pair sit down across from each other. Arc takes a moment to gather his thoughts before speaking.

“Do you remember the night Celestia blasted me?”

Ashe grimaces. “That I do. But I do believe the entire castle, if not the whole city, heard that blast.”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “The events that led up to the encounter... are kinda hazy in my mind.”


“I mentioned it to Doctor Whooves a while back. He told me that such a thing isn’t out of the ordinary after such an extreme trauma.”

“Are you really alright?”

“Physically, yes. However... something happened before Celestia attacked me.”

“What was it?”

“I faced off against Decimus and Gaston. That much I do remember quite clearly. However, the exact exchange of words still eludes me.”

Ashe bows her head. “Perhaps that’s for the best. After all, it was certainly a terrible time for you. And the country as well.”

“There was one part of it you need to know about though.”


Arc nods. “Yes. Gaston, he... I remember him changing into your rebel commander.”

Ashe raises an eyebrow. “Changing?”

“He and Gaston are one and the same.”

“Are you certain?!”

Arc sighs. “Not exactly. At least I wasn’t in the past, no. That’s why I didn’t say anything.”


“After we used the projector to show your father the testimony of Flash Sentry and Raven, I... I privately did a bit of memory searching on myself.”

“And... you saw... my friend?”

Arc nods as he removes a crystal from his ring. “Yes, Ashe.”

Ashe looks at the crystal for a long moment. “Are you sure?”

“I am now.”

Ashe frowns. “Well, I can’t believe it!”

“Would you like to see for yourself?”

“Yes, I would!”

Nodding, Arc stands and removes the projector from his ring. Aiming it at a lightly colored wall, he puts the crystal into place and presses a few buttons. The projector hums and displays the memory starting with Arc drawing his spear and pointing it at Decimus and Gaston as he calls out to them menacingly.

“You picked a bad time to show yourself, scum! Now where’s Princess Celestia?!”

Gaston chuckles. “Oh, she’s still around. Someone just needs to find her. But I’m surprised you didn’t recognize me before.”

Arc frowns. “What are you talking about?!”

Grinning, Gaston’s face changes to that of the Rebel Commander. Arc’s eyes grow wide.

“What the…?! How did you DO that?!”

“Just a little trick I picked up from hanging around the Dark One.”

Arc clenches a fist. “So you’re with the Council of Shadows, huh?”

“Yes, indeed.”

Pressing a button, Arc pauses the device. Ashe looks at the image of her lover for a long time before turning to Arc.

“Is there... any chance this could be... faulty?”

Arc shrugs. “Admittedly it could be, yes. This isn’t an exactly science just yet.”

Ashe appears hopeful. “So you could have just imagined the whole thing?!”

“It is possible, yes. However I do dimly remember this exchange.”

“This... this just CAN’T BE!”


Ashe stands and begins pacing. “You don’t understand! I’ve known this griffon for YEARS! He’d NEVER work with Decimus! Not on doing such a thing to you OR to overthrow a foreign government!”

“Just your own?”

“That’s different!”

“Is it, Ashe?”


Arc looks to Ashe evenly as he speaks. “So you’re telling me that even after all you’ve seen since coming to Equestria, you still think that overthrowing the Griffon Kingdom government is the way to go?”

Ashe shakes her head soberly. “No, I don’t. But remember, I’m talking about things from his point of view right now. And... his views still do have merit.”

“Do they now?”

“Yes. The Griffon Kingdom’s government needs to change. That much you can’t deny.”

Arc nods. “True. But I’ve already explained in the past how that can happen. Slowly... gradually over time and through the efforts of its citizens as a whole. Not as a clandestine group whom will overthrow the government without any concrete plans for the future.”

Ashe looks out the window at the city before them. “I know that the rebel’s... that my plans in the past were foolhardy and without foresight. However, he hasn’t seen the light as I have.”

“I’m told that the rebels have all but disappeared. This could mean that they are disorganized without ‘someone’ there to lead them.”

“That is probably, yes.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Or it could be that they’re getting ready for something big.”

Ashe sighs. “Not likely. The membership never was much for patience.”

“You led them in the past. Do you really think they’re gone?”

Ashe shakes her head. “Not a chance, no.”

“Then what do you think they’re up to?”

“I haven’t the foggiest idea. But I do know one thing though.”

“And what’s that?”

“They’ll almost certainly give you a wide berth after what you did during the noble kidnapping plot sometime back.”

Arc sighs. “I did kill a number of them, yes.”

“When I first heard of what you had done, I thought it would embolden them to action. Make our group swear revenge against you.”


Ashe puts a talon on the glass as she speaks. “It actually did the exact opposite. When everyone heard that their fellow rebels had been slaughtered with their own weapons via magical means they were frozen with fear of you. The fact that they could be so easily killed with the power of magic... a power that no one here in the Griffon Kingdom has nor understands... it just petrified them.”

“It would make me hard to counter, yes.”

Ashe grimaces. “That’s why I decided to sneak aboard your airship and kill you myself. To avenge the fallen as well as embolden my rebel forces.”

Arc nods. “But you failed and were taken to the Infirmary. Before I took you back home to your father, that is.”

“The rebels and I did very little during the time I returned to when I left to take my place as ambassador.”

Arc shrugs. “It’s hard to do something with an army of broken spirited warriors.”

“Even more so when your ‘warriors’ are actually peasants.”

“Right. But you had one ace up your proverbial sleeve.”

“My commander was the only one, other than myself, whom had actual training in combat.”

“And where did he get that?”

Ashe sighs. “I don’t know.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Really, Ashe?”

“As I told you in the past, personal details were kept to a minimum in case someone was captured.”

Arc frowns. “And you were in love with a griffon whom you knew nothing about?!”

Ashe nods as she blushes. “Yes. I didn’t even know his real name until you showed me that recording.”

“All things considered, I don’t think he’s really Gaston.”


“He didn’t just change his voice. That guy changed his appearance too.”

Ashe gasps. “You’re right! Could he be a changeling?!”

Arc shrugs. “Could be. Or he could have used a spell of some kind to transform himself. Like I’ve had done to others when we visit Earth. Remember, changing one’s appearance isn’t exclusive to the changelings.”

“But griffons don’t have magic!”

“True. However he mentioned being in league with the Dark One. That guy could have given him special powers no other griffon has.”

Ashe leans back on her paw and sits on her flank as she groans. “We’ve been through so much he and I though. Watched each other’s backs. Trained together. Heck, we’ve even slept together on numerous occasions!”

Arc groans. “More info than I needed, Ashe.”

“What I’m saying is that I THOUGHT I knew him.”

“Is his name really Gaston?”

Ashe shrugs. “I’m not actually sure.”

“Then how can you say that you really knew him?”

There is a stunned silence as Ashe processes Arc’s words. Sadly she nods.

“After all you’ve presented me with... I guess I never really did. But it felt so good to care about him!”

Arc smiles as he steps forward and puts a hand on Ashe’s shoulder. “Love is a wonderful thing, Ashe. However you can’t let someone control you with it.”

“Control me?”

“Right. You just assumed he was in love with you because you had feelings for him.”

“You think he doesn’t?”

Arc nods. “Consider that he was in league with Decimus after my so-called death.”

“Not a good place for him to be.”

“And he never told you about his abilities.”

“Those would have come in handy a few times, yes.”

“So you understand that he’s not on your side, right Ashe?”

Ashe bows her head. “Yes.”


“Um... I think it’s my turn to tell you something.”

Arc appears surprised. “What is it?”

“I... saw him.”


“In my room when we went to visit my father.”

“What did he want?!”

“To talk about the rebel’s next move.”

Arc grimaces. “Which is...?!”

“Nothing at the moment.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Nothing?”

Ashe nods. “I told him that the rebels were not to take any action against Princess Twilight or the rest of our group.”

“And you really think they’ll listen?!”

“Yes, they will. I don’t tolerate actions that imperil the group or mission.”

“What about your recent actions?”

Ashe frowns. “My what?”

“You becoming the ambassador to Equestria. They could see that as you selling out.”

“I explained all that to my commander when I saw him the other day.”

“Was he convinced?”

Ashe wrings her talons nervously. “He was a bit... upset. But I’m sure he’ll come around.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Come around?”

“When he sees all the security around the ship and Twilight. They wouldn’t dare attack.”

Arc clenches a fist. “Well, just in case they do, I’ll be right there by Twilight’s side to take them down... personally.”

“And such a thing will ensure that they stay in the shadows.”

“Anything else I should know about their movements?”

Ashe shakes her head. “That’s all I know.”

“Fine. But if you hear any more...”

Ashe interrupts him. “I’ll be sure to let you know, yes.”

“Good. After all, it wouldn’t do for others to find out whom the leader of the rebels truly is.”


Arc shrugs. “Call it what you will.”

“But there’s a few things that I’m keeping quiet about you as well.”

“True. However my own reputation will take a back seat to Twilight’s feelings and safety.”

“That’s fair.”

Arc looks at the clock and smirks. “Speaking of which, I need to head to her room.”

Ashe nods as she follows him toward the door. “I hope you two have a nice evening.”

Parting ways, Ashe heads to her quarters as Arc makes the short walk to Twilight’s room. Knocking lightly, he waits. A few moments later a Hoof Maiden answers. Stepping aside she allows him to enter before closing the door behind him and bowing.

“Princess Twilight is nearly ready, sir.”

Arc looks around the room. “Call of nature?”


“Just asking if Princess Twilight had to use the restroom, or something.”

“I did not inquire, sir. The princess merely told me to wait here and admit you when you arrived.”

“Alright. Did she give you other orders?”

The Hoof Maiden shakes her head. “No, sir.”

“But she’s otherwise ready, correct?”

“That she is, sir.”

“Very good. You are excused.”

The mare bows and leaves the room as Arc sits down to wait. A few minutes later Twilight slowly opens the door and steps out. Looking to him she smiles nervously.

“Good evening, Arc. How do I look?”

Arc nods approvingly. “Great, Twilight!”

Twilight blushes slightly as she turns away. “Thanks. You look very nice in your raiments as well.”

“Everything is ready for you.”

Twilight appears suddenly nervous. “You mean ‘us’, right?”

“Oh, yes! Of course!”

“Good! I don’t think I could do this on my own.”

Arc smiles at her. “Not to worry. Remember, I’ll be by your side the whole time.”

“Thank you, Arc. Shall we go?”


Extending a hand, Twilight puts a hoof in it as Arc leads her toward the door. Turning to her, he speaks.

“Um... aren’t you forgetting something, Twilight”

Twilight appears confused. “No, I don’t think so.”

Arc chuckles. “Your Element.”

“Oh... right.”

Arc picks up the crown from a nearby stand. Putting it on Twilight’s head, he opens the door. Together they step out into the corridor. As the pair walk, the guards form a perimeter around them. Descending to the Lower Level, they enter the Cargo Hold where the open air chariot is prepped and waiting for them. A team of stallions is already hitched to it with Arc’s squad standing on all four corners at the ready. Arc looks to each of them as he escorts Twilight up onto the vehicle and nods. Sitting down next to her he smiles before speaking.


Twilight nods. “Yes, this feels MUCH more natural.”

“Albeit a bit colder.”

“Not to worry. I have a solution to that.”

Reaching for a console nearby, Twilight presses a switch. A slight hum rings out at the movement of air all around them. Arc appears confused.

“Um... it’s not blowing AT us though.”

Twilight giggles. “Exactly!”

“I don’t get your meaning.”

“If the air were to blow at the occupants, it would most likely mess up a princess’ mane. This way it creates a barrier of warm air that shields the occupants of the carriage from the wind.”

Arc frowns. “Sounds like it’d be negated by the first strong breeze though.”

“You’d be surprised. But there is one other thing we have on here.”

Pressing a button on the console Twilight turns back to Arc before continuing.

“The platform itself is heated.”

Arc pats the floor next to him. “Yes, I can already feel it warming up.”

“Then we’d best get moving before we overheat.”

Arc nods to the guards whom open the Cargo Bay doors. The stallions pulling the chariot begin to walk slowly toward the ramp. Carefully proceeding down it so as not to lose control, they reach the ground level. A portion of the guards looking after the perimeter fall into step around them as the carriage heads for the city. Arc turns to Twilight.

“Here we go.”

Twilight takes a deep breath. “Yes... no turning back now.”

Entering the city, Arc and Twilight are greeting by the citizens whom flock out of their homes to try and catch a glimpse of a princess. Twilight begins smiling and waving as Arc lowers his voice and calls out to her.

“How are you holding up?”

“Just fine. This way I can hear the crowd cheering and feel their energy.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Energy?”

