• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 22 - Pinned Down

Arc and Twilight join the others at the mouth of the temple. They walk over to Ember.

“Anything new happen?”

Ember shakes her head as she continues to watch the statues. “Nope. They just keep walking around randomly.”

Sereb sighs. “I hate to say it, but I think the only way out of here is straight through.”

Auriel looks out nervously. “Agreed. It will be dark soon too.”

Twilight looks hopeful. “Wouldn’t that be helpful? I mean… could we maybe sneak past them when the sun finishes setting?”

Cherry sighs. “I’m going to guess that Princess Celestia wouldn’t have let such a large hole in her security go unpatched.”

Brightwing looks confused. “They can see in dark?!”

Arc shrugs. “Maybe. If it was that easy there wouldn’t be so many skeletons out there.”

Ember nods. “I get the feeling we would be the ones at a disadvantage. Other than Arc and I, we can’t see in the dark.”

“Hey! Don’t forget Brightwing!”

Rose nods “As can I.”

Twilight sighs. “That just leaves myself, Auriel and Sereb.”

Auriel looks sheepishly at her friend. “Twilight, I… um…”

“Let me guess. You can see in the dark too?”

“We call it Demon Vision, but yes.”

Sereb nods. “As can I.

“Wow… so… just me then?”

Twilight sighs.

“Arc, you and the others should wait for nightfall and then make a run for it.”

Brightwing frowns. “What about you, friend?!”

“I’ll just… follow behind all of you as best I can. But I don’t want to be the one to hold everypony else back because I can’t see!”

Arc shakes his head. “Twilight, ALL of us ARE getting out of here! That means you too!”


Sereb nods. “You can ride on my back. I will see to it you get back to the ship safely.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “And I’ll watch your back too!”

Rose calls forth her cannon and checks it over. “As will I, mother! Nothing will get near you as long as I’m around!”

Auriel nods soberly. “Me too, Twilight! You took me into your home when Equestrians still feared and reviled me! It’s time for me to repay that debt!”

Brightwing bares her toothless gums. “Bad magic creatures have to get through Brightwing too!”

Arc looks out toward the courtyard. “All of us will watch each other’s backs. If we stand together, there’s no reason we can’t all make it, Twilight.”

“I… th-thank you, everypony! I’ll do my very best too!”

Sereb looks up to him. “So what IS the plan, Arc? Will we wait for dark or go now?”

Arc thinks for a moment as he continues watching.

“We’re going to run for it before the sun sets. While all of us CAN see in the dark, save for Twilight, we’ll still have the best chance of success in the daylight.”

Ember points to the horizon. “Which is quickly fading.”

“Right. So is everyone ready?.”

The group nods soberly.

Arc sighs. “Good. Let me go over this with the Lunar Destiny just to be sure they’re in position.”

He touches his earring.

“Arc to Lemon Hearts. Come in please.”

“Right here sir. Are you ready for us to begin bombardment of the temple courtyard?”

Wrangler puts her hooves on the controls for the Lunar Destiny’s cannons. “This’ll be a blast!”

“Not quite. I just want to go over our strategy with Wrangler. Can she hear me?”

“One moment sir.”

Lemon Hearts puts the conversation on the main speakers.

“We can all hear you now, sir. Go ahead.”

Wrangler nods. “I’m ready to drop the hammer on those walking rocks anytime, sir!”

“Yes, well… we need to be a bit more surgical about it.”

Soarin frowns. “Sir?”

“Blasting the statues is all well and good. But don’t forget we’re down here too!”

Moon Dancer nods as she turns to Wrangler. “You could blow them all up trying to save them!”

Tight Ship clears his throat. “Pardon me sir, but don’t you think those statues would likely turn to pebbles upon taking a hit from us?”

Thunderlane nods. “Yeah!”

“Probably. But I’m guessing they’ll just reform and come after us.”

