• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Preface - Volume 46 - The Science of Love

In our previous volume, Luna informs Arc and company that she has freed Celestia of the mental bindings controlling her. Awakening, Arc gives Celestia an ultimatum. Surrender or die. Choosing to give up, Arc escorts her back to The Equinox along with the unconscious Twilight. Arriving, they find the battle won along with every enemy combatant dead. Taking a portal back to the Canterlot Castle Infirmary, Doctor Whooves orders Twilight brought into an examination room. Hammer does so as Celestia attempts to follow. Luna convinces her sister to accompany her for a long overdue talk. Arc and the others return to The Equinox’s Bridge for an update on the battle. After being joined my Gestal and Ghaleon, the former decides to return to the Griffon Kingdom and report what he has seen that day.

Returning to the castle, Arc and his friends wait for word of Twilight’s condition. Auriel asks to see her friend to which the nurse refuses. Asking Arc to go in and check on her, he disagrees until Ember gets fed up and ‘makes him go’. Entering the Examination Room he spies Twilight lying on the bed unconscious. Asking for a status update, Doctor Whooves informs Arc that his friend is merely asleep from overwork. Escorting Twilight out to see the others, Auriel is overjoyed to see Twilight up and around. She expresses a desire to see Princess Celestia even though Arc wants to put her to bed. Asking Sereb to sniff Celestia out, they are led to Twilight’s room. Reminding her that it was originally Celestia’s she tries to enter immediately. Arc and the others remind her that Luna, as her sister, should have the first conversation. As the others leave Arc calls for Shining Armor on his earring. Telling him that Twilight is alright, the stallion is upset to find out that Twilight is still not resting. Promising to do so after a quick meeting with Celestia they sign off. Spotting a dinner cart approaching Twight relieves the Hoof Maiden of her duty and takes the cart inside the room herself along with the reluctant Hero of Light.

Entering the room, Twilight hurries to embrace her teacher. After a short discourse she introduces Arc and Celestia. Sitting down, they explain to Celestia Arc’s accomplishments since arriving in Equestria. Becoming tired, Celestia moves toward the bed. Twilight requests to stay by her side. Announcing her intention to resume her royal duties in the morning, Celestia brushes off Arc, Luna, and Twilight’s requests that she rest and recuperate before doing anything else. Refusing to do so, Arc is forced to relieve her of her title as princess. Angrily, she concedes that there is nothing she can do and gives Arc her crown and choker. Leaving the room with Luna, Arc breathes a sigh of relief as he and Luna talk over the encounter together.

Waiting for Twilight and Celestia outside their room the next morning, he accompanies them to the Dining Room for breakfast. Talking things over, Arc and the other two princesses continue to talk with Celestia over what transpired while she was away. Promising to teach Twilight more about how to be a princess, Celestia admits that she has to step back due to Arc’s decree. Opening a portal, Arc takes all four princesses to the ruins of Carousel Boutique to show Celestia exactly what Decimus has done. Telling her of Rarity and how she was forced from her shop, Arc pulls the picture he took from Rarity’s bedroom some time ago. Begrudgingly, Celestia admits that she may have been wrong about Decimus.

Returning to the castle via portal, Celestia again tests Arc’s resolve by saying they have a busy day ahead of them. Arc retort by reminding her that Twilight and Luna have duties, not her. Suggesting that someone go to Abyssinia to reassure the citizens there that they have not been forgotten everyone is surprised when Arc nominates Celestia for the task. Twilight volunteers to come as well. Kibitz recommends a large cadre of guards naturally. However he is vetoed in favor of Arc and his squad fulfilling that task. Opening a portal, Arc allows the others to go in first before following. Walking down the road, the citizens bow respectfully. Celestia believes them to be doing so for her before being set straight by Arc and the others. Arriving at the palace the king and queen greet the group warmly before inviting them inside.

Entering the palace, the king and queen escort Arc and company to the Day Room. Sitting down on posh pillows they explain their recent past with Equestria. Listening intently, Celestia asks numerous questions as she is told the sad tale. Wishing to see the pool, they head there at once. Meeting Dinky and her friends for the first time Celestia appears somewhat rattled. Celestia is introduced to Coco Pommel and the rest of the Orphanage staff, sans Derpy whom is presumably cooking a meal. After speaking to the younglings regarding their treatment since coming to Equestria they leave the building together. All assembled express a desire to move on from their respective pasts toward a brighter future.