“What I mean is that I’m not feeling the same sensory deprivation that I felt in that rolling coffin earlier.”

“That’s good. But be sure to let me know if it becomes too much for you.”

Twilight nods as she continues waving. “I will.”

As they make their way through the streets, the carriage eventually enters a gated portion of the city. The guards on duty (whom have been bolstered for the occasion) stop the throngs of citizens from following. Twilight sighs as the sound of cheers lessens.

“That was quite the experience.”

“Did it tire you out?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Not really. But I wish the guards would have let them continue on.”

Arc chuckles. “Missing the adulation already?”

“It’s not that. They just seemed so happy to see me.”

“That’s to be expected.”


“Remember what I told you before. As a princess you represent Equestrian economic success. Something they would like to see come to their country very badly.”

Twilight sighs. “And I’d like them to have it too. Everypony I saw cheering at me seemed very hopeful for the future.”

As the carriage turns off the main road the carriage rolls up to a large building with a brightly lit overhang. Innumerable griffon guards walk the grounds while more patrols fly overhead. Twilight looks around, confused.

“Arc, where exactly are we?”

“It’s a place where all the rich and powerful of the Griffon Kingdom can come and relax without being surrounded by their guards.”

Twilight frowns. “Is that safe?!”

Arc nods as the carriage stops at the door. “That it is. The grounds and perimeter are patrolled vigorously so that no one even has a chance to get close enough to do anything.”

Twilight stands along with Arc as they step down. “Where did you hear about this place?!”

“Ashe. She told me this is where her and her father go when they want to get away from their house for a bit.”

“And nothing’s ever happened?!”

Arc shakes his head as he motions for the stallions to continue on with the carriage. “According to her, no.”

Twilight grins. “So I won’t need additional protecting while we’re inside?!”

“Right. It’ll just be you and me... on a date.”

Entering the massive building together, Arc and Twilight head for the main desk. A griffon behind it bows as he speaks.

“Welcome, Princess Twilight. Lord Arc”

Twilight smiles nervously. “H-hello.”

“What can we do to serve you?”

“I... I don’t...”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “The princess and I would like to eat a fine meal together in one of your private Dining Rooms.”

The griffon nods as he looks over a clipboard. “Yes, Lord Arc. I shall have you two taken to our largest and finest available Dining Room.”

Twilight holds up a hoof. “Actually, I’d like something a bit more... modest.”

“Your highness?”

Arc chimes in. “What the princess means is that she’d like for us to have a smaller dining room for a more... intimate experience.”

“Understood, sir.”

His talon rings a small bell next to him twice. A well-dressed griffon approaches and smiles at them as the host behind the counter speaks.

“Please follow the servant to your room.”

Twilight nods. “Thank you.”

They begin walking as the servant looks to Arc.

“We’ve already received notice of the princess’ dietary needs from your ship, sir. Will there be any changes to either of your meal choices?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, Ambassador Ashe was fully aware of what we need.”

Nodding, the servant writes something on his clipboard as they continue on. A few minutes later they arrive at a small but ornate door. The servant opens it and allows the pair to step inside. They see a small table with place settings in front of a roaring fireplace. Nearby a couch and bottle on ice sit in a bucket. Turning to Arc, he speaks.

“Is this to your liking, sir?”

Arc nods. “Yes, this will do nicely.”

“Shall I put in your dinner order now then?”

“Please do.”

“Yes sir. Is there anything else I can do to make your visit more enjoyable?”

“I think we’re good for now.”

The servant bows as he backs out the door. “Understood. If you need anything please don’t hesitate to contact us.”

He closes the door behind them as Twilight turns to Arc.

“That was kinda rude of him.”

Arc appears confused. “Twilight?””

“All he did was ask you every question.”

“That’s normal for someone in your position though, Twilight. At least here in the Griffon Kingdom, that is.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “It is?”

Arc nods. “Sure. Ashe told me about this very thing some time ago. You see, the aristocracy in this country believe themselves to be so much higher than everyone around them that they don’t speak to commoners unless absolutely necessary.”

“Then how do they communicate?”

“Through their personal aides and servants mostly.”

Twilight gasps. “But you’re not an aide!”

“That is true, yes. However, I’m seen as your dinner companion whom is also not royalty. So I fit the bill of being your aide.”

“Well, I don’t really care for that! You deserve more respect than being thought of as below me!”

Arc chuckles. “I don’t mind. And you have to remember that one must abide by the rules and culture of others when in their country.”

He motions to the table before continuing.

“But for now let’s enjoy the time afforded to us.”

Twilight nods. “Very well.”

Walking over to the table, Arc pulls out a chair for Twilight. As she sits down he pushes it back in slightly before taking his place across from her. Twilight looks around as she speaks.

“It’s a very nice place they have here.”

“Yes, it is. Perfect for a date.”

Twilight giggles. “I knew you were up to something. But I didn’t think it would be something like this!”

Arc shrugs. “This just felt like the perfect time to go out with you, Twilight. After all, you don’t really get much down time.”

“True. But then again, neither do you.”

Arc chuckles as he takes a sip of water. “Guilty as charged.”

Twilight smiles as she levitates her glass to herself. “We both really needed this.”

“A night off for a dinner date is a nice diversion, yes.”

Twilight giggles. “So this IS a date!”

Arc shrugs. “Maybe not the best example of one. But I’ve been wanting to go out with you for some time, Twilight.”

“As have I. But, um...”

She wrings her hooves nervously before continuing.

“...I don’t really know what I should be doing right now.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Doing?”

“Am I supposed to talk? Just listen? Add to the conversation? Remember, I’ve never gone out with anypony before.”

“Anything that helps us learn more about each other is just fine. So feel free to do whatever comes naturally.”

Twilight gasps. “But I don’t have any point of reference!”

“That’s fine, Twilight. Remember, the others didn’t either.”

“What if I mess up though?!”

Arc shrugs. “I won’t tell anyone.”

Twilight appears relieved. “Well... what should we talk about?”

“That’s always a tough subject. Why don’t we start with what’s going on in your life?”

“It’s mostly just ruling the nation. Nothing really too interesting there.”

“No projects going on?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin and looks up. “Well... I am occasionally going over data Auriel sends me in regards to her efforts to reconstruct the Crystal Heart.”

“And how’s that going?”

Twilight sighs. “Not so well. She, myself, and Rose have yet to make any headway on the project.”

“So what’s the next step?”

“At the moment Auriel and Rose are just taking readings. They’re hoping a solution can be found somewhere in the latent energy given off by it.”

“Hopefully they’ll figure it out.”

“I have faith in their abilities.”

The pair are silent for a time. Eventually Twilight sighs.

“Sadly, this conversation feels more like a board meeting than a date.”

Arc nods. “Maybe we shouldn’t talk about work.”

“Agreed. Why don’t you tell me about how things are going back in Ponyville then?”

“Well, Shelly and Lily agreed to take over the old Paneighra Bread business.”

Twilight smiles. “That’s good! Truth be told, I was a bit worried that they would have trouble finding their place in Equestria.”

“Me too. After all, it’s not like they can safely go back to Earth at this point.”

“But they’re adjusting well?”

Arc nods. “Yup. Although right now they’re living in my room in Derpy’s house. But I’m guessing it’s only a matter of time before they move into the apartment above their new business.”

“Didn’t they have that setup back on Earth too?”

“That’s the best part about this whole thing. It’ll feel like they’re home again. But this time safe and healthy.”

Twilight giggles.” I’m looking forward to trying their food.”

“Well, it’s probably going to be awhile. After all, they’re going to have to make some pretty major adjustments to their cooking style.”

Twilight appears confused. “Why’s that?”

“Ingredients that are plentiful back on Earth are either rare or available here in Equestria.”


“Meat, for starters. They’re going to have to come up with pony friendly versions of their staple menu items.”

“Maybe not.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“According to the reports I’ve been receiving, more and more griffons are moving to Equestria for work. Even a few in Ponyville now, I hear. They’re going to want meat based dishes at some point.”

“While that may be true, there aren’t exactly supply lines for obtaining such a thing that I know of.”

“How does Saffron get yours then?”

“I send out hunting parties from my base.”

Twilight giggles. “Ah! I suppose that does make sense.”

Arc shrugs. “Besides, they can’t really make a business model out of griffons at this point, as they’re still quite a small percentage of the population.”

“As their numbers grow though I’m sure somepony will start raising... what kind of meat do they eat?”

Arc counts on his fingers as he speaks. “Pork, beef, and chicken.”

“Eventually it’ll be worth it to raise those animals to feed them.”

“I’m betting no pony would want to work on or start such a business though.”

“Then they’ll have to start it up themselves and let the market decide if it’s successful or not.”

“I suppose so. But in the meantime my friends say they’ll spend their time readying the building, ordering special equipment, and learning about pony diets to better serve their future customers.”

Twilight smiles. “If they need any sort of assistance please have them reach out to me.”

“I’m getting them started with the building, materials, and some equipment. The Cakes will be helping them learn about suppliers too.”

“Sounds like everything’s thought out.”

Arc shrugs. “Time will tell, I suppose. After all, we’re still not sure how exactly Shelly’s going to recover.”

“But she is gaining strength, right?”

“Oh yes. Doctor Horse has her on an exercise regimen to get her muscles back to working order. Especially her legs.”

“So she’s heading in the right direction?”

Arc nods. “Right. Shelly can walk around the house and even stand long enough to cook at the stove now. But it still leaves her very tired.”

“And Lily?”

“She’s just happy to be with Shelly. Regardless of where they live.”

Twilight appears suddenly nervous. “But how is she handling the whole herd idea? While she seemed okay with it at the Hearth’s Warming get-together, I’m told that she had her eyes on you for many years.”

“That’s something we need to work on. However, Lily’s willing to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. We just need to show her that everyone involved is willing to do what it takes to make this work.”

“What about her feelings though?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “I just said...”

Twilight interrupts him. “I mean, does she still have feelings for you, Arc.”

“Oh... yes, she does. However, Lily told me that she’s willing to put that aside for Rarity and the others.”

“You know, I’m sure she’d be welcomed into the herd if she wanted to join.”

Arc shakes his head. “Shelly did mention that idea one day over lunch. But Lily made it very clear that she’s not interested in a polyamorous relationship, or anything like that.”

“Is she... mad at us?”

“Now why would she be?”

Twilight fidgets nervously. “Well... I still feel as if we kinda stole her stallion.”

“Not really. I mean... she didn’t even say anything about being interested in me until long after Rarity and I were an item.”

“That may be true, Arc. But she knew and cared for you long before all of us came along. Feelings for somepony don’t just vanish into thin air if they fall for another, after all.”

Arc sighs. “I suppose not.”

“You really should have a one-on-one conversation with her, Arc. Get everything out in the open and make sure she’s really and truly okay with all of this. After all, I don’t want to see you lose a friend over us. Especially after she left everything behind to move to Equestria.”

“Alright. I’ll see about talking this over with her when I get back to Ponyville.”

Twilight smiles. “Good. Considering your past with Lily, she deserves to be heard.”

A knock rings out. Arc stands and answers the door. Seeing several servants standing there pushing dinner carts, Arc moves to allow them entrance. They quickly serve the food before turning to Arc.

“Is there anything else you require, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I believe this will suffice.”

Twilight nods. “Thank you for all your hard work.”

The servants bow, a bit confused at Twilight’s attitude, and leave the room together. Arc sits down again and the pair begin to eat. Twilight smiles and hums slightly as she does so.

“This is really good!”

Arc nods. “That it is.”

“The flavors are very different from what I’m used to back in Equestria!”

“I noticed that as well when I first came here.”

“I wonder why.”

“Different regions have their own distinct seasonings as well as their own recipes. How something is prepared in one place might be very different in another.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “I seem to keep forgetting my place.”


“Living one’s whole life in a single country doesn’t really lend itself to much variety.”

“I suppose not.”

“Like when we visited Abyssinia with Princess Celestia. I noticed they offered us a lot of fruit.”

Arc nods. “They also enjoy copious amounts of fish too. However the king and queen knew equines weren’t into such things and kept the menu vegetarian to accommodate you.”

“While very kind of them, I do realize that I need to expand my culinary palette.”

She points a hoof at his plate before continuing.

“Might I sample some of your food?”

“If you want to, sure. However it’s all fruits and vegetables.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “No meat?”

Arc shakes his head. “I told Ashe to pass on my orders for a meatless meal for us here tonight.”

“But why?”

“Considering all you’re dealing with right now, I didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable at the sight of flesh.”

“While that was certainly... appreciated, please don’t feel the need to do that in the future.”


