• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - The Courier

The next morning Arc and Scootaloo rise, eat a small breakfast from their packs, and leave the Inn. Walking down the street Scootaloo looks around.

“This place never slows down.”

Arc yawns. “Apparently not. At least not from what I heard last night.”

“I was totally out of it. What happened?”

“The sounds outside just never died down like I thought it would.”

“How did that not wake me up?!”

“One of your ears was pressed against my chest. The other one I covered with my hand.”

“Thanks. Um… but where are we going?”

“To find a guard.”


“We need directions.”

Scootaloo frowns. “To the docks? But we don’t have a pass to board a ship.”

“I know. We’re not going there just yet.”

“How about we just sneak aboard then? It’d certainly be easier.”

“Probably. But then we’d have to hide the whole time. No bed, no toilets, no showers, and no food.”

Scootaloo grimaces. “Admittedly, that doesn’t sound very good.”

“Right. That’s why we’re going to try to do things the right way first.”

Spotting a guard on a street corner, Arc calls out to Scootaloo.

“There’s one.”

“What’s the plan?”

“Ask him…”

A few moments later Scootaloo walks over to the guard. Looking up at him she calls out.

“Excuse me.”

Looking down, the guard appears bored.

“What is it?”

“I’m looking for the Writ Board. Does Manehattan have one?”

The guard points a hoof as he yawns. “Down the street, take a left, and walk for two blocks. Can’t miss it.”

“Thank you.”

Turning, she walks down the street with Arc following as usual. Soon they reach the Writ Board. Scootaloo gasps.

“This thing is HUGE!”

“Well, it stands to reason a large board would be needed for a large town.”

“But it takes up the whole side of this building!”

Arc shrugs. “Look on the bright side. At least it’s all in one place.”

“I guess. Where should we start?”

“You go to the far end and I’ll start here. We’ll meet in the middle.”


Setting to work, the pair begin reading. This is especially hard for Arc, as he has to constantly watch out for others whom can’t see him. A short time later Scootaloo pulls down a writ and calls out telepathically.

“I found one that might be a nice fit.”

“What is it?”

“There’s a writ for somepony to bring a custom ordered outfit to Trottingham. All paperwork will be provided at the time of acceptance by the… yada, yada, yada. Says here the customer’s already paid for the garment and has agree to a courier’s fee, so there’s no reason for us to have to come back. I wonder why that’s important?”

“Maybe some whom take care of Writ Boards travel from town to town. It wouldn’t do to have to make a trip back just to get paid.”

“Makes sense. So you want this one?”

“Definitely. Who do we have to go see to get the outfit?”

“Somepony named ‘S.P.’ at this address.”

“Let’s go.”

Hopping into a taxi, the pair give the driver the address and are soon on their way. Scootaloo calls out to Arc.

“So what does a courier do?”

“Takes an item or items from one point to another.”

“Like a delivery pony?”

“Probably. But they usually deal in expensive or one of a kind items. Things you don’t want to trust going through the mail or normal delivery service.”

Scootaloo sighs. “Sounds boring.”

“If we’re lucky it will be.”

Arriving at a large boutique, the pair enter through the main entrance. A bell overhead jingles as a salesmare behind the desk smiles at the filly.

“Um… hello. Are you perhaps lost?”

Scootaloo shakes her head and holds up the writ.

“I’m here to see S.P. about this.”

The mare takes the paper and looks it over before responding.

“It’s not likely she would approve of letting somepony as young as you are be responsible for one of her most expensive works.”

“Could you ask her please? I really, REALLY need to get to Trottingham.”


Arc calls out telepathically. “Give her some bits.”
“How many?”

Arc shrugs. “I don’t know. Try around ten.”

Reaching into her saddlebags, Scootaloo pulls out a hooffull of bits and sets them on the counter.

“All I want you to do is talk to her and see if she’ll go for it. Nothing more.”

Nodding, the mare takes the bits with a quick sweeping motion.

“Very well. I’ll be right back.”

She disappears into the back room as Scootaloo calls out to Arc.