Heading to the New Ponyville Town Hall to see the others, Celestia becomes weak and needs to lie down. Hearing that a pair of mares were molested in a bar nearby Arc heads there to investigate with Rainbow Dash. Entering the bar, the mare appears to know everyone there by name. The bartender tell his side of the story, explaining how the patrons loved the pair as they were considered exotic. However when they began physically groping them he ordered the bouncers to take the offending patrons out. Asking to see the mares, Arc is lead into the back room where they are doing inventory. Finding that they are none other than Aloe and Vera from prison, Arc asks to hear their side of the story. Corroborating what the bartender said, they assure Arc that the matter was handled quickly and favorably. Hearing that they would be returning to Equestria soon the pair requested to be allowed to stay in Abyssinia instead in order to distance themselves from their past and the enemies they had made. Agreeing to talk to the king on their behalf Arc is surprised when they express a desire to have sex with him. Announcing that he and Rainbow Dash are already an item the sisters apologize and back off their advances.

Returning to the Town Hall, Arc is told that Celestia is showering and requires quite some time to brush her mane. Leaving with Hammer and Ember for a walk, Brightwing appears and asks for help locating something called ‘sand meat’. Leaving the city, they head out into the desert. Catching a large rat Brightwing tells the others of her desire to use it as some kind of offering. Continuing on, they come to a crevasse. Diving into it, Brightwing disappears from sight. A few moments later a colossal roar rings out. Jumping in after her, Arc and company see her baiting a large plant creature. As they call out to her the plant eats Brightwing in one gulp. Slicing at the roots they succeed in killing the plant together. Ember finds Brightwing and is thanked by the creature with a mouthful of plant slime vomited onto her. Heading back into the creature, Brightwing emerges with a small gem-like stone in her palm. Heading back to the surface, Arc looks it over. Believing it to be some kind of plank kidney stone of compressed magic, he gives it back to Brightwing before opening a portal back to The Equinox.

Arc, Twilight, and Celestia walk down the street with the king and queen. They thank the monarchs for their hospitality and assure them that the refugees from Ponyville will be returned home as soon as possible. Showing a desire to reciprocate the aid rendered to them, the king refuses payment for their citizen’s lodgings as the queen brings up the idea of an economic treaty. Returning to The Equinox via portal, Celestia calls for Hard Hat. Instructing him to go to Light’s Hope where the workers will be staying, Arc opens a portal to teleport him there. Turning to Soarin, Celestia orders him to take them back to Canterlot Castle. Arc reminds her that the ship is under his command and that she is not currently a princess. Twilight is able to diffuse the situation by convincing Celestia to take the portal home. Agreeing, they reappear on the sigil in Arc’s room. Twilight and Celestia head for her room together for a personal chat. Celestia confesses her true desire to find a special student as wanting to be a mother to them and tells Twilight that she is sterile. Twilight assures Celestia that she holds no ill will toward her for what transpired. However she desires the chance to tell her teacher and mentor everything regarding what happened while she was gone.

The next morning Arc heads to the Infirmary to visit a newly arrived Auriel. Talking to the doctor, he learns that she is doing much better considering the numerous injuries from the battle AND Crystal Heart debacle. Talking with her for a time, Arc brings Auriel up to speed on current events ranging from the outcome of the changeling attack to his own offensive on Light’s Hope. Asking when Auriel can be released Arc is told that she is able to leave anytime but must be constantly monitored for safety. Taking her back to his room to bathe her, Arc lays the young demon in the shower and gets to work. Spotting his scars from the first meeting between him and Celestia, Auriel asks to touch it. Tracing it with a claw she laments his previous fate. After cleaning her up Arc puts Auriel in his bed to warm up for a time. She brings up sexual fetishes and inadvertently tells Arc of the Mane Six’s fantasies as she shares her own.