“I’d... like to come to terms with food that is beyond my own understanding.”

Arc smirks. “Alright. I’ll take you to Earth and buy you a steak.”

Twilight grimaces. “Maybe not to start with.”

“Alright. I’ll keep that in mind.”

They go back to eating for a time. Eventually Arc looks up at Twilight again.

“Any idea on what you’d like to do after dinner?”

Twilight shrugs. “I’m not really sure. Do you have any suggestions?”

“Actually, yes. You see, this facility is so much more than just a secure place for the aristocracy to eat. It’s also a fully staffed entertainment center.”

“Entertainment center?”

Arc nods. “Ashe says they have all kinds of things to here for every interest imaginable.”

“Like what?”

“A symphony hall with a dance floor.”

Twilight smiles. “Oh, that sounds nice!”

“And a public bathhouse.”

“A what?”

“It’s social bathing. Instead of a bunch of individual tubs they have a number of larger ones so that families can partake together.”

“An interesting idea.”

“A casino with on tap food and beverages.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her cheek. “Gambling?”

Arc shrugs. “When you have more money than you know what to do with, you don’t really care if you lose a small bit of it.”

“I’ve never seen such a place. But I suppose It might be interesting to experience. Purely from an academic standpoint, that is.”

“They also have some more... physical entertainment in the lower levels.”

Twilight frowns. “What do you mean?”

“Cage fights.”

“Is that a bird pun?”

Arc chuckles. “Not exactly. We have something like it back on Earth. However I don’t think it’s actually legal there. Well, at least not ‘for real’ fights.”

Twilight appears confused. “What other kind of fights could there be?”

“Wrestling. It’s scripted though, so there’s less danger of someone actually getting seriously hurt.”

“So they’re just acting instead of fighting for real?”

“I’m going to assume that the fights here are legit.”

“That actually does sound like something I’d like to see.”

Arc looks to Twilight, surprised. “Really?”

“You have to remember that I want to better understand griffon culture. For better or worse, it is what it is.”

“It may not be what you’re used to.”

“And that’s exactly what I’d like to experience. Things that take me outside my comfort zone. Anything else to do here?”

“Quite a few actually. However that’s all remember from Ashe’s explanation. Oh! There’s also a five star hotel upstairs. It’s mostly for nobles whom drink too much. But is of course available for anyone to use.”

“Well, we won’t be doing any of that. Drinking, I mean.”

“Agreed. Want to keep a level head for tonight.”

“So when do we start?”

Arc motions to their food. “As soon as we finish eating.”

Sometime later, as the pair finish eating their dessert, a knock rings out. Arc raises his voice in response.

“Come in!”

A servant enters and walks over to the table. Bowing, he looks to Arc.

“Was the meal to the princess’ liking, sir?”

Arc nods. “Yes, we both enjoyed it.”

Twilight turns to the griffon. “Excuse me?”

“Yes, your highness?”

“Can you tell me more about the public baths?”

“Certainly. What would you like to know, your majesty?”

“How it works exactly.”

Arc quickly chimes in. “We don’t have them back in Equestria.”

“Well... it’s generally done in a group setting. A number of griffons reserve one of our pools. While they soak we serve them alcohol and various snacks.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin. “And what do they do in there? Besides eat, drink, and bathe, that is.”

“Low talking while they relax mostly. After that we have a fully staffed salon to do talons and feathers.”

Arc chuckles. “Just griffons though, right?”

“Forgive us, sir, but yes.”

Twilight smiles. “That’s fine. I’m sure you don’t get much else here. “

She motions to his clipboard before continuing.

“But can I assume you’re here to give us the bill?”

“No, your highness. Ambassador Ashe requested that your expenses be sent directly to her instead.”

“Oh? That was nice of her.”

“I actually came here to ask if either of you would like anything more to eat?”

Arc shakes his head. “I’m pretty full.”

Twilight nods. “Me too.”

The servant bows as he gestures with a wave of his talon. “Then I thank you for coming in tonight. Please feel free to enjoy this room’s amenities as long as you wish.”

Arc smirks. “Thank you, we shall.”

The servant leaves the room and walks down the corridor as he mutters to himself.

“A very strange one that Princess Twilight. If I didn’t know any better I’d think she was being genuinely nice.”

Thinking for a few moments he shakes his head before continuing.

“That isn’t possible though. After all, she’s the ruler of an entire country!”

Meanwhile, Arc stands and walks over to Twilight. Taking her hoof he leads her toward the couch to enjoy the fire. Sitting down together, she snuggles up to him as Arc puts an arm around her as she speaks.

“A nice meal and good company.”

Arc grins. “My thoughts exactly.”

Twilight sighs contentedly. “I could just sit here with you all night, Arc.”

“So could I. But I imagine that you still want to see more of this place.”

“That I do, yes.”

“Where do you want to start?”

“Well... if you’re okay with it, I wouldn’t mind visiting the public baths.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Really? I thought you bathed before we came here, Twilight.”

“Oh, I did! However, I’d like to experience it so I can tell Princess Celestia all about this place when we return.”

“Well, if that’s really what you want to do, then sure.”

“In a few minutes, that is.”


Twilight giggles as she closes her eyes. “I just want to enjoy the here and now for a bit longer.”

Sometime later Arc and Twilight leave their room. Following the signs the pair make their way to the Public Bathhouse. Walking up to the counter with Twilight, Arc speaks.

“We would like to use one of your baths, please.”

The griffon nods respectfully. “Certainly, sir. However, I must advise you that we don’t have any stylists whom are familiar with how to do up a non-griffon’s mane or tail.”

Twilight shrugs as she pats her mane. “That’s fine. I’ll just need a bit of a brushing, after all.”

“We could offer a wingacure, your highness.”

“A what?”

“It’s a way to rejuvenate your wing’s feathers. I can have our top stylist look you over after bathing if you’d like. They’ll be able to determine what’s best for you.”

“I’ll have to think about it.”

The griffon taps a bell next to himself twice. “Very well. One of our spa servers will escort you to a changing room.”

A servant approaches and bows as the host speaks.

“Escort Princess Twilight and Lord Arc to our finest changing room.”

The servant nods and motions with a talon as he speaks. “Please follow me.”

Leading the pair down a wide corridor, he stops in front of a large door.

“Here we are. Inside you will find everything you need to make your experience here a positive one. When you are ready please make your way out the opposite door where I will be waiting to escort you to your bath.”

Twilight smiles at him. “Thank you. We won’t be long.”

Arc and Twilight enter the room. Before them are several ornate benches, hooks for clothing, towels, and numerous shelves containing soaps, shampoos, conditioner, bath bombs, and innumerable other novelties that they cannot identify. Twilight walks over to a cubby and begins removing her dress as she grins.

“Glad to be out of that!”

Arc chuckles as he starts removing his raiments. “Don’t really care much for the royal outfits, huh?”

Twilight shakes her head as she carefully hangs the dress up. “Not really, no.”

“Then why wear them?”

“Because of my position. I really need to look my best right now to keep up appearances.”

“If it makes you feel any better, I never really liked that part of the job either.”

“Dressing up?”

Arc frowns. “All eyes being on you, I mean. Every move and action being scrutinized and analyzed by everyone. And having to put the needs of the nation before your own wants and desires.”

Twilight smiles wistfully. “Thank you, Arc.”

“What for?”

“Being here with me.”

Arc chuckles. “Such is the duty of a good stallionfriend.”

Twilight giggles as she puts her crown on a shelf. “And you do a good job of it. Now then, are you almost ready over there?”

“I... kinda am.”

Twilight turns to him, confused. “What do you mean?”

“Not really sure I should be walking out there naked. I mean... no one else will be wearing anything, but...”

Twilight smiles as her eyes make their way down to his genitals. “...but you’re different down there.”

Arc shrugs. “I don’t have a sheath like stallions and griffons do, no.”

“It’s just kinda... flopping around down there.”


“Yes, Arc?”

“My eyes are up here.”

Twilight blushes heavily as she gasps. “Sorry!”

Arc chuckles. “It’s fine. But do you think I should cover up so as not to offend anyone out there?”

“That might be for the best. However, what could you put on that would cover you properly?”

“I could wear a pair of my shorts out there.”

“But then you’d really stick out.”

Arc motions toward the outer door. “Maybe we should ask the griffon whom led us here for help.”

“Good idea. After all, you can’t be the first modest customer they’ve had here.”

Walking over to the door, Arc opens it part way and looks out. The griffon stands there waiting for them expectantly as he does so.

“Are you and Princess Twilight ready, sir?”

“Not quite. We need a bit of advice first.”


“Would you please step inside?”

“Of course, sir.”

Opening the door, he does as Arc says. Twilight steps into view from her dressing area which causes the griffon to look away respectfully.

“Can I assist you, your highness?”

Twilight points a hoof at Arc. “It’s actually my friend here whom needs your help.”


Arc gestures to his nether regions. “I’m a bit nervous about... this hanging out there.”

Twilight nods. “What would you recommend he do?”

The servant pulls a large towel off a nearby rack. “It’s traditional for all spa patrons to wear a towel around their midsection for the walk from the changing area to their section of the baths. While not actually required, it is heavy recommended.”

Arc chuckles. “Really? I didn’t know that.”

He takes the towel from the servant and puts it around his waist. Twilight nods approvingly as he does so.

“Much more modest. Modester?”

Arc shrugs. “Not really sure that second one is actually a word. But I’ll take it.”

Twilight looks to a servant. “And what about me?”

“One of our smaller towels should fit you, your highness.”

He looks over the racks before walking across the room to a much smaller set of cubbies. Taking a towel he walks over to Twilight nervously.

“Forgive me, your highness, but I believe this towel will fit you.”

Taking it with her magic, Twilight lays the towel over her flank and wraps it around her back half before nodding and turning to the servant.

“How does this look?”

“A perfect fit, your majesty.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Why not have those towels over here then?”

The servant appears suddenly nervous. “Well... you see... um... they’re actually... youngling size.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “What?”

“Forgive me, Princess Twilight. But ponies are a lot... smaller than griffons are in that area.”

“That’s... understandable, I suppose.”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “Are we ready to head out now?”

Twilight giggles. “I am!”

Their guide motions to the door. “Please follow me.”

Leading the pair out the door, they are hit with a wave of hot and humid air. The servant speaks as he walks past in-floor baths that appear to be almost the size of small pools.

“Now then, would you two like a semi-private bath?”

Twilight nods. “That sounds very nice, thank you.”

“I shall show you to our finest one.”

Arriving at a tentlike structure, the servant pulls the curtains back to reveal a smaller recessed in floor tub with ornate looking spouts spewing water into the bath in all four corners. He turns to Arc and speaks again.

“I hope this is to your liking, sir.”

“It looks great, thanks!”

Twilight trots forward happily. “Agreed!”

Arc follows Twilight toward the tub as she dips a hoof into the water to test it. The servant motions to a nearby rack.

“These racks will hold your towels while you bathe. Should you require fresh ones a servant will bring them to you.”

Twilight pulls over her towel and levitates it carefully over to the rack. “Come on, Arc! Let’s get in!”


Pulling off his towel, Arc hangs it up beside hers as he steps into the warm water. Sitting down next to Twilight he sighs contentedly.


Twilight moans contentedly. “You said it!”

The servant slowly walks over to the pool’s edge. “Is the water temperature to your liking?”

Arc nods. “It’s good for me. Princess?”

Twilight closes her eyes happily. “Heavenly.”

Arc looks to the servant and smiles. “I think we’re okay.”

“Yes sir. Um... begging your pardon, but I noticed that you didn’t take anything with you but towels.”

Twilight blushes slightly. “Opps. Guess we forgot to grab soap and whatnot.”

The servant looks to her and bows. “Shall I fetch them, your highness?”

“That won’t be necessary. I’ll just head back and grab a few things.”

Arc looks over as Twilight stands. “I can do that, Twilight.”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, no. You’ve had a busy day, Arc. I’ll take care of it.”

Picking up her towel, she wraps it around her midsection and walks out the tent flaps. The servant turns to Arc, clearly confused.

“Um... sir?”


“Forgive me, but is that some kind of tradition in your land?”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your princess leaving to get something that was forgotten. I would have thought she’d be used to servants getting things for her.”

Arc shrugs. “Nah. Twilight just likes to do things for herself whenever possible. It’s due to her being born and growing up as a commoner.”

“She wasn’t born into royalty, sir?!”


“Forgive me for being so forward regarding this matter, sir!”

“It’s fine. No one ever learns without asking questions, after all.”

“Might you also please not mention this to the princess, sir?”

“No problem.”

“In any case, I will have one of our servers come by in a few minutes after you two get settled.”

