• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Heart's Desire

The following evening Arc and Snowflake leave the forest and return to the cottage. They head over to the shed where Shadow is working. Arc is the first to speak.

“Anything happen today?”

“Quite a few ponies came up here actually.”

Snowflake grimaces. “Trouble?!”

“Nah. Just wanted to know why we weren’t open.”

“What’d you tell them, dad.”

“That is was too dangerous to be open, what with everypony accusing Sunshine of working with the Crimsons.”

“But ponies need medicine!”

Shadow scoffs. “Well, your mother shouldn’t have to put up with everypony making baseless accusations against her. Remember, this isn’t the first time they’ve done that.”

Arc frowns. “Really?”

“Yeah. They’ve said as much in the past, behind our backs of course, about Sunshine and Snowflake. Without any kind of proof, mind you. But after what happened late last night they changed their tune.”

“Something else?”

Shadow nods. “The pair of Crimsons your pet caught escaped last night. The stallions guarding them were found locked in the cage early this morning.”

Arc gasps. “What happened?”

“They claim something hit them from behind. Didn’t get a look at who did it though. But everypony knows we were here last night, as the mayor posted a couple guards to watch our property.”

Snowflake gasps. “They did?”

Shadow nods. “Yup. I saw them out there. But in any case, you two should get cleaned up for supper.”

Arc nods. “Alright.”

Snowflake looks to the house. “I think I’ll check on mom first.”

“Suit yourself.”

Arc and Snowflake head for the house together.

“I thought my mom looked kinda upset this morning.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah. She was a wreck last night.”

“You were with her the whole time though?”

“Yeah. We were walking home last night when it happened.”

Snowflake gasps. “So you know my mom’s innocent?!”

“Right. Like I said, she and I were together the whole time. She couldn’t have done anything without me seeing.”

Entering the house, they find Sunshine sitting at her workbench. She smiles and stands up.

“Welcome home you two. Did you have a good day?”

“Yeah, mom. But are YOU okay?!”

Sunshine nods. “Just fine, dear. Big Brother here was able to convince the townsponies to let me go yesterday.”

She smiles at him before continuing.

“Thank you again for that.”

“No problem.”

Snowflake gasps. “What about next time you go into town though?! They’ll be looking for you!”

“I’ll be okay. Everypony was just worked up last night.”

Arc frowns. “You sure?

“Yes. Give it a few days and they’ll let it go. But you two should get cleaned up for supper.”

Snowflake sighs as she picks up a thermal bulb. “Okay mom. But you’re sure everything’s going to be okay, right?”

“Yes, dear. Trust me when I say things will be fine.”

Arc and Snowflake leave the cottage as Sunshine returns to her work. Sitting down, she smiles.

“Don’t you worry, Snowflake. I have a plan to make everything all better.”

Meanwhile, Arc leads Snowflake around the barn and over to the tub. Filling it, Snowflake tosses in the bulb to heat the water.

“This is scary.”

Arc sighs as he steps into the tub. “Yeah. But let’s get clean.”

Snowflake groans as she hops into the tub. “Mom doesn’t deserve this! I mean… she didn’t DO anything!”

“That I can attest to, yes.”

“Everypony in town’s always looking at her suspiciously though.”

“They do? Why?”

Snowflake sighs as Arc rubs soap into her robe. “Her being involved with the Crimson isn’t a new idea. Everypony has it in their mind that she’s a traitor.”

“I don’t get it. Has she ever actually done anything to warrant that kind of suspicion?”

“Nothing. But she’s always around during an attack, so she gets linked to it.”’

“Can’t we do anything?”

“My dad will think of something.”

Finishing their bath sometime later, Arc heads into the barn to change as Snowflake lays on the rock to dry herself. Sighing, he puts on dry clothes.

“It doesn’t make sense. Sunshine seems like a decent enough mare. Why make her into the patsy?”

Shrugging, Arc heads to the cottage. Sunshine meets him on the porch.

“Big Brother, I need you to do something for me.”

“What is it?”

“Do you remember that potion I made the other day?”

