• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 6 - Royal Pains

Arc and Princess Luna walk back toward Restaurant Row. He turns to her.

“Would you like to visit that Conservatory now?”

Luna shakes her head. “No, thank you. If it’s alright with you, could we please take a walk down Market Avenue?”

“I’m not familiar with that street.”

“It’s not far. Please follow me.”

A short time later they arrive. The street is well lit due to the shops that line both sides of the avenue. They walk slowly down the bustling sidewalk.

“Busy place.”

Luna nods. “That it is. Commerce is still quite good around here at least.

“Are things still going badly for the rest of the country?”

“Somewhat, yes. We’re not in any danger of collapsing mind you. But as of yet, we’ve been unable to pin down the cause of this recession.”

“You don’t think someone is doing it intentionally, do you?”

Luna shakes her head. “No. I don’t believe anypony is THAT powerful!”

She stops in front of a shop window as Arc turns to her.

“Are you looking for anything in particular?”

“A gift for Cadance. Her birthday is coming up.”

“What kind of things does she like?”

“I am not certain.”

“You mean you don’t know?”

Luna nods. “Correct.”

“My apologies. I just thought you, her, and your sister were closer than that.”

Luna sighs. “My sister and I are. However, she is what one might call… a new addition to the family.”

“Has she been a princess long?”

Luna shakes her head. “No. She is only in her late-twenties.”

Arc sighs. “I guess I had better not ask how old you and Princess Celestia are, huh?”

“My sister and I have ruled for well over a thousand years. At least she has.”

“The whole Nightmare Moon thing, huh?”

Luna sighs and nods. “Forgive me, but it’s a… difficult thing for me to talk about.”

“Let’s change the subject then.”

“Thank you.”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Princess Cadance is the Princess of Love, right?”

“She is.”

“Why not look for something along those lines then?”

Luna appears confused. “What lines?”

“Something that personifies love.”

“I don’t understand.”

Arc shrugs. “How about a heart of some kind?”

“Like a cake or something?”

“Maybe not something edible. Unless of course that’s what she likes.”

Luna shakes her head. “No. My sister is the one who likes sweets.”

“We’ll have to see what they have around here then.”

They continue to look in shop windows. Princess Luna sighs as she turns to Arc.

“Sorry I’m not of much help. I’ve never been much for shopping. Or finding the perfect gift for that matter. My sister on the other hoof…”

Arc suddenly stops and points at something in a shop window. “Wait! What about that?!”

Luna looks over to see a beautiful gold pendant on display. A stunning azure blue sapphire is masterfully set in its center. She looks at the pendant through the glass.

“That really is very nice! She does like jewelry as well!”

Arc nods. “It kinda reminds me of her cutie mark.”

“That it does.”

He gestures to the shop door. “Shall we?”

Luna smiles. “Yes!”

The pair enter the shop together. A short time later they emerge with a small gift-wrapped package.

“That certainly wasn’t cheap.”

Luna nods. “Agreed. However, the craftsmanship was impeccable. I could find no flaw in its design. I only hope Cadance likes it.”

“I’m sure she will.”

She shivers slightly. “I believe the night is becoming even colder.”

“Should we return to the castle?”


Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal. The pair step through and find themselves in Arc’s room. He leads Princess Luna out the door and down the corridor on his arm.

“It’s much warmer in here.”

Luna nods. “Indeed. Would you care for a bit of desert?”

“I would actually.”

The pair head for the dining room. A servant emerges from the kitchen and bows to Arc.

“We’d like some dessert.”

“Any preference, Hero of Light?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Some pie sounds good right now.”

The servant looks over to Princess Luna. “I’ll have the same.”

She bows before returning to the kitchen. A few minutes later a piece of pie and glass of tea sit before each of them. Arc turns to Luna as he eats.

“Canterlot Castle certainly doesn’t mess around in the culinary department.”

Luna nods as she levitates a fork to her mouth. “Yes. We have only the finest culinary masters here. Although I will have to have a chat with the Head Chef regarding that servant’s behavior.”

“Oh? What did she do?”

“Directed her question to you instead of me!”

Arc chuckles. “I guess I did a bit too good of a job then.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“The disguise. Even the kitchen staff didn’t recognize you.”

Luna appears horrified. “She thought I was a commoner?!”


“Why of all the indignant…!”

Arc smiles at her. “Please. Just let it go as an honest mistake. Besides, now we know you can blend in with others.”

Luna sighs. “Not that I usually want to, mind you.”

“Come now, Princess Luna. Didn’t it feel good to get out there and not have crowds part with ponies bowing at your hooves?”

“I suppose so. The adoration does wear on me after a while.”

They continue eating.

“Princess Luna? What can you tell me about yourself?”