“Thank you.”

The servant leaves the tent. Continuing with his duties, he spies Twilight walking back toward the tent with a basket of good on her back. Watching her head for the tent again he muses to himself.

“A princess whom acts like a commoner. Not demanding or haughty like the other nobles. She even hung up her towel by herself. Everyone else just kinda throws it to one side for us servants to pick up. But not Princess Twilight nor Lord Arc. Both of them were the epitome of cordiality and friendliness. An interesting concept to be sure.

Meanwhile, Twilight enters the tent and levitates the basket off of her back as she calls out to Arc.

“I think we should have everything we need now.”

“Thanks for getting that stuff, Twilight. Sorry I forgot about it.”

Twilight giggles as she hangs up her towel again and heads for the bath. “It’s alright. You were still preoccupied with the whole towel matter.”

Arc smirks. “And you weren’t?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, I was busy thinking about... you know what, I’m not going to finish that sentence.”

She blushes slightly as Arc laughs.


“It’s okay, Twilight. I’m fine with you looking at all of me.”

“Are you sure? After all, you seemed a bit upset when you caught me looking at your... you know...”

“I was just making a joke, Twilight.”


“But in any case, should we get cleaned up?”

Twilight smiles as she levitates the basket to the side of the tub. “Not that we really need it though. After all, we both showered before leaving the ship.”

“I suppose that’s true. However...”

The sound of the tent flaps ruffling rings out as a female griffon enters and slowly walks over to them.

“Good evening Princess Twilight... Lord Arc.”

Twilight smiles at her. “Um... hello.”

Arc turns to the server. “What can we do for you?”

Griffon appears confused. “I... just came by to see if I could get you anything.”

“Like what?”

“A light snack or some wine. Anything you want really.”

Twilight looks to the griffon. “What do you recommend?”

“Me, your highness?”


“Well... a basket of steamed buns is a popular item here.”

“Are they filled?”

The griffon nods. “With caviar, your highness.”

Twilight appears confused. “What’s...?”

Arc interrupts her. “Fish eggs.”

“Ah! Well... can we get some that haven’t been filled with anything?”

“Yes, your highness. Can I get you something to drink as well?”

“Anything special you’d suggest?”

“Most everyone has either wine or champagne with their food.”

Twilight shakes her head. “We’re not much for that sort of thing. How about just some ice water?”

“I can do that, your majesty.”

She turns to Arc before continuing.

“And for you, sir?”

“I’ll have mine with grape juice.”

“Do you mean wine, sir?”

“No. I want non-alcoholic juice.”

Griffon nods nervously. “A-alright, sir.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Is that outside the norm here, miss?”

“Kinda. You see, even younglings typically drink wine here. Only the youngest of them have juice. That’s why I thought wine was desired. Please forgive my mistake.”

Arc chuckles. “It’s no problem.”

“Anything else I can bring you?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “How about some butter to go on the buns?”

Arc grins. “That does sound tasty!”

“Yes, your highness. I’ll take care of it. Will there be anything else?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, that should do it.”

Bowing, the griffon leaves the tent. As she heads for the nearby kitchen she muses to herself.

“Princess Twilight and Lord Arc aren’t what I imagined them to be. They’re just so... so nice and understanding. Even when I made mistakes they didn’t yell at or belittle me. And they were cordial to one another. Not exactly the norm around here.”

Meanwhile, Twilight turns to Arc.

“I learned something interesting when I was walking back here earlier.”

“What’s that?”

“This tent is apparently made out of a very special fabric.”

“Is it now?”

Twilight nods. “It allows us to somewhat see through it from inside. But is completely opaque from the outside.”

“Interesting. Not sure why it’s made that way though.”

Twilight sighs. “Probably for those whom don’t like enclosed spaces.”

“Maybe you’re right, Twilight. But I’d rather people, or in this case griffons, not watch me bathe.”

Twilight giggles as she pulls a bar of soap from the basket. “Want me to wash your back?”

Arc nods. “Yes please.”

A short time later the female griffon returns with a cart. She places two small baskets of buns with matching bowls of butter on a silver tray and lays it on a mat next to the tub. Returning to her cart she pulls a bottle of grape juice off of it along with a glass. However as she turns back with the glass of ice water the condensation causes her talon to slip. It tips over splashing the contents over the baskets, drenching them. Laying down face first she calls out.

“I’m sorry, your highness! Please forgive my clumsiness!”

Twilight gasps. “Oh my! Miss, are you okay?!”

Arc looks over the baskets. “Looks like the glass didn’t break.”

“That’s good.”

The griffon cries out but does not look up. “I will make this right immediately!”

Twilight smiles at her. “It’s fine, miss. Truth be told I thought you might have cut yourself on a shard of glass.”

Arc nods. “And the baskets looks to be pretty watertight.”

He opens a basket and looks over its contents for a moment before continuing.

“All good inside.”

Twilight giggles. “You can get up, miss.”

The griffon slowly does so shakily. She looks to Twilight nervously.

“I’m very sorry, Princess Twilight! I’ll get you a fresh glass of ice water right away!”

“That’s alright. Truth be told, that grape juice does look really tasty now that I think about it.”

“I’ll bring you a bottle of it at once!”

Arc chuckles. “Oh, no need for that. I can share this one with her.”

“Share, sir?”

Twilight nods. “Sure. It’s big enough for the two of us anyways.”

Arc pulls a couple of small clothes to himself with a Telekinesis Spell from a nearby shelf. He quickly dries up the water before tossing the cloths into a nearby bin and turning to the griffon.

“There we are. No harm done.”

“Thank you, sir. And please accept my most sincere apologies.”

Twilight smiles at her reassuringly. “Accidents happen.”

Nervously, the griffon grabs her cart and slowly backs toward the tent flap. “Yes, I suppose they do. But again, I do apologize. Please feel free to ring the bell on the tray if you need anything else. You and Lord Arc have priority here in the Royal Bath.”

She steps out of the tent and breathes a sigh of relief. However, no sooner has she done so than a loud voice of another patron rings out nearby.

“Over here, slave!”

Hurrying to the adjoining bath, she bows at the griffon before her and speaks.

“How may I serve you, Lord Goldstone?”

“Get me some fresh wine! This stuff tastes like it’s been open for minutes!”

She nods fearfully. “Y-yes sir! Right away!”

Goldstone calls out as she leaves. “And in a chilled glass too! It’s getting too warm as I drink it!”

She hurries off as Arc and Twilight watch from their tent. Arc grits his teeth as he speaks.

“What a jerk!”

Twilight frowns. “I’ll say.”

“How’s he expect it to stay cold in here?!”

“Overly demanding, that one.”

The female griffon runs back to her cart and pulls out a chilled glass along with a bottle. Pouring it, she walks quickly over to Goldstone with the fresh glass of wine on a silver tray. Picking it up, Goldstone takes a sip before spitting the contents in her face and glaring at her.

“I said I wanted it in a CHILLED GLASS!”

“My apologies, sir. But that’s as cold as we can make them.”

Goldstone points a talon. “Bring me the bottle, peon!”

She quickly does so. Goldstone holds out his glass angrily as she approaches.


Doing so with a shaky talon, she steps back as he sets it down on a nearby tray and grins wickedly at her.

“Get in.”


“You heard me. I want you in this tub with me.”

“Y-yes sir.

Putting the bottle on the tray with his glass, the female griffon slowly steps into the water. She stands before Goldstone as he looks her over lewdly.

“When was the last time you ate?”

“Before my shift started six hours ago, sir.”

Goldstone smirks. “Perfect. Turn around and put your talons on the side of the tub.”

She does so. Putting a talon on her forehead, Goldstone forces her head back all the way. She gasps instinctively as he grabs the bottle from the tray and sticks the neck of it down her throat.


The griffon does as she is told. Downing the entire bottle of wine, she gasps for air as he lets go and shoves her forward against the edge of the bath. She lays her face on the cool marble floor as she coughs and heaves from the lack of oxygen. Goldstone smirks wickedly as he puts his talons on her backside and pushes her out of the water.

“Now then... return to your duties.”

“B-but, I... I can’t even...”

Goldstone screams at her. “You can and you...!”

He is cut off as a gasp rings out. Clutching his throat, he leans heavily on the side of the tub as he struggles for breath. The female server calls out loudly.

“Medical... emergency!”

A team of griffons run over as Goldstone loses consciousness. They drag him out of the tub and lay him on a stretcher. One of them looks him over and shakes his head.

“Looks like he spent too much time in the tub. Let’s get him out of here.”

As the griffons carry Goldstone out in front of everyone they gawk and chuckle at his predicament. The female server stumbles back to her cart and leans on it for stability. Hearing a bell ring, she turns the cart toward the tent and walks slowly and carefully towards it. Pushing it inside the flaps, she lets go and turns to approach the tub. However her balance is gone and she falls to the floor. Arc and Twilight jump out of the tub together and carry her to a nearby bench. Laying her down, Arc turns to Twilight.

“Get one of those basket of buns! Hurry!”

As Twilight does so, Arc hears a groan ring out from the server. Grabbing a nearby trash can, he sticks her head into it as she vomits profusely. This continues for some time as Twilight returns with the basket. Eventually the server stops throwing up and looks to Arc and Twilight dizzily.

“What... what can I... can I get... for... for...?”

Arc cuts her off. “Shh... don’t talk. Just lie there.”

Putting his glass of grape juice to her lips he calls out.

“Take a drink.”

She woozily does so. Twilight hurries over to the cart and grabs a water jug. Pouring some into a glass she hurries over to Arc and hands it to him.

“This should work better!”

Arc nods and puts the glass to her beak. Taking a sip, she coughs a few times before groggily looking up at Arc again.”

“What can... I...?”

Arc cuts her off. “Please miss! Just lie still!”

Picking up a bun from the basket, Arc carefully pulls the server into an upright position and sits down next to her.

“You need to eat this, miss. It’ll help absorb some of the alcohol in your stomach.”

Putting the bun to her beak, Arc helps her eat it as Twilight holds out the glass of water.

“And you’ll need to rehydrate to prevent a nasty hangover.”

Arc grimaces. “And after throwing up.”

Nodding silently as Twilight holds the glass to her beak, she drinks as best as she is able. Arc picks up another bun and they repeat the process. Eventually sometime later the server is able to speak again.

“Thank you... for the help, sir.”

“No problem.”

She groans. “I’m just lucky Lord Goldstone passed out when he did.”

Twilight smirks. “Not exactly.”


Arc holds up a hand and grins. “That was me.”


“Just a bit of a Telekinesis Spell. An invisible hand around his throat to cut off air and he passed out.”

Twilight smiles wickedly. “In this heat they just thought he had heatstroke, or something.”

“I... don’t feel so good.”

Arc pulls out another bun. “With nothing in your stomach the alcohol went straight to your intestines. These buns should help with that.”

Twilight nods. “From there it was just a quick hop to your bloodstream. Hence why you’re so drunk right now.”

The server moves to sit up. “I... I need to get back... to work.”

Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “You can’t even walk right now though.”

Twilight frowns. “Right. Isn’t there something you could say later to convince your boss that we kept you busy in here?”

“Well... I sometimes give massages to patrons.”

Arc nods. “Good. You can tell them that we both wanted extra-long massages.”

Twilight puts a hoof on her forehead. “Right. Now then, I think you need to rest for a bit to let the alcohol pass through you.”

“I can... do that... somewhere else... your highness.”

Arc shakes his head. “Then they’ll ask questions.”

Twilight gently pushes the server back down. “Just lay there and get some sleep.”

Nodding, the server slowly closes her eyes.

“Yes... your... majesty.”

A few moments later she passes out. Arc puts a towel over her as the pair step back and walk to the others side of the tent.

“We should probably keep our voices down to let her rest.”

Twilight nods. “Agreed.”

Arc motions to the tub. “Wanna get back in?”

Twilight shakes her head as she points to her head. “Not really. I don’t think it would be proper, considering what just happened.”

Arc points to some nearby couches. “Wanna follow suit with our server then?”


“We’re going to have a late night. I could go for a nap while we wait for her to wake up.”

“Okay. Just one thing though.”


Twilight walks over to the mouth of the tent and grabs something. Putting it outside she zips the flaps shut before returning to Arc.

“There we go.”

“What’d you do?”

Twilight giggles. “Just put out a ‘do not disturb’ sign.”

“Good idea. After all, we wouldn’t want someone else walking in here and seeing our server passed out drunk on the couch.”

Twilight takes Arc’s hand. “Right. Now then, I’d like to be on top.”

Arc appears confused. “On top?”

“Of you, silly!”