“The special one?”

Sunshine nods. “Yes. It should be done by now. Could you head to the shop and pick it up, please? I’d go myself, but… I don’t think I’d be welcomed in town right now.”

“Sure, no problem.”

“The shop key is on the kitchen table. Just grab the potion and return home for supper.”

“Where should I put it? I’m guessing you don’t want Shadow to see it.”

“No need to be sneaky about it. After all, he doesn’t know what it’s for. And it’s not uncommon for me to bring work home either.”

“Okay. See you in a bit.”

Hurrying inside the cottage, Arc grabs the key off the table and makes his way down the path toward town. As he walks down the street, ponies step aside to give him a wide berth. Arc sighs as he muses to himself.

“Guess I’d rather be feared than hated.”

Coming to the shop, he lets himself in and heads for the back room. Spotting the potion where Sunshine left it, Arc picks it up.

“Warm to the touch. I sure hope that’s normal.”

Leaving, he locks the door and heads back the way he came. Entering the cottage he spots Sunshine and Snowflake putting the food on the table.

“Welcome back. Anypony give you trouble?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. But they did move as I walked by though.”

“They think you’re scary.”

“Well, I am a lot bigger.”

Sunshine giggles. “That you are.”

She turns to Snowflake.

“You and Big Brother can tell Shadow supper is ready.”

“Okay, mom.”

“Be right back.”

Snowflake runs out the door as Arc follows. Sunshine glances out the window before walking over to her workbench and picking up a vial.

“Looks like I got this made just in the nick of time.”

Arc and Shadow return a few minutes later with Snowflake in tow. Sitting down they begin to eat. Shadow turns to his wife.

“Pretty nice supper, Sunshine.”

“Yes, well… I may have overreacted about last night. You know how I get when I’m worried.”

Snowflake turns to Arc. “Mom cooks a lot when that happens.”


Shadow rolls his eyes. “Right. Food or potions, she makes a lot of them.”

“Well, you three have been working really hard lately. It just seems right to reward you all with something special.”

They continue eating. Arc turns to Shadow.

“So… are we going back to business as usual tomorrow?”

“Yup. After all, the townsponies need us. No matter what they think of Sunshine and Snowflake.”

“Yes, dear. We are the only business in town, after all.”

Snowflake sighs. “I guess. But this still doesn’t feel right.”

Arc frowns. “Which part?”

“None of it really. I mean… everypony thinks mom and I are bad.”

Shadow nods. “That’s true.”

“But it’s our job to forage for stuff everypony needs.”

Sunshine smiles at her daughter. “Right, Snowflake.”

“We have the most dangerous job in the village. But at the same time, get treated like bad ponies!”

Snowflake looks to Arc.

“That and everypony’s afraid of Big Brother!”

Arc shrugs. “I can’t really begrudge them that. After all, I was pretty angry last night.”

Sunshine nods. “For good reason I would say. But what are you getting at, Snowflake?”

“It just seems like everypony in town should be… I don’t know… admiring us for all we do!”

Shadow chuckles. “Really should be, yes.”

“Or at the very least, showing us a little bit of respect!”

Sunshine pats the filly’s head. “Now, Snowflake… we don’t do what we do for fame or glory. But because it needs to be done.”

Shadow grins. “Yeah! But the bits do help.”


Arc turns to the filly. “Look at it this way, Snowflake. The thing about gratitude is this. It doesn’t mean much when you have to ask for it.”

“I guess so. But I’d be happy enough if everypony at least didn’t accuse mom of things they couldn’t prove.”

Sunshine sighs. “And I’d be happy if they’d leave you out of it, Snowflake.”

Shadow scoffs. “Yeah, well… we can’t change their minds.”

Arc frowns. “Maybe not. But it doesn’t hurt to try.”

“How, Big Brother?”

“Just do the best you can. And if that’s not enough, nothing will convince them.”

Sunshine groans. “There must be something more that we could do.”

Shadow goes back to his plate. “Your best is your best. There’s nothing more to give.”