Arc leads Auriel toward Celestia’s room. Meeting Twilight there they are joined by the others whom have come to tell their side of the story. Entering, Twilight tells the other princesses that they are ready to begin. Allowing Arc to enter, he sits down across from them with Twilight. As Celestia asks him for an opening statement, Arc pulls the Dagger of Eternal Slumber from his ring. Giving it to Twilight for safekeeping and as a sign of good faith, she puts it on the end table next to her as they begin. Twilight tells of how she brought Arc through to Equestria and how he was injured defending them from an Ursa Minor attack. Arc finishes by adding that he worked to pay his own way before moving into Derpy’s house. Luna suggests calling for Derpy so she can give her account of that time. Twilight calls for her and brings the mare to stand before the princesses. She tells them of her being disowned after getting pregnant and how Arc cared for her before delivering her foal. Giving her testimony, she returns to the corridor to wait with the others. Meanwhile, Brightwing does her best to make her potion work. Failing, she heads out to the Royal Gardens for some supplies before returning to her office.

Coco Pommel arrives via portal and is surprised to see all princesses present. Telling Celestia of the abuse she received as a foal she admits to staying behind after aging out of the program in order to safeguard the others. Recalling the events leading up to Arc overthrowing Tempest, it culminates with her being taken to the hospital and Arc returning to Light’s Hope with the orphans. Concluding her testimony, Coco Pommel returns to Abyssinia via a portal as Twilight suggests brining in her friends to speak. Whispering another name in her ear, Arc requests someone else go first. Leaving the room, the princesses talk amongst themselves.

Arc returns with a figure under a magic cloak. Asking them to introduce themselves they do so. Showering her face, Auriel tells Celestia that she is the daughter of the demon king. Enraged, Celestia moves to strike as Arc protects Auriel. Twilight, Luna, and Cadance quickly vouch for her and Celestia sits down. Telling the talk of how she left Tartarus with Arc, Auriel mentions moving in with Twilight and doing science experiments together. This leads up to the process by which Rose was created. Calling for her, Arc opens a portal so that Celestia might hear the tale from the android herself. Arriving, Rose tells her point of view before being physically examined by Celestia. Returning to the others, Auriel announces her own plans to join Twilight and Arc in the herd. Making note that it would help diplomatic relationships between their nations, they pledge to do their best to help. Meanwhile, Brightwing continues with her potion making after deciding to dry the moss with her wings.

Informing Celestia that it was Arc and not Decimus who led the attack on Damocles Base to save her, Arc tells her that he was heavily aided in the task by his squad. Asking to see them, Arc calls the four in. They stand before Celestia stoically as she tanks them for their service. Asking to speak freely Max, Hugh, Viktor, and Xenos tell Celestia that they don’t approve of the treatment their commanding officer has received. This is reciprocated by the complaint that they were more or less abandoned at Light’s Hope after Arc’s supposed death. Asking about their future, Celestia tells Arc that they are eligible for a pension upon retirement. However Cadance points out that such a thing would be difficult as they are not officially part of the military while serving under Arc’s command. Suggesting they be given officer retirement packages in the future, the idea on how to administer their payment tabled for the moment. As they leave, Celestia expresses an interest to know why exactly she was captured in the first place. Calling in Hammer, Arc allows her to tell Celestia of The Organization and it’s plans. Celestia learns of Sunset Shimmer’s treachery in joining their enemies as well as the danger The Organization poses. Suggesting taking care of domestic issues first, over Hammer’s protests, the young woman asks if she will be allowed to stay. Admitting that she has little reason to allow such a thing, Celestia also admits that she has no real reason to expel her either. Meanwhile, Brightwing learns about catalysts in potion making. Looking up potential ideas on how to locate one, she settles on the idea of following Arc and his friends on their adventures in hopes such an item, or inspiration, will present itself.

However many questions remain unanswered. Will the Griffon Kingdom and Equestria continue their ongoing treaty? How much longer until Twilight stops holding Celestia on a pedestal? Did anyone else see Celestia getting fired coming? Why did Celestia appears strained when she saw Dinky and her friends for the first time? Is Celestia REALLY okay? What was so important in regards to Brightwing finding that ‘sand meat’? Is Twilight sterile now that she’s become an alicorn? How will Auriel handle her recovery? Seriously... what is Brightwing DOING?! Will Celestia really allow a union between Arc, Auriel, AND her Twilight? Was Celestia right for choosing to focus on domestic issues over foreign ones?

Time will tell. Sooner or later... time will tell.

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