“Ah! Right!”

They walk over to a large couch and sit down together. Arc picks Twilight up and sets her down in his lap. Giggling slightly, she rests her head on his chest as they lay down together. A short time later the sound of running water lulls them both to sleep as Arc puts his arms around her. They stay like that for a couple hours together before a light groan awakens them both. Twilight whispers to Arc.

“I think she’s coming around.”

Arc nods. “Let’s go check.”

Sitting up, the pair get to their feet and walk over to the server. Arc puts a hand on her shoulder and gently shakes her.

“Miss? Are you okay?”

Slowly opening her eyes, she groans and puts a talon over her face.

“Ugh... I... I feel like a carriage ran over my head.”

Twilight walks over to her cart. “Let me get you some water to...”

Her eyes flying open, the server looks over to see Twilight pouring a glass of water from her cart. Gasping, she rolls off the couch and scrambles to her feet.

“Let me get that for you, your highness!”

Twilight walks over to her with the glass in her magical hold. “It’s alright. You just sit back down and try to collect yourself.”

Doing as she is told, the server sits back down on the couch as Twilight gives her the glass. Arc reaches into his ring and pulls out a small bottle.

“Want some headache medicine?”

The griffon nods. “Yes, please.”

Twilight turns to her as Arc hands over two pills. “Is there anything else that can be done?”

“Not really. We have medicine to treat those whom drink too much, of course. However it’s for patrons only.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Patrons only, huh. One moment.”

He walks over to the tent flap and unzips it. Looking out, he flags over a servant. Walking over with his cart, he speaks.

“What can I do for you, sir?”

“I need something for a hangover.”

The servant appears confused. “A what, sir?”

“When you drink too much alcohol.”

“Ah! You want a ‘stabilizer’.”

“What’s that do?”

“It breaks down the alcohol in your blood to bring you back to a state of normalcy.”

He lowers his voice before continuing.

“The princess had a bit too much, sir?”

“Something like that. Where does one get a ‘stabilizer’?

“I have some right here, sir.”

Reaching into his cart, the servant pulls out a small bottle containing two pills. He hands them to Arc whom quietly levitates some bits into the drawer they came out of.

“Thank you. And this is to make sure you don’t tell anyone about this.”

The servant grins widely. “Yes sir!”

He walks away as Arc returns to the young griffon’s side.

“Here you go.”

She smiles weakly as she accepts the medication. “Th-thank you, sir.”

Taking the glass of water from Twilight, she pops the pills into her mouth and follows them up with water. Swallowing, she looks to the pair.

“Um... I... th-thank you.”

Arc smiles at her. “It’s no problem.”

Twilight grimaces. “Hopefully those pills kick in soon.”

“They should take about half an hour. I can kinda lay low until then.”

Arc shakes his head. “I’d rather that you stay here. At least until you can walk normally.”

Twilight chimes in. “Can we ask you some questions, miss?”

“Yes, of course!”

“Does that kind of thing happen often here?”

“You mean what was done to me, your highness?”


“Not usually, no. Well, the other patrons usually keep it to verbal abuse and throwing things in our faces. Like their food, drinks, and towels. Only a small number of, shall we say... very high level patrons seem to enjoy more heinous things like that.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “I did notice that no one said or did anything to stop him though.”

The griffon sighs. “It would be political suicide to do so. After all, he’s a very powerful griffon on the Council of Lords.”

Twilight frowns. “Powerful?”

“It’s been said that if Lord Gestal is the kings right talon, Lord Goldstone is his left.”


“Oh yes. He has the king’s ear nearly as much as Lord Gestal. If anyone ever tried to come between him and something he wanted, well... I don’t really know what exactly Lord Goldstone would do. But I do know that it wouldn’t be pretty.”

Twilight shudders. “Can you give us an example?”

“Well... I remember one time when he was harassing another servant, a manager came over to try and stop him. Lord Goldstone left in a huff, returned with his guards, led that manager away... and he was never heard from again.”

Twilight gulps as Arc speaks.

“And you have no idea what happened to him?”

“Not in the slightest.”

Twilight grimaces. “Forgive me if I’m overstepping here, miss. But if such abuse on the job is so rampant, why do you stay here?”

“Because it’s the highest paying job around. Well, it doesn’t really pay very much directly. But we make out pretty well in tips. And it’s relatively simple. Just do whatever the patrons ask for and take a bit of heat sometimes.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “What if you could work for someone whom paid you well enough to live AND treated you right?”

“I’d be interested, of course.”

Twilight smiles. “There’s certainly work to be had back in Equestria. The castle is always looking to fill positions too.”

“Thank you, Princess Twilight. But I’d like to stay here in the Griffon Kingdom.”

Arc raises an eyebrow, confused. “No offense, but might I ask why?”

“It’s my home. Where I was born and raised. I know it’s got its flaws... lots and lots of flaws, of course. But I love my country and can’t see myself ever leaving it.”

Twilight gasps. “No matter how badly they treat you?”

“I’m hoping things will improve someday.”

Arc nods. “Very well put, miss. Now then, why don’t you try standing up now?”

Doing as she is told, the servant stands and takes a few steps. She appears more or less stable, albeit slightly off balance.

“It looks like I’ll be okay now.”

Twilight looks her over. “Are you sure, miss? You can stay here a bit longer if you’d like.”

“Thank you, your highness, but I really need to get back to work.”

“Very well.”

Bowing, the griffon returns to her cart and grabs the handle. Turning it toward the tent flap, she looks back toward Arc before speaking.



“Thank you for what you did to Lord Goldstone.”

Nodding, Arc gives her a knowing smile as she leaves the tent. Continuing along her rounds she muses to herself.

“Lord Arc... what an interesting individual. And so different from the other nobles around here.”

Smiling inwardly, she continues.

“Perhaps that’s why Equestria is such a nice sounding place. With such kind rulers I can just imagine how content their citizens must be.”

A short time later Arc and Twilight leave the tent together with their towels wrapped around their midsections. The servant whom escorted them to their tent earlier hurries over and bows as he speaks to Arc.

“How did you like your visit, sir?”

“It was very nice. The princess thoroughly enjoyed herself.”

Twilight nods. “Yes, I did. Especially the griffon whom served us.”

“She’s one of our finest!”

Arc smiles. “I can see why. The princess was just telling me how she really made this experience memorable.”

“That’s very good to hear! Now then, shall I escort her royal highness to the salon?”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, thank you. After the... wondrous treatment here I want to see what else your facility has to offer.”

“Can I escort you somewhere else then, your majesty?”

“Well... I’d like to see someplace lively. Full of energy and fun.”

“Then I’d recommend our Casino. There’s always fun to be had there. For those whom partake as well as those whom simply choose to watch.”

Twilight smiles. “That sounds interesting.”

“May I show you the way?”

Arc shakes his head. “Thank you, but I think we can just follow the signs.”

“Very well, sir. Please feel free to bring any questions or concerns to the nearest staff member at any time.”

They nod and enter their changing room. Twilight giggles as she walks over to her dress.

“This is certainly an interesting place.”

Arc frowns. “If not a bit... uncivil.”

“I’m just glad that server wasn’t hurt.”

“And she is here of her own free will.”

Twilight sighs. “That too. But I do wish the nobles would treat others better.”

“Like you do.”

“I’m not a noble though.”

Arc shrugs. “Kinda are.”

“Well... I guess you’re right. Tell me this though. I’m not like that, am I?”

Arc shakes his head as he tosses his towel into a nearby hamper. “Not in the least.”

Twilight sighs as she puts on her dress. “I sometimes feel as though I’m being too haughty.”

“That’s a good thing though.”

“Being stuck up?”

“No, no. I meant the fact that you still have your conscience warn you about how you’re treating others. A lot of the nobles back in Equestria don’t seem to have that anymore.”

Twilight groans. “They do seem to act superior an awful lot. “

“Well, rest assured that you don’t seem to be going in that direction.”

They finish dressing and sit down together at a pair of large vanities. Twilight picks up a brush as Arc reaches for a comb. She turns to him.



“Do you think that I’ll ever become like the nobles?”

Arc shakes his head. “I doubt it.”

“But I could!”

“Anything’s possible. However you should look at the other princesses.”

“What do you mean?”

“Are any of them like the nobles?”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin as she thinks. “Not really, I supposed.”

“And why do you suppose that is?”

“Is it because Princess Celestia and Luna were raised to be princesses?”

“Yes. And Princess Celestia probably passed on her teachings to Cadance.”

Twilight giggles. “Whom passed them onto me.”

“Inadvertently, but yes. Why so worried about this all of a sudden though?”

Twilight sighs as she looks herself over in the mirror. “Because of you.”

Arc appears surprised. “Me?”

“Yes, Arc. I know you don’t like that kind of attitude. So if I were to become like them you wouldn’t be interested in me anymore.”

“While it is true that I don’t like the nobles for their attitude towards others, I really can’t see you going that route, Twilight.”

“Do me a favor then.”

“What is it?”

“Let me know if I start to get too big for my crown.”

Arc chuckles as he stands and straightens his raiments. “I will.”

Finishing, the pair head out the door and look to a nearby directory. Reading the map they make their way toward the Casino. Entering a massive room full of flashing lights they look around, astonished. Twilight turns to Arc, clearly impressed.

“This is amazing!”

Arc nods. “That it is! It puts Vegas to shame!”


“It’s a city of gambling back on Earth. I’ve never been there before, but I’ve seen pictures. This blows it away though!”

Twilight points a hoof. “Let’s take it all in then!”

Arc chuckles. “For research?”

“Naturally. I want to know everything about this land, after all.”

They approach a number of machines. Twilight looks them over and grins.

“These are called ‘slots’ if I recall correctly.”

Arc nods. “Right. You have to line up the icons to win the corresponding payout.”

Twilight puts a hoof on a button. “What’s ‘max bet’?”

Arc looks over the instructions. “It looks like it allows you to bet more than just across the center line.”

He points to the screen before continuing.

“Normally you have to line the icons up here. However according to this, you can bet up to two more times to activate these diagonal lines.”

“So you can potentially win on those too?”

“Right. You’re paying more to increase your chances of winning.”

“Can I try it?”

Arc grins at her. “You tell me. You’re the princess, after all.”

Twilight giggles. “I think I will. How do I start it?”

Arc points at a lever on the right side of the machine. “Pull this to start the rollers.”

Twilight reaches up and does so. The three rollers begin to spin. A few moments later they stop with all three on pictures of beaks. Arc looks over the chart as he speaks.

“Looks like a standard bet would have won you twenty-five times your wager for that.”

“But since our wager was zero it’s giving us twenty-five times zero.”


Twilight sighs. “Now I wish I’d brought some money.”

Arc pats his ring. “I did. Want to play for real?”

“That I would, yes.”


Reaching into his ring, Arc pulls out a bag of bits. Pouring them into a spout on the top of the machine, it counts them out in real time. As it does so the number under ‘credits’ rises. Arc turn to Twilight.

“There’s a hundred credits. That should keep you busy for a bit.”

Twilight grins. “Thanks, Arc. I’ll pay you back when we get back to Equestria if I don’t win anything.”

Arc chuckles. “It’s okay. Just have some fun.”

He sits down at the machine next to her and pulls out another bag of bits before continuing.

“I’ll try this one here.”

Pouring some bits into the machine, Arc begins playing the slots as well. An hour later Twilight sighs and turns to him.

“I’m down to fifty bits. Think I’ll stop here.”

Arc turns to her. “I’m down to three myself.”

“Really? I heard you winning a few big payouts over here.”

“They do that to keep you playing. I never got over two hundred bits.”

“I did notice that the wins were few, yes.”

“It’s just luck of the draw.”

He looks back on his machine before grabbing the lever again.

“Just let me use up these last three bits and I’ll be done.”

Grabbing the lever Arc starts the machine. It rolls onto two jackpot icons as the last one begins spinning faster. It slowly decelerates before stopping on the third jackpot icon. A horn goes off as strobes flash above the machine. Twilight gasps.

“You won!”

Arc chuckles. “Guess so.”

The numbers on the screen increase quickly to reflect the new balance. Twilight’s eyes grow wide as they do so.

“Why so much?!”

“Because I won the jackpot.”

“Which is how much exactly?!”

Arc looks over the machine’s instructions. “According to this, it’s based on a percentage of what the machine has taken in bets since the last jackpot.”

“And whomever hits it gets everything?!”

Arc nods. “Right. But I didn’t know it was THIS much.”

“What should we do now?”

Arc smirks as a waitress walks over to him. “Probably quit while we’re ahead.”

The waitress offers Arc a plastic bucket and a smile.