“That worked.”


“Why’d you have me give her bits anyways?”

“Just a little bribe to make her bend the rules a bit and see our point of view.”

Scootaloo frowns. “Not sure how I feel about that.”

“What else could we do? Like you said, we need to get to Trottingham.”

A few minutes later the assistant returns with another mare behind her. She approaches the counter and looks down at Scootaloo.

“And you are…?”

“I’m… the Scarlet Filly.”

The mare appears bored. “The one whom was on the radio the other day?”

Scootaloo nods. “That was me, yes.”

“And I’m supposed to believe you’ve come all the way from Canterlot to accept a lowly courier writ?”

“My business is my own, miss. However, I do need to get to Trottingham as soon as possible.”

The mare rolls her eyes and shakes her head. “Let me see if I have this clear in my mind. You would like me to just give you a garment that costs more than you’ve EVER seen in the hopes that you’ll bring it to one of my most valued clients?!”

“Pretty much.”

“And what assurance do I have that you won’t just abscond with my property?”

“Um… well…”

Arc calls out to her telepathically. “Show her the award.”

Scootaloo opens her saddlebag and pulls out the medal.

“Princess Celestia seems to think I’m trustworthy.”

The mare rolls her eyes as she speaks. “If I recall, she said you were powerful and cunning. There was nothing about trustworthy in there.”

“What can I do to convince you that I can handle this job?!”

Grinning, the mare rubs her hooves together. “How about you do something else for me first?”

“Name it.”

“I need somepony to head to the docks and see what’s holding up a shipment of mine. Get them to bring it here right away.”

“And if I do this you’ll trust me enough to do the courier job?”

“Yes, indeed. Now run along.”

Scootaloo hurries out the door as she chuckles. The salesmare appears nervous.

“Weren’t there reports of gang violence delaying shipments?”

“Yes, indeed.”

“Then why send a filly?!”

The mare grins mischievously as she returns to the back room.

“They’ll figure it out soon enough. And as you know… it takes some small-town fillies a while to learn it's everypony for herself in the big city. Now be a good assistant and bring me some coffee, m'kay?”

Meanwhile, Arc and Scootaloo head for the docks together.

“This’ll be easy!”

Arc frowns. “I doubt it.”

“What do you mean? It’s an errand. How hard could it be?”

“If it was that simple, she could have just used the telephone on the counter next to her.”

“Wait! Then why are we doing this?!”

“To prove ourselves.”

Arriving at the docks they spot a small office. Entering, they approach the clerk and inquire about the shipment.

“We’re terribly sorry about the delay. But you see, some rather nasty stallions have taken to accosting our dock workers. “

Scootaloo frowns. “So why don’t you call the guards?”

“They just hide when the guards show up. But as soon as they leave…”

“Rinse and repeat, huh?”

“You got it. We’re pulling our employees back until they can be dealt with. When enough shipments fall behind the shopkeepers will complain and THEN things will get done.”

Scootaloo groans. “How long do you think it will take to get to that point?”

The clerks shrugs. “Probably a couple more weeks. This happens off and on.”

“Well, I don’t have time to wait that long!”

“Sorry. Not really sure what else I can tell you.”

Scootaloo grins. “How about where the shipment I’m looking for is?”

A few minutes later Scootaloo leaves the building and heads toward a warehouse. A group of stallions are rummaging through various crates. One of them looks up and spots Scootaloo.

“Boss! It’s that filly from the other day!”

The leader hops down with a dozen stallions behind him.

“What do YOU want?!”

“I’m looking for a shipment of good destined for one of the shop owners.”

The leader gestures mockingly to the door of the warehouse. “Oh, sure. It’s in there somewhere.”

“Thank you. Now then, if all of you would be so kind as to clean up this mess…”

The gang laughs throatily as Scootaloo waits patiently for them to finish. Eventually the leader turns back to her.

“Look here, missy! We don’t take orders from fillies. Now then, the guys and I have been itching for some payback for what we took from you the other day. So if you don’t want to get hurt too badly, I suggest you just stand there and take a few blows to even things out.”