Wrangler grins. “Well then, let’s pound ‘em flat! Then pound em’ again!”

“Here’s the plan. We need sustained fire on either side of us.

Tight Ship looks confused. “What path will you take, sir?”

“We’re going right down the middle. See if you can’t keep the statues pushed back toward the outer walls while we make a run for it.”

Moon Dancer nods as she looks to the speakers. “Your Shield Magic should come in handy to deflect our concussive blasts, sir.”

Arc sighs. “About that. We don’t have any magic right now.”

Wrangler frowns. “Say what now?”

Thunderlane furrows his brow. “Then how are you planning on surviving our cannon’s salvos?!”

“Armor and determination mostly.”

Lemon Hearts sighs. “That’s not much to go on, sir.”

“Maybe not. But it’s all we have. Do you think you can do this, Wrangler?”

“I don’t know, sir. This’ll be mighty dangerous. Especially without any cover for you all!”

“I’ll worry about the danger down here. You just keep them as far away from us as you can, okay?”

“Aye sir.”

Tight Ship looks nervous. “The engines, cannons and Infirmary are all ready and awaiting your command, sir.”

Arc chuckles. “Good. Does anyone over there have anything to add before we do this especially foolish thing?”

The Bridge is silent.

“I’ll take that as a ‘no’.”

Soarin nods soberly. “We’ve prepared as best as we are able, sir.”

Wrangler nods. “Right! All that’s left to do is to bring all of you home!”

Thunderlane tightens his grip on the controls. “Yeah! And we’re not about to leave a job half finished!”

Moon Dancer takes a deep breath. “Do be careful, sir. The princesses would be devastated if something happened to you or your group.”

Lemon Hearts nods. “I’ll keep the comms open so you can call out additional orders on the fly, sir.”

“Good idea. You ready to start your attack run, Thunderlane?”

“I’m itching to get started, sir.”

“Very well. Come in low and slow. When I give the word, you let em have it, Wrangler.”

“Aye sir!”

Tight Ship turns to his pilot. “Take us in, Thunderlane. Steady as she goes.”

Moon Dancer turns to Tight Ship. “They…. they’re going to be okay, right?! This is most unorthodox!”

Wrangler plants her hooves firmly on her console. “Don’t ruin the moment! Let’s just go blow stuff up!”

Arc looks up as the sound of the Lunar Destiny’s mighty engines can be heard approaching. He turns to the group.

“Get ready to run everyone. Auriel, get on Sereb.”

“What?! Me?!”


Auriel quickly does as she is told. Arc rushes over to her and gives her his Spear of Righteousness. Her eyes grow wide as she takes it.

“Wait, Arc! You need this!”

“You take it and protect our flank. Ember will guard the left. Rose, you take the right side with Brightwing.”

Ember nods. “Got it.”

Brightwing happily flutters around. “Yes! We shall win without a doubt!”

“I’ll do my best for you and mother!”

Sereb turns to Arc. “And you?

Arc activates his magic blades. “I’m taking point.”

Twilight runs over to Arc. “What about me?!”

“Stay in the middle where it’s safe.”


“Now’s not the time to argue with me, Twilight!”

“Okay. Can I help in some way though?”

Ember sighs. “Just run!”

The ship slowly passes over them just as Arc and company step out of the temple onto the steps.

“Okay Wrangler… FIRE!!!”

Wrangler begins pushing buttons at a feverish pace. “Ready or not, HERE WE COME!!!”

Every cannon aboard the Lunar Destiny fires upon their targets. The statues and sphinx stagger back at such force. Arc turns to the group.


Arc leads his group down the steps and toward the courtyard. The statues regain their footing and reassemble themselves to charge forward. However, the sphinx are quicker to respond. Arc slashes at a pair that block his way as he calls out to the others.


Ember bares her teeth as they fight on. “One blow, two kills! Stop them before the statues join the battle!”