They finish eating and clear the table as Shadow walks over to a keg nearby.

“Nothing like a nice tankard after a fine meal.”

Snowflake grunts. “Come on, dad! You do that all the time!”

Shadow grins. “I know! It’s what I live for!”

Arc frowns. “Don’t you think you should slow down? After all, doing that every night can’t be good for your liver.”

Shadow pats his belly. “But the workout Sunshine gives my heart gets afterwards more than makes up for it.”

“Why don’t you put Snowflake to bed upstairs, Big Brother? It looks like she’s had a busy day.”

Arc sighs. “Sure.”

Snowflake yawns as Arc helps her down from the chair and leads her upstairs. Entering her small room, she hops up into the bed and lays down. Arc looks at her, confused.

“You don’t want to head to the barn?”

Snowflake shakes her head sleepily. “Nah. I’m tired enough to fall asleep right here.”

She fluffs the pillow as Arc covers her up.

“Good night, Big Brother.”


Arc lays down on the floor and does his best to make himself comfortable. A few minutes later he hears Snowflake’s light snore in the stillness of the room. Staring up at the ceiling he frowns.

“Shadow should be getting to it any time now.”

He waits, but hears nothing. A short time later the sound of hooffalls coming up the stairs can be heard. The door opens and Sunshine pokes her head inside.

“Excuse me.”

Arc sits up. “Sunshine? What’s…?”

“Would you follow me, please?”

Getting up, Arc does as he is told. Walking downstairs with Sunshine he spots Shadow sitting at the table. A tankard sits next to the unconscious stallion.

“Can you put him to bed for me?”


Picking Shadow up, Arc carries him to bed. Laying him down, Sunshine covers her husband with a blanket before tenderly kissing his forehead.

“Good night, dear. Don’t you worry about a thing. I’ll take care of everything.”

Confused, Arc leaves the room with Sunshine. They return to the kitchen together.

“Shadow must drink pretty fast. I was just upstairs with Snowflake for a few minutes.”

Sunshine shakes her head. “Not this time.”

Arc frowns. “What do you mean? He was OUT!”

“Take a look at his cup.”

Arc walks over to the table and picks up the tankard.


Sunshine nods. “He didn’t have a drop tonight.”

“Then why did he…?”

Sunshine holds up an empty vial. “Just a bit of this in his supper.”

“Some kind of sleeping tonic?”

“Yes. And a bit in Snowflake’s food as well.

“What?! But… why would you…?”

“Big Brother, I need your help.”

“Um… with what exactly?”

Sunshine walks over to her workbench and picks up the potion Arc retrieved for her earlier.

“It’s ready.”

Arc looks at the bottle. “There… appears to be a bit missing.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, that bottle definitely had more in it when I… um…”

Sunshine smiles as she sets down the bottle. Arc frowns.

“Sunshine… you…?”

“I drank some, yes.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “That’s was a few mouthfuls at least. Are you sure that’s safe?”

Sunshine nods. “Only a sip for me. The rest was mixed into your food.”


“Don’t worry. It won’t hurt you.”

“But why would you do that?!”

“Like I said a moment ago… I need your help.”

Sunshine walks over to the table and puts her front hooves up on it as she swishes her tail to one side. She turns her head and smiles at Arc.

“I want you to breed me right now.”

“But… but Shadow…!”

“…is impotent.”

“How did you two have Snowflake then?!”

Sunshine sighs happily. “A very long night of hard, rough, passionate sex. He shouldn’t have been able to impregnate me. But somehow he did. However, lightning seldom strikes the same place twice.”

“But, I can’t…!”

“You asked before if you could help! If I get pregnant, Shadow won’t hurt me anymore trying to accomplish the impossible!”

“Why me though?! I mean… we’re not even the same species!”

“Because your strong, brave, powerful, and so forth. But you’re also Kind, nurturing, and best of all… loving.”

“Th-thank you?”

Sunshine blushes as her eyes drift down to the front of Arc’s pants. “That and I’ve seen you uncovered before. Your phallus should be more than long enough to reach my womb.”