She appears confused. “I don’t really understand the question.”

“Everyone knows you’re a princess. Ruling over the land and protecting its inhabitants and all that. I was just wondering what else there is to you?”

Luna appears nervous. “Well… there really isn’t much to tell. Most of my time is spent performing my royal duties.”

“You don’t have any hobbies or interests?”

“No. As you no doubt can understand, this job leaves precious little time for pleasant activities.”

Arc shakes his head as he sips his tea. “That much I do understand. However all work and not play makes Jack a dull boy.”

“Who is Jack?”

“It’s an old saying back on Earth. All I’m saying is you have to have fun sometimes. Otherwise you’ll get burned out.”

Luna sighs. “While I have no idea how she managed it, my sister always found a way to have a bit of fun whenever she could.”

“Like what?”

“Nothing too spectacular. A bit of tea and cookies before bed. A short bit of reading in the Royal Gardens. Listening to classical music as she fell asleep. That sort of thing.”

“And you can’t do the same?”

Luna shakes her head sadly as she wipes her mouth with a napkin. “Cadance and I work from sunup to sundown. While I do wish things were different, this outing with you has been my first bit of rest since we were bedridden.”

“I see. And Princess Cadance?”

“She is merely here to support me in my role. I take the brunt of leadership and she does her best to help out.”

Arc frowns. “But isn’t she a princess as well?”

“She is. However, my sister has always been the figurehead of this country. With her gone, that role now falls to me.”

“I understand it’s a heavy burden. But it isn’t one you can, or even should, bear alone. Let her help you more. I’ll help if I can as well.”

Luna smiles at him. “You already do, Arc. More so than you know.”

“How so?”

“Most recently the Griffon Kingdom treaty.”

Arc shrugs. “That wasn’t so hard.”

“Oh? By the time it got to us it looked as if you had already completed most of the negotiations.”

Arc gives her a nervous smile. “Um… sorry?”

“Don’t be. That saved Cadance and I countless hours of communications via letters and messengers. After all, it’s not like she and I can just up and go there.”

“I suppose you can’t. Afterwards I was concerned that I had gone too far.”

“You did just fine. It is nice to have somepony around here we can send to take care of these things. Without worrying constantly, that is.”

“I did my best.”

Arc notices that Luna appears to be getting sleepy.

“How about I escort you back to your room, Princess Luna? I know you have another long day ahead of you.”

Luna sighs as she puts a hoof to her forehead. “Thank you. I am feeling a bit drained.”

They stand and head for the door. She turns to him as they walk down the corridor together.

“Might I ask you something, Arc?”


“How do you do it?”

Arc looks confused. “Do what?”

“Accomplish such grand deeds/”

He shrugs. “I haven’t really done all that much. Have I?”

“Oh really?! Being accepted into our land’s culture, not only surviving Tartarus but escaping from it, after defeating the Demon King…”

Arc sighs. “Twice I might add.”

Luna continues, unabated. “Indeed! You then befriended the Dragon Lord AND learned magic from him. You became the Hero of Light and willingly entered Tartarus again to save a friend of yours. Rescued the residents of the New Beginnings Orphanage and their protector Coco Pommel while defeating Special Agent Tempest. During your investigation of the orphanage you discovered a society of ogres living under Vanhoover after you rescued them from a traitorous unicorn. You then stood up for a fore mentioned traitor before returning yet AGAIN from Tartarus to see to it justice was done. Stopped an eminent demon escape attempt and invasion, befriended a demon, AND destroyed their weapon of mass destruction.”

She pauses to catch her breath.

“And that’s just what I can think of off the top of my head.”

Arc smiles. “That’s not really anything special. Anyone else in my position would have done the same.”

“I disagree. Most others would have let the power and the accolades get to them. But not you, Arc. Through it all you stayed very much the same.”

“It wasn’t easy.”

Luna nods. “No, I assume it wasn’t. But then the real trouble started. Cadance and I were unable to rule the land and you took the throne.”

“Temporarily I might add.”

“Yes. But during your reign you diffused several international incidents, defended the Crystal Empire in addition to forging peace with Yakyakistan and Abyssinia. Cadance and I are STILL trying to figure that one out!”

Arc turn away. “It got kinda complicated.”

“I assume it did. During your trip to Abyssinia you could have easily taken control of the land and ruled it yourself, or folded it into Equestria.”

“They immediately surrendered when I went to the palace. The Storm King had taken everything from them by that point, including their ability and will to fight back.”

Luna nods. “Yes. You gave them food and medical supplies. After which you defeated the Storm King and ended his reign of terror forever.

“It had to be done.”

“I agree. But that event was dwarfed by what you did to save Cadance and I. Had you wanted to, you could have let Captain Decimus finish us off and taken Equestria for yourself.”