Rose fires her cannon at a nearby statue as she cuts down a sphinx who leaps at her. “Easier said than done!”

Brightwing spits acid at a sphinx mere feet before it reaches Rose. “You are scary creature I am scared of!”

“Thanks Brightwing!”

Moon Dancer calls to Arc. “You’re going to be overrun by sphinx! Should we alter tactics?!”

Arc shakes his head as he dispatches several sphinx in a single blow. “NO! Stick with the plan! I’d rather fight an army of sphinx than let those statues join the battle!”

Wrangler nods. “He’s right! Their mixed tactics would be almost impossible to counter!”

She fires another round at the statues.

“That is one fine crater!”

As Arc and his group reaches the halfway point of the courtyard, the Rocs begin to gather. Lemon Hearts signals.

“Sir! The Rocs are preparing to attack you!”


He turns to the others as he neatly cuts a sphinx in half.

“We’re about to have company! Rocs incoming everyone!”

Ember growls as she knocks half a dozen sphinx into next week. “Just what we DON’T need right now!”

Sereb growls as he bites another sphinx and tosses it to the side. “We need to change tactics to compensate!”

Auriel turns as she stabs a sphinx with Arc’s spear. “Sereb’s right! We can’t fight aerial attacks like this!”

Rose nods. “Brightwing and I can!”

Brightwing growls. “Let’s go together!”

Arc nods. “Okay! You two focus on the Rocs! Auriel, you and Sereb take over guarding our right side!”

They seamlessly change tactics like a well-oiled machine as more Rocs come out of the trees to aid their brethren. Rose calls out to Arc as she fires.

“This is bad! There’s just too many of them!”

Brightwing nods, spitting acid as fast as she can. “Bad things happening!”

The group’s advance slows down as the temple’s defenders close in around them. Lemon Hearts calls out to them.

“You’re almost three quarters of the way there, sir! Hurry!”

Wrangler yells over. “Our guns aren’t going to be able to hold them back much longer, sir! There’s just so many of them! With the extra Rocs, we just can’t keep up!”

Ember struggles to hold back the horde of sphinx and rocs before her. “Arc, if you have an idea, now’s the time!”

A sphinx lunges at Arc and bites down hard on one of his magic blades, damaging it.

“Keep pushing! We have to hold out just a bit further!”

Arc slashes it away with his other blade and continues to fight. Twilight looks over just as a statue makes it through the suppressing fire.


The young demon turns just in time to take a giant stone fist in the face. She flies off Sereb’s back and lands on Twilight. Brightwing Blinks over to Auriel.


She casts a small spell on Auriel. Her eyes open as Sereb runs over to her.

“You must get up!

Twilight grabs Arc’s spear from the ground and swings it as best she can to deter the sphinx that rush forward to make use of the opportunity.

“I’ll hold them back, Auriel! You just…!”

Auriel points weakly. “Tw… Twilight! Watch out!”

But it is too late. The same statue that dismounted Auriel lunges at Twilight! Unable to avoid it’s attack, Twilight takes the blow full force. Brightwing lunges at the statue.

“NO! More friends hurt now! S-stop it!”

The statue knocks Brightwing out of the way and lunges again at Twilight. She turns just in time to get backhanded into Rose. Brightwing gets up angrily and flies over to protect them.

“Stop it! Stop hurting friends!”

Sereb lunges at the statue and topples it as a roc flies past him and heads for Rose and Twilight. It’s razor sharp talons at the ready. Rose helps Twilight up and positions herself to defend her mother. She fires at the incoming Roc.

“No! You won’t hurt mother!”

Rose hits her target as several more Rocs move to assist their companion. They fly at Rose again. She takes them down… save for one.


With only a split second to act, Twilight pushes Rose out of the way. The Roc flies into Twilight and buries its razor-sharp beak in her back. Twilight’s screams in agony as her armor is effortlessly pierced by the savage bird. In the blink of an eyes a steady stream of blood flows forth. Rose lunges forward as the Roc wraps its talons around Twilight’s midsection and pierces the front of her armor as it lifts her off the ground!.