Scootaloo narrows her eyes. “You know what, I have a better idea. How about we all head into the warehouse, find the crates I’m looking for, and you and your gang can carry them to the shop for me.”

The leader appears confused. “I’m sorry, what?”

“You do that for me, and I’ll call us even.”

Laughing, the leader eventually looks back to Scootaloo. “Are you insane?! There are twelve of us, and one of you! What do you have to say about THAT?!”

Scootaloo narrows her eyes. “Do you want to call for reinforcements?”

“GET HER!!!”

About an hour later the door to the shop opens and Scootaloo enters. She looks to the salesmare.

“I have your shipment outside. Can you take a look at it?”

“Do you? Well, I don’t know how you did it, but I’ll get my boss right away.”

Disappearing into the back room she returns with the mare from before. She looks to Scootaloo, skeptically.

“Now then, what’s this I hear about you having my shipment?”

“I was able to retrieve it, yes.”

The mare laughs haughtily. “Were you, now? Well then, where is it?”

“Just outside. Please follow me.”

Leading the mares out the door she points a hoof. Standing there, with crates on their backs, are the gang members from before. Scootaloo motions for them to proceed.

“Come on, let’s get this stuff inside.”

The stallions limp through the door and carefully set the crates down before walking slowly out of the shop as Scootaloo waves after them.

“Thanks for your help! Stay out of trouble!”

Turning to the mares, Scootaloo pats the crates.

“There you are. What do you…?”

She stops as she spots them just standing there, mouths agape.

“Um… hello? You two okay?”

The assistant gasps. “I… I don’t…!”

Her boss puts a hoof to her head. “That isn’t possible! How did you…?!”

“I just asked them nicely. It’s amazing what ponies will do if you’re polite. But in any case, I held up my end of the bargain.”

The mare sighs and heads for the back room. “Very well. One moment.”

Returning with a neatly folded set of clothes she sets them on the counter for the assistant to package up and turns to Scootaloo with several papers.

“These are the garments that need to be delivered. And this paper contains the address of the stallion in Trottingham whom ordered the clothes.”

She walks over to another shelf and pulls out a yellow paper. Writing a few things on it, she signs her name and give it to the filly.

“And this is my request to the cargo ship’s captain for you to sail with them on official business. Now then, once you get to Trottingham please locate the customer immediately and deliver the items. No holdups.”

Scootaloo nods as she accepts the papers. “Thank you. I won’t let you down, miss…?”

“Polomare. Suri Polomare.”

Scootaloo rushes out the door with the items. Suri shakes her head as the salesmare smiles uncontrollably.

“That Scarlet Filly is really something!”

Suri rolls her eyes. “A delivery filly is interesting?”

“Oh yes! At her age she’s already traveling all over Equestria! I’ve never even left Manehattan!”

“Just remember that there’s something to be said for stability. It may not be as glamourous as an adventurer, but the path does lead somewhere other than doom.”

“Yes, Miss Polomare.”

Suri smiles as she heads for the back room. “I hope you realize how fortunate you are to have me as a mentor. Now get me some coffee!”

Meanwhile, Scootaloo grins as she heads down the sidewalk.

“That wasn’t too hard.”

“I suppose not. But like I said, it still wasn’t as easy as you thought it would be.”

“You were right. By the way… how did you know she was setting us up?”

“There was a certain air about her. I got the feeling she was used to getting her way as well as barking orders to those below her.”

“Should we head to the docks now?”

“Might as well. After all, we definitely want to be on the next ship out of here.”

“Something wrong, Big Brother?”

“Not really. I just don’t like this city very much.”

Hailing a taxi, Arc and Scootaloo head for the docks. The sun is high overhead and a cool wind blows.

“Feels like fall is coming.”

Arc nods. “The leaves are starting to turn.”

“What should we do when winter hits?”

Arc chuckles. “Hibernate?”

Scootaloo gasps. “You can DO that?!”

“It was just a joke.”