“Congratulations, sugar!”

Arc takes the bucket and nods. “Thank you.”

“Can I get you a drink?”

“No thank you. But can you tell me how I cash out my winnings?”

She points to a platform under the screen. “Sure. You just put your bucket in here and press this button. It’ll fill it up with whatever you’ve won, sugar.”

Doing as instructed, he presses the button. The bin fills to almost the top before stopping. Arc grabs a few bits off the top and drops them on the waitresses tray.

“Thanks for your help, miss.”

The waitress winks and coos happily. “Anytime, handsome!”

Arc picks up the bucket and turns back to Twilight.

“Well, that was unexpected.”

Twilight rolls her eyes. “I’ll say.”

“Shall we continue looking around?”

“What other kinds of games do they have here?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “I wonder if they have roulette.”

“Never heard of it.”

“It’s where you place bets on what number... you know what, let’s just see if they have it first.”

Continuing on, they soon find a number of tables market ‘roundhouse’. Arc and Twilight walk up to one to watch. Arc points to the table where bets are placed.

“Looks like they play the game about the same here. You see that table the ball spins on, Twilight?”


“The ball is dropped onto the spinning table and eventually makes its way to a small slot with a number.”

He gestures to a table in front of them before continuing.

“The most specific bet you can make would be to guess the number the ball will land on. This gives the highest payout as it’s the hardest to do. You can also bet on the row the number is in for less odds. Finally, you can try to predict odd or even along with color.”

Twilight looks at the odds board. “And the higher the chance of success the smaller the payout?”


“So it’s all about probability.”


“Can I try?”


He puts a stack of bits in her hoof. Twilight approaches the table and places the coins on the number twenty-five. The griffon running the table spins it and drops the ball. It goes round and round before landing nimbly on Twilight’s number. An assistant approaches her with her winnings. Taking the bucket she turns back to Arc with a wide smile.

“I can’t believe I won!”

“Quite lucky there, Twilight. Tell me, did you just pick a number at random?”

“Kinda. You see, when I was a filly the number twenty-five was my favorite.”

“Why’s that?”

Twilight shrugs. “I don’t really know. For some reason I always liked it.”

Arc motions to the bucket of bits. “Well, it looks like that paid off this time. You want to keep playing this game?”

Twilight shakes her head as she turns with Arc to walk away. “Not really. It’s all about probability.”

“And chance too. Like the slots.”

“Not as much though. With ‘roundhouse’ there’s probability coupled with chance. You can bet conservatively in hopes of winning small gains or go for the highest payout with very little chance of success. Those slot machines, while entertaining, are really just pulling a lever and hoping for the best.”

“I guess that’s true. So you’re saying you’d be more interested in games of skill over luck, Twilight?”

Twilight nods. “Yes, I would.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “I wonder if they have cards here.”

“They do in Las Pegasus, so I would imagine this place would have them too.”

Arc flags down a waitress. “Excuse me, but where does one go to play cards?”

She points with a talon. “That way, honey.”


He tosses a few bits onto her tray as Twilight frowns. They head in the indicated direction to find a roomful of large tables. Walking over to one they watch. Arc looks to a sign nearby.

“Looks like they call this one ‘Griffcard’. Seems to be pretty much the same as Texas Hold ’em back on Earth.”

“How is it played?”

“One player places the initial bet while the one next to him places half to match.”

“Why them though?”

“It’s on a rotation. Next time the griffon beside him will pay the full bet while the second one over will pay the half. Otherwise there’d be nothing to gamble over.”

He points to the dealer whom is passing out the cards.

“The dealer gives everyone two cards. They look at them and see whom will continue into the next round. If you have a decent hand you want to keep going.”

“And if you don’t?”

“You might want to fold and toss your cards back to the dealer if someone places a bet.”

“In addition to the one they started with?”

Arc nods. “Right. Anyone whom wants to stay in the game for that hand of cards needs to at least meet their bet with an equal one or fold and sit out.”

The dealer puts down three cards face up. Arc motions to them as he speaks.

“These are the cards everyone can use to try and make a strong hand. Two pairs would be good. A full house even better.”

“What’s the second one?”

“Full house. It means three of the same number along with a pair of another.”

“Anything better than a full house?”

“Four of a kind is stronger. A deck has four suits and each suit has numbers from one to ten, jack, queen, and king. So getting all four of the same card is very rare.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Mathematically, yes. Anything higher?”

“After that would be the ‘straight flush’. It’s five cards all in order. Like three, four, five, six, and seven. However they have to all be of the same suit.”

“Sounds like a rare combination.”

“Not quite as rare as royal straight flush, which is a straight flush containing only the highest cards. It would be the ace, king, queen, jack, and ten all of the same suit. Not possible to beat.”

“And nearly impossible to get I would imagine.”

“Right. It’s a one in a million shot.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her forehead as she appears to be thinking. “Not quite one in a million. But very, VERY unlikely.”

“And that’s dependent on the game continuing without everyone folding.”

“So it’s all a big game of probability?”

“Not quite.”

“But what else could there be?”



“Pretending that you have a good hand when you don’t.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “So you mean betting when you can’t win?”

“Something like that.”

“But why would somepony do that?”

“If you only bet or raise when you have a good hand then everyone will figure that out. Sometimes you have to mix it up a bit. Show them that they can’t accurately read you. Make them second guess their choices.”

“So it’s also skill in terms of deception.”


“This actually sounds really interesting! Can I try?!”

Arc chuckles. “Of course. But before you do, are you hungry?”

“A little. I’m more thirsty than hungry though.”

“Want me to get us something to eat while you play? That is, if you’re okay with me stepping away for a bit?”

Twilight nods as she motions at all the security guards around the area. “Sure, I’ll be fine for a bit.”

“Alright. I’ll keep the table in view though. See you soon.”

Walking over to a nearby table, Arc flags down a waitress and orders two waters along with some various small snacks. About twenty minutes later she returns with their food. Arc tosses some bits on her tray and walks over to Twilight. Tapping her shoulder, she turns around and smiles sheepishly as she holds up an empty bucket.


“It’s fine, Twilight. You only lost my initial bet.”

Twilight stands. “What? Oh no, you don’t understand.”

“Well, why don’t you tell me about it over our snack?”


Walking back to their table the pair sit down to eat. Arc gestures to the spread before continuing.

“I wasn’t sure what you wanted, so I got a bit of a few things.”

Twilight grins. “Thanks! This looks great!”

They begin to eat as Twilight continues.

“Now then... what happened at the table there was that they don’t use bits there.”

Arc appears confused. “I didn’t see any chips there either.”

“It’s all done on paper. I gave them the bucket and they gave me a claim ticket. Anything I bet was taken from my ledger while winnings were added to it.”

“Really? I just figured those behind the players were guards.”

“Only one is. He’s there to make sure the accountant writes the correct numbers in the book as well as watch the player’s safety.”

“Well, that’s good. So how did you do?”

“Okay, I guess. Do you think you could keep the bits in your ring though?”

Arc nods. “Sure. No problem.”

Twilight waves down a waitress and holds up her claim ticket. “I’d like to cash out, please.”

The waitress nods as she takes Twilight’s ticket. “I’ll inform the manager, your highness.”

“Thank you. We’ll be waiting.”

She walks away as Twilight turns back to Arc.

“I think I’ve had enough of the casino for one day.”

Arc chuckles. “Yes, one can only lose money for so long before it gets boring. So what do you want to do next?”

“I know this might sound a bit strange, but I’d really like to see those cage fights.”


Twilight nods. “Yes. It’s part of their culture I’m told.”

“That’s kinda surprising. You wanting to see that, I mean.”

“Just trying to get out of my comfort zone and learn thing about our allies that may not exactly be... pleasant.”

Arc smiles. “Well,, we can go as soon as you collect your bits.”

Twilight looks over his shoulder. “It appears they’re here with them.”

Arc turns around and stares in disbelief. Behind him are a dozen griffons each carrying two buckets each. They set them down on the table as the manager holds out a clipboard to Arc.

“Please sign here, your highness.”

Twilight smiles as she does so. “Here you are.”

He bows and walks away as the staff sets the buckets on the table. Arc turns to Twilight and frowns.


“Yes, Arc?”

“Care to explain this to me?”

“Well, you see... there were a number of very wealthy griffons at the table. Apparently they didn’t like seeing a mare at the table and tried to show each other up by beating me.”

“And how did that go?”

“One would bet, the next would raise, and they would go from there. All I had to do was keep up with them when I had something decent. Otherwise I just folded.”

“Pride, huh?”

“Pretty much. I just wanted to show them that a mare could play the game just as well as a stallion.”

Arc chuckles as he puts the bins of bits in his ring. “And you did.”

A short time later, after following the signs, they come to an elevator. Taking it down, Arc and Twilight arrive in the lower level of the building. The sounds of cheers and blows ring out in the rather dimly lit but well-kept area. They approach a large cage with bright lights over it where two griffons are duking it out with wooden weapons. Wealthy looking griffons sit around the perimeter and cheer them on as they go at it. Arc and Twilight find seats at a booth off to one side. Sitting down, a waitress walks over to them and sets waters down before the pair.

“Good evening. Can I get you two something to eat?”

Arc looks to Twilight. “I could go for some dessert.”

“Cake sounds nice.”

The waitress nods as she writes. “I’ll get that right in for you.”

As she turns and walks away Twilight looks to Arc and grins.

“It looks like the staff down here don’t bow and scrape as much as upstairs.”

“Maybe it’s part of the allure of this.”


“You can’t be the only one whom wants to be treated like everyone else once in a while, Twilight.”

The waitress returns with two slices of cake a short time later. As the griffon sets them down she removes two papers from her apron pocket.

“Now then, here are your betting slips. Odds for each fighter are on the back.”

Twilight accepts them. “Thank you.”

She walks away as Arc and Twilight look the slips over. Arc is the first to speak.

“Not sure how I feel about this.”

“Griffons fighting for money or others betting on them?”

“The betting part.”

“Why’s that?”

Arc shrugs. “It’s kinda like hoping your pick hurts the other more.”

Twilight looks toward the fighting pit. “Well, they do appear to be wearing quite a bit of armor. And those weapons don’t exactly appear to be the lethal kind.”

“I guess not. That and I suppose no one is forcing them to do this.”

“We could just watch if you want. Or leave altogether.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, no. I too want to understand this aspect of griffon society as well.”

They watch several matches together as they eat their cake. After some time an announcer calls out over the loudspeaker.

“The championship round will commence shortly! Please be sure to have your bets in before the bell rings!”

Twilight grins as she looks at a screen nearby. “It looks like that scrappy smaller griffon is going to be taking on the champion!”

Arc chuckles. “He’s your favorite, huh?”

“Yes, indeed! I like that he keeps coming out on top even though he’s a lot smaller than the others!”

“Rooting for the underdog?”

“I think he can do it!”

“Care to place a wager on him?”

Twilight smiles nervously. “If it’s okay with you, yes.”

Arc shrugs as he pulls a bucket of bits from his ring. “It’s your money, Twilight. Spend it any way you like.”

Raising a hand, he calls over a vendor. Twilight tells them her pick and puts up the bits. Taking them, the vendor gives her a slip before continuing on. A short time later the griffon enters the ring to the cheers of the audience. Twilight calls out excitedly.


Arc smirks. “Glad to see you’re enjoying this.”

“That I am!”

A few moments later his opponent enters the cage from the opposite side. The doors are closed and locked as the pair square off. Calling out a few last minute bets, the sound of the bell rings out and the fight begins. The smaller griffon lunges at the champion in an effort to gain a quick advantage. However he is immediately rebuffed by a talon swipe across his face. Twilight grimaces as the sound of the blow reverberates.

“That looked painful!”

Arc shrugs. “He’s pretty good at dodging though. Thought for sure he’d evade that attack.”

As the griffon staggers from the massive blow, his opponent steps forward and kicks him in the face. Flying into the steel bars headfirst he falls to the ground unconscious. Twilight groans.

“Guess he wasn’t a match for that bigger griffon.”

“Well, one would have to assume that the title of ‘champion’ isn’t one bestowed lightly.”

The champion steps toward his fallen opponent and picks him up with a grin. Twilight frowns.

“What’s going on?”

Arc grimaces. “I don’t think he’s done with him.”

Throwing the griffon at the bars again, he laughs heartily as he taunts those around him.

“That’s what you fools get for betting on a weakling like this! Your money... GONE!”

He kicks his opponent as several officials enter the cage to remove the unconscious griffon. They take him away as the champion continues his tirade loudly as he screams at the officials.

“Why can’t you find someone worthy to fight me?!”