Rose blasts the roc. Twilight falls to the ground unconscious and does not rise.


Arc turns to help her. Ember looks over as she continues to hold back their opponents.

“No Arc! We have to stick to the plan!”

Angrily, he returns his attention to the statues and sphinx in front of him.

“Right! Sereb, help Twilight!!!”

Sereb runs over to Twilight’s side as Rose and Auriel move to defend her. “Twilight! Don’t worry, I’ve got you!”

“Brightwing help!”

Brightwing quickly flies over to Twilight and Blinks her onto Sereb’s back before moving to help Rose and Auriel defend their badly wounded friend. The baby dragon angrily spits acid at their assailants.

“Bad monsters! You are BAD! Stop being so mean right now!”

The group continues to fight valiantly, but the odds are quickly shifting to favor the temple’s defenders. Ember calls out.

“There’s… just too many!”

Arc shakes his head as he continues to fight. “No, Ember! We’ll get through! Twilight needs help! Keep pushing forward! Don’t give up!”

A Roc makes it past Arc’s defenses and sinks its teeth into his left arm. Crying out in pain, he buries his magic blade into its side, but not before it pierces his armor. Ember turns to help him but he waves her away.

“I’m fine! Keep going!”

Auriel stands with them, the spear in her claws. “Just hold the line up there and keep pushing! We’ll take care of things back here!”

Arc winces in pain. “Will… do!”

Slowly but surely they fight their way to the temple courtyard gates. Wrangler shouts at them through the radio.

“Just a bit further, sir! Keep going!”

Ember slashes at a sphinx with her claws. “We can make it!”

Sereb nods as Twilight’s blood flows down his armor and onto the ground. “We must!”

Auriel rushes toward Sereb as a Roc dive bombs toward him. “LOOK OUT!”

She knocks the roc away from Sereb and the injured Twilight, but not before it can turn and swing a claw at her. Auriel moves to block it, but her arm is badly cut in the process. Brightwing flies quickly over to Auriel, tackling the roc and spitting acid in its face before flying to her side and helping.

“Friend, get up!”

Auriel holds her arm as blood oozes between her fingers and from a fresh wound on her face.

“I… I can make it.”

Brightwing gasps. “Friend hurt!”

The whelpling shakes her head angrily.

“Brightwing not take this anymore! Stop bad creatures herself!”

She flies up into the air and looks all around at the carnage. The furious dragon continues to shake her head as both her front claws fly to either side of her head. Brightwing screams out at the top of her small lungs.


A strange heavy feeling fills the air as the weak light from the setting sun seems to dim. The statues, sphinx and even the Rocs cease their attack and turn to look at Brightwing. The brave warriors look up as well.

“What the…?”

Ember looks to Arc. “Brightwing? What’s she doing?!”

Rose stands her ground, defending her mother and Sereb. “Warning! Unknown magical energy is growing at an alarming rate!”

Auriel looks around, frantically. “What?! Where?!”

Rose points at Brightwing. “Right above us!”

Raw magical energy crackles all around Brightwing as the surrounding rocs maintain a safe distance. Suddenly she screams out.


A violent blast of magical energy explodes outward, knocking down Arc and his friends along with the sphinx and rocs. Even the Lunar Destiny is pushed slightly off course.

Tight Ship clutches his seat. “Keep us in range, Thunderlane! We have to protect those brave heroes down there!”

“Aye sir!”

“Moon Dancer! What is going on?!”

“I have no idea sir! But these energy readings are off the charts!”

Lemon Hearts looks over to the captain. “The comms are a mess! There isn’t any signal!”

Wrangler grits her teeth as she holds on. “What the hay did that little dragon DO?!”

Meanwhile on the ground, Arc helps Ember up.