“But I don’t…!”

“Come now. I told you before that I wanted to study your body. Think of this like you studying mine too if that helps.”

Arc backs away. “Look, Sunshine. I… I like you and all, but this is a bit of a stretch.”

Sunshine hops down from the table and walks over to him. “And I like you too. After all, I wouldn’t lift my tail to just anypony. Not even for science.”

She backs him into a wall as she speaks. Arc trips and falls backwards.

“You’ll make a wonderful father. And I’m sure Snowflake would be thrilled that such a loving stallion was going to be taking care of us both.”

“What about Shadow though?!”

“He was never much for commitment. After all, I’ve seen him going into several mare’s houses before.”

Sunshine grins as she looks into his eyes.

“If you’d like, we’ll leave here tonight with Snowflake and start a new family together somewhere else.”

“But it’s safe for you and Snowflake here in town!”

Sunshine sits down in his lap and nuzzles his chest. “True. But if what I’ve been told about you really is true, you’ll be able to protect us.”

She looks into his eyes and smiles.

“If you’ll do that for Snowflake and I, you have my word that I’ll lift my tail for you anytime you want. So… will you help me build a real family together?”

“What?! NO!”

Arc pushes Sunshine off his lap and runs out the door. Grinning, Sunshine gives chase. He runs to the barn and closes the door behind him. Breathing heavily, Arc pushes a heavy crate in front of it before walking over to the makeshift bed and flopping down on his stomach.

“What’s gotten into her?! Sunshine’s always been a very timid mare from what I’ve seen!”

Rolling over onto his back, he spots Sunshine standing over him, grinning. Arc sits up quickly.

“How did you…?!”

“Window. Now then… let’s get to work!”

Sunshine jumps on him and presses her body against his. Arc notices her breathing has increased and her face is flushed.

“My body… is ready to be bred! Take me! Give me your seed! Put a foal in my belly right now!”

“Sunshine, STOP!!!”

The mare pulls back at Arc’s sudden outburst. Rolling off of him, she begins shaking uncontrollably.

“What… what am I doing?!”

She looks to Arc, clearly frightened.

“H-help me!”

“What do you need?!”


She shakes her head and bangs it against a wall several times before falling to the floor.


“Help… me…”


“Tie… tie me up! Rope… in the corner!”

Arc runs over and picks up the rope. Returning to Sunshine’s side he quickly ties her hooves together.

“Now what?!”

“Gag me!”


“So I can’t talk! Use a rag!”

Grabbing a nearby cloth, Arc quickly ties it around the mare’s head to silence her.

“Now what?!”

Sunshine attempts to say something, but cannot. Arc pulls it away.

“Feel my forehead!”

Arc gasps as he does so. “It’s hot! Are you sick?!”

Sunshine shakes her head. “No, it’s a side effect! Now listen! You cannot for any reason untie me until my forehead feels normal, okay?!”

“How long will that take?!”

“Probably all night. Please breed me!”

She bangs her head on the floor again violently and struggles to free herself.

“S-sorry! Whatever I do or say, DON’T untie me until my fever’s gone!”

“Okay. Anything else?”

“Just… rut me! Fill my womb with your seed!”

Sighing, Arc puts the gag back over Sunshine’s mouth as she continues to writhe on the floor.

“Let’s get you to bed.”

Picking up the frantic mare, Arc carries her to the makeshift bed and lays her down. Her breathing quickens as her tail raises violently to reveal her genitals. Arc sits down and puts his hand on her head.

“It’s okay. Everything’s going to be fine.”

The mare squirms aggressively trying to free herself. Arc grabs a spare blanket and throws it over Sunshine as she screams violently into the gag. Sighing, he pulls her close as she grinds on his thigh. Forcing her head against his chest, he looks down at her.

“Listen to me, Sunshine. I’m going to take care of you until this… passes. You’re going to be okay. Now please try to get some sleep.”

The mare continues to squirm as Arc holds her close. He feels something wet leaking through her blanket and sighs.

“It’s going to be a long night.”

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