He points to the griffon as he’s removed from the cage.

“You promised me a chance to fight an expert! THAT’S THE BEST YOU COULD FIND?!”

Charging forward, he roughly pushes everyone out of the cage as he begins pacing and ranting.

“Isn’t there ANYONE in this country whom isn’t afraid to challenge ME?! Someone who can give me a thrill?!”

The nobles all look away as he scans the crowd. Eventually his eyes fall on Arc. Grinning, he points.

“How about you, freak show?!”

Arc looks over and points to his cake. “I would. However I’m kind of in the middle of something here.”

As Arc turns his attention back to his snack, the champion walks out of the cage, grabs an empty glass from a nearby table, and hurls it at Arc’s table. It hits his plate, sending the contents splattering against the wall some distance away. The crowd grow silent as it waits to see what Arc will do. Picking up a napkin, Arc dabs at his face as he stands and turns to the griffon.

“It looks to me like someone needs a lesson in manners.”

The champion makes a taunting gesture with his talons. “Bring it on, freak!”

Twilight grabs Arc’s hand. “Arc, don’t!”


“That other griffon went down so easily! I don’t want you to get hurt!”

“I’ll be fine. Trust me.”

Nodding soberly, Twilight lets go of Arc’s hand and watches as he walks toward the cage. The griffon steps back inside as Arc enters from the opposite side. An assistant offers Arc his choice of a weapon, but is turned away by a dismissing motion of his hand. Turning to the crowd, the champion begins speaking.

“Well, it looks like what this freak lacks in looks he makes up for in guts! The rest of you cowards could learn a thing or two from him!”

Arc looks to the griffon as he speaks evenly. “I didn’t actually come down here to fight you.”


“Just replace my cake and apologize to my date and I’ll forget this whole thing.”

The champion laughs heartily as he points a talon at Arc.

“You apparently don’t know who you’re talking to!”

“Should I?”

“I’m the best at what I do! That’s why they call me ‘The Steamroller’! Because if you get into the ring with me I’ll...!”

Arc interrupts him. “...roll all over me, I get it. So can I assume that’s a ‘no’ on the cake and apology?”

The champion rolls his eyes and turns back to the crowd. “Place your bets now, folks! Let’s get this thing ready!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “What are you doing?”

“Selling the match! Hafta make a living, you know!”

Arc waits patiently as bet slips are filled out. His opponent smirks and looks to a screen overhead.

“Doesn’t look like your odds are too good.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, I am a relative newcomer to this.”

“I’ll be sure to break you into it REAL good!”

“While we wait for betting to finish, why don’t you tell me about yourself.”

“Uh... why?”

“I’d just like to know whom I’m fighting.”

The griffon laughs heartily. “You’re looking at a griffon who’s fought here for YEARS! Folks come from all over the land to see me perform! I’m a living battle LEGEND around here.”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “Interesting. Tell me, where else have you fought?”

“This is where I got my start years ago! It’s the top fighting pit in the land! Where else would I go?!”

“So you’ve only ever fought here?”

“That’s what I said, yeah!”

Arc shakes his head. “A pity. I don’t really want to fight you anymore.”

“Having second thoughts, are we?!”

“That I am. It just doesn’t seem like a fair fight at this point.”

“I’ll try to go easy on...”

Arc interrupts. “For you, I mean.”

“Say what?!”

“I don’t believe you’re a match for me.”

The champion seethes. “Betting’s over! RING THE BELL!”

The bell is struck and the champion charges forward. Arc stands there as the griffon closes the distance quickly. However at the last moment he holds out a hand and catches his opponent’s talon in midair. Shoving the griffon back firmly, Arc shakes his head.


“I’ll show you...!”

He attempts to sweep Arc’s feet from under him. But the young man jumps over his attack before pushing him roughly across the cage.

“You’ve spent years fighting here. However that’s been with toy weapons and a full medical staff on hand.”

Untying his sash, Arc removes his tunic and tosses it aside before continuing. He spreads his arms wide and turns around to give the griffon a look at his body.

“While you were fighting for sport against those weaker than you, I was fighting for real. Often against those bigger, stronger, or more numerous than myself. And as you can see, I have the scars to prove it.”

He takes up a battle-ready stance before speaking again.

“However it would appear that you have very few signs of actual combat on you. Still want to do this?”

The champion roars angrily and charges forward. Swinging at Arc, the young man ducks to avoid the blow while simultaneously countering with a punch to the griffon’s gut. He doubles over in pain, the wind knocked out of him. Gasping for breath, he looks over to see Arc pull his tunic from the ground and put it back on. Heading for the exit, Arc opens it and steps out as a servant approaches him with a bucket of bits.

“Your share of the bets, sir.”

“Thank you.”

Picking up the bin, Arc turns around and throws the contents at his opponent. Bits fly everywhere as they hit the ground next to him. Tossing the now empty bucket at him, Arc frowns.

“You want bits so bad, fine... here they are. But just remember to show a little more respect to those whom fight you. After all, you’re certainly not the greatest warrior around.”

The crowd cheers as Arc turns around and walks away. Returning to the table he extends a hand to Twilight.

“We should probably move on to something else.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Yes, I believe I’ve seen everything here that I want to.”

Glancing over at the smaller griffon from earlier as they head for the exit she walks over to him and smiles.

“Are you okay?”

“I, uh... yes, miss.”

Twilights puts a hoof on his shoulder. “Good. Keep training though. I really do think that you will be able to beat him someday.”

She takes Arc’s hand and begins walking away.

“After all, my stallionfriend did.”

They leave the room to the applause of everyone in attendance. Arc turns to Twilight.

“Sorry if that spoiled our fun.”

Twilight shakes her head. “No, Arc. Somepony had to teach that bully a lesson.”

Arc smirks. “And what better one to do so than a species he’s never fought before.”


“The only griffon I’ve ever sparred with Natalya was in the past, so I knew he didn’t know how to fight a human. That gave me an advantage. However it wasn’t the only one.”

“What else was there?”

“The fact that he’s only ever known non-lethal combat. It’s leagues and bounds different from a real fight.”

Twilight shudders. “Yes, I remember the battle at Light’s Hope. That was scary!”

“And you were relatively safe on the deck with us too. Imagine being down there fighting.”

“I don’t think I want to.”

“That’s probably for the best.”

“Can we go do something calm and quiet now then? I just want to relax after all that just happened.”

Arc looks over at a nearby sign as they pass. “I think I know just the place.”

He leads Twilight back toward the elevator. Riding it up, they step off to hear the sounds of classical music playing in the distance. Twilight giggles.

“It sounds wonderful!”

“I figured we could sit back and relax to this.”

Approaching a counter, Arc speaks to the attendant whom has them escorted to posh private balcony seats. Sitting down on a couch overlooking the orchestra, they look over the railing to see a number of griffons below them dancing. Arc turns to Twilight.

“Enjoying the music?”

Twilight nods. “Very much so! I’ve always liked calm and quiet songs like this.”

“Me too. It gives a nice background when trying to work.”

Twilight leans against him and smiles. “That it does.”

She sighs before continuing.


“Yes, Twilight?”

“I... was just wondering something.”

“What is it?”

“How did you feel when that waitress in the casino called you ‘handsome’?”

“Not much really. After all, I was just asking her for some information.”

“And another one called you ‘honey’ too.”

“That she was fishing for tips.”

“Well, it... kinda bothered me.”

Jealous, Twilight?”

“A little, yes. Is that a bad thing?”

Arc shakes his head. “I don’t think so, no. You didn’t make a scene, or anything.”

“But I just feel that I should be able to deal with things like that! I mean... I’m supposed to be the Princess of Friendship, after all!”

“Jealousy is just a natural reaction though. You were momentarily worried that someone else was trying to get close to me.”

“But there are nine others doing the same thing and I don’t feel that way towards them!”

“And that’s because you don’t view them as a threat, Twilight. You know their intentions and expectations already. But someone new, like that waitress from earlier, would be a wildcard to you.”

Twilight sighs. “I’m sorry for being so silly about this, Arc. It’s obvious that she wasn’t trying to get close to you or anything.”

“No, no. I believe that it’s very important for a healthy relationship. Talking through things that bother us, I mean.”

“Well, what about you then?”


Twilight nods. “What do I do that bothers you?”

Arc shrugs. “Nothing that I can think of off the top of my head.”

“But there has to be SOMETHING!”

“Well... I do remember some time ago your rashness.”

Twilight sinks back nervously. “You mean...?”

Arc nods. “When you sent me to Tartarus, yes.”

“I was wrong to do that.”

“And you learned from that mistake.”

“But I did it again when you became Lord Regent and hit you!”

“True. However you immediately realized your mistake and sought to rectify it. Since then you’ve always been able to hold back your emotions until hearing the facts.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Yes, it helps me to come to a logical conclusion instead of an emotional one.”

“And which version of yourself do you like better?”

“The one whom doesn’t hurt anypony in a fit of rage.”

“A very fair point. Now then, I want you to image yourself here and now. However you’re the old Twilight. Emotions over explanations.”

“I don’t think I’d have been a very good ruler.”

“Probably not.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her forehead. “Fortunately I didn’t go that route. But... what if I had?”

“Then I don’t think the public would have accepted your rule.”

“Hopefully not.”

Arc shrugs. “Well, at least we’ll never know.”

Twilight smiles nervously. “Of that I’m grateful for.”

Arc looks down at the throng below. “Hey, Twilight?”


“Would you like to dance?”

Twilight gasps happily. “I’d love to!”

Standing, Arc takes her hoof and leads her out of the booth. Taking the elevator down, they step out onto the dance floor. Twilight immediately starts dancing very irregularly causing those around them to stop and stare in disbelief. Arc puts a hand on her shoulder and smiles.

“Erhm... Twilight?”


“Can I assume you’ve never danced before?”

“That’s not true. Cadance and I did a lot of dancing when I was a filly.”

She looks around as everyone goes back to their own dances. Sighing, her ears droops as she groans.

“That looked rather silly, didn’t it?”

Arc nods. “A bit, yes.”

Twilight blushes. “Sorry!”

“How about I show you a simple dance Derpy and I did on our little date?”

“That sounds nice, yes.”

Holding out a hand to her, Arc pulls Twilight up into a standing position. Putting his hand on her hip, he looks her in the eye.

“Alright. Let’s try a box.”

“A what?”

“Dancing in a square-like pattern. You go one step in each direction... forward, left, back, right.”

Taking the steps, Twilight giggles.

“That felt a bit more appropriate.”

Arc nods. “Agreed.”

They continue dancing to the music as Twilight leans in close and lays her head on Arc’s shoulder. Closing her eyes, she giggles. Arc calls out to her.

“What’s so funny, Twilight?”

“Oh, I was just thinking.”

“What about?”

“I’ll tell you later. It’s kinda... embarrassing.”

“Alright then.”

“But can I ask you something, Arc?”


“Do you really think we’ll be able to... do what we came here for?”

“What brought that on?”

“I’m just worried that I won’t be able to go the distance regarding our mission.”

“All we can do is try, Twilight.”

Twilight sighs. “That’s what I’m afraid of.”

“This isn’t going to be easy, naturally. However, we’re going to do our very best here.”

“And if we fail?”

Arc grimaces. “I don’t really want to consider the idea of you-know-who getting away with what he did.”

“Me either. It puts so many females at risk.”

“This matter still has quite some way to go, of course. And Luna will naturally lend her expertise if needed.”

Twilight sighs. “She really should be the one here handling this. Not me.”

“The Griffon Kingdom knows that you’re ruling Equestria now. You coming here personally will show them just how serious we are about this matter.”

Sometime later the song ends and everyone assembled claps. As they turn to mingle and rest Twilight looks to Arc.

“We should probably follow their lead.”

“Want to sit down?”

Twilight smiles nervously. “Actually, I... would rather we did something else.”

“Oh? And what’s that?”

“Head somewhere a bit more... secluded.”

“Where did you have in mind?”

Twilight leans is close and whispers in his ear. “A private hotel room.”

As she steps back, Arc notices her blushing heavily.

“Are you sure that’s what you want?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. That is, if it’s okay with you.”

Arc smiles. “I’d like that very much.”

Leaving the room, they follow the signs back to the elevator and ride it up. Getting off, they step out into a very posh looking lobby. Arc leads Twilight over to the main desk and rings the bell on it twice. A few moments later a stuffy looking griffon walks over to greet them. He bows as he speaks.

“Welcome to The Overlook. How can I assist you two today?”

Arc smiles at him. “I’d like one of your finer rooms. Something with a grand view if possible.”

“Your name, sir?”