“Come one… we have to keep moving!”

Ember looks around as thick clouds of dust obscure their vision. “Where’s the gate?!”

Arc looks around, but cannot see his goal. “Great!”

“Look Arc! There’s the others!”

The pair run toward them.

“Come on! We’ll regroup!”

Ember nods. “Right behind you!”

Sereb looks over at Twilight on his back as Arc and Ember run to join them. “She’s still here, Arc!”

Arc quickly looks at Twilight’s wound through the massive hole in her armor and gasps. “This is bad! I can see her lungs working in there!”

Auriel gets up slowly with Ember’s help. “What… just happened? Where’s Brightwing?!”

Rose looks all around. Her weapons at the ready. “Unknown! Incoming magical beast though!”

Ember frowns as she holds up her spear. “WHERE?!”

“Overhead! It’s right on top of us!”

Arc looks up. “Could it be Brightwing, Rose?!

“No! It’s much too large!”

A moment later a large creature roughly the size of Sereb lands in front of them. Its wings beat with such force it blows away the dust that had but a few moments ago covered the courtyard. It has dark green scales, angry yellow and black eyes, and rows or razor-sharp teeth. It quickly turns to Rose and speaks.

“Rose! I’m here to help!”

She looks at the creature, confused. “Do I… know you?”

“Hop on my back and I’ll help you save Twilight! Hurry!”

Rose runs toward the creature. “B-Brightwing?!”

She smiles a toothy grin. “Come, friend! We have enemies to slay!”

Rose jumps onto Brightwing’s back. The pair take flight as Brightwing casts a Barrier Spell around the rest of the group as their assailants again lunge toward them. A dome forms as the enemy is held back. Breathing heavily as he retracts his remaining magic blade, Arc puts a hand on his bleeding arm.

“Come on everyone! Now’s our chance!”

Lemon Hearts calls out. “Sir! Your orders?!”

“Focus all cannons on the Rocs! Assist Rose and Brightwing!”

Wrangler grins. “Affirmative!”

The cannons turn upward as they do their best to keep the Rocs from overwhelming Brightwing and Rose. The brave android fires her cannon while slashing at a Roc that comes her way with her blade.

“We can do this, Brightwing!”

Brightwing nods as she continues to channel the Barrier Spell. “That we must! Our friends are hurt and need our help! Twilight is doing especially poorly!”

Rose shoots at a roc overheard. “The Infirmary can help if we can get mother back to the Lunar Destiny!”

Brightwing nods. “Agreed!”

The warriors slowly limp their way out of the courtyard. Arc gasps in pain as he applies pressure to Twilight’s wound.

“Almost home free… everyone! Hang on… Twilight!”

Ember runs over to him. “Let me help you, Arc! You don’t look so good!”

Auriel joins them as she holds her own wounds. “Are you sure the Dragon’s Tear is working?!”

Arc grimaces in pain. “I… I’m sure it is!”

The group passes through the courtyard’s outer archway. As they do so, the pair of stone dragon statues just outside the gate suddenly spring to life behind them. Arc turns around with Ember.

“What the…?!”

Ember angrily raises her spear. “You’ve gotta be KIDDING ME!!!”

Rose looks down and aims her cannon at the stone dragons. “I got them!”

Brightwing shakes her head! “No, they’re inside the shield! Focus on the Rocs!”

“Can’t we help them?!”

“If I drop the shield now, they’ll be overwhelmed in seconds!”

Rose turns to fire at another group of rocs heading toward them. “What about…?!”

Brightwing interrupts her. “They’ll be okay!”

The dragon looks over to something approaching the barrier at high speed from the jungle.

“Besides, it looks like someone else is here to help them!”

Rose looks confused as she catches a glimpse of the newcomer. “Who… is that?!”

“A friend! Of this I am certain!”

Meanwhile, Ember swings at the two stone dragons over and over again. They rebuild themselves as fast as she can fell them. She turns back to Arc.