Scootaloo giggles. “Very funny, Big Brother. You had me going there!”

“Yes, well… in all seriousness, that’s another reason to get my memories back.”


“I’m hoping I have a house somewhere.”

Arriving at the docks, they see numerous workers unloading a large cargo ship. Scootaloo walks over to the one directing them and pulls out her papers.

“Excuse me.”

“Yes, what is it?”

“I have a delivery to make in Trottingham. The shopkeeper, Suri Polomare, told me this would explain everything.”

Giving the captain the papers, Scootaloo waits patiently as he reads them. Looking down at her, he raises an eyebrow.

“Is this some kind of a joke?”


“Sending a filly across the ocean is just plain cruel. While I know Suri Polomare is a harsh boss…”

“I really need to get to Trottingham though. And not just because of this delivery either.”

The captain sighs. “Fine. But only because it’s obvious that you honestly want to go. Not just because Polomare said so.”

“Thank you, sir! When do we leave?!”

“As soon as the cargo is unloaded and the supplies being sent over are stowed below deck. Probably in a couple hours.”

He looks Scootaloo over a moment before sighing.

“Normally couriers sleep in the commons with the crew. But I think I’ll let you have a room to yourself.”

“Oh… okay.”

“I have only one request. That you stay in your room for the duration of the voyage.”

“Very well, sir. But may I ask why?”

“For the same reason I’m giving you a private room. The crew doesn’t need to know there’s a mare aboard.”

Scootaloo frowns. “But I’m just a filly.”

“Let’s just say I don’t want anything… bad to happen to you.”


Arc grunts as he calls out to her. “I’ll explain it to you later, Scootaloo.”

“Yes sir. Should I board now?”

“Not just yet. Wait until we finish loading so I can send the crew to the Mess Hall. Then I’ll escort you to your quarters secretly. Wait in the office for me.”


Scootaloo turns and heads to the office as the captain shakes his head.

“Couriers… getting younger every year.”

Waiting in the office for several hours, the door opens and the captain walks in. With a wave of his hoof he beckons her to follow him.

“Sorry for the wait. In any case, the lads are all eating, so now’s a good time to get you to your room.”

“Yes sir.”

Following the captain aboard the ship, they walk the corridors together until they come to a small door.

“This will be your room. I’ve already stocked it with some canned goods, water, and a few other things. Again, I only ask that you do not leave this room until we arrive at Trottingham.”

“Yes sir. Just how long will that take?”

“Three days. We’ll arrive early in the morning on the fourth. I’ll come get you at that time.”

“Thank you, captain.”

“Well, I’ll let you settle in.”

He leaves the room and shuts the door behind him. Arc decloaks and removes his robe. Opening a door he spots a small bathroom with a toilet and shower.


“Big Brother?”

“I was worried we’d be peeing in bottles.”


She peeks out a porthole at the sunset.

“He had us waiting all afternoon!”

“Better to wait than have the crew come after you.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “About that. I don’t get it.”

“Well… you understand where foals come from, right?”

“Yeah. But what does that have to do with me?”

“You remember what your dad used to do to your mom, right?”

Scootaloo sighs. “Unfortunately.”

“He’s worried that if the crew knew you were here, they might want to try… doing that to you.”

Scootaloo raises an eyebrow. “But I’m just a filly.”

Arc is silent as Scootaloo processes that thought.



“That’s not going to happen though, right?”

Arc shakes his head. “Not a chance.”

“Are you sure?”

“They’d have to get through me first.”

Scootaloo appears relieved. “Thanks!”

“Well… this rocking sensations is kinda making me a bit tired. Should we turn in for the night?”

“I guess.”

Arc sits down on the bed and removes his boots. Scootaloo lies down on the bed next to him.

“So what’ll we do tomorrow?”

“How about we read that book from the ogre’s cave?”

“Sure! It’ll be fun learning more about our powers! And if we get to sleep now, we might wake up before the sun rises!”

Arc chuckles. “You looking to do some practicing?”

Scootaloo grins. “Might as well. After all, practice makes perfect.”

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