“Lord Arc.”

“Ah! It appears Ambassador Ashe already booked you our finest suite. Will that be acceptable?”

Twilight grimaces. “I don’t really know if we need something quite that extravagant though. After all, it’s probably very expensive.”

“The ambassador has already paid for your room, your majesty. There is no need to worry about the cost.”

Arc nods approvingly. “That was nice of Ashe.”

Twilight sighs. “Yes. However, we can’t expect her to pay for us though.”

She turns to the griffon before continuing.

“Please send the bill for the room to Canterlot. And be sure to note that it’s to be paid by me personally. Not from the royal treasury.”

The griffon nods as he writes. Waving over a young bellhop, he escorts them to the elevator and punches in the top floor. Arriving at the room they step out together. Before them looms a truly massive cylindrical room with windows on all sides. A fireplace burns brightly in the center filling the room with a warm light. The bellhop turns to Arc and speaks.

“Here you are, sir. The Royal Suite.”

“Thank you.”

Twilight walks over to the enormous windows and looks out. “We’re so high up!”

The bellhop nods. “This is one of the highest points in all of the land. Second only to the Aviary itself, your majesty.”

Arc frowns as he looks around. “Not really sure I like all these windows though.”

Twilight nods soberly. “Yes, it doesn’t lend itself to too much privacy.”

“Not to worry, your highness. The glass is one way only and shatterproof. You will have absolute security here as well as full privacy.”

Arc chuckles. “That’s reassuring.”

“Now then, can I get you two anything before I leave?”

Twilight shivers slightly. “Yes, are there any extra blankets here? I’m a bit chilly.”

The bellhop nods as he steps forward. “Yes, your...”

He is cut off as he trips over a rug and falls toward the open fireplace. Arc reaches out an arm and catches him before he gets too close.

“Th-thank you, sir!”

Arc smiles. “That was a close one.”

Twilight hurries over. “Yes, are you alright?!”

“I am, Princess Twilight. Thank you.”

Arc helps the young griffon stand back up. “Why don’t you just tell me where the blankets are and I’ll fetch them for the princess?”

“Yes sir, they’re in that wardrobe’s lower drawer over there.”

Arc walks over to it as the griffon turns to Twilight.

“Now then, is there anything else you require?”

Twilight shakes her head. “I can’t really think of anything, no.”

Arc walks over with a blanket. “What kinds of things do others ask for?”

“Champagne, brandy, wine... that sort of thing, sir.”

Twilight frowns. “We’re not much for that.”

Arc pulls a handful of bits from his ring and gives them to the bellhop as Twilight looks to him.

“Um... before you go, there is one thing I’d like to say.”


“I just wanted to tell you that I really admire how you and the other workers make this place special.”

Arc nods. “Right. And you do so even when the patrons aren’t the nicest as well.”

“It’s... it’s all in a day’s work.”

Shifting uneasily, he backs up toward the elevator.

“Well, I’ll leave you two to rest. Enjoy your stay!”

As the doors close behind the griffon, Arc turns to Twilight.


Twilight sighs and nods. “I am actually. But I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep until I talk to you about a couple things. Would that be okay?”

“Sure, Twilight. Let’s lie down and get comfortable first though. That is, if it would help.”

“I think it would, yes.”

Heading over to the bed, they disrobe and lie down together on their backs. Twilight turns to Arc and smiles.

“You look good like that.”

Arc chuckles. “Bare?”

Twilight nods as she smiles seductively. “It’s nice being able to see... everything.”

“I think you look pretty too, Twilight.”

“But I’m normally bare.”

“True. However you do look really cute as you are now.”

Twilight blushes as Arc continues.

“Now then, what did you want to talk to me about?”

“It’s a few things actually. First of all, I... I was wondering if you’d be willing to do me a favor, Arc.”

“A favor?”

Twilight nods. “Yes. I’d like to try a bit of an experiment.”



“Alright. What do I have to do?”

“First a bit of a lesson.”

She turns over and swishes her tail a few times.

“What do you know about pony tails?”

“Well... they can be used to swat things.”

“Right. But what else are they for?”

“Um... balance?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Nope. Any other guesses?”

Arc shrugs. “That’s all I can think of.”

“Our tails are used to show individuality.”

“How so?”

“A pony, especially a mare, can style their tail much like they do with their mane.”

“Oh... I suppose that does make sense.”

Twilight swishes her tail a few times. “So how do you like mine?”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Your tail?”


“I think both your mane and tail look very nice, Twilight.”

“Thank you, Arc. But it’s not just hair growing out of my flank though, you know. There are a number of bones, muscles, and flesh that allow me to move it. However, I do want to do more than just give you a biology lesson.”

“Oh really?”

“Yes. I’d like you to... touch it, Arc.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Isn’t that... inappropriate though?”

“Normally, yes. However due to our very... special relationship, I’d like you to be the first one allowed to do that. Just please... be gentle with me.”

“Well... okay. But just let me work up to it.”

Arc begins stroking Twilight’s mane. With each pass however, his hand lowers further down her flank. Eventually he reaches the base of her tail. Looking Twilight in the eye one last time, she gives him a silent nod. Running a finger down her tail he smiles as Twilight moans slightly.

“Does this feel good?”

“Very! Keep doing it please!”

Continuing to stroke Twilight, Arc runs his fingers from the top of her head, down her back, and through her tail over and over again. As he does so she groans with delight.

“Oh, that feels GOOD!”

Arc chuckles. “Glad I could accommodate.”

“As am I. But there was more to this than my own pleasure.”


“I did want to know what it felt like, of course. Being touched in such an intimate way. However, I also was testing just how much my own body was willing to trust you, Arc.”

“And how much is that?”


“That’s a lot.”

Twilight rolls over onto her back and stares up at the ceiling playfully as she talks.

“Here I lie completely exposed, completely vulnerable, and completely at your mercy. You could do anything you wanted to me right now and nopony would ever know.”

She turns her head to look at him with a smile.

“But I trust you not to do anything I wouldn’t want you to.”

Arc nods as he pats her flank. “Right. You’re more than just a sexual pincushion, after all.”

Twilight sits up and leans back against the pillows. “Thank you. It means a lot to me that you feel that way, Arc. That leads me to the second thing I wanted to say.”

“Go ahead.”

“It’s about... foals.”

“What about them?”

“I... I don’t know if I can have them.”


“Both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are sterile from their transformation into princesses. I’ve been told that I... I might be as well.”

“Is that a problem?”

Twilight looks away. “I probably can’t bear you a foal, Arc. Auriel’s research notwithstanding, of course.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What do you mean ‘probably’?”

“I... haven’t been able to bring myself to have Doctor Whooves test me.”

“So you might still be able to conceive?”

Twilight sighs. “Probably not.”

“But you don’t know that. Why not just get tested and know for sure one way or the other, Twilight?”

“Any test done by the doctor would be based on a normal mare’s physiology. As you know, very little is known about an alicorn’s biology.”

“I assume a princess has never been operated on before.”

Twilight shakes her head. “Correct. After all, there’s never been the need to do so in the past.”

“Then why not let Doctor Whooves scan you? See what comes up.”

“Believe me, I’d love to be part of that experiment. However, I’m scared of what he might find.”


“That I might be as barren as the other alicorns!”

Arc takes Twilight’s hoof in his hand. “Twilight... listen to me.”

She turns his head as he continues.

“I love you just the way you are. Foals or not, I’ll always care about you.”

He puts a hand on her belly before continuing.

“If you can have foals, great. And if not, that’s fine too. I won’t hold that which you can’t control against you.”

A single tear courses down Twilight’s cheek silently as she smiles.


Arc nods. “Really, Twilight.”

“You... you wouldn’t think me less of a mare for not being able to conceive?”

“Of course not, Twilight. You’re more than just a means to continue a stallion’s bloodline, after all. You’re a living, breathing, feeling mare. And I’ll love you no matter what comes of this.”

Rolling over on top of him, Twilight buries her face in his chest and wraps her hooves around him. Grinning uncontrollably, she speaks.

“You have no idea just how relieved I am to hear you say that, Arc!”

“Meant every word.”

Sitting up, Twilight leans back on her haunches but keeps her eyes focused on Arc the whole time.

“Arc... I have one last thing to say.”

“What is it, Twilight?”

“Take your time thinking about this, of course but...”

She takes a deep breath before speaking again.

“Arc... will you... will you marry me?”

Arc smiles. “I would love to, Twilight.”

“You mean...?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. I’d like you to join Rarity, Applejack, and Derpy in the herd.”

Twilight smiles wider than before and lunges forward into Arc’s arms. He holds her close as the pair fall backwards into the pillows. They continue making out for quite some time. Meanwhile, in the facility’s basement, a number of griffons come together. Each is wearing a rebel’s cloak and a mask. Admiral Gaston walks in and looks around at them as he sits down.

“Is it done?”

No one speaks. Eventually Gaston sighs and looks around the room.

“Can I assume from the lack of details that the answer is ‘no’?”

The silence continues as Gaston taps his foot.

“Let’s start at the top.”

He clears his throat before continuing.

“The princess and her protector arrived here earlier this evening. They were escorted to a private dining room. However no intervention was made at that time.”

A griffon steps forward. “We believed them to be too on edge to be vulnerable to attack at that point, sir.”

Another griffon nods. “And the food, along with its transport, is too carefully monitored to be tampered with en route.”

Gaston sighs. “That much is understandable. However I must point out that their next destination was the bathhouse. It’s not possible to get much more relaxed than that. Now then, whom was working in there when they arrived?”

A third griffon raises a talon. “I was, sir.”

“And you did nothing?!”

“I informed the staff via general means that the princess and her friend had arrived. However I couldn’t have done more and not been seen.”

Gaston looks around. “Whom served them when they in the bath?”

“That was me, sir.”

“What did you do?”

“I was planning to poison their drinks when they ordered them. However, Lord Goldstone called out for assistance first. He was angry with my service though and forced me to drink heavily from a bottle.”

Gaston groans. “So he got you drunk?”

“Exactly, sir. I was able to make my way over to the royal’s tent before things got too hazy though. However both Princess Twilight and Lord Arc cared for me and gave me an excuse to sleep it off in their tent. Afterwards they even called for medicine to help with my symptoms.”

“And you did nothing to them?”

“How could I, sir? They had done so much for me in the past couple hours that it would have been cruel of me to repay that kindness with poison.”

Gaston sighs. “Fine. Where did they go next?”

“The Casino, sir.”

“Did anyone serve them anything?”

“Nothing we could sneak anything into, no.”

Gaston sounds surprised. “Nothing?!”

“Mostly they just asked for directions. They were very polite too.”

Gaston shakes his head. “Alright, so nothing could have been done there. Their next stop?”

“The basement cage fights.”

“Surprising. Anything ordered there?”

“Dessert and waters.”

Gaston groans. “Can’t poison water. Too easy to taste. Any accidents attempted?”

A smaller griffon steps forward. “I was going to, sir. However my opponent in the cage went a bit too far.”

“So you got knocked out?”

“Yes sir. But when I came around I saw Lord Arc walking out of the cage and my opponent lying on the floor. Apparently he took revenge on him partially for what he did to me.”

“He could have been doing it for the bits too, you know.”

“That’s just it! When they gave him his winnings he just turned around and threw it at the champion. Then Princess Twilight came over to make sure I was okay. She seemed very concerned for my health for some reason.”

Gaston looks around. “Fine. Next stop?”

“The Symphony Hall.”

“No food there and few places to hide. Any attempts made?”

“None, sir.”

Gaston clenches a talon. “Moving on...”

A young griffon speaks. “Princess Twilight and Lord Arc are currently resting in the Royal Suite on the uppermost floor, sir.”

“Are you certain of this?”

“I escorted them up there personally, sir.”

Gaston seethes. “And you didn’t do ANYTHING?!”

“I... I couldn’t, sir.”

“Why not?!”

“When I was trying to show the princess where the extra blankets were I tripped and almost fell into the fireplace. But Lord Arc stepped in and pulled me away. “

“Anyone else would have let him get burned for the entertainment value.”

Gaston looks around at the group. “Just for the record, none of you did ANYTHING?!”

“Their entire visit both of them were very polite and cordial. Moreso than the nobles have ever been.”

“We couldn’t see any reason to harm either of them.”

“Even if we could get by Lord Arc, that is.”

Gaston sighs. “So what’s your plan now?”

“To see to it that they rest easy tonight.”

Gaston turns around and storms out. “Worthless...”

One of the griffons calls out after him. “What are you going to do, sir?!”

Gaston speaks but does not turn around. “Nothing tonight... thanks to all of you!”

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