Arc shakes his head. “And abandon you and Princess Cadance? Not happening.”

Luna stops and smiles up at him. “You protected us, saw to it we were cared for, searched for and found a cure, defended us from assassination, and even sacrificed your armor’s healing enchantment to save my life.”

“This land needed both of you.”

“You were doing just fine as Lord Regent. But instead you chose to return us to power.”

“Equestria is a land of ponies, and needs to be ruled by ponies.”

Luna nods. “But here is the part that I cannot for the life of me understand. How did you go back to your previous job as Hero of Light?! Didn’t that feel like a demotion for you?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Not at all. I was glad to go back home and be with my family. That and I’m still able to protect those I care for as I am now.

Luna appears exasperated. “Yes, but… you could have had it ALL!”


“From what Cadance and I understand, at that time the world was shaking in fear of Equestria. With you as its ruler, we were perceived as unstoppable! It would have been a simple task for you to conquer the surrounding nations and proclaim yourself emperor of the world!”

Arc frowns. “Why?”

“For money, power, influence, or all of the above!”

Arc turns and walks toward the window. “Things I care little for.”

“Then what is it you’re after?!”

He sighs as he looks out toward the peaceful city below them. “I dream of a world without conflict. One where everyone can live in peace. Starting wars to unite the lands won’t lead to an end to war. It will only lead to more of it.”

Luna looks at him and smiles. “Very well spoken. My sister always thought as you do. Perhaps you and her think alike in other matters.”

Arc shrugs. “Maybe. I’m looking forward to meeting her one day.”

“Yes, well… as much as she despises humans, when she hears of all the great and selfless acts you have done I’m sure she will learn to admire and trust you as Cadance and I do.”

Princess Luna puts a hoof to her head. Arc steadies her.

“Are you all right?”

She nods. “I… I believe so. It’s just a bit of a headache.”

Arc extends an arm to her. “I must have kept you out too long.”

She accepts his help and leans on him for support. “It’s nothing a bit of rest won’t cure.”

They arrive at Princess Luna’s room. He opens the door for her and helps her over to the bed.

“Should I call for Doctor Whooves?”

Luna shakes her head. “That won’t be necessary. I just need some rest.”

Arc looks to her as he helps her take off the slippers and sit down. “Are you sure?!”

She nods, nervously. “I am.”

Arc nods, not totally convinced.

“I’ll let Captain Shining Armor know you’re in bed, safe and sound.”

“Thank you. He’s probably been beside himself with worry.”

“Oh! Should I return you to normal size?”

Luna shakes her head. “No thank you. I’m sure I can cast the counter spell myself. And if not, Sunburst will figure it out.”

“Alright. Call me it you need help with it.”

“Thank you for a wonderful evening, Arc. It was quite enjoyable for me.”

Arc smiles at her. “It was my pleasure. Now why don’t you get some rest? Morning comes early. Especially around here.

Luna sighs. “Don’t I know it.”

“Good night.”

He turns to leave.



“I, ah… just wanted to say… when you and I are alone and away from the public eye… it’s okay for you to just call me ‘Luna’.”

“What?! Are… are you sure?!”

Luna smiles and nods. “I am. You’ve proven to be a good and faithful friend to both Cadance and myself as well as this land. Equestria will forever be in your debt!”

“Thank you. I’ll try to live up to that.”

“I’m sure you will.”

Arc walks back over to the bedside and kneels down to her eye level.


He stops and clears his throat.



“I… uh… just wanted to tell you… if you and Princess Cadance ever feel like you need to take some time off, you can always call on me.”

Luna appears confused. “Some time off?”

Arc nods. “If you need a vacation, I’d be willing to take over as Lord Regent for a bit.”

Luna smiles. “I… may just take you up on that someday. Especially if my sister…”

Her voice trails off.

“I’ll do my very best to bring her back to you, Luna.”

She reaches out a hoof toward Arc. “I know you will.”

Arc gives her a hug. As he pulls back she puts her hooves on his shoulders and looks into his eyes for a long moment.

“Arc? I just wanted to tell you that tonight was absolutely magical for me. Thank you for showing me Canterlot through the eyes of a common mare.”

She leans forward and gives him a small kiss on his cheek.

“Good night, Arc.”

Arc nods silently, turns, and walks toward the closed bedroom door. Putting his hand on the doorknob and looking back.

“Good night… Luna. Sleep well.”

She nods as he leaves the room, closing the door behind him. Luna sighs and looks over at the pineapple on her nightstand. She picks it up and takes a hearty bite, rind and all. Sighing to herself as she looks at the fruit in her hoof.

“Thank you, Arc. This simple fruit helps me more than you know…”

Meanwhile, Arc makes his way toward the Captain of the Royal Guard’s office. Seeing a light on he knocks. A few moments later Trixie answers.