“This isn’t working!”

A familiar voice calls out from behind them.

“Need a hand?”

Arc turns to face him. “What the… WISEMAN?!”

Auriel looks confused. “Who is…?”

Wiseman interrupts as he turns to face their assailants. “My apologies miss, but it appears there are two statues in dire need of a lesson in manners.”

The statues turn from Ember to face Wiseman.

“Come now, and receive a lesson in humility!”

He takes up a fighting stance and focuses for a moment before unleashing a torrent of unusual energy from his fists. Every blow seems to strike at his opponent’s very soul. After several moments they crumble to dust.

Wrangler frowns at her scanners. “What the… what the heck kind of attack was that, Moon Dancer?!”

She looks over her instruments. “I have no idea! I’ve never seen or heard of anything even remotely close to that!”

Wiseman looks at the fallen statues a moment. “Pathetic…”

He looks up to see the statues and sphinx that are pounding at the barrier in an attempt to break through and finish off their targets. Wiseman jumps up through the barrier and lands on top of it to peer down at those who would bring about Arc and his friend’s demise. He shakes his head in pity at their assailants.

“Poor lost souls. Let me release you from your torment.”

Wiseman hovers over the dome and looks down upon it for a moment before unleashing a storm of energy upon the enemy. In a few moments the statues fall to ruins and all the sphinx lie silently among the rubble.

Arc touches his earring and winces. “Wrangler, keep the remaining rocs off of us while Thunderlane lands the ship. Inform Nurse Redheart we have a critically injured mare here!”

Wrangler continues to fire as the ship slowly touches down. “Aye sir!”

Arc and his friends limp aboard the Lunar Destiny as fast as they are able. Sereb rushes inside ahead of everyone and leaps onto the teleporter.


A moment later her arrives. Nurse Redheart is waiting for him next to a waiting bed and a crash cart.

“Over here! Hurry!”

Sereb carefully lifts Twilight onto the bed with his newly returned magic. Redheart immediately begins removing her armor as Twilight stirs groggily. She does not take her eyes off the patient.

“I’ll take it from here! Is anyone else injured?!”

“Not nearly as badly.”

Redheart nods. “Tell them I’ll get to them when I can!”

“Very well.”

Sereb steps out into the hall as Arc and the others limp toward him. Arc grimaces and touches his earring.

“We’re all aboard, Tight Ship! Get us out of here!”

“On it, sir!”

Arc holds his bleeding arm as the ship slowly takes off. “Sereb! How’s Twilight?!”

“Redheart is with her now.”

Rose rushes toward them, still riding Brightwing. “Mother will be fine! She’s tough!”

Ember nods, nursing one of her wings. “I sure hope so.”

Auriel holds her arm. She looks at the blood coursing down Arc’s gauntlet. “She’s not the only one who needs help.”

Cherry gasps. “She’s right, Arc! Your arm is in very bad shape!”

“I’ll be fine. Nurse Redheart has her hooves full right now anyway. That and Auriel and Ember aren’t looking too good over there.”

Rose gets off Brightwing and hurries to help Arc as he leans heavily against the wall. “That may be! But you’ve already lost quite a bit of blood today!”

Ember takes Arc’s satchel and helps Rose lead him toward the Infirmary. “Come on everyone. Let’s get patched up.

Arc winces as he leans on his friends. “But… Twilight is…!”

Sereb shakes his head. “There are plenty of beds to spare, Arc. She would not want you to come to further harm on her account.”

“But… I…”

He falls to his knees. Rose and Ember kneel down and put their arms around Arc’s shoulders in an effort to stabilize him.

“It’s okay, Arc! We know you’re worried about Twilight now, but please think of yourself too!”

Rose nods as she supports his other side. “Lean on us, Arc! You don’t have to do this alone! Not anymore!”

Everyone enters the Infirmary together.

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