“Hello Arc! Please come in!”

“Thank you.”

He steps inside. Shining Armor is pacing the floor nervously. He looks up as Arc enters and hurries over to him.

“Is everything alright?!”

Arc nods as Trixie closes the door behind him. “Yes. Princess Luna is safe and sound back in her room.”

Trixie looks anxious. “Begging your pardon, but… how did it go?”

“She enjoyed herself.”

Shining Armor nods. “And you?”

“I must admit, it was a lot of fun.”

“Where did you two go exactly?!”

Arc recalls the evening’s events. Trixie smiles.

“It sounds like it went well!”

Shining Armor breathes a sigh of relief. “Yes, it does. However I’d really like to check out the princess’ destinations beforehoof!”

“I understand. But that’s what I was trying to avoid.”

Trixie frowns. “Arc?”

“Her days are always so… canned.”

Shining Armor looks confused. “Canned?”

“I mean… everything is so planned… sterile… predictable. Princess Luna deserves a bit more freedom than that, don’t you think?”

Trixie sighs. “I understand what you’re saying, but… that’s easier said than done.”

Arc nods. “Yeah. I mean, I know where you’re coming from and all, but… I believe it was worth it to get her some food outside what she’s become accustomed to.”

Shining Armor turns to Arc. “Did she really like the restaurant that much?!”

“She did, as did I. You two should try it out if you’re even in the area. It’s a bit off the beaten path, but totally worth it.”

Trixie nods. “I’ll remember that!”

Shining Armor sighs. “In any case, thank you for taking Princess Luna out and bringing her back safely.”

“No problem. But I think you should be the one to take out Princess Cadance.”

Shining Armor looks suddenly nervous. “Wait… what?!”

Trixie nods. “That wouldn’t be a bad idea, Shining Armor. You have to show them you can handle whatever needs doing.”

“B-but she’s a princess!”

Arc chuckles. “And you’re the Captain of the Royal Guard.”

“Princess Cadance is a very understanding mare. She’ll go easy on you.”

Arc nods. “Considering she’s the Princess of Love, it should be a piece of cake for a big, strong stallion like you.”

“You really think so?”

Trixie grins. “Yeah! Just take her to that restaurant Arc told us about! She’ll love it!”

“I got to know Princess Luna a bit better. It makes sense, as you’re responsible for keeping them safe after all.”

Shining Armor sighs. “Alright. Any tips on what to do after dinner though?”

“Any sporting events going on soon?”

Trixie raises an eyebrow. “Um… what?”

“This stays between us but… when she was watching prerecorded footage of some foals playing Hoofball, the princess couldn’t help but cheer them on.”

Trixie chuckles. “For a prerecorded game?”

“Right! Strange as it may sound, the Princess of Love is a big fan of sports. Hoofball at least.”

Shining Armor thinks for a moment. “There’s a big game coming up at the Canterlot Stadium this weekend. Maybe she’d like to see it with me.”

Trixie nods. “They have VIP boxes there too, right?”

“Yes. I could easily get tickets for royalty!”

Arc smiles. “That would let her have some fun while also keeping her safe. Win-win situation there.”

Trixie laughs. “If she gets a bit carried away, nopony would see or hear it either!”

“You could have some snacks sent up along with a bit of quiet time with her.”

Shining Armor blushes slightly. “Quiet time? You mean alone with her?!”

Arc nods. “Of course. She’s surrounded by others all day every day. A break from the daily grind is in order.”

Trixie nods. “You two could talk between plays! Really get to know her!”

“Right! If you’re replacing Captain Decimus, it only stands to reason that they should learn to trust you as they once did him.”

Shining Armor sits down heavily. “I guess I have a lot to plan then.”

Trixie looks out the window at the moon. “Tomorrow though, right?”

“Trixie’s right. It’s really late.”

Shining Armor stretches sleepily. “Sounds good. Thanks again for doing this, Arc. I’ll look into taking Princess Cadance out sometime soon.”

Arc nods as the trio heads toward the door together. “I’m sure the two of you will have a nice time together.”

Shining Armor sighs as he turns off his office lights. “I sure hope so. Sadly, I don’t have much experience with such things.”

Meanwhile, back in Princess Luna’s room, the pineapple top falls and rolls across the floor as the princess curls up in her bed. She is sweating profusely and breathing heavily. Luna looks out to the balcony for a moment before turning back and squeezing her eyes tightly shut.

“N-no… I can handle this! I have to! That fate of Equestria may yet be in my hooves!”

She buries her face in her pillow and begins to softly cry.

“T-Tia! Where… where ARE you?! I… I just don’t know how much longer I can hold out!”

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